PREEMINENCE MAGAZINE JAN 2022 - The Feminine Re-evolution and Goddess Rising Issue

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Join the Feminine Re-EVOLUTION

January 2022

The Goddess Within Issue

Global Connections Editor, Achievement and Communication Mastery

MARCIA MARTIN Executive Editor Style Sage and Image Therapist,

LIANA CHAOULI Executive Editor The Healthy Home

GINA LAZENBY Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment

Juvee Perez -PA to Jenni


Executive Editor Energy Transformation

Cover Stars

YVETTE TAYLOR Executive Editor Authorship and Leadership Human Rights Activist

DAWN BATES Contributing Editor Sacred, Holistic Wellness for Women

Premium Guests



Contributing Editor Manifestation Lifestyle

KATE YURENDA Contributing Editor Holistic Transformation & sacred annointing



Meet The Founder... JENNI PARKER BROWN

Jenni Parker Brown is a visionary multipotentialite, philosopher and genius activist. Her careers range from fashion-retailing, performing arts, fitness instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award-winning gastronomy chef, published author, media design, image consultant and visionary magazine editor. Her mission and passion are to ‘Raise the bar on transformation by merging the qualities of beauty, grace creativity and heart to help humanity rise’. '

True to the New Renaissance that is currently happening in our time, Jenni has brought her multi-faceted skills to innovate an aesthetic and high-vibrational new approach to success and personal transformation through enlightened collaboration with leaders who epitomise harmony of new thought, altruistic ideals, and blending science and spirituality in their service to the world.

For all enquiries regarding the magazine, collaborative projects, design or branding quotes please contact Jenni at or scan above QR code.


Magazine Copyright © 2021 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author. Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher

Contact Jenni at House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300

The information in this edition is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is offered in good faith. However Jenni Parker Brown, the aforenamed authors, House of Preeminence, Preeminence Rising Conscious Media make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of any information within. Please consult a qualified professional for matters regarding health, financial and legal advice. The opinions of the authors expressed in this edition are theirs and theirs alone.





"A magazine for the New Earth. A wild and wonderful collection of wisdom from women who embody worthiness, wealth, and well-being. A mustread for the evolving, expansive and evolutionary individual who wants to be part of the next wave of light that will flood our future. Absolutely brilliant and finally- something fitting for our time."

Lisa Roulette, Ascension Guide, Healer & Manifesting Mentor

"This glorious, high-vibe platform for women who want to step up to their highest potential deserves every superlative! A must-have resource for every feminine impact-maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!"

Gina DeVee, Founder of Divine Living, author, accomplished speaker, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur.

"This new magazine is beautifully designed, elegant, well written, inspiring and the content is fabulous".

Lynn Twist, founder of The Pachamama Alliance

"I look forward to receiving my monthly gift of timeless wisdom, beauty, inspiration and love from the brilliant Jennifer P. Her unique House of Preeminence showcases fascinating female influencers who are up to the business of creating an inclusive and flourishing world that works for everyone. Thank you Jenni P. for being such an inspired visionary and for your generosity in making your beautiful offering available to us all".

Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author, Master Teacher, and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"The launch of your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history. this is all divine alignment. "

Stevie Gayle, Scent Alchemist

"It's the most gorgeous inspiring riveting uplifting and soul-soaring, frequency rising magazine I have ever seen in my life"!

Spryte Loriano, Humanitarian, Founder of Awakening Giants TV


"The perfect year is made up of 12 thrilling months. Each thrilling month is made up of 4 superb weeks. Each superb week is made up of 7 awesome days. Awesome days are made of hours, seconds and minutes in the practice of our genius, grace and greatness."

Jenni P







This is so much more than a magazine. It is a Holistic Success Blueprint

The Preeminence Monthly Collection and the WELLthy Life section are designed to activate your Highest Potential in Vitality, Radiance, Purpose and Profit.

Our panel of world-class experts recommend using the resources and content within, along with the 9 Graces Blueprint every day. The Blueprint and they can help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of personal, global, technical and market challenges and rapidly accelerate your visions and dreams.

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32 12 Ways To Use Preeminence To Create Your Goddess Year


SUCCESS COLLECTION Manifesting At The Speed of Light

Using Silver, White and Crystal for Healing and Wellbeing.





Everything you need to claim your natural Goddess birthright!




Karen invites you to examine your attitudes to uncover hidden resistance to your money uplevelling progess!




70 The Sacred Art of Adornment The easy way to become a Goddess every day. JENNI PARKER BROWN

Marcia reveals how being a Goddess is our natural state and how to command with feminine perfection! YVETTE TAYLOR LIVING AS A GODDESS IN



Yvette reveals the archetypes of the Goddess, and shares how you can empower your life and manifestations with the energy of your own archetype!





Feng sui and Healthy Home expert, Gina


encourages you to stay in harmony with nature and the magic of your inner world this season . DAWN BATES PREEMINENCE AND THE



Human Rights Warrioress, Dawn gives you solid groundlines for creating your sisterhood and movements in integrity!





Liana demystifies what being a Goddess really is and invites you to find a new level of what


being you really means!




Alice pulls back the veil on what is wrong with the current fitness industry and invites you to stay fit and well, whilst honouring your Goddess nature, through sacred movement. ALLISON STILLMAN




Allison encourages you to step into your highest life through the sacred art of


annointing and plant botanicals. iZDIHAR JAMIL




Maveric, hijab-adorned Izdihar gives voices to those who want to be heard but may doubt themselves!


This Goddess Desktop Calendar is our gift to you. Download here

Prepare for an upgrade

MISTRESS OF CHANGE Genius, Grace and Greatness

January To 'Be The Change' First, you have to change! If you are not wired to adapt to change, you will experience a lot of resistance in life. Because change is all there is in life. And death, too, come to that. Even when our human vehicles turn into compost, we are still changing state! Even the most seemingly inanimate object is in metamorphosis because change is all there is. Nothing stays in stasis because everything is energy, and energy is in constant fluctuation. So it figures that if we can adapt well to inevitable change, we will thrive in and under all circumstances - even messy, bloody worlds beset by every imaginable (and some unimaginable) crisis and a rampant, mutant bug that is wiping out the fragile and the vulnerable. That sounds right out of a horror story, doesn't it? Unimaginable crises and mutant bugs flaying the playing fields of humanity. But it's the context for the dawning of this new year, tainted by the less noble colours of human nature but uplifted by the throngs of lightworkers questing to bring these current modern dark ages into a new Renaissance of all that is good, true, beautiful and evolutionary. If you are reading this, you are undoubtedly one of these lightworkers. So it would bode you well to polish up your warrioress skills when it comes to change.

So it would bode you well to polish up your

There are two junctions - take the usual street

warrioress skills when it comes to change.

home, towards the one marked My Small Old Life, and carry on with your life regardless.

The way to do that is to abandon all in your

Or make a choice and a commitment to change

life that could be called 'mediocre'. Your

by turning your nose down the road marked My

health, relationships, aspirations, ability to

Big New Life. My Ultimate Life. Me in a Bigger


(soul and financial) size.




schedule, opinion of yourself, conversations, dinner table, environment, self-care régime,

At this point, there is an opportunity to wield

daily agenda, and dreams for humanity, your

your powers of awareness and awesomeness by

dreams for yourself.

swapping those tempting tactics for the power of freedom to use three of the most kick-ass

One of the remarkable things about the word

catalysers that we possess.

mediocre is the extent to which it has retained its meaning over more than four centuries of

Choice, Change and Commitment.

continual use. The word, when used as an

Every day with practice, we can use these three

adjective, has changed very little, if at all, in its

powers as a reality check to get you back in the

meaning since it was used in a 1586 book

badass saddle, fiercely stoked with motivation,

titled The English Secretorie (our earliest

drive and focus. They are the golden keys to

known evidence): "Mediocre, a meane betwixt

mastering change - or rather a 'Mistress of

high and low, vehement and slender, too


much and too little as we saye. . . ." The word comes to English via Middle French from the

So how do you become a Mistress of Change and

Latin word mediocris, meaning "of medium

ensure that Mediocre is nowhere in your energy

size, moderate, middling, commonplace," and

or aura?

perhaps originally "halfway to the top." The noun form of mediocre is mediocrity.

You know that time when you are faced with the fact that you must up-level your business and life or roll over into the couch resign ourselves to 'mediocrititus'? Let's face it, some time you'll be faced with a momentous decision: go big or go home. At that moment, you will find yourself at a crossroads.

Next... 2. Change Reality check: Change is uncomfortable – that old reptilian brain, the unconscious, will fight tooth and nail to keep you in the bondage of staying at the same level. Firstly there is ego, the sense of self that needs to defend itself to death! Separate, alone, fearful, your ego will struggle Let's






with going big. It'll convince you that playing

Commitments and how they work together.

small is gentler and safer.

1. Choice

Then, there are OTHERS and their opinions

Reality check: you are a creature of free will.

and how much you listen to them, their

You are always choosing. Whatever you are

expectations and projections.

focused on, you are choosing. If you don't like

You will receive criticism or judgement.

what you've got, you can choose again. There is nothing else in the world but Life is not outside you; life is inside you. Life

constant change and shift. It is the natural

IS you. And so is your business.

order of the universe to keep changing, so embrace change.

Owning responsibility that you can, at all

Become a chameleon taking on the colours of

moments, decide whether you're an icon-in-

whatever unique landscape you grace, able to

the-making, or just another wannabe, makes

change and adapt or become a snake, growing

your choices vital.

out of your old skin of old habits and beliefs that kept you short of your brilliance and

We are either powerful creators, or we're not.


We choose all of it. Success or not success. Tomorrow will never be the same as today, A harsh but empowering reality check will

and thank Goddess; otherwise, you're living in

have you deliberate about making choices

'Groundhog Day'.

equal to you playing at your highest level. Choice equals freedom – yours. With choice

Change equals opportunity, and opportunity

and freedom, you can leave mediocrity for the

means growth.

sleeping masses.

That takes care of mediocrity.

And the third little gem... 3. Commitment Reality check: When the going gets tough, you are no longer in the vicinity because you've outrun your old race. Commitment equals strong intentions and mighty implementation habits. Commitment is the real quantum leap. It's not trying; it's persevering. It's not hesitating or looking down. It's the same energy as when you're running; you don't have time to wonder if you can put one foot in front of another at speed. You trust your body to get that damn foot forward as your body lurches forward. You believe with every cell in your body that you will advance, so you do. That's commitment. Commitment gives a sign to the universe that you ain't messin'. So it can deliver on time. That gorgeous iconic lifestyle of you playing at your highest level. What would it mean to you to wake up tomorrow in that life that is anything BUT mediocre? How would you choose? What would you do differently? What would you be thinking and feeling, and seeing? What would you be smelling and touching? What are you earning? Who are you with? Build yourself a complete sensual vision of your ideal iconic life – take some time and colour in the details in your head. Where are you? What do you hear? Who is with you? Why, oh why does it feel soooo freaking amazing?

Take some time to give full rein to your imagination and dive into the scene. Embody that scene, all the sensations and emotions, embody it for a few moments. Enjoy it. Now take up your journal and write 'Choices, Change, Commitment'. Write down 9 things under each heading that you will begin implementing today. Different choices that equate with your uplevelled self. New changes will have you feeling like a superstar. Renewed commitments to living your best life as your best you. You have the power. We will adore seeing you rise and shine in all your glory. As a Goddess. Goddesses are indeed Mistresses of Change. You have the key. Jenni P





It's time for you to take ownership of all your gifts and talents. It's time for you to proudly stand in your light. It's time for you to acknowledge how powerful you really are.

Click here:

Meet Deborah Kagan Exclusive Preeminence interview with Jenni P

Are you wondering what missing element is keeping you from your greatness and potential?

Mojolicious Maven, Deborah Kagan, will reveal that it's not what you think! Learn why your very unique Feminine Life Force is the key to eradicating trauma locked in your body, mind, soul, energy and results! How do you access that energy?

Deborah takes us on a journey back to who you truly are in all your perfection and gives us permission to be vulnerable in surrendering to our Goddess Power.

It begins with connecting to our sacred belly and our precious senses. It continues with giving yourself permission to bring your Mojo to every part of your life!

It’s time for you to remember who you are. It’s time for you to consciously connect to your body. It’s time for you to gift yourself the permission of a turned ON life. It’s time to source your power from its natural roots. It’s time for you to be mojolicious.

“Your Mojo is your life force. It’s the thing that people feel from you before you ever say a word. It’s your vibe. And it’s IN you right now. You simply need to learn how to access it and keep the flame stoked on a regular basis.”

- Deborah Kagan




Techniques for a whole energetic system cleanse



The 4 Principles to Rocking Your Mojo >> CLICK HERE

Ready to find your Mojo?

Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan is a Speaker, Author, Mentor and Mojo Recovery Specialist with years of practice being a turned-on woman. She supports entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, creatives and the career oriented to tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. From this place, they gain increased enthusiasm for life allowing for great self-confidence resulting in the ability to earn more money, reduce stress and create thriving relationships (personally and professionally). She is the Best Selling author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life. She is also the creator of the Rock Your MojoTM programs and hosts The Real Undressed podcast. Her methods combine over 25 years of information and experience in the fields of personal development, metaphysical studies and embodiment practices. For 12 of those years, she exclusively focused on “Healing the Planet – One Space at a TimeTM” through her career as a highend Feng Shui consultant for clients including NBC, Disney, Bellagio Hotel, CAA and William Morris Agency. Deborah is a popular guest speaker on the topic of M.O.J.O. and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business and spiritual — into one of creativity, passion and wealth. She’s been interviewed in the media on the likes of KTLA Morning News, The Aware Show and Dr. Drew Midday Live. As a philanthropist and community activist, Deborah is on the advisory board of Peace Over Violence and is the founder/executive producer of VDAY Santa Monica, a benefit raising awareness and funds to end violence against women and girls.

Special Supplement


WELLthy Life The Art & Science

of Attracting Abundance Through Wellness Copyright Jenni Parker Brown




Wellness and manifestation are soulmates, and if

The three facets work together to shape who you are

your ultimate wellness, and to be able to manifest

for human bodies is homeostasis - our self-

you dream of finding yours - that is, you aspire to

really cool results, you are going to love this! It starts

with a steadfast commitment to a holistic lifestyle. And a clear idea of the lifestyle you idealise.

A holistic lifestyle is not just a pretty name for savvy, hip entrepreneurs. Your mind, body, and spirit are

on both the outside and inside. The most ideal state regulating process which seeks equilibrium. Then we

add on the energetic frequency of our minds daily.

Our eternal soul, of course, is constantly conversing with our whole being, through the emotions and the heart, which has a very high frequency.

designed to work together in ways that will help

For lasting change to take place, change needs to

like to achieve over your lifetime. This isn't just about

When all three parts work together towards a similar

support your goals and the outcomes that you would

up levelling your revenue (most people's idea of heaven) — this is about showing up as the person

you are destined to become in this lifetime. This is true manifestation and not just about 'conjuring' stuff up out of nowhere!

So back to your mind, body and soul equation.

Each part of your human make-up has a role and a

purpose to play. The role that each piece plays contributes to every decision you make and each

action you take. Each facet, mind, body and soul, has its own consciousness.

happen on all three levels of consciousness.

goal, that's when almost anything becomes possible.

When your mind, body and soul are working together in harmony, life seems effortless. You are happy and fulfilled; everything just seems to naturally go your

way. However, this state of balance isn't easy to achieve. It requires a lot of work, effort, patience, and

attention to detail over an extended period of time. And even then, one slight imbalance within one of these "parts" can completely take you off track and cause the balance within the system to break down.

In WELLthy Life™ enjoy each month a new bounty of wellness and abundance!

MANIFESTING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT The Art Of Living From Your Highest Life Part 1

"You can't wait to feel love, abundance and vitality (to create them) based on cause and effect, that's the old model of reality", Dr Joe Dispenza

Manifest at the speed of light.. isn't that what we

all yearn to do?

the keys. By assuming the feeling of having or

To play at being an all-powerful Goddess with super-power abilities that allow us to conjure up

whatever we want in the blink of an eye. It IS possible









fundamental provisos. The key to this lies in the word 'manifesting'.





experience, that which is made manifest can be described as something that is easily recognised by the senses.

but that's not the real reason we want 'stuff'.

We want experiences on the material plane to 'feel' what it's like to be us!

Most people who understand and practice the Law of Attraction believe there is always a time

lapse between setting a desire and seeing it manifest. But according to masters in universal

laws, such as outstanding esoteric Pioneer Neville (who

eventually manifest in your physical world. When you persist in an assumption until it becomes your dominant thought and feeling, that assumption has no choice but to harden into fact.

from a more recent master of universal law, Mike

Dooley; he coined the phrase "Thoughts are things",

an idea which has become widely accepted by students of consciousness.

Pioneers in neuroscience such as the formidable

Obviously, we want to see it, touch it and spend it,


being what you desire to have or be, it would

You are most probably familiar with the phrase

Even though the popular understanding is that 'stuff'

Neville discovered that emotions and feelings were





essays in the first half of the 20th Century), there

does not need to be that time-lapse. Quantum

physics supports that, but let's stay with the practicalities for now.

Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton, have familiarised the world with the idea of how our








The shorts:

The brain and the body are one. The brain is in the body, it is part of the body, and it controls the body.







influence the events and circumstances you

experience. Your mental states affect your bodily

posture, and your posture influences your mental and emotional states - your vibration. Your vibration is your energetic frequency.

Consciousness is the Only Reality Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance

Neville coined a principle known as the Law of Assumption:

of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. – Neville Goddard

Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to its fulfilment. – Neville Goddard

He taught that a theory, belief or idea would

harden into fact if you keep assuming it. You can

actually prove this to yourself. Simply look back at your life and compare it to what you have assumed to be true and how it turned out.

If you do this, you will notice how your

assumptions have always manifested in your physical world.

That which you are conscious of is the only reality. In other words, your world, your life, is made of the content of what you are conscious of.

For example, if you are broke right now, it's

because you are conscious of your lack of money. If you do have money, but you're still afraid of

spending money, you are mindful of lack of money. If you don't have your main desire right

now, it's because you are conscious of the absence of such a desire rather than its presence.

To break out of the circumstances you want to change, you have to shift consciousness. You have to let go of what you are conscious of now and become absolutely one hundred aware of having your desire, even though it may not have appeared in your 3D world yet.

Imagination Creates Reality Imagination is the only redemptive power in the universe. – Neville Goddard Neville Goddard taught the following premise: "God is in your wonderful human imagination." The core teaching of Neville is that there is no God outside of us because God is in us, and we are God.

That divine force called God is having an experience through each human being, and it is our purpose, as humans, to use that power to learn how to use

our imagination to create the life that we dream of. However, being the God of

our reality also means taking responsibility for everything that happens to us,

whether we've created it consciously or unconsciously. This is a tricky one for

many people. They love the idea of being an all-powerful creator, but are ready to blame people and events outside of themselves for the stuff that goes wrong!

These two titans of consciousness are saying the same thing…

s the only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. T h e r e f o r e , t h e m a nThe w h o widely-taught d o e s n o ttechniques c o n t r ofo lvisualisation h i s f e and e l i affirmation n g m a ydo not e a seven ily impress usual come close to mastering the core skills necessary to be an empowered, the subconscious with undesirable states. – deliberate creator through your frequency, for the frequency of bliss and N eofv ibeing, l l e not G having. oddard abundance is a state

"The hardest part is to teach the body what it will feel ahead of the experience. " Dr Joe Dispenza

These two titans of consciousness are saying the same thing…

The usual widely-taught techniques of visualisation and affirmation do not even come close to mastering the core skills necessary to be an empowered, deliberate creator through your frequency, for the frequency of bliss and abundance is a state of being, not having.

It is a state that some teachers call 'being in alignment with their desires'. Dr Joe Dispenza calls it 'Creating from the unified field'.

Some call it enlightenment. I call it the fulfilment of our highest potential. In the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing the action of the desired outcome, if


you're truly present and experiencing the elevated emotion, the brain does not know the difference between what you're imaging and what you are experiencing in the 3D world." Dr Joe Dispenza Persist in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and it will materialise in your physical world. – Neville Goddard Living with the end in mind or as wishes fulfilled' is a practice that even adept

students of Law of Attraction struggle with. But what does it mean, and why is it crucial that you integrate this teaching if you want to manifest your desires quickly and easily?

When Neville spoke of "living in the end", he meant that if you desire to be

married, for example, you need to imagine and feel that you are ALREADY married. Don't bother imagining going out on a first date, because once you've imagined that you are already married, that first date and everything in between will just be "bridges of incidents" that will happen automatically and will take you to your end goal.

On the other hand, if you get caught up manifesting a date, you might very well get stuck there and never manifest marriage. Many people in the manifesting community have actually fallen into that trap.

And this goes for every single thing that you want to manifest. If you want to manifest a car, for example, imagine that you are going to the repair shop for your first check-up. This will imply that you are the owner of the vehicle that you want to manifest.

No matter what you desire, you need to go to the end (your end goal) for everything you want to manifest because it's the fastest way to get there.

So how do you do that? How do you create the feelings and emotions of a wish fulfilled? Ha! This is the million-dollar question - literally.

There is a practical way to access this skill daily, one that is available to everyone on earth. It has to do mindful attention to our whole well-being as a consistent habit.

It's called alignment. When you align with your desires, you are experiencing

them for a maximum amount of time each day. You are an energetic frequency match for your desires.

Remember, when you imagine and feel a scenario,

your brain does not know the difference between the feeling and it being apparent on the physical

plane. You are actually manifesting at the speed of

light - like the goddess you are. But first, you must relinquish getting stuff and having stuff in this

physical plane. You have to renounce touching the

evidence for seeing the evidence with all your senses.

That, in itself, is a worthy topic to journal on; many people are loath to let go of victimhood.

But you must if you are to come into complete alignment.

In part 2 of this training, I will explain precisely how

you can access that alignment and give yourself the conditions to experience the frequency of your desires and become a natural practice.

Are you willing to do that?

The secret lies in wellness - hence the title of this

You must dare to assume you are what you want to be, remain faithful to that assumption, and it will come to pass. If you are not faithful, it will not come to pass. If you don't assume it, it will never come to pass, for you are the operant power. – Neville Goddard

There is no power outside of your own consciousness. Therefore, you cannot turn to anyone outside of self, said Neville. He also said that God resides in our

wonderful imagination. Neville had understood and taught that what we call God, Source, or Universe is

not outside of us, it is within us. Since our consciousness is the only reality there is, we are the

source of all things that we experience in our lives, even how other people are showing up.

The illusion of time is one of the greatest illusions of this 3rd-dimensional world, along with the illusion of

separation. But truly, the only moment that exists is now. The past and the future only exist in our minds.

The reason why we can revise and change the past is since linear time doesn't truly exist. We have been

educated to see time as linear, and we accept that things are supposed to be that way because of our

assumptions. If you were to examine every single one of your beliefs and assumptions, you would see that the only proof that it is so it's because you believe that it is so. Thus, it is called the law of assumption.

work - WELLthy Life!

Start manifesting at the speed of light. 1. Nothing will shift if you don’t fully integrate this

universal wisdom. So first of all, check out the work of this amazing mystic. He was one of the

early pioneers of Law of Attraction wisdom - and you can’t get truer to the principles than this!

You can download some free resources from Neville’ Goddard here:

2. You must be very clear about your desires and

what you want to achieve on the 3D plane.

So since it’s New Year, update your top 5 to 10 goals for 2022. Write them down, and next to each one,

write down 3 to 6 words that describe what you feel and experience with the realisation of these goals.

3. Make a list of all of those things you have

already manifested because you ASSUMED or

expected them to happen. Don’t hold back on this

one - you are training your brain to SEE THE EVIDENCE Do you have a new journal for the new

year? Turn it upside down and use it from the other end. Call it Evidence Journal. This is a very powerful exercise: every day, preferably in the morning with

your morning ritual, write down 6 to 10 pieces of evidence of your goals manifesting.

It can be as small and simple as “I had an idea for a

program”. Or as significant as actually signing up a So in the speed of light, if you can assume and expect the things you desire, you can play in the

playground of the goddess - not a deity but you as you are - with absolute conviction and certainty of the outcome. Are you ready to become this powerful?

new client.

The smaller the evidence you look for, the faster you

train your brain to be in that state of assumption or expectation. Do this every day. Don’t stop!


by Jenni Parker Brown

Hands up, are you working too hard? I bet I see a majority of hands here. I don't know many people who say they want to achieve big visions, NOT work hard. But in the land of over-the-woobow, abundance-will-come-tome, highly spiritual communities, hard work is a shameful thing. There is a bit of a war going on, actually, between the spiritual approach to dream fulfilment and the traditional hard work ethic way. Many top transformation teachers who've mastered manifestation to the tune of lots of $ and £ claim that hard work is unnecessary if we're 'aligned with the universe' or in flow. Then, some haven't mastered the basic manifestation skills (or marketing!), are still hustling to find that elusive key, and are still working hard! Women tend to be hopping around in this situation and more than men. Now, in the other corner, there are the hard-core high-performance or personal mastery titans (mostly guys as it happens!). These types maintain that you can't achieve anything of value without really gruelling endurance and relentless persistence. This yang approach usually involves getting up at unearthly hours, taking daily cold showers, resistance training, mental toughness, and many -just-get-it-done, productivity protocols i.e., lots of hustle and grinding! Both these approaches are flying around lauded as being the only way to greatness and wealth. For 5 years, helping coaches and consultants, I've observed how this latter way confuses my sparky, sister souls. They are clearly here to do something immense in the world and know greatness. Still, they tend to ping-pong between yang, alphadriven 'doing' work to excess, whilst adhering to the idea that 'grace' means not doing much. These types love lotus-position abundance mudras and trust that the universe knows where to send all good stuff while they're napping.

But these types also tend to over-procrastination and emotional meltdowns to ever transcend their own status quo and create something that makes the world gasp in wonder! The converse is true too. Those women who've learned through conditioning and society that working hard is the only way to make it usually end up abusing their bodies and knowing the catastrophe of burnout. There are many, many examples of manically driven women who drive themselves to ill health. You see, what we're talking about here are two polarised approaches to achievement that both leverage the energy we expend in building our empires in very different ways. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with either of them. But times have changed; the world is different from when all the human potential ideas were founded fifty years ago. Science has embraced spirituality and vice versa. The result is a much better understanding of how to optimise our energy and daily functioning to see our dreams and genius creations through to completion. And it turns out this isn't a debate we should be having. It's not one versus the other; it's one WITH the other. The whole Hustle V Flow dichotomy is something I've been experimenting with for a very long time, long before I even knew of that terminology. Because, as a dream and mission-motivated entrepreneur with a feisty personality and an ADD tendency, sitting still and connecting with the divine doesn't come easily to me. Moving my butt and connecting with the universe through radical action is my thing! It is tough for me to take days off, retreat, or even pray for guidance. I do have a marvellous relationship with the divine. I trust my intuition, instincts, and inner knowing, and I move into high gear. The universe will always tell me if I'm on track or not because good stuff happens or not!

And when I'm powering silently in solitude, I AM praying. When I run through the forest at dawn in all weather, I get the most incredible downloads from the divine creator. When I'm weary with deadlines and late nights, I know that on the other side of pushing through is majesty. Hard work happens to be my kind of flow! But I access flow easily because my hard work is aligned with my soul. That's the key. You see, flow is a valuable tool for any personality type, and it is undergoing a revolution. Flow is the new gold. From every corner of personal transformation and business, like the holy grail, everyone is after it. It is elusive and precious. Flow is recognised by extreme athletes and ultra performers as THE state they aspire to, to perform at world-class. Leviathon Silicon Valley companies give their employees the conditions to experience flow since there are so many studies to prove that productivity becomes exponential when taking action under flow states. With scientific studies to back up the actual physiological conditions in the body in a state known as flow, it is recognised as being the key to optimum performance - and exponential success. World acclaimed, bio-hacking authors and thought leaders such as Tim Ferriss, Steven Kottler and Jamie Wheal have claimed this state to be akin to being enlightened. That was previously only something you could get to by lots of meditating! So, is there any difference between the feminine flow of practised meditative alignment and intuition, trust and inspired action, and this kind of deliberately triggered state of flow?

Well, if you read the findings of thought leader and pioneer Dr Jo Dispenza in his myriad of excellent books or by watching his live classes no, there isn't any difference in brain waves and neuro-conditions of subjects sat quietly in profound contemplation of their inner universe. The authors mentioned above affirm this in their latest books (see below for recommended reading). Flow is not hard work, but it takes great mindfulness to cultivate it deliberately in service to your magnum opus. So what's the best approach for you to access this kind of super-state? Through highly driven, goal-oriented, laserfocused and uber disciplined linear work in action? Or through a softer, flexible, detached, rounder and more holistic way? Isn't the last one better than hard work? Well, I say no. Because the words' hard work' are a matter of perspective. Unique to each one. What is a powering, structured, action-packed day to one is a nightmare to another. What feels like an ambitious, scary big, bold dream to one person feels like a fantasy to another. What feels like operating in gentle ease to one feels like laziness to another. What looks like alignment to one does not feel like alignment to another. What looks like sloth to one may seem like a dance to another. We are all so different in our personalities, temperaments and energy.

But one thing is certain. Without devotion, dedication, endurance and persistence - nothing of any grand import ever sees the light of day. Nothing momentous, genius, inspiring, impactful, exponential and paradigmchanging will come of mediocrity and apathy. Magnum Opus’s demand uncommon commitment. Is that hard work? It shouldn't be if the project you are focused on is soul-generated. For when you are working in alignment with your purpose and soul, it never feels like hard work! It feels right! It feels like flow! Athletes don't get to world-class by preferring to meditate rather than run 15km. They sweat. Authors don't complete great works by sleeping in late or allowing distraction. They write until their arms and heads ache. Musicians and singers don’t produce albums by binging on films. They keep practising. Innovators and creatives don’t present the world with something it’s never seen before by watching the news. They explore the realms of the complete unknown, over and over again. Look at nature. Tiny birds fly ridiculously long distances in all conditions to achieve their destiny. So do Sock Eye Salmon, swimming and leaping in the most impossibly uphill rivers. So do plants and insects in places devasted by fire. They do extraordinary things. And so must we to set the world alight with our own brilliance. You love a holistic lifestyle. You have big dreams, and your heart beats passionately with a desire to grow, thrive and make a difference. But you know it's vital for you to honour your feminine nature too.

This is why the 9 Graces model is such a refreshing blueprint for feminine high performance. The 9 Graces form a cycle (women move and function best in cycles). This cycle encaptures all that motivates you to aim high and aspire to your own greatness. But it allows you to flow through the different stages of your vision, respecting every part of the journey. It even invites you to use it daily to craft an idea day that embraces your wholistic nature, both the yin and yang sides in balance and harmony. It allows you to experience clarity, balance and focus on the way to accomplishment while you gradually and gracefully create your highest life. Some days we have to hustle. But that's not our default nature. Some days we want to curl up in a ball, weep and ask for a hug. But that doesn't the to-do list done.


SNOWDROPS, SILVER AND QUARTZ CRYSTAL Supporting your renewal and rebirth

It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it. John Burroughs

What can be more magical in the bleak grey landscapes of Winter than to behold the sweet white bells of snowdrops? Carpets of snowdrops reassure us that life has not ceased and that beauty and vibrance lie just under carpets of frost and snow. Even though we've only officially hit Winter in the northern hemisphere when snowdrops appear, it seems as if they are little messengers from the upcoming spring. The delicate tiny bells are enjoyed by many for their lovely white blooms but also carry great symbolism and meaning among people of different cultures and traditions. One of the most interesting stories comes from Germany. According to an ancient tale, when God created the earth, he asked the flowers to give the snow some of their colours. All the flowers refused, but the Snowdrop mercifully gave the snow its colour. In return, the Snowdrop was given permission to bloom each year before all the other flowers. From then on, the Snow and the Snowdrop became best friends, always there for each other. The more profound sense of the story is that modesty and generosity have a purifying quality for everyone. This story is not only entertaining and inspiring, but it is also a story of joy, friendship and connection between Snowdrops and Snow.

The Snowdrop is a common symbol of Martisor, the traditional Romanian celebration that heralds the beginning of the spring. The Martisor is an authentic Romanian tradition that has miraculously survived to this day and is celebrated on March 1st. The name itself is a diminutive of March (in Romanian Martie) and thus means something like "little March". The tradition represents a time of joy and revival of nature. On this day, men give their female friends (mothers, sisters, wives, girlfriends) flowers, amulets and small gifts. According to Moldovan legend, Snowdrops were born out of a battle between the Lady Spring and Winter Witch. Lady Spring had won the battle and announced her reign over the Winter Witch, representing the victory of spring over Winter. Lady Spring cut her finger during the struggle, and the snow beneath it melted and created a Snowdrop flower. In the Christian tradition, the flower is related to the nature of the Virgin Mary. Snowdrops are a symbol of the Virgin Mary's purity and innocence. They have been associated with Candlemas, the traditional Christian festival that commemorates the ritual purification of Mary forty days after the birth of Jesus Christ. These blooms were traditionally used as church flowers and were usually planted around the old monasteries. One of the most popular stories of Snowdrops is actually a Christian tale of the beginning of creation. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden into a land of Winter where no flowers blossomed, and no birds sang, an angel took a handful of snowflakes and blew them. When snowflakes hit the ground, they sprang up into amazing white flowers – Snowdrops. After that, these delicate tiny flowers became a symbol of hope and empowerment for the future. Lucky them and lucky us! Doesn't it feel uplifting and magical to behold tufts of snowdrops where no life appears to be? The tiny bells also symbolize hope. After the cold winter months, their ability to flourish inspires people to keep going and not give up. They appear as soon as the temperatures are regularly above freezing and are ready to showcase their stunning blooms in the heart of your garden or at the base of hedgerows. Their fragrance is not particularly strong, but it generates positive and comforting vibes, which make us look forward to the next appearance of spring to come.

The pristine white hue of this plant is mainly associated with innocence and purity. Snowdrops are small, delicate and charming. What happens if you don't live where snowdrops grow? Picking them is not actually advisable - they are said to be poisonous. But they are a symbol of hope. If you're lucky enough to live near nature in the northern hemisphere, and you come across snowdrops this month, just be inspired by the miracle of another coming spring. Reflect on the message they give to forgive the past, forgive any old energy you may be carrying into the new year, and invite their magic to heal and purify your heart.


Let January be a month inspired by white's purity and healing power. White is the unblemished marker of virtue. Eskimos use 17 words for the colour white to describe different snow conditions, whereas people in the Northwest United States use only 4 or 5. It has been an auspicious colour in Japan for much of its history. White represents purity and cleanliness in traditional Japanese society and is seen as a blessed colour.

How to use white to optimize your wellness and environment One of the best ways to use at this time is in the clean cotton of freshly laundered white sheets and spring cleaning, so treat yourself to stripping your bed and beginning the new year with fresh white sheets. Make this New Year bed change a thorough one and bask in the contemplation of slipping between crisp white sheets. White is illuminating, helping our minds to focus and aiding in organization - a blank sheet of paper or blank canvas. Such an inviting place to pour our words and creativity. Why not treat yourself to a new journal with the New Year and take a few minutes to meditate on the clean pages as you contemplate your visions for the year. White is the absence of darkness; it brings clarity and marks definite borders, so use it in your new year's vision rituals. Wear white for a few days and see how you feel. Use white towels and or a white robe after a long Goddess bathing session and feel the luxury that white brings to self-care rituals. Eskimos use 17 words for the colour white to describe different snow conditions, whereas people in the Northwest United States use only 4 or 5. It has been an auspicious colour in Japan for much of its history. White represents purity and cleanliness in traditional Japanese society and is seen as a blessed colour. Why not use white to meditate with as we start the year. Wear it, even a scarf or accessory. Think of your year as a blank canvas, a clean slate, an invitation to begin again with hope and promise. As well as purity and innocence, white symbolizes wholeness and completion.

White dinner china is the most beautiful of all, which is why so many restaurants use it. On a white porcelain plate, you can create art with your ingredients. And who does not adore a crisp white, linen tablecloth? Even though you won't want snowdrops in your home, treat yourself to some purchased white flowers - an exquisite orchid for your desk. Some Chrysanthemums or some early tulips. White flowers symbolize the full spectrum of light, harmony and spirituality.

Put a small vase of white flowers where you can be reminded of keeping harmony and inner peace


This delicate pinkish or clear stone is one of the most popular to support self-love and healing. Create a Rose Quartz crystal practice for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space. Wear: Wearing a piece of jewellery made with Rose Quartz enables you to keep a constant flow of this crystal's energy in your energy field. When you wear Rose Quartz jewellery, the gem emits the high vibrations of love to support your intention of self-love at all times. Carry: To enhance your self-love practice, keep a piece of Rose Quartz in your purse or pocket. Whenever you want to connect to the energy of love, hold your stone to your heart and feel it sending energy to your mind, body and spirit. Environment: To enhance the energy on your desk, bedroom, bathroom or place of meditation, place a Rose Quartz crystal in your space, where you can see it every day. Use it when you journal or with affirmations. The frequencies of the Rose Quartz meaning are known for healing negative emotions by opening the heart to all types of love. When used to cleanse and activate the heart chakra, the Rose Quartz stone absorbs old or toxic energy that is no longer serving you. If you use chrystals often, you will know they benefit from being washed in clean - freshly fallen rain, a stream, or a waterfall are all incredibly powerful as an energy cleansing tool for this beautiful energy tool.





Silver is associated with the feminine energy and the goddess Artemis, the virgin goddess of the Hunt and the moon. It symbolizes feminine intuition and inner knowledge and is thus often associated with a higher spirituality. Its energy flows with the tides and so is adaptable. Because of its association with water, it is also seen as cleansing and purifying.

Alchemy Silver is one of the noblest metals. Strong yet malleable, it will withstand heat and time and weather, yet it may still be shaped into something magnificent.

Balance Silver is seen as an elegant, mysterious colour and is often associated with responsibility and self-control, which are good qualities in a leader. While white symbolizes new beginnings, silver adopts these traits into its purity and its cleansing properties. It is a highly reflective colour reflecting the energies they encounter back to where they came from. White lends its clear head to silver. White symbolizes beginnings and endings, the passage from light to dark, the end of one day and the start of another. This characteristic they pass on to silver.

Wealth and Success Silver was usually considered more precious than gold in Ancient Egypt, and the people became very skilled in making jewellery from the metal silver. The use of silver in jewellery began during this time and continues today.

Silver represents a mirror to the soul. Some people believe that silver is the mirror to one's soul, helping people view themselves in the same way others see.

Silver is associated with healing. Since the metal silver is said to have antimicrobial properties, it has a strong association with healing and purity. Silver-coloured objects are generally perceived as cleaner than objects made of different materials.

How much silver do you have in your environment? Silver scarves, mirrors and silver decorative objects lend mystery and glamour to a room. They don't have to be real silver! It's said that silver can restore stability and equilibrium to both your spiritual energy and feminine power. It's a calm and soothing colour with gentle, comforting qualities. Where gold is a more 'yang' metal and energy, silver evokes all that is feminine, intuition, of the moon and Goddess mysteries. But remember the old adage of 'being born with a silver spoon in your mouth', silver is also redolent of innovation and luxury - all qualities that any Preeminent woman will want in her daily life!

Jenni P Jenni P has spent a lifetime devoted to the art of manifestation through wellness, even before she knew what she was doing! A former dancer, equestrian cabaret artist, certified fitness instructor, award-winning Healthy Gastronomy Chef, and highperformance junkie, Jenni is always on the leading edge of fulfilling potential.

Take a Sound Bath to discover your sacred self. Click on the image below

Francesca J. Littmann is a Voice Alchemist and Sound & Energy Healing Practitioner. Francesca has been working with voice since 1999 and has a background in classical singing.

She combines her in-depth experience of the voice with her gifts as an Energy Therapist to support others in experiencing deep healing and connection with Self.

During a synchronous meeting of voices at the Chateau de Puivert in SW France in 2020, Francesca came into awareness of the immense alchemical healing properties her voice offers to others.

Dedicated to a life in service to Mother Gaia and raising the frequency of this planet, Francesca has come to understand that part of her life mission is to reach as many people as possible with the powerful healing frequencies encoded within her voice.

In 2021 she downloaded the answer to this call, the manifestation of which is her online Kailani & Voice Sound Bath offering.

The Kailani is a Sacred Geometry instrument, handmade in Austria. Its beautiful, crystalline sound, in combination with the angelic tones of Francesca’s voice, creates a magical atmosphere that transports you into an other-worldly dimension, slowing down your thoughts to induce a state of deep relaxation, leaving you feeling calmer, clearer and more deeply connected with your innermost, sacred self.

Feminine High Performance Support Group and CONSCIOUS COLLABORATION CIRCLE Become an Ambassador for the House of Preeminence and grow your abundance and business in our circle of influence!


Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

EXCELLENCE PRINCIPLE "The way you do anything is the way you do everything"



January, 2022

The aspiration to excellence in everything you do, or even in just a few key areas of your life is like rehearsing for supreme achievement.

Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life.

Practise skill-sets that elicit positive results consistently. Raise your ‘normal’ to world-class as a daily habit, and watch world-class results unfold.

What does your soul really desire make progress on this month? Same question for your mind and body (they tend to have different opinions!)

What have you neglected last year that needs your best attention and focus to bring into balance?

What will you do to shift your habits and rituals this month?


12 Ways to Create Your Goddess Year through the 9 Graces of Preeminence

Maybe you're thinking: "OMG, I could never live a Goddess year with my situation/schedule/spouse/kids/animals/bank-account/house-state/fill in the blank"? One of the reasons that so many women live under their potential is that they do not believe that the most scintillating human experiences are available to them. But that is back to front. And outside in... And untrue. You are living what you have been thinking about. And whether you like it or not, this quantum truth will determine how you might create your lifestyle fit for a Goddess or not, this year and for the rest of your life. So I want to make this accessible to everyone - whatever their circumstances! You see, however much you may protest, you are a sublime, all-powerful beautiful feminine soul - regardless of what your house/body/bank account/social media feed looks like. Please receive this. The sooner you live your days as a Goddess, the sooner the universe will respond to you by laying the world at your feet, in the form of abundance, vitality and joy, not to mention an omnipotent charisma and a taste for the divine in everything. Many of the minor gods and goddesses of ancient Greece personified specific virtues or ideals. Usually, they were named after the idea they embodied. One Goddess, though, embodied the very definition of virtue as a whole. Arete was the Goddess of excellence, representing a superlative of virtue, goodness, and achievement. The whole Goddess archetype is linked to the essence of feminine virtues and values. The Goddess who epitomised this was Arete. The Greeks believed that virtue was an intrinsic part of who a person was. To be a person of Arete was to exemplify humanity's greatest ideals as the Greek people understood them. Arete stood for the idea of living a fine and worthy life - like Preeminence! Only the absolute best could be described as Arete. So here are some practical suggestions to creating a day/week/month/life where you deliberately choose and embrace the ideals of Arete and some of the highest feminine values through the 9 Graces of Preeminence.


When you do your morning routine, use the 9 Preeminence Graces to inspire you to tap into every part of your highest self. Pick three to inspire your month, one to work on in a week and one to inspire your day, knowing where you are in the cycle. The Graces are a perfect feminine blueprint for setting your life path towards excellence. Raise this morning ritual to Goddess status by rising early to be alone with a candle, some beautiful music, and essential oils to help you with this royal work. Make the very act of setting goals, intentions and affirmations a Preeminent experience.


Without intentions, objectives and parameters, our aspirations will wither. You must establish your visions with guidelines of times and dates and a clear idea of your desired outcome. Make it concrete - the universe cannot respond to wishy-washy goals. It just can't. It responds to action, clarity, and results.

So every evening, note your progress. It might be by


scoring off things done and filling in a habit tracker or an

evidence log. Be so distinct about who you are and what

Practise as much kindness to yourself as you give to

you intend to create that nothing or nobody can be in any

others. Make a list of 30 ways you could be kinder to

doubt about your commitment!

yourself and do one a day. Your commitment to your selfworth will reflect back to you in attracting the right

Buy a large artists pad, and with crayons and colours,

people to move your world onwards.

create a vision board that you draw or craft yourself. Magazine pictures are not really representative of what is

Every time you do something for others, make sure you

in your soul, but you can draw your dreams into being!

do something for yourself at the same time.

Or take a whole wall or whiteboard on a wall and create

It could be simply listening deeply to someone you

yourself a visual representation of your journey. Let your

haven't talked to for ages and then sharing deeply from

presence be seen!

your own soul. People won't remember your name or what you said, but they will remember how you made

Make the very act of charting your rise to greatness a

them feel. With Preeminence as your guide, they will

Preeminent experience, and feel the power of the

remember all three, as befitting a Goddess.

Goddess rise within you.


Declutter your wardrobe. Make a pile of any clothes, jewellery that does not make you feel gorgeous and give it away. There is no room in your closet for anything less than makes you feel uplifted, pretty, powerful, vibrant, feminine, creative, or any other high vibe energy. How can you express your style and your unique personality in your appearance? Ask yourself the same question for your website, your conversations - every way you communicate with the world; how can you claim and venerate your quintessential divine essence this year? Make a list and start it! Let the world rejoice and be inspired by your shining peerlessness and be touched by your mighty Goddess heart. Prestige

There are few ways of making you feel in control of your financial destiny than by spending time with it! Take your visions for the year and ask yourself, 'what else is possible?' Here's a fact: the only thing that stands between you and your highest financial potential is how aligned you are with that in mind, body and soul. Get as creative and inspired as a Goddess for all your money dealings. Buy yourself a gorgeous new journal devoted exclusively to telling the story of your inner and outer money worlds. Start to have a conversation with money while you do your due diligence weekly or monthly. Make accounting a sacred ritual to money with body movement, candles, diffusing oils. Create a money mandala in the garden that you meditate with. Don't forget to bless every expense you pay. See every transaction as divine (because it is!) and allow yourself to dream as big as a Goddess would.

Transcendence What do you need to truly overcome this year to break through to your full potential? Maybe it's more than just one area of your life you need to overcome or move to the next level. Take some time to get very clear on what that looks like and write it down. It may be a simple as creating new habits that support your visions or as far-reaching as seeking a professional to help you resolve a long-standing issue. Whatever it is, break it down into six steps you need to take to transcend this topic so you can rise as much as your soul yearns for. Of those six steps, put them in order. Get them on your schedule now. Now is the only moment we ever have to transcend. A Goddess will let nothing stand in her way to healing and release of trauma and karmic ties.

Leadership Write down at least three relationships that need nurturing this year. It could be a close relationship, or one with your community, an email list, a shared cause or project, or even a Facebook group (if that's important to you). Maybe it's some larger public organisation. Instigate some gesture that will heal, transform and help evolve those relationships.






integrity and benevolence, is authentic leadership. So is sharing your imagination and creativity. Sharing is a feminine leadership trait, as is imagination, forgiveness and healing. If you are already in a supporting or leading role, how can you bring more of these qualities to your relationships? Finally, how can you be a better leader to yourself? Journal about this one during your 'Excellence' morning routines! A Goddess leads by example and by expansiveness and the generosity of her visions.


Get ruthlessly honest with yourself about the energy required to live a life of Preeminence and 'arete'. What self-care protocols do you need to improve on to find and maintain the energy to see your goals and visions through to achievement? How will you stay committed? How will you measure your results? One of the keys to endurance is to examine your motivations. If any of these ideals are not in your personal values system, you won't follow through on them and will feel like giving up at some point. And then you will beat yourself up because you haven't followed through. So take some time now to make a list of your top 10 values. Do they show up in your day? If not, then what you're valuing is what you're doing (or not) and what you're focusing on or not. Persistence and achievement take endurance in a feminine way. It is not about suffering or striving but setting yourself up with the maximum conditions in which to thrive. A Goddess would never capitulate on an idea or a virtue. And neither should you.

Renewal Phew. Did all the above make you tired? Welcome to Renewal - a vital, lifepreserving Grace in the cycle of 9 Graces. A life dedicated to fulfilment needs not just the kind of devotion I have outlined above, but the Grace to stop, sleep, fall apart, fail, weep, sleep, leave, say 'No', change your mind, and shut the door. Renewal is one of the Ultimate Graces for Goddesses, Warrioresses, Heroines, and anyone devoted to a life of greatness. It is entirely natural to renew, over and over again. Renewal is one of the most precious spaces where a Goddess must retreat to tend to herself. Bathing, sleep, fasting, fun, dance, singing, art - there are so many ways to renew. The key is to ask yourself if it serves your highest potential. A film binge may feel like Renewal, but it may also be an escape. Too much faffing around meditating and doing affirmations can be a form of procrastination! Only you and your inner Goddess know what is best for you.

The key is not to try and work with all the 9 Graces at once, but to let them guide you in an ever-flowing cycle and circle. This is how women work best - dancing with ideals but staying as supple as a willow tree, reaching for the stars but allowing themselves to sleep beneath moonbeams.

But, if you genuinely embrace for yourself the ideal of a life of Preeminence, the Graces will surely bring guidance and direction in a way that allows you to experience the delights of your Goddess potential, as often as you allow yourself.

It always comes down to three things - choices, changes and commitments. How can you make choices, changes and commitments that honour your Goddess nature and highest life? You have the power. After all, you're a Goddess.

Jenni P

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


PRINCIPLE You are a natural genius and warrioress of your own soul quest. The world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess



January, 2022

When we move towards excellence and leave any traces of mediocrity behind, we gain distinction.

It may be with an accolade or an award, or simply by the power of our own convictions, passion and charisma.

A state of preeminen

ce is a natural way for us to stand out, be seen, heard, admired and paid.

What courses or training will you take this year to improve your craft this year? What books will elevate you to mastery in a topic that makes you passionate?

How will you show up for yourself every day in a way that makes you feel gorgeous, radiant and like a winner?

What items in your wardrobe that hide your light need to be recycled or removed?


LIANA CHAOUULI Empress of Style

Look In The Mirror and Behold… When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

What are the first thoughts and feelings that come to mind?

I’m guessing that you don’t fall down on your knees in wonder at the Goddess who stares back at you.

I’m surmising that your reaction is anything but reverence to your reflection. And I want to change that.

I have stood on many stages and looked out and

beheld an ocean of Goddesses - hundreds of faces of women just like you - and all of them divine. All of them are potential Goddesses, if only they could allow themselves to know what a masterpiece they really are. What a masterpiece you really are!

Most women wouldn’t put themselves and the word

Goddess in the same sentence, let alone believe in their own divinity. Yet divine, we all are! The dictionary defines a Goddess as: 1. “A female deity”

2. “A woman who is greatly admired, especially for her beauty”

And since so many women do not feel powerful nor

beautiful, this definition doesn’t help encourage us to own our divine Goddess nature.

A Goddess, to me, is a woman who can stand in her own right and in her own bright light.

With the willingness to express her greatness

Let’s lessen the chasm of the unattainable

embraces the accolades of others and

nature, when integrated into our lives, will

and respect for all her shortcomings, she everything she is.

archetype and explore what parts of her help us all rise.

A Goddess is not lofty and out of reach but

Let’s take the idea of the feminine deity off

is and expresses only her authenticity to

back into the lap of our society. Let’s make

steadfast and grounded; she knows who she herself and to those around her. Knowing

deep down that she is unique and appointed to do worthy work, she paints her life with the

commitment to rise above the mediocrity of pettiness. But she does so with grace and humility.

You see, the Goddess is not an unattainable

ideal nor a mythological fantasy figure draped over jewelled couches handing out

orders as she drinks nectar from a golden

the high and mighty altar, and invite her her real, palpable, someone that other

women genuinely want to emulate rather than venerate from afar. Goddess





goodness. Women everywhere are sharing

their precious life poetry in millions of ways every moment of each day … yet the eyes of the world do not witness their goodness nor their divinity.

chalice. A woman who channels her inner

Rooted in her divine feminine power, a

goodness, truth, beauty, and virtue.

exchange for the wings of wonder, knowing

Goddess is a vessel for expressing love,

To the world, she’s up there, out of reach, on

Goddess discards the sword of shame in that all of life is in perfect flow.

a far away pedestal, never to be held close

And, what of beauty?

vulnerability. This is an illusion. The Goddess

Beauty comes in so many diverse ways.

in her magnificent humanity or her tender in you lives.

We need more real models rather than role models. Living life is not a role we “play”; we

are real people living real lives, and this is definitely NOT a dress rehearsal.

Physical beauty is only one very fleeting aspect of being a Goddess. But beauty is what I see when I behold that ocean of Goddess faces.

The BE-YOU-ty of a woman’s fierce passion, her unwavering love for her tribe, her ever-unfolding resilience and patience can make her more beautiful than any precious rare blossom.







femininity. This unique beauty lies within

every woman and leaves imprints on the walls of our times.

We all carry the goodness, the grace and the

There is no price to be paid to source this gift.

Stay close to the goodness, my friends, to touch your divinity.

force of divine desire inside us. Both men

When we as Goddesses get messy (as we

of choice to shape the holy handful of pearls

creation is the sacred craft of birthing. There

and women are divine; we share the power of the life we are gifted.

From one Goddess to another, my invitation to all of us, is to float past the pedestal of outdated ideas of feminine divinity.

I don’t want to be an untouchable Goddess.

I want to be in the middle of the crowd. I

want to connect to you, sit with people, taste their tears of gladness and drink in the divinity which resides in all of us.

Sit with me, won’t you, my Goddess friend?

inevitably do), we show the world that

is no birth without blood, strength or tears. That’s real life, as real as a woman who

shows up as mother, Goddess, fighter, lover, defender, leader, or supporter.

Always and in ALL ways, be willing to

surrender to the greatness of what is here, in the moment for the sake of the greater good.

Now THAT is the nature of a true GODDESS. Not a role model, but a real model.

The only requirement is the willingness to BE.

I don’t want to be an unreachable Goddess; I

voice to speak life into those who are eager

other Goddesses, and I want to be able to

Feel into the freedom and gift of your own to hear and willing to listen.

want to be in the middle of the ocean of talk, be, and sit with people.

We are human Goddesses. We carry our superpowers in every cell of our feminine fountains, which spring eternally from the nourishing source of love.

You are a gift. You are a masterpiece. So, today, I invite you to own and claim every ounce of that masterpiece. Start by looking in the mirror and beholding the Goddess gazing back at you. Worship the ground she walks on for the rest of your days, for you are indeed divine.

And then, treat yourself to a chalice.

Liana Chaouli is a best-selling author, Founder of Image Therapists Int'l Inc., global thought leader, S.T.Y.L.E. Sage™ educator and innovator. She has spent 4 decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self‐image. As the developer of the process of Image Therapy™, she provides transformation through the empowerment of language, wardrobe and self-beliefs by using analysis, physical appearance, and education to up level their self‐esteem and overall sense of worth

Liana Chaouli, Founder / President

Claim Your Free Gift Here! Discover Your Essential Formula™ Masterclass

YOUR Essential Formula™ The different components of The blueprint of what

makes you brilliant.

How to determine YOUR unique color palette, so you can choose clothes that really make you shine

How to pick clothes for your body structure, so you can pick clothes that FEEL great on you (Feel Great = Look Great)

How your voice, your eyes and your movement are all connected to your personal style. (And what that means for your wardrobe)

How to embody and embrace ALL of who you are, so you show up as the BEST version of you, no matter where you go.

The Art of Adornment


The Simple Way To Uplevel Your Image With Accessories This is portfolio of fashion artist and blogger. You can find here my style, offer, many inspiration and great pictures.

So after you've done your version of

We women (bar some exceptions) love

your Miraculous Morning routine, you

the ritual of dressing and making

slip into an outfit that you pulled


together effortlessly the night before.

themselves to the world. And this darn

You dress mindfully, savouring how

confinement has caused us to suspend




CAPSULE WARDROBE IS A TERM COINED that pleasure and even become rather much the coloursBYand textures make SUSIE FAUX, THE OWNER OF A LONDON BOUTIQUE sloppy you feel energised. The outfit is a mix CALLED "WARDROBE" IN THEabout 1970s.our presentation. and match of your signature style, curated for your physique, body tones

I lament this tendency and would love


to remind you of a few of my Aligned





message, energy, and audience. You

Style™ tenets!

feel uplifted, elated and sparky as you glance in the mirror. You feel bloody




gorgeous, just as you are.

feelings are vital elements in keeping

And then you woke up and realised you


were still in lockdown.

Colours are energy. Clothes are breath







for soul expression. Colours and energy Hands up who is looking wistfully at the contents of their wardrobe these days

contribute to your brand persona. If you are in the business of attraction,

and wondering if you'll get to wear your


nice things ever again?


The big C has undoubtedly had a

Let's face it, it's a vast eternal sea out

knock-on effect on our dressing habits.

there on the coaching planet. And it

Confinement has meant that we have

sometimes feels like your tribe is on a

adapted our daily dressing style to

far distant shore, and you are bobbing

ultra-casual and comfortable - possibly

about on the waves trying to keep your

to the detriment of our image and

boat steering towards that shore.






And if you're as visible as that crystal with the

It has already been proven that people buy not

sun slanting through it, the right people will get

what you are selling, maybe not the outcome.

your message immediately.

They want a slice of you. What you represent.

They will know you because your message is as

Who you are. They want to buy your energy and

dazzling as you are.

your verbal and visual communication but be

And that's what they see first. Even before you

aligned to be able to do that!

open your pretty little mouth, even before they

A magnetic Image attracts. That's a fundamental

read a word of your heart crafted web copy, they

LOA principle!

see you. And feel you.

So if you think that because you can't don your

Your visual communication must be coherent

slick suits, dresses for events, boardroom chic or

with your message (and mission!), or people will

a favourite signature outfit because you're online,


think again.






everywhere! The point here is that you are still dressing to get Whether live or zoom, you still have just 3

into a high vibe.

seconds to make an impression.

You are dressing to feel pretty, which helps your

Even before you talk about your beautiful vision,

high vibe, confidence and selling power.

the person before you has already made up their

You are still interacting with people on sales

mind if they will like you or not.

calls, zoom events, mastermind, video guest

Three. Seconds.


To conquer any doubts. To conquer the moment.

It is still essential to keep up the art of Aligned

To conquer an opportunity. Million buck ones.

Style High Vibe dressing, even if it's only from the

In fact, it is our brains that do the judging - quite

waist upwards!

naturally. It's a biological process over which we

Indeed, I have adopted a gym-meets-boardroom



style which allows me to work out in my home


throughout the day and then hop onto a

ensuring that we are communicating to the

Facebook Live as polished and primed as if I was

person in front of us through our visual and

on stage.

verbal communication.

I know a guy who gets on a live broadcast












wearing You see, your image is like a thumbprint. A one in







professional and alluring! Bingo!

60 billion statement of who you are and what you stand for. You need to have success pouring

There is a fab, fun and easy way to show up in

out of every pore. That does not mean dressed

public always polished, and that is with the use

head to toe in designer apparel, but showing up

of accessories. Accessories are a magnificent

as your highest future self today!

opportunity to make an image and brand statement right there as you present on screen. Because,






masterminding or co-hosting video, you are always 'on stage', and you are always selling!


Capture their attention by your attention to detail.

It's time to Accesso-RISE! It's time to re-think your whole 'top half outfit' for this new world market open of virtual connection where half of us is hidden from view.

"A woman makes an outfit her own with accessories". The importance of accessories cannot be better summed up than this. It's also true for men! Accessories enhance the effect of the clothes you wear - they can even determine your signature style on their own. Oscar was spot on!

have honoured your appearance and by your attention to detail. 1. First of all, I want to remind you of the biggest accessory of all - your background. Take a good look at the area behind you rather than disguising it with some crummy faux ocean view. People will be looking at that as much as

Jewellery, scarves, hats, brooches, even hair accessories, head wraps and glasses - there are infinite ways to use them and abuse them.

they are looking at you. You do actually ‘wear’ your background! Untidy shelves or dark corners behind you are

Between your make-up and the accessories you love, you can still look and feel like a million dollars as you make them! It's time to get imaginative with your accessories and create your polished signature look right along with your lockdown comfies.

such a turn off for your viewers. The screen is your stage, so accessorise it! Wall-hangings, an attractive, plain curtain hung behind you, a pretty room divider screen are all great ways to enhance your image and brand. Even better and more professional is to set your presentation station up in front of some velvet or satin

Aren't you curious when you meet someone online for the first time how they are going to show up, especially since C catapulted into a stay at home life? Well, how they do show up speaks volumes! So make them sit up in surprise and you.

accessory of all - your background. Engage people's attention by the fact that you

Famous fashion designer Oscar De la Renta said:

delight and want to work or collaborate

First of all, I want to remind you of the biggest


curtains. This immediately gives the feeling of a stage, and you can use brand colour! Plain curtains as a backdrop will make you stand out so people will not be looking at anything else!

2. Use some sparkle and bling to give whatever

3. Other accessories, like scarves work well too.

you're wearing a lux feel. The simplest garments

Scarves offer you a myriad of ways to add colour

get a lift with some bling.

and style to the most inconspicuous and casual of outfits and you can experiment with how you

And if bling is not your thing, play with costume

tie or drape them. From silk, to shiny, to floral -

jewellery - my personal favourite. Let's break the

from designer chic to cotton bandana, a scarf is

usual style rules such as either necklace or

an outfit in itself.

earrings and re-invent adornment! I would bet a goodly sum that somewhere you have a box of

Don’t keep just for your neck either, try it on your

jewellery you haven't worn for ages.

head turban style, hairband style, or woven into a plait, if you have long hair. Scarves are

Whatever you’re wearing, even if it’s leisure-

marvellous for bad hair days and grown out

wear as I do, you can dress it up with earrings

roots, as are hats! Hats are not just for out doors!

and or necklaces in 30 seconds. Jewellery is the ultimate adornment and it immediately makes a

Hats deserve a royal Goddess comeback as the

statement about the Goddess that you are!

ultimate accessory for style and statement. Fedora’s and Panamas are great casual hats that

You can layer beads and pendants to your

pair really well with home outfits - both straw

heart’s content, according to your personal style.

and felt.

Layered beads in complementeray colours are spectacular as as accessory to simple tops.

Beanie bonnets are not just forthe XY generation - close-fitting cloche style hats are beautifully

Necklaces and bracelets made of natural semi-

flattering for your face.

precious gemstones also carry high frequency qualities which can enhance your energy as well

Other ideas are pretty baseball caps in feminine

as looking stunning!

fabric, or hair accessories such as elaborate bands, clips and slides! Forget the ‘I can’t wear

Keep a basket of easy to put on jewellery near

scarves or hats’ myth.

your computer and you will always show up polished and making a statement that people

Anyone can wear anything if it suits their

cant miss!

personality, energy and archetype! Accessories

Most people speak with their hands when on

are FUN! They are also powerful catalysts of

camera and your hands are often on view, so

mood and attitude - vital for our work in keeping

keep them manicured, nail-polished if you like

self-love and positive vibes throughout the day.

that, and wear a couple of bracelets in your style.


The same goes for make-up which is also an accessory to your beauty! Even the simplest, most natural makeup will enhance your vibe and allure! Makeup is to enhance not to hide (unless we want it to, then it is really useful!) and a little care to our faces speaks volumes to those who behold them! In this challenging and unbeautiful pardigm in which we live, adorning our bodies creatively and playfully will bring joy and art to our appearance.

After two years of losing occasions to really dress up, isn’t it time we just gave ourselves permission to dress up anyway? Dressing up and accessorising raises our self-esteem and energy. Our image is a reflection of our inner world so, if we want people to be dazzled by our brilliance, start by dazzling them with your appearance! Adorn yourself with love, gratitude for your beauty and delight for the joy of being a woman. Women from every rank and every culture and tribe, have been adorning themselves for thousands of years. Don’t let this beautiful tradition slip away with other precious values. Make it a resolution for this year to start adorning your appearance at all times. Annoint your body with creams and oils. Fall back in love with the art that is dressing as the highest version of you. Let's raise the Goddess in all her inner and outer glory! Enjoy!

Jenni P

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


PRINCIPLE "People will not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel".



January, 2022

An impeccable know-like-and trust reputation will serve your highest visions.

Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans.

Make integrity (including self-integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win-win-win ethics.

Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people w i t h y o u r c h a r m a n d a b i l i t y t o l i s t e n .

Wear elegance, good taste, humour and style like a designer label, and be generous with your compliments to those who need them.

What will people say about you when you leave the room? What will they say about you when you pass? Ensure both are a reflection of your highest intentions.

Make a list of or review

your 'soul boardroom members' - people who inspire and call you forward. If they are alive, send them an email of appreciation. Cultivate 3 of their habits.

Who can you forgive this month? Commit to never talking about people behing their backs, unless it is with benvolence.


5 Ways To Confidently Raise Your Feminine Voice When The World Expects You To Be Silent I remember the day my husband said, "We're moving to America. I got my

dream job!". We waited three years for

the news, and we were so excited. As a computer scientist with a PhD, I left my

job at one of the most prestigious universities in the country to start our American dream.

two young kids, my son Abrar and my Nadrah

apply my talents to, one weekend, I

went to Wholefoods (a very posh store) to do my grocery. As I was picking up my vegetables, a middleaged white guy approached me. He asked, "Are you a Muslim?". He probably

assumed that I wore the hijab or the

So in 2015, my husband, myself, and my daughter

As I was exploring what I could best




aeroplane from Malaysia and flew all the way to California.

So here I am in a new country, and I

knew that I wanted to be there for my children. At the same time, I had skills,

head covering as part of my Muslim identity.

I replied, "Yes, I am!". He then said, "I've read the Quran and the Quran says that jihad is permissible. So, are you going to blow yourself up?".

I was so shocked!

talents and expertise that I wanted to

In my mind, I was thinking, "Dude, the

working in a cubicle at Google from 9-

how to read Arabic?". However, I told

maximize. Still, I just couldn't imagine

5! So I had to figure out the perfect job to stay home and work while looking after the kids.

Quran is in Arabic! Do you even know

him, "No, I'm here to do my grocery. I'm also a mom; I wouldn't do that".

He persisted, quipping, "So, if you're not a mom, are you going to

blow yourself up in the name of Islam?". At that point, I was speechless, and I could feel my body shaking with anxiety. All I

could reply to this guy was, "I'm gonna pay up my groceries and leave".

As an Asian, immigrant, hijab-wearing Muslim woman, society has a preconceived notion about me. Terrorist, suicide bomber, refugees are an almost common association for being a Muslim.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) states that in 2019, 55.8%

of hate crimes were motivated by race, ethnicity and ancestry bias. I had a really challenging time overcoming social adversity in California while still staying true to my principles and values.

I have learned that the revolution to overcoming social adversity isn't to blend, change, conform, or transform yourself to fit the preconceived notion of society's checklist but rather to be proud

and courageous of your roots and heritage. There is an invisible strength when you stay true to your principles, values and identity.

No woman should ever have to be afraid of who they are. Each

woman should have the freedom and confidence for their voice to

be heard without prejudice. Today, I help female leaders share their voice in prestigious global platforms worldwide, such as on TED,

Forbes, Media, TV, magazines, high profile interviews, and speaking engagements.

Throughout my journey of overcoming

#4- The best team

woman, I have learned these five real-life

I always surround myself with my trusted

and confident and share my voice.

be with dream crushers and stick with the






tips that have helped me to stay strong

#1- Be proud and courageous of your roots and heritage

Don't be tempted to blend, change,

conform or transform yourself to fit the

circle of friends and team. I choose not to people willing to help fight for my dreams. My dreams are precious, and when you

have the best people fighting to help you stay on track, you're already a step closer to winning your championship.

preconceived notion of society's checklist.

#5- Be visible

you stand in your power. Embrace your

It's tempting to hide in the background,

The strength of your voice comes when uniqueness because you are the prize! #2- Grounding work Prayers are an essential part of my spirituality and soul alignment. I would literally put my head on the ground and

pray five times a day. I believe that when

you're being guided by the Divine, there will always be peace and abundance in

but when you're hiding, the world can't see or hear you. Take the leap of faith

and start putting yourself out there. The more courageous and confident you are

with your principles, heritage and identity, the more people will begin to accept you

exactly the way you are. How can they not when you are leading with your heart?

your life.

Since practising these five tips, it has

#3- Stay loyal to your dreams


When you stay loyal to your dreams, you'll

see that your dreams will come alive despite what society says. The mind is a

powerful creator and magnet for your dreams. Stay in your course and take

small actions every day, and you'll see the manifestation of your dreams no matter how big it is.

helped me overcome many forms of Not





confident in my voice; my message and story have now been seen on the iconic Forbes, FOX TV, magazines, high profile

interviews and speaking engagements, as







platform. I have also shared my stories in multiple Bestseller books such as Women

Who Lead, in which Jack Canfield gave a review on the front cover.

e b o t u o y e ir p s in ill I hope my story wcourageous in your own more confident and your background. voice despite Izdihar Jamil

Coming To America: A Story Of A Hijab-Wearing Woman

Watch Izdihar's inspiring story and know that anything is possible!

Click above to watch!

Preeminence Rising Featured Contributor Interview

Izdihar shares her

personal story and

journey of her rise to influence

with Jenni P.

She encourages any

woman to claim their voice, whatever their background

and circumstances. Click left to watch.

Dr Izdihar Jamil’, Ph.D. Dr Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D. is an immigrant, Asian, hijab wearing Muslim computer scientist turned media expert. She is an 9 x #1 International Bestselling Author of It Is Done, Yes I Can! And Women Who Lead and has spoken on hundreds of prestigious events and interviews all around the world. She was featured on Forbes, Fox TV, NBC, CBS, ABC, CW, Thrive Global and hundreds of media and publications. In 2021, Izdihar was inducted into the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who biography in recognizing her contribution as the top 5% in the industry with Warren Buffet and Oprah. She is also an upcoming TEDx presenter sharing her idea to inspire marginalized women to be confident with their heritage and roots. She is an influential trailblazer and an inspirational leader in helping female entrepreneurs to be the #1 go-to expert in their fields with her simple, no-fuss methods. She has helped over 100 people to be a #1 international bestselling author, get in the media, magazines, high profile interviews and publications. Izdihar lives in California with her husband and three kids and in her spare time she loves reading and baking for her family.

Free Gift and how to woek with me!

Just Give Me 1 Hour....

The Top Authority Activation Retreat Become the #1 Go-To Expert In Your Field WITHOUT a Big Following.. Do you want to book speaking gigs, media (Forbes, Entrepreneur etc), TV, Magazines and TED and become the #1 Go-To Expert in your field faster than you thought possible? Sign up for Dr Izdihar Jamil's most popular FREE training for women "The Top Authority Activation Retreat" today!

I'll show you the step-by-step formula to ACTIVATE your TOP Authority Mindset &

Genes and position yourself as the Go-To Expert and Influencer in your field.. From

ZERO To Top Authority WITHOUT having a big following or a high profile PR Agency!

I'll be showing you thehacks and shortcuts on







experience toelevate your brand, authority and credibility with ease while still being

you. And convert your followers into paid

clients with confidence by solidifying and accelerating your credibility and authority as the Top 5%!



"PRINCIPLE "There is no-one in the world like you. Rejoice in your glory. You are a natural genius and the world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess".



January, 2022

Find your genius Believe in your super-powers Conduct yourself like nobility Be fascinated by others Keep a beginner's mind Wear your heart on your sleeve Avoid crowds Think before speaking Breathe integrity Cultivate charm Choose your own values

Avoid wearing black Practice playfulness

Commit to expressing yourself as your highest self, always. Practise talking to yourself in the mirror as her, then your loved ones, then everybody!

Ooze fabulousness

Rewrite your bio and description of your services that excites you. Review your purpose and vision.Can you make them bigger?

Commit to stop apologising to others when you find yourself judging yourself harshly.


The Nature of Being a Goddess Women Call, Men Respond I am a woman. At times I even call

But my understanding of what it means

really mean?

look or feel like to the very nature of who

myself a Goddess. But what does that







Goddess is “a woman who seems as beautiful, powerful, or amazing as a god; you can also call her a goddess.”

There are certainly days I don’t look or sound like a Goddess. I think of the

to be a Goddess goes beyond what I

I am as a woman. You see, the very

nature of a woman is to attract; she you - can call forth into existence opportunities, events, and experiences

that did not exist before. That is the nature of WOMAN and why I can attest that I am goddess material.

moments I am lonely, depressed, or

Women CALL. Men RESPOND. It is not that

I am powerful. And then there are those

men cannot call. But it is the NATURE of

angry, and I certainly don’t consider that

times my grey roots grow out before I get to the Hair Salon, or when I’ve

overeaten, exercised too little, and those pounds suddenly creep onto my hips and thighs, and my pants don’t fit.

Let’s not forget the times I just don’t want to take the time to put on makeup or shave my legs or get out of my comfy,

though ugly, sweatpants. No one would mistake me for a goddess then.

And (can you relate to this ?) those many times it seems no matter how hard I try, I simply can’t get started, and nothing






completed. Finding myself at the end of

the day and noticing my To-Do List is

actually longer than when I started certainly




amazing and all-powerful.



women cannot respond. It is not that women to call, and men to respond.

That is the key. And calling means to

attract. To be attract-tive. Not attractive in the sense of how one looks.

Women make that big mistake. They act as if what makes them powerful is how

they look, and so they try to become

more attractive with different modes of

hair, paint, clothing, shoes and baubles. A woman’s attractiveness is not about what she looks like, but rather the force

of her ability to attract and call so that

opportunities and circumstances are brought into existence around her. Her ability








It is a Woman’s CALL that makes her a

Women lose the muscle of activating

scent and call forth what she wants. She

If you don’t want a LOT, then your desire

goddess. Her ability to throw out her

understands that she is a seductress, the spider, the scent, the magnet to

attract to her anything she wants. That’s what makes it so fun with men and

women. Women call. Men respond. It’s a

dance of the highest order. It’s a dance whose music and rhythm is our intrinsic nature.

Women who are aware of this about themselves






goddess in action. But some women

their desire when they don’t use it much.

muscle gets weak, and pretty soon, you cannot desire anything. That looks like a woman who doesn’t know what she wants. Women need to practice wanting.

Want a lot. Want everything. Just be

pleased with the ability to want. Once you can activate the muscle to want

something, you can figure out what you

really want. But if you can’t even want in the first place, you won’t have many choices.

aren’t confident in their ability to call.

In my seminars with women, I guide

think it has something to do with how

of things they want to have, do or be. At

They forget who they are and begin to much they weigh or whether their skirt is

short enough, their heels high enough, and





doubt their own ability to call - their own

power and nature. And then they take the next wrong step - rather than

them through an exercise to write a list first, the women sit there thinking about

what to put on the list. A few write a few

things, then they stop and can’t think of anything else to list. That is because the muscle of WANTING is weak.

rediscovering their very nature, they start

That muscle must be in good shape for

too much. Instead, they forget to give to

attraction. She has to be able to WANT! I

to try to please others. They start giving themselves and take care of everyone else. It puts their very nature out of balance.

Or even worse, they don’t really know

what they want - probably because they have some silly innate feeling that they don’t deserve much, so it becomes

impossible to CALL. You can’t call if you

a woman to display her nature of make








repeatedly until they can sit there for 30 minutes



stopping. Now they have activated the wanting muscle. That is the first step.

The second step is determining priorities and choices.

don’t know what you are calling for. You

Want everything and anything first.

have an appetite. Calling won’t work if

Then determine what you choose to

have to want something. You have to you don’t think you deserve it. And a

goddess knows she deserves it. After all, she is a goddess.


The good news is that a Man’s nature is

Once you have a BUNCH of those lists

man, or wants a man to do something

the lists and pick 10 items you

to respond. Whether a woman wants a for her or with her, it always starts with a CALL. Men respond. If they are not

responding the way you want them to

respond, then stop making the man wrong, and start getting a new and better call.

Remember, as a Goddess, you can CALL for anything - man, an experience, a

circumstance, an event, or money in the bank.

These exercises will help you develop your ability to call, and will help you to

activate your competency to want for yourself. Both are necessary to be a competent goddess.

First, sit down by yourself for 30

minutes and practice making a list of things you want. Don’t worry about

whether you really do want what you

are writing, but get to a point where

from that exercise, go back through actually do want for real.

When you look at the selected list of

10 items, then say to yourself, “I deserve this.” As you say that to yourself,





thoughts that come up within you. Be aware of the arguments you have with





deserve. Keep doing that until you feel you DO DESERVE that item.

And finally, pick an item you feel you

deserve and begin to CALL IT FORTH.

Imagine it is coming to you. Imagine you have the power to attract it. Imagine you have a special scent or magic that miraculously makes that

item or experience or opportunity come closer to you. Imagine it is responding




Visualize it, closer and closer to you. Do that every evening before you sleep for at least 30 days.

you can write without stopping for 30

Women! You are the Goddess! You are

will activate the muscle that allows

the one who attracts! Stand in your

minutes straight. That ability alone you to want. Keep doing the exercise

until you can make a list without

stopping for 30 minutes straight. Don’t worry about what is on the list. Just get to the point where you have an APPETITE. Where you can actually WANT without stopping!

the seductress. You have power. You are

power and learn how to wield it. Practice. Want something, and call it forth into existence.

Trust your power. Trust that you are the Goddess. Even if it’s a bad hair day.

Marcia Martin

Do you love the idea of being paid for who you are? Do you wish your current life included your passions, unique gifts and talents? There has never been a better time!

Why not make a list of all those things you loved as a child or young adult, but which have been hidden away because life got too busy.

Journal or meditate on this and see what comes up. As the world opens up again, it’s an invitation to reinvent ourselves in this new Renaissance era.

As I said, the problems of the world need solving with new approaches. What can you imagine when you think about your ideal world? You too can have a diverse and rich lifestyle!

Come and be part of the Brave New World by joining my Membership Club!

It’s full of resources gleaned from all my above adventures, and the skillsets needed to create your own magical life.

I can’t wait to see you in there!


Global speaker, corporate executive coach, transformational thought leader, and changemaker extraordinaire, Marcia Martin has trained over 300,000 people around the globe how to look in a very direct way at the prison they have created in life that limits them from reaching their full potential.

Dame Marcia (knighted in 2008) spends her time consulting entrepreneurial and corporate companies in leadership, communication, collaboration and championship performance including Capital One, Hard Rock International, Warner Bros., InterContinental Hotels, McCain Foods, and Evian Water.

As one of the Founding Members and Sr. Vice President of Erhard Seminars Training est - (later known as Landmark Forum), Marcia Martin was personally mentored by innovative academic thinker Werner Erhard for 10 years in the art and technology of Self Transformation and Human Development, and helped take the est organization from inception to millions of graduates worldwide. She has consulted, trained or coached some of the greatest thought leaders and authors of our time including Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Lynne Twist, T. Harv Ecker, and Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Her programs teach all aspects of The Golden Triangle of Personal Power Communication Mastery, Relationship Competence, and Enrollment Prowess.


I’m personally inviting you to be a part of my Private Transformation Club an online treasure vault of my forty years’ training and resources that I have used to help transform over 300,000 people over the globe.

Those people include some of the world’s top leaders and influencers and the great names of personal development. This invitation is for you to benefit from the same resources that have helped many of the leaders you know and love, to greatness.

Come and join the club! It's just $10 per month! See what is in store for you by clicking below.

Now you can learn the tips, tricks, and techniques that Marcia learned personally from some of the greatest thinkers of our time.

JOIN ME IN THE HALL OF LEGENDS and access the content of one of the world's best loved 'influencer's influencer' for $10 per month!







January, 2022

Our Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek, are already within you.

You need nothing else except the code to access them. To decipher the code is to truly know your full power as the creator of your own legacy.

You came here for greatness. You came here to express your g e n i u s . G e n i u s l i e s i n t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n b e t w e e n y o u r g i f t s , y o u r b l i s s a n d y o u r v a l u e s a n d i s t h e

most powerful attractor of abundance.

Take your Money Honey on a New Year's date of romance or a retreat where you can get intimate.This should be a loving exercise to look honestly at your finances and meditate yourself into a state of optimism and celebration.

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Does this reflect in the highest way on your finances?

There have never been so many possibilities to make passive income. Brainstorm or research 3 that fit in with your business model and commit some time each week to developing them.


The Poor Green Goddess How to avoid 'comparisonitis' that will thwart your money uplevels! When we think of a Goddess, we generally

You see, envy, comparisonitis, doing what we

radiating power, abundance and wisdom. A

forms of resentment.

imagine a woman of great stature and beauty, Goddess







don't want to do and feeling 'less than' are all

charisma. We usually see her as superior to

It's as simple as it is human nature. There will

charmed life.

we don't really want to do for long enough. If

humans, having supernatural qualities and a

So how the heck do we channel our own inner Goddess in order to create a charmed life

here on the earthly plane? How 'on earth' do we unleash our own power and supernatural

qualities to pull off navigating the tricky world we









The answer is quite simple, and it's not about power and influence, not about great riches or

beauty, but that idea of nobility and virtue. You see, true Goddesses don't compare. They don't

be resentment underneath if we do something we are secretly comparing ourselves to others and feeling 'less than' them or envious, we are in the energy of resentment. And, of course,

Goddesses do NOT compare themselves or ever feel envious!

But what happens is that energy, we try and

keep a lid on it, just go through our lives, spitting






moaning and grumbling, but then it will come out



through inappropriately.




envy, and they don't resent. How can we

So if you are doing any kind of resentment, you

if secretly we feel 'less than others, or worse

law responds perfectly to that and will be...

possibly unleash our superpowers and virtues still, we are green with envy or, Goddess forbid, jealous!

are saying, I value resentment. Now, universal bring you more opportunities to be resentful,

But here's the thing, your soul knows that,

At the time, this was a new experience for

from. When you contract down, you're not

good about myself, it was fine. But on

so that's where the contraction comes a vibrational match for money. Your soul

knows that if you've got time on your

hands, you do things that you resent. You spend time doing things you don't want to

do and get resentful about it. So it's not going






freedom if all you're going to do is spend

me. Back then, as long as I was feeling

those days when I wasn't feeling so good about myself or my journey or things not happening quick enough or whatever, I

used to... my green Goddess would come out on our calls together, and she was not pretty!

time in doing resentment.

In our time together, I was like my worst

So I want to share my own experience

don't know how he coped with me!

around this because jealousy and envy

nightmare of my worst client! I was awful; I

get bad press. Nobody enjoys feeling

So the reason was this: it actually all


so resentful that he had this thing and I











centred entrepreneurs, right? But there is such a gift in this. I'm going to share my

leaked out inappropriately because I was didn't. I know, shallow isn't it?

own experience around how this showed

Deep down, I knew I had something brilliant

most obvious way in my entrepreneurial

it, and nothing was happening quick

up for me and has shown up for me in the journey.

When I first became aware of this area of

work, I hired a coach. It was the first

significant investment I ever made. I would see this particular guy and listen to him

online on podcasts, doing his stuff, and

he'd blow me away. I could listen to him for

hours on end. I loved everything. It was as if liquid gold used to come out of his mouth every time he spoke.

inside me, but I didn't know how to access

enough. So when I was feeling bad about myself, where I was on my journey,

comparing myself to him (and others), I

felt envious, less than and resentful. It came to a point where I couldn't listen to this superior coach! Thinking about his

success and everything he stood for, I literally would become quite aggressively.

If he'd been in front of me, I'd have punched his lights out.

Very un-Goddesslike right?

But then, on the days when I felt good, I couldn't think of anything

better to listen to him, and it just lit me up because he was reminding me of the brilliance in myself.

Can you relate? Is there someone you see in your entourage and secretly envy their success? Do you

get twangs of comparisonitis (which always ends in self-judgement!)

But here's the thing, Luvly; that envy, that yearning, that jealousy, where you're








resent their

success, the reason that shows up is

this: your gift is being triggered inside. A part of your gift that you haven't yet allowed to emerge, the

part of your gift that you haven't yet

stepped into, is being triggered outwardly


someone else.


You see it in a role model, and it yearns to come out.


When that happens, your blessed little soul

calls you and says, "Look, look! This is what we are capable of! This is what you could

have; this is what is within you". Your soul recognises your greatness by seeing it mirrored in others. But often, it comes out

as this inappropriate yearning, churning energy that nobody enjoys feeling. For








experiencing this 'less than' resentfulness, it

was really all because this lovely guy (whom I still adore to this day" had his

own modality - his very own methodology,

something I thought was the pinnacle of

achievement! So I yearned for my own

version of my own modality, my own version of something unique and lifechanging that was mine. At the time, I could never have imagined that I had that

something within me. I kind of accepted

that that experience wasn't for me; it wasn't something that was within me, not that I was capable of creating.

But The Conscious Wealth Code® - my proprietary




birthed itself very naturally and gradually to the point where I didn't even realise it

had. I didn't realise that it was already there. I couldn't see it.

Still, it built up, grew, and the next level came to the point where I do have my own work now. I've got my own modality, which happened as I stepped further into my gifts.

When I realised what that envy, jealousy, yearning and resentment were showing me, when I realised what the gift was inside of that and started stepping further into my next level, it blossomed. It was a beautiful peony that just gave and gave and gave of its beauty and scent.

So how do you know when that's happening? How can you tell when you've stepped into your Goddess power and transcended these base impulses?

Because you will see the world from a

Here's the thing; as an entrepreneur, you

will see the abundance everywhere.

models, or heroes, or mentors, or simply

nobler, more virtuous point of view. You

I'm blessed; I've got some really talented people in my own home. I mean, my husband is a fabulous chef, he's a great

cook amongst other things, and I so appreciate



wanting to have them!




are surrounded by people who are role

they are where you want to be. Often when you work with these people, not only do they give you those twangs of

envy, but you may well reflect on how

they aren't really different from you or that you already know the wisdom they are teaching.

My daughter and son are fabulous

Jealousy is also a pretty hard word for

artists, and I can totally appreciate their

relatable, when you see somebody who

artists, absolutely mind-blowingly good gifts. I'm happy to spend time and

participate in those gifts. I'm not jealous and envious of them. I don't want them.

Their talents are not within me, waiting to be unlocked. So I don't get jealous about it or envious of it.

Do you see? It's that jealousy and envy

that is just a signal where you need to

take responsibility and look at what's

really going on inside and then expand into that version of yourself.

That's why that resentment is showing up; you resent someone else because it's within you. Your version of it is

absolutely within you. You've just got to choose it and own it.

heart-led entrepreneurs, but envy is so is really super successful in a way that you identify with it, it lights you up.

But then you start beating yourself up for all the reasons you are not there yet, or that something is wrong with you.

But if we don't allow ourselves to feel this emotion and energy and make it wrong about






inappropriately somewhere, sometimes

and make you look very Un-Goddesslike. So just see it for what it truly is. It is golden. It is within you.

You just need to find your version of 'it' is.

It won't be exactly the same as the person

So here's a golden as opposed to green

you aspire to be. Your version won't be the

When you are inspired by somebody, or

pushing your button or inspiring you or that same, but there will be a version. That's

why you are feeling the way you do. And

instead of allowing ourselves to be jealous and envious, we kind of turn it within. What

Goddess tip to experience that expansion. you aspire to be like somebody, tune into

that person's energy and lifestyle and achievements. How does it feel for you?

we are doing is we are running the risk of


because it's safer to direct the energy

them and then go and deliberately trigger

resenting ourselves. We resent ourselves

inwards than direct it at someone we secretly admire and resent at the same time.

We resent ourselves, and then it can start manifesting




frustration, ping-ponging back and forth.






superpower energies you detect? Identify that energy somewhere. Just do anything that ignites the energy in you that you perceive in your role model.

That will begin to unlock your own gifts and light.

So comparisonitis is the more subtle

Expansion is your default state, but you

choose because it's more comfortable to

soul by tuning into what it will feel like when

version that heart-centred people tend to direct the resentment towards themselves than outwardly. But that's not Goddesslike either!

I encourage my clients to stop going where it's showing them that energy and

instead focus on the opposite energy, which is the default setting is expansion. If you think about resentment, it's a really

can get a direct communication from your

you own that space. When you are at the

level of the next version of you, and your

highest life, when you are showing up as this person that is pushing every button

you've got on one day and then inspiring you the next day, tune to what that will feel like for you, identify the energy, go do it, go do in other ways.

contracted energy and space. So what

Right now, think about somebody who

instead. Think of all the ways you can be,

success or something that you admire or

you want to do is choose expansion

feel and do more expansion in your life, not just your business and life.

We can leverage all of these. We can leverage the law with all of these. Because expansion is your default.

really represents the kind of lifestyle or

maybe that you're working with. Identify one of the energies you resonate with, and

then go and take an action that will trigger that energy.

Say you're an entrepreneur who dreams of

All you golden Goddesses know this, you're

where you can have a significant impact, but

You are resenting that you are not stepping

making an impact; start looking at situations at the same time, tie it in with an opportunity for people to really give you that kind of feedback.

So start to play around with that, choose what

new ways you can impact people's lives right now. Be really aware and conscious of every

time you are doing something that you hope will impact other people.

If the energy of resentment is calling you to expand into the next version of you, that's what

never really resenting other people. into who you really are.

When you resent somebody, and you assume

that's true, you're missing the point completely. You're making it about them when actually it's

always about you and the goals that are underneath that.

So take a deep breath, and ask your soul, "Show me the truth of who I really am. What's in

this for me? What is it I need to know? What's my part in this and take responsibility?"

it's calling you for. Expand into this; this doesn't

Remember, money resonates with the energy

Resentment represents misalignment. Money

something that you think is wrong with you






is a happy byproduct of alignment, so you

vibrate at a higher frequency when you start expanding into that.

You vibrate at more money because money is a happy byproduct of alignment. And what

of responsibility and power. When you make about






someone else, you are giving your power away.

You are not taking responsibility, and it's never, ever, ever really about anybody else that's just an egoic tactic to keep you off track.

you are doing is your version of alignment.

Have conversations with people, set your

Everything that we want and desire, everything

sacrificing your time and energy on things you

we are meant to be, is literally within us. We just need to find ways to unlock that. Look for the gold underneath so that you can actually

have a much more direct conversation with your soul.







don't want to do. And step further into the more expansive version of you, because all you're doing






resentment is you are wasting your time.


That's precisely what a Goddess would not do. So go and be Golden, not Green.

And unleash your inner Goddess for all our sakes.

Love, Love, Love Karen

“ Realign the things you can’t see, to get the results you can see.”

Karen Baines Karen Baines is a Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor and loves to work with passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs by showing them how to master their own creational process, particularly around their business and finances.

I’ve been learning and teaching the language of money for some years now, having previously run my own successful bookkeeping business. Running quietly parallel to this was a life-long interest in personal development. A whole new level of money wisdom was introduced to me when I discovered Universal Law and energy, soon after that the defining moment when these two worlds suddenly collided. Previously, I had been attempting to compartmentalise them, the irony being that I now teach how you simply cannot compartmentalise energy.

A vital component of running a business is your finances – your income - money. Understanding your own alignment and the energetics of money gives you a priceless opportunity to unlock and reach that illusive next income level, as in a nutshell, Money is just a very happy by-product of Alignment, and the best definition of Alignment is YOU Do YOU!

Free Money Momentum Assessment You want to break through to the next level of income, you can feel it, you can taste it, you know it is right there. It’s within touching distance but you can’t seem to get your hands on it, no matter what you do.

You’re spending a lot of time doing things that warrant little return and don’t create actual results. It feels like 200 steps forward and 300 steps back. That tipping point continues to illude you, somehow.

And I know you’re doing all of the things that you’ve been told to do in your business, the proven steps you need to take to build your business. But let me ask you, how is that working out for you so far?

Perhaps you know that something is missing, but you can’t put your finger on it. You know you want to make an impact in the world – a global impact. You know you want financial freedom and not just a bank account that looks like a mobile phone number, but money you can actually use because you have the time freedom to use it!


Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


PRINCIPLE "Believe in the possible, Trust in the infinite, Reside in the limitless"



January, 2022

All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you.

Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past. Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending.

Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle

If we're not growing, we're dying. Change is all there is... what are the three main areas of your life that you need to work on this month?

move on your results.

What are your three potential obstacles and challenges to getting the results you want this year? What are you doing to overcome them?

Practise the art of detachment. It liberates energy and unblocks resistance. Give yourself reminders everywhere to breathe consciously during the day, until it's a habit.


Living as a Goddess in a Worn-Out World Yvette Taylor

Here we are….. .at the beginning of another

Maybe you wouldn’t name yourself as a

year of chaos and heightened feelings of

‘Goddess’. It often paints an imp-like lady

uncertainty about the future. Yet inside, you

dressed in floating robes, yet real goddesses

KNOW you are ready for this change.

come in many forms. The most common ones are the mother, the maiden, the queen,

You have felt something coming for a while,

the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the

a silent knowing in your heart you were here


for more, yet never able to put your finger on what IT really is.

If you look at each of these archetypes, we know that we easily slip in and out of each

With everything we’ve experienced in the

of these depending who we are with, what

last 20 months, I think it’s becoming the

needs to be done and what mood we are in!

norm to feel like we have no clear direction

We bend, move, and morph into the most

on what our futures hold.

appropriate archetype at any moment.

We can be sure that the universe has a plan

The lover - is that powerful sexual

for each and every one of us. We can

energy our inbuilt desire to connect &

CHOOSE to ignore or CHOOSE to pay


attention to the signs we receive.

The maiden is youthful and passive. We step into that mother role as we nurture

What if you could understand the signs,

others and take care of everyone.

recognise the guidance you ARE receiving

The queen is loyal; she is regal; she holds

and regain certainty in your life and what

her place in the queendom directing the

your future holds. This is the beautiful gift of

realm and keeping state.

a Goddess; she knows what the future holds

The huntress is about that ability to

because she is the creator of it all.

pursue life independently; she is independent and focused on her intentions. The sage is the font of all knowledge and creator of alliances The mystic who is that zen-like power and holds a place of inner peace

All of these are potent archetypes to hold, and each one of their skills and knowledge will be a powerful thing to embody and put to use at the right times. Each one also has a darker side, the hurt, the wounded version who may act out of a character who will seek to hurt or protect herself instead of standing in her empowered place. It is often because of the hurt she has experienced that we do not embody all 7 in an empowered way. Yet, we can often become stuck in one or two. With all that is happening in the world, I feel myself slipping into that Huntress energy, feeling like Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games. Other times I slip into that mother bear energy protecting my little cubs, followed by the sage, holder of knowledge and forming alliances where they are needed.

So here goes, where are you? Which one of

Well, you can be that Goddess everywhere,

these do you need to embody more of?

too; in fact, that is what this transformation

Which one of these do you need to let go of?

on the planet right now is all about.

We can live as powerfully as women in all of these states.

The old world as we knew it is slipping away. The mirrors, smoke, and curtains that

Let’s be truthful with ourselves the world

hid so much control and manipulation are

needs these traits and energies of the female

falling to the floor, exposing the bare bellies

archetypes; we need love, connection,

of the darker sides of humanity.

alliances, warriors, nurturing, wise, honourable qualities. What better way to

Yet, with the curtains falling, that means it is

bring them to the world than to BE them.

time for us to see and step into the light, to bring forward a new way of living. The truth

I touched on this in the last issue that we can

is there is nothing NEW about it; it’s how


human beings are by nature; we just seem to have forgotten ourselves along the way.

As you go about your daily activity, allow yourself to remain in your flow state. You can use EAM to BE a vibrational ‘shifter’ on the planet simply by your presence. How? By doing the work on yourself to raise your vibration, uplevel what you are thinking, living, feeling and being in the new paradigm in every moment.

So GODDESS - how will you bring this powerful energy of yours to the world. People on this planet are calling for change; we know we want something – different, fairer, kinder, more loving. It can be easy to see the old world as broken and lost, yet the truth is nothing in this world is broken; it is all in the process of change. Everything in life is always in motion. Everything moves through a season; everything must transition from one age or era to another. If we hold on too tightly to what was, we will struggle and fight against the forces of the universe. So dear Goddess, allow yourself to be so tuned in to what YOU need to BE at any moment. Allow yourself to flow this powerful energy in whichever archetypal state. Be present in your interactions, and see yourself forever as a goddess creating your magic in this world. Right now, we’re seeing the chaos as we move to the new paradigm. To change the world, hang out with people of the same vibration, come together to shift the frequency. By doing the work you’ve done, and we hope you’ll continue to do, with EAM, you’re contributing to the change in mass consciousness. To birth this changing world, we need to embody the power of the feminine and allow it to take its equal place in the world; that is how the yin and yang of life will flow. Let’s do the work to shift it now - I’ll show you how with EAM.

What the ENERGY ALIGNMENT METHOD EAM® is, and what it can do for you.

This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®. EAM is an accredited modality that bridges science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life. Here’s a simple insight into the 5 STEPS Step 1 - You Ask Tap into our subconscious to ask a question Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5, so you can step into your EMBODYING YOUR GODDESS. You can work through this individually for each of these archetypes the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover.


EXPERIENCE Close your eyes, and feel into the energy of your chosen archetype. What do you notice about her? What does she feel like? What emotions she is experiencing, and what beliefs she has. Where do you notice any stuck or resistant energy which prevents you from embodying her empowered energy? Even if you see or feel nothing follow steps 4 & 5 anyway.


TRANSFORM Take what you found at step 3 and insert it into this statement below. ‘I AM ready to release (these feelings of fear, this heaviness in my heart when I step into the lover archetype). I release it from my energy in all forms, on all levels, and at all points in time.’ Repeat AT LEAST 3 times, in repetitions of three; you may have to do this once or twice when you feel the release, move onto step 5.


MANIFEST Now we have fun reprogramming our energy and creating something new. Ideally, hold your hands above your head, palms facing up and repeat three times. ‘I AM ready to allow (e.g. myself to embody this empowered lover energy, I am open to connecting and receiving all the good in the world, I share love wherever I go, whoever I am with. I connect). I allow this into my energy in all forms, on all levels, at all points in time.’ BE IT EVERYWHERE Tune into these archetypes and start to recognise as you flow through your day, which one of these empowered goddesses will I be; this is how you live your life as a goddess in a worn-out world. It’s time to birth the new one. Are you ready?

Yvette Taylor Yvette Taylor is one of the most sought-after transformational teachers in our current paradigm. She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life. Yvette is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide. She is an entrepreneur and change-maker by heart, who has run multiple six- and sevenfigure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.

Follow EAM

Follow Yvette

Work with Yvette

Learn the 5 Steps of EAM Complimentary Video & Chapter of the new book


Change your energy, change your life!

DREAM BOLD NETWORK A Co ns c i o us Me di a Pl a t f o r m


L i v i n g a s a g o d d e s s i n a wo r n o u t wo r l d

Goddess in a Worn out World Dear Goddess, Do you ever feel as though your divine calling is feeling more and more challenging in a world that is in so much conflict and pain? If so, this is a common experience for goddesses that are called to light up the darkness. Many of us are experiencing exhaustion, confusion and fear in this turbulent world. This is why self-care, unconditional love, sacred practices and inner-strength are required during these extreme times of transformation and healing. This is not an easy mission we all signed up for—so remembering how to harness your innate powers is imperative to unleashing your divine essence. We must consciously supercharge our bodies with life force energy and neurologically rewire our minds for resiliency, inner peace and motivation. Protecting our energy fields is also crucial to living our best lives and harnessing our quantum potential. Remember, we can most effectively help others when we are healthy and energetically balanced. We often think we are being selfish if we prioritize ourselves but that's how we best serve the divine. Do you give yourself permission to relax, heal, slow down and recharge? Do you feel hopeful? Do you feel empowered? Do you treat yourself like a goddess? Awareness of our inner dialogue is key to making conscious shifts in the direction of empowerment and fulfillment. This is the time for all of us to go inward and heal our trauma and faulty programming. Are you gentle with yourself? Have you mastered the art of forgiving yourself and others? When we liberate ourselves from old stories and trapped pain, we have more life force energy to utilize. Being aware of our inner mind movies is absolutely imperative when we are stepping into our goddess power. Delete internal scenes that weigh heavy on you and replace them with the vision of yourself and your life that you want to manifest, because those mind movies are previews to your future reality. When you love your inner world, the rest falls into place—how magical is that? This is the time for all of us to prioritize our health, wellness and energetic fields. We can achieve this with healthier lifestyles, high-vibrational foods, improved hydration, sound healing, meditation, more time in nature and being more playful. Surround yourself with positive people, uplifting media and inspirational content. We become what we surround ourselves with—so be strong with your energy boundaries. To be a goddess is to resonate with the deepest core of who we are—sacred light, quantum energy and infinite intelligence—regardless of the tornado of chaotic energy that is clearing around us. Hold the line ladies—we are the heroes, the protectors, the visionaries, the guardians and the architects. Trust the process and let's rise together as we step into our superhuman potential. We are limitless and magnificent beings—we just have to remember this and believe we are worthy of living a goddess lifestyle. You are a sacred energy field, living in an energy matrix—with a world that needs YOU to light it up! ~Kate Yurenda, Dream Bold Network

Rise Above

Goddess Healing

Goddess Flow The key to being a goddess in a worn out world is to embody the flow state. This means consciously relaxing more, being more mindful, centering yourself and harmonizing your mind and heart. When we match and mirror the flow state of nature, we are able to surrender to the quantum field and magnetize with more ease, peace and divine intelligence.

You are a goddess—because we are all goddesses. Every single one of us is being called to unleash our innate powers of creation, healing and divine love. Let's light it up sisters—the world needs our collective superpowers. Are you in?

Goddess Vision Move in the direction of your heart's vision for your life and our world. When enough of us vibrate in the frequency of love, we will live in a more harmonized and peaceful world.

Dream Bold Network Art

Goddess Mindset Rewire yourself to have the mindset and presence of a goddess We are all a reflection of the stories we repeatedly tell ourselves. This is why it is so important to become more aware of how our minds are wired. Have you trained your mind to focus on the positive or do you often focus your energy on the challenges? Repetition is the most effective way to start instilling a more empowering and magnetic mindset. Daily affirmations are extremely beneficial for harmonizing our minds, hearts and bodies—and aligning our intentions. Do you have a regular meditation practice? Qi Gong is a moving meditation that teaches us how to have more mind and heart coherence. When we slow down and explore our inner worlds, we are able to write a more empowering narrative. This greatly impacts our energetic state. To have a goddess mindset you want to think of your mind as a magnet for all that you desire and want to attract. The mind is a computer that needs to constantly be upgraded. When a thought that's not aligned with your higher self Ground your body,

surfaces, simply observe it and replace it with a new

elevate your thoughts,


align your emotions and protect your energy field

Quantum physics has proven that our thoughts create an electric charge so we are in a constant state of signaling to the quantum field. Our thoughts literally become our future so the question is—what kind of future is your mind imagining and is it aligned with your goddess nature?

Dream Bold Network Art

Goddess Affirmations I am grateful for all aspects of my divine being. I am resilient, brave, grounded and powerful. I am a beacon of light for everyone around me. I am youthful, vibrant, empowered and magnetic. l am so proud of myself for my inner growth and courage. I am committed to my highest path of divine expression. I am in harmony and peace with all areas of my life. I am in love with who I am becoming and I trust myself. I am free to be the true me—an eternal goddess of love.

"I am an unstoppable goddess"

Goddess Lifestyle In our world we were programmed and conditioned to believe that things happen to us. When in reality, we are the co-creators of what we attract. When we become more conscious of our abilities to manifest anything we desire—we become unstoppable! Do you feel worthy of a goddess lifestyle? Do you feel vibrationally aligned with abundance? In order to create the life of your dreams, it's imperative to be aware of where you focus your thoughts, emotions and energy. Are you focused on what you want or what you don't want? Are you ready to upgrade your thoughts and visualizations? You deserve to be happy, free, abundant and successful—but do you believe that? Your belief system is shaping your reality. In order to magnetize a more fulfilling life, try celebrating your life more, model people that are living the life of your dreams and be your own personal coach and cheerleader. It works!

Dream Bold Network Art

Dream Bold Network Art

Goddess Medicine Do you retreat to nature enough? Do you have a regular meditation? Do you give yourself permission to relax and unwind? We are all healers and nature is our medicine when we drop into the flow state. In order to balance our energy fields we must harmonize with nature. By investing more time into still reflection we are able to absorb the earth energy and align with cosmic energy above. Our bodies our designed to heal and our energy bodies facilitate that healing when we embody divine vibrations. Our bodies are the portals for life force energy to flow through. The energy can only move freely when we condition our bodies to be calm and receptive. Slowing down is essential to tapping into our natural goddess flow state. Rest is medicine for the soul so make sure you fuel yourself up first. A goddess always knows that their health and wellness is a priority for shifting the vibration of the world and radiating the light. Surrender to the beauty around you and trust that nature will whisper the answers and restore your body.

"Tap into and unleash your true goddess essence—the world needs it"

Goddess Instincts One of the greatest assets that you have are your instincts. Always listen to what your body is trying to communicate with you. Trust those inner nudges, knowing sensations, magnetic pulls and divine whispers— because instincts are your superpower!

Goddess Instincts in a Modern World

Dream Bold Network Art

Trust your inner voice and honor your divine instincts

Dream Bold Network Art

Goddess Energy Everything in the universe is energy, frequency and vibration. So being a goddess means that you tap into the frequency of divine intelligence and you radiate magnetic energy. You are limitless beyond your comprehension and your potential to inspire the world is boundless. Are you ready to unleash your goddess nature and light up the world?

"You are a goddess of divine light and love"

Dream Bold Network Art

Goddess Vibes The true meaning of being a goddess is to be in the vibration of love. It means to tap into your innate healing powers and shine your light on everyone you meet. When you master your mind, release your trauma and recalibrate your energy to be in your feminine power—the world becomes a better place. We all have masculine and feminine energy so balancing these frequencies is extremely important when we want our inner light to soar. The way that we treat ourselves determines how others will feel in our presence so forgive and love yourself so that others may receive the gift of your blinding light.

"Be the Frequency of unconditional love"

Dream Bold Network Art

Goddess Courage It takes courage to be a goddess. It takes courage to hold the light for others and to remain strong during heartbreaking times. When we find courage in each other's strength, we all win and free ourselves. Let's all consciously encourage and light each other up more. We are on the same team and the world needs our collective feminine energy to heal the world. It's time to activate, unite and unleash our divine powers ladies!

"You are a goddess of divine light and love"

NEXT STEPS Visit Dream Bold Network and enjoy our conscious media platform

Check out more of our content: Thanks for supporting our customized store:

Kate Yurenda, Founder of Dream Bold Network Dream Bold Network is a company that I started to share conscious media that empowers humanity. It’s a platform that showcases my greatest passions, including graphic art, interviews, Qi Gong, my books, conscious products, spoken word and inspiring writing. Dream Bold Network consists of thought-leaders, artists, filmmakers, authors, mindset coaches, healing practitioners and bold visionaries. We are all dedicated to the art and science of intentional magnetism, ancient healing modalities, quantum creation and unity consciousness. I became interested in this because of my own personal healing journey and the more I learned about ancient healing, the more I knew the world needed someone to translate it— with a bold and innovative approach. It was a calling that I am so grateful I answered. Dream Bold Network is on a mission to empower humanity and to reconnect us to our innate abilities. Our intention is to tap us back into superhuman consciousness so that we can make a quantum shift in the direction of world peace. Our plan is to teach this wisdom in a playful, sensual, artistic and entertaining way. We are conducting a global energy experiment and truly believe that we just need enough of us to vibrate high enough to nullify the lower frequencies that are holding humanity back. Our vision is to teach the world how to heal and create on a quantum level so that we can manifest freedom, equality, harmony and spiritual evolution. We are all motivated to build a bridge back to divine source energy so that we can reconnect with infinite intelligence and consciously create a better world for our children.

Free Goddess Qi Gong Routine: Be sure to check out Kate's e-book, Spiritual Foreplay—

available at





January, 2022

To set our personal north star as the only guideline for our journey, and to set our ‘life sails’ in that direction, will cause others to want to do the same.

Hold the space for others to rise by expecting the best from them. Be the change you want to see in every part of your world.

Stand for your highest values and don’t stand anything less than being treated with respect and integrity.

Write your own year's manifesto using the 9 Graces of Preeminence as a Blueprint. Keep it near you at all times.

Be true to your word. Keep promises. Be puncutal. Listen before speaking. Practice temperance in any excess behaviour that does not serve your highest good.

Find a coach, book, modality or program that can help you ovrcome locked in trauma. Decide that this year will be the year you are finally healed.


Tahira Amir Sultan Khan The Miracle Messenger

Photo Credit Diva Kumar

"My life was Hell. From losing everything to being ill with enlarged tumours in my body, my mind was steep in depression, my soul was plagued with fear.

Emotionally, I was shattered. Everything changed in September 2013. The appearance of stigmata and a face-to-face encounter with the Lord "

Photo Credit Diva Kumar

Gold Sari Kaftan sponsored by Rajul Mehta @Queenmark

Click here:

Meet Tahira Amir Sultan Khan Exclusive interview with Jenni P Are you a change wanter or a change do-er?

Tahira shares with Jenni what it takes to go from having ideals to truly making an impact. Having made such a radical shift in her life from technology engineer to esteemed author and founder of a prestigious global Platform dedicated to supporting change-maker authors and innovators, Tahira shares her personal journey of the radical and spiritual transformation needed to achieve this. How being change-maker demands that you show up truly authentically in every way; how, whatever your topic, if you own it with lucidity and authority, you can get people to listen and act. How authors' ideas without initiatives to implement them, are empty ideas. Real change-makers are activists in places where help is needed. Tahira invites you to... "Discover The Gold Within You" Photo Credit Diva Kumar

"In March 2014, I reached the pinnacle of my supernatural experiences when I stepped into the realm of Heaven. With an intense feeling in my palms, there was a radical shift in the vibrational frequency of the atmosphere. The sights and sounds , a fragrance in the air, with trees and pathways laden with gold."

Photo Credit Diva Kumar

Gold Sari Kaftan sponsored by Rajul Mehta @Queenmark

Photo Credit Diva Kumar

Cape sponsored by Rajul Mehta @Queenmark

Tahira Amir Sultan Khan is an Author, Speaker, Technologist and Spiritual Futurist.

A natural born leader and creative visionary, she was appointed to be the first female President of Mobile Alliance Singapore, an initiative supported by the International Enterprise Singapore (2014). She was given the task of making Singapore the leading hub for mobile innovation in all of Asia. After 20 years in technology as an Advisor and Consultant to international governments, she took on a huge risk when she made the big switch to becoming a full-time author. Nine months of near-isolation - researching, writing, reflecting, meditating and fasting, she received countless divine revelations and prophetic visions, which included the vision of the "Golden Door". She was guided instinctively to persevere, despite the financial losses and the loneliness that she had to endure. And through that journey, she transformed to become a Renaissance woman, who was able to masterfully interleave spirituality, philosophy, geometry, quantum physics, symbolism, biology, ancient wisdom, poetry, literature and art. Tahira's "golden door" is justice through the values of truth and integrity. Her "Be-ing" is to radiate it out through her words and actions of love. In 2019, she founded the pioneering Golden Door - Truth & Integrity of the Written Word. Inaugurated on the 5th Sep 2020, GOLDEN DOOR was featured in the New York Chronicle, Asia One and Market Insider as the World’s First. It is a movement and platform that recognises and raises truth-writers to become truth-creators for the manifestation of the heavenly blueprint for the New World. Singapore's former Ambassador-at-large to the United Nations, Prof Tommy Koh called her a visionary. She was nominated for the Tallberg Snf-Eliasson Leadership Prize by prominent former Singapore Government Leaders (2021). Other awards: The ASEAN Lady of Excellence (2017), Asia Pacific Golden Brand Award (2018). Educationally, Tahira holds a double major Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics (UWA) and an MBA (International Business) from Melbourne University, with high distinctions.

Photo Credit Diva Kumar

Click here to find out more

Click here to find out more

"Truth and Integrity Of The Written Word" Click below for more information.


Social Justice



Preeminence And The Principled Woman. How to Create Your Ultimate Circle of Sisterhood. Finding out she was sleeping with a married man

Being in a relationship these days, for the majority

recently become friends, but there’s one thing I

a lot of cases, a relationship leads to total

killed our friendship dead. Thankfully we had only will definitely not do, and that is be part of betraying the sisterhood.

Had we been friends for years, I would have told

her that if she continued to see the married man,

then our friendship would cease; until she at least came to the realisation that whilst she continued

of people means an end to independence, and in dependency.

Our life partners are not the be-all and end-all of our lives, neither are our children, and yet many

women speak of their children as being their ‘best friend’.

with the relationship she was adding to the

Our children are not our best friends, and if they

generations to come.

dependency and toxicity which lay underneath

wounding of women, not just now, but for

You see, as women we have been divided on so many levels and have become numb to the pain we are causing others as well as ourselves.

We used to bleed together in the red tents of old.

We used to live together raising our children, and we used to support one another without fear of inadequacies and betrayal.

We allowed ourselves to be divided, entered into competing against one another for the pleasure of men; and we forgot that the men in our lives are meant to enhance it, not control it.

are, then we need to consider the levels of cothat.

Having guided 10,000’s of women on their journey back to self to live a life of unlimited possibilities,

the one common factor amongst them all is fear

of rejection and betrayal, and in almost all of the

cases of betrayal, there is another woman as the root cause.

From the best friend in school who betrayed the trust of a deeply private secret shared in

confidence, to the discovery of infidelity in our romantic relationships, or the relationship with our mother.

The back stabbing that goes on in the work


or the female boss who has taken on the

subtly, sometimes forcefully, and have led to

place to get the coveted prize of promotion, role of preventing other women rising above her.






compounded over the years, sometimes such deep wounds which stop us going after everything we truly desire in life.

Then there is the competition of bedding the

Rejection from our parents, friends and our

outshine the other women in looks, finances

to drive our businesses forward and asking

hottest guy in the office or doing our best to

and the most perfect home and child. All these have added to the layers of betrayal

and inadequacy women experience the world over.

Toxic gossip magazines highlight the less

lovers leads to the fear asking for the sales

for the higher prices representing our worth.

It stops us from asking for help when we need







beautiful women in our lives who will celebrate and collaborate with us.

than perfect toned thigh and stomachs of

For years I have watched women sabotage

along with the ‘worst dressed’ woman at the

new female I serve with the transformational

female celebrities and their beach bodies, Oscars and the ‘Who wore it best?’ style comparisons.

We have been taught to dislike the natural

themselves and each other, and with each

work I do as an author coach, guiding them in the realms of female leadership, I too have been called forward.

shape of our bodies, even the very intimate

Facilitating a woman to write her life story,

implants are chosen rather than the love of

private journey, is indeed a beautiful honour,

regions of our vaginas. Breast and butt ourselves and vagina sculpting is on the increase.

How is vaginal sculpting any different to

female genital mutilation? Both practices involve mutilating our vaginas and both make





whether it is for publication or her own

one I take very seriously. Authoring our life means we get truly present to who we are, the depths of our courage and embodying

the greatest power of all – our own personal truth.


Working with women at the very top of their

pleasure of the clitoris or the pleasure of

the run, has shown me it doesn’t matter

depths of pleasure, whether that is the loving ourself completely as we are.

careers, to ladies who lunch and mum’s on which level of status is applied to us, we are

all women who have allowed ourselves to

be the sacrificial lamb in many areas of our lives – and it all starts with the betrayal within the sisterhood.

Choosing to end a friendship with a woman

We all have a choice on who we BE, so here

sound harsh, but if I’m prepared to stand by

step into honouring yourself and the divine

who’s sleeping with a married man may and watch a woman’s marriage be broken, then it shows a lack of respect for women, the family unit and relationships as a whole.

Men only cheat because we as women allow ourselves to be part of the betrayal. If

are five steps for you to take so you can feminine within us all!

Would love to hear how you get on!

With Love, from your very own Ms Mermaid x

we as women all stood together and

Step 1:

sleeping her man, then men’s options would

Grab a large sheet of paper and create

refused to betray another woman’s trust by be reduced.

three columns with the words:

“My PreEminent Posse” at the top of one

If we stood together to honour and serve

column, “My Posse in Progress” at the top of


at the top of the third column

one another, then we wouldn’t compete each




collaborate and create positive change in

the middle column and “Time for Reflection”

the world.

Step 2:

If we stood together and celebrated each

Make a list of all the women in your life.

of being inadequate and would go after

ones who make you feel like anything is

other and our successes, we’d lose the fear everything our hearts desired.

If we chose to boycott the toxic trashy magazines which degrade women in some

of the nastiest of ways possibilities, then we

Which ones inspire and empower you? The possible, and those you would trust with

your future goals, your children, your lover

and your bank cards. Write these in Column 1 “My PreEminent Posse”

wouldn’t feel the need to mutilate our

In Column 2: Write the names of the women


ones who have your back – whilst also not

bodies, harming our self-belief and inner

(And imagine if the celebrities chose to honour themselves and other women by

choosing to not be featured in the toxic magazines…



magazine industry overnight!)



Only when we honour each other with higher standards,




unwavering support of each other, will we truly rise in the divine feminine, in divine abundance and divine consciousness.

whom you enjoy spending time with, the leading you down the path to pity, drama or gossip. These are the ones whom you love

to have around you but are not necessarily calling you forward.

Column 3: These are the ladies in your life who make you feel small, inferior or lead you into gossip and backstabbing. The ones you

have doubts about and wouldn’t leave your husband, kids or bank cards alone with.

Step 3: Looking at the ladies in each column, starting with column 1, are you collaborating with these, and if not why not? Is it just one sided awe or is it a two way street? In column 2

which of these ladies do you want to bring over into Column 1, and which ones are you going to create greatness with? With Column 3 – ask yourself why on earth these ladies are still in your life? Start removing them from your life as quickly as possible. Step 4: Now focus on: “My PreEminent Posse” and “My Posse in Progress”. Look at each name and

make a list of ‘Passion Project Possibilities’ you can create together for even greater health, wealth and happiness in all areas of your life, and theirs.

Remember, if you’re not willing to create a passion project with these women or share

details of the projects without any doubt or uncertainty coming up, revisit your initial lists, because there are trust issues which need identifying within you, or within your relationships. Step 5: Once you’ve created this list, schedule a call with me and let’s go even deeper on what is truly possible for you and your very own PreEminent Posse!

Dawn Bates aka Ms. Mermaid

Human rights, social justice and real freedom for all are what excites me. It always has done.

I’ve always disliked bullies and I will not

stop my relentless mission to give a voice

to the voiceless through my books, your books, podcasts and articles until I stop seeing these injustices the world over.

This means there’s a lot of work to do,

books to write and voices to be given a

microphone to. Dive into real conversations here:

To get your hands on the

first books in The Sacral Series head on over here:

where you can also listen to




accompany each book.

If you are wanting to get your own game changing

book written and published

then PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE so we can discuss the








vision and your legacy.

See all my published works here:

Work with Dawn If you are wanting to learn how to create a powerful and profitable legacy, believe you are ready to learn from and with me, collaborate and change the world together, start by reading my books, listening to my podcasts and if what you see here on my website inspires you, send me a message and let’s see where this journey takes us.

To write a book of substance in any genre is to go deep, so if you work with me, we will go deep, because we are creating your legacy. We are working towards your legacy being a source of powerful and positive change in the world for everyone; and this work is not for everyone, even though many would like to think it is. Contact me here:


PRINCIPLE "Endurance is not suffering, it's persistence and consistency in energetic balance".



January, 2022

Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our hearts desires.

But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back.

The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on.

Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable.

Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up.

When the going gets tough, move on to the next Grace.

Will your deadlines keep you alive? Is there something you could outsource (even something simple like car washing or cleaning?)

When was the last time you played? Make a list of 6 things you find truly fun and integreate them into your new year's schedule.

Does your diet and lifestyle support your highest vision of life? What will you commit to this month to change or improve that?






sacred workouts

Alice e l d r i g e c Bra

In 1979, legendary Hollywood star Jane Fonda

What started as innocent isometrics in spandex


beauty ideal that attacks our sense of self-

released her first workout to the masses. It was a record,




instruction for squats and crunches, set to famous tracks from Reo Speedwagon, Billy Ocean, and many more. This iconic record was

responsible for sparking the Aerobics trend of the late 70s and 80s. It popularized the concept of

and leg warmers, now presents an unattainable confidence as women at the deepest levels. In many





essence and our womanhood.



By negating the diversity of the female form,

‘working out’ for women in general. My own copy

perpetuating the fallacy that our emotional and

mother now lives in my basement storage, and I

physical well-being, and ignoring our cyclical

of the record passed down from my amazing consider it a family heirloom.

However, before Fonda came along with her leg

lifts and side bends, ‘exercise’ was something relegated to dark, dirty weight rooms at the

spiritual well-being are disconnected from our feminine






mainstream fitness industry has many women

locked in an endless loop, seeking unattainable perfection.

YMCA and highschool gyms across the land.

I know this to be true because, for 2 decades I’ve

of men and boys wanting to get ‘pumped’, and

fall in disillusionment out of the clutches of the

‘Working out’ was almost exclusively the domain

the idea of a ‘workout’ for women was largely

unheard of. It certainly wasn’t something our grandmothers had on their ‘to-do list. But in just 3 short decades, the idea of ‘fitness’ being an

essential part of our required weekly activities has taken hold with such tenacity that we’re now

being fed a steady stream of messages from a

100 billion dollar fitness industry1 that claims to

have our best interests at heart. But does it have our true feminine essence at heart?

been on the front lines, catching women as they fitness industry treadmill, and onto what many of them call ‘a spiritual path’, i.e. midlife crisis! (Hello

Menopause!) I’ve taught group fitness classes to

thousands of women around the world, and

trained thousands more to teach group fitness themselves. And I can tell you that our modern

‘Cosmo Culture’ is chewing women up, and

spitting them out, as fast as you can say, ‘thigh gap’.

This usually happens when they hit their mid-

forties, and despite trying every fitness and diet

fad known to man, the tyre around their waist continues



antidepressants appealing.






promise a



Year after year, I’ve witnessed women in my classes, listened to their stories, and trained with them for days at a time, and I can tell you

without a doubt that the majority of women in

our world today do not feel fit or confident with how they look in the mirror. And they certainly do

not feel connected to their sacred feminine vessel, their beautiful body. It’s clear; the fitness industry is failing women. And as we age, this

fact becomes as apparent as the silver hairs on our head, but much less acceptable.

So, what to do? The messages from media

giants and mega brands will continue to stream into our homes and minds. Still, we can arm

ourselves with the tools, self-awareness, and

savvy that will give us the best shot at true transformation and a return to self-love. We can

choose to honour our feminine nature, our female bodies, and the deep understanding that we actually know what’s best for us a heck of a lot

more than a pop magazine on the grocery store

checkout rack, with an airbrushed 17-year-old on the cover!

The first thing we can do is become media

literate, and learn to recognize when we’re seeing

an image that’s been manipulated. In reality, we should assume that every single image we see that’s trying to sell us a ‘better body’ has been edited in some way, and that the woman we’re seeing is probably much younger than us.

We can also limit our exposure to such images

If we want to succeed, we need to understand

images consistently make us feel ‘less than’. We

deeply personal, and that what worked one day

by unfollowing anyone on social media whose

can turn away from those racks in the grocery

store with photoshopped abs, and we can be

ruthless about what shows we consume. We can learn to be vigilant about telling the itty bitty

shitty committee in our head to shut the eff up

when it says, ‘You should have a butt like that.

that what we do or don’t do with our bodies is may not work the next. So go ahead and try that

new class or that new program, and then get super curious. How did it affect your mood? Your

energy levels? Your sense of self-worth? And did it make you feel like the Goddess that you are?

You’re a failure!”

Speaking of being a Goddess, the final (and

Now is the time to step into our true power as

fitness denies our innate feminine essence and

women and recognize once and for all that a 6-

pack and a perfect little perky butt may be fun for a moment, but they won’t bring lasting

fulfilment. That comes from a much, much deeper place.

The second thing we can do is start to deprogram our minds from the erroneous idea

that our physical well being is separate from our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We

are complex creatures, and the sooner we realize

perhaps most insidious) way that mainstream

womanhood is by denying the cyclical nature of our








menopause. Unlike men, who tend to follow a 24hour cycle, we women are governed by a

monthly cycle for most of our lives. This cycle requires that we eat, move, and behave in different ways during each phase of our cycle.

This is true month to month, and year to year, if we want to optimize our well-being.

Your personal trainer most likely won’t tell you

that the weight we can’t lose, the stiffness in our

that you should take it easy during the menstrual

intricately connected, the better.

yourself with both the science and the intuition

joints, the disrupted sleep, and the anxiety are all

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all in fitness, so it’s up to us to use our intuition and

really feel into what kind of movement will be best for all parts of our being.

One day the fitness industry will tell us that ‘higher

levels of physical activity will reduce the risk of depression’ (2), and then an amazing expert like

Alisa Vitti (3) will say that we should be careful

phase of your cycle, so it’s up to you to empower that will guide you to your healthiest self. Take control and listen deeply. Your body never lies.

Jane Fonda started something truly remarkable,

and as someone whose life has been greatly enhanced by exercise to music, I am deeply

grateful! We need fitness, and we need to trust that we have the wisdom within that will guide us to the fitness that will serve us best.

about overexercising, as it can disrupt our

By honouring the beautiful diversity of the female

differently to different kinds of exercise routines.

for all aspects of our being, and understanding

hormones. Both may be true, and we all respond Some women will thrive in a CrossFit® gym, while

some will be devastated by it. Some will adore

hot yoga, while others will be completely thrown

off balance by it. And some will love a spin class, while others just need to dance.

body, cultivating a healthy, intuitive appreciation

the different seasons of our divine womanhood,

our power is coming back. We will find our way. The Goddess has returned, but you’re not likely to find her on the cover of Cosmopolitan. You’ll have to look within to find her.


Experience the Holistic Fitness phenomenon that is exploding around the world! Created on the West Coast of Canada, in beautiful British Columbia, Bellyfit® now has hundreds of certified instructors in over 30 countries and is setting new standards in women’s fitness. Our unique, seamless blend of body-positive Belly Dance, Fitness & Yoga inspired moves, is intelligently designed for the female body and delivered in a beautifully compact 60 minutes. Set to a soundtrack of the best electronic dance music available, this is more than a fitness class, it’s an opportunity to rock your feminine energy and truly love how you feel.

Alice Bracegirdle

is a maverick entrepreneur, champion of the Feminine and a master of holistic movement design. Specializing in movement that honours, cultivates and expresses the Sacred Feminine for over 15 years, Alice has inspired thousands of women around the world to move & live in a way that’s strong, sexy & sacred. She has attained innumerable movement certifications in fitness, dance and Yoga and is a sought after international presenter. In 2007, alongside her husband Dj Rowan, she founded Bellyfit® Enterprises Inc., now the world’s leading holistic fitness system for women and a channel through which she brings her unique brand of Feminine empowerment to the mainstream. When she’s not with her amazing daughter, husband or baking delicious Paleo treats, she serves as Bellyfit® CEO and mentors hundreds of Bellyfit® Instructors in over 30 countries around the world who are moving & inspiring thousands of women every day.

Embodied Goddess artwork above by Autumn Skye

Free Gift for Preeminence Subscribers! v=xC43XwaIEXQ

All 7 of our Embodied Goddess Workout Videos Our flagship Bellyfit® experience, these 7 phenomenal Bellyfit® videos are aligned with the 7 Chakras & inspired by 7 Goddesses from the 7 Continents, so you can choose your workout based on which Goddess you want to embody and which energy centre you want to activate! Expect a full body workout with each video ~ 25 minutes of stress reducing, sweat inducing cardio, 10 minutes of full body toning on the mat and 10 minutes of relaxing stretching and meditation that will leave you feeling like the beautiful, powerful Goddess that you are!

CLICK HERE Coupon code: preeminence





January, 2022

Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half-full to overflowing with vitality and abundance.

It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as n e e d e d t o f e e l t h e s t i r o f e x c e l l e n c e r i s e a g a i n

Invest in rechargeable solar lights, and cut your evening brightness to induce the release of melatonin. Save money at the same time!

'Kill your darlings' - a popular term for taking out of a book or article that which is excess even if you love it. What can you cut out of your plans that will allow you to focus on your greatest work only?

Make a new playlist for every project you have that induces the kinds of emotions you want to feel when you have accomplished the outcome of this project! Music and the right emotions help you get into a flow state.


Your hibernation reminder for January Welcome to January. The start of the New Year! Scratch that ..… Change your thinking and consider this. January may be the cultural start of the year, but really, it is the end of last year and the time for preparation for a new annual cycle that starts, energetically, in February. That gives you a whole month to craft your resolutions and desires and prepare for 2022. If you think about it …. in the northern hemisphere at least, January hardly ever feels like it has the energy for a fresh start, and that's because many traditions see the end of this winter month, or early February, as the time when the new energies come in. The Chinese New Year, a movable date, is within this period (February 1st this year), and the Feng Shui New Year is always February 4th. So do yourself a favour, do what I like to do and take January for you. The whole month. Yes, of course, life goes on, but if you lived out in the wild, you would still be in hibernation.

So… try this: Stay close to home (as much as possible if you can) … continue to hunker in your cave Give yourself space – the rest of the year will just get busier from here on in Conserve and protect the energy you have Focus on restoring yourself, building up an inner resolve for the year ahead Avoid starting anything new (if you can help it). It is VERY tempting to start new projects in January! If you live in a cold climate, work shorter days and use the long, dark evenings for quiet Use your time and energy to plan and work out how you will put things in place January is winter. The season of the seed. When the new spring energies start to rise out of the ground, they bring a vibrant, lifeenhancing force that empowers that seed to rise up, containing all the information it needs to become a flower, a bush or even a tree. Nature starts to move in February from its winter stillness (and below the surface activity), so take the quiet of January for some deep thinking and planning. What kind of life blueprints are you consciously creating within your own seed energy?

January is the month for setting up your home as a magical intention space. Here are five tips: 1 Understand that your home is indeed a magical space.

If you have not thought of it this way, then know that an increasing amount of scientific research indicates that something that we cannot see is actually going on 'out there' and can even be measured. I've just got back from the Science & Consciousness Summit at Broughton Sanctuary UK, where I have to say the Science of Intentions is alive and kicking. Decades of research have been done using machines to indicate a change in emotional atmosphere, the inner coherence generated






convening with a common purpose and peak experiences. Setting an intention is like sending a message through an invisible fax machine.






Experiment and The Power of Eight, Lynne McTaggart's work clearly shows that people can make specific results happen with focussed intention.

2. Create a big list of your intentions. Let's leap beyond setting a couple of new year resolutions and make a big juicy list of desires. Perhaps this year, you are taking on a big house move,






significant leaps in revenue, consolidating your

3 Pictures and images resonate with your unconscious.

market position, opening new territory, or bringing in a new relationship.

As much as you can consciously create your

Words have power, so articulate exactly what you

future, remember that you are also run by your

want as clearly and thoughtfully as possible.

unconscious drivers. Your January reflection time

Remember the phrase "Be careful what you ask

might familiarise or re-acquaint you with some

for". Do just that … take the care. In addition to this

of these. Do know that the art you choose for the

wanting external things, a good question to ask

walls of your living space and the images you

yourself is, "What do I want to experience in

select for a Vision Board are potent connectors

2022?" That is a very powerful question. As well

to your future. You become what you think

as "Who do I want to be?" it's this list of desires

about. See that future for yourself in the careful

and personal aspirations that is your intention list.

curating of your home art choices. These images

Take each one and craft it into a powerful

are continually speaking to your unconscious



4 Your home has an energy map. Feng Shui has a bagua, a sacred shape mapping out nine life sectors. Understanding how it works helps you use your home to create new possibilities. Each sector lines up with a physical area of your home. So, for example, there will be a Relationship area and a Career area that are useful to attend to when you want to focus on those aspects. See the image below right, (taken from my Feng Shui House Book) and place it over a sketch (physical or mental) of your home. The front door of your house, apartment, or even a room, will sit at the bottom on the axis of the numbers 8, 1 and 6 in the diagram. That means your door will enter through one of three life sectors: 8 Wisdom, 1 Career or 6 Helpful Friends. Using this map will lead you to pay attention to places in your home that correlate with your intentions. I've written a whole book about feng shui, so I can't explain it all in one paragraph here, but you can find out more, and you are not confined to making adjustments just in specific corners. The most helpful advice I can give you is: sit quietly and tune in to your house … do its current structure, layout, and decor serve the you that is emerging this year? Then walk around your home looking with new eyes … assess whether the container you have created so far needs adjusting. You will know. Trust me … you'll know what is working and what isn't, and you can make the changes.

5 Placements have power when done with ritual. If you have chosen a new picture that you feel resonates with one of your intentions, then we call this a feng shui cure. You have the ability to load it with meaning, making it important for you so that every time you look at it, you are reminded that that is your heart's desire or the feeling or attribute you want to embody. Repetition has power, so every time you look at it, your unconscious mind responds with, "Ok, so that is what you want. Let's see what we can do to bring synchronicities into your life to make that happen". Each time you place something that you want to use to call in an intention, you can choose a special date (e.g. Full Moon, Chinese New year) and create a special moment of ritual or ceremony with words, candles, thoughts that make it powerful for you. You are the maker of your own magic; never forget that. Your healthy home is one that you design, not only for your wellbeing, but also for your successful and happy future.

Feng sui bagua Download here

Work with Gina

Gina Lazenby - Healthy Living Activist, Feng Shui Expert,

Gina has spent most of her life at the leading edge of new ideas. She

started out in the world of hospitality and her ground-breaking work was recognised with a number of industry awards. Her marketing consulting firm helped her independent hotel clients to reach new audiences and markets.

Responding to her own life crisis took Gina into the emerging human

potential movement and in the early 1990s, she again broke new ground by launching the London Personal Development Centre. For the last 40

years, she has developed expertise in how people can create change and manage the transition process.

Her passion for living well at home became the seed for her interest in Feng Shui and she was instrumental in creating the popularity of this eastern philosophy in the west. By 1995 she created the world’s first

professional training program in Feng Shui going on to write three best-

selling books, including ‘The Feng Shui House Book’ and ‘The Healthy Home’. International sales topped half a million copies and her work earned her a prestigious award from the Institute of Public Relations for her national PR campaign to put feng shui “on the map”.

Photo credit: Henry Archer

The Healthy Home: Creating The Foundation For Your Abundance For the Book CLICK HERE

The Real Healthy Home: Virtual Tour! Click here:

Gina has since sold over half a million books on feng shui and healthy living and has hosted several courses in her home using it as a backdrop for teaching people about using natural materials, non-chemical housekeeping, wholefood cooking and sacred space. Located in the hills above Skipton with breath-taking views down the Airedale valley, Gina has attracted friends and business contacts from all over the world for meetings and gatherings. For all its remoteness, they have entertained visitors from China, Japan, North America and New Zealand. In 2003 work started on creating another building with a meeting room for gatherings, courses and retreats. It was finished in 2005. New Healthy Home building is now open to host retreats. New Building: The new building is the culmination of two and a half years of construction. It has been created as a teaching, gathering and community space for learning, spiritual nourishment, transformation and inter-faith dialogue. Gina offers events on healthy homes, natural wholefood cookery, meditation, healthy decoration, feng shui and residential wellness retreats for women.

You are Holy and Divine - Allison Stillman

How often do you allow yourself to cry, to really bellow

One of the greatest tools I’ve discovered in my own

and sob? I’m guessing not very often!

personal journey and in my coaching practice with my clients, to release these old patterns from the body is

We’re conditioned to not show our feelings and to not

your sacred holy tears, followed with the anointing of

cry in public, as if crying were a bad emotion to

sacred aromatics, or essential oils that’ve been used

express. “We should only put on our best faces and

for thousands of years in sacred ceremony and ritual.

smile, no matter the circumstances.” Your tears are the sacred holy waters of life, and We grow up believing that we have to conform to

invoke cleansing, healing, and the regeneration of the

certain behavior in order to be seen, valued, and

miracle of living. Your tears bring forth the blessing of

worthy of recognition as powerful women because

moving forward through the transformative power of

we’re in charge of our emotions. The truth is, we’re in

emotionally letting go of that which no longer serves

charge of our emotions, and allowing tears to flow is a


powerful freedom we can offer ourselves when we need to release and make space for the Holy and

Through the 35 years of working with clients using

Divine to pour into us.

anointing practices to aid and assist in releasing old parts of ourselves, and evolving into the radiant

Yes, there are certainly times when we need to put our

expression wanting to emerge, I’ve found the practice

big girl pants on and walk forward no matter the hurt

of anointing with certain essential oils can help in

inside. But that’s just it, the pain still exists inside of us,

bringing strength and grounding to the emotional part

and no amount of faking it will allow that pain to just

of ourselves, to give us the strength and fortitude to

miraculously leave our bodies without conscious

release old programs from the body to make way for

intention and deliberation.

higher states of awareness and frequency to be infused.

We can do therapy, psychological and emotional, and we can come to recognize old pain and wounding we might be reacting to but getting it out of the body is a whole other thing. Learning how to release old paradigms from the body is a practice and one that generally needs a multitude of tools to assist us in that release process. Working with a seasoned coach who specializes in identifying subconscious





paradigms is a good place to start, and I highly recommend finding someone who is skilled at identifying the deepest subconscious paradigms and sharing tools to release and reprogram.

The rite of anointing is a powerful ritual that has been

We’re living in unprecedented times that call for us to

used for thousands of years to consecrate someone or

rise up into the most magnificent version of who we’re

something, and when performed alongside the release

meant to be as changemakers in this world. It requires

work, you are letting go of the old and implanting new

strength, courage and a willingness to be true to our

frequencies and paradigms to empower you fully into

soul’s calling, and nothing can get in the way of this

your Divine Feminine awakening and embodiment.

call to rise.

Everything in life is made of the five elements, fire, air,

No matter how we might try to forge ahead with our

earth, ether and water. The water represents the

dreams through the fire of our actions, sometimes, we

emotional waters of our soul, and they must flow, or

can only begin to gain the traction we need by letting

just as a pristine river that becomes dammed begins to

go of old patterns and behaviors through the flowing

grow fallow and stagnant, so too, do the waters of our

of our emotions. Those old patterns occupy space

tears. We must allow them to flow.

inside our bodies, and don’t allow for a deeper flow and intake of positivity, joy and healing to occur.

Essential oils are comprised of those very same elements and are liquid and flow as do the waters

We must learn to speak our emotional truth from the

inside of us. They’re symbiotic with our bodies and can

heart, without fear of ridicule or rejection, merely

create a myriad of effects through their usage. In the

expressing simply because they’re our feelings, and

process of release, they’re invaluable tools for assisting

are important to us.

in bringing awareness to the subconscious programs

When we begin to express our truth like this it can be

and patterns that might be holding us back from

scary at first, we’re so programmed to be good little

embracing the bigger aspects of who we are and what

girls and behave, and now the world is calling us

we’re here for.

forward to become the Sovereign Queens of our life. It takes a willingness to step out of our comfort zones

When we create ceremony and ritual with essential

and be honest and real in expressing our truths.

oils and allow ourselves the freedom to express our deepest emotions and feelings, the release and

As we begin, and continue, on this journey of

renewal that comes about is astounding.

sovereignty we must allow ourselves the grace of

The different elements have their own valuable purpose in our life and spiritual growth.

There are moments however, when only the flow of our emotional waters can really bring healing.

release and healing. And there are many ways to allow this healing river of release to happen. It can be as simple as speaking your truth honestly and openly, or it may involve writing letters to people who may have triggered hurt in your life, saying all that you need to say, without ever needing to send the letters, or you may need to do some release work.

Be the change you wish to see in the world, just BE love!

There have been times in my life where I’ve gone through deep release work, getting old memories, traumas, and painful experiences out of my body, and have cried rivers of tears, to the point I felt like I

If you find yourself dissatisfied with anything in your life, I ask you to consider what’s holding you back, why are you not where you want to be? In life we’re either

couldn’t stop crying.

growing or we’re declining, there is no in between.

One of my favorite ways to release old patterns and


programs is through bathing rituals. For me Epsom salt bath with essential oils are one of the most profound ways to trigger tears. I focus on the issue at hand, and often that comes to me through working with someone who is skilled at identifying things that might not be so visible to me. I love using the waters filled with aromatics as a way to allow me to feel safe, go deep into the feelings and release them through the holy

Choose growth, choose to keep evolving, despite any

You’re evolving and growing, or you wouldn’t be reading these words, and it must be a commitment from your heart to continue the path of evolution on your path to sovereignty and creative genius. Whatever stands in your way and prevents you from placing that crown upon your head has to go, it has to

waters of my tears.

be released back into the river with the gratitude that

Imagine if you will the ancient days of Egyptian and

ever before. Make space for this new frequency to

Roman bath houses and why those were so predominant in those societies. The baths were always perfumed with essences, and when you entered those holy waters they healed on many levels. It’s almost as if the waters I bathe in become one with the waters inside me and the healing powers of the essential oils

it’s served you and now you seek to rise up higher than settle into your body, no matter how uncomfortable it might seem, releasing the old to make way for the new is essential. And in the tender space following release, anointing yourself with essential oils is the most profound act of

trigger a merger of the two.

consecration you can perform. Using the holy oils that

My tears long to merge with the fragrant waters of my

consecration will help anchor strength, wisdom and

baths and that which no longer serves can be released into the waters and eventually flow into the bigger waters as the tub releases all of my tears and the waters of my bath. The waters must flow or become







of anointing with sacred oils is a consecration of oneself, and consecration is making or declaring yourself sacred and Divine! Rise my Queen and declare yourself Holy and Divine!

Not only are we releasing the emotions and feelings

- Allison

for new paradigms and patterns to emerge.


conviction into the body, mind, and spirit. The very act

stagnant, and that’s so true of our own waters.

that no longer serve us, but we’re also making space


Allison Stillman Allison Stillman is an author, teacher, transformational coach, and an acclaimed Aromatic Alchemist. She’s been a student of aromatherapy, alchemy, and spirituality for 45 years, and has been deepening her connection to Love her entire life.

Her book the “Sacred Art of Anointing” was the first of its kind when it was published, and continues to educate people about the ancient art of anointing. “The Sacred Art of Anointing” was admitted to the Harvard Divinity School Library, as it’s a deep exploration of the spiritual and religious use of essential oils throughout history, and is a reference for awakening consciousness and deepening Love.

Allison has been featured in numerous books including, “Love for No Reason” by Marci Shimoff, “More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul” by Arielle Ford and “Insights from the Coffeehouse” by Jonathon Collins.

She’s also been featured in magazines, and on radio shows across the globe, and as a speaker at global conferences & events.

Allison has worked with people from around the world individually through private anointing rites of passage, coaching and mentoring individuals, as well as teaching large events for 30 years, and is dedicated to changing and empowering people through the gift of Aromatic Alchemy and Conscious Alchemy Coaching.

Work with Allison Hi I’m Allison, Master of Aromatherapy, Alchemy, and Spirituality I’ve been helping people around the world transform their lives for over 40 years through ancient alchemical practices, and deep inner transformational techniques.

My book, The Sacred Art of Anointing was the first of its kind, and I’ve been featured in numerous NY Times bestselling books, podcasts, radio shows, and magazines as an acclaimed aromatic alchemist and transformational coach. I share wisdom gathered from around the world, and decades of practices to help people truly create the life of their dreams!


Begin Your Transformation Today Download your free gift: How to Transform Your Life What if there were one thing you could do every day that would have a massive impact on your life, and allow you to feel happier, more abundant and more excited about every area of your life? And just imagine that one thing would only take 5 minutes to do! It turns out there is, and this guide will share with you that magical practice! Download your free gift and learn this simple alchemical practice to really propel your life forward and create a life you’ve always dreamed of!

d r a o b d o o m y r Februa tion ni spira

Re-align to your greatest potential OUR FAVORITE COLOURS THIS MONTH


The Power of Radical Forgiveness



fabulous ON A PLATE

Just Add Superfood Living your highest, most Preeminent life really demands that you take your self-care seriously! That means exercise and nutrition have a high priority for you. We cannot lead extraordinary lives without taking exceptional care of ourselves. You do not have to change your diet to take advantage of optimised nutrition radically. You can take advantage of the myriad of superfoods that are available to us and supplement a diet you love with these fine ingredients. The term "superfoods" is quite well known now, and you have probably heard about all of the benefits offered by these nutrient-rich dietary additions. These are foods that are jam-packed with nutrients that help provide your body with the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals you need to thrive, survive, support your immune system and even rejuvenate! What is the No. 1 superfood? The truth is it's tough to name the single best food in terms of nutrient supply — considering different types but most plants, including leafy vegetables contain macro nutrients.

Photo credit Unsplash

Even if you eat a large proportion of fresh veggies, you simply can't get beneficial phytochemicals associated with algae, seaweeds, and grasses from diet alone.

All of these can be easily integrated into your

Start your day by giving your body an alkaline

meals and menus - by making them the

environment. Before coffee, tea or any food, flush

centrepiece, or as seasonings, sprinklings, first

out your body with some hot water and lemon

courses, or as ingredients in baking.


Many of them are not expensive at all! Many superfoods grow naturally (for you if you're

Alkalinity is key to re-balancing our gut and

fortunate to live in a country environment).

general body health. It also boosts your energy and immune system, promotes healthy skin, supports

Then, many superfoods come from more exotic

weight regulation, and has many other benefits. Or,


take it up a notch as I do, and add something








powdered form because I'm very busy, and I

genuinely potent like the following supplements:

love to add superfoods to smoothies and soups


to optimise my nutrition and time from my

antioxidants and multi-vitamin content.

meals! Here are a couple of ways you will set

Activated charcoal powder to help de-tox, support

up your body to maintain Goddess-like health

the body's digestive and de-toxing processes.

and vitality:

Some collagen to support the integrity of cartilage




in your body, skin, hair and nails.


"The law of attraction works through your food as well as your thoughts!"

I drink a large glass of this super-cocktail whilst wandering around to warm my body up. Then you can have your tea or coffee! If you avoid those two as I do, try an antioxidantrich infusion such as a flavoured Rooibos /Green Tea mix such as Earl Grey or orange and cinnamon. I drink a litre of this over 2 hours. Or I pour the rest into a flask for later. It is not tannic and caffeineladen like black tea and coffee. I've nothing against coffee, it just doesn't suit me, but there are many satisfactory cereal substitutes. My favourite is chicory which is caffeine-free and full of fibre and minerals. Fill your pantry and fridge with skin-loving foods: vitamin e rich avocados, omega3 rich flax seed (ground), chia, aloe vera gel (can be applied or ingested, both are recommended!), coconut oil, turmeric,






pumpkin seeds, kimchi, sauerkraut and natural yoghurt, and as much fresh, organic fruit and veg as you can eat! You see, superfoods aren't just good for you; by adding them to easy menus and simple foods, you amplify the nutritional potency of your meals and allow you to function with maximum energy ease and flow. Next to smoothies, my favourites are soups and Buddha Bowls, or as I call them, Diva Bowls! Arranging pretty superfoods in a Diva Bowl relieves you of the time it takes to elaborate more complex meals ( I save this for the weekend!) but will always ensure you are eating the freshest, nutrient-dense food with minimum fuss. Isn't that what any Diva or Goddess deserves?

The quality of your daily life depends on the care you give to your food and meal rituals. JENNI PARKER BROWN

Photo credit Unsplash

Presentation is everything when it comes to making food fabulous! From the tableware, to the colour-coordination, from the arrangement on the plate to the garnishes, give your dining the same love as if you P A G E 4 | were inviting a Prince to dinner!


10 Super-Nutrition Tips for High Performance Your attitude about your food will affect the energetic qualities of the food. Eat to gain life, not to lose weight. A beautiful table is a prayer to all that is divine.

The law of attraction works through your food as well as your thoughts! You cannot take too much time to make the right shopping decisions for your health. Always favour simplicity and quality over indulgence and extravagance. Love, gratitude and clarity are energetic vitamins to be taken daily without moderation. Don't eat if you're not hungry. Find your body's own natural appetite rhythm. Set a timer throughout the day for short breaks for movement, alkalinisation (hydration) and oxidation (breathing). 9x5m of mindful attention to your vital functions every day can add decades to your life. Your water is a living energetic being. Infuse it with love and gratitude by writing thank you on your water bottle. Divorce refined sugars and saturated oils and don't let them back in the house. Ever. You are what you eat, so check your plate twice before meals. Eat salad and raw vegetables before every meal. They will love you with vitamins, fill you up and help your digestive process. Whatever your diet, learn about food associations - they are one of the essential factors in optimum wellness. Treat yourself to your naughty but nice things earlier in the day when you can still burn them off. Set your table as if you were expecting a very important guest, every day. That guest is you. Your body is a miracle of nature. Give thanks daily for that miracle!

Super Food Essentials For Optimum Vitality "You cannot take too much time to make the right shopping decisions for your health." - Jenni P



Winter Squash



Green Tea

Brazil Nuts


Apple Cider Vinegar



Natural Yoghurt



Coconut Milk Yoghurt


Sweet Potatoes






Coconut Oil


Swiss Chard



Collard Greens

G Free Oats




Raw Cacao Powder


Chia Seeds





Want to collaborate? please email jenni

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