HCC Library Quarterly, December 2020

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Gina Calia-Lotz, Editor-in-Chief

Volume 5 Issue 3, December 2020

Bridget Lukas, Design & Layout Editor

HCC Library


Message from the Dean The year 2020 has been a year of there were only nine Learning Commons in the country, and our work tremendous change, including at gained national attention. the HCC Library. During the summer, the Vice President of Academic Affairs decided not to

fill the vacant Library Director position, and instead asked me to take on the duties of managing the Library. I want to thank Lois Entner and Gina

I joined Harford Community College in 2015 as the Director of eLearning and moved to the position of Dean for Teaching, Learning and Innovation in January 2019. Now, with the ability to work more closely with the Library, it feels like coming home to a familiar place. I am looking forward to working with a very talented staff and continuing the fine work they are already doing in supporting teaching and learning.

Calia-Lotz for serving as co-interim directors of the Library for 15

With the challenges presented to us by COVID-19, the Library staff

months. They graciously took on this role on top of their other

has adapted its services and resources very quickly, and will continue

responsibilities and did an excellent job at maintaining operations of

to refine academic support as we, hopefully, make a safe transition

the Library at the usual high standards.

back to campus in 2021.

Some introductions.

I would also like to introduce the Library’s new administrative

I bring to the table significant experience in library management. In my first role as a library director in the early 2000s, I built an academic library from scratch for the Delaware College of Art and Design. Building a library from the ground up was an exciting opportunity that most librarians never have and a blessing for me as I worked through having to perform all the functions of a library.

assistant, Erica Wienholt. Erica is replacing Sheila Siebert who was called to step up to work in the Office of Academic Operations. Erica joined HCC in August 2019 providing support for both the Teaching,

Learning and Innovation division and the Academic Operations area. Erica holds a master’s degree in higher education and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in instructional design. Please join me in welcoming her as she begins providing more support to the Library

From there, I became the Director of Library Services for Delaware

while continuing to support eLearning and serving as my

County Community College in Media, PA, where I worked for 12

administrative assistant.

years. One of my greatest achievements was the conception, development, and implementation of a Learning Commons that combined library services, tutoring, and the Writing Center into a one -stop shop for students needing academic support. At the time,


From the

Fall 2020 Library Services

Archives Did You Know?

Wishing you and yours all the best for a joyous holiday season and much hope for 2021. Karen Rege, Ed.D., Dean for Teaching, Learning and Innovation







Virtual Posters at FDL Conference

ons by

Virtual Posters at FDL Conference

n Day

New Employee



Volume 5 Issue 3, December 2020

Did you know...?

Fall Library Services The Library has been busy this fall, both online and in person! Following the campus closing in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Library reopened on August 24 for quiet study and use of the computer workstations and printers on the first floor of the building only. HCC students and employees could make a reservation to use the Library during designated timeslots, Monday through Thursday, up until the

middle of November

Since the end of

when the current COVID surge required the

August, the Library

Library to close again. The Library has also been

has filled over 130

offering curbside pickup of books and equipment,

equipment requests

and continues to do so.

for students.

This fall, the Library took on the task of distributing laptops, iPads, and other technology equipment requested by HCC students, most of which was provided by ITS. Since the end of August, the Library has filled over 130 equipment requests.

Demand Driven eBook Acquisition HCC Library has started a new and exciting Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) program for purchasing eBooks. DDA allows users to dictate which titles are purchased and

permanently added to the Library’s collection. As of today, Librarians have pre-selected 600 new eBook titles in subjects ranging from

Librarians have answered

Those students who currently have

over 500 questions from

equipment and who are registered for

business, technology, allied health, social

students about finding

Spring semester may renew the equipment

sciences and STEM for you to discover in

information for research

for the next semester. If equipment is not

“OwlSearch” and “eBooks on EBSCOHost”

assignments, searching in

being renewed, it is due back to the Library

the Library’s databases,

platforms. When a user browses one of these

by January 4; please see the Library website

citing and using

for hours and further information.

pre-selected eBooks for up to ten minutes, or

NoodleTools, and more.

downloads, emails, prints or copies an eBook, a trigger is made and the title is purchased.

In addition to in-person services, the Library

To see which collections or titles can be made

has been offering virtual reference services

discoverable to students via the DDA

through online chat, text, and email. Over

program, please contact Jessica Dahl,

the fall semester, Librarians have answered

Electronic Resources Librarian, at

over 500 questions from students about


finding sources for research assignments, searching in the Library’s databases, citing and using NoodleTools, and more. We will continue to be open for virtual reference throughout the winter session and into the spring; please see the Library website for hours and availability.


HCC Library Quarterly

Virtual Posters at Federal Depository Library Conference The Government Publishing Office (GPO) held its annual Federal Depository Library Conference virtually this year from October 20-23. HCC Library has been a member of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) since 1967 and as a selective library acquires about 18% of the available government documents, both physical and electronic, from various agencies through dissemination from the GPO. Librarian Andie Craley attends this conference each year as HCC Library’s Depository Library Coordinator. This year, the Library submitted two virtual poster presentations highlighting the Library’s altering of procedures, events, and workflows in our COVID-19 environment. View the Virtual Poster Presentations Gallery from the 2020 FDL Virtual Conference. Those who submitted virtual posters for the FDLP conference also presented their posters during two days of webinars hosted by GPO on December 1 and 2. The first poster submitted by HCC Library, “Harford Community College Library Fall Celebration Events Are Coming to YOU!” highlighted the “virtual events” showcased in the form of topical LibGuides. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Library could not hold its many annual and collaborative in-person events including OwlFest, Library Expo, Constitution Day, and National Voter Registration Day. As a substitution, the Library displayed a “Rightfully Hers” pop-up exhibit from the National Archives celebrating the Women’s Suffrage movement, a Wonder Woman poster celebrating September as Library Card Signup Month, and Constitution Day and National Voter Registration Day posters. To add to the fun, any students who made reservations at the Library or who came for curbside pickup of materials were welcome to pick up a free “grab-and-go swag bag” containing informational handouts, flyers, bookmarks, Constitution Day buttons, National Voter Registration Day stickers, ALA Library Wonder Woman stickers, Govoinfo post-it notes, NPS maps, candy, and other giveaways that were related to the “Virtual Events Celebrations.” (Continued on page 4)

New Employee Erica Wienholt has been at HCC since September 2019. She started as the Administrative Assistant for the Teaching, Learning, & Innovation Division & Academic Operations under both Karen Rege and Beth Mosser, and has recently moved to the Library and eLearning. Erica has a strong interest in eLearning and recently started a Master’s program for Distance Education and eLearning. Before coming to HCC, Erica was at the University of Baltimore for roughly six years in Alumni Relations. She is excited to learn more about the Library and its wonderful staff.


Virtual Posters at Federal Depository Library Conference (Continued from page 3)

Library Hours Winter Semester Dec. 14, 2020 – Jan. 24 2021

The second poster, “Harford Community College Library’s CRDP Workflow, Before and During COVID-19,” described a collaborative effort between Andie Craley, Library Systems Specialist Dana Coleman, and Library Associate Jennifer Hart. HCC Library has been a member of the Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP) since 2011. The CRDP provides catalog records produced by the Government Publishing Office to participating FDLP libraries at no cost through contract with Marcive, Inc. Library staff work together to

Curbside Pick-Up Curbside pickup of materials is available for HCC students & employees. Visit the Library’s website for current information about hours and services: http://www.harford.edu/library

Online Reference / Ask a Librarian via the Library’s website Dec. 14-22, 2020

create our CRDP profile to receive, import, and catalog

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am—4:00 pm

bibliographic and item records for print and electronic formats

Wed Dec. 23: 9:00 am-12:00 pm

into our library catalog. The Library Systems Specialist works through database records cleanups and to update our item selection, and the Library Associate finds additional electronic documents relevant to our curriculum and collection that may not have been in earlier selection profiles.

Dec. 24, 2020–Jan. 3, 2021: CLOSED

Jan. 4-24, 2021 Mon-Fri: 8:00 am—6:00 pm

Our Polaris library catalog client lives on our campus’ ITS server, which created some initial limitations when the Library shut down in March. This did not affect the

Contact Us

downloading of our CRDP records to a local computer which continued steadily after the closing, and online records were later imported into Polaris during the summer. When Marcive and GPO implemented the 45-day file expiration extension during the COVID-19 closure, the Library Systems Specialist was able to download both the print

Circulation Desk Library, 2nd floor circdesk@harford.edu 443-412-2268

and electronic format files at her convenience, without having to worry about missing the files download two-week window. By September, more Library Technical Services staff had campus-owned laptops and the Library re-opened on a limited basis, so staff

could resume some work in processing and cataloging.

Library Stream Channel HCC librarians and the Digital Media Specialist have been producing video tutorials on a variety of topics, available on our HarfordCC Library

channel on Stream. Currently, the channel includes

Reference Librarians referenc@harford.edu Library website http://www.harford.edu/library

Follow the HCC Library on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarfordCCLib Or Twitter: @HarfordCCLib

videos on NoodleTools, OwlSearch, the Library Catalog, business sources, the Census, Adobe Premiere and more. Follow our channel to stay updated about Library resources, and keep an eye out for new content to be added!


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