Making Web Money April 2023

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MWM Ask The Expert

Seth Godin – “Is it a t-Shirt Brand?”

MWM wants You to Know Million Dollar Passive Income: Pat Flynn

Issue #134 APRIL 2023
Making Web Money Exclusive Interview With Tom Yevsikov MWM Marketing C L I N I C Help! My Sales Funnel Isn’t Converting MWM Success Guide Information Marketing$100K/Year on 10 Hours/Week? MWM Business HELP AreYouMaking These 12 ProductLaunchMistakes?
Learn How People Are Making Web Money Online Today
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You Asked and We Listened. HELP is HERE
27 Introducing 6FigZ MWM 4 MWM contents 9 FREE Affiliate Funnel Offer 6 MWM Editor’s Letter APRIL 2023 7 MWM Inbox 8 In The NEWS 9 MWM – FREE Affiliate Funnel 12 MWM Success Guide – Information Marketing- $100K/Year on 10 Hours /Week? 15 Dynamic Digital Software Store Want A FREE Website? 16 Subscribe For FREE 17 MWM Ask The Expert: Seth Godin –“Is it a t-Shirt Brand?” 19 Pop Quiz: Which Famous Billionaire Said This? 21 Covert PinPress 22 Membership Authority Sites 23 Business HELP - Are You Making These 12 Product Launch Mistakes? 24 Product Licensing Formula 25 Introducing 6FigZ - New Product 26 Can’t Decide on a Niche? Try This 29 Master Resell Rights Membership Site 30 New Product SHOPZPRESSO MEGA STORE 31 eCommerce Made Easy 32 How To Launch a Digital Product 33 Viral Video Empire 34 Start A Wildly Successful HomeBased Internet Business! APRIL 2023
MWM contents MWM contents 34 MWM Interview - Tom Yevsikov 38 The Functional Strength Guide 40 MWM Q&A: From Blogging To $1 Billion 42 The Bedtime Skill That Earns Billion$ 43 Covert Video Press 44 Internet Marketing Made Easy 45 MWM marketplace 46 NEW PRODUCT - DriveZPresso 47 Massive Traffic Blueprint 48 JVZoo Hosting 49 MWM wants You to Know – Million Dollar Passive Income: Pat Flynn 51 My Blog Profits Coaching 52 The VENUS Factor 53 This Month’s Marketing CLINIC Help! My Sales Funnel Isn’t Converting 55 The Top 10 Mistakes New Podcasters Make 57 Unlock My Secret Traffic Methods 58 7.5 Ways to Revive a Zombie Email List 60 YouTube Ads Made Easy Features … MWM 5 47 New Product DriveZPresso Advertise in Making Web Money Contact: for Details APRIL 2023 2023 36 Tom Yevsikov MWM Interview INTERVIEW

Welcome to the APRIL 2023 Issue of our monthly “Making Web Money” Online Digital Marketing magazine - where every month we show you how real people, just like you, are making web money – online. This month we have MORE great articles and personal success insights, interviews, plus some ONLINE opportunities for you.

- Pop Quiz: Which Famous Billionaire Said This?

- MWM Series on Business Help - Are You Making These 12 Product Launch Mistakes?

- MWM Interview – Tom Yevsikov

- Can’t Decide on a Niche? Try This

- The Bedtime Skill That Earns Billion$


- The Functional Strength Guide

- Product Licensing Formula

- The Top 10 Mistakes New Podcasters Make

- PLR Profits Coaching Club

- 7.5 Ways to Revive a Zombie Email List

- MWM Wants You to Know – Million Dollar Passive Income: Pat Flynn

- MWM Q & A - From Blogging To $1 Billion

-This Month’s Marketing CLINIC - Help! My Sales Funnel Isn’t Converting

- MWM Success Guide - InformationMarketing-$100K/Yearon 10Hours/Week?

- MWM Ask the Expert - SethGodin–“Isitat-ShirtBrand?”

I hope you enjoy this month's magazine. Thanks for reading.

– Check out our 133 Great Back Issues of Making Web Money!

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How Handy is This? You can NOW Shop Walmart Online, save a lot of time, money and hassles. Pick from everything at Walmart and Then choose to have your order Delivered to you by mail / freight OR YOU can Pick Your Order Up at YOUR NEAREST WALMART Shop at home. Drive to the store. Pick Up Your Order! QUOTABLE.. “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” – Wendy Piersall, Author, Blogger and Artist
So, send me an email with your feedback and let me know.

Subs or Dubs? Now you can have both on YouTube

YouTube rolls out dubbed video feature for creators to upload multi-language audio tracks YouTube is officially rolling out (Opens in a new tab) its new multi-language audio tracks feature to its global creator user base.

This feature, which was previously in its testing phase and only available to select creators, allows YouTubers to upload multiple different audio tracks to a single video.

This provides content creators with the ability to offer dubbed video content, with the uploaded audio tracks providing their viewers' with the option to watch in their primary language.

Social media engagement hits a new low, except for TikTok

Organic engagement and traffic from social networks has been shrinking every year.

5 Takeaways:

1: Organic engagement: falling or flatlining. Engagement rates declined on Instagram for the third straight year but have held pretty steady for Facebook and Twitter.

2: Posting frequency declining. Post frequency was flat on Instagram but took a ~20% dive on Facebook and Twitter.

3: Hot holiday hashtags. Almost every industry earned top engagement rates from holiday-hashtagged posts, while contests and giveaways were less popular than in other years.

4: Reels rule on Instagram. Reels dethroned carousels in multiple industries to become the most engaging post type.

5: TikTok tops the charts. With a median engagement rate of 5.69%, TikTok was every industry’s best friend this year.

Read the rest of the story here:

MWM New Product MWM 09

Musk, Bezos, Gates Recommend You Read These

These are the 30 books Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates think you should read to get smarter about business and leadership.

Some of Bezos' favorite books were instrumental to the creation of products and services like the Kindle and Amazon Web Services.

Elon Musk's must-reads include a number of sci-fi novels and books on artificial intelligence.

And Bill Gates is well known for his book recommendations. users and build authentic, lasting relationships. But what makes women on TikTok tick? Let’s explore how women perceive themselves, communicate with others, and spend time on TikTok and how brands can use our platform to connect with this influential community.

Musk gave engineers one week to make Twitter’s ad targeting work like Google

The chaos continues at Twitter with more layoffs, ridiculous deadlines, and uncertainty about the platform's future.

Many Advertisers Complaining About Google Ads Account Suspensions

Last week Google Ads campaigns were seeing mass disapproval and suspensions but now there are new reports of Google Ad account suspensions across multiple verticals.

MWM 10

Starting today you can enroll in my new monthly coaching program where I will teach you how to turn PLR content into spendable cash using several underground methods.

Each and every month you'll get a new lesson showing you a different way to profit with the PLR products you already have. Each month will be a different lesson (sometimes delivered as a step-by-step PDF and sometimes delivered as video tutorial lessons, and even sometimes a mixture of both) that you can download, view, and then implement to start making money with PLR content.

This 12 month coaching program can help you feel good about every PLR purchase you've made (even those "junky" ones because I will show you how to polish them 'til they shine!). The PLR Profits Coaching Club can justify every penny you've spent. It can make those purchases worth something to you because you can put that content to work making money for you. Click Here to Start

This Magic Eight Ball of Online Marketing

The answer is yes!

And no.

Because frankly it depends on a lot of different factors. Before we get started, let me make this one thing perfectly clear: In the beginning before you are making any real money, you may need to work hard. Very hard.

And if you are brand new to marketing then I can tell you that as much as 90% of your time might be spent on activities that don’t directly make you a cent. But you will be learning what works and what doesn’t, and if you continue on then that education will be worth a fortune to you.

If you quit, well, then you’ve wasted your time.

So far, I’m going to guess that I haven’t told you anything you don’t already know, but maybe it’s something you needed to hear again.

Starting a business is like starting a train with a hundred loaded cars on it. It takes extreme energy to get that train moving forward. In the beginning someone could walk on their hands faster than that train is moving. But give it a little time and pretty soon it’s racing down the track, an almost unstoppable force that requires only a minimum of steering and guidance to continue journeying forward.

To get started, simply type in a keyword or phrase into the search bar and see what questions people are asking. You can then use those questions as the basis for your own content.

Yes, it is entirely possible to earn six figures working 10 hours per week. But you’ve got to

3: Mailbrew

lay the tracks, first.

For example, let’s say you take a month to research exactly what prospects want to buy along with creating the product they want. The second month is devoted to building your sales funnel and testing and tweaking your advertising to bring in prospects that convert like clockwork.

Mailbrew is a daily email digest delivering content from your favorite creators in a concise, easy It’s the easiest way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news in the creative industries without having to search through dozens of websites. Each email includes links to the best content from your favorite sources and new and trending articles.

That might take 40 hours a week for those two months, give or take, but once you’ve got the system up and running then 10 hours a week might be plenty to keep things going, especially if you outsource your customer service.

4: Google Trends

Google Trends is a great way to see what people are searching for on the internet. And as you might expect, the search data can be a great source of content ideas.

This kind of money in this timeframe is an ambitious goal that requires a strategic and disciplined approach. My advice is to focus on earning $100 per week first. From there, increase the goal to $1,000 a month. You see where this is going.

To get started, simply type in a keyword or phrase, and see what's trending. You can then use those trends as the basis for your own content.

Information Marketing -$100K/Year on 10 Hours/Week?

It can be easier to go from $1,000 a month to $100K a year than it is to get to that initial $1,000 a month.

It’s the train again, taking a ton of energy to get that thing moving.

I’ve made a list of things you will likely need to do to build your business marketing information products online.

Read it over and see if this is something you want to do. If so, make a commitment to reach that $1,000 a month mark in the time frame you choose, and then get started. When you reach that first goal, you already know what your second goal will be: Six Figures a year on 10 hours per week.

1: Find a super profitable niche - Identify a specific niche where people are spending plenty of money. Best case scenario, you create the solution to a problem people are dying to solve. This step sounds so easy. Maybe it is. Pay attention to what people say they wish they had. What frustrates them? What do they wish they knew?

2: Build your brand - Create a strong personal brand by developing a website, social media presence, and other digital assets that showcase your skills and expertise. When prospects are considering making a purchase, they are reassured to find your positive presence online in multiple locations.

In the beginning focus on your website and one social media presence – the one where your customer are most likely to be found. You can add more social media accounts later on if it makes sense.

3: Ready fire aim – Create a minimum viable product and find out if real customers want to buy it. For example, if you’re creating a course, get real customers onboard and create the prototype with them on live calls, using their feedback to improve your course.

4: Automate and outsource - Look for ways to automate and outsource repetitive tasks and delegate work to virtual assistants or freelancers. This gives you more time to focus on high-value activities that drive revenue. Don’t neglect this step because without it, you will be working far more than those 10 hours we talked about.

5: Leverage partnerships - Develop partnerships with other marketers, affiliates and influencers in your niche to extend your reach, get more sales and collaborate on joint ventures. This isn’t difficult in most niches since it simply takes being a friend, helping them when you can, building a relationship and eventually taking it to the next step of partnering in some way.

6: Experiment and test - Continuously test and refine your strategies to improve your results and increase your return on investment. If your sales funnel is paying you $1.50 for every dollar you spend on advertising, it’s easy to think you’re done and now it’s time to relax and let the money pour in. But what if you could make $3.00 for every dollar you spend? Keep tweaking and testing to find out. Become an expert at this or outsource it to someone else who already knows how to do it.

7: Watch your time – 80% of your income will come from 20% of your activities. Find out what’s making the money and what’s wasting your time. Do more of the money-making stuff and cut out the rest if you can.

Earning $100,000 a year in online marketing while working only 10 hours a week will likely require significant work up front but eventually, in six months or a year, you might be at the six figure mark.

Or it might take you significantly longer, but that’s okay, too.

And if you don’t succeed the first time, use what you’ve learned to keep trying until you succeed. The fact is that most people don’t succeed in a big way the first time out of the gate.

But those folks who go on to earn six and seven figures in online marketing are the ones who kept trying until they succeeded.

We’re all on our own journeys. That overnight success you read about likely took years to get to where they are.

In yoga they say that your practice ends at the edges of your mat. This simply means don’t worry about what others appear to be doing. Sure, maybe they can touch the bottom of their foot to the top of their head, but they’ve been doing yoga for 20 years.

Your only true competition is yourself, to be 1% better today than you were yesterday.

Focus on building and automating your information business and it will simply be a matter of time before you reach your goals.

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Seth Godin –

“Is it a t-Shirt Brand?”

“Not all projects become t-shirt brands, nor should they.

The risk is in thinking you’re building one when you’re not. T-shirt worthy brands are a very small subset of the whole.

The question is: Would your customers want to wear your logo on a t-shirt?


If you’re creating identity, possibility, connection and giving folks status, it’s easy to see how you could build a t-shirt brand in just about any field. Of course, no t-shirt brand is for everyone, that’s part of the point.” –

Seth got me thinking, so I jotted down a few notes on branding you might find helpful.

Do I need to build a brand for my business?

That depends.

If you’re simply providing a good service at a good price, then maybe you don’t need to spend time building a brand.

Then again, if you want to build a stellar reputation and become the ‘go-to’ business for your niche, then branding can be incredibly important.

A strong brand can help distinguish your business from competitors and make it easier for customers to remember and recognize your products or services.

Here are some reasons why building a brand can be important:

Differentiation - A strong brand helps your business stand out from competitors and makes it easier for customers to identify and choose your products or services.

Think of Coke vs the store brand of cola. Coke needs their brand to create the loyal following and charge more. The so-called store brand isn’t really about branding, but about offering a lower price than the brand name.

Trust and Credibility - A well-established brand can convey a sense of trust and credibility to customers, which can be important in building long-term relationships.

In information marketing, your brand is often your own personal name, but it could be a business name of your choosing.

Loyalty - A strong brand can help build customer loyalty and increase the likelihood that customers will choose your products or services over those of competitors.

Think about Apple iPhones. In reality, they aren’t all that different from android, but they can charge more because of their name the loyal following they’ve built.

Recognition - A well-known brand can increase recognition and awareness of your business, which can lead to more customers and greater success.

Remember the “…for Dummies” series of books? Almost anything you wanted to learn was offered in this series, such as Nutrition for Dummies, Astronomy for Dummies and Excel for Dummies. You knew exactly what you were getting when you saw that word “Dummies” and the yellow cover.

Overall, building a brand can be an important part of growing your business and establishing a strong presence in the market.

Times when building a brand may not be important:

When operating in a niche or small market, word-of-mouth referrals and a strong reputation within the industry may be more important. Then again, you still need to be called something, and most likely it will be your own personal name.

When selling generic or low-cost products and the emphasis is on price and convenience rather than brand recognition. These are the ‘storebrand’ products and for the life of me I cannot tell you one single ‘storebrand’ name because they simply aren’t memorable, nor do they need to be memorable.

When operating as a reseller or distributor for established brands, building your own brand may not be necessary. Then again, shoe stores that sell Nike still have their own brand name such as The Foot Locker. Of course, if you’re selling these name brands on Amazon or at the local market, you won’t need any band name at all.

When launching a short-term project or campaign such as a single oneoff product that you plan to sell like crazy and then close the doors. Then again, if it’s a good product then you might want to name it something that can be the first of a series of similar products, or even use your own brand name to begin building some recognition for future launches.

How can I build a brand name on a budget?

Branding on a budget can be challenging, but it's definitely possible. Here are some tips to get you started:

Define your brand - Begin by defining your brand's values, mission, and unique selling proposition (USP). This will help you develop a brand identity that is distinct from competitors.

Use a short, catchy name – You might feel like they’re all taken, but if you get creative you can find a name that people will remember.

Identify your target audience – Who is this brand for and how will it appeal to them?

Develop a strong visual identity - Create a logo and visual elements that are consistent across all of your branding materials, including your website, social media, and promotional materials. If you’re not a graphic artist then you might want to hire this out.

Partner with well-known people and brands - Collaborating with other brands and influencers that share your target audience can help you gain more exposure and reach new customers.

Building a strong brand takes time and effort, but with a clear strategy and a commitment to consistency, you can create a name brand on a budget.

On March 7, 2023, which billionaire said, “Better totalk to people thancommunicate via tweet.”

If you guessed it was Twitter owner Elon Musk, you’re right.

Recently two-year Twitter employee Haraldur Thorleifsson - who joined the social media company in 2021 when Twitter bought his design firm, Ueno - tweeted to Musk asking if he still had a job. Access to his work computer had been cut off nine days prior, human resources wasn’t responding to his calls and his emails to Musk were going unanswered.

Musk fired back questions asking who he was and what he was doing, and Thorleifsson responded that he’d been working on leading design projects across the company.

Musk then tweeted that the design manager, “does no actual work, claiming as his excuse that he has a disability that prevents him from typing, yet he is simultaneously tweeting up a storm.”

Thorleifsson responded that he has muscular dystrophy which causes muscle weakness, and as a result cannot type for extended periods of time. “This wasn’t a problem in Twitter 1.0 since I was a senior director and my job was mostly to help teams move forward, give them strategic and tactical guidance,” he tweeted, adding: “I’m typing this on my phone, btw. It’s easier because I only need to use one finger.”

Thorleifsson tweeted that during his exchange with Musk, he received confirmation from Twitter’s human resources department that he was no longer employed with the company.

“Let me know if you are going to pay what you own me?” he tweeted to Musk. “I think you can afford it?” (Musk has a net worth of $178 billion according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index.)

Musk tweeted that it “hurts my faith in humanity” that people were defending Thorleifsson online.

Let’s tally this up:

• Twitter fired Thorleifsson – the owner of a company Twitter purchased - but didn’t tell him or respond to any queries from Thorleifsson for NINE days.

• Musk revealed confidential medical information about Thorleifsson online.

• Musk publicly criticized Thorleifsson for having a medical disability.

• Musk whined when people Tweeted in support of Thorleifsson.

Finally, Musk got on the phone with Thorleifsson and afterwards tweeted, “Better to talk to people than communicate viatweet.”

Elon Musk, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Pop Quiz: Which Famous Billionaire Said This?

Are You Making These 12 Product Launch Mistakes?

Sooner or later, if you launch enough products, you’ll make some or even all of these mistakes.

I know I have. It’s not the end of the world when it happens, but forewarned is forearmed. Keep this list handy for the next time you do a product launch and maybe you can avoid these:

1: Lack of market research - Failing to understand the market and the needs of your target audience can lead to a product that nobody wants to buy.

When you think you know what your product will be, do a test to see if people will buy it. If they do, then create the product. If they don’t buy, or if only a very small number of them do, thank your lucky stars that you didn’t waste your time.

Incidentally, I’ve noticed a phenomenon where your conversions will increase if I say that the product isn’t quite ready yet. People love to be in on something new. Tell them you’re developing this product and it will be ready by X date and they can preorder now. If you don’t get enough orders, refund the ones you do get and don’t create the product.

2: Overestimating demand - Assuming that your product will be a huge success without properly testing it first can lead to disappointing results.

You might have a great product for a tiny segment of the market. If this is the case, you might need to raise your price for such a specialized item just to turn a good profit. Factor in the time it will take to make the product, the size of the market and the price you will charge. Yes, there’s a lot of guesswork here. But if you realize it will take you 200 hours to create the product and you will likely only sell 200 copies at $47, you might decide it simply isn’t profitable enough to move forward.

3: Poor timing - Launching your product at the wrong time, such as during a holiday or a competing event, can negatively impact its success. Think of launching a product on Black Friday or Christmas Day. Your result could be disastrous. Launch the same product in January and you could have a home run.

This is especially true if you are relying on affiliates who will all be promoting a different launch that same day. Let’s say you’re launching your first product and you line up a half dozen affiliates. But then Big Joe Marketer launches his umpteenth fancy-dancy product with a massive affiliate contest and new cars for everyone who sells a thousands units and suddenly your affiliates have vanished. It happens. Well, except for the new cars part, that’s pretty rare.

4: Lack of promotion – “Build a better mousetrap and people will beat a path to your door.” Believe it or not that used to be a common expression, but it’s 100% false. If you don’t aggressively promote your product and get the word out, then no one will know about your product.

Yes, there is an exception. You create a new product, Suzi Q buys it and loves it and tells her audience of thousands about it for free and it goes viral and now you’re selling a million units per day and…

…that’s a great fantasy but it only happens like that in movies. And maybe a very few times per year for real. It’s not something you can or should count on, so get busy marketing and promoting.

5: Ignoring customer feedback - Not listening to your customers and incorporating their feedback can lead to product failure. When your customers are telling you there is a problem or something missing, listen to them.

I’ve seen a potentially great product fail because something crucial was left out. When the customers called it to the attention of the product creator, the product creator decided he knew better than his customers. Refunds skyrocketed, he was trashed on social media and his product was relegated to the dust bins of history.

6: Inadequate testing - Give your product to users to try and test for free. Use their feedback to fix or improve what’s needed. Give out the new version and get more feedback. Fix whatever is left to fix and then launch. If you’re on top of things, you can do this entire process in 7 to 10 days.

7: Focusing on features over benefits - Not highlighting the benefits of your product to your customers can make it difficult for them to see the value in it. What’s in it for them? How will this change their life? Why should they care? Paint a picture of how this will forever change their life for the better, or at least make them happy today.

8: Poor pricing strategy - Setting the wrong price for your product can impact its perceived value. Charge too little and people won’t see the quality. Charge too much and you might price yourself out of the market. There’s a sweet spot in there someplace, and it’s your job to find it.

Food for thought: When Dan Kennedy consulted with businesses, the first thing he did was raise prices. Sometimes he had to fight with the business owners about this to get it done because the owner was terrified that they would lose money. But in nearly every case the business became more profitable when prices were raised, despite losing a small percentage of customers who didn’t want to pay the higher price.

9: Not thoroughly testing your funnel – I’ve seen a major launch where every single upsell was available on the download page regardless of whether or not it was purchased. And I’ve seen another product launch where the price was supposed to be $299, but it was set to $1 for the first 3 hours. Ouch.

10: Lack of a solid long-term plan - Not having a wellthought-out plan can make it difficult to scale and grow your product over time. Are you going to build your business around this one product? Add other products for the same audience? Adapt the same product to new audiences? You want to have some idea of where you’re going from here so you know how to present this first product.

11: Not getting help - Trying to do too much with limited resources can lead to product launch burnout. I can tell you first hand that there is a great deal of work that goes into a product launch, not to mention the week of almost no sleep during the launch because you are answering questions from affiliates and customers non-stop. Outsource what you can and consider teaming up with someone who can handle customer service with you during the crucial launch period.

12: Being too attached to your product – This one might take you by surprise but I thought it was important enough to include. I’ve seen product creators absolutely devastated because others didn’t share their view of their product. If you think your product is the second coming of a religious figure and others look at it and yawn, it can be a tremendous blow to the ego and your sense of self-worth.

The bottom line is some products sell like gangbusters and some don’t. That’s reality. Don’t get so attached to the outcome that you can’t get out of bed for a week.

If there is a number 13 on this list, it’s this: Failing to launch. Your product will never be perfect. Your product may not sell well. Or it might be your best selling product ever.

But if you don’t let go of it and launch it, then you will never know what might have been.

Can’t Decide on a Niche? Try This

You’re interested in dating. Relationships. Makeovers. Fashion. Exercise. Chocolate recipes. You’re going around and around in your head, trying to decide which niche you want to specialize in.

And you’ve been doing this for months now, losing precious time you could be spending building your business. If you want to pursue online marketing but you’re having trouble figuring out which niche to pursue, here are a few things you can do to help you make your decision:

Make a List: Write down all the things you love or have a keen interest in. Don’t try to edit the list, just write things down and see what pops up. If there’s something on that list that makes you emotional, you may have found your niche.

Research: Conduct research on the various niches that interest you. Look at the demand for products or services in those niches, the competition and the potential profitability.

Locate Products: Find out what products and services are available to promote as an affiliate. Can you get excited about these?

Experiment: If you’ve got the time and resources you could try a couple of different niches to see which one takes hold. Ask yourself if these are niches you would like to continue working in for years to come.

Network: Connect with other online marketers in various niches and learn from their experiences. What do they love about their niche? What would they change if they could? What drives them crazy?

Analyze your skills: Consider your own strengths and skills to see which niches align with your abilities. You might love a certain niche, but if your knowledge or abilities don’t align with that topic, you might be better choosing something else.

Find your passion: If you are able to choose a niche you're passionate about, then you're more likely to put in the time and effort needed to succeed. Working on something you love is like riding a bicycle downhill. It takes less effort and it’s far more enjoyable than going uphill. Keep in mind that passion isn’t required but it can certainly make things easier. In fact, if you love your niche enough, it can feel like you’re getting paid to play.

Finding the right niche for you can have a significant impact on the success of your online marketing efforts.

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MWM Interview A Tom Yevsikov Interview

This time, I'm pleased to welcome Tom Yevsikov, who for the last 10 years or so has been a full-time digital marketer and copywriter. He's achieved extraordinary success in that time and has on average been able to generate consistent sales of around about a million dollars or so a year through his endeavours. He started out from zero, like everyone, so I think this is going to be a fascinating conversation. Tom, it's lovely to meet you.

Tom Yevsikov:

Hey, thank you very much, man. Thank you very much for bringing me here. I've never done this before, so feel free to take the lead and let me know.


No problem at all, Tom. Well, first of all, it's great to have you here. I would like to start, though, by asking a bit more about you and your background.

Tom Yevsikov:

Okay, so my background, look, I got into this, so I'm pretty young. Right? I'm 30-years-old right now. I got into this 12 years ago when I was 18 years old. But I didn't make a full-time income. I lost money for two-and-a-half years. Basically the classic marketing story, started out, tried everything, you name it, just any kind of business model. Nothing really worked, found out it was information overload, started to refocus myself. But since then, I've been doing this on a daily basis. Really, my life is not very exciting, I'll tell you that.


Whereabouts are you based, Tom?

Tom Yevsikov:

I'm from Israel.


How did you find it? When you first started, when you first made that decision at 18 years old that this is the direction I want to go in, how easy or how difficult did you find it?

Tom Yevsikov:

Extremely difficult. Very confusing for me it was in the beginning. Right now, looking back, I know the mistakes I made, but it was very difficult for me at the beginning, the way I got into this industry. I got into this whole online thing purely, strictly for money.

I needed money. I grew up in a fairly rough and environment in all terms, and especially financially. My standards were low, so I was like, "If all I needed was to earn $1,500 a month for with my business," that would be good enough for me back then to quit my job. But it took me two and a half years to make that money in profit. So two and a half years until I started making money in profit into the numbers that I needed. Yeah,


How did you find that at first? I mean, obviously like everyone, it can be a struggle to get started at the beginning. But what made you want to do online marketing and copywriting anyway?

Tom Yevsikov:

Well, copywriting is kind of a skill that I just got slid into after starting online. I went online and I tried everything. What got me online is a friend, my friend who used to tell me he's making a lot of money online, I don't know. It turns out later I found out he was a scammer.

So yeah, that's not very good. I found out he was a scammer, but he did get me into the online world. Once I saw what he did, I didn't like it. That's not the direction I wanted to follow. He was doing MLM stuff, stuff like that, and I decided I want to follow something more legit, like digital marketing, online marketing, email marketing, et cetera.

From there I got into copywriting literally as, I mean, this business, the business online marketing and selling in general has some degree of copywriting involved all the time, so it's not like I got into copywriting at some phase of my life.

I've always been doing some in order to try and sell, but it's only in around 2014 where I really was able to figure out some things which I'll share today, hopefully as much as I can, to figure out the things, and I got into it more seriously.

Actually, I've been a copywriter for clients, as someone who does copywriting, only for the past two years. Before that, all the copywriting I've done has been for my own projects.


Tell us about a few of your projects, a few of the products that you've put together yourself.

Tom Yevsikov:

A bunch of products, mostly softwares in the past seven years, mostly softwares, online solutions like Rank Snap. It's a product that helps businesses rank higher on Google using back links, it builds back links. That's a project that was very successful, actually, my most successful one. I launched it, it's roughly at a million dollars or so, maybe a little bit less throughout the three launches that we had, so roughly average $300,000 a launch. I wrote the copy for all of them. It was a major success. It's definitely my best-selling and my best product. It's still live and kicking and selling even six, five years after.


How much success do you attribute to the copywriting that went into that?

Tom Yevsikov:

Oh yeah, 70%, I would say. 70%, easily. 30% is the affiliates, people who promote, the connections and all that stuff, and 70% copywriting. I think even on Rank Snap, I believe we really went fairly cheap on the design, so it wasn't like an amazing design. It was a fairly basic design. I would say copy is 70, at the very minimum, 60%.


For anyone who's not heard of copywriting, what is it and why is it so important?

Tom Yevsikov:

Well, actually, I'm sorry, this is the question that's the trickiest for me, but I'm still going to try and answer it. There's a definition obviously to copywriting online, which I don't remember. For me, copywriting is just an extension of a life skill that we all have at a certain level when we want to convince someone to give us something in exchange for value. Right? It's really an extension. It's going to be a little bit difficult for me to convey this point, I'm sorry, but I need to, because that's the way I think about it. In my opinion, copy is more of an extension of a very basic life skill that I believe personally all humans have. I believe everyone, anyone can be a copywriter. Not necessarily a professional copywriter or an expert or whatever, but anyone can create copy or write copy that is going to be profitable.

What copy is in a nutshell, essentially, is just the text version of front, of the direct face-to-face selling. In face-to-face, you want to sell something and that person will have objections and you need to answer and tackle those objections on the spot. Right?

With copywriting, it's essentially transferring that into more into an online text-based kind of medium. Before online it was print, right now it's all online. But copywriting is just, we see it everywhere all the time, every headline, anything that captures attention.

Even the act of if I wrote a paragraph on a blog post and I shared my information, what I like, and then I went and I edited and I said, "Okay, I want a headline that's going to stick out like this and it's going to pull them into the rest of the text, and here I want to create ..."

Even that is already a process of copywriting.

You're already doing that.

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MWM Q & A From Blogging To $1 Billion

I thought it might be good to talk about branding for a minute.

We’re all familiar with those red and white cans of soda and the name on the cans. It’s a famous brand anyone would recognize.

When we think of branding, we think of a company like that. But what if we’re just a little guy or gal on the internet, starting a business in online marketing, social media, info marketing, or whatever.

How does the little person build a brand of their own?

It might go something like this:

Emily Weiss started a beauty blog called ‘Into The Gloss.’

She gained followers, built a list and a strong social media presence, and then changed the name to Glossier.

Why the name change? No doubt she learned some things while blogging, such as shorter is better. And catchier.

Glossier is a beauty brand specializing in direct-toconsumer makeup and skincare. Keep in mind that the markup on makeup and skincare is phenomenal. A product that might cost anywhere from $1 to $5 to produce is then sold for 10 times that amount or more.

True, the markup on information products is even better, but vitamins and beauty products are a close second in profit potential.

And when you OWN THE BRAND, you don’t have real competition. Yes, there are people who love Pepsi, but to a Coke lover there simply are no other brands.

Here’s the kicker: 9 years after its inception, Glossier is now valued at $1billion.

Here are some key insights into her process of building this brand and business:

The target market is young women. Who spends more money on makeup than young women? Nobody.

The products are marketed as ‘enhancing natural features.’ The brand is saying, “You’re already pretty, we’re just making you prettier.” Smart.

The products are marketed as being easy to use and creating a ‘no-makeup’ look. It’s obvious she knows her target market.

The blog featured interviews with celebrities and beauty industry insiders. What better way to quickly gain a huge following?

Once the blog and following were firmly in place, then she launched the Glossier brand on social media and particularly on Instagram, where the brand showcases its products and engages with customers.

The brand’s identity emphasizes natural beauty and simplicity. The brand's minimalist packaging and product design reflect this identity.

Glossier also uses a lot of user-generated content to showcase how real women use their products, which reinforces the brand's message of inclusivity and authenticity.

Are you taking notes?

Glossier built a loyal following by providing exceptional customer service. The brand offers a live chat feature on its website, allowing customers to connect with a representative in real-time.

There’s also a "Glossier Rep" program, which allows customers to become brand ambassadors and earn commission on sales.

Glossier leverages influencer marketing to reach new audiences and promote its products. The brand works with beauty bloggers and Instagram influencers, to showcase its products and build buzz.

As a result of these strategies, Glossier has become one of the fastest-growing beauty brands in recent years, with a valuation of over $1 billion.

Think about that – from a simple blog to $1 billion in less than a decade.

If you weren’t thinking of building a brand before you read this, what do you think now? Is it worth it?

The Bedtime Skill That Earns Billion$

Once upon a time…

About a century ago, the street was a public place open to everyone. It was shared by pedestrians, horses, streetcars and bicyclists. But as cars become popular, they would drive through the streets at top speed and mow down pedestrians.

Public outcry called for laws to be passed against these new automobiles to save lives. Naturally, fearing their product would become outlawed in cities, the auto industry fought back. How did they do it? By controlling the story.

They told people that the streets were for cars only, and if a car kills you, then it’s your own fault. They even called pedestrians by a nasty, humiliating name – Jay walking. Back then ‘jay’ was a truly offensive name, meaning ‘dirty hillbilly.’

To publicize this new insult, the auto industry planted stories in newspapers blaming pedestrians for automobile deaths and calling them by the offensive name.

Today thanks to this blame shifting propaganda, jaywalking is a crime. Think about it: A group of businessmen created stories and coined an offensive slur to promote their product. And it worked so well, this offensive slur is now a legal term.

As a result of this storytelling on the part of the auto industry, the street went from being a public place where everyone was welcome to a terrifying off-limits death trap for machines.

I suppose if there’s a moral to this story, it’s, “S/he Who Crafts The Story, Wins.”

In the past we talked about why storytelling is so effective in business and how to use it to engage with customers and make more sales.

We told how simple storytelling increased the eBay bids on cheap ordinary items by 6395%. And we covered how there are basically two types of stories in business: The entertaining story that might have little to do with your product, and yet they create clicks and sales…

…and the stories that are custom crafted to your particular business. This month we’re going to tackle this second type of story.

We all love a good story. And as we’ve seen, stories are great for marketing. That's because stories are the best way to engage your brain, according to neuroscientists. That’s why if you're looking for a way to make your marketing more engaging, using a storytelling template is a great place to start. And of all the storytelling templates out there, one of the most popular is the hero's journey. The hero's journey is a template that's been used for centuries to tell everything from myths to movies including Star Wars. And it's also a powerful tool for content marketing.


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MWM wants You to Know

Million Dollar Passive Income: Pat Flynn

If you’re in online marketing, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Pat Flynn. He’s the founder of Smart Passive Income, a website that helps people create and grow online businesses.

Pat’s income is in the seven-figure range per year. He earns money through affiliate marketing and selling his own products teaching others how to make money online. And he runs a popular podcast, too.

Flynn began as a blogger, creating a website called Green Exam Academy to help people pass an LEED certification exam. He created an e-book and online course to help people prepare for the exam, and sold it for $19.99.

Once his first product succeeded, Flynn continued to create more information products and courses. He uses his blog and podcast to build an audience, and he uses surveys and feedback from his audience to create products that people love.

Flynn's products range from e-books and courses on topics like podcasting and affiliate marketing, to a membership community where he offers coaching and support to entrepreneurs.

He’s also written several books you can find on Amazon, including The Edge of a Business, Superfans, How to be Better at Almost Everything, and Will it Fly?

Why is Pat Flynn so Successful at Marketing?

He provides massive value - Flynn built his brand by consistently providing valuable content to his audience. He offers free resources, tutorials, and advice that help people solve problems and achieve their goals. This has helped him build trust and credibility with his audience, which in turn has helped him grow his business.

He’s authentic - Flynn is known for being transparent with his audience. He shares his successes and failures, and he doesn't try to sugarcoat things. This helps him connect with his audience on a deeper level and build a loyal following. In the beginning he even shared his monthly income with his readers, letting them know what he was earning and how he was earning it.

He’s consistent – He’s been publishing content, producing podcasts, and engaging with his audience for over a decade. This consistency has helped him build a strong brand and a loyal following.

He builds community - He engages with his audience on social media, hosts live events, and encourages his followers to connect with each other. This sense of community has helped him build a strong brand and a loyal following.

Guide to Pricing Strategies: 4 Techniques to Experiment With Pricing

Pricing strategy can be one of the hardest things for entrepreneurs. How much should you charge for your product? How much is too much? Are you selling yourself short?

This article will help you understand the most important pricing strategies, choose the right one for your product, and experiment with pricing techniques that will get you closer to that optimal selling price.

Meta expands paid verification subscription service to US

Meta Verified is geared primarily toward creators, rather than ordinary users. And the potential for reach on Facebook and Instagram, which have a combined and unduplicated US monthly user base of 202.8 million, is already massive. Plus, impersonation protection will be key, given the botched initial rollout of the revamped Twitter Blue, which led to a host of brand and celebrity impersonations on the platform.

How This TikToker Landed Over 100 Brand Deals

Here's how content creator Toni Bravo landed over 100 brand deals and has created a full time career out of social media.

Make Money With Your Blogs

This Month’s Marketing CLINIC

Help! My Sales Funnel Isn’t Converting

“I built a sales funnel and I’m sending traffic to it but the conversion rate is terrible. What should I do?”

Ideally you want to know BEFORE you build your sales funnel that the products you’re offering are good sellers and you’ll be able to drive targeted traffic to the funnel that wants to purchase what you’re offering.

Market research tells you what product to build. Customer feedback tells you if you got it right. Testing out the sales letter indicates if it converts and how well, as well as what sort of traffic is converting the best. All of this should (hopefully) be done at least to a certain degree before creating a full-blown sales funnel and diving paid traffic to it.

There, I got that off my chest.

But we don’t live in an ideal world and sometimes we just create the product and build the funnel with zero input from the real world. I get it.

Or it can also happen that you know the products are good, you know the sales letter can convert, and yet your sales funnel isn’t working worth a darn.

Keep in mind I’m just snowballing here since I haven’t seen your sales funnel, but are a few things you can try to improve your conversions:

Identify Where in the Funnel People Are Leaving – Do they close the landing page before filling out the form? Are they leaving first sales page and if so, when and where? Are they buying the product but none of the upsells?

It could be that one segment of your funnel is flawed and when you fix that, the entire funnel will flow smoothly.

Clearly Define Who You’re Targeting - Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating a successful sales funnel. If you haven’t already, begin by defining your ideal customer and their needs, interests, and pain points. This will help you tailor your messaging to speak directly to them.

Then read your funnel – your entire funnel – from the perspective of your ideal customer.

Better yet, get a handful of your ideal customers to look at your sales funnel for you and tell you what’s going through their mind. If you can do this, you can gain immediate insight on where the blocks are, what needs to be changed and how to do it.

Improve your targeting - Take a closer look at your traffic sources and identify the segments that are more likely to convert.

Run ads or campaigns that specifically target these segments of your target audience and adjust your messaging and offers accordingly.

For example, your target market might be retired women over 55, but it could be that the segment of retired women over 55 who are homeowners and married convert better those who rent and are single.

Optimize your landing page(s) - Make sure your landing page is welldesigned, easy to navigate, and communicates the value of your product or service clearly.

MWM 52

Test compelling headlines, persuasive copy, and high-quality visuals to help visitors understand what you're offering and why they should buy. Better still, use different landing pages for different traffic. If you’re receiving traffic from multiple sources with multiple headlines, be sure that each landing page closely correlates with the words and appears of what brought them to the page in the first place.

For example, if you’re running a red and blue ad with the headline, ‘Have More Energy Today,’ then your landing page should be the same red and blue colors with the same headline in the same font.

If you also run another ad in orange, purple and green for Halloween, then that landing page should match that look.

Simplify your checkout process – Whether you’re offering a free lead magnet or selling a product or service, make sure the checkout process is as simple and streamlined as possible. Remove any unnecessary steps or distractions that could discourage visitors from completing the purchase. For example, if you’re offering a free lead magnet, then initially ask just for their best email address and nothing else. If you want to ask for their name or other information, make it an optional second step once you’ve already obtained that all-important email address.

Offer and test incentives - Consider offering special deals or incentives to visitors who complete a purchase or take other desired actions on your site.

These could include discounts, free trials, or bonus content.

If you’re offering a lead magnet in exchange for joining your list, test out different offers. If you’re giving away bonuses, test different bonuses to see which ones convert the best. If you don’t offer bonuses with the upsells, try it and see if it makes a difference.

Make the offer limited – For example, if the offer is good only today or only for the next “X” number of minutes, you may get more conversions. Test this, because sometimes it can backfire if people think it’s a gimmick.

Tweak and test - Keep track of your conversion rates and experiment with different approaches to see what works best.

Try different landing page designs, ad campaigns, and offers, and use A/B testing to see which variations perform better.

Get help – Get someone who is experienced to look over your funnel from the ads you run to the final upsell. They may be able to spot the problem.

I know this is a lot to consider, but sales funnels can be complicated. It’s like a machine with many moving parts, and if even one part isn’t optimized, it can bring the entire machine to a grinding halt.

Improving your conversion rate is an ongoing process that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to keep tweaking and testing until you find the winning formula for your sales funnel.

Most of all, don’t give up. Once you find the winning combination it can become a simple matter of sending traffic to make money at will.

MWM 57

The Top 10 Mistakes New Podcasters Make

There’s a lot to do and remember when you start a podcast. But the last thing you want is to have a dozen episodes completed before you realize you are making one or more of these common podcasting mistakes:

1: Poor audio quality - Sound quality is crucial for podcasts. Listeners will quickly lose interest if the audio is too quiet, too loud, or has background noise. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this problem on new podcasts.

2: Inconsistent posting schedule - It is important to establish a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. If you post inconsistently, your listeners may lose interest and stop tuning in.

3: Lack of planning - Many new podcasters jump right into recording without much planning. It is important to plan out the structure of each episode, the topics you want to cover, and the guests you want to interview.

4: Not promoting your podcast - If you don't promote your podcast then how will anyone know about it? You might share your podcast on social media, posting several times for each new show as well as remind them of previous shows. Reach out to influencers and other podcasters and see if they might like to promote your show in exchange for promoting theirs. And be sure to tell your email list when you post a new podcast, giving them 2 or 3 dynamite reasons to check it out.

5: Ignoring your audience - Your listeners are the lifeblood of your podcast. If you don't respond to their questions or take their feedback into account, you may lose their loyalty. Think of a time when a podcaster or blogger responded to your comment or question… how did you feel about them? No doubt you liked them more and maybe you even became a fan. Conversely, think of a time when you were ignored and remember how you felt then. Not too good, right? If you don’t have time to respond to questions and comments, you might get an assistant to do it for you.

6: Not investing in good equipment – High quality equipment is essential for high-quality audio. Invest in a good microphone, editing software, and other tools that will make your podcast sound professional. If you’re on a shoestring budget, get what you can afford and then upgrade when you can.

7: Rambling or talking too much - It's important to stay focused and on topic when recording your podcast. Rambling or talking too much can make your listeners lose interest. And as a listener, I can tell you it about drives me crazy and is the number one reason I turn it off.

8: Not being authentic - People listen to podcasts because they want to connect with the host and guests. If you are not authentic or true to yourself, your listeners will sense that and may tune out. There’s absolutely no reason to sound like a robot. Laugh, joke, sound surprised, show keen interest in your guests, get upset when it’s appropriate and essentially be a real life person.

9: Not editing properly - It's important to edit your podcast so that it is easy to listen to and engaging. Remove any awkward pauses, irrelevant conversations, or mistakes. If you’re not good at this, outsource to someone else to do for you. Do not skimp on this.

10: Trying to be perfect - Perfectionism can be a serious roadblock to your success. You don't need to have a perfect podcast to be successful. In fact, I can tell you right now that you will never have a perfect podcast. It simply is not possible, so stop sweating it and start making mistakes. Then focus on improving with each episode and you will eventually find your stride.

If I were to add an eleventh mistake it would be this: Giving up too soon. New podcasters get frustrated when their listener numbers seem to holding at 2 –their spouse and their mother. Your first 10 or 20 or maybe even your first 50 episodes are for practice.

Continue to create great content, continue to actively and vigorous promote your podcast, and the audience will indeed come.


to Revive a Zombie Email List

If your email list is on life support, or worse yet, it seems as if it has no pulse at all, there might still be hope. Here are 7.5 ways to revive an ailing email list and improve engagement.

1: Re-engage your subscribers –

Send re-engagement emails to your subscribers, asking them if they still want to receive your emails. Give them the option to update their preferences or unsubscribe if they are no longer interested. You can send an entire series of these over the course of a week or two, offering them a bribe to open your email and click a link.

2: Improve your email content –

Make sure your emails are valuable and engaging to your subscribers. Use a clear and compelling subject line and personalize your emails to make them more relevant to each subscriber. Tell stories, make them laugh, give them a key insight or bit of news they can use. The better your emails, the more likely they are to get opened.

3: Segment your list –

Divide your list into smaller segments based on subscriber interests or engagement levels and tailor your email content to each segment. You can offer free reports, videos and so forth to get your list segmented into each category. For example: Video marketing, social media marketing, driving traffic, SEO, mindset and so forth. By segmenting your lists by interests you know you’re sending relevant information.

4: Clean up your list –

Remove inactive subscribers from your list. This will improve your email deliverability and open rates. Then again, I can tell you from personal experience that I’ve had subscribers that were dormant for months and sometimes years suddenly start opening my emails and clicking my links. People do get distracted in life sometimes, and they might just come back to you later on. It’s your call.


5: Use different communication channels -

Experiment with different communication channels, such as social media, to engage with your subscribers. This can be a good way to remind them that you already have a relationship and your emails are worth opening.

6: Test different strategies –

Try different strategies to improve engagement, such as sending emails at different times or using different email templates. You might also test plain text vs HTML, as well as testing using pictures in your emails.

7: Be surprising –

Sending out emails that surprise and delight subscribers can make a world of difference. Don’t be afraid to be shocking or controversial to a point. Just avoid things like politics and religion.

You can voice your opinions, tell great stories, make them laugh and give them key news and information.

Be different. Be interesting. And try to never be boring or exactly what they expect.

7.5: Use cliffhangers –

Once you get your readers opening your emails again, trying ending each email with a cliffhanger that is continued in tomorrow’s email.

It could be you pause telling a story at the crucial part (Did he live or die?

Did she ever find the treasure?) or maybe you make a promise of what’s to come

(Tomorrow I’ll reveal how to drive a million visitors to your website using a wooden spoon, a box of chocolates and a hammer.)

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Training Guide

See you next month!

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Making Web Money April 2023 by Harry Crowder - Issuu