Sample Teachers Guide Book

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Elton da Silva Vargas Wellington da Silva Rehder

Teacher´s Guide

Teacher´s Guide Autores: Elton da Silva Vargas Wellington da Silva Rehder Revisão Técnica: Josiane Aparecida Ferreira Márcia Cristina Giunta Peregini Direção de Arte, Design e Ilustrações: Luciane Mendonça Editora Viena Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo - SP ISBN: 85-371-0069-2 Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida, sejam quais forem os meios empregados: eletrônicos, mecânicos, fotográficos, gravações ou quaisquer outros. Todos os direitos reservados para EDITORA VIENA LEI 9.610/98 e atualizações Copyright© 2006 - Editora Viena Ltda 2ª Edição - Revisada e Ampliada - 09/2006 - SCRPardo / SP

Elton da Silva Vargas Wellington da Silva Rehder

Teacher´s Guide

NOTE: All the New Fast English lessons finish with the word list and verb forms. They are recorded and can be found in the CD which is part of the material. Teacher, remember that no method is effective if the teacher is not efficient. Talk in English, communicate and express yourself in English, and show your students that they are able to do the same able by motivating them. Make them feel self-confident.

Teacher´s Guide




Before the students enter the classroom, write on the board:

– Good ........................................................................................ (morning, afternoon or evening). – How are you? – Fine; I am fine; Just fine; well; very well, and you? Great; how about you? Greet the students individually as they enter. Show them the board and ask the students to practice the greetings. Motivate them to answer and ask their classmates. Introduce each student to the classroom and classmates.

IMPORTANT POINT  page 8 Play the CD to the students and the alphabet will give them examples of the words. If they want to express themselves they may give their own examples too. Write a few words on the board in order to introduce them the English Alphabet. apple dictionary backpack

elephant teacher map

eraser blackboard/whiteboard stapler

book file cabinet

(look for words around the classroom objects or their school material).


Ask for the students to help each other with the foreign words they possibly have among their school material.

Teacher´s Guide ORAL ACTIVITY  page 10



How are you? Suggest to your students to pick up the words from the bottom of the page and fill in the blanks on the same page. Prepare flash cards with words or expressions such as: “I’m fine, thanks:” “S-i-l-v-a.” “I am from São Paulo.”

Students may work in-groups in order to find the correct questions for those answers.

PAPER BALL 2. Make a paper ball. Stand up and pass it to a classmate of yours and say the first letter of the alphabet. The person who catches the ball has to say the next letter and so on. Who commits a mistake or say the wrong letter, must say the word beginning with it. Suggest them to look for new words in a dictionary or use their objects.


UNIT 1 Teacher´s Guide

HOW ARE YOU, MRS. BROWN Play the CD to the students and ask them to practice it.

Unit 1 IMPORTANT POINT 1  Page 11 GREETINGS Use the CD to introduce this activity. Ask students to repeat the greetings as they listen to it.

EXERCISES  page 12 1.

Fill in the blanks using your own words. Students are allowed to look on their pages and fill the exercise. Ask them to read their answers.


Prepare for a conversation. On page 13. Play the CD to the students. Practice the dialog among your classmates. You can print the conversation with letters in a bigger size and scramble the sentences. Divide the class in 2 groups and ask them to put the dialog in order. When they complete the activity, ask them to take a look in their books and check if their dialog is correct.


Bring pictures of 3 friends of yours to the classroom and put them on the board. Write their names, last names, ages and place of origin. Scramble all the information. Tell the students that they are real friends of yours and they (the students) have to find out who is who.

Teacher´s Guide

– – – –

Help them by saying: “Yes, it is correct.” “No, it is wrong.” “It is not correct.” When all the information is complete, they have to make sentences. ais.. E.g. this is Luciana Santos, she is 34 years old and she is from Minas Gerais.

Unit 1 IMPORTANT POINT 2  page 14 Play the CD and ask the students to follow by reading it in their books. They must concentrate and pay attention to what they listen to.

EXERCISES  page 14 3.

Use the CD for this activity. You may allow students to do the exercises before listening to the CD. Then, play the CD and let students repeat the exercises taking turns.

EXERCISES  page 15 4.

Make sentences using these words. Students are free to build their own sentences. Ask them to read their possible answers.


Find the words. It is a pastime. Just for fun.



The best memory! Choose a classmate and introduce him/her to the other classmates.

Teacher´s Guide

It is an oral exercise with the aim of using the learned vocabulary and greetings.


Unit 1


UNIT 2 Teacher´s Guide



Unit 2

LET’S PRATICE Guide the students associating the verbs. They are just a few examples of how they are able to build verbs and coordinate ideas. Images, drawings and pictures are effective as they learn a foreign language. Show them that they do not need a dictionary to recognize things.

LET’S BEGIN – page 21 1. Play the CD once or twice at least. Make the students self-confident and capable. Tell your students they need to learn how to listen to dialogs and conversations, and how well they need to concentrate themselves while practicing such an activity.

2. Choose students to practice the conversation by themselves. If you think it is necessary to read to them, go ahead. Read the dialog and show them how easy it is and they just need to practice.


3. To practice “classroom instructions”, students can play HANG MAN. Divide the class in 2 groups. Students prepare words such as: “stand”, “open”, “read”. The other group has to say letters in order to find out the “mysterious word.”

Teacher´s Guide

Unit 2


Play the CD and ask the students to repeat as they listen to it.

EXERCISES  page 23 1.

Use the right word. Students must complete the exercise as they listen to the CD. After completing the blanks, ask a volunteer to read the answers and compare them to the other student’s.


Match the columns – (students’)



Teacher´s Guide

Use the CD. Ask your students to repeat. Motivate them to talk and say things in English. They must be stimulated.

Activity : To practice numbers, you can write numbers from 0 to 10 on small pieces of paper. If you have 5 students in your class, make sure each student take 2 pieces of paper. Keep number 10 to yourself. Students are supposed to count down according to the number they have picked. You start the game by saying “TEN”. You can also make a telephone book. Ask to the students to give their phone numbers. Write them on the board. After everybody has given the phone number, you can ask them to put these numbers in a certain order, for example from the smallest to the biggest.

Unit 2



UNIT 3 Teacher´s Guide


Unit 3

INTRODUCTION  ORAL ACTIVITY Demonstrative pronouns – singular and plural – THIS and THESE Indefinite article – A and AN

Make sentences and read them to the students. Introduce to the students the new words, always.


Play the CD and encourage students to listen to it before reading the dialog and listen to it at home, as well.


GAME: Take a dark bag and put some objects in it. Ask the students to guess the objects and give the names.

Teacher´s Guide


Unit 3

This topic presents names of a few school objects, possessive adjectives and the Genitive case – “ ‘s ”. To present possessive adjectives, you can start by taking students’ objects and emphasize to whom they belong. “This is HIS book” “This is HER book”… eraser, pencil, pen, ruler. Do it in a way they are able to notice the differences between HIS and HE, HER and SHE, MY and I. If you want to practice more, show them pictures of famous people and ask the students to name them. When the examples are over, go ahead and explain them ‘S – the genitive case.

GAME: SCHOOL OBJECTS and possessive case (‘s). Each student puts 2 objects on the floor. Give them 30 seconds to 1 minute to observe all objects. Ask a volunteer to leave the room because you are going to hide one object, and when he/she returns, he/she must say what is missing and to whom the object belongs. e.g. Paula’s pen; Jane’s book.

EXERCISES  page 31 1.

Answer the following questions. Use the CD. Ask students to listen and copy the answers. Force them to write what they hear, even if it is wrong. Correct them after they have tried. Use the CD once more and write notes on the board if it is necessary.



Use the correct possessive. Play the CD. Work with this tool all the time forcing the students to listen to it and concentrate themselves.

Teacher´s Guide

EXERCISES  page 32 3.

Unit 3

Circle the correct word. Allow students to work in groups or pairs.

4. GAME: Secretly give an object to your teacher. Try to guess to whom the object belongs.

EXERCISES  page 33 5.

Answer the questions using ‘s. Students must do this exercise and afterwards, ask them to read their answers. Help them with their pronunciation.


Change into English. – Students. Allow students to work in pairs or groups. If they wish, they may use a dictionary.



UNIT 4 Teacher´s Guide



Unit 4

COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES Take to the classroom pictures of flags and famous people from all over the world. Introduce these personalities to the students and tell them where the famous people are form. Talk about their nationalities, and if it is possible, tell them about other countries curiosities or tourist attractions.

EXERCISES  page 37 1.

Asking and giving information. Play the CD for the students and suggest they must listen to the dialog carefully. It would also be a suggestion to ask them having their books closed while they listen to the CD for the first time.


Ask to the students if they are able to recognize and identify any words while listening to the CD.

Teacher´s Guide IMPORTANT POINT 1  page 37 Nationalities – Use the CD

Unit 4

Practice the dialog with the students and motivate them to talk in English, as much as possible. Talk about nationalities, show them pictures and try to explain them out the various nationalities and curiosities in English. Speak slowly if it is necessary or repeat twice or three times.

1 - African 2 - Saudi Arabian 3 - French 4 - Alaskan

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

5 - Indian 6 - Chinese 7 - American 8 - Egyptian 9 - Scottish 10 - English 11 - Spanish 12 - Italian 13 - Austrian 14 - Japanese 15 - Mexican 16 - Russian



Teacher´s Guide

Unit 4

VERB TO BE Try to explain the verb to be in a different way. Do not be common. Use the DOMINO GAME DOMINO GAME


Are Janet And Steven


am Jones


Are from Rio


is tall


Is a


is a book


Cut the squares as if they were pieces/parts of a domino game. Stimulate the students to make sentences while they play.

Teacher´s Guide

Unit 4

Is a Beautiful Day


am a students


Are in the School


is my teacher


Is Beautiful


is a cat


Are Friends


are in the hotel



Teacher´s Guide

Am a Teacher


are my classmate


Is Intelligent


is nice


Is a radio


are good Students


Unit 4

How to demonstrate the Negative and the Interrogative forms of the verb TO BE:

Write an affirmative sentence on a piece of paper (use bigger hand writing and choose a color you like). Cut the sentences after each word and stick it to a panel. Also cut question mark and the word “NOT” in a different color (red, for example). By changing the positions of the papers, show them firstly how to make the Negative form.


Have other sentences prepared and ask for a volunteer to transform one of your sentences into negative.

Teacher´s Guide

Do the same for the interrogative. Be careful and try to use simple structures and do not prepare sentences starting with “I” when you are teaching the interrogative, because it may be a little confusing for beginners to understand the changes from “I” into “YOU”. Don’t tell them how to transform sentences, let them have their own conclusions.

Unit 4

EXAMPLES: This is Márcia. This is not Luiz. Is this Giovana? Today is rainy. Today is not sunny. Is today cold? (Make gestures)

Always encourage your students to speak and practice English during classes.

EXERCISES  page 38


Complete with the correct form of the verb To Be. Students do this exercise by themselves. Ask them to exchange ideas after they complete the exercise.


EXERCISES  page 39

Teacher´s Guide


Change into questions Use the CD for this exercise. Try to make a sentence and ask for an answer.

Unit 4

Tell students to take turns answering the exercise. Play once, twice or more times if it is necessary.

EXERCISES  page 40 3.

Change into negative Use the CD for this exercise. Try to make a sentence and ask for an answer. Tell students to take turns answering the exercise. Play once, twice or more times if it is necessary.

EXERCISES  page 41 4.

Circle the correct form Give a few minutes to your students. Then, ask them to read their answers.


Give real information. Students must write down real information about what is being asked.


Teacher´s Guide

Unit 4 EXERCISE 6  INTERVIEW page 42 Before starting the interview, tell students that they may lie when answering the questions but they must use the same lie to everybody. Interviews their classmates. Ask someone to read his/her results. At the same time he/she has to say who he/she thinks lied about that topic. FOR EXAMPLE: Patty is reading her results and she says: “George is at the University”. “I think George is not at the University, he is at school”. Go on until you find the truth about all students.

GAME: VERB TO BE – Interrogative and Negative

You can divide your students into two groups. Each group prepares a set of 10 sentences using verb to be (affirmative-negative or interrogative). One group chooses a sentence and reads it aloud to the other group. If this sentence is affirmative, the other group has to provide the negative and interrogative forms.


Then, invert the roles.

Teacher´s Guide


Unit 4

VERB TO BE: You can divide the class into two groups. Give them “money” (false one hundred reais) which they will use to bet on sentences. They prepare a set of 10 sentences using verb to be (interrogative and negative) which can either be correct or incorrect. (if the sentences are incorrect they HAVE to know the correct form). They will read a sentence aloud to the other group. If the group knows how to correct (or not) the sentences, they can bet from one to tem reais at time. If this group gives a right answer, it gets the money from other group. If the answer is incorrect, they pay the value bet to the other group. Groups should take turns in reading sentences.



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