Constitution Yacht Club Wednesday Night Race Series 2020
Event: The Constitution Yacht Club invites all ORR-ez rated boats to compete in this series of races. There will be a social event after the last race of each series held at The Blackmoor Bar and Grill in Charlestown. Registration: Registration will be handled through Regattaman ( Boats must register before 1800 hours on the first day of racing. Registration includes entry in 3 inter-club “Rumbles.” Fees (Rumbles are included in Full Season and Series fees): FULL SEASON: SINGLE SERIES:
$180/CYC Member $90/CYC Member
$215/Non-Member $100/Non-Member
Schedule of Races: One race will be held each Wednesday evening as follows: SPRING: SUMMER: FALL:
6 Races 6 Races 6 Races
June 3rd – July 8th July 15th – August 19th August 26th – September 30th
Rumbles: The following are the dates for the Boston Harbor Rumbles*. The cost is included in the season fees. Rumble 1: Rumble 2: Rumble 3:
June 24 July 15 Aug 12
Constitution YC Cottage Park YC Hingham Bay Racing
Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions: Distributed at the skippers’ meeting and are also available for download from Skippers’ Meeting: Wednesday May 20, 2020 at 1900 hours. Check for details about location. *Rumble dates are subject to change. Please check on Regattaman for more details.