Nongqai Vol 13 No 9

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Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 2 PUBLISHER | UITGEWER

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 3 Contents PUBLISHER | UITGEWER ..............................................................................................................2 NONGQAI: OORSPRONG & OOGMERKE.....................................................................................6 NONGQAI: ROOTS & GOALS 7 BEHEER JOU TONG!......................................................................................................................8 Pastoor Koot Swanepoel..............................................................................................................8 AFSTERWE: GENL JOHAN VAN DER MERWE: TROU TOT DIE DOOD 9 Hennie van POLISIESONDESWINTERNAGTEMOORD1979:DIETROUPOLISIEGESKIEDENISKULTUURKOS:VOORBLADVOORWOORDDeventer....................................................................................................................9|FOREWORD......................................................................................................10|FRONTCOVER11SKAAPKOPVINGERAFLEKLEKKERTE...........................................................12AlbertBlake................................................................................................................................12|POLICEHISTORY13TOTDIEDOODTOE:DIEKANNEMEYER-KOMMISSIEVANONDERSOEK..................13GenlJVvanderMerwe..............................................................................................................13PRISONIERSGAANKUIERVIRDIEKROKODILLE16KolWynandSchoeman..............................................................................................................16BOKSGEVEGTUSSENGERRIECOETZEEENJOHNTATE,LOFTUS...........................18DanaKruger18ASLIEFDESDAAD..........................................................................................................20HennievanDeventer..................................................................................................................2021DanaKruger(ViaFredvanderMerwe).....................................................................................21VANDIEVADERS?SUIDAFRIKASEONEFFEKTIEWEGESENTRALISEERDE23AndreasvanWyk.......................................................................................................................23 • Questions by a Reader............................................................................................................26 THE ANC’S USE OF THE DEATH PENALTY! 28 Peter Dickens.............................................................................................................................28 DIE OUDERDOM 32 Danie Marias 32 THE POLICE BRIGADE: THE SCHERMAN'S AT WAR................................................................33 Jean Pierre Scherman 33 GERIEWEFONDS: ‘n REKORD? 41 Kol Johan van Rooyen ...............................................................................................................41 ONDERONSIE MET PREMIER HERNUS KRIEL TYDENS SY KABINETSVERGADERING 42 Fanie Bouwer 42 Hofmeyr-polisiestasie.....................................................................................................................43KolLouisLangenhoven43

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 4 SAGESKIEDENISOpenEIETYDSETHANKNONGQAIERIKPOLISIESIELKUNDE:....................................................................................................................45ERIKSONSELEWENSSTADIUMSVANDIEMENS45DrCoertMommsen45TRUST|IT002701/2018(T).........................................................................................49YOU!|DANKIE!50POLISIEGESKIEDENIS|CONTEMPORARYPOLICEHISTORY53lettertotheMinisterofPolice,GeneralBhekiCeleMP........................................................54MajGenChrisBotha54SASPOORWEGPOLISIE61SPOORWEGPOLISIE..............................................................................................................61BrigRonnieBeyl61 • Begeleiding van Treine 61 • Funkey Motortrollie en Pad Voertuie....................................................................................62 • Tannie Duifie 62 • Die Spoorlyne as Teikens 62 ‘N LEWENSREIS: HOOFSTUK 21 (SLOT)....................................................................................63 Brig Hannes Slabbert 63 RUS IN VREDE: BRIG HANNES SLABBERT 65 Frans Bedford Visser .................................................................................................................65 REMINISCES OF A RAILWAY POLICEMAN 66 Keith Alfred Adolf Blake 66 • St. John's First Aid ...............................................................................................................66 • Police Story: I Kill No I Kill 66 • Police Story: Under the Tyres of Justice ..............................................................................66 • Police Story: Under the Tyres of Justice (Part 2). 67 • Police Story: Under the Wheels of Justice. Part (3). 67 GENERAAL MAJOOR CM DU P ROBBERTZE............................................................................68 KRYGSGESKIEDENIS | SA MILITARY HISTORY 71 A BEAUFIGHTER, A BIBLE AND A BADGE 71 Capt Peter Dickens ....................................................................................................................71 A LOST SAAF LEGACY 75 Capt Peter Dickens ....................................................................................................................75 MASCOTS.....................................................................................................................................77JenniferBosch77 • Nancy 77 • Jackie The Baboon ..............................................................................................................78 • Just Nuisance 78

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 5 “DEFEAT IS ONE THING; DISGRACE IS ANOTHER!” SOUTH AFRICA’S BIGGEST CAPITULATION OF ARMS TOBRUK 79 Peter Dickens 79 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL DEFENCE FORCE (SANDF) BOSVARK SELF PROPELLED ANTI AIRCRAFT GUN (SPAAG) 91 Wolfgang Witschas 91 WE WILL REMEMBER..................................................................................................................98 SOUTH AFRICANS’ COMMONWEALTH WAR CASUALTIES BURIED ACROSS THE WORLD PART FIFTY FIVE 98 Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired)........................................................................98 • Tournai Communal Cemetery Allied Extension Belgium 98 • White House Cemetery, St Jean Les Ypres, Belgium 99 • Tel El Kebir War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt......................................................................100 • Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery, Belgium 100 POLICE INTERNATIONAL..........................................................................................................102 FBI 102 DEFENCE INTERNATIONAL 103 TERMIESE BOM .........................................................................................................................103 Philip Malherbe (Oud SAP Springstofdeskundige) 103 NUWE TEGNOLOGIE: “CAMERO XAVER™ 1000”: (“SIEN DEUR MURE”) ISRAEL SE MILITÊRE AFDELING, VIR AANWENDING DEUR VEILIGHEIDSMAGTE.................................107 Philip Malherbe 107 RAF 109 "The Spitfire Girl" joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force in England......................................109 • Via Frans Bedford Visser (UK) 109 NATURE CONSERVATION 110 Frans Bedford-Visser (Scotland)..............................................................................................110 STRATEGIE 118 TO LEARN A POLITICAL LESSON 118 Arouet d’Afrique*......................................................................................................................118 HUMOR IN UNIFORM GERT GAAN BEL ASSEBLIEF GOU WEER 120 Brig Theo Kleynhans 120 SLOTLETTERSBOOKSCathcart-polisiestasie...................................................................................................................122KolLouisLangenhoven122|BOEKE123|BRIEWE....................................................................................................................124|END125


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 7 NONGQAI: ROOTS & GOALS

Stop en oorweeg die volgende: Die gemiddelde persoon sê in 'n periode van vyftig jaar genoeg woorde om twaalfduisend boeke van driehonderd bladsye elk, te vul. As dit die gemiddeld is, dink aan die biblioteke wat jy vul en die nalatenskap wat jy agterlaat.

“... Ek sal baie bly wees, My kind, as jy ook ’n wyse mens word. Ek sal in My hart huig wanneer jy reg praat.” Spreuke 23:16 NLV Moet nooit die mag van woorde onderskat nie. Vir elke woord in Adolf Hitler se boek, Mein Kampf, het 125 mense in die

Het jy al ooit gedink wat tot mnr Nixon se ondergang gelei het? Tradisionele denke sê dat dit die opnames van sy privaat gesprekke was. Dit was egter nie die opnames wat sy ondergang veroorsaak het nie, maar sy tong. Dit was nie die opnames nie, maar dit wat hy op die opnames gesê het, wat sy ondergang bewerkstellig het.

Die woorde tong, mond, lippe en woorde word amper 150 keer in Spreuke genoem; rofweg vyf keer in elk van die een en dertig hoofstukke. Die feit dat so baie klem op ons woorde gelê word, sê vir ons dat ons versigtig moet wees met dit wat uit ons monde kom.

Tweede Wêreldoorlog omgekom. Net een man in die Amerikaanse geskiedenis het ooit uit die presidentskap bedank: Richard Nixon.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 8 BEHEER JOU TONG! Pastoor Koot Swanepoel

Wat hartseer is, is dat sommige woorde wat jy spreek nooit vergete sal raak nie. Een digter het geskryf: “If your lips would keep from slips, five things observe with care: To whom you speak, of whom you speak, and how, and when, and where.” Salomo wou graag gehad het dat sy kinders met wysheid moet grootword, dus het hy gesê: “Ek sal baie bly wees, my kind, as jy ook 'n wyse mens word. Ek sal in my hart juig wanneer jy reg praat” (verse 15 16 NLV). Beheer vandag dus jou tong.

Die gedagte het my aanvanklik laat terugdeins. “Gooi dit groot,” was die advies van my kollega wyle Bob van Walsem, ‘n beredeneerde Hollander. “Die mense sal die bliksems so wil sien.” Die polisieman Mof de Klerk se onskuldige swanger vrou is in die chaos in die bank dood. Die storie van sy desperate pleidooi om aan die stormloop deel te neem, gryp my opnuut aan. Sulke herinneringe laat my besef hoe in die kol Bob daardie aand was. Die mense WOU groot foto’s van dooie terroriste sien om die weersin uit hul bloed te kry. Later, met die Kerkstraat-bom in die jare 80, toe ek al by Die Volksblad redakteur was, het ek gewens dat ons sulke grafiese foto’s gehad het om tot troos en stigting van ons lesers te plaas, nie net foto’s van die dood en verwoesting in die eie kamp nie.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 9 AFSTERWE: GENL JOHAN VAN DER MERWE: TROU TOT DIE DOOD Hennie van Deventer Aug 28, 2022 Een vakansie bring my Sabieparkvriend Frik Nel, voorheen brig. Frik Nel van die Veiligheidspolisie, vir my die boek Trou tot die dood deur die laaste polisiekommissaris in die ou bedeling, genl. Johan van der Merwe, wat gisteraand na ‘n beroerte oorlede is. In die boek kyk hy terug op ‘n bewoë stuk geskiedenis wat ek as joernalis self intens beleef het. Toe ek begin lees, is ek dadelik Ingeboei.hoofstuk na hoofstuk ontvou die brandpuntepisodes. Sommige het al ietwat vervaag. Die hoofstuk oor die Cato Manor opstand voer my byvoorbeeld terug na ‘n amper vergete Saterdagmiddag in die jare 60 op Stilfontein in die ou Wes-Transvaal toe ek as studenteverslaggewer die huwelik van ‘n oorlewende bygewoon het. Die bruidegom in sy blou polisie-uniform se gesig was vol permanente letsels. Een helder herinnering is aan die Silvertonbankbeleg in my Beeld dae in die jare 70. Frik was, terloops, aan die spits van die ondersoek. Ek sou hom egter eers meer as drie dekades later oor ‘n tjoppie en ‘n glasie wyn, die eerste van vele, in Sabiepark leer ken. Dit voel soos gister toe die foto’s van die voos geskiete terroriste binne die bank die aand by Beeld op my lessenaar beland. Soveel bloed en sulke stukkende liggame op die voorblad?

Genl, Van der Merwe skryf volledig en openhartig oor omstrede insidente en sensitiewe sake soos hakkejagte oor landsgrense heen, Vlakplaas, Dirk Coetzee en Eugene de Kock, asook die onheuglike openbaarmakings by die WVK. Hy erken dat soms te ver gegaan is. Maar hy spaar nie die roede oor sekere politici se rol nie. Die polisie is deur sekere vername here gruwelik in die steek gelaat, betoog hy. Sy bitterheid oor die vrotsige hantering van die kritieke kwessie van algemene amnestie is opgeteken in woorde van gal wat duidelik steeds in sy mond opgestu het. Hoe het die persepsie wyd in die polisie ontstaan dat bepaalde dade tot op die hoogste vlak ondersteun en selfs goedgekeur is? Generaal Van der Merwe gee ‘n verklaring wat na my oordeel nogal geloofwaardig is. Mense met kort geheues kan gerus kennis neem. Natuurlik sal sommige kritici niks wil weet nie. Niemand is mos so fel in hul verwerping nie as diegene wat eensydig alle gruweldade van die terroriste oorlog net by die veiligheidstak en

veral net by wit Afrikaners wil soek. Hierdie leser had plek plek ook onbeantwoorde vrae oor bepaalde buitensporighede en optredes, maar een ding moet ek sê: ‘n beter advokaat as Johan van der Merwe sou sy era se geregsdienaars ver moes gaan soek. Nie net as ywerige pleitbesorger het hy respek afgedwing nie, maar ook as toegewyde aktivis vir elke polisieman se persoonlike en kollektiewe belang. Wat my deurgaans in Trou getref het, is die hegte polisie broederskap wat grootliks tot vandag toe onder daardie generasie voortbestaan. Ek het altyd gedink boere help mekaar soos niemand anders nie. Hulle ploeg, saai en oes vir medeboere, herbou huise, skenk van hul beste eie vee om bure weer op die been te bring. Ook in Colorado in die VSA het ek hierdie ingesteldheid beleef by ‘n rodeo naby Denver om geld in te samel vir ‘n jong boer wie se opstal afgebrand het. Maar die polisie staan nie terug nie – hulle dra mekaar se laste op waardige wyse op hul breë skouers met die sterre en ander rangtekens. Trou tot die dood.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 10

Baie welkom by hierdie besondere uitgawe van die Nongqai vir die maand September 2022. In ons verslag periode is die laaste kommissaris van die “ou” Suid Afrikaanse Polisie, genl Johan Velde van der Merwe oorlede nou bly net die “ou” senior luitenant generaals oor. Luitenant-generaals soos Basie Smit, HPM de Villiers en Le Roux Stemmet verteenwoordig nou ons ou polisiemanne van die ou orde soos ons dit geken het Genl Van der Merwe het na ons belange omgesien en nou gaan sy mantel op die jonger geslag generaals val. Op Vrydag, 2 September 2022, word daar op paslike wyse van genl Van Der Merwe afskeid geneem. Sarie van Niekerk en ek beoog om ‘n spesiale uitgawe oor genl Van der Merwe die lig te laat sien. Wat ‘n interessante tydperk het ek persoonlik nie ervaar nie? Ek het met ‘n paar interessante mense onderhoude gevoer een is ‘n professor ons het gesels oor die polisie se geskiedenis. ‘n Ander man doen weer navorsing oor Robey Leibbrandt. Daar is nog so baie geheime wat opgeklaar moet word. Ook het ek met Sweedse besoekers gesels dit was interessant om ‘n kykie agter die skerms te kry van hul deelname aan ons rewolusionêre stryd. Ek en vriende het aan ‘n dokumentêre film deelgeneem en gister het ek die resultaat beskou. Die lewe bly interessant! Ek sluit af: Dit was vir my ‘n besondere voorreg om deel te kon wees van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie. Die polisie was goed vir my: Ek het ‘n besondere interessante loopbaan gehad ek het altyd opgemerk dat die meeste van my kollegas altyd die ekstra myl geloop het en so baie “ingesit” het. Dit het nie ongesiens verby gegaan nie! Die polisie is ‘n wonderlike instelling met ‘n boeiende geskiedenis! Sal die volledige, ware en juiste prentjie ooit vertel word sonder u deelname? Daar rus ‘n dure plig op u om u foto’s, anekdote, verhale en staaltjies met ons te deel!


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 11 VOORBLAD | FRONT COVER

Ons voorbladfoto Kaptein Tiny Nortje Kaptein Nortje was die Bevelvoerder van die gedugte Roof Reaksie eenheid wat in Johannesburg gesetel was.

Die eenheid was gestig nadat geweldsmisdaad en in besonder roof, hande uitgeruk het in die stad. Hy was ook later Bevelvoerder van die Voertuig Diefstal-eenheid, Johannesburg.

Hy het ook ses keer grensdiens verrig en onder andere twee keer, vir drie maande en ses maande onderskeidelik, diens verrig in die sogenaamde "Kitbag Squad" tydens “Operasie Hurricane” in die destydse HyRhodesië.wasop twee geleenthede gestasioneer in die operasionele gebied in Ovamboland. Eerstens op Ondangwa as Speurtak Bevelvoerder en later as lid van die Veiligheidstak op Oshakati.

afval kan skaapkop nie by enige plek geëet word nie. Dit moet reg voorberei en gaar gemaak word. Silwerskoon met nie ‘n sweempie onaangename reuk wanneer dit in die oond gebak word nie. Daar is ‘n kuns aan om die binnevleis van veral die wange sag en sappig te hou sodat dit soos murg in jou mond kan smelt. Die soutige stukke aan die buitekant moet in jou mond kraak wanneer dit gekou word. Alles ‘n toppunt van geurigheid.


Toe ek ‘n klompie jare gelede met ‘n gaar skaapkop by die huis opdaag het almal hulle blitsvinnig uit die voete gemaak. Om skaapkop te eet is nou eenmaal nie vir almal nie. Moet seker maar daarmee grootword om die plesier daarvan te verstaan - soos ek in my kleintyd saam met my pa beleef het. Ek kry sommer ‘n knop in die keel as ek terugdink hoe lekker ek as ‘n kannetjie saam my pa by die kombuistafel aan ‘n skaapkop gesmul het. Hy het dit gewoonlik self gaar gemaak. My pa het só ‘n tevrede trek om sy mond gekry wanneer hy met sy Joseph Rodgers die beste dele vir my afgesny het. Voel soos gister al is dit so baie dekades gelede. Seker ook dat daar ‘n soort nostalgie is elke keer as ek die voorreg het om skaapkop te Neteet.soos

Die etery moet liefs plaasvind in privaatheid of afgesonder van ‘n publiek wat nie wil meemaak nie - tussen kamerade wat die plesier volkome verstaan weg van enige geplaery van nuuskieriges wat agter jou kom staan en openlik gril terwyl hulle onvanpaste en stoepit aanmerkings oor die “grusaamheid” van die ritueel maak. Vir die oningewydes is

Vir baie skaapkopeters is die harsings en oë ‘n dilekatese sonder gelyke. Skaapkop eet is ‘n voorreg, ‘n ritueel vol tradisie wat van ver kom. Dis ‘n ernstige besigheid wat dikwels met te vrede stiltes gepaard gaan wanneer die eters se aandag by dié Boere eksotiese plesier is. Ekself gaan in ‘n soort gelukkige beswyming tydens die etery.

Op 16 en 17 Maart 1985 het geweldpleging opnuut in verskeie woonbuurte om Port Elizabeth en Uitenhage uitgebars en die toestand was uiters gespanne. Met die staking en Sharpevilledag op hande is alle eenhede op ’n gereedheidsgrondslag geplaas. Die langdurige onluste en geweldpleging wat sedert die begin van 1984 gewoed het, het hul tol begin eis en die manne van die onluste

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 13 die skaapkop miskien lelik, maar dis lewenslekker. As daar iets negatief is, gaan dit daaroor dat mens geneig is om te ooreet en dis boonop ‘n baie ryk dis - maar dis al.

Die kop moet verkieslik met die hand en knipmes geëet word met die noodsaaklike jammerlap byderhand, want jou hele mond en wange gaan blink van die vet, as dit reg geëet word. Pap en sous, varsgebakte brood nog warm met tuisgemaakte appelkooskonfyt is goeie bykosse. Mens moet darem ook so tussendeur ‘n ou ietsie gebruik. Dit is immers ‘n feesmaal. Hoewel ek nie juis ‘n whisky drinker is nie, het ek gevind hy loop mooi saam met daar hier en daar nog skaapkopgildes waar die gereg nog waardeer kan word. Gisteraand het ek so ‘n bevoorregte geleentheid by Sam en Theresa se Fat Cats in Krugersdorp gehad. Eks vir seker volgende keer weer daar.



TOT DIE DOOD TOE: DIE KANNEMEYER-KOMMISSIE VAN ONDERSOEK Genl JV van der Merwe DIE onluste en geweld wat die land in 1985 geteister het, het ’n verharding in die houding van die owerhede uitgelok. Daar is daarop aangedring dat die polisie die belhamels moet vasvat en geweld met geweld moet beantwoord. Dit het daartoe gelei dat genl. Hennie de Witt, nasionale adjunk-polisiehoof, in ʼn landwye skrywe opdrag gegee het dat alle belhamels wat ʼn petrolbom na ʼn polisievoertuig slinger, geëlimineer moet word. Onluste het veral hewig in die woongebiede om Port Elizabeth en Uitenhage gewoed. In Maart 1985 het die Black Civic Organisation van Port Elizabeth, ʼn filiaal van die UDF, met die steun van die radikale vakbonde ʼn algehele staking vir 21 Maart gereël om saam te val met die herdenking van Sharpevilledag.


9 14


Die afdelingskommissaris het teen dié stadium oor al die feite beskik en die regte inligting deurgegee. Mnr. Le Grange moes toegee dat hy die Parlement verkeerd ingelig het en was woedend oor die voorval.

Genl. Johann Coetzee, Polisiekommissaris, het my later vertel dat mnr. Le Grange hom langer as ʼn uur oor die telefoon uitgeskel en verwyt het dat die Polisie besig is om sy loopbaan te vernietig. Vanweë die fel kritiek het die Regering ʼn geregtelike kommissie van ondersoek onder leiding van regter D.D.V. Kannemeyer belê. Lt. Fouché en die polisiemanne wat betrokke was, het hulle in ʼn netelige situasie bevind. Die mense in die skare het net stokke by hulle gehad en buiten die petrolbom was daar geen getuienis dat die skare ander gevaarlike wapens in hul besit gehad het nie. Lt. Fouché het hom, benewens die gevaar waarin die blanke inwoners van Uitenhage verkeer het, beroep op die opdrag van hoofkantoor waarvolgens mense wat petrolbomme na Casspirs gooi, geëlimineer moet word. Dié opdrag het nie met die vereistes van ons reg gestrook nie. Die reg bepaal dat die polisie slegs ʼn persoon kan doodmaak indien ʼn lewe

Nongqai Vol No

eenhede was uiters gespanne toe die 21ste Vanaanbreek.1September 1984 tot 31 Maart 1985 is 273 geboue ter waarde van meer as R12 miljoen en 604 voertuie ter waarde van amper R1,6 miljoen weens oproerigheid in die gebied beskadig of vernietig. In net drie dae, van 8 tot 10 Maart 1985, was daar 23 gevalle van brandstigting en skade van R222 000. Inwoners van die Langa woonbuurt van Uitenhage sou op 21 Maart die begrafnis van ’n persoon wat in die onluste dood is in KwaNobuhle, ongeveer 10 km anderkant Uitenhage, bywoon. Vanweë die gespanne toestand en betroubare inligting dat die begrafnis gebruik gaan word om grootskeepse geweldpleging aan te hits, het die polisie by die hooflanddros van Uitenhage aanbeveel dat die begrafnis verbied word ingevolge die Wet op Oproerige Byeenkomste. Begrafnisse was by uitstek geskik om gemoedere op te sweep en emosies uit te buit. Landdros Groenewald het die begrafnis verbied en die verbod is op 20 Maart herhaaldelik met luidsprekers in die woonbuurt afgekondig. Op 21 Maart het ’n groot skare in Langa bymekaargekom terwyl die verbod weer met luidsprekers afgekondig is. Die skare het hulle egter nie daaraan gesteur nie en van Langa na KwaNobuhle begin marsjeer. Hulle roete sou deur die blanke woongebied van Uitenhage gaan en ʼn uiters plofbare situasie het ontstaan. Die mense het in isiXhosa begin sing en een van die polisiemanne wat die taal praat, het lt. John Fouché, wat in bevel van die polisielede was, vertel dat die liedjie beteken dat hulle die witmense op die dorp gaan doodmaak. Lt. Fouché en die manne by hom het met hul twee Casspirs alles moontlik gedoen om die skare voor te keer. Teen dié tyd het die skare al tot etlike duisende aangegroei. Hulle is herhaaldelik gevra om uitmekaar te gaan, maar het oproerig begin raak en op die polisie gevloek. Klippe het op die polisie begin reën en die leier van die skare het ʼn petrolbom na die Casspirs geslinger. In die lig van hoofkantoor se opdrag dat mense wat petrolbomme na Casspirs gooi, geëlimineer moet word en die gevaar waarin die blanke inwoners van Uitenhage verkeer, het lt. Fouché die polisiemanne beveel om te vuur. ’n Chaos het losgebars. Die voorstes in die skare wou vlug en die agterstes het woedend na vore gebeur. Ná die eerste sarsie het lt. Fouché beveel dat vuur gestaak moet word. Sekondes het verloop ná die bevel om te vuur, maar 22 mense is doodgeskiet. Die gewondes en beseerdes is deur die skare verwyder en daar kon nie vasgestel word hoeveel seergekry het nie. Die voorval het plaaslik en internasionaal opslae gemaak. Mnr. Louis le Grange wou onmiddellik weet wat gebeur het. In sy haas om verslag te doen, het die afdelingskommissaris van die polisie in Port Elizabeth, brig. Chris Swart, nie seker gemaak van al die feite nie. Verkeerde inligting is aan mnr. Le Grange verstrek, wat dit op sy beurt in die Parlement bekend gemaak het. Die opposisiepartye, veral die Progressiewe Party, het spoedig ander feite deur die media bekom en mnr. Le Grange daarmee gekonfronteer.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 15 bedreig word. Die blote gooi van ʼn petrolbom na ʼn Casspir stel nie noodwendig ʼn lewe in gevaar nie. Indien die kommissie sou bevind dat genl. De Witt se opdrag dat iemand geëlimineer moet word wat ʼn petrolbom na ʼn polisievoertuig slinger, beteken dat so ’n persoon doodgeskiet moet word, het die polisie onregmatig opgetree. Dit het ʼn krisis veroorsaak en mnr. Le Grange het opdrag gegee dat genl. Johann Coetzee persoonlik voor die kommissie moet kom getuig. Gewapen met ʼn lywige verklarende woordeboek het genl. Coetzee getuig dat “elimineer” die volgende beteken: “wegwerk”, “verwyder”, “uitskakel” of “uitsluit”, maar nie dat iemand doodgeskiet moet word nie. Geen enkele polisieman het die opdrag egter so verstaan nie. As hulle dit werklik volgens die woordeboekbetekenis verstaan het, sou dit geen sin gemaak het nie. Hoe op aarde kon die polisie iemand wat ʼn petrolbom na ʼn Casspir slinger en deur etlike duisende mense omring word, “wegwerk”, “verwyder”, “uitskakel” of “uitsluit”? Geen polisieman het vir ʼn oomblik getwyfel oor die werklike bedoeling van die opdrag nie. In hierdie geval, asook in verskeie latere gevalle, het die polisieman op voetsoolvlak die sondebok geword.

Regter Kannemeyer was deeglik bewus van die netelige situasie waarin die polisie hulle bevind het. Hy het ons sagkens behandel en in sy bevinding die gebruik van die woord “elimineer” as ʼn ongelukkige woordkeuse bestempel. Hy het verder bevind dat lt. Fouché hom in ’n onbenydenswaardige posisie bevind het: benewens die opdrag van hoofkantoor moes hy ook met die veiligheid van die blanke inwoners van Uitenhage rekening hou. Hoewel die kommissie die polisie gekritiseer het omdat hulle nie haelgewere en donshael byderhand gehad het nie, is bevind dat die polisie binne die perke van die reg opgetree Inhet.1976 tydens die Soweto onluste het ek ʼn konferensie by hoofkantoor bygewoon waar die gemoedere hooggeloop het. Miljoene rande se skade is landwyd aangerig en busse en voertuie is voortdurend onder die klippe gesteek. Genl. Tiny Venter, hoof van die veiligheidstak, wat die konferensie gelei het, het in die loop van die bespreking opgemerk: “Kêrels, as ʼn belhamel ʼn klip na ʼn bus of ʼn voertuig gooi, skiet hom!” Almal van ons het geweet dat daar geen regsgronde vir sulke optrede was nie, maar het aanvaar dat dit in belang van die handhawing van wet en orde nodig was. Danksy groot genade was dit nooit vir my nodig om iemand in sulke omstandighede te skiet nie.

Katima Mulilo is langs die Zambezi wat stewig loop omdat dit die reënseisoen is. Die waterpomp het volgens die plaaslike Administrasie opgepak en water kan nie van die rivier na die suiweringsaanleg en van dié aanleg na die opgaardam en dan na die dorp gepomp word nie. My probleem word vererger omdat ek met 14 prisoniers in die selle sit wat ook water benodig om te kan was en stort. Water word reeds vanaf die rivier in jerriekanne aangery net om die rioolstelsel aan die gang te probeer hou. In die waterpype is daar skaars water om ‘n waslap nat te maak sodat elke prisonier darem net sy gesig kan afvee. In kort, ‘n waterkrisis met geen aanduiding wanneer die toevoer herstel sal wees nie. Die magtige Zambezi is daar met ‘n stroom wat ‘n paar honderd meter breed, verby stroom, maar dit beteken niks. Jy kan nie daarvan drink nie. Al kook jy dit. Dit moet eers deur die suiweringsaanleg gaan. Drink die rivierwater net so en jy loop die gevaar om ‘n blitskursus in gewigsverlies en dehidrasie te deurloop wat nie elke ou se maat is nie. Doen dit en dit is hospitaalsake. In menigte gevalle kan die plaaslike hospitaaltjie jou nie gesond dokter nie en word jy as ‘n noodgeval per vliegtuig na die RSA afgevoer vir opname aldaar. Dit is ook die tyd voor gebottelde water en was dit wel iewers beskikbaar sou die plaaslike supermarkie dit nie aanhou nie want die mense hiér drink nie water nie, hulle drink bier. Behalwe nou vir die vroeë oggend se koppie koffie en tee so nou en dan. Maar jy moet nog steeds kan was. Daarvoor is water nodig. Nadat ek ‘n rukkie daaroor gedink het, stop ek elke prisonier ’n koekie seep in die hand en vra twee konstabels om hul na die Zambezirivier te neem om te gaan bad. ‘n Mens kan net soveel verduur en niks meer nie! Wat my betref het ons reeds ‘n “noodtoestand”

Ek sit in my kantoor op Katima Mulilo in die Caprivi, dié spesifieke dag in Januarie 1980 en is besig om dossiere na te sien maar moet kort-kort eers ‘n bietjie opstaan om iewers eers ‘n bietjie vars en koel lug te soek. Dit is kort na halftien in die oggend en reeds snikhetend warm. Die Caprivi speel nie met jou nie, as dit warm word dan word dit warm! Dit is so warm dat die kraaie nie eers wil gaap nie. Hulle het eenvoudig nie die energie daarvoor nie! My kantoor is die enigste met ’n dakwaaier maar dit is eerder ‘n bron van frustrasie as ‘n werklike hulpmiddel omdat dit net warm lug in die rondte sirkuleer. Ek sien dat die Administratiewe dametjie na haar asem snak en aan hitte uitputting begin ly en ek besluit daar en dan om haar eerder huistoe te stuur om te gaan rus totdat dit koeler is. Dit is hoogsomer maar die hitte en gepaardgaande humiditeit langs die magtige Zambezirivier dié dag, is nie my grootste probleem nie. My probleem is skoon en bruikbare water. Die dorp het nie water nie! Dit was reeds dag 5 wat die probleem voortduur.


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 17 binnegegaan. Die 14 prisoniers word agter in twee Toyota Landcruisers gelaai en afgesit na Hippo eiland, ‘n systroom in die Zambezi, waar daar ‘n langwerpige sandbank in die rivier tussen die Caprivi en Zambië aan die anderkant was. By Hippo eiland aangekom is die prisoniers aangesê om te bad, terwyl die twee polisiemanne, elk gewapen met ‘n R1 geweer, op die kant gestaan het en op die uitkyk vir krokodille was. Die twee konstabels het my later meegedeel dat daar op die verste suidelike punt van die sandbank, twee krokodille in die son gelê en bak het en dit nie gelyk het of hul enigsins van die prisoniers bewus was nie. Miskien was die krokodille besig met hul middagslapie oor die etensuur. Ek moet sê die prisoniers het nie op hulle laat wag nie, krokodille of nie.

Ek wonder nog hoe ek die situasie aan die Distrikskommandant sou verduidelik, sou van die prisoniers verdrink het, ontsnap het, of nog erger, deur ‘n krokodil gevang is of selfs deur vyandelike geweervuur uit Zambië neergevel sou gewees het. Dit was die operasionele gebied met absoluut geen goeie verhoudinge met die Zambiërs aan die anderkant nie. Dit was bekend dat sommige Zambiërs maar al te gretig was om met geweervuur reaksie aan die duskant uit te lok. Die Capriviane was nou ook nie juis daarvoor bekend dat hulle kon swem nie en van die prisoniers kon maklik verdrink het. Ons moes al meermale ‘n liggaam uit die water gaan haal van ‘n Capriviaan wie se swemles nou nie juis baie suksesvol was nie Ook die enkelkwartiere en die menasie moes in dié opsig aanpas. Daar is oorgeskakel na papierborde om skottelgoed te verminder en daar is vir ontbyt , middag en aandete vleis op ‘n braaivuur gebraai. Saam met dit is slaai en brood bedien wat skottelgoed grootliks uitgeskakel het. Na werk het die manne natuurlik hul droë kele in die tapkantien gaan natmaak, waar die stof behoorlik met Castle Lager afgespoel is. Aan Castle Lager was daar geen tekort nie. Bier was in daardie dae in die operasionele gebied goedkoper as ‘n blikkie gaskoeldrank. Bier het 15c ‘n blikkie gekos en Coke tot soveel as 25c. Die waterkrisisis is na 7 dae opgelos. Met nadenke kon ek seker die situasie anders hanteer het, maar op daardie stadium was dit die logiese antwoord op ‘n situasie wat in my oë kritiek was. Ek moet sê die prisoniers het die uitstappie nogal geniet.

Diewas.urinesak was netjies onder sy hemp versteek, kompleet asof hy wel 'n "blaas" probleempie ervaar het. Hy was toe tot groot vermaak van die lang rye publiek uitgelag. Ek onthou hoe my polisiehond die dag darem hamburgers geëet het. Die publiek het die polisiehonde die dag lekker Mynebederf.het seker so drie gekry, 'n King Coneroomys en 'n yslike stuk biltong en wat het ek 'ngekry?Ronde nul seg ek jou .

Hier in 1979 se koers, terwyl ek

Alles was egter deursoek en drank was net daar voor die publiek vernietig (uitgegooi oor en Souit).hetdaar "poele" drank gelê . Drank was selfs binne verkykers gevind.

in skofte gewerk met polisiehonde vir ongeveer 'n week, voor die geveg om te verseker dat daar niks gebeur nie. So was ander afdelings in die S.A. Polisie, ook betrokke met die sekuriteit van die stadion. Die dag van die geveg was 'n OnslaaaaannngDiepolisiehonde.diemetwatmetHondeskoolteenhondegeleiersgroepgrootal03:00bydieweg,opruktrokke,toegeruswashondehokkevirvervoervanonsdagwas'ndag.moesdaar rondloop, met jou polisiehond tussen die Bypubliek.elke hek was groot groepe polisiemanne/vroue, wat die publiek deursoek het, vir wapens en alkoholiese verversings.

DitTate,Coetzeewas,patrolliehondkursusopboksGerrieenJohnteLoftus.was'n hoogere gedoente, met die geveg van die jaar tussen die boksers.wêreldberoemdetwee

Een geval het die ou "hotdogs" gemaak, maar die lang broodrolle uitgehol en klein botteltjies drank daarin geplaas wat net slaaiblaar versier Ditwas.was gou gevind en gekonfiskeer . 'n Ander ou het 'n "gipsarm" gehad en onder die "sling" 'n bottel brandewyn vasgeklou.

Gedurende die dag se verrigtinge het ek darem gevalle gesien, waar die publiek meer beplanning daarin gesit het oor hoe om drank daar in te smokkel, as enige iets anders.


Vanweë die moontlikheid gedurende daardie jare vir aanvalle en bomme "plant" deur terroriste, was die sekuriteit baie hoog by die Onsstadion.het

Nog 'n slim Jan, het selfs sy dop in 'n plastiese sak gegooi, wat soos 'n urinesak gelyk het, kompleet met "tubes" wat in sy broek versteek

Later kon ons net lag oor die misverstand wat tot groot pyn kon gelei het.

So gebeur dit dat ek moet opklim, ons polisiehonde word opgelaai en daar vertrek Byons. die Hondeskool stop ons by die hondehokke om die honde te bêre.

Terwyl ons vir die groepe lede gewag het, het ons sommer daar in uniform op die vloer van die P. T. saal, 'n vinnige slapie deurgewerk. En nadat almal veilig terug was, kon ons gaan Ekkeslaap.was daar.

Ons kon nie terug Hondeskool toe, voordat alles eers stil was by die stadion nie. Ons was dan weer in groepies opgelaai en teruggevat na die Hondeskool in Pretoria ByWes.die Hondeskool kon niemand gaan slaap nie en almal moes wag en eers weer parade staan (appél) en dan gaan slaap. Ons almal was baie moeg en gedaan en wou net klaar kry.

Ek was later so moeg, dat toe die hoofgeveg aanbreek, ek net daar gesit het en wens dat een van die twee boksers mekaar gou uitslaan, sodat die skare kon huis toe gaan.

Ek was toe al bykans in 'n koma van moegheid , ek maak die hondehok oop en laai my hond uit en stap na sy hok toe. Met die wat ek die hond in sy hok wou sit merk ek toe op dat ek iemand anders se polisiehond hier het. In die moegheid, het ek 'n ander beduiwelde polisiehond uitgelaai en begin stap. Die hond was ook seker gatvol en moeg of te oorbluf om my te byt. Ek skrik my toe wawyd wakker.

heelwat voorgevegte en die hoofgeveg het eers die aand plaasgevind.

Ek onthou hoe my polisiehond Simba, teen my opgespring het en my uniform vol modder en los hare bemors was.

Maar so staan ons toe geklee in wintersuniform, vir ons dienste daar by die Laterstadion.die middag begin dit erg reën. Daardie wintersuniform kon darem stink as hy nat Daarword.was

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 19

Die skok was groter toe dit aan die lig kom dat prof. Robert Wahl, eerbiedwaardige hoogleraar in dieselfde vak, die een was wat met sy eie 6.35 mm pistool op ‘n kort afstand ses koeëls in sy slapende vrou se kop en nek gepomp het.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 20 MOORD AS LIEFDESDAAD Hennie van Deventer

Dit was ‘n skok om Cicely Wahl, senior lektor in Engels aan die Vrystaatse Universiteit (UV), op uitnodiging van buurman Hekkie Aucamp, ‘n polisiereservis, op ‘n Sondagmiddag bebloed en vol skietwonde in haar bed in die Wahls se netjiese huis in Harry Smithstraat, Bloemfontein, aan te tref.

Die derde skok was dat die besadigde en uiters beskaafde akademikus ná die gruweldaad met sy Mercedes die 23 kilometer Maselspoort toe gejaag het voor die oë van

verbaasde vistermanne met brullende enjin tot binne in die water. Later is ontdek hy het homself in die knie gewond om seker te maak dat hy in die sinkende motor vasgepen bly. Hierdie hartverskeurende gebeure, vroeg op Sondagoggend 5 April 1970, het Bloemfonteiners veral die akademiese gemeenskap aan die UV verbyster. Die Wahls was gerespekteerde en gekultiveerde mense; dit was amper ondenkbaar dat so ‘n treurspel hom in hul huis sou afspeel. Eers toe die legkaart verder voltooi word, het begrip gedaag en deernis. Die 42 jarige Cicely was terminaal siek aan kanker. Haar lyding het eenvoudig te veel geword vir haar man wat in eensame wanhoop haar agteruitgang alleen moes aanskou en verwerk. Die egpaar was kinderloos, en die ondersteuningbasis van intieme vriende was yl. ‘n Vinnige dood moes uiteindelik die enigste uitweg gelyk het. Sommige het gefluister oor ’n selfmoord pakt. Of een inderdaad bestaan het en of iets net skielik in die skraal 49 jarige professor geknak het, sal niemand ooit weet nie. Geen twyfel het egter bestaan dat hy sy geliefde Cicely ‘n genadedood toegedien het nie ‘n liefdesdaad uit en uit.

“Die kanker begin Cicely se keel aantas. Ek het haar lief, ek het haar lief, ek het baie lief,” lui ‘n brief waarop die polisie beslag gelê het. Daar was geen naam of datum onderaan nie.

Die brief is presies 50 jaar na die geregtelike ondersoek aangehaal in Die Burger se rubriek “50 jaar gelede” – my gunstelingstukkie in die koerant, juis omdat dit dikwels oor dinge handel wat ek beleef het en goed onthou. Met die Wahlmoord was ek byvoorbeeld nuusredakteur van Die Volksblad. Ons huise was skaars drie blokke uit mekaar. Van daardie brief het ek al vergeet. Maar die motief word daardeur bo alle twyfel bevestig.

Juis die besef dat dit ‘n liefdesdaad was, het gemaak dat in Bloemfontein min, indien enige veroordeling gehoor is. Die algemene reaksie was: “die arme, arme mense.” Ek was in daardie stadium net 29 jaar oud, met beperkte lewenservaring. Dit was ook my gevoel.

Seker dié dat die Wahl moord my so geruk het soos min ander moorde in my koeranteloopbaan van 36 jaar.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 21

WINTERNAGTE Dana Kruger (Via Fred van der Merwe) 27 Mei "OWinternag2020koudisdie windjie en Enskraal.blinkin die dof-lig en kaal, so wyd as die Heer se genade, le die velde in sterlig en skade En hoog in die rande, versprei in die brande, is die grassaad aan roere soos winkende hande."

Ook maar dwars en "difficult" gewees, reken Maarekke. ons was taai, al moes jy pretend jy was Jysterk.was mos die "law". Daar was nie tyd vir sussies nie. Kyk ons polisievoertuie was toegerus met hondehokke, glad nie die "sussie" hondehokke van vandag nie. Ons was mos hondemanne met hare op onse tanne, letterlik en figuurlik, soos hondehare deur die voertuig gewaai het met die ryery en in jou mond kom nesmaak Diehet.plaaslike polisie het ons mos uitgeroep as hul hulp benodig. Ons het immers 'n "image" gehad om te handhaaf. Maar "image" of te nie, jy wou vrek vannie koue in die koue wintersnagte op patrollie. Kyk daai hokke was oop, orals deur net tralies, "meshwire" ensovoorts. En die hokke se vensters moes oop. Die "honne" moes lug kry, om daai Epol-winde weg te waai. Ons het mos geleer om groot "happe" te vat, as daai warm Epol winde die voertuig verfris. Aai, maar nou val ek myself weer innie rede. Wou julle vertel van daai koue nagte. So met alles oop en tralies orals, kom die ysbere en loep hou jou vas in hul wurggreep. Dan het Radiotegnies van daai tyd, ook min genade met ons gehad. Hulle het mos nou hulle bedrading en kabels altyd hier vannie enjin se kant, onder die "dashboard" deur geryg. Die motorvervaardigers los mos nou gate vir die doel, in die bakwerk, mooi toegemaak met rubberplugs". Radiotegnies het seker die plugs bymekaar gemaak, want laat ek jou vertel, dit sweer ek jou, al daai gate was altyd oop. Dit smaak my hulle het sommer nog 'n paar extra gate gemaak. Daai ysige wind het hier van onder af als verlam. Jy weet mos wat ek meen. 'n Hondeman was altyd haastig. Ons was mos altyd eerste by die klagte, lank voor die klagte, 'n klagte geword het of wat meen ek nou als? Nou daai ysbere was vinnig om jou te vang, amper so vinnig as wat 'n polisiehond 'n skelm Wanneervang.

Met die winterskloue wat so landwyd hier sy naels in jou nek begin inslaan, dink ek terug na gister, so 'n klompie jare gelede. Kyk, hier in 1980 se koers, was ek as jong hondegeleider gestasioneer te Benoni. Nou ons het toe van die beste en mooiste hondevoertuie in die polisie gery, Valiants, Datsun Laurels, Nissan Skylines, Ford Cortina ens. Nou die meeste van die polisievoertuie was nie toegerus met lugreëlings nie en sou dit wel die geval was, dan het die Polieste nie daai lugreëling herstel, sou dit breek of die gas klaar raak nie. Nee, dit was 'n "nice to have and not a need to have" .

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 22

jy moet uit die voertuig, was dit altyd in "slow motion". Kyk ek het 2 paar kouse gedra, sweetpakbroek onder uniform, handskoene, serp en wintersjassie het die uitrusting swierig afgerond. Dan was hondemanne nie bang vir werk nie. Sien jy 'n verdagte motor, dan moes jy dit deursoek, altyd aan die beweeg om skelms aan die kaak te bring, ek meen die hondekaak. So, nes jy begin "revs" optel en warm word, dan was dit weer stop, deursoek en ondersoek en ek kul jou hier en ek kul jou daar en die ysbere het jou gevang. Kyk daai ore van jou het net duskant afbreek ys seg ek jou. Ja nee, kyk nou ervaar ek weer hier in Benoni die winterkoue en ysbere, maar los die werkgeite vir ons brawe kollegas van vandag, in hulle mooi voertuie en ewe mooi hondehokke en lugreëlings om die koue te Ektrotseersalnogtans wat wou gee, om weer in 'n hondevoertuig van die 80's vir diens aan te meld, met die ysbere op parade as bemanning. Ons het so met ons koue nagte nog gesag afgedwing en 'n mooooerse verskil gemaak met die veiligheid en orde van daai tyd.

ek het vergeet. Indien julle die artikel in Nongqai plaas, moet julle asb net erkenning gee aan die feit dat dit die eerste keer in Die Burger van 16 Augustus 2022 gepubliseer is. Lekker ProfAndreasnaweek.Andreasvan

Wyk BA LLB (Stell) LLD (Leiden) LLD hc (Leuven) LLD hc (Stell) Rektor en visekanselier emeritus, afgetrede professor in Handelsreg Rector and vice chancellor emeritus, retired professor in Mercantile Law Universiteit Stellenbosch/University of Stellenbosch

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 23

Dalk het ek net "brain freeze" gehad van die koue, dat ek dalk gehallusineer het? Met 'n bibber in my huppel groet ek jul. DanaSaluutKruger ‘n Baie mooi storie deur Dana Kruger in baie mooi polisie Afrikaans geskryf! Ons het ons Suid Afrikaanse kultuur gehad maar die polisie het destyds ook sy eie sub kultuur gehad en hierdie storie en sy taalgebruik is deel van daardie unieke sub-kultuur. Dankie Fred van der Merwe wat die storie ingestuur het HBH.


Andreas van Wyk Beste Jammer,Hennie,maar


In die pers is daar tansgereeld berigte oor eise dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens se magte na laer vlakke afgewentel moet word in ‘n poging om die ooglopende oneffektiwiteit van die staat in die stryd teen misdaad teen te werk. Die reaksie van die minister van Polisie Bheki Cele is deurgaans totaal negatief, ‘n houding wat konsekwent deur die ANC ondersteun word. Suid Afrika is inderdaad taamlik uniek in die ontwikkelde wêreld deur sy sterk gesentraliseerde polisiemag. Suksesvolle demokrasieë soos Australië, Duitsland, die Verenigde State en selfs die Verenigde Koninkryk hanteer almal die handhawing van wet en orde as ‘n kwessie wat primêr op plaaslike en streeksvlak hanteer moet word. In die geval van Duitsland is dit ook die gevolg van ‘n bitter ervaring van die misbruik van ‘n sentrale polisiemag deur die Nazi bewind (1933 1945). Ander lande soos Frankryk en Italië, erfgename van ‘n Napoleontiese tradisie, handhaaf die nasionale orde deur ‘n semi-militêre sentrale gendarmerie, terwyl die plaaslike geregtigheid en rus en vrede deur streeks en munisipale polisie verseker word.

In federale state is polisiedienste een van die primêre dienste wat op streeks en plaaslike vlak gelewer word, juis as deel van die strewe om regering so na as moontlik aan die bevolking te bring. Toe die vier Britse kolonies Suid van die Limpopo in 1910 een staat geword het, het drie van hulle op ‘n unitêre staatsvorm aangedring as ‘n middel om Afrikaner oorheersing in die nuwe staat te verseker. In die Kaapkolonie, Oranje Vrystaat en Transvaal was die meerderhede van die kiesers blanke Afrikaners. Slegs die Engelssprekende Natallers wou ‘n federasie hê ten einde hulle minderheidsbelang te beskerm. In 1913 het die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie (SAP) dus as ‘n nasionale polisiemag met sterk sentrale bestuur uit Pretoria tot stand

deurPOLISIEAndreas van Wyk

Suid Afrika is sedert 1994 in werklikheid ‘n federasie, hoewel dit ‘n term is wat weens politieke lang tone van veral die ANC deur al die rolspelers vermy word. Vergeleke met ander federasies soos Australië, Duitsland, Kanada, Nigerië en die VSA is die magte van ons provinsies taamlik beperk, maar hulle is grondwetlik veranker. Die provinsiale regerings speel ook ‘n belangrik rol in die nasionale wetgewer.

Hierdie stand van sake in ons land is die gevolg van ‘n historiese ontwikkeling wat na my mening verkeerd geloop het, ook omdat dit in die ideologiese kraal van die ANC gepas Onshet.

Grondwet van 1993, soos finaal vasgelê in 1996, word dikwels as ‘n besonder lofwaardige model voorgehou. Vele aspekte daarvan, soos die handves van regte in hoofstuk 2, is inderdaad uitstekend, veral vergeleke met dit wat dit tussen 1910 en 1983 voorafgegaan het. Dit is egter nie ‘n totaal oorspronklike dokument nie (groot dele daarvan is direk gebaseer op die Duitse grondwet van 1949) en perfek is dit ook nie. So bv laat die beskerming van ons land se groot kulturele en taaldiversiteit heelwat te wense oor. Soos die afgelope 25 jaar getoon het, is ook die strukture en die maatreëls om effektiewe en onpartydige staatsadministrasie te verseker baie gebrekkig.

Toevallig is die verdwyning van die Spoorwegpolisie drie maande vroeër voorafgegaan deur die afskaffing van die vier provinsiale rade (wetgewers) ingevolge die Wet op Provinsiale Regering 69 van 1986, hoewel die provinsiale administrateurs en hulle administrasies behoue gebly het. Die departement van Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning se voorstel dat die provinsiale wetgewers in veelrassige liggame omskep moes word, was onaanvaarbaar vir die Spesiale Kabinetskomitee wat grondwetlike hervorming moes inisieer. Veral die Transvaalse leier van die Nasionale Party, minister FW de Klerk, was ‘n uitgesproke teenstander. As troosprys is daar wel toestemming gegee vir die skepping van indirek verkose veelrassige streeksdiensterade op plaaslike bestuursvlak.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 25 gekom. Later het die SAP ook die verantwoordelikheid vir die mandaatgebied Suidwes Afrika gekry. Weens ons land se geografiese werklikhede was hierdie sentralisering egter nie totaal nie. Op politieke gebied het die vier provinsiale administrasies met beperkte bevoegdhede behoue gebly. En van vóór 1910 was daar gespesialiseerde polisiemagte vir die strategies so belangrike kushawens en spoorlyne. Ook sommige van die groter stede het plaaslike polisiedienste gehad, soos die Durban Borough Police wat al in 1854 geskep is. Ná Uniewording het daar in 1916 ‘n nasionale Spoorwegpolisiemag ontstaan, wat in 1934 omvattend geherstruktureer is. Met die wetteloosheid wat ons openbare vervoer deesdae so teister, lees mens dikwels versugtings na die herlewing van hierdie Spoorwegpolisie van ouds. Juis in hierdie verband is myns insiens in 1986 ‘n sonde gepleeg met die afskaffing van die Spoorwegpolisie en die inlywing van sy lede by die nasionale SAP. Die dryfkrag agter hierdie besluit was die destydse kommissaris van Polisie, generaal Johan Coetzee. Hy was ‘n sentrale rolspeler in die Nasionale Veiligheidsbestuurstelsel wat in die Tagtigerjare bedoel was om die sogenaamde Totale Aanslag op Suid Afrika af te weer. Onder hierdie vaandel het Coetzee die geleentheid gebruik om sy empaaier allesomvattend te maak. In die voorafgaande besprekings van Coetzee se voorstel was die departement Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning die enigste kritiese stem. Op 1 Oktober 1986 het die Wet op die Oorplasing van die Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwegpolisiemag na die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie 83 van 1986 in werking getree. Ouer pendelaars op die Kaapse Vlakte of aan die Witwatersrand praat soms nou nog met weemoed oor die opvallende teenwoordigheid van die Spoorwegpolisie op hulle treine.

Teen die einde van 1986 is die Suid Afrikaanse staat dus gekenmerk deur sterk sentralisasie, behalwe vir die skyndesentralisasie na die “onafhanklike” (soos Transkei en Venda) en selfregerende (bv KwaZulu en Lebowa) swart tuislande.

Pretoria was die plek waar al die dromme geslaan is, onder president PW Botha toenemend ook deur die veiligheidsmagte.

Buitelandse deskundiges en waarnemers by die grondwetlike onderhandelinge wat vanaf 1991 tot die nuwe Grondwet van 1993 gelei het, was verbaas dat die twee hoofpartye, die ANC en die Nasionale Party, wat so sterk oor ander sake verskil het, so maklik ooreengekom het dat polisiëring ‘n nasionale funksie sou wees. Vir die ANC was dit ‘n ideologiese uitgangspunt dat die sentrale regering die omvattende transformasie van Suid-Afrika moes lei, wat uiteraard alle veiligheidsdienste moes insluit. Die Nasionale Party se leierskap (FW de Klerk, Roelf Meyer, Leon Wessels) het ook almal gekom uit ‘n sentralistiese denkwêreld, gekenmerk deur die SAP met sy Wachthuis-bevelsentrum in Pretoria se Pretoriusstraat.

Dat daar wel ‘n effense bewussyn van die bedenklikheid van hierdie benadering was, blyk uit artikels 205 en 206 van die Grondwet van 1996. Die vaag bewoorde artikel 205 lê neer dat die nasionale polisiediens gestruktureer moet word om in die nasionale, provinsiale en, waar gepas, die plaaslike regeringsfere te funksioneer. Artikel 206(1) plaas egter die politieke verantwoordelikheid

Die provinsies is darem geregtig om polisie optrede op hulle grondgebied te monitor, toesig te hou oor die doeltreffendheid en bevoegdheid van daardie polisiediens en goeie betrekkinge tussen hulle bevolking en die polisie te bevorder. As hulle nie tevrede is nie, is hulle enigste remedie egter blykbaar om met die nasionale minister van polisie oor die probleme te skakel. Die provinsiale regerings kry ook ‘n mate van invloed by die aanstelling van provinsiale polisiekommissarisse deur die nasionale kommissaris: laasgenoemde benodig vir so ‘n aanstelling die instemming van die betrokke provinsiale uitvoerende gesag, met die nasionale minister as “bemiddelaar” in geval van meningsverskil. Praat van wolf skaapwagter maak! Die provinsiale regering het egter geen verdere gesag oor die provinsiale kommissaris nie, hoewel hy darem ‘n jaarverslag aan die provinsiale wetgewer moet stuur. Artikel 206(7) van die Grondwet bepaal verder dat nasionale wetgewing ‘n raamwerk vir die instelling, bevoegdhede en funksionering van munisipale polisiedienste moet skep. Hierdie raamwerk is nou te vind in hoofstuk 12 van die Wet op die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens 68 van 1995, soos gewysig in 1997. Daarvolgens kan ‘n munisipaliteit met die goedkeuring van die betrokke provinsiale uitvoerende raad ‘n polisiediens instel. Die funksies van so ‘n diens is egter volgens artikel 64E baie beperk: verkeer, die toepassing van munisipale voorskrifte en misdaadvoorkoming. Sulke magte is inderdaad in al die Suid Afrikaanse metropolitaanse gebiede ingestel: Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Nelson Mandela Baai en Tshwane As mens terugkyk, is dit ongelukkig so dat die erfenis van 1910 nog soos ‘n lang skadu oor ons grondwetlike bedeling, spesifiek die polisiëringsaspek daarvan, hang. “Federasie” het vir talle Afrikanerleiers soos FW de Klerk tot in die laat 20ste eeu ‘n verbode woord gebly, geassosieer met Natallers en daarna Helen Suzman se Progressiewe Federale Party, ironies genoeg ‘n belangrike voorganger van die huidige Demokratiese Party waarin die meeste Afrikaners hulle politieke toevlug gevind het. Eerder as oor landsbelang gaan die huidige twis ongelukkig grotendeels ook nog oor ‘n erflating uit die verlede. (Prof Van Wyk, oudrektor van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, was van 1984 tot 1987 direkteur generaal van die Departement Staatkundige Ontwikkeling en Beplanning)

vir polisiëring op ondubbelsinnige wyse in die hande van ‘n nasionale minister, terwyl artikel 207 die operasionele beheer en struktuur van die Polisiediens in die hande van ‘n nasionale kommissaris van polisie wat deur die president aangestel word, vestig. ‘n Geringe afwatering van hierdie beginsel is wel in die res van artikel 206 te vinde: die minister van polisie moet die provinsiale regerings oor hulle behoeftes raadpleeg wanneer hy die nasionale polisiëringsbeleid bepaal. Daardie beleid kan ook sekere polisiefunksies aan ‘n provinsie toewys (artikel 206(4)). Minister Cele se openbare verontwaardiging wanneer die DA oorheerste Wes Kaapse regering oor ‘n moontlike toewysing van meer polisiefunksies aan die Wes-Kaap wil praat, wys egter hoe onwaarskynlik so ‘n stap is solank die magsbehepte ANC aan die bewind bly.

• Questions by a Reader (Name withheld) Hello Hennie I am not sure whether you have read this article SA se oneffektiewe polisiediens sondes van die vaders? | Netwerk24 by former Stellenbosch U academic Andreas Van Wyk. While I agree, obviously, that the centralization of police control historically in SA was initially a result of decisions taken at Union in 1910 by the majority of delegates (not those from Natal). And this centralization was accelerated over the next eight decades; particularly during the 1980s; the author makes the point that the disbanding of the SA Railways Police in 1986

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There is no doubt the SAPS are in trouble for being not only ineffective but possibly even a danger themselves now, with the country becoming even more politically unstable.

Think of firearms in storage being sold to criminals and the same holding up police stations in order to get firearms. And there are just too many media reports of police acting violently towards the public when such is not called for; or just incapable of doing their jobs. How could all this be remedied?

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 27 and the integration of its members into the SAP, was not only a mistake, but also a consequence of the then National Commissioner's own ambitions to control all law enforcement; rather than what was in the national interest regarding properly guarding national Certainlyinfrastructure.,thesheer destruction of railway infrastructure by thieves since (even before) 1994, etc, demonstrates without doubt the SAP never even vaguely fulfilled their responsibility to protect this component of public property.

Obviously in a country with such an appallingly high crime rate the police's role is nonnegotiable. But how does one move forward? Not sure if you have any thoughts on some of the above points...? If you were appointed Police Commissioner - where would you Regardsstart?

But of more immediate concern is how and why did the SAPS deteriorate so completely since 1994? Was it because of the commissioners appointed being ANC flunkies and not even career policemen like Selebi and that woman who was in charge at the time of the Marikana shooting? Was it because the best of white policemen left I am not sure if this was mostly voluntarily (because of limited career prospects?)? Or were they forced out in some way? Or because there were attractive financial packages offered for them to leave? There must have been exactly the same trends occurring in say, Correctional Services. Have these prison functions deteriorated to the same extent as the SAPS? Was it because training at police colleges changed for the worse? The best instructors left....? Was it because the specialized unitsgang units etc were disbanded? I think in Selebi's time. Was it because the entire culture of the police changed? Black Africans quickly predominated both senior ranks and junior ranks some clearly direct ANC political appointees. And there was no longer any institutional culture continuance; this reflected upon particularly lower ranks?

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Peter Dickens Here we like to keep those little inconvenient truths alive and put out a little perspective, this time on the fury around death penalty 'executions' during the Apartheid epoch. However, this time we look at the 'other side' of the general narrative surrounding this subject, this looks at the ANC and their use of the death penalty.


The document named thirty four (34) ANC members who were executed by ANC military tribunals at their external MK bases in Angola. That's more ANC cadres officially executed by their own hand than the Apartheid state managed to officially execute almost three times as many … think about Whatthat! where these executions for? Most of them were cited as mutiny, murder and rape in Angola between 1980 and 1989. ANC MK cadres in exile

On the 22nd August in 1996, seeking amnesty for its human rights abuses, the African National Congress (ANC) dropped a bombshell when it presents the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) with a 300 page analysis documenting the ANC's uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) armed wing's abuses during 'the struggle'.

In 1977, MK cadre, Solomon Mahlangu was executed for the murder of two innocent John Orr store employees during a shootout with Police. In 1983, MK cadres, Marcus Motaung, Jerry Mosololi and Simon Mogoerane (also known as the Moroka Three) were executed by the state for attacks on Police stations and the murder of 4 InPolicemen.1985,Benjamin Moloise, a poet and ANC activist (not MK) was executed for allegedly murdering a Policeman. In 1986 MK cadre, Andrew Zondo was executed for placing a bomb at a shopping centre in Amanzimtoti which killed two adults and three children and injuring 161 other civilians. Alongside him two other ANC members were executed, Sipho Xulu and Clarence Payi for murdering a famous ANC underground operative Ben Langa who they accused of being a government Theinformer.last MK person to be hanged by the state was Jeffrey Boesman Mangena in 1989 for murdering a school teacher he accused of being a sellout.

Thabo Makhubethe was found guilty of raping an Angolan woman. A MK military tribunal ordered that he be executed by firing squad. The sentence was carried out in 1984 in Luanda. In another case, Josiah Malhobane and Jeremiah Maleka indulged in heavy drinking in Milange randomly shot at shoppers at a local market, killing two Angolan women and seriously injuring another woman and child. They were executed by a MK firing squad in 1989 at Milange.

There were also isolated cases in which MK recruits were executed by MK after they were tried and convicted of crimes such as raping and murdering local villagers. Examples of this;

Thabo Mbeki told the TRC that a serious mutiny broke out in Pango in 1984 with the MK mutineers using machine guns and other heavy weapons to kill the camp commanders and other MK soldiers. A military tribunal was set up by the ANC's national executive committee and 7 MK cadres who shot other cadres were given the death penalty and executed.

As to South African law and the ‘Apartheid’ state, no capital punishment was executed by any SADF military tribunal under ‘military law’ during the ‘struggle’ years. In terms of the Apartheid state and civilian law, a case of ‘murder’ had to be proven before a death sentence given it’s why so many ANC cadres were given life sentences for high treason and not death sentences, it’s also the reason why relatively few MK cadres were executed by the state's judiciary. In all the state officially executed 14 ANC and MK cadres, they were:

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As to ‘Mutiny’

In 1964 and 1965, 6 MK men were executed - Vuvisile Mini, Wilson Khayinga, Zinkile Mkhaba, Daniel Ndongeni, Nolani Mpentse and Samual Jonas for the murder of a civilian who they alleged was a police informer and other killings.

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There is also a thick irony in that the international community including the United Nations, numerous civic organisations and even the ANC themselves called on the Apartheid State to remove the death penalty as unjust and save their comrades at the same time the ANC was

implementing the death penalty with impunity, free of any legal oversight to make their own rules and with no international or civic backlash whatsoever.

The point, is that the ANC in modern day South Africa like to see themselves as ‘roses’ in this struggle, they’ve positioned themselves as the ‘darlings’ in the fight for democracy in South Africa, some of these MK members executed by the Apartheid state are eternally celebrated in the media almost unrelentingly as national heroes . . and … nothing absolute crickets is said of all the MK members executed by their own hand, let alone the execution by MK (outside and inside South Africa) of innocent civilians.

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The truth is the ANC’s hands are as blood soaked as the old National Party when it comes to human rights abuses, and here’s the inconvenient bit the old Nats are long gone, and the ANC continue to trample on our civilian rights, to this very day as the country’s political elite and governing party; pillaging the state coffers, murdering one another over political appointments and government contracts and the likes of Dlamini-Zuma and Bheki Cele running the country like a Police State.

This is not a tit for tat saying - look at ANC they’re bad and the old Afrikaner nationalist government is ‘good’ it’s not to say the Apartheid government didn’t kill, by way of execution, many more MK cadres, they did. However, these executions were done by clandestine organs of state operating outside the law in many instances the military’s CCB ‘Civil Co operation Bureau' and the Vlakplaas C1 unit of the 'Police Security Branch' to name two. The ANC in turn executed many civilians using necklacing and other methods under the guise of the MK ‘self-defence units’ and their 'peoples court' trials in the townships. Both sides in this conflict were equally guilty of many, many transgressions of human rights.

As to The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, whether the 'truth' ultimately set everyone free, including the ANC and its dire record of executions, that can still be debated. However, what is certain, as to Zaprio's cartoon with Desmond Tutu, is the gap between the 'truth' and that of 'reconciliation' is growing ever bigger in South Africa today.

Daarna 'n Staatsaanklaer / Streekhofaanklaer te Port Elizabeth tot 1971. Toe verplaas as Addisionele Landdros, Cradock en daarna na Oos-Londen waar ek later na Senior Staatsaanklaer bevorder is.


The question remains for us as a nation as to who we should highlight as a war hero and who should we not if not the ANC for helping 'end' Apartheid (an ironic case of an organisation steeped in human rights abuses ending a human rights abuser) then who? To read an article on who and what qualifies war heroes for which we can all celebrate go to the following link; Tainted “Military Heroes” vs. Real Military Heroes Written and researched by Peter Dickens

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Danie Marias Ek Daniel du Toit Marais is gebore op Morgenzon, 'n ou klein dorpie daar naby Bethal waar my pa die destydse spesiale vrederegter was op die 16 de Mei 1943! Van daar is ek saam met my pa na Graaff Reinet, toe Oos Londen toe waar ek by die Grens Laerskool in 1950 begin skool gaan het! Daarna is my pa verplaas na Komga en ek in die Laerskool was tot in standerd 6 toe ek terug is Grens Hoërskool toe (in die koshuis) tot in Standerd 7 toe ons Gobabis toe is (waar ek bv vir Kaptein Steyn ontmoet het. Wat 'n uitstaande polisieman!

In 1960 matriek aan die Hoërskool Gobabis geskryf en daarna BScaan die Universiteit van Pretoria geswot maar na 4 jaar nog nie graad gevang nie en uit moedeloosheid by die Landdroskantoor, Bethal, begin werk by by Unisa B. Juris begin studeer! Dit was toe altyd my aanleg. Die Departement het my, saam met 50 ander amptenare beurse aangebied en na 3 jaar kon ek graad vang!

Al verder is dat ek toe nog na Mitchell's Plain as kantoorhoof ( 'n Hoof Landdros pos)


Inspektoraat by Justisie, Hoofkantoor en bevorder na Senior Landdros. Daarna, einde 1989 as Senior Landdros na MyKaapstad.moeder (toe 89) jaar is egter in ons huis vermoor deur 'n inbreker wat veroorsaak dat en 'n geweldige stuk depressie getref het maar weer deur 'n psigiater suksesvol terug na die lewe gebring is!

verplaas is waar ek egter gedurende 1996 op die ouderdom van 53 weens my gesondheid (nog steeds depressie ) moes aftree!

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 33

Jean Pierre Scherman

Begin 1977 as kantoorhoof na Matatiele en 1979 weer as Addisionele Landdros na EindePietermaritzburg.1982nadie

Die polisie persone wat my ma se dood ondersoek het was (as my ou brein net nog reg kan onthou) was 'n brigadier Fivaz en 'n Sersant Saunders! Watter buitengewone, besondere polisiemanne was dit nie. Hulle het ons soos psigiaters en sielkundiges behandel en 'n moord wat op 'n Vrydag gepleeg is op die Sondag reeds opgelos en die beskuldigde het die Dinsdag die eerste keer in die hof verskyn vir 'n verhoordatum!

My grandfather's oldest brother Theodorus Hermanus Scherman was born in Griquatown on 14 January 1896. The descendant of German and Danish immigrants who had come to the Cape of Good Hope as employees of the Dutch East India Company in 1790. At the outbreak of the Second World War, Theo was already almost 45 years old. But as a Police Constable working in the harsh semi desert regions of the far Northern Cape, army life could not have been that much different than his normal police duties. Enlisting into the Union Defence Force on 11 November 1940, Theo as a policeman was initially sent to the 6th South African (Police) Brigade but with the formation of the 2nd South African Infantry Division Headquarters was transferred into a position within the Headquarters. His initial army enlistment paperwork indicates that he was married with seven children the eldest of which would later become Brigadier General Theo Scherman, Commander of the Commercial Branch of the South African UnclePolice.Theo along with his comrades (including my grandfather, Private Hendrik Johannes Scherman who was serving in the 2nd Battalion South African Police) sailed from Durban in June 1941 for Egypt. A year later, they all became prisoners of war when the port of Tobruk fell in June 1942. Three years of internment followed, firstly in Italy and then in Germany, before their POW camp was overrun by the rampaging Soviet Army and

The Rand Daily Mail snippet of 5 May 1945 mentions that three aeroplanes of POWs would be returning to the Union of South Africa. These were some of the first scheduled flights of POWs from England back home. I assume it is because of his age, then already 50, that Private T.H. Scherman was allocated such a valuable seat on the third plane.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 34 they were released in April 1945. Making their way westwards they crossed over into American lines and were sent to the South African Prisoner Repatriation Centre that had been established in Brighton in Southern England meant to organise and deal with the more than 10 000 Springboks POWs released at the end of the war.

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Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 41 GERIEWEFONDS: ‘n REKORD? Kol Johan van Rooyen

Ons is eendag gevra om ‘n voorlegging aan die Wes Kaapse provinsiale kabinet oor een of ander aangeleentheid te doen. Ons was ongeveer vyf offisiere daarby betrokke. En ons is almal saam na die kabinetsvergadering. Toe ons by die vertrek instap, sit Premier Hernus Kriel by die kop van die tafel en al die kabinetslede weerskante daarvan. Ons het net ingestap en, sonder om ons welkom te heet, haak Kriel af en sê: “Het júlle nie wérk om te dóén nie?” So asof hy wou klem lê op elke Behalwewoord.

Wat ‘n konsternasie op die stasie was dit nie! Ek wonder toe nog so in die stilligheid of die minister van Polisie (Gerald Morkel) nie dalk vergeet het om Kriel vooraf daarvan in te lig nie?

Om ‘n lang storie kort te maak: Kriel se beswaar was toe dat dit nie nodig was dat vyf van ons na die aanbieding hoef te gekom het Maarnie. is ons is toe so die donner in, dat ons sommer almal wil loop. Uiteindelik, na so ‘n kort, intense fluisterende onderhandeling sessie tussen ons, dink ek was dit toe net ek


die sarkasme in Kriel se stem, staan ons almal daar half uit die veld geslaan oor sy vraag, want ons is dan immers daar om ‘n aanbieding te doen en die minste wat ons verwag, is om darem verwelkom te word.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 42 Kol Johan sê: “42 jaar oud en hy werk nog! Net ‘n nuwe battery ingesit.

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en Jeremy Veary wat agter gebly het om die aanbieding te doen.

Ek het ook gesien dat Morkel, wat net langs Kriel gesit het, met sy hand op sy (eie) bors, vir Kriel so ‘n paar driftige woorde toevoeg. Ek kon ongelukkig nie hoor wat hy presies vir hom gesê het nie.

Wat egter rêrig op ons indruk gemaak het, was dat Morkel die volgende dag aan elkeen van die vyf polisie offisiere ‘n brief per hand laat aflewer het waarin hy ons om verskoning vra oor die gebeure in die kabinetskamer die vorige dag.

Hofmeyr-polisiestasie Kol Louis Langenhoven

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Hierdie artikel is geskryf deur Coert Mommsen D.Phil (Psigologie), M.A. Kliniese Sielkunde, EEG Tegnikus. Woensdag 3 Augustus 2022 om 13:50 Erik Erikson se Lewensstadiums van die mens Een van my vriende het op ʼn tyd, toe ons so 18 jaar oud was, belanggestel in Astrologie wat per definisie as volg lees: “idees oor die verband tussen die lot van mense en gebeurtenisse op aarde en die stand van die hemelliggame op ʼn mens se lewe.”

Die tweede stadium gemeet vanaf 18 maande tot 3 jaar die sogenaamde outonomie teenoor skande en twyfel, word volgens Macleod as volg omskryf: Volgens Erikson is kinders in hierdie stadium gefokus op die ontwikkeling van 'n gevoel van persoonlike beheer oor fisiese vaardighede en 'n gevoel van onafhanklikheid. Sukses in hierdie stadium dra

(1) Hy het soms met my hieroor geredeneer en my probeer oortuig van sy siening. Wat veral uit die gesprekke na vore gekom het sover ek onthou, was dat jou sterreteken deur jou geboortedatum bepaal is. “Ja, dis waar dat mense sedert die vroegste tye na die sterre gekyk het om hul geluk en toekoms te bepaal,” was my antwoord, “máár, het ek gemeen, met dié soort sisteem het ek een probleem. ‘n Mens se lewe begin nie by geboorte nie, maar by konsepsie” .


“Wanneer mens dus oor jou lewe peins en die beskutting van jou wêreldse welstand moet jy weet, jou eintlike stoflike bestaan het hiér begin, by konsepsie. Jou bestaan as mens het in werklikheid (soos dit opgeteken is), lank hiervóór begin. Wanneer jy egter dink aan jou welsyn en ondervindinge in die mensewêreld, kan jy by konsepsie begin, was my mening.”

In die psigologie, word die mens se lewensstadiums volgens Erik Erikson as volg ingedeel (2)

Die eerste stadium, gemeet vanaf geboorte tot 12 18 maande, behels die begrippe Vertroue teenoor Wantroue. Volgens Macleod se artikel getiteld Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development) is dit so dat indien die versorging wat ‘n baba ontvang konsekwent, voorspelbaar en betroubaar is sal hy/sy ‘n sin van sekerheid ontwikkel wat hom/haar sal aanhelp na ander verhoudings en hy/sy sal veilig voel selfs indien hy/sy bedreiging beleef. Indien hierdie behoeftes nie bevredig word nie, kan dit aanleiding gee tot wantroue, agterdog en angs. (3)

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 46 by tot die eienskap van vasberadenheid. As kinders in hierdie stadium aangemoedig en ondersteun word met betrekking tot onafhanklikheid, word hulle meer selfversekerd en gerus ten opsigte van hul vermoë om in die wêreld te oorleef (4) Stadium 3 strek vanaf 3 tot 5 jaar en staan bekend as Inisiatief tenoor Skuld .

Indien hierdie inisiatief nie aangemoedig word nie, of gekortwiek word deur ouers of onderwysers, sal die kind begin om minderwaardig te voel en te twyfel in sy/haar eie vermoëns en dus nie sy/haar potensiaal bereik nie. Indien die kind nie daarin slag om ʼn besondere bekwaamheid wat die gemeenskap vereis ontwikkel nie (bv. Om atleties te wees) dan mag hy/sy ʼn minderwaardigheidsgevoel ontwikkel. (6) ’n Mate van mislukking mag egter nodig wees vir die kind om beskeidenheid te ontwikkel. ʼn

Indien kinders aangemoedig en versterk word vir hul aanvoorwerk, sal hulle bekwaam voel en vertroue ontwikkel/hê om hulle mikpunte.

Tydens die inisiatief versus skuldstadium laat kinders hulself meer dikwels geld deur middel van spel en ander sosiale interaksie.

Balans tussen bevoegdheid en beskeidenheid is belangrik. Sukses lei tot bekwaamheid Stadium 5 heet Identiteit teenoor Rolverwarring Die vyfde lewenstadium behels die konsepte van identiteit teenoor rolverwarring gedurende adolessensie vanaf ongeveer 12 18 jaar. Gedurende hierdie stadium soek die adolessent na ʼn sin vir self en persoonlike identiteit deur middel van ʼn intense ontdekking van persoonlike waardes, oortuigings en Diedoelwitte.oorgang van kindertyd na volwassenheid is gedurende adolessensie van groot belang. Kinders word meer onafhanklik en begin om na die toekoms te kyk in terme van ʼn loopbaan, verhoudings, gesinne behuising, ens. Die individu wil deel word van ʼn gemeenskap waarin hy inpas. Volgens Bee (1992), moet daar gedurende hierdie stadium ʼn herintegrering van die self sin plaasvind van wat die individu wil doen of wil wees en die sy/haar se toepaslike geslagsrol. Gedurende hierdie stadium verander die liggaamsbeeld van die adolessent. Erikson self sê: “Die adolessente verstand is/kan beskou word as fundamentele redeneerproses of ʼn rustyd, ʼn psigososiale stadium tussen kindertyd en volwassenheid en integriteit wat deur die kind aangeleer word asook die etiek wat as volwassene ontwikkel moet word. Erikson, 1963, p. 245 (7)

Hierdie is die besonder lewenskragtige, snelontwikkelende jare van die kind se lewe en volgens Bee (1992) is dit “‘n tyd van besonder lewendige snel ontwikkelde jare van die kind se lewe. Dit is volgens haar, ‘n tyd van onvermoeidheid en aksie wat ouers miskien as aggressie kan beskou.” Kinders begin om aktiwiteite te beplan, speletjies op te maak en aktiwiteite saam met ander aan te pak. As kinders hierdie geleentheid kry, ontwikkel hulle 'n gevoel van inisiatief en voel hulle veilig in terme van hul vermoë om ander te lei en besluite te neem. Dit is gedurende hierdie stadium dat die kind se portuurgroep groter betekenis kry en 'n belangrike bron van die kind se selfbeeld word. Die kind ervaar nou die behoefte om goedkeuring te verkry deur spesifieke vaardighede aan te leer wat deur die samelewing gewaardeer word te toon en begin om 'n gevoel van trots in hul prestasies te ontwikkel (5) Die volgende stadium (stadium 4), heet Vordering teenoor Minderwaardigheid en strek van 5 tot 12 jaar. Kinders in dié stadium leer om te lees en skryf, somme te maak en dinge op hul eie te doen. Onderwysers speel ʼn belangrike rol in die kind se lewe namate hulle die kind spesifieke vaardighede leer In hierdie stadium kry die kind se portuurgroep sterker betekenis en word dit ʼn belangrike bron van die kind se selfbeskouing. Die kind voel nou dit is belangrik dat hy/sy besondere vaardighede moet toon ten einde deur die gemeenskap aanvaar te word en begin om ʼn sin van trots in individuele aanvaarding en prestasie te assimileer/in te neem.

hierdie stadium bied die beskikbaarstelling van liefde.

van intimiteit gedurende hierdie stadium kan lei na isolasie, eensaamheid en soms Suksesdepressie.tydens

Sukses in dié stadium sal lei na die ontwikkeling van die deug van bewaring. Ego-integriteit teenoor Wanhoop Hierdie is die agste en finale stadium van Erikson se lewensstadiums. Dit begin by ouderdom 65 en eindig by sterfte. Dit is ʼn tydperk waartydens ons ons prestasies deurdink en dit kan opregtheid in die hand werk indien ons onsself as suksesvol in die lewe Mensebeskou.watoor hulle lewe nadink en spyt is dat hulle nie hul lewensdoelwitte bereik het nie, sal gevoelens van bitterheid en wanhoop ervaar.

Hierdie stadium van Erikson se psigososiale ontwikkeling vind tussen die ouderdomme 40 tot 65 jaar Sielkundigplaas.gesproke verwys kreatiwiteit na “jou merk maak” in die wêreld deur goed te skep wat die individu sal oorleef. Gedurende die middeljare ontwikkel die individu ʼn behoefte om items of voordele te skep wat hulle sal oorleef. Hulle sal dan dikwels ook toegang hê tot raadgewers.

Indien ons nie ‘n wyse kan vind om ‘n bydrae te lewer nie, stagneer ons en voel ons onproduktief. Hierdie individue mag verwyderd van en onbetrokke by die samelewing voel.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 47 Macleod (Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development ( gaan voort deur te sê:

“Hierdie is ʼn omvangryke stadium van ontwikkeling waartydens die kind die rolle wat hy/sy tydens volwassenheid moet vertolk, aanleer. Dit is gedurende hierdie stadium dat die adolessent sy/haar identiteit herevalueer en probeer vasstel wie presies hy of sy is. Volgens Erikson is twee identiteite hier betrokke: die seksuele en dié van die beroepsveld. (8)

Intimiteit teenoor isolasie Hierdie is die sesde lewensstadium van die mens volgens Erikson en duur van vroeë volwassenheid tussen ongeveer 18 tot 40 jaar. Die hoofkonflik gedurende hierdie tyd wentel om die vorming van intieme, liefderike verhoudings met ander mense.

Gedurende hierdie stadium begin ons onsself deel met ander. Die mens verken tydens hierdie stadium langtermyn verhoudings met iemand buit die gesinsopset. Suksesvolle voltooiing van hierdie stadium kan lei na gelukkige verhoudings en ʼn sin vir verbintenis, veiligheid en versorging binne ʼn Dieverhouding.vermyding

Kreatiwiteit teenoor Stagnering

Sukses lei na gevoelens van bruikbaarheid en vervulling, terwyl mislukking lei na oppervlakkige betrokkenheid by die wêreld.

Erikson self beskryf Ego integriteit as “die aanvaarding van die enigste lewensstadium as iets wat moes wees” (1950, p. 268) Hy voeg later hierby aan (dat dit) ʼn sin/belewenis verskaf van “konsekwentheid en volledigheid.’ (1982, p. 65). (9) Namate ons ouer word (65+ jaar) en senior burgers raak, is ons geneig om minder produktief te wees en die lewe as ʼn afgetrede persoon te verken. Erikson is van mening dat indien ons ons lewens as onproduktief beskou, sal ons skuldgevoelens oor die lewe ervaar, en dan sal ons ontevrede oor die lewe ʼn beskouing wat dikwels lei na depressie en wanhoop. Sukses in hierdie stadium skep die deug van wysheid. Wysheid maak dit vir die persoon moontlik om op hul lewens terug te kyk met ʼn sin van voltooidheid en volledigheid en die dood sonder vrees te aanvaar.”

Ons gee terug aan die samelewing deur kinders op te voed en produktief by die werkplek te wees, of betrokke te wees by gemeenskapsaktiwiteite en organisasies. Deur kreatief te wees ontwikkel ons ʼn sin van deel hê aan die “groter prent”.



Samevattend Uit Erikson se teorie van psigososiale ontwikkeling kan ons veral die volgende aflei: Elke lewensstadium kan verskillende uitkomste hê; Die uitkomste kan óf voordelig óf negatief vir ‘n mens wees; Dit is belangrik vir ouers sowel as opvoeders om kennis te neem van die uitkoms van elke verskillende lewensstadium; Vir elkeen van ons is daar ‘n lewensstadium wat uitstaan bo almal, of meeste van die ander. Wat natuurlik ook ‘n belangrike rol speel, is die omstandighede waaronder ons ons bevind gedurende elke spesifieke fase. Wanneer ons die uitkomste vir elke stadium van ons lewens ondersoek of deurdink, is dit belangrik om die eksterne faktore wat ten tye van die besondere fase ‘n rol gespeel het, in aanmerking te neem. Dis belangrik om soveel moontlik omstandigheidsfaktore in ag te neem en om te probeer begryp in watter mate dit ons ontwikkeling beïnvloed het. Moenie aarsel om ‘n sielkundige of psigiater te konsulteer ingeval dit vir jou moeilik raak om deur jou lewensgebeure te werk of indien dit aanhoudend negatiewe gemoedsbelewenisse tot gevolg het nie.

Indien jy hierdie dinge bepeins en jy vind dit té ontstellend, doen dit eerder onder toesig van ‘n sielkundige.

Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. Simply Psychology, Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial Erikson.html

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 48 McLeod, S. A. (2018, May 03).” Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. Simply Psychology, Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. (10)

Bronne Erikson.html Erikson.html Erikson.html Erikson.html Erikson.html Erikson.html Erikson.html( 10)Erikson.html



Onthou, jy is vir ‘n rede in hierdie wêreld bewaar en beskerm sedert konsepsie al. Dink maar aan die soorte skade waarteen jy beskerm is toe jy nog in die Baarmoeder was.



Indien die moeilik is om te konseptualiseer, vind ‘n plek en tyd waar jy rustig kan word en probeer om die tye te onthou toe jy beskerm was teen die dood of gewisse ernstige skade.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 49 NONGQAI TRUST | IT 002701/2018(T)

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 50 THANK YOU! | DANKIE!

Op 20 August het die invloedryke Londense koerant, The Daily Telegraph, ‘n lang artikel gepubliseer oor die redes waarom Suid-Afrika op die rand staan van intuimel in massa-onrus en ‘n “ontploffing van geweld”. Die artikel is so prominent gedra as wat maar kan, as die koerant se hoof voorbladberig Hiermee enkele uittreksels (omtrent 1/3 van die artikel), om te wys dat Suid Afrikaners se kommer elders in die wêreld gedeel word.


HANG AF VAN PARAATHEID Dr. Willem Steenkamp Volgens ’n peiling wat in Julie vanjaar landswyd gedoen is deur die Sosiale Navorsingstigting (Social Research Foundation SRF), glo byna 46% van geregistreerde kiesers dat dinge “baie erger” in Suid Afrika gaan word. Onder diegene wat die EFF ondersteun, was 80% van hulle “desperaat moedeloos”, gevolg deur 48% van ANCkiesers. Van die DA en Action South Africa se ondersteuners deel onderskeidelik 42% en 25% die verwagting dat dinge “baie erger” gaan word. Indiër Suid Afrikaners is die negatiefste in hul persepsie van wat die volgende dekade gaan inhou, gevolg deur 49% van swart Suid-Afrikaners. Die afgelope maand het ‘n hele paar dinge gebeur wat mens tot kommer stem oor die toekoms. Een van die saakmakendste was die bekendmaking dat die jaar op jaar syfer van misdaad gemik op huishoudings, met 14% toegeneem het (dit, bo-op Suid-Afrika se lank reeds uitermate hoë misdaad syfer, en verder, met in ag neem daarvan dat vele slagoffers nie eens meer bodder om misdaad aan te meld nie en dit dus nie in die amptelike statistiek opgeneem word nie).

As mens dan kyk na die ekonomiese tendense in die res van die wêreld, met inflasie in Brittanje wat na berekening na 18% mik en die res van Europa nie vêr agter nie, en resessie wat oral dreig, dan moet mens aanvaar dat omstandighede in Suid Afrika aanstons ook nog verder gaan versleg. (Sien asb. ons maandelikse analise oor die konflik in Oekraïne elders in hierdie Nongqai, wat die hoekoms en waaroms van hierdie internasionale ekonomiese krisis verduidelik).

Dat die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking toenemend ongedurig raak, is dus beide duidelik en verstaanbaar, wanneer mens die ekonomiese omstandighede en veral ook die swak dienslewering deur die owerheidsektor in ag neem. Dit het op 1 Augustus weer in Tembisa tot uitbarsting gekom.

Die hoof oorsake van die skerp styging in hierdie tipe misdaad, is waarskynlik tweeledig: eerstens die SAPS se beroerd-swak sukses vlakke met vervolgings (slegs 2% van daders loop ‘n skuldigbevinding in ‘n hof op die lyf dus kennelik ‘n heel lonende bedryf). Die tweede oorsaak is die skerp styging in die inflasie koers (die koste van kookolie het reeds verdubbel, brandstof kos 40% meer, en brood-pryse het reeds met ‘n derde gestyg), gekoppel met verpletterende armoede en werkloosheid, veral onder die jongmense, waar dit op 64% staan.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 52 Why South Africa is on the precipice of 'explosive violence' and mass unrest

Soaring poverty and corruption are threatening to unravel the 'Rainbow Nation’ described by Nelson Mandela Burnt-out carcasses of cars lie in the streets of Tembisa, a historically poor township east of Johannesburg, after protests over the rising cost of electricity and water earlier this month

"One of these days it’s going to happen to us, you can’t have so many people unemployed and poor, one day it is going to trigger an uprising," former president Thabo Mbeki said in late July. "That’s how that massive uprising happened in Tunisia, the problems were brewing beneath the surface and it needed a little spark."

The streets of Tembisa looked like a war zone. Burnt-out carcasses of cars sat there like angry tombstones. A municipal building had been turned into a blackened shell. Chunks of concrete and bricks ripped out of nearby walls to form rudimentary barricades lay scattered across the streets. Scorch marks and rubbish were everywhere. Four people were killed after protests over the rising cost of electricity and water in the historically poor South African township east of Johannesburg turned violent earlier this month. It barely made international headlines. Just days later, it was followed by a horrific gang rape of eight young women near a gold mine in another township, Kagiso. That was followed by thousands of angry residents attacking a group of illegal miners they believed to be responsible with machetes, golf clubs and hammers. Such examples of unrest and disproportionate violence are now becoming normal in South Africa.

Amid increasing poverty, inequality and unemployment, the "Rainbow Nation" described by Nelson Mandela when he came to power in 1994 is no more. Those in the country are now warning that the country is a tinderbox at risk of wide-scale unrest or even something similar to the revolutions seen in 2011 across the Arab world.

CREDIT: Shiraaz Mohamed

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 53

"The violence that is going to happen in South Africa is because the elite is disappearing and the poor are becoming … poorer," he told the BBC's Hardtalk programme a week later. "There's going to be something that looks like an Arab Spring. That, we are guaranteed."

He said such a movement would target white people and "black elites". The MP, known for extreme views, has twice been convicted of hate speech…


His language has been echoed by opposition leader Julius Malema.

Suid-Afrika is ‘n wonderskone land met enorme potensiaal en oorgenoeg natuurlike rykdom om aan al sy kinders ‘n voorspoedige toekoms te kan bied hierdie artikel bedoel dus nie om almal in sak en-as te dompel nie. Met my vele omswerwinge om die aardbol heen, en dit wat nou weer bv. in Europa aan’t afspeel is, is Suid Afrika ook allermins die enigste land wat uitdagings moet trotseer. Dit sou egter geheel onrealisties wees om die onbetwisbare risiko’s bloot te wil ignoreer. Eweseer sou dit onrealisties wees om hande in die lug te gooi, asof daar geen oplossings moontlik is nie, of om alles te wil reduseer tot nasionale party politiek. Mense woon, werk en leef plaaslik. Dis waar huis en haard is, en waar mens paraat moet wees om enige periodes van beproewing te kan deurstaan. Wat koelkop, kundige beplanning verg. Soos die Engelse sê: Better safe than sorry!

So wat kan gedoen word om gemeenskappe te beskerm teen die uitbreek van openbare onrus en geweldpleging, wanneer nie op die veiligheidsmagte staat gemaak kan word om wet en orde te handhaaf nie? (Soos wat ondubbelsinnig gedemonstreer is die geval te wees, gedurende die onluste van Julie 2021 in Gauteng en KwaZulu Natal).

Die antwoord lê in deeglike vooraf beplanning, organisasie en koördinasie, op lokale gemeenskapsvlak. Kundige, professionele beplanning en ervare leiding, om toe te sien dat alles streng wetmatig sal geskied, koel-rasioneel, effektief en met redelikheid en billikheid. Bepaald nie die wet in eie hande neem nie (wat net sulke situasies sal vererger), maar eerder die bestaande wetlike raamwerke optimaal benut, m.b.t. byvoorbeeld Buurtwagte. Nie wapens opneem teen die owerheid of enige ander groep landsburgers nie, maar wel voorsiening maak vir bv. ‘n eie private brandbestryding vermoë, wanneer nie op die plaaslike owerheid gereken kan word nie. Voorsiening vir kommunikasie en lewensnoodsaaklikhede soos drinkwater en nood-voedsel, plus veilige hawe vir vrouens en kinders. Gelukkig is daar reedservare, professionele en koel beredeneerde deskundiges soos die befaamde genl. Roland de Vries en sy span wat met plaaslike gemeenskappe saam werk om hierdie tipe gebeurlikheidsbeplanning en organisasie op ‘n nie politieke en altyd wettige basis in plek te kry. (As u wil uitreik na hom, kan u gerus vir my ‘n e-pos stuur met u kontak-besonderhede en kortliks ‘n beskrywing van u gemeenskap se ligging en karakteristieke, na , en ek sal die nodige kontak bewerkstellig).

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 54 Open letter to the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele MP. Maj-Gen Chris Botha Dear General Cele,

As I tried to write my customary reflection on this edition of the magazine, I suddenly felt totally deflated. Just have another look at the content of this edition do you see the policing applications and issues? Most contributions have the one or other negativity, all of them in the world of policing. You see General, policing is not primarily about political power and the usefulness of policing powers, executed by apologists, to dominant political parties. It is about people. Our contributors this month magnify the hurt of people because of poor policing. Why is it then, I wonder, that the dysfunctions in our policing environment drew me to thinking about you, particularly? Perhaps because of my interest in integrity based leadership, my view of the world that tells me to stand firm against falsitas? Or is it because leadership, to me, is all about a healthy mix of spiritual, emotional, and cognitive Iintelligence?thoughtabout this for a while and paid particular attention to my competence (the sum of my knowledge, skills, and attitude), my fifty years in policing (and still going) and my autoethnographic approach to life. I discussed you with people that I am still privileged to have around me despite our average half a century individual involvement in policing. I looked at the media with Cele focused eyes, and I read academic articles and books that mention you, also in the world of muckraking (perhaps you want to have another look at Anton Harber’s So, for the record…?). I read the forewords that you signed off for South Africa’s performance related documents in policing (and compared it with same of your Minister when you were the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service the SAPS), or your National Commissioners of the SAPS during your years as Minister. I then decided to write you an open letter. Attempt to understand General, that what follows here is not cheap politicking. I am not a politician. It is not nasty since I am not a nasty person. It is not merely a white man from the baby boomer generation speaking to a black African man from the baby boomer generation. It is much more General. It is a transparent and honest reflection on some issues around you, the General who is also the Minister of Police of South Africa, by an elderly policing acaprac (an academically minded Andpractitioner).that,General, is my first challenge. Should the Minister of Police be a General? Should any public official in a public service rank be a Minister, I wonder while I am writing this? Is there not a difference in objects between a political role player and a public official? Such as policy determination and civilian oversight on the side of the political role player whilst the public official concerns her/himself with execution in line with the law of the country? Should public governance be headed up by a rank embodying the powerful military symbol of maximum force?

Returning to the period that you were, in the role of a Deputy Minister, away from the policing environment: Advocate Paul Hoffman SC (in his capacity as a director of Accountability Now) is concerned that an important recommendation of the Moloi Board of Inquiry is not receiving the attention that it should receive. This is the recommendation that you be investigated for your involvement in corrupt activities in the property deals that formed the basis of the Public Protector’s investigations against you. Hoffman SC points out that no investigation of the sort has yet happened. According to media reports, the finding of the North Gauteng High Court that your discharge as National Commissioner, a result of the Moloi Board of Inquiry’s recommendation to the President, be declared invalid, was welcomed by you to the point that

Sadly, given what I have been seeing in police and policing behaviour since 1 April 2010 when the ranks were re militarised (starting with Andries Tatane in 2011, Marikana in 2012, and Mido Macia in 2013) I feel I can rest my case. The military ranks did not stop the police from doing what they did, and I do not have evidence that the military ranks have any positive influence on discipline. Moreover, as I write this, the de militarisation recommendations of the National Development Plan (published August 2010) and the views on demilitarisation of the Panel of Experts established on the recommendations of the Marikana Commission of Inquiry have not been given any attention. In fact, General, the Panel produced its final report on 27 May 2018 already but you, as Minister of Police, only released that report on 29 March 2021. It seems to me that you rather like the title, General, and are not doing well at efforts from the administration that you serve in to unfriend this way of looking at the world. Is this General thing a thing of populist, dominant politicians? I mean, Hitler wore uniforms and designed a peculiar salute, General Franco nearly destroyed Spain, (Field Marshal?) Idi Amin decorated himself spectacularly, so did Robert Mugabe, the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging had many generals, Honourable Malema is a self declared Commander in Chief, and so Onforth.your watch General (bar the period when you were released from your duties as National Commissioner by former President Zuma upon some rather damning findings against you by the Public Protector, and the recommendations of the Moloi Board of Inquiry) things have not been going well General or not, finish and klaar

Now, do not stop reading here General. Do not relax now and decide that you have me covered as you can sell the idea that South Africa needs maximum force against criminals. You will not get past me with that one the force to be used against criminals is prescribed by law and the principle of minimum force is the guiding principle in our legal system. It may, under circumstances determined by law, escalate to deadly force, but it is still an escalation and not a start off situation. I have, in principle, nothing against a military who protects an independent country’s sovereignty with maximum force. At the hardest of times, that’s what defence forces do, and should do. But you are not the Minister of Defence, General.

When we worked on the transformation of policing after 2 February 1990, we actively followed a path of civilianising the policing system of South Africa. I say “we” because I was there. And I remember the political party who walked with us down a road of not making war on legal subjects, of changing from a “force” to a “service”, and of changing to a civilian rank system. However, I have followed the re militarisation of South African policing by the same political partyi during 2010 and thereafter. I have also taken note of your insistence, reported in the media, that you would be addressed as “General” by virtue of you filling the post of National Commissioner of the SAPS. Of course, General, despite the view of the then Minister (Mr Nathi Mthethwa who, as you well know, has a rather peculiar way of looking at the world, costly flagpoles and all) that military ranks will counter an obvious lack of discipline, I am still not convinced that military ranks and a military styled policing institution necessarily equals disciplined behaviour.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 55

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 56 you felt you were vindicated. The corruption investigation, however, is still hanging out there somewhere. I wonder if you will have to give the General designation back (again) if the National Prosecuting Authority’s Investigative Directorate indeed investigates, you are indeed prosecuted and indeed found guilty, General?

Your remark on tattoos were interesting. Sure, in the industry of crime we know that some gangsters have tattoos, and we understand the important communicative and power implications of “tjappies” in some sub cultures, but we also know that some gangsters do not have tattoos. We also know that many people who have tattoos will never be gangsters or even be accused of shady property deals. And I wonder about that old human resource management view of tattoos for SAPS applicants. Nowadays “human capital management” seems to be the buzz term, and somewhat more liberal to boot since talent is deemed more important than archaic, populist prejudices. By the way General, would all those tattooed applicants really harbour a tendency to become gangsters once theyhave been accepted in the Service, or could that be something found in non tattooed applicants also? Your staff hopefully have alerted you to John Scott’s column on page By 15 of Die Burger, dated 23 July 2022. It is scathing satire General, to the point of mockery, and it hangs you out to dry on the tattoo issue. I found the column heartsore since I feel that nobody should open themselves to a broadside in this way. But you did General, and it hits hard.

The outburst at the Gugulethu meeting the other day left me stunned. While watching you on the television news, my first thought was (again) about leadership as the “healthy mix of spiritual, emotional, and cognitive intelligence” ... I then watched police officials in uniform marching Mr Cameron out of the venue. Of course, I have questions: was this meeting in the public domain? Were only some people allowed in there? If so, on what legal mandate? Did the police charge Mr Cameron with contravening some law? If so, on what charge, and how is the investigation progressing seeing the evidence was visible all over the public media? You see General, the SAPS are not employed to act against someone who angers an irritated Minister of Police. The police are supposed to act against someone who contravenes the law. The question is not “what does the Minister say?” or, “what must we deduce from the Minister’s behaviour and do to appease him?”. The question is “what does the law say?”. The latter is the issue of a constitutional democracy under the rule of law. The former is an issue of the dictatorial behaviour of an untouchable in a dominant party state. Should the “General thing” that I wrote about above be augmented by the word “obnoxious”? I think obnoxious Generals and policing in a constitutional democracy under the rule of law can never be Thenbedfellows.thereis the firearms control saga which I have been following for a while now. At some point I even wrote a letter to the editor of the Servamus magazine about articles that appeared in the July 2021 issue of that magazine (my letter was published in the October 2021 edition, on pages 4 and 5). You and Gun Free South Africa (GFSA) seem to understand each other well, General. However, I would be cautious of such because GFSA, in their Servamus article, supports a “reliance on evidence that reducing access to firearms reduces gun violence”. This is as much an argument that reducing access to transport will reduce violence on trains, busses, taxis, and the like. Likewise, since no

I found it interesting that Lieutenant General Francina Vuma, in her protected disclosure of early July, alleges “the same mischief as was identified by the OPP and the Moloi Inquiry in relation to the police headquarters leases negotiated with Roux Shabangu” (Hoffman SC’s rather colourful way of putting it).

So, people and groups in society have picked up on the dysfunctions of your watch General. The media, Accountability Now, Action Society (I see they have produced a list of ten issues), political parties, there are quite a few opponents of you out there. I am sure you are aware of them, so I will merely touch on some issues of leadership (the “healthy mix of spiritual, emotional, and cognitive intelligence” that I wrote about earlier).

More worrying though, was the issue around the Wits School of Governance (WSG) research report, an assessment of the effects on crime of the Firearms Control Act (No 60 of 2000, commonly referred to as the FCA). The research was completed during 2015, but only released by the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSPS) on 25 June 2021. (Is this perhaps a pattern General? This is reminiscent of the delayed release of the Panel of Expert’s Report that I wrote about above). Suffice to say that the WSG findings (basically, there is little evidence that the FCA has caused a decline in crime rates from 2004/5 to 2013/2014. Rather, strong policing is the answer) may not have been exactly what the CSPS, GFSA and you wanted.

However, the Minister and other protagonists of a gun free South Africa ignore two fundamental issues here.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 57 guns will lead to no deaths by gunshots, no motor vehicles should lead to no deaths by motor vehicle incidents.

One of the people that I spoke to was Dr Johan Burger (currently an independent consultant on crime analysis and policing, after distinguished careers in organised policing, academia and the Institute for Security Studies, the ISS). Dr Burger has an interesting view of the Constitutional Court judgement in Minister of Safety and Security v South African Hunters and Game Conservation Association [2018] ZACC 14, which he wrote some time ago, shared with me and which can be described as follows:

The Minister of Police, some elements within the SAPS and organisations in support of a gun free South Africa rely quite heavily on the introductory sentences of the judgement where it is stated that gun ownership is not a fundamental right under our Bill of Rights. Rather, it (gun ownership) is a privilege regulated by law, and that law is the FCA.

The second sentence, because it was not argued, could probably be regarded as an obiter dictum, something said in passing. It simply states that, in the absence of a right on gun ownership in the Bill of Rights, gun ownership should be regarded as a privilege, regulated as such by the FCA.

• Firstly, those two introductory sentences did not constitute a judgement in itself. The first was merely a statement of legal fact (that there is no provision in the Bill of Rights in relation to gun ownership).

The third sentence of the Court’s judgement quotes from the purpose of the FCA, specifically section 2 (a).

• Burger points out that the FCA, in section 2 (a) (e), describes the purpose of the Act in five aims. The first of these as seen in section 2 (a), clearly states that (the purpose of the Act is to) “… enhance the constitutional rights to life and bodily integrity…

• It is significant to Burger that the constitutional rights to life and bodily integrity is the first purpose of the act detailed in section 2, which is then followed by the other four.

• Burger then argues as follows: “If we as citizens have a constitutional right to life and bodily integrity it is implicit that we should be able to legally exercise that right by defending ourselves against unlawful actions aimed at infringing those rights. This then begs the simple question, if I as an individual or in defence of my loved ones is in danger of becoming a victim of such an unlawful act, how do I defend myself against an intruder(s) armed with a firearm if I do not myself have legal access to a firearm? I want to call on the Minister to think again about his over reliance on this judgement as justification for the intended scrapping of self defence as a reason for a firearm licence. This is not what this judgment was about. To the contrary, it may be

• Sections 13 (2) (a) & (b) of the FCA allow for the issuing of a license to any natural person who (a) needs a firearm for self defence, and (b) cannot reasonably satisfy that need by means other than the possession of a firearm.

To sign off on the issue of firearms and self defence General, just two things: one, if you understand that the level and intensity of violence that I may use to defend myself, should be commensurate with the level and intensity of violence directed against me, you will already have made strong progress in understanding my constitutional right to life and bodily integrity in the South Africa that we live in and where you are the Minister of Police. As I am writing this, South Africa is reeling under murderous firearm attacks, resulting in the loss of lives in places where people may legally be. What must they defend themselves with?

• This argument is, according to Burger, unconvincing for several reasons.

Taking my cue from the Cameron treatment in Gugulethu, I will take the risk of being chased out the room, but will you please answer me before I am being forced out by your pleasing police?

• Therefore, argues Burger, South Africa should have only one national police service, but it can have any number of municipal police services.

• In similar fashion, in the Constitutional Court judgment of Minister of Defence v Potsane and Another (2001) it was

Several people were referenced in the article, but not one of them agreed with your view. Again, I received advice from Dr Johan Burger. Burger’s argument (in an ISS Today dated 20 January 2014) can be summed up as follows:

• Several solutions were adopted under the broad theme of ‘Peace and ‘Security’ at the ANC’s 52nd National Conference, which took place in Polokwane during December 2007.

• The resolution relies on section 199 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, (‘the Constitution’) which provides for ‘a single police service’.

First, section 205 (1) of the Constitution adds to section 199 (1) by referring to a ‘national police service’. Therefore, reading the two sections together provides for a ‘single national police service’.

Two: you and I are getting older General. We cannot fight like we did when we were younger. We think we are still young, but the biomarkers of age are upon us. The criminals are getting even more violent. You did not prevent the shootings of the last few days. Your police, like you, merely visited the scenes afterwards. You will hate to read this, I know, but you are failing South Africa’s people General. You have armed police guards protecting you wherever you are, lots of them. The other day they even put you in a bullet proof vest. I have only me, we have only us, and you are not we since some of us are more equal than others, it seems…. Lastly General, why this issue of one police service in SA? I see in Die Burger of 21 July 2022, page Suid Kaap 9 (you have been keeping Die Burger quite busy) that Heindrich Wyngaard (executive chair of Kaapse Forum) and the office of the Western Cape Premier are talking about the devolvement of policing services to the provincial government. According to Die Burger, you have downplayed this issue as “ignorance”. Apparently, you have said that the Constitution provides only for a national police service. Devolvement of policing services will therefore, according to you, demand an amendment to the Constitution. (Perhaps you are implying that the Constitution will never be amended since your dominant party’s MPs will be voting according to party instructions?).

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 58 prudent for organisations in support of firearms for self defence to approach our highest courts for clarity on the issue of exercising the right to life and bodily integrity and having legal access to the means to do so. The bottom line is that legal access to firearms should be regarded as more than a privilege, it is a privilege of necessity”.

• In other words, according to the ANC there cannot be any other police service.

• One of these resolutions provides that ‘the constitutional imperative that there should be a single police service be implemented’.

• Second, section 206 (7) of the Constitution provides for the establishment of ‘municipal police services’.

• The same happened with the term ‘national prosecuting authority’ ‘it denotes more clearly that the multiple national prosecuting heads that formerly existed [in South Africa and its so called homelands] were to be merged into one’.

Two: what would you rather do General? Would you rather cling to power and total control over everyone, and everything, as directed by the ANC’s National Democratic Revolution document? Or will you agree that the threat to ordinary people is so great that anybody who can do policing better than you and your team should do so? The choice is, like the proverbial tennis ball, in your side of the court General.

To tie up the ends on this business of a single police service, I have two things to add. One, Burger and I were there in the heady years after 2 February 1990 and we were active in the transformation of policing in South Africa (as members of the Change Management Team). I can confirm that the sentiments raised years later in the Potsane case were applicable, alive, and well in discussions about the amalgamation of the eleven policing agencies that eventually became the new SAPS (where the Amalgamation Management Team took the lead role). That is where, inter alia, the idea of the Board of Commissioners originated. Perhaps you should have a conversation with Dr Sydney Mufamadi on the issue. He was our direct lead and, after the

Lastly General, do you realise how difficult it is to confront you with compassion? If I did not quite succeed, please bear with me. I will try harder next time. However, still with caritas, Chris Botha (Originally( Compassionate Confronter, Vol 2 No 2, a popular science ejournal distributed on 6 August 2022).

1994 election, the first Minister, not of Police, but of Safety and Security which is another story to tell you one day. Since you were also the National Commissioner of the SAPS once, perhaps you should talk to George Fivaz, the first National Commissioner and the only one of all of you who ever sat in that chair as permanent appointees who has completed his mandate effectively and with integrity.

determined that a ‘single prosecuting authority’ does not intend to say ‘exclusive’ or ‘only’, but means to denote the singular, ‘one’.

• In other words, ‘where there used to be many, there will now be a single authority’.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 59

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 60




Brig Ronnie Beyl • Begeleiding van Treine Gedurende 1975, en as gevolg van die verskerping en vernietiging van die infrastruktuur (oorhoofse kragmaste, watertenks en die spoorweg infrastruktuur), was die dienste van die Suid Afrikaanse Spoorwegpolisie wat in die Republiek gestasioneer was, ingeroep om die verskerpte aanslag op die vervoerstelsel die hoof te bied. Die lede afkomstig van die Republiek was getaak om die spoorverbindings en spoorweginfrastruktuur te beveilig, terwyl die SAW en die SAP die hakkejag operasies vanaf spoorweggrondgebied sou behartig. Hulle basis was op Otjiwarongo vanwaar hulle in die noorde van Suidwes geopereer het. Die dienste van die taakgroep het onder andere behels die begeleiding van passasierstreine en sekere goedere treine asook algemene beskermingsdienste op stasies. Die taakgroep was ontplooi ter beskerming van die treine en die troepe op stasies en sylyne waar troepetreine stilgehou het. By tonele waar die spoorlyne deur die terroriste gesaboteer was, was die tonele beveilig en bewaak totdat die ondersoek aldaar afgehandel was. Lede was per voertuig na Usakos (Kranzberg stasie) en Omaruru in die suide, Outjo in die weste en Tsumeb en Grootfontein in die noorde van Suidwes Afrika vervoer waar hulle op treine geplaas was om begeleiding en beskerming te verleen. Gedurende Januarie 1977 was sersant J.P.L. Strydom van Suidwes Afrika en verskeie lede van die Republiek genomineer om ʼn treinbedryf kursus by die Spoorwegkollege te Esselenpark by te woon. Hy was deel van die eerste groep Spoorwegpolisielede wat as spoormotortrolliedrywers gekwalifiseer het. Na die opleiding en intensiewe toetsing van die twee pantsertrollies was Kobus per spoor na Suidwes-Afrika vervoer en deur sersant J.P.L. Strydom in bedryf gestel. Kobus was vir die patrollering van die spoorlyne in die Republiek van Suid Afrika aangewend. Sersant Koos Strydom was die enigste gekwalifiseerde lid van die Spoorwegpolisie in Suidwes-Afrika wat in staat was om die pantsertrollie te dryf. Die trollie was gebruik om die Spoorwegnetwerk vanaf Mariental in die suide, Gobabis in die ooste, Walvisbaai en

Lede wat vanaf Otjiwarongo diens gedoen het, sal vir Tannie Duifie onthou. Sy was ʼn legende en wel bekend in die omgewing. Haar een been was onder die knie geamputeer. Behalwe vir haar liefde vir die soldate, was sy klokslag op Otjiwarongo stasie wanneer die troepetrein gearriveer het. Sy het dan al langs die trein af geloop en biltong aan die troepe uitgedeel. Later van tyd het tannie Duifie die lede van die SASP ontmoet en nodeloos om te sê, die manne het uitgeëet geraak aan die biltong wat sy uitgedeel het.

Outjo in die weste en Tsumeb en Grootfontein in die noorde van Suidwes Afrika te patrolleer.

Die trollie kon net op die spoorlyn beweeg en aandrywing het geskied deur middel van ʼn petrol aangedrewe twee liter Ford masjien met ʼn vier spoed outomatiese ratkas. Die trollie was baie beweeglik en het vir baie kilometers diens gedoen. Bemanning het bestaan uit ʼn sersant as seksieleier en drie konstabels. Kleredrag en bewapening was soortgelyk aan die van die pantsertrollie. Die S.A. Polisie het ʼn Hippo voertuig met registrasie nr. SAP 35394 aan die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie beskikbaar gestel vir die vervoer van sy lede. Die Hippo voertuig was mettertyd met ʼn Casspir voertuig van die S.A. Polisie vervang.

Die bemanning van die pantsertrollie het bestaan uit ʼn Bevelvoerder (sersant) en vyf konstabels bewapen met 9mm pistole en R1 gewere.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 62

Tegnologiese ontwikkeling van die hidrouliese pype was nog nie op die verlangde vlak waar dit die druk kon hanteer nie. Aangesien ʼn ligter tipe spoorstaaf op die baanvlak in Suidwes gebruik was, het dit veroorsaak dat Chris nie tot sy volle potensiaal gebruik kon word nie.

• Funkey Motortrollie en Pad Voertuie Weens die tegniese probleme wat met die pantsertrollie ondervind was, is daar besluit om die gewone “Funkey” spoortrollies te gebruik om die beveiliging van die spoorbaan te verseker. Dié spoortrollies was ook gepantser met koeëlvaste glas, maar was nie mynbestand of ontwerp vir oorlogvoering nie.

Tannie Duifie

Die Spoorlyne as Teikens

Die pantsertrollie was ook met groot sukses voor passasiers- en troepetreine aangewend om die spoortrajek te beveilig. ʼn Staal raamwerk was aan die voorste treinwiele van Kobus gemonteer wat as vroeë waarskuwing gedien het wanneer daar ʼn toestel aan die spoorlyn gekoppel was. Die lede wat op die Chris diens gedoen het, het noue skakeling met die taakgroep gehad wat verantwoordelik was vir die begeleiding van die treine. Ongelukkig het Chris ook sy kwota probleme opgelewer. Vanweë die volgehoue geweldige hoë druk waarmee die hidrouliese olie aan die hidrouliese motors voorsien moes word, het die koppelings van die hidrouliese pype nie gehou nie.

Die Spoorweginfrastruktuur in die sogenaamde moord driehoek (Tsumeb, Otavi en Grootfontein) het ʼn gewilde teiken vir terroriste geword. Verskeie insidente waar die spoorlyne gesaboteer was, het voorgekom. Hieronder het die sabotasie voorval by Jakkalsberg, tussen Otavi en Tsumeb, getel. Hierdie sabotasie voorval het tot gevolg gehad dat die passasierstreine vir ʼn tydperk nie kon loop nie. Die lede het vir die tydperk wat die trein nie kon ry nie die passasiers in die trein beskerm. Sommige lede het saam met die busse vertrek vir verdere beskerming terwyl ander lede agter gebly het om die sabotasie toneel te beskerm. Die beskerming van die sabotasie tonele het baie kere daartoe gelei dat lede in die veld moes slaap met die minimum rantsoene en water. Die grootste vrees was altyd die moontlikheid van “boobytraps” wat by die toneel gestel was en ʼn vyand wat jy nie kon sien nie. Hierdie tipe van insidente was gewoonlik ʼn “hit and run” situasie en lede het na ʼn tyd kalm en rustig geraak. Lede op die toneel het die voetspore bewaak en gemerk, sodat die spoorsnyers van die SAW en SAP die hakkejag operasies kon uitvoer. Sommige lede het gebrand om sommer self die spoor te vat om die “terr's te gaan jag”, somtyds tot groot vermaak van ander of uit uiterste frustrasie. Lede was egter gefokus en het presies geweet wat om te doen sonder om hulle lewe onnodig in gevaar te stel. Gedurende hierdie tyd het die terroriste aanvalle in die moord driehoek die hoogte ingeskiet en was daar baie druk op die veiligheidsmagte geplaas om elke aanval te hanteer. Uchab sylyn was aan die rand van die moord driehoek tussen die laaste koppe en die oop vlaktes en ongeveer vyf en veertig


Brig Hannes Slabbert Daardie middag het ek heerlik ontspan. Alhoewel ek amptelik eers die volgende dag sou uittree was dit ‘n Saterdag waarop ek nie gewerk het nie. Saterdagmore het ouma, ek en Salome na die Turksvyfees in Uitenhage gegaan waar ek aan almal wat wou luister vertel het dat ek nou n pensionaris en ouma my baas Maandagmoreis.

In 1993 kry ons die goeie tyding dat Melissa en Marina swanger is en ‘n ruk later nog aangenamer nuus toe ons hoor die babas sal op dieselfde dag gebore word. Natuurlik is dit iets om na uit te sien en die tyd gaan hopeloos te stadig om na ons sin. Op 3 Desember daardie jaar word ons die trotse en dankbare grootouers van twee seuntjies. Charles en Melissa s’n word Charles William, (C.W.) sy pa se name en Elroy en Marina s’n Jean-Pierre of sommer JP. Enkele dae later moet C.W. ‘n operasie aan die maag ondergaan. Een of ander kleppie funksioneer nie. Nog later volg ‘n groot breinoperasie en dit word duidelik dat hy ongelukkig nie normaal sal funksioneer nie. Maar hy is ‘n taai kêrel

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 63 kilometer vanaf Grootfontein stasie geleë. Gedurende die nag was die sylyn deur ʼn groep terroriste aangeval. Die sylyn was op verskeie plekke opgeblaas en op sommige ander plekke op die sylyn was groot hoeveelhede springstof in die vorm van 100 gram blokkies Russiese TNT met Russiese MUV2 skakelaars gevind, wat om die een of ander rede nie gedetoneer het nie. Lede op die toneel het adjudant offisier Loekie Jordaan, die seksiespeurder op Grootfontein, van hulp verleen om die ontstekers uit die springstof te verwyder om enige verdere ontploffings te voorkom. Sommige van die ontstekers was nie geaktiveer nie. ʼn Goedere trein met brandstof en voorrade vir die SAW het by die sylyn aangekom en op verskeie dele van die treinspoor het die goederetrein oor die gedeeltes beweeg waar stukke van die spoorlyn as gevolg van die ontploffing vernietig was. Gelukkig het die trein nie ontspoor nie en, sou dit die geval wees of sou die bom onder die trein afgaan terwyl die trein daaroor beweeg het, kon dit ʼn groot ramp afgegee het. Die S.A Lugmag het daarna soggens vanaf Grootfontein oor Otavi na Otjiwarongo en Tsumeb die spoorlyn met ʼn Bosbok verkenningsvliegtuig gepatrolleer om te kyk of daar enige skade aan die trajek was.

kon ek op my tyd op die stoep sit en die koerant lees sonder om aan werk te dink. Toe het ek werklik besef dat ek vir ‘n lang tyd onder druk gewerk het. Kort daarna het ons ‘n bietjie gaan rondry en onder meer vriende op ‘n plaas, Spitskop naby Merweville besoek. Ons het die voorreg gehad om die pragtige kerkgebou in Merweville te sien en my verwonder aan die argitektuur van die gebou. Ons het die rit wat ons tot in Bellville geneem het baie geniet en ek dink dit was ook vir ouma en Salome n heerlike wegbreek Ekgeleentheid.hetdaardie jaar (1992) voorsitter van die Oos Kaap se skietvereniging geword iets wat ek natuurlik geniet het. Ek het die geleentheid gehad om op verskeie skietbane en saam met baie skuts te skiet en baie vriende bygekry.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 64 alhoewel hy eers begin loop toe hy al ‘n paar jaar oud is. Ons gaan kuier so dikwels ons kan en sien met dankbaarheid hoe vinnig die twee groter word. J.P. word ‘n woelige mannetjie wat baie erg is oor grassnyers. Hy en ouma is eendag in ‘n winkel en toe sy sien stoot hy ‘n speelgoedgrassnyer op die vloer rond. Sy was verplig om dit vir hom te koop. In Februarie 1996 word Elroy en Marina se dogtertjie, Anushka gebore. Ouma en ek is nou die trotse grootouers van 7 kleinkinders. Uit Elroy se vorige huwelik is twee seuns en ‘n dogter gebore maar die dogter is ongelukkig Inoorlede.Augustus

Dit was vir ons almal ‘n geweldige slag aangesien ons baie erg was oor hom. Na ’n katerakoperasie bêre ek my gewere maar gaan jag so nou en dan op uitnodiging. Een van my gewere het ek in 1961 gekoop wat beteken dat dit nou 59 jaar lank in my besit is. In 2010 word ons gesin nog groter toe Desmond en Marilise se tweede seun, Lian gebore word. Hulle woon in Potchefstroom waar Marilise ‘n lektrise by die Haarkapperakademie is. Louwtjie en Bokkie woon nou al 13 jaar lank in Phalaborwa waar hy aan die Weermag verbonde was. Ek sê was omdat hy einde Mei 2020 afgetree het. Hulle het oor baie jare in verskeie dorpe gewoon. Hulle trek DV hierdie week (7 23 September) in ‘n huis sommer klipgooiafstand van ons af. Ons sien met groot opgewondenheid uit daarna. Hulle seun, Johannes woon in Kempton Park en werk by ’n apteek. Charles en woon in Kempton Park waar hy by n veiligheidsmaatskappy werk. Melissa is hoof van ‘n nasorgskool.Taschia is onderwyseres in Kempton Park.

In Februarie 2006 word ek 70. Die kinders reël ‘n onthaal op 3 Februarie by ‘n oord langs die Vaalrivier waar ons tot laatnag kuier. Die volgende dag is ‘n baie belangrike een want dan trou ons oudste kleindogter, Marilise by dieselfde oord met Desmond van Wyk. Dis die eerste opelugtroue wat ek bywoon maar dit is baie lekker toe ons ons kleinkind in haar trougewaad sien. Ek kan nie glo dis dieselfde mens wat ‘n baba was toe sy en haar ma in Windhoek vir ons kom kuier het nie. In Junie 2007 ry ouma en ek vroeg een oggend Kirkwood toe. Ons gee Bybels vir die graad 8’s by die hoërskool en ry daarvandaan Steytlerville toe om dieselfde daar te doen. Net toe ons by Kariega in die hoofpad indraai lui my telefoon. Dis Louwtjie wat ons die goeie nuus bring dat Marilise ‘n seuntjie het en hy en Bokkie so pas oupa en ouma geword het wat beteken ouma en ek is nou oupa en oumagrootjies. Wat ‘n vreugde. In Steytlerville kon ek by almal spog oor hierdie wonderlike gebeurtenis in ons lewe. Voor sy geboorte het ek al gesê as dit ‘n seun is gaan ek hom Tollie noem. Hy kry die naam Dylan maar ek noem hom nou en dan nog Tollie. Met C.W. se gesondheid wil dit maar net nie vlot nie en in 2009 verloor hy ‘n stryd wat hy dapper geveg het toe hy in ‘n hospitaal sterf.

Ek kom ook tot die gevolgtrekking dat met die ouer word daar ook gesondheidsprobleme kom en in 2001 moet ek ‘n knievervanging kry. Deur die alles kla ouma nie een maal oor haar ontberinge nie en ry sy gereeld hospitaal toe. Die liewe Vader het geweet watter vrou om vir my te gee. Vir beter kon ek nooit gevra het nie.

1998 kry ek ‘n hartaanval. Ek is lid van die Gideons wat ‘n aanbieding doen in N.G.Kerk, Despatch Noord toe ek begin sleg voel. Die volgende dag word ‘n stent in die hartaar geplaas en ek voel weer pure perd. Ek herstel vinnig tot so ‘n mate dat ek in April 1989 in Bloemfontein gaan skiet. Daar word ek weer siek van erge pyn in die bors. Vier dae later kry ek ‘n Tweedriedubbelehartomleiding.daedaarnasterfmymasonder dat ek by haar kan wees. Ek kon uit die aard van die saak ook nie haar begrafnis bywoon nie. Ouma het ‘n rowwe tyd want sy moes na my ma omsien en nog hospitaal toe ook ry. Ek weet tot nou toe nog nie hoe sy dit alles reggekry het nie maar ek glo al daardie spanning het veroorsaak dat sy later ook ‘n hartomleidingsoperasie moes kry.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 65 Haar en Renier se troue wat in Mei sou plaasvind is weens die Corona Virus uitgestel. Elroy, Marina en hulle kinders woon in Birchleigh. Elroy het al afgetree, Marina werk saam met Melissa. JP is besig met sweiswerk by ‘n groot maatskappy. Hy is egter ‘n man wat enige ding kan doen. So byvoorbeeld het hy die afgelope naweek hulle een bakkie sommer gediens en petrolpype vervang. Net jammer die man drink nie koffie of tee nie. Seker diè dat hy so gesond is. Anushka het haar studies aan Universiteit van Johannesbureg voltooi. Salome werk by ‘n prokureursfirma in Port OumaElizabeth.enek was in 2018 al 60 jaar getroud by welke geleentheid die kinders vir ons n onthaal gereël het. Een van die hoogtepunte in ons aftreetydperk was toe ons en Charlie hulle in Phalaborwa by Louwtjie en Bokkie gaan kuier het. Louwtjie het plek bespreek by ‘n weermagvakansieplek, Sawong wat op die oewer van die Olifantsrivier geleë is. Dit was voorwaar ‘n ondervinding om die seekoeie, krokodille en ander diere so naby jou te sien. Ons het ook ‘n dagtoer in die Kruger Nasionale Park gedoen wat baie leersaam was. Ouma word as die Here wil binnekort 82, ek 85 en ons 62ste huweliksherdenking kom vinnig nader. Ons is geseënd om al hierdie dinge te beleef. Ons het tot dusver ‘n mooi en vol lewe gehad iets waarvoor ek uiters dankbaar is. My loopbaan het ons oor groot dele van die land en Namibië geneem. Ons het baie vriende gemaak maar ongelukkig is baie van hulle nie meer met ons nie. Ons geniet ‘n groot mate van gesondheid ook iets wat baie mense nie beskore is nie. Ons is dankbare mense en gee al die eer aan ons Hemelse Vader. BRIG HANNES SLABBERT Rus in vrede oom Hannes Slabbert. Innige simpatie en meegevoel aan u naasbestaandes.

Ons gaan u baie mis oom. U het groot spore getrap en 'n positiewe verskil in baie mense se lewe gemaak. Saluut en totsiens ou Vriend.

Oom Hannes het soos volg geskryf: "My familie en vriende. Ek kan ongelukkig nie meer julle boodskappe lees of daarop reageer nie. My wedloop hier op aarde is voltooi.

Dankie vir almal se geselsies of dit nou ernstig of grapenswys was, ek het elke boodskap gelees en geantwoord so ver ek kon. Dankie vir n lewensreis saam met julle. Ouma dankie vir jou wat saam met my was vir amper 64 jaar getroude lewe. Dit was nie altyd maklik nie maar jy het dit gemaak werk. Ek weet jy voel dalk alleen maar ek is in gees by jou. Kinders, klein kinders en agterkleinkinders dankie dat julle my lewe vol en ryk gemaak het al het ons mekaar min gesien. Julle oproepe en foto's was waardeer. My vriende dankie vir julle onderskraging, as ek hulp nodig gehad het ek bel het julle onmiddellik gehelp. Die gesels in die dorp was wonderlik. My 2 honde kinders, ek het nie van julle vergeet nie, pas ouma mooi op. Weereens baie dankie aan almal wat my lewe verryk het. Ek het by julle geleer en hoop julle het ook van my geleer. Groete en liefde. Van jou man, pa, oupa, oupagroot en vriend aan menigte."

Frans Bedford-Visser 23 Aug 2022 07:42



Keith Alfred Adolf Blake • St. John's First Aid

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 66






There a quote by Vince Lombardi that statesPractice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice does. Many years ago, we the S.A. Railway Police members were instructed to do yearly First Aid courses which was presented by very stern looking member of St. John's. One year the theme was how to “SAVE" fellow human beings who had choked on a domesticated or foreign object. There was the normal assault or "klap" on the back or the extreme the Heimlich Manoeuvre which amount to almost being a star in Wrestle Manis on TV 2. After our lecture on this subject, we had a break and W/O Hendrik De Waal opened his lunch tin or rather bin as it was made of plastic and started to eat without saying grace what looked like Sunday roast. At that moment the late Johan Visagie walked up to where W/O De Waal was sitting at his desk eating. The next moment while Visagie was talking to the warrant, the warrant jumped up without a word and literally sprinted out of the office to Visagie and our amazement. A few minutes later a bewildered W/O De Waal stormed in to the office his eyes wide with anger and this is what he flung at Visagie and I quote: "JOU BLIKSKOTTEL OM MENSE TE HELP WAT CHOKE EN TERWYL JY MET MY PRAAT STIK EK VOOR JOU OP ‘N STUK SKAAPVLEIS EN EK IS SO BENOUD MAAR JY HOU AAN PRAAT TOE SIEN EK, EK MOET MY SELF RED VOOR EK VREK CHOKE HIER REG VOOR JOU." Visagie responded and I quote, "AW MENEER EK DOG MENEER TREK VIR MY GESIGTE TERWYL EK MET MENEER Police Story: I Kill No I Kill. Before we got democratic after 1994 the death penalty was demolished and now the murderers are executing us like lambs at the and yet call it democratic constitutionalised justice but justice for On the subject mentioned above the following story happened in the late 1980's. We were then stationed at Bonn One, Table Bay Harbour and I remember very well it was a glorious Sunday morning when I saw this gentleman with a wicked skew dagger called the kriss in his belt. He was marching in a very straight line; five African ladies and I could also see as they approached me that they were scared. He stopped and asked me if I was police and I said yes. He then stated that one of these ladies (prostitutes) had stolen his five hundred Apparently,dollars.these girls were quite busy on his ship and in the process his dollars were stolen. I looked at the girls and asked who took the money but no response. The one lady then showed me with her eyes she wanted to talk to So,me.Itook then into our parade room and lined then up against the wall and called two of my colleagues one a male the other a female and told them to bring the girls to my office one by one as wanted to talk to the lady with the talking eyes without her friends knowing she wanted to tell me something and I was hoping that something was the missing seaman's dollars. Keep in mind this seaman was from an Arab country and he was also in the parade room and yes, he still had that skew dagger in his belt.

• Police Story: Under the Tyres of Justice The normal saying is the wheels of Justice, but you will see why I used the term tyres at the end. Today I was in the harbour my old precinct at Elliot Basin also called Layup Basin and memories of my days just flashed back. In the middle, late 1980's I was in the S.A. Railways Police and in my daily dealings I made it my business to know what and who and how the Table Bay Harbour worked and I discovered those years the Japanese seamen were the highest paid seamen and their ships were extremely neat. All Japanese ships names ended with the name 'MARU’ and on reading a book I read that Maru means a log, a log that saved an emperor after a storm and in honour of that log he made a decree that

• Police Story: Under the Tyres of Justice (Part 2). I learnt then that most seamen would hide their monies under their mattresses. There were no seamen on board except one and the only charge I could get on him was trespassing under the Harbour Regulation 141 read with section 161. I asked him if the Mini was his and he said it was. I then realise how clever and sly Mr E.W. was he would park his Mini far from a ship and the walk down the quayside to this ship and then jumped on board and then searched for money under the mattresses. He paid his trespassing fine and was told to leave the harbour. The reports came in when we were told that the Japanese ships were targeted and each time the money was removed from under the mattresses. Time and time again on night shifts I would see the Mini and then find Mr E.W. on the quaysides and I knew we has prevented a theft from a Japanese ship. When I saw his Mini, I would let all the air out of his wheels and then find him again on the quayside. Then one night a Sgt. Redelinghuys on our shift caught Mr E.W. on the quayside in the darkness and yes, we also found the Mini and Sgt. Redelinghuys found a large amount of yen on Mr. E.W, which he alleged he picked up. We drove to every Japanese ship but could not find an owner a complainant for the found yen and so Sgt. Redelinghys charged him with ‘Possession of suspected stolen property’ and lo and behold he was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. One night his wife came to the Charge Office and then she scold out Sgt. Redelinghuys on him being the cause of her husband being in prison and now she and her children were suffering. Sgt. Redelinghuys calmly told her yes; he had locked up a serial thief she must blame her husband for her predicament. Well, the years passed and yes here was Mr E.W. back in the harbour him with his Mini. The one day out of the blue he came to the Charge Office and told me he was leaving Cape Town and was going for a while to Walvis Bay in the South West Africa. I then discovered that most of the Japanese fleet went to Walvis Bay and of course followed by Mr E.W. • Police Story: Under the Wheels of Justice. Part (3). I then received reports from informers that Mr E.W. who they knew was doing a killing with his thieving on the Japanese vessels and one informer said he was doing so well he bought him a "slapgat " Mercedes Benz. A few months later while on patrol I saw this Mercedes Benz driving down Duncan Road and the driver looked very familiar too familiar in fact. I put on my siren and pulled off this Mercedes and who got out none other than Mr E.W. I told him what was on my mind and he just smiled and I ask him to leave the harbour. He gave me a look and with a smirk on his face drove out of the harbour. A few months later I received a visit from one of his sons I think he was a stepson. He told me his father had picked up this stranger and a prostitute and with dagga and liquor went to the Liesbeeck River there near Mowbray. It was in the night hours and there ensued an argument between Mr E.W. and this couple and then without warning the male hit Mr E.W. on the head with a bottle and as a

One late evening I and my colleague saw at ‘J berth’ this small Mini car parked in the shadows but there was no driver. We then drove down the quayside with the van's lights off and when we came to ‘G berth’ here was this Japanese fishing vessel and as we approached, I then saw this coloured male on the back of the ship and when he saw us, he ran back into the ship. We sprang out and called the S…. Security guard and here on the ship I encountered for the first but not the last Mr E.W, (Name withheld for personal reasons). Mr E.W, was about 55 years old and when I asked what he was doing on the ship he told me he was looking for food as he was hungry. I searched him and found nothing except a bunch of keys and one being for a Mini. I went into the sleeping quarters and saw that the beds were in disarray and on the one bed was a large bundle of money mostly the Japanese yen. I then realised that Mr E W. had ransacked the beds and found money and on seeing us went back and threw the money on one of the beds.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 67 from hence all Japanese ships had at the end of its name the word Maru. The Japanese fleet also employed mostly the then S SECURITY while they were in port,

Bevorderings Generaal Robbertze is soos volg bevorder: 1 Oktober 1952 tot sersant, klas 2. 16 April 1956 tot sersant, klas 1, 1 Januarie 1967 tot luitenant, 1 Junie 1972 tot majoor, 1 Julie l978 tot luitenant kolonel, 1 Junie 1980 tot kolonel, 1 Mei 1981 tot brigadier, 1 Junie 1982 tot generaal majoor, adjunkkommissaris van die S.A. GeneraalSpoorwegpolisie.Robbertzehet

Frans Bedford Visser

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 68 result of the blow he collapsed and the male and the prostitute climbed into MR. E.W 's 'slapgat' Mercedes Benz, started the vehicle reversed over Mr E.W. then drove over him, again reversed over him and then drove over him again and sped off leaving the dead Mr E.W. on the banks of the Liesbeeck River. The End.

Generaal-majoor Cornelius Michiel du Plooy Robbertze (S.D.E., S.M.O.), Adjunkkommissaris, Uitvoerend, van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie.


Akademies Generaal Robbertze geniet die onderskeiding dat hy in die bevorderings eksamen van sersant na adjudant offisier die eerste plek in die R.S.A. behaal het. Generaal Robbertze het die B.A.-graad in 1974 aan die Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat verwerf. Kursusse Generaal Robbertze het die onder offisiers en offisierskursus asook die gesamentlike stafkursus met goeie gevolg deurloop.

onder andere by Pretoria, Capital Park, Kollege, A.H.K. (Pretoria), Kaapstad, Bloemfontein, Hoofkantoor (Johannesburg) en Jan Smutslughawe gewerk voordat hy generaal majoor op Hoofkantoor geword het.

Generaal Robbertze is op 30 April 1928 in Pretoria gebore. Hy matrikuleer by die Hoërskool Erasmus op Nylstroom. Hy sluit op 8 Mei 1947 by die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie aan en word in Pretoria gestasioneer. Op 6 Junie 1952 tree hy in die huwelik met mej. Martha Maria Elizabeth van der Walt, en uit die huwelik word 'n seun en 'n dogter gebore.



Die S.A. Spoorwegpolisiester vir Troue Diens en Die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie medalje vir die Bekamping van Terrorisme is op 25 Mei 1983 deur die Minister goedgekeur. Nog twee toekennings word op 25 Mei 1983 deur die Minister aan generaal Robbertze gedoen naamlik: - (1) die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie ster vir Voortreflike Toewyding wat aan hom die reg verleen om die letters "S.D.E.", die afkorting van "Stella Diligentiae Egregiae", na sy naam te skryf, en - (2) Dekorasie vir Uitmuntende Toewyding in die S.A. Spoorwegpolisiemag wat hom ook magtig om die letters "S.M.O.", die afkorting van "Stella Muneris Optimi", na sy naam te skryf. Sportgebied Generaal Robbertze het op skool rugby gespeel. Daarna het hy 'n kranige gholfspeler geword. Hy het die streek Suid-Transvaal in die Intermagtekompetisie in Durban verteenwoordig en vier agtereenvolgende jare aan die Dienste se gholftoernooi by Voortrekkerhoogte in Pretoria deelgeneem. Hy is 'n getroue Noord-Transvaalse ondersteuner en gesels lustig oor Noord Transvaal se sukses. Stokperdjies

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 69

Die generaal speel nog gholf, maar lees graag boeke en aktuele tydskrifte in sy vrye tyd. Slot Generaal Robbertze het die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie in feitlik al sy fasette met groot onderskeiding gedien en kan met trots terugkyk na 'n vrugbare en betekenisvolle loopbaan.

• Toe hy ‘n generaal in die SAP was, was ons kantore in Wachthuis feitlik regoor mekaar. Ek verbeel my hy het ‘n luitgenl in die SAP geword. Hy was baie vriendelik HBH.

Tydens sy loopbaan het die volgende toekennings generaal Robbertze te beurt Medalje vir Troue Diens in die S.A. Spoorwegpolisiemag is op 4 April 1967 deur die Minister goedgekeur. Die Ster vir Verdienste in die S.A. Spoorwegpolisiemag is op 14 September 1977 deur die Minister goedgekeur.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 70

Steve Stevens was born on 27th August 1919 in Amesbury, Dorset. His father George was gassed in Salonica during WW1 and was sent to a special medical facility in Aberdeen for mustard gas victims, and he met and married Dora, one of the VAD’s.

Capt Peter Dickens Having known Lt. Steve Stevens DFC, I remain in total awe of his generation. I met him in Wothing in England and Steve was 96 years young bed ridden, in pain and weak but he was no less the man, and this famous featured image of him firing rockets from his South African Air Force (SAAF) Beaufighter during WW2 says everything about him as a fighter pilot, but he was also a devout Christian who pioneered missionary aviation, leading a rich and interesting life. This is a little of his very remarkable story.

World War 2 broke out Steve was at the Bible Institute of South Africa. With the decision to close the college for the duration, some of the students joined the Ministry, and Steve joined the South African Air Force (SAAF). Steve was convinced that the prayers offered three times a day by his father and stepmother would keep him safe during the war. Steve joined the SAAF as a trainee air photographer, but soon re mustered as aircrew.



Steve’s father was not expected to live past 40. However, in typical Stevens’ fashion George Alexander Stevens took no notice of this pronouncement and his health improved enough for him to take up a new assignment in the British Army of Occupation in Germany. The family was billeted in a huge house complete with stables, and young Steve was delighted to be placed in the care of a beautiful young fraulien. Steve adored her, and from her learned to speak German better than he could speak English. However, George’s health deteriorated and after the family was moved around from Switzerland (where Steve became proficient in skiing, jumping and skating), Italy and Ireland on various Army assignments, on medical advice it was agreed that George Stevens’ lungs would not survive the wet European climate, it was recommended that he was to be invalided out of the army and moved to somewhere nice and warm and dry. So it was that the family left for a life on a farm in South Africa in November 1929. George’s health improved, but Steve’s mother Dora suddenly fell ill and died of a brain tumour when Steve was only When14.

And this is the photograph, the SAAF Bristol Beaufighter TF Mark X of No. 16 Squadron South African Air Force seen in the image is been flown by Lt Steve Stevens as he releases its rocket projectiles at an enemy target in the town of TheZuzemberk.photograph was taken by Lt. Schonveld flying just behind Lt. Stevens (SAAF 19 squadron) who’s Beaufighter is in view while attacking a target in Zuzemberk Feb 1945. Schonveld was a keen photographer and positioned his aircraft in a perfect position behind Stevens to capture this epic shot with the nose camera, but he flew a bit too close and ended with dents in his wings from spent 20mm shell cases from Steve’s Takeaircraft.the time to watch this short video interview of Steve Stevens by Tinus Le Roux, as to how this photograph was taken. It is as insightful as it is fascinating.

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Copyright Tinus Le Roux

Luckily for all of us, we get to preserve unique insight as both SAAF 16 and 19 Squadrons had unofficially mounted F.24 cameras in the nose of their Beaufighters which took photographs during their attacks so that reconnaissance aircraft did not have to over fly later to assess the battle damage.

This photograph is historically well-known and has been published in many writings. It shows the aircraft, fired rockets and target simultaneously in a perfect balanced setting, indeed very rare.

A Beaufighter

During the War Steve flew air strikes over Yugoslavia with SAAF 19 Squadron, based at Biferno in Italy. These strikes included the daring raid on the occupied walled town of Zuzenberk. The image of Steve firing his rockets is one of the two iconic Beaufighter images of the war. It is astonishing to realise that Steve could accurately hit a target as small as a 44-gallon fuel barrel with his rockets. In Steve’s words; “This photograph is widely recognised as one of the most famous Beaufighter air strike photo of WWII. It shows my plane attacking the Nazi-held medieval walled town of Zuzenberk, Yugoslavia. The attack by the South African Air Force resulted in the Yugoslav Partisans recapturing their town that very day.”

In Sudan, Steve flew a de Havilland Rapide an eight seater twin engine wood and fabric covered biplane not best suited for flying in Africa, but the best MAF could find and afford at that juncture. Over time, more and more airstrips were hacked out of jungle, bush, desert and grasslands, and Steve began to fly to other places where no planes had ever been before.

DFC had a very remarkable life, deeply God fearing, religion was a very central pillar in all of it.

Steve also photographed Major Tilley attacking the armed German warship SS Kuckuck as Tilley’s number two. It was a desperate sortie which Steve and his fellow pilots fully expected to be a suicide mission. The rockets holed the target under the waterline. The pilots had been briefed by the Partisans that they would face the fire from 140 anti aircraft guns. Remarkably all four planes returned safely.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 73

In another raid

Tinus Le Roux interviewed Steve Stevens to capture this attack on the SS Kuckuck, his short video is fascinating, a capture of a man and a time that is truly remarkable, take the time to watch it (many thanks to Tinus for bringing this experience to us)

A Bible

Copyright: Tinus Le Roux

Steve Stevens

At the end of 1951, Steve experienced some problems with his vision, diagnosed as a detached retina and he lost the sight in one eye. He was grounded , however Steve still felt that his call was still to aviation missionary work so he and his family moved to the UK. He re established MAF’s UK HQ and worked tirelessly to raise financial, staff and prayer support for the ministry.


After the war ended, in 1946, as liaison officer between the South African Air Force and the Royal Air Force in Khartoum, Sudan Steve saw how badly the Christian missionaries needed a plane, not only just to spread the word of Christ, but also to get aid (medicines, foodstuffs and equipment) to remote communities. He joined the MAF, the ‘Mission Aviation Fellowship’ a group of pilots dedicated to Christian missionary becoming MAF’s first operational pilot to be based in Sudan in 1950.

Steve Stevens remained a great advocate and supporter of veteran’s associations, the MAF and his Christian charities and institutions, throughout his life and was active in his backing all of them until age and frailty forced him to slow down a little, but not entirely, Steve even continued to use the internet and podcasting Christian messaging from his frail care bed. He also actively ran his own website to sell his work and outreach his messages, he became an avid author of all his adventures, his book on his time in the war called “Beaufighter over the Balkans” is a welcome addition to anyones library.

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I met Steve Stevens, when the South African Legion of Military Veterans initiated an outreach to him to see if there was anything we could do to help him as a frail care WW2 veteran in his 90’s, I was astounded when he replied that he was at peace with himself and how could he help the Legion instead. Steve then kindly donated signed copies of his books to the Legion so that we could fundraise for other initiatives. Cameron Kinnear and I visited him at his home in England and awarded him a lifetime honoury membership of the South African Legion, and we pinned his SA Legion ‘veterans’ badge’ on his Stevelapel.passed away in June 2016 and is survived by his children Merle, Pam, Coleen and Tim in addition to his grandchildren. His veteran’s badge was given back to the SA Legion by his family and, as means of keeping people like Steve in living memory his badge was loaned to me to wear.

This was an extraordinary man you can easily attribute words and values which would describe him as ‘noble’, ‘selfless’, ‘adventurous’, ‘brave’, ‘humble’ and most importantly a man with a solid backbone, unwavering in his belief and demonstrating that rare value of spiritual self-actualisation ‘completely at peace with himself and the world’. This man was cut from a very different cloth to the rest of us mortals, and it is with the greatest pride that I wear his veteran’s badge and an even bigger privilege that I am allowed to carry his memory.

In 1970, after more than twenty years of service to the MAF cause, Steve and his wife Kay moved on to become early members of the National Festival of Light, forerunner of today’s CARE organisation. Steve later became Executive Director of Australian Festival of Light.

A Badge

Written by Peter Dickens. Image Copyright: Imperial War Museum. Information Tinus Le Roux and Sandy Evan Haynes. Thanks to Cameron Kinnear for the extraction from his visit with Steve Stevens. Video (SA Legion UK stories: South African Legion UK and EU), “SAAF Beaufighters attack a German Ship WW2 Pilot Steve Stevens DFC” Produced and Directed by Tinus Le Roux, copyright Tinus Le Roux. “How one of WW2’s greatest rocket air strike photographs was taken: Steve Stevens DFC” Produced and Directed by Tinus Le Roux, copyright Tinus Le Roux.

Capt. Peter Dickens (Retired)


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 75

Rare colour image of South African Air Force 22 Squadron Venturas on the right in a formation flight over Table Bay in 1959. Of interest, if you lookclosely is that their markings have just been changed, compare it to the SAAF Ventura on the left. These three on the right are seen flying in the revised SADF livery which had just been introduced at the time i.e. the Springbok inside an image of the Castle of Good Hope introduced a year earlier in 1958 which replaced the traditional Commonwealth aircraft identifier roundel which had an orange Springbok in the centre of it.


Commonwealth aircraft rondel markings, left to right Australia, New Zealand, Rhodesia and South Africa. Note, Australia and New Zealand still use this rondel marking to this day as a nod to maintaining their Commonwealth heritage.

Peter Dickens

When the emblems came under review in 2003 no consideration to the proud legacy of South African involvement in WW2 (and especially our Air Force) was given at all, so far had it receded from collective consciousness by this stage. Again, I can’t but think that the loss of general public awareness and the military of this very proud moment in South African history is nothing short of tragic especially considering the sacrifice of Black and White South Africans alike to it.

The changes formed part of the Nationalist government’s wish to break the SADF’s military identity and association from its British Commonwealth historical legacy. The changes where far reaching and included insignia, rank terminology, uniform changes, disbandment and reformulation of infantry regiments, renaming of institutions and bases, military hardware deals, new medal orders etc. etc.

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These Ventura are Ventura PV-1 an American aircraft made by Lockheed and were extensively used during World War 2 by the Allies. The SAAF also operated the aircraft during the war and continued to do so after the war for many years.

I can’t but think that military tradition is been lost through the political epochs and this initial fundamental re-vamp of the SAAF emblems by the National Party and their resignation from the Commonwealth means that the new revamp, done when South Africa had re joined the Commonwealth, has lost sight with its very rich military tradition and legacy.

Note: these changes to the defence force livery occurred before South Africa ‘resigned’ from the Commonwealth of Nations, so the plans to make this change were entirely domestically driven by the government of the day.

Funnily, and rather tragically to many parts of our military heritage and legacy this is a process which seems to repeat itself historically whenever South Africa changes political dynasties. The SAAF livery was changed again in response to the new SANDF re branding the armed forces literally everything connecting the past has to go (rank, uniform, medals etc), the military structures changes again (the Commandos went), the ruling edict is to break its connection and legacy with National Party’s “Apartheid” South Africa. These changes were initiated in 2003.

Note, the Springbok in the centre was further changed again to an eagle in line with the new SADF composite mark.

• Nancy

The mascot of the 4th South African Infantry Regiment (South African Scottish). Nancy was a springbok presented to the Regiment in August 1915 by Mr D. M'Laren Kennedy of Driefontein, Orange Free State. She was brought to Egypt and to France and Flanders.

Nancy's record is very remarkable for she was to accompany her regiment through the First World War from 1915 until after the Armistice.

‘Tradition’ and maintaining ‘memory’ of those who have served is a fundamental cornerstone of soldiering, but unfortunately this was not a political priority to either National Party or to the African National ResearchedCongress.byPeter Dickens MASCOTS

Nancy died in Belgium on the 26th November 1918 and she was buried with full military honours in the cemetery of the village of Hermeton sur Meuse.

Jennifer Bosch

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 77

Jackie, a Chacma baboon served in the 3rd South African Infantry Regiment during World War I. Jackie lived with Marr for several years, then, in 1915, Marr was enlisted to join the war. Marr asked his superiors if Jackie, too, could join the army and Jackie was enlisted, given a uniform, complete with buttons and regimental badges, a cap, a pay book, and his own set of rations. Jackie knew how to salute a senior officer. He became the official mascot of the 3rd Transvaal Regiment and was taken everywhere with the soldiers. He spent time in the trenches in France and was even wounded by enemy fire. For his bravery, Jackie was awarded a medal for valor, as well as promoted from private to Eventually,corporal.nearthe

It was in 1939 that Just Nuisance became the first and only canine Royal Navy member in history. Just Nuisance “volunteered” to join the Royal Navy. At that time the Royal Navy, expecting an outbreak of the War, was recruiting new sailors. The Officer Commanding knew that as an enlisted sailor during WW2, Just Nuisance would be entitled to free rail travel at all times and thus, his fare dodging days were over!

According to his conduct sheet, Just Nuisance was no saint and was guilty of several misconducts. These included the canine travelling on the train without his free pass (he hated his collar), sleeping on a bed in the Petty Officers’ dormitory (when he was only an able seaman), going AWOL (absent without leave), often losing his collar and even resisting eviction from pubs at closing time. One of the Great Dane’s most serious offences, however, was fighting with mascots of other Royal Navy vessels. The great hound caused the deaths of the mascots on both the HMS Shropshire and the HMS Redoubt

• Jackie The Baboon

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end of the war, Jackie was discharged at the Maitland Dispersal Camp in Cape Town. He left with his discharge papers, a military pension, and a civil employment form for discharged soldiers.

• Just Nuisance

Although he was a very well loved and respectable member of the force and performed various ceremonial functions as well as guarded sailors while they were ashore Just Nuisance never technically went to sea

“This was one of the heaviest blows I can recall during the war. Not only were the military effects grim, but it affected the reputation of British arms Defeat is one thing; disgrace is another.”

So, let’s have a look at why this loss of a small North African coastal port in World War 2 affected the British in this way, its ramifications for the British and South Africans, and why Churchill chose such a harsh rebuke of South African military prowess which prior to Tobruk had been held in high regard and after Tobruk the South African military establishment literally had to fight an uphill battle in Italy to earn their respect again and recover their honour. In effect we need to ask ourselves if this was indeed a fair comment, so let’s have a look at what actually happened.


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Just Nuisance served at HMS Afrikander, Simonstown during WW2.

The featured photograph of Field Marshal Rommel inspecting South African and British Prisoners of War (POW’s) after the fall of Tobruk is very telling of South Africa’s singular biggest capitulation of arms in its proud military history. Sir Winston Churchill, who rather embarrassingly on his trip to Washington had to hear the news from President Roosevelt, was to famously later write on his feelings about the fall of Tobruk:

The Rats of Tobruk was a nickname given to the soldiers who held the small Libyan port of Tobruk against Rommel’s German ‘Afrika Corps’ and their Italian axis forces. Rommel had laid siege to the port in his push to invade Egypt, these hardened, belligerent soldiers effectively put Rommel’s plans on hold as they dogmatically dug in and resisted for 8 long months. The siege started on 10 April 1941 and was only to end later in November 1941. They consisted of around 14,000 Australian soldiers from the 9th Australian Division commanded by Lieutenant General Leslie Morshead, accompanied by regiments of British artillery, the Polish Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade and 3rd Indian Motor Brigade reporting to Australian command. In all they constituted about 30 000 troops a very strong garrison. At the time the port was surrounded by a strong line of defences, the garrison had air support, and Rommel had been at the end of his supply lines. Early Axis attacks were disorganised affairs that were easily fought off, and by the time Rommel was able to launch a stronger assault the defenders were really dug in ready to meet him. The defence of Tobruk became one of the iconic moments of the entire British war effort. It dominated strategy in the desert in 1941, and the relief of Tobruk was the target of the unsuccessful Operation Brevity and Operation Battleaxe. The siege was finally lifted as a result of Operation Crusader and in the aftermath, Rommel was forced to retreat west out of Cyrenaica, ending the year back at his starting point.

The Rats of Tobruk

The Prime Minister, Mr Winston Churchill, chatting with British Army General Staff Officers during his tour of the Western Desert.

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The ‘Rats of Tobruk’ some of the 15,000 men of General Morshead’s 9th Australian Division shelter in caves during an air raid during the siege of Tobruk. After six months besieged in the vital supply port the Australians were evacuated by sea and relieved by fresh troops. 823 men had been killed, 2214 wounded and 700 captured. Tobruk was held in hero status and its defenders, the ‘rats’ went into the annuals of history as legends.

South African Honour to defend Tobruk Tobruk secured, the Australians finally relieved and cycled out, by 1942 the Allied Middle East Command decided to leave a ‘temporary’ force to hold Tobruk while a new strike force was built up near the new frontier on the Gazala line to the west.

The fatal flaw In terms of the defence perimeter, the Western and Southern sides of the port were well defended by the South Africans, but the East side was weak, and it proved to be fatal. The eastern perimeter defences were left in a very weak state, and now they were to be defended by mainly Indian regiments reporting to General Kloppers command located in the centre. The 2/5th Mahrattas and the 2/7th Gurkas were great fighting units and till that point had been involved in the thick of fighting, so they had been pulled to rear to recuperate and these men were utterly exhausted.

The ‘honour’ of defending Tobruk was given to the South Africans. The new garrison was to be formed by the 2nd South African Infantry Division with Major General Hendrik Balzazar Klopper in command. General H.B. Klopper, was a school teacher before joining the South African Army. He was a Major General of one month’s standing when he was given overall command of Tobruk with limited combat experience. In all the same number of troops, over 30 000 were given to him to defend Tobruk if attacked, as had been the troop strength with the Australians earlier. Only with some relatively small but key differences. Simply put, the defences of Tobruk weren’t as solid in 1942 as they had been in 1941. The main reason for this was that large numbers of mines had been lifted and moved to the Gazala line, as had a great deal of the barbed wire. The tank traps and anti-tank ditch were also in a very poor state and had begun to silt up with sand.

On the plus side, Maj. General Klopper had at his disposal some fine fighting units and very good equipment, he had his own division, the second South African Infantry Division, as well as some British and Commonwealth detachments 60 Infantry Tanks of the 32nd Army Tank Brigade, the 201st Guards Brigade, the 11th Indian Infantry Brigade, three regiments of field artillery and two of medium artillery. There were 35 000 men in total. Tobruk had also now become a major supply base for the Gazala Line, and as a result was also crammed full of stores, ammunition and equipment. But, again on the down side, unlike the Australians, there was little chance of solid air support for the South Africans, as the Desert Air Force had been forced to retreat to Sidi Barrani, and there were only fifteen 6 pounder anti tank guns in the fortress.

There was also another very important difference, this time some of the defending troops were exhausted, their morale was lower, and the garrison was filled with a feeling of insecurity and impermanence.

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General Klopper

Something later historians would point it out as a failing as General Klopper had not inspired change or adequately dealt with it, other sources point to the relative inexperience of the South African troops, stating that although morale amongst the South Africans specifically has high, their Commander himself was out of his depth.

An even more critical flaw in planning was an underestimate of German resolve, by both the Allied command and General Klopper. Erwin Rommel’s was utterly resolved to take Tobruk once and for all, his entire campaign to invade Egypt depended on it, and unlike the earlier siege of Tobruk with its Australian defenders, now he was going to throw just about everything at his disposal into the advance on Tobruk. He replenished and reinvigorated his forces, consolidated his plans and began his advance east again.

The Desert Fox Attacks

Rommel’s zero hour was 05h20 on 20 June 1942. As dawn broke long black lines of tanks, trucks and infantry slowly started to move forward. As it grew louder and closer to Tobruk waves of German Stukas and Ju 88’s aircraft appeared overhead (Rommel pressed every single Axis airplane in service in North Africa into taking Tobruk).

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General Erwin Rommel had a fearsome reputation amongst the Allied Forces and was nicknamed ‘The Desert Fox’ by his enemy because of his skill in manoeuvre and deception, as usual for Rommel he also devised a ruse for capturing Tobruk. Only his infantry approached the western perimeter, while his mobile forces swept on past, to give the impression that the German and Italian armour was heading straight for the Egyptian border (sending radio messages to that effect to complete the ruse). He then swung his mobile armoured forces around and attacked Tobruk from its weak point the eastern perimeter.

German armour and Rommel encircling Tobruk

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The situation inside Tobruk under this juggernaut attack very quickly became very desperate. It literally became a fight for survival and into the fight went everyone, including the ‘non combative’ members of The South African Native Military Corps who were given rifles and expected to fight on the front line with everyone else. As the fight became more and more desperate, three small minesweepers, two of them South African the HMSAS Bever and HMSAS Parktown were called into port to take on evacuation duties. Both the Bever and the Parktown acquitted themselves in the highest order whilst under a hail of shelling and bombing and please feel free to refer to two earlier Observation Posts’ links for an in depth profile on their brave fight “Under a hail of shells”; Recounting the bravery and loss of HMSAS Bever and The feisty South African minesweeper that went down fighting – HMSAS InsideParktownTobruk

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As the heavy artillery began to fire, the planes released their bombs and quickly got out of the way for the next wave, operating a shuttle service between the defence perimeter and El Adem airfield, 10 miles away. They pounded a gap open 600 yards wide. Behind them, under cover of artillery barrage and half-hidden by smoke and dust, German and Italian sappers raced forward to lift mines and bridge the tank traps with tanks and infantry racing through the gaps. As they move forward, they lit green, red and purple flares and the Stukas dropped their bombs just ahead of the advancing, multi coloured smoke screen while the other planes and artillery blasted the South African rear (the seaward side of the port) with shells and bombs.

the situation was chaotic. General Klopper his Head Quarters now bombed out, his radio and telephone wrecked and his code booked destroyed, lost the last vestige of control. Left with no choice General Klopper and staff could do nothing but watch the German Panzers (tanks) race past their headquarters on their way to capture the fuel dumps in the harbour.

South African troops in disarray as Tobruk capitulates

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Surrender and shame Shortly afterwards a small party of officers set off in a truck with a little white flag of surrender fluttering over the hood to negotiate terms of surrender, and by 09h40 Tobruk was officially turned over to Rommel. Soon after, a large white flag was hoisted over the South African Head Quarters by South African Native Military Corps drivers. And that was it. Major General KIopper formally surrendered with 32,000 men, including 10,722 South Africans of the 2nd Infantry Division, of whom 1,200 were members of the Native Military Corps, and all the British and Commonwealth units under his command. Of the two South African Infantry Divisions in the North African combat zone of operations, one entire division (literally half of the South African Army’s fighting force in North Africa) went into captivity. This and thousands of tonnes of resources the Germans captured 2,000 tons of fuel, 5,000 tons of provisions, 2,000 vehicles and large stockpiles of ammunition the situation now for the Allies in North Africa was a very grim one indeed.

Some British and South African troops managed to break out and make their way back to Allied lines, whilst most stayed and fought a lost cause as grimly and with as much determination as they could. By dawn on 21 June 1942, Tobruk was just a pile of ruins with a massive pall of smoke reaching up into the atmosphere. The harbour riddled with the wrecks of destroyed ships. General Klopper gave his compass and staff car to 7 young South African soldiers determined to escape, saying, ”I wish I was coming with you.”

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Britain’s entire war effort was now compromised and very much in the balance, the fight from here out would be a herculean one. It was also the single biggest capitulation of South African forces in the country’s history before or since. Now you can begin to see Churchill’s point, as to him it seemed more than a ‘defeat’ and more of a ‘disgrace’ as in the Battle of Britain in 1940, the British armed forces by 1942 found themselves again with their backs against a wall largely due to the fall of Tobruk and as a result South Africa was going to get the full blame for it by literally every single Commonwealth country, Allied country and the British themselves.

The South African, British and other Commonwealth units forced to march across the desert to an Italian POW camp. The Italian treatment of South African and British prisoners of war was nothing short of diabolical, prisoners were murdered, punitive measures on food allocations and other atrocities became normative.

Erwin Rommel inspects South African POW in Tobruk

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There are however accounts of bravery whilst in captivity, with a number of escape attempts and escapes. Even that General Klopper himself managed to escape captivity in 1943.

British and South African troops marching into captivity after Tobruk falls. However, an even worse treatment was reserved for Black members of the South African Native Military Corps and the Indian troops in captivity. German and Italian forces displayed a complete disregard for the rights of the Indian or black POWs as they did not view them as regular troops due to Nazi and Facist doctrine and in bred racism.

One notable heroic deed in captivity at Tobruk was that of a South African Native Military Corps man Job Maseko, who created a bomb using a condensed milk tin, cordite taken from bullets and an extremely long fuse to blow up a German freighter ship (F Type) in Tobruk harbour as a retaliation for his treatment as a black man and those of his colleagues by the Italians. To learn more of his heroic tale please visit this Observation Post link Job Maseko; one very remarkable South African war hero Rommel’s Success

After 2 years in British hands Tobruk had fallen in 2 days, Rommel had captured enough supplies to carry him on his drive to invade Egypt. On 22 June 1942, Rommel received a message from the Fuhrer Adolph Hitler, informing him that at the age 49 he had just been appointed Germany’s youngest Field Marshal.

Rommel celebrated that night with canned pineapple and a small glass of whisky, but after dinner he wrote his wife,” Hitler has made me a Field Marshal. I would much rather he had given me one more division.”

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But true to character, by the very next day he was on the advance again. His order: “Soldiers of the Panzer Army Africa! Now we must utterly destroy the enemy! During the coming days I shall be making great demands upon you once more, so that we may reach our goal.” The Nile.

Rommel would never get to the Nile and take Egypt. For Winston Churchill the German advance in North Africa was the desperately needed ‘second front’ which would see the end of Nazi Germany, for the Germans however the North African campaign was nothing more than a side-show in support of Italian imperialism in Africa. The bulk of their military effort was focussed on the invasion of Soviet Russia. Hitler discontinued the attack on Malta and refused to send Rommel adequate supplies, these actions would make defeat in the North African desert for Germany and Italy inevitable. Consequences for the British and South Africans

Rommel surveying Tobruk after he captures it

Ironically there was an upside to the Fall of Tobruk, the defeat did have some positives. It forced Churchill and the British to fundamentally re appraise the Command and strategy in North Africa. It led to a shakeup of Command which would see General Bernard Montgomery take over overall Command of the British 8th Army (after Churchill’s original replacement, General William Gott was killed in action). Under ‘Monty’ the entire operation received a boost in resources, purpose and training (including much needed American armour). Monty and the 8th Army would then go on to victory at El Alamein and more successive victories for the British and Commonwealth forces followed (eventually with American assistance when they entered the war), and it would see the entire German Afrika Corps pushed back completely from North Africa and into captivity. The issue of Tobruk and Britain ‘against the wall’ gradually became a distant memory.

After the 1st South African Infantry Division’s job was done in North Africa, the 6th South African Armoured Division was formed to continue with South Africa’s World War 2 contribution. The British initially wanted to side line the 6th South African Armoured Division and allocated it just to go to Palestine in what was really a side-show.

General Klopper’s career post Tobruk

The fall of Tobruk came as a shattering blow to the British public and British morale. General Klopper came in for most of the criticism, but was he entirely to blame? The inquest into the Fall of Tobruk found fundamental short-falls in overall British Command and the decision to invest in Tobruk and concluded that General Klopper was placed in an extremely difficult position at Tobruk from which

At this point it is actually Churchill who comes around to bat for the South Africans, despite his anger and lambasting of the South Africa military establishment as a ‘disgrace’ over Tobruk, it is Churchill (influenced by Jan Smuts) who insisted that the South African 6th Armoured Division join the main thrust of the war in Italy and not sit it out in Palestine. The 6th South African Armoured Division then went on to serve in Italy with great gallantry and distinction and ultimately recovered the country’s pride.

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Lieutenant General B L Montgomery, General Officer Commanding Eighth Army, watches the beginning of the German retreat from El Alamein from the turret of his Grant Tank. He is wearing his famous tank beret.

The remaining South African forces in North Africa i.e. the 1st South African Infantry Division would go on to recover their reputation somewhat in these strings of success under Montgomery, also starting with Battle of El Alamein. However, Tobruk continued to haunt them and the British still remained dubious of South Africa’s military prowess by the time the next phase i.e. the Italian campaign came around.

To answer the question of whether Churchill’s comment that South Africa’s capitulation at Tobruk was the difference between ‘defeat’ and ‘disgrace’ it can honestly be said that Churchill’s comment is somewhat unfair, however given the circumstances and the timing it is understandable that he was enraged, the consequences were very bleak for the British War effort.

Luckily for General Klopper, the Afrikaner Nationalist government came into power in 1948, and he found more favour with them, when he was very controversially promoted to serve on the Army Chief of Staff from 1951 to 1953, after that a stellar career ensued as he was promoted to Inspector General from 1953 to 1956, and as finally he took the most honoured position in the South African Defence force as Commandant General, which is the head of the South African Defence Force, and he held this post from 1956 to 1958.

But Churchill was equally vicious in his remarks as to his own forces when the British garrison at Singapore capitulated due to poor command earlier in February 1942 with an equal consequence in the Asian Pacific field of operations. On Singapore’s fall Churchill asserted that the British commander General Percival’s decision to surrender was “the worst disaster and largest capitulation in British history”. So, we have to take Churchill and his comments in context of the man, his politics and the circumstances he found himself in. Also, in the end it is Churchill himself who plays a role in recovering South Africa’s pride by insisting the 6th Armoured Division take part in the Italy campaign even placing British Household Division Guards under South African 6th Armoured Division command as their Infantry support. In the greater scheme of things South Africans can hold their heads very high in the role they played ridding the world of Nazism in what Smuts would call ‘the Great War for Liberty and man’s Freedom’ Churchill’s need to alliterate one of his quotes aside.

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he had little hope of a proper defence the circumstances he had faced were very different to those the Australians had faced before. In conclusion to the inquest General Klopper was exonerated for the loss of Tobruk.

General Klopper however did come into a hail of controversy as to his command ability and experience subsequently to the inquest, and had South Africa remained a British Dominion after the war it would have been doubtful that his career would have advanced.

In conclusion

Researched by Peter Dickens. References Wikipedia, Extracts and references from. THE GREATEST MILITARY REVERSALOF SOUTH AFRICAN ARMS: THE FALL OFTOBRUK 1942, AN AVOIDABLE BLUNDER OR ANINEVITABLE DISASTER? by David Katz. Extracts from Military History Journal Vol 7 No 6 December 1988 TOBRUK 1942 Compiled and translated from the official War Diary of the German Supreme Command by Jochen OEO Mahncke. Image copyrights Imperial War Museum. Narratives from North Africa: South African Prisoner of War experience following the fall of Tobruk, June 1942 by Karen Horn.

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Wolfgang Witschas





The Soviet ZU 23 2 twin 23mm anti aircraft gun is an excellent light anti aircraft gun which has been widely supplied to various Soviet clients and has been purchased by many other states. During the South African Border War (1966 to 1989), the South African Defence Force (SADF) captured large quantities of ZU 23 2 towed anti aircraft defence gun systems from the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the People's Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola (FAPLA) and from the armed wing of the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO), the Peoples Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN). The MPLA and SWAPO had acquired these from their Cuban and Soviet benefactors. A great number have been captured in the course of operations against SWAPO bases and FAPLA engagements in southern Angola and have been taken into service by the SADF. These weapons were used by the SADF in a variety of roles, including ground defence of bases, makeshift weapons platforms, and training. With the conclusion of the war, those not used for training were sent for preservation and storage.

on parade during the Armed Forces Day 2019, Cape Town. Source J van Zyl




The Bosvark takes its Afrikaans name from the African Bushpig, which is armed with an impressive set of tusks for digging up roots and to protect itself against predators. Similar to its namesake, the Bosvark self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) evolved to adapt to the harsh Southern African

Surprisingly, the Bosvark was not primarily born out of the need for a SPAAG, but rather a vehicle that could mount the ZU 23 2 (designated GA 6 in the SANDF) and be used in the ground role. The SANDF conducted a needs assessment and the user requirements were put forth to Armaments Corporation of South Africa (ARMSCOR) in 1997 under Project Zumlac for said development.

The primary development requirements stated that the vehicle had to be mine resistant and be able to mount the ZU 23 2. The South African Military (SAMIL) 100 Kwêvoël cargo vehicle fulfilled the requirements with its armoured crew compartment, mine-protected chassis, and spacious rear deck to mount the ZU 23 2.

The first prototype vehicle was completed by ARMSCOR in 1998 and sent for testing and evaluation at Lohatla, which is the SANDF, SA Army Combat Training Centre in the Northern Cape. The main armament was tested in the ground role against static targets and in the air role against drones.

Field conversion of a SAMIL 100 Kwêvoël Mk2A single cab, converted to carry a captured ZU 23 2. Ogongo 1988. (E. Kotze)

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A captured ZU 23 2 mounted on a tower platform for base defence. (A. Botha)

Having passed the tests successfully, the vehicle was approved and an order was placed for 36 units. Its predecessor, the Ystervark, was withdrawn from service in 1991 and decommissioned in 1997, making the Bosvark’s entry into service critical. South Africa is the onlyoperator of the Bosvark SPAAG, which is used by the 10 Air Defence Artillery Regiment in Kimberley, the capital of Northern Cape province. At the time of writing, there are no published plans to replace the Bosvark.

Design features

Endurance and logistics

Bosvark firing. Gunner is AO Kraft, the father of the Bosvark. Source unkown

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The Bosvark is based on a three axle 6 x 6 all wheel drive chassis and the wheels are 14×20 in size. The engine is a type FIOL 413F V10 air-cooled 4-stroke Deutz diesel with direct injection, which produces 315 hp at 2,500 rpm and 1,020 Nm of torque at 2,500 rpm. This effectively provides 16.15 hp/t, which is more than adequate for its role as a SPAAG operating behind the forward elements. Power is transmitted via a single dry plate clutch with per assisted hydraulic mechanism to the ZF 56 65 synchromesh manual gearbox, with a gear selection range of six speed (6F and 1R). The drive travels through a transfer box, which provides both high and low range gear selection for on and off road use.

To facilitate strategic mobility, the Bosvark has two 200 litre diesel fuel tanks on the right hand side of the lower hull, which gives it an effective road range of 600 km (373 mi), 350 km (218 mi) cross country, and 175 km (108 mi) over-sand. The vehicle is also fitted with a 200 l (53 gals) water tank underneath the armoured crew compartment. The crew can access the water via a tap located above the front left wheel.

The vehicle’s recommended safe travelling road speed is 100 km/h (62 mph) and 40 km/h (25 mph) cross country (terrain dependent). It can ford 1.2 m (4 ft) of water without preparation and can cross a 0.5 m (19.7 in) ditch at a crawl. The driver’s task is made easier by a power steering system, while acceleration and braking are done via foot pedals. The vehicle makes use of a Withings suspension and has 380 mm (15 in) of ground clearance.

The Bosvark is a three-axle, 6 x 6 all-wheel drive SPAAG based on the robust SAMIL-100 Kwêvoël mine protected chassis. The chassis is V shaped to deflect mine blasts from under the hull, away from the crew cabin, in order to maximise its crews’ chances of survival. This is achieved through several key design elements, which include high ground clearance, the V shaped underbelly, and a purpose built strengthened upper design which reduces the risk of shattered or buckled hull plates that could become debris. Most parts can be obtained commercially, which makes the Bosvark’s logistical train shorter and specialised maintenance support in the field unnecessary. The ability to interchange parts with other SAMIL 100 Kwêvoël vehicles simplifies and makes field repairs easier. Unlike its predecessor the Ystervark, the Bosvark crew are all located inside the crew cabin while travelling, which makes them less vulnerable to small arms fire and artillery fragments.

The Bosvark is equipped with two radios for tactical communication, which enables the crew to communicate effectively with command and control. For seamless communication between the crew compartment and the weapons deck, a portable radio is used.

To the front right of the weapons deck is a large armoured storage box, where the magazines are kept. To the rear of the weapons deck is a large metal bin in which extra barrels and related gear are stored.

The Bosvark can be divided into three parts: the chassis; armoured crew cabin at the front; and the weapons deck at the rear, where the main armament is mounted. The engine is located at the front of the vehicle, with the raised armoured crew cabin behind it, the length of which is built on a Vshaped hull. The engine features a trapezoidal ventilation grid at the front of the hood and beneath it is a forward facing V shaped bumper to assist in bundu bashing (driving through dense vegetation). The armoured crew cabin is rectangular in shape, with two forward facing rectangular bullet resistant windows. On either side of the cabin are two entry and exit armoured doors with a rectangular bullet-resistant window each. The roof is armoured and protects against medium artillery fragments. This setup provides all around protection against small arms fire and the V shaped hull protects the crew from mine blast underneath the hull. Access to either side of crew cabin doors is via steel framed ladders.

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For ease of access to the weapons deck, a removable solid steel stepladder is placed on the left side of the vehicle, between the armoured crew cabin and weapons deck. The weapons deck consists of the floor on which the main armament is mounted. On either side of the weapon deck are two downwards folding side plates which are kept in an upright position when travelling. When stationary, these side plates are manually lowered to a horizontal position, which increases the available floor space on which magazines are placed.

The crew’s seating is blast resistant and designed to protect the spine in case of a mine detonation under the vehicle. The driver station is located on the forward right side of the cabin, with the vehicle’s commander seated on the forward left. Behind them are three seats with the remaining crew. The vehicle’s commander is responsible for communication via the command system. The driver station has a range of mobility options, depending on terrain type, controllable through a panel to his front left.

Firepower The Bosvark’s main armament is a gas operated ZU 23 2 anti aircraft gun system fitted to the weapons deck on three legs. It comprises two 23 mm barrels set side by side, each having an integrated ammunition box in which a single feed 50 round magazine feeds the barrels via conveyor belt.

Vehicle layout

Protection The armoured crew cabin structure is made of RB 390 armoured steel, which is 10 mm (0.4 in) thick and offers protection against 7.62×39 mm AP fire. The roof is 6 mm (0.24 in) thick and rated against 155 mm medium artillery fragmentation. The crew cabin doors are 6 mm (0.24 in) thick. The vehicle windows are made of armoured glass which is 40 mm (1.57 in) thick and offers the same protection rating as the cabin structure. The V shaped hull has been tested and proven against 3 x TM 57 landmine or equivalent of 21 kg of TNT under the crew cabin. The weapons deck is exposed.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 95 ZU 23 2 anti aircraft gun firing. Source unknown Bosvarks ZU 23 2 anti aircraft gun firing during the Armed Forces Day Demo 2018 at De Brug.

ammunition includes APC T and HEI. The HEI and APC T ammunition weighs 445 g and has a muzzle velocity of 975 m/s. The ammunition has an effective range of 2,500 m against air targets and 2,000 m on ground targets. The APC T can penetrate 50 mm of armoured steel at 0º at 100 Somem.600 rounds of ammunition are carried in 12 portable magazines. When the vehicle stops to engage, the magazines are removed from their storage bin and placed on the deployed side panels for easier access. The Bosvark primarily relies on resupply from a SAMIL Kwêvoël 100 ammunition vehicle for sustained combat operations.

Source J. du Plessis

The rate of fire is between 800 1,000 rpm per barrel, which translates into three one second bursts before reload for each barrel is required. Due to the heat generated by firing, the barrels need to be changed for cooling after every six bursts. Practically, this means that, with the required reload and barrel changes, the gun can fire 200 rpm. The gun is operated manually and elevation is achieved with a handwheel and traverse with pumping pedals, which makes it somewhat limited in engaging fast moving targets. Although the gun can elevate between 10º to +90º and can traverse 360º, its firing arc on the weapons deck is limited to -7º to +85º. With the armoured crew cabin and magazine storage bins, the weapons full range of elevation and traverse is limited to the sides and rear of the Availablevehicle.



The ZU 23 2 is equipped with the ZAP 23 anti aircraft automatic sight. The sight consists of two optics, namely the straight tube 2Ts 27 telescope and the 1 OM 8 optical sight. The former is used to acquire ground targets while the latter is used to accurately engage targets in the air. The 1 OM 8 optical sight has an x3.5 magnification and 4°30′ field of view.


anger yet,

armoured vehicles and


cost effective SPAAG which is


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 96 For close in protection, a 7.62 mm SS 77 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) can be mounted on the roof of the crew cabin. Fire Control System

for mobile warfare in

long-range, speed, mobility, flexibility, and simple logistics. Although

according to the same fundamental principles as other wheeled South African military vehicles, which

air force. Bosvark SPAAG: Specifications Dimensions:(hull) (l w h)11 m (36 ft. 1 in) 2.5 m (8 ft. 2.4 in) 3.4 m (11 ft. 2 in) Total weight, battle ready19.5 tonnes Crew + mounted infantry 5 Propulsion: Type FIOL 413 V10 air cooled 4 stroke Deutz diesel with direct injection which produces 268 hp at 2650 rpm (13.7 hp/t) Suspension: Withings suspension Top speed road / off road100 km/h (62 mph) / 40 km/h (25 mph) Range road/ off-road600 km (373 mi) / 300 km (186 mi) / 150 km (93 mi) Armament2 x 23 mm 1 × 7.62 mm SS 77 Armour: Small arms 7.62 mm Medium artillery fragments Three x TM 57 landmine or equivalent of 21 kg of TNT under the crew cabin

The Bosvark a built place emphasis on not used in the Bosvark is well placed as a SPAAG a threat environment where potential enemies mainly rely on skinned lightly do not have what can be considered as a modern

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 97 BOSVARK SPAAG Bosvark SPAAG left side profile Bosvark SPAAG right side profile Illustration by Tank Encyclopaedia’s own David Bocquelet. Google:Sources:https:/tanks spaag/ Camp, S. & Heitman, H.R. 2014. Surviving the ride: A pictorial history of South African manufactured mine protected vehicles. Pinetown, South Africa: South Publishers. OPTICOEL.Books: 2022. Anti Aircraft Automatic Sight ZAP 23. aircraft automatic sight zap 23/ South African Arms and Armour A concise guide to armaments of the SA Army, Navy and Air Force Pages: 94 95: Struik Helmoed Römer Heitman.

• Tournai Communal Cemetery Allied Extension Belgium Tournai was captured by the German II Corps on 23 August 1914, in spite of resistance from a French Territorial Brigade, and the town remained in German hands until it was entered by the 47th (London) and 74th (Yeomanry) Divisions on 8 November 1918. The 51st (Highland) Casualty Clearing Station arrived on 14 November and remained until 20 July 1919. During the occupation, the German sick and wounded were nursed in the "Asile", whilst the Commonwealth and Allied were cared for in the Hospital Notre Dame.

There are five World War One South African casualties buried in the cemetery.

The (Southern) Communal Cemetery, in the Faubourg St. Martin, was used and extended by the Germans, although the graves were later regrouped by nationality and some were brought in from other cemeteries in a wide area around Tournai.

Captain (SAN) Charles Ross (SA Navy Retired) South Africans took part in almost every theatre of war during both the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries while 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the 1 750 members of the South African Native Labour Corps and the 306 from the South African Book of Remembrance, whose names are in the process of being added to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Casualty Data Base.


The Allied extension now contains 689 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, 34 of them unidentified. There are also 117 Russian burials, all of men who died as prisoners of war, and two Belgian war graves. Almost all of the 52 Second World War burials in the extension date from May 1940 and the withdrawal of the British Expeditionary Force ahead of the German advance.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 99 • Milan War Cemetery - Italy

On 3 September 1943 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland, the invasion coinciding with an armistice made with the Italians who then re-entered the war on the Allied side. The Allied advance was stalled for two successive winters: in 1943 on the German defensive position known as the Gustav Line, stretching from the river Gargliano in the west to the Sangro in the east, and in 1944 on the Gothic Line in the northern Appenine mountains.

At the beginning of April 1945, the Allies launched their final offensive against the German positions spread out in a line across Italy, south of Bologna. German resistance was by now beginning to disintegrate and the Allies were able to fan out rapidly across the Po valley. Milan, already freed by Italian Partisans, was entered by the US 4th Corps on 2 May 1945, the day of the German surrender in Italy. As Milan fell to the Allies largely without a fight, the Commonwealth forces suffered few casualties. Most of the graves in Milan War Cemetery were those of prisoners of war or airmen and were brought in from the surrounding towns and villages - places such as Bergamo, Boves, Carpi, Cicagna, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Turin and Val d'Isere after the war.

Milan War Cemetery contains 417 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 27 of them unidentified. There are also six war graves of other nationalities.

• White House Cemetery, St Jean Les Ypres, Belgium White House Cemetery was begun in March 1915 and used until April 1918 by units holding this part of the line. It then comprised most of the present Plots I and II; but after the Armistice these Plots were completed, and III and IV added, when graves were brought in from the battlefields around Ypres (now Ieper) and from a number of small burial grounds. There are now 1,163 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War buried or commemorated in this cemetery. 322 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to 16 casualties known or believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials record the names of 28 casualties who were buried in other cemeteries, but whose graves could not be found on concentration. The cemetery also contains eight Second World War burials, all dating from May 1940. The cemetery was designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield.

There are five (two known and three unknown) South African casualties from World War One buried in the cemetery.

There are 39 World War Two South African casualties buried in the cemetery. This includes the crews of B-24 Liberator Heavy Bombers, KG874, KG875, KG999, KH154 all 31 Squadron South African Air Force and KH239, 34 Squadron South African Air Force who were killed on the night of 12/13 October 19144 during a supply drop mission.

The cemetery contains 65 Commonwealth burials of the First World War and 526 from the Second World War. There are also 84 war graves of other nationalities in the cemetery.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 100

There are 42 South African casualties from World War Two buried in the cemetery.

• Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery, Belgium Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery was started by French troops in 1914 and was taken over by Commonwealth forces in April 1915. It was used by fighting units and field ambulances until June 1917, when the land adjoining the cemetery was claimed for a military railway preventing further extension. The cemetery is remarkable for the care with which men of the same unit were buried side by side if they died at about the same time. There is also a very high proportion of graves of Territorial units, in particular Lancashire Territorials, who have nearly 250 graves in plots IV, V and VI. During the early months of 1917, whenever it was possible, the 55th Division brought their dead from the front for burial here.

Two South African casualties from World War One is buried in the cemetery.

• Tel El Kebir War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt During the First World War, Tel el Kebir was a training centre for Australian reinforcements and the site of a very large prisoner of war camp. The War Memorial Cemetery was used from June 1915 to July 1920 and was increased after the Armistice when graves were brought in from other sites, including 15 from the International Christian Cemetery at Zagazig, where there was a Supply Depot. During the Second World War, Tel el Kebir was a hospital centre and a great ordnance depot was also established there, with many workshops for the repair of armoured cars and other weapons of war.

The cemetery was designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield. The wrought iron gates were presented by the family of the late Lord Redesdale, whose son, Major Mitford, is buried in the Cemetery.

The cemetery now contains 1,175 Commonwealth burials of the First World War. The French graves were removed after the war, but three German war graves remain. There are also four Second World War burials dating from the Allied retreat to Dunkirk in May 1940.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 101

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 102 POLICE INTERNATIONAL


FBI Eric Trump reveals HE told Donald FBI raided Mar-a-Lago: Ex-President's son claims agents 'ransacked his dad's office' and that safe was EMPTY and says all D.C. wants to do is 'attack Biden's greatest threat'

Donald Trump said on Monday that the Florida home was 'under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents' - reportedly raided as part of an investigation into whether he took classified documents with him when he left the White House. Hours later, Eric Trump appeared on Hannity where he revealed he was the one who alerted his father to the raid and said his father's office was ransacked but that agents found 'nothing in the safe.' The raid was said to be court authorized and the FBI gave US Secret Service agents at Mar a Lago advance notice and they cooperated letting them into the property, NBC News reported. Donald Trump was spotted leaving Trump Tower in New York on Monday night after announcing his Mar a Lago home had been raided by the FBI, reportedly as part of an investigation into whether the former president took classified documents with him when he left the White House.2

Eric Trump accused the current administration of wanting to 'attack Biden's greatest threat' as FBI agents ransacked his father Donald Trump's office during a raid at the former president's Mar a Lago home in Florida Monday morning.

Die term “thermobarise” of vakuum bom, is ʼn verbintenis en het ontstaan vanaf die Griekse woorde “therme” en “baros” wat “hitte” en “druk” weergee van die effek van temperatuur en druk op ʼn teiken.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 103 DEFENCE

Dit kan dus beskryf word as ʼn ontplofbare toestel, wat detoneer deurmiddel van ʼn ontploffingsmiddel wat spontaan met lug reageer.

Die termiese wapen is ʼn tipe ontplofbare stof wat suurstof benut van die omliggende lug om ʼn intense, hoë temperatuur ontploffing te genereer, om in die praktyk ʼn langer lugslag werking (sodra ʼn ontploffing plaasvind, word die lug in die omgewing vir millisekondes “verplaas” wat ʼn vakuum veroorsaak en onmiddellik weer terugkeer die gevolg is, byvoorbeeld waar ʼn ontplofbare voorwerp deur ʼn gebou se venster gegooi word en dit detoneer; veroorsaak dit dat die glas in vensters vir millisekondes in die vakuum “opgesuig” word en aanvanklik na buite gewerp word; tydens hierdie millisekondes proses, word die vakuum herstel; en “normaliseer”; wat meebring dat die glas weer na binne die vertrek gewerp word) te bewerkstellig. Die brandstof lug bom, is een van die mees bekende “termiese” wapens. Die meeste konvensionele ontploffings bevat ʼn brandstof oksidasie samestelling, byvoorbeeld (buskruit, wat uit 25% brandstof en 75% oksidasie middel RDX bestaan) in vergelyking met die “termiese” wapens wat byna 100% brandstof bevat, wat meebring dat die “termiese wapens meer energie vrystel as ‘n konvensionele gekondenseerde ontploffing in gelykmatige gewig. Die termiese wapen se afhanklikheid op atmosferiese suurstof maak dit onbruikbaar vir onderwater se gebruik, hoë hoogtes en tydens

Aanwending deur die Russe teen Oekraïne



Philip Malherbe (Oud-SAP-Springstofdeskundige)

Philip Malherbe (links). ‘n Russiese weermag ‘thermobarise” vuurpyl lanseerder tydens ʼn weermag uitstalling in Moskou gedurende 2020.

Die aanwending van hierdie vuurpyl is baie omstrede gesien in die lig van die rampspoedige gevolge. Die vuurpyl is na die kernbom die mees kragtige bom, gesien in die lig van die ontsettende inpak op die slagoffers. Bostaande vuurpyl, met ʼn termiese plofkop bevattende TNT plofstof (5.5 kg) gelykstaande aan ʼn 152 mm hoë plofstof fragmentasie grofgeskut bom.

Dit kan as ʼn vuurpyl gevuur word of vanaf ʼn vliegtuig gewerp word. Sodra ʼn teiken getref word, detoneer die eerste lading wat ʼn brandstof wolk vrystel, daarna detoneer die tweede lading wat die brandstof wolk aan die brand steek, wat ʼn reuse vuurbal tot gevolg het, met gepaardgaande lugslag werking met ʼn vakuum wat al die omliggende suurstof opsuig, wat vernietigende krag vrystel om versterkte geboue te vernietig en dodelike gevolge vir mense, indien die geboue nie behoorlik verseël is nie. Sou daar oorlewendes wees is die moontlikheid dat hulle kort daarna te sterwe sal kom, weens die ontsettende brandskade wat aan die longe aangebring is.

RPO-A termiese vuurpyl met lanseerbuis wat van die skouer afgevuur word.

Hul het ook ʼn RPG 27 model met ʼn tandem lading wat eerste ontplof en ʼn opening veroorsaak waardeur die termiese lading dring TNT (trinitrotoluene) / RDX (cyclo-1,3,5-trimethylene-2,4,6trinitramine) / PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) en HMX (cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine) detoneer. Die werking van die bom Die vakuum bom, ook die “aërosol” bom genoem of brandstof lug ontplofbare stof, bestaan uit ‘n gevulde houer met brandstof en twee aparte plofstof ladings.

ongunstige weerstoestande. Hul maksimum vernietiging vind plaas in ingeperkte spasies soos tonnels, grotte en loopgrawe gedeeltelik weens die ondersteunende lugslag golf, en gedeeltelik verbruik van beskikbare suurstof in die beperkte spasie. Daar is verskillende termiese wapens wat afgevuur kan word vanaf skouer lanseerders, as vuurpyle of granate.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 104

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 105 Afvuur van die termiese bom Eerste

Internasionale Kriminele Hof se aanklaer Karim Khan besig om klagtes teen Rusland teenoor Kurarine te ondersoek.

Ontploffing van die termiese

Sover terug as 2003, het die VSA ʼn soortgelyke 9,800kg bom met die benaming “Moeder van alle bomme” gedetoneer. Vier jaar later, het Rusland ʼn soortgelyke bom ontwikkel, “Vader van alle bomme”. Dit het ʼn ontploffing gelykstaande aan ʼn 44,000kg konvensionele bom wat dit die grootste nie-kernbom ontplofbare toestel in die wêreld gemaak het. Reëls vir vakuum bomme? Op hierdie stadium is daar geen internasionale wette wat die spesifiek gebruik daarvan verbied nie; tensy dit aangewend word om burgerlikes in beboude gebiede te teiken; teen skole en hospitale; waarna die oortreders aangekla word vir oorlogsmisdade kragtens die Hague” Konvensie van 1899 en Tans1907.isdie


Met die huidige aanval deur Rusland op die Oekraïne het hulle TOS 1 vuurpyl lanseerders gebruik om termiese plofkoppe te mobiliseer in Oos Oekraine. Die TOS 1 lanseerder kan tot 30 vuurpyle Ditafvuur.word geglo dat China en Indië ook oor termiese bomme beskik. Die VSA en Rusland het die termiese bomme voortdurend verbeter en verkoop as plaasvervangers vir kernbomme, om versterkte militêre teikens te verwoes.

Gedurende 2007 het Rusland ʼn termiese bom van 300,000kg gedetoneer.


Tans is die grootste vrees dat Rusland se weermag gebruik gaan maak van TOS 1, (Swaargewig Vlamwerper Sisteem) om termiese aanvalle uit te voer. Die TOS 1 is ‘n Russiese 220 mm 30 loop of ‘n 24-loop (TOS-1A) veeldoelige termiese wapen wat bo-op ‘n T-72 tenk onderstel gemonteer is.

het dit ook aangewend gedurende 1999 in die oorlog in Chechnya, waarna hulle deur die Mense Regte Waghond veroordeel is. Daarna het hulle dit weer gebruik tydens die Siriese burgeroorlog deur die magte van Bashar al Assad.

Nagevolge van

Vroeë aanwending

Termiese krygstuig kan sover terug gespoor word as die 2de Wêreld Oorlog, nadat dit deur

Duitsland aangewend is. Dit is aanvanklik ook nie wyd ontwikkel nie tot en met 1960s, waar die VSA dit in Viëtnam aangewend het, en daarna ook in Afghanistan. In 2001 is dit teen al Qaeda se terroriste aangewend om hul magte te verwoes wat in tonnels in die Tora Bora berge geskuil het, en weer gedurende 2017, teen die Islamitiese Staat magte.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 106

President Putin wend die termiese bom aan om die Oekraïne magte te laat oorgee. Dit, nieteenstaande die feit dat die termiese bom minimale sukses teen militêre teikens behaal; terwyl Putin dit teenoor weerlose burgerlike teikens aanwend.

Die meeste kritici mag nou argumenteer dat dit onnodige voordele aan die aggressor tydens oorloë verleen, terselfdertyd kan dit eintlik baie handig wees tydens soek en redding missies en natuur rampe en ongelukke.

Die energie wat vrygestel word tydens die termiese bom, is baie meer as gekondenseerde (gas tot vloei stowwe) ontploffings as bv. RDX/TNT/PETN. Onder andere is die energie wat ‘n aluminium stofwolk vrystel, vier keer meer as wat TNT vrystel.

Die aanwending van vermelde vlamwerper is van so ‘n aard dat die ontsaglike verwoesting in stede burgerlikes sal veroorsaak, met gepaardgaande dood en beserings.

Die draagbare toestel – wat die minimum tot geen opleiding verg – kan enigiets van dun gips borde tot versterkte beton penetreer tot en met ʼn radius van 42 meters. Dit kan dan verder onderskei tussen die verskillende en aantal persone, hul liggaamsdele en of die teiken ʼn kind, volwassene of ʼn dier, asook die liggaam posisie van persone in ʼn gebou, of hulle lê, sit of staan en die afstand vanaf die Xaver toestel. Dit stel hulle ook in staat om vas te stel of die persone binne in die gebou gewapen is of nie.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 107


Die wapens word aangewend om druk en hitte effek te bewerkstellig, ipv pantser deurdringend of fragmentasie skade effek. Vermelde wapens is effektief in ingeslote spasies soos geboue, en veld versterkte




Israel se militêre tegnologie maak daarop aanspraak dat hulle nou in staat is om “deur mure te sien” deur gebruik te maak van ʼn opsporingssisteem wat onderskei tussen beweegbare en statiese teikens agter dik mure. Vermelde sisteem is ook ontwikkel vir die wetstoepassing en hulp werkers tydens rampe. Hul beweer dat die sisteem in staat is om hoë resolusie beelde van voorwerpe agter mure en struikelblokke te identifiseer.

Volgens Camero, het hul produk daarin geslaag om dié probleem te oorbrug deur verhoogde resolusies om fyner bewegings te identifiseer, wat KI toelaat om die res te verifieer. Die firma meld dat hulle op hierdie stadium nie ʼn volle X straal visie kan bloot kan stel nie, maar hulle is duidelik baie naby.

Met soek- en reddingsoperasies kan vermelde tegnologie vasstel of persone vasgekeer is agter ineengestorte strukture of onder rommel. Vermelde voordele kan ook die polisie se Gyselaar onderhandeling en Taakmag behulpsaam wees.

Dit is gelykstaande aan jou standaard toestel met ʼn eenvoudige koppelvlak op die raak skerm van 25.7cm, die sisteem is maklik om te navigeer en vertoon ʼn eenvoudige opsies lys. Dit is ook in staat om opnames van alle missies te maak, met die gevolg dat alles op die skerm opgeneem kan word, indien dit verlang word vir opleiding of bewysmateriaal. Dit is baie handig indien die operasionele eenhede hulle optrede wil bestudeer en ontlonting sessies wil hou.

Hul hoë-resolusie 3D beeld en ander kragtige gereedskap van die sisteem verskaf ʼn besonderse vlak van situasie gewaarwording. Dit is ook in staat om ʼn hoëvlak sensitiwiteit bewustheid te verskaf.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 108

Soos met alle militêre tegnologie, is daar uiters min bekend hoe die toestel werk. Wat wel bekend is die toestel toegerus met ʼn 25.7 sentimeter skerm wat teenaan ʼn muur gehou word om “deur die muur te sien”, met ʼn opvoubare lugdraad, wat in alle omstandighede aangewend kan word en weeg 16kg. Camero verklaar dat gebruik gemaak word van kunsmatige intelligensie (KI) sisteme om patrone agter voorwerpe op te spoor en die uitleg van die vertrekke, plus items binne in, dit is egter op hierdie stadium al wat bekend is. Mens sal verwag dat so ʼn komplekse stuk tegnologie ʼn klomp opleiding sal verg, net mooi die teenoorgestelde, aangesien dit betreklik maklik is om die XAVER te gebruik, deur slegs ʼn knoppie te gebruik.

Dien=ig ʼn handstuk, om vinnig te kan bepaal of ʼn kamer / gebou tot op 20 meter beset is. Dit is baie handig indien spanne wat geboue en strukture vinnig moet “vee” (deursoeking om plofbare toestelle op te spoor), sonder om die persone in onmiddellike gevaar te plaas deur direk by deure in te gaan.

Wanneer dieper gedelf word in Camero’s se tegnologie, verklaar hulle dat hul produk gebruik maak van radio golwe om mure te penetreer, wat nie ʼn nuwe idee is nie. Desnieteenstaande, is radar ʼn uiters lae resolusie sodra dit deur mure beweeg, aangesien swaar materiale die golwe beïnvloed en die toestel dan sukkel om die stukke bymekaar te voeg met die beperkte inligting beskikbaar.

Die sisteem bied ook ʼn nog ʼn keuse, deur gebruik te maak van ʼn raak skerm wat gelyktydig en gesamentlik met al die ander sisteme funksioneer, wat die gebruikers van ver af kan kontroleer en werklike tyd visuele data kan bekom. Met die verbeterde tegnologie stel dit die militêre en wetstoepassers in staat om in veilige omstandighede hul missies uit te voer.



Hulle meld verder dat alhoewel hul baie naby daaraan is, dit onwaarskynlik is om te beweer dat hulle “deur mure” kan sien deur radio tegnologie om super realistiese beelde waar te neem. Hul werk daaraan om beter beelde agter mure te sien.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 109

RAF "The Spitfire Girl" joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force in England. • Via Frans Bedford-Visser (UK) 29th of July, 1940.

In 1945, she married engineer Lieutenant Colonel Reginald Moggridge and took on his surname; they would have two daughters together. After the war, she joined the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and qualified to fly for the RAF in 1953; she was among the first five women to earn her wings with the RAF. With the RAF, she ferried Spitfire fighters squadrons stationed in India and Burma. In 1957, she flew, as the co pilot, a transport plane carrying Longford Engineering Company's refrigerators and freezers to their potential customers in South Africa. She then worked as a pilot for Channel Airways, flying between Southend, Essex, England and the Channel Islands. She published her memoirs in 1957 titled Woman Pilot; it was later republished as Spitfire Girl: My Life in the Sky. Jackie Moggridge passed away in 2004.

Dolores Theresa Sorour was born in Pretoria, South Africa in 1922. Having taken a liking to the South African female hockey player Jackie Rissik, she took on the nickname "Jackie" herself. At the age of 15, she acquired the "A" flying license. Two years later, she became the first South African woman to perform a parachute jump. In 1938, she moved to England, United Kingdom with the intention of getting her "B" flying licence with the Aeronautical College at Witney, Oxford. When WW2 began in Europe, she joined the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, serving at a radar station in Rye in East Sussex, England. In Jul 1940, she was recruited by Pauline Gower of the Air Transport Auxiliary, becoming the youngest female pilot of the ATA at the age of 18. During the war, Sorour ferried 1,500 aircraft of 83 different types between various factories and airfields.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 110 NATURE CONSERVATION Frans Bedford-Visser (Scotland) Excerpts from the social media posts of Chengeta Wildlife in celebration of World Ranger WORLDDay RANGER DAY

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 111 Today we celebrate all rangers and the amazing job they do across the world protecting wildlife, ecosystems & wild spaces in often challenging environments as well as working with local communities.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 112

There are so many facets to being an eco-guard and protecting the natural resources of one's fatherland has to be considered as a service to its people. It is noble work!


Read about our work training eco guards in DRC here: RANGER

After a good session of morning physical training, here, the eco guards at our project in the DRC raise their national flag.

Read our ‘What It Means to be a Ranger’ article to find out more: it-means-to-be-a-ranger/

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 113

A particular big congratulations goes to our CLASS OF 2022 ranger graduates in the Central African Republic, here photographed with their certificates after completing their training. We honour these brave, courageous and heroic rangers and eco guards as well as our own brilliant trainers who do an excellent job on the ground mentoring and motivating these rangers to succeed.

Part of the eco guards‘ training that Chengeta delivers in Salonga National Park, promotes nationalism and pride for their country. This sentiment of serving their nation stays with them throughout their career. So today, the national celebration day of DRC is an important day for the eco guards.


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 114 What it means to be a ranger includes being in optimal fitness to be able to patrol the forests over long distances and challenging terrains on their mission to protect wildlife. Here in the forest of the DRC, our trainers have skilfully crafted a training obstacle course from materials they have found on the ground for the rangers to use to increase their strength and stamina. They are timed at regular intervals to mark their progress and improvement working both individually and as a team. As we champion the rangers throughout this World Ranger Month, we also celebrate their fitness achievements as a key part of their training programme. OUR TRAINERS Our trainers are always identifiable when on operations be it in the classroom or the forest wearing a green t shirt or shirt with the red Chengeta Wildlife logo on the front. On the back, our mission remains clear: • Training Rangers • Protecting Wildlife • Empowering Communities This trinity permeates through everything we do and continues on our active operations in Africa. MEET THE RANGER PART 1 In the run up to World Ranger Day this Sunday, we today begin our mini series on meeting four inspiring rangers who operate in our Central African Republic project.

First up, meet JANITA.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 115

Meet FromLEON.thelocal BaAka community in a village to the north of the Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas Complex, Leon was inspired to become a ranger during a visit to see family where wildlife was present. This experience fuelled a determination for him to want to protect wildlife and carved the path for him to become a ranger: he believes that future generations need to see wildlife. Leon believes that “a good ranger has to have respect for themselves, their comrades, their commanders, the work and the community.”

Orphaned at a young age, Janita had no support or opportunity for formal education or to learn a trade skill. But she was inspired by the few female rangers that she saw in Bayanga because it seemed they had been able to take their lives into their own hands and they were so independent. This inspired Janita to become a ranger. We’re thrilled that Janita is flying the flag for female rangers and commend her for her courage, optimism and bravery!

Bravo Leon we are proud of your efforts to protect wildlife!


Meet ALAIN (Pictured right with Leon, left). A senior ranger of over 20 years, Alain’s motivation to become a ranger was after he’d seen elephant poaching activity. In the most recent Chengeta ranger training, Alain worked closely with our lead trainer as an Aid Monitor which allowed him to pass on his many years of ranger experience to the newest ranger recruits. An honour for such a respected and experienced ranger. Alain believes that “being a good ranger means being professional, remarkable, working with respect and with a focus on human rights.”

Thank you for your exemplary service, Alain!

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 116 MEET THE RANGER PART 3


Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 117 MEET THE RANGER PART 4

Meet BERNADETTE (Pictured right with Janita, left).

Bernadette became a ranger because of her love of and desire to protect nature. A champion for female rangers, she is proud of the latest ranger recruitment and is happy to see that female rangers have been integrated into the unit as she believes that women have much to offer when it comes to the protection of the environment. She believes that “a good ranger should show dedication, loyalty, and bravery.”

To read all four ‘Meet the Ranger’ interviews in full and about our work training rangers in the Central African Republic, read our 'What It Means to be a Ranger' article here: it means to be a ranger/ WORLD

In the run up to World Ranger Day on Sunday 31st July, we today conclude our mini series on meeting four inspiring rangers who operate in our Central African Republic project.

Passionate about her role as a ranger who contributes to conservation, it has also helped her to raise her family and educate her six children. Bernadette we salute your dedication to conserving nature and your empowerment of female rangers!


pages. Watch the video here: Donate to support our work here: now/ #WorldRangerDay #worldrangerday2022


incredible people by

If you



“Come on Whitey” he says (he told me many years ago that to call me Whitey was a term of endearment it could have been Boer, which would not have created a good impression of me among his mates) “you know mos it’s not about these principles and integrity things that you talk about, it is all about power and money Bru”. “Come” he says “let us sit here and have a glass of wine. You need some real education, political education”.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 118

Arouet d’Afrique*



Talking about names, nicknames, and the like, I am in the habit of giving people nicknames that only I know about. And I chuckle silently about the fact that nobody else knows who gets what nickname. Summa Epistemicidus is one of those nickname persons, also Duke, and I will write more about them below. If your readers like this note I will write about many other colourful characters in our political habitas. I am thinking of people like Directorus Delinquentia, Status Captura, Signum Projectum XXII, Ignoramus Maximus Educationis (the political overseer of regional education who


In the run up to World Ranger Day at the end of the we start the celebrations to honour these again sharing this euphoric video of Dzanga Sangha’s latest training recruits, The Class of 2022, as they graduate to become wildlife rangers in the Central African Republic. didn’t watch it last time, enjoy this commemorative video showing what it means to be a ranger if you’re watching again, hope you continue to be inspired by the fantastic achievements of these guards who, after months of hard work learning on the job forest patrol and survival skills, tracking community engagement, are now fully qualified rangers, trained by Chengeta, ready to take on their official role as Park eco guards, protecting endangered species including forest elephants, pangolins and western lowland gorillas. support our work to continue to train eco guards to protect endangered wildlife, please consider of rangers and eco guards throughout this month an eye on social media



a donation. Thank you! We will be sharing more inspiring stories

After two decades of blissful retirement, I met up with a former public service colleague the other Itday.was quite by accident – we were both at the shopping mall close to my house. I did not know my former colleague has moved to my neck of the woods. “Less crime, no potholes, municipality gets clean audits” he justifies. I reminded him that he was a card carrying member of the ruling party, in fact that he was one of the first loyalists to be deployed in the public service without the necessary qualifications or experience. So why would he decide to live in a local municipality not managed by his party? Of course, I need to inform you at this point that I am not writing about the South African public service. In fact, I am not writing about South Africa at all. Also, none of the characters in this story are real they are all figments of my very special imagination.

to celebrate WORLD RANGER DAY, so keep

Duke has an estate close to the heartland of our country’s economic scene (“so I can be there where my money is”, he says). He became a billionaire somewhere between 2 February 1990 and 22 July 2010. Some economist (“no doubt a racist”, says Duke) worked out that it would be physically impossible for Duke, as but one person, to attend all the prescribed director’s meetings at the various companies who fed his banking accounts. Many employees live on the estate in houses that belong to Duke, but these are not close to his mansion, the golf course, Olympic size swimming pool and tennis courts. These serfs (as he calls them) are obliged to work, march and fight for Duke. He has built a bar on the estate where the serfs can drink and eat, in fact, where they spend the money that he pays them minimum wage, of course. On Sundays, he has someone organising football games for the people on the estate (“to keep them busy and out of mischief, the English taught me that. They have been doing it for ages and people are neatly packed in big stadiums every Sunday, where the English can control them”). His three wives have some issues with each other, but this does not concern Duke much. He has been reading over and again I am told, some strange old American book about making friends and influencing people. In fact, this book and some document called “our spy bible” travels everywhere with him. He has appointed a special loyalist (with the job title Keeper of the Books) to look after these two books. Of course, this means that Keeper of the Books also travels everywhere Duke goes. At the cost of the taxpayer of course Duke is a retired ruling party politician with benefits. But my name for my former colleague is unique. There are not many people named for a new species of humankind. Ja, old Homo Villenastrus is one of a kind… For short, I just simply call him Villain, or Nasty. Of course, he knows of neither name. I address him as “brother”. Unlike Duke, Homo Villenastrus is not a hanger on of Feudalism. Rather, he has a purely villainous and particularly nasty way of looking at his umwelt. He explained his specific ontology (not that old Homo Villenastrus will know the term…) during my political education session that he graciously gave to me “free of charge, ‘cos you’re not a bad Whitey”. It goes something like this: “You guys Whitey” Villain says “have this thing about care. Care here, care there, care everywhere. That’s you guys. You could call it total care. Everywhere you go you want to see good things, happy people and other funny things. You are stupid. Total care can never happen. There will always be more and more people wanting care. The more care is available, the more people’s built in laziness will kick in. And they will demand care. Food care, medical care, schooling care, housing care, care, care… In the end, you guys will have nothing left to give. Then you will also need care. Now, we cannot afford everybody on care. Soon, there will be nothing left for us. No black BMW’s, no mansions, no Louis Vuitton bags, no Bentleys, no nothing!”.

Of course, we are not a democracy, we are a dominant party state. We dominate through nationalism and populism. But by inserting the word democratic in the name of the N PDR, we fool

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 119 do not understand the difference between a university, a private provider of higher education and a technical and vocational education and training college) the poor Stultus Morus who cannot deal with his emotions in public and Epistemologus Transportari who wants to prove in his doctorate that no people will die on the roads if there are no forms of transport to move them with. (The progress of this doctorate is apparently awaited in awe by Stultus Morus, who once said that no people will die of gunshot wounds if there are no firearms in the country).

I sometimes see old Summa Epistemicidus on television, the famously incompetent freedom fighter in camouflage, seated on his lame old horse, trying to fight the one or other windmill with his broken lance. When I do, I cannot help but remember the degrees that he claimed (but has never achieved), or the mansion that he bought in a country (and never paid for) where the ruling party deployed him as our Ambassador (Extraordinary, Plenipotentiary and heaven knows whatever other titles they bestowed upon him), or the popular church where he borrowed money (which he could not repay, so he borrowed from someone else to repay the red faced pastor and elders).

“No Whitey” he says “you guys must learn about total control. Total control is much better than total care. In fact, now that I think about it, some of us are better total controllers than others”. Villain goes on to explain that the ruling party he belongs to works in terms of an official strategy document called The Nationalist Populist Democratic Revolution, or N PDR for short. “The N PDR is our total control document. It tells us exactly how to control the whole country and all in her. So, we control politics.

While everybody focused on government’s firearmsspeeches, we silently appointed a disgraced former police official, one of our loyalists, to the police’s medical aid board. Of course, she earns a suitable total control salary. So, Whitey, I hope you understand a bit better now. Do you see that your people’s total care vision cannot fit into our total control vision? Do not fight us with integrity and principles. You will lose. Rather join us, perhaps we will give you a little more just because you are a nice Whitey. Now, I must leave”. Emptying his glass, he managed a “cheers Whitey!” before he left. I just sat there. And I wondered whether I would not have been better off as an ordinary Homo Agricola, like my forefathers. And was the only one left to receive the bill from the waiter, of course…

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 120 all you liberals, the whole West and even some of our opposition parties. That is why we prescribe to our members of Parliament how they must vote in the House. Now, see how clever we are by making your own little sum: if we have much more than half of all the seats in the House, and all our party members vote for us, do you think it is possible that the House will approve anything that we bring to it? Of course! And that’s how we control the political scene. You understand? Can I move Well,on?”.I was flabbergasted, so he moved on. “In the same way we control the economy. All our people are deployed in such a way that we can do whatever we want to. Nobody can stop us. So, if we want to appropriate a little something to ourselves, you know, it is hard work running a country, we do so. And we share with our pals”. “Brother”, I ask, “do you share with all the people in the country? I cannot remember ever getting anything?”. “Whitey, my Bru, you will need more classes. No! Remember I told you that we will have nothing for ourselves if we must give to everybody? And I am still in line for the Bentley, I have not received one yet. Sorry, but no. Any other questions”?

*Editor’s note: Published in The Compassionate Confronter Vol 2 No 2 June 2022.

Let me explain” Villain says. “Such problems are natural red herrings. They help us to carry on with what we are busy with while everybody in the country is up in arms about the problem. It saves us having to create a red herring. I mean, can you remember how everybody reacted when we said people do not need firearms for self protection?

Vir ‘n verandering het ons voortyd geloop. Ons het gereël om die belangrike getuie die Donderdag op Vredenburg te spreek en hy het sommer aangebied dat ons twee by hom en sy vrou aan huis kon bly.


Enige ondersoeker wat sy sout werd is, sal weet om eers afsprake met die persone wat gespreek moet word, te maak alvorens jy so ‘n lang rit aanpak. Dit het ons gedoen, maar soos dit nou maar eenmaal gaan “kan enige trein voortyd loop of laat hardloop.”

At this stage I was not well at all. So, I indicated that he could proceed. “Time is catching up with us Whitey” Villain says. “We must move. In the same way that we deal with the political and economic environments, we deal with everything else. The social world in our country, the technological environment, the law including the criminal justice system, even the natural environment. Did you know that it is good for us if we have problems with water, electricity, rhino poaching and so forth?

Terwyl ek aan die Handelstak te Klerksdorp verbonde was, het Kaptein (later Kolonel) Gert Viljoen en ek na die Weskus vertrek om verskeie verklarings in ‘n omvangryke ondersoek te neem.

So groet ons en klim in die kar en ry die 16 kilometer na Vredenburg. By die Polisiestasie maak ek die kar vol petrol, terwyl Gert die aanklagtekantoor binne is om vir die laaste keer te gaan probeer vasstel of die man nou al by die huis is Ek kon sommer aan Gert se houding sien toe hy teruggestap kom, die man is tuis.

Getrou in die uitvoering van sy opdragte is Gert daar weg, net om terug te rapporteer: “Daar is geen antwoord nie.”

Die Kroeg was in die vorm van ‘n perdehoef, maar reghoekig as jy verstaan wat ek meen. Ons neem toe plaas en bestel ‘n ietsie. Gert sit soos gewoonlik aan my regterkant en ‘n man met ‘n baie vriendelike gesig aan my linkerkant.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 121

So drink ons verder. So vertel ons verder grappe. So lag ons, ons gatte verder af. So half vyf sê ek weer vir Gert: “Gert wil jy nie weer gaan bel en hoor of die man nie miskien nou al by die huis is nie”. Gert is weer daar weg, net om weer terug te rapporteer: “Daar is steeds geen antwoord nie.” So drink ons verder. So vertel ons verder grappe. So lag ons, ons gatte verder af.

Nie lank nie of ons is sommer almal lekker aan die grappe vertel. Die manne en vrouens is dors en die grappe vloei. Skones, vuiles, growwes, “You name it.” Almal lag hulle gatte af. Niemand voel ge affronteerd nie.

Hier so teen vier uur fluister ek vir Gert: “Gert wil jy nie gaan bel en hoor of die man nie miskien al by die huis is nie. Jy weet hy werk op die paaie en kan enige tyd huis toe gaan. Dan weet ons ten minste waar ons vir vanaand en môre staan.”

So teen vyf uur sê ek weer vir Gert: “ Gert gaan bel en hoor of die man nou al by die huis is. Gert is weer daar weg, net om weer terug te rapporteer: “Daar is steeds geen antwoord nie.”

was hulle nie Noord Transvaal ondersteuners nie. Ons ook nie!

“Wel” sê Gert “Kom ek gaan wys jou hoe lyk Paternoster se Kroeg terwyl ons nou niks het om te doen nie. Dan kan ons die man so by 5 uur bel en hoor of hy ons kan akkommodeer. As hy nie kan nie moet ons maar in die hotel inboek.”

Die enigste probleem was dat ons gereed was om die man te spreek, maar dit was slegs Dinsdagmiddag en ons het pas klaar gemaak met ons voorlaaste getuie se verklaring op Lambertsbaai.

Ons ry toe af na Paternoster en toe ons die Kroeg kort na twee instap, voel ons sommer tuis. In die portaal het hulle ‘n baie groot foto van daardie kaal vet vrou waarvan die rolle vet so oormekaar hang en op ‘n baie strategiese plek onder haar naeltjie het hulle ‘n foto van .... (N Tvl rugbyspeler) Duidelikgeplak.

“Hy is by die huis. Hy sê ons moet net hier bly staan, hy kom ons binne drie minute haal.” rapporteer Gert terug.

Skaars het Gert aldus terug gerapporteer of ‘n wit Toyota 4X4 pluk ‘n moewiese “square” hier vlak voor ons soos hy omdraai en wie sal so ewe kordaat agter die stuurwiel uitklim?

Die man wat die hele middag in Paternoster se Kroeg links van my gesit en kak praat het.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 122

Cathcart-polisiestasie Kol Louis Langenhoven

“Hy sê ook dit is geen probleem dat ons ‘n dag vroeg is nie, ons is steeds welkom om by hom en die vrou oor te bly.”

Dit het gevoel of die aarde my kon insluk. Later die aand het ons gasheer gesê hy het gedog ons is die twee speurders wat hom moes kom spreek, maar was te bang om te vra.

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 123 BOOKS | BOEKE

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 124 LETTERS | BRIEWE

Nongqai Vol 13 No 9 125 SLOT | END

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