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Men’s Golf

Men’s Golf

Golf Report By Bill Hazel

While just playing the game of golf is fun for me, the time spent with your par tners out on the course make it more enjoyable. They could be old friends that I’ve played with many times or someone who I’ve just met. Even more so is the 19th hole where you get together (maybe with a larger crowd to re-hash the round, pay off bets, and tell stories of great and notso-great shots. It is where 10-foot puts turn into 20 footers and 220-yard drives become 260. One reason groups with multiple foursomes go back to star t on holes 17 and 18 is so more people finish around the same time and can then spend time at the 19th hole.

Beyond the 19th hole, there are special golfing events held by the 18-hole and 9-hole women’s groups and by the men’s group where golfers are getting together in good numbers to socialize.

Beyond that, there are special social events that the club holds. For me, it is another chance to hang out with your fellow golfers and their significant others as well as with tennis and social members. Over the last two months, the Social Committee has held two very nice events – one a “Rat Pack” event with Sinatra-style singing and the other a Kentucky Derby par ty which included mint juleps. They were very nice events, but unfor tunately not well attended by golfing members.

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