+ H E R H E A LT H
ere’s to one of the latest food trends: meal prepping! Meal prepping is a great method to use if you want to eat healthier and save money. But, finding foods that fit your taste and strategies that fit your schedule, can be a bit overwhelming. Whether you’re a new meal prepper or someone who has been meal prepping for some time now, these five tips are sure to help make your meal prepping ventures less complicated:
1. PLAN PROPERLY Sit down and really think about what exactly you want your meal prepping chronicles to look like. Decide how many days you want to prep for, what kinds of meals you would like to eat and whether or not your plans for meal prepping fit your budget. Once you have all of this sorted out, draw out a detailed schedule to help you stay committed and on track. Now, you’re on your way.
2. GROCERY SHOP ON A BUDGET The beauty of a budget is that you can create it according to your personal liking. We all know how easy it is to walk into the grocery store with an empty cart and walk out with a cart filled with a bunch of everything that we didn’t need. Avoid this. Know what, and how much, you want to eat. When shopping for food items, shop in bulks so that you will have more than enough food to prepare and won’t have to keep running back and forth to the store, spending unnecessarily.
3. GATHER PLENTY OF CONTAINERS Once your meals are prepared, you’ll want to have reliable storage to put them in. Invest in dependable containers. Be
sure that they are leak-proof, small or large enough to hold your meals and durable enough to last a while. If you’re not sure about where to find such containers, Amazon has tons of them!
4. DISCIPLINE YOURSELF Eating the same meals every day of the week may not sound like the greatest idea in the world. But, if you are meal prepping or plan on beginning to meal prep, this is something that you will need to learn to do. Get your mind right. Train yourself to look away from all of the fast food restaurants on the way home from work or school. Have daily sit downs with yourself to reflect and decide on what you could do better. Remember: practice makes perfect.
5. MAKE IT ENJOYABLE Whatever you do, make sure you have fun. Meal prepping isn’t typically on the list of the world’s most entertaining activities, but it could be if you want it to be. Get the kids involved. Call some friends over to taste test your meals for the week. Your meal prepping story will be what you make it. Write every page with passion, determination and flavor, and you’re sure to have a best-seller! Febr uar y 2 0 2 0 | H ERS M ag az i ne 37