Making Web Money July 2022

Page 14

Are You Focusing on the Wrong Audience? No matter what you do online, there are going to be two groups of people watching you. The first group is big – often 95% of your audience or more – and they watch. They lurk. They read your stuff, listen to your podcasts and then do nothing. They don’t post, reply or buy. They’re the watchers or lurkers. And that’s okay. Then there are the doers. They take action. They reply to your posts. They leave comments on your videos. They buy your products and join your memberships and talk about you on social media. How do you get the watchers to become doers? By ignoring them. Your job is to focus on the doers. Get their input. Create products around what they want. Make their lives easier, better, safer, healthier and more profitable. The watchers will see this, and in the process some of them will become doers. Don’t try to recruit the masses to your products and causes. Just focus on your core group of doers, and let the lurkers join when they are ready.

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