Sweet memory book

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甘い記憶 Swe et M em o ry

甘い記憶 : S w e e t M e m o ry First published April 2013 Copyright © 2013 heki mitsuru designs A ll r i g h t s res erv ed . N o p a rt o f t h is b ook may be r e pr od u ce d or tr a n smi t t ed in a n y f o rm o r b y a n y m eans, e l e ctr onic, or me ch anical , i n c lud i ng p h o t o c o p y in g , reco rdin g , or by any infor mation stor age or r e tr i e va l s y s t em , w it h o u t p erm is s io n i n w r iting fr om th e pu bl ish e r .

Published by heki mitsuru designs http://cargocollective.com/hekimitsuru Designed, Photographed & typesetted by Loh Bi Ying Na n ya n g Tec h n o l o g ic a l U n iv ers it y Sc ho o l o f Art , Des ig n a n d M edia 8 1 Na n y a n g Driv e, S in g a p o re 6 3 7 4 58 Pr i n te d in S in g a p o re

For R.

a bs tr a c t I have always love sweets and desserts, especially japanese traditional sweets. Always looking around for new creations or simply wagashi, I have learned to appreciate the taste, looks and smells of these sweet little things. In an attempt to record down these nostalgia, I created this book to explore the memory of Japanese sweets — both traditional & modern in the form of an unconventional photography art — scanography — using a scanner as a camera. The often pretty images we seen of sweets are staged and beautiful often photographed in an appealing way. Yet, memories are not like that. They are beautiful yet gone, fragmented yet deeply ingrained in our mind. We remember them so clearly that it is forever embedded in our memory. Thus, I wanted to use the essence of scanography to show the characteristics of our memory — the raw and unpolished beauty of the sweets, the fragmentation through the uncompleted phrases, and macro-details that only a scanner can capture. This book showcases 26 sweets, desserts, and drinks represented by the letters from A to Z that I painstakingly photographed and thought through all of them. Each one tells a story from my personal memory related to that object. I hope you will enjoy this book and appreciate the beauty of these sweets in this kind of photography, not just merely looking at the pictures, but feeling them through your heart.

ヘ キ heki


azuki / anko

The sweet red bean paste that I always look forward to in japanese sweets.


米菓 beika

The fluffy rice snack that I love to eat when i was young.


チョコレート chocolate

I love the melt-in-your-mouth sensation with a faint strawberry taste.


どら焼き dorayaki

A tea-time snack from castella & sweeten red bean paste.


エクレア éclair

A chocolate filled éclair is always a sweet treat.


ふじ(りんご) fuji (apple)

A sweet & crispy fruit perfect for summer.




Green tea with roasted brown rice my grandparents used to drink.


ほうじ茶 houjicha

I love the slight toasty and caramel-flavour in this roasted green tea.


いちご ichigo

Strawberry, the queen of sweets & desserts.


寒天ゼリー kanten jelly

Sweet and smooth japanese jelly, loaded with fruits.


ライトチーズケーキ ligh t cheese cake

Fluffy light cheese cake with a rich taste.



matcha The unique bittersweet taste of powdered green tea makes me crave for more.



niho n guri (chestnut)

I would always look forward to eating chestnuts during New Year.


お茶 ocha

I love drinking green tea and eating a mochi snack with it.


ミルクプリン milk pudding

Smooth, rich & creamy Hokkaido milk pudding.


クォーターパウンドケーキ quarter pound cake

A moist and rich cake I love with a cup of tea.


ラムネ ramune

A refreshing drink of melon soda on a hot summer day.



sakura sweets

I love the fresh smell of sakura sweets during spring.


たい焼き taiyaki

Hot fish shape pancake with sweet anko filling for a satisfying snack.




My sweet and sour taste of plum wine lingers in my mouth for long time


バニラウエハー vanilla wafer

Perfect with a cup of coffee.


ホワイトクリームチーズ white cream cheese

I love to spread it on my toast.


エキストラストロングコーヒー xtra strong coffee

A cup of extra strong coffee keeps me going at night.




A thick jellied dessert to be eaten chilled during summer.




Thick hot red bean soup with mochi, perfect for the cold winter.


終わり The End

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