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Written and Illustrated by Mrs. Wojcik’s 4th Grade Class


Once upon a me there was a leprechaun named Paddy O’Shamrock. Paddy was in charge of an enormous pot of gold. He kept his gold just underneath the end of a long rainbow. Paddy’s job was to guard the gold un l St. Patrick’s Day, and that was just a week away. One bright March morning Paddy awoke – and the gold was gone! This isn’t the way this is supposed to happen! He ran into the forest shou ng, “The gold is gone. The gold is gone!” Bridget, a brightly colored bird blew over him and chirped down, “Paddy, I see your pot of gold. Ustes, the useless unicorn, is galloping north, carrying a pot of shiny gold on his back.” Paddy just had to get that gold!

Chapter 1 By: Ethan, Jimmy, and Nick

Paddy was stuck trying to think of a way to track Ustes, when along came Seamus the Seagull. Paddy told Seamus what happened to the gold. Then Paddy asked Seamus, “ Can you help hunt down Ustes?” When Seamus explained that he could go. He flew high and strong to the North, then to the South looking for any tracks of Ustes. Then suddenly, Seamus stops and sees some tracks from Ustes. Seamus then went as fast as a ligh ng bolt to tell Paddy about the great news. Then, Paddy followed Seamus to the tracks. When they were running they ran into Jason the rainbow Robin. “Bang!” A:er all the apologies, Seamus asked Jason, “Can you help us look for Ustes and the gold too? “Yes I could.” Explained Jason. He then flew into the air like an Eagle and looked. Jason came back in about a half an hour and expressed where Ustes went. Then, Paddy, Seamus, and Jason start running. When they are running they run into someone big. Then suddenly, something big and round flew through the air. It is Ustes and the pot of gold! Paddy runs and catches the gold. Ustes got hit so hard away crying like a baby. “Thank you.” Hollered Paddy, just as Jason was flying away.

Chapter 2: Mexico Kayla , Jacob ,Chris na

Paddy hoped to return of gold but before he went far he slipped! The pot tumbled down the side of the Shannon river. Ker-plash! It landed in the river, now what? “Oh no me pot of gold, now what shall I do?” paddy looked around. “I know, I’ll make a diving board!” Paddy made a diving board out of twigs be got plenty of splinter. Paddy did a canin ball into the river. Paddy swam and swam ,and swam some more , then he saw something with a horn. “Utes is that you”, paddy said in gierman. “A NARWALL! Paddy swam for his life He saw a light . Paddy swam in to the light hoping he would be safe. “Icaromba, where am I at?” Paddy stated annoyed. “Am I dead ?” Sadly Paddy tried to fly. Come on Paddy your smarter than that! Paddy met Seamus. “Hey, amigo.” “What” Paddy responded. “What do you think li>le green?” shouted Seamus. “What?” Paddy shouted back. “Oh my g-o-s-h,” Shamus spelled out. “Hey, why are you in Mexico?” Seamus suddenly blurted. ‘’Don’t know, I saw the light, swam to it, and now I’m in Mexico!” “Wow.” Seamus blurted out. Seamus sat for a moment. Then Seamus suddenly shouted out “ I know we could use my magical sumbreaoh!” “Sure” said Paddy in disbelief. “Here we go” Seamus shouted. Poof! They were back at the Shannon River That’s when Paddy saw it the glowing light … from his gold! Paddy was as happy as a kid on Christmas eve. Paddy shouted “there it is!” “Lets go” Seamus shouted back. “What if we go back to Mexico or see another unrealis c narwhale?” “We won’t” Seamus said determined. Seamus threw Paddy, Paddy hat almost touched the portal, Paddy got the gold. He yelled to Seamus. “I got it!” Paddy yelled. “Alright” Seamus yelled back. Shamus had to grab Paddy and had to take him to the Shannon River. Poof! They were back at Shannon River. That’s when Paddy saw the glowing light from the gold! “There it is!” Paddy screeched. Paddy was as happy as kids on Christmas. Seamus used his magical sunbeam to teleport the gold to them. Then Seamus had to go. Luckily Seamus, the seagull, saved Paddy…. But where was the pot of gold.

Chapter3 Julian, Ralph, and Javier

Before Seamus, his seagull friend, and Paddy traveled too far, a tribe of Gypsies surrounded them. “What are you doing in our neck of the woods?” they ques oned him. “Nothing “ stated Seamus. “We are going to trap you here” stated the Gypsies. “No you’re not “replied Paddy. The ugly Gypsies had green and really big vangs. Also very sharp horns. They were as short as dogs. The ugly Gypsies trapped them in very hard bamboo. Thank goodness Bridget came with her two giant squirrels. They were big trucks. Also they came with a giant acorn. Bam! The squirrel hit the Gypsies with the giant acorn. The other squirrel ate the bamboo to free Seamus and Paddy. Thank heavens Bridget, the beau ful bird, arrived in the nick of me!

Chapter 4 By: Alex and Richard

Bridget the beau ful bird showed Paddy and Seamus the seagull how to shrink themselves to fit in her back. She flew to the Shannon River and saw the gold floa ng along. Just then they saw a frog named Fiona taking a drink from the river. And she drank and she drank and she drank. She even drank the pot of gold. Then she hopped away. Fiona went to a magical frog palace that was protected by a spell that only frogs could get in. It was as big as a moon! Slam, she closed the door and le: the gold there. Paddy and Seamus the seagull had to find the frog palace or there was no gold for the super stressed out leprechaun. “I’ll never get my gold back!” cried Paddy. Fiona the frog bumped into paddy and Seamus the seagull while she was going to the swamp. “Can you tell us were my pot of gold is?” asked Paddy. “Sure, it’s in a palace at Frog Island.” Answered Fiona. At that very second, Bridget, the beau ful birds le: wing got red. She knew how far Frog Island was. Paddy and Seamus the seagull were sorry Bridget had to leave them. How would they get to Frog Island now?

Chapter 5

By: Stephen Sullivan and Max Gu errez

Paddy and Seamus Paddy’s friendly Seagull knew they had to find Fiona the frog. She swallowed the pot of gold, then hopped away to Frog Island. As they were thinking, a fishing captain named Conner came by in his rowboat.

Captain Conner said, “Good a:ernoon!”

Seamus the Seagull replied, “It’s not a great day for us because we need to get to Frog Island.”

Captain Conner offered to help them get there but on the way, a whirlpool sucked them up. Next, the whirlpool spit them out but it wasn’t on Frog Island, it was on Pig Island. On Pig Island there were hundreds of different kings of pigs. Some of them could fly. Paddy and Seamus asked if the pigs would take them to Frog Island.

One of the pigs said, “Yes”, so they hopped on the pigs back and were on their way.

When they arrived at Frog Island, there were no frogs! They traveled to the other side of the island looking for Fiona the frog and the pot of gold. They went to Frog City and there siIng on a bench at the bus stop was Fiona. SiIng next to her was the pot of gold.

Suddenly we could hear her saying “I’m rich! I’m richer than Bill Gates!” Paddy and Seamus needed a plan to get the gold again.

They ran up to Fiona and said, “Can we please have our pot of gold back?”

Fiona agreed but asked, “Can I keep one gold coin?”

Paddy and Seamus told Fiona she could keep one of the coins but then Paddy said to Fiona, “What’s that over there?” as he pointed behind Fiona.

When Fiona turned to look, Paddy grabbed the pot of gold and ran as fast as lightning, leaving Seamus and Fiona without any gold. Paddy and his gold were gone!

Chapter 6 Jeremy and Thomas

Fiona the frog had the gold and paddy had disappeared. St. Patricks day was coming soon. Paddy would be ashamed to show his face to the other leprechauns if he didn’t have the gold to share. Seamus had a great idea to block the path that Ustes was taking with boulders that were giant mountains. Ustes was about to see the boulders in his way. He was running like a cheetah. Ustes stated, “Where did these boulders come from?” Whoosh! Ustes flew over the boulders with his rainbow powers and kept going to the Wicklo Mountains. Then the rock said “aw man”. “ Now for plan B ”. Seamus exclaimed. A trap flies down from above Bam! “What happened?” Seamus stated. “Did we catch the unicorn and the gold.” “No we did not catch the unicorn or the gold.” Seamus stated. “Now what are we going to do?” Well it’s a shame Seamus’s idea didn’t work. Now Ustes had gold and he was even farther away on top of the Wicklow Mountains!

Chapter 7 Alyssa and Claire Ustes, the useless unicorn thought if he hid the gold on the top of the Wicklow Mountains he’d be safe, but he was wrong! Danu, the Queen of fairies knew that Seamus, the seagull, and Paddy, the leprechaun, needed help. “That mountain is as tall as a sky scraper, Danu stated, and it won’t be easy to climb.” “How can we get the gold then?” Paddy asked. “ I can fly up and get it,” Seamus replied. But Seamus could not get up the mountain, there were too many rocks. Seamus then asked Danu if she could clear the rocks away with her powers. “These rocks are boulders to me, Seamus,” Danu replied back, annoyed, “Why can’t you move the rocks with your wings?” “Are you Crazy?! I will damage my wings,” Seamus exclaimed “Ok, Fine, I’ll do it, Danu stated. “Crash!” Danu moved the rocks down the mountains. A:er Danu moved the rocks, Seamus told Paddy to get on his back so he can get the gold. Danu went with them to make sure nothing terrible happened. Whe they got to the top of the Mountain, Paddy grabbed the gold. Paddy, Seamus, and Danu all thought it was a piece of cake. But, just as they were about to leave- a group of banshees arrived. They told Paddy to hold his pot closely- there was more trouble ahead!

Chapter 8 Julijana and Jordan

OMG! Paddy had his pot of gold and wanted to hurry back to the rainbow. He and Seamus, the seagull, hadn`t gone far when Dagda the giant appeared in front of them. “Give me the gold” he bellowed. Paddy gives the enormous giant his gold because he was as scared as a mouse being chased by a cat. Then paddy takes a walk down a path called Gold Path Avenue. Click clack click clack! Paddy went to see Seamus but Seamus was not home. So paddy went too look for Seamus alone.


Chapter 9

Ella and Maddie Seamus, the seagull, was gone, and Dagda, the giant, had taken the gold. Paddy was worried about Seamus, but he was even more worried because it was St Patrick’s Day and he had lost his pot of gold. As he worried, the horse chie:ain named Epona happened to come by. The group of horse came by, and followed Epona to the bog. As they walled toward the bog they saw an Alligator who seemed to be looking for the gold as well. The alligator chomped “I am Alli and have you seen the pot of gold?” Pa>y yelled back “The giant has it!’ Alli started to chase Dagda the giant, but Dagda stepped right on her! Her foot was as large as a giant boulder! POOF! Alli disappeared. Alli was no longer able to look for the gold. Pa>y realized that Dagda was gone! “That humongous horrible hairy giant took the pot of gold,” yells Paddy. Paddy shouts in his head that the walls must have ears. Chief Epona cried, “Don’t worry I will get it back soon!” So Epona gathered up the horses near the bog, but soon realized that Ustes and the other unicorns were standing across from them on the other side. Uh oh! Trouble is coming!

Chapter 10 The Race Jenny Jensen #11 and Bianca Gomez #8 Paddy was so happy Epona and the other horses offered to help take the gold back from Ustes. But now Ustes had all his unicorn tribe lined up. They were lined up like solders in an army. They didn’t want to give the shiny gold back. The horses didn’t want to fight, but they wanted to help their friend, Paddy. “Paddy, who ever wins the race gets the gold’. Shouted Ustes. ‘On your mark, get set, go’! So, Paddy won the race, and he split the gold with Ustes. Ustes asked, ‘why did you split the gold with me? I thought you didn’t like me. Paddy replies ‘I do like you that’s why I split the gold with you. Plus there’s about 1,000 pounds of it so lets share!’ Thank heavens they figured out how to get the gold without a fight! It’s a shame that Ustes had thought the leprechauns didn’t want him around.

Chapter 11 LOST Lily Bellik #3 and Adrianna Lyons #16

Now that Paddy had the pot of gold back he was pre>y happy. Ustes and Paddy could be friends now, too. Ustes offered Paddy to give her a ride back to the rainbow. Except…they didn’t know which way to go? “ Where should we go?” replied Paddy. “Don’t unicorns have 10 magic miracles when there born?” asked Paddy. “Oh yah we have to jump up and down 10 mes and then run into a tree,” stated Ustes. “Wait, I only have one more magic miracle le:, I don’t want to use it,” stated Ustes “How else are we going to out of here?” asked Paddy. “ Fine oh fine, I will use it,” replied Ustes. “ Thank you,” stated Paddy. “Ready here we go,” shouted Paddy. “HELLO.” stated the magic power person “Who goes there,” replied Paddy. “ I AM YOUR MAGIC POWER PERSON, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO USE YOUR LAST MAGIC MIRACLE”. “ Oh yah I remember you, and I do want to use my last marvelous magic miracle,” replied Ustes. “ ALRIGHT HERE WE GO,” replied the magic power person. Then the magic power person took Ustes and Paddy to the pordal. “How do we figure this out?” replied paddy. “It’s going to take us thousands of days to figure this out,” stated Ustes “Ok take a deep breath,” stated Paddy. “I found the keys woah these are as sharp as a pin,” stated Ustes. “Lets go to your house,” replied Ustes. “What is that?” they said together. “Those are colors. Were almost home.”


Chapter 12: Cooper and Mrs. Wojcik’s Class Save the Day

Paddy and his pot of gold rode with Ustes, now the most useful unicorn. They galloped across the fields – it was St. Patrick’s Day! Would they get back in me to share the gold with the others? They thought they could make it, BUT there was one more problem… As they raced across the field, Paddy on Ustes’ back, Ustes stopped suddenly, throwing Paddy into the air like a slingshot! A:er Paddy checked to make sure his bones were all in the right place, he marched angrily up to Ustes. “And what, may I ask, was that about?” “Ah, Paddy. It feels like we’ve been running for 1,000 years. I think I hurt my hoof,” Ustes groaned loudly. “Oh, no, Ustes! I’m sorry for your pain, but I have to get the gold back and there’s hardly a moment to waste.” Ustes lowered himself to the ground, the be>er to rest his food. Paddy sat next to him; his brain working at warp speed. Just then, a copper colored canary called Cooper flew overhead. “Stop, help!” shouted Paddy. And the canary landed nearby. “How is it I could help you fellows?” ques oned Cooper. “I have to get this pot of gold back to the end of the rainbow, and Ustes is hurt,” explained Paddy. “You are too small to carry us back, but could you bring a message? Tell our friends that we have the gold, but we need their help.” So, Cooper, being a helpful sort of canary, flew like the wind to bring the message. When Paddy’s friends heard about the trouble they put their heads together to think of a solu on. “I could hop back to the field,” croaked Fiona. “I could swoop in,” Bridget cooed. “I could gallop to help, but would I hurt my hoof, too?” thought Epona. “You all have excellent ideas,” Cooper told them, “but while I was flying to you I had a great thought. If we asked all the students in Mrs. Wojcik’s class to help I bet they’d be glad to be of service. So Cooper flew to High Point School. Of course Mrs. Wojcik’s class wanted to help! With the aid of a li>le fairy dust, they magically appeared in the field next to Paddy. The boys li:ed Ustes and ran as fast as lightning. The girls carried Paddy and the gold. When they got back to the rainbow the class said, “Farewell,” and popped back to Orland Park. Cooper waved a wing and headed home himself. Well, the gold arrived in me and Paddy was relieved. Seamus the seagull, Bridget the beau ful bird, Fionna the frog, Chie:ain Epona and the horses, Ustes and his unicorns, Danu and the fairies all celebrated with the leprechaun.


There were leprechauns, and giants, good fairies and seagulls, po ons and magic, gold and Banshees. The story of Paddy and his pot of gold would make an exci ng movie, don’t you think? But, Paddy is not really interested in becoming a movie star. Making movies could never be as exci ng as living in your imagina on, trying to dream about how a leprechaun could protect a pot of gold! And anyway, Paddy said that NEXT year he is going to Hawaii for St. Patrick’s Day.

The End.

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