Sogn og Fjordane Obesity Research Network

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SOGN OG FJORDANE OBESITY RESEARCH NETWORK A multidisciplinary approach to assess the impact of prevention, bariatric surgery and lifestyle intervention on obesity

Sogn og Fjordane obesity research network - Norway Sogn og Fjordane obesity research network is a group of more than 20 obesity researchers. The members of the group are from health institutions and Sogn og Fjordane University College in Western Norway. Our overall research program is: A multidisciplinary approach to assess the impact of prevention, bariatric surgery and lifestyle intervention on obesity

International Collaboration Is Most Welcome

If you have any questions or suggestions for collaboration you are welcome to contact us.

John Roger Andersen

Network co-ordinator, Associate professor, PhD Helse Førde, Førde Central Hospital Sogn og Fjordane University College 6800 Førde, Norway E-mail: Phone: +47 48278186

Sogn og Fjordane obesity research network - Norway

Short presentation of our research areas Outcomes after surgery for severe obesity

Ten years ago we started a prospective cohort study of patients undergoing obesity surgery at Førde Central Hospital. Today almost 600 patients are included in this study and they will be followed for more than 10 years. The surgical methods are “Duodenal switch” and “Gastric sleeve”. The data collection is comprehensible. One of the largest bio banks in Europe with frozen blood samples is available. Furthermore there are data on biological and biochemical variables, comorbidities, a battery of health-related quality of life issues, patient satisfaction and socioeconomic variables. In addition qualitative interviews are performed. The aim is to enhance understanding of the impact of change after bariatric surgery in the long-term. Principal researchers: Villy Våge E-mail: John Roger Andersen E-mail:

Outcomes after lifestyle intervention for severe obesity

One year ago we started a prospective cohort study for patients undergoing lifestyle intervention for severe obesity at Red Cross Haugland Rehabilitation Centre. Today 50 patients are included in this study and will be followed for at least 10 years. The intervention consists of a comprehensive diet and exercise intervention plus education in cognitive therapy techniques. The data collection is comprehensible. There are data on biological and biochemical variables, aerobic fitness, physical activity, diet, comorbidities, a battery of health-related quality of life issues, patient satisfaction and socioeconomic variables. Principal researchers: Eivind Aaland E-mail: Randi Jepsen E-mail:

Sogn og Fjordane obesity research network - Norway

Metabolomic profiling and biochemical variables

One year ago we started a prospective cohort study with 100 patients either undergoing obesity surgery or lifestyle intervention for severe obesity. A healthy control group (n=60) is also included. We will compare changes during treatment in individuals and between the groups of operated and non-operated patients by monitoring each patient´s metabolic profile as expressed by instrumental and biochemical analysis of serum. These profiles contain quantitative information about levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), triglycerides and many other components that are objective measures of metabolic state of a person. By monitoring over time, we will obtain data that can provide objective assessment of long-term effects of surgery and lifestyle intervention. We will run proton NMR on the lipo- and the low molecular weight window as well as the extracted lipid fraction. Principal researcher:

Olav M. Kvalheim E-mail:

Prevention and treatment of childhood obesity

We are currently planning a program on prevention of childhood obesity. One of the included studies is a large school based prevention intervention. The intervention consists of 60 minutes of daily physical activity integrated in others subjects. A comprehensive data collection is planned including variables on health and learning. Studies on outcomes after lifestyle intervention for childhood obesity, is also under construction. Principal researchers:

Geir KĂĽre Resaland E-mail: Hege Kristiansen E-mail:

Qualitative research on obesity

Qualitative data are of great value as it can deepen our understanding of the impact of obesity and change after weight loss as well as prevention of overweight. We have performed several studies already and are currently running projects on children and adults. Principal investigator:

Eli Natvik E-mail:

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