《香港舞蹈博覽2023》場刊 "HK Dance Expo 2023" House Programme

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為免影響演出,請把手提電話轉為靜音模式,並且關掉其 他響鬧或發光的裝置。場內請勿飲食,演出過程中嚴禁拍 照、錄音或錄影。在不影響其他觀眾的情況下,謝幕時可 以拍照留念。

To avoid disturbance, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the Auditorium. Photo-taking, audio or video recording is strictly prohibited when the performance is in progress while photo-taking without affecting others is allowed at curtain calls.


香港舞蹈總會(下稱『舞總』)於 1978 年 10 月成立,並於 2000 年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元舞蹈社 團。創會成員為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,包括:陳寶珠、黎 海寧、劉兆銘、吳世勳、鄧孟妮、鄭亞清、黃藝諳 及 郭世毅 等。建會以來,一直以推動香港舞蹈發展為己任,積極保 育、拓展本地的多元舞蹈文化。現有團體會員 254 個、個人 會員及會友超過 4,400 人。


《同心展關懷 10+ 》獎勵。現為聯合國教育、科學和文化組

織轄下的國際舞蹈委員會( UNESCO-CID )會員及國際舞

蹈組織( IDO )正式會員和香港地區代表。



獲康文署的場地贊助和大型活動委約以及藝術發展局的 經費資助。近年,製作之大型舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》多次獲邀 到北京參加國家級藝術節;2019 年更獲粵港澳大灣區交

流計劃支持,前往中山文化藝術中心及廣州大劇院,參加 大灣區文化交流;2021 年再獲康文署邀請於香港文化中 心大劇院作第九度公演,廣獲好評。

於 2021 年,透過舞總參與舞蹈課程考試的學生及老師超 過 10,000 人次,參與各製作演出的演員人數達 4,000 人 次,而觀眾數目更達 40,000 人次。在未來的日子,舞總將 延續其建立舞蹈平台的角色,開發各式各樣惠及不同需 要人士的舞蹈課程;聯絡海內、外的舞蹈同業,提升整體 藝術演出水平;並透過豐富的社區文藝活動,積極履行社 會責任,發揮舞蹈對人民生活的影響力,貢獻社會。

Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited (HKDF), established in October 1978 and incorporated as a limited company in 2000, is the first non-profit multifaceted dance organization in Hong Kong. All founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society, including Pearl CHAN, Helen LAI, LAU Siu-ming, NG Sai-fun, Tania TANG and the late CHENG Ya-ching, WONG Ngai-yum and Stephen KWOK. It has always aimed at pushing forward Hong Kong’s dance development, actively preserving heritage and promoting local cultural diversity in dance. At present the HKDF boasts a total membership of 254 group members and more than 4,400 individual and associate members.

In 2018 the HKDF was awarded the Caring Organization 10+ Logo in recognition of its dedication and efforts in dance promotion and making contributions to the society. It is currently a member of the International Dance Council, an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all genres of dance, and a member and HK representative of the International Dance Organization.

Apart from the major work and services of ‘education and examinations’, ‘productions’, ‘outreach activities’ and ‘publications and commissioned events’, the HKDF also actively participates in community activities. It has acquired venue sponsorships and large-scale commissioned projects from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and received funding support from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. The grand dance poem Dunhuang Reflections has been invited to perform at national art festivals in Beijing a number of times. Supported by the Greater Bay Area Exchange Scheme, the dance poem was staged at Zhongshan Culture & Art Center and Guangzhou Opera House in 2019. It was also invited by the LCSD to stage its 8th re-run at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in 2021 to great acclaim.

In 2021 over 10,000 students and teachers sat for dance examinations through the HKDF and 4,000 dancers were engaged in productions with an audience of approximately 40,000. The HKDF will continue to build platforms for dance exchange and development, introduce dance to people from all walks of life, explore new horizons in dance performance through collaborations and exchanges with dance practitioners from home and abroad, and to fulfill its social responsibilities by enriching community cultural activities and giving full play to the influence of dance on people's lives.



組織架構 Structure

榮譽會長 Honorary President

霍震霆先生 Mr FOK Tsun-ting, Timothy, GBS, JP

吳朱蓮芬女士 Mrs NG Chu Lien-fan, BBS, JP

會長 President

區永熙先生 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

副會長 President

劉兆銘先生 Mr LAU Siu-ming, MH

董事局成員 Board of Directors

區永熙先生 Mr AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP

劉兆銘先生 Mr LAU Siu-ming, MH

羅廖耀芝女士 Mrs LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia

冼 源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

鄭偉容女士 Ms CHENG Wai-yung

崔綺雲博士 Dr TSUI Yee-wan, Linda

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

吳劍玲女士 Ms NG Kim-ling

劉佩雄先生 Mr LAU Pui-hung

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

名譽主席 Hon. Chairman

鄭偉容女士 Ms CHENG Wai-yung

藝術總監 Artisic Director

冼 源先生 Mr SIN Yuen

行政總監 Executive Director

羅廖耀芝女士 Mrs LO Liu Yiu-chee, Virginia

教育總監 Education Director

陸恩美女士 Ms LUK Yun-mee

營運總監 Executive Director - Operations

温 雄先生 Mr WAN Hung

顧問 Advisers

鍾金寶夫人 Mrs CAMPBELL, Joan, MBE

毛 妹女士 Mrs LIAO, Christine (Mao Mei), JP

朱 絜女士 Ms CHU Kit

高春貴先生 Mr KO Chun-kwai

廖春慧女士 Ms LIU Chun-wai, Surianty

吳世勳先生 Mr NG Sai-fun

吳湘霞女士 Ms NG Sheung-ha

盛培琪女士 Ms SHENG Peiqi

薛菁華女士 Ms SIT Ching-wa

鄧孟妮女士 Ms TANG, Tania

曾柱昭先生 Mr TSANG CC, Gerard

韋 柰先生 Mr WEI Nai

義務法律顧問 Hon. Legal Adviser

范凱傑先生 Mr FAN Hoi-kit, Alex, MH

核數師 Auditor

忻瑞流會計師行 Francis S. L. Yan & Co

理事會 Council

執行委員會 Executive Committee

主席 Chairperson

劉定國先生 Mr LAU Ting-kwok

副主席 Vice Chairpersons

李艾琳女士 Ms LEE, Eileen

梁其芬女士 Ms LEUNG Ki-fun, May

吳雪梅女士 Ms NG Suet-mui, Violet

義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer

盧翠棠女士 Ms LO Chui-tong

義務秘書 Hon. Secretary

吳翠雲女士 Ms NG Tsui-wan

楊志榖先生 Mr YEUNG Chi-kuk

執行委員 Executive Committee Member

陳 磊先生 Mr CHEN Lei, Felix

莊陳波先生 Mr CHONG Chan-po

秦懿欣女士 Ms CHUN, Ulian

馮杏美女士 Ms FUNG Hang-mai

林貴文先生 Mr LAM Kwai-man

伍禮言先生 Mr NG Lai-yin, Sean

石成初先生 Mr SEK Sing-chor

曾金全先生 Mr TSANG Kam-chuen

理事 Council Member

區世傑先生 Mr AU Sai-kit

張家欣女士 Ms CHEUNG Ka-yan, Mabel

趙浩然先生 Mr CHIU Ho-yin, Rex

周佩瑜博士 Dr CHOW Pui-yu, Lina 周曉雯女士 Ms CHOW Hiu-man

何志雄先生 Mr HO Chee-hung, Bonnie

何祖宜女士 Ms HO, Joey

郭偉傑先生 Mr KWOK Wai-kit

林萬娃女士 Ms LAM Man-wa

劉文鳳女士 Ms LAU Man-fung

劉碧琪女士 Ms LAU Pik-ki, Becky

梁結文女士 Ms LEUNG Kit-man, Venessa

梁美嘉女士 Ms LEUNG Mei-kar, Eve

麥雪亮女士 Ms MAK, Lowintry

丁志敏女士 Ms TING Chi-man

曾金星先生 Mr TSANG Kam-sing

曾雪麗女士 Ms TSANG Lili S. L.

童小紅女士 Ms TUNG Siu-hung

黃日芝女士 Ms WONG Yat-chee

胡錦明先生 Mr WU Kam-ming

楊君儒先生 Mr YEUNG Kwan-yu

23 AUG 4

演出團體 Performing

Group 赤舞 JR Dreamland


Group Description


Dance Name 吞噬 Engulf

JR Dreamland 成立於 2018 年,由陳蘊聰創立「以舞溝通,共融同行」為 理念。我們以舞蹈為溝通元素,與不同能力人士共融同行,第一步由我們 最熟悉的舞蹈開始。JR Dreamland這個地方是一個所有人同行的舞地。我們的成立亦為創造 社會上不一樣的溝通方式。

JR Dreamland was founded in 2018 by Rubee CHAN, with a notion of ''speak with dance, all as one''. We use choreography as a language to communicate with all people of different abilities, first starting with dance. JR is a platform where everyone shares a stage and has a place to shine. JR aims to create, through dance and choreography, a brand-new unspoken language in our society.


Dance Description



Someone who had suffered from mood disorder once said, 'I don't know when it found me, but when I realised its existence, my life had been completely disrupted. I was unable to resist or fight back, at the end I chose to live with it, believing that I am the only one who can find light in the darkness.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳蘊聰 CHAN Wan- chung, Ruby 鄭曉彤 CHENG Hiu- tung

何秀瑜 HO Sau- yu


Performing Group


The Sprout


Dance Category

爵士舞 Jazz


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

陳藴聰 CHAN Wan- chung, Ruby

郭瑋怡 KWOK Wendy Wai- yee

梁曉蔓 LEUNG Hiu- man

李盈瑩 LI Ying- ying

邱淑賢 YAU Shuk- yin

楊佩英 YEUNG Pui- ying

葉婉婷 YIP Yuen- ting


Group Description

由劉如徽女士於 1998年創立的苗徽舞集,致力推動本地舞蹈文化教育,以 培育新苗為宗旨。每年保送學生參加由香港舞蹈總會及香港考試及評核局 聯合主辦之「北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試」及「澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會爵士舞考試」,亦參與各 類大小型演出、比賽及海外交流,讓學員除實踐舞蹈知識外,還有良好身心發展及德育培養。

The Sprout was founded by Ms Rita LAU in 1998 with the aim of promoting Chinese traditional dance to the community, especially to the younger generation. To encourage aesthetic growth and boast their spirit, students of The Sprout participate in the BDA Chinese Dance Graded Examinations and CSTD Modern Jazz Examination every year. They are also active in local and overseas performances and competitions.


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



張嘉雯 CHEUNG Ka-man


Dance Description

寒風凜冽,湖泊冰封雪蓋,高原上的藏女們無法領受聖水,只能瑟縮一角, 互相依偎取暖。她們仰望雪山,日夜誠心祈求上天溶化冰封的大地。河川再 次流動,萬物回復生機,藏女們紛紛起舞,迎接從天而降的聖水!


Rehearsal Master(s)

梁政嬈 LEUNG Ching- yiu

The cold wind was blowing, and the lakes were covered with ice and snow. Desperate in seeking the holy water, the girls huddled in the corner and leaned on each other to keep warm. They looked up at the snow-capped mountains and prayed sincerely under the stars and sun. God was touched by their sincerity -- the ice melted, and the frozen plateau came back to life. To celebrate the arrival of the holy water, the girls gave a warm welcome dance on the dynamic plateau.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳凱彤 CHAN Hoi- tung

張嘉雯 CHEUNG Ka- man

周宛澄 CHOW Uen- ching, Angela

朱嘉怡 CHU Ka- yi

鍾晞琳 CHUNG Hei- lam

鍾昕琳 CHUNG Yan- lam

許 桐 HUI Tung

林希瑜 LAM Hei- yu

林恩彤 LAM Yan- tung

羅慧祈 LO Wai- ki, Eunice

譚鈺妍 TAM Yuk- yin

鄧瑋茵 TANG Wai- yan

王卓恩 WONG Cheuk- yan, Danielle

王晴雯 WONG Ching- man

嚴心悅 YAN Sum- yuet

23 AUG
Name 祈‧雨

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description

鄰舍輔導會黃大仙康盛支援中心 智齡舞團

The Neighbourhood Advice - Action Council Wong Tai Sin Wellness Support Centre - The CASEN Dancing Team

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name Let's Go for a Ride

鄰舍輔導會智齡專上學院成立於 2004 年,轄下“智齡舞團”為弱能人士提 供專業培訓,更致力推廣弱能人士舞蹈藝術家。同時,“智齡舞團”多次參與 地區演出及比賽。

The NAAC College for Adults with Special Educational Needs was set up in 2004. The CASEN Dancing Team provides professional training for people with special educational needs and promotes the art of dance. The Team has participated in varied performances and dance competitions.


Dance Description

以賽車為主題,讓觀眾跟我們一起經過迂迴又刺激的賽道,希望大家都能 感受旅程中的興奮和雀躍。

The racing dance will let the audiences go through circuitous and exciting track with us. Hope all of you can feel the excitment and joy in the journey.

演員 Dancer(s)

鄭宋君 CHENG Sung- kwan

張浩朗 CHEUNG Ho- long

梁樂禧 LEUNG Lok- hei

李翠玲 LI Chui- ling

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description


Dance Description


史綽雯 SZE Cheuk- man

黃釗然 WONG Chiu- yin

黃嘉宜 WONG Ka- yee


Dance Category

爵士舞 Jazz


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

邱詠欣 YAU Wing- yan

楊凱旗 YEUNG Hoi- ki

楊雅善 YEUNG Nga- sin

葉潔華 YIP Kit- wah

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

Eunice Fung Dance Studio

Eunice Fung Dance Studio was founded in 2018 at Tsuen Wan. We provide creative and inspirational ballet education for young dancers and professional stage performance experiences to children.

舞火龍在市集中穿梭,花燈處處,人人歡騰起舞!雖然生活中偶有小插曲發 生,但最重要是一家人共渡佳節、和睦團圓!

The Fire Dragon dances through the market, where the lanterns shine bright while people dance with delight. Although there are episodes in life, what's important is that the families celebrate the festival together in harmony.

音樂 Music

1. Nutcracker Act 1: Father Daughter Dance, March, Clara

Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

2. Nutcracker Act 2: Chinese Dance, Gifts, Finale

Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

3. Neverland Orchestra: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Composer: Sherman Brothers

演員 Dancer(s)

陳允祈 CHAN Wan- ki

鄭希婷 CHENG Hei- ting, Hailey

張采晞 CHEUNG Tsoi- hei, Cherry

程樂恩 CHING Lok- yan

趙晞婷 CHIU Hei- ting

徐思晴 CHUI Sze- ching

鍾司朗 CHUNG Sharon

孔心榆 HUNG Sum- yu

林睿蕊 LAM Yui- yui

李芷柔 LEE Tsz- yau

梁瀞文 LEUNG Haley

梁凱喬 LEUNG Hoi- kiu, Hailey

梁靖喬 LEUNG Taylor

梁玥澄 LEUNG Yuet- ching

李杺玥 LI Sum- yuet


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



梁夢婷 LEUNG Mung- ting


Rehearsal Master(s)

馮茜彤 FUNG Sin-tung, Eunice

莫芷晴 MOK Tsz- ching

潘果熹 POON Gwo- hei, Dorian

蕭詠恩 SIU Wing- yan

蘇洛瑩 SO Kasey Lok- ying

曾傲言 TSANG Ngo- yin

胡殷晴 WOO Yan- ching

鄭靜怡 ZHENG Ching- yi

23 AUG

演出團體 Performing Group


Yunnan Arts University


Group Description

雲南藝術學院辦學始建於 1959 年,現有 26 個專業中有 14 個被認定為國家 級一流本科專業建設點,10個被認定為省級一流本科專業建設點。舞蹈學院 現有 2 門國家級一流課程,一級學科“音樂與舞蹈學”在 2021 年軟科中國最好學科排名中居第 9。

Yunnan Arts University was established in 1959. At present out of 26 majors, 14 are recognized as the national first-class undergraduate major construction sites and 10 the provincial first-class undergraduate major construction sites. 2 courses of the School of Dance are currently of the national first-class level, and the discipline “Music and Dance Studies” ranked 9th in Shanghai Ranking’s Best Chinese Subjects Ranking in 2021.


Dance Description

幸福之花緩緩開在大地上,撼動大地的背影成了山間最美的圖景,伴隨著 歡快的歌聲,踏出幸福的花,彝家少女洋溢著幸福的情,幸福的旋律、幸福 的舞步交織成了時代的幸福交響。

Flowers of fortune bloom everywhere, creating the most beautiful scene in the mountain. Singing joyfully, Yi girls pick the flowers of fortune. Their love, melody and dance steps intertwine to form a symphony of fortune of the time.

演員 Dancer(s)

程佳慧 CHENG Jiahui

程俊涵 CHENG Junhan

郭 婷 GUO Ting

Group Description

李泉希 LI Quanxi 彭 晶 PENG Jing


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



Rehearsal Master(s)

牛嗣萱 NIU Sixuan

音樂 Music

原創音樂 Original Music (劉瑞韜 LIU Ruitao)

才藝坊由資深舞蹈老師李光華及鄭麗娟於 2009 年創立,為一非牟利團

體,宗旨是透過開辦西方民族舞蹈訓練課程、工作坊及編排表演舞蹈,藉此 推廣西方民族舞蹈。

Art Workshop is a non-profit organisation which was established by folk dance teachers Mr LI Kwong-wah and Ms CHENG Lai-kuen. They aim to promote western folk dance by offering western dance training courses and workshops.


Dance Description

舞蹈分慢板和快板兩部份,慢板表達對月亮的讚頌,快板的手部動作則表 達於婚禮前家居工作例如 :抹窗、油牆等。

The dance is composed of slow and fast part. Slow part shows the admiration of the moon and hand movements in fast part show housework before wedding, such as cleaning the windows and painting the walls.

演員 Dancer(s)

鄭逸沅 CHENG Yat- yuen

林靖盈 LAM Chin- ying

林婉彤 LAM Yuen- tung

區凱慧 AU Hoi- wai

陳昭妍 CHAN Chiu- in

陳詠欣 CHAN Wing- yan

張泳筠 CHEUNG Wing- kwan

莊晞榆 CHONG Hei- yu

周泳德 CHOW Wing- tak

徐芍琳 CHUI Cheuk- lam

何嘉珩 HO Ka- hang

許淳茵 HUI Shun- yan

郭詠琪 KWOK Wing- ki

郭詠瑩 KWOK Wing- ying

李竽樂 LEE Yue- lok

李宛蔚 LEE Nicole

梁詠茵 LEUNG Wing- yan

李念縈 LI Lin- ying

劉子諒 LIU Tsz- leong

廖頌欣 LIU Chung- yan

倫珈唏 LUN Ka- hei

吳翠瑩 NG Chui- ying

包穎欣 PAU Wing- yan

施敏俐 SZE Minny

鄧慧嵐 TANG Wai- laam

徐詠盈 TSUI Wing- ying

胡貝因 WOO Pui- yan

葉匡堯 YIP Hong- yiu

容 敏 YUNG Min


Dance Category


Western Folk Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



李光華 LI Kwong-wah


Rehearsal Master(s)

李光華 LI Kwong-wah

鄭麗娟 CHENG Lai- kuen


Music " Djuvarliskata"

23 AUG
Dance Name
Flower Picking
舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 保加利亞舞 Bulgarian Dance 團體簡介
演出團體 Performing Group 才藝坊 Art Workshop

演出團體 Performing Group

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name


Group Description


Regine Wong School of Ballet


;之二︰飄逸圓舞曲 "Ballet Collection" Part 1: Colorful Paradise; Part 2: Elegant Waltz

創辦人黃日芝校長畢業於北京舞蹈學院並曾為中央芭蕾舞團團員。她以其 專業舞蹈員經驗融於教學,每年所保送之考生,皆成績超卓。本港及海外多 名教師在其指導下考獲英皇教師資格。

Regina Wong School of Ballet was founded by Ms WONG Yat-chee. Before being the principal of the school, Ms WONG was a graduate of the Beijing Dance Academy and a member of the Central Ballet of China. With her expertise and experiences her students pass the RAD Examination with flying colours. She also trains teachers to attain the teaching qualification from the RAD.


Dance Description



Part one: Summer is coming, laughter is loud, and a group of children in colorful costumes dance to welcome the summer solstice. Part two: A group of light and graceful girls dance to the bright, elegant, and ethereal music, showing "elegance" and "ethereality" throughout.

陳祉霖 CHAN Tsz- lam

趙斯羽 CHIU Jolie Sze- yu

蔡旻珈 CHOI Man- ka

胡晴嵐 HU Qinglan

胡晴雅 HU Qingya

胡日懿 HU Yat- yi

黎旃渟 LAI Chin- ting

林善欣 LAM Sin- yan

林潤甜 LAM Yun- tim, Elizabeth

梁卓琳 LEUNG Cheuk- lam

梁 萱 LEUNG Clemence

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description

梁皓珵 LEUNG Ho- ching, Chloe

梁淽喬 LEUNG Tsz- kiu

梁詠秋 LEUNG Wing- chau, Mayvis

李思睿 LI Sze- yui

李康蓮 Lilian KENYON

駱 蓉 LOK Victoria

吳梓穎 NG Tsz- wing, Charis

伍穎芯 NG Wing- sum

彭 茵 PANG Yan, Leslcy

邊逸霏 PIN Yi- fei

邊語棠 PIN Yu- tong, Christine


Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



Rehearsal Master(s)

曾婉瑜 TSANG Yuen-yu

黃日芝 WONG Yat- chee

錢子墨 QIAN Zimo, Evelyn

謝孜知 TSE Gi- gi

董殷廷 TUNG Yan- ting

黃子僖 WONG Chi- hei

黃迦彤 WONG Ka- tung

黃樂欣 WONG Lok- yan, Serena

黃心柔 WONG Sum- yau

余紫萁 YU Tsz- kay

余櫻喬 YU Ying- kiu

Chung Hwa Dance Association - Fang Shiang Dance Theatre 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 尋 Searching

中華舞蹈學會 方相舞團

方相舞團是以中國古典及民間舞蹈為主體的表演團體,舞團創建起始至今 已屆 32 年,成立之初以推展舞蹈文化藝術為宗旨,現任團長為羅媖芳女士。

Fang Shiang Dance Theatre is a performance group with Chinese classical and folk dance as the main body. It has been 32 years since the company was founded. Its purpose is to promote dance culture and art at the beginning. The current team leader is Ms LO Ying-Fang.


Dance Description

歲月烙印在這片舞蹈土地上的「行跡」,藉由所有習舞者身影留下了風流文 采的創作軌跡,舞者鞋痕烙刻的驚豔的掌聲,蓬鬆傳遞了我們共同的「舞臺 記憶」。

Over the years the ‘traces’ marked on this piece of dance land have embodied the creative paths of all dancers and the thunderous applause drawn for scuff marks, loosely conveying our common ‘stage memories’.

音樂 Music


"Portrait of a Beauty" Miindo- Movie Soundtrack


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



張筱楓 ZHANG Xiao-feng


Rehearsal Master(s)

羅媖芳 LO Ying- fang

鄭俞遙 CHENG Yu- yao

黃馨儀 HUANG Hsin- yi

高薛采鳳 KAO HSOEH Tsai- fen

白宜平 PAI Yi- ping

曾湘芸 TSENG Hsiang- yun

吳盈萱 WU Ying- hsuan

楊又又 YANG Yo- yo

葉玟琦 YEH Wen- chi 演員 Dancer(s)

23 AUG
演員 Dancer(s)


Performing Group


WAN's Dance Workshop




Group Description

由吳翠雲女士創立,致力舞蹈教育及推廣。通過系統及多元化訓練,培育兼 具藝術素養、正確價值觀和良好品格的舞蹈専才。團員在中外舞蹈考試、海 內外比賽及大型活動中,屢獲殊榮,表現卓越,不少更成為新一代的專業舞者及舞蹈教師。

WAN's Dance Workshop, founded by Ms NG Tsui-wan, is dedicated to dance cultivation. Through systematic and diversified training, it helps children to develop their dance talent and obtain artistic accomplishments. Ms NG’s dancers have achieved magnificent results in major dance competitions; their astonishing performances here in hometown and abroad have impressed many audiences. Many of them have pursued their careers by joining the dance society to inherit their knowledge.


Dance Description







Dance Category


Contemporary Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

張鳳珮 CHEUNG Fung- pui

劉嘉欣 LAU Ka- yan

李瑞婷 LEE Shui- ting

It is graceful to find her slanting silhouette among the garden or on the barren cliffs. Such a creature which is full of perseverance and beauty. She stands elegantly as usual when all the flowers are withered in the harsh winter, and who remains the same year after year. She silently herds the winter and heralds the spring, stimulates vitality and brings hope.

演員 Dancer(s)

CHAN Beatrice

鄭琋琳 CHENG Hei- lam

張婉婷 CHEUNG Yuen- ting

朱潔瑩 CHU Kit- ying, Kitty

張鳳珮 CHEUNG Fung- pui

豐景嬈 FUNG King- yiu

何溢芊 HO Yat- chin

林芷菁 LAM Tsz- ching

劉嘉欣 LAU Ka- yan

李瑞熙 LEE Shui- hei

李瑞婷 LEE Shui- ting

李倩瑩 LEE Zoe Sin- ying

李翠玲 LI Chui- ling

廖騦琪 LIU Sze- ki

吳嘉琳 NG Ka- lam

戴誌嘉 TAI Chi- ka

鄧一鳴 TANG Yat- ming

韵情舞集於 2003 年由梁其芬女士創立,是一個熱愛及追求豐富舞蹈生命 的年青舞蹈團體。各團員懷著對舞蹈的熱誠,積極參與各類文化表演活動, 致力推動中國舞,為普及中國舞蹈藝術作出貢獻,並以活潑亮麗的舞蹈分享生活中的韵美。除了 不斷參與舞蹈表演及舞蹈比賽外,每年亦會舉辦周年滙演,以提升團員的技巧、風格、自信心及 舞臺經驗。


Kidance Troupe was set up by Ms LEUNG Ki-fun in 2003 with the aim to promote the art of dance as well as nurturing young dance talents. The Troupe consists mainly of young dancers that are fond of dancing and participate in dance activities and cultural performances regularly in order to popularize Chinese dance and arouse public interests. Regular training classes are arranged to improve members’ styles, ability and techniques in dance. The Troupe also seeks for every onstage performance opportunity such as dance competitions so as to keep up the members’ morale.

舞蹈簡介 Dance Description

演員 Dancer(s)

舞蹈類型 Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

複本 Reproduction


Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk


A group of young and free-spirited Xinjiang girls gathered together, accompanied by a brisk rhythm in a quiet environment, which made them spin enthusiastically.

洪煒童 ANG Wai- tung

莊琬琦 CHONG Robin

方晶晶 FANG Ching- ching

鄺穎桐 KWONG Wing- tung

賴映旻 LAI Ying- man

李焯睿 LI Cheuk- yui, Cheryl

雷樂儀 LUI Lok- yee

吳淑清 NG Shuk- ching

沈庭鈺 SHUM Ting- yuk

蔡子琪 TSOI Tsz- ki

溫芷裳 WAN Tsz- sheung

胡麗旋 WOO Lai- shuen

張慧芳 ZHANG Wai- fong

23 AUG
Dance Name
Winter • Blossom
演出團體 Performing Group 韵情舞集 Kidance Troupe 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 旋起來吧!
Spinning! 團體簡介 Group

演出團體 Performing Group La P en V


Group Description


La P en V Innovative Dance Platform

以發揚和傳承藝術為理念,並積極培育本土舞蹈精英,推動和發展舞蹈藝 術,更會融入中西文化,創作優質舞蹈作品。

Spreads and continues the art of Chinese Dance, trains local talents, promotes and develops the art of dancing, blends in different cultures, and creates high quality works.


Dance Description


所謂「有緣相聚,緣起緣落,天緣湊合」 世間上每種事與人的相遇、相知 和相識,都是藉著一種無形的連結而產生。我心願「與舞結緣」所展現的是永恆常新,細水長流的 一種緣份。

Serendipity, an abstract, predetermined tie in any relationship like those “predestined to be friends or to love” in Chinese culture, nurtures the encounter, be it in experiences or human relationships. My wish is for “serendipity with dance” to manifest itself as a timeless relationship, like an everlasting flow of love in dance.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳卓琳 CHAN Cheuk- lam

陳玉幸 CHAN Hannah Yuk- hang

陳寶珠 CHAN Po- chu

陳惠君 CHAN Wai- kwan

江雪萍 KONG Suet- ping

江穎儀 KONG Wing- yee

劉卓禕 LAU Cheuk- yi

李穎詩 LEE Wing- sze

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description

吳翠湄 NG Chui- mei, Viki

吳鳳芝 NG Fung- chi

吳家善 NG Ka- sin

吳嘉華 NG Ka- wah

黃文嬈 WONG Man- yiu

楊曉彤 YEUNG Hiu- tung

楊映晴 YEUNG Ying- ching


Dance Category


Contemporary Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



莊陳波 CHONG Chan-po


Rehearsal Master(s)

譚玉芳 TAM Yuk- fong

音樂 Music

《作品:張兆鴻 Ben ; 徐嘉良(殤)》


Costume Design & Production


Unique Design Team Ltd.

澳門舞蹈協會 白雲舞蹈團

Associacao de Dancas de Macau - Miss White Dance Group


白雲舞蹈團乃澳門非牟利舞蹈團體,自二零一五年成立以來一直致力推動 澳門舞蹈發展,盡心培育兒童及青少年對各類舞蹈的興趣。舞團現有學生

約 300名。除了常規培訓班及每年專場匯演外,舞團還積極參與澳門及其他地方邀請的舞蹈表 演,也有帶隊外出參加比賽,均獲得優異成績。

Miss White Dance Group is a Macau non-profit dance group. Since its establishment in 2015, it has been committed to promoting the development of dance in Macau and dedicated to cultivating children and young people's interest in different kinds of dances. Currently, there are around 300 students. In addition to regular training classes and the annual showcase, we actively participate in both local performances and the performances invited by other places. We also participate in competitions outside Macau and achieve excellent results.


Dance Description

音樂選用改編版的霍元甲,以中國古典舞展現女性既硬朗堅強、英姿颯爽 的一面,同時又充滿千嬌百媚,柔情似水。

Using the adapted version of the song Fearless, this Chinese classical dance shows the tough and heroic side as well as the charm and tenderness of women.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳家銣 CHAN Ka- u

蔡慧瑜 CHOI Wai- u

黃 娜 HUANG Na

關欣彤 KUAN Ian- tong

劉楚盈 LAO Cho- ieng

蕭泳嵐 SIO Weng- lam

黃芷婷 WONG Chi- teng


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

白晶琳 PAK Cheng-lam




‘’Fearless’’ ( Jay CHOU)

23 AUG
舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 結......緣 Serendipity
舞蹈名稱 Dance
颯 Fearless

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description


L.W.T. Dancing College


Dance Name

建校廿九載,致力推廣兒童舞蹈藝術,提高她們的綜合素養,從而達到身心 健康,全面發展。

L.W.T. Dancing has promoted kids' arts for 29 years. Happy and peachy lives of children are what we're chasing for.


Dance Description

花兒載著美好的願望跳起優美的舞蹈,撒播希望的種子、傳遞春天的氣息, 永遠朝著太陽綻放它的微笑。

Flowers dance gracefully with beautiful wishes, sow the seeds of hope, convey the breath of spring, and always bloom their smiles towards the sun.


Flowers in the Sunshine


Dance Category


Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

翻新 Rearrangement



李玉蓮 LI Yu-lian

陳施諭 CHAN Sze- yu, Kiana

陳雪瀅 CHEN Xue- ying

張樂童 CHEUNG Lok- tung

錢智賢 CHIN Jenny

陳疏影 CHAN Sho- ying

何欣淇 HO Yan- ki

胡奕鏵 HU Yik- wah

顧凱宜 KU Hoi- yi

林梓夏 LAM Tsz- ha, Olivia

林禹甯 LAM Yu- ning

羅��茹 LAW Tsz- yu


Performing Group


Group Description


Wong Yat Chee Ballet

林高璇 LIN Gao- xuan

林珉希 LIN Man- hei

林芷諾 LIN Zhi- nuo

劉鈺盈 LIU Yuk- ying

呂貝淇 LUI Pui- ki

吳靜瑤 NG Ching- yiu

沈樂吟 SHEN Le- yin

曾一懿 TSANG Yat- yi

王芯柔 WONG Sum- yau

王沅霖 WONG Yuen- lam

余芯渝 YU Sum- yu

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

金梅 JING Mei


Rehearsal Master(s)

劉韋廷 LAU Wai-ting

何少芬 HO Siu-fan

利愷彤 LEE Hio-tung


Happy Polka and Palace Hungarian Dance

創辦人黃日芝校長畢業於北京舞蹈學院並曾為中央芭蕾舞團團員。她以其 專業舞蹈員經驗融於教學,每年所保送之考生,皆成績超卓。本港及海外多 名教師在其指導下考獲英皇教師資格。

Regina Wong School of Ballet was founded by Ms WONG Yat-chee. Before being the principal of the school, Ms WONG was a graduate of the Beijing Dance Academy and a member of the Central Ballet of China. With her expertise and experiences her students pass the RAD Examination with flying colours. She also trains teachers to attain the teaching qualification from the RAD.


Dance Description


宮廷匈牙利舞︰絢麗堂煌的宮廷中,高貴廷拔的貴妃們,以既莊嚴又快速 有力的步伐凸顯匈牙利舞的風格。

Happy Polka: A group of children bring out the joyful atmosphere of a traditional country show with relaxed dance steps.

Palace Hungarian Dance: In the magnificent palace, noble concubines highlight the style of Hungarian dance with solemn, fast and powerful steps.

演員 Dancer(s) 演員 Dancer(s)

周星言 CHAU Sing- yin

莊芷悠 CHONG Tsz- yau

高婉珺 GAO Yuen- kwan

何明欣 HO Ming- yan, Natalie

許慧妍 HSU Wai- yin, Sophie

許邇霖 HUI Natalie Yi- lam

葉芊妤 IP Chin- yu

葉禧晴 IP Hei- ching

黎旃渟 LAI Chin- ting

柳聲瑜 LAU Sing- yue

梁 晴 LEUNG Constance

梁詠鵲 LEUNG Wing- tseuk, Mynva

盧妍燁 LU Yan- ye Maika POUBLON

莫逸喬 MOK Yat- kiu

伍諾瞳 NG Emma Abigail

吳寶琪 NG Po- ki

伍芯言 NG Sum- yin

王安雅 WONG Ann- ya


Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



黃日芝 WONG Yat-chee


Rehearsal Master(s)

曾婉瑜 TSANG Yuen-yu

黃日芝 WONG Yat- chee

潘慧琛 POON Wai- sum

蕭婥孜 SIU Cheuk- chi

蘇珮琪 SO Pui- ki

杜懿瑞 TO Yee- shui, Charlotte

尹雅詩 WAN Nga- sze

胡梓晴 WU Tzi- ching, Celine

任曉嵐 YAM Hiu- laam

余靜悠 YEE Ching- yau

楊子晴 YEUNG Tsz- ching

23 AUG


Performing Group


Group Description

小水點舞蹈團 王偉權

Hibiscus Dance - WONG Wai-kuen

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name ~念 Sometimes I Wonder 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 2022獲獎作品 Winning Work of Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022

王偉權將於 2023 年 9 月入讀香港演藝學院,舞蹈系(榮譽)學士,主修 中國舞,並獲得 2023 / 24 香港演藝學院頒發的獎學金。5 歲開始於小

水點舞蹈團接受舞蹈訓練,爵士舞、中國舞、現代舞等,並獲得本地及國際佳績。2022 年 〈紫荊盃舞蹈大賽〉,在現代舞,爵士舞及中國舞組別中,榮獲 16 歲以上最佳表演獎。在 2022 CSTD Asia Pacific Dance Competition榮獲 The Modern Championship Cup。


Dance Category

爵士舞 Jazz


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



Rehearsal Master(s)

何祖宜 HO Joey

Receiving a scholarship 2023/24 from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, WONG Wai-kuen is taking a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) Degree in Dance Programme at the Academy majoring in Chinese dance this coming September. WONG has started dance training including jazz, Chinese and modern dance in Hibiscus Dance since the age of 5. He has achieved remarkable results in local and overseas competitions, for instance, the Best Performance Award in the sessions of Modern Jazz and Chinese Dance (Age 16 and over) of Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022, and The Modern Championship Cup at the 2022 CSTD Asia Pacific Dance Competition.


Dance Description

念念不忘,必有迴響。只要心存信念,終有被回應的一天,哪怕 暫時無果,日後也必當有所收穫。

Sometimes I wonder, if your wandering thoughts wonder about me.


Performing Group

華南師範大學 嶺南舞蹈團

South China Normal University

- Lingnan Dance Company


演員 Dancer(s)

王偉權 WONG Wai- kuen


Seeing Lingnan with Dance


Group Description

華南師範大學嶺南舞蹈團成立於 2006 年,現任藝術總監王海英,團長王 藝波。自成立以來,秉承“新師範教育、弘揚傳統文化”的教育方針,立足於 嶺南傳統舞蹈研究,集教學、實踐、科研為一體,並將傳統舞蹈的傳承與創新型人才培養緊密結 合,原創作品《獅舞嶺南》《喊瑤山》《新彩雲追月》《汪嘟》等在國際國內等專業賽事中榮獲多項 大獎,曾赴美、法、意、新加坡等參加國際文化交流及各類公益演出。

Lingnan Dance Company of South China Normal University was established in 2006. The current artistic director and head are WANG Haiying and WANG Yibo. Since inception, the Company has adhered to the education policy of “new teacher education and carrying forward traditional culture”, focusing on the research on the traditional dance of Lingnan, integrating teaching, practice and scientific research, as well as closely linking the inheritance of traditional dance with the cultivation of innovative talents. Its original works, Lion Dancing in Lingnan, Calling the Yao Mountain, New Colourful Clouds Chasing the Moon, Wangdu, etc. have won numerous awards in professional competitions both at home and abroad. The Company has also participated in international cultural exchanges and charity performances in the United States, France, Italy, and Singapore.


Dance Description

華師舞人,踏古尋根,以舞言志,講述嶺南人自己的故事,以舞載道,用舞姿 糅合嶺南歷史文化符號,盡展嶺南文化之美。


Dance Category


Lingnan Traditional Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



王海英 WANG Haiying

王藝波 WANG Yibo

黃冬贇 HUANG Dongyun


Rehearsal Master(s)

張逸弛 ZHANG Yichi

In search of ancient roots, the dancers of South China Normal University express their emotions through dance, telling the own stories of Lingnan people, and use dance as a vehicle for moral teaching, blending dance postures with the historical cultural symbols of Lingnan to fully display the beauty of Lingnan culture.

音樂 Music

1. 剪輯:音樂,孟文豪:巴人戰鼓

2. 剪輯:中國交響樂團《彩雲追月》

3. 創作:《汪嘟》陳若平作曲

4. 創作:《祈鼓》陳若平作曲

演員 Dancer(s)

曹丰昱 CAO Fengyu

杜嫣然 DU Yanran

范锡恩 FAN Xien

郭庆奥 GUO Qingao

怀婉翠 HUAI Wancui

李业森 LI Yesen

李紫彤 LI Zitong

林焕敏 LIN Huanmin

林倚冰 LIN Yibing

馬韵莹 MA Yunying

彭 敏 PENG Min

申浩辰 SHEN Haochen

魏王彦 WEI Wangyan

吴茜雨 WU Qianyu

熊燕平 XIONG Yanping

杨谨廷 YANG Jinting

余思琪 YU Siqi

张以琳 ZHANG Yilin

23 AUG
Dance Name

演出團體 Performing



St. Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section)


Dance Name


The Washing Fiesta


Group Description

聖保祿學校中國舞校隊旨在透過不同的表演及比賽,為熱衷中國舞蹈的聖 保祿學生,提供鍛練舞藝,累積舞臺經驗的機會。李艾琳老師經年悉心指 導,團隊不僅在香港學校舞蹈節中大放光芒,飲譽學界 ; 更明晰團體互助協作,立己達人的寶貴 文化情操。

The Chinese dance team of SPCS aims to arouse Paulinians' interest in dancing and to enable Paulinians to gain stage experience through various competitions and performances. Under the guidance and support of Ms Eileen LEE, not only does the team obtain brilliant results in the Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival but the members also realize the importance of cooperation, hard-work and immersing themselves in every dance.


Dance Description


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

李艾琳 LEE Eileen

搗衣是朝鮮特有的風俗;仲秋時節,姑娘們共聚河邊,捶打衣、被,表現出捶 打的藝術和勞動的樂趣,棒槌聲和清脆的笑聲此起彼落,宛如一首清新明快的協奏曲。

Tamping clothes is a unique custom in Chaoxian nationality in mid-autumn. Girls gather by the river to beat clothes and quilts. The sound of sticks and crisp laughter is like a fresh and lively song concerto.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳邦霖 CHAN Pong- lam, Chrysilla

陳思琪 CHAN Sze- ki

樊羲澄 FAN Hei- ching

演出團體 Performing Group

龔言澄 KUNG Yin- ching

關雅謠 KWAN Nga- yiu, Natalie

林姿綽 LAM Chi- cheuk, Ida

李心瑗 LEE Sum- wun

梁思齊 LEUNG Sze- chai


Inspiration Dance & Art Academy

李 晴 LI Ching, Cobe

吳嘉晞 NG Ka- hei

譚皓之 TAM Natalie

唐善溢 TONG Sin- yat

謝心翹 TSE Sum- kiu

屈子茹 WAT Tze- yue

黃巧晴 WONG Hau- ching

黃葆婷 WONG Louise

余曉瞳 YU Hiu- tung, Meagan

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name One Night in Broadway


Group Description

靈感舞蹈藝術學院於 2016 年創立,創辦人廖詩寧校長畢業於香港演藝學 院,一直深耕細作,多年來成功培育不少舞蹈人才。同時,學校導師教學經 驗豐富,致力發掘學童舞蹈興趣及潛能,為家長們提供優質的舞蹈培養園地。舞蹈學校專業教授 中國舞、爵士舞、現代舞、北京舞蹈學院等級考試及澳洲聯邦爵士舞考試,時常帶領學生參加各 大比賽、表演及義工活動,讓學生及家長能體驗豐富及具意義的藝術成長之路。

Inspiration Dance & Art Academy was founded in 2016. The instructors have rich teaching experience and are dedicated to discovering children's interest and potential in dancing. The Academy professionally teaches Chinese dance, jazz dance, modern dance, Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance graded examination and CSTD examination, etc. It also leads students to participate in major competitions, performances, and volunteer activities from time to time.


Dance Description

在這繁華鬧市裏,大家都忙得遺忘了埋藏於心中的表演小激動;一旦機會 來臨,不如抓緊興奮時刻,盡情唱唱跳跳,激情一番!

In this bustling city, everyone is so busy that they forget the small excitement of performing in their hearts; once the opportunity comes, why not seize the exciting moment, sing and dance to your heart's content, and have a passion!

演員 Dancer(s)

區悅蕎 AU Yuet- kiu

區悅晞 AU Yuet- hei

蔡雨澄 CHAI Yu- ching

陳嘉瑩 CHAN Ka- ying

陳薇冰 CHAN Mei- ping

陳詠琳 CHAN Wing- lam

陳欣琳 CHAN Yan- lam

張靖嵐 CHEUNG Ching-laam, Aqua

蔡曉彤 CHOI Hiu- tung

何希彤 HO Hei- tung

韓皓縈 HON Ho- ying

葉采兒 IP Choi- yee

饒千睿 JAO Chin- yui

金時羽 JIN Shi- yu, Claire

姜祉霖 KEUNG Tsz- lam, Emma

郭曦瞳 KOK Hei- tung

黎曦桐 LAI Hei- tung

林由心 LAM Yau- sum

林亦妍 LAM Yik- yin

劉懿葶 LAU Yi- ting


Dance Category

爵士舞 Jazz


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

廖詩寧 LIU Sze-ning, Ceci

李穗雯 LI Sui-man, Christy



" You Should Be Dancing" ( Abba- Mamma Mia)

李千珩 LEE Chin- hang, Cherise

李鎧綸 LEE Hoi- lun, Narissa

李苡澄 LEE Mira, Irene

梁仟願 LEUNG Chin- yuen, Bianca

梁明悅 LEUNG Ming- yuet

李頌萱 LI Chung- huen, Isabel

李斯楠 LI Sze- nam, Priscilla

李梓曦 LI Tze- hei, Alyssa

林婧恬 LIN Jingtian

文宇晴 MAN Yu- qing

吳靜瑤 NG Ching- yiu

吳日彤 NG Yat- tung

蕭彩頤 SIU Choi- yee

蕭彥婷 SIU Yin- ting

沈卓妍 SUM Cheuk- yin

鄧凱霖 TANG Hoi- lam

蔡俊彥 TSOI Chun- yin, Tim

蔡綺蔚 TSOI Yee- wai, Fely

黃熙晴 WONG Hei- ching, Cynthia

23 AUG

香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2021

《Hi// M》小水點舞蹈團 -王偉權

《Power of the Lights》童夢

《Get It Right》青躍體藝中心 梁穎姍


《My Chance in the Spotlight》 SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院-王悅潼

《夢想成真》 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 鄭恩樂

《Deep End》Gravity Ballet 黃顗蓁

《信 • 望 • 愛》小水點舞蹈團 陸曉穎、黃妍愫

《喜悅》 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 黃冬怡

《回夢歌聲》小水點舞蹈團 王譽澄 《別•痛》小水點舞蹈團 - 吳頌茹 《下嫁》美諾諦詩舞蹈工作坊 林卓瑤


《Never had a Friend like Me》童夢 蔡知恩

Hong Kong Dance Expo 2021

《Grease Wonderland》小水點舞蹈團 《傣家的姑娘傣家的雨》劉韋庭舞蹈學校 《嘎巴·随想》研舞集 《Barbie at the Funfair》樂然舞蹈教室 《中國娃娃》Gravity Ballet 林靖淳 黃顗蓁 《夜魅扇影》Jay舞團 《內與外》JR Dreamland 《夏日樂逍遙》紫創國際
24 AUG 16

演出團體 Performing Group



Dancing Bean Studio

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name Toy

小跳豆舞蹈藝術中心於 2014 年成立,致力推動澳洲聯邦爵士舞考試課程 ( CSTD )。透過生動有趣的舞蹈訓練,積極培育小朋友的舞蹈潛能,發展爵 士舞舞蹈文化,培養真正熱愛舞蹈藝術的學生。

Dancing Bean Studio was set up in 2014. Through entertaining training lessons, we continue to promote the CSTD Jazz syllabus and actively drive children’s dancing ability. With our goal of spreading awareness of the Jazz dance culture, we hope to assist students to fulfill their passionate dancing dreams.


Dance Description

女士兵們是高地戰鬥中最優秀的作戰團隊,透過舞蹈讓觀眾感受一下她們 有著鋼鐵般的鬥志。

As a champion team, the soldiers show their spirits through Jazz dancing, impressing everyone with their determination and passion on the stage.

演員 Dancer(s)

Group Description 團體簡介

朱家寧 CHU Ka- ning

馮煒庭 FUNG Wai- ting

賴曉曈 LAI Audrey

梁楚喬 LEUNG Cho- kiu

梁楚妍 LEUNG Cho- yin

梁雅雯 LEUNG Nga- man

梁彥澄 LEUNG Yin- ching

廖曉亭 LIU Hiu- ting

羅晞允 LO Hei- wan

柯卓言 OR Cheuk- yin

潘霈渝 POON Pui- yu

鄧詠熹 TANG Wing- hei

黃筠婷 WONG Kwan- ting

黃芷暄 WONG Tsz- huen

葉靜悠 YIP Ching- yau

張昊頤 ZHANG Ho- yi

舞蹈類型 Dance Category

爵士舞 Jazz


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

曾詠荃 TSANG Wing-tsuen

音樂 Music

" Toy Soldier" ( Britney Spears)

Group Description

滙集中國不同地域的文化特色,在傳統中加創意製作屬於本土文化的舞蹈 藝術。希望每一個年齡層的舞友都可享受舞蹈帶出的樂趣。

Bringing together the cultural characteristics of different regions in China, combining tradition and creativity to create a dance art that belongs to the local culture. Our mission is to let dancers of all ages enjoy dancing.


Dance Description


Frost and snow are flying, Are they snowflakes? Are they traces of tears? The winter suddenly overtakes the summer season, could it be………..

演員 Dancer(s)

陳 曉 CHAN Hiu

蔣 舒 CHANG Shu

張 岊 CHEUNG Chit

方桂英 FONG Kwai- ying, Anny

林静嫻 LAM Ching- han, Betty

林育娟 LAM Yuk- kuen

劉潔冰 LAU Kit- ping

廖寶珠 LIU Po- chu, Monse

屈美娟 WAT Mei- kuen, Irene


Dance Category 當代中國舞 Contemporary Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

胡錦明 WU Kam-ming

24 AUG
Soldiers 演出團體 Performing Group JC Art 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 霜 Frost

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description

Violet Creation International

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

VCI 自 1992 年成立以來,一直致力於舞蹈藝術培訓和推動舞蹈活動的發 展,為藝術文化和舞蹈藝術卓越的推廣創造了一個理想的平臺。

Since its establishment in 1992, VCI has been committed to dance art training and promoting the development of dance activities, creating an ideal platform for the promotion of artistic culture and dance art excellence.


Dance Description

在我成長的天空,快樂的友誼和學習之間存在密切關係。我們互相交流,互 相啟發和學習 ...

In the sky where I grew up, there is a close relationship between happy friendships and learning. We communicate with each other, inspire and learn from each other...



陳海格 CHEN Hoi- kak

鄭梓澄 CHENG Tze- ching

馮寶瑩 FUNG Po- ying

何卓鴒 HO Cheuk- ling

蔣京霈 JIANG King- pui

關 鈊 KWAN Sum

郭芷庭 KWOK Tsz- ting

黎芷熒 LAI Tsz- ying

林天穎 LAM Candice

林雪晴 LAM Suet- ching

演出團體 Performing Group


李樂怡 LEE Lok- yi

李詠晴 LEE Wing- ching

李詠蕎 LEE Wing- kiu

李穎喬 LEE Wing- kiu, Kristy

陸書雅 LU Shu- nga

蘇安祐 SO On- yau, Audrey

黃日晴 WONG Charis

黃凱朗 WONG Hoi- long

葉羽桐 YIP Yu- tung


Play a Happy Tune with Me


Dance Category


Contemporary Ballet


Type of Choreography

翻新 Rearrangement



郭泳津 KWOK Wing-chun


Rehearsal Master(s)

郭泳津 KWOK Wing-chun

葉嘉恩 YIP Stephanie

音樂 Music

" Penny Lane" ( The Beatles)

Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 揮別 Vanishing Touch


Group Description

董中舞蹈隊致力發展學生的舞蹈潛能,並從中培養學生的藝術修養。通過 表演及比賽活動,訓練團隊合作精神及增強學生自信心,建立正面的學習 態度。訓練的舞蹈包括中國舞及現代舞,學生通過學習中國古典舞蹈及不同民族舞蹈,了解中國 傳統文化;亦通過當代創意舞蹈藝術,讓學生將舞蹈連繫到生活,以肢體抒發情感。

PLKTYT Dance Team is committed to developing students' dance potential and cultivating their artistic qualities. Through performances and competitions, we train team spirit and enhance students' self-confidence, while fostering a positive learning attitude. Our dance training includes Chinese traditional dance and modern dance. By learning Chinese classical dance and various ethnic dances, students gain deeper understanding of Chinese traditional culture. Through contemporary creative dance art, students connect dance to life and express emotions through their bodies.


Dance Description

在平行的時空世界裡,您和我是否都有著恐懼與抗拒,害怕過去累積濃厚 的愛,會隨著生死的隔閡,一切歸零……

In the parallel world of time and space, do you and I share the fear and resistance that the love we have nurtured and cherished over the past may be returned to scratch with the separation of life and death?

演員 Dancer(s)

陳敏澄 CHAN Man- ching

陳 嬈 CHAN Yiu

張早藍 CHEUNG Cho- lam

張愷晴 CHEUNG Hoi- Ching

孔懿雅 HUNG Yee- nga, Elvia

黎伊桐 LAI Yi- tung

李莃晴 LEE Hei- ching, Hayley

李洱蓁 LEE Yee- tsun

陸曉悅 LUK Hiu- yuet, Edna

麥梓瑩 MAK Tsz- ying

舞蹈類型 Dance Category 當代舞

Contemporary Dance 編創類型

Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

林昭蓉 LIN Chao-jung



" A sparrow alighted" ( First Movement)

潘曉彤 POON Hiu- tung

孫靖琳 SUEN Ching- lam, Charlotte

曾蔚姍 TSANG Wai- shan, Teresa

黃曉瑩 WONG HIU- ying

黃耀均 WONG Yiu- kwan

24 AUG


Performing Group


Group Description


Dynamic Dawn Studio


Dance Name 敬

2003 年成立,藉舞蹈教育啟發兒童思考,發揚中國舞蹈藝術的精髓。除北 京舞蹈學院等級考試課程外,本團更會安排學生參與公開舞蹈演出及比 賽,獲取寶貴的舞臺經驗。

Established in 2003, Dynamic Dawn Studio aims at inspiring children’s thought through dance education and developing the quintessence of Chinese dance. Besides taking the Chinese dance graded examinations of Beijing Dance Academy, students of Dynamic Dawn Studio will compete and perform in order to acquire experiences from stage.


Dance Description

在寧靜寬闊的草原上,酒與月光交相輝映,蒙古姑娘虔誠地敬酒載舞,感謝 上天賜予的光明,大地賦予的福祿,同時也祝人間吉祥永存。

On the vast grasslands, wine and moonlight complement each other as Mongolian girls devoutly offer toasts and dance, giving thanks for the brightness bestowed by the heavens and the blessings granted by the earth, while also wishing for everlasting peace and prosperity in the world.



陳韻堯 CHAN Isabella

陳善琳 CHAN Sin- lam

陳映伶 CHAN Ying- ling

鄺綽怡 KWONG Cheuk- yi

劉軒怡 LAU Hin- yee

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description


李卓盈 LI Cheuk- ying

文珮珊 MAN Pui- shan

吳靜文 NG Ching- man

謝蔚晴 TSE Wai- ching



Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

翻新 Rearrangement



Rehearsal Master(s)

陳敏珺 CHAN Man-kwan

黃騰瑤 WONG Tang- yiu

黃瑋雯 WONG Wai- man

嚴諾恩 YIM Nok- yan

余子曼 YU Tsz- man

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

Legacy European Folk Dance Troupe

索意歐洲民族舞蹈團以推廣歐洲民族舞蹈為宗旨,為有興趣人士提供歐洲 民族舞訓練及舞台演出機會,推廣歐洲民族舞蹈文化 。

Legacy European Folk Dance Troupe is an amateur European Dance Troupe in Hong Kong, established and registered as a non-profit-making organization. The main objective is to provide training and stage performance opportunities for those interested in European folk dance and promote the culture as well.


Dance Description

演員 Dancer(s)


This dance originated from Kaloca of Hungary. The dance shows the welcome to all the guests who come here.

鍾潔瑩 CHUNG Kit- ying

鍾麗幗 CHUNG Lai- kwok

林嘉維 LAM Ka- wai

劉卓軒 LAU Cheuk- hin

麥淑娟 MAK Suk- kuen

潘浩權 POON Ho- kuen

蕭仲宜 SIU Chung- yi

謝婉薇 TSE Yuen- mei

蔡欣怡 TSOI Yan- yi

王敏思 WONG Man- sze

楊麗萍 YEUNG Lai- ping

楊子泉 YEUNG Tsz- chuen


Kalocai Tancok


Dance Category


Western Folk Dance


Type of Choreography

翻新 Rearrangement



添馬山度 TIMAR Sandor


Rehearsal Master(s)

黃惠琼 WONG Wai- king

24 AUG

演出團體 Performing Group

ZECA Performing Arts - YIU Hei-lam

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name Don't Forget Me 袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽 2023獲獎作品 Winning Work of Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2023


Group Description

姚僖霖三歲開始習舞,自小便愛上爵士舞、芭蕾舞、現代舞和音樂劇。她參 與過多個大型演出,並代表香港參加海外舞蹈比賽。Hailey於各項大賽中 獲得了多項榮譽,包括獨舞、三人舞和團體舞的多個金牌或冠軍。其中包括袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽兩個 特別獎項,11歲以下組別的 CSTD Cup和 15歲及以上的 Mrs Betty Tilley Cup。

Hailey started dancing at three and fell in love with Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, and Musical Theater. She has participated in numerous large-scale performances and represented Hong Kong in overseas dance competitions. Hailey has won several honors, including multiple gold medals or championships in her solos, trios and troupes. They include two special awards in the Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition, namely the 11 years and under CSTD Cup and the 15 and above Mrs Betty Tilley Cup.


Dance Description

即將要離開這裡,追尋我的夢想。朋友們,不要忘記我們彼此曾經相處的日 子,我很快便學成歸來,千萬不要把我忘記!

I am about to leave this place, chasing my dreams. Friends, please remember the days we spent together. I'll be back soon after accomplishing them. Don't Forget Me!

姚僖霖 YIU Hei- lam 演員 Dancer(s)

演出團體 Performing Group


Dance Category 歌舞舞蹈 Song & Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

張怡 ZHANG Elaine



" Don't forget me" ( Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman)

Starwave Production / Starwave Dancing Academy 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 龍謠

The Ballad of Dragon


Group Description

由青年舞蹈愛好者組成之非牟利藝術團體。自 1996年成立至今,經常獲邀 參加本港及各地大型活動。舞團在國內外的公開賽中獲獎甚多,包括香港 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽全場大獎、加拿大素裡區舞蹈比賽金獎等。本團亦參與香港舞蹈總會主辦的大 型原創舞蹈詩《歲月香江》及《緣起敦煌》的編舞及演出;並曾與廣州歌舞團合作原創舞劇《紅梅 再世》和《掠影紅樓》,以及獨立製作跨媒體舞蹈詩《源。圓》和《香江畫圖》。

Starwave Production, a non-profit organization, is a subsidiary performance group of the Starwave Dancing Academy founded in 1996. Since inception it has participated actively in various events local and abroad, and has obtained brilliant results in various open dance competitions such as Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships (Overall Champion) and Canada Surrey Dance Contest. In recent years, the troupe has participated in the choreography and performance of two large-scale original dance poems, As Time Goes By and Dunhuang Reflections, presented by Hong Kong Dance Federation. The troupe and Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe have collaborated to create the dance dramas Reincarnation of the Red Plum and A Glimpse of the Red Chamber; it has also independently created the multimedia dance poems Genesis and Home.


Dance Description

舞蹈類型 Dance Category

中國當代舞 Contemporary Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

李艾琳 LEE Eileen

關朗笙 KWAN Rochelle

黎海晴 LAI Hoi- ching Jojo

承傳香火,騰飛火龍,消災除疫,保家安邦,盛世昌華!大坑「舞火龍」於 2011年被列入第三批國家級非物質文 化遺產名錄。

Inheritance of incense, flying fire dragons, eliminating disasters and epidemics, keeping the family safe and prosperous! The Tai Hang “Fire Dragon Dance” was inscribed onto the Third National List of ICH in 2011.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳文懿 CHAN Man- yi

陳邦霖 CHAN Pong- lam, Chrysilla

關朗笙 KWAN Rochelle

黎海晴 LAI Hoi- ching, Jojo

黎彥�� LAI Yin- hei, Hilarie

劉樂悠 LAU Lok- yau

李芷瑩 LEE Tsz- ying

梁琬婷 LEUNG Yuen- ting

譚皓之 TAM Natalie

曾彥翎 TSANG Joyce Yin- ling

黃巧晴 WONG Hau- ching

黃可怡 WONG Ho- yi, Kelly

黃曼晴 WONG Man- ching, Stephanie

黃雅淳 WONG Nga- shun, Isa

胡 靜 WU Ching

楊心柔 YEUNG Sum- yau

余曉曈 YU Hiu- tung, Meagan

24 AUG

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description


Yunnan Arts University


Dance Name


Silver Pheasant in Bright Palm

雲南藝術學院辦學始建於 1959 年,現有 26 個專業中有 14 個被認定為國家 級一流本科專業建設點,


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance

2021 年軟科中國最好學科排名中居第 9。

10個被認定為省級一流本科專業建設點。舞蹈學院 現有 2 門國家級一流課程,一級學科“音樂與舞蹈學”在

Yunnan Arts University was established in 1959. At present out of 26 majors, 14 are recognized as the national first-class undergraduate major construction sites and 10 the provincial firstclass undergraduate major construction sites. 2 courses of the School of Dance are currently of the national first-class level, and the discipline “Music and Dance Studies” ranked 9th in ShanghaiRanking’s Best Chinese Subjects Ranking in 2021.

編創類型 Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)


《煜棕靈鷳》以國家級非物質文化遺產——雲南哈尼族“棕扇舞”為創作素 材,表現白鷳鳥(哈尼族的神鳥)與哈尼族人民對美好家園的眷戀和對綠水 青山的守護。作品借物喻人,以人擬物,虛實結合的手法表達人與自然和諧共生的理念。

鄧鈺瑩 DENG Yuying

音樂 Music

The “palm-leaves fan dance” of the Hani nationality of Yunnan, one of the national intangible cultural heritage items of China, is the creative material of Silver Pheasant in Bright Palm Displaying the silver pheasant (the divine bird of Hani) and Hani people’s love for their beautiful homes and guarding of the green mountains and rivers, the dance expresses the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature by combining virtual and real with metaphor and personification.

演員 Dancer(s)

程佳慧 CHENG Jiahui

程俊涵 CHENG Junhan

郭 婷 GUO Ting

演出團體 Performing Group

李泉希 LI Quanxi

彭 晶 PENG Jing

車 林 CHE Lin

華南師範大學 嶺南舞蹈團

South China Normal University - Lingnan Dance Company

原創音樂 Original Music (李偉 LI Wei)

寸鑫昊 CUN Xinhao 陳 鵬 CHEN Peng


Dance Name 鳴歌・

Ephemeral Singing


Dance Description 舞蹈類型 Dance Category 嶺南傳統舞蹈

華南師範大學嶺南舞蹈團成立於 2006 年,現任藝術總監王海英,團長王 藝波。自成立以來,秉承“新師範教育、弘揚傳統文化”的教育方針,立足於 嶺南傳統舞蹈研究,集教學、實踐、科研為一體,並將傳統舞蹈的傳承與創新型人才培養緊密結 合,原創作品《獅舞嶺南》《喊瑤山》《新彩雲追月》《汪嘟》等在國際國內等專業賽事中榮獲多項大 獎,曾赴美、法、意、新加坡等參加國際文化交流及各類公益演出。

Group Description

Lingnan Dance Company of South China Normal University was established in 2006. The current artistic director and head are WANG Haiying and WANG Yibo. Since inception, the Company has adhered to the education policy of “new teacher education and carrying forward traditional culture”, focusing on the research on the traditional dance of Lingnan, integrating teaching, practice and scientific research, as well as closely linking the inheritance of traditional dance with the cultivation of innovative talents. Its original works, Lion Dancing in Lingnan, Calling the Yao Mountain, New Colourful Clouds Chasing the Moon, Wangdu, etc. have won numerous awards in professional competitions both at home and abroad. The Company has also participated in international cultural exchanges and charity performances in the United States, France, Italy, and Singapore.


Dance Description

Lingnan Traditional Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/

Rehearsal Master(s)

杜嫣然 DU Yanran

李业森 Li Yesen

潮汕英歌舞是漢族舞蹈形式之一,融戲劇、舞蹈、武術於一身,威猛、雄渾的表演風格與粗獷、豪邁的精神風 貌,表演著中華民族果敢、團結戰鬥、勇敢直前的可貴品格。

Chaoshan Yingge Dance is one of the dance forms of the Han nationality. It integrates drama, dance, and martial arts. The mighty and vigorous performance style and the rough and heroic spirit show the precious character of the Chinese nation's courage, tenacity, unity in fighting, and bravery.

音樂 Music

演員 Dancer(s)

24 AUG
杜嫣然 DU Yanran 李业森 LI Yesen 1.《拜河大典》添羽音樂 2.《戰爭》(Inst.)王可選自《將軍在上》

演出團體 Performing



Gravity Ballet 成人芭蕾舞學校

Group Description

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

爭執 Dispute

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 2022獲獎作品

Winning work of Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022

Gravity Ballet 於 2009 年 1 月 2 日由台灣室內芭蕾舞團著名成員、台灣 舞者 Eve YU在香港創立。 我們是香港第一家為成人學習者提供學習環境 的舞蹈工作室。

Gravity Ballet was founded on January 2nd, 2009, in Hong Kong by Taiwanese dancer Miss Eve YU, a prominent member of the Taiwan national Chamber Ballet Dance Company. We are the first and foremost studio in Hong Kong specialising in the dance art of ballet specifically for adult learners.


Dance Description

兩人爭執的分合,和諧又或衝突。人與人之間的矛盾關係,要怎樣才能得到 平和?又或只是一方的勝利?

The on-off situation between 2 people’s dispute is in either harmony or dissonance. Exploring how contradictory relationship between people can be moderated, or is there only victory for one side?

演員 Dancer(s)

林靖淳 LAM Ching- shun

黃顗蓁 WONG Ivana


Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

俞孟君 YU Eve

演出團體 Performing Group



Dance Name 瑪朗 Blessing


Group Description

韵情舞坊於 2003 年由梁其芬女士創立,目的在推廣及發揚中國舞蹈藝術 及培養舞蹈人材,使年輕人從參與及學習舞蹈過程中培養自信並可得以薪 火相傳。一個追求豐富舞蹈生命的年青舞蹈團體,以活潑亮麗的舞蹈分享生活中的韵美。本舞團 曾到外地參加比賽及交流表演,均獲熱烈的歡迎及評價,也參加本地各類型及國際舞蹈比賽,取 得優異成績,獲取多項金獎及最佳表演獎。

Kidance was set up by Ms LEUNG Ki-fun in 2003 to promote the art of Chinese dance, to train up young talents in dance, and to pass on the culture, traditions and customs of China. It conducts courses leading to Chinese Dance Graded Examinations held by Beijing Dance Academy. Experienced and professional instructors help students develop their musical sense, techniques, coordination, self-confidence and artistic temperament.


Dance Description

紮西德勒。健康、生活、一切、願我們都平安安好;天災、人禍、一切、我們都 未能預知未來,卻能夠把握現在,走好腳下的每一步。

Tashi Dele. May the health, safe, happy and welfare watch over all our life. Disasters are unpredictable. We cannot foresee the future but to grasp the present and take every step at our feet though. Carpe diem!

演員 Dancer(s)

周曉思 Biagtan Jane Khara Billosillo

陳思睿 CHAN Sze- yui, Michelle

莊澤芸 CHONG Chak- wan

莊菀琛 CHONG Yuen- sum

周子恩 CHOW Tsz- yan

徐浠林 CHUI Hei- lam

何詠詩 HO Wing- sze

關敏琪 KWAN Megan Man- ki

李苡淇 LEE Yee- ki

梁可怡 LEUNG Ho- yee


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Choreographer(s)/ 黃靖殷

WONG Ching-yan, Connie 周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan


Rehearsal Master(s)

周子恩 CHOW Tsz-yan

雷洱月 LUI Yi- yuet

余珮怡 YU Pui- yee, Priscilla

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing- yuk

容汶鑫 YUNG Man- yam, Audrey

24 AUG


Performing Group


Group Description


Korea Dance Organisation


Dance Name

Korea Dance Organization KDO is the Korean NMO of International Dance Organization IDO in 2007.

The Korea Dance Organization conducts guidance and support projects for organizations belonging to the organization, and counseling, education, training, and information provision projects for affiliated members. In addition, domestic and international dance competitions and various events are jointly implemented with the Korean government and public institutions of local governments.

Wavy's Artemis & Reclusive Loner


Dance Category

Korean Traditional x Modern Style


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Dance Description

It is a work created by combining contemporary dance style and Korean dance elements from the perspective of the younger generation, along with modern dance and traditional dance parts with Korean elements added.

演員 Dancer(s)

SON Myeongseo

GU Hanna

YOON Chaemin

ANG Nakyung

LEE Inyoung

KIM Raim

KIM Choimin


Performing Group



HWANG Siyeon

JEON Eunji

HEO Jeongjun

KIM Jinsik

BYUN Eunju

Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association


Dance Name

編舞/改編者姓名 Choreographer(s)/

Wavy's Artemis (LEE Jiwon), Reclusive Loner (Kim Hyejung)


Rehearsal Master(s) LEE Jiwon, SHIN Cheolmin


Grain Rain


Group Description

成立於 1996 年,宗旨為培養本地青年舞蹈家參與並發揚舞蹈,藉以修養品 德及提高生活情操。推動香港中國舞蹈發展之餘,促進本港與外地舞蹈文 化上的交流。舞蹈團曾多次參與各項大型舞蹈比賽,亦與多個內地團體合作交流演出。

Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association was established in 1996 to foster local young dancers to participate in the art of dance and to enhance their character development and way of life. The Association has participated in various dance competitions and won numerous awards. In addition to promoting the development of Chinese dance in Hong Kong, it has organised different dance and cultural exchange programmes.


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance

編創類型 Type of Choreography

複本 Reproduction

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)


Dance Description

雨生百穀,萬物逢時。穀雨是春季最後一個節氣,是春耕作物播種的好時 節。少女們手中的手鼓和鼓棒,意象化為勞動工具與秧苗,描繪成一幅唯美 動人的民俗畫卷。舞蹈表現出朝鮮少女活潑清新、優雅樸素的民族氣韻。

劉瀛瀅 LAU Ying-ying

Originating from the old saying "rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”, Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring representing the start of the ploughing and sowing season. Chaoxian ladies dance with drums and drumsticks that symbolise their farming tools and seedlings, depicting a piece of beautiful folk painting. This dance shows the lively, pure and elegant temperament of the Chaoxian tribe.

演員 Dancer(s)

區凱琪 AU Hoi- ki

陳沛穎 CHAN Pui- wing

鄭穎瞳 CHENG Wing- tung

鍾舒翎 CHUNG Shu- ling

高毅婷 KO Ngai- ting

黎曉螢 LAI Hiu- ying, Bianca

林凱彤 LAM Hoi- tung

劉慧怡 LAU Wai- yi

劉瀛瀅 LAU Ying- ying

羅嘉穎 LAW Karen

譚詠之 TAM Wing- gi

王若婷 WONG Alice

王愷靖 WONG Hoi- ching

葉聆欣 YEH Ling- yan, Viola

24 AUG

演出團體 Performing Group

SHOW DANCE 韓芷彤 HON Tsz-tung



Group Description

韓芷彤現為SHOW DANCE舞蹈學院的精英班學員之一。韓氏自兩歲起開 始學習舞蹈,除爵士舞和現代舞外,還接觸很多不同的舞種,包括 Jazz funk、Hip hop、K-pop、Lyrical。韓氏曾參與多次大型演出,並在全港公開舞蹈比賽、學校舞蹈 節等各大舞蹈比賽中,多次獲得金獎或冠軍。韓氏更於2023 年袋鼠盃(13 歲或以下)獲全場大獎。

Glynnis HON is currently one of the elite class students of SHOW DANCE. She has been learning dance since she was two years old. In addition to jazz dance and modern dance, she has also been exposed to many different dance styles, including Jazz funk, Hip hop, K-pop, and Lyrical. Glynnis has participated in many large-scale performances, and has won gold medals or championships many times in major dance competitions such as Hong Kong Open Dance Competitions and Schools Dance Festivals. She also won the BEST PERFORMANCE (Perpetual Trophy) in the 2023 Kangaroo Cup (13 years old or below) and the Hong Kong Dance Federation Scholarship.


Dance Description

所有事物皆有消逝的一天,只希望在它離去之前,我們曾經有過快樂的回 憶,可以心懷感激地向它獻上花兒默默道別。


Dance Category

抒情舞 Lyrical 編創類型

Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

張曉芸 CHEUNG Hiu- wan



" Angel by the wings" ( Sia)

Everything has to pass away one day. Hopefully, before it goes, we will have happy memories and can gratefully offer flowers to it to say goodbye in silence.

韓芷彤 HON Tsz- tung 演員 Dancer(s)

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description

中華舞蹈學會 方相舞團

Chung Hwa Dance Association - Fang Shiang Dance Theatre

方相舞團是以中國古典及民間舞蹈為主體的表演團體,舞團創建起始至今 已屆 32 年,成立之初以推展舞蹈文化藝術為宗旨,現任團長為羅媖芳女士。

Fang Shiang Dance Theatre is a performance group with Chinese classical and folk dance as the main body. It has been 32 years since the company was founded. Its purpose is to promote dance culture and art at the beginning. The current team leader is Ms LO Ying-Fang.


Dance Description

結合舞蹈、京劇與武術動作元素,企圖打破固有傳統旗舞用法以塑造新的 旗舞表演形式;身韻、靶子功、毯子功及各種舞花旗豐富多彩:有掄旗、撩

旗、五花旗、上舞花、下舞花、平轉旗、單手舞旗、搬花旗、繞腰旗花、旋風旗……等。旗舞動,風聲 呼呼、排山倒海,雷霆萬鈞!身翻動,令人眼花繚亂,目不接暇!

Combining elements of dance, Beijing opera and martial arts, it attempts to break the inherent traditional usage of flag dance to create a new form of flag dance performance.

演員 Dancer(s)

鄭俞遙 CHENG Yu- yao

黃馨儀 HUANG Hsin- yi

高薛采鳳 KAO HSOEH Tsai- fen

白宜平 PAI Yi- ping

曾湘芸 TSENG Hsiang- yun

吳盈萱 WU Ying- hsuan

楊又又 YANG Yo- yo

葉玟琦 YEH Wen- chi

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name



The Flag is Dancing

Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



楊敬明 YANG Jing-ming


Rehearsal Master(s)

羅媖芳 LO Ying- fang




"Hero" Movie Soundtrack

24 AUG
Dance Name Gift 袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽 2023獲獎作品 Winning Work of Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2023


Performing Group


Group Description


Hibiscus Dance 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name




成立於 2000年,由資深舞蹈家屈美娟女士創立。以弘揚舞蹈藝術,推動本 港舞蹈發展為己任,並致力培養及訓練舞蹈人才,為年青舞者增強自信心, 提供實現藝術理想的平臺。

Formed in 2000 by WAT Mei-kuen, Irene. Aiming to develop dance activities to cultivate selfconfidence and community team spirit, to encourage collaboration between dance and other art forms, and to provide an ideal platform for young dancers to achieve artistic excellence.


Dance Description

#我們要讓你 high起來 #壓軸登場 #記住為我們的舞者送上熱烈的拍掌 #我們盡情狂舞你們盡情歡呼尖叫


#RockTheStage #CanYouFeelUs

#TheBestMoment #WeLoveDance

#GiveUsBigBigApplause #WeDanceCrazyYouScreamHappily #LetsHaveABeautifulTimeWithUs

音樂 Music

1 《越夜越有機》

2 Bitch Better Have My Money

3 Tokyo Drift

4. One Minute Man

演員 Dancer(s)

區莃林 AU Hei- lam, Ashley

區桸堯 AU Hei- yiu, Kayley

陳苡心 CHAN I- sum

陳靖喬 CHAN Jing- kiu

陳祉企 CHAN Tsz- kei, Hailey

陳芷君 CHAN Tsz- kwan

陳煒琳 CHAN Vily

陳穎琳 CHAN Wing- lam

陳研郗 CHAN Yin- hei, Heydon

周芯悦 CHAU Sum- yuet

鄭巧澄 CHENG Hau- ching

張子慧 CHEUNG Tsz- wai, Kara

程 云 CHING Ariel

何祖宜 HO Joey

洪日希 HUNG Yat- hei

甘天慧 KAM Tin- wai

郭頌心 KWOK Chung- sum

鄺泳心 KWONG wing- sum

賴雋衡 LAI Chun- hang

林愷瀅 LAM Hoi- ying, Kristy

林筠喬 LAM Kwan- kiu

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz- ying

林芷瑜 LAM Tsz- yu

李巧意 LEE Hau- yi

李莃晴 LEE Hei- ching, Hayley

李希雪 LEE Hei- suet

李晞妤 LEE Hei- yu

李樂瑤 LEE Lok- yiu, Laurel

李芓萱 LEE TSE- huen, Kacie

李祉柔 LEE Tsz- yau

李予謙 LEE Yu- him, Matthew

呂俊羲 LUI Max

呂允豫 LUI Themis, Amazon


Dance Category

流行爵士舞 Pop Jazz


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



何祖宜 HO Joey


Rehearsal Master(s)

屈美娟 WAT Irene, 巫英才 Momo

黃寶瑜 WONG Cga

陳煒琳 CHAN Vily

王偉權 WONG Alvin

陳穎琳 CHAN Karen

龍家惠 NUGTEREN Madalena

周芯悅 CHAU Summy

李希雪 LEE Snowy

雷芷柔 LUI Vanessa Tsz- yau

陸曉穎 LUK Hiu- wing, Elena

陸曉悅 LUK Hiu- yuet, Edna

麥智略 MAK Chi- leuk, Morris

麥凱喬 MAK Hoi- kiu

莫千慧 MOK Chin- wai

巫英才 MOMO

龍家惠 NUGTEREN Madalena Isabella

李樂程 PERREUX Calypso

布心妍 PO Sum- yin

蘇巧賢 SO Hau- yin

譚 晴 TAM Ching

談諾澄 TAM Lok- ching

鄧穎妍 TANG Wing- yin, Kaley

謝汶希 TSE Man- hei, Hailey

蔡日朗 TSOI Yat- long

屈美娟 WAT Irene

黃妍愫 WONG Bella Yin- so

黃研竣 WONG Brooklyn Yin- chun

黃寶瑜 WONG Cga

黃柏慧 WONG pak- wai, Sophia

黃紫穎 WONG Tsz- wing

王蔚嘉 WONG Wai- ka

王偉權 WONG Wai- kuen

黃穎迦 WONG Wing- ka, Valerie

黃琬庭 WONG Yuen- ting

黃婉桐 WONG Yuen- tung, Annis

甄悦希 YAN Jyut- hei, Heyi

甄 欣 YAN Yan, Joyce

葉曉晴 YIP Hiu- ching

余安琪 YU On- ki, Anki

袁漩芓 YUEN Shuen- zi

鄭 婼 ZHENG Grace

24 AUG

《寂靜的天空》La P en V優之舞





《歌碧莉亞 女朋友之舞》纋雅芭蕾舞學校



Hong Kong Dance Expo 2021



《藍寶石》毛妹芭蕾舞學校 盧芷叡

《小小魚兒》雲鶴舞蹈有限公司 譚凱情

《車夫阿四》小水點舞蹈團 王偉權

《早!》小水點舞蹈團 黃以斐

香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2021


《春天小仙子》毛妹芭蕾舞學校 陳哲雅




25 AUG 28


Performing Group


Dreamer Dance Academy

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

灰姑娘舞會之前 幕後功臣

Cinderella before the Ball - Behind the Scene


Group Description

童夢舞蹈學院希望學生能用純粹的童心保持跳舞時的快樂,用無限的想像 力發掘自己的每一個夢,再以勇敢堅毅的精神去一步步實現。夢想就是行 動的種子。我們相信,學習舞蹈的人,都有能力去創造夢想,樂活充實的人生。

Dreamer Dance Academy hopes that students can dance with joy and a pure young heart, explore their dreams with infinite imagination and fulfil them with courage and perseverance. "Dreams are the seeds of acting" is our slogan. We believe that those who love dancing have the ability to create dreams that will come true and to lead a full and happy life.


Dance Description

灰姑娘收到小老鼠送來舞會的邀請函,但因為她對自己沒有自信所以不敢 接受邀請,心情跌落谷底。誰不知姐姐們早已為她準備好妙計 ...

Little mice sent Cinderella an invitation to the ball. She refused it as she felt unconfident on her outfit. Her heart sank until she realised her stepsisters had secretly arranged a brilliant plan……

演員 Dancer(s) 演出團體

區涴晴 AU Yuen- ching

陳曉芯 CHAN Hiu- sum

陳瑾芝 CHAN Kan- chi

張希瞳 CHEUNG Hei- tung

招芍攸 CHIU Cheuk- yau

蔡新月 CHOI San- yuet

蔡韻姸 CHOI Wan- yin

蔡梓妍 CHOY Tsz- yin

徐子淇 CHUI Tsz- ki, Oona

鍾皓頤 CHUNG Ho- yee

鍾詠霖 CHUNG Wing- lam

馮紫晞 FUNG Tsz- hei

紀爾蕎 KAI Yi- kiu

紀沁雨 KAY Sum- yu

關 悠 KWAN Yau, Yuri

郭怡靖 KWOK Yi- ching

林心泳 LAM Sum- wing

林詩堯 LAM Sze- yiu

羅安怡 LAW On- yi

羅天蔚 LAW Tin- wai

李旼熹 LI Man- hei

李玥潼 LI Yuet- tung

吳紀賢 NG Kei- yin

吳佩霖 NG Pui- lam

潘恩翹 POON Yan- kiu

譚智臻 TAM Chi- chun

譚仲希 TAM Chung- hei

鄧曉晴 TANG Hiu- ching


Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



鍾鎧汶 CHUNG Hoi-man, June


Rehearsal Master(s)

鍾鎧汶 CHUNG Hoi-man, June

余安琪 YU On-ki

鄧斯允 TANG Sze- wan

鄧芷翹 TANG Tsz- kiu

鄧梓柔 TANG Tsz- yau

黃僖兒 WONG Heily

黃雪傲 WONG Suet- ngo

黃祉媛 WONG Tsz- wun

王梓霏 WONG Tze- fay

黃若菲 WONG Yeuk- fei

胡靖欣 WOO Ching- yan

紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 2022獲獎作品 Winning Work of Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022


Group Description


年成立,為一間多元化的舞蹈學校,舞蹈課程包括 兒童爵士舞、中國舞、K-pop、Tumbling,還有成人班Contemporary、 Jazz Funk、Hip Hop、Aerial Yoga等。為學員提供基礎培訓,穩固舞蹈根底,發掘學員基礎 以外的天賦,整體帶領學員在劇場或專業舞蹈員發展。

SHOW DANCE is a dance school established in 2017. The dance courses it organises are of all varieties, including Jazz, Chinese dance, K-pop, and Tumbling for children, and Contemporary, Jazz Funk, Hip Hop and Aerial Yoga for adults. The school aims at providing students with solid foundational skills, exploring students’ other potential as well as leading them to pursue development in theatres or become professional dancers.


Dance Description

你還記得我們小時候一起玩耍的時光嗎?你還記得我們一起作出的承諾 嗎?你還記得我們對長大後的期望嗎?我不會忘記。

When we were children, we dreamed of the future together; we made a pledge -- even if it all seemed like a game back then. I still remember, do you?

音樂 Music

'Himinninn er að hrynja, en stjörnurnar fara þér vel'' ( Olafur Arnalds)

演員 Dancer(s)


Dance Category


Contemporary Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



陳樂軒 CHAN Lok-hin


Rehearsal Master(s)

陳樂軒 CHAN Lok-hin

韓淑賢 HON Shuk-yin

陳樂軒 CHAN Lok- hin

韓淑賢 HON Shuk- yin

賴嘉琦 LAI Ka- ki, Christina

25 AUG
Group SHOW DANCE 舞蹈名稱
Dance Name Remember


Performing Group



Budlet Folk Dance Club

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name


The Arrival of Spring (Czechia)

蓓蕾舞蹈社是成立於 1967 年的慈善團體,致力於推廣及研究西方民族舞 蹈。舞蹈社經常邀請海外著名導師來港舉辦工作坊,並作客席舞蹈編排,讓 社員增加對表演舞的認識。


Dance Category


Western Folk Dance

Budlet Folk Dance Club is a charitable institution founded in 1967 with the aim of studying and promoting international folk dance. Every year it invites overseas teachers to Hong Kong to conduct workshops for the public and prepare choreographies for its members.


Dance Description

在春分日,捷克少女將代表冬季女神的稻草人追趕至河邊,掉進河裏,以送 走寒冬、迎來春天,為村莊帶回祝福。春光明媚,大夥兒忙碌地耕種,快樂地 起舞,慶祝春天到來,生機再現。

On the Spring Equinox, a group of Czech girls chase Morana, the goddess of winter and death, to the riverside and throw it into the river to bid farewell to winter and welcome spring and to gather blessings for their village. In the spring sunshine, everyone works hard in the field and dances happily, celebrating the coming of spring and the rebirth of nature.

音樂 Music


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編者/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/

Rehearsal Master(s)

何思慧 HO Sze- Wai, Karen

1. Prolog (Prologue) ZBOJNÉ PÍSNĔ MORAVSKÉ (Moravian Outlaw Songs)

2. Rain, Thunder, Birds & Jungle Sounds – Relax & Sleeping – Stress Relief Study Tinnitus Spa (6 hours)

3. Čekala jsem, nespala jsem / Loučení Muzika Jara 1994-2014

4. EJHLE, CHASA NAŠA České a moravské koledy (Czech and Moravian Christmas Carols)

5. Zbojnícký tanec (An Outlaw Dance) ZBOJNÉ PÍSNĔ MORAVSKÉ (Moravian Outlaw Songs)

演員 Dancer(s)

梁嘉慧 LEUNG Ka- wai

彭詠霜 PANG Wing- shang

陳玉娟 CHAN Yuk- kuen

鄭筱妤 CHENG Siu- yu

鄭耀華 CHENG Yiu- wa


Group Description 團體簡介

Group Description

巢柳嫻 CHOU Lau- han

朱艷珍 CHU Yim- chun, Anna

馮潤國 FUNG Yun- kwok, Hardy

李子鵬 LEE Tze- pang

梁杏芬 LEUNG Hang- fun

梁瑋恩 LEUNG Wai- yan

羅啟雄 LO Kai- hung

謝莉蓮 TSE Lei- lin

姚漢燊 YIU Hon- sang, Ozcar

容惠蘭 YUNG Wai- lan

Korea Dance Organization KDO is the Korean NMO of International Dance Organization IDO in 2007.

The Korea Dance Organization conducts guidance and support projects for organizations belonging to the organization, and counseling, education, training, and information provision projects for affiliated members. In addition, domestic and international dance competitions and various events are jointly implemented with the Korean government and public institutions of local governments.

李麗明 LEE Gloria 舞蹈類型

Dance Category

Korean Traditional x Modern Style


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Dance Description

In addition to traditional dance parts with Korean elements, it is a work created by combining modern street dance style and Korean dance elements from the perspective of the younger generation

演員 Dancer(s)

SON Myeongseo

GU Hanna

YOON Chaemin

ANG Nakyung

LEE Inyoung

KIM Raim

KIM Choimin


HWANG Siyeon

JEON Eunji

HEO Jeongjun

KIM Jinsik,MUN Hayeon

編舞/改編者姓名 Choreographer(s)

Wavy's Artemis ( LEE Jiwon) , Memory of that Day ( LEE Nahee)

25 AUG
6. Když jsem já šel od mé milé Muzika Jara 1997 – Vandrovali hudci Arranger: LAM Hei-Ching Performing Group 韓國舞蹈聯合會 Korea Dance Organisation 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name Wavy's Artemis & Memory of that Day 30


Performing Group


Group Description

青躍體藝中心 歐陽曉瞳

Teens Sport and Art Centre - AU YEUNG, Hilary


Dance Name Regards 袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽 2023獲獎作品 Winning Work of Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2023

歐陽曉瞳自兩歲半加入青躍體藝中心學習芭蕾舞。自 2017 年起,她以單

人、雙人及群舞形式參加多項芭蕾舞、爵士舞及現代舞舞蹈比賽,並於香港 及亞太地區舞蹈比賽中獲得多個獎項。

Hilary AU YEUNG has been learning ballet at Teens Sport & Art Center since she was two and a half years old. Starting from 2017, Hilary has participated in numerous dancing competitions in ballet, jazz and contemporary styles in solo, duo and troupe and has won awards both in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.


Dance Description

世界充滿不同美的價值觀與批判,我們被牽著走,希望符合別人的標準,卻 忘記身體是我們最珍貴的,遠比別人的評價重要。接納自己的不完美才是 愛自己的開始。

The world is full of different values and criticisms on beauty. We are led away, hoping to conform to others’ standards, but forget that our body is our most precious, far more important than others’ evaluations. Accepting your imperfections is the beginning of loving yourself.

歐陽曉瞳 AU YEUNG Hiu- tung, Hilary 演員 Dancer(s)


Performing Group


Group Description


GEA Dance 2 Gather


Dance Name

凝舞薈影舞蹈團於 2015 年成立,致力凝聚舞者推廣舞蹈文化及提升修養 精神。為提升學員舞臺經驗,本團曾多次獲邀演出和比賽,並獲得一致好評 及榮獲獎項。

GEA Dance 2 Gather was established in 2015, dedicated to bringing together dancers to promote dance culture and enhance spiritual cultivation. In order to enhance the stage experience of its members, the group has been invited to perform and compete many times, receiving unanimous praise and awards.


Dance Category


Contemporary Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編者/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

莫嘉欣 MOK Ka-yan, Fiona



" Body Love" ( Mary Lambert)



Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work




Dance Description

她們踏暮色而來,卻用燭火將月夜漂白,那蜿蜒川流的波光,承載著朵朵 情深,一蓮一憶,激起了千層的漣漪,一漣一漪,又泛出多少夢中的回憶。 蓮憶~帶著對故里小橋的情牽與夢繫;一蓮一憶,滿載著對至親至愛的祝福與心意。蓮憶~感懷 著自然對生命的守望與眷顧;一蓮一憶~ 鐫刻出傣鄉人文,那情深、意又長的美麗印跡。

They arrived at dusk, but used candles to bleach the moonlit night. The winding river waves carried deep emotions, stirring up layers of ripples. Each ripple brought back memories from dreams. "Lotus Memory" carries the emotions and dreams of the small bridge in their hometown. One lotus with one memory carries blessings and thoughts for their loved ones. "Lotus Memory" naturally reflects their care and guardianship for life. One lotus with one memory engraves the cultural heritage of the Dai people, leaving behind beautiful imprints of deep emotions and long-lasting meanings.



陳朗婷 CHAN Long- ting

張碧琴 CHEUNG Pik- kam

馮冬梅 FUNG Tung- mui, Jennie

梁美君 LEUNG Mei- kwan

梁思穎 LEUNG Sze- wing, Vivian

李艷林 LI Yim- lam

劉芊利 LIU Chin- lee

盧嘉麗 LO Ka- lai

陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix


Rehearsal Master(s)

任曉雯 REN Xiaowen

盧頴萱 LO Wing- huen

任曉雯 REN Xiao- wen

蕭倩儀 SIU Sin- i

25 AUG


Performing Group


Group Description


Delica Studio


Dance Name

由舞蹈愛好者創立的組織。旨在提供多元化的舞蹈培訓,促進舞蹈發展,使 學員在舞蹈藝術的薰陶下培養個人自信和創作能力,豐富成長路徑。

An organization founded by dance lovers. It aims to provide diversified dance training and promote dance development so as to cultivate personal confidence and creative ability under the influence of dance art and enrich the growth path.


Dance Description

《柏吉蒂》是法式古典芭蕾舞的典範。舞者們展示一系列的高度技巧,充 分發揮學院派古典芭蕾技巧的可能性,並通過意想不到的舞步組合豐富了 表演內容。

Paquita is a superb example of the French style classical Ballet. The dancers display a range of choreographic fireworks, which exploit the virtuoso possibilities of academic classical dance, enriched by unexpected combinations of steps.

音樂 Music

演員 Dancer(s)

"Life is Beautiful Waltz, Op.150" (Vienna Chamber Orchestra)

鄭詰澄 CHENG Kit- ching

鄭梓澄 CHENG Tze- ching

張芷瑩 CHEUNG Tsz- ying, Kasey

張茵喬 CHEUNG Yan- kiu

方柏喬 FONG Pak- kiu

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description


Forever Dance Troupe

馮寶瑩 FUNG Po- ying

何曉欣 HO Hiu- yan

蔣京霈 JIANG King- pui

郭泳津 KWOK Wing- chun

劉諾兒 LAU Lok- Yi


Excerpt From Paqnita


Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet


Type of Choreography

翻新 Rearragement



吳雪梅 NG, Violet


Rehearsal Master(s)

劉盈君 LAU Ying-kwan

李穎喬 LEE Wing- kiu, Kristy

龍樂晴 LUNG Lok- ching, Visto

黃日晴 WONG Charis

黃冬兒 WONG Rachel

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

儂情舞集是一班躍動舞臺多年的舞者,演繹你我他的情懷,成立於 2000 年;一直以來團長梁其芬,副團長劉文鳳帶領參加多項比賽及表演,屢獲 佳績,舞團致力參與交流及推動香港舞蹈文化發展。

Forever Dance Troupe is a group of experienced and dedicated dancers expressing their common ground with the burning flame of love in life. The Troupe is a non-profit-making dance organization and was established in October 2000. Being led by Ms LEUNG Ki-fun and LAU Man-fung, it has participated in many competitions and performances and have won numerous acclaims.


Dance Description

有說劍是君子的品位,有說劍是殺手的武器,不管什麼年代?什麼人?怎麼 說?都無礙我們對劍的傾慕與好奇。


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/

Rehearsal Master(s)

蘇潔明 SO Kit-ming

It is said that the sword is the grade of a gentleman. It is said that the sword is the weapon of the killer. No matter what era? Who? What to say? None of this hinders our admiration and curiosity about the sword.

音樂 Music

1. 東邪西毒》電影配樂《昔情難追》


"Beyond Love and The History Begins" Ashes of Time (Frankie Chan, Roel A Garcia and Bonten)

演員 Dancer(s)

鄭麗芬 CHENG Lai- fun, Terry

莊澤芸 CHONG Chak- wan

周子恩 CHOW Tsz- yan

方愛琳 FONG Oi- lam

梁可怡 LEUNG Ho- yee

魏玉欣 NGAI Yuk- yan

蘇潔明 SO Kit- ming

袁穎玉 YUEN Wing- yuk

容汶鑫 YUNG Man- yam, Audrey

25 AUG
劍・行 Sword


Performing Group WOW FACTOR 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name


Group Description

One Night on WOW Cruise

WOW FACTOR是發掘舞蹈興趣和靈感及放鬆心情的地方。為了提升舞 蹈的基本技巧和昇華舞蹈概念及靈感,我們提供虛擬和現場的課程,包括 舞蹈技術課程等,以培養表演技巧及提升舞蹈技巧。

WOW FACTOR is an inspired place to discover new ways of dancing, relaxation and happiness. We have virtual and in-person offerings including technique classes, performance training and skills developing, all meant to elevate essential technique of dance and mind to new heights.

舞蹈類型 Dance Category

音樂劇 Musical


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



Dance Description

暑假開始了,學生們正討論著如何渡過。一張海報,帶領她們進入一次難得 的機會,展開了一段充滿驚喜和回憶的海上旅程。讓我們一起去追夢吧! Students are planning for their summer. Just one poster, they have an amazing once in a lifetime chance, and start a wonderful journey that is full of surprise and memories. Let's go together!



歐綵帷 AU Choi- wai

歐凱麗 AU Hoi- lai

鄭栢姸 CHENG Megan

鄭茜家 CHENG Sin- ka

張芊玥 CHEUNG Gladys

錢約霏 CHIN Yeuk- fei

趙文敬 CHIU Stella

蔡梓瑜 CHOI Emma Chee- yu

蔡雙如 CHOI Sheung- yu

莊熙茹 CHONG Hei- yu

莊 悅 CHONG Yoslene

鍾卓犖 CHUNG Cheuk- lok, Charisse

霍海林 FOK Hoi- lam, Serena

霍俞樺 FOK Yu- wah, Leanna

馮梓殷 FUNG Tsz- yan

何峻軒 HO Owen

關韻澄 KWAN Wan- ching

郭凱茵 KWOK Hoi- yan, Alyssa

藍凱晴 LAM Hoi- ching

林蔚晴 LAM Wai- ching, Genesis

林泳彤 LAM Wing- tung

林苡晴 LAM Yi- ching, Geneva

劉晉希 LAU Chun- hei

羅子晴 LAW Tsz- ching

羅睿睿 LAW Yui- yui, Milana

李愷霖 LEE Hoi- lam

梁可彤 LEUNG Ho- tung, Inez

梁啟明 LEUNG Kai- ming

梁昕皓 LEUNG Yan- ho

盧巧妍 LO Hao- yin

馬浠銅 MA Hei- tung

吳芷澄 NG Tsz- ching

譚梓盈 TAM Tsz- ying

鄧藹琳 TANG Oi- lam

曾愷澄 TSANG Charisse Hoi- ching

黃苡庭 WONG Yi- ting

任芓萁 YAM Chi- kei, Cherrie

任彩萓 YAM Choi- yee, Eunice

楊善言 YEUNG Sin- yin, Faith

余芊蔚 YU Chin- wai


趙浩然 CHIU Rex

黃嘉兒 WONG Ka-yee

麥慧賢 MAK Kimi


Rehearsal Master(s)

趙浩然 CHIU Rex

黃嘉兒 WONG Ka-yee

25 AUG

演出團體 Performing Group


Group Description


Teens Sport and Art Centre


Dance Name Dream of Pleasing Paradise

青躍體藝中心於 2000 年成立。透過專業訓練,提升學員的身心質素及舞 蹈技術水準,為本地舞蹈藝術領域培養人才。

Teens Sport And Art Centre was established in the early 2000s. Our aim is to provide quality dance training. In addition to regular classes, we offer professional training to help students improve their physical and mental qualities, technical skills, and cultivate talents for the local dance sector.

舞蹈類型 Dance Category

芭蕾舞 Ballet

編創類型 Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work


Dance Description

對大自然充滿好奇和幻想的故事主人翁,非常喜歡研究昆蟲雀鳥。有一晚, 他坐在搖搖椅翻看一本故事書—《夢幻森林之旅》,在不知不覺間熟睡了, 進入夢鄉。在他的美夢中,書中的森林小仙子呼喚了主人翁,並邀請他一起到夢幻森林遊歷和探 險。主人翁歡喜若狂便答應了小仙子。到了森林,守護森林的優雅花仙子帶領著森林成員歡迎主

人翁和小仙子。之後,花仙子們一一介紹森林成員,先遇見最可愛活潑的小蜜蜂、再與七彩繽紛 的彩雀一起跳舞,還跟蝴蝶姐姐一起遊歷森林,最後一起在森林開派對 ...

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing-shan, Goretti

The story is about a little boy who is full of curiosity and imagination about nature, especially on insects and birds. One evening, he was sitting in his rocking chair, flipping through a storybook called "Journey to the Enchanted Forest", when he unintentionally fell asleep and entered the dream world. In his dream, the little forest fairy from the book invited him to explore and adventure in the Enchanted Forest. The boy joined the fairy happily. Upon arriving in the forest, the elegant flower fairies, who were the guardian of the forest, led the forest members to welcome the boy and the fairy. Then, the flower fairies introduced the boy to each member of the forest one by one. First, he met the cute and lively little bees, then danced with the colorful sparrows. He also went on a journey through the forest with butterflies and finally had a party together.

演員 Dancer(s)

歐芷澄 AU Tsz- ching

歐陽曉瞳 AU YEUNG Hiu- tung, Hilary

陳其妤 CHAN Kei- yu

陳沛瑤 CHAN Pui- yiu

張凱琳 CHEUNG Hoi- lam

張芷齊 CHEUNG Tsz- chai

蔡妙怡 CHOY Miu- yee

郭曉曈 KWOK Hiu- tung

郭昕桐 KWOK Yan- tung

黎卓欣 LAI Cheuk- yan

賴靖恩 LAI Janis

林愷婷 LAM Hoi- ting, Hani

林芷瑩 LAM Tsz- ying

劉雪茵 LAU Suet- yan

梁芊蕊 LEUNG Ginny

梁卓蕎 LEUNG Jessie

梁遠星 LEUNG Neptunus

梁詠喬 LEUNG Wing- kiu, Ally

梁穎姍 LEUNG Wing- shan, Goretti

梁慇賢 LEUNG Yamila

莫晞�� MOK Hei- kiu

吳鏝晞 NG Man- hei

孫靖雅 SOON Ching- nga

談諾晴 TAM Nok- ching, Eunice

談諾昕 TAM Nok- yan, Elisa

曾曉靖 TSANG Hiu- ching Hilary

曾珈玥 TSANG Kari

黃悅蕎 WONG Yuet- Kiu

楊澤賢 YANG Jennifer

楊皓雯 YEUNG Ho- man

嚴敏淘 YIM Man- to

葉灝翹 YIP Ho- kiu, Evangeline

演出團體 Performing Group 曉舞蹈 Dynamic Dawn 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name


Group Description

2003 年成立,藉舞蹈教育啟發兒童思考,發揚中國舞蹈藝術的精髓。除 北京舞蹈學院等級考試課程外,本團更會安排學生參與公開舞蹈演出及 比賽,獲取寶貴的舞臺經驗。

Established in 2003, Dynamic Dawn aims at inspiring children’s thought through dance education and developing the quintessence of Chinese dance. Besides taking the Chinese dance graded examinations of Beijing Dance Academy, students of Dynamic Dawn will compete and perform in order to acquire experiences from stage.


Dance Description

傣家的清晨朦朧如畫,傣家的歌聲清脆動人,傣家的女兒明眸善睞。綿綿絲 雨,她為你撐傘,她伴你同行。

傣家女兒傣家雨 Spring Rain


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

翻新 Rearrangement



Rehearsal Master(s)

陳敏珺 CHAN Man-kwan

The morning in the Dai village is picturesque and misty, with clear and moving Dai songs and Dai girls who are beautiful. In the continuous drizzle, they hold an umbrella for you and accompany you on the journey.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳靖鍶 CHAN Ching- si

陳韻堯 Chan Isabella

陳映熹 CHAN Ying- hei

陳映伶 CHAN Ying- ling

蔡曉嵐 CHOI Hiu- nam

馮煒珊 FUNG Wai- shan

何曉兒 HO Hiu- yi

劉珈懿 LAU Ka- yi

龍汶芷 LUNG Man- tsz

吳芷晴 NG Tsz- ching

黃嘉瑩 WONG Ka- ying

葉丹娜 YIP Tan- na

25 AUG

When the Mermaid Comes


Group Description

CM Dance成立於 2015 年,主要提供北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試課程 及 CSTD 爵士舞考試課程。致力培養學員對舞蹈的興趣及品德,推廣普及 舞蹈。本團亦為優秀學員提供額外藝術培訓及精英特訓,豐富文化涵養及專業知識,協助其投考 藝校或晉身舞蹈藝術界別。

CM Dance is a local dance school aiming at nurturing future dancing elites with diligence and integrity. It provides qualified and professional training for the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Graded Exams and CSTD Jazz Graded Exams. Extra elite training is also furnished to the talented so that they can pursue their future career in dancing and achieve their cultural proficiency in terms of dancing.


Dance Description


我們來自______, 我們是______。

我們,還可以繼續與世無爭地生活嗎? 作品始點自疍家水上人的歷史,也是我們尋找「定位」的過程。

Our lives are legends. We come from ______, we are ______. Can we still be at peace with the world? The piece is about the Tankas' history, and question of our identity.

張梓欣 CHEUNG Tsz- yan

演員 Dancer(s)

許冬儀 HUA Tung- yee

許曉瑩 HUI Hiu- ying

林佩詩 LAM Pui- sze, Tracy

林芷琪 LAM Tsz- ki

盧珈霖 LO Ka- lam


Dance Category


Contemporary Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/

Rehearsal Master(s)


CHENG Wing-yan, Priscilla



“The floating imagery in the theme of vernacular fishermen’s song”


Composed by HO Man-hin)

戴誌嘉 TAI Chi- ka

張伊晴 TEOH Yee- cheng, Michelle

邱思麗 YAU Fengfa


Group Description

研舞集是一個以中國民族、民間舞蹈為根基發展的本港青年舞團。憑著屢 獲殊榮的青年舞蹈藝術家陳磊先生,對傳統舞蹈文化與當代藝術創作相結 合的理念發展思路,歷經三年籌劃,於 2017 年正式申請為註冊舞蹈團體。團員是對傳統舞蹈學 科有濃厚興趣、對當代舞臺表演創作有追求抱負的舞藝友人,大家以傳揚中國民族舞藝的當代 呈現為己任,攜手「研舞集粹,匯藝傳薪」。

Inspire Dance Troupe is a newly established dance group based on the development of Chinese national and folk dance and the concept of blending traditional dance culture with contemporary artistic creation of the young, renowned dance artist Mr CHEN Lei. The Troupe was set up in 2017 after a well-laid plan of three years. Members are enthusiastic dancers who have not only great interest in traditional dance but also high aspirations in creation and stage performance, and they aim at carrying forward the contemporary presentation of the art of Chinese dance.


Dance Category

中國舞 Chinese Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work

編舞/改編者姓名 Choreographer(s)

陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix


Rehearsal Master(s)

陳磊 CHEN Lei, Felix


Dance Description

一首老歌推開了那扇記憶的窗,璀璨星空下有一道最耀眼的光。一樹紅梅, 化生命與舞臺同歌,一席白紗,塑榮耀與精神如花。霓虹的琉光,交織出她 與這片港灣昨日的故事,耳熟的旋律,激盪著她對這個城市今日的迴響,明日,有我們,再續芬芳。

An old tune opens the windows of memory. There is a shining beam under the glittering starry night. A tree of red plum blossoms celebrates life on stage. A dash of white silk glorifies the spirit of flowers. Leon lights weave the old saga of this harbor. Familiar tunes echo her impact on this city. Tomorrow we shall transmit her lingering fragrance.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳紀賢 CHAN Kay- yin, Grace

蔣 舒 CHANG Shu

張綺倩 CHEUNG Yee- sin

周詠雯 CHOW Wing- man

方桂英 FONG Kwai- ying, Anny

何麗容 HO Lai- yung

林靜嫻 LAM Ching- han, Betty

李倩婷 LEE Sin- ting

冼萃珊 SIN Sui-shan, Sara



《女人花》Woman Flower (陳耀川 CHEN Yaochuan)

冼萃珊 SIN Sui- shan, Sara

孫佩盈 SOON Pui- ying, Pamela

屈美娟 WAT Mei- kuen, Irene

25 AUG 演出團體 Performing Group CM Dance 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name
演出團體 Performing Group 研舞集 Inspire Dance Troupe 舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 如芳 Like Fragrance

演出團體 Performing Group 廖文樂 LIU Isaac

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name

往日的曙光 Dawn of the Past

袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽 2023獲獎作品 Winning Work of Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2023


Group Description

廖文樂現就讀香港演藝學院「青年精英舞蹈課程」,曾連續於國際及本地 大型舞蹈比賽中榮獲多項大獎。包括紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽 2022(中國舞第 一名、現代舞第一名及最佳男演員獎)、亞太區舞蹈比賽(民族舞第一名)、舞蹈世界盃 2023(葡萄 牙)(現代舞第二名)及袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽 2023(民族舞第二名,現代舞第一名及全場大獎—— Mrs Betty Tilley 挑戰盃)。同年,獲推薦出席北京第十三屆桃李杯全國青少年舞蹈教育教學成果展 示活動。

Isaac is presently a Dance student at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He has garnered numerous awards from both international and local dance competitions such as Bauhinia International Dance Grand Prix 2022 (Chinese Dance - 1st Place, Modern Dance - 1st Place and Outstanding Male Dancer), Dance World Cup 2023 (Portugal) (Lyrical Dance - 2nd Place) and Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2023 (National - 2nd Place, Lyrical - 1st Place and Mrs Betty Tilley Cup Overall Championship). In the same year, he was recommended to attend the 13th Taoli Cup performing exhibition in Beijing.


Dance Description


Recall the past; let the glimmer of light turn into the traces of time.


Dance Category

抒情舞 Lyrical 編創類型

Type of Choreography

創作 Original WOrk

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

岑智頤 Henry SHUM



" Love In The Dark" ( ADELE) - Leroy Sanchez Cover


Performing Group

澳門舞蹈協會 蔚青舞蹈團

Associacao de Dancas de Macau - Regina Dance Group

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name


Fishermen Ensemble


Group Description

蔚青舞蹈團成立於 2000 年,曾參加慶祝國慶 70 週年閱兵巡遊、第十四屆 全國舞蹈展演,2018年榮獲歐洲藝術聯盟頒發「藝術之心」金獎,多次出訪 捷克、澳洲、韓國、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、台灣、香港和國內多個城市作交流演出。

Regina Dance Group was founded in Macau in 2000. Since then, the Group has frequently participated in dance art exchanges and activities both in the PRC and abroad, namely in Czech Republic, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Major events attended were the 70th anniversary of China Parade 2019, 14th National Dance Show held in Ordos, Inner Mongolia 2023, and, 49th International Folklore Festival LIPTÁL 2018 (awarded <Heart of Arts> Golden trophy).




Dance Category


Contemporary Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original Work



郭蔚青 KUOK Wai- cheng

吳迎旭 WU Yingxu

Dance Description

出發,以當代舞形式演繹澳門一個遠古的民間傳說,在澳門漁民心中 的依託,以舞蹈為傳統文化賦予時代的生命力,投射出屬於當下的共鳴和感動。作品於 2023年 獲邀參加『第十四屆全國舞蹈展演』。舞醉龍是澳門傳統民間活動,自 19 世界末流傳至今,每年 農曆四月初八佛誕節,澳門鮮魚行總會都會舉辦“醉龍節”,舉行祭祀大典、舞醉龍醒獅、派龍頭 飯等活動,藉以緬懷先祖,祈求平安。“醉龍”是澳門漁民世代相傳的信仰,伴隨著澳門人經歷時 代的洗禮,時間不斷流逝,但傳統信仰永傳心中,傳統文化世代傳承。

Fishermen Ensemble is a contemporary dance interpreting an Intangible Cultural HeritageThe Drunken Dragon, an important belief in all the hearts of fishermen in Macau.

演員 Dancer(s)

陳佩瑩 CHAN Pui- ieng 焦堯盈 JIU Io- ieng

林守玄 LAM Sau- yuen

劉曉晴 LAO Hio- cheng 劉曉嵐 LAO Hio- Lam

LAO Ka- wun


Rehearsal Master(s)

郭蔚青 KUOK Wai- cheng

國家藝術基金 2023年度 小型劇(節)目和作品創作資助項目 彩票公益金資助

毛偉雄 MOU Wai- hong

譚愷攸 TAM Hoi- iao

黃雅慧 WONG Nga- wai

——中國福利彩票和中國體育彩票、 國家藝術基金資助


25 AUG
1. "Lágrimas" (Gypsy King) | 2. "Part 6 of Gate of Fire" (Stephan Micus) 音樂 Music
廖文樂 LIU Isaac 演員 Dancer(s)


Performing Group


Alan and Becky Dance Group

舞蹈名稱 Dance Name 領路人 Pioneer 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽 2022獲獎作品

Winning Work of Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2022


Group Description

舞團由劉碧琪和余國華成立於 2006 年,致力推廣舞蹈文化,提供全方位 專業舞蹈訓練。舞團曾到訪歐洲、美洲、亞洲、中國內地等超過 30 多個城 市,參與大型國際舞蹈節、比賽及巡迴演出。多年來於國際大型舞蹈比賽中獲獎無數,節目獲高 度讚賞。近年積極舉辦多項國際交流活動,互相分享,學習和建立友誼!

The Group was founded by Becky LAU and Alan YU in 2006. Actively engaging in international dance festivals, contests and dance tours, the Group has toured globally ever since, ranging from over 30 cities such as in Europe, America, Asia and China. Their productions have been well received and recognised in prestigious dance contests. Organising and leading in international exchange activities in recent years, the Group has laid the platform for dance exchange and learning for dancers!


Dance Category


Contemporary Dance


Type of Choreography

創作 Original WOrk

編舞/改編/排舞者姓名 Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master(s)

劉碧琪 LAU Pik-ki


Dance Description

從一出生,我們學會踏出第一步開始,「路」就一直由自己創造出來。在人生 路上總會碰到障礙,有高有低,時而崎嶇,時而平坦;正因為這些令到我們 產生疑惑,恐懼和焦慮;我們感恩前人的付出和犧牲引領我們前行。現代社會事情千變萬化,在 這個高速發展的巨浪中,我們又是否能成為新一代的領路人呢?

We make the first step to create our paths from the day we leave the cradle. Living in good times bad times, the everyday ups and downs are nothing but we face. In the moments of confusion, fear and frustration, we are yet grateful for people’s hard work and sacrifices in the past. Are we ready to take up the role of pioneers in this changing and dynamic society?

演員 Dancer(s)

陳以心 CHAN Issy

陳樂靖 CHAN Lok- ching

陳敏澄 CHAN Man- ching

陳穎琪 CHAN Wing- ki

張紫蒑 CHEUNG Tsz- yan

趙爾納 CHIU Yi- nap

黎芷如 LAI Tsz- yu

梁鎮武 LEUNG Chun- mo

吳晶華 NG Ching- wa

潘靜鎔 PUN Ching- yung

譚雪誼 TAM Suet- yi Thapa Manish

杜天晴 TO Tin- ching

湯巧彤 TONG Hau- tung

余卓熹 YU Cheuk- hei

余柏儀 YU Pak- yee

余欣晴 YU Yan- ching



原創音樂 Original Music (伍卓賢 NG Cheuk- yin)

25 AUG

製作團隊 Production Team

大會主席 Chairperson

區永熙 SBS太平紳士 AU Weng- hei, William, SBS, JP

大會副主席 Vice Chairpersons

劉兆銘 LAU Siu- ming

崔綺雲博士 Dr TSUI Yee-wan, Linda


毛妹太平紳士 Christine LIAO, JP

吳湘霞 NG Sheung- ha

盛培琪 SHENG Peiqi

鄭偉容 CHENG Wai- yung

劉佩雄 LAU Pui- hung

陸恩美 LUK Yun- mee

吳劍玲 NG Kim- ling

藝術總監 Artistic Director

冼源 SIN Yuen

節目統籌 Programme Director

李艾琳 LEE Eileen

吳雪梅 NG Suet- mui, Violet

梁其芬 LEUNG Ki- fun

曾金星 TSANG Kam- sing

製作統籌 Production Co-ordinator

劉定國 LAU Ting- kwok


Technical Co-ordinators & Lighting Designer

陳佩儀 CHAN Pui- yee, Claudia

鳴謝 Acknowledgements


前台主任 Front Stage Supervisor

吳翠雲 NG Tsui- wan

曾金全 TSANG Kam- chuen

盧翠棠 LO Chui- tong

後台主任 Back Stage Supervisor

丁志敏 TING Chi- man

石成初 SHEK Sing- cho

何祖宜 HO Joey

場刊翻譯 House Programme Translator

馮杏美 FUNG Hang- mai

攝影 Photography

鍾漢榮 CHUNG Hon-wing, Jason

錄像 Stage Videotaping

G production

秘書處 Secretariat

羅廖耀芝 LO LIU Yiu- chee, Virginia

温雄 WAN Hung

王愷靖 WONG Hoi- ching, Tiffany

陳麗冰 CHAN Lai- ping, Anna

陳珮芝 CHAN Pui- chi

陳珮汶 CHAN Pui- man, Emily*

許天鳳 HUI Tin- fung, Tina

* 香港藝術發展局藝術行政實習生 Hong Kong Arts Development Council Arts Administration Intern

We wish to thank the following kind supporters and organizations:


Supported by

香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council


Supporting Organizations

香港舞蹈總會發展基金 Hong Kong Dance Federation Development Fund

中華文化藝術基金會 The China Cultural and Arts Foundation

澳門舞蹈協會 Associação de Dança de Macau

中華舞蹈學會 Chung Hwa Dance Association

韓國舞蹈聯合會 Korea Dance Organisation

華南師範大學 South China Normal University

雲南藝術學院 Yunnan Arts University

香港汕頭社團總會 Federation of Hong Kong Shantou Community Organizations

香港潮州商會 Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce

香港潮商互助社 Hong Kong Chiu Chow Merchants Mutual Assistance Society

潮汕文化協會 Teo Chew Cultural Association



Advertising Sponsors 小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Dance 青躍體藝中心 Teens Sport and Art Centre

苗徽舞集 The Sprout

Our sincere gratitude also goes to all performing teams, teachers, dancers, staff, and volunteers who provide support to "Hong Kong Dance Expo 2023".


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