Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 1/9
Tone of Voice
Create the name and brand for
Create a feel good atmosphere /
Informative, Relaxed, Simple.
Hospital patients, staff, visitors,
4 weeks.
a touring art gallery based in
experience for the patients, staff
hospitals that will showcase a
and visitors.
range of work including fine art and installations.
art enthusiasts.
Primary Typeface
Secondary Typefaces
Gotham Rounded Medium
Gotham Rounded Light
Gotham Rounded Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Gotham Rounded Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303 Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Brief The Art Ward Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 2/9
The Brand The concept of the name is
A rounded typeface was
identity, as well as being a bright
simple. Using the terminology of
chosen to create a friendly and
and uplifting colour.
a hospital’s sectioning (a ward) a
approachable atmosphere.
turning it into an art space, hence the art ward.
The colour green represents that of the well known medical
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 3/9
Exterior Promotion The brand applied to the
slight preview of the exhibition.
There will be a different poster for
promotional posters. Using the
These large scale posters will be
each location allowing the date
artists work as backgrounds for
applied to the hospital building’s
and place information to change
the posters creates an eye-
wall for high impact.
catching solution as well as a
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 4/9
Exhibition & Signage The brand identity brought
Green arrow stickers can be
through to the interior signage &
applied to the floor throughout
wayfinding material.
the hospital in order to create a more fun way of showing patients/visitors how to get there.
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 5/9
Exhibition The brand identity brought
space, suggesting ways in which
through to the exhibition space.
to view / walk around it.
The wayfinding stickers are also brought through to the exhibition
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 6/9
Exhibition Guide Exhibition guide that can be
It includes information about
out when the Art Ward will be
picked up outside the exhibition
each artist included in the
coming to them.
as well as in shops and
exhibition with a sample of their
information centers around the
work, along with a list of dates
and places so people can find
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 7/9
Merchandise Proposals Proposed merchandise to sell at
Proposals include notebooks,
the exhibition to help raise money
tote bags, badges and general
for charity.
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 8/9
Merchandise Proposals Obviously, as this is a touring
viewers to see where they are
art gallery, transport to and from
heading next.
each event will be needed. This delivery van design comes with green tape to cross off the places they have been, allowing the
Heather Bradley
Module Code OUGD303
Brief The Art Ward
Blog Address h-bradley0811fmp .blogspot.com
Tag Brief 4: Touring Art Gallery
Board no. 9/9
Website The brand developed across a larger range of promotional material including an easy to use website providing another way where users can learn about the artists and see when they will be
coming to a hospital near them.