HCC Library Quarterly, April 2021

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Gina Calia-Lotz, Editor-in-Chief

Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2021

Bridget Lukas, Design & Layout Editor

HCC Library


Library Staff Feature: Library Associates In honor of National Library Workers Day, held on April 6, HCC

Associates have continued processing and cataloging books, serials,

DVDs, and equipment for the main circulating collection, course have kept library services going for our students and faculty since the reserves, and the Federal Depository Library collection, monitoring interlibrary loan borrowing and lending requests, processing the daily beginning of the COVID-19 campus closure. Library would like to give a shout out to its Library Associates who

Our Library Associates, full-time and part-time, perform several duties related to their combined designation as both Technical Services staff and Circulation staff, requiring them to process and

reciprocal borrowing request lists, sorting mail, and checking in daily newspapers and periodicals.

HCC Library recognizes our Library Associates for their commitment

catalog materials found in the collections through the library catalog, to service: and to monitor the daily circulation of books, interlibrary loan Terry Brady requests, equipment, and course reserve items. During the Library’s Jennifer Hart partial reopening, Library Associates have continued to staff limited La Vera Parker hours of circulation at the Library on the 1st floor, fulfilling item requests made online through the library catalog’s request system

Kelly Roman

and providing curbside pickup service for these materials. Both remotely and during their limited in-person staff hours, Library

Lillian Trader

Updated Library Services for Spring Semester

Library website.

 Technology loans: Laptops, graphic calculators, noise canceling headphones, wireless hotspots. To request a device, please fill out the Technology Request Form at http://harford.edu/academics/ library.

Reserve space in the Library using the form at

 Circulation services (pay fines, etc.)


 Textbooks on reserve

Beginning April 19, HCC Library will be adding Saturday hours and opening up additional study space by reservation only. For more detailed information about library hours, see the back page of this Quarterly or visit the

Available services include:

 Curbside pickup for circulating books and technology equipment.


 Study tables on the 1st floor.  Group study rooms on the 2nd floor: two rooms that can accommodate two people, two rooms that can accommodate four people.

 Interlibrary loan for electronic materials only (articles, ebook chapters). Requests for print items on a case-by-case basis. To request an ILL, email ill@harford.edu.

From the


Archives Did You Know?


Choose Privacy Everyday

 Computer lab including printing and assistive technology.


n Day

Celebrate National Library Week Library Services (Continued)

 Individual study carrels on the 2nd floor.  In-person reference and research help from librarians on Saturdays. (Continued on page 3)



ons by HCC

OMOB Library Stats ‘20-’21

Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2021

Choose Privacy Every Day

Did you know...? Subject Guides

The annual Choose Privacy Week, traditionally held May 1-7 and sponsored by the

The HCC Library currently offers over 150

American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, was rebranded in

online subject guides, with new guides

2018 as “Choose Privacy Every Day.” The new website,

being created every year. Subject guides

www.chooseprivacyeveryday.org, includes a blog that provides updates on privacy

direct researchers and students to

issues, guidelines and checklists to assist libraries in developing best practices for

research tools and sources of information

online privacy and data management, a Choose Privacy Week Program Guide, and

for a given subject or course. The

much more.

LibGuides platform allows for linking to

While it’s easy to become complacent in this age of immediate access to

websites, embedded videos, item records

information, it’s important to remember that online searches create traceable

from the library catalog, library databases,

records that make it possible for the government and corporations to track us. It’s

online tutorials, and more. We have

more important than ever to understand what information is collected, how it’s

general subject guides, guides created for

used, and how we, as individuals, can advocate for our own privacy protections.

specific courses, guides created for events such as Hays-Heighe House exhibits, and

Library professionals have a role to play in educating people about threats to their privacy in a digital age and giving people the resources they need to “think critically and make informed decisions about their privacy” (American Library Association). On January 26, 2021, ALA Council approved and passed two privacy-related

guides on pertinent topics as diverse as women’s suffrage, OERs and alternatives to textbooks, LGBTQ+ resources, writing &

resolutions at the ALA Midwinter Virtual conference, specifically the “Resolution on

reading across the curriculum,

the Misuse of Library Users Through Behavioral Tracking” and “Resolution in

Constitution Day and voting rights, and the

Opposition to Facial Recognition Software in Libraries.” Libraries, along with other

scientific method. Librarians can create a

groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, are working to invite,

LibGuide subject guide upon request by

encourage, and facilitate conversation surrounding this important topic.

HCC faculty or staff. Check out the guides

For a list of resources on students’ and minors’ privacy, including scholarly articles, state and federal laws, and guidance for educators and parents, visit https:// chooseprivacyeveryday.org/resources/students-and-minors/


available through the HCC Library at http://harford.libguides.com.

HCC Library Quarterly

National Library Week HCC celebrated National

Facebook about HCC Library and libraries nationally. The hashtag

Library Week April 4-10. First

#MyLibraryIs was used on social media worldwide to celebrate what

begun in 1958, National

people loved about their libraries.

Library Week is sponsored by the American Library

While we wish we could see more of our students and colleagues, this year has shown us more than ever that the Library extends

Association (ALA) and beyond the four walls of the physical building. We are working observed in libraries across the every day to meet the needs of our students, faculty, and staff with country each April. All types of new resources and innovative services to help all of our patrons libraries - school, public, explore new ideas, adapt to our changing world, and become the academic and special -

best versions of themselves.


Celebrations during National Library Week: This year’s theme is “Welcome • Monday, April 5: State of America's Libraries Report released, to Your Library,” and HCC including Top Ten Frequently Challenged Books of 2020. Library is proud to say that we have been welcoming our community to the library virtually as well

as physically throughout this most unusual year. Even when the Library doors were closed, we continued to offer online reference services through chat, email, and as embedded librarians in HCC classes. We provided curbside pick-up service for circulating books,

staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the

valuable contributions made by all library workers.

continue to exceed their communities' demands and adapt

Wednesday, April 7: National Library Outreach Day, a day to celebrate library outreach and the dedicated library

and we loaned laptops, wireless hotspots, and calculators to students to enable them to succeed in their online courses. As stated on the National Library Week website, “library workers

Tuesday, April 6: National Library Workers Day, a day for library

professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are

Thursday, April 8: Take Action for Libraries Day, a day to rally advocates to support libraries.

resources and services to meet their users' needs during these challenging times. Whether people visit in person or virtually, libraries offer endless opportunities to transform lives through education and lifelong learning.” This year, the HCC Library celebrated National Library Week by offering grab ‘n go goodie bags to patrons who picked up materials curbside or who reserved a computer or study table at the Library.

Goodie bags included National Library Week bookmarks, Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) face masks, post-it notepads, bookmarks, pencils, and more. We also posted daily updates to

Updated Library Services for Spring Semester (Continued from page 1)

Please note: Student IDs will NOT be issued during spring semester. New students seeking IDs & returning students seeking replacement IDs may request a temporary barcode to borrow Library equipment and materials using the Library Catalog’s “request it” function. Under special circumstances, students may be granted an exception to receive a student ID by appointment only, but will require the approval of campus faculty or administrators. Visit https://www.harford.edu/academics/library/borrow-and-request/get-id-card/ for details.


Library Hours Spring Semester Jan. 25-May 21, 2021

Library Building Hours Open to HCC students & employees only.

Mon, Tue, Thu: 1:00–7:00 PM Wed: 9:30 AM–1:30 PM

Beginning April 24-May 15: Saturdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Online Reference / Ask a Librarian Hours librarians@harford.edu Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am—8:00 pm Fri: 8:00 am—4:00 pm Sat: 10:00 am—2:00 pm See the Library website for exceptions to these hours:

http://www.harford.edu/academics/ library/about/hours.aspx

Contact Us Circulation Desk circdesk@harford.edu 443-412-2268 Library Computer & Digital Media Lab Service Desk Library, 1st floor 443-412-2068

Follow the HCC Library on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarfordCCLib Or Twitter: @HarfordCCLib


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