MWM ask the expert
MWM 18
Mindset Case Study: From $1 a Day to $100,000 a Month While he had several flaws in his thinking - none of which I dared point out because of his hot temper – his most devasting problem was his expectation that a brand new fledgling business should be earning him 6 or 7 figures within the first couple of months. This guy would do everything right, start a business with a real product targeted to a niche that wanted it and still fail because he would give up and pack it all in at the first obstacle. “Crap! I sent out 3 emails and no one on my brand new list of 25 people bought the $300 product. This doesn’t work! Time to try something totally different…” Every couple of months I would check in with him to see what his latest business was and what happened to it. And while it was entertaining for me, it was an unsolvable problem for him because until he got his thinking straight, he was never going to succeed. Contrast him with a gal I met the other day name Kathy. She is indeed earning over $100,000 a month now precisely because she never expected to do it overnight. Instead, she started out with the simple goal of earning just $1 per day, every day. She began by building micro streams of income online. Her first month she wanted to earn that $1 per day, and at month’s end she’d surpassed that goal with an income of $52. “Just $52 for a month’s effort? Obviously, her business wasn’t working, right?” We’re fed a load of hype that says we’re going to earn a million dollars in no time at all. But the fact is, even those newly minted billionaires who sold their companies for 10 figures had to work day and night for years to build the companies into something someone wanted to buy. If you’re not yet earning money online, I suggest you follow in Kathy’s footsteps: Start with small income streams and build them one at a time. Set small, attainable goals and then do everything in your power to reach those goals, such as $1 a day your first month.