November 17, 2014
Miss Lightbown/Mrs Frank Social Studies 7
Vocabulary for Chapter 2, French coming to North America 7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures within the societies of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: •
Explanation of the game with a quick review of the words
5-7 minutes
1. words and definitions handed out to the students. 30 minutes + 2. show an example of how the game works 3. Students move around the room to find their matching partner 4. When found their partner go to side of the room 5. Once everyone has found their partner they will read their word and definition. 6 Class will vote on thumbs up or thumbs down for agreement 7. Once all the matches are made students return to their chairs
Words and definitions are on the smart board with google presentation. students write in their booklets the definitions
20 minutes
The game may take longer depending on the class and the conclusion may over lap into Tuesdays lesson.
As partners first they have to interact with other students and then as a class (team) they interact. Some of the words they may not be familiar with and other students who are can help out with the more difficult words