HEXIS CSR Report 2022

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CSR Report 2022



Our group




CSR policy


Our values


Health and security


Prevention and production


Doing things ethically








Prevention and pollution


Our commitments


CSR Report 2022

HEXIS S.A.S Z.I. Horizons Sud 34110 Frontignan France

Because HEXIS is part of a dynamic of continuous improvement and operational excellence, our company has chosen this year to to upgrade its CSR policy in order to to come closer to the standards stipulated by Article 116 of the law on new economic regulations of the 2001 New Economic Regulations Act (NRE), although although our company is not subject to this law. Our desire to move towards a "comprehensive QSE / CSR" report reaffirms HEXIS’s ambition to be transparent to its stakeholders on the challenges facing the plastics industry, the the answers it provides, the objectives it has set itself and finally, its approach to progress.


Introduction to the group 3

CSR Report 2022

OUR GROUP As a manufacturer and distributor of self-adhesive films since 1989 the HEXIS group has established itself as a major force in the market for visual communication and and surface protection. Its products made in France, its culture of made to measure and its ability to innovate and diversify its offer have established its reputation with image professionals, all over the world. HEXIS is specialised in the production and distribution of cast PVC, PU and latex films of the highest quality.

Keeping an eye on the market, on the evolution of consumption patterns and the emergence of new needs, our company has been able to diversify its fields of application over the years, backed by its capacity for innovation. It can thus meet all the demands of the market for self-adhesive films. Self-adhesive media for computer-aided cutting, large-format digital printing substrates, conformable films for full wraps and decoration, films for surface or paint protection, films for for textile marking... HEXIS offers more than 1000 different products in its catalogue and launches more than thirty new products every year. The entire production of HEXIS films is guaranteed Made in France. Indeed our company manufactures its rolls in its two factories in Frontignan (Hérault) and Hagetmau (Landes).


It thus guarantees its customers a stable production and assumes a premium market position. HEXIS is a legacy company that has chosen a system of distribution for its products directly with its BtoB customers, and handles the trading of those it does not manufacture (accessories, displays etc.). On an international level, the company combines distribution of its products through its subsidiaries and the use of distributors for export. The group achieves 44% of its turnover on the domestic market, 56% on the international market (subsidiaries and Export).


Company first incorporated

Head office

1. S W I T Z E R L A N D


2. A U S T R A L I A 3. U N I T E D S T A T E S

million Turnover

5. I T A L Y


6. S P A I N

8. D E N M A R K 9. F R E N C H W E S T I N D I E S





1. Frontignan (34) 2. Hagetmau (40)


1. Hagetmau (40) 2. Villeurbanne (69) 3. Méry-Sur-Oise (95)

Frontignan - 34

7. S W E D E N

1. Frontignan (34) 2. Hagetmau (40)



4. G E R M A N Y




employees of which 354 in France

CSR Report 2022

EDITORIAL We all have a role to play in addressing our society’s challenges. As an individual but also as organisations. Tomorrow’s industry must reconcile local and international presence, sustainable production of beneficial and not superficial goods. Times of crisis often help to take us back to basics. More than ever before, we are strengthened in the direction that has been given to our company for years. That of a local industrial vision, anchored in the territories and from where we are developing an international ambition for export. Territorial solidarity is an integral part of what we call societal innovation. Positive trends are often generated by listening to others, taking an interest in what ties people together within a society and the purpose that brings us together and motivates our action in the service of others and the the world. The combination of innovation, new technologies and industrial

know-how must remain deeply linked to a logic of sustainable development. It is a virtuous circle which is at the heart of the company’s project and which brings us together around such fundamental values as humanism, innovation, commitment and customer satisfaction. Thus our customers expect us to take a responsible and sustainable approach together to produce and consume better. In order to respond to this aspiration with an ambitious answer, and one that commits us strongly over time, HEXIS has set itself the mission of offering its customers an «informed choice». This means not only providing the best of goods and services, transparent information and expert advice, but also to ensure the highest ethical standards in the conduct of our business model.


CSR Policy 5

CSR Report 2022

The dialogue with our internal and external stakeholders at the heart of our CSR strategy and approach.

CSR POLICY — 4 key challenges “We have structured the CSR policy around 4 lines of action that cover the main issues and respond to the concerns of all our internal and external stakeholders. In a context of very strong changes in the professions and modes of consumption, the development of the commitment and skills of our employees on the one hand, and the support our customers towards a more responsible consumption on the other hand, represent our priorities.” Clément MATEU CEO

THE INTEGRATION OF CSR INTO OUR STRATEGY • CSR advisors have been appointed in each management team • A CSR committee meets 4 times a year • The legal department ensures in particular the compliance with the Sapin II laws, Duty of Vigilance and RGPD


“In 2021, together with our CSR partner, we have initiated a broad consultation with our internal and external stakeholders to identify our risks in terms of impacts on health/ safety, human rights and the environment, but also the opportunities arising from changing consumption patterns. This risk and opportunity approach has enabled us to integrate CSR issues more easily into the processes. These processes were also able to appreciate HEXIS’ strengths in responding to certain societal issues. Finally, our role is to offer our customers responsible products and services, but also to mobilise employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders in the service of a more responsible industry.” Guillaume LEONARDON QHSE & CSR Manager

CSR Report 2022


HEXIS also stands for: • 94% permanent employment contracts • 5.75% absentee rate (2019) • 59% of employees have attended a training course Targets for 2023: • 94% permanent employment contracts • 4.72% absentee rate • 60% of employees to attend a training course

IN RECENT YEARS: HEXIS has undergone the most significant changes in its history. In order to cope with economic and health crises, the rise of online trade and digitalisation, HEXIS has reinvented its model by capitalising on the human factor and training.

“Diversity, professional equality of women and men and men, disability, quality of social dialogue, training, integration of young people and seniors, internal communication, health at work, risk prevention, etc. are all themes that allow the enhancement of Human Wealth and which place the human being at the centre of the organisations. Today, we need to give meaning to the work of our employees: they need to know why they are there, what their role is, and how it fits into the company’s overall strategy.” Yvan ALIAGA Human Ressources Manager


NEX T PAGE Our values

CSR Report 2022



Professional equality between men and women for HEXIS means ensuring that women and men can develop and build their careers in all fairness, with special attention paid to management positions in particular.

HEXIS has been committed for several years now, in a process of equal treatment between men and women within the company. In cooperation with the social partners, the company has been able to put in place a collective agreement defining an action plan for professional equality, concluded on 27 July 2018. HEXIS obtained an overall score of 77 points out of 100 for the Gender Equality Index 2019, which is above the minimum score required. The company is nevertheless committed to improving this score and to deploy, beyond equal pay, the actions set out in the agreement on professional equality, particularly in terms of recruitment or access to professional training. Our scope of action to promote professional equality between women and men and to fight against discrimination is refocused on measures in: • Recrutement • Training • Career development • Pay • Work/life balance


Targets for 2025: • 30% women in the workforce • 80/100 on the Gender Equality Index

CSR Report 2022

DISABILITY POLICY • A cross-sectional project that is part of the social project of HEXIS. Through its disability policy, HEXIS has the determination to change the way people look at disability. The company is committed, through a company agreement, to ensuring each employee that the recruitment or continued employment of any person with a disability is possible, as everyone may be affected.






4 MAJOR AREAS OF ACTION ARE DEFINED • Raising employee awareness of disability by training managers on the subject of disability, non-discrimination and equal opportunities • Supporting employees with a disability • in the constitution of their application for recognition as a disabled worker • by individualising the process of support for disabled workers in their in their workplace • Take action on the recruitment of employees with a disability by using the protected or adapted sector by subcontracting certain tasks. • Maintain in employment any person with a disability by adapting and adapting work spaces.

NEX T PAGE Health and security

CSR Report 2022

HEALTH AND SECURITY Targets for 2023: ISO 45001: 2018 Certification

As a company with 2 production sites, 2 sales offices and 3 shipping agencies, personal safety is a priority for us. We aim to ensure the safest possible working conditions to all our employees, both in production in production as well as in the administration. The aim of our approach is to ensure safer working conditions in each of our activities. This includes risk prevention and control of risks, monitoring of the effectiveness of actions and the implementation of a continuous improvement approach. Working conditions, well-being and social dialogue are the three other pillars in the working environment of our employees. To achieve this objective, HEXIS relies on its Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document and as well as its Health and Safety Performance Improvement Programme at all its production and logistics sites in France.


By defining its occupational health and safety strategy and policy HEXIS carried out a complete safety diagnosis based on the ISO 45001 standard and 60% of the actions to be completed before the end of 2022 have already been completed. HEXIS has also undertaken training on the roles and responsibilities of production and local managers on 100% of its French sites. To ensure that safety is everyone’s business and in order to manage the health and safety of employees, in November 2021 HEXIS developed the «dangerous situation/incident» platform on all its sites.

The objective is to improve feedback on each information on each of the dangerous situations, incidents and avenues for improvement.

Safety performance

Technical services

Safety management

Safety awareness

Human factors

CSR Report 2022

WELL-BEING — and quality of life The quality of life of HEXIS employees and their commitment are a real pillar of sustainable performance and growth. The Quality of Life at Work Policy (QWLP) reviewed in 2018, describes the ambitions of HEXIS in terms of work environment, employee satisfaction and recognition, with the objective of remaining proactive in improving the quality of quality of life at work. HEXIS has developed a working environment focused on well-being and creativity.

Accessibility: The HR department provides standing support on all the sites in order to promote information and proximity to employees on their daily problems (leave, payroll). A healthy mind in a healthy body: HEXIS is also committed to the physical and mental well-being of its employees by providing more than 200 sports classes and more than 50 pilates classes per year. Simplified communication: Internal communication tools have also been put in place to enable each employee to be informed of the company’s daily routine in terms of performance, product development, internal training, miscellaneous information.

Objectives for 2022: Organise 4 "free speech" meetings at the different sites.


Prevention 11


CSR Report 2022

PREVENTION — for production teams

Psychosocial risks are fully integrated into our integrated into our single documents and we have developed an analysis of specific risks by socio-occupational category where the action plan is being implemented by the end of September 2022.

• 80% of the staff attended a new 1/4h safety campaign. • 60% attended the Behavioural Safety Visits (BSV) where the aim is to exchange on behaviour and actions to limit occupational occupational risks.

• Objective for 2022: Reduce the frequency and severity of work-related accidents by 50%. • Objective for 2022/2023: Zero accidents throughout the entire HEXIS company. • Objective 2023: ISO 45001 certification.

Workplace hardship and psychosocial risks are also major challenges for HEXIS for which numerous initiatives have been implemented since 2015: • Training in body mechanics and postures for 100% of employees in production • Complete diagnosis of physical strain and ergonomic study on 95% of the workshops including organisation at the workstation, flow management and carrying loads • Installation of 2 robots on the two workstations that are most affected by load carrying as well as handling aids for one workshop • Launch of a study on the suitability of exoskeletons for our logistics units.






“The quality of life and well-being of employees as well as health and safety at work are at the heart of our strategy at HEXIS. This fundamental issue is paramount in all support and production processes. The global synergy and development of our programme to improve health and safety performance are our two main pillars in improving our performance. We are convinced and determined to reach the goal of zero accidents by 2023 across all our sites.” Martin DEDEIRE Health, Safety and Environment Engineer










Act ethically 13

CSR Report 2022

ACT ETHICALLY — At the heart of our territories

Promote ethical business conduct responsible business practices:


Ethical and societal issues are at the heart of our of our daily concerns. We ensure compliance with the criteria of independence, integrity and confidentiality in line with our ethical charter. In this context, HEXIS is committed to:

“Business ethics is a process that gives substance to a company’s values. This process and its principles are grouped in an ethical charter that HEXIS passes on to all its employees, at all levels and on all sites, with the aim of ensuring that ethical commitments are respected and the company’s raison d’être in their dealings with all stakeholders; the legal department ensures that this charter is fully compliant with all regulations in force.” Laetitia DIAS Legal Affairs Manager

• Conducting business ethically and fairly • Respect and ensure respect for the provisions of the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation and laws and regulations in force • Guarantee the quality and ensure the safety of its products • and to respect the health and safety of its employees.


Esprit Team d'équipe spirit

Intégrité Integrity

Respect Respect

CSR Report 2022

Part boites enof Sharedes of boxes made biosourced carton biocardboard sourcé 2020 enin2020 19%

bio bio sourced sourcé


non bio sourcé non-biosourced

Part de Ml de liner

Work with our suppliers for a more sustainable supply chain. The release liner HEXIS is committed to responsible purchasing its raw materials, in particular by developing the supply of PEFC / FSC silicone release liners. In 2020, nearly 69% of our liners purchased for our various sites will be FSC. Smart packaging In search of solutions to make our packaging more responsible with the aim of reducing the amount of waste and the ecological impact of our shipments, we have put in place two green initiatives: • For the packaging of our parcels, we use end pieces to hold the rolls. In an ethical and environmental approach, we have developed over the last 2 years, the purchase of biosourced end pieces; nearly 97,000 biosourced end pieces were purchased in 2020. A biosourced plastic is a plastic made from vegetal resources, in this case maize, because it is less less polluting than plastics made from fossil resources.

Furthermore, HEXIS has launched its recovery programme with customers, by taking into account the ranking of waste treatment methods by favouring the reuse of end pieces before any action of recycling and energy recovery of the waste material.

Sharesiliconés of silicone FSC liner 2020 FSC 2020 44% 56%

• HEXIS uses 81% biosourced cardboard in its packaging process for the shipment of its films. These cartons can be recycled up to 4 times. Recycled cardboard is an ideal eco-responsible packaging that is ideal for protecting our products while taking care of the planet.


non FSC


• 2023: Purchase 100% of FSC* silicone paper. • 2024: Purchase 100% of biosourced cartons. *responsible approach to sustainable forest



Innovate and advance 15

CSR Report 2022

INNOVATE — and advance Helping to develop a more sustainable sector with our stakeholders Assessment of the challenges with focus on stakeholder expectations. There are many themes that make up a CSR policy which involve both risks and opportunities for HEXIS. After a survey of our stakeholders, we were able to produce a graph that illustrates the correlation between the CSR challenges as seen by HEXIS and our stakeholders. It is a tool for ranking subjects that allows us to prioritise to prioritise and plan actions at the level of our of our company, taking into account the expectations of our stakeholders.

With its omnipresent challenge to provide a quality product to its customers, HEXIS conducts increased monitoring of its production via process audits, quality controls, follow-up of traceability of items from production to use of the products, listening to and supporting our our customers via our HEXIS assistance service. The entire production of HEXIS films is guaranteed Made in France. As proof of this of this, since September 2021 HEXIS has been part of the French Fab. This label embodies the companies, economic operators, institutions and industrial sites located in France that join up in the desire to develop French industry. Our training centres HEXIS also provides its customers with training centres whose aim is through training in the new technologies for the application of our films, to federate the customer around the product and to ensure the promotion of new application solutions and new products brought about by technological innovation. The Qualiopi quality certification has been awarded to HEXIS training courses in 2021.


Objective for 2022: Obtain a minimum grade of 4/5 in customer satisfaction.

CSR Report 2022

Innovate and move towards a more attractive business Offer quality products to our customers. ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards are an integral part of HEXIS, they ensure the coherence of the management systems in all entities of the Group. Since June 2005, HEXIS Frontignan holds ISO 9001 certification for its quality management system. The QMS was developed with the participation and involvement of all the staff of the HEXIS company so that each new customer, each partner, each new employee can get to know our daily activities and our quality approach. The directions we wish to give to our QMS are broken down into major improvement objectives, in line with the company’s strategy and with respect for the values that form the basis of its culture:

Clients Anticipating and meeting the customer’s requirements and expectations.

Financial To be a profitable and growing business in the eyes of investors.

HEXIS staff Value skills, the development of employees and therefore their motivation. Improve the quality of life at work, lever for health, job retention and economic and social performance of the company.


Environment 17

CSR Report 2022

ENVIRONMENT Produce with the smallest environmental footprint.


Minimising our environmental footprint: HEXIS aims to control the impact of its activities on the major issue of climate change. We therefore closely monitor our energy consumption at our various sites. The reduction of our environmental impact is achieved through 3 avenues: the reduction of our carbon impact (GHG), the reduction in emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and reducing our energy consumption, while promoting alternative energy sources. HEXIS carbon footprint: At HEXIS, improving the measurement of our emissions across our entire value chain is a priority. Why is this so? To identify concrete solutions that will allow us to limit our environmental impact as much as possible. Thus, in 2021 HEXIS France conducted analyses of the GHG emissions linked to its activity on the two production sites. This assessment was carried out on all direct and indirect sources of emissions, upstream and downstream of production (scopes 1, 2 and 3).



Objective for 2025:

In 2022, HEXIS will begin its transition to renewable energies:

• Reduce our energy, electricity and gas consumption by 5%.

• HEXIS has chosen to direct its investments towards solutions likely to respond to societal issues, by deploying solar shading for the Frontignan site. This technology provides access to autonomous and green energy. • We are also implementing a campaign to replace our lighting with LEDs, with the aim of reducing our electricity consumption. • In addition, electric charging points for cars and scooters are planned to encourage responsible travel. This action is fully in line with the urban mobility plan deployed by SÈTE AGGLOPÔLE MÉDITERRANÉE.

• Raise awareness of energy management among 100% of our staff.

Social Social

Environmental Écologique

Economic Économique

CSR Report 2022

CARBON FOOTPRINT A full carbon footprint is structured in 3 parts, which are called scope:

Objective for: Reduce our GHG emissions by 10%.

• Scope 1 includes the so-called direct emissions linked to the manufacture of our product. • Scope 2 comes from indirect emissions related to the energy consumption required to manufacture the product. • Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions, mainly those related to transport. In order to improve its environmental footprint HEXIS has chosen to establish its carbon footprint on the basis of these 3 scopes. As it falls short of the regulatory criteria imposed, it is therefore with a view to doing better that HEXIS has chosen to improve its carbon footprint.


Environment 19

CSR Report 2022

Analyse comparative Comparative analysis des émissions of gas emissions de gazbetween entre les films films PVC without chlorine: PVC etand sans chlore :

In 10 years, HEXIS’ commitments have enabled us to significantly reduce our environmental footprint by a significant reduction in atmospheric emissions from 272 ton of VOCs in 2015 to 82 tons of VOCs in 2020. While production is increasing, VOC emissions have fallen by almost 3.3 times in 5 years. ZOOM : HEXIS invests 2.5% of its turnover to Research & Development each year. Our team of chemists is constantly improving the formulations of our products and innovate to develop the products of tomorrow. In 2010, their discoveries led to the launch of "green" cast films, free of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and without plasticisers films that promote more responsible production. PVC-free products use a water-based emulsion thus reducing the amount of solvent used in production by 85%, while simultaneously achieving durability equivalent to that of their PVC counterparts.

Objective for 2023: Not to exceed 50 tons of atmospheric emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds.

Quantité d'émission en g/m2


180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

162 107



96 34



Emission de CO CO(g/m2) emissions (g/m²)

Emission de CO2 CO2(g/m2) emissions (g/m²) PVC

sans chlore Without chlorine

The comparative analysis of gas emissions between a so-called classic film (S5001) and one from the "free PVC" range (A5001) shows that the total emissions are reduced by more than 30%.

To be a model industrial company in terms of our energy consumption: Reduce our energy consumption and contribute to the deployment of renewable energy solutions with a view to combating climate change. The overall energy balance for 2020 gives us an annual consumption of 17,221.7 MWh. The breakdown of this energy consumption can be seen below; it can be noted that the majority of that energy is used in the production process.

VOCs Tons COV eninTonnes



250 200







100 50 0







Bilanofdes émissions totales de COV 5 ans in surFrontignan Frontignan and et Hagetmau Summary total VOC emissions over sur 5 years Hagetmau


Emission de HCl Somme des HCl(g/m2) emissions Totalémissions of emissions (g/m²) (production+combustion) (prod+combustion)

CSR Report 2022

In the course of our activities, incidents can occur: heat flux leaks, chemical spills... We make every effort to eliminate any risk of environmental degradation by taking frequent readings to identify any leaks as quickly as possible. The overall picture is broken down into two parts, electricity consumption and natural gas consumption:

Over the years, there has been a reduction of energy consumption in relation to the squaremetres manufactured, which indicates a positive evolution of our production system.

Consommation Energy consumption d'énergie in kWhen 2 fabriqué KWhper parm²mproduced 0,6 0,4

0,4 0,2

0,2 0




Transport and logistics 21


0,1 2019

CSR Report 2022

TRANSPORT — and logistics

Optimising the loading of our trucks and the logistics of our inter-site movements (e.g. empty return journeys) allows us to reduce our carbon footprint. This is evidenced by, amongst other things, the average tonnage of heavy goods vehicles. Transport carbon footprint: In order to minimise the company’s carbon footprint, HEXIS wishes to favour transport with lower emissions. Nearly 100,000 kg of CO2 are emitted by the company’s shipping partners in 2019 (90,455 kg of CO2 emitted by Chronopost + 8060 kg of CO2 emitted by Géodis).

OBJECTIVE FOR 2023: Achieve 0.9 kg of CO2 per parcel.


CSR Report 2022

In 2021 the reclaiming of materials of our CBI has avoided the production* of: • 38.6 tons of steel • 15.2 tons of plastics • 85.2 of CO2 emissions *compared to the production of new IBCs.

Objective for 2025: • Increase the percentage of reclaimed waste by 50%. • Increase the percentage of waste reused by 5%, i.e. reuse of 100,000 end pieces. In 3 years, the amount of waste per m² of production has fallen by 57%, proof that the efforts to implement the H’EQO plan are bearing fruit. 2016 2017 2018

67.2 % Of incinerated waste

2019 0 perm2 m² TTpar

0,005 2019 0.00881 0,00881

0,01 2018 0.0154 0,0154



2017 0.0206 0,0206

0,025 2016 0.0204 0,0204

Tonnes de déchet par m2 de production

Tons of waste per m²

Responsible treatment of waste from our production: There are 2 types of industrial waste: common waste (CIW), which is mostly reclaimed or recycled, and so-called hazardous waste (HW), which is reclaimed in cement works. HEXIS pays particular attention to monitoring the hazardous waste that emanates daily from the various production processes. The monitoring, statistical analysis and reduction of this waste are the priorities on a daily basis.

37.2 % Of reclaimed waste

Life cycle analysis and circular economy The aim of the circular economy is to make our products turn into a more sustainable use pattern to limit their environmental impact throughout their life cycles. A strategy based on sustainable development is then deployed through life cycle and circular economy analysis:


0.1 % Of reused waste




In tons






Pollution prevention 23

CSR Report 2022

POLLUTION PREVENTION The core challenge of our EMS is to continue to develop our activities with the permanent concern of integrating and preserving the protected and classified natural sites around which the plant is situated. In order to make air emissions monitoring more reliable and assess the impact of the company’s activities, HEXIS is a member of ATMO OCCITANIE as part of a air quality monitoring programme. This membership attests to our desire to act in favour of the preservation of air quality.

The implementation of an H’EQO plan (HEXIS ECONOMY QUALITY ORGANISATION), has enabled us to sustainably act on the reduction of our production of waste. This project allows us to act directly on the reduction of sources of industrial waste. The scrap rate of our non-conforming production is only 0.50% of m² manufactured in 2020.

“Sustainable development is now an integral part of HEXIS’ company strategy. It is today essential to to have a vision that looks into the future by taking the environment into account in our our operations. The results of our approach have been achieved and encourage us to continue along this path. The objectives set for 2025 will enable HEXIS to make a quantum leap in the environmental sector.”

Objective for 2022: Scrap rate below 0.45%.

Our sustainable development policy is based on 5 strategic axes that will dictate and guide our ambition in terms of sustainable development:

Make everyone a player in sustainable development: In 2015, the United Nations adopted a plan in response to social, economic and environmental challenges. This plan includes 17 objectives that give us a roadmap to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They respond to the global challenges we are facing. Businesses will play a key role in meeting these objectives and HEXIS is determined to contribute to this effort. Develop the circular economy at the heart of our production operations Limiting the environmental impact of our activities: As a consumer of raw materials and manufacturer in the plastics industry, we strive to limit our production of waste, to improve recycling and reclamation. As part of the environmental management of sites aimed at minimising the impact of production, one of HEXIS’s objectives is to reduce waste at source while seeking innovative solutions to increase reclamation... Objective for 2025: Train 100% of our employees in sustainable development.

By drawing on our history and our strengths, we heed an energy culture that federates, empowers, and encourages action and initiatives at all levels and in all parts of the company. 24

Emma GARAND Quality and Sustainable Development Engineer Apprentice


CSR Report 2022


Act ethically within our territories

Continuously reduce diffuse air emissions emanating from our production.

Reducing our sources of waste while promoting the reclamation of materials.

To propose solutions to optimise the end of the life cycle of our products.

Reduce our energy impact by using the right amount of energy.

Work with our suppliers for more sustainable sourcing.

Promote ethical business practices in our activities.

To contribute to the socio-economic development of the territories.

Reduce the amount of waste and the ecological impact of our shipments.

Reduce sustainably and significantly the environmental impact


CSR Report 2022

Anticipate and meet customer expectations and requirements of the customer.

Be seen by investors as a profitable and growing company.

Involve staff in our quality approach.

Bringing together the working conditions for everyone to achieve their full potential

Participate in the development of French industry.

Promote sport in the workplace.

Innovate and evolve together towards a more responsible industry

Reduce the factors of hardship at work.

Ensuring safer working conditions in all our activities.

Facilitate internal and external communication.


HEXIS S.A.S. Z.I. Horizons Sud 34 110 FRONTIGNAN FRANCE For further information, please refer to our website www.hexis-graphics.com

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