The Cooroora Connect An Initiative of Pomona & District Community House
November 2017
Pomona celebrates people and one place A special event has been organised to celebrate who we are and our place in our space. Hosted by the Pomona Memorial Hall Committee and Pomona Community House, and funded by Noosa Council, Many People One Place celebrates the contribution that people from all over the world have made to Pomona and the surrounding area, and who now call this part of the Sunshine Coast home. The event will be held at Pomona Memorial Hall between 9.30am and 2pm on 11 November. Local Indigenous artist, Peter (Mu-raay Djeripi) Mulcahy (who worked with Pomona students on the Railway Station mural), will begin the day’s activities with a talk titled Identity of both the old and Ancient time and will bring that concept of identity into the now. Continued page 2 Pomona & District Community House - Keeping You In Touch With Your Community