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Our 4th Anniversary!
July 2022
Psalm 84:11
salm 84 is regarded as one of the sweetest psalms of peace. It was written by the sons of Korah who were Levites. Korah led a rebellion of 250 community leaders against Moses during the wilderness days of the Exodus (Numbers 16). God judged Korah and they all died, but the sons of Korah remained (Numbers 26:9-11). Perhaps they were so grateful for this mercy that they became known in Israel for praising God. This psalm reveals that the future kingdom of Christ will be saturated with the spiritual qualities of loving kindness, truth, righteousness and peace, and these attributes will relate to each other in perfect harmony. God’s favor and friendship will be better than life itself as we know it. This current world, however, is in darkness; but if we choose God to be our Lord, He will be our sun, our source of light, joy and happiness. The love of God for His people is one of
"Our Sun and Shield"
the most fundamental teachings throughout the scripture. The psalmist explains the goodness and blessing that come to those pilgrims who love and long for the house of God. The pilgrim nation found both sun and shield in the fiery, cloudy pillar, which was the symbol of
of the world that dispels darkness, enlightens His people with the light of His grace. He warms them with the beams of His love and cheers and refreshes their souls with the light of His countenance. The prophet Malachi tells us that those who fear
God’s presence. Today, we Christians have both light and shelter in the Lord our God…a light to show the way and a shield to ward off its perils. Malachi 4:2 says, “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.” Christ is the “sun of righteousness,” the light
the Lord will feel His warmth with healing in His light. This not only means recovery from physical harm done by the wicked, but it refers to sickness linked with sin. This healing comes only through the suffering of our Lord and Savior. God will be our shield, protecting us from danger lurking about us. He is the shield of faith against the temptations of the devil; He is the shield of
salvation which shelters from divine justice and from the wrath to come. God promises His grace to those who seek Him. He gives converting grace, sanctifying grace; He freely gives justifying, pardoning, adopting and persevering grace. Grace is the knowledge and love of Him made known to us through His Holy Spirit. We gain access to God through faith in Jesus, allowing us to commune with Him and abide in His presence. Christ has made it all possible by giving us of His Spirit. However, there are many Christians who grieve the Spirit and do not allow the fullness of the Spirit to reign through them. There is a divide between those filled with the Spirit and those occupied with their desires of the flesh. Believers filled with the Spirit are filled with joy and peace, but those refusing to follow the Spirit have no joy, peace and love because they carry out the deeds of the flesh (Gal 5:1625). Our desires and wants should not lead us, but God’s Spirit should.