Roof Garden Landscape - World Landscape Case Studies

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World Landscape Case Studies


World Landscape Case Studies


Dalian University of Technology Press

Dalian University of Technology Press

World Landscape Case Studies

Roof Garden Landscape Edited by HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING

Dalian University of Technology Press


ngus Bruce

Head of Design - Landscape Architecture HASSELL

With the majority of the world’s population now living in cities and

habitat to support biodiversity; all of which contribute to healthier urban

the density of development intensifying to accommodate the influx of

ecosystems. Collectively, this makes a solid case for their place in the

residents, industry and services, the demand on urban green space

urban environment.

grows. People are giving up their bucolic lives and sprawling private

Though green roofs are far from a new concept, they’ve been slow to

gardens to live and prosper in urban centres, yet the desire to unwind in

take hold in many developed cities. A major impediment to their wider

soothing green surrounds remains – it’s simply human nature.

implementation has been a lack of scientific data to evaluate their

In the process of creating our economic powerhouses – squeezing a

applicability across a range of climates, but this is rapidly changing. The

multitude of needs into a finite amount of space – we’ve underestimated

broadening scope of leading academic research in green infrastructure

the intrinsic ability of green infrastructure to sustain so many of the

technology and urban horticulture is now delivering the evidence

environmental, social and economic functions that enable a city to thrive.

to support the efficacy of green roofs in a wider variety of contexts.

Given the complexity of environmental issues we now face – locally,

Contemporary green roof projects, such as the Burnley Living Roofs

nationally, globally – our approach to urban development must continue

(featured within this collection), are combining this pioneering research

to evolve to better support, and leverage, the essential natural processes

with leading design and construction expertise. As with Burnley, these

that are so vital to a sustainable future. We need to develop a fresh

collaborations can produce truly innovative green roof solutions that

perspective and take a more holistic approach to the urban landscape, to

reach far beyond the obvious aesthetic aspirations to deliver exceptionally

revive and reconnect our green space and systems.

habitable, diverse and productive rooftop spaces.

As a design response, well-integrated green infrastructure (GI) is key

Increasingly, major cities around the world are recognising the value of

to restoring this balance, and green roofs are one GI initiative with the

green roofs as a viable strategy for climate change adaptation and are

ability to defy spatial limitations and deliver abundant benefits. Urban

encouraging widespread implementation to help meet established green

garden sanctuaries with fantastic views are just the beginning of the

targets. This will ultimately create more sustainable, liveable and beautiful

big-picture payoff. It is also widely accepted that green roofs can cool

cities for our future. As designers, we should embrace these opportunities

the urban environment and reduce energy consumption, improve air

to contribute on a higher plane and create restorative spaces that support

and water quality, and mitigate flooding, increase and connect urban

the individual and collective health of our urban communities.




The first decade of the 2000s has seen a massive increase in the

For buildings, research has demonstrated that combining different

number of green roofs constructed in North America. This continent has

plant types on green roofs keeps roofs cooler, improves water

finally embraced green roof technology, which has traditionally been

retention, reflects more solar radiation, and returns more moisture to

led by European initiative and design. Throughout the world, architects,

the atmosphere.3 These factors keep buildings and cities cooler during

developers, and owners are seeing the benefits of integrating living

warm temperatures, reducing the urban heat island effect and thus the

systems onto their buildings.

energy needed for cooling. Biodiverse green roofs reduce run-off into

Two critical statistics converge to support the importance of green roofs

rivers and lakes while returning more water to the atmosphere, positively

in cities.First, by mid-century seventy percent of the world’s population

impacting our increasingly changing hydrological cycles.


will live in cities. Second, cities are expected to occupy three times

People require access to nature for their well-being. As more of us

more land in 2030 than they did in 2010.2 With a decline in unbuilt land

will live and work in buildings with multiple floors, the roofs we look

area combined with an increase in the amount and density of urban

down upon can provide both visual and physical access to the beauty,

populations, the importance of vegetating and connecting people to

seasonal change and wonder that a diverse and native flora and fauna

nature is critical for human health and well-being, as well as that of the


world’s ecosystem as a whole. The roofs and walls of buildings present

In order for green roofs to provide maximum benefits to the people,

untapped available area in cities in which to plant and establish natural

buildings, fauna and cities they contribute to, it is important that

ecologies, as space at ground level will be severely limited.

cities have policies that mandate their construction on new buildings,

Green roofs provide benefits to building performance, the people in and

incentivize their construction on existing buildings and provide credits

around the buildings, the cities they are in and the fauna who depend

for building operators and owners. It is critical that academic institutions

on plants and soils to support their life cycles. This “quadruple bottom

support green roof research in order to provide data and best practices

line”of positively impacting buildings, people, cities and native fauna

that are specific to the geographical location in which they will be

has guided my work as a landscape architect and green roof designer.

constructed. My own practice has benefitted greatly through its support

I believe the simplest way to maximize green roof performance in these

and collaboration with researchers at the University of Toronto.

four areas is to incorporate design strategies that promote biodiversity.

In this book you will see diverse examples of green roof design from

Why is biodiversity important in our cities? Compared to monocultures,

around the world. I believe that architects and landscape architects will

biodiverse systems are more resilient to disturbance, provide ecosystem

continue to push their design to combine multiple benefits and maximize

services such as supporting pollinators and are cooler, thus reducing

performance – incorporating food production, maximizing rain water

the energy requirements of cities and positively impacting the earth’s

harvesting and retention, generating solar and wind energy, promoting

climate and atmosphere.

wellness and healing and supporting diverse natural ecologies.


cott Torrance

Scott Torrance Landscape Architect Inc.

1.World Health Organization. (2014). Global Health Observatory: Situations and trends in key indicators. World Health Organization. Accessed February 24, 2014. from growth_text/en/ 2.United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division. (2011). Population Distribution, Urbanization, Internal Migration and Development: An International Perspective (ESA/P/WP/223). United Nations. 3.Plant Species and Functional Group Combinations Affect Green Roof Ecosystem Functions. Jeremy Lundholm, J. Scott MacIvor, Zachary MacDougall & Melissa Renalli. Saint Mary’s University, 2010.


CONTENTS Commercial District Rooftop Garden


Trump Towers


Dedeman Hotel Roof Garden


D-Cube City Roof Gardens


Tamagawa Takashimaya S路C Marronier Court (Green Eave)


Orchard Central

Office District Rooftop Garden


Bord G谩is Network Services Centre


Shenzhen Stock Exchange Podium Garden


ESRI Canada Green Roof


College of Law Green Roof

Public District Rooftop Garden


Upper East Side Penthouse


The Westminster Terrace


Palomar Medical Centre


The Eden


Roof Garden Praderas


Sydney City Penthouse


'Growing Up' Green Roof


South Melbourne


Roof Garden for Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children


240 Central Park South


Library of Birmingham Gardens


A Pure Summer Retreat


Burnley Living Roofs


Arts District Hyattsville


The New Lanark Roof Garden


Hebil 157 Residential Gardens


Native Child and Family Services of Toronto Green Roof


One & Ortakoy


Sky View Parc


Seaside Rooftop Garden Tallinn, Estonia


Rooftop Terrace and Kitchen Garden in Tiskre, Tallinn, Estonia




Urban Retreat – West Town

134 140

The Mirabella Portland Marcel Sembat High School

Residential District Rooftop Garden



W Hollywood Residences Roof Deck


Life@Ladprao 18 Condominium Garden


Rooftop Workplace of Tomorrow


Reforma 412 Roof Gardens


Soho Terrace


Urban Oasis




Commercial District Rooftop Garden

Trump Towers

Landscape Architect Deniz Aslan

Trump Towers, a significant investment at the heart of business and urban life of Istanbul, is a unique project

Lead Designer Günseli Döllük, Elif Çelik

The design with its urban and the private use-oriented outdoors, the terraces and the courtyard, was based on

Firm DS Architecture – Landscape

Differences between vegetational and rigid material facilitated a 3D perception. Horizontal mobility was

Client Taş Yapı A.Ş+D Yapı A.Ş

and the covering materials. Seatings, shades, water elements brought diversity in the setup.

Architect Brigitte Weber Architects Additional Project Credits İrem Gümüşoğlu Location Istanbul, Turkey Area 13,300 m² Photographer Gürkan Akay, Cemal Emden, Günseli Döllük


that connects with its surroundings as a natural part of the urban landscape. a linear sequential setup defining the utilization of the gardens. obtained through coupling of patterns; vertically, through trees located on elevated topography, the linear walls A garden was designed for the terraces at higher levels away from the city’s chaos. Several utilization possibilities are offered to the user. One of the terraces was designed as a transitional and recreational area with the highest botanic intensity, the other terrace garden was designed as an open space and sunbathing area. The inner gardens of Tower 1 and Tower 2 are created without irrigation necessities. A sustainable inner garden was formed. As planting material, imitations with striking colours were preferred and an abstract garden image was created. In lighting design, the linear impact is kept both on the floor and in the water. Instead of tall lighting elements, the light reflecting from the trees and surfaces was used. It was aimed that the intertwining functional spaces, which were designed with a transition frequency; floor patterns, water elements, green components, and the lighting equipment to generate different perspectives, while sustaining a garden offering variety.












Orchard Central Landscape Architect Lena Quek

The design concept of Orchard Central is closely aligned

gardens on the 11th and 12th floors, which includes an eight-

to the developer’s vision, which saw skyrise greenery as an

metre tall, extensive green wall that stretches from the 11th to

Firm ONG&ONG Pte Ltd

important component in building developments. To this end,

the 12th floor, creating a ‘green blanket’ and is highly visible

greenery is integrated into the mall from the first level to the

from the street and taller buildings along Orchard Road.

Location Singapore

roof at level 12. A wide variety of trees, shrubs, groundcovers

The sky garden on the 12th floor also includes a biological

and water plants was used to create a lush, tropical rainforest

pond – added to enhance the garden atmosphere and

within the mall itself.

rooftop dining experience. Set against the backdrop of

On the first level, large planters placed at the 140-metre

Orchard Road as backdrop, one is able to enjoy a refreshing

Discovery Walk bring the outdoor streetscape into the comfort

and tranquil dining experience amidst bustling Orchard Road.

of the indoor environment. The creation of vast verandahs

Orchard Central is not only an injection of much-needed

– ‘green’ balconies designed for outdoor seating for F&B

greenery in the heart of one of the most well-known shopping

outlets – further ensures that one continues to experience the

areas in Southeast Asia, but also a tribute to the Orchard

outdoor atmosphere while travelling upwards in the mall.

Road’s historical heritage and the time when it was lined with

The unique, vertical shopping experience in Singapore’s first

nutmeg and fruit orchards.

‘vertical mall’ is enriched with the lusciously landscaped sky


1st Storey Copy


11th Storey Copy


12th Storey Copy






Office District Rooftop Garden

Bord GĂĄis Network Services Centre Landscape Architect TOPOTEK 1

The site of the new Bord GĂĄis Network Services Centre is located on a triangular parcel close proximity to the M50

Location Dublin, Ireland

landscape and with regard to the existing site conditions, the landscape strategy seeks to integrate these aspects by

Photographer Hanns Joosten

and microclimatic amenities to staff and visitors. Terraced parking draws inspiration from traditional Irish hedgerows, and

motorway, which forms its northern border. In response to its location between urban development and existing green setting the required car parking and loading areas in a new park-like landscape that provides environmental, aesthetic, features a central infiltration area with wet meadows and landscaped pedestrian circulation. The treatment of stormwater run-off occurs throughout the site in different forms, from the wet meadow in the car park to a swale along the eastern border, to a water feature with attenuation pond at a newly unified entrance to the site. An Integrated sustainable design approach combines microclimate, landscape, transport and a compact building volume with low energy design to establish a service facility that humanizes and civilizes the environment of the corporate workplace. With its protective skin, compact plan and interspersed gardens the building provides acoustic shelter from the nearby M50 motorway, improves the site’s microclimate and establishes a high quality, highly adaptable and permeable work environment.





Shenzhen Stock Exchange Podium Garden Landscape Architect Inside Outside Architect OMA, Rotterdam/Beijing/Hong Kong Local Landscape Architect SED, Shenzhen Engineer SADI, Shenzhen Lighting Consultant Arup Location Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China Area 11,655 m2 Photographer Philippe Ruault, Courtesy of OMA

The landscape design for the new Shenzhen Stock Exchange consists

of different heights; or soft, inviting carpets. To achieve a variation of spaces

of four types of gardens that represent and reinforce the new building’s

and spatial effects they use five different planting types: high shrubs, low

architectural and cultural ambition. A spacious park along the north flank

shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses and lawn.

of the building and a series of Courtyards, Roof- and Sky Gardens serve

Each plant has its own role to fulfill; the high shrubs (2m) protect from wind

as cooling screens for the building’s interior and exterior climate and as

and sun and the low shrubs (1m) define areas. The grasses and flower

relaxing areas for the staff.

bulbs provide colour, movement and light. The perennials offer changing

Podium Garden

colours and scents. The lawn tempers the acoustic and gives a soft feel to

On a tremendous overhanging roof, floating at a height of 60m above street

the roof garden’s surface.

level, Inside Outside created a roof garden for the extensive staff of the

Together, these five ingredients form a composition of screens and surfaces

Shenzhen Stock Exchange firm. The floral mosaic of the Podium Garden is

that differ in height and thickness (between transparent and opaque), in

based on a European pattern designed in the Middle Ages. Yet the pattern

structure and colour; and in seasonal effect (evergreen, seasonal, flowering,

could also be seen as a Chinese paper cut-out. This double interpretation

fruit- or seed bearing).

is part of the landscape concept idea in which the merging of cultures is

The pattern organizes the given space in a functional manner and invites for


different uses including meeting, strolling, looking out, relaxing, sitting and

This green ‘carpet’ is formed by filling in the line drawing (measuring 161m


x 97m) with trimmed up shrubs and ground-cover plants that form screens





ESRI Canada Green Roof Landscape Architect Scott Torrance Landscape Architect Inc.

Occupying an unused 9th floor paved terrace, the design converted the space into a fully usable green

Client ESRI Canada Limited

methods to create a space that addressed the needs of the entire office while remaining cost-effective and low

Location Ontario, Canada

areas for office meetings, lunch breaks and bird habitat and enhances the client’s corporate profile.

Area 740 m²

outdoor rooms. A staff garden is located adjacent to the kitchen and break room, while a public seating area is

Photographer Margaret Mulligan, Scott Torrance, Lei Chang

roof and outdoor amenity space. The design process employed innovative design techniques and delivery maintenance. Integrating both extensive and semi-intensive planting methods, the completed roof provides Based on the interior layout and existing roof structure, the roof garden was divided into a series of unique located at the main reception area. Meeting rooms are located adjacent to more densely planted areas, while an outdoor meeting room is located adjacent to the Human Resources department. Semi-intensive vertical accent planters (1200mm deep) were restricted to locations with the highest load capacities (columns). Areas with moderate load capacity (structural beams) were populated with smaller semi-intensive vertical planters (600mm deep) and hedges. Extensive green roof modules (100mm and 150mm deep) were placed in areas with the lowest load capacities. Vertical planters and coniferous hedges frame the perimeter of the roof, providing a green edge while allowing for a view beyond the designed space. Within the roof area the vertical planters define the outdoor rooms. Planting areas used a palette of 39 plant species ranging from traditional green roof species (sedum sp.) to perennials and grasses to create a dynamic and diverse carpet. Using pre-planted modules created an ‘instant’ garden. The linear design and plant palette responds to and masks site restrictions, providing a compelling view for tenants and neighbouring buildings. Year-round visual interest, coupled with aromatic plantings, provide dynamic scenery and unique experiences for users throughout the seasons.
















semi-intensive green roof 600mm

1 200mm

planter depth

yew hedge

scots pine

plant types

clear zone

extensive green roof







planting medium depth


grass - wild flower mix


grass - wild flower mix


plant types


Public District Rooftop Garden

Palomar Medical Centre Landscape Architect Spurlock Poirier Architect CO Architects Team Tom Chessum, Steve Yundt, Dennis McFadden, Eyal Perchik, Frances T. Moore, Jenna Knudsen, Alex Korter, Jenna MacDonald, Andrew Spurlock Client Palomar Health Area 6,070 m2 Photographer Tom Bonner

For the new Palomar Medical Centre (PMC), CO Architects conceptualized a functional and flexible garden hospital. A vertical garden at the centre of the south facade overlooks the extensive landscaped roof and garden terraces above the two-storey diagnostic-and-treatment (D&T) wing. It is the mission of Palomar Health and the impulse of CO Architects to honor the relationship of the individual to the environment and maintain the hallmarks of sustainable building. Healthy indoor air quality, a soothing and healing environment, and the materials and methods employed all reflect the commitment of the client and architect. Thus, PMC embodies two main directives of sustainable healthcare design: 1) Create an environment that promotes health and healing; 2) Reduce the impact on the natural environment in construction and operations. Because of efficient mechanical equipment, lighting systems, and envelope design, the building will perform significantly better than a typical hospital would in a similar climate. The green roof about 6,070m2, planted with drought-tolerant specimens, provides a connection to nature for patients in the nursing tower and is integrated into the building’s structural and mechanical performance. More than a dozen Southern California plant species are installed on the undulating span, with the help of San Diego-based Spurlock Poirier Landscape Architects. The roof contributes to energy efficiency by reducing ground reflectance and solar heat gain in the tower’s interiors and is integrated into the storm-water management system. Outdoor courtyards cut into the two-storey D&T wing, bringing natural light to the functionally determined deep floor plates.









Roof Garden for Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children Landscape Architect Andy Sturgeon

This project provides a roof garden to which 3,000 staff will potentially have access, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This

Location London, UK

staff. It provides a multifunctional space with semiprivate areas for sitting, relaxing, socializing and eating and the ability to

Area 261 m²

to create the opportunity for contemplation and recognition of the victims of 7/7 bombings.

calm, contemporary garden space is an antidote to the hospital environment and improves the working experience for host functions. The garden is to have visual and spatial connectivity with the interior space and the glazed structure and A stunning sculptural element was created in clearly defined areas for dramatic impact and to draw people into the garden. Good circulation within the garden and easy access were created to all areas. Different planes were created within the garden to help define separate areas. By creating striking horizontal planes which build up in layers – trees, sculptural frames, hedges, planters, lawns, paths, benches are all set at different heights. These changes in level throughout the garden provide greater interest and opportunities for seating. Numerous changing views were created within the garden so each space has a different outlook yet is visually linked to the whole garden. Each separate area is unique in size, shape and design and yet all are part of a unified approach, retaining the openness of the garden with the sense of sky and views. Sculptural frames provide a strong visual element, define areas, frame and create views, provide shade and seating. Hedges and planting create flexible, semiprivate seating areas within the garden. Linear hedges link spaces and are directional creating a natural flow through the garden, giving privacy and strong horizontal planes within the design.






P: Planter

b1, 3: Beams

B/001 Lighting & irrigation plan

HP: Hedge Planter

B: Waste Bin

J/001 Planting plan

TP: Tree Planter

Ia,b,c,d,e,f: Infill Pieces

S: Seats

0.00 = Finished Floor Level




Burnley Living Roofs Landscape Architect HASSELL

Designed by HASSELL in collaboration with the University of Melbourne’s leading green roof and urban horticulture

Client The University of Melbourne

The facility comprises three purpose-built roofs that collectively enable the full spectrum of activities undertaken by

Consultant Bonacci Group

Hidden from view, the Research Roof is a testing space with four variable trial plots, framed by raised walkways

Contractor Junglefy

The sheltered Biodiversity Roof uses indigenous plants, natural and recycled elements and a small stream of water

Location Melbourne, Australia Area 500 m2 Photographer Peter Bennetts / Les O’Rourke

experts, the Burnley Living Roofs is a world-class facility – the first of its kind in Australia. the University’s pioneering green roof research, education and advocacy programs. and individual drainage points, allowing concurrent horticulture, water quality and insulation experiments. to create urban habitat and encourage colonisation. The Demonstration Roof is the facility’s integral exhibition and education space. Its wedge design enables a range of substrate depths, which are sub-divided into irrigated and non-irrigated territories to establish diverse planting zones. A circuitous walkway encounters each micro plant community, integrating seating pockets for closer observation. The design is unapologetically bold and captures attention. It seeks to gain exposure by attracting interest from the design community, stakeholders in sustainable development and the media, to promote green infrastructure and living architecture in Australia.






The New Lanark Roof Garden Landscape Architect Douglas Coltart

Be inspired by the design and amazed at the stunning

Imaginatively designed, the garden contains decorative

views from this unique Roof Garden. Created on 836 square

planting with over 70 different plants and shrubs, a central

Area 836 m²

metres of roof of a listed mill building in the heart of New

water feature, and sculptures. The innovative design won a

Lanark World Heritage Site, the Roof Garden is the largest of

Commendation at the Scottish Design Awards 2009.

its kind in Scotland. The Roof Garden is one of the highlights

The decision to develop a garden on the roof of Mill No.2 was

of a visit to the award-winning New Lanark Visitor Centre.

influenced to a large extent by the views of Robert Owen,

Visitors can view this amazing garden year-round and enjoy

who owned and managed the New Lanark cotton-mills from

a spectacular bird’s-eye view of the surrounding natural

1800 till 1825. He believed strongly in the importance of the

scenery and the historic village, which is the gateway to the

environment and natural history, and argued that a pleasant

famous Falls of Clyde.

environment was essential for happy, healthy communities.





The Mirabella Portland Landscape Architect Mayer/Reed

The Mirabella Portland, a mixed-use 30-storey residential

certification by the U.S. Green Building Council.

retirement tower, is located in the heart of the South

The Mirabella has outdoor social spaces including

Client Pacific Retirement Services, Inc.

Waterfront District on the Willamette River. Formerly an

gardens and activity spaces. A corner cafĂŠ with outdoor

industrial brown field, the 17-hectare district has been

seating is oriented toward a public park across the

Design Team Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects, Otak, Kramer Gehlen & Associates Inc.Glumac

transformed into a vibrant new neighborhood with mixed-

street. Residents appreciate the shared spaces where

use housing along with retail shopping, transportation

they can spend time and entertain friends and family.

and recreation amenities.

Terraced seating areas next to stormwater gardens

The Mirabella offers an active lifestyle for senior residents

engage with a pedestrian street on the building’s south

who are seeking independent urban apartment living. It

side. All entries and outdoor spaces are welcoming,

also provides specialized nursing to residents needing

well-lit, easy to navigate and universally accessible.

varying levels of advanced care.

Even when people are not actively using the outdoor

Designed with outdoor terraces, pedestrian-friendly

spaces, they value the ability to observe people, nature,

streets, green roofs, water conservation practices and

weather and the change of seasons. Windows of the

rainwater treatment facilities, the Mirabella is a model

apartments, lobbies, community rooms, dining spaces,

community for sustainable design. The residents

and hallways were carefully coordinated in relationship

appreciate the benefits of green roofs for treatment of

to the outdoor spaces. This connection to nature and the

rainwater, water conservation and attraction for urban

larger off-site landscape views contribute significantly to

wildlife. The Mirabella was awarded a LEED Platinum

the quality of life for residents and staff alike.

Location Portland, OR, USA Photographer C. Bruce Forster







Marcel Sembat High School Landscape Architect archi5 Photographer Sergio Grazia, Thomas Jorion

The Marcel Sembat high school in Sotteville-lès-Rouen has the particularity to be crossed by a street and so is separated into two parts reconnected by a bridgebuilding. A public park is located straight on the south side of the site. The entire school is divided in six buildings of different periods, from 1930s to 1990s. The building starts at the boundary of the park and fits naturally to the site by the wavy design of its vegetated roof to varying curves and low height. The slight oscillations reveal the fringes of a park in motion in the shades of trees.







Residential District Rooftop Garden

W Hollywood Residences Roof Deck Landscape Architect Frank Clementi, Michael Sweeney

Rios Clementi Hale Studios created a new outdoor amenity deck at the W Hollywood Residences. The

Firm Rios Clementi Hale Studios

surface treatments. Grouped and individual furniture arrangements provide both communal and solitary seating

Lighting Kaplan Gehring McCarroll Architectural Lighting

The new ‘living room’ anchors one end of the roof. To make a grand impact in a limited space, as well as to

Client W Hollywood Hotel & Residences

patterned metal to provide a dramatic focal statement. Under the new shaded structure, a sleek fireplace and

Location Hollywood, California, USA

The architects also reconfigured the rooftop space to capitalize on views of nearby historic landmarks. Now

Area 697 m2

the pool, exercising in the gym, or enjoying the new fire pits. Completing the ‘living room’ are custom seating

Photographer Jim Simmons

provide flexible seating or lounge space. Interspersed with movable seating groups – also in Ipe – are custom

landscape architects worked with existing elements, including the gym structure, and renewed them with chic options for residents. mitigate sunlight, the architects added an overhead aluminum canopy featuring custom lattice. During the day sunlight filters through in a dappled pattern, highlighting the canopy’s design. At night, lights shine through the outdoor kitchen area create a welcoming and functional space for the building’s residents. residents enjoy direct views of the Hollywood sign and iconic Capital Records building while lounging around elements. On the pool deck, a long and sinuous built-in Ipe platform daybed curves along the balcony edges to fire pits with curves that echo the daybed. Lush plantings in green and purple tones were added throughout the amenity deck to create additional colour, texture, and depth. Plant choices were made to complement the Ipe paneling on the bar, outside of the gym, and on the existing billboard columns.







Life@Ladprao 18 Condominium Garden Landscape Architect Shma Company Limited

Location Bangkok, Thailand

Area 3,200 m²

Photographer Mr. Wison Tungthanya

Sky Deck The residential tower is topped with the sky deck offering 180 degree view of Bangkok horizon featuring full facilities for individual, couple and friends. Trio Diagonal Cabanas by the infinity edge Lap Pool emerges from a forest background providing a rare private lounging experience while sunken Sunset Lounge on the opposite side provides an outdoor living room setting for a small group of friends. The design aims to deliver not only an aesthetically pleasing garden but also a true sanctuary for urban dwelling.







Urban Oasis Landscape Architect Paul Peters

The aim of this project was to convert what was formerly a sun-baked concrete slab into a series of lush outdoor

Firm Paul Peters Design

Extending directly from the main doors is a shaded seating area framed by a cedar trellis and Katsura trees, which

Photographer Peter Taylor

along the outer edge resemble melting alpine spring waters, reinforcing the relaxing atmosphere of this room and

rooms that would bring animation to the patio and expand the living space of the penthouse. give volume to the space and provide dappled light and wind protection. A frosted glass and basalt water feature referencing the building’s mountain backdrop. Flanking this central space are two raised Ipe decks for taking in the spectacular view. The sun deck to the west houses two chaise-lounge chairs and built-in pockets of thyme and sedum. Hydrangeas form a season-long dense colourful border and connect this space with the adjacent dining area and ornamental plantings. To the east, the patio resembles a fresh twist on the classic Canadian backyard. Loosely separated by a frosted glass screen and large stainless steel planters, the barbeque area incorporates a raised deck with a small built-in lawn and wrap-around seating that doubles as storage. Each room across about 167m2 deck is tied together through a careful attention to hardscape materials and edging details, while the unique plantings accentuate the seasonal and spatial variability that lend this space its liveliness.

Cooking Service Access Dining Relaxing Entertaining Sleeping Cooking


Service Access Dining








Sydney City Penthouse Landscape Architect Matthew Cantwell


Firm Secret Gardens of Sydney

Location Sydney, Australia

Photographer Peter Brennan

Spanning three levels the outdoor terraces were unattractive and not being

and bedroom complete with water ponds, fish and bridges to connect it all

used when Secret Gardens of Sydney was briefed. The client was unable

to the seating areas. The planting is striking and cloud pruning enhances

to access the external top entertaining level from his apartment, he had

the structural form of the plants.

to leave his apartment and go through the fire escape. This level had no

A spiral staircase was constructed on site to connect the two main garden

connection to the other external outdoor areas or the apartment.

levels, the middle and top external levels and allow the client to access

With stringent building codes on what the designers could and could not

his top level garden without using the fire escape. The top level was

do, Secret Gardens worked with the building management to ensure that

designed and built to be the entertaining area with outdoor lounges and

the design and construction could meet the client’s brief. Everything on

shade structure, hot tub and deck area for sun lounges. This is a perfect

site had to be brought up in a lift so the design had to cater for this. Secret

place to invite friends over for New Year’s Eve for a perfect view of Sydney

Gardens design was structured around a floating structure and is modular,


each piece 2m by 2m. They were not allowed to fix anything to the building

The plant beds created around the ponds and which cover most of the

structure. This allows them to pick the entire garden up and move it.

second terrace level were less than 300mm so drainage cell was used in

On the middle level a peaceful garden was created off the client’s study

the planters to create a cavity for waterflow.










South Melbourne Landscape Architect dKO Architecture

Construction h2o designs

Installation h2o designs

Location Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Photographer h2o designs

h2o designs collaborated with dKO Architecture to transform this South

including cushioned bench seats and day beds with weatherproof

Melbourne rooftop into a retreat nestled above the fracas of its inner-

textiles and hidden storage, table with an incorporated wine cooler and

urban environment through the careful selection and placement of

planter box centre. LED lighting was also used throughout to enhance

materials and finishes. The client’s desire for entertaining and need

the atmosphere of the space in the evening.

for integrated storage and seating were also taken into consideration

This unique rooftop site provided an amazing backdrop of the city

when planning the layout of this project.

skyline, however, it also meant limited access and weight restrictions.

A series of interlocked planter boxes of various shapes and sizes run

The use of LICOM76™ allowed for the various elements of the

along the length of the rooftop capped by a cascading water feature at

projects to be designed and constructed in modular components. The

one corner while a feature wall with built-in planter boxes sits against

construction of these components off-site also allowed for a simple

the short edge. Planter boxes were also built into the outdoor furniture,

and efficient installation process.







Sky View Parc Landscape Architect Moss Gilday Group, LLC Location New York, USA

The Sky View Parc Rooftop Garden is a blend of highly designed landscape spaces, innovative construction detailing and technology that creates a private park for the residents in a dense urban environment. Located in Flushing, New York, close to CitiField Stadium, Flushing Meadows and Main Street, sits the mixed-use development named Sky View Parc. The about 306.58-hectare mixed-use development consists of a 4-storey retail building and associated 2,700 vehicle multi-level parking garage. Six 12-storey towers rise about 38m above the retail rooftop and flank the perimeter to create the open space for the rooftop garden. The rooftop space between the buildings is designed to create an urban oasis for the 1,100 residential units. The 14,164m2 rooftop garden contains a variety of highly detailed and intensely landscaped active and passive recreation spaces. The design concept was to create a series of programmed rooftop spaces connected by a soft but dynamic walkway – The Promenade. The gently serpentine Promenade walk leads through and along a series of landscape experiences that connect the three recently completed Phase I Towers and resident amenities. (Ultimately, six towers are planned.) Pedestrian level views are guided with anticipation by the careful placement and hierarchy of the walks and reinforced with the wide variety of lush landscape plantings. With more than half of the units having a direct view of the rooftop garden, the organic geometry of the landscape is also experienced from Towers above. This unique visual aspect of the rooftop garden has been instrumental in the positive unit sales trends for the project.









Rooftop Workplace of Tomorrow


Landscape Architect Patricia Fox

For innovation and creativity at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2012, look no further than this rooftop inspired

Firm Aralia Garden Design

Chelsea this year. ‘The idea behind this garden is to utilize unused urban rooftop space and turn it into a

Location London, UK

middle of a concrete jungle!’ she explains.

Area 200 m2

where technology meets tranquillity. LED sports screens will emit calming and relaxing sounds and visuals,

Photographer Benjamin Wetherall

herbal tea bar where users can pick their own herbs of choice from the ‘Herb Wall’ to make some revitalizing

creation by Patricia Fox of Aralia Garden Design. Award winning designer, Patricia, has designed a first for place of beauty creating an inspirational, relaxing and thought provoking working environment – all in the The Rooftop Workplace of Tomorrow (in association with Walworth Garden Farm, and sponsored by RBS) is along with Wi-Fi, laptops and tablets throughout the garden. Workers are kept refreshed and hydrated via a tea such as lemon, ginger, pineapple and even chocolate!





Soho Terrace

Landscape Architect Andrew Wilkinson Architect

This roof terrace project is located atop a five-storey pre-war building in lower Manhattan. The clients, a young

Location New York, USA

for children to play, an open lounging space, a more formal sitting area with a kitchen and dining spaces, and

family, wanted to develop 186m2 of roof directly above their full floor loft to accommodate several uses: an area lastly a more private space adjacent to a guest room and home office. The raised pavilion was created along the eastern edge of the roof site to shelter the kitchen, lounge and dining space. It was designed to offer the sense of comfortable containment within the openness of the New York City sky. The terrace deck and structure are able to be fully disassembled to service and maintain the roof below. Overcoming existing site irregularities, several program requirements were coalesced into an environment of respite with expressive, artful materials and construction.







INDEX Diana Balmori Diana Balmori, founding principal of Balmori Associates, brings a breadth of experience in architecture, urban design, landscape architecture, ecology, architectural history and sustainability to her New York-based landscape urban design office. Recognized internationally, Dr. Balmori has been honored by numerous institutions, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Institute of Architects. In 2006, Dr.Balmori was appointed a Senior Fellow in Garden and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C.; Dr. Balmori serves her second term on the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. A design educator as well as practitioner, Dr. Balmori, holds a joint appointment with the Yale School of Architecture and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Landscape Design, Inc. Landscape Design, Inc., is an interdisciplinary firm, of landscape architects, architects, and planners, based in Tokyo Japan. It undertakes wide range of projects throughout Japan and abroad. Over the past seven years, the firm has gained a reputation for design excellence and high quality engineering. The firm focuses on landscape designs that improves people’s quality of life and to become regional assets. It believes that creation of these landscapes involves aesthetic beauty, careful examination of regional characteristics and social activities and utilization of proper technologies. It faces environmental issues in global scale. It is aware of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to respond to these problems. It is commitment to create sustainable and livable environments by the design process that allows clients, community members and design professionals to share knowledge to come up with best solutions to existing problems, and the building process that incorporate technology that achieve environmental sustainability.

Christian Duvernois Landscape / Gallery Christian Duvernois Landscape / Gallery is a landscape design practice with over fifteen years of experience designing, installing, and maintaining private and public gardens in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Each environment created by CDL/G is a reflection of the clients’ unique tastes and sensibilities, and they work closely with the client to fulfill those needs from concept development and installation, to the long-term maintenance of the garden. In addition to traditional landscape design, CDL/G works closely with established artists to promote and institute contemporary art within the garden setting. They have commissioned artists for single pieces intended to complement a garden, and have designed entire gardens around specific commissioned art works. Their work has been profiled in numerous publications including the New York Times, Artforum, House and Garden and the International Herald Tribune.


BENT Architecture Melbourne-based BENT Architecture is a leader in green roof design within the Asia-Pacific region. The practice is passionate about environmentally sustainable design, the integration of architecture and landscape and the way people can use and shape their own part of the built environment. BENT Architecture has won two Australian open design competitions (one for the ‘Growing Up’ Green Roof on Queen Street, now constructed) and has received numerous awards and accolades, both locally and internationally, for its built work, including a 2010 Singapore Skyrise Greenery Award. BENT Architecture is committed to the sustainable use and re-use of buildings and left-over spaces, along with collaborative relationships with numerous repeat clients.

Secret Gardens of Sydney Secret Gardens of Sydney is a leading Australian garden design, construction and maintenance business based in Sydney. Their creative designs, exceptional workmanship and the highest level of customer service have earned their leading reputation over the last 20 years as well as numerous industry awards. Started in 1994 by Director Matthew Cantwell, today Secret Gardens employs over 35 passionate gardeners. The team includes Landscape Architects and Designers, Structural Landscaping specialists and Tradesman, Horticulturists and a dedicated Administration team. Secret Gardens offers clients a complete landscaping service, ensuring they can design, build and maintain your garden. This is appealing to clients as they have one company to manage their entire garden renovation now and in the future. Or you can engage Secret Gardens to design your garden if you are located interstate or overseas and manage construction locally. Secret Gardens extensive portfolio from city penthouses, inner city courtyards to acreage, demonstrates an ability to work with and enhance a variety of architectural styles whilst creating a unique garden design for each client.

Douglas Coltart With an extensive breadth of design experience ranging from garden design to the formulation of parkland regeneration plans. 20 years experience as a practicing Landscape Architect with experience in both private and public organizations, all projects with clients at the heart of the design process. Experienced manager of staff and office practice. Author of the critically acclaimed book ‘Design and Renovation of Larger Gardens’, published by Timber Press in 2007. Qualifications BA (Hons) Landscape Architecture 1990 Pg Diploma in Management Studies (with Distinction) 1995 Masters in Business Administration 2001

Kees Van Rooij “Arquitectura de Paisaje” Since 1994, Kees Van Rooij “Arquitectura de Paisaje” has been consolidated as one of the best landscape studios in Mexico; counting with more than 150 projects and works at national and international level. The studio’s mission is to offer design solutions in landscape architecture for historic, tourist, urban, residential, recreational, corporate, industrial, coastal and natural (diverse ecosystems) areas. The main activities of the studio are design, consultancy and construction of landscape architecture. Standing out by having a sustainable approach in design, KVR has an ample experience in LEED projects under collaboration with design studios like Space, IdeUrban, KMD, Javier Sanchez, among others; also KVR is the first studio in Mexico that offers innovating and functional solutions in the Roof Gardens' design and any other landscape over slab.

Rios Clementi Hale Studios Rios Clementi Hale Studios has earned an international reputation for its collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach, establishing an award-winning tradition across an unprecedented range of design disciplines. The firm’s four principals—Mark Rios, FAIA, FASLA, Julie Smith-Clementi, IDSA, Frank Clementi, AIA, AIGA, and Bob Hale, FAIA—comprise a team involved in every aspect of design, from practice to education. Acknowledging the firm’s diverse body of work, the American Institute of Architects California Council gave Rios Clementi Hale Studios its 2007 Firm Award, the organization’s highest honor. For its varied landscape work— from civic parks to private gardens—the firm was named a finalist in the 2009 Cooper-Hewitt National Design Awards. Since 1985, the architects, landscape architects, planners, and urban, interior, exhibit, graphic, and product designers at Rios Clementi Hale Studios have been creating buildings, places, and products that are thoughtful, effective, and beautiful.

Andy Sturgeon Andy Sturgeon is one of the UK’s leading garden designers. His modern designs are a fusion of traditional materials and contemporary styling which have become known for their timeless architectural qualities and innovative planting. Commissions include unique roof gardens and large country gardens all over the UK with international projects in Hong Kong, Rwanda, Europe and the Middle East. Andy has won 5 RHS Gold medals at Chelsea Flower Show in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010, when he was also awarded best in Show. Both The Sunday Times and House and Garden Magazine placed Andy in the Top Ten list of designers in Britain. Recent accolades include Design and Decoration Awards, Health Care Awards and Principal Awards from the British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 and the Supreme Award from the Association of Professional Landscapers in 2007.

Kengo Kuma Kengo Kuma was born in 1954. He completed his master’s degree at the University of Tokyo in 1979. From 1985 to 1986, he studied at Columbia University as Visiting Scholar. He established Kengo Kuma & Associates 1990. He taught at Keio University from 2001 to 2008, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008, and in 2009, he was installed as Professor at the Graduate School of Architecture, University of Tokyo. He was awarded the International Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award in 2002 (Finland), International Architecture Awards for the Best New Global Design for “Chokkura Plaza and Shelter” in 2007, and Energy Performance + Architectutre Award in 2008 (France). He is an International Fellow of RIBA, UK, and Honorary Fellow of AIA in the US. Kengo Kuma is also a prolific writer / critic and his books have been translated into English, Chinese and other languages.

DS Architecture – Landscape Being a pioneer in its field for 15 years, DS is a design office that has both theoretical and practical products on where architecture and landscape intersect. The main goal of the works is to create sustainable, practicable, well designed places with something to tell. DS designs have the “setting of a microcosmos” as the main motivation. The design group perceives the complex fabric of today’s multilayered, multicultural and interdisciplinary environment as a source and using this source, it sets up meaningful, clear, creative new places with the motto of combining high artistical skills with rational, economic and ethical values; both in national and international projects. Considering nature as another source, the group creates parametrical designs through a syntactical perception of nature by filtering it. DS provides design services ranging in scale from residential and urban projects, cooperating with distinguished architects, planners, engineers and especially ecologists.

Landscape d.o.o. Established by partners Gregor Vreš and Tina Demšar in 1998 the landscape architecture office has been cultivating a spirit of luxury while emphasising creativity, attention to detail and fully integrated landscape design. Through modern interpretation of heritage, traditional and autochthonous characteristics of space, the goal is to create simple and poetic landscapes that invigorate ways of living outside. Landscape d.o.o. covers a broad field of work from landscape planning, nature preservation and restoration to designing outdoors of different scale – plazas, parks, public squares down to the smallest private gardens. Starting point of design are characteristics of space and client. In exploring proportions, light, materials, the focus is on unique, timeless designs that intertwine contrast, form and content.


Aytac Architects & Cevsa Landscape Aytac Architects Aytac Architects, architecture and research practice, founded in 2005 based in Istanbul, Turkey, has produced works that involve the use of hybrid process of analog and digital tools in the concept stage and the outcome. The office operates like a laboratory with the aim to render space and building more mobile, dynamic, active than they have previously been understood as stasis and sedentary. The office strives to create powerful and clear design solutions individual to each project and site. As a full service office, Aytac Architects is engaged with building design, urban design, interiors and landscape design at all scales. They have certain interests in their office. Mostly they are nonarchitectural. The study of natural landscape formations such as river deltas, oceans, deserts, ice-flows, rock formations, forests, canyons, affect their work in a way that explores new types of architectural space to challenge and move beyond codifications in various levels. The characteristics of this type of space in distinction to traditional spaces are subtleties of territorial definitions and smoothness of transitions between spaces that resist compartmentalization. This territorial subtlety and ambiguity is also best seen in the city of Istanbul where their office is located. It is the only city in the world that connects/disconnects two continents. Cevsa Landscape Cevsa Landscape is an Istanbul based landscape architecture practise. It is founded in 1976 by Prof. Ahmet Cengiz YILDIZCI who is also the founder of the Landscape Architecture Department in Istanbul Technical University. The projects of the office range from large masterplans to private gardens and most of them have been built in many parts of Turkey. Istanbul Divan Hotel Gardens, Four Season Bosphorous Hotel Garden, Bursa Botanical Garden and Zoo, Bursa Azerbaycan Urban Park and İstanbul Ulus Urban Park are some of the office's key projects.

Merilen Mentaal

Patricia Fox MSGD / MBALI Award winning exterior designer Patricia Fox MSGD / MBALI initially trained as a fashion designer, establishing a boutique design consultancy working alongside High Street retailers to source, design and develop high end cosmetic and confectionery products. Bringing up her family in a rural landscape fuelled Patricia’s desire to hone her eye for design excellence into the horticultural arena, prompting her to study Landscape & Garden Design degree level at Writtle College. In 2004 Patricia set up her landscape and garden design company Aralia Garden Design and has been working on commissions from compact urban gardens to large country estates, in Britain and abroad. From 2009 Patricia started designing innovative award-winning gardens and is a critically acclaimed double Silver Medallist at RHS Chelsea Flower Show and a multiple winner of the BALI Landscape Design Excellence Award. When not designing gardens, Patricia is an active commentator and writer, fulfilling many requests to share her expertise with commercial, media and charitable organisations.

Paul Peters Design Paul Peters Design is a landscape design company based in Vancouver, Canada. Paul believes landscape should be welcoming and comfortable to live in and reflect a healthy and relaxing atmosphere. Concepts of time, place and materiality are applied to achieve designs to reveal otherwise forgotten moments in their landscapes. Their specialty focuses on rooftop gardens with the growing realization that condo patios can be transformed into an urban green oasis.

Andrew Wilkinson-Architect Andrew Wilkinson – Architect, is an architecture firm located in Manhattan, New York. Since 2000, the firm has successfully completed projects in Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania and throughout the boroughs of New York City. The project types range from storefront renovations, art galleries, large roof terraces, apartment combinations as well as new residential construction. The firms work has been recognized by the New Jersey American Institute of Architects along side esteemed firms like Michael Graves and Ten Architectos, and has had projects published in Metropolitan Home, The New York Times, and the book “Studios and Lofts – One Room Living” illustrating selected small living spaces from around the world. The firm finds success each and every day by listening to their clients’ goals, and responding with practical, artful solutions.

With fresh approach and quality know-how from the United Kingdom, Merilen has graduated from the Oxford College of Garden Design, one of the top garden designs diploma courses in the world. Appreciating modern materials, she tends to prefer simple, geometric, contemporary functionalism, with clean and straight lines, creating a balanced special flow within exciting outdoor rooms. Combined previous experience in business, management, event marketing and corporate travel, gives an advantage to understand different needs, putting them in right perspective financially as well functionally. Staying highly creative, absorbing the influences of different cultures, she believes in constant improvement, managing projects on an international level. She works in Estonia, United Kingdom and Switzerland but is open for new challenges in other countries.

Scott Torrance Landscape Architect Inc. Established in 2004, Scott Torrance Landscape Architect Inc. is a collaborative studio which fosters design excellence, promotes biodiversity and celebrates natural processes in all of its projects. The majority of the firm’s work is realized in the diverse urban fabric of Toronto: a city of 2.5 million people, with a dense tree canopy, cut by deep ravines and located on the shores of Lake Ontario. The practice strives to augment and enrich the urban experience for people, by connecting them to nature, and enhancing site ecologies. The firm advocates strongly for planting native and noninvasive species, reusing storm water runoff, incorporating green roofs and increasing biodiversity in the urban environment.


Shma Shma is an office (or studio) for contemporary landscape architecture and urban design founded in 2007 by 3 directors, Namchai Saensupha, Prapan Napawongdee and Yossapon Boonsom. Based in Bangkok, Thailand, Shma has extensive experience in varies scales of project, ranging from residential, resort and hotel, institution, commercial plaza and urban planning at both local and international level. Shma is a small firm with creative energy, passion and commitment to produce high quality of works. Shma aims to promote sustainability and to create a better environment and harmony between urban and nature.

STUDIO39 STUDIO39 is a landscape architectural firm established in 1993 by Joseph J. Plumpe. With designers specialized in Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Horticulture, Sustainable Design, and Graphic Design, STUDIO39 and its staff has experience with a wide range of project types which include urban mixed-use, education, resort and hospitality, green roof, residential, adaptive reuse, commercial, and public spaces. The firm prides itself on keeping current with the latest environmental and technological innovations in the field with a creative and innovative approach ensuring environmental, economic, and cultural sustainability in all projects. Environmental design has been a priority for STUDIO39 since the firm’s inception. Well aware of the possible negative impact development can have on the environment, STUDIO39 strives not only to mitigate any negative effects of construction, but also to further enhance and restore the environment we live in. Designs developed by STUDIO39 offer individual solutions intended to respond to the needs of each unique ecosystem.


H2o Designs

During the last two decades, the creative team at h2o designs have evolved and developed into a company that prides itself on innovative designs - designs that evoke passion and excellence. They have grown into a dynamic team bringing vast experience from landscaping, horticulture and industrial/product design industries. Extensive research and product development resulted in the exciting creation of LICOM76™, a lightweight concrete composite that provides an array of benefits over traditional building techniques and materials. Their broad spectrum of knowledge gives them the ability to look at a project from various angles and when coupled with LICOM76™ ensure that they can develop and manufacture a practical and exciting solution for any area. From concept generation and manufacture to collaboratively working on the development of architects and designers own ideas, h2o designs is always looking to be inspired and challenged.

Oikosdesign archi5 was founded in 2003, the fruit of its founders’ common agency experience and the approach they share to architecture. A context-based approach to projects is key: the site, the programmer, the social and cultural challenges are all examined, analyzed and compared. These data are then transformed into questions. The projects offer a dynamic and comprehensive response to those issues to the highest standard that has come to be archi5’s trademark. This approach is visible, legible in every building. It confers meaning and form and is perceptible in the projects’ applications, spaces and environmental impact. It is the essence of their confidence in architecture, its capacity to enhance humankinds’ environment.

MayerReed Mayer/Reed is a Portland, Oregon-based design firm providing landscape architecture, urban design and environmental graphics services for the environments in which we live, work and play. The firm’s work in creating places for human activity explores the social, cultural, ecological and historic contexts that shape these environments. Landscape architects at Mayer/Reed worked closely with the building architects and prepared the concept and detailed design plans for all the levels of gardens over structure, green roofs, outdoor terraces and perimeter street features at The Mirabella. The firm also designed the recirculating water feature and water display screen.

DLC ARCHITECTS DLC was born in 2004 in México City by founding partners María Guadalupe Domínguez and Rafael López Corona, with the vision of creating an interdisciplinarry studio, committed with aesthetic and environmental design principles. Architects, landscapers, designers and urban planners come together to conceptualize, design, construct and supervise every type of project. Either being, residentital, corporate interior or retail to landscape and urban projects. Their phillosophy blurs the edges between design, architecture and landscape, in order to integrate them into one excecutive document, with technical, sustainable, construction and branding specifications.

Oikosdesign is an international practice of landscape, architecture and urban design, located in the Netherlands. It is unique in its combination of theory and practice, science and art, and experience in East and West. Originally founded as Oikos in 1989 in Seoul, it became known for its visionary and innovative design approach to guide the rapidly urbanizing environment of Korea, and called upon by corporate and government leaders. Oikosdesign specializes in integrative and generative design balancing ecology with human economy, using cutting edge design research, in close collaboration with one of the world’s leading landscape research institutes.

VISTA Urban Planning and Landscape Design Office VISTA Urban Planning and Landscape Design Office is established in 1985, by Dr. Turgay ATEŞ. Since the beginning, the office completed many of the pioneering projects in Turkey like first pedestrianisation projects, first street landscaping projects and took part in many of the touristic resort projects in Turkey. The Office is highly specialized on touristic hotel projects since the beginning. And it took part in some design projects in Germany, Russia, Iraq and Libya as well.

CO Architects

CO Architects is a nationally recognized architecture firm specializing in healthcare, academic, and science and technology architecture, planning, programming, and interior design. The firm’s healthcare experience ranges from existing facility evaluations to new, comprehensive medical campuses including hospitals, outpatient facilities, specialty clinics, medical office buildings, and facility expansion and renovation. Los Angeles-based CO Architects’ work on academic medical campuses includes new schools of medicine and allied health.


Global Architectural Development Global Architectural Development has been a leader in research and concept design in Europe since 1994. The firm is headed by design principle Gokhan Avcioglu who works with a dedicated international staff of architects and collaborators. GAD believes that current architecture and urbanism are influenced by media, culture, technological innovations, consumer habits and how these factors affect the builded environment at different scales. GAD’s success lies in its methodical research of their client’s programmatic requirements, its iterative process of digital and physical modeling and meticulous process innovation. GAD believes that architecture as a practice relies on understanding historical architecture movements as well as research and experimentation. GAD is continuously finding new ways to combine these issues in compelling and thought-provoking ways. The firm’s main office is in Istanbul and additional offices in New York Bodrum, Kazan and Kiev. GAD & Gokhan Avcıoglu have designed a wide range of projects from the small scale of a private home to the large scale of an urban masterplan. While many of their realized projects are highly recognized public facilities, such as cultural centers, they have also completed several distinguished private projects including apartment buildings, offices and hotels. The practice has been awarded with numerous prizes. GAD is a member of the Turkish Society of Builders and Architects (TMMOB), American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Moss Gilday Group, LLC Moss Gilday Group, LLC provides unique solutions to design challenges inherent with a wide range of commissioned projects. Since the evolution of the firm in 2000, Moss Gilday Group has had the opportunity to expand the firm's portfolio on a variety of highly visible projects. The firm applies sound principles that express an understanding of context and an integrated design approach that provides the canvas to create cohesive environments with an emphasis on clients' needs and market program. In respecting the importance of design continuity and the detailed intricacies associated with large-scale projects, the office carefully considers components of plans prepared by interrelated disciplines, including those of architectural and engineering design consultants. It is their strong belief that by acquiring an understanding of their respective scopes of responsibility, there will be complementary and successful cross-over of ideas. This collaborative approach enables Moss Gilday Group to be proactive in advancing the design objectives while remaining responsive to the broad design concept with attention to carefully designed detailing. From preliminary design sketches through detailed bid documents, Moss Gilday Group combines excellence in design with a working knowledge of construction and technical expertise that enables the firm to provide comprehensive professional services to a diverse and ever-growing client base.

Inside Outside


Inside Outside is a design studio that addresses both the interior and exterior space, working on commissions of small to very large scale all over the world. Their work continuously anticipates various aspects of a project - from cultural meaning to use, practical or social expectation and the economic and political context in which a project evolves. Inside Outside has a long history of professional collaboration with famous international architects and engineers, and this act of working together has mutually enriched their joint projects globally. In its broadest sense their research, designs and Landscape Masterplans involve professionals that operate with a similar mentality and approach regardless of discipline, location or cultural history. During a landscape commission they often invite specialists into their team for a better understanding of local conditions, traditions and technical possibilities, enriching the outcome by intense interdisciplinary exchange and perpetual learning.

The task central to TOPOTEK 1 is the design of urban open spaces. Based on a critical understanding of contemporary realities, the search for conceptual approaches leads them to decide statements concerning the urban context. Throughout design, planning, and construction they offer solutions for new parks, squares, sports-grounds, court-yards and gardens, whose designs answer to requirements for variability, communication and sensuality. The manifold experiences through a broad spectrum of German and international projects meanwhile capacitate an efficient realization, finely tuned to respective necessities. TOPOTEK 1 is a landscape architecture studio that specializes in the design and construction of unique urban open spaces. Founded by Martin Rein-Cano in 1996, the studio’s roster of German and international projects has ranged in scale from the masterplan to the private garden. Each project strives to respond to site conditions and programmatic necessities with a compelling concept, high quality of design and efficient implementation. In the early stages of a project, the design teams search for conceptual approaches based on a critical understanding of the task. With digital drawing and physical models they test, revise, and communicate the initial design intent.


Mecanoo Architecten

With a track record of more than 40 years in the industry, ONG&ONG offers a complete 3600 solution that covers all aspects of the construction business. This three-pronged approach encompasses design (architecture, urban planning, interior, landscape, environmental branding, lighting and experience design), engineering (mechanical, electrical, civil, structural, fire safety and environmental) and management (project, development, construction, cost and place). They are an ISO14001 certified practice with offices in Singapore, China, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, the USA, Indonesia, Mongolia and the UAE.

Mecanoo, officially founded in Delft in 1984, is made up of a highly multidisciplinary staff of over 100 creative professionals from 25 nationalities and includes architects, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects and architectural technicians. The company is directed by its original founding architect, Prof. ir. Francine M.J. Houben and technical director Aart Fransen and are joined by partners Francesco Veenstra, Ellen van der Wal, Paul Ketelaars and Dick van Gameren. The extensive experience gained over more than 25 years, together with structured planning processes results in designs that are realized with technical expertise and great attention to detail.



HASSELL is an international design practice with 14 studios in Australia, China, South East Asia and the United Kingdom. With more than 900 people and a track record spanning 75 years, HASSELL works globally across a diverse range of markets. An interdisciplinary practice, HASSELL combines expertise in landscape architecture, architecture, interior design and planning with integrated sustainability and urban design capabilities. As a single, privately owned partnership, each studio has the flexibility and autonomy to service both local and global clients, with the advantage of access to combined international resources and collective experience. The 2012 BD World Architecture Top 100 Survey ranked HASSELL Australasia's number one architectural design practice. HASSELL is proud to have won more than 750 design awards.

Goya Ngan Landscape Architect Goya Ngan is a landscape architect based in Saskatoon, Canada. Since completing her studies at the University of British Columbia in 1992, she has worked in Vancouver, Munich, Halle (Germany) and Saskatoon. She currently specializes in green roof design and research. Goya Ngan is a member of the Saskatchewan Association of Landscape Architects (SALA).


GROUNDWORK is dedicated to creating gracefully evolving landscapes for private and commerical clients. Their work cultivates thoughtful design rooted in landscape, ecology and art. Creating a dynamic balance of the pragmatic and poetic, GROUNDWORK projects reveal captivating, functional environments.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this book, especially all the artists, designers, architects and photographers for their kind permission to publish their works. We are also very grateful to many other people whose names do not appear on the credits but who provided assistance and support. We highly appreciate the contribution of images, ideas, and concepts and thank them for allowing their creativity to be shared with readers around the world.


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