Super High School the RPG

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You are holding in your hands a role-playing game designed to introduce you a the fantastic world of storytelling, in which you and your friends are the protagonists. You’re probably asking yourself, what is a role-playing game? If this is the first time, you’re holding an RPG, please continue reading. If you are a veteran role-player, you can skip this part. What is a role-playing game?

What does a game master do? The work of the game masters is very important, since they are the ones that tell most of the story: they describe the scenarios, play the secondary characters and villains not controlled by players and act as intermediaries between the other players and the game world. They also control the remaining elements of the game setting, like animals, weather, important events, villains, etc. In this game, the game master is called the Mayor. What is the object of the game? Mainly having fun with your friends and learning to work together to solve mysteries and overcome challenges in the story. In other words: to live an adventure.


super high school

In short: a role-playing game is about telling stories and taking control of one of their main characters. If as a child you played cops and robbers with your friends at school, you already know this kind of games. While most players control a single character, one becomes the director or game master, the one responsible of guiding the other players during the story and making sure everybody is following the rules.

What do you need to play? The most important thing is to getting a group of friends to play with. A minimum of two people is needed: a Mayor and at least one other player. The players will play a pre-generated hero or go through the Character Creation section to create one themselves, and the Mayor will be in charge of the rules, narrating the story and reacting to the choices of the players.

super high school

The following materials are also necessary: • At least one copy of the Super High School rulebook. • One Character sheet for each player. Except the Mayor. They can be found at the end of the rulebook or downloaded from the publisher’s website. • Dice. This game uses six-sided dice. They are the ones that come with most classic boardgames, so you will not have any trouble finding them. • Pencil and eraser. Use them to write on the character sheets, since characters can grow and their skills improve during their adventures. Please, avoid using pens or anything with permanent ink. • Blank or recycled sheets of paper, to take notes or draw maps. • A place to play, with a well-lit table and chairs for all your friends. If you have something to drink and eat during the game, even better.


THE PAST OF THE HEROES The super-powerful beings have always been among us. Their stories have come to our days through legends and ancient tales. Over the centuries their presence diminished, until ingenuity itself initiated a change in human evolution. During the first half of the twentieth century the world was ravaged by serious conflicts and from it emerged the first mutants: the first generation of men and women who developed superhuman abilities after surviving serious events involving radiation and highly toxic products that altered their bodies. The great world powers tried to take advantage of these singularities and initiated secret projects to further evolve human beings and use them as weapons.

A short time later, the first mystics or magicians who remained in hiding appeared, waiting for the day when society would be ready to assimilate the existence of cosmic forces that allowed them to do what they called magic. The conclaves revealed the secrets of other realities, the presence of spiritual or demonic beings with which they had been 7


Conflicts ended, peace returned and the surviving mutants were forgotten or went into hiding to avoid being used by their powerhungry governments again. But the horrors of war left a mark on them. Luckily for them, society found a new focus of interest, extraterrestrial life. During the space race, space research departments discovered that there was intelligent life beyond the solar system and that they had visited Earth in the past. Historical references in Egyptian, Sumerian, or Mayan and Aztec engravings confirmed their presence in the past. Their arrival was hidden by the governments of the world, trying to protect normal citizens from the fear of the unknown, but by the middle of the 21st century technology was so advanced that several sightings were recorded and the news spread through all the Social Networks of the planet. Humanity knew that they were not alone in the Universe and their reaction was not as bad as could be expected. Several aliens settled on Earth, attracted by the human way of life and culture, although they did not influence technological advances as much as certain organizations would have wished.


fighting since the beginning of time. Humanity had already accepted the presence of alien life, so it did not have many problems in assimilating the existence of people who could control forces they could not fully understand ,and who had earned their sympathy after protecting them for so many centuries.

Society was advancing, the crime almost disappeared thanks to the presence of several super-powerful beings who in front of the injustices took a step forward to fight them. Again the heroes returned and became idols for humanity. Heroines such as Nuke Girl, Obsidania, Bio Girl or heroes as well known as Shield, Mech or Freedom were icons for many and their popularity reached such heights that in many cases they were elected to preside over cities or even countries. Peace was total and absolute, to such an extent that some considered it asphyxiating.


The conflict The debate was opened when the rules were so asphyxiating that they affected the welfare system. People were arrested and convicted for dirtying the street, for jaywalking, even public displays of rudeness was considered serious crimes and people were sent to social internment centers.



No one knows very well how this group appeared, but their entrance was so devastating that it had a great impact on a sleepy and submissive society. Exceptional individuals led by a mysterious figure who answered the code name “Master Mind�, they beat several of the most powerful leaders and defeated them. They broke the rules and overthrew governments, establishing the anarchy that gave way to war between the two sides.


The combats spread all over the planet and with the presence of arcane masters on both sides, they managed to break the very fabric of reality. For months humanity lived on the edge of total destruction until true heroes finally emerged, those who knew they had to sacrifice themselves realized that the struggle would lead humanity to the total annihilation of the planet. They formed a coalition of people with powers and called themselves The Outlaws. They did not want to join any side, nor did they represent or want to represent any official power. They only knew that they had to intercede in the struggle, to move away from the extremes that almost led the world to ruin. Since it was their intervention and sacrifice that pushed the conflict to a balance of forces and ended it, the date is now known as the Day of the Outlaws. The members of the two sides were summoned by The Outlaws in the Mojave Desert in the United States and challenged them. With everything against them, the small band of heroes faced the two sides of the conflict. Only the lack of coordination between the enemies allowed the Outlaws to pry victory from the jaws of defeat. When the battle was over, only six Outlaws were left alive. Aware of their victory and fearful of what was about to come, they decided to dissolve their alliance and let humanity heal the wounds that the two factions of super-powerful beings had inflicted on them. Years went by until they reunited again and, during that time, the world regained some semblance of normality. Governments were restored, cities were rebuilt and attempts were made to go back to the old ways, but it was too late. The conflict had reached all confines of the Universe and both ravenous evil entities and warmongering alien races were interested in an Earth without heroes. The invasions They came from space, from dark demonic realities, from parallel realities... People lost count of the number of times some invading force or another tried to conquer Earth. Some of them almost managed to


do it, but the seed of the heroes known as The Outlaws had germinated and others were taking their place, defending the planet as the second generation of heroes. Mystery defended London from a horde of underworld demons led by Necrodemon, a huge undead demon that nearly swept the city.

Origins In Paris, Electrika defended the city from a mass assault by the Zhalt’ek, a reptilian race that was already present on Earth in the past and enslaved much of Mesopotamia in 6000 BC. In New York a demonic-looking young woman named Dark Girl appeared to protect the city from Mind Brain, a powerful psychic who controlled the mind of half of Manhattan. And so, a new generation of heroes appeared.


THE FOUNDATION Heroes needed guides, mentors to help them fully master their skills and powers. The survivors of the Outlaws gathered together and founded Super High School. The first school for heroes, aiming to train tomorrow’s guardians, whether super-powered or not, and build a new generation of defenders for the Earth.


They started building a special educational center with everything needed to educate and train the young heroes of tomorrow. The school was built on a huge flying platform that rotates around the Earth in a low orbit and allows easy access to any location of the planet if necessary.

The institute has a capacity for more than 1,000 students, in addition to teachers, administrative and maintenance staff. There are several buildings that house the classrooms, research and development rooms, dormitories for students and teaching staff, airstrip for jets and hangars, as well as its most striking structure: the combat dome. This is the largest building in the center, with a reinforced structure and the ability to recreate combat environments using holographic technology, where students can train with one another or against the CRU (Combat Robotic Units).



Vania Kyrgakos, aka Eon, is a guardian with the power to stop time and who was previously the school principal. Vania is a woman who looks like an eternal teenager, even though she is over 43 years old. She wears her long black mane loose, with only one decorative element, a tiara that reminds her of her origin. She is never seen without her Chronos medallion. Originating from the island of Crete, he found a very old medallion in the mountain where, according to legend, Zeus was born. This object, that Zeus himself took from Chronos, gave her the ability to see the timelines. Today she is responsible for the team of teachers and to perform the evaluations to the new students. 13


The management team of the center, headed by Dr. Alissa Keppler aka Neuro, an expert in the educational field thanks to her studies of psychology and psychopedagogy, who also happens to have great psychic powers. Alissa is a woman of character, self-confident and with great analytical skills. She was the first to be promoted to the faculty, helped by her incredibly appropriate academic CV. Since she was, appointed, she left behind her costumed heroics and now prefers to wear a teacher’s robe, puts her hair up in a bun and walks around her inseparable tablet, that contains all the information of her students.


Francisco Sandoval, aka “Smashup“, a Mexican superhero, is the teacher of physical education and the one who teaches grappling to students with powers that amplify strength. Previously he was a famous wrestler who saw his career cut short when he was the victim of a pharmaceutical fraud that adulterated a large batch of vitamin supplements that caused dozens of deaths in the world of sports. “Tasu” as most students call it survived the serious intoxication and acquired the ability to harden his muscles until they become like literal steel, making him virtually invulnerable and extremely strong. Katsumi Fujioka, aka Silent Shadow, is the teacher of melee combat and infiltration techniques. Previously she was a Japanese agent whose former assignments are still a secret. She has been responsible for the combat and infiltration subjects for five years, and everyone talks wonders of her classes, though she is extremely demanding with her students. Ebony Seimandi alias Mummy, is an ancient Egyptian princess who studied magic with great ancient sorcerers and sorcerers. She is one of the oldest teachers in the center and her field of teaching is dark arts and history. Evidently she has first-hand knowledge, as she was mummified in 2300 BC. Her tomb was later found by archaeologists in a very little traveled area along the course of the Nile. When they opened her sarcophagus they broke the seal that held her captive. After several encounters with the heroes sent to stop the plagues that had spread throughout Africa, it was found that everything was a misunderstanding and their behavior was motivated by her long isolation. He is now a beloved and respected member of the teaching community. Ricardo Saavedra aka Forja, is the expert teacher in gadgets and costumes. Of Spanish origin, Forja earned a reputation for working for other heroes and was summoned by director Alissa Keppler herself to teach the students. This is his third year as a teacher at the center. He is an older man, in his fifties, who lived through the conflict of heroes when he was barely a child. He spent many years of his studies learning as much as he could about protective clothing and support


equipment. His goal was to be a hero, but it was impossible, as he suffered a very serious injury during the altercations in Madrid at the beginning of the conflict. He was barely ten years old when he found himself in the middle of a fight between heroes from both sides, a part of the facade of a building in which he was found fell, crushing his legs. Although he has implants that allow him to walk, they were never good enough to be a hero. He is currently a professor in the area of Research and Technology. OTHER SCHOOLS

Once a year “The Great Challenge� is held, a competition between students from different schools where they show their mastery of skills and their powers. The competition has been held for ten years and the earth institute has won a total of six times, the other winners have been Alpha School, with two victories and Dojo Skool who won the last two competitions, leaving the earth school in second place. Alpha School is a school where 90% of its students are of anthropomorphic races. Its location is quite far from the Milky Way and only thanks to its high technological level, well above that which exists in the area of the Universe in which the Earth is, are they able to make the journeys almost instantaneously. Their technological level compensates for the scarcity of mystical, divine or guardian-type heroes. Most Alpha School students are excellent melee fighters, although there are also several mutants and a large number of inventors.



The school has been running for several years and many heroes have come out of their classrooms, others have decided to lead a normal life by learning to control their powers. The success of the school drew attention to other deep-space cultures, where similar schools were created to train the gifted young of distant civilizations.


Dojo Skool is almost a mystery. It appeared in a remote part of the Universe, in the middle of nowhere. There is hardly any information about that area of space, except that there are several wormholes that connect with other dark realities, where mystical forces prevail and alter the laws of physics that govern our reality. That is why their students are silent and with dark spirits. During competitions they usually use all possible tricks to obtain their objectives, even some that border on extreme evil.

Most of the school’s students are of demonic and mystical origin. They are capable of controlling the dark forces of the universe and shaping them into strange spells or invocations. There is a great rivalry between the Dojo Skool and the Earth, especially since the Earth won the first four competitions in an almost humiliating way. The Skool Dojo has carried out several assaults against the school in order to sabotage the courses and gain an advantage in the competition between centers. They have even kidnapped students or teachers in order to hinder the competitions. The truth is that the two competitions they won were because the rival wasn’t able to appear.


the Rules at Super High School The school is governed by a series of basic rules that regulate the behavior of students both on and off the premises. Non-compliance with the rules entails assuming the consequences that can range from a simple warning to expulsion from the school. Some of the rules that regulate the conduct: Do not use the powers inside the classroom. Do not disrespect teachers. Not to use the powers against another student or teacher. Do not use the powers for your own benefit. Always help those who need it. Do not ask for anything for the help given. Do not commit any kind of misdemeanor or crime punishable by law.

It’s very unusual for someone to be expelled from the center. Since its creation, only three students have been expelled and as they could not be otherwise, they are now super villains. Miura, a young man with a rebellious character and superhuman strength, was born into a humble Mexican family. He got his powers by being bathed in toxic products while looking for food and junk in a landfill. Since then he has tried to lift his family out of poverty and for that reason he has made several mistakes that have led him astray. Catarsis is a young man with mental powers, able to release the hidden emotions of people. Apparently he was born with his abilities and thanks to them he had a most pleasant childhood. He grew up being a small dictator and was soon sent to an internment center by government request. In the second year he used his powers to free the innermost desires of the teachers and almost destroyed the school. He was eventually detained by a group of students. He was expelled and during his transfer he managed to escape. He has a galactic arrest 17


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warrant, although the intelligence services of several countries on Earth believe that he did not leave the planet and is still hiding somewhere.

Medium is a special case. Chiana Niu is a Native American with a talent for communicating with the spirit world. During her last year she performed several rituals to get in touch with her ancestors and seek advice to overcome the hard tests presented to her. Unfortunately she was possessed by a demon. The identity of the evil entity that controls her is unknown, although she did leave a record of the powers granted to her. From the possession Chiana can control the spirits and summon them to fight for her, she is also capable of tearing her soul from the body of a living being and retaining it indefinitely. Chiana was not exactly expelled, since she caused serious damage to the Combat Dome, she is in search and capture to exorcise the demon that controls her. Beyond the three ex-students Gargoyle, is a being endowed with life thanks to magic. He was the servant of a powerful sorcerer of the 11th century. Thanks to the life he breathed into him through spells, Gargoyle became an immortal being who hates all magicians, as well as any form of slavery. He is a ruthless and wild being, with incredible physical strength and a very tough skin. Over the centuries he has learned magic and is now able to give life to other stone figures and control them for a limited time.




Sebastian Hunt, better known as Fear, is a psychologist who participated in the U.S. Army’s Project Fear. His task was to create a routine of work that will eliminate the fear of the troops, so as not to make mistakes in a combat situation. Hunt devised a process that combined a series of electromagnetic impulses with powerful drugs that, according to his notes, would affect a specific area of the brain, which controls emotions. Pressed by the American administration, Hunt tried the process himself and failed. Unfortunately the side effects of the experiment drove him crazy and he also got the ability to release the fears of individuals or paralyze them, releasing their deepest fears. Today he is a highly sought-after criminal mind with a long list of criminal acts. His greatest criminal act was during the night of November 1 in Indianapolis, where he managed to amplify his powers and affect half the city. Thanks to the intervention of several students and teachers from the school that was flying over the area that night, they were able to avoid a catastrophe of greater proportions. Unfortunately, that night more than a thousand people lost their lives in different ways. Fear is one of the most dangerous villains today.

The Wastes are a group of people who, during the darkest age of science, were used as test individuals. Some were volunteers, others were forced to enter the R&D programs that caused the mutations. Although it has been decades since they experimented with them, their hatred has not diminished. There are several groups of waste around the world, some living hidden in the sewers of large cities, others isolated in areas of difficult access such as valleys in mountainous regions or in abandoned facilities.


There are rumors that they have begun to procreate among themselves and thus increase their number. Many things about them are unknown, but in recent months they have carried out actions against humanity, such as attacks on infrastructures, assaults on government facilities, etc. They do not have an organized structure or so it is believed, but if they have a common leader that responds to the name of “Disease” and what little is known about him is that he was a volunteer in a scientific project that sought to improve the lives of people without immune systems. Project reports continue to be classified, even for school members. Mind Brain was a man with psychic powers who terrorized the world shortly before the foundation of the Super High School. A mutant with electric powers died during a fight against Shockwave. The fight took place in Silicon Valley, at the facilities of Software & Hardware Infinity Co. Mind Brain had used his powers to control much of the company, with the aim of taking a step forward in evolution. At that time Mind Brain, whose real name was Ron Fitzgerald, was a victim of a tumor caused by excessive use of his mind. Desperate to avoid death, he devised a plan to move his mind to the virtual world. That’s why he took control of S&H Infinity. Shockwave stopped him in the middle of the mental transfer and thus prevented the super villain’s mind from accessing the virtual world... or that’s what the villain would have us believe.


Super City, the city of heroes

Origins The institute does not have a fixed location, as it is located in a floating city that moves around the planet in an orbit of extreme altitude (more than 8,000 meters). An energy shield keeps the inhabitants of this metropolis safe and secure and allows them to lead a completely normal life despite its unusual situation. The city is equipped with all kind of basic services, such as shops, supermarkets, a hospital, a school for the children of public employees, and leisure centers such as cinemas and arcades. Transit through the city is carried out by public transport. There are trams that connect with all points of the metropolis, as well as an electric car service for those who prefer to maintain the habit of driving. The city is self-sufficient through solar and wind energy stored in large batteries of last generation that power all the systems of the city, obviously this technology combines terrestrial and alien elements, thanks to the agreements that were signed with the other races of the galaxy during the founding of the school.


Emblematic places of the city


“Heroes Avenue” is located right in front of the institute and is a large pedestrian walkway with gardens and trees culminating in the Heroes monument. It is the place where most of the school’s public events are held. Joy’s bowling alley is the preferred meeting place for most students. There are several playgrounds, state-of-the-art recreational facilities and a catering area where food is served from different parts of the galaxy, although it is known for its triple reptilian hamburger. Joy had been a field agent and when she retired from active duty she was offered the opportunity to open a business in Super City as a cover for her real activity. He is one of the main members of the security team. Joy is loved by most students, as she is always willing to listen to any problems they may have and offer her advice if they accept them.


Origins Angello Pizza, a charming place to dine or eat Italian specialties. The place is totally decorated in the purest Italian style and full of old photographs of boxers. Angello was the first teacher of hand-to-hand fighting that the school had and is considered an institution. He was several times world champion and when he retired from the ring, he continued to teach several young people his combat technique. Among them there was more than one hero without powers who thanks to the training received by Angello survived many fights and therefore was selected as a teacher. He is currently focusing on his entrepreneurial task, but it is rumored that behind the restaurant he has a small gymnasium and a ring where he continues to train anyone who asks him to.



Revels is a discotheque where final-year students usually meet to dance and relax, especially before final exams. It is a very big place with personalized rooms for the students. All students, regardless of their origin or class, feel comfortable within the walls of Revels, thanks to the work of the owner of the place, the mysterious Bastet Isnuth. She is known to be of Egyptian origin and to have an innate talent for running the venue and organizing festive events.




Let’s start by creating the character you will play during the game. First, you have to choose what type of hero you want to be and then we will determine their attributes, which measure their physical capabilities in the game. Just like you, characters have Attributes that define them, such as Strength, Agility, Resistance, Intelligence and Perception. High Attribute scores offer certain advantages, either in the form of additional abilities and modifiers for dice rolls when your character tries to perform difficult actions with a Challenge Level (from now on CL). Don’t worry if you don’t understand what these concepts are; below we describe and develop them one by one, starting with the Attributes and then introducing the rest of the game concepts.



Strength (STR). It’s the raw physical power of the character and defines their ability to pick up and throw objects, bend steel bars or beat up villains during their adventures. Strength



Force below average. Maximum lifted weight 20 kg. All out of Combat tests involving the STR Attribute are performed with a -1 modifier.


The strength of a normal person. You can lift medium sized objects.


Above average. You are able to lift 100 kg without effort. You are able to lift objects of Size 6 or less.


You are very strong; you could be in the Olympics. You can lift objects of Size equal to your FUE +2.


Incredible strength. You are able to lift large objects and throw them as if they weighed nothing. You can lift objects of Size equal to your FUE +4.


Agility (AGI). It represents the talent of the character to climb, perform acrobatics, walk on cables, open locks, juggle things and perform any actions that require slow and delicate movements, as well as dodging the attacks of their enemies. EFFECT


Below average agility. You tend to stumble easily and have little or no manual skill.


The agility and dexterity of a normal person.


Above average. You are a person with feline agility.


You’re quite an acrobat and capable of impressive feats of coordination.


Superhuman agility. You are able to climb any surface, perform incredible jumps, impossible pirouettes and extremely precise actions that require awesome hand-eye coordination





Resistance (REs). It measures the characters ability to resist and overcome diseases or poisons, as well as to endure exhaustive activities, like running a marathon or swimming in a rough sea. It also determines the amount of damage the character can take before being knocked out, whether from a fall, the attacks of a villain, hits from a weapon or any other source. Resistance

HP Bonus


4 - 5


The health of a normal person.



Great health. Common illnesses don’t affect you.


Exemplary health. Your immune system is worthy of study. If you get sick because of a virus, bacteria, poison or similar, you can carry out a Resistance check against the CL assigned by the Mayor and, if you pass it, you acquire immunity against that particular substance.


Perfect health. Same as above, but you get a +1 to the Resistance check for every point above 8.




Intelligence (INT). The character’s ability to learn, tinker and create sophisticated technological devices. It also determines their talent with mystical knowledge and their skill solving problems and riddles. EFFECT


You are within the average and your knowledge corresponds to that of a first-year student.


Above average. Your knowledge is somewhat superior to that of other students.

6 - 7

You are an advanced student and your knowledge is far superior to that of the rest of your classmates. You are a really smart person and able to understand most problems.


Privileged mind. You can solve almost any problem and, passing a check with a CL determined by the Mayor, you will be able to learn to speak a language just by listening to it for a few minutes, obtaining fluency in just a few days.


You are able to understand the workings of any machine, even if it is alien or extra-dimensional technology. If you pass a check with a CL determined by the Mayor, you will be able to use any type of technology.





Perception (PER). It represents the general awareness of the character and the ability to perceive the environment around him. Perception is very important in the handling of vehicles and the use of powers, as well as ranged weapons and spells. It also helps detecting any danger nearby or to understanding the emotions and thoughts of other people. Perception



Below-average perception. You have trouble navigating the environment, seeing well and listening. You have difficulty understanding the emotions and non-verbal language of people and animals.


The perceptive skills of a normal person.


Above average. You are able to read body language and have a very good sight and hearing. If you wanted to, you could become a wine taster or food critic.

7 - 8

You very fine-tuned instincts. You can usually tell when there is danger close, you have no problem finding your way and are able to see well even in low-light conditions.


You’re able to see in the complete darkness like you have infrared vision. You can hear distant conversations and detect changes in the heartbeat of other, which lets you know if they are scared, nervous or lying. To do this you must pass a check with a CL set by the Mayor.


Who am I? The time has come to choose what kind of hero you will be. Think carefully because this decision will determine your powers and abilities. Your options are: Celestial, Guardian, Mystic, Rebel, Mutant, Inventor, Demonic or Alien.

Guardian: You were a normal child until you were given an amulet that granted you the powers to fight evil. You were chosen as the guardian of a special object and given a clear mission: to fight against crime and injustice. You have a Relic that will grant you improvements and powers when you use it and that you must de-termine in the Chapter “I Catch the Power!“ (page XX).



Celestial: You have divine origin. Your mother, your father or both are gods and therefore you have superhuman abilities. As an offspring of a deity you can add a +1 to two Attributes of your choice. You can exceed the normal maximum of 8 for any Attribute, see below the Chapter “Forging the Hero” (page XX). You also get 6 power points that you can select in the “I Catch the Power!” Chapter. (page XX).

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