7 Chimpanzees.pdf

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Chapter 7: Chimpanzee Physical Description DID YOU KNOW

Chimpanzees eat fruit if they can’t find meat


Chimpanzee making friends with a White Tiger

The chimpanzee has black hair and pink skin. Males are

bigger than females. Chimpanzees weigh about 100lbs. Chimpanzees grow to about 4 feet tall.


People can stop hunting them.

Diet Chimpanzees are omnivores; they eat meat and plants.

Chimpanzees eat leaves, fruit, roots, and nuts.

Chimpanzees also eat insects, termites, and small animals.

Behaviors Chimpanzees are playful. Chimpanzees are friendly to animals they know, they are friendly


Chimpanzees live in hot

to the chimpanzees in

rainy African rainforests.

there group. Chimpan-

Chimpanzees homes are in

zees eat bugs off of each other. The way

thick trees.

chimpanzees communicate is they hoot to say hello and, a long scream means danger.

This is a playful chimpanzee

Why This Animal Is Endangered

Chimpanzees are endangered because poachers kill for their meat and for their fur (hair).

Some hunters sell chimpanzee meat also some hunters sell them as house pets.

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