Nou is dit weer inventaris maak. Daar is nie veel veranderinge aan die een wat ons in Windhoek opgestel het nie. Marina kan nie ‘n verplasing kry na Port Elizabeth nie maar wel na Johannesburg waar sy by Charles en Melissa kan blyplek kry. Ek dink sy wou ook maar nader aan Elroy wees. Ons het intussen die Audi verkoop en ‘n Toyota Corolla aangeskaf. Toe ek brigadier word het ek die voorreg gekry om ‘n gesubsidieerde kar te koop en ‘n Toyota Camry gekry. Ons besluit dat ek met die Camry en ouma en Salome met die ander kar. Suster Lettie en ‘n kennis kom kuier vir ‘n dag of drie vir ons en ons sien dit as ‘n geleentheid dat Lettie dan saam met ouma kan ry en die ander persoon saam met my. ‘n Vervoerkontrakteur is aangestel en ons spreek af op watter datum die eiendom gelaai moet word. Elroy daag ook oop sodat Marina saam met hom Johannesburg toe kan ry. Hulle sal ook toesig hou oor die laaiery van die meubels en die huissleutels in handig. Baie vroeg is die meubelwa daar. Toe die laaiery begin groet ons en vetrek. Ons trek vir die 15de en hopelik laaste keer. Net nadat ons oor die Oranjerivier gery het, het ek stilgehou en dankie gesê dat ek nou weer in die beloofde land is. Dit was lekker om in die Kaap Provinsie te wees en ek het nie eintlik gedink aan wat vir my voorlê nie. Ons kom so by agtuur die aand in Despatch aan. Ouma is doodmoeg want dis die eerste keer dat sy so ver bestuur het. Ons slaap sommer oor by Lettie omdat ons weet ouma vroeg al inkruip en seker al slaap.
REMINISCES OF A RAILWAY POLICEMAN Keith Alfred Adolf Blake • Police Story: Blake Arrested Stripped of Rank for Corruption. Part 1 A saying comes to mind the voice may be arrested but the fingers are free to express and with this in mind my next police story as promised. I was a newly-promoted warrant officer and reported one afternoon for the 13h40 till 22h00 shift the old two, ten shift. No sooner was I in the Charge Office when I saw these two very neat well-dressed gentlemen with dun streep-ties come to the counter and asked for me by name and I responded that I was the person they were asking for and I then ask how can I be of assistance. Then quicker than Clint Eastwood on the fast draw produced S.A. Police appointment certificates and I saw that the one was a lieutenant ....... and the other a warrant officer.........They asked me politely and with a smile that I was to accompany them to their office and I need not ask any senior officer or my present station commander any permission as all protocol and instructions for my accompanying them have been observed and done. Well, who am I to argue, and I followed these two officers to their vehicle and off we drove till we arrived at an impressive looking office block on the Foreshore Cape Town. We all climbed into a lift and as we came to the floor where their offices where I asked to use the toilet. The warrant officer then showed me the way and while I stood at the urinal, I noticed that he was standing right behind me almost as if he was guarding me. When I had finished, I was escorted to the lieutenant’s office and he picked up the phone and told some person that I had arrived. A few moments later a general ... walked in what struck me was his shiny, almost silk like suite and his unfriendly face and attitude and without much ceremony or courteous credentials he told me to cooperate with his two officers and all depending on my answers I could be a witness or an accused. 124