各位觀眾: 為了令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、 其他響鬧及發光的裝置。同時請勿在場內飲食或擅自攝影、 錄音或錄影。多謝合作。
Dear Patrons, To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio and video recordings in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation.
會長獻詞 Message of President
區永熙SBS太平紳士 全國政協委員 會長兼董事局主席 Au Weng-hei, SBS. JP Member of C.P.P.C.C. President, Chairman of Board of Directors, HKDF
仲夏的香港將迎來第七屆「香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽」和第四屆「香港紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽」。除了群舞 作品外,仍然保留了獨舞、雙人舞和三人舞的單項項目,不僅是數量的增加,在參賽作品的形式和內 容題材上更加豐富多彩。香港的舞者們亦有更多機會在編舞和表演中,展示他們的才華。 通過「香港紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽」,將會看到外國或外地的舞蹈家們的創新作品,共同交流經驗、 探討如何傳承和發揚各自民族傳統舞蹈文化。「香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽」及「香港紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽」 已成為舞蹈總會和香港地區一項成功的品牌。 特別要向長期以來對舞蹈總會各項演藝活動,予以大力支持的政府康樂及文化事務署、香港藝術發展 局及中華文化藝術基金會,表示衷心的敬意和感謝。 祝願各比賽團體和舞者們,在新一屆大賽中取得優秀的成績。 This midsummer marks the coming of the 7th Bauhinia Cup Hong Kong Dance Championships and the 4th Bauhinia Cup International Dance Championships. Besides group works, individual events of solo, duo and trio are retained. Not only the number of competing works has increased, but the form and content of dances are also richer in variety. The dancers of Hong Kong have more chances to show their talents in their choreographies and performances. Through Bauhinia Cup International Dance Championships, dancers from abroad will display their original works, share experiences with one another, and explore ways to preserve and develop the traditional dance culture of their own nations. The competition, as well as Bauhinia Cup Hong Kong Dance Championships, has become a prestige brand of Hong Kong Dance Federation and Hong Kong. I would like to express my sincere gratitude particularly to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and the China Culture and Arts Foundation for their strong support in all the dance activities run by Hong Kong Dance Federation over these years. I wish all participating dance troupes and dancers the best of luck in their performances!
香港舞蹈總會會長 區永熙SBS太平紳士 Au Weng-hei, SBS. JP President of Hong Kong Dance Federation
Bauhinia Cup
Construction 委員會架構
Patron 榮譽會長
霍震霆GBS太平紳士 Timothy T.T. Fok GBS. JP 全國政協委員
吳朱蓮芬BBS太平紳士 Ng Chu Lien Fan BBS JP 前全國政協委員
Board of Directors
區永熙SBS.太平紳士 Au Weng-hei, SBS. JP 全國政協委員 會長兼董事局主席 Board Chairman & President
劉兆銘 Lau Siu Ming, MH 副會長 Vice President
郭世毅 Kwok, Stephen 董事 Director 榮譽主席 Hon Chairperson
鄭偉容 Cheng Wai Yung 董事 Director 榮譽主席 Hon Chairperson
冼源 Sin Yuen 董事兼藝術總監 Artistic Director
羅廖耀芝 Lo Liu Yiu Chee, Virginia 董事兼行政總監 Executive Director
崔綺雲博士 Dr. Linda Y.W. Tsui 董事 Director
陸恩美 Luk Yun Mee 董事兼教育總監 Education Director
吳劍玲 Ng Kim Ling 董事 Director
吳湘霞 Ng Sheung Ha
吳世勳 Ng Sai Fun
盛培琪 Sheng Pei Qi
Advisory Board
鍾金寶Joan Campbell
毛妹太平紳士 Liao, Christine JP
鄧孟妮 Tang,Tania
忻瑞流會計師樓 Francis S.L. Yan & Co.
曾柱昭 Tsang, CC Gerard
Bauhinia Cup
朱潔 Chu Kit
韋奈 Wei Nai
薛青華 Sit Ching Wa
張斌 Chang, Benjamin 義務法律顧問 Hon Legal Advisor
高春貴 Ko Chun Kwai
Construction 委員會架構
Executive Committee Members
劉佩雄 Lau Pui Hung 董事兼主席 Director, Chairperson
劉定國 Lau Ting Kwok 副主席 - 外展服務 Vice Chairperson - Outreach
仇秀鈴 Chau Sau Ling 副主席 - 教育 Vice Chairperson Education
盧翠棠 Lo Chui Tong 副主席 - 資源 • 大型活動 Vice Chairperson Recourses, Grand Project
莊陳波 Chong Chan Po
林貴文 Lam Kwai Man
李艾琳 Lee, Eileen
梁結文 Leung Kit Man
吳雪梅 Ng, Violet
石成初 Sek Sing Chor
曾金全 Tsang Kam Chuen
楊志穀 Yeung Chi Kuk
Council Members
梁其芬 Leung Kei Fan 義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer
吳翠雲 Ng Tsui Wan 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary
溫雄 Wan Hung 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary
秦懿欣 Chun, Ulian
馮杏美 Fung Hang Mai
陳磊 Chan Lui
張家欣 Cheung Ka Yan
周佩瑜 Chow Pui Yu Lina
周曉雯 Chow Hiu Man
趙浩然 Chiu Ho Yin
何志雄 Ho, Bonnie
何祖宜 Ho, Joey
郭偉傑 Kwok Wai Kit
林萬娃 Lam Man Wa
劉碧琪 Lau Pik Ki, Becky 麥雪亮 Mak, Lowintry
伍禮言 Ng, Sean
丁志敏 Ting Chi Man
曾金星 Tsang Kam Sing
曾雪麗 Tsang, Lili
蔡偉雄 Tsoi, Rico
童小紅 Tung Siu Hung
楊君儒 Yeung Kwan Yu
黃日芝 Wong Yak Chee
Bauhinia Cup
香港舞蹈總會 (1978-2016)
香港舞蹈總會於1978年10月正式註冊成立,並於2000年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元舞蹈社團。創會成 員為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,包括:陳寶珠、郭世毅、黎海寧、劉兆銘、吳世勳、鄧孟妮、 鄭亞清 及 黃藝諳 等。 建會以來,一直推動香港的舞蹈發展為己任,積極保育、拓展本地的多元舞蹈文化。 舞總以發揚舞蹈藝術、鼓勵推動本港之舞蹈發展、團結舞蹈界人士,聯絡本港及世界各地舞蹈團體,以促進舞蹈 文化交流為宗旨。會方由董事局及理事會負責製訂及執行政策;設有團體會員及個人會員,現有團體會員224個 (活躍會員157個),個人會員及會友700餘人。 現時舞總主要工作歸納如下: • 教育培訓及考試 • 演出製作 • 外展交流 • 出版 • 委約 / 社區參與 自2010年開始,舞總獲頒《同心展關懷》獎勵。現為聯合國教育、科學和文化組織(UNESCO)轄下的《國際舞蹈 委員會CID》會員。2015年被國際舞蹈組織(International Dance Organization簡稱IDO) 確認成為會員。 綜合以上工作,單以2015年為例,透過舞總參與考試的學生及老師共10,000 人次,參與各製作演出的演員人數達 3000人次,而觀眾數目更達35,000人次。在未來的日子,舞總將延續其舞蹈平台角色,開發各樣惠及不同階層的 舞蹈課程,聯絡海內外的舞蹈同業,提昇整體藝術演出水平,豐富社區的文藝活動及積極履行社會責任,從而 發揮舞蹈的滲透力和影響力,貢獻社會。 Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd. (HKDF) is a non-profit organization established in 1978 and all founders were acclaimed personages in the dance society including Pearl CHAN, Stephen KWOK, Helen LAI, LAU Siu Ming, NG Sai Fun, and the late CHENG Ya Ching and WONG Ngai Yum. It carries forward the art of dance, encouraging and expediting dance development in Hong Kong as well as promoting the cultural exchange. At present, HKDF boasts a total membership of 224 Group members (Active members 157) and more than 700 Individual and Associate members. The major work and services provided by HKDF are as follows: • Education and Examinations • Productions • Outreach and Exchange • Publications • Commissioned Events Currently, HKDF is awarded the Caring Organization Logo in recognition of its efforts to promote corporate social responsibility. It is also a member of the International Dance Council (CID), an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all kinds of dance. In 2015 HKDF became the member of International Dance Organization (IDO) as the representative of Hong Kong. Based on the above works, in 2015 alone, there are over 10,000 students and teachers participating in dance examinations through HKDF, 3000 performers engaging in the productions with 35,000 audience enjoying various shows. In the coming days, HKDF will continue its work by developing dance syllabus to benefit community from all walks of life, through liaison with veteran from home and abroad, improving the overall artistic level of performances, enrich cultural activities in the community and fulfilling our social responsibilities.
Bauhinia Cup
BCup 2016 製作人員表 Production Team List
大會主席 Chairperson
區永熙SBS太平紳士 William Au Weng Hei SBS, JP
大會副主席 Vice Chairperson
鄭偉容、郭世毅、劉兆銘、羅廖耀芝、陸恩美、吳劍玲、崔綺雲 Cheng Wai Yung, Stephen Kwok, Lau Siu Ming, Virginia Lo, Luk Yun Mee, Ng Kim Ling, Linda Tsui
顧問 Advisers
鍾金寶、高春貴、毛妹、吳湘霞、盛培琪、 鄧孟妮、曾柱昭、韋奈、薜菁華 Joan Campbell, Ko Chun Kwai, Christine Liao, Ng Sheung Ha, Sheung Pei Qi, Sit Ching Wa, Tania Tang, Gerald Tsang, Wei Nai
監製 Producer
劉佩雄 Lau Pui Hung
藝術總監 Artistic Director
冼源 Sin Yuen
賽務總監 Programme Director
仇秀鈴、石成初 Chau Sau Ling, Sek Sing Chor
賽務委員 Competition Coordinator
劉定國、吳翠雲、莊陳波、吳雪梅、曾金星 Lau Ting Kwok, Ng Tsui Wan, Chong Chan Po, Violet Ng, Tsang Kam Sing
賽務小組 Competition Team
林貴文、溫雄 Erik Lam, Wan Hung
前台主任 Front Stage Supervisor
曾金全、梁其芬 Tsang Kam Chuen, Leung Kei Fan
後台主任 Back Stage Supervisor
丁志敏、楊志穀 Ting Chi Man, Yeung Chi Kuk
宣傳 Publicity
馮杏美 Fung Han Mai
本地賽舞台監督 Stage Coordinator (Local)
李偉祺 Ricky Lee
國際賽舞台監督 Stage Coordinator (Int’ l & Award Ceremony)
陳佩儀 Claudia Chan
國際賽燈光設計 Lighting Design (Int’ l & Award Ceremony)
鄺雅麗 Alice Kwong
攝影 Photography
鍾漢榮 Jason Chung
錄像 Stage Videotaping
G production
秘書處 Secretariat
陳佩珊、陳麗冰、陳珮芝、楊雯敬 Samantha Chan, Anna Chan, Chan Pui Chi, King Yeung
司儀 MC
林奕玲、黃翠妍 Elaine Lam, Wong Tsui Yin
Bauhinia Cup
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2016 - 評判簡介 白朗唐先生 Mr. Tom BROWN 白氏現為香港舞蹈聯盟的名譽退休主席兼《舞蹈手扎》編緝,《Research in Dance Education》的國際編輯組成 員。任教於香港演藝學院達29年,曾任現代舞系主任、舞蹈學院副院長和研究生教育院長等。他曾在世界各地執 導超過100齣作品及於學術期刊、選集及研討會論文集內發表文章。白氏在莎拉羅倫斯大學取得他的藝術碩士學 位及於1977年獲頒Bessie Schönberg學人榮銜。在2007年獲頒民政事務局局長嘉許狀以表揚他於推動文化藝術 發展的傑出貢獻,並在2015年獲頒香港舞蹈年獎傑出成就獎。
Tom Brown is the Emeritus Chair of Hong Kong Dance Alliance, Editor of dance journal/hk, former Dean of Graduate Education, Associate Dean of Dance and Head of Modern Dance at HKAPA for 29 years. He has staged over 100 productions; choreographed for stage, opera, drama, and musical theatre; notated Humphrey, Takei, and Nijinska; published in journals, anthologies, and conference proceedings. He is the Fellow of International Council of Kinetography Laban, Editor and contributor of Why They Dance: Narrations of Hong Kong Dance, and contributor to Hong Kong Dance Yearbook 2013-2014. A Bessie Schönberg Scholar with an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College, he received a Commendation Certificate from HKSAR Secretary for Home Affairs “in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development of arts and cultural activities” and Distinguished Achievement Award at the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2015.
陳頌瑛女士 Ms. Anna CY CHAN 多年來從事表演、製作、策劃、藝術教育及藝術行政工作,曾任職於香港演藝學院,現任西九文化區管理局藝術發 展主管(舞蹈),對支持創新製作及跨領域合作尤其熱衷。曾為「國際綜藝合家歡」、香港舞蹈聯盟、香港芭蕾舞學 會、香港藝術發展局及香港舞蹈節等監製多部舞蹈作品;亦為香港演藝學院及香港藝術發展局監製音樂、劇場及跨 領域製作。曾參與2006及2010年香港舞蹈節策劃及製作工作。
Anna C Y Chan is a practicing administrator, producer, curator and arts educator. She is now the Head of Artistic Development (Dance) of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority with the key responsibilities to lead the artistic team to formulate respective visions, missions, artistic direction, strategies and the mode of governance for performing arts facilities in the District, as well as monitoring and overseeing audience building, outreach, capacity building and partnership building programs for Dance. She was also the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dance Alliance from 2006 – 2011 and currently serves as Emeritus Chair; Vice-President (East Asia) of the World Dance Alliance Asia Pacific (WDAAP); Dance Adviser of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council .
愛廸•古士文先生Mr. Eddie De GUZMAN 1971-1992年成為香港電視廣播有限公司舞蹈排練師及部門主管。1971-2003年期間主遵及編排綜合節目、慈善 晚會,為著名演藝界歌星之演唱會排舞。2009至今在澳門教授現代舞、爵士舞、Hip Hop、現代芭蕾舞演繹課程。
In 1971-1982 he worked for HKTVB as a choreographed and later the head of the dance department. In 1971 - 2003 he participated and choreographed numerous variety shows, charity shows and concerts of major pop artists. From 2009 to now he was support by the Macau No. Coracao; helping with the Youth Development in cultural arts, giving them lessons in Modern Dance, Jazz, Hip hop and Modern Classical Ballet and Dance Interpretation.
哈斯敖登女士 Ms. Hasi Au Deng 哈斯敖登,蒙古族,內蒙古鄂爾多斯烏審旗人。畢業於中央民族大學。現任內蒙古民族歌舞劇院院長助理,歌舞 團藝術總監,國家一級演員,國家一級編導,蒙古族著名舞蹈家。
Native of Inner Mongolia Erdos Wushenqi, she graduated from the Minzu University of China. She is currently the Assistant to the Dean and Artistic Director of the Inner Mongolia National Song and Dance Theatre. She is also a National Class I performer, choreographer and a famous dancer in Mongolia.
高春貴先生Mr. KO Chun Kwai 1965年以優異成績畢業於北京舞蹈學院,後任職中央芭蕾舞團演員兼任演員隊負責人。1980年加入香港芭蕾舞 團,曾擔任首席舞蹈員及排練導師。1986年至2005年轉任香港演藝學院講師。負責教授芭蕾舞、雙人舞、變奏 等課程,亦曾創作編排多個舞蹈作品。其間應邀赴日本、韓國、菲律賓、美國、台灣等地大學、舞團任教。曾 任本港多個舞蹈比賽的評判、香港藝術發展局的藝評人、評審員。
After graduating from Beijing Dance Academy in 1965 with honours, Mr.Ko had been actor and person-in-charge of the actor team in the National Ballet of China. He joined Hong Kong Ballet in 1980, taking up the posts of principal dancer and repetiteur. Between 1986 and 2005, he had become tutor in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, giving courses in ballet, duet and variation, choreographing dance works, and teaching at universities and dance troupes in Japan, Korea, the Philippines, the USA and Taiwan. He has been adjudicator of lots of competitions as well as art critic and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Bauhinia Cup
按英文姓氏排序 In Alphabetical order
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2016 - 評判簡介 賴秀峰教授 Prof. LAI Shiow-Fun 賴教授畢業於西班牙皇家高等藝術學院,並榮獲舞蹈碩士學位。賴氏先後任教於文化大學、國立臺灣藝術大學、國 立臺灣體育運動大學、华岡藝校、台南科技大學等舞蹈科系以及中國電視公司舞蹈顧問。從事舞蹈教育逾四十年, 為現任中華舞蹈學會理事長、中國文藝學會監事以及臺灣原住民舞蹈集成副主編。 Prof. Lai graduated with a Master from Spanish Royal Higher Institute of Arts Dance. She has taught in Chinese Cu.zlture University, National Taiwan University of Arts, National Taiwan Sport University, Hwa Kang Arts School, Tainan University of Technology and the China Television Company Dance Dance faculty advisor. For over a span of 40 years in dance education, she was the president of the Chinese Dance Society, the Supervisor of China Institute of Arts and the Integrated Deputy Editor of Taiwan Aboriginal Dance.
劉兆銘先生 Mr. LAU Siu Ming, MH 本港資深舞蹈家及電影電視著名演員。早年曾於英國、法國進修芭蕾舞,曾先後加入海托華芭蕾舞團(法國)及廿世 紀現代舞蹈團(比利時)。回港後致力推動香港舞蹈藝術,為香港舞蹈總會創會會員。劉氏於2007年榮獲香港演藝學 院院士,更獲頒2009年傑出藝術貢獻獎。現任香港舞蹈總會董事及副會長,並擔任香港舞蹈團藝術顧問。 “Ming Sir” Lau Siu-Ming is a respected veteran actor and a pioneer in Hong Kong dance. Lau received a scholarship to study ballet in France. He joined Rosella Hightower Dance Company (France) and Twenty Century Ballet Company (Belgium) then. Over the years, he has devoted to promote the art of dance in Hong Kong and became one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF). In 2007, he received his Honorary Fellowship from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He also received “Award for Outstanding Contribution in Arts 2009” this year. He is currently Member of the Board of Directors and Vice-president of the HKDF and Artistic Advisor of the Hong Kong Dance Company.
劉定國先生 Mr. LAU Ting Kwok 本港資深西方民族舞導師,歷屆校際及區際舞蹈評判,對推動土風舞工作不遺餘力,曾於2003年獲英國皇家舞蹈 教師協會頒贈Isabel Haxell Trophy嘉許,並於2000至2005年擔任香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及評審員。現任英國皇 家舞蹈教師協會土風舞研習評核員及香港舞蹈總會執委會副主席。
Mr. Lau is a distinguished educator of Western Folk Dance in Hong Kong and has been dance adjudicator in School Dance Festivals as well as dance competitions in all districts for over 30 years. He was awarded the Isabel Haxell Trophy by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) in 2003. Between 2000 and 2005, he had been Artistic Advisor & Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. At present he is Assessor of the“Folk Dance Studies”of the ISTD in Hong Kong and Vice Chairman, Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Dance Federation.
廖春慧女士 Ms. LIU Chun-wai Surianty 廖女士出生於印尼,自幼隨名師習傳統東南亞舞蹈及芭蕾舞等,移居香港後亦鑕研中國舞蹈。幾十年來不斷在東南 亞收集、研究,致力提升東南亞舞蹈藝術,創作及編導舞蹈無數。她創立香港、雅加達及廣州少年東南亞舞蹈團, 並經常在中、港、星、馬各地就東南亞舞蹈特色作專題講座和示範,積極擔當文化交流的橋樑。廖女士對舞蹈發展 的成就,獲得印尼政府評審頒發『2016年卓越藝術家成就獎』,以表揚她對傳統舞蹈、創作、創新的卓越貢獻。 Surianty Liu, born in Indonesia, studied Sumatran dance, Bali dance, Ballet, Malaysian dance… under the famous gurus. She also studied the Chinese Dance while she moved into Hong Kong. Over the past decades she has devoted herself to study and promoting Southeast Asian dances by creating and choreographing. She founded the South East Asia Dance Troupe in Hong Kong, Jakarta and Guangzhou. Being the chief adjudicator at the School Dance Festivals annually, she also actively facilitates cultural exchanges among Hong Kong, Guangdong, Singapore, Malaysia by providing seminars and workshops on South East Asian dances. Her excellence in dance development amount the territories is well recognized. She has just awarded the “National Outstanding Artist Award 2016” from the Indonesia Education and Cultural Department.
劉迎宏 LIU Ying-hong 1995年上海市舞蹈學校中國舞專業畢業,隨即成為上海東方青春舞蹈團首席舞蹈員。2005年加入香港舞蹈團,至 今一直在大型舞劇中擔任獨舞及領舞,亦多次隨團作世界巡迴演出。他精湛的技巧、出色的表現為他帶來國家一級 演員殊榮和香港舞蹈年獎。除了演出外,他也出任香港舞蹈團舞劇聯合編舞和助理編舞,並為其他舞團編舞。 After graduating from Shanghai Dance School majoring in Chinese dance, Mr Liu became a principal dancer of Shanghai Orient Youth Dance Troupe. He joined the Hong Kong Dance Company in 2005, and has played the role of solo and leading dancer in large-scale dance dramas and made world tours with the Company. Being a wonderful and great dancer, he was granted the special award of National First-class Dancer in 2005 and the Hong Kong Dance Award in 2007. He is also a co-choreographer and assistant choreographer of the Hong Kong Dance Company and choreographs dances for other dance groups.
按英文姓氏排序 In Alphabetical order
Bauhinia Cup
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2016 - 評判簡介 王榮祿先生 Mr. ONG Yong Lock 王氏出生於馬來西亞,1989 年加入香港舞蹈團,曾擔任大型舞劇《自梳女》、《紅雪》等的男主角。1993 年加 入城市當代舞蹈團,在多個大型製作中擔任主要角式,並曾代表舞團到世界各地演出。 王氏為南群舞子創辦團員,2002獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發香港舞蹈年獎。同年與周金毅成立不加鎖舞踊館,致力推 廣和普及現代舞。 Ong was born in Malaysia, joined the Hong Kong Dance Company in 1989, and performed leading roles in the Company's productions including Suppressed Romance and The Snow is Red. He then joined the City Contemporary Dance Company in 1993 and took main roles in multi difference programme. He has toured with the company to perform in various places. Ong was a founding member of South 'ASLI' Dance Workshop (SADW). He received the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2002 for his choreography of ballet 4. In 2002, Ong founded the Unlock Dancing Plaza with Elsie Chau to promote and popularize modern dance.
敏廸•貝蒂女士 Ms. Mandy PETTY 英國皇家舞蹈教師協會高級院士及考官(現代戲劇及踢踏舞)。居港三十多年,除了在香港演藝學院教授爵士舞和踢 踏舞外,還積極推動社區的舞蹈發展,是資深的教師、編舞和評判。過去兩年曾出任第18屆香港舞蹈年獎藝術總 監、音樂劇吉卜賽監製及仙樂飄飄處處聞舞蹈助理和監督。她的學生遍佈本地及海外,多為出色的演員或編舞。 Mandy received her formal training in Musical Theatre at Laine Theatre Arts in Epsom, England and after two performance tours of South East Asia, she settled in Hong Kong. She has taught Jazz and Tap at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts over the past 30 years, and has also been very involved in the local dance community, as teacher, choreographer and adjudicator. Her recent projects have included Co-Director for the Musical Gypsy, presented by HK Singers; Artistic Director for The 18th Hong Kong Dance Awards (2016), presented by HK Dance Alliance; Dance Assistant and Chaperone to the Von Trapp Children for Lunchbox Productions’ The Sound of Music (Hong Kong, June 2015). She is a Fellow and Examiner (Modern Theatre & Tap Dance) for the London based ISTD, and enjoys nothing more than watching her former students develop into wonderful dance artists, both in Hong Kong and around the world.
石成初先生 Mr. SEK Sing Chor 前香港麗的電視及TVB舞蹈組主任,熟識中國古典、民間及東方民族舞專業,並積極鑽研現代舞及爵士舞;擁有 國際舞蹈評判牌照,現為香港各區舞蹈比賽評判。 Mr. Sek is former director in dance department of TVB and Rediffusion Hong Kong Limited, with background in Chinese classical, folk and oriental dance, as well as modern and Jazz. He is an experienced judges with international judge license and has been the adjudicators in many local district dance competitions.
盛培琪教授 Prof. SHENg Peiqi 畢業於北京舞蹈學院教育系,主修中國古典舞,獲文學學士學位,留校任教。期間擔任多個大型活動表演舞者、 編導及統籌,獲獎無數。曾出版《中國舞袖舞基礎教程》錄像,並任《中國古典舞身韵》教材分卷籌委。現任香港 演藝學院舞蹈學院副教授,中國舞系主任,碩士導師。
Prof. Sheng was graduated from the Education Department of Beijing Dance Academy majoring in Chinese Dance. Having received her Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts, she taught in the Academy. She has been dancer, choreographer and coordinator in a number of large-scale activities and has won lots of prizes. Her publications include Video of Chinese Long Sleeve Dance Elementary Level and Chinese Classical Dance Shen Yun. At present she is Associate Professor, Head of Chinese Dance of the School of Dance, and Master Student Supervisor of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
冼源先生 Mr. SIN Yuen 早期就讀於北京舞蹈學院。畢業後加入武漢歌舞劇院任主要演員,後任武漢歌舞團副團長。1981年定居香港, 曾任香港舞蹈團基訓及排練導師後出任董事局成員。香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及審批員、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院顧 問及兼職講師。2003年被甄選列入《香港傑出舞蹈藝術家名錄》,積極參與舞蹈藝術評論工作。現任香港舞蹈總會董 事兼藝術總監及香港兒童合唱團等多個舞團顧問工作,並擔任歷屆香港學校舞蹈節及各區舞蹈比賽主要評委。2016 年獲香港舞蹈年獎《終生成就獎》。 Mr. Sin trained at the Beijing Dance Academy, he joined and played the leading role in Wuhan Singing and Dancing Institute after his graduation and subsequently became the Vice-President. He settled in Hong Kong in 1981 and took up the posts of tutor and Technique Instructor rehearsal master in Hong Kong Dance Company、arts advisors and examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council、advisor & part-time tutor of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2003, he was listed in the 《Hong Kong Dance Hall of Fame》. He is now the Director & Artistic Director of Hong Kong Dance Federation、Director of Hong Kong Dance Company and advisor of Hong Kong Children’s Choir and a lot of dance troupes. He has been major adjudicator of Schools Dance Festival and dance competitions of various districts. Early this year, he received 《Lifetime Achievement Award》in Hong Kong Dance Awards 2016.
Bauhinia Cup
按英文姓氏排序 In Alphabetical order
紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2016 - 評判簡介 蘇淑女士 Ms. SU Shu 前香港舞蹈團首席舞蹈員。期間成功扮演了二十多部大型舞劇的主角,憑其精湛舞藝兩度獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發 「舞蹈年」獎,多次被觀眾評選為我最喜愛的女舞蹈員及表現最突出的舞蹈員。亦曾擔任舞團駐團導師及助理編 舞,並為香港舞蹈團兒童及少年團擔任藝術統籌及編舞。現定居台灣,為自由身舞者。 Su Shu was former Principal Dancer in Hong Kong Dance Company and had been the leading roles in over 20 productions. Her outstanding performance has garnered multiple Hong Kong Dance Awards. She had been the Dance Master, assisting choreography in major productions and heading artistic planning for the Youth and Children’s Troupe. Now living in Taiwan as freelance choreographer.
鄧孟妮女士 Ms. Tania TANG 鄧氏為香港中華文化促進中心及香港舞蹈總會創會理事,英國皇家舞蹈學院考官及導師,曾任香港前市政局及區域 市政局表演藝術顧問。現時之社會服務及公職:康樂及文化事務署舞蹈顧問、香港藝術發展局藝術顧問及評核員及 北京舞蹈學院中國舞考試中心顧問等。
Founding Council Members of the Hong Kong Institute of Promotion of Chinese Culture and Hong Kong Dance Federation, Examiner and Tutor of the Royal Academy of Dance (UK), Member of the former Council for Performing Arts Dance Committee and Advisory Committee (Performing Arts) to former Urban and Regional Council. Current Community Services: Dance Advisor of Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Arts Adviser & Accesor of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Adviser of Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Examination Centre (China).
韋柰先生 Mr. WEI Nai 鋼琴教育家、作家、香港作家聯合會會員 自幼學習鋼琴。進入中央音樂學院師從周廣仁先生,多年從事鋼琴教育和藝術教育管理。 我國著名文學家俞平伯先生之外孫,追隨俞平伯先生40餘年,在中國古典文學、《紅樓夢》和詩詞方面有較深的造 詣。著有《我的外祖父俞平伯》,《舊時月色》,中篇小說《跨過羅湖橋》等,其散文、雜文在多家報刊雜志發表, 並多次獲獎。文化部《文華獎》“桃李杯舞蹈比賽”創始人之一,並獲文化部“桃李杯”終身成就獎。2010年2月 從厦門演藝職業學院常務副院長退休,現定居香港,從事專業寫作。 Renowned Music Educator, Author, member of Hong Kong Writers Association He started to play piano since very small and later enrolled into the Central Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Mr. Zhou Guangren. Wei engaged in piano education and arts education management for long. Being the grandson of renowned writer Yu Pingbo, he followed him for 40 years which deepen attainment in Chinese classical literature, Dream of the Red Chamber and poetry. Author of My grandfather Yu Pingbo, Old Moon, novella Across the Lo Wu Bridge etc has also written many prose and essays published in several newspapers and magazines and won numerous awards. Wei was also one of the founders of National Ministry of Culture’s Wenhua Award and Taoli Cup Dance Competition, and awarded with Taoli Cup Lifetime Achievement Award. In February 2010, he retired from the Deputy Dean of Xiamen Performing Arts Vocational Academy and now lives in Hong Kong engaged in professional writing.
謝茵女士 Ms. XIE Yin 謝茵分別畢業於廣東舞蹈學校及北京舞蹈學院,曾獲全國舞蹈比賽優秀創作及表演獎、「華北五省一市」、多屆桃 李杯青年組表演二等獎。2002年加入香港舞蹈團,任首席演員,現為香港舞蹈團駐團導師。 2006年憑八樓平台《民間傳奇》與伍宇烈等之集體創作及編舞獲香港舞蹈年獎。2008年與陳磊創作的《風水行》 獲頒香港舞蹈年獎。
Graduated from Guangdong Dance School and Beijing Dance Academy respectively, Xie Yin won the Outstanding Choreography and Performance Award in the National Dance Competition, second prizes in choreography and performance in the Northern China Five Provinces and One City Dance Competition, Outstanding Folk Dance Performance Award in the 5th & 6th China Taoli Cup Dance Competition. She joined Hong Kong Dance Company in 2002 and became the Principal dancer. Now she is the Dance Master of the Company. Together with Yuri Ng and other dancers, their creation and choreography of an 8/F Platform programme Min Jian Chuan Qi was awarded the Hong Kong Dance Awards 2006. In 2008, Feng Shui Xing, her co-choreography with Chen Lei was awarded the "Hong Kong Dance Award 2008".
張毅女士 Ms. ZHANG Yi 畢業於上海舞蹈學校,成為上海歌舞團主要演員。離開舞台後,曾任上海舞蹈家協會秘書長,成功舉辦不少大型活 動。其後曾任新加坡南洋藝術學院講師、香港演藝學院講師,2002年出任澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校校長,致力從事 舞蹈教育。2005年為澳門開辦了舞蹈中等專業教育課程,把專業藝術教育納入了澳門的教育體制之中,開創了澳 門藝術發展的新局面。
Ms. Zhang graduated from Shanghai Dance School and was once a principal dancer with Shanghai Song and Dance Ensemble. Having retired from the stage, she acted as the secretary-general of Shanghai Dancers Association, organizing large-scale activities. She was also the lecturer at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2002 she became Principal of the School of Dance of Macao Conservatory, devoting herself entirely to dance education. In 2005 she set up the secondary specialized education course in dance, bringing professional art education into the education system of Macau, creating a new situation in Macau’s arts development.
(排名不分先後,按英文姓氏排序 In alphabetical order)
Bauhinia Cup
102 唱歌自信 Confident
118 戀"舞"狂 You Can't Stop the Beat
舞蹈內容:從不斷的磨練中建立堅強的信念及自信。 Dance Description: Practice makes you strong and be confident all the time.
舞蹈內容:柔和的音樂響起,喜歡舞蹈和音樂的她開始翩翩起舞﹗隨著節拍逐 漸強勁,再也沒有人可以阻礙她對舞蹈血脈沸騰的熱誠!來,和她一齊起舞吧! Dance Description: When the music starts gently, she as a music lover and a dancer, starts to move her body. As the rhythm becomes stronger, no one can stop her enthusiasm and passionate about dancing. Come on! Let’s dance together!
103 夢幻童想 Dressed To Dance 舞蹈內容:幻想自己穿上漂亮的衣裳,跳出真我! Dance Description: I like reading, I like dressing and I like dancing.
104 瘋愛 Crazy in love 舞蹈內容:愛情,總會令人如痴如醉,即使拿著摯愛的物品,也教人心花怒放… Dance Description: Love is blind. Even just holding her lover’s thing can make her burst with joy…
105 畫畫畫 Painting 舞蹈內容:左畫畫,右畫畫,一起畫出最美色彩。 Dance Description: Let’s paint the most beautiful colours together.
106 Don't Rain on My Parade 107 音樂盒播放中...... The music box played on...... 舞蹈內容:寧靜與聲音;靜止與舞動。 Dance Description: The sound and the silence, a music box and melodies.
130 哎呀! Aiya 舞蹈內容:初生之犢不畏虎,長出犄角倒怕狼。 Dance Description: Newborn calves are not afraid of the tiger, but fear of wolves despite having grown horns.
131 舞/我 Dance Like Me 舞蹈內容:讓音樂喚醒靈魂,讓旋律舞動身軀。 Dance Description: Born to Dance.
121 喵!喵! Meow Meow 舞蹈內容:貓是人類的好朋友。 Dance Description: Time spent with cats is never wasted.
122 學無止境 Learning Never Ends 舞蹈內容:愉快學習,開心滿足。 Dance Description: What we learn with pleasure, we never forget.
108 鳥 The Bird
123 Dance in the Mood
舞蹈內容:鳥展翅飛翔,成長的表現,又自信又美麗。 Dance Description: Birds grow up and soar into the sky, confidently and with beauty.
舞蹈內容:三位天真的女孩,拋開煩惱,一起手舞足蹈,享受舞蹈的快樂。 Dance Description: Three lovely girls enjoy dancing together and forget all unhappiness.
109 選擇 The Choice
124 永恆 Eternity
舞蹈內容:那天,如此重大的選擇。 Dance Description: The day of importance.
Dance Description: Today & always, we hold infinity in plan of our hands. We live in eternity’s sunrise with each passing day.
110 可愛的鳥兒 Lovely Bird
117 俄麼妮 Eomeoni
Dance Description: The baby bird is hatching and learning how to sing. Then when she has feathers and learns to flap her wings, she jumps into the bright blue sky and try……. Fly! Fly! Fly!
舞蹈內容:俄麼妮,薩朗黑喲!媽媽,我愛你! Dance Description: Eomeoni, salanghaeyo! Mama, I love you!
111 Fire under My Feet 112 生命之輪 Circle of Life 舞蹈內容:在森林裡的野豹,原本可以自由自在地於大自然裡奔跑及耍樂,但 最近森林裡出現了專門射殺野豹做皮草的獵人。到底…牠們能否逃離被射殺的 命運呢? Dance Description: Once, wild leopards live freely in the Jungle. But, there are hunters who aim at the skin of leopards for making fur in the Jungle recently. Can they escape from being hunted?
113 夢想王國 Dream Kingdom 舞蹈內容:此舞是描述三位小朋友在夢想王國裏的快樂時光。他們無憂無慮地 起舞,騎馬和遊戲。 Dance Description: This dance describes the happy time of three kids in Dream Kingdom. Carefree and without worries, they are dancing, riding horses and playing together.
114 最好的朋友-老鼠與貓 The Real Best Friend 舞蹈內容:老鼠與貓的遊戲永遠停止不了。 Dance Description: It's a continual game of CAT-and-MOUSE.
115 迷你雙子星 Mini Twins 舞蹈內容:小女孩像對鏡子跳舞,最後打破了鏡子,多走來一位小女孩一起跳舞。 Dance Description: A little girl is dancing in front of the mirror. Finally, she breaks the mirror and another girl comes out from the mirror and they dance together.
116 孖寶 Super Mario 舞蹈內容:孖寶兄弟是電玩世界裡的經典人物,無人不曉。若然這經典人物從 熒幕裡走出現實世界,又會是怎麼的效果呢? Dance Description: Who hasn't heard of Super Mario? “Super Mario” is one of the classic characters in electronic games world. But what will happen if this well-known character appears in our real world?
125 彩 Rainbow 舞蹈內容:花就像我們的朋友,為世界帶來色彩。 Dance Description: Flowers are like friends, they bring colours to your world.
節目表 Programme
(星期二Tue) 7:30pm
Bauhinia Cup
126 愛美麗 Beauties 舞蹈內容:愛美是女孩子的天性,特別要出席一些隆重的舞會時,大家都會各 施各法,將自己變成美麗的公主,讓眾人欣賞。 Dance Description: Every girl loves to dress-up beautifully, especially when she is going to attend parties. Everyone tries their best to turn themselves to be the most beautiful “princess” and catch others’ eyes.
127 Beautiful Day 128 甜姐兒 Honey Bee-B 舞蹈內容:我愛甜圈,我愛花蜜,我是小甜甜。 Dance Description: I love sweet, I love honey and I am Honey B.
129 迷 Addicted 舞蹈內容:沉迷?迷上?迷失?迷茫? Dance Description: Addicted? Enchanted ? Lost? Confused?
119 回家 HOME 舞蹈內容:暖在心窩裏,連夜不畏懼, 踏上路途愛回家。 Dance Description: Home is not a place, it's a feeling. I'm coming ...... HOME.
120 嘩啦嘩啦 Wala Wala 舞蹈內容:我們來自非洲, 嘩啦!!!! Dance Description: We are African. Wala!
132 貓之夢Dancing, I was Dreaming 舞蹈內容:愛貓之人總喜歡觀察及模仿猫之型態,所謂日有所思,夜有所夢。 終於在一個晚上,怪事便發生了… Dance Description: Cat lovers like to observe and pretend how cats behave. One night after a long period of observing cats, weird things happen eventually……
133 玩具大兵 Toy Soldiers 舞蹈內容:在一個雷電交加的晚上,有幾個平常只用作擺設的裝飾公仔,突然 舞動起舞,這樣離奇的事情最後會令人覺得驚奇,還是驚慌… Dance Description: It is a dark and stormy night. Several decorative figures suddenly dance around the room. Will this mysterious scene lead to a surprise or a chaos?
節目表 Programme
(星期二Tue) 7:30pm
134 黑天鵝 Black Swan
210 夢幻荷里活 Fantasy Hollywood
舞蹈內容:一陣怪風喚起另一個我…一個完全相反的我…堅強、勇敢、不再柔 弱…其實每個人都可能擁有兩個自己,你有發現另一個你嗎? Dance Description: Strange breeze blowing has wakened me up, a completely different me…Determined, brave and strong…There may be two different selves in every one of us, have you found your other self?
舞蹈內容:兩個可愛的小女孩於一次玩樂中,不知不覺地投入了夢幻的荷里活 世界,展開了奇妙的旅程。 Dance Description: Two cute little girls accidentally fall into the fantasy world and start their magic Hollywood journey.
135 生日Happy Birthday 舞蹈內容:生日快樂,為你送上美好祝福,路途上為你準備的禮物,希望你喜 歡。 Dance Description: Happy birthday and best wishes to you. I hope you would like the present that I have prepared for you.
136 洗白白 Bubble Up 舞蹈內容:上擦擦,下洗洗,左搓搓,右揉揉! Dance Description: Splash, Splash. I am having a shower. Rub, Rub. Just relax in the tub, playing with my stinking feet.
137 捉 Catch Me If You Can 舞蹈內容:那是我的? Dance Description: That's mine?
(星期三Wed) 7:30pm
201 Enlightenment Between Youth
舞蹈內容:成長的旅途中,我們不斷在束縛中找尋,尋找自己的道路。曾經看 似痛苦的經歷,塑造了今天獨特的你。讓我們一起來回味那段成長中的澀與甜。 Dance Description: Growing pain! It is painful searching, searching our destiny. But what seemed to be painful is what has shaped the uniqueness of every individual today. Let’s look back together on what seemed painful then and find the sweetness in it.
202 天空 舞蹈內容:精靈的鳥兒們齊心合力,戰勝突變,再次傲翔在重現蔚藍的天空中。 Dance Description: Fearlessly fighting against the odds, these unyielding guardians of the sky can now once again glide across the clear horizons.
209 小美yo yo yo Funky Monkey yo yo yo 舞蹈內容:來!派對要開始啦! Dance Description: Come on, let's get the party started!
204 雛.飛 Fledgling 舞蹈內容:生命孕育成雛,等待一天展翅翱翔。 Dance Description: The fledgling is waiting for spreading its wing to fly.
205 奇妙之旅 Miracle 舞蹈內容:我們的世界是多麼美妙的,怎麼可能會壞? Dance Description: We just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.
206 夢中的中國娃娃 Chinese Dolls in the Dream 舞蹈內容:一位生於富裕家庭中的女孩,在家中擁有多個中國娃娃。有一次, 她在睡夢中發現全部中國娃娃原來都有生命,但當她醒來後,究竟是真的有生 命,還是只有一場夢。 Dance Description: A girl who is living in a wealthy family has many Chinese dolls at home. One day, she is asleep and finds the dolls have life. However when she wakes up, she is not sure whether it is a dream or not.
207 舞動奇蹟 You Can’t Stop the Beat 舞蹈內容:每一個音符和跳動都帶著無窮無盡的力量。理想和自信在音符的跳 動下釋放著燦爛的光芒,這就是孩子追求的快樂和夢想。來吧﹗讓我們一起感 受孩子們舞動這奇蹟般的力量吧﹗ Dance Description: Our never-ending journey captures progress and development year-on-year into true stars performing with excitement and at-times boisterous elation we dance our way to this jubilant finale. Regardless of their age and skill-level, all children participate with confidence and the greatest of enjoyment that expresses itself in the dance. The dance is an energetic culmination of the hours of fun and practice embraced by the children on this journey of progression.
208 馴馬 Horse Taming 舞蹈內容:世世代代在草原上過遊牧生活的蒙古族人,自幼就在馬背上成長, 與馬相伴一生。憑著世代相傳的馴馬技巧,使他們與馬成為世上最完美的配搭! Dance Description: The Mongolians, living a nomadic life on the prairie for generations, grow up together with horses. Passing on the tradition of horse taming, this perfect rider-horse relationship is second to none.
211 生命的呼喚 Struggle for Life 舞蹈內容:海洋污染日漸嚴重,海中的珊瑚受到嚴重破壞,她們苦苦哀叫、掙 扎,對生命作出呼喚,希望自己的家園能回復昔日的美麗。 Dance Description: Marine Pollution is harmful to marine life and its habitats, it severely ruins the particolored corals that live in the sea bed where they beg piteously, shout for their life, struggle for survival and hope that their homeland will return to it’s picturesque scenery as it was in the past.
212 我的“遊樂場”My “Amusement Park” 舞蹈內容:笑聲滿載,興高彩烈,我愛跟我的朋友一起,分享愉快的一刻。 嘻……你猜我會有甚麼遊戲? 足不出戶也能盡興呢…… 這就是我的“遊樂場”!! Dance Description: Full of laughters, cheerful and delightful….. love to share with my friends, the moment of sharing … Oosh… what do you think I would like to play? No need to go out of my home… I can still enjoy so much…. This is my “Amusement Park”!
301 Swing 舞蹈內容:一群小朋友愛上百老匯形式的歌舞,決定為大家演出百老匯舞。 Dance Description: A group of small children are performing for us a Broadway dance.
302 Bollywood 舞蹈內容:一班熱愛舞蹈的小朋友,一起於廣場跳起印度歌舞起來。 Dance Description: A group of small children are doing an Indian dance in the square.
303 藍天,白雲,我的家 Blue Sky, White Clouds, My Home 舞蹈內容:藍藍的天白雲飄,白雲下面馬兒跑呀﹗美麗的大草原,我的家﹗我 揮動鞭兒奔馳飛翔,花兒為的開放,鳥兒為的飛翔,我愛你,我的家﹗ Dance Description: White clouds are drifting through the blue sky. With the flowers blooming and birds flying, I whip the horse and ride swiftly in the beautiful prairie. I love you, my home!
304 起舞 Dance Off 舞蹈內容:一班對舞蹈充滿熱誠的學生,在老師不在的時候仍努力去準備表演 和比賽。 Dance Description: The students have great zeal for dancing. They do their best to prepare for the performance and competition without the teacher.
305 飛躍草原 Leaping in the Mongolian Steppe 舞蹈內容:描述一羣小朋友在蒙古的草原上快樂地起舞。 Dance Description: Some small children are dancing happily in the Mongolian steppe.
306 G.I.R.L Dance Description: Glamour . Image . Radiate . Love
307 翩“編”起舞 Sew Like Dancing 舞蹈內容:苗家姑娘編呀編,織呀織,心靈手巧穿杖梭走線,編出一首首美妙 的交響樂曲。 Dance Description: The "Miao" girls enjoy sewing and stitching, the way they do it is just as beautiful as a symphony.
308 春曉 Spring Dawn Dance Description: Awakened by the innocence of warm gentle dew drops. Flowers bright, burst forth buds of delight. Nature’s gift of spring warms a cold winter spirit with the promise of growth and renewal.
309 魚兒荷中躍 Fish Jumping in Lotus Pond 舞蹈內容:荷花開得燦爛迷人,魚兒活躍地跳動,在荷中自由自在穿插,充滿 生氣,樂也融融。 Dance Description: Lotuses in full bloom, fish are jumping vigorously and weaving in and out between the lotuses.
310 MJ Little Stars 舞蹈內容:獻給我們的一代舞王,米高積遜。 Dance Description: Tribute to Michael Jackson, our King of Pop.
203 下雨了 Raining Day
311 Fever 舞吧﹗
舞蹈內容:雷聲隆隆帶來了一陣陣雨點。小女孩們趁著下雨的日子穿上雨衣帶 著雨靴並互約在雨中起舞玩樂...踢踢踏踏樂極忘返.... Dance Description: Girls are taking their raincoats and boots having fun and dancing in the rain ... Tik Tik Tap Tap, they are very enjoyable.
舞蹈內容:Fever舞者在舞蹈中運用肢體語言表現出一種神秘和完美,大家一起 感受當中的那種細膩和精緻吧﹗ Dance Description: Fever dancers show a sense of mystery and perfection in dance by using their body language. Let’s feel the essence of it!
Bauhinia Cup
4.8.2016 401 Struggle
舞蹈內容:穿上外套,做一個社會上的自己,漸漸地內心的掙扎,如何去找到 一個平衡點,如何找回迷失的自己。 Dance Description: Wearing a jacket to be someone in society. The struggle inside getting fierce, how will I find my lost self again?
402 麒麟才子 Qilin Scholar 舞蹈內容:縱使能沉冤得雪,但最後在沙場上走完自己的一生,何等唏噓… 內容是根據電視劇「琅琊榜」改編;經削骨易容之痛、琅琊榜為首、人稱麒麟 才子、沉冤得雪的林殊最後還是在沙場上走完他的一生。 Dance Description: Even though he got his revenge on enemies for humiliating him, he finally sacrificed himself on the battlefield. How sad he was! The plot of the dance is adapted from the Mainland China TV soap "Nirvana in Fire". Qilin Scholar got his revenge on enemies for humiliating him, but he finally sacrificed himself on the battlefield.
403 Rebellious 404 Meliebrity 405 我曾經有一個夢想 I dreamed a dream 舞蹈內容:這創作是採用了音樂劇《孤星淚》中的「I dreamed a dream」,除 了編入了佛蘭明歌舞步外;也使用長裙來訴說當中的情感。 Dance Description: This creative piece is based on the touching song "I dreamed a dream" from the musical: Les Misérables. Apart from composing by means of flamenco steps to fit into the melody, the choreographer also uses the bate de cola to express the emotions throughout the song.
406 默契 Understanding 舞蹈內容:連綿舞步進退無縫,一步一步,是起伏的心跳與閉緊的雙眼在默默 約定。 Dance Description: Continuous dance steps to and fro are the tacit agreement between the beating heart and the closed eyes.
408 餘燼 Embers 舞蹈內容:徘徊在回憶的無底洞裡,唯見年月存活過的痕跡。誰能定它去或留? Dance Description: Wandering in the abyss of reminiscence leaves only traces of the living past. Who can decide its existence or disappearance?
409 輕・羽 Light feather 舞蹈內容:輕聲細羽,乘風能飛,隨風而落,順天應命。人生如羽,隨風而行, 輕薄無痕,瀟灑一生。 Dance Description: Little feather, quiet feather, flying with the wind. Live like a feather. Flowing...floating...with no trail behind.
410 雨中女孩 Girl in the Rain 舞蹈內容:靈感來自電影〈丹麥女孩〉。無人知曉的痛苦,只能在雨中落淚,讓 痛苦化在雨滴。 Dance Description: Idea from movie “The Danish Girl”. It is a pain that no one understands and that could only become raindrops, as teardrops fall in the rain.
411 道路途 My Road, My Fate 舞蹈內容:小姑娘日漸成長,原來的無拘無束,驟然受到傳統枷鎖的約束,與 理想人生背道而馳。 是伴隨出生的命運?!還是能蛻變而重生?! Dance Description: A little girl is living under traditional shackles while growing up, which is in a different way that she loves to. Is it her destiny? Or it can be changed someway?
412 羅敷行 Luo Fu 舞蹈內容:羅敷善蠶桑,採桑城南陽;青絲為籠系,桂支為籠鉤。頭上倭墮髻, 耳中明月珠;緗綺為下裙,紫綺為上襦。 Dance Description: The dance depicts Luo Fu, a beautiful girl of Han Dynasty, who was very good at silkworm breeding.
413 童年 Our Childhood 舞蹈內容:真摯的朋友伴我成長,童年是在嬉笑玩樂中渡過的幸福時光。 Dance Description: True friends are those who stay sincere with age; Childhood is the blissful time spent with laughter.
415 拴 Overwhelmed 舞蹈內容:有些傷痛不會消失,只會長存;有些過錯不能補救,只可承受。但又 有幾多人有勇氣去擁抱那些錐心刺骨的痛? Dance Description: Some wounds never pet healed, but last. Some faults would never be forgotten, but to tolerate. Inevitable to escape, we tell ourselves to live with the pain. Yet, who can ever embrace piercing pain with bravery?
Bauhinia Cup
節目表 Programme
(星期四Thu) 3:30pm
(星期四Thu) 7:30pm
501 心跳 Heartbeat 舞蹈內容:舞蹈和音樂是雙向並存,就像舞音合一的二重奏﹗ Dance Description: The coexistence of dance and music are two-way, just like a duet that comprises dance and tone.
502 重/輕? Gravity 舞蹈內容:生命中... 重便真的殘酷,而輕便真的美麗嗎? Dance Description: Through aisles in life, would you rather embrace a weightless burden, or defy the limits of gravity?
503 竺水招 Zhu Shui Zhao 舞蹈內容:那一年春天……百花凋零、親變疏、近變遠,謙和變成瘋狂,笑容 變成猙獰。越劇名伶竺水招,是該如紅梅般在強勁的東風裡怒放出鮮豔奪目的 花朵,還是放棄那未知的將來? Dance Description: Upheaving the Slogan 'Revolution is Guiltless, Rebellion is Justified', the revolutionists criticized Zhu Shui Zhao, a notable Yue Opera Actress for performing operas that were considered feudalistic and bourgeois. When flowers withered in Springtime 1968......, intimacy became estrangement; laughter became fiendishness; modesty and amiability became insanity; she was denounced, humiliated and beaten publicly by the Opera School students. What was her choice: to burst like the plum blossom blooming in profusion under the strong wind or to surrender to the unknown future?
504 人生百味 Tastes of Our Life 舞蹈內容:每個人人生走過的路都不一樣,遭遇也不同……幸福的甜美,酸溜溜 的鬱結,別離的痛苦,沉重的苦況,悲傷的滋味……是你,我,他的寫照,人生 就是擠滿了這些“味道”,無論怎樣,我們也要迎頭而上,笑看人生,才可活得 精彩。 Dance Description: We are unique, we all share different paths of life…. Neither the same experience nor the same accomplishment…. Sweet in heart, bitter in hatred, anxiety in anger, sorrow in sadness…. Our life is colored and nurtured with these “Tastes”… What can we do…. We ought to approach and retain our passions in life. Stay positive…
505 忽然懂了 All of a Sudden 舞蹈內容:有些事情我們不需要強求明白,當時間流逝,驀然回首時,你會驚 歎,我怎麼會,忽然……懂了! Dance Description: We shall not insist on making some of the things clear. Let time fly. When memory strikes, you will be surprised. You get that now, all of a sudden.
506 最後的浪漫組曲 Finale Suite Romantique 舞蹈內容:終結是開始,花開花落也只是一個更替的過程,在過程中享受,盛 放,枯榮,結果,我們便昇華到另一個境界了。 Dance Description: Every ending is another beginning. Flowers’ blooming and fading is just an alternating process. Only if we can enjoy, bloom, flourish, wither, and bear fruit during the process, we will reach another realm.
507 雨下一整晚 Raining All Night 舞蹈內容:下雨的晚上,聽著雨聲,聽著心底的聲音,總教人有一種落寞的溫 暖。心頭浮起一些往事、一些人。讓思緒放任一次,想念你,一整夜。 Dance Description: It's a raining night. My heart beats like the rhythm of the rain. My mind flies back to where we were. I'm gonna miss you all night.
508 戲夢人生 The Loving Couple 舞蹈內容:粵劇泰斗任劍輝和白雪仙的藝術人生,可謂戲夢交融、人藝相織; 作品〈戲夢人生〉借一曲港人耳熟能詳的粵曲名段〈帝女花-香夭〉,化戲文劇 本為一襟飄紗,借喻兩位老倌台上台下的一生情緣;舞出任白戲裡戲外,如詩 如夢的藝術人生。 Dance Description: Yam Kim Fai and Bak Sheut-sin are legendary lovers in the Cantonese Opera. Their loving for each other was not only limited to the drama, but it also extended to their lives. Yam Kim Fai passed away in 1989. The affection only continues in the dream of Bak Sheut-sin. The use of the silk in the dance represents the drama script as well as everyone's memory of the loving couple.
509 Unusual 舞蹈內容:正常抑或是不正常,只是因為人類對陌生的事物感到抗拒和畏懼而 分辨兩派。也許那些不正常的才是真正正常的一群……… Dance Description: Normal or abnormal are often distinguished because we avoid changes and are afraid to face things and situations that we are not familiar with. Perhaps those that are “abnormal” are the better fitted ones.
510 吉日 The Lucky Moment 舞蹈內容:吉日,吉時。一片蓋頭把我送走了,就回不來了。 Dance Description: The day, the time, for when I veil, I know the life that lies ahead is one of no return.
節目表 Programme 511 迷宮巷Maze Lane
607 望果 Hope for Harvest
舞蹈內容:命運,猶如走進了迷宮一樣,只能照著巷子的方向往前走,不走到 最後不知自己身在何處…… Dance Description: The fate of women in qipao, as if one walking into the Maze Lane could but move as guided by the lane, without knowing the destination until the end……
舞蹈內容:天蒼蒼,野茫茫,藏族農家祈求上天眷顧,辛勤耕作,到眼看著即將 收割的莊稼,呼吸著麥田飄來的清香,悠悠唱起古老的豐收歌謠,歡慶望果節。 Dance Description: With the songs of harvest, the delightful smell of crops, the Tibetan farmers work hard and pray for the blessings from their god.
512 呼喚 Summon 舞蹈內容:在紛亂的都市,人被擠壓、扭曲,久違了那原始的、掩埋在骨子裏 的,大自然的呼喚! Dance Description: In the chaotic society, we are extruded by the surroundings, so we forget our original characters. The nature calls us to wake up.
513 Escape 舞蹈內容:要離開這裡 Dance Description: I want to go away from here. I WANT TO GO AWAY FROM HERE.
514 春之光影 The Shadow of Spring 舞蹈內容:冰雪消融,百鳥競翔,湖光山色初露春意。 Dance Description: Snow starts melting slowly…… with birds increasingly taking to flight…… A scenery reveals that spring is quietly coming to this lake in the mountain again.
515 樂舞昇平 Dance to Exuberance 舞蹈內容:長白山下姑娘們敲着鼓兒歡歌起舞,咚噠咚噠咚噠咚噠,鼓聲響遍雲 霄。 Dance Description: At the foot of Chang Bai Shan, young village girls dance joyfully to the beat of the drum resonating to the sky.
516 都市進行曲 City March 舞蹈內容:當每一個舞者演繹著不同的自己,在時代裡走動著,穿梭著。 Dance Description: When every dancer is interpreting herself, walking and shuttling back and forth in times.
608 傣鄉倩影 Slender Silhouette 舞蹈內容:幽幽的竹林深處,遠遠的望到一群倩影。她們踏過水坑,走過梯田, 笑顏如花的嬉戲玩耍。翠鳥啼鳴,溪水清澈,迎合紅豔豔的傘花訴說着傣家少女 美麗的夢… Dance Description: Deep in the quiet bamboo bush, a group of smiling Daizu girls are playing merrily while stepping on some puddles and running across the farms. With birds chirping and clear streams, Daizu girls holding their red umbrellas are chasing their beautiful dreams.
609 俄羅斯舞 Russian Dance 舞蹈內容:春回大地,萬物再現生氣,一旦天朗氣清,少女們在廣場上以細緻的 舞步去舞動內心的喜悅,一同迎接春天的來臨。 Dance Description: In spring time, every life in nature starts to grow again. Plenty of beautiful girls gather in the big square, singing and dancing happily to celebrate the coming of a new season.
610 幸福鳥 Happiness Girls 舞蹈內容:撒梅姑娘拿着她們的“撒尼帽子”又稱“雞冠帽”在玩耍。“雞冠帽” 是撒梅族姑娘吉祥和幸福的象徵。她們至少會擁有一頂,年滿三歲以後都要戴上 這帽子。 Dance Description: Samei girls are playing with their “Sani hats”, which are also called “cockscombs”. Cockscombs are symbols of auspiciousness and happiness for Samei girls. Each girl has at least one cockscomb with her and has to wear it after she reaches the age of three.
611 風酥雨憶 Memories in the Wind 舞蹈內容:寒梅傲雪,為誰飄香? Dance Description: The plum trees in full bloom are braving the snow. For whom do they exude a fragrant smell?
612 月下 Under The Moon
(星期五Fri) 7:30pm
601 潮.流 The Foxes
舞蹈內容:月上中天,皎潔如洗,一群瀟灑少年對月當歌。作品中小伙子們手持 朝鮮族的傳統燈籠,在月下用瀟灑的舞姿抒發對美好未來的嚮往。 Dance Description: A group of charming boys are holding traditional Korean lanterns, dancing and singing joyfully to express the prospect of a bright future.
舞蹈內容:摧毀我們的生活,掠奪我們的皮毛,只為那不屬於你們的美麗。請不 要只看到我們的軀體,而忽視我們也有靈魂。 Dance Description: You claim our lives for the sake of beauty as the fur we provide blankets your ignorance. Never forget that ignorance can destroy life.
613 季節的喜悅 Delight of the Season
602 長白瀑布 The Changbai Waterfall
舞蹈內容:輕快的音樂,多姿的舞蹈,維吾爾族姑娘隨着特有的音樂節奏,舞動 起來。親愛的,我們一起舞吧﹗ Dance Description: With the lively music and dance scene, Uyghur girls dance happily to the unique rhythm. Come and dance with me, Dear!
舞蹈內容:乘槎河盡頭之處,銀流從天而降。時而磅礡澎湃,時而悠然飄揚。瀑 布為長白山帶來如雪如霧的景色。放眼望向如此風光,到底我們正置身天上,還 是人間? Dance Description: Now spraying, now surging, the waterfall at the end of the Chengcha River is like mist and snow. Having such a wonderful sight of Mount Changbai in view, are we in heaven or on earth after all?
603 桃花依舊笑春風 Miss Your Smile in Spring 舞蹈內容:「去年今日此門中,人面桃花相映紅。人面不知何處去,桃花依舊笑 春風。」編舞者借用此詩,抒發景色依舊美好,但人事已非的感慨。 Dance Description: “On this day last year, we were in this place. Faces and peach flowers: both were a bright red. Today, those faces are already gone, but the peach flowers still blossom with the Spring Wind.” The Choreographer uses this poem to realize things will never be the same again.
604 盛世之舞 605 黑.白 Black.White 舞蹈內容:黑白之間,真的能分勝負對錯嗎? Dance Description: Between black and white, is it possible to distinguish victory and defeat or right and wrong?
614 親愛的,來吧 ! Come with Me, Dear!
615 墨舞娟歌 Jiaozhou Yangko Dance 舞蹈內容:手中畫,墨中舞;筆跡淼淼,成詩成畫,墨舞娟歌,悠然之間… Dance Description: Chinese paintings held by dancers fly on the stage. The magnificent images on the paintings create a poetic display for the audience.
616 斗笠下的惠安女 Life of Huian Women 舞蹈內容:在依山伴海的閩南一帶,蘊育着勤勞樸素的惠安女,她們迎著風、踏 着浪,宛如飄動在海上的仙女,表現出惠安女對美好生活的嚮往。 Dance Description: Bred and born in the south of Fujian which is near the mountain and by the sea, Huian women are typically hardworking and simple. Facing the wind and treading the wave, they are like fairies floating on the sea, expressing their prospect of a happy life.
617 舞動 Dancing 舞蹈內容:明朗節拍伴隨輕快步伐,來自年輕舞者多變的隊形組合洋溢青春,舞 動吧﹗ Dance Description: Bright brisk pace along the beat, the young dances from varied combination of team-filled youth, dancing it!
606 源 Streams of Life 舞蹈內容:滴滴泉水,絹絹細流,泉水就像生命之源,代表著藏族人民對生命的 希望。 Dance Description: The river is the source of life for the Tibetans, representing their faith and hope for life. This dance portrays unperturbed droplets of water forming into unrelenting streams. Dynamic and passionate, our girls will display the Tibetan's steadfast hope for a better tomorrow in this joyous dance!
Bauhinia Cup 15
2014年度【紫荊盃全場大獎】挑戰盃得主 作品賽銀獎 星榆舞蹈團 心.相 2014年度【紫荊盃全場大獎】挑戰盃得主 作品賽金獎 儂情舞集 在途上
作品賽銅獎 La P En V 優之舞 去與留
作品賽優異獎 Ivy's Ballet Company 我們的浪漫組曲
作品賽優異獎 香港紫荊花舞蹈團 爭妍
作品賽優異獎 赤蹈 刀郎賽乃姆 作品賽優異獎 舞界限舞蹈團 都市陷阱
銀獎 星榆舞蹈學校 敲起鼓兒樂悠悠 銅獎 儂情舞集 在途上
金獎 星榆舞蹈團 心.相
優異獎 小水點舞蹈團 愛幻夢境 優異獎 苗徽舞集 麼舍咯
優異獎 韵情舞坊 盼.且行
Bauhinia Cup
優異獎 龍騰舞蹈藝術中心有限公司 嘎麗
紫荊盃單項組 - 單、雙、三賽事
金獎 梁儉豐 宣言 銅獎 星榆舞蹈學校 春天的步伐 金獎 Jay舞團 金水、夕陽
優異獎 星榆舞蹈劇場 原點 優異獎 王嘉維 繽紛世界
優異獎 龍騰舞蹈藝術中心有限公司 享受 優異獎 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 月影
作品賽銀獎 藝苗舞蹈團 浪
作品賽金獎 小水點舞蹈團 老師早晨
作品賽銅獎 SDM Elite Junior Happy Party
Bauhinia Cup
作品賽優異獎 小花仙舞蹈學院 原世界
作品賽優異獎 韵情舞坊 夢.雨天 作品賽優異獎 SDM Elite Group 狂熱派對
銀獎 星榆兒童舞蹈團 長白鼓謠 金獎 SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院 Shake That
銅獎 勵志會陳鄭潔雲舞蹈坊 點點紅綠
優異獎 小花仙舞蹈學院 原世界
優異獎 韵情舞坊 夢.雨天
優異獎 小水點舞蹈團 老師早晨
小紫荊盃單項組 - 單、雙、三賽事
2014年度【小紫荊全場大獎】挑戰盃得主 金獎 香港當代青年舞蹈團 孖女
銅獎 小水點King of Pop 小巨星
Bauhinia Cup
銀獎 韵情舞坊 飄呀飄
小紫荊盃單項組 - 單、雙、三賽事
優異獎 小水點Hip Hoppin' Gators 正義小先鋒
優異獎 SDM Elite Star I AM A BIG GIRL 優異獎 小水點舞蹈團 豆蔻.鼓鳴 優異獎 小水點兒童舞蹈團 勁舞Dancing B 優異獎 SDM Elite Hey! My Girl
優異獎 SDM Group Me and My Shadow
優異獎 小水點兒童爵士舞舞蹈團 紫心天使
Bauhinia Cup
參加團體 Participating Organizations 小花仙舞蹈團 Flower's Angel Dancing Group
春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop
小花仙舞蹈團成立於2003年,以教授中國舞及芭蕾舞為主,為兒童及 青少年提 供全面的舞蹈訓練,視培育舞蹈新苗為己任,發掘學員的藝術潛能, 培養對藝術的修養,令其達到德、智、體、群、美五育均衡發展。 Aims at fostering new dancers, providing training to arouse students’ interest and to enhance their appreciation of the fine arts. The students can also develop their right temperament through the group training.
舞蹈是情感思想的表達方式。我們一直抱着信念,讓同學接觸和學習 不同的舞蹈種類,配合現今社會的多元性及全面性的環境,通過學習舞 蹈的美學和經驗,培養學生的藝術人生。除了在教室學習舞蹈,我們 也帶學生到海外參加舞蹈比賽及參觀,讓同學真正理解當地的文化及 風俗。 Dancing is the expression of emotion and thought. Our belief is to enable students to explore and learn different genres of dance so that they can cohere with the multiple and diversified environment of the community nowadays. We hope that our students can learn and adopt the art and beauty of dance in their life. Apart from dancing at school, our students will go abroad for different dance competitions and visits to taste the culture of other countries.
SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院 SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院致力提供多元化舞台表演機會,藉以培育孩子成 為思想正面、具影響力及貢獻社會的「星級領袖」。 SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie believes every child could be cultivated via different kinds of stage performances and become a “Star Leader”, with characters of Positive, Influential and Contributive. 聖公會聖彼得小學 S. K. H. St. Peter's Primary School 本著基督「非以役人,乃役於人」的精神,重視學生六育的發展,在 知識、品德和信仰得到適當的栽培,貫徹「全人教育」的理想。 Following the Christian principle, “NOT TO BE SERVED BUT TO SERVE”, aims at helping students grow intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally, morally and spiritually. Students acquire not only the knowledge and skills but also the qualities of an all-round person with sound moral values and Christian beliefs. 毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet 廖本懷夫人毛妹太平紳士在1964年創辦了毛妹芭蕾舞學校。學校除了 教授英國皇家芭蕾舞學院、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會及澳洲芭蕾舞藝術 學校的考試課程外,還經常舉辦各項活動,培養學生多方面的發展, 包括:大師班及各項大型活動的演出。學生在國際大賽中屢獲佳績, 也有成為國際級舞蹈巨星。 Christine Liao School of Ballet was founded by Mrs Christine Liao, JP in 1964. Besides holding examination courses for the RAD, CSTD and ACB, the School annually organizes numerous cross-disciplinary activities and master classes to encourage students’ cultural development and build up their self-confidence and positive character. Students often win very high awards at international competitions and some have become world-class ballerinas.
韵情舞坊 Kidance 成立於2003年,旨在發揚舞蹈藝術,培訓舞蹈人材及推廣中國舞等級 考試課程,讓學員在舞蹈世界內尋找樂趣,培養氣質及建立自信。 Kidance was set up in 2003 with the mission to promote the art of dance. Nurturing young talents in dance is our top priority. We offer courses leading to Chinese Dance Graded Examinations. Students are encouraged to develop their self-confidence and right temperament in the world of dances, to sharpen their communication skills and broaden their perspectives as well. 藝苗舞蹈團 Les Petites Ballerina Dance Troupe 藝苗舞蹈團成立於2008年,目的將舞蹈藝術普及化,給學員製造更多 機會接觸及欣賞舞蹈藝術,藉此增強她們的自我形象和自信心。 Les Petites Ballerina Dance Troupe is a non-profit dance troupe, established in 2008. Our mission is to promote dance art in the children’s community. Through dance performances and competitions, children may also gain self-confidence and self-esteem. 苗徽舞集 The Sprout 致力推動本地舞蹈文化教育,以培育新苗為宗旨。演出劇目大部份以 大膽新穎的風格,在傳統基礎上創作,營造出富現代感的效果,務求 令觀眾耳目一新。 The Sprout’s aim is to develop children’s interest in Chinese dance. The dancing performance is based on traditional dancing skills and techniques. In order to provide the best performance, we combine contemporary and creative styles in our works.
碧華舞蹈團 Alan & Becky Dance Group
憙舞臺 Danza A'more Stage
本團於2006年成立,旨在致力推廣舞蹈文化,為青少年及兒童提供全 方位的專業舞蹈訓練,並積極尋求不同的演出平台。舞團曾到訪法國 、日本、菲律賓、馬來西亞、印尼、星加坡等地,參加藝術節及巡迴 表演;此外,本團亦積極參與社區服務及慈善活動,貢獻社群。 The Alan & Becky Dance Group was founded in 2006. The mission of the Group is to cultivate dancers’ accomplishments on dancing by providing regular, professional and all-round training. The Group has participated in many performances and competitions in both HK and overseas like France, Japan, The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc. Besides, the Group has joined a lot of community and charity activities.
致力推廣舞蹈教育,為學員提供一個完善及專業的舞蹈訓練平台。學 員可參與由本地或海外團體舉辦的不同比賽和表演。學校亦設有不同 舞蹈種類的課堂及考試課程,讓學員能享受舞蹈樂趣的過程之外,更 可考獲國際認可的專業資格,踏上成為舞蹈家的夢想大道。 This school aims to advocate dance, giving students a perfect and professional educational platform and environment to learn. Students may participate in different competitions and performances held by local or oversea organizations. The school is also equipped with a large variety of dance courses and examination courses. Besides learning dance for leisure, students can have the opportunity to pursue dance on a professional level.
Bauhinia Cup
參加團體 Participating Organizations 小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Group
龍騰舞蹈藝術中心 Dragon Dance and Arts Centre
成立於2000年,由資深舞蹈家屈美娟女士創立。以弘揚舞蹈藝術,推 動本港舞蹈發展為己任,並致力培養及訓練舞蹈人才,為年青舞者增 強自信心,提供實現藝術理想的平台。 Formed in 2000 by Irene Wat Mei-kuen, the Group aims to develop dance activities to cultivate self-confidence and community team spirit, to encourage collaboration between dance and other art forms, and to enhance self-confidence for young dancers by providing an ideal platform to achieve artistic excellence.
龍騰舞蹈團於1999年成立,創辦人姚榮嫻於2013年擴展為龍騰舞蹈 藝術中心有限公司,為推動各年齡層的舞蹈及藝術教育為目標而成立, 提供一個給大家盡情學習和發揮所長的平台,並培育新一代的藝術人 材。 Dragon Dance Troupe was founded in 1999, and the founder Yiu Wing-han developed the Troupe into Dragon Dance and Arts Centre in 2013. The Centre aims at promoting dance and art education of all ages, providing people with a platform to learn and give full play to their potential and nurturing artists of the next generation.
星榆兒童舞蹈團 Starwave Junior Production 星榆兒童舞蹈團於97年成立,致力推動兒童舞蹈藝術,強調德、智、 體、群、美五育的均衡發展,以舞蹈教育兒童。舞蹈團經常參與香港 、澳門及中國內地的舞蹈節及表演,並參加不同的舞蹈比賽,成績卓 越,獲獎無數。 Starwave Junior Production was set up in 1997. It aims at developing the art of children dancing, applying education to dance and training children to become wholesome persons who possess balanced development in moral, intellectual, physical, communal and esthetic aspects. Besides participating in dance festivals and performances in Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland China, the team also enters competitions and wins numerous awards. 陞鋒教育中心 Learning Garden Education Centre 自2012年起,黎雅詩導師在「陞鋒」開辦了中國舞和爵士舞班,為推 廣舞蹈藝術及提升學生舞蹈水平,積極參與各種比賽,擴闊視野。 Since 2012, Ms. Christine Lai has prominently taught Chinese Dance and Jazz Dance at Learning Garden. In light of promoting dance art and boosting dancing proficiency, our students have been actively participating in a variety of competitions so as to widen their horizons. 舞術館 Dance Palace 舞術館致力於不同環境、場合、機構、推動舞蹈予各階層。透過課堂、 演出,讓大家培養興趣,促進交流。 Dance Palace endeavors to promote dance to communities and associations in HK by establishing dancing classes and offering dance shows for children and teenagers. 盛舞坊 Sheng Dance Group 1999年成立,旨於推廣及創作中華民族燦爛輝煌的舞蹈藝術。本團以 新編創作為主《新盤絲洞》、《與愛同行》、《香江雲岫》等服務社 區僑社。 Sheng Dance Group was found in 1999. It aims at promoting and creating the art of China. The Group has delivered performances for the Surabaya Alumni Association and the Beijing Overseas Chinese Federation. In late 1999, the Group performed in the Surabaya Overseas Chinese Society, Indonesia to kindle the strong national feelings of Chinese and to play the role of cultural ambassador of goodwill.
Bauhinia Cup
麻甩女郎 Heroine 麻甩女郎成立於2014年,成員共8人,舞蹈風格包括爵士舞、現代舞及 中國舞,曾多次參加不同的商業表演。 Heroine is a dance team established by 8 passionate dancers in 2014. The team has been performing jazz, modern and Chinese style routines at various events. 莙荔舞藝教坊 Toten Dance & Arts Centre 2008年是由熱愛舞蹈藝術的方荔老師創辦。目的是培養學員在德、 智、體、藝各方面的發展,透過舞蹈鍛鍊自己的毅力和紀律,學習團 體合作,培養優美體態,藝術氣質。更讓社會各階層人士享受及體驗舞 蹈的樂趣。 Established in 2008 by the enthusiastic dancer teacher Fong Lai, the Centre aims at training students’ endurance, discipline and cooperation, fostering their graceful postures and artistic temperament as well as helping people from all walks of life experience the fun of dance. I’Dance By Teens “I” represent Image、Icon、Idea、Identity、Infinity、Impress、 Ideal。I’Dance by Teens成立於2004年,為青躍體藝中心一個培育創 作及表演藝術人材組織。致力發掘新一代表演專才。訓練內容包括: 技巧訓練、舞台知識入門(幕後)、編舞工作坊及舞台演練等。透過工作 坊及實習課,讓青少年發揮創意,提升表演技巧及吸收演出經驗。 “I” represents Image, Icon, Idea, Identity, Infinity, Impress, Ideal. Established in 2004, I'Dance by Teens is an organization of Teens Sport and Art Centre which aims to nurture creative and performing art talent. The training includes dancing technique, basic knowledge of stage (backstage), choreography workshops, stage rehearsal, etc. Through workshops and practical lessons, teenagers can exert their creativeness, enhance their performance skills and assimilate performance experience. 心刻舞蹈團 heArt dance 心刻舞蹈團由鍾鎧汶女士於2011年創立,提倡藝術創作。用心雕刻動 作,以舞蹈抒發情感。 “heArt dance” was founded by Ms. June Chung in 2011. It aims at promoting creation of Arts through using Heart to carve motion and Dance to express emotion.
參加團體 Participating Organizations 儂情舞集 Forever Dance Troupe
香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association
儂情舞集是一群躍動舞台多年的舞者,演繹你、我、他的情懷,成立 於2000年,一直以來由團長梁其芬和副團長劉文鳳帶領,參加多項比 賽及表演,屢獲佳績;舞團將會繼續參與交流及推動香港舞蹈文化發 展。 Forever Dance Troupe is a group of experienced and dedicated dancers expressing their common goal with the burning flame of love in life. We are a non-profit-making dance organization established in October 2000. Led by Ms Leung Ki-fun and Lau Man-fung, the troupe has participated in many competitions and performances and has won numerous acclaims.
香港紫荊花舞蹈團為一非牟利團體,旨為培養本地青年舞蹈家發揚傳 統舞蹈,推動中國舞蹈發展及促進本港與外地交流。於九七年起與多 個內地舞蹈團合作演出,好評如潮。更於二零一二年參加北京少數民 族舞蹈比賽及香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽,同樣獲得多個獎項。 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association is a non-profitable organization. It promotes the traditional dance culture to youth dancers and enhances the creativity and education of dance by organizing various exchange programmes and performances both in Hong Kong and overseas. The Dance Association has been actively involved in performances and competitions. It has won a number of awards and great acclaim.
Jay舞團 Jay Dance Company Jay舞團傳承中國舞氣韻,加入現代手法及技巧,以達致發揮中國舞 在香港的特色! Inheriting the artistic conception of Chinese dance, Jay Dance Company creates works with Hong Kong characteristics by means of modern skills and techniques. 鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校 Ivy Chung School of Ballet Ivy Chung School of Ballet was established in 2002, and we are dedicated to nurturing ballet talents while actively promoting the art of ballet via community outreach activities and performances. With our annual productions, we have not only increased the scope of performance opportunities for our students, but also have stimulated the appreciation of ballet to a wider group of audiences. Besides, the school offers the RAD ballet syllabus and exams to help young ballet dancers develop grace, discipline, fitness, self-confidence, and most importantly, a personal sense of achievement.
聖嘉勒女書院 St. Clare's Girls' School 本團旨在培育團員的舞蹈及表演技巧,增強團員的自信心及表演力, 提高團員對中國文化的了解及認知,和培養他們的團隊合作精神。 We aim to develop our members’ dance techniques and performance skills, enhance their confidence and interpretation, increase their awareness of Chinese culture, and to foster teamwork among them. 嘉諾撒聖家書院 Holy Family Canossian College 成立中國舞蹈學會的宗旨,是透過中國舞蹈宣揚中國舞蹈藝術,鼓勵 同學積極參予活動,並提供舞台的表演機會,從而建立同學的自信。 Our Chinese Dance Team has been set up for seven years. We aim at fostering students’ interest in Chinese dancing, maintaining students’ physical fitness and helping students gain confidence and experience in performing on stage. 才藝坊 Art Workshop
東方中國舞少年兒童舞蹈團 Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe For Children & Youth 本團成立於1999年,由專業優秀的舞蹈教育者組成,主要老師有: 朱茵、吳美娟、莊錦雯等。宗旨在弘揚中國舞蹈文化藝術,重點推廣 《中國舞等級考試課程》。 Our group was established in 1999 by a group of professional and distinguished dance educationists. Our teachers include: Ms. Chu Yan, Ng Mei-kuen and Chong Kam-man. We aim to promote the art of Chinese Dance with an emphasis on the Chinese Dance Graded Examination. 花花 。Jay Fa Fa 。Jay 花花 。Jay致力以演出和交流作平台,推廣中國舞在香港的特色。 Fa Fa 。Jay aims to promote Chinese dance with Hong Kong characteristics on stage platform. 一次舞蹈團 Once Dance 一次舞蹈團是由一群愛發夢的香港年輕人所組成的業餘舞蹈團。舞團 名稱寓意遇到喜歡的事,「每一次」都彷如「第一次」,不忘初心; 同時亦向成員的舞蹈啟蒙老師致敬,謹記將每次練習當成踏上舞台前 的「最後一次」練習。 Once Dance is a group of amateur yet enthusiastic local dancers. ‘Once’, as in the spirit of YOLO, is to remind us to live in the moments and enjoy dancing like it's the only time. Also, it is a salute to our respected dance teachers who mentor us to treasure every practice like it's the last time before we go on stage.
才藝坊是一個新成立的註冊團體,宗旨是透過開辦西方民族舞訓練課 程、工作坊及編排表演舞蹈來推廣西方民族舞蹈。 Art Workshop is a newly developed company which offers western folk dance workshops and arranges cultural performances upon certain occasions. We aim to introduce various western cultures to the general public of Hong Kong. 星榆舞蹈學校 Starwave Dance Academy 星榆舞蹈學校由資深舞蹈導師鄭偉容女士創辦。以培育舞蹈新苗為宗 旨,讓愛好舞蹈的青少年及兒童能學習到舞蹈的基本技術,培養健全 的身心。學校致力推廣“中國舞分級考試課程”、“英國皇家芭蕾舞 考試”及“澳洲爵士舞分級考試課程”;另設有成人中國舞、芭蕾舞、 流行爵士舞和健康舞課程等。 Starwave Dance Academy, founded by the experienced dance teacher Miss Cheng Wai-yung, aims at training new talents in dance and providing a good environment for dance lovers to learn basic techniques in dance and to become sound in body and mind. Apart from Chinese dance, ballet, jazz and fitness dance, the Chinese Dance Graded Examination, RAD Examination and the CSTD Jazz Graded Examination are actively promoted in the Academy. 聖公會莫壽增會督中學 SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tsang Secondary School 聖公會莫壽增會督中學的舞蹈組成立於1978年,是校際舞蹈節舞蹈總 冠軍「十連冠」的得主,所研習的舞蹈課程包括中國、西方、東南亞 及現代舞。希望透過此活動培養學生的審美能力,及啟發演出與藝術 的潛能。 The school's dance team was established in 1978 and has been the champion school at the Schools Dance Festival for ten consecutive years. Its students learn Chinese dance, western dance, Oriental dance and Modern dance. The aims are to cultivate students' interests in the appreciation of esthetic beauty and develop their potentialities in performing arts.
Bauhinia Cup
參加團體 Participating Organizations 嘉諾撒聖心書院 Sacred Heart Canossian College
沙田蘇浙公學舞蹈學會 KCCST Dance Club
聖心舞蹈組成立於1968年。舞蹈組於歷屆校際舞蹈節成績優異,屢獲 殊榮。除在港參與文化節目外,自1976年起也到外地作文化交流。 The SHCC dance club was founded in 1968, which comprises current students of the college and has won numerous awards in the Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival throughout the years. Besides participating in local cultural events, the Dance Club has started to make cultural trips abroad since 1976.
本校提供免費舞蹈訓練,亦開設體育舞蹈班,每年在各項比賽均獲獎 無數。此外,每年舉辦班際舞蹈比賽及匯演,藉以培養學生對舞蹈藝 術的興趣。 Our school provides students with free Chinese dance trainings as well as dancesport trainings. Our club has won numerous prizes in various competitions. Besides we organize inter-class dance competition and dance expo at school every year in order to cultivate students’ interest in aesthetic aspect.
舞工廠體會 Dance Factory 「舞工廠體會」於2005年成立,目的在推廣舞蹈藝術及健康運動,希 望能給予新一代更多機會學習不同種類的舞蹈和參與演出,培育其舞 蹈興趣,讓兒童增加演出經驗。多年來致力教育及推廣舞蹈和體育文 化藝術,並且通過運動來強健身體。 Our group was established in 2005. The main purpose is to promote the art of dance as well as the sports for health. We hope to provide more chances for teenagers to learn different kinds of dance and participate in various performances in order to build up their interest in dancing and increase their performance experiences. We have been doing very well so far as per our group’s major aim. 藝林舞坊 Art Dance Studio 本舞坊是由一群喜愛中國舞的學生組成,利用課餘時間切磋舞藝交流 心得。 Art dance studio is formed by students who are passionate about Chinese Dance. We always keep improving our techniques in spare time by exchanging ideas and learning from each other. 屯門官立中學 Tuen Mun Government Secondary School 本校中國舞學會於2013年成立,由資深中國舞導師 – 鍾鎧汶小姐教 授,成員由中一至中六同學組成。 The Chinese Dance Club of our school was established in 2013. A very experienced tutor, Miss Chung Hoi Man, June is responsible for teaching the team. Our team is formed by S1 – S6 students. 屯門舞蹈團 Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association - Tuen Mun Dance Troupe 屯門舞蹈團是屯門區文藝協進會屬下表演藝團之一,由舞蹈藝術發展 委員會主席劉佩雄先生擔任組織策劃工作。舞團每年舉行表演3-5場, 同時舉辦六場比賽及一場優勝者表演,參賽人數超過4,000多人次。 舞蹈團舉辦舞蹈班約80多班,學員人數超過2,000多人,在屯門非常 活躍。 Tuen Mun Dance Troupe is one of the performing groups under Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association. Coordinated by Mr. Lau Pui-hung, the Troupe organizes 3-5 performances annually, including competitions and winner gala performances. It draws around 4,000 participants to enter competition annually. The Troupe offers over 80 dance classes for its 2,000 members.
星榆舞蹈團 Starwave Production 自成立以來曾多次參與本港及外地各大型舞蹈活動,並代表香港參加 國內舉辦的民族藝術節;在本地及外國的公開比賽中成績卓越,屢獲 殊榮,作品包括中國舞、現代舞、當代舞等。舞團歷年也創作了多個 大型新派古典原創舞劇、現代舞劇、多媒體舞蹈詩及跨媒體創作舞蹈 詩,備受好評。 Starwave Production is a subsidiary performance group of Starwave Dance Academy. Apart from partaking in local dance functions, it has taken part in external dance performances as Hong Kong representative in Mainland China. It has also obtained brilliant results in various open dance competitions in Hong Kong and overseas. Besides Chinese dance, modern and contemporary dance, the group has engaged in the choreography of large-scale nouveau classical dance dramas, modern dance dramas, multimedia dance poems and cross-media dance poems, all receiving favourable comments. 中西區兒童舞蹈團 Central & Western District Children Dancing Troupe 中西區兒童舞蹈團為中西區文化藝術協會屬下的一個組織,目標向區 內兒童及青少年推廣中國舞及為她們提供一項有益的課餘活動。透過 參加中國舞分級考試、周年匯演及其他交流活動等,讓學員喜歡舞蹈, 懂得欣賞舞蹈。 Central & Western District Children Dancing Troupe, Central & Western District Assn. for Arts & Culture, aims to promote Chinese dance as an extra-curricular activity to the children and youth in the district. Dreamworld CK 小雙星 CK Little Twins BLS 香港韓風舞蹈中心 BLS Dance Production 青苗舞坊 Leaping in the Mongolian-steppers 馬彥珩 Ma Yen Hang 舞蹈愛好者,曾於英國薩里大學進修舞蹈文化課程,期後於本地藝術 團體從事藝術行政工作。 Dance enthusiast who studied Dance Cultures at the University of Surrey and later worked in the art administration field. 鍾麗儀 Chung Lai Yee 現就讀香港演藝學院,而編舞者是自由舞者,現在著重於現代舞創作。 The dancer is studying in the HKAPA. The choreographer is a freelance focusing on the creation of contemporary dance.
Bauhinia Cup
海外參加團體 Participating Organizations 廣州市第一中學 Guangzhou No. 1 High School 廣州市第一中學星光藝術團舞蹈隊成立於2013年3月,共有20名隊 員,曾參加廣州市教育局舉辦的學校藝術節舞蹈比賽,均獲得一等 獎,2015年參加第三屆「荷花少年」全國中學舞蹈展演獲得金獎。 The dance team of Starlight Art Troupe from Guangzhou No.1 High School was founded in March 2013. There are 20 members in the dance team. We won the first prize in the school art festival dance competition which was held by the Bureau of Education of Guangzhou, and won the gold medal in the third session of the “Teenagers of Lotus” national high school dance performances, 2015. 深圳市福田區梅林中學 Shenzhen Meilin Middle School 深圳市福田區梅林中學舞蹈團創建於2006年,曾獲世界青少年藝術 節舞蹈金獎;第三屆荷花少年全國校園舞蹈展演金獎;廣東省青 少年舞蹈大賽金獎;深圳市第五屆中小學藝術展演一等獎等。 Meilin Middle School Dance Company of Futian District, Shenzhen, was established in 2006. It was awarded gold medals in dance at the world youth art festival, the third session of the lotus teen national school dance performance and Guangdong youth dance competition as well as the first prize in the fifth primary and secondary school art show in Shenzhen, etc. 番禺區教師舞蹈團 Panyu Teacher Dance Company 番禺區教育局組建的「番禺區教師舞蹈團」,經過近六年的堅持每 週半天的專業訓練,舞蹈專業能力有了很大提升。老師們通過精妙 的舞蹈編排以及美輪美奐的精彩表現,贏得了各級各類比賽的獎項 ,展示了番禺區「上品教化 藝韻飄香」的藝術教育成果和風采! Panyu Teacher Dance Company was organized by Panyu Education Bureau. The teachers have improved greatly in their dancing ability after experiencing nearly six years’ professional training in half a day every week. They have won many honors for their exquisite choreography and wonderful performance which show the spirit and achievement in the art education of Panyu District. 馬來西亞全舞協會 - 居鑾中華中學舞蹈社 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) - Kluang Chong Hwa High School 居鑾中華中學舞蹈社本著推廣及提升校園舞蹈藝術水準、提升學生 對舞蹈的認識及傳承中華文化為使命。 The mission of the Dancing Club of Kluang Chong Hwa High School has always been to promote and improve the standard of the dancing art in the school while increasing students’ knowledge on dancing and passing down traditional Chinese cultures.
馬來西亞全舞協會 - 寬舞集 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) - F Y Dance Ensemble 寬舞集是由一群畢業自馬來西亞柔佛新山寬柔中學舞蹈團的團友 於2011年成立的非全職性舞團。除多次參與全國華人舞蹈節及全 國華族舞蹈公開賽獲獎外,於香港第二屆紫荊盃國際舞蹈邀請賽 獲頒評審特別獎,並於第七屆全國華族舞蹈公開賽奪得冠軍及榮 譽團體獎。 F Y Dance Ensemble, set up in 2011, is a part-time dance company comprising a group of alumni from Foon Yew High School Dance Society, Malaysia. It has participated in various national dance competitions with flying colours. It has also been invited for the 2nd Bauhinia Cup International Dance Invitation Championship in Hong Kong, and has won the champion second time and the Contribution Team Award in the 7th National Chinese Cultural Dance Open Competition. 馬來西亞全舞協會 – 七籌協會 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) – QUANWU 7 由馬來西亞的大專生所成立的舞蹈協會,主要推廣華族舞蹈。 An association that was established by the University students in Malaysia to promote Chinese Cultural dance. 馬來西亞吉華獨立中學舞蹈團 Dance Troupe at the Keat Hwa (Private) High School 馬來西亞吉華獨立中學舞蹈團,團員60名,教練為謝凱賢老師, 藝術顧問為莊秀鳳校長。 本團致力於推廣本地華族舞蹈,近年在 國內多次獲得中學組與公開組舞蹈比賽優秀獎項,著作有茉莉情 懷 、歡喜俏冤家、祭乩等…… Dance Troupe at the Keat Hwa (Private) High School, Kedah, Malaysia consists of 60 students. Mr Chia Kai Xian is the dance instructor, with the school Principal, Mrs Chang Siew Hong, acting as its Arts Advisor. 新加坡福建會館舞蹈劇場 Singapore Hokien Huay Kuan Dance Theatre (SHHKDT) 新加坡福建會館舞團成立於1989年12月。舞團在新加坡福建會館 鼎力支持下,在2014年註冊為「新加坡福建會館舞蹈劇場有限公 司」。舞蹈劇場一直都獲得國家藝術理事會的贊助基金。 Founded in 1989, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Dance Theatre (SHHKDT) has a strong commitment to promote and preserve the practice of Chinese dance in Singapore. SHHKDT was incorporated in 2014 under the support of Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan and has continued to receive funding from the National Arts Council (NAC), Singapore.
馬來西亞全舞協會 - 漢風舞蹈團 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) - Han Fong Dance Troupe 創立約10年的民間舞蹈團,主要推動華族舞蹈。迄今培育過百名專 業及業餘的舞蹈工作者。藝術總監為黃祥志。 Han Fong Dance Troupe was founded in 2006 with the aim to promote Chinese Cultural dance in Malaysia. Led by artistic director Jusnn Wong, the Troupe has developed over a hundred professional and non-professional dancers over the past ten years.
Bauhinia Cup
海外參加團體 Participating Organizations 詩篇舞集 Stella & Artists 詩篇舞集積極傳承中國舞蹈文化,同時擷取澳門生活文化為素材, 融入、創編多樣性的舞蹈作品;致力推廣舞蹈藝術教育,促進澳 門與外地之文化藝術交流,與舞者及合作的藝術家們共同推動澳 門舞蹈及文化藝術發展。 Stella & Artists aims to pass on the Chinese dance culture while incorporating elements from the daily life of Macao people into creation of dance works, to promote dance education and art exchange among Macao and foreign countries, as well as enhancing the development of the dance and cultural development of Macao together with the artists in collaboration.
閑舞人劇場 Xianwuren Dance Theatre 閑舞人劇場是由眾多青年新銳舞蹈人組成的演出團體,2009年由 青年編導趙小剛、張雲峰共同創辦,專業從事中國舞蹈創作、演 出,組織文化藝術培訓等交流活動。 Xianwuren Dance Theatre is a performing group composed of many cutting-edge dance artists.
拓藝朝陽舞蹈團 由本港幾位傑出青年藝術家聯合為推動中國當代舞蹈藝術而創立, 始建於2012年。本團一直堅持原創,鼓勵藝術家在創作的同時, 以表演及教學結合,不斷推動在香港建立專業性較強的團隊。幾 年來團隊作品已獲得驕人成績,包括國內及本港多項大獎,及參 與編創多個舞劇和晚會。近期還主辦了專家大師班等活動。 The troupe was established in 2012 by several outstanding young artists who strive for the promotion of Chinese contemporary dance. It has adhered to originality, encouraging dancers to combine performing with teaching, and setting up a strong team of professional standard. The works presented so far have won great acclaim in both Hong Kong and China.
方相舞蹈團 Fang Shiang Dance Theatre 方相舞蹈團是以中國古典/民間舞蹈為主體的表演團體。於1991年 由一群熱心於中國古典/民間舞蹈藝術推廣,學有專精的舞蹈教育 者成立於臺灣新北市板橋區。舞蹈表演風格以中國民間舞、臺灣 民俗舞蹈為主。 Fang Shiang Dance Theatre is a troupe mainly performing Chinese classical / folk dance. It was founded by a group of dance educators enthusiastic at Chinese classical / folk dance promotion in Taiwan's New Taipei Itabashi in 1991. The dance style of the troupe is based on Chinese folk dance and Taiwanese folk dance.
Bauhinia Cup
北京師範大學藝術與傳媒學院舞蹈系 Beijing Normal University Art and Media Department Dance Development Major 北京師範大學舞蹈系成立於2000年,舞蹈系依託北京師範大學文 化藝術教育的綜合背景,建立了「開放式教學理念」引導下的現 代舞蹈教育科研體系,提倡「以教師為主導,學生為主體」的引 導式教學方式,注重專業文化教育與專業技巧培養相結合,培養 具有較高文化修養,表演、教學、編導、管理「四位一體」式的 高級舞蹈創意人才。 Founded in 2000, by relying on the comprehensive background of culture and art education of Beijing Normal University, the Dance Development Major of the University has established the modern dance education scientific research system under the concept of “open teaching”, advocating the heuristic teaching of “teacher as the leader, student as the main body”, paying attention to the combination of professional cultural education and professional skill training, and developing senior dance creative talents that have higher cultural accomplishment and incorporate the four elements: performing, teaching, directing, and managing into one. 廈門藝術學校全日制中等教育學校 Xiamen Art School 創辦於1958年,校內音樂舞蹈科授課內容包括:古典舞,民間舞, 現代舞,劇碼排練課等,致力於培養專業化舞蹈人才。 Founded in 1958, the School is dedicated to training professional dancers. Its music and dance lesson includes: classical dance, folk dance, modern dance, theatre code training, etc. 濠江中學舞蹈團 Hou Kong Dance Group 濠江中學舞蹈團在2015年11月成立,前身是濠江中學舞蹈隊。濠 江中學舞蹈隊已經有幾十年歷史。男子群舞《黃河魂》就是舞蹈 隊的自創舞蹈。 Hou Kong Dance Group was established in November 2015. It grew out of Hou Kong Middle School Dance Team which has been set up for decades. The men dance “The Spirit of Yellow River” was an original piece of the Team. 北京舞蹈學院 Beijing Dance Academy 北京舞蹈學院創辦於1954年,是中國唯一舞蹈專業教育的最高學 府。 學院以「舞蹈家搖籃」為稱謂,設立多個舞蹈系及學院,涵蓋舞 蹈表演、舞蹈教育、舞蹈編導、舞蹈理論、舞台設計、藝術管理、 媒體科技與舞蹈人體科學等相關學科,形成具有中國特色的舞蹈 教育體系。 學院一直以「遵道崇德,天地人和;文舞相融,德藝雙馨」的校 訓,創建世界一流水準的舞蹈高等教育。 Beijing Dance Academy is an exclusive dance institution of higher education in China established in 1954. Known as “cradle of dancers” where numerous dance students are blossoming and harvesting, Beijing Dance Academy comprises various academic components and establish a unique system of dance education with Chinese characteristics concerning academic subjects such as dance performance, choreography, dance history and theory, art design, art management, new media, and somatic science of dance. Guided with the school motto as “Morality and Harmony, Nature and Human, Culture and Dance, Virtue and Art” in the past 60 years, the Academy endeavors to sustain its tradition of “patriotism and love of school and dance” and contribute to build up a world top dance school of higher education aiming at renaissance of Chinese culture and development of dance.
演員名單 Dancers SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院 SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie
SDM爵士芭蕾舞學院 SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie
謝朗 區雅媛 陳鉦䤭 陳謙宥 陳曉嵐 陳曉慧 陳可兒 陳柏瑜 陳詩穎 鄭思晴 張芯瑜 張紫蒑 張日然 詹景嵐 張茵晴 趙穎晞 招彥婷 曹汶慧 莊悅 周綽珩 徐立臻 鍾茵芝 霍海林 霍俞樺 馮翊雪 陳韻曦 何翺希 胡倬嘉 許晞桐 洪祉霖 葉峰 甘泳倩 簡熙汶 簡曉霖 姜紫媃 高芷澄 郭靖晞 郭靖彤 郭希嵐
郭柏鷺 黎曉蔚 林倩如 林珈慧 林濼殷 林芓澄 林維鋒 林願琪 劉卓怡 劉楚詠 劉恩彤 劉芯 羅梓菱 李晞瑜 李儷珮 李樂軒 李穎澄 李泳橋 梁卓嵐 梁洛嘉 梁心怡 梁昕蕎 李嘉澄 李芯蕾 李思慧 盧祉澄 麥可琳 麥皓瑤 文卓慧 萬沅桐 莫靖琪 莫凱霖 吳曉楓 吳曉桐 吳泇睿 吳汶蔚 吳綺婷 岑若妃 蕭洛瑤 冼漪琦 蘇紀婷 宋卓遙 施茗心 譚凱文 譚梓盈 譚漪雯 鄧藹琳 鄧睿 曾愷澄 曾楚喬 曾繁欣 曾盈恩 謝佩穎 曾昭綽 黃晞喬 王謙雪 黃皓津 王悅曈 任芓萁 楊可瑩 楊祉悠 葉欣庭 姚僖霖 段子筠
Alexia Tse Au Nga Wun Chan Ching Hei Chan Him Yau Chan Hiu Laam Chan Hiu Wai Rayna Chan Ho Yi Chan Pak Yu Chan Sze Wing Cheng Sze Ching Claudia Cheung Sum Yu Cheung Tsz Yan Rianna Cheung Yat Yin Chim King Laam Chiramanee Evelyn Chiu Wing Hei Chiu Yin Ting Cho Man Wai Chong Yoslene Chow Cheuk Hang Chui Lap Chun Chung Yan Gi Fok Hoi Lam Fok Yu Wah Leanna Fung Yik Suet Giselle Chan Ho Owen Hu Cheuk Ka Hui Hei Tung Hung Tsz Lam Olivia Ip Fung Isaac Kam Wing Sin Kan Hei Man Kan Hiu Lam Keung Tsz Yau Ko Tsz Ching Kwok Dzing Hei Kwok Dzing Tung Kwok Hei Laam
Kwok Pak Lo Lai Hiu Wai Lam Gianna Lam Ka Wai Molly Lam Lok Yan Lam Tsz Ching Lam Wai Fung Lam Yuen Kei Lau Cherie Cheuk Yi Lau Cho Wing LAU RENEE Lau Sum Law Chi Ling Lee Hei Yu Lee Lai Pui Lee Lok Hin Lee Noella Lee Wing Kiu Leung Cheuk Lam Leung Lok Ka Leung Sum Yee Renee Leung Yan Kiu LI KA CHING Li Sum Lui Li Sze Wai Lo Tsz Ching Mak Ho Lam Zoe Mak Ho Yiu Man Cheuk Wei Man Yuen Tung Mok Ching Ki Mok Hoi Lam Ng Hiu Fung Ng Hiu Tung Ng Ka Yui Ng Man Wai Ng Yee Ting Candice Shum York Fei Siew Lok Yiu Sin Yee Kei So Kei Ting Claire Sung Cheuk Yiu Sze Ming Sum Tam Hoi Man Tam Tsz Ying Tam Yi Man Tang Hoi Lam Teng Kaydence Tsang Charisse Tsang Chor Kiu Tsang Fan Yan Tsang Ying Yan Karis Tse Pui Wing Tseng Hill Wong Hei Kiu Wong Him Suet Wong Ho Chun Wong Yuet Tung Jasmine Yam Chi Kei Cherrie Yeung Ho Ying Chloe Yeung Tsz Yau YIP YAN TING Yiu Hei Lam Yuen Tsz Kwan Monita
小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Dance Company
毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School Of Ballet
鄭子浩 江偲齊 王穎浠 雷芷柔 譚寶瑤 王千晴 李昭緯 吳頌茹 藍羚 林穎妍 林思妤 周天晞 周芯悅 林靖翹 杜泳昕 郭曉婷 黃凱蔚 李希雪 廖凱晴 洪樂恩 黃沛穎 陳穎琳 吳楚翹 蘇子尹 王偉權 蘇子尹 欒子瑄 陳煜翀 談諾澄 王譽澄 林芷瑩 李莃晴 呂羿亨 呂彥葶 陸曉悅 黃希榆 關曉悠 杜芷欣 談諾澄
劉諾兒 LAU Lok Yi 尹靖文 WAN Ching Man, Charmaine 宋卓穎 SUNG Cheuk Wing 王綽潁 WONG Cheuk Wing 黎樂炘 LAI Clarice 胡叡希 WU Yui Hei 陳哲韻 CHAN Chit Won 曾巧潼 TSANG Hau Tung Velerie 陳禧誼 CHAN Hay Yee 招慧心 Ashley CHIU Kaelyn MARKFELDER 陸綽瑩 LU Cheuk Ying 蘇梓朗 SO Tsz Long 楊睦儀 YEUNG Muk Yee 潘奕嘉 POON Yik Ka 下地佐繪理 SHIMOJI Saeri Sallie 楊名懿 YEUNG Ming Yi 陳可柔 CHAN Ho Yau 陳羨螢 CHEN Sin Ying 林雍嵐 Verna LAM 康蔚珩 HONG Wai Hang Sofia 陳芷泳 CHAN Tsz Wing 麥綽恩 MAK Cheuk Yan Eunice 侯焯瑩 HOU Cheuk Ying 黎晞妍 LAI Hei Yin 林顗頤 LAM Hoi Yee 葉寶恩 YIP Bo Yan, Christy 陳子淳 CHAN Tsz Shun 陳芷泳 CHAN Tsz Wing 陳芷柔 CHAN Tsz Yau 張 晴 CHEUNG Ching 張芷晴 CHEUNG Tsz Ching 方柏瑩 FONG Pak Ying 房穎儀 FONG Winnie 何天意 HO Tin Yi Charlotte 郭泳津 KWOK Wing Chun 潘鉞霆 POON Yuet Ting 謝慧怡 TSE Wai Yi 葉珈恩 YIP Ka Yan Stephanie 余明琛 YU Ming Sum Karis 李雯鈺 LEE Men Juk Veata
Cheng Tsz Ho Kong Sz Chai Venus Wong Wing Hey Lui Vanessa Tsz Yau Tam Bo Yiu Wong Chin Ching Lee Chiu Wai Ng Chung Yu Lan Ling Lam Wing Yin Lam Sze Yue Chow Tin Hei, Hebe Chau Sum Yuet Lam Ching Kiu To Wing Yan Kwok Hiu Ting Wong Hoi Wai Lee Hei Suet Liu Hoi Ching Hung Lok Yan Laren Wong Pui Wing Chan Wing Lam Ng Chor Kiu Chris So Tsz Wan Amber Wong Wai Kuen So Tsz Wan Amber Luen Tsz Huen Jessie Chan Yuk Chung Tam Lok Ching Wong Yu Ching Lam Tsz Ying Lee Hei Ching Hayley Lui Ngai Hang Angus Lui Yin Ting Kelly Lui Hiu Yuet Edna Wong Hei Yu Karis Kwan Hiu Yan To Tsz Yan Tam Lok Ching
小花仙舞蹈團 Flower Angel Dancing Group 林凱澄 陶雨罄 賴鎧萳 林梓瑩 韋懿恒 楊詠斯 陳詠琳 張蒨昕 李紫鈴 陳紫箖 張芯瑜 龍尚宜 鄧凱澄 李欣桐 陶泳彤 宋曉晴 陳紫箖 陳曉晴 陳蔚旻 駱珈翹 陳靖文 黃秋瑜
Lam Hoi Ching Elise To Yu Hing Lai Hoi Nam Decen Lam Tsz Ying Wai Yi Heng Yeung Wing Sze Chan Wing Lam Cheung Sin Yan Li Tsz Ling Chan Hoi Lam Cheung Sum Yu Lung Sheung Yi Tang Hoi Ching Lee Yan Tung To Wing Tung Sung Hiu Ching Chan Tsz Lam Chan Hiu Ching Chan Wai Man Lok Ka Kiu Chan Ching Man Wong Chau Yu
小水點兒童爵士舞蹈團 Hibiscus Kids Jazz Group 林芷瑩 杜芷欣 陸曉悅 王譽澄 黃曉瑩 巫穎瞳
Lam Tsz Ying To Tsz Yan Luk Hiu Yuet Edna Wong Yu Ching Wong Hiu Ying Mo Wing Tung
心刻舞蹈團 heArt dance 鍾鎧汶 陳蘊聰 崔嘉欣 鄭漪婷 余安琪 劉芷珊 黃安麗 郭曉潼
Chung Hoi Man June Chan Wan Chung Ruby Tsui Ka Yan Cheng I Ting Yu On Ki Lau Tsz Shan Wong On Lai Kwok Hiu Tung
聖公會聖彼得小學 S. K. H. St. Peter's Primary School 曾昭綽 陳亭䤭 陳鉦䤭
Tsang Hill Chan Ting Hei Chan Ching Hei
憙舞臺 Danza A'more Stage 戴沛宜 黎巧晴 盧珈霖 蔡卓豫 鍾蕊如 詹希圓 李月彤 劉卓盈 蔡素心 談海藍
Tee Jennifer Lai Emesten Lo Katrina Choi Cheuk Yu Chung Charmaine Jiam Hei Yuen Lee Unice Lau Cheuk Ying Choy Sophie Tam Hoi Lam
獨立舞者 Independent Dancer 陳嘉文 陳希文 馬彥珩 李淑嫻 鍾麗儀 劉佳婷
Chan Ka Man Chan Hei Man Ma Yen Hang Lee Suk Han CHUNG Lai Yee Lau Kai Ting
Bauhinia Cup
演員名單 Dancers 小水點兒童舞蹈團 Hibiscus Kids Dance Group
陞鋒教育中心 Learning Garden Education Centre
韵情舞坊 Kidance
苗徽舞集 The Sprout
王譽澄 屈晞嵐 林芷瑩 劉悅君 施希兒 李斯楠 陳雙喬 李莃晴 黃曉瑩 黃愷晴 方詩嵐 杜芷欣 陸曉悅 劉天藍 張曉晴 方鈺淇 黃紀殷 黃紫穎
劉泱廷 李卓穎 莫子瑩 莊灝怡 梁巧柔 劉國瑤 鄭梓欣 鄭善瑜 黃琬斐 陳錦瑩 呂曦彤 蔡希晴 盛琛瑜
陳思睿 陳芷淇 邱曉曼 莊千漪 徐允妍 傅筠雅 馮希晴 洪菁徽 洪嘉莉 鄺津而 郭澄曦 李敏兒 李燊怡 梁凱淇 羅樂瑤 吳摰忻 孫潔茵 沈庭鈺 蔡子琪 王麗怡 余珮怡 蔡明慧 莊菀琛 周子恩 徐浠林 何詠詩 黃樂宜 關敏琪 李苡淇 李珮雯 李楚欣 魏玉欣 曾嘉茵 蔡佳麗 黃靖殷 袁穎玉 容汶鑫
余若菁 鍾昕琳 王卓恩 梁雅明 鄺瓦晴 陳琛賢 鄭玥㼆 黃嘉曉 李沛希 鍾晞琳 林恩彤 余若昕 王諾恩 何穎悅 袁穎琳 林樂怡 張靖琳 楊慧心 楊千千 曾睿君 黃諾晞 姚穎彤 張嘉雯 張蔚虹 馮曉欣 黃翹昕 王德榆 張蔚藍
Wong Yu Ching Wat Hei Nam Lam Tsz Ying Lau Yuet Kwan Sze Hei Yi Li Sze Nam Priscilla Chan Sheung Kiu Lee Hei Ching Hayley Wong Hiu Ying Wong Hoi Ching Fong Sze Laam To Tsz Yan Luk Hiu Yuet Edna Lau Tin Lam Cheung Hiu Ching Fong Yuk Ki Yuki Wong Kei Yan Jasmine Wong Tsz Wing
春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 Channy Stage Arts Workshop 王健羽 曾佳蔚 朱芷滺 戴暐霖 張思敏 王詩銘 楊靖珩 葉熙渝 楊詩驊 曾樂琳 區婥瑩 謝昫瑤 林希淼 黃尉瑜 吳祉穎 林詠喬 伍如沁 許安喬 張靄兒 彭詩穎 李明熹 姚逸桐 陳逸桐 陳欣豫 鍾慕瑩 胡凱盈
Wong Kin Yu Cheun Kai Wai Chu Tsz Yau Tai Wai Lam Katie Cheung Sze Man Wong Sze Ming Yeung Ching Hang Ip Hei Yu Yeung Sze Wah Tsang Lok Lam Au Cheuk Ying Charlotte Tse Hui Yiu Lam Hei Miu Wong Wai Yu Ng Chi Wing Carol Lam Wing Kiu Ng Yu Tsam Hsu On Kiu Cheung Janice Pang Sze Wing Lee Ming Hei Rachel Yiu Yat Tung Chan Wing Tung Chan Yan Yu Chung Mo Ying Wu Hoi Ying
星榆兒童舞蹈團 Starwave Junior Production 何采妍 高綽忻 蘇靖怡 胡安祈 余願 李心陶 黃靖 顏翊心 黃誼 呂湘榕 譚司羚 蔣雨馨 周志悅 彭衍瑜 朱澄欣 楊紫翹 黃樂庭 鄭嘉嵐 胡靜 鄧詩晴 劉樂悠 何采怡 陳珈澄 湯凝霏 潘思穎 岑珈宜 呂君蕎 柯慧翹 劉施霈 莊家欣
Ho Jeanie Ko Cheuk Yan Su Karen Ching Yi Wu Angel On Kei Yu Jaimee Lee Sum To Rachel Wong Jane Ngan Yik Sum Elyse Wong Lui Sheung Yung Tam Sze Ling Sophia Yuxin Jiang Chou Chi Yuet Janice Hillary Pang Chu Ching Yan Yeung Tsz Kiu Wong Denise Lok Ting Cheng Ka Nam Wu Ching Tang Sze Ching Lau Lok Yau Ho Choi Yee Kelly Chan Ka Ching Tang Ying Fei Poon Sze Wing Sum Ka Yi Lui Kwan Kiu Chloe Or Evana Wai Kiu Lau Sabelle Sze Pui Chong Ka Yan
Lau Yeung Ting Lee Zhuo Ying Annissa Mok Tsz Ying Chong Mildred Leung Hau Yau Liu Guo Yao Cheng Tsz Yan Cheng Sin Yu Wong Yaffa Chan Belinda Zoe Lui Magyn Choi Hei Ching Shing Stephanie
碧華舞蹈團 Alan & Becky Dance Group 方晴 王朝衍 何蔚妍 吳尚同 呂依蕎 李湉 侯均儀 侯均嫻 施儀婷 凌悅婷 張焯瑤 陳子銦 陳芷婷 曾子芊 黃栩熙 黃珞童 黃意憫 葉璦榕 謝諾瑩 鍾念彌 譚善騫 楊雪誼 鍾穎妍 余卓熹 李嘉曦
Fong Ching Wong Chiu Hin Ho Wai Yin, Bernice Ng Tari Lui Yee Kiu Li Tian Hou Kwan Yee Hou Kwan Han Shi Yi Ting Ling Yuet Ting Tammy Cheung Cheuk Yiu Chan Tsz Yan Chan Tse Ting Tsang Tsz Chin Wong Hui Hei, Angelina Wong Lok Tung Wong Yi Man Yip, Victoria Oi Yung Tse Lok Ting, Tammy Zeta Chung Tam Sin Hin Yeung Suet Yi Chung Wing Yin, Winnie Yu Cheuk Hei Lee Ka Hei
藝苗舞蹈團 Les Petites Ballerina Dance Troupe 趙鎧翹 陳穎晞 劉心怡 冼映桐 洪希妍 蔣汶珈 林貝澄 鄧瑋晴 萬桐希 韓晫瑩 沈郁雅 梁子晴 唐婥蔚 黃采琳 黃靖潼 楊珈晴 侯彥琳 余懿行 陳思朗 陳見朗 葉翠茵 劉祉渝 吳秋瑩 何翠瑩 梁敏賢 何紫忻 何媛忻 林欣穎 吳嘉霖 戴曉華 戴穎儀 鄧雅堯 譚凱慈 鍾沛霖 許雪敏 林泳伽 林駿祺
Chiu Hoi Kiu Chan Wing Hei Lau Sum Yi Sin Ying Tung Hung Hei Yin Chiang Man Ka Lam Pui Ching Hazel Tang Wai Ching Man Tung Hei Hun Cheuk Ying Sum Yuk Nga Ashley Leung Tsz Ching Tong Cheuk Wai Warmm Tsoi Lam Wong Ching Tung Yeung Jenny Ka Ching How Yin Lam Elim Yu Yee Hang Farrah Chan, Shannon Chan, Janice Yip Chui Yan Lau Tsz Yu Ng Chau Ying Ho Chui Ying Leung Calrina Ho Tsz Yan Ho Wun Yan Lam Yan Wing Ng Ka Lam Tai Hiu Wa Tai Wing Yee Olivia Tang Nga Yiu Tam Hoi Chi Jessie Chung Pui Lam Hui Suet Man Lam Wing Ka Bianca Lam Chun Ki
Chan Sze Yui Michelle Chan Zhi Kei Chiu Hiu Man Chong Chin I Jessie Tsui Wan Yin Fu Kwan Nga Fung Hei Ching Hung Ching Fai, Nirole Hung Ka Lee Kwong Chun Yi Kwok Ching Hei Li Man Yee Lee Korrine Sun Yee Leung Hoi Kei Dhillon Nadia Ng Chi Yan Suen Kit Yan Shum Ting Kuk Tsoi Tsz Ki Wong Lai Yi Yu Pui Yee Priscilla Choi Ming Wai Chong Yuen Sum Chow Tsz Yan Chui Hei Lam Ho Wing Sze Huang Lok Yi Kwan Megan Man Ki Lee Yee Ki Li Pui Man Lie Cho Yan Ngai Yuk Yan Tseng Ka Yan Tsoi Kai Lai Wong Ching Yan Yuen Wing Yuk Yung Man Yam Audrey
Dreamworld 陳皓泓 葉鎧桐 鄧可妍 鄧可瑩 馮程 馮亮 冼旻慧 黃筱媛 黃雅妍 孫泳斐 孫佩賢 蔡知恩 梁穎嵐 葉穎 梁嘉津 黃潁橋
Chan Ho Wan Ip Hoi Tung Agnes Tang Ho Yin Tang Ho Ying Fung Ching Fung Leung Sin Han Wai Wong Siu Wun Wong Nga Yin Sun Wing Fei Sun Pui Yan Choi Venice Chi Yan Leung Wing Laam Ip Wing Alicia Leung Ka Chun Candace Wong Wing Kiu
青苗舞坊 The Youth Seedling Dance 楊少龍 林雲天 江彩瑜 王琳茵 林雲虹 程嘉盈 黃詠儀 曾碧妍 陳康琪 黃晴煒 楊曉薇 葉凱琳 鍾家寶 李凱兒 朱文茵 紀佩螢
Yeung Siu Lung Lam Wan Tin Kong Choi Yu Wong Lam Yan Lam Wan Hung Cheung Jia Ying Wong Wing Yee Tsang Plk Yin Chan Hong Ki Wong Ching Wai Yeung Hiu Mei Yip Hoi Lam Chung Ka Po Li Hoi Yee Chu Man Yan Kee Pui Ying
Yu Yeuk Ching Jessica Chung Yan Lam Wong Cheuk Yan Danielle Leung Nga Ming Kwong Nga Ching Chan Sum Yim Biance Chang Yuet Ying Wong Ka Hiu Lee Pui Hei Chung Hei Lam Lam Yan Tung Yu Yeuk Yan Joyce Wong Nok Yan Gabrielle Ho Wing Yuet Yuen Wing Lam Lam Lok Yi Cheung Ching Lam Yeung Wai Sum Yeung Chin Chin Tsang Yui Kwan Wong Nok Hei Yiu Wing Tung Cheung Ka Man Cheung Wai Hung Fung Hiu Yan Wong Kiu Yan Wong Tak Yu Thalia Cheung Wai Nam
盛舞坊 Sheng Dance Group 區芷諾 陳凱欣 周思燚 姚詩琪 鄧穎珊 劉穎 黎洛懿 吳子蘋 許曉琳 陳梓鈞 陳芷盈 王佩羚 劉婥媱 方曉桐 陳穎心 李樂怡 譚雯蔚
Au Tsz Nok Chan Hoi Yan Chow Si Yik Iu Sze Ki Tang Wing Shan Lau Wing Lai Lok Yee Ng Tsz Pan Hui Hiu Lam Chan Tsz Kwan Zita Chan Tsz Ying Angel Wong Pui Ling Scarlett Lu Cheuk Yiu Evelyne Fong Hiu Tung Karina Chan Wing Sum Lee Lok Yi Tam Man Wai
舞術館 Dance Palace 劉巧琳 李昕桐 胡嘉晴 藍星喻 盧思羽 黃嘉嵐 傳天恩 呂靖怡 唐慧思 李羨陽 梁芷嫣 黎蓁蕎 鍾卓琳 梁綺凌 黃梓睿 吳思霖 趙穎芊 余頌欣 黃卓嵐 陳雨嘉 嚴海澄 廖慧妍 梁子晴 趙思珩
Lau Hau Lam Li Yan Tung Wu Ka Ching Lan Sing Ue Lo Sze Yu Wong Ga Laam Fu Tin Yan Lui Ching Yi Tong Wai Sze Lee Sin Yeung Leung Tze Yin Lai Tsun Kiu Chung Cheuk Lam Natalie Leung Yee Ling Wang Tsz Yui Ng Sze Lam Chiu Wing Chin Ivy Yu Chung Yan Wong Cheuk Laam Chan Yu Ka Yim Hoi Ching Liu Wai Yin Leung Tsz Ching Chiu Sze Hang
莙荔舞藝教坊 Toten Dance & Arts Centre 方荔 鄭倩蕎 蘇子姍
Fong Lai Cheng Sin Riu So Tsz Shan
麻甩女郎 Heroine 葉曉晴 蕭悅恩 李曉彤
Bauhinia Cup
Yip Hiu Ching Siu Yuet Yan Li Hiu Tung
演員名單 Dancers Jay舞團 Jay Dance Company
Canaan Dance
聖嘉勒女書院 St. Clare's Girls' School
胡錦明 陳敏珺 廖慧儀 蔡淳而 王天欣 蔡珮欣 吳卓欣 李愷彤 梁曉琳
白頌婷 陳昉柔 陳凱瑤 王永琛 黎配螢 葉善衡 王知垠 何欣諭 梁希雯 袁奡忻 陳祉呈 蔡宣蔚 容嘉蔚 梁靜淇 黄卓喬 范嘉祺 何麗喬 鍾麗儀 鄭貝莉 梁己悅
冼珈凝 李樂儀 李嘉惠 李穎心 石巧宜 蔡瑤瑤 高穗 黃子琪 黎樂兒 郭己嵐 郭瑤恩 費奕瑜 鄭思雅 蘇文慧 區婉瑩 羅梓敏 梁美雪 陳浠兒 林藹怡 吳子慧 林欣美 蘇雪瑤 卓彥棋 李維茵 蘇志婷
Wu Kam Ming Chan Man Kwan Liu Wai Yee Choi Shun Yee Wong Tin Yan Choi Pui Yan Regina Ng Cheuk Yan Lee Hoi Tung Leung Hiu Lam
東方中國舞少年兒童舞蹈團 Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe For Children & Youth 設嫦娟 吳少萍 卜玉蘭 蔡文娜 王淑玲 黃晨丹 倪敏 潘麗卿 鍾美雲 朱希文 何少芬 郭建軍 郭龍珠 鄧藹賢 陳雅儀 吳勤英 鄺瑩瑩
Tam Sheung Kuen Ng Siu Ping Book Yuk Lan Choi Man Nar Wong Shuk Ling Wong Sen Tan Ngai Man Poon Lai Hing Chung Mi Wam Chu Hei Man Ho Siu Fun Kwok Kin Kwan Kwok Lung Chu Tang Oi Yin Chan Nga Yee Ng Kan Ying Kwong Ying Ying
Bnenners Thomae Chung Ting Chan Fong Yau Claudia Chan Hoi Yau Wong Wing Sum Lai Pearly Bellita Yip Sin Hang Wong Chi Ngan Euphemia Ho Yan Yue Leung Hilary Yuen Hennes Ao Xin Chan Tsz Ching Choy Huen Wai Chole Yung Ka Wai Vanessa Leung Ching Kei, Cynthia Wong Cheuk Kiu, Ivy Fan Ka Ki Ho Lai Kiu Chung Lai Yee Cheng Pui Lee Britney Leung Kei Yuet Viola
一次舞蹈團 Once Dance 古淇楓 袁嘉欣 柯恩賜 鄭可欣 吳欣怡 莊瑞梅 方凱蘭 郭映君
Ku Ki Fung Yuen Ka Yan O Yau Chi Cheng Ho Yan Ng Yan Yi Chong Sui Mui Fong Hoi Lan Kwok Ying Kwan
星榆舞蹈學校 Star Wave Dance Academy
鄧嘉瑜 關朗笙 簡仲霖 鄧樂瑜 黎海晴 林靖嵐 文頌雅 馬彦珩 陳文懿 勞懿湉 羅頌怡 徐梓殷 柯志輝 陳欣蕾
鄧嘉瑜 關朗笙 林敏儀 陳栩君 駱嘉慧 鄧樂瑜 鄭碧琪 葉亦楓 陳凱瑩 葉愷珊 黎海晴 林靖嵐 陳文懿 黎彥曦 高倩僮 盧綺雯 黃頌恩 梁芷琦 李沅殷
Tang Ka Yu Kwan Rochelle Kan Chung Lam Tang Lok Yu Lai Hoi Ching Jojo Lam Ching Nam Jasmine Man Chung Nga Ma Yen Hang Chan Man Yi Lo Yee Tim Candace Law Chung Yi Christy Tsui Tsz Yan Ke Chi Fai Felix Chan Yan Lui
花花 。Jay Fa Fa 。Jay 胡錦明 劉文鳳 方玉花 林曉希 李思穎 嚴雯如 羅嘉敏 蔡珮欣 蔡淳而 吳卓欣 林施希
Wu Kam Ming Lau Man Fung Eva Fong Yuk Fa Lam Hiu Hay Nichole Li Sze Wing Yim Man Yu Law Ka Man Choi Pui Yan Regina Choi Shun Yee Ng Cheuk Yan Lam Sze Hay Claudia
鍾詠賢芭蕾舞學校 Ivy Chung School of Ballet 白頌婷 張綽雯 黎配螢 王知垠 何欣諭 梁希雯 黄卓喬
Bnenners Thomae Chung Ting Cheung Kaitlyn Elizabeth Lai Pearly Bellita Wong Chi Ngan Euphemia Ho Yan Yue Leung Hilary Wong Cheuk Kiu, Ivy
Ivy's Ballet Company 白頌婷 陳昉柔 陳凱瑤 王永琛 黎配螢 葉善衡 王知垠 何欣諭 梁希雯 袁奡忻 陳祉呈 蔡宣蔚 容嘉蔚 梁靜淇 何麗喬 黄卓喬
Bnenners Thomae Chung Ting Chan Fong Yau Claudia Chan Hoi Yau Wong Wing Sum Lai Pearly Bellita Yip Sin Hang Wong Chi Ngan Euphemia Ho Yan Yue Leung Hilary Yuen Hennes Ao Xin Chan Tsz Ching Choy Huen Wai Chole Yung Ka Wai Vanessa Leung Ching Kei, Cynthia Ho Lai Kiu Wong Cheuk Kiu, Ivy
Tang Ka Yu Kwan Rochelle Lam Man Yee Chan Hui Gwan Gwenda Lok Ka Wai Tang Lok Yu Cheng Pik Ki Ip Yik Fung Chan Hoi Ying Yip Hoi Shan Lai Hoi Ching Jojo Lam Ching Nam Jasmine Chan Man Yi Lai Yin Hei Hilarie Ko Sin Tung Lo Yee Man Wong Chung Yan Teresa Leung Tsz Kei Lee Yuen Yan
香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Bauhinia Dance Association 陳穎琳 何嘉彥 林靜嫻 梁嘉敏 林凱儀 岑嘉瑩 蕭幗敏 孫佩盈 黃慧兒 阮秀慧
Chan Wing Lam Ho Ka Yen Lam Ching Han Betty Carmen Leung Kay Lim Sham Ka Ying Siu Kwok Man Amy Soon Pui Ying Pamela Wong Wai Yee Amiecia Yuen Sau Wai
中西區兒童舞蹈團 Central & Western District Children Dancing Troupe 許澄芝 吳穎南 程佩瑜 黃梓茵 陸詠芝 麥嘉嘉 黃樂彤 麥穎心 賴諾妍 周麗銳 王文慧 柯庭茵 容灝晴
Hui Ching Chi Ng Wing Nam Edith Ching Ginna Wong Tsz Yan Luk Wing Chi Candice Mak Ka Ka Wong Lok Tung Mak Wing Sum Lai Nok Yin Peony Chow Lai Yui Wong Man Wai Kua Ting Yan Yung Ho Ching
Sin Ka Ying Emily Lee Lok Yee Venus Li Ka Wai Karen Li Wing Sum Liana Shek Hau Yi Joey Choi Yiu Yiu Sabrina Goa Sui Kiki Wong Tsz Ki Gigi Lai Lok Yi Joyce Kwok Sammi Kei Nam Kwok Yiu Yan Yumi Fai Yik Yu Tammie Cheng Sze Nga Cecilia So man Wai Amanda Au Yuen Ying Lucy Law Tsz Man Amy Leung Mei Suet Shirley Chan Hei Yi Michelle Lam Josephine Oi Yee Ng Tsz Wai Bonnie Lam Yan Mei Janice So Suet Yiu Yoyo Chuck Yin Kei Sibyl Lee Wai Yan Vivian So Chi Ting Catherine
儂情舞集 Forever Dance Troupe 陳秋儀 鄭麗芬 莊澤芸 周子恩 方愛琳 黃樂宜 黎雅詩 劉文鳳 羅文湛 梁應紳 李泳儀 蘇潔明 袁穎玉 容文鑫
Chan Chau Yee Cheng Lai Fun Terry Chong Chak Wan Chow Tsz Yan Fong Oi Lam Huang Lok Yi Lai Nga Sze Christine Lau Man Fung Eva Law Man Cham Leung Ying Sun Li Wing Yee So Kit Ming Yuen Wing Yuk Yung Man Yam Audrey
才藝坊 Art Workshop 胡集瑤 李如彤 鍾舒翎 謝苡樂 任諾欣 黃穎妍 黃凱彥 劉子諒 徐詠盈 李蕊姿 朱凱婷 郭詠霖 廖頌欣 麥慧怡 林慧心 劉瀛瀅 陳雅盈 馮敏言 郭裕婷 王若婷 李菸樂 劉藹倫 彭詠詩 郭詠琪 容敏 陳重言 霍嘉蕎 何嘉珩 何鑫芯 黃芷淇 王若詩 莫凱琳
Woo Chap Yiu, Claudia Lee Yu Tung, Yolanda Chung Shu Ling , Michelle Tse Yee Lok, Eilot Yam Lok Yan, Emily Wong Wing Yin, Winnie Wong Hoi Yin, Betty Liu Tsz Leong, Jenny Tsui Wing Ying, Gladys Lee Yui Chi, Yo Yo Chu Hoi Ting, Heidi Kwok Wing Lam, Shirley Liu Chung Yan, Etta Mak Wai Yee, Imelda Lam Wai Sum, Winsome Lau Ying Ying, Christy Chan Nga Ying, Tiffany Fung Man Yin, Florence Kwok Yue Ting, Venessa Wong Alice Lorinda Lee Lau Oi Lun, Ellen Pang Wing See, Canice Kwok Wing Ki, Cathy Yung Min, Maggie Chan Chung Yin, Kelly Fok Ka Kiu, Canice Ho Ka Hang, Vivian Ho Kam Sum Wong Tsz Ki, Krist Wong Nanc Kathleen Mok
屯門舞蹈團 Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Assoclation 鍾鎧汶 梁慧妍 繆海婷 朱翠華 何卓思 鄭漪婷 梁詠雯 崔嘉欣 熊敏兒 沈淑儀 陳蘊聰 廖安莉 陳芷瑩 劉芷珊 余曦文 黃充彌 余安琪 蔡雅彤 張崇慧 陳澤恩 蔡諾謠
Chung Hoi Man June Leung Wai Yin Mow Hoi Ting Chu Chui Wa Ho Cheuk Sze Cheng I Ting Leong Wendy Tsui Ka Yan Hung Man Yi Sum Shuk Yee Chan Wan Chung Ruby Liu On Lee Chan Tsz Ying Lau Tsz Shan Yu Hei Man Wong Chung Ni Yu On Ki Choi Nga Tung Cheung Shung Wai Chan Chak Yan Choi Lok Yiu
米雪爾舞藝坊 Michel Dancing Studio 顏潔盈 陳曉欣 徐宇琪 陳心儀 陳凱喬 區建遙 張善朗 邱思麗 張羽晴 李瑋霖 顧善行 廖瀅欣 陳圓維 萬舒婷 萬欣瑜 盧嘉玲 方美珍 陶玥蓉 黃曉珊 林欣琦 陸家慧 鄒彤 沙田蘇浙公學舞蹈學會 KCCST Dance Club 司徒小琪 葉嘉文 秦美嫻 何芷晴 鄧靖琪 劉康藍 馬炯瞳 葉寧心 謝伊蔓 李倩婷 李倩淘 鄺靖楠 黎映頤 馬諾怡 劉宣杏 張虹寶 陳思卉 何穎之 尹展紅
Szeto Siu Ki Ye Jia Wen Chun Mei Han Ho Tsz Ching Tong Ching Ki Liu Kang Lan Ma Kwing Tung Ip Ning Sum Xie Yiu Man Lee Sin Ting Lee Sin To Kwong Ching Nam Lai Ying Yi Ma Lok Yee Lau Suen Hang Cheung Hung Oi Chan Sze Wei Ho Asli Wan Chin Hung
屯門官立中學 Tuen Mun Government Secondary School 郭曉潼 朱倩汶 陳濼箐 何韋瑩 李凱琳 梁秋韻 王思懿 黃充彌 陳詠姿 黃朗貽 鄺倩盈 黃悅欣 蔡宗希
Kwok Hiu Tung Chu Sin Man Chan Lok Ching Ho Wai Ying Lee Hoi Lam Leung Chau Wan Wong Sze Yi Wong Chung Ni Chan Wing Chi Wong Long Yee Kwong Sin Ying Wong Yuet Yan Choi Chung Hei
Bauhinia Cup
演員名單 Dancers 浸信會永隆中學 Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 曹樂敏 謝杏微 郭鎧儀 陳加妤 陳文懿 李婉盈 梁淑敏 賴詠欣 潘煒筠 盧遠微 梁雅詠 馬曉琳 程穎臻 鍾乙琳 賴凱欣 胡家慈 潘秀瑩 江悠探 鍾梓倫 鄭煒筠 黃子恩 陳煒琳 陳嘉棋 李心愉 黎雅妍 黃穎賢
Cho Lok man Tse hang Mei Kwok Hoi Yee Chan Ka Ve Chan Man Yee Li Yuen Ying Leung Shuk Man Lai wing Yan Poon Wai Kwan Lo Yuen Mei Leung Nga Wing Ma Hiu lam Ching Wing Chun Chung Yuet Lam Lai Hoi yan Wu Ka Chi Poon Sau Ying Kong Yau Tam Chung Tsz Lun Cheng Wai Kwan Wong Tsz Yan Chan Wai Lam Chan Ka Ki Lee Sum Yu Lai Nga In Zoe Wong Wing Yin
聖公會莫壽增會督中學 SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tsang Secondary School 孔思言 黃彥霖 黃德如 蘇詠心 徐悅 王芷諾 郭靖嶢 王彩鳴 吳珈瑩 周潁芯 趙曉嵐 何思珩 郭舜雯 鄭心怡 關曉容 蕭樂萱 湯嘉宜 江晉欣
Hung Sze Yin Wong Yin Lam Wong Tak Yu So Wing Sum Chui Yuet Wong Tsz Nok Kwok Ching Yiu Dorcas Wang Choi Ming Ng Ka Ying Chow Wing Sum Chiu Hiu Lam Ho Sze Hang Kwok Shun Man Cheng Sum Yi Kwan Hiu Yung Siu Lok Huen Tong Ka Yi Kong Chun Yan
嘉諾撒聖心書院 Sacred Heart Canossian College 周煜晴 陳鈺琳 馮嘉泳 陸穎瑤 李柏文 勞文靖 何卓兒 吳泳思 梁希雯 陳玉婷 李詠妍 林靖盈 潘熹藍 袁子淇 陳姵樺 鄧穎宜 朱可晴 李樂怡 馮敏言 何鑫芯 吳翠瑩 吳凱凝 康焯熒 張泳筠
Chau Yuk Ching Christie Chan Yuk Lam Karen Fung Ka Wing Wendy Luk Wing Yiu Julia Li Pak Man Chloe Lo Man Ching Mabel Ho Cheuk Yi Chloe Ng Wing Sze Shirleen Leung Hilary Chan Yuk Ting Lina Lee Wing In Janice Lam Ching Ying Jenny Pan Hei Lam Nicole Yuen Nicole Chi Ki Chan Pei Wah Natalie Tang Wing Yee Clement Chui Ho Ching Michelle Li Lok Yee Natalie Fung Man Yin Florence Ho Kam Sum Sammi Ng Chui Ying Emily Ng Hoi Ying Kit Hong Cheuk Ying Vincy Cheung Wing Kwan Emily
舞工廠體藝會 Dance Factory Sporting Club
廣州市第一中學 Guangzhou No. 1 High School
林諾兒 李卿菱 黃諾恩 陳芷蕎 胡爾婷 梁愛翹 馬芷瑩 周悅 駱慧遙
陳夢薇 陳詩婷 程昱林 杜佳眉 何泳琪 胡穎詩 黃智穎 賴昕 李楠 李紫荷 黎子欣 盧悅思 馬韵莹 王倩怡 謝嘉欣 葉穎詩 曾穎 張曉瑩 鄭靜琪
Lam Nok Yi Lee Hing Ling Wong Nok Yan Chan Tsz Kiu Wu Yi Ting Leung Oi Kiu Ma Tsz Ying Chow Yuet Lok Wai Yiu
龍騰舞蹈藝術中心 Dragon Dance and Arts Centre 黎俊軒 黎朗妍 錢慧芯 郭綺鈴 何泳淇 保睿琳 劉希璇 劉希程 謝佩琛 林曉琦 黃栩霖 陳麗詩 陳曉盈 蔡瑤瑤 梁芷琦
Lai Chun Hin Lai Long Yin Chin Wai Sum Kwok Yee Ling Ho Wing Ki Po Yui Lam Lau Hei Shuen Lau Hei Ching Tse Pui Lam Lam Hiu Kei Wong Hui Lam Chan Lai Sze Chan Hiu Ying Choi Yiu Yiu Leung Tsz Ki
藝林舞坊 Art Dance Studio 鄭綽蕎 李頴琛 潘曉琳 黃詩軒 鄧碧瑤 談雅晴 葉沛楹 林嘉穎 張海晴 關柏欣 張穎心 姚諾潼 殷潔儀 楊嘉瑤 梁穎芯 周宣彤 簡詠芝 許曉瑩 郭燕棋 黃鎧澄
Cheng Cheuk Kiu Lee Wing Sum Poon Hiu Lam Wong Sze Hin Tang Pik Yiu Tam Nga Ching Ip Pui Ying Yalana Lam Ka Wing Erica Cheung Hoi Ching Kwan Pak Yan Cheung Wing Sum Iu Nok Tung Yan Kit Yee Yeung Ka Yiu Leong Wing Sum Melody Chow Suen Tung Kan Wing Chi Hui Hiu Ying Kwok Yin Ki Wong Hoi Ching
I’ Dance By Teens 梁穎珊 王曉冰
Leung Wing Shan Goretti Wong Hui Ping
嘉諾撒聖家書院 Holy Family Canossian College 陳凱瞳 陳兆姿 莊卓蕎 黃曉珺 張家鈴 何汶珈 陳綺霖 莊卓瑤 蔡明芝 郭熲恩 尹倩瑤 李敏希 李式詠 林靖山 鄺善珩 陸嬿茹 林泳怡 詹樂文
Chan Hoi Tung Chen Siu Chi Chong Cheuk Kiu Wong Hiu Kwan Cheung Ka Ling Ho Man Ka Chan Yee Lam Chong Cheuk Yiu Choy Ming Chi Kwok Wing Yan Wan Sin Yiu Lee Man Hay Lee Sil Wing Lam Ching Shan Kwong Sin Hang Victoria Luk Yin Yu Lam Wendy Wing Yi Jum Lok Man
Chen Mengwei Chen Shiting Cheng Yu Lin Du Jiamei He Yongqi Hu Yingshi Huang Zhiying Lai Xin Li Nan Li Zihe Li Zixin Lu Yuesi Ma Yunying Wang Qianyi Xie Jiaxin Ye Yingshi Zeng Ying Zhang Xiao Ying Zheng Jingqi
番禺區教師舞蹈團 Panyu Teacher Dance Company 蔡穎 陳含 陳麗冰 陳思 陳薇名 丁燕 範晨 郭慧 何紫茵 洪海涅 黃薇 黃小凡 李玉泉 李梓晴 劉敏聰 湯周卓娃 彥軍 楊茜 伊金雙 易毅敏 張丹慧 劉恩來
Cai Ying Chen Han Chen Libing Chen Si Chen Waiming Ding Yan Fan Chen Guo Hui He Ziyin Hong Hainie Huang Wei Huang Ziaofang Li Yuquan Li Ziqing Lin Mincong Tang Zhouzhouwa Wang Yanjun王 Yang Xi Yi Jinshuang Yi Yiming Zhang Danhui Liu Enlai
馬來西亞全舞協會-居鑾中華中學舞蹈社 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) Kluang Chong Hwa High School 龔詩勤 梁嘉儀 李桔妮 張慧恩 劉昕怡 方姿璇 方姿穎 馬巧玥 方乙晴 方姿蔥 黃家萱 黃靖晴 黃嘉惠 鍾佩杉 潘燕婷
Chong Shi Qin Leong Jie Yi Lee Jenny Chiong Huey En Low Xin Yi Fong Tzy Shyuan Fong Tzy Yiing Ben Giao Yue Fong Yi Qing Fong Tzy Enn Ng Jia Xuan Ng Chin Qin Ng Kah Hui Chung Pei Shan Pung Yan Ting
馬來西亞全舞協會-漢風舞蹈團 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) Han Fong Dance Troupe 李姿倩 蔡筠筱 許淑媗 賴慧芹 廖婉婷 林心彤 列薇 盧泇妏 陳曉春 陳憶雯 張慧玲 黃安淇
Lee Sze Ching Chuah Yun Xiao Hui Sook Yin Lai Huey Qin Liew Yun Theng Lim Sin Tong Lit Wei Low Kah Mun Tan Seow Choon Tan Yi Woon Teo Wai Ling Wong Angie
馬來西亞全舞協會-寬舞集 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) F Y Dance Ensemble 沈潔琳 白詩韻 梁秋雯 劉素岑 高宏屏 許雯盈 邱旖寧 吳惠娜 翁國榮 謝慧敏 蔡詩燕
Bauhinia Cup
Sim Jie Lin Pek Szee Yuen Liang Qiu Wen Law Siok Yin Koo Hong Ping Koh Wen Yin Khoo Yi Ning Goh Fiona Eng Kok Weng Chuh Hui Min Chai See Yen
馬來西亞全舞協會-全舞七籌委會 QUANWU Dancing Association (Malaysia) QUANWU 7 林連洲
Lim Lian Zhou
馬來西亞吉華獨立中學舞蹈團 Dance Troupe at the Keat Hwa (Private) High School 周宜鋒 周慶華 李至濰 黃佳暉 伍家秦 蔡佳亨
Chew Jian Yang Chew Yee Huang Chia Kai Xian Choo Keng Hwa Lee Zhi Wei Liew Khang Weng Ng Jia Hui Ng Jia Qin Saw Yu Heng Chuah Jia Herng
新加坡福建會館舞蹈劇場 Singapore Hokien Huay Kuan Dance Theatre (SHHKDT) 方相舞團 柯彥婗 楊雅晴
Ko Yen-ni Yang Ya-ching
詩篇舞集 Stella & Artists Alberto Garcia 閑舞人劇場 Xianwuren Dance Theatre 高健
Gao Jian
拓藝朝陽舞蹈團 歐陽衛熹 Ouyang Weixi 北京師範大學藝術與傳媒學院舞蹈系 Beijing Normal University Art and Media Department Dance Development Major 廈門藝術學校全日制中等教育學校 Xiamen Art School 李祥政 劉瑜琪
Li Xiang Xeng Liu Yu Qi
澳門濠江中學舞蹈團 Hou Kong Dance Group 方銘臻 李嘉豪 林冠杰 蔡志豪 梁文聰 梁弘力 梁家榮 梁興業 許銘鴻 陳家俊 黃子龍 黃俊斌 黃家俊 程嘉銘 黃天明 雷熾輝 熊寶璘 劉思研 戴俊裕 鄺國濠 譚廣瀚 余焯鋒 關杰
Fang Ming Zhen Lee Ka Hao Lin Guan Jie Cheong Chi Hou Leong Man Chong Leong Wong Lek Liang Jia Rong Leong Heng Ip Hoi Heng Hong Chan Ka Chon Wong Chi Long Wong Chon Pen Huang Jia Jun Cheng Ka Meng Huang Tin Meng Loi Chi Fai Hong Pou Lon Liu Si Yan Tai Chon U Kuong Kuok Hou Tan Guang Han U Cheok Fong Kuan Kit
北京舞蹈學院 Beijing Dance Academy 高琳菲 嚴醒媛 李晨哲
Gao Linfei Yan Xing Yuan Li Chenzhe
獨立舞者 林裕真 黃子薇 沈盈盈 朱冬梅 趙穎 尤純琿 戴贇
Lim Yu Jin Huang Zi Wei Shen Yingying Zhu Dongmei Zhao Ying You Chun Hui Dai Yun
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
承蒙下列機構及人士支持及協助,特此致謝。 We wish to thank the following people and organizations for their kind support 香港藝術發展局 康樂及文化事務署 中華文化藝術基金會
Hong Kong Arts Development Council Leisure and Cultural Services Department The China Culture and Arts Foundation
評審委員 Adjudicators: 陳頌瑛女士 Ms. CHAN CY Anna 白朗唐先生 Mr. Tom BROWN 愛廸•古士文先生 Mr. Eddie De GUZMAN 哈斯敖登女士 Ms. HASI Au Deng 高春貴先生 Mr. KO Chun Kwai 賴秀峰女士 Ms. LAI Shiow Fun 劉兆銘先生 Mr. LAU Siu Ming 劉定國先生 Mr. LAU Ting Kwok 廖春慧女士 Ms. LIU Chun-wai Surianty 劉迎宏先生 Mr. LIU Ying Hong 王榮祿先生 Mr. ONG Yong Lock
敏廸•貝蒂女士 石成初先生 盛培琪教授 冼源先生 蘇淑女士 鄧孟妮女士 韋柰先生 張毅女士 謝茵女士
Ms. Mandy PETTY Mr. SEK Sing Chor Prof. SHENG Pei Qi Mr. SIN Yuen Ms. SU Shu Ms. Tania TANG Mr. WAI Nai Ms. ZHANG Yi Ms. XIE Yin
Photographer Mr. Jason Chung
香港參與比賽團體及製作之院校團體、編導、演員及工作人員 All Hong Kong Dance Teams, teachers and those who have assisted with the production.
(排名不分先後,按英文姓氏排序 In alphabetical order)
Bauhinia Cup