Healing Our World Vol 40 Issue 3

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Healing our World Volume 40, Issue 3

Immunity and well-being



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Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |



Hippocrates Regulars 10. HOW Matters 14. Ask Brian 32. Recipes 50. Q&A



16. What is Post-Prandial Endotoxemia?

20. “If men were angels, no government would be necessary” 24. Good Vibrations

28. Immunity, Immunity, Immunity


38. Don’t Forget Yourself While Caring For Others 42. Emotions Do Affect Our Immunity: Optimism Pays!

56. Black & White Vegans, Can We Join Forces? 60. Black Health Matters

2�. 4

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being


Healing our World


Distributed by

Hippocrates Health Institute 1466 Hippocrates Way West Palm Beach, FL 33411


Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN Brian Clement, PhD, LN

HOW Publisher

Linsday Johnson ljohnson@hippocratesinst.org

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If your company offers products or services contributing to the well-being of people, animals, or the environment and would like our readers to know its offerings, consider advertising with us. Total circulation: 110K. Estimated readership: 330K per issue with over 70K digital subscribers. Contact: HOW@hippocratesinst.org

Disclaimer: Hippocrates Health Institute values the views expressed by its contributors in Healing Our World magazine. While HHI appreciates the work of each contributor, some of the food items discussed are not included in the Hippocrates Life Transformation Program’s dietary protocol. The materials, information and opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of Hippocrates Health Institute’s directors, employees, agents, distributors and/or its affiliated or related entities, content providers or publisher. This magazine and any information contained herein are for educational purposes only.

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Hippocrates Health Institute is not a health care provider. It is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization whose purpose is providing guests and students with progressive information. Hippocrates Health Institute and Hippocrates Health Institute of Florida, Inc., do not provide medicine or medical diagnoses, care, or treatment. Any and all information contained in this magazine is to be construed as opinions. The information herein is not meant to supplant or take the place of your medical treatment, diagnosis or care. No part of this publication can be reprinted in any form without written permission from the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction in any manner is prohibited.


For reprint inquiries, contact: HOW@hippocratesinst.org

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View Healing Our World on the Hippocrates website at www.hippocratesinst.org/learning-centre/healing-our-world-magazine/ FL reg. #CH17318. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Practicing naturopathic medicine in the state of Florida is not licensed. Anna Maria and Brian Clement, PhDs, practice as licensed nutritionists.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Editor’s Letter By Susan Maharaj

Immunity is defined as the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific

antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. In this edition of

Healing our World, we explore it in depth to find ways to help you strengthen your own immunity. We cover the emotional,

nutritional, and physical aspects that help you build and maintain your whole constitution. We believe that this is the best way to avoid, and if necessary, rebalance any area of your health and happiness.

We are all trying to navigate the mass of confusion

surrounding our current global situation. One thing is for sure, you are responsible for you. No one is going to care

more about the outcome of your health than you, so educate yourself and keep digging until you find the answers that resonate with you.

Start here, but go on and do more research yourself. As you start to find more and more sources to corroborate your answers, then you will know you have found your truth.

Enjoy reading this issue as we continue to bring you a more natural and heart centered way to live happy and healthy!

Be W.H.O.L.E.

Well, Happy, Open, Loving, and Energetic


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

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7 7

Director’s Letter Our immune system is the most powerful ally we have in determining

our health, longevity, and quality of life. It is positively stimulated when

proactive hormones rain down from affirmative thoughts. Our obligation is to respect, nurture, and support this process that allows balance and well-being to dominate.

Psychoneuroimmunology is the science that first revealed the connection between positive thought and productive immunity. Now, decades later,

there are thousands of studies from universities, laboratories, and institutes

explaining how the interconnectedness between brain neurons, the nervous system, cannabinoid receptor sites, the meridians, the parasympathetic

system, and more work together, manifesting a virtual shield that prevents premature aging and ills.

It was the year 1980 that turned me around on the importance of psychology

in the healing and prevention of disease. Before this, I am ashamed to say, I, Brian, used to believe that weak people needed

support and “why can’t they just get over it?” All of us gather sorrow, sadness, and unresolved issues that literally enter our cells and become part of our anatomy as well as our psyche.

These burdens can break the natural flow of a confident and successful life. When not addressed, they may actually create

everything from heart attacks to cancer. This is not a hypothesis from us, but historic, since we have worked with countless people in their efforts to prevent and reverse maladies. Our effective and well-seasoned psychotherapy team offers the most important immune boosting treatment we have on campus. We observe people walking in broken and sad and strutting out at peace and joyous. This is the essence of opening the channels of biochemistry that flood the organs and cells with electric messaging engaging immunity.

Simple acts like listening to enriching music, taking in moving performances, observing great art, or immersing yourself in the

depths of nature all support your current and future health. Our personal relationships - be they social, work related, or intimate - should be relished and fostered so that grace, harmony, and fulfillment are the ultimate result. Needless to say, high frequency

plant-based organic nutrition that is consumed without tampering sparks life throughout your person and orchestrates the cellular harmony necessary to eradicate and prevent disease and unnecessary aging.

Life has always embraced you, so often we reject the love and support it renders. It is time that we reciprocate the volcano of

goodness that comes from acceptance. Yes, you are a master who holds within you the instinctual wisdom and relentless strength to raise above all the darkness and capture the light that illuminates.

Be well,

Anna Maria and Brian Clement, PhD, LN


@AnnaMariaPhD // @ClementPhD

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with Brian and Anna Maria

Due to COVID-19, and the need for people to participate in "Social Distancing", we will be doing several live webinars, and ondemand learning seminars.

Doctor Days

Talk to Brian Clement PhD, LN on Live VIDEO from anywhere in the world.

Co-Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute and world-wide lecturer, Brian Clement will answer your questions and oer suggestions on particular health and lifestyle areas you would like to discuss. You can send any relevant information and/or medical records to executiveoďŹƒce@hippocratesinst.org prior to your session. Sessions are available for 30 and 60 minutes.

Book your consultation today at hippocratesinst.org/consultations


with the Hippocrates weekly e-newsletter For event dates, locations and great information updates To sign up for the newsletter, go to our website, hippocratesinst.org


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New Immersion dates September 23-25 2020 and April 28-30 2021.

Also we are introducing a New One Day Program offered to professionals in any field interested in Health and Supporting the Health of others by professional practices and those in the Health field including Small Business owners whose business is Health. The next one day event will take place on Oct. 8th "The Hippocrates Guide for Health Care Professionals for a Healthy Immune System". Please continue to check your emails from us often, for any updates or cancellations. For the most up-to-date information or to register


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Éducatrice Santé , et coach diplômée depuis 2010

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Executive Retreat Discover and Restore Never before offered in the history of Hippocrates Health Institute

7 Days / 6 Nights or 3 Days / 2 Nights

We believe your health is paramount. A strong immunity is your best defense for fighting viruses, resisting disease, and maintaining a long healthy life. An array of innovative services embody ‘mind, body, spirit,’ at the core of the healing practices at Hippocrates Health Institute.

Hippocrates Health Institute is internationally renowned for its peaceful, nurturing oasis of healing and self-care,

that draws thousands each year to its 64 acre campus from all over the world to transform and reconnect. Guests are invited to explore a renewing array of innovative, non-

traditional, and conventional wellness and spa services that embody the philosophy of Hippocrates healing practices – for seven decades.

The Hippocrates experience, rooted in research, study and dedicated to the practice of healing, and depth of

experience is about transformation. It is that ‘place’ missing among most choices offered globally for the status-quo of wellness’ programs.

Discuss how we can support your personal health

and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org

At HHI, state of mind, health, and well-being are

viewed as synonymous when it comes to optimum health. Therapies offered here will help guide you on your journey and transform your life.

The physical body is an amazing living organism made up of many interconnected complex

processes that all work together synergistically

to unite the mind, body, and spirit as one. These

systems are all vital to your health and wellbeing. If one mechanism becomes out of balance, other components of the body begin to compensate. Over time, this can throw an anatomy out of

alignment, oftentimes resulting in a decline in overall health. The body and energy therapies

offered at Hippocrates Health Institute provide ways to nurture your body, resulting in a life in which you thrive in happiness and wellbeing.

Included in your one week stay: • Private Room in a Villa

• Consult with one of the co-directors of HHI • Energy Medicine

• Immune Boost I.V.

• Massage of your choice


• Infrared Saunas & Steam Room

• Indoor/outdoor exercise classes • Meditation/Yoga classes • Pools

• Mindfulness Consult • Fitness Consult

• Coaching Consult • All meals

• Green juices & wheatgrass

• Library

• Mediation & Mindfulness • Lectures & Education

• All common relaxation areas and walking trails throughout the lush tropical acerage

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Ask Brian

The visionary behind the Hippocrates lifestyle answers your questions... Why does Hippocrates suggest a complete or greatly raw plant-based diet? Rhonda, Moscow, Russia

When cooking, baking, frying, blanching, etc. a whole food

above 115°F. or 46°C you disturb the proteins, greatly destroy vitamins, drain minerals, heat the inherent essential fats,

creating cancer causing compounds and totally obliterate the

hormones, oxygen, phytochemicals and enzymes that are the

healing and building compounds locked into the cells of these organic botanicals. You do not receive the micronutrient load that your body requires to fight disease, prevent premature aging, and thrive and flourish in a natural state.

How important is exercise in the healing process? Solomon, Jerusalem, Israel

Ironically, the sicker one becomes, the less able they are to engage in the prerequisite aerobic, stretching, and

resistance exercise that the immunity and the anatomy

require. In the year 2000, we spent nine months observing

those on the program with different forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

When practicing regular exercise, in the case of cancer, the

results were 30% faster, with diabetes, 2.7 times expedited, and with heart disease, 3.2 times quicker. Exercise is paramount in prevention and recovery.


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

Does Hippocrates diet help with dementia and Alzheimer’s? Misty, Santa Barbara, California These cognitive diseases take up to two decades to fully manifest serious symptoms. When the brain lacks essential fats, hydration, B-12, and other B vitamins, it creates the perfect terrain to invite

memory loss. Alzheimer’s and dementia’s favorite fuel is sugar; as a matter of fact, informed experts

today have named these disorders Type 3 diabetes. In addition, women endure this duo of doom more

than twice as often as men, in great part due to the use of anti-depressants.

Oxalic Acid and lectins in greens like kale, arugula, spinach, and dandelions are supposed to be bad for us, so why you do you think these are healthy foods? Evangeline, Quebec, Canada When cooked, the symphonic co-factors that hold all of the

elemental chemistry together are disrupted, and then the oxalic acid is unbridled and can be inflammatory. Consuming organic

raw varieties do not produce the same concerns. Lectins have been

What type of water should we all drink?

Nancy, Mansfield, Bristol What is often overlooked in this conversation is the purity level. Water tested worldwide shows that

public, bottled water, and most “filtered” water still contains wide varieties of chemicals, heavy metals,

and, worst of all, pharma and plastic residue. It does not matter if it is ozonated, alkalized, structured, or

popularized by Dr. Gundry, who misinterprets science to arrive

at his hypothesis. These elements are enzyme inhibitors that the institute researched over a seven year period in the 1980s.

Remarkably, all plants, even the originals, contained naturally

occurring pesticides so that they would not perish from insect and/ or animal decimation. Once a seed from the plant is germinated,

these light toxins are released giving birth to a new plant. Sprouts are the epitome of botanical foods for nutrition, medicinal

properties, digestibility, economy, and environment. At best it is a false argument to say all seeded varieties of vegetables and many

grains are noxious. In fact, for six and a half decades we have been

utilizing these powerful agents in the quest of helping hundreds of thousands of people prevent and reverse disease.

any of the other anomalies - as a matter of fact, some of these technologies bio-amplify the negative effect of these noxious elements.

For this reason, we suggest distilled water, or a

distilled level which renders the water back to its

original chemical structure – H2O. Don’t worry, the

non-scientists will tell you that it robs mineral out of your cells, but that is not scientifically valid or true.

Ask Brian anything! HOW@hippocratesinst.org Brian Clement PhD, LN

Co-Director of Hippocrates Health Institute

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


What is Post-Prandial Endotoxemia?

Why are its effects on the immune system becoming a leading cause of sudden death? By Wendy Finkelstein Physician Assistant at Hippocrates Health Institute PA-C, MMS, FAAMFM Post-prandial Endotoxemia AKA “Metabolic Endotoxemia” (ME) is becoming increasingly more common. ME is essentially an exacerbation of the leaky gut process which activates the immune system and inflammatory cascades in the body. In severe cases, ME can overwhelm the cardiovascular system and lead to death.

What is Metabolic Endotoxemia?

to five hours after eating an unhealthy

Symptoms of Metabolic

can start as an acute, low grade, persistent,

unrecognized, affect approximately 50%

Food sensitivities

Nutrient deficiencies (B12, ferritin/

Metabolic Endotoxemia, like leaky gut,

inflammatory driver of many underlying

diseases. When the mucosal barrier of the gut lining becomes permeable, increased toxins from food enter the bloodstream. As a result, this can exacerbate food

allergies and sensitivities, cause bloating, gas, diarrhea, and general malaise.

Our microbiome is colonized with millions of widely varying bacteria. When our diets lack diversity and are high in processed food and saturated fat, overgrowth of unwanted strains of bacteria thrive.

These bacteria increase an inflammatory mediator known as Lipopolysaccharide

(LPS). While normal LPS levels keep our immune system primed and in check,


LPS can increase to dangerous levels up

meal. LPS symptoms, although many go

of the Western population and it is caused simply by eating high fat and caloriecrammed processed foods.

LPS-induced Endotoxemia is linked to

Endotoxemia include: •

Leptin resistance and weight gain

Mood disorders such as depression

• • • • • •

Chronic constipation and anxiety

Cognitive decline and memory issues Anorexia and other eating disorders Chronic pain

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease Low testosterone

Autoimmune disease

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

• • • • •

Histamine intolerance

iron, minerals, and fat soluble vitamins)

Autoimmune disease Fatigue

Anxiety and depression Weight gain

Hyperlipidemia and high triglycerides Insulin resistance and diabetes Inflammation and pain

The presence of LPS in the body causes the same signaling factors as minor

inflammation which overtime increases your risk of chronic inflammatory conditions such as: •

Cardiovascular disease


• • • •


Auto-immunity Anxiety


How can you Prevent Metabolic Endotoxemia?

1. Eat a plant-based whole food diet As simple as it sounds, eating a plantbased whole food diet with diversity

can be a challenge in today’s fast-paced

society. Polyphenol-rich plants, including

fruits, vegetables, and nuts, are important components of a health-promoting

diet; such foods and their component phytochemicals are known to have

significant prebiotic effects in humans.

Polyphenols are poorly absorbed in the

upper gastrointestinal tract, but do reach the colon to be fermented by bacteria,

where they can enhance the growth of

beneficial microorganisms and influence the physiological sequel associated with metabolic endotoxemia.1 2. Decrease stress

Unfortunately, our bodies have become adapted to high levels of stress and

cortisol. This not only drives our cravings

for sugar and saturated fat, but we barely

even slow down enough to chew our food. Cortisol not only increases the tendency towards inflammation, but it lowers our

immune response and causes leaky gut. In order to stop this epidemic, we must

slow down and be more mindful around

food. We must chew and activate our own digestive enzymes. As mentioned earlier,

a poor diet will naturally release more LPS (Lipopolysaccharides) into your digestive system. The now leaky barrier loses its

immune surveillance allowing foreign food additives, preservatives, and undigested food to be absorbed.

3. Probiotics

4. Lactoferrin

probiotic supplementation without any

pathogens from securing to the host by

Studies have shown that just 30 days of

other lifestyle changes such as exercise or dietary changes, can reduce LPS-induced ME by up to 45%. Aside from the benefits of reducing ME symptoms, probiotics are helpful to the gut in many other ways. The most important function of a true probiotic is to: • • • • •

bacterial wall, ultimately resulting in

bacterial cell lysis. Lactoferrin promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Lactoferrin can both upregulate and

downregulate the inflammatory response. It can bind to lipopolysaccharides, and and can block their attachment to

Reduce the amount of gas and

toll-like receptors.2


Improve your bowel movements.

Reduce the inflammatory effects of Improve gut health associated with an unhealthy diet.

binding to the lipopolysaccharide of the

microbial signals present in the intestine

Increase immunity.

processed and fatty foods.

This multifunctional protein can inhibit

5. Glutamine

The amino acid glutamine is considered

an important nutritional intervention for

leaky gut because it plays a principal role in gastrointestinal function, in particular in the maintenance of the integrity of

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Plant-based nutrition, specific micronutrient supplementation along with a lifestyle that rewards self-care, mindfulness, and meditation are the best predictors of longevity, free of disease.

the intestinal epithelium, and nutritional

reduce the integrity of the intestinal

increased intestinal permeability and

Zinc helps with villous atrophy, which is

depletion has been shown to result in translocation of endotoxins.

Supplementation with glutamine has

also been shown to reduce endotoxemiainduced inflammation. 3 6. Berberine

A quaternary ammonium salt, berberine

has many known cardiovascular and gut implications. It mitigates overgrowth of bacteria and high cholesterol through its inhibition of endotoxin-induced inflammation.

7. Evidence-based interventions to reduce LPS-induced endotoxemia •

Physical exercise


• • • • • •


Sulforaphanes Resveratrol

EPA DHA omega fatty acids Bifidobacteria sp.

Megaspore probiotic

8. Zinc, magnesium, Vitamin A, and C

All play a role in the microbiome and its

role in inflammation caused by endotoxins. A deficiency in zinc has been shown to


epithelium and alter the immune responses. associated with leaky gut. Some evidence

from human studies has suggested that zinc supplementation alone, or as part of an

integrated treatment, can reduce intestinal permeability and circulating endotoxins.

Vitamin A helps to heal the tight junctions and improve the barrier function which decreases permeability.

ME is, at its root cause, a condition of


1. Cani PD, Bibiloni R Kraut C, et al. Changes in the gut microbiota control metabolic endotoxemia-induced inflammation in high fat diet induced obesity and diabetes in mice, Diabetes, 2008;57 (6):1470-1481

2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/ lactoferrin

3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319749744_

Nutritional_Management_of_Metabolic_Endotoxemia_A_ Clinical_Review

Additional information

a poor microbiome. It causes a leaky

Erridge C, Attina T, Spickett CM, et al. A high-fat meal

actives the immune system. In some


permeable intestinal lining which

medical circles, it is considered to be

the number one cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It has been linked to the underlying cause of obesity,

heart disease, autoimmunity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many other serious

health conditions. Plant-based nutrition, specific micronutrient supplementation

along with a lifestyle that rewards self-care, mindfulness, and meditation are the best predictors of longevity, free of disease.

Wendy Finkelstein is a board certified Physician Assistant. She is also a certified psycho-spiritual life coach and a Fellow in Metabolic, Nutritional, Anti-Aging, and Functional Medicine. Wendy has a graduate degree in theology, extensive knowledge in exercise physiology, and has a Master’s degree in Medical Science.

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

induces low-grade endotoxemia: Evidence of a novel

mechanism of postprandial inflammation. Am J Clin Nutr. Ghanim H, Abuaysheh S, Sia CL, et al. Increase in plasma endotoxin concentrations and the expression of Toll-like receptors and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in

mononuclear cells afer a high-fat, high-carbohydrate

meal: Implications for insulin resistance. Diabetes Care. 2009;32(12):2281-228

Maes M, Kubera M, Leunis JC. The gut-brain barrier in

major depression: Intestinal mucosal dysfunction with an increased translocation of LPS from gram negative

enterobacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in the inflammatory pathophysiology of depression. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2008;29(1):117-124

Pastor Rojo O, López San Román A, et al. Serum

lipopolysaccharide-binding protein in endotoxemic

patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2007;13(3):269-277



Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


If men were angels, no government would be neccessary. James Madison

By Brian Clement and Rudhi Leonardi Government on Hyper-speed

Parents themselves instinctively seek to buffer their children

addressing critical social and racial justice issues while doing what

explanations and places families must land to remain in integrity.

Congress and the President had clearly been working overtime was necessary to keep the economy afloat, including massive historical stimulus bailout packages.

As the economy gains steam, members jockey for pre-election

advantages. Swing States, strategies, and dickering escalate into

the wee hours, echoing “take no prisoners” checkerboard mantras for votes.

At the same time, the “biggest” players and megacorporation

strategists take advantage where possible to make millions by

pitting fundamental and progressive science positions against

each other and by flipping fear vantage points against common

sense. These “brokers” continue realizing huge monetary gains and tumbleweed successes all the way to the November 3rd election. Reclaiming the High Road

Answering queries from elementary children who asked a lot of

questions about race, protests, and COVID-19, Nicole Ruiz, a teacher in California, described the situation as “deep, hard, and heavy.”


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

from facing these harsh issues without straying from the solid

It is here where the Hippocrates Health Institute doubles-down

– believing truth is a child’s birthright, in spite of topsy-turvy realworld dances. HHI provides a map with a stickiness to navigate

sound trajectories of quality food and choices. The best way for

parents to fight bigotry first is with a proper dietary foundation that undercuts a “sit and watch” position. Being healthy, spiritual, and actively vibrant is a fundamental right. This is the safest position

where internal solidarity strengthens the inner resolve of a family to fight and to “stand up”, keeping its dreams and aliveness vibrant at the deepest levels.

It is here where we experience a true molding of an unshakeable standard and baseline to share with our children. Here, they

become true difference makers and see the world in a healthy way

no matter how they endure vicious tugs and pulls and changes from everyday life. Facing the challenges and the unpredictable wave

surges along the trajectory of social balance and hope, HHI remains a courageous ally and reliable compass for a bright future.

Moving forward, parents are tested time and again on how to take

right in front of one’s face. Actually, a more controversial backlash

the New Albany, Ohio school district has five schools with 4,800

result in an increased risk of infection from our own breathing.

the best stands possible while facing taxing situations. For example, students. In school, it plans to test each student and to track their location to within a few feet wearing an electronic beacon. The technology logs which classroom students and teachers are in

throughout the day, hoping the technology will prevent/minimize COVID-19 outbreaks. Too wired for comfort many confess. 1 Virus Roulette

In the last “Healing Our World”, an article entitled “A ‘Renegade Virus’” traced the origins of the virus to the Wuhan Province

position is that there is a risk that poor filtration of a mask may Professor Robert Dingwall states that the “rates of all infection outcomes were highest in the cloth mask arm”. 3

A well-researched article by J.B. Handley with the Children’s Health Defense challenges and dissects multiple issues pertinent and foundational to what we have seen occur. 4

At the top is a huge controversial point stating that there is

“Absolutely no evidence’ that COVID-19 is airborne’” as the

Vancouver news reports.5 Dr. Reka Gustafson, B.C.’s deputy

provincial health officer, stated “We are very confident that

the majority of transmission of this virus is through the droplet and contact route… The overwhelming majority of (COVID-19)

transmissions occur through close, prolonged contact and that is

not the pattern of transmission we see through airborne diseases.”

Further, it states that science shows there is no spread of COVID-19 in a community - shopping, restaurants, barbers, etc. Professor Hendrick Streeck, University of Bonn, elaborates: “There is no

significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping.

Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people

in China through a BSL-4 laboratory.

The escalation of accusations and the

juxtapositioning of the truth continued as the virus resembles an entanglement of

characters as in Charlotte’s Web. The lattice work of “truth sorting” gaslights each of us

as we attempt to choose the safest passage through each web.

Amongst the biggest issues, one galvanized twister is the requirements of masks. In the U.S. alone, multi-millions of dollars

have made top companies and investors exceptionally wealthy. In grokking this

point, the largest viruses only can be seen through a microscope-reinforcing the

truth that the size of a single virus is at a

20400-nanometer level or 0.00080314961 of inches. The common N95 mask only 2

protects at a 3mm or 0.11811 level of

intrusion - insufficient to stop a virus.

The conclusion is that as PPE (personal

protective equipment), the masks we are

being closer together over a longer period of time…”. In enclosed living situations, such as

nursing homes or living with a person suffering health issues, it is prudent to wear a mask.

Some points elaborated here are in more depth in the published article. It is estimated that

the overall rate of infection is much lower than 0.3% 6 and the CDC is estimating that 35% of the people infected never display symptoms.

all subject to wearing in public and the

In Italy, having a significant “elder population”, the inflated figures are skewed and include

possibly stopping a huge glob of sputum

infected with COVID-19 who are asymptomatic are very unlikely to be able to spread the

workplace are nearly 100% ineffective,

deaths of its oldest population who never had the virus but were counted. Further, people Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


infection to others. Another claim is that the virus does not spread

1. https://www.wired.com/story/schools-surveillance-tech-prevent-

distance” and it is questionable as to where this notion came from;

2. https://www.britannica.com/science/virus/Size-and-shape

outdoors; there is no science to support the “six-foot barrier

no data shows that a lock down as experienced in many countries has an impact on the disease.

There is a predictive model for the viral arc of COVID-19 called Farr’s Law, showing that epidemics rise and fall in roughly a bell-shaped curve, statistically predictable yet still debated. Another insight is

that the phased re-openings are “utter nonsense” with no scientific support - yet many will take credit, touting the strategy to be declared a success. There are many more notable insights in J.B. Handley’s article as referenced below.

Hard Ball Courage In America, fueled by George Floyd’s death, a new generation of young people joined together to express their rage and to pick

up the baton of justice. The impact on legislation and local policy

awareness has exploded, carrying the issue to every level of impact

and stickiness. The Hippocrates Health Institute and POP Campaign stand in solidarity to make a difference and support changes.

We Are All One People – We All Matter - We Stand Up Together.


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covid-19-spread/?fbclid=IwAR2hRH7ml-SHWd6BmIiMsOEy_ IZ3ERb1WLPjJRQWMtLpo806WTUjaKRV9M

3. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/5/4/e006577

4. Children’s Health Defense: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/lockdown-lunacythe-thinking-persons-guide/?fbclid=IwAR1PPx-mKrm4uqNdIjjdrYeG7G-F-1ytwQ_ V2469OMDljV31pn4td0BlG_4

5. Vancouver News: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/absolutely-no-evidence-that-covid-19-isairborne-b-c-health-official-says-1.4964156

6. Article: https://reason.com/2020/05/24/the-cdcs-new-best-estimate-implies-a-covid19-infection-fatality-rate-below-0-3/

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Good Vibrations Energy medicine - the wave of the future By Augusta Malacarne

“In the beginning was the Word…” (John, 1:1)

“Word” is often translated as ‘logos’ from the Greeks.

It could mean thought, message,

information or speech; a vibration.

The “word” is associated with healing. In

The Challenges of Radiation Proliferation

microwave ovens, smart devices with

Michael McGill in AMC’s Better Call Saul,

dangers of radiation from mobile phones, which you manipulate your kitchen utilities from miles away using Wi-Fi.

Now we are adding the infamous 5G into the wireless ecosystem.

Proverbs 4:20-22: “… turn your ear to my


them and health to one’s whole body”.

2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz

words… for they are life to those who find Powerful stuff!

“Let there be light” - Genesis 1:3 “Fiat Lux”, in Latin. Literally, “Light, exist!” Light,

another vibration or wave, is the opposite of darkness.

This is not an exegesis of scripture, but simply an attempt to show the

fundamental nature of a force which,

now has cascaded around us, inundating us unavoidably.


We have become familiar with the

health-risks-debunked/ warns us that 1G, frequencies. Whereas 5G uses between 24 and 90 gigahertz frequencies. The

higher the frequency, the more dangerous it is to living organisms. 5G towers are

currently springing up across the globe. AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint have already

Anticipating a world experienced by

the Breaking Bad prequel, protesters have already begun attacking 5G towers across the US and Europe.

The citizenry of this world now sends over 300 billion emails a day from four billion

email users. Forbes magazine warns: “Wi-Fi exposure is more dangerous to children

than previously thought.” Epidemiologist Devra Davis, author of Disconnected,

warns that emissions from cell phones are linked to diminished fertility and virility in men, can induce brain cancer, and cause neurological disorientation in users.

begun deployment of their networks.

We are familiar with lead vests used by

was launched. The 5G network is ideal for

mesh on the microwave oven is essential to

The last upgrade was in 2009, when 4G

videogame streaming, online videos and the Internet of Things, which is planning connections to sensors, computers, and other smart devices.

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

dentists when releasing x-rays. The wire

protect the user. We also know cell phone

microwaves can penetrate concrete blocks like light through glass. Imagine what they can do to brain tissue.

But, there is some good news. If our universe began with the word,

vibration is part of our lives. Our bodies

and minds operate on frequency energy. If the very creation of our world is by a

word and by light, it is worth examining the part these vibrations play in our lives. This explanation of the origin of the universe is

at least as plausible as the Big Bang theory. What the huge advance in the last fifty years has alerted us to is that we are

energy mechanisms. Our mind and bodies function on electromagnetic emissions,

radiation emissions, and wave frequencies. Pioneers of Energy Medicine

Years ago, pioneers like Nicola Tesla,

Samuel Hahnemann, Royal Raymond Rife, Candice Pert, and Valery Hunt labored

on research surrounded by skepticism.

It wasn’t until Energy Medicine was born, based on the cutting edge technological advances, that their healing predictions could be vindicated.

Energy Medicine technology can now

detect the slightest variations in energy

frequencies in every organ of the human body. It can then safely target a locality

in disorder with beneficial emissions, to stimulate healing at the cellular level.

With electromagnetic pulsations, light

emissions, and auditory pulses, Energy Medicine has relieved pain, boosted

immunity, restored health, promoted antiageing, reduced stress, increased vitality, and given, to those treated, a sense of well-being.

Energy Medicine is indeed the ultimate Immune boost

One way this is accomplished is by the user simply reclining in a relaxed state for 30 minutes while the frequencies

therapies stimulate the body’s healing at the cellular level.

What this phenomenon of increased

electromagnetic activity throughout the

atmosphere has demonstrated is that there

This is not unlike the philosophy of Dr.

apparent to the naked eye.

1794, found that taking regular doses of

is a lot more that goes on in healing than is In fact, the discovery by Energy Medicine that healing occurs at the cellular level

allows the direct application of the correct frequencies to a dysfunctional organ, so that it can be restored to health.

What has remained a mystery to science

and encouraged general skepticism, can

now be explained. The Eastern healing arts too, have eluded scientific confirmation. Qi gong, acupuncture, reflexology,

Ayurveda healing, homeopathy, and

yoga may now be explained scientifically by the impact those therapies have on the electromagnetic wave frequencies

at the cellular level. Only recently have

major medical clinics incorporated these disciplines into their protocols as ‘support’ therapies.

The advantage of the Energy Medicine

protocols is that one is treated effortlessly, safely in a pleasant environment, and in

complete privacy. Individual thirty minute treatments are priced as low as $30-$45. HHI now offers promotional pricing on

purchases of selected Energy Medicine devices for home use. The Origin of Cures

Luckily, along with the increase in danger from radiation, comes the development of technologies which heal and protect

our health. History has demonstrated that unintended consequences often become mainstream. In 1796, Doctor Edward

Jenner inoculated a patient with matter

from a cowpox pustule from the arm of a

milkmaid, since the milkmaid’s exposure

to cowpox made her immune to smallpox. This is the basis of vaccination: that a

relatively mild exposure to the disease of

cowpox could protect people from the far

deadlier disease, smallpox. The injection of the cowpox pustule stimulated the human body to strengthen its immune system.

Samuel Hahnemann in Germany who, in cinchona bark, that is quinine, produced

all the mild symptoms of intermittent fever (malaria) without the rigors of the disease.

The father of homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann, believed that giving a medicine to a

diseased person, which in a healthy person would create the same disease, could cure the diseased person. Like cures Like! Not unlike, incidentally, the philosophy of

vaccination. Also incidentally, 226 years later, President Donald Trump, began

taking and endorsing Chloroquine, the anti-malaria drug to immunize himself from COVID-19, the coronavirus! The Ultimate Immune Boost

If you demand uncompromising

immune protection for yourself, consider Energy Medicine.

Buckminster Fuller, the inventor of the

geodesic dome buildings, that are light

enough to be transported by helicopter,

said in his book I Am a Verb that the human

being is a success oriented mechanism. What this means is that the mind/body,

although a fragile mechanism, is capable

of healing itself if the necessary factors are provided. Energy Medicine provides the

‘communication’ among these factors. It is

indeed the ultimate, subtle, existential link that gives the cells the energy to support

oxygen transport and nutrient absorption, key factors in the regenerative process.

In this time of special concern with viral

infection, Energy Medicine provides cutting edge technology for personal protection. By definition, a truly immune system

cannot be attacked by a virus. So, to be

immune, a person needs a healthy lifestyle and an escape from stress. Probiotics and prebiotics strengthen the gut, where 80%

of immunity resides. Zinc (40% of American are zinc deficient), the amino acid

L-Lysine, acidophilus, Vitamin C, turmeric, and elderberry extract are the infection

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


fighters. The HHI supplement store features products which contain all of these in

their purest forms. A nutritious plant diet, vitamin and mineral supplementation,

a clean environment, free of damaging

chemicals, stress- free rest and exercise

give the system the tools it needs to thrive. Proven Immune Protection

In February of this year, even the

Mayo clinic confirmed that pulsed

electromagnetic fields (PEMF) from Energy

Medicine boost nitrous oxide and modulate blood pressure. Nitrous oxide improves

blood circulation, stimulating macrophage cytotoxicity (anti-bacterial, antiviral, and

utilizing a position like downward dog pose or the inclined plane.

Similarly the autonomous sensory meridian

response (ASMR) is a relaxed parasympathetic state accompanied by a tingling sensation induced with Energy Medicine.

The merest suggestion of auditory, visual, or electromagnetic vibrations can have a

profound effect on the functioning of the cells. Imagine the damage done by the

cacophony of sound pounded out by the stereo systems of today’s automobiles for example.

PEMF is a powerful booster in

immunotherapy by improving oxygenation in the body’s cells. Unlike EMF generated

by communications systems, therapeutic PEMF has a neuroprotective effect.

Unlike chemotherapy which can weaken the immune system, PEMF boosts T-cell production. T-cells are the fighters that destroy infected or damaged cells and stimulate the creation of antibodies.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, cancer cells can turn off the immune

response. PEMF turns the immune system back on.

Energy Medicine technology can now detect the slightest variations in energy frequencies in every organ of the human body.

anti-parasitic) and protects the stomach

One record store installed an irritating

Celebrities are often the first to investigate

the immune system has, for decades now,

teenagers from loitering at its entrance.

Lady Gaga suspended her career for years,

lining. HHI’s experience with strengthening established the link between gut health

and the brain’s response to protecting the immunity of the body.

Judith Orloff, MD a psychiatrist on the UCLA faculty says: “You can actually feel another person’s energy field.” Dr. Orloff adds that many people feel an ‘energy hangover’ when the energy of an event lingers on the next day after you wake up. Yoga

practitioners experience that inner electric energy when stretching the life nerve by


green light outside its building to keep

Russian Semyon Kirlyn in the 1930s, first

recorded electrophotonic images around the human body. In 1996, his protégé,

Konstantin Korotkov, a physics professor

in St. Petersburg, invented an instrument, the GVD, which analyzes disruptions in frequencies emanating from patients.

Those disruptions can be treated with pulsed electromagnetic field therapy

(PEMF), the good vibes of energy therapies.

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

and experiment with new discoveries. because of rheumatoid arthritis. She

sought relief with infrared therapy. The

Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, and her daughters, have undergone bioenergy treatments from a Russian healer.

Hippocrates Institute has established the most comprehensive Energy Medicine

department of any health center on Earth and all our guests indulge in its endless benefits during their stay.

Protect yourself We’re surrounded each day by electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

generated by cell phones, home appliances, and electrical wires. EMF exposure can make us ill.

Fortunately, the revolutionary HHI Pulse is an EMF interruption medallion, or necklace, that should permanently adorn your body against the solar plexus area of your chest. Not only will manmade frequencies be altered, but emotional abnormalities will also be diffused. We have scientifically

explored the state of the art in EMF technology and assembled this

highly eective tool for protection. Watch the 5G Apocalypse Movie!

Only available at HHI

Call Hippocrates Mail Order at 877-582-5850 or order online at store.hippocratesinst.org

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |




Immunity By Brian Clement, PhD, LN Every so often they add new words to the dictionary, which come from the current culture’s fascination with lifestyle and technology. At times old words become viable again, like in the case of permaculture. The term immunity has also been around for centuries, but its

There are also chemical components of innate immunity, including

nature. The immune system, in general, consists of the organs,

defending soldiers start to send messages out to their colleges in

return performance on a global scale requires revisiting its true cells, and proteins which work together to protect our body from infections and toxins.

In the 1970s when I began my work, I gave full credit to the

gathering of cells called the innate and adaptive immune system. The innate part of our immune system is inherited and therefore, active from the time of our birth. The cells of this system, called phagocytes, surround and engulf invaders.

Discovering that your skin, nostrils, eyes, etc. are actually the first line of defense when the bad guy microbes, smutty fungus, and problematic parasites and their allies attack you is an example of biology’s strategic genius.


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substances called interferon and interleukin-1. This frontline of

the specialist part of their army, as an example, enough viruses

may be inhaled to fully infect your whole anatomy. The cells from

your immune system battle and destroy the majority so that you do not succumb to the invading force. While at the same moment, the

military’s intelligence section, called “adaptive”, are learning about

the enemy so that they train full-time cell soldiers to recognize, attack, and even destroy the microbes before they sicken and/or kill you.

Their ammunition is anti-bodies and antigens that permanently protect you from that precise alien throughout your life. These

antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after the

body has been exposed to the invaders. Chicken pox, once endured, does not return since your brilliant immune system immediately knows how to prevent it from infecting you.

When microbes mutate and morph into other forms that the body’s

to prevent it, unfortunately, this has not always proven to work

difficult to fight that type of invader. Chronic fatigue syndrome and

chemistry and biology to the concoction. Furthermore, rushing a

protection system is not familiar with, it becomes increasingly more its cousin AIDS are so new that humanity’s bodies are still learning how to fight these infectious maladies. Note, common colds

generally come and go in short order, they only wreak havoc when your body is weak enough to succumb to their infection. COVID-19 is a triune virus, some from the cold family, part of the HIV, and a bit of SARS. For this reason, it acts differently than more familiar

strains, and in cases where people have compromised or weakened armies it may be fatal.

Vaccines are meant to replace the natural state of affairs called

“herd immunity”. Thousands of years ago when an infection would

move through a community, eventually people resisted the problem and either prevented it or contracted a low symptom reaction.

Injecting strains of a virus or bacteria into your bloodstream, and

getting the innate immune system familiar with it has the potential

well. This is especially concerning when they add disease causing vaccine to market without long-term, laborious studies, puts it into the speculative or experimental realm, making it less possible to effectively deal with the enemy and most certainly harbor negative effects.

Over the last five decades I have clinically observed that the one and only way to eliminate any and all disease is to rest, feed,

hydrate, and exercise the immune army. This brilliant gathering of cells are the natural way to prevent and reverse disease, and they will never let you down when you commit to building them up. Why one person gets sick and another does not is all about

immunity. Why one person dies and another recovers is the

brilliance, strength, and relentless impact that these powerful cells have on squashing invaders.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Two hundred years ago, physicians of the time did not have

Needless to say, the poison saturation of our entire environment,

gathering of guesswork employed by the physician. Some of these

adorn us add further burden to the body. Humanity is at a biological

any idea why people got sick and perished. There was a wide

practitioners actually believed it was evil spirits that were causing health concerns. Many thought your blood became old so they

“bled� you making room for new fresh plasma to fill your veins.

Pasteur and Lister presented a new hypothesis when they showed that microscopic life forms were at the heart of most disorders.1

Soon after, the emerging pharma industry adopted this discovery

as their main mantra, and ever since we have gone to war with the enemy. Sadly, undesired results often present themselves since

the pharma drugs that are employed to kill microbes also kill the

healthy bacteria in your gut that produce more than three quarters of your immune system. Resulting from this mistaken approach is

the chronic disorders that pervade nearly 60% of our young people. This is a five-fold increase since 1980. The youth are often the

sickest among us and, as they mature, the weakened immune cells aren’t able to prevent ever greater maladies.

food and water system, and even our dwellings and the clothes that breaking point and it is rare that I sit with a young woman or man

who is completely well. This modern phenomenon is testimony to the discombobulated life that most of us lead.

Immunity is your best friend, and it should always be on your

mind to support, foster, and respect. No matter what we face, be it

premature aging, a viral disease, or bacteria, etc. the only way that you ultimately prevent, and or reverse a dangerous health trend

is by possessing an intelligent, muscular, and aggressive immune system. Diseases such as cancer are now correctly being treated with immune boosting medicine.

Would it not be even more sensible to maintain this system so that we do not contract cancer in the first place? The good news is that

YOU have complete control over your destiny when it comes to wellbeing. By befriending your devoted immune allies, you will live a life of health, happiness, and healing.

1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20874477/


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English, but translators in some languages, please contact us

Discuss how we can support your personal health and

lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561)-531-0534, email accreditedcoachtraining@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/accredited-coach-training-programs

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Recipes Since a large part of your immune system resides in your gut, doesn’t it make sense to feed it things that will build it up? While we recommend taking a probiotic supplement, most traditional cultures have fermented foods as a mainstay of their diet. There are many ways to get the nutrition you need, here are a few different ways that are low cost, DIY options to support your microbiome environment.

World Famous HHI Green Juice Yield: About 16 oz.

1-1/2 Organic Cucumbers (1 lb) (yields about 6 oz. of juice) 2 Stalks of Organic Celery (yields about 2 oz. of juice)

4 oz of Organic Sunflower Sprouts (yields about 4 oz. of juice) 4 oz of Organic Pea Sprouts (yields about 4 oz. of juice)

Put ingredients through a single or twin auger juicer for best quality juice. This yields a highly nutritious, mild tasting green juice. Ideally drink it within ½ hour of making the juice.


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

To boost the immune building properties, add any combination of the items listed below right through your juicer: 1-2 Cloves of Garlic 1 Thumb of Ginger

1 Thumb of Turmeric

½ an Organic Lemon or Lime, Rind and all *This ideally should be consumed twice a day, we have it at 10:00 and 4:00 at the Hippocrates campus. Don’t forget your 2 oz. shot of Wheatgrass as well!

Hippocrates Sauerkraut Yield: 4-5 Cups

1 Head Red Cabbage, Shredded

Set aside outer cabbage leaves for later Kombu Seaweed, soaked as needed ½ Apple, seeded

1. Place half of the shredded cabbage in a ceramic or glass container. 2. Press down firmly.

3. Place the apple in the center of the cabbage.

4. Place the remaining ½ of the shredded cabbage on top, always pressing it own firmly. 5. Cover the top of the cabbage with a layer of hydrated kombu seaweed.

6. On top of the kombu, place a layer of cabbage leaves.

7. Place a heavy weight on top of the cabbage leaves, making sure that the entire container is covered so that no foreign matter can enter the kraut. The cabbage will begin to foam and bubble as a result of the fermentation process. 8. Leave out at room temperature.

9. After 3-5 days (if ready), discard the cabbage leaves, kombu and apple. 10. Store the sauerkraut in an airtight container or sealed glass jar in the refrigerator.

Rosemary Garlic Pasta

Yield: 4-5 Servings

2 Zucchini, Spiralized

1/3 Cup Sliced Red/Yellow/Orange Peppers 1/3 Cup Baby Spinach 1 oz. Chiffonade Basil

1/3 Cup Chef Mix Mushrooms

Braggs Liquid Aminos to taste

1. Toss mushrooms in some of the Rosemary Garlic Oil (See Below) and add Braggs to taste.

2. In a separate bowl add zucchini, basil, spinach, and peppers and mix.

3. Add the seasoned mushrooms with remaining Rosemary Garlic Oil to mixture and more Braggs if needed. Rosemary Garlic Oil

3-4 Cloves, Garlic, Pressed

1 Tsp. Rosemary, Finely Chopped

5 TBLS. Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil Pinch of Kelp

Pinch of Chili Pepper

1. Process all ingredients in a blender.

2. Toss with vegetable pasta of choice.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Life Transformation Program The Signature Program at Hippocrates

The Life Transformation Program is an immersive program uniquely designed to help you find your true self and passion. It also addresses your current health challenges, replenishes nutritional deficiencies that are causing rapid aging, and optimizes your health and immunity. From the moment you step into our program, we are there with you.

Big lifestyle changes can be intimidating when you attempt them alone. That’s exactly why we’ve created this program. We invite you to immerse yourself in the knowledge, the food, the environment, and the support all at once so that transformation is ensured.

The Hippocrates Life Transformation Program powerfully stimulates and supports the

human body’s incredible self-healing ability through an organic, raw, plant-based diet. This is an evidence-based and scientifically crafted health program. When all possible

emotional, environmental, and dietary toxins are eliminated, the body’s immune system

can rest and focus on the beautiful work of ridding itself of unwanted infections, removing the toxic materials that it has stored in the past, and most of all building new cells so that it can regenerate damaged tissue and organs.

A whole new you starts right here, at Hippocrates.

Discuss how we can support your personal health

and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/LTP


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Your program will include: • • • • • • • • • •

Personalized Health and Nutritional Consultations

Fine Longevity Cuisine

40 Hours of Instruction

Access to Fitness Center Extraordinary Campus Amenities Electromagnetic and Laser Therapies

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BECOME Organic Salon and Beauty Center

Nurturing Oasis Spa and Wellness Services

Biofeedback (Cyberscan) and Energy Testing (Biowell)

The program was life changing and had an enormous impact on every aspect of my life. Jolene J.

Minnesota, USA

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Hippocrates Lifestyle Online Program 320-hours of online education to learn from your own home Learn for yourself and gain a certificate to teach Organic, Vegan, Raw & LIVING FOOD, plant-based nutrition as well as APPLIED Lifestyle Medicine with 614+ Videos, 805+ Teaching Asset PDFs and Infographics and 518+ Resources. Payment plans Available!

I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart, this was the best investment I’ve ever made and probably ever will. Maria Tedhim, PhD.


Discuss how we can support your personal health

and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561) 531-0534, email onlineprograms@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org/online-programs


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Everything a person needs to know to live a raw living foods lifestyle is included in the online program and much more information to make informed decisions about other health related topics. The wide range of topics is incredible. Dorothy S.



The knowledge I have learned from this online program is, beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I have never valued myself or my life more, before starting this program. I was previously a psychotherapist and I never really knew the significance of the total mind, body, spirit approach. Corina C.


Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Don’t Forget Yourself While Caring for Others By Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN Caregiving is one of the noblest attributes that we can share with others. Instinctively, it is most people’s desire to protect and support those they love. In this world where we have not been taught to honor our self, we often give without boundaries to such a degree that it becomes a detriment rather than a positive experience. As one who naturally, and in a maternal

their youth, it is a formidable responsibility.

in the field of care. Now in my 47th year,

commitment and are heavily taxing.

way, loves to nurture, I gravitated to work there is a lot of clarity as to the help and harm that this vocation offers.

In the 1980s when I was attending nursing school, I chose to temporarily work in a

nursing home to gain insight on how we treat our aging population.

Society has historically protected its

seniors; it is a new phenomenon that we

stick them in facilities so they can be cared for by others. With dementia, Alzheimer’s

and frailty sky rocketing - at the same time as work demands are increasing - it is easy to justify removing your loved ones from

your life. For those courageous people who do embrace their responsibility and return

These actions demand a high level of Caregivers often feel unappreciated,

exhausted, and are vulnerable to illness.

This compounds when those you care for find no resolution and it seems hopeless and eternal.

Women are far more likely to be caregivers

due to their maternal instincts and the role that they play within the nuclear family.

A recent study conducted by Supriya Sakar M.S. Gerontology 2015 showed that in

a total of 207 family caregivers, 25 were males, compared with 182 females;

women were more stressed and suffered more depression.

the love and support that they received in


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

CDC reviewed the status of homebound caregivers, reporting that

Today, the foremost reasons for needing a caregiver is the explosion

withstand the significant emotional and physical stress imposed

disorders will double in the next 30 years, and in the case of autism

the vast majority were middle aged, impacting their ability to on them by being the sole support.

Men tend to give more ‘absentee support’, providing guidance

and economics from afar. Women generally take more of a handson approach. In the developed world, 20% of the population are

of memory loss leading to Alzheimer’s and also autism. These

it is expected that soon half the children born in the “advanced” societies will be born with that disorder. Out of all concerns, these are the most taxing, since the disconnect and lack of

communication frustrates both the victim and the supporter.

caregivers supporting the aging population; parents are a major

Economics play a pivotal role in raising stress, beyond the

more than two million grandparents raising their grandchildren,

caregivers. When there is not enough money to foster the needs of

part of this mix with their children. In the U.S. alone, there are

and in the last generation it has become common globally for adult children to stay at home and not leave the nest. This is so common it has been given the term “failure to launch”.

exceptional physical and emotional demands placed on the

either party, it often becomes the “straw that breaks the camel’s

back”. Long-term care insurance is becoming more popular, and is very important, yet it’s quite costly and mounts as we age.

Professions of care (doctors, nurses, aids, home health care, senior

living, long-term care facilities and senior homes etc.) play a central role in today’s society since there are ever-increasing numbers of older people than in previous generations. Eighty-five years plus

is the fastest growing demographic in Western culture. There are more centenarian and now super centenarians (110-plus) then there were only a short time ago. Oddly enough, this does not

mean life expectancy is increasing; it is simply that there were more children born in the early to mid 20th century. In fact, in the U.S.,

life expectancy is dropping. For the first time in recorded history in North America and other countries that live similarly, babies born today are expected to perish a minimum of five years earlier than their parents’ generation.

Most people do not conveniently drop dead, they develop

debilitating coronary events, diabetes, MS, Parkinson’s, cognitive

disorders, etc. Today, even our youth are sicker with chronic disease by a shocking 57%. When the Millennials reach their 60’s, the

writing is on the wall, with forecasts of catastrophe and a collapse of the healthcare system.

20% of caregivers are 65+ and most are women.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s often related to the use of anti-depressants.

Caregivers need to create schedules that afford

breaks, back-up help, and quiet time each and every day. Needless to say their diets, exercise routine and socialization must also be a major focus for them to achieve success, without becoming ill themselves. Those with sympathy, compassion, strength, and the desire to love are fulfilled with the very act of

care. Unfortunately, most people do not know their

compass enough to put on the brakes and not overdo

it. Emotions cause the most stress for those untrained caregivers who are tending to loved ones. There is a

point when it comes down to a very simple question: “is this truly too much for me to handle?”. If the

perception is “yes”, you must find a way to relinquish the guilt that likely will arise when asking for outside assistance.

Although they are not abundant in North America, most of the world provides public facilities to help and home their aged and challenged population. Providing you

continue to share support and love with the person you are responsible for after they check in, you should be

able to release the self-criticism, lift the sadness, and

know you made the choice that cares for both of you. Over time we’ve conferred with thousands of

professionals and family support people. When they

focus on themselves and take home the tools that we

develop, they are able to ride a new wave of health and happiness so that they are not only less stressed but better at rendering care.


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

Hippocrates Health Institute in alliance with The American Health Institute, Inc. & the BioEnergy Fields Foundation present

Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program This leading-edge model in integretive oncology wellness addresses cancer as a metabolic disease. Maximise your potential to get well, stay well, and

prevent illness by incorporating holistic methods that

upregulate your immune system and activate your body’s healing mechanisms.

Dr. Janet Hranicky is co-director of Hippocrates Health

Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program and a

pioneer in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and cancer. Dr Hranicky combines her 30 years of clinical experience with Dr. O. Carl Simonton’s new patient program at the Simonton Cancer Center in Los Angeles. Their research validated the importance of reducing chronic stress

neurophysiology for postively influencing the course of

disease and survival outcomes. This pivotal approach was described in Simonton’s best-selling book, Getting Well Again.

2020 Dates August 30 – September 19 October 4 – October 24 November 1 – November 21 December 6 – December 26

Discuss how we can support your personal health

and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Emotions do affect our immunity: Optimism Pays By Antony Chatham, M.Phil., MSW, LCSW We are constantly protected from invaders like bacteria, virus, fungi, and toxins, by our immune system. But can our thoughts and emotions affect our immune warriors? Yes.

A group of Harvard University scientists,

the body’s ability to resist disease. The

simply recalling an angry experience from

processes once thought not to be

for example, found that in healthy people, their past caused a six-hour dip in levels of

the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is the first line of defense against infection. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), over

the last 40 years, has already established that our thoughts affect our immune

centrally regulated. The researchers in

Affective Immunology: is a relatively

psychological factors on many diseases

dedicated to the study of the link between

the field found that there are effects of

including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease.

system. PNI researchers study how

One of the new findings in the field,

brain, hormones, and nervous system

psychology at the University of Colorado,

our emotions and thoughts impact our and also our immune system’s ability

to protect us. In addition, these studies have pointed out that changes in the

immune and endocrine systems create

changes in our nervous system which lead to changes in our emotions. The study of the connections between the mind

and the neural, immune, and endocrine (hormonal) systems is the core of the

discipline of psychoneuroimmunology. The basic premise of this approach is

the concept that the mind and body are


brain influences all sorts of physiological

inseparable. It follows that stress affects

as reported by Maier, S., professor of is that what we call sickness is an

orchestrated process designed by the

immune system to produce energy for

fighting infection and to preserve energy

through behavior changes. Knowing that signals from the brain--in particular the hypothalamus--trigger these sickness

responses, Maier and his colleagues set out to tear apart the molecular machinery at

work. The first step was to figure out how

the brain knows there is an infection in the first place.

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

new interdisciplinary area of research

emotions, affects, and immunology. A

number of studies have shown that both an imbalanced or improved emotional

state can significantly influence the way our immune system works. D’Acquisto, F., University of Roehampton, London,

finds a parallel between emotions and

immune system - emotions and immune

responses are the ways in which a person responds to the environment: they mirror each other, and they are dynamic and

continuously changing. Further research,

the author noticed, that living in a mentally and physically stimulating environment has a beneficial effect on the immune response.

There are some current researchers, like

Klæbo Reitan, of the University of Norway, who study the connection between

psychoses and the immune system. “We

Moreover, many retrospective studies, she

and functions as an important integrator

are more susceptible than the general

to 80%) of patients reported uncommon

that researchers are now beginning to

know that people with mental disorders

population to various inflammations in the

body and to immune system disorders. This indicates that an interaction exists.” says Klæbo Reitan.

Autoimmune Diseases are the

consequences of the inability of the

immune system to distinguish the self from the non-self. The function of the immune system is to protect the host

from a universe of pathogenic microbes, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer

cells, allergens, and so on. The immune system also helps the host eliminate

toxic or allergenic substances that enter

through mucosal surfaces. The key role of the immune system’s ability to mobilize a

response to an invading pathogen, toxin, or

adds, found that a high proportion (up

emotional stress before their disease onset. Long term stress is also shown to

increase susceptibility to some cancers indicating that the immune system

across physiological systems. They note understand the intricate relationships

among the brain, microbiome, and immune system and how they work in concert to influence behavior.

failed: In a study, a Stanford University

People with mental health disorders

that long-term stress suppresses or

Klaebo Reitan of Norwegian University of

researcher, Dhabhar, F., has shown

dysregulates innate and adaptive immune responses by altering the Type 1-Type

2 cytokine balance, inducing low-grade

chronic inflammation, and suppressing numbers, trafficking, and function of

immunoprotective cells. Chronic stress may also increase susceptibility to some types

of cancer by suppressing Type 1 cytokines and protective T-cells and increasing

regulatory/suppressor T-cell function.

have lower immune response: Solveig M Science and Technology points out in his

research that people with mental disorders are also more susceptible to various

inflammations in the body and to immune system disorders. He explains that the

cells of the immune system communicate using signal molecules called cytokines. The cells of the nervous system send

signals by means of signal molecules called neurotransmitters. The communication of

Negative feelings like stress, sadness, and worry cause a spike in the hormone cortisol, which in turn suppresses the immune system. allergen, D’Aquisto mentions, is in its ability

Depression can cause autoimmune

neurotransmitters and cytokines are more

uses both innate and adaptive mechanisms

of Zurich) noticed that up to 50% of

than in the general population.

to distinguish self from non-self. The host to detect and eliminate pathogenic

microbes, and both of these mechanisms include self,nonself-discrimination.

Autoimmune diseases are caused by the

inability of our immune system to do this. Chronic stress can cause autoimmune problems: Many studies have shown

problems: Christopher Pryce (University patients with autoimmune diseases show

an impairment of health-related quality of

life and exhibit depression-like symptoms. The immune system not only leads to

inflammation in affected organs, but also

mediates behavior abnormalities including fatigue and depression-like symptoms.

that the experience of chronic stress

A Gut Feeling: Microbiome-brain-immune

(Belgrade University), for example,

affective behaviors: Sylvia, K. and Demas,

can do this to the system. L. Stajanovich explains that even though nearly 50% of

autoimmune diseases may be caused by genetic, environmental, hormonal, and

immunological influences, the other 50%

of autoimmune disorders are attributed to physical and psychological stress.

interactions modulate social and

G. of Indiana University, have shown that social and affective behaviors of people

are affected when the microbiome-brainimmune interactions are compromised.

Recent work, according to them, suggests that the gut microbiome may also play a critical role in modulating behavior

impaired in mentally challenged people Chronic stress acts as a trigger for

anxiety and depression by initiating

changes in the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis and the immune system.

Both experimental and clinical evidence shows that a rise in the concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines and

glucocorticoids, as occurs in chronically stressful situations and in depression, contribute to the behavioral changes associated with depression.

A Penn State University study (2018)

showed that negative moods - such as

sadness and anger - are associated with higher levels of inflammation and may be a signal of poor health.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


the biological mechanisms at work, but they know that negative feelings like stress, sadness, and worry cause a spike in the

hormone cortisol, which in turn suppresses the immune system. We know tai chi has all sorts of benefits, and here’s one more: In research conducted at UCLA, 61 older adults took tai chi classes three times a week, while 61 others attended health education

classes. At the end of four months, both groups received a dose of the shingles vaccine—and the tai chi group achieved twice the level of immunity. “It’s likely the meditation component that is

causing the effect,” says study author Irwin, M., he adds, “Which

means it’s possible other forms of meditative exercise, like yoga, would lead to a similar boost.”

Sheldon Cohen, a psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response to such

things as infections, wounds, and damage to tissues. Chronic

inflammation can contribute to numerous diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

Inflammation is an indicator of the connection of certain emotions to the immune system.

Researchers from Emory and Harvard Universities have shown that there is a strong correlation between inflammation in the

body and certain affective disorders. Heightened concentrations

of inflammatory signals, including cytokines and C-reactive protein, have been described in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), and phobias (agoraphobia, social phobia, etc.).

Being heard could improve immunity: A study published in

Psychosomatic Medicine reported that HIV patients who wrote about their worries for 30 minutes a day, four days in a row

experienced a drop in their viral load and a rise in infection-fighting T-cells. Another study, in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical

Psychology, found that breast cancer patients who talked about their feelings regarding cancer had to schedule fewer doctors’ visits for cancer-related problems.

Positive Psychology focuses on strengths and positive

characteristics instead of on psycho-pathology and what’s not

of social relationships were 4.2 times more likely to catch a cold than those with strong social ties. In another of Cohen’s studies, he assessed 193 subjects to determine their level of positive

emotions (including happiness, calmness, and liveliness). Again, he exposed participants to a virus—and found that people who scored low on positive emotions were three times as likely to succumb to the bug. What’s intriguing about this phenomenon, says Lara M.

Stepleman, an assistant professor of psychiatry and health behavior at the Medical College of Georgia, is that “we all have the ability

to choose an optimistic mind-set. And with practice, we can get better at it.”

It is possible to boost our immune function through mindfulness meditation: a randomized, controlled study on the effects on

brain and immune function of an 8-week clinical training program in mindfulness meditation applied in a work environment with healthy employees conducted by researchers in University of

Wisconsin (and J Kabat-Zinn) showed: significant increases in left-sided anterior activation, a pattern previously associated

with positive affect, in the meditators compared with the non-

meditators. They also found significant increases in antibody titers to influenza vaccine among subjects in the meditation compared with those in the wait-list control group; and the magnitude

of increase in left-sided activation predicted the magnitude of antibody titer rise to the vaccine.

working in people’s lives. Along with this approach there is a body

Studies in the field of affective immunology suggests that

to cultivate the skills for creating positive emotional states and

intelligence, improving one’s socioeconomic conditions, and

of both research and clinical development to enhance your ability

greater capability to enjoy life. “When it comes to our health,” says Seligman, “there are essentially four things under our control:

the decision not to smoke, a commitment to exercise, the quality of our diet, and our level of optimism. And optimism is at least

as beneficial as the others.” Scientists don’t yet fully understand


University found in a study that subjects who had the least variety

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

adopting a healthier diet, developing a stable emotional

ceasing unhealthy habits such as drinking or smoking, have all been

reported to be beneficial for both the emotional and immunological responses. The Life Transformation Program at Hippocrates

Institute seems to integrate all these suggestions. Positive energy can create a stronger immune system; optimism pays!

A B R A N D - N E W P H A S E I N T H E F I E L D O F H E A LT H





WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WILL TAKE BACK TO YOUR PRACTICE THAT HAS BEEN LEARNED? "I’ll bring back the knowledge that there is a place where my committed patient can come to really transform and create change to their Lifestyle that will allow them further to heal.” — Doctor AI

WHAT WERE SOME OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL “WINS” FROM THE EXPERIENCE? "I have more clarity of what I am doing and a stronger drive to pursue my purpose and passion and now feel like I can more so help my patients and community, thank you Hippocrates for this Immersion.” — Doctor RH

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Professionals attended with Anna Maria, Brian and Caroline… the A,B,C’s of Doctor Days.

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It enriched my life in so many ways. Connecting with like-minded people, some of whom are now my friends for life, was a very important part for me. We learned a lot from the teachers as well as from each other. Being able to enjoy the food and property during our program was also amazing. Monika B.

Vancouver, British Columbia


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

Life Transformation Mastery The New Health Educator Program

We have spent more than six decades structuring the Hippocrates lifestyle, and over tens of thousands of people believe they have healed themselves with our powerful and integrative, holistic and alternative healing modalities. Our Three-Stage Journey is designed to educate, empower, and elevate YOU; from your own personal

life transformation, to ultimately

becoming a fully certified Hippocrates Lifestyle Expert‌enabling you to help others reach their own lifetransformation goals.

The Hippocrates Lifestyle Program truly is the most comprehensive,

powerful, interactive, affordable,

educational, holistic, and alternative healing wellness program on

Your Options:

1a. Choose any week of the year and join us for our 3 week

onsite Life Transformation Program (LTP)

1b. Join our Hippocrates Lifestyle

Online Program and complete 1 week of our onsite Life

Transformation Program (LTP)

2020 Sessions: Due to travel restrictions, this program has been postponed – please call the number below for an updated schedule for the rest of the year.

2. Choose from the dates listed and join us for our 2 week onsite Life Transformation Mastery (LTM)*

3. Join us in September for a

4-day in-person residential coach training with Noble

Manhattan USA as a part of their

comprehensive accredited coach training program: including

distance and online learning,

*LTP is prerequisite for LTM

and mentoring.

the planet!

Discuss how we can support your personal health

and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org

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& Expert advice from the A-Team

Antony Chatham, M Phil, M Th, MSW, LCSW, is a Florida- licensed psychotherapist and a member of the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. He uses holistic traditions of healing and integrates psychology, philosophy and spirituality.

I’ve heard a lot about positive thinking, and how important it is in the healing process. Isn’t that just being unrealistic? I don’t always feel so positive. Please advise.

We form whether we are predominantly a positive or a negative person by the

time we are six years old. When our needs as a baby and a young child get met in a timely

manner, we come to see the world, and people, as benevolent. We tend to live in a love-deficit, and unknowingly cultivate a predominantly

pessimistic world view when we are ignored, neglected, or regularly punished as children;

when we experience a mismatch between our

Andy Roman, LMHC, MS, RN, serves as a mind/body psychotherapist using and teaching feeling-centered, body-focused awareness tools. He conducts private sessions and facilitates the Healing Circle Therapy and Support Group.


Send your questions to



needs for love, attention, and nurturing and

what the world actually gives us. Unfortunately, a negative world view tends to find evidence to

prove itself true, and we can end up being stuck in a grim jail of our own making, thinking that’s

just the way it is, and that we’re victims of it all. Positive thinking at a conceptual level alone

doesn’t undo that. That would be like garnishing a platter of rotten vegetables with fresh parsley.

As good as the parsley may be, the other veggies

still stink, and no matter how much you focus on the parsley, it doesn’t undo the reality of the entire plate.

| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

That doesn’t, however, mean we’re doomed.

Our desire for positivity and our efforts to bring it

in do make a difference. Using the parsley garnish metaphor, I say scrape the plate clean first. Dump

the garbage, wash the plate, and then load up the fresh, new veggies you want. In other words: do

your inner work first. Be ruthlessly honest about

how you’ve come to be so negative. Make amends for all the hurts you’ve passed on. Grieve your losses. Forgive yourself, and others if you can.

Your original innocence sits at your core waiting for you to wash everything else away. Then

and only then do we snap out of our negativity and naturally recognize the deep and inherent goodness of creation. Positive thinking is our

natural state. I’m saying: it’s not the world that needs garnishing, it’s us that need healing. That’s being realistic.

Currently I am taking care of my ailing parents. I put on a lot of weight; I neglect my own needs and I don’t go out much at all. I feel guilty if I spend time on myself. Now I realize that I cannot continue to do this. I am exhausted. What do I do?

In commercial flights we are all used

to hearing, when preparing for take-off,

the children who may accompany us. A mother

might feel guilty and might even say: “it’s really cruel”. But the reality is that a mother may not

issue once you start caring for yourself.

heal from a health challenge, we suggest the

same thing: detox and then nourish with the best

On my health journey, I find myself repeating patterns of self-sabotage. I really want to live a healthy lifestyle, and stop hurting myself. How can I get off that cycle?

Following a healthy lifestyle

program can help, but often, patterns

of self-sabotage have deeper roots. Gestalt

therapist, Fritz Perls, called persistent, recurring life patterns “unfinished business”. Unmet

childhood needs, unexpressed feelings, and a warped sense of self do not automatically go away because we get older; they go in. They

etch themselves into our neural pathways as

habitual ruts of struggle and disappointment,

and when we introduce those elements into our

of foods. A care taker also should do this: get rid

care giver stress?” •

Often feeling physically and mentally tired

Sleeping too much - or too little

• • • • • • •

happiness, and beg to be cleared up.

That’s where therapy comes in, and why we offer emotional and psychological support services

at Hippocrates. It’s more important to clean up yourself than it is to find the perfect program to follow. There’s no shortcut around your

self-sabotage issues. Doing your inner work at a feelings level is the short cut that quickens the overall health journey.


Get connected: Find sources of help in

your community. Many areas have classes specifically about the disease your loved

one is facing. Transportation, meal delivery, •

or housekeeping may also be available.

Set personal health goals: Set goals to

establish a good sleep routine, find time to

be physically active, eat a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water.

Feeling a lack of ability to enjoy activities


Feeling easily irritated or angry you used to enjoy Feeling sad

Experiencing frequent headaches, bodily pain, or other physical problems

Exhibiting addictive tendencies to alcohol, drugs, or even prescription drugs

Focus on what you can do best for them: You may not be able to help with

appropriate decisions at any given time. Ask for help when you feel the need:

Assess your own requirements and ask for appropriate help from those responsible.

For example, a friend may offer to take the person you care for on a walk a couple of times a week; a friend or family member

may be able to run an errand, pick up your groceries, or cook for you.

various areas of stress: •

Eat a well-balanced diet

Adequate rest/sleep

• • •

Exercise. A brisk walk at least Reduce or avoid stimulants

Take a break frequently, even if it is only 10 minutes at a time


the best you can and making the most •

well-connected with family and friends

The following may specifically address the

everything. Believe that you are doing

way. The old self-doubts, fears, and limitations

Seek social support: Make an effort to stay

Gaining or losing weight

management strategies below:

health journey, we unknowingly pollute our own interfere with our new goals of health and

Feeling overwhelmed or constantly worried

If so, then go for any or all of the stress •

place to create meaningful friendships.

support. Set aside time each week for

of stress and nourish body, mind, and spirit.

It is good to ask yourself: “Do I have signs of

provide validation and encouragement,

who can offer non-judgmental emotional

When someone chooses to come to Hippocrates Health Institute, either to improve health or to

Join a support group: A support group can difficult situations. It can also be a good

same is true for all care givers. There is no need

itself. You will also be able to manage the weight

routine. Learn to say ‘no’ to non-essentials.

as well as problem-solving strategies for

survive if she does not equip herself first. The

to feel guilty; taking care of you is part of the care

smaller steps that you can do one at a time. Prioritize, make lists, and establish a daily

that in case of an emergency we should put on

our own oxygen mask first, before we help even

Set realistic goals: Break large tasks into

Learn relaxation techniques

Connect with and talk to someone daily or

• •

Listen to calming music more frequently

Stay social: connect with community and friendship groups

Spiritual •

Disconnect yourself from the situation

Use prayer as an effective way to connect

• •

through meditation

with something beyond

Attend religious rituals if they have meaning for you

Spend quality time with the one who you care for as a spiritual goal

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |



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Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Preeminent Immune Regeneration Program For Protection & Longevity Presented by Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach, in alliance with The American Health Institute, Inc., Division of Education & Research, Austin, Texas, & The BioEnergy Fields Foundation, Los Angeles

Directed by Janet Hranicky, M.D., PhD, Leslie Valle-Montoya, M.D., M.B.A., Hippocrates Ambassador, Prof. Thomas Rau, M.D., Dean & President, Biomedicine International Academy, Brian Clement, PhD, LNC & Anna Maria Gahns-Clement, PhD, LNC Hippocrates Health Institute’s renowned Lifestyle modification

Program, a Regenerative Detoxification Offering, Sleep Restoration Support, Physical Activity Strategies to Build Strength & Energy, & Personalized Stress Management are some of the important aspects included in the Elite Advanced Immune Program for Defense and Longevity.

PsychoNeuroImmunology is a key part of your advanced body/

mind program. This scientifically significant approach liberates

you from destructive patterns and ignites the immune army in their quest to prevent and conquer disease.

Cell and Body Building Supplements & IV’s, InfraRed Oxygen &

Hyperbaric Oxygen therapies are all part of this exemplary program, aimed at helping people be ready and protected.

Discuss how we can support your personal health

and lifestyle goals by speaking directly to one of our expert Program Specialists today.

For more details or to book a free 30 minute consultation call

(561) 623-1002, email pc-team@hippocratesinst.org or visit hippocratesinst.org


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

2020 Dates September 6th - 19th October 11th - 24th

Your program will include: • • • •

Wisdom Sessions Immune Measurement and Improvement Immune Profile, testing and consultations Individual consultation with Dr. Hranicky

Bio-Energetic Therapies Circuit Sessions with Dr. Leslie Valle-Montoya: • • • • •

NuCalm Neurofeedback Technology Quantum Resonance (QRS) Technology Ondamed German Pulsed Electro Magnetic Technology Thera Gem Light Spectrum Therapy H-Wave

State-of-the-art biofeedback testing with Dr. Leslie includes: • •

Bioimpedance test Heart rate variability test

Additionally: • • • • • • • •

Treatments to boost the immune system (2) High Dose Vitamin C IVs (1) Vitamin D injection (100,000 international units) (2) Vitamin B12 Injections (1) Microbiome Stool Testing (2) Infrared Oxygen Treatment (1) Hyperbaric Chamber session Kahler “Key To Stress Profile”

Your Lifestyle Comeback: Immune Strengthening Strategies • • • •

Benefits of Plant Based Nutrition To Optimize Your Immunity & Health Detoxification for Decreasing Inflammation & Regulating Metabolic Balance Exercise for Increasing Strength & Energy Restoring Sleep Rhythms for Healthy Cellular Regeneration

Wisdom from Brian Clement PhD, LN

Co-Director of Hippocrates Health Institute and author of numerous books, Brian travels the world giving lectures on the benefits of a raw and living foods diet and the Hippocrates Lifestyle. He is deplumed in Naturopathic Medicine and is a PhD in Nutrition. • • •

Immunity, Immunity, Immunity Lifeforce - Basis of Longevity and Exemplary Health Q&A

Wisdom from Anna-Maria Clement PhD, LN

Co-Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, Anna has brought a European approach to healing to the Institute. She travels the world with Brian lecturing on the Hippocrates Lifestyle. She is deplumed in Naturopathic Medicine and a PhD in Nutrition. • • •

Healthy Fat/Bad Fat Immunity and the Gut/Brain Connection Q&A

Sessions with Janet Hranicky, M.D., PhD

Co-director of Hippocrates Health’s Institute’s Cancer & Chronic Immune Diseases Program and a pioneer in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and cancer. Certified in Swiss Biological Medicine.

PsychoNeuroImmunology: “Your Emotions Can Maximize the Biology of Your Immune System” • • • •

“Reduce Chronic Stress to Eliminate Strain on Your Physiology” (Knowing Who You Are & How To Reverse Your Individual Distress Patterns) BioEnergy Field Medicine: “ Disease Occurs from Within: You Are The Most Important Variable in Beyond Surviving A Pandemic” Swiss Biological Medicine: “ The Role of Your Autonomic Nervous System in Regulating Metabolic Health” Consciousness Counts: “ Master Your Physiology for Driving the Intricate Balance of Your Immune System Network”

Immune Regeneration • •

Diagnostic Baseline Immune Restoration Treatments

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Black & White Vegans, Can We Join Forces? By Prof. Johanna Sophia The divide and what we can do about it.

Much of the segregation, separation, and conflict that

In stores, clerks lock up the cases of products for black

other biases. Consequently, white cultures still live

toiletries for whites without locks. Black people are

we all experience has to do with societal, cultural, and by ‘black is bad and white is right’ - a value scale that colonizers and their descendants have assigned to most everything except chocolate.

As a young girl in Germany, a country whose people had been militarized under Hitler, and who were still in that mindset in the 50’s, I had a uniquely

different upbringing in a family of pacifists. My parents encouraged us to see and interact with all people

as humans, irrespective of their cultures or status.

This was a good foundation for my personal growth. It led me to exploring the world, writing a thesis on

multiculturalism, and campaigning for human rights. The Western world purports that we do not have a caste system, but we encourage something equally as vile. Many names can be given to this evil in the country that likes to be known for equality and freedom:

underfunded schools, food deserts, lack of health and government services, low income neighborhoods,

stigma for non-white immigrants, and police brutality. Even though laws may have changed, in many white people’s minds, minorities by the mere fact they

were born with more melanin, are still placed at the proverbial ‘back of the bus.’


| hippocratesinst.org | Immunity and well-being

hair and skin care, whereas right next to them are the

followed by detectives in department stores and malls. Yes, store chains are now promising to make changes -

but will they do enough? When black and brown people are stopped or arrested, they will be prosecuted,

incarcerated, or even killed, while whites get away with a slap on the wrist. According to data gathered by the NAACP, African American males are five times more

likely to be incarcerated than whites - and not because they commit more crimes per capita than Caucasians. This results in one third of the male African American

population experiencing imprisonment at some point in their life. Private prisons profit from this system.

Is it surprising then, that even black vegans and white vegans are still divided?

It takes a whole lot more than removing locks,

changing healthcare, and improving nutrition to right these incredible wrongs and bring us together. But

maybe we can start where we have already achieved

commonality, in going vegan? Can we begin to embrace each other in the realization that we vegans have all

decided to end violence against animals, and nature by

adding each other to that list? Can we share the various ways we have begun to self-heal and teach others to heal themselves?

In 2019, I went to the Congressional Black

to the climate change debate,” I said and

artists in America. Glover, over decades,

to meet with friends and to explore my

won’t be any social justice if we don’t have

politicians, revolutionaries, and the

Caucus Conference in Washington D.C.,

topic of Black Veganism that we hear so

he responded with a bitter chuckle: “There

a planet!” We both laughed about the irony

little about. Danny Glover walked past me.

of it all. Oh great! I thought, we both know

his name, so I gently tapped him on the

caused by the same colonialist exploitation

I was excited but I didn’t want to call out

shoulder and he turned, saying “Oh, OK”

and got in position for a selfie – “Oh, no”, I

said, “I would rather talk about veganism,

social justice, and climate change.” We both

laughed. He was happy to tell me that he’d

been all about health and saving the planet for years.

Many vegans were at the conference, but

little did I know I would meet Danny Glover.

“I want to tie food justice and social justice

that discrimination and climate change are and unfettered capitalism that is on track to render life on Earth extinct.

concept of a life-saving, peace promoting, plant-based diet. Glover’s friend, Dexter

King, the youngest of the King family has

said, “If you’re violent to yourself by putting

things into your body that violate its spirit, it will be difficult not to perpetuate that

onto someone else.” His mother, Coretta

Glover impressed and deeply moved

viewers around the globe as an actor -

particularly in the highly acclaimed To

Sleep with Anger by Charles Burnett.

has supported progressive filmmakers,

King, followed suit and employed and

became an advocate for the Hippocrates vegan diet.

In the mid-1980’s, I lived in Los Angeles

When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was

little bungalow to talk about politics

parents cry. As I grew up, I realized that I

where Burnett would visit me in my

and movies and the dilemma of black

murdered, I remember seeing my German didn’t have a choice in being perceived as ‘white’ whether I wanted that distinction or not. Now, I intentionally take sides

and defend the beauty of blackness, and yet, I still catch myself with those white do-gooder thoughts that perpetuate

stereotypes. We are all raised with some degree of bias because of viewpoints,

religions, and/or philosophies to which we

are exposed. Such things form our thought patterns and behaviors. Once we become more conscious of this fact, we have the opportunity to transform ourselves and hopefully influence others.

To be perceived as just ‘human’ would

be the ideal standard. Working toward

equality, we vegans who identify ourselves as conscious individuals, should want

to collaborate across the board, right?

Regrettably, we are still greatly divided. When you look at Meetup groups for vegans, you find groups specifically

mentioning race. From ‘NYC Vegans of

Color’ to ‘Black Vegans of Toronto’, you

have to presume the rest are white groups. This disparity, in and of itself is prejudicial. It can only be remedied by supporting

true equality for all people. It is no longer

enough to be just ‘not racist,’ we have to be actively ‘anti-racist,’ and this takes effort.

Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


Working toward human equality, we vegans who identify ourselves as conscious individuals, should want to collaborate across the board, right? Regrettably, we are still greatly divided.

A few years ago, Dr. Angela Davis said:

After his outburst, his client chimed in:

I replied: “My vision is that we all take

about veganism because it is part of a

each other!” We all had a hearty laugh and

diet.” - “Exactly,” Taylor continued, “We

“I think it’s the right moment to talk

cruelty, disease, and sorrow out of our

revolutionary perspective” – Whites can

then Natural continued: “We have to work

have to talk to each other! This first

just for health but part of that revolution

community first, before we can reach out

greater empathy and compassion. When

learn from her that going vegan is not

toward a more equitable and peaceful

world. It is indeed revolutionary to respect

all of our fellow creatures. The next natural step is to eradicate factory farming,

industrialized foods, and the murderous

conglomerates of the meat and dairy cartel. How do we do that? By doing something

every day. Senator Cory Booker encourages this notion when he says: “Remember that

the biggest thing you could do today is a

small act of kindness.” Not eating animals

is such an act.

Dr. Natural of the Temple of Illumination, a 40-year veteran raw vegan from Brooklyn, was with a client when he took my call. In

out our differences within the black vegan and collaborate with white vegans.”

Vegan Chef Maka Taylor of Washington, D.C.

intentionally do that.”

I lost my mom to leukemia when I was

only a kid. Doctors told us nothing could

be done, and then I discovered something

quite different. Clean plant food containing phytonutrients can prevent and reverse

disease - that was a revelation for me. To

keep my kids from inheriting the leukemia ‘dying’ gene, we chose to go vegan. This

was really hard when giving up addictive

choices.” Maka thought for a moment. “Yes,

cultures: Soul food here, Wasp food there

sound reductionist, but there is truth to it.

harmonize all of life.”

experiences are all pretty much the same.

society, why do we still have this blackwhite division?” His immediate answer

in harmony with ourselves, we help to

Taylor’s friend Dayvie Paschall, a

that: racism is everywhere! Even when our

and when I think about it, the divide is

was, “Racism!” Such an exclamation may

step opens our hearts and our minds to

put it bluntly: “No really, it’s as simple as

reaction to my question, “If veganism is an

enlightened step forward toward a better


“Because black vegans have ‘beef’ with

also there because of our separate eating - it’s conditioning. Black vegans, White vegans. It’s dehumanizing.”

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Washington architect, rounded it up: “Let’s So LET’S! Let’s save the planet together

as vegans, because, just like Danny Glover said: “No planet, no social justice.” Prof. Johanna Sophia can be reached at

JohannasRawFoods.com, on Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn under Prof. Johanna Sophia - she coaches people to health and into new careers.

HIDDEN DANGERS IN THE AIR YOU BREATHE A CAUSE OF ILLNESS Story: Dr. Roy Speiser, Vice President of Clean Water Revival, Inc. CWR Environmental Protection Products


uffering since childhood with severe asthma, Dr. Diane Romeo, chiropractor, found that using the right indoor air purifiers, for the last 15 years, helped make her asymptomatic. Scientific evidence has linked indoor air pollution to conditions you might expect, e.g., allergies, chemical sensitivities, fatigue, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.

or working in a contaminated indoor environment, your immune system never gets a chance to recover. Its performance is decreased. Ultimately, long term exposure, can lead to chronic diseases.

But, did you know that, according to a World Health Organization scientific publication, millions of people worldwide die prematurely each year from illnesses due to air pollution? Indoor air pollution contributes to lung cancer, stroke, heart, and pulmonary disease. Close to half of respiratory illnesses in children under age five are caused by particulate matter inhaled from household air pollution.

your children’s health by thoroughly

Most of us spend more than 70 percent of our time indoors. Levels of contaminants are higher indoors than outdoors. Inside our homes and businesses, the life-giving indoor air we breathe has become increasingly contaminated with new strains of viruses, airborne chemicals, and toxic mold. Other sources of indoor contaminants are passive tobacco smoke, chemical odors from cleaning agents, furniture, flooring, and formaldehyde from construction material and its allergens. If you are living

You can protect your health and cleaning your indoor air.

What can you do to protect your health and keep your children from developing respiratory illnesses? Realistically, you cannot live in a “totally clean environment.” You can protect your health and your children’s health by thoroughly cleaning your indoor air. Air purification systems are used in hospitals to prevent contagious airborne pathogens from spreading. In the home, advanced filtration units can be used to effectively remove particulates, microbes, and airborne chemicals. The right air filtration system can reduce their levels in your breathing space. In addition, you can protect yourself and your children by using non-toxic cleaners and eliminating mold sources.

Dr. Roy M. Speiser, Scientist, Consumer Advocate and Water Quality Expert has 30+ years’ experience in water and air filtration solutions to protect your indoor environment.

To select the best air filtration unit, you should have an evaluation of the indoor air quality, identify types of contaminants present and the size of the area to be cleaned. New strains of viruses, airborne chemicals and toxic mold may be present in the indoor air you breathe. If a family member has hyper allergies, immune deficiency or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, indoor air contaminants must be reduced to significantly lower levels. This requires designing the most effective filtration equipment solution based upon the application and health requirements of the family. With hundreds of air filters on the market, you need to know which are the most effective for your home and family. Good quality air filters have a sealed HEPA filter, carbon and absorbent media plus a powerful motor to clean the room several times per hour. A newer germicidal air purifier, the Healthway Disinfection Filtration System (DFS) exceeds the HEPA standard of 0.3 microns. It captures “ultrafine particles” as small as 0.007 microns which are smaller than many viruses. Also, this air purification unit has the capability of killing the collected bacteria, mold and viruses. My recommendation to find the best air purifier to protect your family, is to seek out a professional who has experience in indoor air quality solutions.

Call: 800-444-3563, Ext 1 for a complimentary Water Consultation Web Site: www.cwrenviro.com Email: drspeiser@cwrenviro.com 59 Immunity and well-being | hippocratesinst.org |


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Black Health Matters By Gigi Jones

Hippocrates Health Institute was my

I was also moved to become an HHI

As a black woman living in a world that

life that I am living now.

particularly to the black community that

challenged with the fear of whether or

springboard to the new, healthy, fulfilling My history can be found in Volume 38 –

Issue 3 of their magazine, which you can reference at the Learning Centre on their website.

A short synopsis is that I was diagnosed with colon cancer, decided against traditional treatment, researched

alternative methods and ended up at

Hippocrates Health Institute which has

healed me and changed the direction of my life in more ways than I can ever express.

Health coach so I could spread the word, I am a part of, in the hope that others

wouldn’t have to suffer as my mother did. I

could teach them to alter their diet through lifestyle choices, by being an example, as well as providing education, and now a

place for connections and congregating

of like-minded individuals. This summer

will be the grand opening of Gigi’s Vegan + Wellness Café, located in Kansas City, Mo. (www.gigisvegancafe.com)

Please come and visit us if you are ever in the neighborhood.

After attending the Life Transformation

Midwest Soul Vegfest, which happened in

raw food tasty and accessible that I created

traveling to community centers to offer

Program, I was so intrigued with making a line of dehydrated kale chips called

“Gigi’s Kale Chips”. There are three enticing flavors including Naked Kale, Cheezy Kale,

and Kick Ass Kale and they have become quite popular with raw foodies as well as others

dabbling in healthier food choices, and my grandkids love them, which is really the

most important group that I want to satisfy.

October of last year, was a huge success;

vegan cooking demos and lifestyle tips has spread the word that there are alternative

ways to thrive. Closest to my heart are the kids’ gardens that I have helped to create in schools and recreation centers.

The children are so open to new things, it is my hope to inspire them before they create bad habits in the first place.

is not always welcoming, I was often

not I deserved passionate success. The

direction that I and others before me chose was that of non-violence and creating,

not destroying, to help future generations to break the patterns, perceptions, and

limitations which so often hold us back.

Making good pro-self choices like positive

thoughts, nourishing foods, and affirmative actions is the way our future generations need to set their goal toward.

When I look back on my life since 2015 to now, I am grateful and blessed to

have vibrant health, successful business endeavors, and an unfaltering faith.

I have learned to listen to my body and it is steering me down a path of service to help others to be able to do the same. Blessings to ALL!

Gigi The Vegan is a Vegan Chef, Certified Health Coach, and a small business owner based in Kansas City, Mo. She’s the proud owner of the upcoming Gigi’s Vegan Eatery, Gigi’s Vegan Kale Chips, and Gigi’s 21 Day Detox Program.

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Hippocrates Fitness Academy

The Signature Weight Loss Program Track at Hippocrates For more than 60 years, Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) has been transforming people’s lives and bodies with a whole body approach to wellness. The Hippocrates Fitness and Weight Loss Academy (HWLA) is a

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With the guidance of our skilled wellness

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Your program will include: • • • • • • • • • • • •

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Hippocrates Health Institute is the only real weight loss program that also gives you back your health. Lian Sae Bloom

New York, United States

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LITERATURE From Hippocrates Directors Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN

The Power of a Woman

Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN and Katherine C Powell, EdD

Belief: Integrity in Relationships

Killer Clothes

Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN

Brian Clement, PhD, LN and Katherine Powell, EdD

Killer Fish

Brian Clement, PhD, LN


Brian Clement, PhD, LN

Living Foods for Optimum Health Brian Clement, PhD, LN

Did you know that what you eat could be making you sick? It’s true. Some foods clog your body with energy-depleting fats, toxins, and chemicals. Where can you find the optimum nourishment your body needs to stay strong, healthy, and vigorous? For millions of people, the answer is in the health and healing properties of living foods – foods that are eaten raw and produced without dangerous, nutrient- robbing chemicals or additives.

Sweet Disease

Brian Clement, PhD, LN



Raw food enthusiasts from around the globe are singing the praises of the 3rd Edition of Healthful Cuisine and the time-honored recipes that will help you create a more vibrant and radiant life!

hEAlthful CuiSinE

Access the life force of raw and living foods for optimal health and vitality! f you are one of the millions of people who have learned about the superior health and nutritional benefits of raw and living foods and want to begin experiencing their life-enhancing qualities now, then Healthful Cuisine is for you. Healthful Cuisine is by far the most comprehensive recipe book and teaching guide of its kind, created by the world’s #1 medical spa and foremost authority in raw and living foods nutrition, Hippocrates Health Institute. Healthful Cuisine shows you, in simple and easy steps, how to prepare delicious, high frequency foods for enhanced energy, balance and beauty.



Raw Vegan Recipes




Anna Maria Gahns Clement C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D.

I would like to thank everyone food chef. To who has influenced those chefs me on my path I have had the from, and who as a raw pleasure of have facilitated working with Hirth (who first and learning the development taught me about Blue, I am deeply raw food preparation),of this book. To David grateful for Peter Cervoni having had learn with you. and Ken the opportunity To Brian and to share, grow, Anna Maria enrichment of my life in countless and Clement, you have facilitated enough. Your ways, and I’ll the generosity and never feel that spirit forever I’ve thanked to all who influence and you I’ve had the motivate me. privilege of Hippocrates Finally, teaching and and elsewhere, interacting you have been book—it is for with at you. Go further the driving force behind and reach even happiness and this vitality. higher in your quest for health,

Plus! Basic recipes for: pie and pizza crusts, wraps, dressings, marinades, patés, fruit leathers, nut milks, crackers, cookies, vegetable and fruit chips, and more! With all my love and blessings, Kelly Serbonich

dr. AnnA MAriA ClEMEnt, Ph.d., n.M.d., Weight loss author and co-director of world-renowned Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and former Hippocrates ChEf KElly SErboniCh bring you cherished and time-honored recipes that are the foundation of a lifestyle and nutrition program that has successfully helped people normalize weight, balance energy and hormone activity, regain youth and vitality, and reverse and even help eliminate diseases such as cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia, heart disease, asthma, allergies and others. For more information on the Hippocrates Health Institute’s Life Change Programs visit www.hippocratesinstitute.org

Poison Poultry

Brian Clement, PhD, LN

Longevity Enjoying Long Life Without Limits

Brian Clement, CN, NMD, Ph.D. Preface by Jacques-Pacal Cusu

� Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN

Brian Clement, PhD, LN Longevity • Enjoying Long Life Without Limits • BRIAN CLEMENT, CN, NMD, Ph.D.

Dr. Clement (C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D.) has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than three decades. By conducting daily clinical research as the director of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, the world’s foremost complementary residential health Mecca, he and his team have developed a state of the art program for health maintenance and recovery. His Florida center has pioneered a program and established training in active aging and disease prevention. With hundreds of thousands of people participating in this program over the last half century, volumes of data have been accrued giving Clement a privileged insight into the lifestyle required to maintain youth, vitality and stamina. Longevity delivers cutting edge knowledge coupled with a common sense practical approach that will raise your level of health and happiness. Dr. Clement is first and foremost a devoted husband and a caring father of four. In addition to daily counseling and research studies, Clement conducts conferences worldwide on attaining health and creating longevity. He has authored several other well-known volumes, yet Longevity uniquely affords readers a roadmap for redirecting, enriching and extending their lives.

Supplements Exposed

Dairy Deception Brian Clement, PhD, LN

Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., N.M.D. with Chef Kelly Serbonich

• More than 150ments raw and living food recipes • 20 new recipes from celebrity guest chef Chad Sarno • 40 pages of illustrated raw food preparation techniques • More than 50 full-color photographs showing step-by-step instructions • Basic Food-Combining principles for optimizing nutrient assimilation • Guide for stocking your kitchen, and a complete glossary of foods and tools • 24 full-color recipe photographs • Hundreds of helpful tips and suggestions from the experts!

I would like to thank each and every person the Brandal Clinic and who has worked the Hippocrates those of the by my side Health Institute. hundreds of at thousands of Their efforts programs have guests who and enriched both have attended focused and my soul and our health dedicated my education. help, this recipe fruition. I see Without Kelly’s book would a day not have come becoming personallywhen the world’s people to can live responsible for all things, including harmoniously through the food they consume.

3rd Edition

Includes 20 new recipes from celebrity chef Chad Sarno

Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., N.M.D. with Chef Kelly Serbonich Created by the Founders of Raw Food Cuisine – Hippocrates Health Institute

Healthful Cuisine Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN and Kelly Serbonich


Anna Maria PhD, LN and Brian Clement, PhD, LN

Longevity Enjoying Long Life Without Limits

Brian Clement, CN, NMD, Ph.D. Preface by Jacques-Pacal Cusu


Brian Clement, PhD, LN

A Families’ Guide to Health & Healing Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN

CALL OR ORDER ONLINE // (877) 582-5850 // hippocratesinst.org

Food IS Medicine: Volumes One, Two and Three Brian Clement, PhD, LN



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