Alife brandbook

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brand book Standards & Guidelines


setting the standard The preservation of the alife corporate identity is paramount to building a recognizable and consistent brand. Please join me in utilizing these standards to uphold the appearance of alife in all your communications. The success of the alife brand depends on all of us communicating with consistency, clarity and effectiveness.

Best regards,

peterchew. Dr. Peter Chew Chairman alife


contents introduction about alife brand values old & new logo

logo logo with grid horizontal logo vertical logo colour options incorrect usage partner lockup

typeface primary typeface logotype typographic style usage

colour palette

3 6 7 8

11 12 13 14 16 17 18

21 22 24 25 27

primary colours secondary colours

29 31 32

colour photography


stationery namecard envelope letterhead

39 40 41 42



contents | 5

introduction about alife



alife is a Pregnancy Assistance & Counselling Centre.

alife views every child from the moment of conception as a precious gift to be cherished and enjoyed by all. alife is a secular, non-profit voluntary welfare organisation. It is committed to educating, advising and supporting women and their families on issues related to the unborn child and the mother’s reproductive health.

Apart from direct counseling, we provide a practical approach with assistance like child care arrangement or financial assistance.

counseling assistance Our volunteer counselors employ a three-stage process comprising exploration, understanding and action, using the basic counseling skills of attending and active listening.

public education aLife reaches out to the larger community in general through regular talks on family life, relationship and sexuality issues and pregnancy-related topics in schools, polytechnics, universities, libraries and community centres.

how we have helped Since we started, we have managed to help many clients work through difficult situations through financial and social assistance, and counseling services. aLife’s clinic averages 20 clients per month.

6 | about alife

introduction brand values

Friendly and approachable, and based on a family structure.. This organisation has its roots on the family structure. Families, couples can approached alife regarding fertility issues and overall sexual health. We want to portray ourselves as a warm, comforting and homely organisation which youc an turned to if you have any problems. Thus our brand values of warm, approachable, caring.




childcare arrangment

family structure


brand values | 7

introduction old logo

new logo

8 | old & new logo

The old logo shows the mother carrying the baby. It also resembles a phone which tells the public we are a hotline/helpline you can call when u need it.

This is the redesign logo of alife. It shows a baby fetus in positive image yet it also shows the mother profile in negative. The heart is a adaptation from the old logo and it is placed right at where the fetus heart is beating. It also can be seen as if the mother is breathing life to the heart. It is also seen as giving love through counselling, as the heart coincides with the mouth of the person (in this case).


10 |


making your mark A logo is the face and signature of the brand. It connects the brand to all forms of communication. The more consistent a logo looks and is used – the more likely it will be remembered and make an impact. Each communication needs to be able to stand alone as a proper representation of the brand, but also gain strength as a cohesive and integrated collection of materials. These guidelines provide direction for how the alife logo should be used to help unify materials and continue to build the brand.

the logo

This is the logo for use in all branding materials or communications from or about alife. Examples include letterhead, business cards, print ads, collateral, documents, direct mail, television, commercials, videos, Web sites and more. Guidelines for how to use this version have been established to maintain consistency and are detailed in the following pages.

12 | logo grid

the format clear space requirements (horizontal logo)

The x-height of the logo is based on the height of the e in alife.. No design elements, type or photos should come any closer to the logo than x. The actual distance of x will change depending on how large the logo is scaled.




x size for full logo

The logo should not appear smaller than 60mm in width in any printed material, or 170 pixels wide on screen. 60mm


size for concise logo

In case of usage on print media smaller than 60mm in width, e.g. pencil, a concise version can be used. This logo must have a minimum size of 18mm in width. This logo can only be used on print media.

18mm 6.5mm

horiztonal logo | 13

the format clear space requirement (vertical logo)

The x-height of the logo is based on the height of the e in alife.. No design elements, type or photos should come any closer to the logo than x. The actual distance of x will change depending on how large the logo is scaled.


x x

size for full logo

The logo should not appear smaller than 60mm in height in any printed material, or 170 pixels in height on screen.


14 |

vertical logo


the format size for concise logo

In case of usage on print media smaller than 60 mm in height, e.g. pencil, a concise version can be used. This logo must have a minimum size of 15mm in height. This logo can only be used on print media.



vertical & horizontal relationship


When using the logo, care must be taken so that the correct logo is used on different media. The vertical version of the logo must be used only on portrait based media. Same for the horizontal, it must only be used on landscape based media.

The logo and type should always be kept in proper proportion to maintain the integrity of the logo. Always use the approved logo files and use only vector files of the logo when printing. Never try to recreate the logos yourself, but if you need to scale the logo, always constrain proportions so the height and width are scaled together. To maintain the correct proportions of the brick logo, always hold down the shift key as you drag the corner to increase or decrease its size.

vertical and horizontal relationship | 15

the format colour options

There are three approved colour options. The PANTONE 263C and white version should be used whenever colour is available. The black & white format should be used when colour format is not available.

lavender on white

white on lavender lavender on black

black on white white on black

16 | colour options

the format incorrect usage

Any modification of our logo confuses its meaning, diminishes its impact, and is not allowed. Precise logo artwork has been created to accommodate any usage need. Never redraw, translate, or otherwise alter our logo in any way. The following is a non exhaustive list of incorrect use which must be avoided to maintain the integrity of our brand.


your child is beautiful DO NOT recreate, retype or redraw the logo.

DO NOT stretch or alter our logo in any way

DO NOT rotate our logo

Support Group

Lorem ipsum DO NOT use our logo as a read through in text

DO NOT change our logo color

DO NOT lock-up anything to our logo (tagline, institutions, etc.) without defined clearspace

DO NOT use our logo in outline form

DO NOT use graphic effects on our logo (e.g drop shadows, etc.)

DO NOT add graphics or clip art to our logo

DO NOT place our logo on backgrounds that limit legibility

DO NOT use a horizontal logo on a vertical background or vice versa

DO NOT create a pattern from our logo

incorrect usage | 17

the format partner lockup

Partnering with other organizations that support our values through funding opportunities adds value to our brand by reaching to people who support our cause and reinforcing awareness of our cause. Care must be taken that we and any partner relationships are clearly and consistently identified. A simple, thin vertical rule and uniform spacing should separate the alife logo from any partner logo. Consideration should be taken to ensure the visual prominence of our logo is maximized in all situations.



x x

usage (positive)


Use the primary alife lavender logo. The keyline separator should be colored alife gray.

COMPANY LOGO usage (negative)


18 | partner lockup

The alife logo, separator rule and partner logo should all be reversed to white (use appropriate White or reversed logo artwork from partner organization).

| 19

20 |


what you say From flyers to brochures to signboards, typefaces can help unify the look of many different types of materials. Even with pieces that may have different photos or layouts, the typeface is an obvious element that, when used consistently, can unify all the materials. A uniform typeface also gives personality to the design while conveying expertise in what’s being said and how it’s presented.

primary typefaces Gotham Narrow Family

The primary typeface for alife is Gotham. This typeface is considered a versatile sans serif workhorse. The structure of the typeface is simple so it’s easy to read, but it maintains an elegantly modern feel that adds a level of sophistication to the design. Friendly without being folksy, confident without being aloof, Gotham’s many moods run from hip to nostalgic to brash to eloquent. It represents how we are serious in what we do yet we bring joy to everyone we have helped. Gotham Narrow is the preferred typeface and should be used whenever possible. Gotham Narrow was designed as a full system of fonts with 8 range of weights for almost any typographical need. Gotham Narrow is designed for text and thus should be used in all situations. Body copy can be set at 9 to 14 point, but 9 point is standard for long form copy. Headlines or headings should be at least 2 times larger than body copy. Type should always be in the alife grey 80%K on colour media unless it is on a black & white print, then 100%K can be used.

Gotham Narrow Book

Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Book Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Gotham Narrow Book can only be used in body copy.

Gotham Narrow Light

Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Gotham Narrow Light can be used in headings, subheadings.

22 | gotham narrow

primary typefaces other weights

Gotham Narrow Medium

Other weights may be used if required. For example, on banners and posters that require legibility for afar. In that case, Gotham Narrow Medium, Bold, Black or Ultra can be use for headings and body copy as appropriate.

Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Medium Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Gotham Narrow Bold

Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Gotham Narrow Black

Black ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Black Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Gotham Narrow Ultra

Ultra ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Ultra Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

other weights | 23

logotype archer for logo type

Sweet but not saccharine, earnest but not grave, Archer is designed to hit just the right notes of forthrightness, credibility, and charm. It’s warm, comforting, and persuasive. It is friendly without being silly, and attractive without being flashy. It represents our brand values of warm, approachable, caring. Only 2 forms of archer are to be used for logotype, that is Archer Light and Archer Extra Light.

alife your child is beautiful

Archer Extra Light

Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Archer Extra Light must only be used in the alife logotype.

Archer Light

Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Archer Light can only be used in conjunction with the alife logotype as a tagline.

24 | archer for logotype

primary typefaces

typographic style

Please follow the typographic styles in conjunction with our typefaces. When using Gotham Narrow Book, auto or metric kerning is recommended. Please follow these guidelines for tracking & leading at various sizes.

Gotham Narrow Book 6 point: tracked +12, leading at 9pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

7 point: tracked +8, leading at 10 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

8 point: tracked +4, leading at 11 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

9 point: tracked 0, leading at 13 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

10 point: tracked 0, leading at 14 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

11 point: tracked 0, leading at 16 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

12 point: tracked 0, leading at 18 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

14 point: tracked -3, leading at 20 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

16 point: tracked -4, leading at 22 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

18 point: tracked -5, leading at 24 pt When using Gotham Narrow Book, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading. typographic style book | 25

primary typefaces typographic style

Please follow the typographic styles in conjunction with our typefaces. When using Gotham Narrow Light, auto or metric kerning is recommended. Please follow these guidelines for tracking & leading at various sizes.

Gotham Narrow Light 11 point: tracked -17, leading at 14 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

12 point: tracked -19, leading at 16 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

14 point: tracked -21, leading at 18 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

16 point: tracked -23, leading at 20 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

18 point: tracked -25, leading at 22 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

20 point: tracked -27, leading at 22 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading

22 point: tracked -30, leading at 22 pt When using Gotham Narrow Light, please follow these guidelines for tracking and leading.

26 | typographic style light


primary typefaces usage

DO use sentence case for body copy, i.e. Upper and lower case. DO NOT alter the style or color for emphasis; avoid all caps DO use flushed left, ragged right for body copy. DO NOT justify body copy or open letter spacing or use hypenate. DO NOT substitute Gotham Narrow for other typefaces DO NOT distort the typeface (e.g. using special effects, such as drop shadows, or modify the letterforms) DO use the typeface in colour 85%K. DO NOT use any other colours for the typeface. DO ONLY used archer for alife logotype.




Headline goes here.

Headline goes here.

Lorem ipsum dolor Amet consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonu nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor Amet consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonu nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat. Vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros. Qui blandit praesent luptatum gril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in endrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat. Vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros. Qui blandit praesent luptatum gril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

typographic style usage | 27


colour overview We use color to make a distinctive, positive impression in a crowded marketplace. Our pastel palette uses warm hue colours that proves most appealing to customers. Our color system is anchored by “alife lavender�. Our color palette, including secondary colors, brings variety and a positive impact to all alife communications. Color helps us create brand recognition and visual interest across our communications. From packaging to business cards to collateral, the consistent use of color reminds supporters that we are committed to staying engaged with them.

colour palette It is essential that our use of color is consistent across all applications. By referring to the guidelines, we will achieve the desired results for our brand, and work more efficiently by eliminating guesswork. We have identified precise alife lavender specifications for CMYK, RGB and solid ink. The accompanying chart lists the values that should always be used when rendering our primary colors. Never use tints of any color in the primary or secondary palette.

The logo is made up of 2 parts. The logo form itself on the logo type. Never substitue the logo type colour with the form colour or vice versa to maintain the integrity of the logo.

30 | colour palette

colour palette

primary colours

Colour name


alife lavender




C10 M14 Y0 K0

R224 G215 B235 #E0D7EB

Colour name


alife heart




C33 M100 Y0 K0

R162 G25 B132 #A21984

Colour name


alife purple




C79 M90 Y0 K0

R90 G64 B153 #5A4099

Colour name


alife grey




C0 M0 Y80 K0

R88 G88 B87 #333333

primary colours | 31

colour palette secondary colours Colour name


alife Pink




C0 M41 Y9 K0

R228 G176 B194 #F7AABC

Colour name


alife beige




C0 M22 Y42 K0

R241 G208 B161 #FDCC99

Colour name


alife cream




C0 M5 Y31 K0

R252 G241 B195 #FFEEBB

Colour name


alife Wisteria




C5 M29 Y0 K0

R228 G198 B222 #EABFDA

Colour name


alife fuschia




C3 M49 Y0 K0

R218 G158 B95 #EB9AC2

The secondary colour palette includes a range of neutrals as well as a few complementary colours that complement the primary colours without overpowering them. In any given application, only two secondary colours should be used with the primary colours to keep the primary colours dominant. The use of too many secondary colors will dilute the power of the primary colours. The color palette includes a range of colors that can add a deep, rich quality to the materials. One support colour may be used with as many as two Secondary colours and any or all of the primary colours. The secondary colours are almost like accent colors in that they should never overtake the design.

32 | secondary colours

| 33

34 |


seeing it through Photography offers an opportunity to make a powerful first impression. In a glance, an image can create a compelling connection and begin to tell the story of the brand. Each image that appears in any communication should be chosen as thoughtfully as the words – because they are all a reflection of alife State. It’s a snapshot of who we are – warm, approachable, caring and active. By maintaining high standards and carefully choosing photography that matches the brand, we’ll continue to stand out above the rest.

colour photography styles to follow

Our purpose is to help families and their children and educate women about their fertility and health and also the services we provide. Photography that appears in any alife materials and Web communications should have a modern look, simple content and interesting composition. Color should be pastel like with adequate contrast (avoid dull or muted color with low contrast). Photography should have imagery that represents the harmony of a family with new born kids. They should be immersed in the joyful harmony of having a baby. Photography should be shown in authentic settings at home. Depending on the context, the imagery can also show women and teens in their golden health. Alternatively, they could also show babies as a joy of bundle to the family. All photography that will be printed should be 300 dpi at the actual size it will be displayed. Increasing the scale of a photo reduces its resolution, so this should be avoided. For quality control, print the photo at actual size to make sure it is not pixelated.

36 | colour photography styles

colour photography DO show families in natural state of joy DO show photographs in natural surroundings

INCORRECT USAGE DO NOT show posy photographs DO NOT crop the face off or show photographs taken in studio

colour photogrpahy examples | 37


first impression A cohesive stationery system includes letterhead, envelopes and business cards. In many cases, these materials are the first impression, so they must present a unified look. They are a key component to the brand and offer an easy way to maintain consistency across the organisation.

stationery system business card

size 54mm x 90mm

typography Employee name: 12pt Gotham Narrow Medium, sentence case Employee Title: 10pt Gotham Narrow Medium, sentence case All other text: 8pt Gotham Narrow Medium, lower case, 8pt leading All letters and numerals should be kerned as necessary. Letterspacing should be set at zero.

colour Front: Please follow colour guidelines Back: The back is to be printed only with ALIFE GREY & ALIFE PURPLE

paper stock 300gsm pure white paper. Matte finished. Spot UV on White form logo on Front.

printing method Offset lithography


back 11mm

40 | business card

stationery system envelope

size 220mm x 110mm

typography Addresse: 12pt Gotham Narrow Medium, sentence case All other text: 8pt Gotham Narrow Medium, lower case, 8pt leading All letters and numerals should be kerned as necessary. Letterspacing should be set at zero.

paper stock 100gsm pure white paper.

printing method Offset lithography



envelope | 41

stationery system letterhead

size A4

typography Organization name, address & contact information: 9pt Gotham Narrow Medium, sentence case Date, addresse address: 10pt Gotham Narrow Medium, sentence case

paper stock 70gsm pure white paper.

printing method Offset lithography

text 9pt Gotham Narrow Book at leading 12 pt.

2 paged

42 | letterhead

stationery system 15mm 15mm

10mm 15mm

(single page) 42mm


37mm 15mm 15mm


leading the way the future

A great guide doesn’t just show you the way. It gives you the power to lead. Now you have the standards needed to be a part of this effort in building the alife brand. It’s no small endeavor, but we’ve never done anything small. And by the time you’ve gotten to this point, you’ve probably realized that a brand isn’t a logo or a photograph or a color. It’s all of these things – and you. You will make alife stand out. Just like any great resource, this guide will be continually updated to reflect the latest standards and guides, so check the alife website before beginning new projects.

Pregancy Assistance & Counselling Centre Block 308, #01-165, Shunfu Road, Singapore 570308 phone +65 6258 8816 fax +65 6258 4339 email web

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