... we everythinghavecovered AUGUST 2022 read online www.surfaceworld.com – follow us on twitter @surfaceworldmag – visit www.surfaceworld.com 4th & 5th October 2023 NEC, www.surfaceworld.comBIRMINGHAM We have the right ... Vat Heaters Jigs and Fixtures Coils anmd Thermal Panels Anode Baskets and Cages Heat TitaniumExchangersFasteners and Turned Parts PVC TanksCoatingsandFabrications in Stainless and Titanium GLOBEMARKET LTD t/a BEMCO 101 - 102 Middlemore Industrial Estate Middlemore Road, Smethwick, B66 2EP Tel: 0044 (0) 121 236 5868 Fax: 0044 (0) 121 236 8211 Email: info@bemco.uk.com www.bemco.uk.com


Welcome to BEMCO COMPANY SPOTLIGHT 2 AUGUST 2022 twitter: @surfaceworldmag
Where practical any product mentioned can be PVC covered in our renowned “Super Beckon”. Our coating and stripping facilities are available on sub-contract basis. Collection and redelivery can be arranged if required. Other finishes available on request. Tanks and Fabrications Tanks, vessals, ducting, frames and pipework designed and constructed in wide range of metals and plastics. Coded welding and fabrication service available to meet clients specifications including ASME IX particularly Titanium, Stainless Incoloy.
Corrosion resistant sheaths in titanium, steel, stainless and teflon/FEP available from stock in 1-18kW loadings, for over-the-side and through tank wall immersion, with or without thermostatic control. Seperate thermostats and pockets. Flanged and screwed versions available. Jigs and Fixtures For electroplating, anodising, paint and electroless applications. Standard designs and custom built jigs are our speciality. Quick prototypes and fast turn round refurbishing service offered including jigs and baskets for PCB’s. Coils and Thermal Panels
Mainenance free heating and cooling of all types of process solutions, chemicals and foodstuffs. Thermal panels and coils are available in titanium, stainless steel and mild steel. Coils also in Incoloy standard sizes available from stock. Special requirements a little longer.
BEMCO represent one of the most experienced jig manufactures in the trade. For over a quarter of a century they have led the field of design and competitive manufacture of all types of jigs and jigging systems for electroplating and anodising. Many of the ingenious wire forms in common use today were created by BEMCO, so they are complimented to be copied so often. BEMCO are entrusted to solve all kinds of jigging problems. Many famous names in a wide range of industries including aircraft, motor, electronics, engineering and domestic appliances all use BEMCO jigs as do many large and small out-platers throughout the country.
Anode Baskets and Cages
Titanium baskets with a variety of meshes for Nickel, Copper and Acid-zinc plating. Heavy gauge mild steel cages for Cyanide-zinc. Complete range of dipping baskets with wire mesh and perforated metals. Titanium anodising baskets made to order and refurbished. Titanium Fasteners and Turned Parts
Wide range of UNC and metric coarse threaded bolts, screws and hexagon nuts available from stock. Other standards available on short call. Titanium anode hooks, anodising ancillaries and other turned parts made promptly to order. PVC Coatings and Plasticol
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Basically the new BS EN 12206-1:2021 now more closely aligned to the current QUALICOAT Specification which is constantly being updated with new methodology and developments, so which should you specify?
The revised Standard also expands on the Florida testing for ‘super durable’ and ‘hyper durable’ powder formulations where coatings are less flexible ensuring that these high-performance products now fall within the Standard. Other changes to the Standard include testing that is required on a finished coated sample, rather than just referring to a metal Standard. On packaging the Standard now requires that boxes containing coating powders are clearly labeled with full details of their contents to further help in reducing failures.
The global QUALICOAT Standard is incrementally revised in real time with regular update sheets and is revised to include all updates each year end. The Specification, its appendices and any update sheets are freely available for download at www.qualicoat.net.
There is no reason why you can’t specify both together if you wish to cover all bases, however should you do so, you could lose out on what benefit a QUALICOAT specification can bring to architectural finishes. There are three things that clearly differentiate a QUALICOAT Specification:
2. BS EN 12206 is self policing, relying on a suppliers word that they meet the Standard. QUALICOAT licensed applicators are subject to twice yearly unannounced inspections by an independent test house to ensure the QUALICOAT Specification is being followed.
For details on the availability of various colours and finishes contact any QUALICOAT UK & Ireland member for more information.
1. BS EN 12206 does offer a testing methodology, but does not state a frequency of production testing, QUALICOAT specifies both methodology and frequency of testing.
Specify BS EN 12206 or QUALICOAT?
Current confusion regarding coating thicknesses has now been taken out of the Standard by removing the ‘average minimum thickness’ of 50 microns and just stating that the minimum thickness of coating should be 40 microns. Viewing distances for quality inspection has also been reduced to 1m from 3m in the previous Standard. This reduced distance allows for visual inspection to inclusions and scratches, however, for colour matching this distance can be increased as required. Furthermore on colour matching the new Standard also offers the option to use colour metric equipment to identify colour and variance.
By Angus Mackie - QUALICOAT UK & Ireland Chair read online: www.surfaceworld.com
3. For those companies who work worldwide, BS EN 12206 covers just Europe, QUALICOAT is a worldwide, third party inspected Specification. Simply put, A QUALICOAT Specification takes the ‘Due Diligence’ out of specifying a powder coater to coat to BS EN 12206.
For updated information about the use and specification of QUALICOAT in the UK and Ireland, please visit the UK & Ireland Association website at www.qualicoatuki.org.
In the UK we generally specify British Standards or a Euro Standard (EN) as a minimum requirement for many of our construction contracts often to the exclusion of lengthy written specifications. Even though we are out of the EU, the UK remain members of CEN/CENELEC and has an obligation to implement an EN Standard as an identical national Standard and withdraw any conflicting national Standards. These Standards are based on a ‘fit for purpose’ minimum requirement and form a benchmark to qualify products and services. Standards are ‘self policed’ in other words, claimed as meeting the Standard by a producer who supplies a product. Originally released in 2004, BS EN 12206 'Paints and varnishes, coating of aluminium and aluminium alloys for architectural purposes, coatings prepared from thermosetting coating powder’, was subject to a review process in 2016 and was eventually released as a new updated Standard in May 2021. The major changes to the new 2021 Standard are as follows: In the 2004 Standard cleaning prior to applying the conversion layer was stated as ‘Before forrequirementincludesnowStandardThepickled.’and/orcleanedthoroughlyshallsubstratestage,conversionthethebe2021aa1gm/ m2 surfacealuminiumetchto ensure contaminants are removed. The 2004 Standard quoted ‘chromefree’ as an alternate conversion layer, the new 2021 Standard now offers, chrome, chromefree and pre-anodising as alternative pretreatments systems that can be used, all of which offer an equally desired outcome of surface pretreatment.
During the recent QUALICOAT UK & Ireland conference held at the Building Centre in London, Chris Mansfield Commercial Director of Tomburn and licensed QUALICOAT Applicator, offered delegates an insight into the recently released BS EN 12206 for coated architectural aluminium having sat on the working group dealing with the revision.
A coater failing an inspection can mean an Applicator member losing their status as a licence holder.

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We used to meet up at Old Exeter House but since Covid the meetings have been by Zoom so in effect we have not had to miss too many meetings. Our meetings take place approximately every 3 – 4 weeks and are usually quite lively and I think enjoyable. (I must admit I haven’t heard anything to the contrary or they are too courteous to tell me).
twitter: @surfaceworldmag
Over the coming issues we are going to give you an insight into the IMF and what we do. Many of you are aware we do training courses but we also have different groups that when you become a member you can join. We are always keen to have new people join our groups; theseEducationinclude:and Training Examination and Qualification Board MarketingSciencePublicationsand Membership As well as 3 branches one in Ireland, Sheffield and North East and Southern.
The Groups and Branches hold their meetings every 4 – 6 weeks, meeting mainly held via Zoom. This month’s focus is on Marketing and Membership or M&M’s So, what is the M & M’s you might ask? Well, I asked myself the same question when I was asked to join the committee of this particular sub section of the IMF. M & M stands for Membership and Marketing and its purpose is to look into how the IMF can market itself and to find ways to improve the membership and put forward new ideas to encourage new membership. After being in the M & M’s for about 1 year I was asked if I would like to be Chairman, a position I decided to give a go and have thoroughly enjoyed. The committee consists of myself and 4 others together with Helen who kindly takes all the minutes and Karen who supplies all the information on membership & education.
If anyone would be interested in joining the committee and feel they can bring some new bright ideas to the IMF then please contact Helen Wood (helen@materailsfinishing.org) who will pass on your interest. We do not bite and would certainly make you very welcome.
John Burgess FIMF M&M Chairman
Institute of Material Finishing (IMF) Surface finishing the world since 1925

Pull-Off Adhesion Testers n Impact and scratch resistant color Touch Screen display with keypad n Wirelessly connect the PosiTest AT-A to your smart device using our free app n Record the results as pass/fail and the nature of fracture cohesive, adhesive and glue failures W i F i Proud supplier of DeFelsko Inspection Instruments DFT Instruments UK LTD 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494 f: 01442 879595 www.dftinstruments.co.uk e: sales@dftinstruments.co.uk AT Measure the adhesion of coatings to metal, wood, concrete and more AT A Automatic Model Also available AT-M Manual Model A u t o m a t i c F e a t u r e s

Spanning the entire surface engineering and finishing sector, the SEA is the voice of the industry, working at every level to ensure that our members are informed and fairly represented in parliament in the UK and EU. We take an active role on UK and EU committees and working groups where legislation, standards, and codes of practice are developed, making sure that our views – and those of our members – are heard. This representation on regulatory affairs ensures that we are always ‘in the know’ regarding new, or amended, legislation on health and safety or environmental issues that will impact the surface engineering industry. Our findings are fed back to members regularly via our website, committee meetings and conferences.
The Surface Engineering Association is leading the way in the future of the industry
Together with our members we are at the forefront of the advancement of the surface engineering industry, helping with the development of new environmentally friendly coatings and less hazardous plating Wemethods.holdregular meetings, seminars and conferences to keep our members informed on the important issues affecting our industry, and we provide the platform for all members to present potential issues, so we can report these to the right people in the places that matter. In addition, these are ideal events for meeting fellow members, including manufacturers and suppliers, to discuss areas of mutual interest or even contention.
Free 24-hour business support helpline providing valuable advice on tax, VAT, PAYE and employment issues.
Find out more about the benefits of Youmembershipcanapplyformembership by completing our online application form. However, if you would like to discuss in more detail about the benefits of membership or have any questions, please contact us on 0121 237 1123 or email us at membership@sea.org.uk.
read online: www.surfaceworld.com
Membership of the Surface Engineering Association amplifies your voice where it matters
The voice of the surface engineering industry, representing the companies within it
A range of attractive discounts on products and services such as car hire, hotel booking and private healthcare.
Free entry in the SEA Buyers’ Guide App and the SEA website. Regular publications, including the SEA Newsletter and Surface Matters.
Discover for yourself the benefits of being a member of the Surface Engineering Association If you are involved in any aspect of the surface engineering industry, you should be involved in the Surface Engineering Association. Not only for the many benefits that membership offers, but also for the opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of the industry. We particularly welcome young people coming into our exciting sector and we provide opportunities for them learn and contribute to the world of surface engineering.
Up-to-the minute information on legislation changes or proposed controls that affect materials or processes used in surface Substantialfinishing.savings on company energy Bespokebills.commercial insurance specifically for those operating in surface engineering that offers flexible, comprehensive cover with no claims discount up to 50%.
Membership is not just about amplifying the voice, but offers a whole host of member benefits: Free technical and commercial advice.
We understand the challenges that companies working in our sector face –especially the smaller enterprises that have neither time or specialist resources to keep ahead of legislation, industry issues or get involved at government level. The SEA is your voice in areas that affect the surface finishing industry.

Visit the members’ directory today to find a supplier or get help with your surface treatment requirements: member-directory/https://www.sea.org.uk/ The SEA has launched a REACH group to assist companies in the surface engineering sector gain authorisation for the continued use of chromium trioxide. Any company in the UK that is using chromium trioxide for surface engineering applications will have to be covered by an authorisation once the existing authorisations, transferred from EU REACH, expire. Should your company use chromium trioxide, you have to take action now in order to protect your business. Call the SEA now for expert advice and to see how we can help you further. SEA LAUNCHES REACH GROUP TO GAIN AUTHORISATION UNDER UK REACH For further details of how the Surface Engineering Association can support you, please contact Michaella Mais on 0121 237 1123 or email +44michaella.mais@sea.org.uk(0)1212371123 www.sea.org.uk MORE INFO: Save money Save time Keep a step ahead with industry updates Enhance your reputation Gain political clout and expertise JOINING THE SEA WILL HELP YOU... MEMBERSHIPOFPOWERTHE

While your sales and marketing team focus on connecting with prospects to make new sales, your Purchasing Manager can connect with new vendors and contractors that can help your business grow. This makes a trade show a two-sided opportunity for your business –to expand sales, and to expand supply chains.
There are few situations more tense than the average outbound sales call. From the
Utilising your attendance to plan meetings at the show will save you valuable time and money, rather than trying to see each in turn at their place of business.
Trade shows are a place for businesses to announce and display their latest innovations and developments.
4. Meet new companies that can help your business Your attendance gives you the chance to network with both prospective customers and prospective vendors. This makes a trade show more than just an opportunity to expand your distribution, but a chance to expand your supply chain.
SURFACE WORLD 2023 10 great reasons to exhibit at Surface World 2023 twitter: @surfaceworldmag
3. Learn about new developments in your industry When your business attends an industry event, it puts you at the centre of the action.
Another advantage is the trade show host uses their database to invite prospective customers to the event, using various marketing tools on your behalf to get footfall through the door. Where else can you meet hundreds of prospective business opportunities all under one roof?
One of the greatest advantages of exhibiting at a trade show is that it allows you to meet and connect with prospective customers in person instead of communicating with them over the phone. Research has shown that in-person meetings are 34 times more successful than those made via email or by phone. When meeting in person, you become someone that they know, recognise, and want to connect with.
While most of today’s business is conducted over email or phone, face-to-face meetings are undeniably a fantastic way to do business.
1. Meet and connect with prospective customers
5. Close deals with new customers during the show
In a competitive industry, would you rather be aware of competitorsyouror out of the loop? Exhibiting at a trade show doesn’t just give you the opportunity to make new sales and connect with existing customers, it gives you the chance to look at cutting edge developments in your industry and the opportunities they also create for Whenyou.you are at the show take a few hours out of your stand and see what other exhibitors are doing, this helps to keep you up to date with new technologies, techniques, products and industry trends.
2. Strengthen your bond with existing customers
Trade shows are often a place for customers to approach you with their long term plans and big orders – orders that can be incredibly lucrative for you as an exhibitor.
If your business is attracting new customers from advertising and word of mouth, it can be very tempting to write trade shows off as something that you don’t need to do to attract new customers. But trade shows can be one of the most rewarding forms of marketing when approached with the right strategy. Trade show veterans will attest to the fact that the ROI (return on investment) achieved from a successful trade show is often impossible to match in comparison to other forms of marketing. So before you write off trade shows as secondary to your current marketing tactics, it pays to learn about their benefits. Here are ten reasons which explain why trade shows should be at the top of your list.
Just like trade shows give you the opportunity to better connect with prospective customers, exhibiting at a trade show also allows you to meet your existing customers face-to-face.
10 AUGUST 2022

9. Speak directly to your target market Email surveys are a fantastic way to learn more about what your customers want and don’t want. Unfortunately, their low response rate makes them useful only to businesses with a large enough email list to tolerate very few responses. Trade shows allow you to solicit a huge amount of feedback by talking directly to visitors that have been invited to attend from various avenues within your industry. You can then use this valuable information after the show to help your business expand and improve.
At a trade show, however, the atmosphere is different. Almost half of trade show attendees make purchases at trade shows. A staggering 91 percent of all trade show attendees claim that shows are ‘extremely useful’ to their product and service sourcing efforts.
6. Strengthen or establish your brand Trade shows are one of the few environments where you have the same amount of access to prospective customers as your larger competitors do. This makes them a valuable opportunity not just for direct sales and marketing, but for strengthening your brand and positioning your business as a leader in its industry.
8. Rapidly expand your database of sales leads While skimming through the phone book might give you thousands of unqualified phone numbers, nothing gives you qualified leads quite like a trade show. While cold calling and online marketing might not have the same initial expense as a trade show, there’s no greater way to fill your contact book with prospects than a successful trade show effort in a much shorter time frame.
Is there a particular competitor in your industry that seems to be growing at a rapid pace? While your sales team uses the trade show as an opportunity to meet existing customers and connect with prospective ones, spend a moment looking at the other exhibitors to see what they’re doing differently from you.
When you speak to a Purchasing Manager or Director on the phone, you’re often dealing with someone that’s already juggling a variety of obligations and deals in their mind. As such, they’re understandably disinterested.
11AUGUST 2022 endless objections of the prospective customer, to the stress of losing a valuable sale, it’s natural to face rejection and nervousness as a salesperson.
Great businesses are aware of their competitors, and trade shows are one of the best opportunities to connect with competitors and understand their sales strategy, their pricing, and the reasons for their success.
A great way to get useful feedback and valuable sales leads at the same time is by conducting a short survey on your exhibition stand, and rewarding participants with vouchers or gifts from your business. Where else but a trade show can you generate new leads and valuable feedback at the same time?
10. Optimise your sales and lead generation strategy
Trade shows are an excellent opportunity to expose your sales team to hundreds of different prospects in a short period of time. A perfect opportunity to test new sales tricks and marketing strategies in a very responsive environment. If you want to test and optimise your lead generation strategy, you’ll find no better place than a trade show. Try several different sales pitches on prospects and you’ll quickly learn which ones work and which ones don’t, allowing you to perfect your sales strategies in just a few days. You can then use these honed skills when out on the road or at future trade events.
The next Surface World is to take place on 4th and 5th October 2023 at the NEC in Birmingham. Reservations are already being taken. If you are interested in exhibiting at the show or would like to advertise in the Surface World magazine or on the website, please call Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 to discuss your requirements. Or you can send an email to nigelbean1@aol.com.
From free giveaways to trade show displays, there’s no better opportunity to give your brand a sizeable boost than a trade show. If you create an exhibition stand that attracts the right type of attention, a single exhibition can be all it takes to change your brand from up-andcomer to an established industry leader.
Surface World – Re-Connecting The Industry
read online: www.surfaceworld.com SURFACE WORLD 2023
7. Learn what your competitors are doing right In the world of business, it pays to keep your customers close and your competitors closer. Exhibiting at a trade show allows you to observe what your competitors are doing right and apply their tactics to your own business.
At a trade show, you’re dealing with prospective customers that have made the journey to fulfil a requirement they currently have.
Unlike traditional outbound marketing, in which rejection is the norm, trade shows are one of the few environments in which your sales team benefits from an audience of prospective customers that are genuinely interested in buying your products and services.

AM Solutions offers equipment, process technologies and consumables tailored for the automated 3D post processing, be it for single piece manufacturing or volume production. This could be unpacking, removal of powder and support structures, surface homogenization and smoothing, polishing or the application of a colour dye.
Mass finishing & shot blasting
Mass finishing or shot blasting is an industrial process which focuses on the surface finishing of plastic or metal parts. The aim can be aesthetic, to create a clean and polished exterior, but is also often critical to the safe and efficient working of machinery and Röslercomponents.isgearingup to increase its footprint in the rail sector, both in the UK and overseas. It has joined Britain’s Rail Forum, a national not-for-profit rail trade association. As the railways expand there will be an ever greater focus on efficiency, saving energy, reliability and safety.
The infrastructure and components used across railway networks will have to be of the highest quality.
Supply chain has to step up to support rail expansion
Daniel Tweer, Managing Director of Rösler explained: “We strongly believe that additive manufacturing will have a profound effect on practically every aspect of industrial “Somanufacturing.wedecided to create a brand-new division called AM Solutions, within which all the company’s activities in the field of additive manufacturing will be handled.”
One such business that is already offering comprehensive solutions for railway transformation is Rösler UK, a subsidiary of Germany company Rösler. It is a family business that traces its roots back to 1933 and today specialises in mass finishing and shot blasting technology.
From rail tracks, to plates and profiles, cast and forged parts, and complete rail carriages, shot blasting of metal surfaces offers multiple options for enhancing surface properties across the railway sector. Options offered by Rösler’s include de -burring, de-scaling and rust removal to roughening, matting, smoothing, edge rounding and shot peening.
12 AUGUST 2022 INDUSTRY NEWS read online: www.surfaceworld.com
The Government will be investing hundreds of billions of pounds in growing, upgrading and decarbonising the network. It has agreed to phase-out diesel trains by 2040 with more investment into battery and hydrogen However,technology.all this investment into infrastructure and technology will create huge challenges in terms of logistics, engineering and innovation in new technology and processes for the UK’s £36bn rail sector and its extensive supply chain. The myriad of companies in the supply chain will need to be ready for those challenges that are coming down the line. Those businesses that are adaptable and ready to meet what is ahead by offering complete solutions are more likely to prosper.
Specialised division Additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3D printing, has quickly moved in a few short years to becoming integral to a multitude of industrial processes.
The network includes 23 train-operating companies (TOCs), 16,000km of track, 2,567 stations and its 20,000 services account for more than 60bn passenger kilometres every year.
With the UK and many other nations accelerating their push to a zero carbon world railways are set to play a critical role in what will be a greener and cleaner future. Passenger numbers on the UK’s rail network remain below pre-pandemic levels but this dip will be temporary. Trains are likely to be carrying both people and goods in increasingly higher volumes over the coming decades. Pre-pandemic, the UK accounted for 20% of all rail passenger journeys in Europe with demand having doubled since 1995.
Colin Spellacy, Head of Sales from Rösler said: “Utilising Rösler mass finishing technology and processes manufacturers can design and manufacture rail components with lower surface friction, roughness and better surface properties enabling those performance improvements to become a “Forreality.tactile surfaces such as handrails and numerous components that are frequently touched, mass finishing will also remove sharp edges, rust, oil and grease for safer handling of contact areas.”
One key aspect of improving rail performance is weight. Over the next few years rail vehicles will need to be lighter to improve energy efficiency. Solutions will be needed that can be incorporated into new units and retrofitted into existing trains. This, in turn, results in longer maintenance intervals and lower running costs.

Surface Finishing is our DNA AMShotSolutionsBlasting Individual systems engineering and intelligent process solutions –reliable and energy efficient The full solution provider for 3D post processing equipment and 3D printing services Mass Finishing Efficient systems engineering and innovative technologies – powerful and economical Rösler UK Limited| 1 Unity Grove | Knowsley Business Park | Prescot | Merseyside | L34 9GT Tel: +44 (0)151 482 0444 | Fax: +44 (0)151 482 4400 | rosler-uk@rosler.com | www.rosler.com

Telephone: +44(0)151 482 0444 Email: rosler-uk@rosler.com Visit: www.rosler.com
Strong pedigree Rösler has already established a strong record of delivery working with some of the biggest names in the railway sector going back a decade. In 2011, the company began working with the French state-owned railway company SNCF on a maintenance and repair contract for the wheel axles of its Röslertrains.designed and employed a bespoke piece of shot blasting machinery exactly to the company’s specifications. It became a standard piece of kit for the rail operator to utilise across its train fleet. In 2013, Rösler was again employed by SNCF, this time to offer pressure blasting for cleaning and preparation for overall maintenance on its wheel axles. Once again Rösler’s solution was favoured because it offered precise specifications at a competitive Forwardprice. to 2015 and Rösler crosses the Channel again to undertake pressure blasting for the rail division of French industrial UNICAF – company of Bolloré Group. Similar to its work with SNCF, Rösler provided blasting for cleaning axles.
Other applications include removal of any suspended solids from water, oil, cutting fluids etc. to lengthen the lifespan of industrial liquids.
The contract saw the delivery of pressure cleaning of wheel axles prior to magnetic inspection A complete solution Many of the services provided by Rösler are available from other companies. Some may buy in machines in order to provide a complete solution. However, Rösler’s solution really is a complete one. It can design and manufacture surface finishing equipment and 3D additive manufacturing surface technology to precise and very high standards.
“Our range of about 15,000 consumables, developed in test centres located all over the world, specifically serves our customers for resolving their individual finishing needs. This means whatever challenge you have with your components or materials we can help.
And in 2020, Rösler was back working with UNICAF – company of Bolloré Group, specifically for its Sitarail division, which provides rail services in the African states of Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Cameroon.
For new trains and for refurbishment of trains, Rösler offers surface finishing solutions to help with lightweight development and energy efficiency. It can also provide waste water treatment to remove impurities such as paint sludge from water wash spray systems during carriage refurbishment or removal of resulting waste water being reused, offering substantial savings.
Daniel Tweer added: “At Rösler we combine all processes, shot blasting, mass finishing and additive manufacturing and as a result of more than 80 years of experience of developing component finishing processes and solutions around the world, most importantly we understand them.
INDUSTRY NEWS Call Nigel Bean for more information on +44 (0) 1442 826826 – Meet and connect with prospective customers Strengthen your bond with existing customers – Learn about new developments in your industry Meet new companies that can help your business – Close deals with new customers during the show Strengthen or establish your brand – Learn what your competitors are doing right Rapidly expand your database of sales leads – Speak directly to your target market Optimise your sales and lead generation strategy floor-plan-exhibitor-list/http://www.surfaceworld.com/surface-world-live/ 10 great reasons to exhibit at Surface World 2023
Colin Spellacy of Rösler says that by “taking advantage of our rich portfolio of professional and technical capabilities” it can support our customers from the conceptualisation phase of the "Idea" to the production process execution phases.
“You can push the boundaries of what you currently have and together we will help you innovate and develop the best finish in your field.”

elcometer.com Elcometer’s range of high performance abrasive blast equipment is engineered to last longer, work harder & perform better. dry abrasive blast machines | precision media valves blast hose | blast nozzles | personal protection equipment TAEB engineeredAERGNIEDAMTBRITAINFABRIQUÉ EN NEINNATIGRANDE-BRETAGNEHERGESTELLTINGROSSBRengineeredENIEDAMUROPEFABRIQUÉAPORUEENEUROPEHERGESTELLTIN LAUQ YGOLONHCEGNINIART Surface World - June 2022.indd 1 09/06/2022 16:11:23

Preparing for a brighter future
If paint on a building is being applied using plain white or light colors to reflect heat then it will take less energy to cool. This approach not only reflects the visible spectrum, but also the UV spectrum. Ideally, we want our coatings to reflect infra-red light, have standard characteristics for the visible spectrum, and absorb rather than reflect UV light. This is what R&D specialists are exploring when it comes to the characteristics of paint – looking at the ways that coatings can be developed to reflect more in the infra-red spectrum while still retaining a standard characteristic on the visible and UV side. This innovative research – which involves experimentation of radiating samples with a standard illuminant and investigating the heat build-up – could drastically impact the future of functional coatings!
How are sustainable innovations impacting inks and coatings?
Like all industries, the world of coatings is being forced to change in an effort to become more sustainable. And a particularly interesting development is coming from Japan involving solar reflective paints – this is especially interesting when looking at paints for commercial and residential buildings.
Across our organization our experts are passionate about keeping abreast of the latest developments within the world of inks and coatings – that’s what allows us to continue to offer the highest quality of products and services!
At Industrial Physics, our experts proceduresimprovesolutionscutting-edgeusindustry.ofmindandtowardscontinuouslyarelookingthefuturekeepinginthedirectiontravelfortheThisallowstodevelopthattestingforpaint manufacturers and laboratories – ultimately allowing them to achieve stronger results and protect their coatings in a way that’s straight Oneforward.ofthe solutions we’ve been exploring is an automated camera accessory for the TQC Sheen Scrub, Abrasion, and Washability Tester – something that significantly improves the process of testing. With the advanced technology, pictures of samples can be taken with two purpose-built cameras. Our software then allows you to take pictures of the test as you go! This eliminates the need for operators to move backwards and forwards from the lab to conduct manual checks – saving time, money, and resource. – something that significantly improves the process of testing. With the advanced technology, pictures of samples can be taken with two purpose-built cameras. Our software then allows you to take pictures of the test as you go! This eliminates the need for operators to move backwards and forwards from the lab to conduct manual checks – saving time, money, and resource.
16 AUGUST 2022 INDUSTRY NEWS twitter: @surfaceworldmag
Across our organization, we’re always ready to speak with professionals across the world of inks and coatings to find out more about your needs. With a highly extensive product range on offer, we have solutions to fit a whole host of requirements. Find out more by visiting our website or following us on LinkedIn!
Visit: www.industrialphysics.com
Industrial Physics is a global packaging, product, and material test and inspection provider. And we are the home of multiple specialist inks and coatings testing brands – brands like TQC Sheen, C&W Equipment, and many others that you may have heard of.
Providing first class equipment that protects the integrity of your coatings is only part of our job.
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The sculpture is a replica of the ‘Bait Tables’ which can be found at the bottom of the mine, where miners eat lunch and hold meetings.
The awards ceremony, this year held at the Royal Aeronautical Society, London, celebrates the very best of galvanizing and its role in the construction industry.
Boulby Mine is the UK’s deepest working mine and the first worldwide to commence commercial production of a rare mineral typically used as fertiliser - polyhalite. To commemorate this, the owners of the mine, (ICL Boulby), commissioned the piece to immortalise the mine and showcase the life underground for past, present, and future miners to enjoy.
Katie’s sculpture was commissioned to mark the 50th anniversary of Boulby Mine in Yorkshire. It’s predominately made from mild steel and was sent to Humber Galvanizing where it was hot dipped in molten zinc in three separate parts and later bolted together. Due to it being installed next to the mine, and its purpose as a bench for people walking along the Cleveland Way public footpath, it was crucial that it was protected against corrosion.
Visit: www.wedge-galv.co.uk
Four judges reviewed hundreds of entries across six categories: architecture, engineering, sustainable, detail, duplex systems and art awards.
Call Nigel Bean for more information on +44 (0) 1442 826826
“In order to do this, I sought the support from Humber Galvanizing, with whom I have worked on a number of projects over the past years. Having been up against other fantastic artists, I am both shocked and thrilled to have been named the winner of the Art category at the GAGA awards. It is a hugely prestigious event in the industry calendar, celebrating the power of the galvanizing process – and I’d like to say a huge thank you to the team at Humber for their help in making this award possible.”
A bespoke sculpture created by artist-blacksmith Katie Ventress, and galvanized by the team at Humber Galvanizing Ltd, part of Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd, was awarded first place in the Art category by the judges of the annual Galvanizing Association’s Galvanizing Awards.
Win For Wedge At GAGA Awards
Katie said: “This was the first time that my work was to be permanently installed in a public space, and so it was vital to me that it was protected for future generations to enjoy.

Head Office: Stafford Street, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV13 1RZ ISO ManagementQuality9001 FM 00382 E: info@wggltd.co.uk T: 01902 601944 Hot dip galvanizing provides you with long-term protection against rust and corrosion of steel products. With 14 plants across the UK, Wedge Group Galvanizing is the UK’s largest hot dip galvanizing organisation offering a national service, collection and delivery and 24hr turnaround on request. The group can process anything from small components to 29m structural beams. WEDGE GROUP GALVANIZING Your Galvanizing Partner

Excellent long-lasting adhesion and corrosion performance are achieved with Chemetall’s GSB, Qualicoat and Qualanod approved products and customised processes.
Gardobond X products and Oxsilan products meet the most demanding quality requirements and combine eco-friendly properties i.e. chrome free and heavy metals free to multi metal applications and are now widely used via all types of Chemetall’scorrosionfinishoffersAnodisingchromium.hexavalentalternativeindustryAluminiumapplicationsprocessintheFinishingasthetoaluminiumanaestheticandlong-lastingprotection.anodising product range including Gardo® cleaners, additives for alkaline etching, Gardacid® desmut and the Gardo® Seal series for sealing processes help the customer in optimising the anodising process, maximising efficiencies, and producing high quality in the form of appearance and function.
Close working relationships with facility/ equipment providers – ensuring value focused projects – optimizing processes and products.
Chemetall offers key local support with decades of experience in surface treatment of metal substrates. Chemetall is recognised as an environmentally sound and game changing technology supplier to the Aluminium Finishing industry. We are proud of our association with leading companies, organisations and associations around the world.
20 AUGUST 2022 read online: www.surfaceworld.com
Aluminium surface treatment with innovative technologies
Contact and further information: Gary Mothersole UK Sales Manager Aluminium Finishing Telephone: 07825 319214 Email: gary.mothersole@basf.com Visit: www.chemetall.com
Chemetall offers a one stop supply package providing the following: cutting fluids and coolants used in extrusion and die shops cleaners, etches/pickles, conversion coatings and additives used in pre-treatment process cleaners, decorative etches, brighteners, desmuts, anodising, colouring and sealing systems used in anodising process waste water treatment products paint extrusionstrippersdiecleaning products Laboratory analysis one-off/contract basis.
New methods for pre-treatment and anodising of aluminium using the Chemetall range of Gardo products.
The Surface Treatment global business unit of BASF's Coatings division, operating under the Chemetall brand, which provides technologies with a sustainable focus to optimize pretreatment and anodising processes with a complete product portfolio for all types of aluminium finishing applications.
Gardo Seal 1999 – Qualanod approved additive for the sealing of anodised surfaces which enables a vital reduction in operational temperatures and process times as well as energy savings and increased Gardoboxproductivity.–customised service package.
GardobondGSBQualicoatstage,thetechnologiesOxsilanNitrogenseriesfreeandthinfilmforconversionallandapproved.AdditiveH7526–foruseintheanodisingstage, providing shorter process time, quality enhancement, extended bath life, energy savings and increased productivity.
Aluminium is one of the most commonly used metals worldwide for many different applications and industries. The requirements for excellent paint adhesion and long-term corrosion resistance are long established for the pre-treatment of aluminium alloys.
Examples of Chemetall´s portfolio for aluminium pre-treatment and anodising, meeting all requirements of GSB, Qualicoat and Qualanod specifications: Gardoclean – silicate free, borate-free and phosphate-free cleaners and alkali etching Gardacidseries.–acid etches, free of HF with special additives to avoid plant material attack, reducing sludge build up, leading to lower maintenance cost and extended bath solutionGardobondlifetime.
Anodising finishes add creativity and vibrancy into the construction industry, bringing an element of uniqueness.
Chemetall customers can choose between different, customised, eco-friendly and reliable solutions for our modern-life challenges to achieve surface treatment processes which are high performing, safe and environmentally sound. We are committed to a sustainable future through new products, processes and technologies as well as contribute to sustainability with our passion for chemistry, people and the planet.
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Produced since the 1960’s they may be one of the industry’s best kept Forsecrets.any factories or production plants with chemical processes or heat or cooling tanks, there will inevitably be a number of knock-on effects, such as maintaining tank temperature, nasty smells and toxins, or even just the damage evaporation can do to the work place environment. But this longstanding, simple solution that has been developed by Euro-Matic solves these issues.
Euro-Matic balls come in a variety of plastics such as HDPE and commonlymost PP dependent on the noliquid,theandinaroundballs150mm.6mmofandchemicalsinavarietysizesfromrightuptoThemoveanypartsmachinerybysittingontopofthethere’smaintenance
22 AUGUST 2022
A simple Energy Saving Solution…
How to get some balls Balls can be ordered on line at: www.euro-matic.co.uk or by calling on 0330 311 0003 where the friendly staff will work out exactly how many you need.
A croffle or technical ball from Euro-Matic can drastically reduce energy usage any in manufacturing processes that use heat and chemical tanks. With a floating blanket of balls heating costs are reduced by up to 75%, and evaporation by 90% & they last for years.
There is also a clever ball calculator that enables you to insert tank dimensions and it will do the maths for you at: www.euro-matic.co.uk/ ball-calculator

Dedicated stand-alone unit is ready to measure right out of the box Fast measurement speed—ideal for moving lines and swinging parts Scan Mode continuously takes measurements—ideal for analyzing large areas Storage of 999 readings with onscreen averaging. Stored readings can be downloaded to PosiSoft Desktop Software Affordably measures uncured powder coatings using non-contact ultrasonic technology to predict a cured thickness 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494 www.dftinstruments.co.uk e: sales@dftinstruments.co.uk Non-contact Uncured Powder Thickness Gauge Powder Inspection Kits Complete solutions for measuring powder coating before and after cure are available Powder Checker

Novel handling system removes jig marks from electroless nickel plating www.surfaceworld.com
24 AUGUST 2022
Telephone: 0121 314 1191 Email: mike@plastratum.com
The top lid of the jig was fitted with a small and minimal spherical contact with a 3 mm gap between it and the top of the piston. To mechanically provide the electroless nickel deposition and solution flow, a conventional barrel drive was used which had a central cylindrical polypropylene mandrel between each side of the rotational gears which enabled the provision of two insulated stainless steel bars, to eliminate any plate out, affixed at 90° intervals. The rectangular clam shell jigs were located onto the bars which passed through the jig and were locked off by stainless steel nuts on the front outer Whenedges.theassembly rotated the force of the solution flow lifted the pistons off the vertical piston location tubes which induced the solution to flow inside the piston with the top of the piston touching the small minimised spherical contact located on the underside of the top lid. As the rotational angle was continued the piston fell back onto the vertical slotted location tube and at the top of the piston the 3 mm gap to the sperical contact was re-established. Both aspects allowing increased solution flow with no surface jigging
The electroless nickel plant for the pistons had to be provided without any jigging marks and the components could not be barrel Plastratumplated.application engineers evaluated many design opportunities and developed a rectangular polypropylene jig based on a clam shell principle of a base tray and a hinged top lid. Both component parts of the jig were provided with holes to promote the efficient and rapid flow of the electroless nickel as well as flow holes around the vertical perimeter for the same application principle.
The twin transporter Acid Zinc plant was of high volume output and with Plastratum’s proven integrated and standard scope of supply for the application.
Theirregularities.rotational velocity ensured that there was an exceedingly low contact time of the piston with the jig components and there were no jigging marks whatsoever on the piston which was exactly the customers requirement.
Both plants were complete with the supply of effluent treatment plant equipment and fume extraction with fume elimination. The two plants were heated by Thermal Fluid systems
Plastratum Ltd, the Metal Finishing Equipment and Chemical Engineering Company was approached by a major manufacturer of automative components to design, manufacture, install and commission two fully automatic plants, one for the acid zinc plating of brake calipers and one for the electroless nickel plating of the integral associated pistons.
Both plants were complete with the Plastratum operational control software and management data output.
The pistons were located in the base tray on vertical tubes which were champhered at the top to ensure that the touching surface area presented to the piston was minimised and also had four vertical slots in order to create a high velocity fountain inside the piston.

100 Armoury Road Birmingham 811 2RH

SIFCO ASC’s Engineering Manager, Derek Kilgore, said: “As well as making the overall electroplating process more efficient and user friendly, we wanted to improve the safety features for operators, such as lids with an o-ring seal to decrease solution splash. The system is now equipped with a PID practical,hastechnology,inAsSystemSolutioncalleddriplesssystemall-in-oneSIFCOincorporatedhasTheplatingoperationthroughouttoandsetovershootresultingtuningcontrollertemperaturewithauto-functions,inlessofthetemperaturehastheabilitylogtemperaturestheforpostreview.”TechnoFlowrecentlybeenintoASC’snewplatingfeaturingtechnologytheAdvancedControl(ASCS).theworldleaderselectiveplatingSIFCOASCbeenprovidingcost-effectivebrush
SIFCO ASC redesigns and rebrands heated flow systems:
ELECTROPLATING, ANODISING & GALVANIZING Call Nigel Bean for more information on +44 (0) 1442 826826 Meet and connect with prospective customers Strengthen your bond with existing customers Learn about new developments in your industry Meet new companies that can help your business Close deals with new customers during the show Strengthen or establish your brand Learn what your competitors are doing right Rapidly expand your database of sales leads Speak directly to your target market Optimise your sales and lead generation strategy floor-plan-exhibitor-list/http://www.surfaceworld.com/surface-world-live/ 10 great reasons to exhibit at Surface World 2023 twitter: @surfaceworldmag
One of the major improvements is the pump adapter plate providing better access to the frame mounting screws, making removing the large 14 GPM pump easier. Improvements have also been made to the pump connector plugs. The new twist lock system guarantees a safe power connection, yet easy removal when needed. Lastly, the TechnoPlate is now equipped with CPVC plumbing linesproviding both sizes a bypass filter – allowing technicians to change the filter mid-operation for large applications.
plating solutions for both OEM components and parts requiring refurbishment in the aerospace, oil and gas, general industry, and power generation sectors for over 50 years.
26 AUGUST 2022 SIFCO ASC, a Quaker Houghton company, has continued its commitment to improving the selective plating process by revolutionizing its heated flow system. The newly redesigned TechnoFlow can give operators and technicians data logging capabilities as well as improved safety features. The units are designed to work with SIFCO Process® solutions that are best plated at an elevated temperature. The TechnoFlow 600 can hold over seven liters of solution, while the 1200 unit has a solution capacity of up to 12 liters. Both sizes contain no fuses and have internal circuit breakers as well as 24-volt finger-safe switches meeting UL and CE requirements.
Visit: www.sifcoasc.com the TechnoFlow

Hadleigh Enterprises Limited Unit 11, Buckingham Square Hurricane Way, Wickford Essex, SS11 8YQ Tel: 01268 572255 Fax: 01268 572121 Email: sales@hadleightapes.co.uk Web: www.hadleigh-tapes.co.uk Certificate No. FM10409 • AS9100 APPROVED • NO MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY • ALL PRODUCTS FOR ALL PURPOSES • 48 HOUR DELIVERY SERVICE The Adhesive Tape Specialists

As a company, Wedge Group Galvanizing is leading the way by introducing a number of highly innovative and sophisticated elements to reduce waste, promote better use of resources, and improve energy efficiency. To improve both fuel efficiency and performance all plants use the most innovative pulse-fired high velocity furnace systems which provide high fuel efficiency, low heat loss, low emission levels and extends the life of the kettle.
Another example of how the company, and the wider industry, is cutting energy consumption is the re-use of ‘waste’ heat created from the furnaces used in subsequentlyandfriendlyasandensurewithineffortsWithprocess.therainwaterwhichharvestingcollectionhasThede-greasepre-fluxwithinprocessintoheattransferexchangerbeenAllgalvanizingtheprocess.ofitsplantshavefittedwithheatunitsthatthe‘waste’generatedbacktheoverallforuseboththeandtanks.companyalsorainwaterandsystemsrecyclesbackintogalvanizingtheongoingbeingmadeindustrytothatpractisesproceduresareenvironmentally-aspossible,withmany
Galvanizing: The Sustainable Choice ELECTROPLATING, ANODISING & GALVANIZING CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 read online: www.surfaceworld.com
This means that the whole life costs of products protected by the hot-dip galvanizing process can be significantly reduced because there is no need for the expense, down-time and inconvenience of repeated on-site maintenance or replacement. Not only does galvanizing lengthen the lifespan of steel, but it is highly energyefficient throughout its production and whole lifecycle. The galvanizing process uses minimal resources to ensure a relatively low environmental burden. Zinc’s nonferrous properties mean steel can easily be recycled after use or re-galvanized or removed and reused elsewhere.
28 AUGUST 2022
With its winning combination of long-lasting protection, ease of application and sustainability, galvanizing is the finish of choice for many industries across the globe including construction, manufacturing, and agriculture. By its very nature, the construction industry alone has a significant impact on the environment - accounting for 36% of worldwide energy usage and 40% of CO² emissions*. It’s no surprise therefore that the introduction of ever-more stringent environmental rules and regulations, as well as the high costs and ethical factors relating to industry, is seeing the increasing numbers of contractors looking to adopt more environmentally-friendly processes turning to galvanizing.
One organisation at the very forefront of industry which is helping those across a wealth of sectors become ‘greener’ is Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd, the largest hot-dip galvanizing organisation in the UK. Over the past 12 months alone, the team has worked on a diverse range of projects including the refurbishment of one of the busiest heritage railways in the country, the creation of a centrepiece for the new Digital Aviation Research and Technology Centre (DARTeC) at Cranfield University, and the construction of an iconic housing development in central AsMayfair.trueheavy-weights in their field, Wedge Group Galvanizing’s Sales and Marketing Director, Andy Harrison, explains the galvanizing process step-by-step, what makes it such a sustainable option, and why it is increasingly becoming adopted by UK Hotindustries…dipgalvanizing is essentially the process of coating clean steel with a layer of molten zinc to protect the item from corrosion and provide a long-lasting, durable surface. It’s more robust than other coatings that only bond chemically or mechanically, and it has the added advantage of fully coating the steel. As a finish, it is not only highly effective, but is also extremely eco-friendly. A single, one-off treatment will coat a product both inside and out, providing a finish which can protect steel and keep it maintenance-free for over 70 years, considerably more in the right conditions.

elcometer.com INSPECTIONKITSElcometer F·AST · REPEATABLE · ACCURATE · DURABLE COATING The Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit covers all eventualities in the powder inspection process. Surface World - June 2022.indd 2 09/06/2022 17:24:20 Pumps up to 250m³/h Horizontal Magnetic Sealless Vertical Sealless Filtration Systems up to 60m³/h Cartridges Bags Papers Microfibres High Quality German DC Switch Mode Rectifiers DC Rectifiers Pulse Rectifiers High current rectifiers up to 10,000A For all your product finishing requirements Hendor-pe UK Ltd | E : sales@hendo r-pe. c o .u k | W : w w w. H endo r-pe. c o.u k For applicationsall Electroplating Anodising Hard Chrome Reel to-Reel Plating E Coat Celebrating more than 70 years providing excellence in pumps and filtration

NPS is calculated by subtracting the % of detractors (those who respond with a 6 or lower) from the % of promoters (those who respond with 9 or 10).
Galvanizing is effective in even the harshest of environments – providing maintenancefree protection against a wide range of corrosive elements from atmospheric conditions such as rain and snow, marine locations, and industrial and chemical processes.
NPS is a client satisfaction and service quality metric based on a single survey question that asks staffing clients how likely they are to recommend your firm. Clients respond using a numeric scale of 0-10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all.
For further information please contact Wedge Group Galvanizing on 01902 601944 or visit www.wedge-galv.co.uk.
Galvanized steel can also be easily recycled with steel scrap, re-galvanized, or removed and re-used elsewhere.
Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd is the largest hot dip galvanizing organisations in the UK with a history dating back over 150 years. With 14 plants strategically placed across the country, they offer a truly national galvanizing service.
Did You Know? Galvanizing is…
30 AUGUST 2022 adopting galvanizing as their finish of choice, it seems that as a process it is set to long remain a leader in the sustainability stakes.
Galvanizer of Choice Wedge Group Galvanizing has also achieved a group-wide Net Promoter® Score (NPS) of 65, significantly higher than the industry benchmark.
And, though the metallurgy has remained largely the same over the centuries, that’s now changing too - with the Wedge Group becoming the first galvanizing organisation in the UK to take the ambitious decision to completely remove lead and chrome from its process.
“The last 18 months have been increasingly challenging and all our sites remained open throughout the pandemic to service the needs of our customers” explained Chris Woolridge, Managing Director of Wedge Group Galvanizing. “It’s testament to our teams who have worked safely and so hard to keep up with the high demand whilst maintaining such an impressive customer service rating.
The versatility and durability of galvanizing mean that it’s the protective coating of choice for a diverse and growing number of sectors including agriculture, construction, automotive and renewable energy. Its innate ability to coat both large simple structures and small intricate pieces also sees it utilised by artists, sculptors, and architects.
According to ClearlyRated’s 2021 annual industry benchmark report, the average NPS scores for the manufacturing and commercial construction sectors were 47 and 50 respectively. Scores between minus 100 to 0 need improvement, 0 to 30 is good, 30 to 70 is considered great, and above 70 is Theexcellent.firmundertakes the customer service surveys monthly through the globally renowned scheme which measures customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Sustainable Zinc is an inherently ‘green’ metal as it can be recycled over and over again without any loss to its physical or chemical properties. This means that, as part of the galvanizing process, any zinc that doesn’t instantly form a coating on the steel remains in the galvanizing bath. The result of using zinc within the galvanizing process is corrosion protection which can last over 70 years (depending on the environment in which it’s used) without the need for any time- or resource-intensive maintenance and/or replacement.
Wedge Group Galvanizing continues to enhance its galvanizing service with investment in new vehicle fleet, new galvanizing plant and equipment (with its Worksop plant having the biggest bath in the UK), technology enhancements, as well as a commitment to further invest in more sustainable practices.
Developments such as high-velocity ‘smart’ furnaces, fume extraction units, and heat recovery systems have helped to optimise production and enhance performance, whilst the introduction of equipment such as inverters has delivered significant savings in power consumption.
“Our Customer Promise is lived and breathed by each and every one of our 14 plants. It’s a promise that we make as a group to our customers, to be flexible, to provide excellence in product and service quality, to seek their views to continue improving our service and to utilise our national network of plants.”
The process itself involves the use of natural components which can be repurposed, and other resources are used considerately throughout to ensure a minimal environmental burden.
While it has historic roots (it dates back to the mid-1700s), the emergence of new technologies and continuing investment by the industry means that galvanizing –today as valuable to a diverse range of sectors as it’s ever been – is a process that has absolutely moved with the times.

Bathing non-reflectivein glory
When you are looking to push the boundaries of light, color and design, especially with an ultra matt surface, our Précis Ultra Matt range has the answers. With a finer mica effect that enables an ultra matt surface to change appearance depending on the way the light reflects on it, you can create a finish that not only looks amazing, but also offers stunning levels of Withsuperdurability.innovativesolutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible, a vast range of sustainable products backed by industry leading certifications, and the best performing powder coatings on the market used and respected by architects around the world, your imagination starts with our finish. architectural.interpon.com

32 AUGUST 2022 JIGS & BASKETS read online: www.surfaceworld.com

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34 AUGUST 2022 JIGS & BASKETS twitter: @surfaceworldmag

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36 AUGUST 2022 JIGS & BASKETS read online: www.surfaceworld.com

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CONTINUED ON PAGE 40 twitter: @surfaceworldmag
Adapta’s Granite Vivendi Collection: Super-Durable Powder Coatings for Architectural Aluminium Imitating Natural Stone. The Sustainable Alternative for the Architecture of the Future
38 AUGUST 2022 PAINT & POWDER Granite is one of the most abundant types of rock on the earth’s surface. A natural stone, its name describes its particular structure made of medium to large grains. Mostly consisting of feldspar, quartz, and mica, its colour is highly variable: white, yellow, pink, red, brown, and green. Because of its beauty, scratch resistance, and intrinsic hardness, granite has always found wide application in architecture and design: from washbasin tops and kitchen countertops to windowsills, door and gate thresholds, fireplaces, and even street furniture and monuments. For some time now, however, all these sectors have been gradually moving towards the adoption of more sustainable materials, which are lightweight, anti-seismic, and recyclable and whose life cycle has a lower environmental impact. These materials, of which aluminium is the best known, can be ennobled with finishes that imitate natural materials, so as to combine an already well-known and appreciated aesthetic effect with the modernity offered by alternative materials. Wood-effect finishes are certainly the best known among those offered by the powder coating industry to produce aluminium profiles – also widely preferred by the modern construction sector to less sustainable and more laboriously and frequently maintained wooden profiles –recalling the warm effect of the natural texture of real wood. However, over the last ten years, companies have created many new finishes with nature-inspired effects.

SPECIAL SYSTEMS ACIDPURE | Acid recycling EASYPURE | Fluid recycling IONPURE | Ionic filtration ACIDVAC | Acid draining vacuum EDUCTORS | Bath agitation [...] PUMPS & FILTERS L SERIES | Medium flow rate filter P SERIES | Ultra-high flow rate filter A SERIES | Mechanical seals pump M SERIES | Magnetic drive pump T SERIES | Vertical pump [...] We solve our customers filtration, chemical transfer and treatment needs. Contact us SIEBEC UK Ltd, Stafford +44 (0) 1785 227700 sales@siebec.co.ukwww.siebec.co.uk FILTER MEDIA L-TECH | Pleated cartridge BAGTECH | Filtration bag QUALITHERM | Extruded cartridge QUALIBOB | Wound cartridge ANODTECH | Anode bag [...]

After the Patina® Ceramic Collection, which was presented on the September issue of ipcm®, a second series developed by Adapta Color in 2020 and launched in January 2021 stands out in the range of aluminium finishes imitating natural stone: it is the Granite Vivendi Collection, made up of 36 finishes that evoke the effects of granite stone in all its shades of colour and grain size.
40 AUGUST 2022
A. Venturi, Patina® Ceramic Collection: Adapta’s Dreamlike Journey Along the Colours of the Silk Road, ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 71, Vol. XII, September-October 2021. Visit: www.adaptacolor.com/en/ POWDER read online: www.surfaceworld.com
Much like the Patina® Ceramic Collection, the Granite Vivendi Collection consists of powder coatings based on TGIC-free saturated polyester resins and it has been developed as a sustainable alternative to natural granite stone. The powders in this range are available in various gloss levels, finishes, and colours, with the possibility to create custom colour formulations. They have been formulated with the Vivendi SDS technology, which guarantees excellent outdoor durability together with high gloss retention and colour stability. Every paint, from all Adapta collections, formulated with the Vivendi SDS technology meets or exceeds the requirements of international specifications for architectural aluminium, such as Qualicoat Class 2, GSB Master, and AAMA 2604.
One of the most active and capable of developing truly evocative colour ranges is Adapta Color (Peñiscola, Castellón, Spain).
The world’s most famous peaks to evoke the finishes of the Granite Collection From beiges, creams, and greiges with a fine grain and rough feel to solid greys and warm browns with a dense texture, from metallic shades where the granite effect is barely noticeable as it blends with the metallic particles and the effect is velvety to the touch to colours with a smooth finish, all the shades included in the Granite Collection are inspired by the world’s most famous mountain peaks. This creates a journey that crosses the American continent from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru to Georgia, Canada, and Alaska; the Asian continent between China and Nepal, Pakistan and India; Africa, with the peaks of Kenya, Tanzania, and Congo; and the European continent between Russia and Turkey. The world’s 8000-meter peaks well represent the shades of beige, cream, warm white, and greige through to brown and taupe. The Latin American peaks inspire the whole range of reddish browns and burnt earths through to light and metallic greys. Cool blues, blacks, greys, and browns recall the colours of the North American peaks, while darker shades of brown, grey, and black are typical of African and European mountains. A source of inspiration for architects and designers, the Granite Collection complements the Patina® Ceramic Collection and completes Adapta Color’s range of colours and finishes to imitate natural stone.
In terms of corrosion resistance, these coatings exceed 1000 hours in salt spray and humidistat chambers, as well as 30 cycles without blistering in Kesternich tests with SO2. The use of the Adapta Rustproof primer is recommended to further increase the corrosion resistance of both aluminium and hot dip galvanised steel. The use of Adapta’s CR-0000 cleaning, removal, and maintenance solution is also highly recommended as part of an effective façade maintenance programme, in line with the cleaning protocol or procedures outlined by Qualicoat and the American Architectural Manufacturers Association.
Technical characteristics of the Granite Vivendi Collection powders

Detergents for Industrial Parts Cleaning Borer Chemie AG Gewerbestrasse 13 4528 Zuchwil / Switzerland www.borer.ch Bühler Ltd. Unit 8/9 Mercury Park, Mercury Way, M41 7LY Urmston, Manchester / United Kingdom Tel. +44 161 866 2800, Fax +44 161 866 2801 www.buhlergroup.com

PAINT & QuickPOWDERColour Change PVC Booths E-BOOTH ColorX Series Smart Powder Coating Booth ColorX series powder coating booth is suitable for automatic applications. Faster and thorough cleaning. The compact design allows the operators to control the booth with ease. Smooth and effective powder distribution. Best solution for continuous production. Brilliant Finishing. Conforms the Explosive Atmosphere Directive. Optional Mobile Control Panel and Fire Extinguishing System is available. twitter: @surfaceworldmag

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productivityPAINT&POWDER CONTINUED ON PAGE 46 read online: www.surfaceworld.com
Improved penetration in recesses
44 AUGUST 2022
Leon Hogg of Gema said ‘We were delighted to have secured this prestigious project and play a role in FP Advanced growth strategy. in with Gema to boost
Automatic colour change capabilities saves time Automated cleaning for normal maintenance and colour
Most compact application powder pump on the market Inline design provides simple and ergonomic systems integration
The latest installation comprises an OC07 OptiCentre complete with SIT pump technology, a product which is respected as the market leading solution for producing optimised powder application combined with stable and repeatable results with minimum operator intervention. Trying to produce an optimum powder spray pattern using an older high density, multi-channel pump is a challenge. “Puffing” and “surging” powder clouds must be constantly monitored and controls adjusted. OptiSpray and its Smart Inline Technology (SIT) design uses a revolutionary single channel powder path to accurately deliver powder and provide you with broader spray pattern management at the gun tip. This control offers the highest quality appearance for all types of powder coating material, even challenging special effect metallic and textured powders.
Unique single chamber design means up to 50% percent less wear parts
contouring technology
FP Advanced, formerly known as Foleshill Plating, are a Coventry-based company offering powder coating and E-coating services to some big OEM’s including some prestigious automotive brands. A longstanding Gema customer, they had reached a point where they were at maximum capacity, and it was time to upgrade their powder coating facility to increase throughput and position them for their next stage of growth.
As part of the project the existing application guns were updated to the latest version, the gun quantity was increased to support a higher line speed. The automatic guns are mounted on Gema’s latestgeneration dynamic contouring detection system, a proven innovation which is re-shaping the industry when it comes to automatic coating of complex geometries. Contouring supports movementindependentofeachgun on its own dedicated axis, coupled with a laser scanner this enables the guns to track product geometries and optimize the coating distance accordingly to deliver the coating result. Contouring is a truly game changing technology within the automatic powder coating space and facilitates customers to achieve automatic coating where it would have been previously Chrisimpossible.Waterhouse of FP Advanced said ‘We are delighted with the recent installation, it made sense with our initial calculations based on a 30% increase in productivity, we were running at full capacity working 24 hours a day. With the additional guns and contouring system we have been able to increase the line speed, as well as reducing our colour change time with the OptiCentre, and these aspects combined have meant our productivity has increased by considerably more than 30%. The automation and component tracking from the contouring guns has been a game changer for our business, the operator manual coating intervention has been eliminated completely in many cases which is supporting a fully automated process for significant portions of the work which would traditionally have required two operators.
Customer Benefits Smart Inline Technology (SIT) can save you up to 15 percent in powder consumption
Broad powder spray pattern control Individual cloud control for each powder coating gun
FP Advanced invest

OptiFlex ® Pro www.gemapowdercoating.com Gema Europe SRL - UK Branch Tel: 0044 1202 763942 Email: uk.sales@gema.eu.com The new generation of OptiFlex Pro manual units impresses with additional perfomance due to the outstanding PowerBoost technology. Power maximum coating performance with PowerBoost technology Quality best application results on any part with any powder Control transparent coating process with OptiStar 4.0 and Gema E-App

1. Scan: The laser scanners operate in a two-dimensional area. They measure distances to the obstacle and calculate the outline of the object. This data is tracked to the MagicControl 4.0 unit.
Many companies with a powder coating function are often convinced manual application is their best option, and that might have been the case prior to this development. Why not speak to Gema today to explore how this technology might improve your process on 01202 763942.
2. Spray: The scanned object shape is segmented and translated in an accurate axis position and individual gun adjustments. Each axis is independently positioned from each other.
This contouring Technology is a fantastic innovation, and we are pleased to have many other installations planned for this Theyear.’Dynamic Contour Detection process is carried out in two steps;

drop-in replacement for conventional hexavalent chrome environmentallypassivationsafe, non-toxic, simple to operate and waste treat meets or exceeds MIL-DTL-81706B and MIL DTL 5541F for bare corrosion (336 h in NSS per ASTM B-117) respectively, DIN EN ISO 9227 temper resistant up to 100 °C low contact resistance, meets electrical conductivity requirements on aluminium substrates per MIL DTL-81706B field tested on alloys 2024, 2219, 5083, 7075 and various castings applied by immersion, spray or wipe-on for large areas finishing chromitAL TCP Trivalent Chrome Passivation for Aluminium SurTec 650 chromitAL provides excellent bare corrosion resistance on unpainted surfaces and enhances adhesion of organic coatings. Applications include plain and anodized aluminium. SurTec Technologies is a trading name of SurTec Benelux B.V. Molenweg 17A NL-5953 JR Reuver The Netherlands Tel : Fax: 0(031) 77 3081590 0(031) 77 4762033 E-Mail : heh@surtecbenelux.com

“This is a remarkably rare opportunity, there are probably no pre-war Aston Martins in this condition, very original yet still in good enough condition to be preserved” commented Robert Blakemore of Ecurie Bertelli. “We’re thankful to HMG for helping us on this project and developing a product and showing us the techniques required to stabilise and conserve this amazing vehicle’s paint work.”
Steve and his Advanced Colour Design Centre team are no stranger to developing new colours and recreating classic colours. The team have previously worked on a number of projects including the restoration of Emerson Fittipaldi’s iconic 1970 Team Lotus Chassis number 5, and also developing the colours for the Aston Martin Racing 2020, 24 Hours of Le Mans winning cars. Once the colour was created the paint was handed over to HMG assist in iconic Aston Martin MKII conservation
48 AUGUST 2022 Ecurie Bertelli, the pre-war Aston Martin specialist, and HMG Paints, the UK’s leading independent paint manufacturer, have combined their market leading knowledge for a one-of-a-kind project conserving a 1934 Aston Martin MKII.
The team at HMG Paints developed a special stabilising and sealing solution that allowed the Ecurie Bertelli team to seal the worn paint work and prevent further degradation. This unique approach allows 402 to ensure its vintage charm and character will remain for years to come with its original paint work.
PAINT & POWDER CONTINUED ON PAGE 50 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K twitter: @surfaceworldmag
“Project 402 is really exciting, discovering all the finer nuances of the paintwork has been an enthralling process. We were excited to delve into our historic formulation books to faithfully recreate the resin systems and colours used when it was built.”
The 1934 Aston Martin MKII chassis number 402 has had quite the 12 months, which saw it being found in a barn to winning the Octane magazine Car of the Year Award. After 50 years of being stored in a barn the 402 now affectionately known as the “barnfind” is believed to be one of the most original Aston Martins in the world. Uniquely, owner Tom Wood, didn’t want the car to be restored but conserved, and entrusted the team at Ecurie Bertelli to lead the project who then called upon HMG’s unique skills.
John Falder, Chairman of HMG Paints and Vintage Aston Martin enthusiast was delighted HMG could assist in the project.
Steve Kennedy of HMG Paints utilised his years of colour matching experience to faithfully match and recreate the Le Mans Green colour for use behind both rear wheels where the paint was entirely missing.


Glenn Reid, HMGs in house Classic Car expert, who worked with Simon Boreham and Callum Staff from Ecurie Bertelli to apply the coating and create a seamless blend between the new and old Afterpaintwork.applying the new paint, the team set about applying the uniquely formulated stabilising solution. The solution utilised a thermoplastic resin combined with stabilising lacquer to produce the ultra-thin protective coating. The product allows Tom to drive 402 without any worry of further paint degradation, the first test of which was an 800-mile round trip to Le Mans Classic. You can see a video of the work undertaken by HMG Paints and Ecurie Bertelli on the HMG Paints YouTube channel https://youtu.be/ FzzDZkcHvPA . The video showcases the initial inspection of the car and colour identification, to the application of the specially matched paint and application of the stabilising and sealing solution, all of which took place at Riverside Works, the home of HMG Paints.
To find out more about the full range of products and services, you can call HMG on 0161 205 7631 or find your local distributor and download technical data sheets via the HMG website: www.hmgpaint.com or contact via sales@hmgpaint.com or +44 (0) 161 205 7631. Ecurie Bertelli is the pre-eminent global sales and service specialist for pre-war AstonMartin motor cars, www.ecuriebertelli.com. With more than 40 years’ experience they are experts in pre-war Aston-Martin motor car sales, care, repair, restoration, conservation and the leading supplier of pre-war Aston-Martin racing and event support worldwide. With peerless, authentic, technical expertise garnered over decades, EB is the acknowledged global specialist for discerning Aston-Martin owners. www.unitechwashers.uk.com

The most important developments in vapour degreasing cleaning machines to use solvents for vapour degreasing use two different approaches and raise difficult questions as to which is the best most economical and simplest in use.
Innovation driven by legislation Vapour degreasing, with or with-out ultrasonics, is the oldest, simplest and most effective solvent degreasing and metal cleaning process used today. It has, until recently, been subject to little change since it was first invented in the early part of the last century. In the UK, Europe, United States and other advanced industrialized economies increasingly stringent legislation to control emissions of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), Global Warming Compounds, Ozone Depleting Compounds, and those compounds associated with human health concerns has led to new formulations for precision cleaning solvents. Cleaning systems have had to change too With increased legislation concerning the regulation of health and environmental safety, uses of solvents have been targeted and alternatives are encouraged by the relevant authorities and law makers, often without serious consideration of unintended consequences. For example, water-based cleaning is the obvious alternative but this has many disadvantages compared to vapour degreasing as although the machines are simple and relatively cheap the processes require multiple tanks for immersion or spray processing or long programmed cycles in batch machines for cleaning, rinsing and drying. Water based processes are slow, energy intensive and occupy more floor space than vapour degreasing equivalent where only one tank with small footprint is needed delivering shorter process times and most importantly using minimal energy. Then there is the disposal concern as the used water cannot just be disposed of by pouring it down a drain.
Condensing coils/panels controlling the vapour height are linked to coils located proof Vapour Degreasing
Solvent Degreasing and Metal CleaningFuture
The single tank hermetically sealed machines favoured by mainly German manufacturers uses a process tank to contain the solvent and a separate storage tank/vapour generator. Baskets with parts to be cleaned are loaded from the top and lowered into the process tank. A lid then closes over the tank and is hermetically sealed. Solvent is pumped into the process tank. Baskets are immersed in the solvent where agitation, ultrasonics or pumped liquid is circulated through the parts. When the immersion process is complete solvent is pumped to the storage tank and vapour fed to the process tank from a vapour generator for rinsing and drying.
As with all legislation for chemical use regulation and restrictions drive development of associated processes and equipment.
Hermetically sealed machines
from EnviroTech Europe PRE-TREATMENT, SURFACE PREPARATION, DEGREASING & CLEANING 52 AUGUST 2022 read online: www.surfaceworld.com CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
Halogenated hydrocarbons are the solvents of choice for vapour degreasing and cleaning. The process is essentially simple. A tank with a sump to contain the solvent, heaters at the base and condensation coils around the top section to control the height of the vapour is all that is needed. When heated in the sump halogenated solvents produce, in most cases, a saturated vapour between 3 and 4 times heavier than air at a temperature greater than the ambient temperature of the parts to be cleaned. This allows the solvent vapour to condense on the surface of the parts. The condensate dissolves the contaminants such as oil, greases, flux, and soils returning the used solvent into the sump of the machine for recycling into vapour which continuously condenses onto the parts until they have achieved vapour temperature when, with no further condensation, the process is complete. Parts removed from the cleaning machines are very clean, warm and dry.
The ideal cleaning process would be vapour degreasing and cleaning with water, but due to the physical characteristics of the vapour/ steam and the inability to carry surfactants to remove the oil, grease and soils and the difficulty of rinsing and especially drying this will only ever be a dream.
The most common halogenated solvents, in use for commercial purposes, are nonflammable so present no risk in this process.
Perchloroethylene, used mainly for dry cleaning, methylene chloride previously used widely in paint strippers, 1,1,1trichloroethane and trichloroethylene used for vapour degreasing were the original materials used based on chlorine chemistry. However continuing concern about the environmental impact and danger to operators by exposure to chlorine-based solvents, especially trichloroethylene, has led to a continuing search for safer alternatives, such as ProSolv®5408e, a trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene based solvent mixture that is non-flammable.

UK’S LEADING MANUFACTURER PYROLYSIS & BURN OFF OVENS Call Longworth today for a no obligation meeting on how we can help you and your business Longworth’s pyrolysis & burn off ovens are second to none in design and build quality, built to last and have the latest in technological features. Our ovens provide a quick and highly effective process for the removal of plastics, paints and resins from jigs, filters, shelving, food trays, motors, automotive parts and a multitude of other components. Our Pyrolysis ovens provide you with a quick and highly effective process for the removal of plastic, paints and resins Accreditations BS EN ISO 9001:2008 visit www.bmlongworth.com call 01254 680501 email enquiries@bmlongworth.com

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 Email: contact@envirotech-europe.com Visit: www.envirotech-europe.com
The simpler multilevel systems where movement of liquids is not required are more efficient and offer much faster process times. Cost of manufacture is also cheaper as no liquid movement is involved. The extracted loading section ensures no leakage of solvent into the work area which offers complete safety for operators and factory staff. The disadvantage of the multilevel machine is the height of the equipment compared to the single tank machine. This will often require the equipment be installed in a pit for easy access.
The best metal cleaning solution is Vapour Degreasing
FURTHER INFORMATION Please visit our website www.envirotecheurope.com for information about other uses and applications for our vapour degreasing and cleaning products.
54 AUGUST 2022 within the vapour zone which, when the cycle is complete, collapse the vapour. The process tank is emptied. The saturated air/solvent from the process tank is then recycled through carbon absorption units to remove traces of solvent from the air until the concentration is below 2 grams per cubic meter when the lid opens automatically for the basket of parts, clean and dry, to be removed and replaced with a further basket. Variations within the hermetically sealed tank are possible using sprays of cold or hot condensed solvent, immersion with or without ultrasonics and revolving baskets to cover most of the problems experienced when processing machined and fabricated parts. Continuous external distillation of the contents of the vapour generator is also an option depending on contamination
When the process is complete the basket rises to the freeboard area where the condensation coils are located, and parts are allowed to drain and dry. The tank seal opens to allow the basket into the load section while the lid closes again across the process tank. A fan is then activated which produces a negative vacuum in the load area. The loading door is then partially opened to allow a flow of air through the loading section which is exhausted to atmosphere or can be recycled through carbon absorption systems if no external exhaust is preferred. As baskets entering the loading space contain parts drained and dried only very small amounts of solvent are carried in the exhausted air which is monitored to ensure compliance with local legislation. When this is achieved the door opens fully for removal of basket. The loading section can be fitted with top or side sealed doors allowing baskets to flow through on conveyor systems or be loaded from hoists. No solvent enters the work area. Both processes will produce parts cleaned to the highest standards but the choice of which offers the best solution needs a little more consideration.
Both designs of process machines fully comply with the emission regulations of the UK, EU and U.S authorities. Which to choose will depend on many factors which should be discussed with both the equipment and solvent suppliers who have the experience to advise on which offers the best process for the application. Equipment and solvent must work together and it is advisable to ensure that the suppliers work closely together to offer a package with high levels of responsible care and product stewardship to ensure the best and safest installation.
The alternative technology is much simpler and cheaper and less time consuming using well trained techniques. This is favoured by UK based manufacturers. The multilevel system shown in the diagram uses a standard vapour degreasing tank design with a sealed loading section above the process tank. Work baskets are fed to the load section from a hoist or conveyor. The loading door is then pneumatically sealed to hermetically isolate the process. The sealing lid on the process tank is opened and the basket lowered into the cleaning tank which can be simple vapour degreasing with vapour generator below or an offset generator can be used with the lower section being filled with clean solvent for immersion cleaning with or without ultrasonics or power sprays. Revolving baskets can also be added to improve cleaning in blind or through holes or oil ways in castings and fabrications.
Visit ForEnviroTechaboutapplications-and-case-studieswww.envirotech-europe.com/forinformationusesandapplicationsforallEuropeproducts.moreadvice,pleasetelephoneuson
The vapour cleaning process still gives the highest levels of economical cleaning with minimum energy usage, low footprint on the factory floor, safety for the operator, and high production rates with low solvent usage or environmental impact. With the new generation of sealed cleaning machines its future as the process of choice is assured.
+44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our website contact form. All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.
The single tank process is complicated with the need to move liquids in the machine. It is relatively slow as the carbon adsorption process needs to remove high levels of solvent from the recirculated airstream from the process tank. This is inefficient as adsorption rates for carbon fall rapidly with increasing saturation. Final levels of solvent in the tank when the lid opens will be dragged into the workshop and the area in which the operator is working. Long process cycles reduce throughput.
Envirotech Europe supplies three distinct products that use this process and we are happy to advise you on the best solution to suit your needs. Please visit our website to find out more about ProSolv®5408e, ProSolv® and EnSolv CC-A® Image of Solvac hermetically sealed equipment by kind permission of CC Hydrosonics Ltd.

6 K-type thermocouple ports High temperature stainless steel barrier box for long run times Download, view, and analyze data using PosiSoft Desktop Software or export to .CSV Oven Temperature Logger Measures and records oven temperature profiles 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494 www.dftinstruments.co.uk e: sales@dftinstruments.co.uk Customizable PDF Reports Prices starting at: Oven LoggerTemperature .......... £1895 ProbesTemperature £100 Wide variety of spring clamp and magnetic temperature probes available NEW WE’RE OBSESSED WITH COLOR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOMIZED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS brands of The Sherwin-Williams Company A complete range of industrial coatings Waterborne | Powder | Solventborne | High solid | E-coat The Sherwin-Williams Company, Goodlass Road, Speke, Liverpool, L24 9HJ, United Kingdom | T: +44 (0)151 486 0486 | e-mail: liverpool.sales@sherwin.com

We are committed to playing our part to minimise any negative impact on the environment, so we constantly strive to ensure we only offer the most advanced and sustainable products on the market.
For more information about the products we offer and how we can help, get in touch at sales@frasertech.co.uk. can my business reduce its carbon emissions?
If you would like to know more about whether your organisation can reduce the carbon impact of its cleaning process, please contact one of our team and we’d be very happy to look at your existing set up and see where efficiencies can be made and if superior solvents can be used. It could be one of the easiest ways to help meet your company’s sustainability targets.
By changing their existing solvent to SF80 and working closely with them to optimise their process and reduce their solvent consumption, we were able to help them reduce their overall usage of solvent by 28%. This not only saved them around £30,000 per year, but it also dramatically reduced their carbon emissions.
As businesses step up on meeting ESG targets and cutting carbon emissions, we’re seeing a noticeable increase in clients asking us to look at ways to help them meet their sustainability goals. When scrutinising every process throughout the supply chain, what many manufacturers are coming to realise, is that changing the chemicals in their cleaning processes can significantly reduce carbon footprint. On a most basic level, a simple switch can significantly reduce energy usage, without affecting cleanliness levels. In fact, in many cases, reconsidering cleaning solutions can deliver higher quality results, while also minimising time, cost, and crucially, the organisation’s environmental impact…
Previously, our client’s GWP was 990 – so the CO2 emissions being created by the customer were equivalent to driving around the world 143 times. With a more efficient process and using SF80, the new emissions were around the same as they would be driving from Edinburgh to Moscow. Where to begin?
The statistics on global warming are extremely worrying, and it’s clear we need to act now to start making a difference for future generations to survive. The problem can be almost exclusively attributed to harmful gases in the atmosphere, and we can reduce this by making small differences in all that we do.
Energy usage aside, reviewing cleaning solvents should be a priority when looking to reduce emissions. Historically, cleaning solvents were notorious for having very high global warming potential (GWP) and had seriously detrimental effects on the atmosphere. However, while many businesses would think they were doing the best thing from an environmental perspective by using an aqueous solution over a solvent, this is not always the case. The new generation of solvents have been developed specifically with the environment in mind and are far less harmful than comparable solutions.
How can Fraser Technologies help?
One product that we regularly recommend to our clients is Opteon™ SF80 from Chemours. SF80 has an ultralow GWP of less than 2.5, unlike common F-gas solvents that can have a GWP of up to 11,000. SF80 is just as effective as these damaging competitor products – and in many cases can be even more efficient – so changing from an F-gas solvent to SF80 can have a huge impact on helping to lower carbon emissions, and it can improve the cleaning process and save money in the process.
56 AUGUST 2022
We’re proud to have helped many of our clients switch to lower GWP solvents, resulting in proven emissions reductions and cost savings. One of our aerospace manufacturer clients is a perfect example of this. We were approached by a leading manufacturer to find an alternative to the high-GWP solvent they were using in a bid to lower their emissions and improve their sustainability credentials.
When considering cleaning processes, the solution already exists, with much more environmentally friendly solvents already on the market that deliver comparable results.
For those who don’t know the science behind it, GWP is one of the methods for measuring the impact a gas will have on the atmosphere, and represents the equivalent of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere (1kg of C02 = a GWP of 1). For companies manufacturing gases, and for those purchasing and using them, keeping the GWP as low as possible is critical when it comes to managing environmental impact.
With ESG targets at the top of many agendas, Graham Fraser, MD of Fraser Technologies, discusses how changing the chemicals in cleaning processes can significantly reduce carbon emissions.

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SRD Engineering has a wide range of customers that includes aerospace, Formula One racing teams, blue chip organisations and local engineering companies.
John Pattison continued: “The vast range of machines possessed by SRD Engineering require effective precision parts washing. We are delighted that the Duo has improved the efficiency of the cleaning process at SRD.”
Using the latest cleaning technologies, coupled with specialist chemicals formulated by MecWash in-house, a MecWash aqueous cleaning system enables customers to meet the demanding requirements of industries with stringent surface finish standards.
Seb Meier, QHSE Officer at SRD Engineering, said: “We are now able to clean a higher volume of parts to a much higher quality standard than previously. The Duo is easy to use and effectively removes the swarf, coolant and neat oil from the components. It is very reliable, and the support and quick response precision engineered parts with just-in-time supply. The speed and the quality of the service gives SRD the advantage over our “Thecompetitors.”MecWashDuo provides consistently high standards of cleanliness which gives SRD the ability to exceed their customers’ expectations.” added Mark.
Paul Jarratt, sales manager at MecWash, comments: “After detailed analysis of SRD’s cleaning requirements, we recommended the Mecwash Duo. The Duo 400 was the most appropriate for SRD with a 400 x 450 x 600mm wash chamber and a compact “Thefootprint.Duo process involves immersion washing, which provides higher standards of cleaning by full solution contact with all component surfaces. It has a spray wash, and a re-circulating heated spray rinse, which provides a high standard of surface finish removing detergent residues left by the wash solution. The process is completed with a hot air dry.”
Mark Bonham, managing director at SRD, comments: “Before speaking with MecWash, the team hand-washed the machined parts which took valuable time and, with an increase in workload, became slow-paced and inconsistent. We wanted a system that could provide high standards of cleaning and drying, allowing the team to focus on providing our customers with the precision parts we are renowned for.”
For further information about MecWash Systems Limited please visit www.mecwash.com or call 01684 271600 to discuss your parts cleaning requirements.
SRD Engineering invests in MecWash parts washing system to improve efficiency
John Pattison continued: “The Duo has proven to be very popular with companies working in industries including aerospace, automotive, defence, hydraulics and general engineering due to the ease and speed of use. The Duo has a range of pre-set programmes with each cycle taking typically no more than 10 minutes, making it ideal to help quickly meet growing production demands.”
John Pattison, managing director at MecWash, said: “Speaking with Mark, it was clear from our initial discussions that MecWash had the experience and expertise to provide the system that SRD required.”
SRD contacted MecWash to find out if the Tewkesbury-based company could provide a system that could effectively clean machined parts in brass, titanium, stainless and carbon steel.
SRD Engineering, a British company that manufactures high quality precision engineering parts for challenging applications such as Formula One racing, required a parts washer to cope with the cleaning demands of its large workshop.
58 AUGUST 2022

EASY OPERATION . DOUBLE PRODUCTIVITY. SuperCenter EVO Powder preparation & supply center • Ideal for frequent & fast color changes • High degree of automation for optimum efficiency • Double-designed fresh powder station for increased productivity wagner-group.com Contact Wagner Spraytech (UK) Ltd a Member of WAGNER GROUP Telephone: 01327 enquiries@wagner-group.com368410

P-41 Alloy and Steel Construction for: Enhanced durability Machine finished
Features and Benefits
HighAcu-StrikelongevityWheelTechnology:BetterabrasivecontrolandimprovedflowboostsmachineperformanceandproductivityEnhanceddurabilityandlongevityEaseofmaintenanceHigh/Low/VariablespeedoptionsforflexibilityandprecisionEfficiencySeparator:Consistentblastqualityand abrasive flow for a better
product and more efficient Optimizedoperationscontaminant removal Paint Bettersavingsabrasive life for cost savings Electronics Package: Multiple package options to meet your needs (Basic, PLC/Touch Screen, PC based) Remote connectivity for easier and more efficient troubleshooting and maintenance Back-office integration and data collections for improved operations Machine SpecificIntegrationFeatures:of blasting process into automatic production lines reduces production costs Wear plate package consisting of 1/2” (13 mm) thick cast wear resist or manganese liners bolted in line with blast streams Systems designed for floor line installation requiring no pit More Details For more details on the Pangborn Wire Mesh Blast Cleaning Machine or to arrange a consultation. Contact Pangborn UK on – 01352 712412, or email us at – info@pangborn.co.uk Case Study Ireland: Wire Mesh Belt Blast Machine Installation PRE-TREATMENT, SURFACE PREPARATION, DEGREASING & CLEANING read online: www.surfaceworld.com
New Installation –Wire Mesh Belt Blast Machine
The Wire Mesh Belt Blast Machine is one of our most popular types of commercial blast cleaning Designedsystems.withthe ability to blast heavy duty small to medium sized work pieces as well as fragile castings. The blast chamber is bombarded with abrasive stemming from wheels situated above and below the work for maximum coverage. This type of blasting machine is specifically designed to blast clean pieces on two sides, with only one pass through. The Wire Mesh Belt Blast Cleaning Machine is aggressive enough to handle heavy duty foundry applications, as well as gentle enough to cater for thin and fragile castings.
60 AUGUST 2022 Pangborn UK have yet again have been busy at the forefront of fresh installations, most recently for a customer located in Ireland. Many of our customers are located throughout the world, in almost every country. Pangborn UK are a main port of call for customers based within the UK and Recently,Ireland. our team of expert engineers and rapid response installation teams have crossed the water to supply one of our Irish customers with a well-needed and much more efficient installation of a new continuous flow blast machine.

Competence in Shot Blast Technology20 years AGTOS | GmbH | D-48282 Emsdetten info@agtos.de | www.agtos.com As a full-range supplier, we design and manufacture shot blasting machines including filter and transport technology. ➜ New shot blast machines ➜ Second hand machines ➜ Service and spare parts ➜ Reparation & maintenance ➜ Inspection & consulting ➜ Performance improvement341-10/21-4c-GB Solutions for Parts & Paint Spray gun cleaning WASHERSASK FOR A QUOTEFREE Manual | Automatic Our high quality, advanced range of equipment provides the best way to clean paint spray guns or industrial parts. With numerous options, you can be sure that there is a model in our extensive range that meets your cleaning requirements using either solvents or water. ATEX certified • High quality alloy Stainlesspumps constructionsteel • Wash cycle controlled by timer • Wash & rinse • Hot water wash • Inbuilt water recycling • Inbuilt solvent recycling Air extraction • 2 year warranty BUYORLEASE info@solutex.co.ukwww.solutex.co.uk|01691622225 For more information visit: These Systems include: I‐on‐xDeionisersExchange Cylinders Reverse Osmosis UV (Ultra Violet) PumpsSo�enersFiltra�onand Tanks We are Pure Water Equipment Specialists and provide an extensive range of water treatment systems and services to commercial and industrial clients throughout the UK. Providing a Full Turnkey Service means we can Design, Manufacture, Install and Commission a system based on specific produc�on needs or requirements. ADEPT Pure Water Ltd can also provide service for: Break Down & Repair on ALL makes of Water Purifica�on Equipment Re-Condi�oning of all types of Water Purifica�on Equipment Tailored Service Agreements –Standard or Responsive op�ons available Site Survey and System Efficiency Reports for prospec�ve clients or Repair and Service op�ons for pre-exis�ng systems. ADEPT Pure Water Limited 36 Huxley Close, Park Farm South, Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 6AB Spares and Consumables: ADEPT offer a choice of consumables including UV Lamps, Chemicals, Micron & Carbon Filters. We also offer Spare Parts, Tanks, Refurbished Water Equipment and more. Look out for the launch of our New ONLINE STORE COMING SOON

Straaltechniek Ltd provide bespoke solutions & equipment modernisation programmes to the Surface Preparation Industry
Shot Blast Machine refurbishment (before & after)
Simple safety interlock and access platform & ladder Bulk Abrasive Replenishment
The health & safety of all employees is paramount in any modern businesses who must comply with the latest H&S regulations.
62 AUGUST 2022
a wide range of EMP programmes to assist customers when legislation and production demands require more from their existing equipment. Health & Safety, Dust Filtration, House-keeping, Handling & Ergonomic issues are classic examples.
Straaltechniek UK can provide the latest bespoke solutions.
Various Examples of EMP
Straaltechniek UK can assist these businesses with advice and Straaltechniek UK Shot Blast & Shot Peen Equipment Modernisation Programmes E.M.P. Simple Safety Interlock, Access Platform & Ladder, Automatic Abrasive Replenishment upgrades to meet with these mandatory demands. Whether it is working from heights, near to powered moving machinery, excessive noise, dust or ergonomic issues
Straaltechniek UK Ltd offer many services into the surface preparation industry including manufacture and supply of equipment, new or 2nd hand refurbished, aftermarket spares, and equipment modernisation (including our High Performance Long Life GN last Wheel) as well as maintenance support through service contracts and breakdown cover. With their office, workshop and showroom based in the Steel City of Sheffield Straaltechniek UK Ltd are proud to be a member of Made in Sheffield, one of the World’s great brands. As well as brand New, we offer quality 2nd refurbished shot blasting Ourequipment.skilled engineers refurbish to a high standard to customer spec whilst also offering key feature upgrades including our Long Life High Performance Blast wheels as part of our Equipment Modernisation Programme Straaltechniek(EMP).UKhave

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New pioneering technology to objectively evaluate total perception of structured surfaces
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Introduction - Colour analysis is not enough Uniform appearance is a crucial quality criterion for many products. The choice of material and production process variations influence the surface quality, for example the cell size of powder coatings is highly dependent on paint film thickness and curing conditions. Another example are injection molding applications where fluctuations in tool pressure and temperature will show up in gloss and contrast variations. With the change of just one material or process parameter, the visual perception of colour and appearance can be changed significantly. So far visual assessment was the only way to deliver a complete judgement of a textured surface including colour and gloss evaluation. The recent developments of colour and gloss meters significantly improved quality control, but do not include the effects of structure or complex gloss behavior of 3D-surfaces. Therefore, 3D microscopes are used to provide very detailed information of the surface structure in the laboratory for research purposes, but not suitable for fast and easy analysis of production quality.
Authors: Dr Christopher Groh, Gabriele Kigle-Böckler - BYK-Gardner GmbH
Figure 2: Height map of a powder coated surface measured with the spectro2profiler instrument. The unit P-μm is perceived height.
Our visual perception is influenced by colour, gloss and the surface structure. Our visual rating takes all three parameters into consideration and makes an overall judgement. Up to now, grain or surface structure could only be judged visually or with high sophisticated microscopes. This has changed with the new spectro2profiler, a pioneering technology combining colour, gloss, 2D reflectivity and 3D topography in a robust, portable tool with a short measuring time.
Figure 1: Image acquisition of different illuminations to calculate surface topography ii
3D Topography analysis using photometric stereo technique Photometric stereo is a technique for estimating surface normals in order to calculate a 3D topography of that surface. The technique was originally introduced by Woodham in 1980.i The surface normals are calculated by observing an object from different illumination directions. With each direction, the object casts different shadows on the surface and a camera acquires images for each illumination (Figure 1). Using shape from shading, the surface curvature is estimated, and the height map of the object can be calculated. The result is a real 3D topography of the measured object surface (Figure 2). Watershed analysis to define structure cell sizes Topographies such as leather grains or coarse powder coated structures can be characterized by their structure cells. To divide the topography into cells, the watershed algorithm is used, a regionbased segmentation approach. One can imagine that the algorithm

Spatially resolved 2D reflectivity measurement
66 AUGUST 2022 gradually floods the valleys of the topography, building rivers until hill areas are surrounded.iii These areas will be defined as cells, marked as green lines in Figure 3.
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Characteristic features of the surface can be calculated based on the watershed segmentation results to compare different structures or grains. Spatial length scales result from camera calibration and are traceable to SI-units. The calculated average cell size correlates to our visual impression of coarseness. The distribution of individual cell sizes is an indication for the uniformity of the surface structure. For example, a natural leather structure varies in uniformity depending on the part of the cow skin. A textured paint can form agglomerations during the wet paint application, if the application parameters vary resulting in an inhomogeneous appearance. The normalized cell size deviation is calculated by dividing the cell size distribution with the mean cell size. It is an objective measure to compare the uniformity of different structures independent of its absolute cell size.
Many automotive interior components have a leather-like look and are manufactured by different suppliers with different processes and made of various materials. The appearance of the products surface is analyzed in the different development phases, e.g. at the very beginning by the design department in the grain development to approve suppliers and at the very end by quality control in production.
Conventional measurement of reflectivity and gloss Reflectivity and gloss are based on the interaction of light with the physical properties of the sample surface. The intensity is dependent on the material and the angle of illumination. The measurement results of a conventional glossmeter are related to the amount of reflected light from a black glass standard with a defined refractive index. Today's measuring instruments are very precise and widely used in industry, but they hold some weak points in the measurement of structured surfaces. Cast shadows and areas that are invisible to the measurement detector can falsify the measurement result. Moreover, the perception of gloss does not only depend on specular gloss but also on the observed contrast between specular highlights and diffusely reflecting surface areas.iv A conventional gloss meter is not capable to capture more complex reflective behaviour such as spatially distributed reflections e.g. high reflecting hills next to low reflecting valleys which occur in leather-like structures.
In order to assess the overall appearance of an object, it is necessary to measure surface structure and reflectivity in parallel, as they are mutually interdependent, but are combined for an overall visual assessment.v Because our eyes are only capable to acquire 2D information, the human visual system reconstructs 3D information of objects in our brain using shading and reflections.vi That means, the perceived depth of a structure is dependent on the reflection behaviour on the hills and valleys. Since the spectro2profiler uses the same camera and lens system for the acquisition of 3D topography and 2D reflectivity data, it is possible to combine the data of both measurement principles. Thus, the reflection of hills and valleys can be separated. The difference between reflection of hills and valleys, describes the contrast and perceived depth of a structured surface.
Figure 3: Raw data and segmented topography data of a leather grain on a plastic substrate.
Leather grain structures can appear different in contrast although colour and 60° gloss are the same (Figure 6).
Figure 5 shows a grey scaled reflectivity map in which every pixel represents a reflectivity value allowing more detailed analysis of reflectivity distributions of a surface. Combination of 3D topography data with 2D reflectivity data
Figure 6: Four dashboard slush skins of same material with different levels of contrast
The spectro2profiler offers a new camera-based technology to capture the spatial distribution of reflectivity. An in-line illumination setup eliminates cast shadows, invisible areas and perspective distortions so that the measurement is independent of orientation (Figure 4). The camera acquires 2D reflectivity images.
Figure 4: Setup of spatial resolved reflectivity measurement Figure 5: Reflectivity map of a powder coated surface acquired with the spectro2profiler
A practical example as found in the automotive industry

How mesoscale
This can be caused due to different reflectivity levels of the surface on hills and valleys. Up till now this had to be evaluated visually which is subjective and non-repeatable. The results in Figure 7 show how the reflectivity contrast Rc distinguished the samples despite having the same colour and 60° Gloss. Moreover, the results of the reflectivity for hills and valleys provide details about what causes the different reflectivity contrasts.
Conclusion spectro2profiler (figure 8) is a game changer and marks a turning point in the analysis of structured surfaces. The combination of colour, gloss, 3D topography and 2D reflectivity in one easy to use instrument is a milestone in the objective measurement control of textured surfaces. At this moment, the spectro2profiler incorporates three algorithms for surface structure analysis - leather-like structures, coarse paint textures and fine paint or plastic textures. Due to its excellent technical performance in regards to repeatability and inter-instrument agreement, digital standards can be used as a reference, allowing a flawless communication within a global supply chain.
Press, Inc. vi A.
Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2011 Telephone: +44 (0) 800 9178298 Visit: www.byk-instruments.com Figure 7:
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References i Woodham, R.J. 1980. Photometric method for determining surface orientation from multiple images. Optical Engineerings 19, I, 139-144 ii by Meekohi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 18(1), 19–41. Qi, L., Chantler, M. J., Siebert, J. P., & Dong, J. (2012). and microscale Lulu Nischwitz et al., Reflectivity and gloss results spectro2profiler from BYK-Gardner
of four leather grains of same grain type Figure 8:
The new measurement parameter reflectivity contrast is an ideal measure for production QC of injection or slush moulded parts.
roughness affect perceived gloss. Edinburgh, Scotland:
67AUGUST 2022
From now on, our visual perception of colour, gloss and structure can be evaluated in a holistic and objective approach, colour and appearance harmony when combining different components can be optimized and all this is possible in the laboratory as well as on the production line with the portable spectro2profiler.

How Duplex Coatings Protect Steel from Corrosion Steel corrodes when an electrolyte connects anodes and cathodes on a steel surface. The formation of the corrosion cell causes a flaky iron oxide known as rust. To avoid rust, something must prevent the formation of the corrosion cell. Two common methods for preventing corrosion on steel
DeFelsko’s PosiTector 6000 FNDS coating thickness gage nondestructively measures the individual thicknesses of both the paint and the zinc galvanize layers in a duplex coating system with a single reading.
1.are:Cathodic protection (by using a sacrificial anode, such as zinc).
2. Creating a barrier to block electrolytes from contacting the steel, such as paint or other protective coatings. Duplex coating systems use a combination of two corrosion protection systems—typically paint or powder coating over galvanized steel (hot-dip, electro, or zinc spray metallizing). The corrosion protection which results from a duplex coating system is superior to either protection system used independently.
68 AUGUST 2022 twitter: @surfaceworldmag TESTING & MEASUREMENT CONTINUED ON PAGE 70
Color AestheticsCoding Coating System Thickness Measurement
Benefits of duplex coating systems: Extended life of coating system and underlying substrate Delayed maintenance cycle—less touch-up repairing, reduced maintenance costs

Proud supplier of DeFelsko Inspection Instruments DFT Instruments UK LTD 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494 f: 01442 879595 www.dftinstruments.co.uk e: sales@dftinstruments.co.uk PosiTector ® Inspection Unrivaled probe interchangeability for all of your inspection needs. Backwards Compatibility! The redesigned PosiTector gauge body accepts ALL coating thickness (6000/200), environmental (DPM), surface profile (SPG/RTR), salt contamination (SST), hardness (SHD/BHI), and ultrasonic wall thickness (UTG) probes manufactured since 2012. Customized Inspection Kits... Build your own kit from a selection of gauge bodies and probes to suit your needs. ThicknessCoating ProfileSurface ConditionsEnvironmental WallUltrasonicThicknessHardnessSaltContamination Coating Thickness Probes n Ferrous n Non-Ferrous n Combination n Ultrasonic Surface Profile Probes n Depth Micrometer n Replica Tape Reader Environmental Conditions Probes n Integral n Cabled Magnetic Probe n Anemometer Probe n 1/2” NPT n Infrared Hardness Probes n Shore n Barcol Salt Contamination Probe n Bresle Method Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Probes n Corrosion n Multiple Echo Thru-Paint n Precision n Low Frequency n Xtreme NEW DesignandFeatures Proud supplier of DeFelsko Inspection Instruments DFT Instruments UK LTD 16A Long Drive, Meadway, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2PN t: 01442 879494 f: 01442 879595 www.dftinstruments.co.uk e: sales@dftinstruments.co.uk NEW DesignandFeatures

For more information on the PosiTector 6000 FNDS or any of the gauges in the DeFelsko range, please contact Mark Conlon at DFT Instruments UK Ltd, proud UK distributor for Telephone:DeFelsko. 01442 879494
Duplex Coating Thickness Measurement Solution from DeFelsko
A second conventional method uses a combination magnetic and eddy-current probe such as the PosiTector 6000 FN3. Two readings are taken, the first in eddy-current mode to get the paint thickness, the second in magnetic mode to get the total coating system thickness. The difference between the two readings is taken to be the zinc layer thickness. Again, this method assumes the zinc thickness does not vary over the structure. Both methods are time consuming and error-prone. The PosiTector 6000 FNDS duplex coating thickness probe performs this operation with one reading—simply and accurately.
The PosiTector 6000 FNDS duplex coating thickness gage measures the individual thicknesses of both the paint and the zinc layers in a duplex coating system with a single reading.
In Duplex mode, the PosiTector 6000 FNDS utilizes both magnetic (ferrous) and eddy current (non-ferrous) principles simultaneously to calculate and display the individual paint and zinc layer thicknesses.
Email: sales@dftinstruments.co.uk Visit: www.dftinstruments.co.uk read online: www.surfaceworld.com
The magnetic principle is used to measure the combined paint/zinc thickness over the ferrous substrate, and the eddy current principle is used to measure the paint thickness over the non-ferrous zinc coating.
Measuring the thickness of duplex coating system layers with conventional instruments is Typically,challenging.amagnetic coating thickness gauge such as a PosiTector 6000 F1 or PosiTest DFT Ferrous is first used to measure the zinc thickness. The same instrument then measures the total thickness of both the zinc and paint layers together. The difference between the two readings is taken to be the paint layer thickness. This method assumes the zinc thickness never varies. In reality, zinc thickness is not always uniform over the entire part or structure. Coating thickness depends on the thickness, roughness, chemistry, and design of the steel being galvanized. Any or all of these factors could produce galvanized coatings of non-uniform thickness.
The zinc thickness is calculated by subtracting the paint thickness from the combined paint/zinc thickness measurement. When not in Duplex mode, the gauge will operate like a conventional combination ferrous/non-ferrous instrument (similar to PosiTector 6000 FNS probe). Ideal for measuring non-magnetic coatings over steel and non-conductive coatings over nonferrous metal substrates.
70 AUGUST 2022 How to Measure the Coating Thickness of a Duplex System

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A Short History of Ultrasonic Testing
The search unit emitted a 2.25MHz ultrasonic pulse into materials and then plotted the amplitude of returning echoes against time on an oscilloscope screen, making the Reflectoscope arguably the world’s first A-Scan flaw detector.
Firestone’s invention was a breakthrough moment for the field of ultrasonic testing, but it would take a number of years and a lot of innovative industrial design before UT developed into the mature and reliable inspection technique it’s considered to be today. For this to happen, certain technologies needed to be pioneered first, such as the discovery of high-power composite crystals to replace quartz or digital electronics to replace the analogue valve based oscilloscope systems used in the 40s. What is Ultrasound?
In this article you’ll find a brief overview of the history, fundamentals, and current capabilities of UT as a technique.
Floyd Firestone with his A-Type Supersonic Reflectoscope
72 AUGUST 2022
The important trade-off engineers consider when it comes to their choice of ultrasonic frequency is penetration vs. resolution; as ultrasonic waves increase in frequency they can be used to make out much smaller features within a material, but will lose much of their ability to penetrate deep into them. Conversely, lower frequency ultrasound will have a much easier time penetrating material, but have much lower resolving power.
Fundamentally, sound is just the name for a type of mechanical wave that travels through solids, liquids and gases by making their particles oscillate, or vibrate, between 20 and 20,000 times a second (Hz). Because this frequency region is what the human ear evolved to detect, it is also known as audible sound. Ultrasound, therefore, refers to the region of frequencies that are too high, i.e. that vibrate too fast, to be detected by the human ear. Conversely, Infrasound is the range of frequencies that are too low to be detected by the human ear.
TESTING & MEASUREMENT CONTINUED ON PAGE 74 twitter: @surfaceworldmag
While this is a long way practically from the scientific approach of modern UT, the concept of utilising sound to test materials was the driving constant throughout its subsequent development. The development of modern ultrasonics really got underway in the 1940s and 50s, with a marked acceleration in sophistication following the electronic revolution at the tail end of WW2.
The waves used for non-destructive testing are extremely high pitched when compared to the audible range. The lowest commonly used frequency is around 1 MHz (1 million Hz), which is fifty times higher than the highest sound you’ll ever hear. For specialist applications like scanning acoustic microscopy the frequencies employed can go all the way up to a staggering 2,000 MHz3!
In 1945 Floyd Firestone, an American physicist specialising in acoustics, patented a device built from modified RADAR instruments called ‘The Supersonic Reflectoscope’2 which he described as ‘a means of inspecting the interior of solid parts for flaws’. The Reflectoscope operated in a ‘pulse-echo’ configuration using a single quartz crystal search unit which both sent and received, which was notable in comparison to his contemporaries who made use of separate sending and receiving units.
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a large and increasingly multifaceted discipline, encompassing a wide range of techniques such as magnetic particle inspection, radiography, ultrasonic testing, eddy current testing and more. As of the end of 2020, Ultrasonic Testing (UT) was the most commonly used method, accounting for 27%1 of the total NDT equipment market share.
Ultrasonic testing’s roots can be traced back to the classic ‘tap test’ of historical blacksmiths and metalworkers. In these tap tests, an experienced craftsman would give test pieces a firm whack with a hard object, such as a hammer or coin, and then listen for the resulting ring to tell whether or not the object was ‘sound’ from the sharpness, tone and other sonic qualities of the produced noise.
A Layman’s Guide to Ultrasonic Inspection
The most commonly used frequencies within industrial testing sit within the 0.5MHz to 20MHz range. The bottom end of the range is employed when testing composites and highly attenuative polymers while the top end is more useful for very thin metals and high-precision applications like bolt tension measuring.

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74 AUGUST 2022
What Does the Future of Ultrasonic Testing Look Like?
On a conceptual level, ultrasonic testing is a fairly intuitive technique to understand and requires little abstraction or higher level understanding. An ultrasonic pulse is generated by a transducer which is acoustically coupled to the test piece. This ultrasonic pulse travels into the material, reflecting back to the transducer whenever it hits a boundary, such as an air bubble, crack or the back surface of the piece. The strength of these reflections and how long it took for them to come back are measured and then plotted on a 2D display.
A-Scan displays are interpreted based on an understanding of the part’s geometry.
As a result of this versatility, and in combination with its high accuracy, UT is employed in some form in an overwhelming majority of high-tech industries. The top users by size are the oil & gas sector, aerospace industry and the utility & power sector. Within these sectors the most common use cases are often weld testing: the thorough scanning of welds to check for manufacturing defects, and corrosion monitoring: the periodic inspection of pipes & plates to check their rate of corrosive decay over time.
One of the downsides of current UT methods is that even a basic A-Scan operator must be rigorously trained to be able to properly perform an inspection; in 2018 a Level 1 NDT technician in the US earned a median salary of $73,000 – about 40% higher than the median US salary across all occupations5. This is exacerbated by a general skills shortage within NDT as a whole that sees demand for operators outpacing supply.
‘0°’ refers to the angle that the transducer is offset from the surface, ‘single-crystal’ refers to the specific construction of the transducer and ‘A-Scan’ refers to the way the results are displayed and interpreted. This type of inspection is the classic interpretation of UT and more or less the same setup pioneered by Firestone. However, as the field has developed, so too have the methods employed by inspectors. As more powerful piezoelectric composites, the crystals that produce the ultrasound, began to see use, it became feasible to transmit the ultrasound into materials at an angle, allowing for the fusion face of welds to be inspected without radiography.
Advances in transducer design and computing power saw the production of transducers with more than one piezoelectric crystal inside, leading to the development of dual crystal transducers for near surface inspection and eventually to the introduction of phased array ultrasonics in the 1980s, where 12 or more individually fired crystals could be connected to one another. Increases in computing power also lead to different ways of displaying UT information, such as C-Scans and S-Scans, providing inspectors with much more easily interpretable results.
There are two trends developing as businesses attempt to reconcile the expense of NDT with its absolute indispensability; increasing demand for low-cost, low-training UT solutions and a greater focus on automated UT systems. The former will most likely be achieved as manufacturers find ways to bring together the stunning images of advanced UT with the ease-of-use seen from traditional techniques like thickness measurement. The latter is already subject to frenzied development, and the last few years have seen autonomous drones and crawlers perform jobs in hours that may have taken multiple operators days to complete.
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While earlier designs were limited to volumetric inspections of metals below a certain thickness, the current suite of options available to ultrasonic inspectors are very comprehensive. They include detection of surface flaws, measurement of coating thickness on non-metallic substrates, automatic full-body immersion scans of complex parts and some guided wave technologies even allow for long-range ultrasonic inspection of pipelines up to 90m4 away from the transducer.
Weld testing makes up a large proportion of the global ultrasonic testing market (Picture credit: loda.gov.ua, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
Where is Ultrasonic Testing Used?
How Does Ultrasonic Testing Work?
The explanation and diagram above are descriptive of a specific type of ultrasonic inspection, in NDT jargon this is known as a ‘0° Single-Crystal A-Scan inspection’.
UT makes up over a quarter of the total NDT market, and has achieved supremacy mainly as a result of its versatility as a technique with new developments continuously adding capabilities to a UT inspector’s arsenal.

Elcometer NDT Equipment Elcometer NDT specialise in the manufacture of portable, user-friendly and highly robust ultrasonic equipment for the UT market. The comprehensive range of gauges represent exceptional value for money, without compromising on the features or build quality required by inspectors. For less involved applications, such as to test for uniform corrosion or to take coating thickness measurements on non-metallic substrates, Elcometer have developed the MTG & PTG ranges (Material/Precision Thickness Gauge). These numerical thickness gauges are thoughtfully designed to make it much easier to perform common inspection types such as corrosion mapping or thickness checking and feature an easy-to-learn user interface, intelligent transducer recognition and automatic 1 or 2 point calibration. All inspection data gathered can then be rapidly uploaded via Bluetooth® into ElcoMaster®, our bespoke data management platform, for analysis and reporting. For more complex inspections, we manufacture a number of powerful A-Scan capable devices more suited to this type of work. The Corrosion Gauge, Precision Gauge and Flaw Detector ranges (CG, PG & FD respectively) provide A-Scan capability and tuned functionality in a tough, compact package. The scanning.towardsflawthicknessdoubleFD700DL+thethegaugeadvancedisCG100ABDL+Elcometeroneofthemostthicknesssolutionsonmarket,whileElcometerservesdutyasagaugeanddetectorgearedangle
For more information, contact us at: Email: sales@elcometer.com Visit: www.elcometer.com 1 Non-Destructive Testing Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis , By Technique Survey.pdf)wp-content/uploads/2020/01/PQNDT-2018-Salary-5specialist-services/long-range-ultrasonic-testing/)Inspection4HIGP/Faculty/zinin/Zi-SAM.html)3SocietyWaves,Inspecting2market-103596)fortunebusinessinsights.com/non-destructive-testing-ndt-(https://www.TheSupersonicReflectoscope,anInstrumentfortheInteriorofSolidPartsbyMeansofSoundFloydA.Firestone(TheJournaloftheAcousticalofAmerica,January1946)AcousticMicroscopy(http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/LongRangeUltrasonicTesting(LRUT)–Alliance(https://www.allianceinspection.co.uk/PQNDTSalarySurvey2018(https://www.pqndt.com/ Elcometer CG100ABDL+ Elcometer MTG8DL Call Nigel Bean for more information on +44 (0) 1442 826826 www.surfaceworld.com TESTING & MEASUREMENT

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Material composition analysis is essential for metal (such as aluminium or titanium alloys), coatings, and plastics in the aerospace industry. Data gathered can be used to make conclusions about the efficiency, safety, and performance of said materials, ensuring finalized products function reliably in demanding atmospheric conditions. These quality control procedures not only aid in certain safety measures, such as tin whisker prevention, but they also assist in reducing weight, increasing fuel efficiency, and more.
Nanoindentation for Aerospace Parts and Products
Nanoindentation is a type of material analysis that tests the hardness of coatings and solid surfaces. Unlike other traditional methods for testing hardness, this process measures multiple material characteristics. Specifically, it measures the elasticity and plastic capabilities of the material, including the indentation modulus, hardness, and creep. Nanoindentation is remarkably precise, as it measures materials down to the Manufacturersnanometer.use specialized nanoindentation tools to test materials during the aerospace quality assurance process. These devices can perform tests at the particle level using cutting-edge
The Benefits of Material Analysis and Measurement in the Aerospace Industry
Material analysis and measurement are vital parts of the manufacturing process for a wide range of industries, including the aerospace sector. These processes involve various instruments that test a component or material to determine certain aspects of its composition, such as conductivity or coating thickness. In the aerospace industry, some manufactured materials are so large that they require testing directly on the factory floor rather than in a lab environment. In these cases, handheld measurement instruments are especially effective.

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At Fischer Technology, we specialize in developing instruments that provide precise, reliable measurements. For example, our FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDL and XDLM models conduct easy, accurate analysis of parts regardless of their shape. These devices can also be automated to further streamline the quality assurance process. Additionally, they utilize energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers that provide non-destructive coating thickness measurements, thus protecting the integrity of the material. Similarly, the FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDAL model also provides precise measurement but includes three different semiconductor detectors to meet various needs. The silicon PIN diode, for example, is ideal for measuring numerous materials across a large measuring area, while the silicon drift detector (SDD) offers improved energy resolution. These multiple options allow manufacturers to customize their testing process to fit their specific quality assurance procedure.
nanotechnology. Some nanoindentation models, like the FISCHERSCOPE® HM2000, can perform additional tests, such as temperature fluctuations. This measurement is essential for determining the glass transition of aerospace plastics, which ensures a safer application. Additionally, the FISCHERSCOPE® HM2000 can test the durability of paint and galvanized coatings, as well as composite and gold-plated surfaces. These functions are essential for products like circuit boards that power aerospace equipment.
Material Analysis in Aerospace Manufacturing From rocket launches to airline travel, the aerospace industry involves many high-stakes operations. This means that even the slightest flaw in a component can lead to a disaster, hence the need for highly reliable measurement technology.
How Fischer Technology Can Help Fischer Technology provides reliable testing instruments and systems that meet the rigorous demands of the aerospace industry. These options include nanoindentation tools, material analysis devices, and other equipment that measures a wide range of elements, such as hardness, composition, reactivity, and conductivity. Additionally, we offer a variety of handheld devices that are ideal for testing large-scale products while maintaining critical accuracy thresholds. For more information about our products and how they can improve your quality assurance process, contact us today: FISCHER INSTRUMENTATION (GB) LTD - Goodwood Road, 7 Business Park. Worcestershire, WR10 Tel. 01386 577370 /

78 WORLD SERVICES read online: www.surfaceworld.comAUGUST 2022 AIRLESS SPRAY & COATING EQUIPMENT ABRASIVES CLEANING, DEGREASING & PRETREATMENT High Carbon Steel shot and Grit. Low Carbon Steel Shot and metal Bead Stainless Steel Cr and Cr/Ni. No 5, Queensway Link Industrial Estate Stafford Park 17, Telford, Shropshire TF3 3DN Tel: 01952 299777 Fax: 01952 299008 E-mail: sales@pometon.co.uk Eastfield Road, South Killingholme, N.E. Lincolnshire, UK Tel: +44(0)1469 574715 Fax: +44(0)1469 571644 e-mail: www.scangrit.co.uksales@scangrit.co.ukScangrithasbecomeoneoftheleading suppliers of blasting abrasives by meeting the rigorous demands of European Industries. We combine huge resources of skill and expertise to provide you with the widest range of top-performing products, a first-class technical support service and fast reliable deliveries. When you need to take abrasive action, you’ll find Scangrit is a hard act to follow. ABRASIVEEQUIPMENTBLASTING Straaltechniek UK Ltd Unit 8 Valley Works, Grange Lane Sheffield S5 0DQ Tel: 01142 571077 Fax: 01142 571075 www straaltechniek co uk For all your Shotblasting & Engineering needs. ADVICE BOILERS & STEAM GENERATORS 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email nigelbean1@aol.com NEC, Birmingham • 100Kg/h – 25,000Kg/h • High efficiency – up to 96% • Low overall emissions • Improved safety • Simplicity of control • Quiet, clean & cool in operation Modern Coil Type Steam Generators & Fire Tube Boilers Tel: 020 8953 7111 info@babcock-wanson.comwww.babcock-wanson.com ACID PROOF EQUIPMENT telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 COMPLETE FINISHING PLANT • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • BARRELS PROGALVANO ROTOR • BARREL AUTO LOADING SYSTEMS • PROGALVANO FILTERS • SEMI/AUTOMATIC FILTER SYSTEMS • CENTRIFUGAL DRYERS (Large Range • AUTOMATIC DRYING SYSTEMS • ROTARY PAINTING/LAQUERING • TOP COATING/SEALING SYSTEMS • VIBRATORY POLISHING EQUIPMENT • LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT • RECTIFIERS Conventional & Pulse • A/HOUR METERS & DOSING PUMPS

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80 WORLD SERVICES read online: www.surfaceworld.comAUGUST 2022 FINISHING SYSTEMS HOOKS & JIGS telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 HEATERS GENERAL 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email nigelbean1@aol.com NEC, Birmingham EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT HOT DIP GALVANIZING WEDGE GALVANIZINGGROUPLTD Hot dip galvanizing provides you with long-term protection against rust and corrosion of steel products. ✔ 14 plants across the UK ✔ 1.5mm washer to a 29m beam ✔ 24hr turnaround on request Scan to find your nearest plant info@wggltd.co.uk01902601944 JIG STRIPPING Over 40 years of solutions!effective We are your natural partner when selecting hanging and masking technology. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about any of our products or our work! Jason Hardeman, jason@epifatech.uk Phone: +44 7500 938 950 www.epifatech.com

81 WORLD SERVICES AUGUST 2022 PAINT STRIPPING RDM Industrial Services Ltd Parkfield Industrial Estate Kemp ManchesterMiddletonStreetM24 4AA Tel: 0161 643 9333 Fax: 0161 655 www.rdm.u-net.com.3467 Contact: Robert Horwich or Geoff Ball Spraybooths, rooms, ovens, conveyors, pretreatment, powder plant and air replacement units. OVERHEAD CONVEYORS NYLON COATING POWDERSMASKINGLACQUERSMASKING - TAPES, CAPS & PLUGS Over 40 years of solutions!effective We are your natural partner when selecting hanging and masking technology. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions about any of our products or our work! Jason Hardeman, jason@epifatech.uk Phone: +44 7500 938 950 www.epifatech.com 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email nigelbean1@aol.com NEC, Birmingham

82 WORLD SERVICES read online: www.surfaceworld.comAUGUST 2022 telephone: 0044(0)1509 237415 fax: 0044(0)1509 264455 OVENS, CURING & DRYING Excellent surfaces WAGNER offers a wide range of systems and products for perfect coating solutions in liquid and powder. ControllingMixingFeedingApplyingBooths&SystemsWagnerSpraytech(UK)Ltd. Tel. 01327 enquiries@wagner-group.com368410www.wagner-group.com POWDER COATING EQUIPMENT Performance by design www.nordson.com/hdlv Advanced powder coating system technology for greater productivity and operating efficiency delivers top performance at the lowest operating cost. Get in contact today +44.161.498.1500 7 Ravenswood Drive, Heaton, Bolton, BL1 5AJ TEL: 01204 495818 EMAIL: david@bcmetalfinishing.co.uk PRODUCT RANGE METACLEAN AL Powder and liquid alkali cleaners for spray and immersion degreasing METACLEAN DR Acid based materials for etching derusting and descaling applications PHOSGUARD LW Lightweight Iron and Zirconium Phosphates pretreatments for use prior to painting PHOSGUARD ZP Zinc Phosphates prior to rust proofing and painting PHOSGUARD NC Non Chromate conversion coatings for aluminium METPHOS CL Single stage degrease phosphates for use at ambient temperatures METSOL PT A wide range of environmentally friendly materials for wipe on degreasing applications STRIPSOL PS Paint and powder coating strippers covering a wide range of applications METSOL SD Single stage low temperature degreasers for use in vapour degrease plants DESOL PW Panel wipes and pretreatment wipes WEB: www.bcmetalfinishing.co.uk We supply automatic dosing equipment, spray nozzles and standpipe fittings for pretreatment plants and powder coating equipment parts PRETREAMENT CHEMICALS Your UKGemagemapowdercoating.comcoatingpowderhighpartnerglobalforqualityEuropeSRLBranch Tel: 0044 1202 uk.sales@gema.eu.com763942 PUMP & FILTRATION SPECIALISTS POWDER 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email nigelbean1@aol.com NEC, Birmingham

83twitter: @surfaceworldmag WORLD SERVICES AUGUST 2022 E sales@turbex.co.uk T 01420 544 909 F 01420 542 264 turbex.co.uk Final Cleaning • Spray Wash In-process Cleaning Aqueous Ultrasonics Precision Cleaning • FPI Lines Degreasing • Anodising Chemical Cleaning for MRO Chemical Etching/Milling SPRAY WASH SPRAY BOOTHS info@solutex co uke: SPRAY GUN WASHERS PARTS & info@solutex.co.ukPAINT SALT SPRAY SALT SOLVENT RECYCLINGSPRAY GUN WASHERS Equipment + Chemistry + Support = TotalSolutionsCleaning ✓ Over 50 years expertise ✓ New chemistriesgeneration&equipment ✓ Superior performance & results ✓ FREE audit & trial facilities ✓ Extremely eco-friendly, safe and reliable 01506 443058 www.frasertech.co.uk OXYGENPUMPSCLEANING • Sealless Pumps & Filter Systems • Serductor Airless Agitation • Safety 1st Electric Heaters TEL: 0161 775 1910 SERFILCO delivers clear solutions Email: global@serfilco-international.com SERFILCOEUROPE PYROLYSIS / BURN OFF OVENS SPECIALIST SERVICES RDM Industrial Services Ltd Parkfield Industrial Estate Kemp ManchesterMiddletonStreetM24 4AA Tel: 0161 643 9333 Fax: 0161 655 www.rdm.u-net.com.3467 Contact: Robert Horwich or Geoff Ball Spraybooths, rooms, ovens, conveyors, pretreatment, powder plant and air replacement units. E sales@turbex.co.uk T 01420 544 909 F 01420 542 264 turbex.co.uk Final Cleaning • Spray Wash In-process Cleaning Aqueous Ultrasonics Precision Cleaning • FPI Lines Degreasing • Anodising Chemical Cleaning for MRO Chemical Etching/Milling ULTRASONIC • ADVANCED MODULAR RANGE • SWITCH MODE UNITS • SCR RECTIFIERS • PULSE RECTIFIERS • RAMP CONTROLLERS • PROCESS PARAMETER PRINTING • SPECIAL COMPUTERISED RECTIFIERS • OPERATOR GUIDANCE SYSTEMS FOR ANODISING & PLATING • A/HOUR METERS & DOSING PUMPS • METERS • SHUNTS • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Authorised agent for Kraft “FlexKraft Rectifiers” RECTIFIER EQUIPMENT

84 WORLD SERVICES read online: www.surfaceworld.comAUGUST 2022 AUTOMATIC & MANUAL METAL FINISHING PLANT & EQUIPMENT ExtractionFume Plastratum Ltd 100 Armoury Road Birmingham B11 2RH TEL: +44 (0) 121 314 1191 www.plastratum.comenquiries@plastratum.comEffluentTreatment DI GenerationWater • PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS • DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS • BARRELS PROGALVANO ROTOR • BARREL AUTO LOADING SYSTEMS • PROGALVANO FILTERS • SEMI/AUTOMATIC FILTER SYSTEMS • CENTRIFUGAL DRYERS Large Range • AUTOMATIC DRYING SYSTEMS • ROTARY PAINTING/LAQUERING • TOP COATING/SEALING SYSTEMS • VIBRATORY POLISHING EQUIPMENT • LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT • RECTIFIERS Conventional & Pulse • A/HOUR METERS & DOSING PUMPS VAPOUR POLISHINGVIBRATORYDEGREASINGDEBURRING,&SURFACEFINISHING 4th & 5th October 2023 To find out more about Surface World please contact Nigel Bean on +44 (0) 1442 826826 or email nigelbean1@aol.co NEC, Birmingham VIBRATORY FINISHING EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS FOR ALL YOUR VIBRATORY FINISHING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Sharmic Engineering Ltd Telephone: +44 (0)1299 822135 or +44 (0) 1299 878123/4/5 Email:www.sharmic.co.ukinfo@sharmic.co.uk SHARMIC FOR FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE Experienced Engineers After sales technical support Nationwide deliveries To advertise in these pages under an existing or heading of your own choice please call Nigel on 01442 826826 or nigelbean1@aol.comemail SURFACE FINISHING & EFFLUENT TECHNOLOGIES • Up to 50% energy savings • Compact size • Easy & safe to use • Works up to 350°C • Low exhaust emissions • High efficiency • Requires no specialist knowledge • Corrosion free operation • No chemical treatment ThermalHeatingFluid Technology now for the future Tel: 020 8953 7111 info@babcock-wanson.comwww.babcock-wanson.com THERMAL FLUID InsulationThermalSpheresFrogspawn ™ by Manufacturing in the UK since 1957 braude.co.uk THERMAL INSULATION ��>������>������>����>����>�����>���>�������>���������������>����������>���>��� >>>�������>������� > �����>�>����� >>>�������>����������>������� >> ������>��������>��������� >>>��������>�������>����������> >>>>������>�>�����������> ����������>������>�>��������������� ���>��>���>�������>���>���������>��>��� >��>���>�������>������������>������� >>>>>>�����>�������������>��>����>�����>��> > >��������>������� > ����������> >>>�����>������>����>�����>������ ��>���>����>�����>���������>�����������>���>�������>��>���������>�����>��> �����>������������>�������>���>��������>��>����������>���>����������>�������> ����������>���>���> WATER PURIFICATION

Table Wheel Blasting Machines • Work zone mm; 1803 Dia x 1500 H • Work zone mm; 1803 Dia x 1200 H • Work zone mm; 2743 Dia x 400 H • Work zone mm; 1500 Dia x 1000 H • Work zone mm; 1000 Dia x 400 H • Work zone mm; 1200 Dia x 1200 H Tumblast Wheel Machines • Type; Rubber Belt Volume Litre; 420 Litre • Type; Steel Belt Volume Litre; 425 Litre • Type; Rubber Belt Volume Litre; 50 Litr • Type; Steel Barrel Volume Litre; 200 Litre • Type; Rubber Belt Volume Litre; 150 Litre • Type; Drum Basket Volume Litre; 700L x 500 Dia Hook Wheel Machines • Type; I Track Work Zone mm; 1800 Dia x 1800L • Type; Y Track Work Zone mm; 1500 Dia x 1700L • Type; Y Track Work Zone mm; 800 Dia x 1200L Roller Conveyor Wheel Machines • Type; Roller Conveyor Work Zone mm; 1000 x 500 Wheel No; 4 • Type; Roller Conveyor Work Zone mm; 1000 x 500 Wheel No; 4 Air Blast Hand Cabinets • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 600D x 350H • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 700D x500H • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 700D x500H • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 900W x 700D x500H • Type; Suction Work Zone mm; 700W x 500D x400H • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 800 Dia Turntable • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 500 Dia Basket • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 1200 x 750 x400 • Type; Suction Work Zone mm; 700W x600D x300H • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 600W x 500D x 400H • Type; Pressure Work Zone mm; 1400W x 700D x 600H Blast Rooms • Work Zone mm; 4000L x 2000W x 2000H Type; AbrasiveRoomRecovery; Waffle Floor • Work Zone mm; 4000L x 2000W x 2000H Type; AbrasiveRoomRecovery; Waffle Floor • Work Zone mm; 20ft x 8ft x 8ft Type; AbrasiveContainerRecovery; Sweep Up Dust Filters • Various Types & Sizes For more information please contact: | Jay Dorling | Sales Director | Mob: 07872 599925 | DD: 0114 2571077 | Web: www.straaltechniek.co.uk | Straaltechniek UK Limited 8 Valley Works, Grange Lane, Sheffield, S5 0DQ, United Kingdom

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