1 minute read
Fun Around the Club
By Anne Gerth
This is a reminder to all our members that we have great social activities every month here at our club. During the summer, we have three events each month beginning with our Monthly Member Social held the first Thursday of the month, and followed by the Net, Nine and Dine on the second Thursday of each month. Come play a spor t and then join us for dinner. This is an oppor tunity to try a spor t you don’t usually play. You can sign up for nine holes of golf, tennis or pickle ball, all for $25 per person including dinner. The sign-up sheet is posted in the pro-shop.
Don’t miss our monthly themed social event. Coming up is DJ TRIVIA on June 20 featuring burgers and grilled chicken sandwiches. Not to be missed is Caribbean Dreams on July 22 with live steel drum music. In August we have two events, both guaranteed to get you out of the summer heat…the always popular BOGO dinner on August 22 where dinner will be accompanied by some lovely classical guitar music. New to our club is Wine and Design on August 26, a daytime wreath crafting event which includes a light lunch, a glass of wine, materials and instruction for making a beautiful fall wreath for your home.
I urge you to take advantage of our special events to enjoy your fellow club members and have some fun. If you are not joining in, you are missing out on many of the great benefits of being a member of Por t Royal Golf and Racquet Club.