Gina Calia-Lotz, Editor-in-Chief
Volume 5 Issue 1, May 2020
Bridget Lukas, Design & Layout Editor
HCC Library
Message from the Directors
Library Resources for Online Learning Support
Hello, Readers! This has certainly been an interesting time, to say the least. The Library staff have continued to provide resources and services to support online learning in a variety of ways; read more about it in the column on this page. Staff have been busy with many other tasks, including assisting the College with finding online equivalents of many print textbooks, conducting research for the President’s Cabinet on how other colleges are planning their reopening processes, and developing plans and strategies for re-opening the Library building and managing Library operations once the HCC campus reopens. While we were not able to hold the exciting National Library Week activities we plan every year in April, including a planned talk by Rajia Hassib, author of A Pure Heart, librarians did celebrate virtually with Facebook posts about favorite books.
Below is a list of resources provided by the HCC Library to support online learning. If additional resources are needed, or if you have any questions, please contact Lois Entner, or Gina Calia-Lotz,
This issue is filled with some great information about resources available to enhance online learning, including OER (Open Educational Resources), PolicyMap database, and the Hays-Heighe House online exhibit! Be sure to read about another important undertaking in our nation: the 2020 Census, with links to websites for further information.
In other news, we are still without a permanent Director for the Library, with Gina Calia-Lotz and Lois Entner remaining in the role of Interim Co-Directors. We expect to re-open the search for the Director position this fall.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need anything from the Library!
From the
Open Educational Resources (OER) Archives
tituti on
Databases and Textbook Content •
Databases, ebooks and streaming video are all available 24/7 via the Library’s Research Databases page: Articles.asp . Visit for links to content provided by databases and publishers on a temporary basis.
Research Help for Students •
HCC Reference librarians available via online chat from the Library’s website under Research Help—Ask a Librarian: Academics/library/help/ask-a-librarian.aspx during the following hours: Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Students may schedule online research consultations using the request form available on the website under Research Help —Ask a Librarian. Information literacy tutorials and citation guides are available from the Library’s website under “Research Help.” A NoodleTools help guide is available at The guide includes instructions for faculty to assist students with learning how to use NoodleTools.
Course Support for Faculty
A good guide to copyright and fair use in classroom practices from the American University Washington College of Law: archives/42134 Request an Embedded Librarian in your courses on Blackboard as a support service for students. Use the form linked above or email Gina Calia-Lotz, with your request. Please include your course name(s) and CRN(s). Publicati
Featured Database: PolicyMap
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Census 2020
OMOB Hays-Heighe House Exhibit Online