The Cooroora Connect An Initiative of Pomona & District Community House
September 2017
OFF TO THE NOOSA SHOW It’s show time! With only a matter of weeks before the Pomona Showgrounds host the 108th annual Noosa Country Show, locals can’t wait to see what will be on offer this year. On September 15 and 16, animals, side show alley and entertainment will fill the grounds. A total of 19 competition sections will take place, so there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Noosa’s traditional country show will see a variety of competition sections that help celebrate the diversity of people and their talents in our community. Equestrian, stud beef, dairy cattle, cavy, poultry and dogs sections are the main animal sections. Saturday brings our must-see woodchop comp beside the Paddock to Plate demonstration and stalls.
The roses between the thorns as Geoff Edwards and Cameron Magick meet the 2017 show girl entrants at this year’s Noosa Show. the way it’s all coming together,” he said.
team at the Cooroy and Pomona Community Bank branches of “We’re a passionate show committee Bendigo Bank who continue to be our major supporters,” Cameron and thrilled with the program we added. were able to assemble for 2017. I really want to thank Peter Travis and Located near the main entry gate, Noosa Show Society President, the team for their incredible efforts, animal workshop shows will take Cameron Magick, said he’s delighted allowing us to showcase the very place at 11.00am and 2.00pm, and with the shape the show is taking best of Noosa Country to so many. interactive farm feeding of baby and the efforts of so few for so many animals with bottles of milk will We have to thank our many over the two days. happen at 9.00am and 6.00pm. sponsors too. Noosa Council has "It’s been a real labour of love again been a great support along with the Continued page 3 this year, but we’re very happy with Pomona & District Community House - Keeping You In Touch With Your Community