Cooroora connect october 2017 colour

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The Cooroora Connect An Initiative of Pomona & District Community House October 2017 Excitement builds for Cooroy Farmers & Artisans Market

District’s season of fun continues Cooran next community to celebrate

The first Cooroy Farmers and Artisans Market on Saturday, 7 October is looking to be a success, with more than 45 stalls booked; some great entertainment and a special guest appearance from popular Australian chef Matt Golinski. The markets will run from 6am to noon and Matt Golinski will be cooking up a storm with local produce from 9.30am to 10.30am. “I’m passionate about supporting primary producers and food artisans and a great way to do that is to visit your local farmers market,” Matt said. There is more entertainment on offer with Cooroy musician Jamison Kehl performing from 8am. Sixteenyear-old Jamieson was one of 10 young women from Queensland to take part in the inaugural Big Sky Girl Mentoring Program this year and has since been performing around the Coast, recently releasing her first single, Limerence.

The smiling faces tell the story of a successful Noosa Country Show that was held under blue skies, attracting large crowds.

Car club swap meet The Combined Coastal Car Club will host the annual Cooroy Car Show and Swap Meet on Sunday,22 October. The organisers are accepting late entries. All makes and models, also machinery are welcome, including hotrods, classic, custom and muscle, new and old. A free jumping castle and face painting are available for children.

finishing at 9am when the gates open to the public. Admission prices are $3 for adults, with children under 15 free when accompanied by an adult. Show and shine entrants will pay $10 per car (includes car and driver). Swap sites will cost $10 (overnight camping available). N0 dogs or alcohol please.

For more information: Food and drink will be Brendan 0412 909 112; available to purchase on the Darryl 0407 588 697. day. A percentage of the funds The swap meet opens early raised on the day go to local at 6am, when set-up and charities. Continued page 2 registration commences,

Following the success of the 108th Noosa Country Show, with record entries in the horse events and above standard dairy and stud cattle displays, the focus of the hinterland’s season of fun switches to Cooran where the local community fair will be held at the Cutters Football Field, Bridge Street, on Saturday, 21 October. The family day out will include fun stalls, demonstrations, competitions, and rides, while great food will be on offer from 1pm. There will be live music and entertainment throughout the day, and fireworks will commence from 7.30pm. This is a child-friendly event, with free admission for all. Fundraising from the day will aid the Cooran State School. Show wrap-up on pages 6-7

Pomona & District Community House - Keeping You In Touch With Your Community

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