Bauhinia Cup
Dance Championships
5-13 • 8 • 2014
ne F usio n o f C hi se a
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st We Wo rk
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te r i n D a n c e
主辦 Presented by 中華文化藝術基金會贊助 Supported by the China Culture and Arts Foundation
各位觀眾: 為了令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。同時請 勿在場內飲食或擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝合作。
Dear Patrons, To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio and video recordings in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation.
資 新 5 1 0 2 & 4 ends in 201
New Tr
課程 舞等級考試
課程 考試及教師
ance Acade
r Beijing D rs’ course fo
ation Syllab
nce Examin Chinese Da
澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會CSTD課程 Commonwealth Society of Teache rs of Dancing Examination Syllabus
夏季及冬季學生考試 及 教師課程 Summer & Winter Students’ Examin ation & Teache
rs’ Course
舞蹈課程 “趣學堂”幼兒bus for Early Childhood Dance Sylla “Move For Fun”
袋鼠盃舞蹈比賽2014 Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2014
開賽2014 香港街舞公 IDO-HK) 織 (國際舞蹈組 DO-HK) nce Open (I a D t e e tr S g n Ko 015
修頓場館 遊樂場協會
• 10-11/01/2
國際舞蹈日2015 《舞蹈同樂日》 World Dance Day 2015 (Dance Fun Day) 26 / 04/2015
ong Kong for All in H ll e c n a D 起來》 ay for A 日《全城舞 風舞同樂》 Folk D 蹈 舞 際 國 土 429 蹈日《 15 429國際舞 29 / 04/20
國際青少年舞蹈交流營2015 International Youth Dance Camp 2015 青年廣場綜藝館 • 07/2015
香港舞蹈博覽2015 Hong Kong Dance Expo 2015 沙田大會堂演奏廳 08/2015
國際舞蹈研討會 《國際民族舞蹈的承傳、保育和發展》暨工作坊 International Symposium & Workshops in Dance 08/2015 07/2015
CSTD舞台公開考試 CSTD Public Examination 2014 青年廣場綜藝館 • 29-30/11/2014
會長獻詞 Message of President
區永熙SBS太平紳士 全國政協委員 會長兼董事局主席 Au Weng-hei, SBS. JP Member of C.P.P.C.C. President, Chairman of Board of Directors, HKDF
八月盛夏,迎來了香港「紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2014」隆重揭幕。新一屆比賽的形式,將獨舞、雙人舞、三 人舞的單項項目,結合進了傳統的群舞作品賽之中。增添的不僅是數量,實際是豐富了大賽的形式和 內容,使得香港舞者們,有更多的選擇和參與,也能夠有更多機會,發揮他們在編舞和表演中的才華, 藉以呈現給觀眾更加多樣化的藝術欣賞。 紫荊盃大賽舉辦以來,許多編舞家創作出了形式和內容都深具香港特色的優秀作品,獲得了本港、中 國內地以及其他地區的好評。這種藝術上的創新精神,也正是紫荊盃舞蹈大賽所追求的目標。要讚揚 和感謝這些編舞家和演員們,多年以來為大賽所作出的貢獻,許多優秀的作品,獲得國際間的高度讚 揚。 特別要向長期以來對舞蹈總會各項演藝活動,予以大力支持的政府康樂及文化事務署、香港藝術發展 局及中華文化藝術基金會表示衷心的敬意和感謝。 祝願各比賽團體和舞者們,在新一屆大賽中取得優秀的成績。
Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2014 will be inaugurated in midsummer. This year a new Solo, Duo and Trio section is added to the Originality category with only Ensemble in the past. This change not only enriches the content and format of the competition but also provides Hong Kong dancers with more choices, greater participation and better chances to give full play to their talents for choreography and performance so that more diversified artistic works can be displayed to the audience. Since the inception of the Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, lots of choreographers have created splendid works full of Hong Kong characteristics. Their creative spirit in art is exactly the goal of the competition. I, hence, would like to praise and thank these choreographers and artists for making outstanding contributions to the function over the years and producing excellent works highly acclaimed internationally. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and China Culture and Art Foundation for their strong and constant support in all the art activities run by the Hong Kong Dance Federation. Lastly, I wish all participating dance troupes and dancers the best of luck in their performances!
香港舞蹈總會會長 區永熙SBS太平紳士 Au Weng-hei, SBS. JP President of Hong Kong Dance Federation
前言 Foreword
王英偉博士SBS太平紳士 香港藝術發展局主席 Dr. Wilfred WONG Ying-wai, S.B.S., J.P. Chairman Hong Kong Arts Development Council
香港舞蹈總會自1978年成立以來,一直積極推動本港的舞蹈發展、團結本港舞蹈界的人士及促進舞蹈 文化文流。香港舞蹈界人才濟濟,不論是專業的舞者,或是學習不同舞蹈種類的業餘人士,為數不 少,每年的「紫荊盃舞蹈大賽」正好提供一個機會去展示本地舞蹈多元及具活力的一面。「紫荊盃」 同時亦為本地舞者及團體建構了一個不可多得的創作及表演平台,讓他們充分發揮藝術潛質和展示創 意,其比賽形式亦鼓勵參加者互相觀摩切磋,促使本地的舞蹈藝術向更高的水平發展。 香港藝術發展局致力推動本地藝術發展,積極支持本地中小型藝團發展。本局自2010年開始透過「多 項計劃資助」支持香港舞蹈總會舉辦「紫荊盃舞蹈大賽」,讓舞者以身體躍動去演繹舞蹈語言,向市 民大眾展示他們非一般的創意,讓大家看見香港的編舞家及舞者們對藝術追求所付出的努力。 今年是「紫荊盃」重辦的十週年,過往每年我們都會看到「紫荊盃」的參賽作品和表演所帶來的突 破,水平不斷提升。衷心祝願「紫荊盃」繼續為香港的舞壇開創新的篇章,鼓勵各位舞者在舞蹈的領 域繼續探進,為本地舞壇綻放色彩。
Since its inception in 1978, Hong Kong Dance Federation has dedicated much effort to promoting the art of dance, unite the dance community in Hong Kong and facilitate cultural exchanges. There are a considerable pool of talents in the Hong Kong dance community, including both professional dancers and non-professionals who are students in a wide array of dance forms. The annual “Bauhinia Cup – Hong Kong Dance Championships” provides an opportunity to showcase the diversity and dynamism of the local dance community. The Bauhinia Cup also establishes an invaluable platform in creations and performances for local dance artists and groups to manifest their talents and display creativity. The competition also serves to promote and reward excellence in dance, and enhances the highest level of artistic expression by participants. Hong Kong Arts Development Council is devoted to promoting arts development and strives to support the professional development of local small-to-medium-sized arts groups. Since 2010, the Council supported Hong Kong Dance Federation in organising the “Bauhinia Cup – Hong Kong Dance Championships” with the Council’s “Multi-Project Grant”. The Bauhinia Cup is an occasion to let dancers, through their body movements in conveying the dance language, give testament to their extraordinary creativity and let public witness the tireless efforts made by Hong Kong choreographers and dancers towards artistic excellence. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the re-commissioning of the Bauhinia Cup. And, in the past few years, we have seen exceptional performances by competitors and performers who reached new heights in their works presented in the Bauhinia Cup. Hong Kong Arts Development Council sincerely wishes the Bauhinia Cup competition to continue its success in both opening new chapters in Hong Kong dance and encouraging dancers in their artistic pursuits, leading Hong Kong dance to blossom with vibrancy.
香港藝術發展局主席 王英偉博士SBS太平紳士 Dr. Wilfred WONG Ying-wai, S.B.S., J.P. Chairman Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Construction 委員會架構
霍震霆GBS太平紳士 Timothy T.T. Fok GBS. JP 全國政協委員
吳朱蓮芬BBS太平紳士 Ng Chu Lien Fan BBS JP 全國政協委員
Board of Directors
區永熙SBS.太平紳士 Au Weng-hei, SBS. JP 全國政協委員 會長兼董事局主席 Board Chairman & President
劉兆銘 Lau Siu Ming, MH 副會長 Vice President
郭世毅 Kwok, Stephen 董事 Director 榮譽主席 Hon Chairperson
冼源 Sin Yuen 董事兼藝術總監 Artistic Director
羅廖耀芝 Lo Liu Yiu Chee, Virginia 董事兼行政總監 Executive Director
鄭偉容 Cheng Wai Yung 董事 Director 榮譽主席 Hon Chairperson
崔綺雲博士Dr. Linda Y.W. Tsui 董事 Director
吳世勳 Ng Sai Fun
Advisory Board
鍾金寶Joan Campbell
毛妹太平紳士 Liao, Christine JP
吳湘霞 Ng Sheung Ha
曾柱昭 Tsang, CC Gerard
朱潔 Chu Kit
韋奈 Wei Nai
盛培琪 Sheng Pei Qi
鄧孟妮 Tang,Tania
高春貴 Ko Chun Kwai
張斌 Chang, Benjamin 義務法律顧問 Hon Legal Advisor
Construction 委員會架構
Executive Committee Members
盧翠棠 Lo Chui Tong 義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer
吳翠雲 Ng Tsui Wan 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary
溫雄 Wan Hung 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary
秦懿欣 Chun, Ulian
馮杏美 Fung Hang Mai
何志雄 Ho, Bonnie
何祖宜 Ho, Joey
伍禮言 Ng, Sean
吳雪梅 Ng, Violet
陸恩美 Luk Yun Mee 董事兼主席 Director, Chairperson
劉定國 Lau Ting Kwok 副主席 - 外展服務 Vice Chairperson - Outreach
劉佩雄 Lau Pui Hung 副主席 - 資源.大型活動 Vice Chairperson Recourses, Grand Project
仇秀鈴 Chau Sau Ling 副主席 - 教育 Vice Chairperson - Education
趙蘭心 Chiu, Nancy
林貴文 Lam Kwai Man
梁其芬 Leung Kei Fan
梁結文 Leung Kit Man
曾金全 Tsang Kam Chuen
蔡偉雄 Tsoi, Rico
石成初 Sek Sing Chor
薛青華 Sit Ching Wa
Council Members
張家欣 Cheung Ka Yan
莊陳波 Chong Chan Po
周佩瑜 Chow Pui Yu Lina
郭偉傑 Kwok Wai Kit
林萬娃 Lam Man Wa
李艾琳 Lee, Eileen
梁家權 Leung, Francis
麥雪亮 Mak, Lowintry
丁志敏 Ting Chi Man
曾金星 Tsang Kam Sing
曾雪麗 Tsang, Lili
黃日芝 Wong Yak Chee
楊志穀 Yeung Chi Kuk
楊君儒 Yeung Kwan Yu
香港舞蹈總會 (1978-2014)
香港舞蹈總會於1978年10月正式註冊成立,並於2000年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元舞蹈社團。創會 成員為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,包括:陳寶珠、郭世毅、黎海寧、劉兆銘、吳世勳、鄧孟妮、鄭亞清 及 黃藝諳 等。 建會35年,一直以推動香港的舞蹈發展為己任,積極保育、拓展香港的多元舞蹈文化。 舞總以發揚舞蹈藝術、鼓勵推動本港之舞蹈發展、團結本港之舞蹈界人士,聯絡本港及世界各地舞蹈團體,以促 進舞蹈文化交流為宗旨。會方由董事局及理事會負責製訂及執行政策;設有團體會員及個人會員,現有團體會員 208個(活躍會員145個),個人會員及會友700餘人。 舞總成立以來,一直協助政府多個部門推動本港舞蹈發展工作,大力開拓本地舞蹈基層文化,屢獲香港藝術發展 局、民政事務總署、康樂及文化事務署及多個全港性大型活動主辦機構的經費資助、場地贊助或演出委約。現為 聯合國教育、科學和文化組織轄下的《國際舞蹈委員會》(UNESCO-CID)》會員。2012年被國際舞蹈聯會 (International Dance Organization簡稱IDO) 確認成為香港地區聯絡會員,推薦本會團體會員”R&T踢踏舞團”前 往德國里斯參加世界錦標賽,獲男子公開組第3名、7名及12名三項優異成績,香港區旗在會場徐徐升起。2013年 開始加入為準會員,為香港區的代表。 教育及考試課程 成立以來,一直協助政府多個部門推動本港舞蹈發展工作,經常與政府及學術機構合辦舞蹈營、進修班、座談會、 研習班、教師培訓班等。曾與香港大學專業進修學院聯合主辦二年制《舞蹈証書及文憑》課程等,積極推行舞蹈教 育。設有評委組織,支援全港性及區域性的舞蹈比賽。 總會向以培養舞蹈人才為己任,積極培訓各類舞蹈教師。1988年起承辦北京舞蹈學院“中國舞等級考試”,為我們 的下一代,通過全面的中國舞蹈訓練過程中,建立自信、學習認識中國文化。每年約5,000考生參與考試,現有教 師梯隊約3000人次。2005年開始,總會同時擔任具有80年歷史的“澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會CSTD”『香港及大中 華地區』代表,全面推廣古典芭蕾、現代爵士、踢踏舞、劇場舞蹈、社交舞及新課程《當代舞》的發展,本年考生 人數約5000人。以上兩個考試由香港考試及評核局管理。此外,本會與”新彊藝術學院”合作,主辦《新彊舞考 級課程》,約有數十名教師參加了培訓、每年7月份考試。更配合各考級課程,為3-5歲的小朋友設計了《趣學堂》 幼兒舞蹈課程,從遊戲學舞蹈,奠下良好、有趣的舞蹈訓練基礎。 社會及交流活動 會員積極關心社會、協助智障及殘障人士參與舞蹈活動、爭取公平機會等,2009年開始,每年獲頒《同心展關懷》 嘉許。 近年曾參與各大型活動包括:統籌10月1日政府國慶酒會的舞蹈表演、連續四屆的全港運動會開幕式文藝演出、 08年參與奧運馬術比賽大型文藝表演共13場、09參與『東亞運動會』大型開幕式、以及每年與青年事務委員會聯 合主辦『國際青少年舞蹈交流營』等。 12年6月本會獲國家民族委員會邀請前往北京參加『第四屆少數民族文藝會演』,演出《港澳台歌舞晚會-天地山水 情》,獲得最佳節目...等十個獎項。 13年,推薦”La P enV優之舞”前往捷克比賽,獲得評判團及觀眾的兩個第一,並傳播香港舞蹈文化,成績驕人。 此外,包括北京、廣州、雲南、東北等地區交流訪問活動相繼舉辦。 『香港舞蹈博覽』、『紫荊盃舞蹈大賽及大賞』及『舞蹈比賽』建立本地及國際文化交流 每年組織大型跨團體、跨舞種之舞蹈匯演 -『香港舞蹈博覽』假香港大型劇場舉行,參加之團體每年約50餘隊,演 員約千多名。11及13年更為鼓勵創作,多位舞者獲中型節目創作津貼,參與獨立創作或集體演繹中大型節目,為 每晚帶來一個焦點的演出。 『博覽』與『紫荊盃舞蹈大賽及大賞』每年交替舉行。10年配合『香港舞蹈節』,舉辦首屆『紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽』, 於12年8月及13年12月相繼舉辦上述賽事,水平不斷上升。13年更開拓了單、雙、三及小組群舞的比賽項目,獲 得本港及外地參與者一致好評。 『袋鼠盃舞蹈大賽』於06年開始舉辦至今,為單、雙、三人舞蹈設立表演平台;同時設有獎學金,頒與賽事最優秀 獲獎者;鼓勵各院校送學員前往海外參賽。 配合中央文化部的呼籲和要求,加強考前培訓及考後展演工作,2011及2013年增辦『中國舞等級考試課程比賽』, 建立演出平台,除在舞台上展演課程組合外,並於高級別設學員自行編舞環節,更有效地讓教師和學員們發揮創 意、享受參與舞蹈的樂趣。
The Hong Kong Dance Federation (1978-2014) Since inception 36 years ago, the Federation has viewed its mission as promoting the dance development of Hong Kong, actively preserving and developing the diversified dance culture of the region. Introduction Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd. (the Federation) is a non-profit organization established in 1978 and all founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society including Pearl CHAN, Stephen KWOK, Helen LAI, LAU Siu Ming, NG Sai Fun, and the late CHENG Ya Ching and WONG Ngai Yum. It carries forward the art of dance, encouraging and expediting dance development in Hong Kong as well as promoting cultural exchange. While applications for group and individual memberships are accepted upon recommendation of committee members, anybody interested in dance activities may become an associate member. At present, the Federation boasts a total membership of 208 Group members (Active members 145) and more than 700 Individual and Associate members. The Federation has launched a large-scale project to lay the basis for a local dance culture. Subsidies of outlays, sponsorship of venues and commission of performances have been offered by organizations such as the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the Home Affairs Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong major event organizing companies. Presently, it is a member of the International Dance Council (CID), an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all kinds of dance. In 2012 the Federation was elected by the International Dance Organization (IDO) as the contact of Hong Kong. Nominated to enter the IDO World Tap Dance Championships in Riesa, Germany, R & T won 3rd, 7th and 12th places in the categories of solos male and duos. The flag of Hong Kong slowly went up the pole at the venue. In 2013 the Federation became Probationary Member of the IDO, the only representative of Hong Kong. Education & Examinations Since its inception, the Federation has been entrusted with the task of developing dance in Hong Kong. Dance camps, updating classes, seminars, workshops and teachers’ training courses have been run jointly with government bodies and various education organizations. In 2001, the “Certificate in Dance/Diploma in Dance” programme was jointly presented with the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong. An assessment panel has also been formed to support dance competitions in various districts. The Federation has actively offered training to students and teachers. With the authorization from Beijing Dance Academy, the Chinese Dance Graded Examination was introduced to Hong Kong in 1988. Through a complete and disciplined curriculum for Chinese Dance, our next generation not only learns the Chinese culture but also gains confidence. Every year about 5,000 candidates sit for the Examination, and the current teacher echelon is around 3,000 person-time. In 2005, the Federation also took up the role of the representative of the Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD) examinations of Hong Kong and China. Through various examinations, Classical Ballet, Modern Jazz, Tap, Theatrical, Modern & Latin American as well as the new syllabus – Contemporary Technique have been developed in Hong Kong, and the number of candidates reached 5,000 in 2013. The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessments Authority manages both of the Examinations. In 2012 the Federation organized a Graded Examination for Xinjiang Dance in cooperation with Xinjiang Arts Institute. Tens of teachers took the course, and the examination is to be held every July. In order to pave the way for graded examinations, a course tailor-made for children aged 3 to 5 called “Move for Fun” was also designed. It is hoped that children can learn through play and firm foundations for future dance training can be laid. Social and Exchange Activities The members of the Federation care for the society. They help people with physical and mental disabilities participate in dance activities and strive for fair opportunities. From 2009 onwards, the Federation has been awarded a certificate of appreciation of “Caring Organization” every year. It has also taken part in large-scale local events in recent years, including performances at Government Receptions on the National Day, 13 performances presented at the equestrian venue for the Olympic Games 2008, “The Legend” performed by 400 young dancers at the Opening Ceremony of the East Asia Games in 2009, performances with different themes presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong Games since 2007, and the International Youth Summer Dance Camp held annually with the Commission on Youth since 2004. As to exchange activities, in June 2012, 6 brilliant dances were selected by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the PRC to perform at the 4th Minorities Arts Festival of China and awarded 10 prizes; in 2013 La P en V Innovative Dance Platform was nominated to enter the competition in the Czech Republic where they were awarded the first prize from both the audience and adjudicators’ panel; and dance exchange with Beijing, Guangzhou, Yunnan and the Northeast has also taken place in succession of late. The Hong Kong Dance Expo, Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships and other dance competitions for promoting local and international cultural exchange The Federation has organized a large-scale Dance Expo in Hong Kong every year since 1996. Over 50 dance groups and more than a thousand dancers from Hong Kong and overseas participate in this annual occasion. To encourage creation, dancers were subsidized to choreograph medium-size dance works as highlights of each evening in 2011 and 2013. The Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships was first held in 1994. Since 2004, the competition and the Hong Kong Dance Expo have been run every alternate year. In 2010 the first Bauhinia Cup International Dance Invitation Championships was launched during the Hong Kong Dance Festival. This event took place again in 2012 and 2013, with a new format comprising only the “Solo” and “Ensemble” sections in the latter, which was well received by local and overseas participants. The Kangaroo Cup, a dance platform for solos, duos and trios, has been organized since 2006. Scholarships are given to best winners, and dance schools are advised to send their students to enter CSTD competitions in Australia and Asia Pacific Region so as to enrich stage experiences. The 14th Asia Pacific Dance Competition was hosted by the Federation in the summer of 2012. More than 700 young dancers participated in this successful event. To respond to the appeal of the Ministry of Culture for training before examination and performance after examination, the Federation has also organized the Chinese Dance Graded Examination Competition in 2011 and 2013, providing a platform for teachers and students to give full play to their creativity and enjoy the pleasure of dance through choreographing dances and demonstrating dance sequences. 8
演出委員會 Organizing Committee
大會主席 Chairperson
區永熙SBS太平紳士 William Au Weng Hei SBS, JP
大會副主席 Vice Chairperson
鄭偉容、郭世毅、劉兆銘、陸恩美、崔綺雲 Cheung Wai Yung, Stephen Kwok, Lau Siu Ming, Luk Yun Mee, Linda Tsui
趙汝蘅、鍾金寶、毛妹、高春貴、吳湘霞、 盛培琪、鄧孟妮、曾柱昭、韋奈 Zhao Ru Heng, Joan Campbell, Christine Liao, Ko Chun Kwai, Ng Sheung Ha, Sheung Pei Qi, Tania Tang, Gerald Tsang, Wei Nai
Advisers 藝術總監 Artistic Director
冼源 Sin Yuen
行政總監 Adminstrative Director
羅廖耀芝 Virginia Lo Liu Yiu Chee
賽務總監 Programme Director
劉佩雄 Lau Pui Hung
賽務委員 Competition Coordinator
仇秀鈴、劉定國、吳翠雲、石成初 Chau Sau Ling, Lau Ting Kwok, Ng Tsui Wan, Sek Sing Chor
賽務小組 Competition Team
盧翠棠、林貴文、溫雄、陳錫勳 Lo Tsui Tong, Erik Lam, Wan Hung, Chan Sek Fan
前台主任 Front Stage Supervisor
曾金全、梁其芬 Tsang Kam Chuen, Leung Kei Fan
後台主任 Back Stage Supervisor
曾金星、丁志敏 Tsang Kam Sing, Ting Chi Man
宣傳 Publicity
馮杏美、林奕玲 Fung Hang Mai, Elaine Lam
紫荊盃(準決賽)舞台監督 Stage Coordinator (Semi-Final)
李偉祺 Ricky Lee
紫荊盃(決賽及頒獎禮) 舞台監督 Stage Coordinator (Final & Award Ceremony )
陳佩儀 Claudia Chan
紫荊盃(決賽及頒獎禮) 燈光設計 Lighting Design (Final & Award Ceremony )
鄺雅麗 Alice Kwong
攝影 Photography
鍾漢榮 Jason Chung
錄像 Videotaping
G production
秘書處 Secretariat
陳佩珊、陳麗冰、陳珮芝 Samantha Chan, Anna Chan, Chan Pui Chi
司儀 MC
林奕玲、李欣婷、黃翠妍 Elaine Lam, Lee Yan Ting, Phillis Wong
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2014 - 評判簡介 白朗唐先生Mr. Tom Brown 自1985年起任教於香港演藝學院,曾任舞蹈學院副院長及現代舞系主任,現為研究生教育院長,《舞蹈手紮》 的編輯組成員及《Research in Dance Education》的國際編輯組成員,以及香港舞蹈聯盟的名譽退休主席和國際 拉賓動作記錄協會的成員。白氏在莎拉羅倫斯大學取得他的藝術碩士學位及於1977年獲頒Bessie Schönberg學 人榮銜。他曾在世界各地執導超過100齣作品。 Tom Brown is Dean Graduate Education at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing arts, Editor of Dance Journal/HK, member of the International Editorial Board of Research in Dance Education and Editor and Contributor for the 2007: Why They Dance: Narrations of Hong Kong Dance. He is Emeritus Chairman of Hong Kong Dance Alliance and Fellow of International Council of Kinetography Laban. He danced professionally in New York for Rudy Perez and Daniel Lewis, in works directed by José Limón and Anna Sokolow, and directed, choreographed, and danced for his own company ‘Dance Junction'. He holds an M.F.A. in Dance from Sarah Lawrence College where he was 1977 Bessie Schönberg Scholar. He has directed over 100 dance productions for all over the world.
鍾金寶女士Mrs. Joan Campbell 早年就讀於英國坎伯利Elmhurst芭蕾舞學院及在該校開始舞蹈教育事業;於1954年來港,並引進英國皇家芭 蕾舞學院舞蹈分級試課程,為香港芭蕾舞學會創會會員,於1967年成為嘉露•貝文芭蕾舞學校校長,對推動 香港舞蹈藝術不遺餘力,先後獲得英國皇家芭蕾舞學院的Presidents獎、英國皇家舞蹈教師協會之Haxell Cup 及香港舞蹈聯盟頒發的傑出成就獎;自1964年起擔任歷屆香港學校舞蹈節評委,現任香港舞蹈總會、蓓蕾舞 蹈社及索意歐洲民族舞蹈團等顧問。鍾金寶女士現時最大的樂趣就是薪火相傳,將自己的舞蹈知識承傳給下 一代舞者。 Joan trained at the Elmhurst Ballet School in Camberley (UK) where she later started her career as a teacher. Arriving Hong Kong in 1954, Joan pioneered the R.A.D. method of Dance in Hong Kong. She has done much to promote the art of dance and in 1967 became principal of the Carol Bateman School of Dancing. Awarded the R.A.D. Presidents Award, the Haxell Cup from The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and also received Distinguished Achievement Award from the Hong Kong Dance Alliance. Founder member of the H.K. Ballet Group and a judge for the School Dance Festival from its beginning in 1964. She is now Adviser to the Hong Kong Dance Federation, Budlet Folk Dance Club and Legacy European Folk Dance Troupe. Her greatest joy is to be able to pass on her knowledge to a new generation of dancers.
瑪里琳•費希爾女士Mrs. Marliyn Fisher 瑪里琳是澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會考試官及英國皇家舞蹈學院永久會員。一生熱愛舞蹈,對培育學生,不遺餘 力。日常除教授不同年齡的學生各類舞蹈外,更積極訓練有潛質的學生成為職業舞蹈員和舞蹈教師,在國內 和國外發展,分別在日本、美國、倫敦、巴黎、新加坡等地及郵輪上演出。此外,瑪里琳也經常在澳洲本土 及世界各地擔任編舞及評判工作。 Marilyn is CSTD Examiner and RAD Life Member. She has had the love of dance all her life and her goal as a teacher is to nurture students to their full potential to help them become both professional artists and in some cases teachers. She has had students perform in Japan, USA, London, Paris, Singapore and on various cruise ships. She has taught students from the age of 2 to adults and is proficient in all forms of dance including Jazz, Tap, Classical, Contemporary, Lyrical and Acrobatics. She is also an international and local choreographer and adjudicator.
高成明先生Mr. Gao, Chengming 澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校校長,畢業於北京舞蹈學院,國家一級編導。現任廣東舞蹈家協會副主席,廣州省藝 術研究所一級編導和成明舞蹈工作室主任。曾任中國最富國際知名度的廣東實驗現代舞團體藝術總監/團長, 並多次在國外巡迴藝術交流、授課和創作表演。曾分別獲邀擔任法國摩納哥國際舞蹈大賽和羅馬首屆國際舞 蹈大賽評委。中國CCTV舞蹈大賽及中國荷花獎舞蹈大賽評委。 Principal, School of Dance, Conservatory De Macao. Graduated from Beijing Dance Academy, Mr Gao is National Class-A Choreographer. At present he is Vice-chairman of Guangdong Dancers’Association, Class-A Choreographer of Guangzhou Art Research Institute and Chairman of Chengming Dance Studio. He has been Artistic Director/Manager of the notable Guangdong Modern Dance Company and has toured abroad to teach and perform, making artistic exchange. Besides being adjudicator in the CCTV Dance Competition and Lotus Award Dance Competition in China, he has been invited as adjudicator in Monaco International Dance Competition in France and in the First International Dance Competition in Rome.
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2014 - 評判簡介 愛廸•古士文先生Mr. Eddie De Guzman 1971-1992年成為香港電視廣播有限公司舞蹈排練師及部門主管。1971-2003年期間主遵及編排綜合節目、慈 善晚會,為著名演藝界歌星之演唱會排舞。2009至今在澳門教授現代舞、爵士舞、Hip Hop、現代芭蕾舞演 繹課程。 In 1971-1982 he worked for HKTVB as a choreographed and later the head of the dance department. In 1971 - 2003 he participated and choreographed numerous variety shows, charity shows and concerts of major pop artists. From 2009 to now he was support by the Macau No. Coracao; helping with the Youth Development in cultural arts, giving them lessons in Modern Dance, Jazz, Hip hop and Modern Classical Ballet and Dance Interpretation.
高春貴先生Mr. Ko, Chun Kwai 1965年以優異成績畢業於北京舞蹈學院,後任職中央芭蕾舞團演員兼任演員隊負責人。1980年加入香港芭蕾 舞團,曾擔任首席舞蹈員及排練導師。1986年至2005年轉任香港演藝學院講師。負責教授芭蕾舞、雙人舞、 變奏等課程,亦曾創作編排多個舞蹈作品。其間應邀赴日本、韓國、菲律賓、美國、台灣等地大學、舞團任 教。曾任本港多個舞蹈比賽的評判、演藝發展局的藝評人、評審員。 After graduating from Beijing Dance Academy in 1965 with honours, Mr.Ko had been actor and person-in-charge of the actor team in the National Ballet of China. He joined Hong Kong Ballet in 1980, taking up the posts of principal dancer and repetiteur. Between 1986 and 2005, he had become tutor in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, giving courses in ballet, duet and variation, choreographing dance works, and teaching at universities and dance troupes in Japan, Korea, the Philippines, the USA and Taiwan. He has been adjudicator of lots of competitions as well as art critic and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
賴秀峰教授 Prof. Lai Shiow-Fun 賴教授畢業於西班牙皇家高等藝術學院,並榮獲舞蹈碩士學位。賴氏先後任教於文化大學、國立臺灣藝術大 學、國立臺灣體育運動大學、华岡藝校、台南科技大學等舞蹈科系以及中國電視公司舞蹈顧問。從事舞蹈教 育逾四十年,為現任中華民國舞蹈學會理事長、中華舞蹈學會理事長、中國文藝學會監事以及臺灣原住民舞 蹈集成副主編。 Prof. Lai graduated with a Master from Spanish Royal Higher Institute of Arts Dance. She has taught in Chinese Cu.zlture University, National Taiwan University of Arts, National Taiwan Sport University, Hwa Kang Arts School, Tainan University of Technology and the China Television Company Dance Dance faculty advisor. For over a span of 40 years in dance education, she was once the chairman of ROC, Dance Society, the president of the Chinese Dance Society, the Supervisor of China Institute of Arts and the Integrated Deputy Editor of Taiwan Aboriginal Dance.
劉兆銘先生 Mr. Lau, Siu Ming, MH 本港資深舞蹈家及電影電視著名演員。早年曾於英國、法國進修芭蕾舞,曾先後加入海托華芭蕾舞團(法國)及 廿世紀現代舞蹈團(比利時)。回港後致力推動香港舞蹈藝術,為香港舞蹈總會創會會員。劉氏於2007年榮獲 香港演藝學院院士,更獲頒2009年傑出藝術貢獻獎。現任香港舞蹈總會董事及副會長,並擔任香港舞蹈團藝 術顧問。 "Ming Sir" Lau Siu-Ming is a respected veteran actor and a pioneer in Hong Kong dance. Lau received a scholarship to study ballet in France. He joined Rosella Hightower Dance Company (France) and Twenty Century Ballet Company (Belgium) then. Over the years, he has devoted to promote the art of dance in Hong Kong and became one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF). In 2007, he received his Honorary Fellowship from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He also received “Award for Outstanding Contribution in Arts 2009” this year. He is currently Member of the Board of Directors and Vice-president of the HKDF and Artistic Advisor of the Hong Kong Dance Company.
劉定國先生 Mr. Lau, Ting Kwok 本港資深西方民族舞導師,歷屆校際及區際舞蹈評判,對推動土風舞工作不遺餘力,曾於2003年獲英國皇家舞蹈 教師協會頒贈Isabel Haxell Trophy嘉許,並於2000至2005年擔任香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及評審員。現任英國皇 家舞蹈教師協會土風舞研習評核員及香港舞蹈總會執委會副主席。 Mr. Lau is a distinguished educator of Western Folk Dance in Hong Kong and has been dance adjudicator in School Dance Festivals as well as dance competitions in all districts for over 30 years. He was awarded the Isabel Haxell Trophy by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) in 2003. Between 2000 and 2005, he had been Artistic Advisor & Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. At present he is Assessor of the“Folk Dance Studies”of the ISTD in Hong Kong and Vice Chairman, Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Dance Federation.
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2014 - 評判簡介 劉美玉女士 Ms. Low, Mei Yoke 新加坡新典現代舞蹈團藝術總監兼編導,從事舞蹈教育工作三十多年。舞蹈創作經常揉合東方舞蹈美學與西方舞蹈 動作的特色,表達新加坡多元社會裏繽紛多彩的人文活動。作品亦以想像力豐富、耐人尋味、大膽創新見稱,在新 加坡本土、美國、馬來西亞及台灣均備受好評。 劉氏目前是多間中學的駐團編導與藝術指導,也曾多次受邀擔任馬來西亞全國舞蹈節舞蹈評審。
Ms.Low is the artistic director and choreographer of Frontier Danceland of Singapore. Having been actively involved in dance education for over 30 years, she is very good at creating dances with a unique style that fuses Eastern dance aesthetics with Western dance movements and representing Singapore’s vibrant and diverse society. Her works are celebrated for being bold, imaginative and thought-provoking, and are highly acclaimed not only in Singapore but also in the United States, Malaysia and Taiwan. Ms. Low is currently the artistic director and resident choreographer of modern dance groups at several schools, and has been constantly invited to be adjudicator in Malaysia’s National Chinese Cultural Dance Open Competitions.
冼源先生 Mr. Sin, Yuen 早期就讀於北京舞蹈學院。畢業後加入武漢歌舞劇院任主要演員,後任武漢歌舞團副團長。1981年定居香港, 曾任香港舞蹈團基訓及排練導師、香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及審批員、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院顧問及兼職講師。 2003年被甄選列入《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》,積極參與舞蹈藝術評論工作。現任香港舞蹈總會董事兼藝術總監、 香港舞蹈團董事及香港兒童合唱團等多個舞團顧問工作,並擔任歷屆香港學校舞蹈節及各區舞蹈比賽主要評委。 Mr. Sin trained at the Beijing Dance Academy, he joined and played the leading role in Wuhan Singing and Dancing Institute after his graduation and subsequently became the Vice-President. He settled in Hong Kong in 1981 and took up the posts of tutor and Technique Instructor rehearsal master in Hong Kong Dance Company、arts advisors and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council、advisor & part-time tutor of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2003, he was listed in the 《Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame》. He is now the Director & Artistic Director of Hong Kong Dance Federation、Director of Hong Kong Dance Company and advisor of Hong Kong Children’s Choir and a lot of dance troupes. He has been major adjudicator of Schools Dance Festival and dance competitions of various districts.
楊雲濤先生 Mr. Yang, Yuntao 香港舞蹈團藝術總監。白族人,畢業於中央民族大學舞蹈系,曾任廣東現代舞團、北京現代舞團舞蹈員。2002年 加入香港舞蹈團,擔任首席舞蹈員,並憑舞劇《水滸傳》及《大地之歌》於2003年獲「香港舞蹈聯盟舞蹈年獎」。 2005年加入城市當代舞蹈團,2006年憑該團節目《霸王》之演出再獲「香港舞蹈聯盟舞蹈年獎」。於2007年11月出 任香港舞蹈團助理藝術總監一職。2010年獲香港藝術發展局頒發「2009香港藝術發展獎年度最佳藝術家獎(舞蹈)」。 Artistic Director, Hong Kong Dance Company. A member of the Bai ethnic minority in Yunnan, graduated from the Dance Department of the Central Ethnic University. He has been a soloist in the Guangdong Modern Dance Company and the Beijing Modern Dance Company. He joined the Hong Kong Dance Company in 2002 as Principal Dancer, and received the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2003 from the Hong Kong Dance Alliance for his performance in Water Margin and The Song of the Earth. Yang joined the City Contemporary Dance Company in 2005, and received the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2006 again for his performance in The Conqueror. He joined the Hong Kong Dance Company in November 2007 as the Assistant Artistic Director. He received the Award for“Best Artist (Dance)”of the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2009 from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
張毅女士 Ms. Zhang, Yi 畢業於上海舞蹈學校,成為上海歌舞團主要演員。離開舞台後,曾任上海舞蹈家協會秘書長,成功舉辦不少大型活 動。其後曾任新加坡南洋藝術學院講師、香港演藝學院講師,2002年出任澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校校長,致力從事 舞蹈教育。2005年為澳門開辦了舞蹈中等專業教育課程,把專業藝術教育納入了澳門的教育體制之中,開創了澳 門藝術發展的新局面。
Ms. Zhang graduated from Shanghai Dance School and was once a principal dancer with Shanghai Song and Dance Ensemble. Having retired from the stage, she acted as the secretary-general of Shanghai Dancers Association, organizing large-scale activities. She was also the lecturer at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2002 she became Principal of the School of Dance of Macao Conservatory, devoting herself entirely to dance education. In 2005 she set up the secondary specialized education course in dance, bringing professional art education into the education system of Macau, creating a new situation in Macau’s arts development.
趙汝蘅女士 Ms. Zhao, Ruheng 國家一級演員,舞蹈表演藝術家、國際舞蹈評判。1961年畢業於北京舞蹈學院,於中央芭蕾舞團擔任主要演員。 1994年起擔任團長一職,帶領舞團走向世界,走訪數十個國家和地區,獲獎無數。 趙氏重視芭蕾藝術的普及教育,創辦了北京國際芭蕾暨編舞比賽。現任中國國家大劇院舞蹈藝術總監、中國舞蹈家 協會主席、全國政協委員。 Ms. Zhao is a first-class national ballet dancer, performing artist and an international dance adjudicator. After graduating from Beijing Dance Academy in 1961, she joined the National Ballet of China as a leading dancer. In 1994 she became Director of the company. During her tenure, she led the troupe to different countries and cities in the world. Wherever they went, they received accolades and awards for their remarkable performances. Ms. Zhao also initiated the Beijing International Ballet and Choreography Competition as she deems it important to popularize the art of ballet. She is currently Dance Director of National Centre for the Performing Arts, Chairperson of Chinese Dancers Association, and Member of the National Committee of CPPCC.
(排名不分先後,按英文姓氏排序 In alphabetical order)
小紫荊盃Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 單、雙、三賽事Solo, Duo, Trio
節目表 Programme
133 茉莉花 Indian Jasmine
116 戀物 Fétiche avec des souvenirs heureux
101 Complicated
118 Hey! My Girl by SDM Elite
102 唱出真我 Singing Like A Popstar
119 飄呀飄 Fly Me To The Clouds
103 Sweet Girl
120 The Best
104 樂.悠.遊 Jada Haste Hai
121 閃閃小耀星 Lil Glister
105 Ghost of Sky
122 扭妞 Reggae Girl
106 咩咩﹗小羊去哪裡? Sh-Sh-Shepherd
123 小巨星 Pop Star Alvin
107 勁舞 Dancing B I’ m Dancing Baby
124 紫心天使 A Violet Heart
125 默契 Heart to Heart
109 俏麗小侍應 May I Help You Sir?
126 Cannibal
110 正義小先鋒 Bang! Bang!
127 俏貓咪 Pussy Cat
111 Me and My Shadow
128 孖女 Twins
129 去吧﹗賽車女孩 Go Go Racing Girl
113 小花女 Aloha
130 Fairy Tale
114 豆蔻.鼓鳴 Blooming Girl - Drum
131 驟變 Hasty Changes
115 鬼馬可人兒 We are tutu cutie
132 Hey Hey
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節目表 Programme
小紫荊盃Junior Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 群舞(作品及表演)Group(Originality & Perfromance)
306 某年夏天 Summer
213 Happy Party
舞蹈內容:炎炎夏日是暢泳的好季節,但嘉嘉游到海中心時巧遇鯊魚,當生命 受到威脅時,一群美麗的魔鬼魚出現。嘉嘉看見魔鬼魚的精彩舞姿,就按捺不 住翩翩起舞。此時,魔鬼魚和鯊魚被嘉嘉的美麗舞姿所吸引,從而一起舞動, 成為了好朋友。 Dance Description: It's good time to swimming in the summer, but suddenly Kaka was surrounded by lots of sharks. When the life is threatened, a group of beautiful sting rays. Appeared, Kaka couldn't help to dance with them by sawing the sting rays dancing. And then, the sharks and the sting rays were dancing with Kaka and became good friends.
舞蹈內容:舞吧!一群學生正為朋友準備生日舞會,在舞會上大家以舞蹈為朋 友慶生,展現最融洽的學校生活,讓他們的友誼增加不少快樂的回憶。 Dance Description: Let’s Party!!! A group of students preparing for a birthday party, everyone dance for their friends and showing the most harmonious student life and the happiest faces are building up their memories.
201 春頌 Ode to Spring 舞蹈內容:春暖花開,陽光照大地,鮮花處處,舞動翩翩。 Dance Description: Spring has come and flowers are in bloom. The sun shines all over the world. Flowers are everywhere, dancing trippingly.
202 香港精神 Hong Kong Spirits 舞蹈內容:讓我們一同經歷香港的故事,無論起與跌、盛與衰,都憑著香港人 的信心和愛,打不死的毅力和精神,去建設我們的美麗社會。 Dance Description: Ups & Downs, Prosperity and Depressions are always city of Lives peopleexperience in Hong Kong. The only way is to maintain our Big Faith, True love and Spirit of "Never Give Up" for community reunification and the great future of Hong Kong.
203 原世界 Primeval World 舞蹈內容:人類社會發展的第一階段 ﹣「原始」,由開始經歷發現、發明踏進 文明到現在,所有都是不可或缺的歷史… Dance Description: The evolution of human being is from “primitive”. Process from a primitive tribe to a civilized society, process from discovery and invention, all the evolutionary history is indispensable……
204 夢.雨天 Dream.Rainy Day 舞蹈內容:小朋友總愛發夢,在夢境中走進了雨天下的花園裡,看見嫩綠的小 草在雨水的滋潤下生長著,彷彿萬物都充滿生機。 Dance Description: Children always have dreams. They dream that they are in a garden on a rainy day, light green grass are growing in the rain, and everything seems to be full of life.
205 萬聖狂歡派對 Trick Or Treat 舞蹈內容:請我哋食糖糖﹗請我哋食糖糖﹗如果唔請,我哋一班娃鬼就會傑夾 埋來嚇你。問你怕未?! Dance Description: Trick or Treat!Trick or Treat! You can treat us some candy Or Will scare you! Ha Ha Ha…
206 世界杯狂熱 World Cup Viva 舞蹈內容:2014是世界杯的大日子,我們也一起狂熱,為各個健兒打氣,讓我 們以舞蹈一起投入熱情奔放的森巴狂熱,以笑聲及笑臉提升香港的快樂指數。 Dance Description: 2014 is the year of World Cup! Let’s dance together with smile to encourage the athletics & cheer up Hong Kong.
214 狂熱派對A Mid Summer Night’s Carnival 舞蹈內容:一群熱愛跳舞的小女孩走在一起,穿上色彩繽紛的舞衣,準備踏上 多采多姿的舞台,舞動正能量大派對。 Dance Description: A group of girls join together, and dance for the positive power, dance for the dream!
215 夢.星 Starry Dream 舞蹈內容:溫柔的夢鄉,孩子的搖籃。天上的星星在閃爍,孩子在夢中放飛自 己的理想。 Dance Description: Dreamland is children’s cradle which is gentle and soft. Children always let their ideals fly their own ways in the dream, just like the stars twinkle in the sky.
316 霹靂小伙子 Hip Hop Kiddies 舞蹈內容:活力與動感融匯在舞蹈裡,舞蹈裡盡顯兒童新一代的跳躍與動力。 動力,帶給我們健康快樂,Yo-Ho! Dance Description: This is a dance full of energy and dynamic, well displaying the leap and power of the new generation. Power gives us health and happiness. Yo-Ho!
301 美麗的旋律 Wonderful Music 舞蹈內容:有歌舞之鄉稱號的新疆,有一群新疆女童正在舞蹈。他們在節日或 喜慶場合中會伴隨著音樂和琴聲加上手鼓一同起舞,我們也去湊一湊熱鬧吧! Dance Description: Xinjiang is a place in where people mostly get talent in dancing. A Group of Xinjiang teeagers were dancing. They always dance together with the music and tambourine during those festive occasions. Let's enjoy the show as well.
302 胡桃夾子選段 – 俄羅斯之舞 Nutcracker - Trepak 舞蹈內容:著名芭蕾舞劇目胡桃夾子中的民族舞蹈,充分表現舞蹈員的活力、 喜悅和情感。 Dance Description: An ethnic dance from the famous ballet Nutcracker, which shows the energy, happiness, passion of love in dance.
303 (同204)
304 (同206)
305 (同201)
307 花之頌 Le Fleur 舞蹈內容:春暖大地,百花爭艷的季節裡,一群活潑的女孩,齊來慶祝花兒盛放。 Dance Description: Spring has come and flowers compete in splendor. A group of vivid young girls get together to celebrate the flowers in full bloom.
207 歌舞線上 On A Dancing Line
308 草原騎手 Riders on the Prairie
舞蹈內容:你可知道…我們流下了多少汗水?付出了多少努力?花了多少心血? 才能造就今天的我們? Dance Description: Do you know…How many sweat we made? How hard we donated? How concentrate we paid? In order to stand on the dancing line, to present our work!
舞蹈內容:晨曦初現,大地生氣勃勃,草原上的小騎手英姿澟澟,展現出蒙古 女孩活潑歡欣的性情。 Dance Description: Dawn breaks; everywhere is full of life. The young riders on the prairie are bright and brave, unfolding the happy and buoyant disposition of Mongol lasses.
208 浪上 Wave 舞蹈內容:海洋裏由風帶領的微浪,輕且柔;沙灘上的海浪,緩緩流動,偶爾 衝勁十足;深海裏的大浪,展現出龐大能量。 Dance Description: Wave in dance-it could be light waves in water generated by wind or moderate waves occur on the beach which is calm but energetic sometimes. Meanwhile, giant waves in the ocean show power and unison.
209 Chicas Apasionadas 舞蹈內容:一群熱情洋溢的西班牙少女,懷着熱情和浪漫的心,追隨着澎湃舞 曲,跳出浪漫與激情,一舉手丶一投足充滿少女的優美神態 。 Dance Description: A group of passionate Spanish girls, with enthusiastic and romantic hearts, along with surging dancing music, creating a dance with passion, each movement is full of the elegance and grace of young ladies.
210 蝶.舞 舞蹈內容:微小的幼蟲為了變成美麗的蝴蝶努力蛻變。經過在大自然的磨練, 最後終於破繭成蝶,活出牠們的美麗人生;要擁有完美的人生還是需要勤奮, 掙扎和耐力。 Dance Description: Caterpillas stuff themselves with leaves, hanging upside down and spin themselves in silky cocoon, shed their skin and emerge as pretty and colorful butterflies. That's our live..... to become a pretty butterfly, sometimes we need to struggle..... but we do have to need persistent and hardworking....
211 King of the Forest 舞蹈內容:快樂是生命的力量,開心就是那麼簡單。 Dance Description: Be Simple, Cheerful is the power of life.
212 老師早晨 Good Morning Teacher 舞蹈內容:同學們活潑好動,閒來東跑跑西跳跳,總不忘考試在即,勤力溫習 書本功課,卻也能於課外舞動一番!Yeah! Good Morning Madam! Dance Description: Students are lively and active, running and jumping everywhere at leisure. Yet, they never forget the examination. Besides studying hard, they would move vigorously after school. Yeah! Good Morning Madam!
309 (同203) 310 點點紅綠 Spots of red and green 舞蹈內容:描述一羣小朋友藉著手巾的舞動來表達對祖國的熱愛。 Dance Description: A group of children dance with handkerchiefs to express their love for the mother country.
311 (同212) 312 舞動小新星 Crazy Kids 舞蹈內容:一班精靈活潑的小朋友,一上舞台就停不了! Dance Description: Once on stage, the group of smart and lively children will never stop.
313 長白鼓謠 Joyful Drumbeats 舞蹈內容:長白山下笑聲響,敲著鼓兒齊起舞,咚噠咚噠,鼓聲多嘹亮,咚噠 咚噠,小姑娘們歡聲暢。 Dance Description: Rub-a-dub, rub-a-dub … Lasses are beating their drums loudly and dancing happily at the foot of Changbai Mountains.
314 Shake That 舞蹈內容:Shake That代表動力、跳躍和舞動。一群朝氣勃勃的青少年因為舞 蹈而走在一起。他們充滿熱誠,不分彼此,並且擁有共同目標,希望藉著舞蹈 的演繹發揚Shake That精神,給身邊人增添活力和正能量。 Dance Description: “Shake That” represent energy, to leap and to move. A group of youthful vigor gathers together because of Dance. They are full of passion; share one common goal to popularize the spirit of “Shake That” through Dance and bring a lot of energy and positive thinking to others.
315 鼓.悅 Drum.Joyful 舞蹈內容:孩子們敲打手中的小鼓,在歡快的音樂中轉呀轉,如花園中盛開的 花朵美麗燦爛! Dance Description: The children are beating the drum and dancing in the joyful music, just like beautiful flowers are blossoming in the Garden.
紫荊盃Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 單、雙、三賽事及群舞(作品)Solo, Duo, Trio & Group (Originality)
節目表 Programme
415 茉莉花 Indian Jasmine
407 金水、夕陽 Setting Sun At Jin Shui River
舞蹈內容:茉莉花素潔、濃郁、清芬。久遠,它又作為愛情之花及友誼之花之 稱,以表達堅貞的情感,亦是在人們之間傳遞愛意! Dance Description: Jasmine is pure, fragrant and lasting. Being called “the flower of love / friendship”, it symbolises constant love and serves as the Cupid.
舞蹈內容:流入宮城才咫尺,便分天上與人間。紫禁城金水河,儼如一道牆一 城內城外的夕陽一樣美麗,心情卻不截然不同! Dance Description: With a narrow river round the Imperial Palace., the heaven and the world stay apart. In the Forbidden City, Jin Shui River is much like a wall - though the setting sun remains alluring inside and outside the city, the feelings are entirely different.
401 愛,回家 To build a home 舞蹈內容:疑惑,困倦了...家的大門為你打開、家的愛—生不變改。 Dance Description: Feeling puzzled and tired … The door of home is open for you; the love of home will never change.
402 繽紛世界 Fun World 舞蹈內容:青春的熱血在身體中流淌,叛逆的力量在沉默中爆發。 Dance Description: Youthful blood flowing in the body, rebel power broke out in silence.
403 Pleasantry 舞蹈內容:虛榮、自我膨漲、傲慢、利益交換、虛幻的愛情承諾…;我轉身, 以詼諧、嘲諷的態度、微笑以對。 Dance Description: Life is superficial and pretentious, Men are arrogant and insincere, Love can be illusionary and fake. Away I turned. With joke, with attitude, with laughter, I face with grace.
404 蛻變 Transformation 舞蹈內容:變,在成長中轉變 ; 過程會是一種歷練;迷失時,需要用心找回; 蛻變需要付出多少代價?才能脫胎換骨? Dance Description: Change, change in the midst of growth, the process of growth can be a drill, in time of lost, we need to recover it with our hearts. What is the cost for transformation? To make a total different life?
405 憶 Memory 舞蹈內容:揮不掉是你的影子,放不下是那段銘刻的回憶⋯ Dance Description: How can I wipe off your shadow and put aside the haunting memory?
406 原始 Inflection Point 舞蹈內容:一條路,落葉無跡,走過四季,走過我自己;我雙肩馱著風雨,徘徊 在原始與這條通往未來的路之間... Dance Description: Should I move on or should I stay ? And if I do , should I ever return ?!
501 憶.流浪熱巴 Memory Of A Wanderer 舞蹈內容:回憶我們的美好時光,流浪熱巴。 Dance Description: Let's remember our glorious time of wandering.
502 《刀郎賽乃姆》 《Vibration》 舞蹈內容:釋放生命的氣息,孕育情感的氣場。 Dance Description: Explore the life to the emotional aura.
408 春天的步伐 The Pace of Spring 舞蹈內容:鳥兒在歌唱,粉蝶在飛舞,拍奏出清脆的聲響,仿如春天的腳步聲, 由遠而近;你聽到嗎?春天已經降臨大地了。 Dance Description: Birds are singing; white butterflies are dancing. The clear and melodious sound, like the footsteps of spring, is drawing near. Can you hear? The spring is coming.
409 三重奏 Trio 舞蹈內容:三個不同的方向構成了三個不同的力量,而這三個不同的力量又產生 了這個不和諧的聲音……。 Dance Description: Dissonance or Consonance? Three tones, three forces, could they create a new balance?
410 宣言 Declaration 舞蹈內容:「如果文明是要我們卑躬屈膝,那我就讓你們看見野蠻的驕傲!」﹣ 《賽德克.巴萊》,我們只想要回屬於自己的土地。 Dance Description: " If civilization means for us to be on our knees, then I'll show you the pride of being savage。"Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale, we just want to get back our own land.
411 影子 Shadow 舞蹈內容:當光明做主導,黑暗就會穩藏來靜待時機,當機會到來,黑暗會毫不 豫疑去掌控一切,光明能擊敗黑暗?或和它一起,取其平衡? Dance Description: When light is the guide , darkness would hide and wait for the chance to take control. Can light defeats darkness? or Can they find a balance between them?
412 享受 Enjoy 舞蹈內容:享受在舞台上盡情舞動的每一刻。 Dance Description: Enjoy every moment to enjoy dancing on the stage.
508 冬雪 Winter Snow 舞蹈內容:冬天,飛舞的雪花柔柔地飄落,將大地染成一片白色。白色代表純 潔、寧靜。 Dance Description: Snowflakes falling down softly and whiten the land in winter, its’ color presents a sense of purity and peaceful.
509 心.相 Complexions 舞蹈內容:命由己造,相由心生;有相無心,相隨心滅。 Dance Description: Fate is decided by ourselves. Handsome is that handsome does. If we have beauty but no heart, beauty is doomed to perish.
503 去與留 In Between……
510 盼.且行 Hope.Just advance
舞蹈內容:當生命蜿蜒成河,流水沖擊着心海,一切的無奈,糾纏、掙扎…, 都隨着未知的將來,游走於生命的片刻中。 Dance Description: When life is wriggling like a river and the soul is lashed by the running water, all the helplessness, entanglement and struggle will vanish with the future in the instant of life.
舞蹈內容:人生縱有挫敗,生命總有盼望,路途盡管崎嶇,低谷我且前行! 放下 心底枷鎖,認定目標方向,路上互相扶持,奮力向前邁進。 Dance Description: Even if we experience failure, there is always hope in life. Though the road is rough, I will just advance. Let’s put aside the shackles in our heart and set our mind on the goal. Let’s support each other on the way and stride forward with all our might.
504 爭妍 Enchanting Beauty
511 蒲公英 Dandelion
舞蹈內容:一群女子利用長袖與手絹起舞,互相爭妍鬥麗,舉首投足,都帶着 吸引的人美態。 Dance Description: A group of beautiful ladies dancing with long sleeves and handkerchief, their moves, smile and glances are charming and enchanting.
舞蹈內容:輕輕的蒲公英隨風飄送,有如少女們優美的舞姿。 Dance Description: The wind blow gently with the dandelion which like the beautiful dancing girls.
505 格調芭蕾 Style 舞蹈內容:師生作品,格調芭蕾的舞步以古典芭蕾舞技巧中的三大原素:跳、轉、 控腿 為基礎。 創新的舞步配以探戈明快,爽朗的節奏,跳出一種別樹一格的風格。 Dance Description: Style is built from the center of ballet movements of jumps, turn and adage. Co-choreographed by both student and teacher. Style carries its creative interpretation to strike a balance between ballet and tango music.
512 魔妖魅影 The Devils 舞蹈內容:舞蹈內容:魔鬼就是墮落的天使...總在黑暗中躲藏,又常在周遭徘 徊。他們擁有誘人的魅力和美貌,但其實在美麗的軀殼裏隱藏恐懼和寂寞。曙 光初現,也得爭相躲避,最終還是不敵光明。 Dance Description: The Devils - "the fallen Angels"... they like to stay in the dark.. they are around us.... they have pretty and attractive faces, tempting bodies... in fact deep in their bodies, there are scary and lonesome. Once the sun comes, they must go away.... no chance to return...
506 我們的浪漫組曲 Notre Suite Romantique
513 都市陷阱 Trap in the city
舞蹈內容:的確,當你愛上一個人,好像擁有了全世界。但有誰能像童話般幸 福快樂直到永遠?你能保證你不會遇上或當上第三者?走在一起的可以說散就 散。緣盡的時候,剩下的也許只有你一人...... Dance Description: When you are in love with someone., it feels like you are owning the whole world. But who can end happily ever after like the fairytales? Can you promise that you won’t met or be the intruder of a relationship? Couples broke up unexpectedly and easily. When it comes to the end, you may be the only one who is with you, yourself…
舞蹈內容:在這繁忙的香江都市中,都市人每日都進行緊密的工作。人們很多 時候都沒有好好享受過生活,只在這陷阱中苦中作樂,在這都市中,到底有多 少人跟我一樣每天在這陷阱走過呢? Dance Description: Hong Kong is a Metropolitan, renowned for its busy and stressful life. Everyone in lost this trap. Are you one of us, everyday getting in this trap?
507 在途上 On the Way 舞蹈內容:生命有許多茫然,許多無奈,人能拿揑的太小了﹗然而,當暮然回 首,孑然一身,畢竟曾經走過… Dance Description: There are lots of bewilderment and helplessness in life. What we can hold is very little. Yet, when looking back suddenly, we will find that after all, by ourselves, we have gone through ……
413 月影 Luna Shadow 舞蹈內容:月亮靜靜的映照在湖面上。置身其中,彷彿與月影湖水的悠然融合。 Dance Description: The moon is shining quietly on the lake. Staying there is like gently blending with the shadow of the moon and the lake water.
414 樹之殤 Death Of Forest 舞蹈內容:一片接著一片快速消失,荒山禿嶺、滿目瘡痍,難度要最後一棵樹 倒下時才幡然醒悟?? Dance Description: The forest is disappear piece by piece leaving a scene of devastation and bald everywhere in the mountain. Do we need to wait for the last plant to fall down before we WAKE up??
《新生》香港舞蹈團外展及教育部/聖公會莫壽增會督中學校友會 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽表演賽金獎
《鼓韻》碧華舞蹈團 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽金獎、【紫荊盃全場大獎】挑戰盃 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2012表演金獎、最佳服裝獎
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《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽》頒獎禮 馬逢國先生、陸恩美主席頒發獎項
《紫荊盃舞蹈大賽小紫荊盃作品賽》頒獎禮 曾鈺成先生、朱蓮芬榮譽會長頒發獎項
《紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽》頒獎禮 王英偉先生、白淑湘主席及劉兆銘先生頒發獎項 《紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽》評判團 (左起)冼源先生、白朗唐先生、鍾金寶女士、白淑湘主席、 賴秀峰博士、譚美蓮女士、張潤華先生
《徘徊》何泳濘 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(獨舞組)金獎
《云水•雨憶》臺灣唐藝 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(獨舞組)銅獎
《搖啊搖》劉曉怡 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(獨舞組)銀獎
《清風》深圳大學 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(獨舞組)銅獎
《畫夢》阮傑 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(獨舞組)銀獎
《守護》何皓斐 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013 (獨舞組)金獎
《東》深圳大學 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(小組群舞組)金獎
《做夢者》演藝學院 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013 (小組群舞組)銀獎
《迴》Les Danseurs Dance Troupe 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(小組群舞組)銀獎 《刀悅》紫荊花舞團 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013 (小組群舞組)銅獎
《牽•守》華南師範大學音樂學院研究生舞硯 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013(小組群舞組)銅獎
《紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2013》決賽及頒獎禮評判團 (左起)羅倫•伊瑾女士、白朗唐 先生、馬文靜教授、楊雲濤先生、馬躍教授、高成明先生、朱絜女士
參加團體 Participating Organizations 香港當代青年舞蹈團 Hong Kong Contemporary Youth Dancers
春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop
2008年成立,設兒童團、少年團及青年團,年齡由7-25歲。宗旨透過演出及比 賽活動提升團員的舞臺經驗及造藝。 HKCYD was founded in 2008 as a non-profit making organization. Members are aged from 7 to 25 year-old and divided into children, teens and youth troupe. The aim is to discover potential dance talents through the training of performances, dance competitions and cultural exchange, preparing them for future advanced education in local and international art schools.
舞蹈藝術是一種表達情感感性的渠道,讓我們舒發自己,讓我們看到舞蹈更廣 闊的天空,更積極正面的人生觀,創造美好人生。。。我們用傳承與教育方式 培養學生,尊重所有導師和學員,珍惜參予承傳舞蹈藝術文化每一位,期望舞 蹈藝術的精神能在這一代發揚光大。 Dance is an art to express our emotion, Dance let us perceive a wider worldview with positive attitude of life, create a better life. We inherit and educate our students to learn and perceive spirit of dance via various of dance (Chinese / Ballet / Jazz / Latin), develop their interests, inspire their beliefs and create a better life…
秦懿欣芭蕾舞學校 Ulian Chun Academy Of Dance 校長秦懿欣女士為英國皇家芭蕾舞學院考試官,致力推廣舞蹈藝術教育, 相信舞 蹈可培養學員健康、堅毅、樂觀和合群的素質。本校課涵括程芭蕾舞、爵士舞 及西方土風舞。 The school principal Ms Ulian Chun is an examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance, a advocator for Dance Education in the past 40 years. She believes that Dance could help to nurture health, perseverance, positive attitude and creativities of the students. 啟廸音樂舞蹈藝術中心 Cassidy & Arts 本中心之舞蹈組成2006年,由專業舞蹈導師培訓。舞種以拉丁舞和爵士舞為主, 亦涵蓋現代舞和西方舞,曾參與不同類型演出及比賽。 Professional instructors at Cassidy & Arts excel in teaching various western dance styles including Latin, Jazz and Modern. We have been involved in numerous performances and competitions since founded in 2006. 韵情舞坊 Kidance 成立於2003年,旨在發揚舞蹈藝術,培訓舞蹈人材及推廣中國舞等級考試課程, 讓學員在舞蹈世界內尋找樂趣,培養氣質及建立自信。 Kidance was set up in 2003. It aims at promoting the art of dance, cultivating and bringing up talents in dance enthusiastically, and organizing courses leading to Chinese Dance Graded Examination. Students are encouraged to develop their self-confidence and temperament in the world of dances. 儂情舞集 Forever Dance Troupe 儂情舞集是一班躍動舞台多年的舞者,演繹你、我、他的情懷,成立於2000年, 一直以來由團長梁其芬,副團長劉文鳳帶領參加多項比賽及表演,屢獲佳績;舞 團將會繼續參與交流及推動香港舞蹈文化發展。 Forever Dance Troupe is a group of experienced and dedicated dancers express their common ground with the burning flame of love in life. We are a non-profit-making dance organization and established in October 2000. Being led by Ms. Leung Ki fun and Lau Man Fung, the troupe participated in many competitions and performances and have won numerous acclaims. SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院 SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie SDM深信,每位小朋友經過悉心栽培後,都能成為思想正面、對社會有貢獻,及 具有影響力的「星級領袖」,向身邊人持續發光、發熱。SDM龐大的教師團隊, 為學員提供專業的舞蹈訓練,安排公開演出機會,提升自信及發揮團隊精神,讓 學員獲得全人發展,建立正面思想,發揮無限潛能。 SDM Jazz and Ballet Academie believes every child can become a Positive, Contributive and Influential Star Leader through formal training. The teachers of the SDM are experienced in choreography and teaching. It provides performance opportunities for their students in order to build up confidence, friendship and team spirit of the students. SDM Team including: SDM, SDM Elite, SDM Star, SDM Group, SDM Girl, SDM Elite Junior, SDM Junior, SDM Smarties , SDM Elite Star & Elite Group. 小水點兒童舞蹈團Hibiscus Kids Dance Group/ 小水點兒童爵士舞蹈團Hibiscus Kids Jazz Group 成立於2000年,由資深舞蹈家屈美娟女士創立,致力培養兒童於舞蹈藝術的興 趣,發揮所長,增強自信及合作精神,同年亦成立兒童爵士舞蹈團,提出專業 爵士舞培訓。 Formed in 2000 by Ms. Wat Mei Kuen Irene. Aiming to educate dance performance for kids in HK. Enhanced their self-confidence and developed their talent in performing arts. As the same time Ms. Wat formed a Kids Jazz Group. It is a Jazz Dance Academy for kids and youth in HK. Hibiscus Team including: Jazzy Girl, Crystal Queens, Dancing Angel, Hip Hoppin’ Gators, Rhythmic Hopper, Thundering Kidz, Diamond Doll, Girl Mover, King of Pop, Super Sparkler.
東方中國舞少年兒童舞蹈團/東方中國舞蹈團 Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe For Children And Youth/Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe 本團成立於1999年,由專業優秀的舞蹈教育者組成,主要老師有:朱茵、吳美 娟、陳丹、勞玲等。宗旨在弘揚中國舞蹈文化藝術,重點推廣《中國舞等級考 試課程》。 Our group was established in 1999 by a group of professional & distinguished dance educationists, our teachers include: Ms. Chu Yan, Ng Mei Kuen, Chen Dan & Lo Ling etc. We aim to promote the art of Chinese Dance with an emphasis on the《Chinese Dance Graded Examination》. 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School Of Ballet 毛妹芭蕾舞學校於1964年成立,創辦人廖本懷夫人毛妹太平紳士多年來培育了 不少芭蕾舞人材、編導、演員、藝術舞台工作者,亦致力推廣及發展各種舞蹈。 學校享有崇高的國際地位。 Christine Liao School of Ballet was established in 1964 for training of ballet for students of all age groups. The Director - Principal, Mrs Christine Liao, JP, FHKAPA, has dedicated herself to promoting ballet as an art form in Hong Kong over the past 49 years. The School enjoys high prestige worldwide and has an international reputation. 星榆舞蹈團、星榆兒童舞蹈團 Starwave Production, Starwave Junior Production 星榆舞蹈團自成立以來曾多次參與本港及外地大型舞蹈活動,多次代表總會在 香港政府主辦的國慶及升旗禮酒會中演出,並為2008年馬術奧運會及回歸文藝 晚會創作和表演舞蹈。舞團曾多次參加國內舉辦的民族藝術節,獲獎無數;在 本地及外國的公開比賽中成績卓越,屢獲殊榮,作品包括中國舞、現代舞、當 代舞等。舞團歷年也創作了多個大型新派古典原創舞劇、現代舞劇、多媒體舞 蹈詩及跨媒體創作舞蹈詩,備受好評。 The Starwave Production is a subsidiary performance group of the Starwave Dancing Academy. Starwave Production has been participating in varied grand local dance functions throughout the years. It was honored to be invited by HKSAR Government to perform in the National Day Celebration Events, the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong Reunification Cultural Show as well as the Equestrian Olympic Games 2008. Apart from partaking in local dance functions, the group has taken part in external dance performances as Hong Kong representative in the Mainland China. It has also obtained brilliant results in various open dance competitions in Hong Kong and overseas. Besides Chinese dance, modern and contemporary dance, the group has engaged in the choreography of large-scale nouveau classical dance dramas, modern dance dramas, multimedia dance poems and cross-media dance poems, all receiving favourable comments. 舞術館少年團 Dance Palace (Youth Troupe) 曉舞蹈教室 Dynamic Dawn Studio 2010成立,藉舞蹈教育啟發兒童思考,發揚中國舞蹈藝術的精髓。除北京舞蹈 學院等級考試課程外,更安排學生參加與公開舞蹈演出及比賽,獲取寶貴的舞 台經驗。2012年憑舞蹈《颼颼》獲紫荊盃國際邀請賽最高榮譽之「紫荊盃國際 大獎」及紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽銀獎。 Established in 2010, Dynamic Dawn Studio aims at inspiring children through dance Education and developing the quintessence of Chinese dances. Besides taking the Chinese dance graded examinations of Beijing Dance Academy, students of Dynamic Dawn Studio will compete and perform in order to acquire experiences from stage. Dynamic Dawn Studio was a winner of the Bauhinia Cup International Dance Invitation Championships 2012 and its work“Drifting in the Wind”won the Silver Award of Bauhinia Cup-Originality.
舞術館 Dance Palace 舞術館致力於不同環境、場合、機構、推動舞蹈予各階層。透過課堂、演出, 讓大家培養興趣,促進交流。 Dance Palace endeavors to promote dance to communities and associations in HK by establishing dancing classes and offering dance shows for children and teenagers.
節目表 Programme
601 紅燈籠 Red Lantern
614 姑娘 The Beauties
舞蹈內容:姑娘手執紅燈籠,熱熱鬧鬧在舞動。跳出漢族的多姿,共談當中的 趣事。 Dance Description: Young girls are dancing excitedly with red lanterns, exchanging interesting episodes and displaying the varied and graceful style of Han dance.
舞蹈內容:一群藏族姑娘以爽朗的舞姿表現著喜悅的心情。 Dance Description: A group of Tibetan girls are dancing with their hearty performance to express their joy.
602 (同509) 603 掀起你的蓋頭來 Lifting Up Your Veil 舞蹈內容:窈窕淑女,君子好逑,一群雄糾糾的少年,遇上了一群青春少艾。 少年們為博紅顏一笑,展現出他們精湛的舞藝,到底能得到少女們的歡心嗎? Dance Description: A gentle and graceful young woman is a gentleman’s good mate. A group of valiant young men meet a group of young women. In order to win the beauties’ favour, the young men show off their exquisite dance techniques. Could they make it?
604 (同507) 605 蘇格蘭舞 Scottish Dance 舞蹈內容:這舞是利用不同之傳統蘇格蘭高地舞步配合現代演奏方式去演譯的 一首舞蹈。 Dance Description: This dance is to show the progression of Scottish tradition into modern performance, using very traditional steps next to very recent ones.
606 生命之延 The Continuance of Life 舞蹈內容:我們祈求,我們祝福,生命的延續。 Dance Description: We pray, we bless, for the miracle of life to go on.
607 繡球女 Girls with the Silk Ball 舞蹈內容:繡球象徵吉祥和平安…壯族姑娘快將披上嫁衣出嫁了,一群好姊妹 高舉繡球,送上祝福,但願她吉祥如意,幸福快樂。 Dance Description: Silk ball represents auspicion and peace. A Zhuang girl is getting married. Her bridesmaids lift the silk ball and give her blessings, wishing her good luck, good fortune and complete happiness.
608 愛幻夢境 The Dreamworld 舞蹈內容:在這個夢幻世界中, 只有愛才是永恆不止。 Dance Description: In this fantasy world, only LOVE is eternal.
609 雪花與玫瑰 Spray of Lovely Rose in Snow 舞蹈內容:漫天起雪,滿山佈滿了一朵朵的玫瑰,哈薩克族用舞蹈表達她們的 美好生活和堅貞純潔的愛情的嚮往。 Dance Description: Snowy mountain covered with blossoming roses, Kazakhs express their good life and their believes in pure love with dance.
610 敲起鼓兒樂悠悠 Happy Drumers 舞蹈內容:小長鼓,握在手,輕輕敲,咚噠咚噠,鼓聲多清脆,齊齊舞,踏跳 踏跳,舞步多輕快;朝鮮姑娘敲起鼓兒樂悠悠。 Dance Description: The Chaoxian lasses are playing their little long drums and dancing joyfully. Their drums are clear and melodious, and their steps light and brisk.
611 喜鵲喳喳喳 Magpie 舞蹈內容:喜鵲是人們喜愛的鳥類,是好運與福氣的象徵。舞蹈表現出它靈活 機敏的特性,再現了它們熱愛生活,群居喜戲及打逗的可愛場面。 Dance Description: In Chinese culture, magpie is the messenger of luck and happiness. This dance exhibits how magpie play together for fun and reveals their flexibility, agility and passion for life.
612 麼舍咯 The Lovely Girls 舞蹈內容:麼舍咯為彝族方言,意思是充滿活力的少女。每逢火把節,亦是彝 族男女選擇情侶的節日,他們就繞住農田,邊走邊唱,當少年們發出宏亮的歌 聲和吼聲時,少女就飄動翻飛著長裙,舞出了她們心靈節奏… Dance Description: 'Mo-she-lo' which means lovely girls in the words of The Yi people. This dance celebrates a very important festival for the Yi. The Torch Festival for 3 days, men and women, young and old, carry flaming torches and they engage in a variety of activities. This is also a good time to meet possible husbands or wives. The young men sing loudly and the young girls dance along.their flexibility, agility and passion for life.
613 (510相同)
紫荊盃Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 群舞(表演)Group(Perfromance)
615 擺手女兒家 Notre Suite Romantique 舞蹈內容:土家族的姑娘透過雙手做出小擺、中擺及旋轉擺等的動作,越跳越 興奮,越跳越跳出土家族姑娘活潑豪爽的真性情。 Dance Description: The ladies from Tujia Minority are using both hands and dance excitingly showing various extents of hand-waving and spin-waving etc. and exhibit their bright and forthright temperament through the dance.
616 嘎麗 Galli 舞蹈內容:一群絕美的女子,用着時而含蓄,時而狂放的舞姿,撩撥起對山山 水水的情。 Dance Description: Group of beautiful woman, with a sometimes subtle and sometimes spun from the wild dance of love fur the mountains and rivers.
617 嘉域卡少女圓舞曲 Karicka 舞蹈內容:此舞蹈位於斯洛伐克東部,為一首女子形態舞蹈,音樂由慢至快, 節奏明確,舞蹈描寫一群女孩提著花籃,配合優美旋律,載歌載舞迎接春天來 臨。 Dance Description: A girl dance originates from the east of Slovakia. The music is from slow to fast and the rhythm is very clear. The dance depicts a group of girls with baskets of flowers welcoming spring with song and dance.
618 竹韵 Dancing In The Bamboo Forest 舞蹈內容:本來僻靜的傣族山寨的竹海裡隱約發出一些聲音,雖看不見人但聲 音卻愈來愈近,在明月的相伴下,撥開竹林竟發現了一班如花似玉的傣族少女; 為著即將來丁花街節而開心地跳著舞。 Dance Description: There are some voices came from the quiet bamboo forest of the "DAI" village. The voices were closer and closer even though we didn't see any people. With the bright moon, we discovered a group of charming and young girls were dancing together happily due to the coming "Flower Street Festival" after the bamboos had been pushed aside.
619 Upgrade U Dance Description: Come on! Let’s do better than now. We believe that we have the ability to drive for our dreams, our better life.
2012舞蹈比賽選輯 《Be Happy》SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院 小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽金獎、【小紫荊盃全場大獎】挑戰盃 《就是這樣停不了》小水點舞蹈團 小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽銅獎
《鼓兒咚咚》星榆兒童舞蹈團 小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽銀獎
《小白鷺》韵情舞坊 小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽表演賽銀獎
《舞好玩》小水點舞蹈團 小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽表演賽金獎
《爬坡上歡》苗徽舞集 小紫荊盃舞蹈大賽表演賽銅獎
《春雨瀟瀟》藝林舞坊 紫荊盃作品賽優異獎
《阿婆的幸福生活》天中舞蹈組 紫荊盃作品賽優異獎
《Jellicle Cats》鍾澄舞集 小紫荊盃作品賽優異獎
《斯洛伐克少女圓舞曲》 全藝歐洲民族舞蹈 小紫荊盃表演賽優異獎
《Reincarnation》聖保祿學校(中學部) 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽表演賽銀獎
《天問》La P En V 優之舞 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽作品賽銅獎 紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽2012表演銀獎
參加團體 Participating Organizations 鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校 Ivy Chung School Of Ballet
羅逸雅芭蕾舞爵士舞學校 Shelly Lo Jazz & Ballet School
鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校為學員悉心安排合適的專訓,鼓勵他們參加本地及國際賽事, 創作高質素演出,將學員提升至國際水平。 Our school aims to nurture young ballet talents by giving them the best possible preparation to becoming a successful professional dancer. To build up better self-confidence, Ivy Chung frequently encouraged her own students to enter into open ballet competitions organized by renowned dance groups.
羅逸雅芭蕾舞爵士舞學校創辦於1999年,專門教授古典芭蕾舞及爵士舞,每年均保 送學生參加英國皇家芭蕾舞(R.A.D.)舉辦之芭蕾舞分級考試及澳洲舞蹈教師協會 (A.T.O.D.)舉辦之爵士舞分級考試。 Shelly Lo Jazz & Ballet School is established in 1999, we are specialized to teach classical ballet and jazz. We recommend our students to seat for the graded examinations offered by Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D.) and Australian Teachers of Dance Limited (A.T.O.D.).
小花仙舞蹈學院 Flower’ s Angel Dance Academy
龍騰舞蹈藝術中心有限公司 Dragon Dance And Arts Centre Limited
小花仙舞蹈學院成立於2007年,為元朗區一所多元化舞蹈學校。提供全面性芭 蕾舞、中國舞、爵士舞及拉丁舞訓練。視培育舞蹈新苗為己任,以達到德、智、 體、群、美五育均衡發展。 Flower’ s Angel Dance Academy is established in 2007. It is a diversified dancing school provided comprehensive training in ballet, Chinese dance, jazz and Latin dance in Yuen Long. Aims at fostering new dancers, providing training to enlighten students’development on moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetics aspects.
心中有舞,永不放棄! Heart dance, never give up !
左惠珍舞蹈劇場 / Fasciation (左惠珍舞動狂熱) Virginia Dance Theatre / Fasciation (Vriginia Dance Fantasy) 【左惠珍舞蹈劇場】致力於舞蹈教學工作,學員透過多種演出和比賽機會來提升 個人舞蹈質素、自信心及培養合作精神。 Virginia Dance Theater devotes to the dance teaching profession. Let the students built-up their dance technique, self-confidence and to raise team spirit by join different performance and competition opportunities. KING'S香港藝術體操芭蕾舞學院 KING'S Rhythmic Gymnastics Ballet Academy of Hong Kong KING’ S是全港第1間藝術體操舞蹈學府。引進了英國藝術體操考試課程同時亦 提供澳洲CSTD課程,讓學生學習到舞蹈的樂趣同時訂下目標並具備國際認證。 KING’ S is the first - ever Rhythmic Gymnastics & Dance Academy in Hong Kong providing UKRG exam & CSTD exam for students to enjoy rhythmic gymnastics & dance. Qualified students will be recommended to attend the internationally recognized examination & have the opportunity to attend stage performances & competition.
赤蹈 Altricial Dance Troupe 以一顆赤子之心,視舞蹈創作為目標,推廣舞蹈藝術文化。 With single-minded devotion and enthusiasm on choreography and seeks to promote the arts culture of dancing. 香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association 香港紫荊花舞蹈團為一非牟利團體,旨為培養本地青年舞蹈家發揚傳統舞蹈, 推動中國舞蹈發展及促進本港與外地交流。於九七年起與多個內地舞蹈團合作 演出,演出好評如潮。更於二零一二年參加北京少數民族舞蹈比賽及香港紫荊 盃舞蹈大賽,同樣獲得多項獎項。 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association is a non-profitable organization. It promotes the traditional dance culture to the youth dancers and enhances the creativity and education of dance by organizing various exchange programmes and performances both in Hong Kong and overseas. The dance association has been actively involved in performances and competitions. It has won a number of awards and having great acclaim.
Joystars Academy
Ivy’s Ballet Company
Joystars是藝術體操舞蹈的跳舞團體,成員有公開表演和比賽經驗,贏了獎項 及讚賞。 我們希望提供年青人有一個健康的活動及興趣。 Joystar is a rhythmic gymnastics dance group. It is a new group of youngsters. Eventhough they are young , most of them do have experience in open competitions and enjoyed the fun of dancing.
Ivy's Ballet Company 於2002 年成立,舞團宗旨是竭力培養新一代的舞蹈家。 目標推動香港舞 蹈文化發展,提高青少年對舞蹈創作的興趣,擴闊團員在舞蹈 上的視野、提供公開演出及國際文化交流的機會。關懷社區,為弱勢社群提供 舞蹈培訓服務。 Ivy's Ballet Company was established in 2002, and we are dedicated to nurturing ballet talents while actively promoting the art of ballet via community outreach activities and performances. With our annual productions, we have not only increased the scope of performance opportunities for our students, but also have stimulated the appreciations of ballet to a wider group of audiences."
舞工廠體藝會 Dance Factory Sporting Club 「舞工廠體會」於2005年成立,目的在推廣舞蹈藝術及健康運動,希望能給予 新一代更多機會學習不同種類的舞蹈和參與演出,培育其舞蹈興趣及潛質的兒 童有豐富的經驗。多年來致力教育及推廣舞蹈及體育文化藝術,並且通過運動 來強健身體。 Our group is established in 2005. The main purpose of establishing this group is to promote the art of dances as well as the health of sports, We hope to provide more chances to the teenagers to learn different kind of dancers and participate in various performances in order to build up their interest in dancing and increase their performance experiences. We have been doing very well so far as per our group’s main purpose.
聖嘉勒女書院 St. Clare's Girls School 本團旨在培育團員的舞蹈及表演,增強團員的自信心及表演力;提高團員對中 國文化的了解及認知,和培養他們的團隊合作精神。 We aim to develop our members’dance techniques and performance skills, such as confidence and interpretation; to increase students’awareness about Chinese culture and to foster teamwork among members.
藝苗舞蹈團 Les Petites Ballerina Dance Troupe
Jay舞團 Jay Dance Company
希望舞蹈這種藝術能夠普及;將舞蹈推廣到不同的階層:學校及社區等;給學 員安排及製造更多機會接觸及欣賞舞蹈藝術,藉此增強她們的自我形象和自信 心,給他們一些培訓的機會。 This is a non-profit dance troupe. Our mission is to promote art and cultural development, especially in dance art, in the children community. Through dance performance, children may also gain self confident and self-esteem. All assets and any profit gained will be donated for charity with appropriate receipt upon dismissal of the troupe.
Jay舞團傳承中國舞氣韻,加入現代手法及技巧,以致發揮中國舞在香港的特色! Inheriting the artistic conception of Chinese dance, Jay Dance Company creates works with Hong Kong characteristics by means of modern skills and techniques.
纋雅芭蕾舞學校 Glamor Ballet School 纋雅芭蕾舞學校於2011年成立,致力培養芭蕾舞及爵士舞藝術發展,學生藝術修 養及品格。學生績極參與各項比賽及演出,分別獲得第一屆香港挑戰盃金獎及最佳 表演獎,第九屆北京德藝雙馨舞蹈比賽金獎,第三十屆沙田區舞蹈比賽銀獎等。 Founded in 2011 by Claudia Yeung, Glamor Ballet School aim at ballet and jazz development in Hong Kong. Students participate actively in competitions and performance. They got numerous awards including Gold & Best Performance Award in the 1st HK Challenge Cup, Silver Award in the 30th Shatin Dance Contest, Gold Award in the 9th Beijing Dance Competition. Students also participated in the Disney Parade Performance in 2013.
心刻舞蹈團 Heart Makes Art 心刻舞蹈團由鍾鎧汶女士於2011年創立,提倡原創藝術。用心雕刻動作,以舞 蹈抒發情感。 “Heart Makes Art”was founded by Ms. June Chung in 2011, promote creation of Arts. Heart to carve motion, Dance to express emotion.
參加團體 Participating Organizations La P En V優之舞 La P En V Innovative Dance Platform
苗徽舞集 The Sprout
以發揚和傳承藝術為理念,並積極培育本土舞蹈精英,推動和發展舞蹈藝術,更 會融入中西文化,創作優質舞蹈作品。 Spreads and continues the art of Chinese Dance, trains local talents, promotes and develops the art of dancing, blends in different cultures, creates high quality works.
致力推動本地舞蹈文化教育,以培育新苗為宗旨。演出劇目大部份以大膽新穎 的風格,在傳統基礎上創作,凝造出富現代感的效果,冒求令觀眾耳目一新。 The Sprout’s aim is to develop children’s interest in Chinese Dancing. The Sprout dancing performance is based on traditional dancing skills and technique. In order to provide the best performance to the audience, our calligraphy combines contemporary and creative style.
沙田蘇浙公學舞蹈學會 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin) Dance Club 本校提供免費舞蹈訓練,亦開設體育舞蹈班,每年在各項比賽均獲獎無數。此 外,每年與辦班際比賽及匯演,藉以培養學生對舞蹈藝術的興趣。 Our school provides students with free Chinese dance trainings as well as dance sport trainings. Our club has won numerous prizes in various competitions. Besides we organize inter-class dance competitions and dance expo at school every year in order to cultivate students’interest in aesthetic aspect. 小明星舞蹈團 Newstars Dance Troupe 我們是一群熱愛中國舞的學生。在富有經驗的專業老師帶領下,經過多年的中 國舞考級課程訓練,今天我們邁向舞台,用我們的演技來抒發對舞蹈的情感, 開闢一片青春活力的新天地。 We are a group of passionate students who love Chinese dance. After years of training in grading test course, today, we are ready to perform on the stage again. We are going to express our energy in a whole new world. 全藝歐洲民族舞蹈團 Versatile Folk Dance Troupe 本團團長為周全輝,宗旨是介紹及推廣歐洲民族舞蹈,舉辦多元化舞蹈活動, 為社區人士及學生提供學習和演出的機會。 Founded by CHAU Chuen-fai, the Troupe aims at introducing and promoting European Folk Dancing as well as organizinig various dance activities to provide learning and performing opportunities for students and people in communities. 筲箕灣東官立中學 Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School 我們是來自筲箕灣東官立中學的跳舞組合~F.A.T,意思Fi And Teens。看著我 們成長的阿Fi帶領著我們參與比賽、表演,她不單是教導舞蹈,還感染了我們 對跳舞的熱誠和投入,為自己和大家許下的目標而努力。 才藝坊 Art Workshop 才藝坊是一個新成立的註冊團體,宗旨是透過開辦西方民族舞訓練課程、工作 坊及編排表演舞蹈去推廣西方民族舞蹈。 Art Workshop is a newly developed organization which offers western folk dance workshops and arranges cultural performances upon certain occasions. We aim to introduce varied western cultures to the general public of Hong Kong. 舞界限舞蹈團 Beyond Dance Theatre 舞界限舞蹈團成立於2012年,由一班本土香港專業舞蹈家及專材成立。舞團致 力推廣專業舞蹈文化,培育新一代舞蹈專才及提升大衆對專業舞蹈文化的認知 與欣賞。同時舞團提供不同類型的創作機會給予駐團舞者,並邀請不同的舞蹈 家授課及交流以提昇舞者對不同舞蹈類型及風格的認識,藉此突破舞者對自我 身體的界限。 Beyond Dance Theatre aims to promote professional dance culture, nurture new generations of professional dancers and raise public appreciation and awareness to dance. By working with different artists, dancers exchange ideas and thoughts to enhance their artistry, and breaking through their physical limitations.
勵志會陳鄭潔雲舞蹈坊 The Endeavourers Chan Cheng Kit Wan 本會是一個非牟利團體,致力培訓對中國舞愛好者。 We are a non-profit making Organization, strive to provide training for Chinese dance lovers. 星榆舞蹈學校 Star Wave Dance Academy 星榆舞蹈學校由資深舞蹈導師鄭偉容女士創辦,李艾琳女士任校長。以培育舞 蹈新苗為宗旨,讓愛好舞蹈的青少年及兒童能學習到舞蹈的基本技術,培養健 全的身心。學校致力推廣“中國舞分級考試課程”及“澳洲爵士舞分級考試課 程” ;另設有成人中國舞、芭蕾舞、流行爵士舞和健康舞課程等。 Starwave Dance Academy, founded by the experienced dance teacher Miss Cheng Wai-yung, Eileen Lee be the Principal, aims at training new talents in dance and providing a good environment for dance lovers to learn basic techniques in dance and to become sound in body and mind. Apart from Chinese dance, ballet, jazz and fitness dance, the Chinese Dance Graded Examination and the CSTD Jazz Graded Examination are actively promoted in the Academy. 星榆舞蹈劇場 Starwave Dance Theatre 星榆舞蹈劇場是由一眾多媒體藝術創作人所創辦,以探索在當代藝術中無限的 創作意念為己任。 Starwave Dance Theatre is a unique, contemporary dance group, driven to explore the unlimited creative possibilities within the art form. 屯門舞蹈團 Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association 屯門舞蹈團由專業舞蹈家劉佩雄先生任藝術總監,舞團現有人員400多人。每 年舉行三場舞蹈表演,六場比賽及一場優勝表演。舞蹈班並有85班,包括中國 舞、芭蕾舞、爵士舞及拉丁舞。 Tuen Mun Dance Company has invited a professional and celebrated dancer, Mr. Lau Pui Hung as the artistic director. It has more than 400 members at present and will organize three dance performances, six competitions and one winners’performance each year. There are altogether 85 dance classes including Chinese dance, Ballet, Jazz and Latin America.
中西區兒童舞蹈團 Central And Western District Children Dancing Troupe 中西區兒童舞蹈團為中西區文化藝術協會屬下的一個組織,目標向區內小朋友 推廣中國舞及為她們提供一項有益的課餘活動。透過參加中國舞分級考試、周 年匯演及其他交流活動等,讓小朋友喜歡舞蹈,懂得欣賞舞蹈。 Central & Western District Children Dancing Troupe, Central &Western District Assn. for Arts & Culture, aims to promote Chinese dance as an extra-curricular activity to the children in the district.
演員名單 Dancers 啟廸音樂舞蹈藝術中心 Cassidy & Arts
SDM Elite Junior
Ivy’s Ballet Company
鄭芷霖 梁曉詠
張雅晴 蔡卓豫 王千晴 陳以澄 趙海程 曾佩欣 曾思雅 鍾蕊如 詹希圓 詹景嵐 謝卓忻 古心宜 郭希嵐 黃祖琪 黃祖欣 張雅晴 蕭苑澄 何沛澄 黃明鈺 鍾芯怡 雷芷柔 林煦齡 林照明 陳鉦䤭 李晞瑜
陳祉呈 袁奡忻 陸慶詠 梁思齊 甄珀喬 黃藹嵐 梁信賢 張綽雯 梁希雯 黃卓喬 黎配塋 謝甲賢 顧惠淳 黎奕詩
Cheng Tsz Lam Leung Hiu Wing
SDM Star 黃皓津 羅梓菱
Wong Ho Chun Law Chi Ling Janice
小水點 Jazzy Girl Hibiscus Jazzy Girl 周芯悅
Chau Sum Yuet
SDM 謝曉君 鄺頌琪
Tse Hiu Kwan Kwong Chung Ki Joanne
小水點Crystal Queens Hibiscus Crystal Queens 譚寶瑤 林靖翹
Tam Bo Yiu Lam Ching Kiu
Cheung Nga Ching Chloe Choi Cheuk Yu Wong Chin Ching Chan Yee Ching Chiu Hoi Ching Tsang Pui Yan Tsang Sze Nga Chung Yui Yu Jiam Hayley Hei Yuen Chim King Laam Clayton Tse Cheuk Yan Koo Sum Yee Kwok Hei Laam Huang Cho Ki Huang Cho Yan Chloe Cheung Nga Ching Chloe Shiu Yuen Ching Ho Pui Ching Wong Ming Yuk Chung Sum Yee Belle Lui Vanessa Tsz Yau Lam Hui Ling Lam Hui Ming Chan Ching Hei Lee Hei Yu
Chan Tsz Ching Yuen Hennes Ao Xin Luk Hing Wing Leung Sze Chai Yan Pak Kiu Anisia Oi Laam Wong Leung Shun Yin Cheung Kaitlyn Elizabeth Leung Hilary Wong Cheuk Kiu Lai Pearly Bellita Tse Kap Yin Ku Wai Shun Lai Yik Sze
SDM Elite Star 張鏝楞 郭靖晞 劉卓盈
Cheung Man Leng Kwok Dzing Hei Lau Cheuk Ying
小水點Hip Hoppin' Gators Hibiscus Hip Hoppin' Gators 杜泳昕 李昭緯
To Wing Yan Lee Chiu Wai
星榆舞蹈劇場 Starwave Dance Theatre 黎海晴
Lai Hoi Ching JoJo
Jay舞團 Jay Dance Company 藍彥怡
Lam Yin Yi
獨立舞者 Independent Dancer 蕭嘉曼 鄧思寧 林莉華 王嘉維 梁儉豐
Siu Ka Man Tang Celine Laurelle Lin Li Hua Wong Ka Wai Leung Kim Fung
小水點 Dancing Angel Hibiscus Dancing Angel 談諾澄
Tam Lok Ching
演員名單 Dancers
小水點兒童舞蹈團 Hibiscus Kids Dance Group 王譽澄 黃曉瑩 黃錫熙 林芷瑩 梁永樂 杜芷欣 周梓豪 霍心愉 李穎軒 連珈唯 葉曉晴 李愷翹 何慶麟 鍾康銚 呂羿亨 林欣桐 蘇巧賢 馬心沂 陳善怡 王梓晴
Wong Yu Ching Wong Hiu Ying Wong Sik Hei Lam Tsz Ying Leung Wing Lok To Tsz Yan Chow Tsz Ho Fok Sum Yu Zoe Lee Wing Hin Lin Ka Wai Yip Hiu Ching Lee Hoi Kiu Ho Hing Lun Chung Hong Iu Lui Ngai Hang Angus Lam Yan Tung So Hau Yin Ma Sum Yi Chan Sin Yi Wong Tsz Ching
Ng Man Wai Zita
SDM Girl 何思澄
Ho Sze Ching
小水點 Rhythmic Hopper Hibiscus Rhythmic Hopper 鄧施恩
Tang Sze Yan
To Tsz Yan Wong Yu Ching So Yeuk Fei
Joystars Academy 陳穎彤 方慶霖 張家鈴 陳家恩 許晴惠 許臻麗 黎思樂 張天晴 黃恩妤 黃祖兒 朱洛儀 廖海茵 吳祉瑤
Chan Alison Beverley Fong Hing Lam Cheung Ka Ling Kelly Chan Ka Yan Hsu Ching Wai Haru Hsu Chun Lai Angela Lai Sze Lok Charlotte Cheung Tin Ching Huang Sophie Huang Joey Chu Lok Yee Lui Hoi Yan Ivy Ng Tsz Yiu Viann
林倩如 吳仲喬 張伊晴 林衍里 陳芍霖
Lam Siu Yu Ng Chung Kiu Teoh Yee Cheng Michelle Lam Hin Li Chan Cheuk Lam
小水點Super Sparkler Hibiscus Super Sparkler 周天晞
Chow Tin Hei Hebe
小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Group
Shelly De Mozz Jazz & Ballet Academie
吳頌茹 周天晞 譚寶瑤 王偉權 黃寶慧 蘇子尹 羅御禕 黃譜諺 周芯悅 李希雪 湯曉琳 李昭緯 杜泳昕 陳煜翀 郭曉婷 林靖翹 欒子瑄 黃凱蔚 鄭子浩 洪樂恩 王穎浠 林思妤 陳建萍 馮煒程 施靖嵐 廖詩寧 何祖宜 黃以晴 陳煒琳 陳穎蓉 丘愷頌 王浠桐 封芷晴 屈巧騫
Ng Chung Yu Chow Tin Hei, Hebe Tam Bo Yiu Wong Wai Kuen Wong Po Wai So Tsz Wan, Amber Law Ue Wei Wong Cheryl Chau Sum Yuet Lee Hei Suet Chloe Tong Hiu Lam Lee Chiu Wai To Wing Yan Chan Yuk Chung Kwok Hiu Ting Lam Ching Kiu Luen Tsz Huen, Jessie Wong Hoi Wai Cheng Tsz Ho Hung Lok Yan Laren Wong Wing Hey Lam Sze Yue Chan Kin Ping Fung Wai Ching Sze Ching Laam Liu Sze Ning Ho Cho Yee Wong Yee Ching Biki Chan Wai Lam Chan Wing Yung Yau Hoi Chung Wong Hey Tone KoKo Fung Tsz Ching Watt Hau Hin Lavina
SDM Smarties 謝渝殷 謝佩穎 萬沅桐
Tse Yu Yan Charlotte Tse Pui Wing Man Yuen Tung
秦懿欣芭蕾舞學校 Ulian Chun Academy Of Dance 林靖淘 林靖淳
杜芷欣 王譽澄 蘇若斐
香港當代青年舞蹈團 Hong Kong Contemporary Youth Dancers
SDM Group 吳汶蔚
小水點Thundering Kidz Hibiscus Thundering Kidz
Lam Ching Tao Toby Lam Ching Shun Suey
Chan Giselle
SDM Junior 曹汶慧 戴沛宜 林楚琪
Cho Man Wai Tee Jennifer Lam Cho Ki
筲箕灣東官立中學 Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School 王燕蘭 陸文涓 陳家鈴 陳琬閏 吳依琦 鍾潔敏 馬詩敏 馬詩慧 冼慧琪 胡凱雯 羅曉漫 石嘉儀 洪韻淇 方思敏
Wong Yin Lan Luk Man Kuen Chan Ka Ling Chan Yuen Yun Ng Yee Kei Chung Kit Man Ma Sze Man Ma Sze Wai Sin Wai Ki Wu Hoi Man Law Hiu Man Shek Ka Yee Hung Wan Ki Fong Sze Man
藝苗舞蹈團 Les Petites Ballerina Dance Troupe 譚凱慈 鄧雅堯 何壁如 黃采琳 侯彥琳 唐婥蔚 梁子晴 葉翠茵 何穎妍 陳卓彤 陳思朗 陳見朗 許雪敏 林泳伽 梁敏賢 何翠瑩 林駿祺 區穎怡 劉祉渝 戴曉華 吳秋瑩 李海寧 何媛忻 林欣穎 李珈穎 戴穎怡 鍾沛霖 鍾沛彤
Tam Hoi Chi Tang Nga Yiu Ho Bik Yu Warmm Tsoi Lam How Yin Lam Tong Cheuk Wai Leung Tsz Ching Yip Chui Yan Ho Wing Yin Janice Chan Joyce Chan Shannon Chan Janice Hui Suet Man Snoopy Lam Wing Ka Bianca Leung Calrina Ho Chui Ying Lam Chun Ki Au Wing Yi Lau Tsz Yu Tai Hiu Wa Ng Chau Ying Lee Hoi Ling Ho Wun Yan Lam Yan Wing Li Ka Wing Tai Wing Yee Olivia Chung Pui Lam Chung Pui Tung
SDM Elite Group
舞工廠體藝會 Dance Factory Sporting Club
何思澄 馬澤瑩 黃皓津 梅淑妍 梅詠欣 宋卓遙 何敏華 陳韻曦 吳汶蔚 梁洛嘉 黎曉蔚 張茵晴 吳泇睿
楊濠汶 李珮瑩 鄭鈁禧 馬芷瑩 羅曉程 李家盈 黃雅希 陳詩雅 許希雯 謝樂垚 曾嘉麗 張子慧 梁愛翹 魏詠盈 劉兆欣 黃雅雯 曾海霖 李鎔汝 楊挺嫣 鍾翊 馮月明 陳曉瞳 梁日嵐 葉靜彤 林諾兒 黃諾恩 陳芷蕎 李卿菱 林靜楠 周悅 劉淑婷 顏翊芯 江旻璇 陸漫珈
Ho Sze Ching Ma Chak Ying Wong Ho Chun Mui Shuk Yin Renessa Mui Wing Yan Rainkie Sung Cheuk Yiu Ho Man Wah Chan Giselle Ng Man Wai Zita Leung Lok Ka Amelia Lai Hiu Wai Joyce Chiramanee Evelyn Ng Ka Yui
SDM Elite 張鏝楞 麥可琳 劉卓盈 劉蕙瑜 馮心瑤 李穎澄 葉一橋 王謙雪 郭靖晞 賴卓瑤 林維鋒
Cheung Man Leng Mak Ho Lam Zoe Lau Cheuk Ying Lau Wai Yue Fung Sum Yiu Lee Noella Yip Yat Kiu Wong Him Suet Kwok Dzing Hei Lai Cheuk Yiu Lam Wai Fung
浸信會永隆中學 Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 賴詠欣 鍾乙琳 盧遠微 馬曉琳 葉煦礽 陳潔盈 胡家慈 賴凱欣 程穎臻 江悠探 鍾梓倫 陳煒琳 許冬儀 黃穎賢 葉潔珊 黎雅妍 陳嘉棋
Lai Wing Yan Chung Yuet Lam Lo Yuen Mei Ma Hiu Lam Yip Hui Ying Chan Kit Ying Wu Ka Chi Lai Hoi Yan Ching Wing Chun Kong Yau Tam Chung Tse Lun Chan Wai Lam Hua Tung Yee Wong Wing Yin Yip Kit Shan Lai Nga In, Zoe Chan Ka Ki
舞術館 Dance Palace 黃靜雯 陳思名 李千婷 梅天穎 鄺思桐 洪嘉珩 顏天穎 楊愛妍 文焯榆 黃嘉嵐 藍星喻 趙思珩 李昕桐 胡嘉晴 劉宵希 劉巧琳 繆家怡 陳裕珊 任慧明 黃詩淇 賴凱欣 鄺明慧 李喬安 陸映彤 鄭敏堯 賴詠欣 李彥潼 劉煒彤 沈彤 高穎 羅玉虹 譚深琪
Wong Ching Man Chan Sze Ming Li Chin Ting Victoria Mui Tin Wing Kwong Yan Tung Hung Ka Hang Nan Tin Wing Yeung Oi Yin Crystal Man Check Yu Wong Ga Laam Lan Sing Ue Chiu Sze Hang Li Yan Tung Wu Ka Ching Lau Siu Hei Lau Hau Lam Mau Ka Yi Chan Yu Shan Yam Wai Ming Wong Sze Ki Lai Hoi Yan Kwong Ming Wai Lee Kiu On, Joanne Luk Ying Tong Cheng Man Yiu Lai Wing Yan Lee Yin Tung Lau Wei Tung Shum Tung Ko Wing Law Yuk Hung Tam Sum Ki
Yeung Ho Man Lee Pui Ying Cheng Fong Hei Na Tsz Ying Lo Hiu Ching Anna Li Ka Ying Wong Nga Hei Chan Sze Nga Hui Hei Man Tse Lok Yiu Tsang Ka Lai Cheung Tze Wai Leung Oi Kiu Ngai Wing Ying Lau Siu Yan Wong Nga Man Tsang Hoi Lan Claire Lee Yung Yu Yeung Ting Yin Zhong Yik Fung Yuet Ming Chan Hiu Tung Leung Yat Lam Yip Kristy Lam Nok Yi Wong Nok Yan Chan Tsz Kiu Lee Hing Ling Lam Ching Nam Chow Yuet Lau Shuk Ting Ngan Yik Sum Kong Min Shyuan Lok Man Ka
浸信會永隆中學中國舞蹈組 BWLSS Chinese Dance Team 程穎臻 江悠探 鍾梓倫 陳煒琳 許冬儀 陳嘉棋 黎雅妍 葉潔珊 賴詠欣 鍾乙琳 盧遠微 馬曉琳 葉煦礽 陳潔盈 胡家慈 賴凱欣
Ching Wing Chun Kong Yau Tam Chung Tse Lun Chan Wai Lam Hua Tung Yee Chan Ka Ki Lai Nga IN, Zoe Yip Kit Shan Lai Wing Yan Chung Yuet Lam Lo Yuen Mei Ma Hiu Lam Yip Hui Ying Chan Kit Ying Wu Ka Chi Lai Hoi Yan
儂情舞集 Forever Dance Troupe 蘇潔明 胡錦明 劉文鳳 陳秋儀 鄭麗芬 方愛琳 莊澤芸 方玉花 黎潔樺 黎雅詩 袁穎玉 容汶鑫 王慧敏
So Kit Ming Wu Kam Ming Lau Man Fung Eva Chan Chau Yee Cheng Lai Fun Terry Fong Oi Lam Chong Chak Wan Fong Yuk Fa Lai Kit Wa Lai Nga Sze Christine Yuen Wing Yuk Yung Man Yam Audrey Wong Wai Man
赤蹈 Altricial Dance Troupe 石嘉琁 吳婉文 廖慧儀 梁曉琳 蔣雪慧 楊曉怡 程偉彬 唐志文
Sek Ka Shuen Ng Yuen Man Liu Wai Yee Leung Hiu Lam Chiang Suet Wai Yeung Hiu Yi Cheng Wai Pan Tong Chi Man
演員名單 Dancers
韵情舞坊 Kidance 徐浠林 鄺津而 孫潔茵 方旨彤 莊佳玲 郭靖嶢 周殷妤 謝子晴 湯凝霏 林卓嵐 余珮怡 陳思睿 郭澄曦 張以澄 陳詠欣 陳盈盈 陳盈煒 吳摯忻 趙佩卿 邱曉曼 梁凱淇 莊千漪 莊菀琛 曾嘉茵 李銨銚 李珮雯 賴映汶 龐琇盈 莊澤芸 袁穎玉 馮明慧 黃靖殷 蔡佳麗 容汶鑫 黃樂宜 溫珏瑤 翟曉瞳 郭曉欣 林曉希 蘇曉慧
Chui Hei Lam Kwong Chun Yi Suen Kit Yan Fong Tsz Tung Chong Kai Ling Kwok Ching Yiu Dorcas Chau Yan Yu Tse Chi Ching Tang Ying Fei Lam Gloria Yu Pui Yee Priscilla Chan Sze Yui Michelle Kwok Ching Hei Cheung Yee Ching Chan Wing Yan Chan Ying Ying Chan Ying Wai Ng Chi Yan Chiu Pui Hing Chiu Hiu Man Leung Hoi Kei Chong Chin I Jessie Chong Yuen Sum Tseng Ka Yan Li On Yiu Li Pui Man Lai Ying Man Pong Sau Ying Chong Chak Wan Yuen Wing Yuk Fung Ming Wai Wong Ching Yan Tsoi Kai Lai Yung Man Yam Audrey Huang Lok Yi Wan Kok Yiu Chak Hiu Tung Kwok Hiu Yan Lam Hiu Hay Nichole So Vera
春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop 鄭凱文 鍾慕瑩 陳欣豫 許安喬 林詠喬 彭詩穎 伍如沁 林君昳 關樂怡 高雪兒 李穎彤 莊卓盈 黃晞桐 黃美珍 陳穎霖 古浩琳 李伊婷 陳曉琳 陳濼如 袁詠昕 黃琛明 曾佳蔚 王詩銘 麥嘉桓 溫懿晴 陳佩君 朱詠欣 蘇詠欣 謝珮雯 曾樂凝 孫玉榕 陳曉棋 林詩蓓 黃頌惠 吳雅琳 侯凱然 楊思雅 袁奕彤
Chang Hoi Man Chung Mo Ying Chan Yan Yu Hsu On Kiu Lam Wing Kiu Pang Sze Wing Ng Yu Tsam Lam Kwan Yat Kwan Lok Yi Ko Suet Yi Li Wing Tung Chong Cheuk Ying Wong Hei Tung Wong Mei Chun Chan Wing Lam Gu Hao Lin Li Yi Ting, Elina Chan Hiu Lam Chan Lok Yu Yuen Wing Yan Wong Shum Ming Wheun Kai Wai Wong Sze Ming Mak Ka Wun Wun Yi Ching Chan Pui Kwan, Queenie Chu Wing Yan Sou Wing Yan Tse Pui Man Tsang Lok Ying Sun Yuk Yung Christine Chan Lam Sze Pui Wong Chung Wai Ng Nga Lam Hau Hoi Yin Yeung Sze Nga Yuen Yik Tung
曉舞蹈教室 Dynamic Dawn Studio 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School Of Ballet 宋卓頴 潭頴晞 康蔚珩 葉珈恩 謝慧怡 朱采欣 方柏瑩 沈 樂 葉寶恩 葉珈恩
Sung Cheuk Wing Tam Alison Rachael Wing Hei Hong Wai Hang Sofia Yip Ka Yan Stephanie Tse Wai Yi Chu Tsoi Yan Fong Pak Ying Natasha Sum Yip Bo Yan Christy Yip Ka Yan Stephanie
勵志會陳鄭潔雲舞蹈坊 The Endeavourers Chan Cheng Kit Wan 江彩瑜 王琳茵 紀佩螢 朱文茵 程嘉盈 林雲天 楊少龍 馬子軒 陳康琪 楊曉薇 曾碧妍 容雅芝 黃晴煒 黃詠儀 葉凱琳 林雲虹
Kong Choi Yu Wong Lam Yan Kee Pui Ying Chu Man Yan Cheng Jia Ying Lam Wan Tin Yeung Siu Lung Ma Tsz Hin Chan Hong Ki Yeung Hiu Mei Tsang Pik Yin Mavis Yung Nga Chi Wong Ching Wai Wong Wing Yee Yip Hoi Lam Lam Wan Hung
KING'S香港藝術體操芭蕾舞學院 KING'S Rhythmic Gymnastics Ballet Academy of Hong Kong 彭婩妃 黃靖晴 陳卓琳 尹靖藍 何湘兒 譚曦翹 鄧永彥 安晞文 黃詩晴
Pang Yeuk Fei, Artemis Wong Vanessa Chan Cheuk Lam, Venus Wan Ching Nam Ho Sheung Yi Tham Hei Kiu Tang Wing Yin, Nathania Amgai Hei Man Neha Wong Sze Ching
黃璦淳 彭曉晴 朱悅怡 黎寶淇 王沅喬 羅慧祈 王詩旖 李諾穎 江芷瑤 陳希婷 李穎楠 梁 嫻 鄭靖桐 李俊凝 廖杏嵐 劉芷蔚 王詩雲 衛曉嵐 張瑋庭 黎穎其 周海瑜 鄭嘉嵐
Wong Oi Shun Pang Hiu Ching Ally Chu Yuet Yi Kobie Lai Wong Yanka Lo Wai Ki Eunice Wong Sze Yee Helia Lee Kong Tsz Yiu Chan Hei Ting Tippi Lee Wing Nam Leung Han Cheng Ching Tung Rachel Li Jun Ning Liu Hang Lam Chole Lau Wan Sze Wan Wai Hiu Nam Chang Wei Ting Lai Wing Ki Chow Hoi Yu Cheng Ka Nam Natalie
東方中國舞舞蹈團 Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe 柯加希 陳哲瑩 鄧依琳 黃思穎 鄺瑩瑩 蔡文娜 郭建軍 郭龍珠 卜玉蘭 王淑玲 倪敏 鍾美雲 吳勤英 梁惠金 羅紅
Or Ka Hi Chin Chit Ying Tang Yilam Lina Wong Sze Wing Kwong Ying Ying Choi Man Nan Kwok Kin Kwan Kwok Lung Chu Book Yuk Lan Wong Shuk Lng Ngai Man Chung Mi Wan Ng Kan Ying Leung Wai Kam Lo Hung
東方中國舞少年兒童舞蹈團 Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe For Children And Youth 蔡芷晞 趙樂晴 盧彥君 張毅瑩 梁穎妍 陳昭文 區凱晴 馬膆忻 謝珀汶 陳禧喬 梁穎嵐 陳心睿 陳君儀 黃婉青 吳灝恩 蕭雯恩 陳彥如
Tsoi Tsz Hei Chiu Lok Ching Lo Yin Kwan Cheung Ngai Ying, Michelle Leung Wing In Chan Chiu Man Au Hoi Ching Ma So Yan Tse Pak Man Chan Charis Leung Wing Man Isabella Chen Chan Kwan Yi Wong Yuen Ching, Meredich Ng Ho Yan Siu Man Yan Chen Yin Yu
小水點 Diamond Doll Hibiscus Diamond Doll 杜泳昕
To Wing Yan
小水點 Girl Mover Hibiscus Girl Mover 李希雪
Lee Hei Suet
小水點 King of Pop Hibiscus King of Pop 王偉權
Wong Wai Kuen
小水點兒童爵士舞蹈團 Hibiscus Kids Jazz Group 陳穎蓉 杜泳昕 李昭緯 蘇止罄 陳樺志 巫愷曈 黃凱蔚 欒子瑄 李莃晴 蘇若斐 鄭子浩 黃詠晴 黃沛穎 譚寶瑤 李希雪 王譽澄 周芯悅 林穎妍 王賜欣 李紫瀠
Chan Wing Yung To Wing Yan Lee Chiu Wai So Tsz Hing Chan Wah Chi MO Hoi Tung Wong Hoi Wai Luen Tsz Huen Jessie Lee Hei Ching Hayley So Yuek Fei Cheng Tsz Ho Wong Wing Ching Wong Pui Wing Tam Bo Yiu Lee Hei Suet Wong Yu Ching Chan Sum Yuet Lam Wing Yin Wong Chi Yan Lee Tze Ying Zita
La P En V優之舞 La P En V Innovative Dance Platform 鍾潔心 賴樂敏 姚珈汶 許曉瑩 楊凱霖 陳甘霖 羅海倫 陳文鈞 陳美娟 陳振楊 甘詠蓮 李穎詩 楊映晴 陳善儀 陳惠君 林育娟 吳翠湄 黃文嬈
Chung Kit Sum Lai Lok Man Iu Ka Man Hui Hiu Ying Yeung Hoi Lam Chan Kam Lam Law Hoi Lun Chan Man Kwan Chan Mei Kuen Chan Chun Yeung Winny Kam Lee Wing Sze Yeung Ying Ching Chan Sin Yi Chan Wai Kwan Lam Yuk Kuen Ng Chui Mei, Viki Wong Man Yiu
小明星舞蹈團 Newstars Dance Troupe 黎嘉晴 古曉思 蕭善彤 蘇焱紅 陳芷詠 陳泳瑜 陳潔瑩 梁苑彤 黃耀璉 曾芷彤 曾瑋晶 鄭曉彤 李曉雯 何沛施 許雯靜 胡梓琦
Lai Ka Ching Ku Hiu Se Siu Sin Tung So Yim Hung Chan Tsz Wing Chan Wing Yue, Wynne Chan Kit Ying Leung Yuen Tung Wong Yiu Lin, Vivian Tsang Tsz Tung Tsang Wai Ching Cheng Hiu Tung Lee Hiu Man Ho Pui See, Sheree Hiu Man Ching Woo Tsz Ki
全藝歐洲民族舞蹈團 Versatile Folk Dance Troupe 李綽盈 吳洛欣 黎淽晴 高巧容 趙珈誼 吳卓霖 洪泳恩 何皓嵐 杜湘怡 陳靖 羅鎂瑩 陳嘉茹 胡凱怡 梁心瑜 廖穎希 盧慧怡 黃孆雅 姚雯敏 黃巧敏 江穎斯
Li Cheuk Ying Ng Lok Yan Lai Chi Ching Go Hau Yung Chiu Ka Yee Ng Cheuk Lam Hung Wing Yan Ho Ho Laam Too Sheung Yi Chan Ching Law Mei Ying Chan Ka Yu Woo Hoi Yee Leung Sum Yu Liu Wing Hei Lo Wai Yi Wong Ying Nga Tiu Man Man Wong Hau Man Chiang Wing Sze
沙田蘇浙公學舞蹈學會 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin) Dance Club 莊鎮鴻 張虹寶 李倩婷 唐瑞華 招健欣 馬諾怡 康家瑋 陳錦江 尹展紅 鄺靖楠 謝昕彤 黃慧筠 吳宇鳳 陳文業 吳倬嶠 楊嘉豪 葉振安 何穎之 布彩熒 莊智鴻
Chong Zhun Hung Cheung Hung Po Lee Sin Ting Tong Sin Wa Chiu Kin Yan Ma Nok Yee Hong Ka Wai Chan Kam Kong Wan Chin Hung Kwong Ching Lam Tse Yan Tung Wong Wai Kwan Ng Yu Fung Chan Man Yip Ng Cheuk Kiu Yeung Ka Ho Yip Chun On Ho Asli Po Choi Ying Chong Chi Hung
舞術館少年團 Dance Palace (Youth Troupe) 姜善行 湯芷媛 張卓楠 李樂琛 樊漪翹 王恩琪 何宇晴 奚憫情 鄭漾娜 潘嘉美 劉悅殷 邱喜若 陳泳怡 嚴梓琪 王嘉詠 譚詠謠
Kiang Sin Hang Tong Tse Wun Cheung Cheuk Nam Lee Rosanne Fan I Kiu Wong Sze Ki Ho Yu Ching Hai Man Ching Cristina Zheng Wu Poon Ka Mei Lan Yuet Yan Yau Hei Yeh Rachel Chan Wing Yi Yim Tzs Ki Wang Ka Wing Tam Wing Yiu
演員名單 Dancers 才藝坊 Art Workshop 陳昭妍 劉子諒 徐詠盈 黃美賢 李如彤 李竽樂 郭裕婷 朱詠笙 林慧心 邱雅玉 何嘉彥 孫佩盈 梁凱盈 郭詠霖 施敏俐 張尹琳 謝苡樂 陳彥思 黃穎妍 鄧慧嵐 李宛蔚 廖頌欣 朱凱婷 朱泳甄 郭詠瑩 李國沂
Jenny Chan Jenny Liu Gladys Tsui Anna Wong Yolanda Lee Lorinda Li Venessa Kwok Feanca Chu Winsome Lam Ruby Yau Jolene Ho Pamela Soon Karen Leung Shirley Kwok Minny Sze Chloe Cheung Eilot Tse Jenny Chan Betty Wong Tracy Tang Nicole Lee Etta Liu Heidi Chu Janus Chu Joanne Kwok Bianca Lee
鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校 Ivy Chung School Of Ballet 梁己悅 王知垠 何欣諭 潘思穎 鄧思蔚 黃掀 鄭貝莉 鄭貝莎 白頌婷 黃卓喬 林向晴 張卓雯 黎配瑩 文紫韞
Leung Kei Yuet Wong Chi Ngan Euphemia Ho Yan Yue Poon Sze Wing Tang Sze Wai Wong Hin Cheng, Britney Pui Lee Cheng Pui Sa Brenners, Thomae Chung Ting Wong Cheuk Kiu Lam Xiang Qing Annette Cheung Kaitlyn Elizabeth Lai Pearly Bellita Man Tsz Wan
聖嘉勒女書院 St. Clare's Girls School 郭瑤恩 鄭思雅 費奕瑜 蘇文慧 顧鈺婷 劉蔚祺 羅梓敏 區婉瑩 梁美雪 陳浠兒 林欣美 林藹怡 吳子慧 麥嘉嘉 蔡瑤瑤 馮小純 黃子琪 馮曉穎 郭己嵐
Kwok Yiu Yan Cheng Sze Nga Fai Yik Yu So Man Wai Ku Yuk Ting Lau Wai Kay Law Tsz Man Au Yuen Ying Leung Mei Suet Chan Hei Yi Michelle Lam Yan Mei Lam Josephine Oi Yee Ng Tsz Wai Mak Ka Ka Choi Yiu Yiu Fung Siu Shun Wong Tsz Ki Fung Hiu Wing Kwok Sammi Kei Nam
舞界限舞蹈團 Beyond Dance Theatre 簡家麒 謝甲賢 梁信賢 廖月敏 陸慧珊 陳祉呈 梁皓棕 許曉瑩
Kan Ka Ki Tse Kap Yin Leung Shun Yin Sudhee Liao Luk Wai Shan Chan Tsz Ching Leung Ho Tsung Hui Hiu Ying
龍騰舞蹈藝術中心有限公司 Dragon Dance And Arts Centre Limited 黎俊軒 黎朗妍 徐慧彤 李嘉慧 陳永貞 劉曉芸 李曉珩 戴奕珊 崔曉彤 梁凱琪 劉穎珩 楊明善 張詠怡
Lai Chun Hin Lai Long In Tsui Wai Tung Lei Ka Wai Chen Wing Ching Lau Hiu Wan Lee Hiu Hang Tai Yik San Chui Hiu Tung Leung Hoi Ki Lau Wing Hang Yeung Ming Sin Cheung Wing Yee
小花仙舞蹈學院 Flower’s Angel Dance Academy 梁卓浠 黃恩晴 何騏汝 龍尚宜 陳凱琳 鄧凱澄 張芯瑜 鄧詠瑤 徐佩瑤 姚施汝 李紫鈴 楊詠斯 張蒨昕 陳曉晴 賴鎧萳 林梓瑩 劉知行 薛孫仲
Leung Cheuk Hei Issac Wong Yan Ching Ho Ki Yu Lung Sheung Yi Chan Hoi Lam Tang Hoi Ching Cheung Sum Yu Tang Wing Yiu Tsui Pui Yiu Yiu Sze Yu Li Tsz Ling Yeung Wing Sze Cheung Sin Yan Chan Hiu Ching Lai Hoi Nam Decen Lam Tsz Ying Lau Chi Hang Sit Sun Chung
左惠珍舞蹈劇場 Virginia Dance Theatre 李旻皓 朱祉泓 梅恩宓 黎楚盈 梁琛渝 危曉潼 劉霈蓁 陳梓淇 陳梓昕 吳倬淋 陳思羽 林匡祈 黃靜遙 蘇璟彤 利巧琳 楊愛臨 李愷桐 伍欣烯 許昕楠 吳綾恩
Li Man Ho Angus Chi Tsz Wang Bryan Moy Yan Fok Kristen Lai Cho Ying Leung Sum Yu Ngai Xiao Tong Lau Pui Tsun Chan Tsz Kei Chan Tsz Yan Wo Zhuo Lin Shannnon Chan Sze Yu Lam Hong Ki Wong Ching Yiu So King Tung Lee Hau Lam Jasmine Yeung Oi Lam Lee Hoi Tung Ng Yan Hei Hui Yan Nam Ng Ling Yan
星榆兒童舞蹈團 Starwave Junior Production 呂湘榕 張靖雪 黃靖 屈芷慧 何采怡 胡靜 楊紫翹 譚雪誼 張希琳 賀子欣 侯嘉瑩 黃芯洳 黃頌恩 梁芷琪 周嘉雯 梁睿珉 鄧詩晴 賴寶文 呂汶熹 麥曉霖
Lui Sheung Yung Cheung Ching Suet Crystal Wong Jane Wat Tsz Wai Ho Choi Yee Kelly Wu Ching Yeung Tsz Kiu Tam Suet Yi Cheung Hei Lam Ho Tsz Yan Hau Ka Yan Wong Sum Yu Wong Chung Yan Leung Tsz Kei Chau Ka Man Leung Yui Man Tang Sze Ching Lai Po Man Lui Man Hei Mak Hin Lam
Fasciation (左惠珍舞動狂熱) Fasciation (Vriginia Dance Fantasy) 梁卓憲 梁宏憲 何錦豪 劉駿星 關舜文 傅承恩 李凱嵐 葉芊 危曉澄 邵淖浵 何伊淋 鄺漫欣 方善嫺 鄧焱文 冼穎鍴 陳穎炘 黎樂賢 吳焯瑩 巫洛宜 鄭逸雅 郭凱甯 陳睿橦
Leung Cheuk Hin Leung Wang Hin Ho Kam Ho Lau Chun Sing Marco Kwan Shun Man Fu Cheng-En Anne Li Rachel Hoi Nam Ip Chin Victoria Ngai Xiao-Cheng Shiu Cheuk Tung Ho Yee Lam Janet Kwong Man Yan Fong Shan Xian Crystal Tang Yim Man Sin Wing Tuen Chan Wing Yan Eleanore Lai Lok Yin Wu Zhuo Ying Shavonne Mu Lok Yee Cheng Yat Nga Andrea Kwok Hoi Ning Chan Yui Tung
星榆舞蹈團 Starwave Production 麥沛恆 鄧嘉瑜 陳凱瑩 梁美玲 鄭碧琪 林敏儀 蔡靜雯 羅筠曉 黎海晴 關朗笙 陸穎丰 林靖嵐 陳文懿 周希童 何婷婷 勵天晴 鄭暉 羅頌怡 陳欣蕾 葉愷珊
Mak Pui Hang Tang Ka Yu Chan Hoi Ying Leung Mei Ling Cheng Pik Ki Lam Man Yee Choy Ching Man Lo Kwan Hiu Koki Lai Hoi Ching JoJo Kwan Rochelle Luk Melissa Wing Fung Lam Ching Nam Jasmine Chan Man Yi Chow Hei Tung Chloe Ho Ting Ting Lai Tin Ching Janelle Cheng Fai Law Chung Yi Christy Chan Yan Lui Yip Hoi Shan
纋雅芭蕾舞學校 Glamor Ballet School 王頌頤 陳映而 林心琪 馮琬晴 庾沛晴 庾沛怡 林諾希 林嘉悠 陳珮熙 袁㮾溰
Wong Chun Yee Chan Ying Yee Lam Sum Ki Fung Yuen Ching Yu Pui Ching Yu Pui Yi Lam Nok Hei Lam Elfrida Ka Yau Chan Karissa Yuen Long Yi
星榆舞蹈學校 Star Wave Dance Academy 譚曉楠 高倩曈 何嘉兒 鄧芷滺 馮諾琳 林敏儀 蔡靜雯 葉愷珊 關朗笙 林靖嵐 徐煒婷 陳文懿 周希童 鄭凱文 黎彥曦 麥頌寧 陳心儀 鄭鎧桐 黃曼晴 鄧樂瑜
Tam Hiu Nam Ko Sin Tung Ho Ka Yi Tang Tsz Yau Fung Nok Lam Lam Man Yee Choy Ching Man Yip Hoi Shan Kwan Rochelle Lam Ching Nam Jasmine Chui Wai Ting Joycelyn Chan Man Yi Chow Hei Tung Chloe Cheng Hoi Man Lai Yin Hei Hilarie Mak Chung Ning Chan Sum Yee Cheng Hoi Tung Hilda Wong Man Ching Tang Lok Yu
羅逸雅芭蕾舞爵士舞學校 Shelly Lo Jazz & Ballet School 張杙嘉 林依彤 郭晞潼 朱凱溋 王雋穎 賈兆雅 麥皓清 張琋嵐 文琦昕 關卓瑤 黃巧瑜 吳穎甄 邱鎧言 陳恩晞 江筱淇 吳韻芝 袁綽羚 李卓兒 陳凱彤 馬莛殷
Cheung Yik Ka Lam Yee Tung Kwok Hei Tung Chu Hoi Ying Crystal Wong Chun Wing Castro Vivien Mak Ho Ching Cheung Hei Laam Winnington-Ingram Kia Kwan Cheuk Yiu Tweety Wong Hau Yu Tiffany Ng Wing Yan Yau Hoi Yin Audrey Chan Yan Hei Jiang Siu Ki Queenie Ng Wan Chi GiGi Yuen Cheuk Ling Li Cheuk Yee Chan Hoi Tung Ma Ting Yan
心刻舞蹈團 Heart Makes Art 鍾鎧汶 繆海婷 朱翠華 高明慧 熊敏兒 沈淑儀 陳蘊聰 甘佩珊 劉芷珊 古愛玲 鍾旻姍
Chung Hoi Man June Mow Hoi Ting Chu Chui Wa Ko Ming Wai Brenda Hung Man Yi Sum Shuk Yee Chan Wan Chung Ruby Kam Pui Shan Lau Tsz Shan Koo Oi Ling Chung Man Shan
香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association 陳潔怡 胡慧敏 李芷茵 何上君 黃慧兒 何倩儀 區凱慧 高毅婷 劉智穎 徐詠盈 梁倩媚 何靜雯 王悅齡 許澄芝 吳穎南 吳頴瑤 李竽樂 蔡怡華 劉智穎 何知琳 伍思蔓 容灝晴 劉敏儀
Chan Kit Yi Wu Wai Man Janet Lee Tsz Yan Ho Sheung Kwan Wong Wai Yee Amecia Ho Sien Yee Cindy Au Hoi Wai, Mary Ko Ngai Ting Lau Chi Wing Cynthia Tsui Wing Ying Leung Sin Mei Nicole Ho Ching Man Wong Yuet Ling Hui Ching Chi Ng Wing Nam Edith Ng Wing Yiu Lee Yue Lok Choi Yee Wah Eva Lau Chi Wing Cynthia Ho Gi Lam Ng Sharmaine Siman Yung Ho Ching Irene Lau
中西區兒童舞蹈團 Central And Western District Children Dancing Troupe 司徒蔚琳 許澄芝 伍思蔓 許菀婷 李依林 卓芷瑩 吳穎南 李馥妝 黃梓茵 陸詠芝 麥嘉嘉 黃樂彤 司徒蔚珊 陳彥婷 林昭彤 林曉兒 麥穎心 賴諾妍 王悅齡 吳頴瑤
Sze To Wai Lam, Linda Hui Ching Chi Ng Sharmaine Siman Hui Yuen Ting Lee Yee Lam Chuck Chi Ying Ng Wing Nam Edith Lee Fook Chong Alma Wong Tsz Yan Luk Wing Chi Candice Mak Ka Ka Wong Lok Tung Sze To Wai Shan, Sally Chan Yin Ting Lim Chiu Tung Lam Hiu Yi Mak Wing Sum Lai Nok Yin Peony Wong Yuet Ling Ng Wing Yiu
屯門舞蹈團 Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association 鍾鎧汶 盧靜嫺 梁慧妍 繆海婷 朱翠華 何卓思 鄭漪婷 高明慧 崔嘉欣 熊敏兒 沈淑儀 陳蘊聰 甘佩珊 談可欣 劉芷珊 潘宛詩 陳澤恩
Chung Hoi Man June Lo Ching Han Leung Wai Yin Mow Hoi Ting Chu Chui Wa Ho Cheuk Sze Cheng I Ting Ko Ming Wai Brenda Tsui Ka Yan Hung Man Yi Sum Shuk Yee Chan Wan Chung Ruby Kam Pui Shan Tam Ho Yan Lau Tsz Shan Pan Wan Shi Chan Chak Yan
苗徽舞集 The Sprout 張海琳 林靜 黃梓瑜 張靖琳 楊慧心 曾睿君 黃諾晞 林樂怡 王晴雯 陳凱彤 楊樂欣 姚穎彤 黃洛樺 梁苡婷 張嘉雯
Cheung Hoi Lam Ellie Lam Ching Wong Chee Yu Eugenie Cheung Ching Lam Yeung Wai Sum Tsang Yui Kwan Wong Nok Hei Lam Lok Yi Wong Ching Man Chan Hoi Tung Debbie Yeung Yiu Wing Tung Wong Lok Wa Laura Leung Yee Ting Cheung Ka Man
鳴謝 Acknowledgements 香港舞蹈總會謹向下列人士致謝: The Hong Kong Dance Federation wishes to acknowledge with grateful thanks to the following people and organizations for their support and assistance. 贊助機構 Sponsor: 康樂及文化事務署 香港藝術發展局 中華文化藝術基金會
Leisure and Cultural Services Department Hong Kong Arts Development Council China Culture and Art Foundation Ltd
評審委員 Adjudicators: 白朗唐先生 鍾金寶女士 瑪里琳•費希爾女士 高成明先生 愛廸•古士文先生 高春貴先生 賴秀峰女士 劉兆銘先生 劉定國先生 劉美玉女士 冼源先生 楊雲濤先生 張毅女士 趙汝衡女士
Mr. Tom Brown Mrs. Joan Campbell Mrs Marliyn Fisher Mr. Gao, Chengming Mr. Eddie De Guzman Mr. Ko, Chun Kwai Ms. Lai Shiow Fun Mr. Lau, Siu-ming Mr. Lau Ting Kwok Ms. Low Mr. Sin Yuen Mr. Yang, Yuntao Ms. Zhang, Yi Ms. Zhao, Ruheng
Photographer Mr. Jason Chung
香港參與比賽團體及製作之院校團體、編導、演員及工作人員 All Hong Kong Dance Teams, teachers and those who have assisted with the production. (排名不分先後,按英文姓氏排序 In alphabetical order)