Metro New Home Permits Dip in October A
s nationwide new home sales weakened in October, so did the number of single-family permits issued in the Kansas City area, according to statistics compiled by the KCHBA. A total of 303 single-family permits were issued in October, the slowest month since February when 152 permits were issued. Sales nationwide of newly built, single-family homes fell 5.6 percent compared to September, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Census Bureau. However, this is up 17.7 percent from a year ago. Single-family permits in the region fell 7.3 percent in October when compared to September. This is down from 4.1 percent from October 2022. Kansas City, Mo., once again leads the list of toppermitting cities for the month of October with 41 singlefamily permits issued. Other top permitting cities included Gardner (25), Lee’s Summit (23), Raymore, (23), Overland Park (21) and Grain Valley (20).
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