French Style Villa

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法式风格别墅 高迪国际 HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING 编 广州市唐艺文化传播有限公司 策划 钱源 译


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法式风格别墅 高迪国际 HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING 编 广州市唐艺文化传播有限公司 策划 钱源 译

French Style Introduction 法式建筑风格简述 法式建筑风格——建筑形态以清新、亮丽、现代为基调,轻盈且活泼,打破了混凝土方盒带来的凝重和沉闷,同时追求宏伟、 壮观的建筑整体造型,洋溢着新古典主义的浪漫气息。法式建筑风格讲究点缀在自然中,并不在乎占地面积的大小,追求色彩之间 的内在联系,让人感到有很大的活动空间。

法式建筑线条鲜明,凹凸有致,尤其是 外观造型独特,大量采用斜坡面,色彩稳重、 大气,尽显华贵。法式建筑在建筑整体造型 方面有严格的要求,同时注重细节雕琢。法 式建筑十分推崇优雅、高贵和浪漫,它基于 对理想情景的考虑,往往不求简单的协调, 而是崇尚冲突之美,追求建筑的诗意、诗境, 力求在气质上给人以深度的感染。与一度盛 行的澳洲建筑相比,法式建筑是经典的,不 是时尚的。与活泼亮丽的西班牙建筑相比, 法式建筑则偏于庄重、大方。

法式建筑,多采用对称造型,三段式立面,屋顶多采用 孟莎式,坡度有转折;屋顶上多有精致的老虎窗,或圆或尖, 造型各异;外墙多用石材或仿古石材装饰;细节处理上运用 法式廊柱、雕花、线条,彰显出浪漫、典雅的风格特色。整 体建筑气势恢宏。 法式建筑风格是目前市场上比较流行的别墅建筑风格。

建筑风格特点 1 ◆



建筑风格特点 2 ◆

坡屋顶 - 孟莎式双坡屋顶(上部平缓,下部陡直)

建筑风格特点 3 ◆


建筑风格特点 4 ◆




建筑风格特点 5 ◆



建筑材料和色彩 ◆

切割石材 石材材质坚硬,色彩和纹理多样,易清洁,常用大理石和花岗岩

石材 + 加固坟丘的裂石



红砖 + 灰色单层屋顶——法国北部、英国与爱尔兰


1. 布局上突出对称的轴线和恢宏的气势,打造豪华、舒适的居住空间。 2. 视觉效果上凸显贵族风范,高贵、典雅。 3. 细节处理上运用法式廊柱、雕花、线条,制作工艺精细、考究。 4. 点缀在自然中,崇尚冲突之美。

法式风格室内装饰 法国作为欧洲的艺术之都,装饰风格是多样化的,其装饰元 素多以自然植物为主,使用造型多变的卷草纹样、蚌壳般的曲线, 以及蔷薇和弯曲的棕榈。为了更接近自然,人们尽量避免使用水 平的直线,而是以多变的曲线和涡卷作为装饰,它们的造型不是 完全对称的,每一条边和每一个角都可能是不对称的,变化极为 丰富,令人眼花缭乱,有自然主义倾向。 室内色彩娇艳,多为金色、粉红色、粉绿色、嫩黄色等颜色, 并用白色加以调和。

法式风格家具 法式风格家具分为洛可可式、巴洛克式和新古典式三种。 洛可可风格家具以流畅的线条和唯美的造型著称,受到了 广泛的认可和推崇。其带有女性的柔美,最明显的特点就是以 芭蕾舞为原型的椅子腿,可以感受到那种秀气和高雅,以及那 种融于家具中的韵律美。

新古典风格家具摒弃了始于洛可可风格时期的繁复的装饰 传统,追求简洁、自然之美的同时保留欧式家具的线条轮廓特 征,在风格和细节设计上,强调家具的舒适度和时代感。其简 化了繁复的线条和装饰,喜欢用胡桃木、桃花心木、椴木和乌 木等,以雕刻、镀金、嵌木、镶嵌陶瓷及金属等装饰方法为主, 装饰元素有玫瑰、水果、叶子、火炬、竖琴、壶、希腊的柱头、

巴洛克风格家具的特征在于其繁复的装饰雕刻,如花、叶、 动物、天使脸庞等。绝大部分的家具都覆以闪亮的金箔涂饰。 椅背、扶手、椅腿均采用涡纹与雕饰优美的弯腿,其中椅腿以 麻花卷脚即狮爪脚最为常见。椅座及椅背分别有坐垫,均以华 丽的锦缎织成,以增加落座时的舒适感。

法式风格装修搭配 法式家居常用洗白手法与华丽的配色,洗白手法传达法式乡 村特有的内敛气质与传统风情,配色以白色、金色、深色的木色 为主调。结构粗厚的木制家具,例如圆形的鼓形边桌、大肚斗柜, 搭配抢眼的古典细节镶饰,彰显出皇室贵族般的生活品位。

狮身人面像、罗马神鹫、戴头盔的战士、环绕“N”字母的花环、 月桂树、花束、丝带、蜜蜂及与战争有关的元素等。

Ⅰ 序言Ⅰ

Olivier BERNI Interior Designer and Founder, Olivier Berni Interieurs 奥利维尔·贝尔尼 奥利维尔·贝尔尼室内设计事务所,室内设计师及创始人

rance is certainly one of the countries in the world with the strongest tradition in the field of decorative arts. The French decorative style, with its centuries-long history, seduces those customers who are more interested in a certain spirit. From the height of French decorative arts – the epitome of which is the palace of Versailles – to the emergence of numerous art movements such as Art Déco, the Empire style or eclecticism, the French have often been trendsetters on the international art scene. With its rich history and numerous trends, it is thus no easy task to try to define what makes the French decorative style. If, however, one dared to give a definition, one could perhaps talk of a style both irreverent and yet respectful of artisanal traditions. While the English decorative style is often described as eccentric, and the Italian one as traditional, the French style is often associated with harmony. France, indeed, excels in the creation

of interiors where classicism and modernity meet without ever clashing with one another. Many agree that the French style is the fruit of the successful blending of elegance and trend with a view to express refinement in every detail. Even though the French decorative style is resolutely part of a long historical tradition, it is also the fruit of individual experiences. The French style is indeed known and renowned all over the world thanks to great names in the field of decoration. Several generations of interior designers have contributed to shape its reputation. The rearguard, made up mainly of fortysomething “dandies”, is now looking to free itself from its dogma. Many blend decorative genres, break away from traditional lines and ensembles and dare to use colour – in order to step away from the abiding good taste that is the hallmark of the French decorative style. It is yet again the opportunity to demonstrate that there is no such thing as a single French school of decoration, but rather a common culture nurtured by a variety and multiplicity of influences.

法国是在装饰艺术领域坚守其传统的几个国家之一。拥有几百年悠久历史的法式装饰风格以其丰富的精神内涵 深深地吸引着世人。从凡尔赛宫到装饰艺术,帝国风格或是折中主义风格都是法式装饰艺术的高度缩影,法国人一 直是国际建筑艺术的潮流引导者。 因其悠久的历史和众多的潮流趋势,要定义法式装饰风格的组成要素并不是一件容易的事。然而,如果有人敢 于对此给出一个定义,也许我们可以暂且这样定义——一种既傲慢无礼又很尊重手工艺传统的风格。英式装饰风格 通常被描述为“古怪”,意大利装饰风格常被视为“传统”,而法式装饰风格常常与“和谐”联系在一起。实际上, 法国人将古典风格与现代风格相结合,且这两种风格又不会相互冲突。多数人认为,法式装饰风格是优雅与精致成 功结合的产物。 法式装饰风格固然是其悠久的历史传统的一部分,但同时也是个人经验的产物。法式装饰风格能够被全世界所 熟知并久负盛名要归功于装饰领域的那些知名人士。几代室内设计师的共同努力成就了法式装饰风格的盛名。该装 饰风格的后卫部队,主要由 40 岁左右的“花花公子”组成,他们希望摆脱原有的设计信条。许多混合型的装饰样式 摆脱了传统的装饰路线和总体装饰效果,大胆地运用色彩搭配,以挑战法式装饰风格标志性的、经久不变的高品位。 在一定程度上,法式装饰风格堪称一种多元化且影响深远的文化风格。

Ⅱ 序言Ⅱ

Andrea D’Alessio Jr., President, D’Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs 安德里亚·达雷西欧 达雷西欧建筑设计事务所,董事长

rench–inspired design beckons from grand images of Versailles Palace to the easy comfort and elegance of Provencal county. Over the centuries, French art and architecture have influenced and played a leading role in the cultural life of the Western world. From the soaring Gothic and Romanesque architectural details of cathedrals, castles and châteaux to beautifully illustrated manuscripts of the Middle Ages to innovations of the impressionists and cubists to the fashion runways of Paris, French design has influenced the whole world. What we now call France was originally the land of Gaul when the Romans conquered it in 51-B.C. Today, we still can see Ancient Roman and Greek influence in contemporary French architectural design as well as in the ruins that still stand in Arles, Nîmes, and Paris. French style has influenced historic figures throughout the centuries from the great Frankish king Charlemagne, a member of the Carolingian family to Catherine the Great of Russia. The 18th-century Empress assimilated French culture and architectural design to

many mansions built for the nobility during the Golden Age, l’age de raison . Thomas Jefferson’s home in Virginia, Monticello was influenced by his time serving as minister to France for the United States and it was a French architect Pierre-Charles L’Enfant who supervised Washington DC urban planning. In the late 19th century, Château Style was popularized in the United States. The curation for this book diligently assembled illustrations showing design innovation, craftsmanship and construction of current French design. Although not French castles or châteaux per se , they were built to be like –inspired by French architectural design. Utilizing distinctive classical French design elements from by-gone eras of Pre and Romanesque, Medieval-Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Second Empire, Beaux Arts, Normandy-Tudor, French County or other revival French styles of the 19th-century Modernism, gives these present-day designs a timeless elegance. It has been said, “The secret of elegant style is exquisite period details in exacting proportion throughout that maintains the integrity of the whole, yet keeps the construction

from being merely a massive structure. ” The contributors’ illustrations in this book will give Francophile enthusiasts the chance to discover the secrets for French design style and its defining elements.

法式风格设计成就了宏伟、壮观的凡尔赛宫,也成 就了简单舒适、优雅静谧的普罗旺斯小镇。 几个世纪以来,法式建筑艺术深深地影响着西方世 界的文化构成,并在其中起着主导作用。从高耸的哥特 式风格建筑和展示着中世纪设计风采的城堡,到印象派 和立体派艺术家的创新,再到巴黎的时尚 T 台,法式风 格设计甚至影响了整个世界。

在本书的编写过程中,我们煞费苦心地收集了能够 展示法式建筑设计风格中的思维创新和艺术技巧的众多 插图。尽管书中所展示的住宅建筑本身并不是法国城堡 或酒庄,但至少在法式建筑设计的启发下,它们被建造 成法式建筑的样子。在建筑设计的过程中,独特的法式 经典设计元素被广泛使用,从昔日的公元前和罗马帝国 统治时期的建筑设计风格、中世纪的哥特式建筑设计风 格、文艺复兴时期的建筑设计风格,到洛可可式、巴洛

我们现在所说的法国最初是高卢人的领地,在公元 前 51 年被罗马人攻占。直到今天,古希腊罗马风格对 当代法国建筑设计的影响,从现在依然坐落在阿尔勒、 巴黎和尼姆的遗迹中可见一斑。 几个世纪以来,从身为法国卡洛林王朝成员的伟大 的法兰克国王——查理曼大帝,到俄国的凯瑟琳大帝, 法式建筑设计影响了许多历史名人。在其统治的鼎盛时 期,凯瑟琳大帝,这位 18 世纪的俄国女皇在为贵族建 造的许多住宅中都汲取了法式建筑设计的精髓。 美国第三任总统托马斯·杰斐逊位于弗吉尼亚州蒙 蒂塞洛的居所的设计灵感来自于他任美国驻法国大使期 间在法国所见的建筑;美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的 城市规划是由法国建筑师 Pierre-Charles L’Enfant 指导完成的;19 世纪末,法式城堡般的建筑设计风格在 美国得以推广。

克式、新古典式,再到法兰西第二帝国时期的建筑设计 风格、美术艺术风格、诺曼底 - 都铎式建筑设计风格、 法式乡村风格,或是重新流行起来的 19 世纪现代派的 法式建筑设计风格,这些设计元素赋予了当下建筑永恒 的优雅与华贵。 有人曾说过:“优雅的建筑设计风格的秘密在于将 其代表的某个历史时期所特有的精致细节贯穿应用于建 筑中比例分配严格的各个部分,既能保持其建筑设计风 格的整体性,同时又使建筑免于成为一个单纯意义上的 巨大结构。” 我们在书中加入的插图将会为法式建筑设计风格的 狂热崇拜者提供一个机会,去亲自探索法式建筑设计风 格及其关键元素的个中奥妙。

Contents 目录

French Classical 法 式 经 典

法式经典风格主要延续洛可可时代的装饰风格特色。家居装饰往往使用没有强烈色彩冲突的 色调;配饰以鎏金和水晶等熠熠生辉的材质为主,凸显华贵;帷幔和窗帘的装饰作用十分突出; 家具则追求轻盈、纤细的质感。

French Normandy 加利福尼亚 | 法国诺曼底经典风格住宅




French Château

Cote d’ Azur

宾夕法尼亚 | 法式城堡

新泽西 | 蔚蓝海岸

Beverly Hils Country Club Residence 贝弗利希尔斯 | 乡村俱乐部住宅




Montecito Estate – Rob Lowe Estate

Apartment AVH

Beverly Hills Historic Estate

巴黎 | AVH 公寓

贝弗利希尔斯 | 古老庄园

加利福尼亚 | 蒙特西托庄园——罗波·洛房产

French Neo-classical 法式新古典

随着洛可可时代的终结,法国的文化艺术呈现多元化的发展趋势,路易十六时期的新古典风 格就是其中之一。艺术风格又回归到古典、严肃的英雄主义,其特征是以直线和几何形式为造型 基调,追求整体比例的协调,不做过分的细部雕饰,多采用平行线脚、凹槽和半圆形线脚,彰显 理性,讲究节制,结构清晰,脉络严谨。




French Residence

Barrington Residence

Louis XIV

洛杉矶 | 法式住宅

巴林顿 | 巴林顿住宅

多伊尔斯敦 | 路易十四时期的法式城堡




Toorak Residences

French Regency Chateau


澳大利亚 | 图拉卡别墅

劳德代尔堡 | 摄政时期的法式别墅

美国 | 洛克梵住宅




Stone Court

French Normandy-Tudor

Maison de Village

普罗维登斯 | 石制庭院

新罗谢尔 | 法国诺曼底 - 都铎式住宅

宾夕法尼亚 | 乡村住宅

French Romantic 法 式 浪 漫

法兰西第一帝国覆灭后,法式浪漫风格在维克多、雨果等人的推动下得以进一步发展。其突 出的特点在于:它是在反对启蒙运动的理性主义和古典主义中崛起的,强调无拘无束的个人想象。 浪漫主义者不从真实的外界中寻找慰藉和灵感,而是以异国事物或天马行空的想象完成创作。


8th Street 佛罗里达 | 第八街




French–Inspired Contemporary Living

迈阿密 | Diaz 住宅


Bristol Circle 美国 | Bristol 楼座

宾夕法尼亚 | 法式风格现代住宅




F - Designer's Condo

Santa Barbara Home

Orchid Mountain Valley

哈特福特 | F- 设计师高级公寓

圣巴巴拉 | 圣巴巴拉住宅

深圳 | 山语兰溪谷

French Country 法 式 乡 村

法式乡村风格使用简单的色调及朴素的家具,以人为本,尊重自然,营造如沐春风般的感官效果。 随意、自然、不造作的装修及摆设方式,尽显欧洲古典乡村生活的特质,室内装饰色彩柔和 且素雅,比如灰绿色、灰蓝色、鹅黄色、藕粉色等。其比较注重营造空间的流畅感和系列化,偏 爱用曲线,于尊贵中尽显内敛。


French Normandy 休斯敦 | 法国诺曼底风格住宅



McLaughlin Blvd

Grand Westchester Country Estate

美国 | 麦克劳克林大街住宅

韦斯切斯特 | 乡村庄园



French Country Cottage

Neo–Classical Residence in San Marino

美国 | 法式乡村小别墅

圣马力诺 | 新古典主义风格住宅


French Country Estate 棕榈滩 | 法式乡村庄园


Piedmont Residence 皮德蒙特 | 皮德蒙特住宅

French Classical 法 式 经 典

法式经典风格主要延续洛可可时代的装饰风格特色。家居装饰往往 使用没有强烈色彩冲突的色调;配饰以鎏金和水晶等熠熠生辉的材质为 主,凸显华贵;帷幔和窗帘的装饰作用十分突出;家具则追求轻盈、纤 细的质感。

French Normandy 加利福尼亚 | 法国诺曼底经典风格住宅

Interior Designer / Joan Bhenke & Associates, Inc. Architect / Landry Design Group Builder / Finton Construction Location / Beverly Hills, California, USA Area / 3,902  m2 Photographer / Erhard Pfeiffer



Thoughtfully detailed and properly scaled to evoke an old world French ambiance, this architectural gem is a welcome addition to this exclusive Beverly Hills neighborhood. The greatest challenge, which has also made building this project a most exhilarating experience, is sourcing and incorporating more reclaimed materials than I have ever seen used before. Every last material is specially handpicked for this home and tailored to assist in actualizing both the homeowner’s dream and the architect’s design of it. The entry foyer gives an extravagant welcome, with beams of natural light coming through the elliptical iron webbed skylight and leads in all directions to rooms filled with thoughtful, luxuriant interior. Lighting, ironwork and additional antique elements have been sought out from numerous Parisian flea markets. The ceilings are composed of aged timber from vintage Irish barns, flawless bronze windows found and shipped from Remini, Italy and extra thick Vermont slate tiles for the roof add a particularly mature, country feel. Also keeping with the old world style of the home, the designers go back to France to obtain many fireplaces of various styles and reclaimed French oak for the flooring, which give each room a warm, vintage feel. In keeping with the residences’ decadent yet modest ambiance, there is a formal dining room and a professional kitchen, but also a sit-in kitchen in-between for the family. The designers have added a loggia nearby with folding doors that lead out to the patio and nearby pool. Upstairs, past the luxurious master suites, a state of the art fitness center and sauna lead out to a balcony which acts as a bridge, connecting the main structure to the guest quarters. The guest quarters are surrounded on three sides by the main building, and with the bridge attaching the second floor, the two buildings appear as one while also creating small, cobblestone walkways below reminiscent of Parisian side streets.







深思熟虑的设计细节和合理的比例分配,使整栋住宅唤起人们对法式浪漫气息的回忆。这座建筑瑰宝也 为整个比佛利山庄的高级住宅区锦上添花。 打造这个项目成为最令人兴奋的一次经历,也是本次设计所面临的最大挑战,同时还要寻找并搭配使用 尽可能多的再生材料。在此过程中所使用的全部建材都是设计师为住宅精心挑选的,并经过定制以兼顾业主 对理想居所的期望和设计师的设计初衷。伴随着穿过椭圆形铁网天窗射入屋内的一束束自然光线,首先给予 来访者热烈欢迎的是通向住宅内精心设计、装饰奢华的各个方向入口门厅。照明设备、铁制品、古董都是从 巴黎的许多跳蚤市场挑选出来的。天花板由来自爱尔兰谷仓的古老的多年生木料构成,毫无瑕疵的青铜窗户 来自 Remini,屋顶使用的来自佛蒙特州的意大利风格特厚抛光砖为整个空间增添了一种独特而成熟的乡村 之感。为了与住宅古色古香的风格保持一致,设计师专程前往法国,找来了风格各异的壁炉和用于铺设地板 的再生法国橡木,它们为每一个房间注入了温馨而复古的气息。 为了与住宅颓废而朴实的环境氛围保持一致,设计师不仅在住宅中设置了一个正式餐厅和一个专业厨房, 而且还为家庭成员在中间位置设置了一个临时厨房。设计师在附近设置了一个带有折叠门的门廊,以通向户 外的庭院和附近的泳池。在楼上,经过奢华的主卧套房,便来到设施最先进的健身中心和桑拿房,它们通往 阳台,阳台作为“桥梁”,连接住宅的主要结构和客房区。客房区的三面被住宅中的主建筑所环绕。二楼的 附加“桥梁”,使两栋建筑看上去融为一体,同时也在下面打造了由鹅卵石铺设的狭窄的人行道,令人联想 起巴黎的小巷。









French Château 宾夕法尼亚 | 法式城堡 Designer / Andrea D’Alessio, Jr. Design Company / D’Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs Builder / D’Alessio Construction Location / Pennsylvania, USA Area / 929 m2 Photographer / Randle Bye



A traditional European-styled French inspired Château with the comfort of a modern day family residence. The Château is a about 929-square-metre, three-story, five-bedroom, five-full three-half bath country estate, including a about 139-square-metre chef’s kitchen and family room with ceilings of 6 to 7.6 metres. The home has formal dining room and parlor, outdoor loggia with one of the home’s three working fireplaces accessible from the great-room and outside entertaining areas–pool and kitchen. The hand-chisel fieldstone facade is crafted with all sustainable authentic building materials. The unique qualities of stone and granite give the Château a sense of permanence, free of deterioration and maintenance. Handcrafted, hand-chiseled fieldstone and cast limestone facade elements make this newly built residence timeless. Custom cast limestone ornate door and window surrounds, balustrades, columns, capitals, pilasters, piers, chimney caps, and coping accentuates the architecture and old-world charm that were prevalent in 18th-century Europe. Decorative “Fleur-de-lis” roof ridge with 1.5-metre copper finials and copper barrel dormers as well as European styled chimneys including a 18-metre circular brick and bluestone stack chimney with 1.8-metre cast pot highlights the roofline from miles away. A custom-carved, hand-molded Louis XVI emblem cast limestone surrounds the imported Honduras mahogany wood entrance doors leading into the entry foyer’s 3.7-metre Double-Groin-Vaulted Venetian polished plaster ceiling and a hexagon, triangle limestone, two-tone granite stone floor – inspired by King Henry VIII of England’s Chapel Royal @Hampton Court Palace. Hand-carved wood arches flank the front door, entrance to parlor, dining room and Grand Hall. The parlor’s wood coffered ceiling with crown and beam moldings, the dining room’s clipped corner tray ceiling and the grand hall with four-barrel vaulted ceilings create unique individual rooms without walls and enhance the open floor plan.



这栋传统欧式法国城堡住宅有着现代家庭居所的舒适。这座 3 层的城堡面积约为 929 平方米,是一个包 含 5 间卧室、5 间带淋浴的卫生间和 3 间不带淋浴的卫生间的乡村庄园。住宅内部包含 1 个约 139 平方米的 厨房和带有 6~7.6 米高的天花板的家庭娱乐室。室内还设有餐厅、客厅、户外娱乐区——泳池和厨房,以及 可以从客厅进入的户外凉廊,3 个壁炉中的其中一个被放置于凉廊中。 手工凿制的粗石住宅表面由可持续的建筑材料制作而成。住宅中所使用的石材和花岗岩的独特品质赋予 这座法式城堡一种永恒感,并摆脱了因磨损进行维修的烦恼。手工凿制的粗石和人造石灰岩材质的住宅外观 使这座新建的居所看起来经久不衰。装饰华美的定制人造石灰岩门、窗户的饰边、栏杆、圆柱、柱顶、壁柱、 烟囱帽和墙顶凸显了住宅的建筑风格特色和它那种在 18 世纪的欧洲极为盛行的旧时代的魅力。带有 1.5 米 的铜质屋脊装饰和铜质桶形屋顶采光窗的鸢尾花形的装饰性屋脊,以及屋顶的欧式烟囱——包括 1.8 米长的 圆形砖和带有 1.8 米长的铸制顶帽的青石堆叠烟囱,使屋顶轮廓线从数千米外也清晰可见。


带有定制雕刻并手工成形的路易十六徽章的人造石灰石围绕着进口的大叶桃花心木材质的入口门,通向 带有 3.7 米高的穹棱双穹顶的威尼斯风格抛光石膏天花板,并铺设着镶嵌六边形、三角形石灰岩的双色花岗 岩地板的入口门厅——其设计灵感来自于英国亨利八世的汉普敦皇宫中的皇家礼拜堂。前门,客厅的入口, 餐厅和大厅的侧面均装饰着手工雕刻的木质圆拱。客厅中带有顶冠饰条和横梁线脚的木质方格天花板,餐厅 中的切角盘形顶棚,以及带有四腔式筒形穹顶顶棚的大厅在不使用墙壁的情况下形成风格各不相同的独立空 间,强化了开放的住宅设计特色。






















Cote d’ Azur 新泽西 | 蔚蓝海岸

Designer / Andrea D’Alessio, Jr. Design Company / D’Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs Builder / D’Alessio Construction Location / New Jersey, USA Area / 603 m2 Photographer / Randle Bye



The entry foyer’s gold leaf tray ceiling has a 0.6-metre–deep inlaid crown molding creating a warm and intimate welcome to the home. Quarter-and-rift-sawn wide plank oak floor foyer entrance has an all hand-hewn cherry wood, paneled home-office with one of the home’s three classic Rumford fireplaces and herringbone design firebox on the right and a formal dining room with tray ceiling and eight-foot bay-window on the left off the foyer, leads to the first-floor open floor plan–chef’s eat-in kitchen and spectacular great-room. The luxurious two–story great room impression is enhanced with a handcrafted Austrian crystal chandelier suspended from a coffered ceiling, floor-to-ceiling windows with French doors open onto a 12-metre outside balcony, brings the outside into the room. A sweeping staircase leading to the upstairs ensuite bedrooms and “Juliet” balcony hovers over the grandeur of this room. An imported French, pillowed-edge Beaumaniere Classic limestone floor, accentuates the chef’s kitchen and breakfast room. The marble and cream-colored Travertine limestone range-hood over a “red-knob” professional stove brings attention to the hand-carved cherry wood center-island with a 0.08-metre black honed-granite top and inset beverage sink, the refrigerator is camouflaged as an amour reflecting the French inspiration of this home. A solid-block of imported Spanish marble with inserted kitchen sink and cherry wood bi-level counter transitions the kitchen with the great room. A 5.5-metre bay-window encompasses the breakfast room from the rest of the kitchen. The first floor two-story ensuite-master-bedroom with spiral stair to a study balcony has 5.5-metre bay window and shares the great-room’s outside terrace. A spa-styled bathroom with oversized soaking tube, separate shower, WC, dual vanities, walk-in-closets is private and secluded from the rest of the home. The full basement is partially renovated with a two-car garage and terrace that leads to the backyard.

















住宅入口门厅中的金色叶状盘形顶棚装饰着 0.6 米深的嵌入天花板线,为人们进入室内空间营造出一种 温馨而亲密的欢迎氛围。铺设四开径切橡木地板的入口门厅中,设置了一个带有全手工雕凿的樱桃木镶板的 家庭办公区,内部放置了住宅内摆放的三个经典拉姆福德壁炉的其中之一。门厅的右侧是“人”字纹图案设 计的火室,一个带有盘形顶棚和 2.4 米长凸窗的正式餐厅在距离门厅一段距离之外的左侧,并通向一楼的开 放空间,那里是放置餐桌的厨房和引人注目的中心多功能房间。 悬吊于室内方格天花板之下的手工制作的枝形水晶灯和落地窗强化了这个双层中心多功能房间极度奢华 的视觉效果。落地窗带有通向 12 米高的户外阳台的落地双扇玻璃门,将户外景致延伸至室内。宽阔的楼梯 通向楼上的卧室套房和“盘旋于”这个奢华空间之上的朱丽叶式的阳台。 厨房和早餐室中铺设了进口自法国的 Beaumaniere 经典枕状边缘石灰石地板,拓展了空间进深。位于 带有红色旋钮的专业炉具上方的大理石和米色石灰华石灰石材质的排油烟机,引起人们对带有 0.08 米高的 黑色磨光花岗岩顶部的手工雕刻的樱桃木材质的中央独立工作台和嵌入式饮品存放槽的注意,冰箱被隐藏起 来,以表达对法式装饰设计灵感的敬慕和热爱。 镶嵌在自西班牙进口的结实大理石砌块中的嵌入式厨房水槽和樱桃木材质的双层长台面,成功地完成了 由中心多功能房间到厨房的过渡。一个 5.5 米长的凸窗将早餐室与厨房中的剩余空间区分开来。位于一楼的 双层主卧室套间中的旋转楼梯通向带有 5.5 米长凸窗的学习阳台,并与中心多功能房间分享同一个户外露台。 一间带有超大尺寸的浴缸、独立淋浴间、洗手间、一对洗手台和步入式衣帽间的水疗风格盥洗室属于住宅中 的私人空间,并与家中的其他区域隔绝开来。 地下室的局部被改造成一个可以存放两辆车的车库和一个直通住宅后院的平台。










Designer / Monique Lafia Design Company / Lafia/Arvin, A Design Corporation Architect / Landry Design Group Photographer / Erhard Pfeiffer



A tree-lined drive commences the journey to this grand French estate. The exterior limestone walls of the residence rise to meet an ordered mansard roofline. Exterior trim and details were made of textured and colored pre-cast concrete to emulate ancient limestone. The integration of a California-French lifestyle is most evident in the grand foyer. This formal space, with its sublime arches, dramatic curved stair with custom wrought iron railing and detailed moldings, looks through to a covered loggia that opens to water features. The outdoor loggia sits between the living and family room, in this large space there is ample seating. Wrought iron sofa, chairs with damask design fabrics adds to the formality of space. French limestone coffee table and large table and chairs provide diners with an unobstructed view of the pool, pond with bridge and golf course. The Loggia’s stone floors continue as the pool deck, visually joining these outdoor spaces. The freestanding library building takes full advantage of having no room above it. The ceiling soars one and a half stories high. A vintage pendant light custom designed by Monique Lafia. A family crest is mounted over the hand-carved marble mantel. French doors open to both the front and rear grounds. The English burl wood partner’s desk with a murono glass fixture and 18th– century globe add warmth to the room. Adorned with European leather bound books in the walnut bookcases create interest. The formal dining room has Venetian plaster walls, two-tone molding and French doors overlook the entry fountain. A space dedicated to wine storage occupies an open passage between the dining room and foyer. The hand-carved edges of the dining tables have been inspired from a 17th– century ceiling molding image taken from a shop in Paris. Rocco-inspired dining chairs add interest and whimsy to the room. French silk drapes on dark bronze. Wrought iron rods flank the French doors looking out to the fountain. The kitchen cabinets have a cottage white paint with umber glazes over to give an old world patina finish. The center island looks like a piece of custom furniture with a dark walnut finish and red granite counter top. Arched openings in the round breakfast room with views of the garden add to this special property. Walnut English pedestal table and French chairs with molding details at the base in Burgundy mohair fabric create a beautiful and functional space. The master suite opens to a terrace that overlooks a garden. The floor is herringbone walnut. Custom walnut curved bed with antique gold finials, silk Frette linens and a curved sofa in a Chenille damask print with chinoirserie, coffee table and bergere chairs in a silk taupe fabric. A Master Bath has an octagonal groin vault ceiling and onyx floor and shower.















绿树成荫的车道开始了通向这座宏伟的法式庄园的旅程。庄园外部的石灰岩墙壁与整齐的孟 莎式屋顶相连。室外空间的装饰和设计细节由带有纹理的彩色预制混凝土制成,模仿古老的石灰 石材质。 住宅中加州 - 法式生活方式的融合显著地体现在宏伟的门厅中。门厅中设置了壮丽的拱门和 带有定制铁艺扶手及精致线脚的弧形楼梯,视线可以穿过向水景敞开的带有顶棚的凉廊。 户外凉廊位于起居室和家庭娱乐室之间,宽敞的空间内设有充足的座椅。在其中摆放的铁艺 长椅和带有锦缎设计面料的椅子增添了整个空间的形式感。法国石灰岩材质的咖啡桌和超大型的 椅子使用餐者能够一览无余地观赏带有小桥的池塘和高尔夫球场中的景色。凉廊中的石质地板被 继续用于泳池边上,从视觉上将这些户外空间连接起来。 独立的藏书室充分利用了其上方没有空间这一特点。藏书室的天花板被提升至 1.5 层楼高的 高度。老式吊灯是由设计师 Monique Lafia 定制设计的。一个家族徽章镶嵌在手工雕刻的大理石 壁炉架上。落地双扇玻璃门同时向前后庭院开放。英式瘿木材质的办公桌、产自 Murono 的玻璃 灯具以及 18 世纪的地球仪为空间增添了温馨之感。胡桃木材质的书架上摆放着欧式皮面精装书, 引起人们浓厚的阅读兴趣。 餐厅中采用了威尼斯石膏墙壁。从双色调的线脚和落地双扇玻璃门的位置可以眺望入口处的 喷泉。一个专门用于贮酒的空间占据了位于餐厅和门厅间的公共通道。手工雕刻的桌边的设计灵 感来自于 17 世纪一家巴黎商店的天花板造型。Rocco 风格的餐椅为空间增添了一丝奇异的趣味。 深褐色的法式丝绸窗帘则为空间平添了一抹素雅。 位于侧面的由铁条制成的铁艺落地双扇玻璃门朝向喷泉。 厨房中,白色喷漆的橱柜表面涂有棕色釉料,呈现出古色古香的光泽。厨房中摆放的独立工 作台看上去如同一件带有红色花岗岩台面板的黑胡桃色的定制喷漆家具。带有拱形门洞的圆形早 餐室是对这栋特殊的花园住宅的补充,在其中可以欣赏花园中的景色。胡桃木材质的英式独腿桌 子和底部带有线脚造型、罩有马海毛面料的法式座椅共同打造出一个美丽的功能空间。 主卧套房通向可以眺望花园的阳台。室内铺设了胡桃木材质“人”字形图案地板。定制的胡 桃木曲面睡床带有一个古式的金色顶尖,床上铺着 Frette 的丝绸床单。弧形沙发罩着印有中式 艺术风格图案的绳绒线锦缎面料,咖啡桌和 bergere 的座椅表面则覆盖有灰褐色的丝绸面料。 套房中的主浴室使用了八角形的穹棱拱顶天花板,以及缟玛瑙材质的地板和淋浴喷头。



Apartment AVH 巴黎 | AVH 公寓 Designer / Olivier Berni Intérieurs

The challenge taken up by the Oliver Berni Intérieurs decoration agency has been to turn a vast Haussman-type apartment into a characterful residence. The somewhat impersonal and soulless premises have been totally revamped. A large selection of French antiques from the 18th and 19th centuries have been put together and combined with a similarly valuable selection of sophisticated and original fabrics. The result is a decorative project with a resolutely atypical style, where sophistication meets tradition. The harmony of colours, brilliantly executed by interior designer Olivier Berni, is enhanced by refined wall papers and coverings. The tailor-made light fixtures, as well as the furniture and decorative objects have allowed to recreate a sumptuous, elegant yet muted atmosphere. The decorative style produced as part of this project focuses on two distinct living spaces: on the one hand, the reception rooms with a sumptuous decoration such as the entrance hall, the dining room, the library, the study or the lounge; on the other hand, the more intimate living areas such as the master bedroom, the dressing rooms, the children’s rooms, the bathrooms, the kitchen, its office and the TV room.



The entry hall, which style is at the same time martial and warm, is inspired by the famous hall of paintings of the Château de Malmaison, which belonged to Napoleon and the Empress Joséphine. Olivier Berni chose indeed to put together furniture and light fixtures of the French Empire style, the centerpiece of which is an Amboina wood banquette with rosewood fillets and a coral velvet upholstering. The entry hall opens up on one end to the dining room and on the other end to the library, which itself allows access to the study and the lounge. The dining room – in the middle of which hangs a majestic contemporary chandelier made with crystal droplets – is a perfect blend of antiques, amongst which a very beautiful mercury barometer with behind glass dating from the Charles X era, and pieces of furniture of an eclectic style. The library, made with classically imbued wood panels, offers the visitors a lovely collection of prints that picture views of Paris. The lounge, vast and full of light, is structured around a central axis starting with a marble fireplace and its 19th-century trumeau with a Caracalla bust on a decorated lining. On either side of this axis, tailored-made pieces of furniture have been laid out, upholstered with rich brocades and enhanced with decorative trimmings. The living areas, such as the master bedroom area with its walk-in closet and en-suite bathroom, have been designed in the manner of a hotel suite. The impression of comfort and voluptuousness emanating from it, notably thanks to the use of volumes, is combined with materials and hues in shades of grey, accentuated by touches of gold and mauve.











Oliver Berni 室内装饰公司本次所面临的挑战是将这个空间宽敞的豪斯曼型公寓转变成一间具有独特风格的住宅。 设计师将这间稍显冷漠和无生气的住宅进行了全面的翻修,精选了 18、19 世纪法式风格的老式家具组合,并搭 配使用了同样精挑细选的精致的独创面料。 最终,设计师将整个住宅打造成一个高雅与传统相结合的非典型风格的装饰项目。设计师巧妙地进行了和谐的色 彩搭配,其效果在精致的壁纸和墙面涂料的搭配使用下得到了进一步加强。定制的照明设备、家具和装饰物共同营造 出一种优雅奢华、温馨柔和的空间氛围。 装饰风格作为本次设计项目的重要组成部分,强调两种截然不同的生活空间:一方面,是室内装饰奢华的会客室, 例如住宅中的门厅、餐厅、藏书室、书房或休息室;另一方面,则是更加私密的生活区域,例如主卧室、更衣室、儿童房、 盥洗室、厨房、办公室和电视室。 门厅采用暖色调的尚武装饰风格,设计灵感来自于拿破仑和约瑟芬皇后的《马勒梅松城堡》油画中著名的门厅。 设计师将法兰西帝国风格的家具和照明设备精心搭配,门厅内的中心装饰品是一个带有花梨木嵌条并铺有珊瑚绒地毯 的蔷薇木台坎。门厅的一侧敞开并通向餐厅,另一侧通向藏书室,同时又能够通向书房和休息室。餐厅的中央悬挂着 由水晶珠制成的宏伟的现代风格枝形吊灯,这里还摆放了一个十分华丽、其后玻璃的历史可以追溯到查理十世的水银 气压计和几件折中风格的家具,尽显古式风格的完美融合。藏书室内挂满了仿古风格的木质护墙板,为参观者提供了 许多描绘巴黎风光的优美图片。光线充足且宽敞的休息室围绕以间壁装饰衬层上带有 Caracalla 半身雕塑像的大理石 壁炉为开端的中心轴进行布局。在中心轴的两侧陈列着为空间量身定做的家具,并以精美的锦缎加以装饰,面料上的 装饰性点缀也使其装饰效果得以加强。 住宅内的居住区,例如主卧室区域及其配套的步入式衣帽间和套房浴室,则依照了酒店套房的设计样式,在灰白 色的色调下将装饰材料和颜色相结合,并使其在少量金色和淡紫色的衬托下得以凸显,使整个空间舒适、迷人。











French Neoclassical 法式新古典

随着洛可可时代的终结,法国的文化艺术呈现多元化的发展趋势,路 易十六时期的新古典风格就是其中之一。艺术风格又回归到古典、严肃的 英雄主义,其特征是以直线和几何形式为造型基调,追求整体比例的协调, 不做过分的细部雕饰,多采用平行线脚、凹槽和半圆形线脚,彰显理性, 讲究节制,结构清晰,脉络严谨。

French Residence 洛杉矶 | 法式住宅

Design Company / Landry Design Group Architect / Richard Landry Location / Los Angeles, USA Photographer / Erhard Pfeiffer Materials / Described in Description



For 15 years, a Hollywood mogul, his wife and their children have lived in the French chateau-inspired estate that Landry Design Group created for them on what was once 2.4 hectares of vacant land. Since then, the hundreds of trees brought to the property have grown as well as the formal gardens. The property has also been enhanced by luxurious fountains, a pool and a lake. The slate roof and French limestone façade of the main house have acquired a pleasing patina. Outside, the residence has continued to reflect its owners’ refined taste. The couple have decided that it is time, however, to change the interior. Appreciating the European approach of preserving historic exteriors while modernizing interiors, the couple have turned once again to Richard Landry. He and his team have answered with an interior so strikingly transformed it is hard for people to believe it to be the same home. Throughout the house, layers of moldings, ceiling treatments and other details have been simplified. Colors brightened from tawny shades to crisp whites, and light fixtures have been updated or recessed out of sight. The foyer now has a dome ceiling defined by cove lights. Dark-stained wood used in coffered ceilings, paneling, molding and French doors has been refinished to match the white walls in the living room, family room and dining room. These rooms conveniently open to a covered loggia, which remains a favorite place to entertain. The remodeled master suite on the second floor also highlights the owners’ new preference for modern living spaces. A sleek bed and tables made of highly lacquered, dark-stained wood are set against a wall paneled in white leather arranged in a brick-like pattern. The light-filled master bath has white custom cabinets and Caesar Stone floors. Here, mirrors and two walls of glass capture the tree-filled view.










在过去的 15 年中,这位好莱坞的电影大亨和他的妻儿一直居住在这栋 Landry


Design Group 设计公司为他们在曾经是 2.4 公顷的空置土地上打造的法国城堡风




园一起生长起来。花园住宅的整体品质因一个水池、一个湖泊和奢华的喷泉而得以 提升。住宅中主建筑的板岩顶板和法国石灰石材质的正面具有令人愉悦的光泽。花 园住宅的外观彰显出业主高雅的生活品位,而夫妻俩决定是时候改变住宅的室内设

深色染色木材被应用于方格天花板、嵌板和线脚上,落地双扇玻璃门被再次抛 光,以便与起居室、家庭娱乐室和餐厅中的白色墙壁相匹配。这些房间都便利地通 向住宅内最佳的待客地点——一个带有顶棚的门廊。

计了。 位于二楼的主卧套房也被加以改造,改造后的套房更加凸显了业主对现代生活 夫妻俩十分欣赏既保留建筑的历史外观,同时又使住宅内部的设计实现现代化 的欧式设计方案,于是他们又一次找到了设计师 Richard Landry。Richard Landry 和他的设计团队为其打造了一个有着惊人改变的室内空间,让人很难相信设计前后 的住宅是同一所房子。

空间的偏爱。豪华的睡床和经过高光泽度亮漆处理的由深色染色木材制成的桌子靠 着墙壁摆放,墙壁镶有排列如砖块图案的白色皮革镶板。采光充足的主浴室内摆放 了定制的白色橱柜并铺设了恺萨金石的地板。从浴室中的镜子和两面玻璃墙中,能 够捕捉到郁郁葱葱的庭院景色。



Barrington Residence 巴林顿 | 巴林顿住宅 Architect / Andreozzi Architects Decorator / Libby Langdon & Ellie Carreiro Location / Barrington Rhode Island, USA Photographer / Aaron Usher & David Rizzolo

There are three major aesthetic components to this design solution aside from natural demands on the home’s program. The first is an image out of a magazine of an existing two–story front entry doorway that the clients adored, the second is their love for the grand manor houses in Normandy, and the third is their passion for the patina of the historic stucco veneered homes in and around Tuscany. From these very different and personal passions has been born a true hybrid party by the gentle mixing of classical styles, unique only with the client’s common soul.



As one proceeds through the classical front door elevation a spacious entry foyer awaits you with an oval–shaped, two–story–high clearstory that features an oval shaped dome above, a custom –designed stairway with handrail and matching chandelier handcrafted by a local blacksmith. A center arch under the stairway leads into a waterfront dining room, then beyond to a covered loggia that centers the symmetrical waterside elevation. The kitchen, breakfast nook, family room, dining room, and living rooms all feature water views to the south. To fulfill the vision completely, stucco has been imported from Texas, applied to a full concrete block building shell, and then trimmed with custom–designed architectural moldings individually molded stained concrete for the quoins, beams, and columns, all handcrafted by local labor. The site is located in Barrington Rhode Island connected to the Narragansett Bay and its views by acres of rolling lawn. It faces south with views of the Mt. Hope, Newport, and Jamestown Bridges in the distance.










除了住宅设计规划中的自然需求外,本方案包括三个主要的审美要 素。第一个要素是业主十分喜爱的来源于一本杂志上的双层前门通道的 影像,第二个要素是他们对诺曼底豪华的庄园住宅的热爱,第三个要素 则是他们对位于托斯卡纳内部及周边历史上著名的古色古香的镶面粉刷 住宅的喜爱。考虑到这些各异的个人爱好,设计师致力于打造一个与业 主心驰神往的真正意义上的混合风格住宅。 经过古典风格的前门高地,迎接你的是一个宽敞的、带有以椭圆形 屋顶为特色的两层楼高的椭圆形天窗的定制入口门厅,以及由当地铁匠 手工制作的带有扶手和配套枝形吊灯的楼梯。位于楼梯下方的中心拱顶 通向位于水边的餐厅,在有顶门廊的另一侧则以对称的水边高地为中心。 厨房、早餐区、家庭娱乐室、餐厅和起居室都以朝南方向的水景为特色。 为了使整个设计尽善尽美,设计师选用德克萨斯州的粉饰灰泥材料, 用于粉饰混凝土砌块的建筑外壳,并用特别定制的建筑线脚对外壳进行 装饰,在外墙角、横梁和柱子上分别使用由模具制成的彩色混凝土,所 有这些工序都是由当地的劳工手工完成的。 住宅位于罗德岛的巴林顿市,并通过起伏的草坪与纳拉干塞特湾相 连,朝南面向厚普山(也译为“希望山”)、纽波特和位于远处的詹姆 斯敦大桥。






Louis XIV 多伊尔斯敦 | 路易十四时期的法式城堡 Designer / Andrea D’Alessio, Jr. Design Company / D’Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs Builder / D’Alessio Construction Location / Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA Area / 929 m2 Photographer / Randle Bye

The Louis XIV Château is a 0.1–ha, three-story, five-bedroom suites, six–full and three–half baths, has a formal parlor, dining room, home–office, solarium and master ensuite bedroom with exercise, and sitting rooms. The luxurious two-story entry foyer with its sweeping curved staircase and hand–forged custom wrought–iron balustrade with brass handrail highlights an elegant entrance to a 111–square–metre Louis XIV inspired ballroom that waits beyond the understated curved archway entrance framed by the staircase. Italian marble floors with inlaid chocolate marble Lamé Curve (super–ellipses) are softened with the use of cherry–wood stairs and risers, accentuates the transition through the ballroom to the outside stone-slap of 12–metre veranda.



In the style of Louis XIV, the ballroom is inspired by 17th–century décor of the “Queens Guard Room” of the Royal Palace of Versailles. Two oversized chandeliers hang from medallions off the ballroom’s 6.7–metre vaulted Venetian polished plaster ceiling, has gold leaf accents and master millwork design combinations of complementary hand– carved, ornamentally embellished mouldings, crowns, friezes and panel moulding. Hand– hewed wood floral leaf, circular aches and 5.5–metre–tall Corinthian fluted wood columns and mouldings highlight the room’s doorjambs, French doors, window casings, cabinetry and fireplace mantel. The view of the estate is expanded by the ballroom’s floor to ceiling windows with eight-foot tall French doors that open onto a 2.4–metre–high balcony. A 1.2–metre–deep barrel-raised panel ceiling archway leads to the new dining /sun room’s octagon two-story turret surrounded with 1.8–metre–high windows has a copper roof and French doors, opens to the ballroom balcony. The kitchen of French country style inspires functionality and beauty meeting a high aesthetic standard while stylistically relating to the home’s European design, the look is as important as function. Handcrafted and milled cabinets go all the way to ceiling with simple trim and raised panel doors.









这座面积为 0.1 公顷的路易十四时期的法式城堡共有 3 层,拥有 5 间 卧室套房、6 间带沐浴的卫生间、3 间不带淋浴的卫生间、1 间客厅、1 间 餐厅、住宅办公室、日光浴室和带有配套健身房和起居室的主卧室套间。 豪华的双层入口门厅内设有宽大的曲线形楼梯,楼梯带有铜质扶手和手工 锻造的定制铁艺栏杆,凸显了一个位于带有楼梯外框的朴素的曲面拱门之 后,面积为 111 平方米、路易十四时期的舞厅的高雅入口。樱桃木材质的 楼梯和它的梯级竖板使镶饰有巧克力色的大理石拉梅曲线(超级椭圆)的 意大利大理石地板变得更加柔和,也凸显了由舞厅到户外的 12 米长的石 制走廊的过渡。 路易十四时期的舞厅的设计灵感来自于 17 世纪位于凡尔赛皇家宫殿 中的皇后警卫室中的装饰。两盏超大尺寸的枝形吊灯从圆形雕饰上悬挂下 来,位于舞厅中 6.7 米高的威尼斯风格拱形抛光石膏天花板之下。天花板 以覆盖的金箔和由 Master Millwork 手工雕刻的装饰性线条、饰图、带状 装饰和镶块板条的设计组合为特色。手工凿成的花叶图案的木质圆拱与 5.5 米高、刻有凹槽的科林斯式圆柱上的装饰性线条共同加强了门侧柱、落地 双扇玻璃门、窗套、橱柜和壁炉架的视觉效果。住宅中的景观被舞厅中带 有通往 2.4 米高的阳台的落地双扇玻璃门的落地窗所扩展。 上方为 1.2 米深的桶状板材吊顶的拱门入口通向餐厅 / 阳光室中一个 被 1.8 米高的窗户所包围的八角形双层角楼,角楼有铜质屋顶和落地双扇 玻璃门,通向舞厅阳台。法式乡村风格的厨房兼具实用功能和美学价值, 同时与住宅的欧式设计风格相关联——居所的外观与功能同样重要。带有 简单装饰和凸起柜门的抛光橱柜是手工制作的,一直延伸至天花板。











Maison de Village 宾夕法尼亚 | 乡村住宅

Designer / Andrea D’Alessio, Jr. Design Company / D’Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs Builder / D’Alessio Construction Location / Pennsylvania, USA Area / 604 m2 Photographer / Randle Bye


Maison de Village is 604 square metre with hand-chiseled stone facade with brick window surrounds, five-ensuite bedrooms, home office, two-story great room, chef’s eat-in kitchen, formal dining room with butler’s pantry, formal living-room and imported French and Italian marble tiled seven-full two-partial bathrooms. This French inspired château’s well-designed open floor plan provides a comfortable yet impressive setting for modern family living and entertaining. The three-story turret encompasses a radial oak and wrought-iron secondary staircase that leads to a guest suite, conveniently accessed by the service entrance and three-car garage. The facade is adorned with hand-chisel fieldstone and brick facade with three-sets of 1.5-metre English Tudor-style brick-stack chimneys, slate roof and copper finials. Enter the home through a 6.1-metre-brick radial, 0.9-metre-wide entrance with niches on each side of the double-set of glass and wrought-iron entry doors. The twostory barrel-vault ceiling foyer with Juliet balcony overlooks the entrance and has a sweeping view to the double-story great room’s floor to ceiling windows with French doors that open onto an outdoor veranda, pool and spa. The two-story great room with tray ceiling shares a double-sided see-thru fireplace with the eat-in chef’s kitchen that has an imported French, pillowed Beaumaniere Classic limestone floor and handcrafted–milled cabinetry, camouflaging stateof-the-art appliances. The all hand-hewn millwork accentuates the marble and cream-colored Travertine limestone range-hood and all granite counter tops with a Jerusalem-Gold 7.6-centimetre-thick limestone center island. A double set of French doors expands the eat-in kitchen onto the veranda and outdoor living space, pool and spa. The formal dining room has a 2.4-metre bay window, butler’s pantry and embellished with one of the home’s three traditional 1790 design Rumford fireplaces with herringbone pattern firebox. Custom cabinetry, 25.4-centimetre-wide baseboard trim, three-piece crown molding, and 12.7-centimetre-thick white-oak flooring is used throughout the home.







这栋面积为 604 平方米的住宅采用手工凿刻的石制外观,四周是砖制的窗户。住宅内包括 5 个卧室套间、家庭办公室、 双层挑高客厅、配有餐桌的厨房、配有餐具室的餐厅、客厅、7 间带有浴室的卫生间和 2 间不带浴室的卫生间,所有的 卫生间内都铺设了进口自法国和意大利的大理石。设计师为住宅精心设计的法国城堡风格的开放房屋平面规划为现代 家庭的生活和娱乐提供了一个既舒适又令人印象深刻的家居环境。3 层楼高的角楼围绕着一棵径向生长的橡树和通向客 人套房的铁艺辅助楼梯,可以便利地通过服务通道和可以容纳 3 辆车的车库进入其中。住宅的正面嵌入手工凿刻的粗石, 并带有 3 套 1.5 米高的都铎式砖堆烟囱、板岩顶板和铜质叶尖饰。 客人可以通过一个 6.1 米径长、0.9 米宽的砖制入口进入住宅,两套玻璃铁艺入口门的两侧都饰有壁龛。带有双层 楼高的圆筒形穹窿顶棚和朱丽叶式阳台的门厅高耸于住宅的入口之上,在其中可以清晰地看见双层挑高客厅中带有落 地双扇玻璃门的落地窗,玻璃门通向户外的门廊、泳池和水疗区。 带有盘形顶棚的双层楼高的客厅与配有餐桌的厨房共用一个双面透视壁炉。厨房里铺设了进口自法国的古典 Beaumaniere 石灰岩地板,并配备了手工抛光的壁橱和隐藏放置的最先进的电器。全手工雕凿的机制木工制品凸显了 大理石和石灰华,以及石灰岩材质的米色抽油烟机。所有的花岗岩台面上均配置了 7.6 厘米厚的耶路撒冷金色石灰岩中 央独立工作台。 两扇落地双扇玻璃门连接配有餐桌的厨房、走廊和户外生活空间——泳池和水疗区。住宅内的正式餐厅中配有 2.4 米高的凸窗,餐具室里放置 1 个带有“人”字形花纹图案的火箱和 1790 设计的拉姆福德壁炉,这样的壁炉在整栋住宅 中共有 3 个。另外,住宅中广泛使用了定制家具、25.4 厘米宽的护壁板镶边、三件式天花板线和 12.7 厘米厚的白橡木 地板。






French Romantic 法 式 浪 漫

法兰西第一帝国覆灭后,法式浪漫风格在维克多、雨果等人的推 动下得以进一步发展。其突出的特点在于:它是在反对启蒙运动的理 性主义和古典主义中崛起的,强调无拘无束的个人想象。浪漫主义者 不从真实的外界中寻找慰藉和灵感,而是以异国事物或天马行空的想 象完成创作。

French-Inspired Contemporary Living 宾夕法尼亚 | 法式风格现代住宅

Designer / Kirsten McCoy, Lisa Grossman, Laura Buchner Design Company / Meadowbank Designs Builder / Nolen Builders Location / Pennsylvania, USA

The luxurious textiles, antiques, and lavish window treatments of this formal living room are brought into today with the use of a cork and gold treated wallcovering inside the panels, contemporary artwork, and a reflective metallic paint treatment on the ceiling. The window treatment, sofa, and chair fabrics are all from Scalamandre. The rug is from Stark Carpets. The custom-painted console is from Niermann Weeks. The master’s masculine navy and gray palette still exudes quality, warmth, and a cocoon-like feeling at night. The drapes, interior canopy, and main canopy are silk from Schumacher and Rogers and Goffigon cashmere velvet. Stark carpeting, Phillip Jeffries lacquered grasscloth wallcovering, Scalamandre silk velvet bench, and reproduction French bedside cabinets custom-finished by French Heritage complete the room. The guestroom inspiration came from a favorite Parisian hotel that was enveloped by the same pattern on the drapes and the walls, but updated for today with traditional, scaled-up, patterned wallpaper in a fresh new colorway by Nina Campbell. Fit for a princess, Meadowbank has used a paint technique to mimic a French salon in the young daughter’s favorite color pink. The silk drapery and bedding fabrics are from Beacon Hill. The antique Aubusson rug is from Stark. The bed, night tables, and vanity are custom- designed and painted. The chairs are antique. The playroom was inspired by a Parisian café including the whimsical café canopy window treatment and a Parisian themed mural (out of view). The window seat lends a comfortable nook for reading or tea parties with friends. The window fabric is from Designer’s Guild. The window seat fabrics are from Designer’s Guild, Romo and Schumacher. 304








配备有奢华织物、古董和豪华窗饰的客厅诞生了!软木和烫金墙面涂料结合的护墙板、 现代艺术品以及经过金属反射涂漆处理的天花板相得益彰,搭配 Scalamandre 窗帘、沙发和 椅子面料,以及 Stark 小地毯和 Niermann Weeks 定制涂漆小桌,极大地提升了空间的艺术 美感。 主卧室中,海蓝色和灰色的配色方案在夜晚尽显奢华的品质,给人一种蚕茧般的感觉。 Schumacher 丝绸窗帘、遮篷和主顶棚,Rogers and Goffigon 羊绒天鹅绒,Stark 地毯, Phillip Jeffries 喷漆夏布墙面涂料,以及 Scalamandre 丝绒长凳和依照法式传统定制的翻版 法式床头柜,这些装饰使空间成为一个和谐、完美的整体。客房的设计灵感来自于一家设计 师所钟爱的、环绕着相同图案的窗帘和墙壁的巴里西亚酒店,为了契合业主的需求,更新使 用了更大比例的传统图案壁纸,但是采用了由 Nina Campbell 完成的全新的色彩设计。 设计公司在装饰设计过程中使用非常适合小公主的、家中的小女儿最喜欢的粉色涂饰, 并采用模仿法国沙龙的涂刷技术。Beacon Hill 丝绸帘子和床品织物,与 Stark 古典欧比松地 毯和座椅相得益彰。床、床头柜和洗手台都是定制的,并使用了定制喷漆。娱乐室的设计灵 感来自于巴黎的咖啡馆,包括古怪的咖啡厅天窗窗帘和巴黎主题壁画(在视野范围之外)。 靠窗座位通向一个可以用于读书或是和朋友进行茶会的舒适角落。Designer’s Guild 窗帘布 精致且典雅,座位均以 Designer’s Guild、Romo 和 Schumacher 面料加以装饰,极具质感 与品位。



French Country 法 式 乡 村

法式乡村风格使用简单的色调及朴素的家具,以人为本,尊重自然,营 造如沐春风般的感官效果。 随意、自然、不造作的装修及摆设方式,尽显欧洲古典乡村生活的特质, 室内装饰色彩柔和且素雅,比如灰绿色、灰蓝色、鹅黄色、藕粉色等。其比较 注重营造空间的流畅感和系列化,偏爱用曲线,于尊贵中尽显内敛。

French Normandy 休斯敦 | 法国诺曼底风格住宅 Architect / Robert Dame Designs Construction / Christopher Sims Custom Homes Location / Houston, Texas, USA Area / 1,022  m2 Photographer / Mark Knight Photography





This home, inspired by French-Normandy-style architecture, is located in the Woodlands just north of Houston, Texas. The home measures over 1,022 square metre of covered area and 650 square metre of living area. There are fine finishes throughout the interior of the home such as wide-plank walnut flooring, calacatta marble countertops, custom wood block wall paneling, in addition to ceiling paneling with reclaimed wood beams in the kitchen, living room and master bedroom. The exterior of the home is composed of brick with a Vermont 4-color blend slate roof and copper finials, gutters and downspouts, and boasts a rear outdoor living area with pool as well as first and second floor patios.




这座设计灵感来自于法国诺曼底风格建筑的居所,位于德克萨斯州休斯敦北部的伍德兰兹。住宅的建筑 面积超过 1022 平方米,居住面积为 650 平方米。住宅内部到处是精美的装饰,例如胡桃木材质的宽幅木地板、 鱼肚白大理石台面、木板材质的定制墙板,以及厨房、起居室和主卧室中镶饰着再生木梁的天花板。由砖块 构成的住宅外部包含由一个 4 种颜色混合搭配的 Vermont 板岩屋顶、铜质尖顶饰、排水沟和落水管,以及 一个带有泳池和两层露台的后方户外生活区。








McLaughlin Blvd 美国 | 麦克劳克林大街住宅 Architect / Kukk Architecture & Design, P.A.



Simultaneously elegant and rustic, McLaughlin Blvd has an abundance of French country charm which is suitable for relaxing with family and entertaining friends and can make you stress-free and cheerful. The interior of the house is decorated with French textiles, featuring rich colors and repeating patterns, giving you inspiration for colors and design motifs. For the design of windows, upholstery, sofa linens and throw pillows, the designer provides bright colors. Toile, featuring repeating scenes of country life, is another type of French-country fabric, suitable for interior design uses. In McLaughlin Blvd interiors, you will find iconic colors like brick red, mustard yellow, ultramarine blue, jade green and antique cream. Light colors like pale ochre and yellow are used for walls, while darker or brighter colors show up on accessories, such as fans, doorframe, fence. This interior design style does not shy away from bold patterns and bright colors for couches and chairs, which act as a foil to surrounding natural materials. 370

麦克劳克林大街住宅尽显法式乡村魅力,优雅而质朴,适合与家人放松和款待朋友,让人身心舒缓、愉悦。 室内空间以法国纺织品作为装饰,拥有丰富的色彩和重复的图案,带给人色彩和设计主题的灵感。对于 窗户、家具装饰、沙发和抱枕的设计,设计师选择了明亮的色调。以重复的乡村生活场景为特点的亚麻,是 另一种适合室内设计的法国乡村织物。 在麦克劳克林大街住宅内部,你会发现众多标志性的色调,如砖红色、芥末黄、深蓝色、翠绿色和古式 奶油色。淡赭色、黄色被用于墙壁,而深色或鲜艳的色调则被用于风扇、门框、护栏上。这种室内设计风格 并不刻意回避形式大胆的图案以及色调明亮的沙发和椅子,它们是周围天然材料的衬托。








Neo-Classical Residence in San Marino 圣马力诺市 | 新古典主义风格住宅 Architect / Jamescoane + Associates Location / San Marino, CA, USA Photographer / Irmina Kobylko, Don Lewis



Originally a neutral, maze-like, two-story Ranch house in San Marino, the additions and interior renovations designed provide a solid and subtle NeoClassical look and plan, befitting of the neighborhood and giving needed order and clarity. A large Entry, with a circular stairway, is flanked by the living room, dining room, and library, all with various levels of classical paneling, wainscoting, moldings, and details. The game room and movie room entertain both the children and adults, while an open kitchen and family room spill out into the yard. A large second-floor terrace provides visual connection from bedroom suites to the backyard.






这座位于圣马力诺市的双层乡间别墅原本是一所无色彩的、像迷宫一样的居所。为住宅设计的附加房屋 和对其室内的整修使这座乡间别墅看起来很坚固,同时又赋予整栋建筑一个精妙的新古典主义风格的外观和 轮廓。宽敞的入口带有环行楼梯,两侧是起居室、餐厅和藏书室,所有这些房间都装饰了不同层次的古典镶板、 护墙板、线脚和细节。游戏房和电影室可以为成人和孩子提供娱乐享受,同时开放式厨房和家庭活动室延伸 至庭院。位于二楼的大露台在视觉上连接了卧室套房与住宅后院。














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Index Andreozzi Architects


David S.R. Andreozzi, principal of Andreozzi Architects,

Lafia/Arvin was established in 1997, by Monique Lafia,

has spent his career specializing in the renovation,


adaptation, and reinterpretation of traditional

Clients are across the spectrum, such as: Officers and

architectural architypes, while he is most known for his

directors Fortune 500 businesses; high-tech businesses

custom shingle style homes throughout New England,

entrepreneurs/founders of International Tech

major commissions exist from Maine to the Bahamas.

companies; world famous athletes such as Sugar Ray

David graduated from RISD in 1985. His design work has left the boundaries of building design and includes stained glass, furniture, custom millwork, town planning, sculpture, public art, a custom gallery clock for an

Lafia/Arvin, A Design Corporation

Leonard, and Wayne Gretzky; musicians such as Kenny G; actors, directors, producers and other well-known individuals in the entertainment industry. Lafia/Arvin has worked closely with highly regarded

international clock manufacturer, lighting, and cabinetry/

Architects, including Richard Landry of Landry Design

door hardware.

Group with whom Lafia/Arvin has worked together on a

David sits on the American Institiute of Architects

number of projects, The Warner Group, Marc Appleton

Custom Residential Network (CRAN) Advisory

of Appleton & Associates, Inc. Lafia/Arvin has also been

group where he was appointed to national chairman in

at the forefront of the design and blending together of

2014. CRAN provides content and representation for

comfortable indoor-outdoor living spaces.

residential architects from within the AIA. David was appointed to and sits on the board of the New England chapter of the Intitute of Classical Architecture and Art.

Lindy Donnelly

Lindy Donnelly balances design savvy with deep project

Joanne Riley, A.S.I.D. is and has been dedicated to

management skills and gracious client care. Lindy holds

luxury beyond expectation since 1990. Ms. Riley's design

a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design. Prior to

career was born with the knowledge that everyone has a

her interior design career, she worked in the fashion

deep yearning for a great place to live, work, and play.

industry in New York for many years, most notably

She focuses on the idea that in addition to our everyday

as head designer for Tommy Hilfiger, Inc., traveling

environments being beautiful and inspiring, our lifestyle

extensively to Hong Kong to develop collections and supervise manufacturing. Her work is deeply informed

Joanne Riley

design should support our health, enhance our love of life and help to realize all our dreams. She knows exactly

by her background in fashion design and love of textiles

how to get at the essence of your innermost lifestyle

and color. A native of the Bay Area, Lindy returned west

dreams and how to bring them to life.

to apprentice in interiors with Barbara Scavullo Design before starting her practice in 2003.

Architect Bruce Celenski, Inc.

Architect Bruce Celenski, Inc. specializes in high-end

Interior designer, who is good at unique aesthetic logic

custom homes in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “Every

to design interior spaces of different styles. His design

project we undertake is the result of collaboration

methods are magnificently bold and flexibly varied,

between the client and our team. All the resources of the

which go beyond habitual space aesthetic experience and

firm and the experience of our associates are available to

thinking patterns.

assist in the design effort and to carry it forward through

His design philosophies:

technical development and construction administration. Plus, we use sophisticated 3D computer modeling

Xie Hongbo

Make creation distributes revolutionary esthetic illusion; Design of space temperament is more important than

programs to document designs and support the bidding,

design of five senses;

fabrication and construction processes.” Bruce Celenski,

Personalized living space is materialized humanity;


Make life artistic, then make art popularized; Weave a net of experience with the trans-border aesthetic hints, in order to capture fresh aesthetic aspiration.


Robin Baron

Robin Baron brings a striking sense of style to all her

D'Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs is a unique

various projects, whether it is fashion or interiors. With

international Home-Design, Architectural, and Legacy

an immensely talented design team, and the expertise in

Building Company providing high quality services

all things décor and lifestyle, Robin thrives on creating

directly to clients, interior designers & Architects.

homes that are both harmonious and livable. She prides

Renowned for their award-winning, exquisite

herself that they reflect the needs and personality of her

architectural masonry–hand-chiseled stone, granite and

clients. Robin brings an innovative and vibrant perspective to all of her many ventures. Her knowledge of construction, space planning, furniture design, fabric and color selection, as well as feng shui, make her the go-to person

D'Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs

interior millwork of embellished hardwood mouldings and handcarved woodcarving details. D'Alessio builds with sustainable all-natural materials to create elite, oneof-a kind crafted 21st-century castles, luxury mansions, luxury estates and European chateaux, renovations and

for lifestyle and living fabulously. While establishing

outside living hardscapes—walls, loggias, patios, terraces,

close relationships with every client, Robin’s mission

pools and spas. The company has expertise in designated

remains to create interiors that inspire, while finding

landmarked restorations and reproductions of historic

the balance between distinctiveness and interpreting a

building design, commercial, public or monumental

client’s personality. At Robin Baron Design, the team


believes that each project is unique and all about the client!

Gregory Allan Cramer

Gregory Allan Cramer began his design career 27

Architect William Hefner is a fifth generation

years ago, in Pennsylvania, after a successful onset in

Californian. Realizing his passion for residential design

the fine art world. Interior design was the natural next

early in his career, he founded his own firm in Los

progression for his love of art and design.

Angeles with an emphasis on architecture, interior

Gregory has been the principle of his own design and

design, and landscape for homes. Studio William

construction management company since 1986.

Hefner’s treatise is to create homes that inspire, nurture,

His distinctive arts background and experience is prevalent in his use of color and the ability to infuse a

William Hefner

and transform the lives of the families who inhabit them. Hefner passionately advocates that the hands-on human

vast range of forms, textures and details into his design

element of craftsmanship is essential to bringing a home

projects. This knowledge is what gives him the creative

to life.

edge when designing any interior space.

William’s work is widely published in books and magazines around the world, and he has been named one of the top 30 architects for luxury residential architecture in the world by the Robb Report.

Jackie Armour

Jackie Armour, Founder and President of JMA

For over twenty years, Finton Construction has built

Interior Decoration, Inc. is an Allied Member of the

its reputation as the leader in high-end custom home

American Society of Interior Designers. She has an AS

construction, with offices in Los Angeles, Orange County

in Interior Design with concentrations in architecture

and Mexico. Identifying a market gap for high-quality,

as well as a BS in Business Administration from the

professionally managed residential construction, John

University of Florida. With 10 years of experience,

Finton established what is today a business consistently

Jackie and her team work closely with each client to create classic, timeless interiors. Detailed floor plans, architectural elevations, and interior perspectives create

Finton Construction

praised on the pages of AD, Veranda and the NY Times. With 30 on-going local and international projects annually, Finton Construction prides itself on excellent

the foundation of the design process with JMA. Custom

service, luxurious and eco-friendly homes with quality,

designed furniture, fabrics, window treatments, floor

detail-oriented finishes.

coverings, bedding, color and lighting uniquely define a comprehensive project.


Landry Design Group

The award-winning architecture firm, Landry Design

Since 1994, James V. Coane + Associates in Pasadena,

Group, Inc., was founded in 1987 by Richard Landry,

CA has specialized in custom residences and residential

AIA. With clients in the United States, India, Canada,

estates, historic renovations and expansions, residential

China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, The

and apartment interiors, corporate interiors, multi-family

Bahamas, Jamaica, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,

residential projects, retail projects, and small commercial

United Kingdom, Switzerland, France and Russia, the

building design.

firm continues to raise standards in high-end residential architecture. In recognition for his achievements in the field of architecture, Richard Landry has been on the Architectural Digest AD100 list of the top 100 architects/


While primarily working in the Pasadena, San Marino, and West Los Angeles areas, their body of current and completed projects stretches to Santa Barbara, Montecito, Newport Beach, San Diego, Malibu, Aspen,

designers in the world since 2000. In 2004, he was

Beijing, and Taiwan. Honored with an American

presented with the prestigious “Stars of Design” award

Institute of Architects award, and “Best Architect in

from the Pacific Design Center, and he has been on the

Pasadena” for the last several years by Pasadena Weekly,

"Robb Report Recommended" list of best architects since

the firm is well versed in and appreciative of historical


and modern architecture and design, and is known for its attention to intimate exterior and interior detail on every project.

Meadowbank Designs

Kirsten McCoy and Laura Buchner are the principal

For nearly three decades, Bea Pila has captured awards,

designers of Meadowbank Designs based in the suburbs

partnerships and commissions for her creative, intricate

of Philadelphia. Kirsten and Laura met at Drexel

and high-quality designs that harmoniously blend fashion

University where they both received their Masters of

and function. As founding principal of B. Pila Design

Science in Interior Architecture. Meadowbank Designs

Studio, she transforms spaces into inviting homes,

prides itself upon designing custom homes from start to

working from the ground up to harmonize architectural,

finish. From historic preservation, vacation homes, to additions and renovations, the firm has completed a wide

Bea Pila

fixture and decorative elements. Winner of HGTV’s “Designer Challenge” in Miami, Pila’s creativity has

range of projects throughout the country. Meadowbank

been featured on several of the national cable network’s

Designs’ best compliment and testament to their

programs and continues to be lauded by top design

dedicated work ethic has been the ability to design for

publications. Most recently, Pila launched her own

generations of their client’s families and friends through

furniture collection, “Hide & Seek” , which intertwines

the years.

luxe beauty with clever functions that accommodate the multi-purpose/multi-tasking lifestyles adopted today.

Brewster Thornton Group Architects, LLP

Brewster Thornton Group Architects, LLP (BTGA)

Patti Allen, Licensed Interior Designer and member

is well known for their ability to design homes both

of A.S.I.D., is the Principal Designer of Patti Allen

great to look at and great to live in. Each of their homes

Interiors, LLC. Patti Allen Interiors is a design firm that

represents the dream of one of their clients and the way

truly believes in the concept of “client specific and client

they want to live. BTGA specializes in contextual design

authentic” interiors that are fresh, personal and current

in established neighborhoods, and designs houses that

for her clients’ needs. Her designs give interiors their

respect their surroundings. All BTGA homes are good neighbors and are appreciated as beautiful additions to

Patti Allen

“soul” by truly reflecting the clients and at the same time keeping their interiors current, cohesive, and beautiful.

their surroundings.

Patti’s passion and love for interior design, along with

BTGA creates award winning new homes, renovations


of existing residences, and also adapts other structures

for her clients, motivate her to stay updated on the latest

such as carriage barn and lofts for residential use. Their

discoveries, practices, trends and styles in the interior

projects span a wide range of sizes, from tiny to grand.

design industry. As she works with her clients, her goal

All of them are individual responses to a particular

is to listen to them, to really hear them, to understand

client and site, and thus are always fresh. Mary Dorsey

them, understand their lives, where they have been, and

Brewster AIA has been practicing in the RI and New

of course, where they are now, what this chapter of their

England area for over 25 years.

lives is about, and then to go about creating the interior

desire to create the best possible design solutions

that addresses all of those concerns.


Debra Lynn Henno Design

Debra Lynn’s passion for Design began at a young age

Graduated from a prestigious french school of interior

only to become more enamored as she began to travel

design, Olivier Berni began his career in 1999 in design

and study Art & Design.

and commercial architecture.

Upon completing studies at the University of California,

Project director for 8 years in a prestigious Parisian

Los Angeles, Debra Lynn settled in the Santa Barbara

decoration agency, he first honed his talent with

area. It was here that she was able to continue studies in

renowned international establishments such as the

Art & Design and find constant inspiration surrounded by the beauty of Santa Barbara. Debra Lynn Henno Design is an Award -Winning Full

Olivier Berni Interieurs

Costes hotel or the Lancel stores. Other projects for prestigious private residences allowed him to confirm his taste for the neoclassical style, which he is particularly

Service Interior Design Firm which includes Residential

fond of. He then set to breathe new life into the

and Commercial Interior Design. They believe that

emblematic French decorative style of the 18th and 19th

“Beauty to be a Positive Force”, and it is their desire to

centuries that contributed to the high standing of Paris in

honor the clients preferences while presenting their own

the arts worldwide.

intuitive and visionary concepts.

Building on this experience, he decided to open his own

It is this collaboration that allows for the creation of

agency in 2007. The agency Olivier Berni Interieurs

beautiful spaces for their clients to enjoy for years to

has since taken care to ensure that every new project


becomes a unique experience, where sophistication meets the celebration of the most beautiful pages of the history of decorative arts. Services from the interior design agency Olivier Berni Interieurs are intimately

Christopher Sims Custom Homes was established in 1988 with the goal of creating the finest homes in the Houston area. For 25 years now, the Christopher

linked with its founder’s personality, savoir-faire and experience. Luxury, originality and elegance are the keywords.

Sims team has been doing just that. They have earned numerous industry awards at both the local and national levels, and continue to elevate the art of luxury home

Christopher Sims Custom Homes

construction. As a result, the solid word-of-mouth reputation they have garnered has served as their most valuable source of advertising. After all this time, each new project still ignites the same passion and commitment within them to deliver the very best to their clients.

Kukk Architecture & Design, P.A. is a design oriented architectural firm specializing in restaurants, single family residential, small commercial projects and remodel/ additions. They have built projects throughout Florida and have worked throughout the country. They pride themselves on providing distinct architectural

Kukk Architecture & Design, P.A.

solutions tailored to their client's lifestyles within the framework of a strong team relationship. High quality of service, good listening skills and diligent respect for deadlines are hallmarks of their practice. The firm has a growing reputation for creating architecture forged out of strong relationships and open collaboration between owner and architect. They have a seven person staff from all over the world, each contributing a unique background and professional experience to the firm.


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