7 Day Face Lift

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E BOOK 7 DAY FACE LIFT ALKALINE DIET Achieve a Natural Face Lift and lose 4 to 7lbs in JUST 7 Days




1. 2. 3.

7 Day Face Life About Me All about You

3 4 5


There is no Big Secret



The Big Problem



The Solution


7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

The Face Lift Alkaline Diet The 7 Day Face Lift Key Ingredients Shopping List Menu Water Therapy Today We Have Solutions Lifestyle Solutions You Can Find your Solutions

13 14 18 21 24 26 27 28


7 DAY NATURAL FACE LIFT MINI FACE LIFT The Seven Day Face Lift The seven day face lift, special alkaline diet, the fast track to looking your best for that special occasion, interview, hot date, or as part of a beauty maintenance program for a mini face lift. This can be achieved through dietary changes. YOU CAN EXPECT TO ACHIEVE     

Reduced fluid retention Reduced puffiness Reduced saggy skin Sharper chin line Soften lines

Therefore firming and tightening the contours of the face, bringing a glow and radiance to the face and brightening the eyes. BENEFITS        

Firms the and tightens the skin Brightens the face Detoxes the face Clears puffiness Addresses cross linking, which caused wrinkles Brightens the eyes Increases your energy level Gives increased confidence and self esteem 3

About Find your Anti-Aging Solutions May I introduce myself, my name is Michalia Dawes, I am your Anti-Aging Specialist. You may be asking yourself, so why should I be reading this, what gives Michalia Dawes the authority to advise about anti-aging or aging skin, detox, internal cleansing, 7 day face lift alkaline diet, to staying younger for longer etc. Well ladies and gentlemen, I am not a Nutritionalist, I am not a Dietician, I am not a Doctor or Scientist. I am just an ordinary woman, who from about 16 has had a passion and burning desire for health and beauty. Staying young and healthy is at the top of my agenda, I live it and breathe it I do talk to you today from a position of great strength, not just in theory, but practical results. I am a product of my product! I am today Sunday evening as I prepare this article for you 57 years old, but most astonishingly most people think that I am 35 years old. Not by chance but by design, WHY? Because I do practice and engage in what I promote. Let’s see that is 22 years off my biological age! Say it WOW that’s what I usually get!! . Some people may say oh it is her genes. Well I will not deny that, I have been blessed with good genes and I thank God for that. But the secret is I actually focus on health and slowing down the effects of the ageing process and everything I recommend to YOU I guarantee that I have used the product or achieved results from an experience. You know what they say; you are what you focus on. A doctor is a doctor because he focuses on becoming a doctor, an athlete focuses of becoming an athlete, so what does he become? An athlete, the question is just how successful?


I have 35 years experience in the fashion, health and beauty industry, from age 22 modelling, fashion designing and manufacturing, beauty, skincare and cosmetics, and the last 10 years health & wellbeing, healthy eating and anti-aging. I am fighting a crusade against premature aging and I am here to invite you to join me. Timing is everything and the time is right, as there is an incredible demand and pressure for people needing to look good and the only thing better than looking good is feeling good! Plastic surgery and botox procedures have soared to an all time high globally. This is proof that the Baby Boomers do not want to get old gracefully! I understand this completely being a Baby Boomer myself. I have the answer to going under the knife, a natural alternative approach that works, if most of the advice is taken and executed. I help women and men between the ages of 40 to 65 to knock from 5 to 15 years off their biological age naturally!


All About My Commitment to You This is my first Ebook. I could have used someone else’s ebook to get your attention. But to introduce you to my anti-aging and health programme, I wanted to offer something of great value to you, something different, and something unique to me, so you could have a greater understanding of Find your Anti-Aging and Health Solutions, products and services. This anti-aging and health programme is about you, you have great potential to be the best that you can be at any age naturally. Our aim is to bring to you cutting edge and unique products and advice, through busy lifestyles time is sometimes an issue, so we have done all the sourcing for you. You can think of this as your one stop health and beauty stop shop, it is convenient and so easy and simple, the best products and the best value on the market in every category for your personal care in one place. You will be amazed. Imagine the time it will save you, everything you will need at the click of a few buttons. It is official 30 is the new 40 and 40 is the new 60! Everyone can stay younger for longer look and feel absolutely fabulous. And this can be achieved naturally without botox and without surgery. If you think it is necessary for surgery or you have had surgery, you can use this program as an aftercare for maintenance. My natural approach starts from the inside outwards. You can achieve outstanding results through internal cleansing, drinking alkaline water, the right diet, super foods and nutritional supplements. Externally through, exercise, facial exercise, 6

massage, anti-aging skincare supplements and reshaping garments. You can achieve great results, from the seven day face life alkaline diet or my anti-aging program, whatever your age, whatever your problem or challenge. With the right applications you can, diminish lines and wrinkle, soften and firm aging skin, lift the jaw line, get rid of bags and sags, refine the skin, get rid of problem skin, lose weight and maintain weight, self heal, prevent major concerns and ill health, reverse and prevent premature aging and most lifestyle concerns and diseases. At the end of the 7 Day Face Lift Alkaline Diet, there are several links. I have done all the research for you to save you time and energy and I have listed some awesomely unique, top quality health, nutrition and beauty products that will help to improve your health and help you to maintain or reverse time. Everything you will need to stay young and beautiful to maintain good health at your finger tips. You deserve the best. You can do it! As a valued customer you will be updated regularly, with tips and articles on health, anti-aging, beauty, weight loss, weekly, monthly newsletters, with offers and promotions. I look forward to building great relationships over time, and to get to know your needs and requirements. The magical wonders of Facebook and the internet allows communications on levels never envisaged before. This is so exciting and revolutionary.


THERE IS NO BIG SECRET That is the big secret! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

We all BREATHE We all drink WATER We all eat FOOD We all should EXERCISE We all eliminate WASTE

THAT IS IT WE ARE WHAT WE EAT The phrase you are what you eat has been around for a while and is exactly what it says, you are what you eat. We are all a product of what we eat. From ancient times, if we look back in time, we have the haves and the have not. If you were fortunate to be born into a well to do family of wealth, you were subject to best food of the times. Therefore your health would be better and you would ultimately live a little longer. If unfortunately for you, you were not so fortunate, you could guarantee that your lifespan would be shortened from the affects of a poor diet and disease. We are now very fortunate, that the majority of us, even if we have a small food budget we can eat reasonably well. We have an abundance of lifestyle choices today it is all down to the choices we as individuals make. 8

LIFE EXPECTANCY Scientists tell us that we now can have a life expectancy of 120 years. But the average is still stuck at 70 / 75 years. Image 50 years, which is awesome, it is nearly another life time again. Our genes do play apart but on the whole, we can eat for successful health. You know they say dress for success. I say eat for success.

WHAT IS INTERNAL CLEANSING? My 30 Day Internal Cleanse, which is a 30 day elimination of all processed food, cigarettes, alcohol, and some food groups. The 30 day cleanse is wonderful, I live by the internal cleanse this program cleanses all the internal organs of the body, revitalises, and energises. It also incorporates some good habits that enhances lifestyle, and eliminates some bad habits that endanger lifestyle. Internal cleansing also corrects a multitude of congested conditions in the body before they becomes seriously acute. In effect it is a spring cleaning of the body. Completely in a different league to detoxes you can purchase in a bottle or packet from the pharmacy or health shop. In other words it is an M.O.T for the body. What do we do? We service our cars on a yearly basis, but few of us service our body. It is a very alarming fact and puts things into perspective. We plan for our holidays every year, but the majority of us do not plan for good health.


OUR AMAZING BODY How wonderful and amazing is this body of ours, we abuse it in so many unforgiveable ways and it still performs reasonably well. Imagine if we gave it a little more love and tender care, what it would give us back in return and how wonderful we would feel. As a woman to woman, this is not a discrimination, I hope there are men going for this program too, because it for everyone. We are the fairer sex and yet it is reported that we do 2/3 of the worlds work. Is it any wonder that we feel so tired at the end of the day? On the same news feed it was reported that we only get paid 10% of the world’s money. Is it any wonder that women are now suffering from stress and heart disease on the same scale as men globally? We have little time to spare to indulge in ourselves, but we have to make time and put in the effort. So let’s get it together and take good care of ourselves. No one else is going to do it for us. We need to take good care of ourselves first so we are able take care of everyone else to the best of our ability.


THE BIG PROBLEM IN A NUTSHELL WE DO HAVE A - PROBLEM – IT IS CALL AGING 1. The body slows down in general - The body’s inability to move as it did when we were younger 2. The liver and the kidneys slow down - The body retains waste, fluid and bloats 3. The body’s digestive system slows down - The body’s ability to process the food we eat 4.

The body’s metabolism slows down - The body’s ability to get rid itself of the waste products of the food we eat

5. The body produces less antioxidants - The body’s ability to fight free radicals 6. The skins collagen and elastin structure slows down - The skins ability to renew its cell renewal, repair and maintain a firm contour and structure.


THE SOLUTION 1. Drink lots of water recommended 2 to 3 litres daily - Hydrates, purifies, cleanses the blood, balances the bodies ph to 7.4 of the blood, feeds, energies and repair 2. Exercise, movement produces energy - oxidizes the blood, improves the circulation 3. Eat the right food + detox - Internal cleansing clears and eliminates excess waste from the intestines, prevents colon cancer. 4. Eat the right food + detox - Internal cleansing clears excess waste from the whole body, clears excess fat and waste from the connective tissues and builds muscle which speeds up the metabolic rate at which we burn food to produce energy. 5. Eat the right food + antioxidant supplements - As we age the body needs a lot more antioxidants than when we were young to counteract the effects of aging. 6. Eat the right food + drink lots of water + antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. + Ant-aging skin formula + a good skincare regime of anti-aging products + facial massage & facial exercise. 12

- Water hydrates the skin, special anti- aging skin formula counteracts the aging skin, giving the skin the nutrients it needs, massage clears excess waste and speeds up the lymphatic system. Also firms the skin and improves the circulation. - Facial exercise strengthens and tones the facial muscles. That is it all basic stuff we all know it but we don’t do it. Or if we do, we don’t do all of them, or do all of them but not effective enough. Maybe 1% of the population on the planet! If that, are you in the 1%?


7 DAY FACE LIFT – ALKALINE DIET This is a 7 day quick fix for a special occasion, a hot date, to look good for your holiday, going to a wedding, have an interview part of your beauty maintenance regime. Some days I look in the mirror and I don’t like what I see, so 7 day face lift to the rescue, it is absolutely fabulous.

7 day face lift is a miracle it literally lifts the face and if you exercise for an hour each day whilst you are on the diet plan the results are even more affect. You can also lose 4 to 7lbs on this alkaline diet plan.

FOOD TO ELIMINATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Rice – brown and white Chips Bread – all types of bread Red meat Alcohol Cigarettes All dairy produce Coffee Sugar Tea Lentils Fruit juice and Fizzy drinks. 14

SEVEN DAY FACE LIFT ALKALINE DIET THE KEY INGREDIENTS FOR CELL RENEWAL 1. Water The body is made up of 70% water and apart from oxygen, the next most important thing we need is water. Essential for our beauty regime, water relieves puffiness, as it prevents toxins from building up in the body, whilst it purifies the system. 2 Good Oils Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid Omega 3 moisturises the body from inside outwards, therefore it relieves dryness and gives the face a more youthfully look. 3 Protein Protein is essential to build collagen and cell renewal as needed in our beauty mission, needed to maintain a youthfully you. 4. Fruits and Vegetables Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins minerals and phytonutrients, needed for our anti-aging programme are rich in antioxidants to rid our body free, of free radical scavenges that breakdown our health cells 5 Green Tea Green tea is a great compliment for our face lift diet, as it contains super antioxidants which stave off heart disease and cancer. It is a great exchange for coffee and black tea, which contain caffeine that pollutes the body. 15

6 Snacking Snack on fruits and nuts between meals instead of cakes, biscuits and chocolates. The benefits will show!

RESULTS If self-discipline prevails, in just seven days you will have detoxified the skin, reduced inflammation, puffiness, and reduced fluid retention. You will have rejuvenated not just your face but the whole body. And detoxed your internal system of toxins, including sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. Eating as much as you like on goodies, you may even lose weight! Exercise It is recommended that you exercise for at least half an hour each day. Find something that you like to do, such as walking, swimming, skipping, trampolining, exercise videos, exercise classes, dancing, or the gym, etc.


Skincare It is recommended that you cleanse the skin thoroughly, morning and evening and moisturise well, between your Facial massage, if you decide to invest in a facial massager. A good skincare regime coupled with a good diet, and exercise is your insurance for beautiful skin.

Natural Herbal Drink (optional) Bitter to the taste sweet to the system! Constitution Bitters Is a compound of natural herbs, indredients including, Aloe, Vera Sorocea, Rice Bitters, Kola Bark, Aloes, etc. An excellent Herbal internal cleanser, which will free up your system! Can be first day to kick start, taken each day, or taken regularly after the seven days. Half a small wine glass taken first thing in the morning or about 6/7 in the evening depending on your lifestyle.


Look and feel years younger, a fast and quick way to give your skin and energy level a boost for a special occasion, makeover, or just to look good and feel good, a surge of empowerment or even to kick start, the 30 Day Alkaline Diet. The seven day face lift will amazingly firm the contours of the face, enhancing your natural beauty, eating 70% of your food raw and drinking 2 to3 litres of water will achieve, an even more dramatic result.

BENEFITS       

Improves skins firmness Increases radiance Improves wellbeing Clears your eyes Detox skin your skin Clears puffiness Brightens your skin


Shopping list 1. WATER 14 – 21 litres of mineral water 2. OATS - 1 packet porridge oats preferable rolled or organic 3. FRUITS 6 or more Apples 3lb Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries Blackberries) 2 – 3 Pears 3 Kiwis 2 Melons (not watermelons) 7 to 10 lemons

4. NUTS 200g Walnuts 200g Almonds 5. GOOD OILS 1 Bottle extra virgin olive oil 1 Bottles cold pressed flaxseed oil (do not heat Keep refrigerated) 19

6. DRESSINGS 1 Bottle of balsamic vinegar 2 bulbs of garlic 7. GREEN TEA 1 -2 Boxes of Green Tea 8. VEGETABLES - as fresh as possible Peppers all colours, courgettes, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, carrots, cauliflower, beetroot, cabbage, spinach, spring onions, red onions, celery, montetout, beans, sprouts, watercress, basil, avocados, pumpkin, turnip, leeks, coriander, etc. 9. FISH - OILY 700g to 1k fresh, frozen, or tinned, mackerel, wild salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.

10. POULTRY/WHITE FISH 700g to 1k A mixture of chicken or turkey breasts, of white fish or liver. 11. FRESH HERBS (Use of seasoning, instead of salt) Thyme, basil, chillies, rosemary, parsley, black pepper, bay leaves etc.


12. NATURAL HERBAL DRINK (Optional) 1 Bottle of Bitters Constitution Vegetarians can use tuna or free range eggs to substitute meat.


MENU        

Before Breakfast Drink a cup of boiled filtered water with half a lemon squeezed into it, once the water has cooled. BREAKFAST 3 to 5 table spoons of porridge rolled oats (never instant) Add a hand of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc., Or/and half a grated apple. Add cinnamon optional. Cold pressed flaxseed oil 91 tablespoon) can be added to the porridge after the heat is turned off or drunk neat on its own Drink a cup of green tea and/or a glass of filtered water.

Between meals  Every hour or two drink approx 200ml of filtered water.

LUNCH  Start with a slice of melon or a hand full of berries, or/and fruit from the shopping list. (It is important to eat fruit first; it helps digestion as the fruit is absorbed easily).  A fresh salad of crunchy brightly coloured vegetables, as adventurous a variety as possible, chosen from the shop list.  Dressed with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, freshly squeezed lemon juice, herbal/balsamic vinegar/seasoning 22

 Eat with fish rich in Omega 3, mackerel, sardines, wild salmon, etc. Between meals  Every hour or so drink approx 200ml of filtered water.

EVENING MEAL  Start with a slice of melon with a hand full of berries.  A large mixed green salad of your choice chosen from the shopping list, with dressing, plus a tablespoon of Udos oil  Dressing, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, freshly squeezed lemon juice, herbs/balsamic vinegar/seasoning.  With 100 to 200g of fish or meat of your choice from th shopping list. Vegetarians can choose organic omelette or tofu.  A cup of green tea and/or a glass of filtered water, about 20mins after meal. EVENING  Approx 200ml of filtered water For variety lunch and evening meal can be interchangeable 23

SNACKS      

If you wish to snack, snack on: Chicken or turkey breasts Fruit – pear, apple and kiwi Nuts – walnuts and almonds from shopping list Filtered water Green tea

Fish, chicken, etc can be steamed, grilled, roasted, if fried must be fried in extra virgin olive oil. Try to eat as much of your vegetables raw.


WATER THERAPY 5 Steps - Natural Water Healing To get the best results from the water that you will be drinking during the seven day face lift alkaline diet. It is recommend that: Alkaline Water 1. If possibly you are not already using an alkaline water system I recommend you invest in one. Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filtration System, oxygenates, energises, purifies, hydrates and mineralises the water. Filtrating through several layers to eliminate chemicals, bacteria, pesticides etc. The Alkaline water ph balances the body from an acid state to an alkaline state, a more healthy condition. Disease and bacteria thrive in an acidic environment; most of us have a body in a more acidic state. The alkaline water changes that as we drink it. A alkaline water filtration system is recommended by Dr Robert Young the Author of PH Miracles as vital and necessary for a healthy living program, he is an authority on health and nutrition and has researched on water and the blood for over 30 years. - If it is not possible to use an alkaline water system then I urge you to use only filtered water. If you do not have a water system filter, of some kind I recommend you invest in one. - If not Sainsbury’s own brand of spring water is reported to be one of the best bottled water. 25

- Bottled water in plastic bottles are contaminated by the plastic, the chemicals leach out from the bottle into the water. - Tap water is contaminated with chemicals, chlorine etc. 2. Drink 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning, warm water is best, first thing in the morning. 3. Then drink your hot water with freshly squeezed lemon. 4. Drink water or green tea half an hour before or after meals. The water interrupts the digestive process, if you drink and eat that the same time. 5. Drink a glass of water before bed, but not too late to disturb your sleep!



Obesity Diabetes Cancer Heart Disease Alzheimers Disease Digestive Problems Premature Aging

And that is just for starters, these are THE BIG ones what about the hundreds of other conditions?

Remember in the beginning I said today we have choices. All the above are determined by the choices we make. We are exactly where we are today by the choices we have made in the past. 1. If you are in perfect health, that is fantastic, well done 2. If you are in good health and just need a little help that’s good 3. If you are in poor health and need a lot of help, I am sorry about this, we hope we can help 4. Help is at hand for every one

So please make a good choice today, do not just download and read this Ebook. Please experience the 7 day face lift alkaline diet you will be glad you did. It is advised that if you are taking medication or under a Doctor’s supervision, please consult your Doctor, before embarking on any diet plan or taking any health supplements. 27

LIFESTYLE SOLUTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Breathing Water Good Food Exercise Waste Anti-Aging Health

- Deep breathing - Drink Alkaline - Eat Non Processed - Move the Body - Internal Cleansing - Take Super Foods and Antioxidant - Take Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals

If you are not doing all the above to the best that you can, you are aging prematurely.

Find your Anti-Aging and Health Solutions Can help find solutions all the above. To maintain a healthy body and look and feel 5 to 10 years younger


Breathing Exercises - Oxygenates the body Alkaline Water - Balances the body’s ph 7.4 7 day Face Lift - Through an alkaline diet 30 Days Internal Cleanse - Ebook 30 Days internal Cleanse - Detox – Online Coming soon Six Month Make Over - On-line - Coming soon Quality Supplements - Available to purchase on-line 28

You can find your Solutions on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Find-Your-Antiaging-HealthSolutions/123212484417723 OR http://www.botoxneedlefree.com

Alkaline Water http://www.ecosway.com/home/UK102087 Recommended - Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filtration System

Top 5 Super Food Beverages and Supplements http://www.ardysslife.com/antiaging2stepsystem Recommended - Levive Levive - contains the top 5 super foods from around the world. Acai Berry, Noni, Goji Berry, Mangesteen, Pomegranate

High Quality Anti-Aging Supplements and Beverages http://www.neways.com Recommended - Cascading Revenol -contains super 23 Antioxidants & Maximol – Mineral Matrix and Acai Action – Energy Performance http://www.ecosway.com/home/UK102087 Recommended – Nu Spirulina and Yaeyama Chlorella 29

Facial Massage http://www.nuskin.com/UKW9006604 Recommended - Galvanic Facial Massager Blood Circulation Massage

http://www.tiens.co.uk Recommended - Body exercise and blood circulation booster

Botox Alternative http://www.botoxneedlefree.com Recommended - Organic Natox – for lines and wrinkles

Anti-Aging Skincare and Skincare supplements http://www.marykay.com/mdawes http://www.nuskin.com/UKW9006604 http://www.ecosway.com/home/UK102087

Weight Loss http://www.ecosway.com/home/UK102087 http://www.antiaging2stepsystem 30

Reshaping Garments - Secret! Under Garments http://www.ardysslife.com/antiaging2stepsystem Recommend: Body Magic - Drop 2 to 3 Dress Sizes in 10 Minutes! Abdomen - Shirt for Men, trims & supports back

Makeup http://www.marykay.com/mdawes No 1. Colour Cosmetics - Your Virtual On-line Make- Over

FRAGRANCES http://www.fmperfumes.co.uk http://www.marykay.com/mdawes Quality fragrances at affordable prices

NO. 1 Basic Multivitamin http://www.usana.com

Personal Care/Health Care www.ecosway.com/home/UK102087 SE Pendant, Magnetic Necklace, Hair, Body, Persona, & Underwear 31

Health Concerns http://www.reliv.com Recommend - Reliv Now/Classic Energise and Fibre Restore Tissue Repair, Arthritis, High Cholesterol, Cancers, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, M.E, Acid Reflux. Etc.

Become a V.I.P Customer at Ecosway and take advantage of their many offers and privileges plus awesome products at affordable prices. Including the Amazing Alkaline Hydrogen Water System £380 .00. Most other companies retail @ an averages of £1,700.00 http://www.ecosway.com/home/UK102087


YOU PS. Please stay in touch on Facebook to build relationships. Where your questions can be answered Look out for updates and further articles on Anti-aging and Health Thank you

Michalia Dawes 28th March 2011

Anti-Aging Specialist 32

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