香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 系 列
大 型 三 幕 舞 蹈 詩
舞 出 敦 煌 姿 彩
26-27.8.2015 8:00p.m. ( 三 至 四 Wed - Thu)
沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Shatin Town Hall
觀 照 靈 魂 皈 依
主辦 Presented by
Venue and Ticketing Services Sponsored by
藝術媒體伙伴 Art Media Partner
Supported by
The China Culture and Arts Foundation
26-27.8.2015 8:00p.m.
President’s Message
( 三 至 四 Wed - Thu)
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 系 列
H o n g K o n g Dance E x p o Series
會 長 獻 辭 2015年的盛夏,香港舞壇迎來了絢麗多姿的《香港 舞蹈博覽系列》演出活動,加以『國際民俗舞蹈的 傳承和發展』為題的《國際研討會及大師班》,組
演出約90分鐘, 不設中場休息。
了由曾柱昭先生任學術指導及撰寫腳本和陳磊先生 擔任總編導所創作的大型三幕舞蹈詩『緣起敦煌』
形成既有演藝作品的展現,又有理論探討的支撐, 提昇舞蹈工作者對民族民間舞蹈保育和發展的支持
沙田大會堂 地址:新界沙田源禾路1號
查詢:2694 2542
傳真:2693 4878
Programme lasts for approximately 90 minutes without intermission.
究所及中國少數民族舞蹈學會對本會的信任和支 持,同時也要感謝各主禮嘉賓親臨指導,及本港及
Sha Tin Town Hall Address:1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, N.T. Enquiries:2694 2542 Fax:2693 4878
On behalf of the HKDF, I wish to express my special thanks to Dance Research Institute of Chinese National Academy of Arts and the China Institute of Minority Nationality Dance for organizing the project jointly with us and to Ms Zhao Ruheng, the chairperson of Chinese Dancers Association, for her presence and guidance. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Hong Kong Arts Development Council too. Without their constant support, the activities run by the HKDF over these years would not have been so successful. My sincere thanks would also go to the organizations and individuals that partner and support the HKDF in the undertaking, namely Mr David Chu, Mr Simon Suen, Po Lin Monastery, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Xinjiang Arts Institute, Hong Kong Dance Company, and the China Culture and Arts Foundation. I wish the International Folk Dance Week 2015, the International Symposium, Masterclasses and Hong Kong Dance Expo 2015 Series a complete success with fruitful results!
House Rules Dear Patrons, To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off the beeping devices on your alarm watches, pagers and mobile phones before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio or video recordings in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation.
This summer the Hong Kong Dance Federation (HKDF) is launching International Folk Dance Week 2015 with an international symposium on the presentation and development of folk dance, masterclasses and a splendid Hong Kong Dance Expo 2015 Series. In addition to a medium-sized ballet and small works performed by 37 dance groups, the Hong Kong Dance Expo is turning the page, staging a grand dance poem in 3 acts Dunhuang Reflections with Mr Gerard C.C. Tsang as academic adviser and playwright and Mr Chen Lei chief choreographer. The International Folk Dance Week 2015 is also novel. Dance experts from two shores four places and abroad will get together to discuss the preservation and development of folk dance and give authentic master classes. The demonstration of artistic works as well as theoretical explorations will surely draw dancers’ further attention and support in the protection and promotion of folk dances.
在本會歷年的大型活動中,一貫給予我們支持的康 樂及文化事務署和香港藝術發展局,在此謹向他們 致以衷心感謝。同時要向是次活動的贊助人及單 位:朱恩餘先生、孫少文基金會、中華文化藝術基 金會及寶蓮禪寺;伙伴機構:香港演藝學院及中、 外各支持單位,表達本會誠摯的謝意!
Au Weng-hei SBS太平紳士 全國政協委員 會長兼董事局主席
國際民俗舞蹈週 完滿舉行!
國際研討會及大師班 取得豐碩成果!
香港舞蹈博覽系列 演出成功!
SBS. JP Member of C.P.P.C.C President, Chairman of Board of Directors, Hong Kong Dance Federation
始建於前秦建元二年的敦 煌莫高窟,先後走過了歷 史上的10個朝代,歷經千 餘年的風雨滄桑,而今已 有1600多年的歷史。它 是聞名世界的東方藝術寶 庫,佛教的藝術殿堂。至 今,那些石窟的壁畫和雕 塑並未沉睡,特別是在舞 蹈藝術的舞台上,總是展 現出了它鮮活的形象。 去年11月為香港文化博物館的敦煌藝術展覽,特邀曾柱昭先生和 陳磊先生合作編排了數段表現敦煌特色的舞蹈,以生動的形象,完 好的配合了展覽。於是又有了將其以更具規模的形式和更充實的內
藝 術 總 監 的 話
編 舞 的 話
“一個中國舞人的敦煌夢”,此刻,在我心中浮現的正是這樣的一句感懷!我想它也代表了是次參與演出的所有機構與演員, 更確切的說是中國舞舞蹈愛好者們的心聲。敦煌藝術,是中國古典美學的最高呈現之一,敦煌壁畫中無數的經典舞蹈形象,成 為了中國古典舞蹈的代名詞。 靜觀敦煌的畫作,你不難發現曾經瑰麗的著色現已褪去了往日的浮華;如生的畫中人,有的也已抹卻了七情的樣貌,但是時光 卻在窟壁上留下了最深刻的印跡,一個佛教文化東傳中原,與東方社會文明相容濡沫的印跡,一個歷代祖先追求至真、至善、 大美不言的輝煌印跡。思考,正是以此而展開。 在我看來,宗教理念予以人們的引領實質,即在於“生時的精神寄託與死後的 靈魂歸宿” 。敦煌壁畫中的幾大類題材:經變畫、供養人畫像、故事畫等,均表現了在佛教思想的引領下,人們對“生與死”這 一永恆主題的多元詮釋,人文理念的融合之“緣”,才鑄就了敦煌藝術的永世流芳。 舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》正是以一個“緣”字為出發點和落腳點,以敦煌壁畫中的經典人物形象為基礎,以再現佛教思想引領下的 人文理念為主題,而展開構思。既是“緣”,強調的不外乎二者之間的關係,在內容及形式上梳理了三個層面。首先,是佛與 人的關係,以寫意的手法,突出佛教理念引領下的人文取向;其次,對“在世”與“往生”的情節假設,藉助三大類壁畫題材 的內容為參照,以供養人為主線的情節脈絡,對人物情感做合理延伸,並無杜設虛構的故事情節;最後,則是對“文化共融”
的點題引伸,縱觀敦煌壁畫,從早期西涼、北魏時期粗曠簡約的畫風,到盛唐精致細膩的描繪構圖等,無一不向世人展現歷代審美取向的 演化歷程。在我看來,“敦煌藝術”正是在“共融相生”的前提下得以延續,并以此屹立於綿綿的歷史長河之中。“敦煌”是中華文化海 納百川和博大精深的最好寫照,我想《緣起敦煌》的創作也代表了我們對“敦煌藝術“這一偉大的文化之“緣”的緬懷與致敬。 感謝香港舞蹈總會給予我挖掘和再現“敦煌”這一史詩題材的機會,我想,這不僅代表了香港業餘舞蹈界在藝術上追求經典及再現經典的 理念與抱負,更代表了舞總對傳播中華經典文化的身體力行與不遺餘力。感謝全體主創人員對我的包容與支持,特別是藝術顧問兼編劇曾 柱昭先生,對史實的尊重以及給予我創作上的靈感與啟發;感謝造型師傅 傑和丘小鋇,將壁畫上的人物活現於舞台之上。感謝我的良師
們,是他們在用一顆顆充滿熱誠的“心”譜寫他們與敦煌,與舞蹈藝術的“緣”曲,更用最真摯的情感,在喧囂的都市生活中,刻畫出這 一幕幕至“真”、至“善”、至“美”的瑰麗樂章。
敦煌莫高窟現存繪有壁畫的492個石窟,是佛教文化遺迹和佛教藝 術的中心,但它也從另一個側面反映了當時的現實生活,反映出了 歷代以來,佛教與社會和各階層人士的依存關係。
Message from the Choreographer
舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》的誕生,正是意圖從那浩瀚的石窟藝術中,找 到最典型和最具特色的傳說和人物形象,以不同流俗的新意念,去
“A dream of Dunhuang of a Chinese dancer” represents my feeling at this moment. It reflects the aspiration of all actors taking part in this performance and the wish of all Chinese dance lovers. The art of Dunhuang is at the summit of Chinese classical aesthetics. Numerous classic dance icons found in Dunhuang mural paintings have become a synonym with Chinese Classical Dance.
體現和抒發珍貴的敦煌藝術情韻。誠然,舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》只展 現了敦煌藝術中之點滴,但我們真誠的將它呈現予廣大觀眾。因為 在那令人神馳的敦煌石窟藝術中,我們都會共同找到縈繞在心中的
A quiet review of Dunhuang paintings will uncover bright pigments losing their original vanity and lively figures blurring their expressive faces, leaving deep impressions in the murals. They are glorious traces of Buddhism spreading into China, integrating with the civilization of the East, and the pursuit of genuine, merciful and unspoken beauty by our ancestors. My creative process has started from this point. I believe that the religion gives guidance to people on their philosophical focus in life and the destiny for the soul after death. The eternal theme of Dunhuang murals, including Sutra illustrations, portraits of worshippers and historic legends, all point to the interpretations of the mystery of life and death. It was the affinity with humanism that created the everlasting glory of Dunhuang art.
Message from Artistic Director
The dance poem <Dunhuang Reflections> started from the idea of affinity which focused on the relationship between classic icons of Dunhuang murals and the humanism of Buddhistic philosophy. The relationships are dealt with at three levels. The first is the relationship between the Buddha and human beings expressed in humanism and abstract approach. The second is the hypothesis between “alive”
The Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, first constructed in 366AD, have survived over 1 600 years through 10 dynasties in China. They are the art treasures of the Orient and the gems of Buddhist art. Until now the mural paintings and sculptures are not in their slumber but have been rejuvenated in dance art on stage time and again.
and “re-birth” based on Worshippers’ feelings. The last is the fusion of cultures. The changing styles on Dunhuang murals from the rustic quality of early Western Liang and Northern Wei periods to the exquisite compositions of the Tang Dynasty, reveal the evolution of aesthetics. Dunhuang art was based on fusion of styles to continue its growth and vitality in history. It represents the power of assimilation of Chinese culture. <Dunhuang Reflections> also represent our affinity and respect for the great culture of Dunhuang art.
To complement the Dunhuang art exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum last November, the Dance Federation had invited Gerard C C Tsang and Felix Chen to collaborate in creating four new dances to reflect the artistic character of Dunhuang. Since then, we have the vision to further develop the concept into a full production on stage, not only because of the overwhelming responses from the museum audiences. Our further attempt has originated from our admiration and love for Chinese culture. The 492 Mogao Caves with painted murals in Dunhuang are the centre of Buddhist art and cultural relics. They also reflect the lives of the people from various strata of society and their relationship with Buddhism. The Grand Dance Poem《Dunhuang Reflections》represents our attempt to visualize the valuable artistic rhythm of Dunhuang inspired by classic and typical icons from numerous grottoes. We have employed a contemporary art approach for its creation. Needless to say, the Dance Poem《Dunhuang Reflections》has only reflecte limited facets of Dunhuang art. However, we sincerely present it to the audience because we can kindle our lingering love of Chinese culture in the art of Dunhuang grottoes. Let us embark on an artistic pilgrimage to Dunhuang.
Sin Yuan
Felix CHEN Lei
藝術總監 Artistic Director
編舞 Choreographer
I wish to thank the Hong Kong Dance Federation for the opportunity for me to investigate and recover the epic theme of Dunhuang. This represents the aspiration of Hong Kong dancers in the pursuit of classical art and their vision to rejuvenate such classics. It also reflects the efforts of the Dance Federation in the promotion of Chinese culture. I wish to thank the support and understanding of the creative team, especially the Artistic Adviser and Playwright Mr. Gerard C C Tsang for his respect for history and his inspiration and guidance for my creative endeavor. My gratitude is also due to costume and make-up artists Jadeson Fu and Luise Yau for bringing mural figures alive on stage. My special thanks to Mr. WU Kam-ming and Ms. Eileen Lee for their choreographic contribution for the opening and closing dances. Last but not the least, I wish to thank the dancers who have composed a song of affinity with Dunhuang with their enthusiasms in pursuit of genuine beauty.
經典造型 來自星星的你 二十世紀的科技突飛猛進,使人眼界大開。根據「宇宙大爆炸」的理論,宇宙於138億年以前,從一個奇點向所 有方向擴散,這極高溫度和密度的時空起點,就如佛陀所說的「芥子納須彌」。在大爆炸後經冷卻和吸力作用, 從原始氣體雲層凝聚成滿天星宿。我們的行星地球,遲至45億年前才形成。但從解剖學上認定的早期智人,卻 於二十萬年前才成功進化。以宇宙的年齡與我們人生數十寒暑的生命相比,我們在這娑婆世界的停留,就如白駒 過隙之短暫。如果要在三千大千世界裡劃出我們個人的生死榮辱軌蹟,就如在時空洪流裡抽刀斷水,一無所得。
參考敦煌壁畫的內容,配合當代的創新探索,編創《緣起 敦煌》舞蹈詩,以僧人緣一的修道為主線,配合色彩斑斕 的舞蹈,將敦煌藝術以跨媒介手法活現。其中有典型的天 鳥羽人、飛天舞伎、護法金剛、菩薩、伎樂和供養人等。 而幡靈的加入,則反映了佛教慈悲的關懷。但最為人樂道 的是反彈琵琶的舞伎形象。在敦煌莫高窟第112窟的中唐 佛經故事經變畫中,坐地樂隊前的一舞伎,反握琵琶,吸
時期, 吐蕃曾攻佔沙州, 並推動莫高窟的續建。因此,我們
問題,其彈琴的右手被琵琶所遮擋著。而坐地樂師彈奏琵 真,我終於在莫高窟第156窟晚唐的經變畫中,見一反彈琵
六道輪迴 當佛陀說「天上天下唯我獨尊」時,他是珍惜人類的獨特地位。佛教相信輪迴,而六道輪迴包括天、人、阿修 羅、畜生、餓鬼或地獄的結果,由前世所作的惡業或善業而定,人不能脫離生死輪迴,便每一生一世都在六道裡 轉來轉去,不得超脫。所以能投生為人,須珍惜和把握在世時機,了解人生多苦的真理,而痛苦是由於自身的無
知愚痴和貪欲掀動所作不善之業,結果招集種種痛苦。人要修道,清心寡欲,才能滅除痛苦,到達彼岸,得證安 樂寂靜的涅槃境界。佛陀於這個世界降生時,自稱是他最後的生身,因前生有種種善業的積累所致。
三法印 大乘佛教主要教義的三法印,即「諸行無常」──一切世界萬物,無時不在生住異滅的變異過程中;「諸法無我」──在一切有形無形的 萬物中,無有我的實體,一切都因緣和合的適合條件下產生,亦因條件環境的變異缺失而消滅。「涅槃寂靜」──是思想上滅除生死痛
苦,無為安樂的理想寂靜境界。據核子物理學的觀察,當物質毀滅時,會產生極大的能量。反過來說,能量就是萬物之源。即如《心經》 所說:「色即是空,空即是色。」天地萬物,有形無形,都只不過是能量轉換的不同形態,並無永久存在不變的實體,實在不必過份執 著,以為歡樂可永久延續,悲苦永不退卻。因時間空間可改變一切,緣起性空。《六祖壇經》說:「菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺;本來無一
敦煌千佛洞 佛教約於二千年前東傳中土,而敦煌千佛洞位於絲綢之路的河西走廊,是重要的傳播路線,也是行旅頻繁的經商通道。敦煌莫高窟的營 造,從北朝(四世紀)延續至元代(十四世紀),跨越千年。此後塵封,直至清末。莫高窟現存彩塑二千多身和四萬五千平方米壁畫,是 中國規模最大和內容最豐富的佛教石窟。由供養人出資繪製壁畫的內容,包括描繪佛陀前世今生事蹟的本生故事畫、佛教諸神尊像畫、佛
於未來十年掃描一百萬個最接近地球的星系,以聆聽是否傳來顯示有外星生物存在的聲音。美國國家航 天局接著宣佈,其開普勒天文望遠鏡,己發現太陽系外類似地球一顆行星,命名為開普勒452b,位於距 離地球1400光年的天鵝座,形成於比地球更早的60億年。由於其極遠的距離,是人類可望而不可即的天 體。可知天外有天,地球只不過是宇宙恆河沙數星系中的一顆微塵。
者,處變不驚而達涅槃寂靜之境界。修行之法有六度,即布施能度慳貪,持戒能度毀犯,忍辱能度瞋 恚,精進能度懈怠,禪定能度散亂,般若能度愚癡。坐言起行,天堂與地獄皆源於一念之間,我們應多
學術指導及腳本 Academic Adviser and Playwright
In the distant memory, the Celestial Guardians of Fragrance and Dance took the shape of birds offering eternal lotus lanterns.
Scene 1:Pure Lotus Monk Yuan sits on the lotus meditating on the innocent souls re-born on pure lotuses in the Western Paradise.
僧人緣一,坐蓮台上,觀想化生西方極樂世界之蓮花童子, 出淤泥而不染之佛性。
2場:法相莊嚴 諸佛菩薩,以不同身法手印,傳遞佛法訊息,普渡眾生,天降不染蓮花。
第二幕:趨善 3場:花供禮佛 中原華服供養人,貴人命婦施主,齊作花供,獻舞祈福,以積功德。
4埸:樂舞娛神 西域舞伎,反彈琵琶,以樂舞娛神。
5埸:歧路亡靈 不息亡靈,高舉發願旗幡,以示皈依向佛之心;躁動不安,祈望往生西方極樂世界。
6場:釋經解惑 亡靈靜聽佛法,得以解惑釋懷,放下生死執著,得湼槃寂靜之解脫。 僧人緣一觀想天降三藏蓮花,藉以修行。深悟世界萬象之虛幻,緣起性空,得無上正等正覺之般若智慧。
第三幕:弘美 7場:香音伎樂 一對天鳥羽人於蓮池中起舞,成為無雌雄差別之合體,演化為敦煌伎樂飛天,歌舞昇平,吉祥獻瑞。
8場:極樂世界 敦煌經變中之西方淨土世界,極樂無憂。時光流轉之中,突顯萬世流芳之藝術形象。
尾聲 9埸:塵埃不染 風沙塵暴將敦煌千佛洞掩蓋了六百年,僧人緣一將沙塵披身捲起,重現敦煌淨土,永垂不朽。 《全劇完》
Scene 2:Austere Image Buddhas and Bodhisattvas transmit messages with symbolic gestures. Pure lotuses descend from heaven.
Act II: ACTS OF MERCY Scene 3:Floral Offering Rich ladies offer flowers and dance to praise the Buddha. Scene 4:Dance Offering A professional dancer from the Western Regions performs the pipa dance as offering. Scene 5:New Ghosts Restless new ghosts hoist worship banners wishing for good re-incarnation. Scene 6:Sutra Power Converted ghosts attain the peace of mind after hearing Sutra preaching. Monk Yuan reflects on the Buddhist Cannons symbolized by lotuses and uncovers his ultimate wisdom.
ACT III: GLORIFY BEAUTY Scene 7:Celestial Dancers The two celestial birds dance to unify as one spirit. They transform into celestial dancers to glorify the perfection of beauty. Scene 8:Western Paradise In the Dunhuang Sutra tableau illustrating the Western Paradise, there is eternal happiness and classical art icons are preserved forever.
EPILOGUE Scene 9:Golden Sandstorm The sandstorm has buried Dunhuang caves for 600 years and Monk Yuan pulls the sand curtain over his body to expose the glory of Dunhuang again. 《The End》
學術指導及腳本 Academic Adviser and Playwright
曾柱昭獲香港大學文學士,主修中國美術史和考古學,並獲工商管理學文憑,英國曼轍斯 特大學美術博物館學文憑。出任香港政府行政主任四年後,就投入博物館專業三十餘年, 歷任香港歷史博物館副館長、新界博物館館長、香港藝術館總館長、康文署助理署長(文物 及博物館)。他曾策劃建設多所新館,包括上窰民俗文物館、香港鐵路博物館、三棟屋博物
製 作 人 員
館、香港茶具文物館、香港視覺藝術中心及香港歷史博物館和香港藝術館的新館。從政府 退休後,於2007年參與浸會大學中醫藥博物館的籌建,2009至2013年出任香港舞蹈團行政 總監。他是資深編劇家,舞台劇作品包括《逝海》和《遷界》,舞劇作品包括由香港舞蹈 團演出的《遷界》、《清明上河圖》、《三國風流》、《花木蘭》和《快樂皇子》。近作 有香港舞蹈總會委約的舞蹈詩《緣起敦煌》和香港話劇團將於2016年1月於香港文化中心大 劇院上演的音樂劇《太平山之疫》。他是香港舞蹈總會顧問。
Gerard Tsang received his BA degree in Chinese Art and Archaeology, and Diploma in Management Studies from the University of Hong Kong, and Diploma in Art Gallery and Museum Studies from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. After serving for 4 years as an Executive Officer in the Hong Kong Government, he began his 30-year career in the museum profession. He has served as an Assistant Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of History, Curator of New Territories Museums, Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art and Assistant Director (Heritage and Museums). He has established a number of new museums including the Sheung Yiu Folk Museum, the Hong Kong Railway Museum, the Sam Tung Uk Folk Museum, the Hong Kong Museum of Tea Ware, the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre and new venues for the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Hong Kong Museum of Art. After his retirement from the civil service, in 2007 he participated in the planning and fabrication of the Museum of Chinese Medicine of the Hong Kong Baptist University. He became the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Dance Company from 2009 to 2013. He is also a playwright. His plays include Ebb and Evacuation Order, and dance dramas: Evacuation Order, Qingming Riverside, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The Legend of Mulan and The Happy Prince performed by the Hong Kong Dance Company. His recent works include the Dance Poem Dunhuang Reflections commissioned by the Hong Kong Dance Federation and the musical 1894 Hong Kong Plague to be performed by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre in January 2016. He is an Adviser to the Hong Kong Dance Federation.
Felix CHEN Lei
Production Team
Eileen LEE
助理編舞及排舞導師 Assistant Choreographer and Rehearsal Master
現任星榆舞蹈學校校長、星榆舞蹈團團長、香港演藝學院董事局成員、香港舞蹈總會理事及香港藝 術發展局舞蹈評審員。 近年榮獲由中國舞蹈家協會及中國文學藝術界聯合會授予最佳編導獎及小荷園丁榮譽獎。曾應加拿 大民族藝術署委派出席加拿大全國舞蹈藝術研討會並擔任表演嘉賓,並為加拿大國家電影局製作 1992年西班牙交通博覽會之加拿大館宣傳片。 創作舞劇《白髮魔女》分別在香港紫荊盃舞蹈創作比賽及加拿大素里區舞劇比賽中獲獎。另現代舞 《殤 》,於紫荊盃舞蹈大賽(作品賽)中榮獲全塲大獎及國際紫荊盃舞蹈大賽(作品賽)中榮獲銀獎 ; 近 年超過20個創作舞蹈獲編導獎,包括:《再生花》和《 水。月》等。 Lee is currently the Director of Starwave Production, Principal of Starwave Dancing Academy, council member of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, council member of Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited and also the listed assessor of Hong Kong Arts Development. Recently, Lee was awarded “The Best Choreographer Award”and“ Little Lotus Gardener” title by the Chinese Dancers Association and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She was appointed by the Canadian Folk Art Society to attend the Canadian Dance Seminar “Focus’ 86” and as a guest performer; and worked for the Canadian National Film Board of Canada to produce videos for the Canada Pavilion in the Transportation Expo 1992 in Spain. Her choreographic creation The Bride with White Hair was awarded first in the Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition and Canada Surrey Festival of dance competition; in 2010, Mourning won Overall Championship at the Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition and the Silver Award in the Bauhinia Cup International Dance Competition. Her other awarded creations included: Regeneration of the Blossoms, Moonlite Silhouette, etc.
概念及編舞 Concept and Choreograpy
WU Kam-ming
並於內地專業期刊上發表學術論文及協助編輯多套北京舞蹈學院現行專業教材,包括2014年《中國 民族民間舞術語詞典》;中國民族民間舞名師系列之《維吾爾族——伊那也提庫爾班》等。陳磊的 編創作品屢獲殊榮,包括2012年第十屆桃李杯原創教學劇目二等獎和2013年北京舞蹈學院〔學院 杯〕編舞金獎;本地創作方面,他分別於2006年及2009年兩度獲得香港舞蹈年獎。
助理編舞及排舞導師 Assistant Choreographer and Rehearsal Master
胡錦明 WU Kam-ming
話之王》飾安徒生、《霸王別姬》飾烏騅及《笑傲江湖》飾東方不敗。曾擔任舞團作品《梁祝》、 《童話之王》、《笑傲江湖》、《邊城》、《夢傳說》及《清明上河圖》之助理編舞;《我愛地球 村》的執行編導及《金曲蛻變顧嘉煇》編舞之一;亦曾為香港舞蹈總會大型舞蹈詩《歲月.香江》 中 <花樣年華>及<當奶茶遇上咖啡>作客席編舞。近期編創作品有:香港舞蹈團八樓平台《孤芳自
賞—胡錦明舞蹈日記》及《舞飛揚》中的《暗色》;演藝學院2009 DANCE 1節目《涅槃》及2012
Dance 2 節目《開到荼蘼》。自編自導獨舞作品《菊花台》曾於多個舞台演出,廣獲好評。
與創新的探索,為香港文化博物館編創《舞出敦煌》教育系列三十場舞蹈專題演出;在今年七月的 2015新布拉格國際舞蹈藝術節中,最新舞作《法相莊嚴》獲得評審會主席大獎以及編舞銀獎。
Chen graduated with a Master of Arts in Beijing Dance Academy in 2014, specializing in Chinese folk dance choreographic research and teaching. An experienced coach, Chen has published academic papers and assisted in editing current teaching materials of Beijing Dance Academy, including the 2014 Chinese Folk Dance Terminology Dictionary, and Chinese Folk Dance Teacher Series - Uighur – Inayati Kuerban. Chen’s productions have earned him top awards, including the most recent 2013 Beijing Dance Academy “College Cup” Choreography Award; 2012 Tenth Taoli Original Teaching Repertoire Prize, and two times Hong Kong Dance Award (2006 and 2009). Chen in 2011 - 2013 was awarded a full scholarship from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund to pursue a Master’s program. In 2013, he was invited by Hong Kong Dance Company to produce a contemporary Chinese dance drama Feng Shui Xing. In 2014, he was invited by Hong Kong Dance Federation to choreograph “Dance on Dunhuang” for the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. In the 2015 New Prague International Dance Arts Festival, his latest choreography “Austere Image” won the Chairman’s Award and Choreography Silver Award.
After graduating from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Beijing Dance Academy (majoring in Chinese Folk Dance Performance), Wu joined the Hong Kong Dance Company in 1994. He took up the lead role in various HKDC productions including the Monkey King in Journey to the West, Pinocchio in Pinocchio, Anderson in King of Fairy Tales, Black Beauty in Farewell My Concubine and Dongfang Bubai in The Smiling Proud Wanderer. He was the assistant choreographer in Butterfly Lovers, King of Fairy Tales, The Smiling Proud Wanderer, Border Town, Angel Falls and Qingming Riverside. He was also the Executive Choreographer of My Little Green Planet and the choreographer in Joseph Koo’s Classic Melodies. He was also one of the choreographers in the dance poem As Time Goes By organized by the Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited. His recent choreographed work include 8/F Platform – Solitude, Dance Dairy of Wu Kam-ming, and Dancer in the Dark in Fly; the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 2009 Dance 1 Program Nirvana and 2012 Dance 2 Program Last Blossom. His solo dance Chrysanthemum has been performed on various stages with great applause.
Production Team
製 作 人 員
造型及服裝設計 Image and Costume Designer
Jadeson FU
從事本地與海外電影、廣告、舞台製作多年。 曾獲邀參與外國電影化妝指導,並積極參與各
劇團的本地及海外演出。服裝設計作品《法相 莊嚴》獲2015布拉格國際舞蹈藝術節最佳造型
LAW Yim-kwan 道具設計 Props Designer 現為繪景、插畫、道具製作的 自由工作者。 Freelance artist for painting/ drawing/props making.
Luise YAU
服飾金獎。 Jadeson has been appointed the Director of Makeup for numerous local and foreign movies and advertisements for more than 15 years. His career has extended to the theatre, working on several wardrobe productions as well as makeup consultants. His art has been well appraised both in local and overseas reviews including the recent Best Costume Design for Austere Image at 2015 Prague International Dance Festival.
WONG Sun-keung 畢業於香港演藝學院。曾參與製作多個本地和海外大型演出。現任職香港舞蹈團。服
音樂統籌 / 編曲 Composer / Arranger
裝設計作品《法相莊嚴》獲2015布拉格國際舞蹈藝術節最佳造型服飾金獎。 Graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Luise has been working on a number of wardrobe design, and production projects for large scale drama and dance performances. Her art has been well appraised both in local and overseas reviews including the recent Best Costume Design for Austere Image at 2015 Prague International Dance Festival. She is a staff of the Hong Kong Dance Company.
1989年畢業於香港演藝學院作曲系。1993年獲亞洲文化協會獎學金赴美 深造,於耶魯大學戲劇學院深造劇場音響設計。自1988年起曾為本港二 百餘個劇場演出作曲及設計音響。 Wong graduated from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1989, majoring in composition. In 1993, Wong won the Asian Cultural Council scholarship to further his studies in theatre sound design in Yale School of Drama, USA. Since 1988, Wong has composed music and designed the sound effects for over 200 performances in Hong Kong.
畢業於香港演藝學院舞台及製作藝術學院,主修舞台燈光設計。曾參予 香港舞蹈總
Claudia CHAN
燈光設計 Lighting Designer
許蝴蝶夢》、香港藝穗會《Spotlight Hong Kong 2014》等。明日藝術教
La P en V 到不同地區參加舞蹈比賽、桃花源粵劇工作舍《香夭.生死相 育機構《兔媽媽男孩》和《兜兒和她的哥哥》;香港舞蹈團《夢西遊》和 《淺灣傳奇》等。在2009-2010期間參與澳門新濠天地《水舞間》的前期 工作。此外,現亦為香港舞蹈總會、香港藝術節擔任技術統籌及香港演藝 學院晚間課程擔任導師。
Claudia Chan graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2003, majoring in Theatre Lighting Design. Assisted Hong Kong Dance Federation in different productions, such as Hong Kong Dance Expo, Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition and As Time Goes By etc. Other participations included joining different dance competitions with T&Y and La P en V, Utopia Cantonese Opera Workshop: His Butterflies, Hong Kong Fringe Club: Spotlight Hong Kong 2014, Hong Kong Dance Company: The Legend of Tsuen Wan Trailer and Journey to the Wild West, Ming Ri Institute of Arts Education: Little Girl Dou and her Brother and Time Is it, Uncle Foxy? Between 20092010, Chan participated the Macau’s City of Dream production: The House of the Dancing Water. Besides, she works as a technical coordinator for Hong Kong Dance Federation, Hong Kong Arts Festival and a part time lecturer of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
SHING Po-man 數碼影像設計 Digital Images Designer
合作單位包括香港藝術節、香港話劇團、香港舞蹈團、前進進戲劇工作坊、澳門藝術節、無極樂團、樹寧·現在式單位、浪人劇場、影 話戲、7A班戲劇組及香港旅遊發展局等。 近期設計包括:前進進戲劇工作坊《電子城市director’s cut 》( 香港及北京);國際綜藝合家歡2015 凝動劇場《少年一心的煩惱》; 羅永暉意境音樂劇場《落花無言》(香港首演及2015台北香港週重演)。 Shing graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently he is a multimedia artist and has founded his own studio Philadelphia Imagination to explore projection and interactive media technologies. He has collaborated with Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Hong Kong Dance Company, Macao Arts Festival, Promise Orchestra and Hong Kong Tourism Association.
Actors & Actress 畢業於北京舞蹈學院附中,曾獲第八屆桃李杯中國古典舞少年甲組表演二等獎。2006年獲全 額獎學金就讀香港演藝學院主修中國舞。在校期間曾參與香港舞蹈團《清明上河圖》的內地 巡演,擔任八樓平台演出《風水行》的主角,並代表香港演藝學院赴歐洲參與摩納哥舞蹈論 壇。2010年學士學位畢業後,加入葡萄牙國家芭蕾舞團。2011年在香港演藝學院進修當代
演 員
舞。於2012年加入香港舞蹈團,主要演出有《蘭亭‧祭姪》擔任領舞及2013《風水行》擔任 獨舞和雙人舞。《緣起敦煌》飾演僧人。
SUN Gongwei
Sun graduated from the Secondary School affiliated to the Beijing Dance Academy and was awarded the 2nd Prize in Performance (Classical Dance, Youth Section) at the 8th Taoli Cup. In 2006, he furthered his studies at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese dance under a full scholarship. During his academic years, he participated in Hong Kong Dance Company’s Qingming Riverside and was the lead dancer in its 8/F Platform performance Feng Shui. He represented the Academy to attend the Monaco Dance Forum in Europe. Upon his graduation in 2010, he joined the National Ballet Company of Portugal, and returned to HKAPA to pursue a Master degree in contemporary dance. He joined Hong Kong Dance Company in 2012. He has been the Lead Dancer in Spring Ritual‧Eulogy and Soloist & Pas de deux in Feng Shui (2013) and the Monk in Dunhuang Reflections (appearance by kind premission of Hong Kong Dance Company).
唐子翔,2010年畢業於廣東舞蹈學校,2014年獲香港演藝學院舞蹈學院壹級榮譽藝術學士學位,並獲 得中國舞講師獎學金及Dr. Rosie Fan 紀念獎學金。唐氏有豐富的演出經驗,曾參與香港沙田文化博物 館《舞出敦煌》系列展演、第五屆香港東亞運動會開幕式及第八屆中國少數民族運動會閉幕式等。在 校期間曾擔任多個舞蹈作品主角及參與海外演出,包括《第五屆中國舞蹈節—2014年海峽兩岸舞蹈交 流展演》、《臺灣2012年國際舞蹈節》與《2012年香港舞蹈日》等。《緣起敦煌》飾演天鳥及反彈琵
本團更安排學生參與公開舞蹈演出及比賽,獲取寶貴的舞台 經驗,提高舞蹈水平,藉此培養學生自信心及群體合作性, 同時也能讓家長一同分享學生努力的學習成果。 本團之導師 更為多間中、小學及幼稚園編排舞蹈,參加香港校際舞蹈比 賽或各區公開舞蹈比賽,屢獲佳績。 Established in 2003, Dynamic Dawn Studio aims at inspiring children’s thought through dance education and developing the quintessence of Chinese dance. Besides taking the Chinese Dance Graded Examinations of Beijing Dance Academy, students of Dynamic Dawn Studio will compete and perform in order to acquire stage experience. 陳樂茵 CHAN Lok-yan 陳雪瑩 CHAN Suet-ying 陳詠姿 CHAN Wing-chi 陳泳希 CHAN Wing-hei ** 陳映熹 CHAN Ying-hei 蔡曉嵐 CHOI Hiu-nam 蔡薳縈 CHOI Wai-ying 關景桐 KWAN King-tung
林芷瑩 LAM Tsz-ying 劉珈懿 LAU Ka-yee 梁芝彥 LEUNG Chi-yin 李述欣 LI Suet-yan 龍汶芷 LUNG Man-tsz ** 吳靜文 NG Ching-man 魏芷雅 NGAI Tsz-nga 潘婥琳 POON Cheuk-lam
佘惠宜 SHEA Wai-yee 蘇凱慧 SO Hoi-wai 戴 靖 TAI Ching 戴 文 TAI Man 曾泳欣 TSANG Wing-yan 黃嘉瑩 WONG Ka-ying 黃芷筠 WONG Tsz-kwan 葉丹娜 YIP Tan-na
琶舞伎。 Tang graduated from the Guangdong Dance School in 2010 and received her Bachelor of Arts First Class Honours at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Dance Academy in 2014. She was also the scholarship recipient of The Chinese Dance Instructor Scholarship and Dr. Rosie Fan Memorial Scholarship. She has participated in many performances including Hong Kong Heritage Museum’s educational program Dance on Dunhuang, the opening ceremony of the 5th East Asian Games in Hong Kong and the 8th Chinese Minority Games closing ceremony. During her study period in the Academy, she was the lead dancers in many repertoires and participated in overseas tours performances including 5th Chinese Dance Festival - 2014 exchanges across Taiwan, Taiwan International Dance Festival 2012 and Hong Kong Dance Day 2012, and the Celestial Bird and Pipa Dancer in Dunhuang Reflections.
舞 Dance School Performers 蹈 曉舞蹈 Dynamic Dawn Studio 學 本團致力推廣中國舞蹈文化,藉著舞蹈教育啟發兒童的創作 校 和思考,培育舞蹈人才,發揚中國舞蹈藝術的精髓。本團以 北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試課程為基礎,令學習更全面和 演 有系統;設有中國舞基本功訓練、身體協調和靈活性訓練、 關節柔軟度及音樂節拍感訓練,以及各種民族民間舞蹈組合 員 訓練。歷年經由本團保送參加考試之人數眾多,成績超卓。
Alan and Becky Dance Group 本團於2006年成立的非牟利團體,致力推廣舞蹈文
化,提供全方位的專業舞蹈訓練及國內外交流機會, 足跡遍及內地多個省市、東南亞主要城市及歐洲等
TANG Zi-Xiang
地。除積極發展舞蹈藝術文化外,本團亦積極推動團 員參與慈善活動,服務社群,曾參與《四川大地震賑 災籌款義演》及《09赤足心意行》步行籌款等活動。 本團於不同的舞蹈比賽中曾獲多個獎項,包括紫荊盃 國際舞蹈邀請賽2012表演金獎、作品賽金獎及全場大 獎、全港公開舞蹈比賽多個中國舞及現代舞組別的金
文化局頒發演員獎;2011年代表香港演藝學院參演由香港舞蹈團主辦的民族舞匯演。畢業後參與香 港舞蹈團不同製作,包括《天嬋地攤》、《塵埃落定》、《風雲》、《Love In Cantopop》、《男 生-男再生》等。《緣起敦煌》飾演天鳥。伍氏現為自由舞者。
NG Wing-ho
Ng Wing-ho graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (APA) with a Bachelor in Fine Arts (Hons) in Dance, majoring in Chinese Dance. He has received many scholarships during his studies including the Jackie Chan Charitable scholarship, Disney scholarship, the APA Alumni Society scholarship and the William Au Arts Education scholarship. In 2010, he participated in Unlock Dancing Plaza’s performance Tale of Health. In 2011, he was invited by the Hong Kong Dance Federation and the National Culture Department to perform Phoenix in Beijing and was subsequently awarded the Outstanding Dancer award. Since his graduation from APA, Ng has collaborated many times with the Hong Kong Dance Company in large-scale productions such as Masquerade, Red Poppies and Storm Clouds. and the Celestial Bird in Dunhuang Reflections, Ng is currently a freelance dancer.
陳樂靖 CHAN Lok-ching 周皓嫙嫙 Amber CHOW Ho-shuen 周泳彤 CHOW Wing-tung 龔采嵐 KUNG Choi-lam 李寶騫 Daisy LEE Po-hin 李駿浩 LI Chun-ho 吳美娟 Kathy NG Mei-kuen
任曉雯 鄧霈雯 黃厚豐 黃建樺 甄崇希 余柏儀
REN Xiaowen TANG Pui-man WONG Hau-fung WONG Kin-wah YAN Sung-hei YU Pak-yee
**承蒙香港演藝學院批淮參與是次演出。 By kind premission of the Hong Kong Academy for Perfoming Arts
Established in 2006, Alan and Becky Dance Group is a non-profit organization committed to promoting dance culture though providing all-rounded professional training and networking opportunities at home and abroad. Apart from developing dance culture, group members also actively participate in charitable activities such as Sichuan Earthquake Relief Charity Fundraising, 2009 Barefoot Heart Walking and other activities. The Group has won numerous awards including the overall Championship in International Bauhinia Cup 2012, the best Performance Award and the best Audience Applause Award at 2nd Kuching International Dance Festival.
舞 蹈 學 校 演 員
Dance Schools Performers
Kidance Troupe
鄭麗芬 莊澤芸 方愛琳 馮明慧 李珮雯
Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association
Terry CHENG Lai-fun CHONG Chak-wan FONG Oi-lam FUNG Ming-wai LI Pui-man
香港紫荊花舞蹈團為一非牟利團體,旨在培養本地青年舞蹈家,發 揚傳統舞蹈,推動中國舞蹈發展及促進本港與外地交流。1997年 起與多個內地舞蹈團合作演出,好評如潮。更於2012年參加北京 少數民族舞蹈比賽及香港紫荊盃舞蹈大賽中獲得多項獎項。
韵情舞集創辦於2003年,是一個熱愛及追求豐富舞蹈生命的年青舞 蹈團。各團員懷着舞蹈的熱誠,積極參與各類文化表演活動,致力推
Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association is a non-profit organization. It aims to promote the traditional dance culture to the youths and enhance their creativity by organizing various exchange programmes and performances in Hong Kong and overseas. The Association has been actively involved in performances and competitions and won a number of awards with great acclaim.
動中國舞,為普及中國舞蹈藝術作出貢獻,並以活潑亮麗的舞蹈分享 生活中的韻味。 本團於每年舉辦週年匯演,致力提升團員的技巧、風格、自信及舞台 經驗;亦邀請不同的舞蹈團體參與演出,務求令團員有更多的舞蹈交 流。本團不時被邀請參與各類表演,均得各界人仕好評及讚許。為提
周希彤 卓彥棋 高毅婷 劉智穎 劉慧怡 林凱儀
升團員的舞蹈造詣及拓展舞蹈潛能,自創團以來,多次參與公開舞蹈 比賽並屢獲佳績。 Kidance Troupe was set up by Miss Leung Ki-fun in 2003 as a cradle for young dancers. It aims to promote the art of dance as well as nurturing young talents in dance. It participates in dance activities and performances regularly in order to popularize Chinese dance and to arouse public interest in dance. At the same time, its dancers have developed their interest and built up self-confidence and potential in dance. Apart from entering dance competitions, it also organizes its own dance show annually, inviting various dance groups to participate for cultural exchange. It also acts as a guest performer in programmes organized by other organizations frequently and its performances have won high acclaims.
屯門文藝協進會 - 屯門舞蹈團
女士任藝術指導;廣州歌舞劇院團長史前進任名譽團長。 自1996年成立至今,經常獲邀到本港各大型活動擔任演出團隊,包括國慶酒會演出、慶祝香港回歸十周年文藝晚會、2008馬術奧運會中表 演舞蹈;亦曾多次代表香港參與海外表演活動,包括第七屆全國中學生運動會開幕綜合表演、第二屆少數民族藝術節等。舞團在國內外的 公開比賽中獲獎甚多,包括香港紫荊盃舞蹈比賽及加拿大素里區舞蹈比賽中獲大獎、2014文化中國全球華人才藝(舞蹈)大賽的銀獎。而
June CHUNG Hoi-man LAU Tsz-shan Wendy LEONG
舞團與廣州歌舞團製作的原創舞劇《紅梅再世》和《掠影紅樓》,及獨立製作的跨媒體舞蹈詩《源。圓》和《香江畫圖》,均獲好評。 The Starwave Production is a subsidiary performance group of the Starwave Dancing Academy founded in 1996. Since then it has been actively participating in various local dance functions including National Day Celebration Events, the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong Reunification Cultural Show, and the Equestrian Olympic Games 2008. The group also takes part in many overseas performances as Hong Kong representative including the Opening Ceremony of the 7th National Secondary Schools Sports Games of China, the 2nd Minority Arts Festival in Beijing etc.
SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School Alumni Association 1997年成立,是以往聖公會莫壽增會督中學舞蹈的精英組織 而成。希望透過此組織培養及延續表演藝術的潛能,並協助 母校拓展舞蹈教育。 The Dance Troupe was founded in 1997 by a group of graduates from the school dance team. The troupe aims to foster member’s interests in dance and further explore their potentials in performing arts. It also helps to promote dance education in school. 莊嘉欣 方凱蘭 熊朗為 李俊軒 利愷彤 李斌青 呂靄琪
SHAM Ka-ying SIU Kwok-man TSOI Wan-wa YUEN Sau-wai YUNG Ho-ching
屯門舞蹈團是屯門區文藝協進會屬下表演藝團之一,由舞蹈藝術發展委員會主席劉佩雄先生擔 任組織策劃工作。舞團每年舉行表演3-5場,同時舉辦六場比賽及一場優勝者表演,參賽人數超 過4,000多人次。舞蹈團舉辦舞蹈班約80多班,學員人數超過2,000多人,在屯門非常活躍。 鍾鎧汶 劉芷珊 梁詠雯
岑嘉瑩 蕭幗敏 蔡運華 阮秀蕙 容灝晴
Starwave Production
Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association - Tuen Mun Dance Troupe
Tuen Mun Dance Troupe is one of the performing groups under Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association. Coordinated by Mr. Lau Pui-hung, the Troupe organizes 3-5 performances annually, including competitions and winner gala performances. It draws around 4,000 participants to enter competitions annually. The Troupe offers over 80 dance classes for its 2,000 members.
CHOW Hei-tung CHUCK Yin-kei KO Ngai-ting LAU Chi-wing LAU Wai-yi Kay LIM
CHONG Ka-yan FONG Hoi-lan Keefe HUNG Long-wai LEE Chun-hin LEE Hoi-tung LEE Pan-ching LUI Oi-ki
吳欣怡 冼家傑 蘇敏津 蘇鈺婷 鄧尹而 王凱玲 余梓燊
NG Yan-yi SIN Ka-kit SO Man-chun SO Yuk-ting TANG Wan-yee WONG Hoi-ling YU Tsz-sun
陳凱瑩 陳文懿 鄭凱文 鄭碧琪 蔡靜雯 徐煒婷 葉亦楓 黎海晴 勵天晴 黎彥曦 林靖嵐 林芊語 林敏儀 劉嘉兒 梁美玲 梁琬婷 羅筠曉 勞懿湉 盧綺雯 駱嘉慧 伍思樺 鄧嘉瑜 鄧樂瑜 黃曼晴
CHAN Hoi-ying In addition, Starwave Production has obtained brilliant results in various open dance competitions CHAN Man-yi such as the overall championship in Hong Kong Bauhinia Cup Dance Competition and Canada Tzu CHENG Hoi-man Chi Dance Contest. CHENG Pik-ki CHOY Ching-man Joycelyn CHUI Wai-ting IP Yik-fung Jojo LAI Hoi-ching Janelle LAI Tin-ching Hilarie LAI Yin-hei Jasmine LAM Ching-nam Nicole LAM Chin-yu LAM Man-yee LAU Ka-yi LEUNG Mei-ling LEUNG Yuen-ting Hoki LO Kwan-hiu Candace LO Yee-tim LO Yee-man LOK Ka-wai NG Sze-wah TANG Ka-yu TANG Lok-yu Stephanie WONG Man-ching
藝術總監: Artistic Director: 學術指導及腳本: Academic Adviser and Playwright: 概念、編舞: Concept and Choreography : 製作統籌: Production Coordinator : 造型及服裝設計: Style and Costume Design: 燈光設計: Lighting Design: 數碼影像設計: Digital Image Design: 音樂編輯: Music Arrangement: 助理編舞及排舞導師: Assistant Choreographers and Rehearsal Masters: 舞台監督: Stage Manager 道具設計: Props Design: 攝影: Photography: 錄影: Video Recording: 翻譯: Translators: 宣傳海報、單張及場刊設計: Poster and Leaflet Design:
特邀舞者/演出單位: Guest performers:
Dunhuang Reflections Production Team
SIN Yuen
Felix CHEN Lei
LAU Pui-hung
傅 傑 丘小鋇* Jadeson FU, Luise YAU
CHAN Pui-yee
SHING Po-man
陳磊 黄伸強
Felix CHEN Lei, WONG Sun-keung
李艾琳 胡錦明
Eileen LEE, WU Kam-ming
Nancy LAM Wan
LAW Yim-kwan
黃昌華 鍾漢榮 方錫勳 黃文華
Henry WONG, Jason CHUNG, Vincent FONG, WONG Woon-wah
G Production
曾柱昭 馮杏美
Gerard CC TSANG, FUNG Hang-mai
孫公偉* 唐子翔 伍詠豪 胡錦明
SUN Gongwei*, TANG Zixiang, NG Wing-ho, WU Kam-ming 碧華舞蹈團 Alan & Becky Dance Group 曉舞蹈 Dynamic Dawn Studio 香港紫荊花舞蹈團 Hong Kong Bauhinia Dance Association 韵情舞集 Kidance 聖公會莫壽增中學校友會 SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School 星榆舞蹈團 Starwave Production 屯門文藝協進會屯門舞蹈團Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association - Tuen Mun Dance Troupe
* 香港舞蹈團批准參與是次製作 / 演出 By kind premission of the Hong Kong Dance Company
緣 起 敦 煌 製 作 人 員
音 Music List 樂 開場 Tibet Nada Himalaya 2 作曲:Deuter 表 第一幕 《天幻簫音》作曲/編曲:張維良 《遊記》作曲/編曲:白水
第二幕 《遊記》作曲/編曲:白水 中國阮鹹樂團《風華國韻》 Shanti音樂系列《籟.奧立佛香提專輯》
第三幕 《敦煌夢》作曲/編曲:黃安倫 民樂交響《大敦煌》 《琵琶新語》作曲/編曲:趙聰白水
尾聲 民樂交響《大敦煌》
鳴 Acknowledgements 謝 承蒙下列機構及人士支持及協助,特此致謝!
We wish to thank the following people and organizations for their kind support: 贊助機構
藝術地圖 香港藝術發展局 香港舞蹈團 康樂及文化事務署 孫少文基金會 香港演藝學院 中華文化藝術基金會
Arts Map Hong Kong Arts Development Council Hong Kong Dance Company Leisure and Cultural Services Department Simon Suen Foundation The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts The China Culture and Arts Foundation
參與演出及製作之院校團體、編導、演員、工作人員及義工。 All performing teams, teachers, staff and volunteers who have assisted in the productions.
The performing units of Folk Dance Fun on 22 August, 2015 保良局李城璧中學 屯門文藝協進會屯門舞蹈團 米雪爾舞藝坊 青盈舞蹈社 苗徽舞集 春蕾舞台藝術工作坊 全藝歐洲民族舞蹈團 卓瑪舞蹈坊 東方舞蹈團 姬姿芭蕾舞學校 才藝坊 樂善舞揚 龍騰舞蹈藝術中心有限公司 韵情舞坊 保良局李城璧中學舊生會 東方明珠舞藝社 曉舞蹈
Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Tuen Mun Dance Company Michel Dancing Studio Ballet Zone The Sprout Channy Stage Arts Workshop Versatile Western Folk Dance Troupe Tibetan Goddess Dance Troupe Oriental Dance Group Grace Mak Ballet School Art Workshop Crescendo Charity Club Dragon Dance and Arts Centre Limited Kidance Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College Alumni Association Dynamic Dawn
Honorary President
Executive Committee
理 事 會
Vice President
Vice Chairman
Hon Treasurer
Hon Secretary
Council 霍震霆GBS太平紳士 Timothy FOK Tsun-ting, GBS, JP
吳朱蓮芬BBS太平紳士 NG CHU Lien-fan, BBS, JP
區永熙SBS太平紳士 William AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP
陸恩美 LUK Yun-mee
劉兆銘 MH LAU Siu-ming, MH
仇秀鈴 CHAU Sau-ling
盧翠棠 LO Chui-tong
吳翠雲 NG Tsui-wan
溫 雄 WAN Hung
林貴文 LAM Kwai-man
梁其芬 LEUNG Ki-fun
梁結文 Venessa LEUNG Kit-man
曾金全 TSANG Kam-chuen
蔡偉雄 Rico TSOI
石成初 SEK Sing-chor
薛菁華 SIT Ching-wa
張家欣 CHEUNG Ka-yan
莊陳波 CHONG Chan-po
周佩瑜 Lina CHOW Pui-yu
秦懿欣 Ulian CHUN
馮杏美 FUNG Hang-mai
何志雄 Bonnie HO Chee-hung
何祖宜 Joey HO
郭偉傑 KWOK Wai-kit
林萬娃 LAM Man-wa
李艾琳 Eileen LEE
梁家權 Francis LEUNG
麥雪亮 Lowintry MAK
伍禮言 NG Lai-yin
吳雪梅 Violet NG
丁志敏 TING Chi-man
曾金星 TSANG Kam-sing
曾雪麗 Lili S.L. TSANG
黃日芝 WONG Yat-chee
楊志榖 YEUNG Chi-kuk
楊君儒 YEUNG Kwan-yu
Executive Committe Member
Board of Directors
郭世毅 Stephen KWOK
劉兆銘MH LAU Siu-ming, MH
Hon. Chairman
郭世毅 Stephen KWOK
劉佩雄 LAU Pui-hung
區永熙SBS太平紳士 William AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP
劉定國 LAU Ting-kwok
Artistic Director
鄭偉容 CHENG Wai-yung
冼源 SIN Yuen
羅廖耀芝 Virginia LO LIU Yiu-chee
冼 源 SIN Yuen
鄭偉容 CHENG Wai-yung
崔綺雲 Linda TSUI Yee-wan
陸恩美 LUK Yun-mee
趙蘭心 Nancy CHIU
Executive Director
Council Member
羅廖耀芝 Virginia LO LIU Yiu-chee
毛 妹 Christine LIAO (Mao Mei) JP
吳世勳 NG Sai-fun
吳湘霞 NG Sheung-ha
義務法律顧問 Hon. Legal Advisor
盛培琪 SHENG Peiqi
鄧孟妮 Tania TANG
高春貴 KO Chun-kwa
曾柱昭 Gerard CC TSANG
忻瑞流會計師行 Francis S.L.Yan & Co.
朱 絜 CHU Kit
執 行 委 員 會
韋 柰 WEI Nai
張斌 Benjamin CHANG
Since 1978 香港舞蹈總會於1978年10月正式註冊成立,並於 2000年改為有限公司,是本港第一個非牟利多元 舞蹈社團。創會成員為舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士, 包括:陳寶珠、郭世毅、黎海寧、劉兆銘、吳世 勳、鄧孟妮、鄭亞清及黃藝諳等,建會以來,一 直推動香港舞蹈發展為己任,積極保育、拓展本 地的多元舞蹈文化。 舞總以發揚舞蹈藝術、鼓勵推動本港之舞蹈發 展、團結本港之舞蹈界人士,聯絡本港及世界各 地舞蹈團體,以促進舞蹈文化交流為宗旨。會方 由董事局及理事會負責製訂及執行政策;設有團 體會員及個人會員,現有團體會216個(活躍會員 145個),個人會員及會友800餘人。
現時舞總主要工作歸納為教育培訓及考試、演出製作、外展活動、出版及委約 / 社區參與活動。自2010年開始,舞總獲頒 《同心展關懷》獎勵。現為聯合國教育、科學和文化組織(UNESCO)轄下的國際蹈委員會CID會員。2012年被國際舞蹈聯會 (International Dance Organization)確認為香港地區聯絡會員,並於2015年正式成為會員,為香港區代表。 綜合以上工作,單以2014年為例,透過舞總參與考試的學生及老師共10,000人次,參與各種製作演出的演員人數達3000人 次,而觀眾數目更達35,000人次。在未來的日子,舞總將延續其舞蹈平台角色,開發各樣惠及不同階層的舞蹈課程,聯絡海 內外的舞蹈同業,提昇整體藝術水平,豐富社區的文藝活動及積極履行社會責任,從而發揮舞蹈的滲透力和影響力,貢獻社 會。
Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd. (HKDF) is a non-profit organization established in 1978 and all founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society including Pearl CHAN, Stephen KWOK, Helen LAI, LAU Siu-ming, NG Sai-fun and the late CHENG Yaching and WONG Ngai-yum. It carries forward the art of dance, encouraging and expediting dance development in Hong Kong as well as promoting the cultural exchange. At present, HKDF boasts a total membership of 208 Group members (active members 216) and more than 800 Individual and Associate members. The major work and services provided by HKDF include education and examinations, productions, outreach activities, publications and commissioned events. Currently, HKDF is awarded the Caring Organization Logo in recognition of its efforts to promote corporate social responsibilities. It is also a member of the International Dance Council (CID), an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all kinds of dance. In 2015 the Federation as accepted as a member by the International Dance Organization. Based on the above works, in 2014, there are over 10,000 students and teachers participating in dance examinations through HKDF, 3000 performers engaging in the productions with 35,000 audience enjoying various shows. In the future, HKDF will continue its works by developing dance syllabus to benefit community from all walks of life, through liaison with veteran from home and abroad, improving the overall artistic level of performance, enriching cultural activities in the community and fulfilling our social responsibilities.
2014-15沙田文化博物館 “舞出敦煌”演出30場
With the Compliments of
中華文化藝術基金會 The China Culture and Arts Foundation
With the Compliments of
With the Compliments of
致意 中國舞等級考試課程 現正招生
電話:3487 2487 地址:九龍荔枝角道99-101號應如大廈14樓 (太子地鐵站步行4分鐘) 網址:www.ddawn.hk
地址:香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道467-473號建德豐商業大廈8樓802-803室 電話: 2155 1308 或 9195 6048
課程包括:北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試課程 澳洲CSTD 現代爵士舞等級考試課程
韵情舞坊 祝賀 香港舞蹈博覽 2015 演出成功
東方中國舞少年兒童舞蹈團 秦懿欣芭樂學校
香港舞蹈博覽 Hong Kong DANCE EXPO
聖公會莫壽增會督中學 心悅舞蹈學院
芭蕾世家舞蹈中心 小明星舞蹈團
明愛樂行工場Dansalogue舞蹈團 錢秀蓮舞蹈團&舞林
T & Y創作坊 秋 旭穎西方土風舞蹈團
鄰舍輔導會-智齡舞團 小水點
La P en V 優之舞 冬
香港紫荊花舞蹈團 春
香港舞蹈博覽 Hong Kong DANCE EXPO 聖公會莫壽增會督中學校友會
集羽青少年兒童芭蕾舞團 夏
躍 王仁曼芭蕾舞學校
Organizing Committee
贊 助 人 Sponsors
中華文化藝術基金會 The China Cultural and Arts Foundation 孫少文基金會 Simon Suen Foundation
名譽主席 Honorary President
霍震霆GBS, JP 朱蓮芬BBS, JP
Timothy FOK, Tsun-ting, GBS, JP NG CHU Lien-fan, BBS, JP
大會主席 President 副 主 席 Vice-President 顧 問 Adviser 藝術總監 Artistic Director 行政總監 Executive Director 籌募總監 Fund Raising Director 宣 傳 Marketing and Promotion 前台主任 Reception Chief 後台主任 Backstage Chief
區永熙SBS, JP
William AU Weng-hei, SBS, JP
鄭偉容 郭世毅 劉兆銘MH 崔綺雲 陸恩美 鍾金寶 朱 絜 高春貴 毛 妹 吳湘霞 盛培琪 鄧孟妮 曾柱昭 韋 柰 冼 源 羅廖耀芝 吳劍玲 馮杏美 曾金全 曾金星
CHENG Wai-yung Stephen KWOK LAU Siu-ming, MH Linda TSUI Yee-wan LUK Yun-mee Joan CAMPBELL CHU Kit KO Chun Kwai Christine LIAO, JP NG Sheung Ha SHENG Peiqi Tania TANG Gerard CC TSANG WEI Nai SIN Yuen Virginia LO LIU Yiu-chee NG Kim-ling FUNG Hang-mai TSANG Kam-chuen TSANG Kam-sing
《緣起敦煌》演出委員會 Dunhuang Reflections Organizing Committee
陸恩美 周曉雯 劉碧琪 劉佩雄 梁其芬 李艾琳 丁志敏
LUK Yun-mee CHOW Hiu-man Becky LAU LAU Pui-hung LEUNG Ki-fun Eileen LEE TING Chi-man
《 香港舞蹈博覽2015 》 演出委員會 Hong Kong Dance Expo Organizing Committee
陸恩美 仇秀鈴 劉佩雄 劉定國 盧翠棠 溫 雄
LUK Yun-mee CHAU Sau-ling LAU Pui-hung LAU Ting-kwok LO Chui-tong WAN Hung
秘書處 Secretariat
林奕玲 陳麗冰 陳珮芝 陳佩珊 李安琪* 楊雯敬
Elaine LAM Yick-ling Anna CHAN Lai-ping Samantha CHAN Pui-chee CHAN Pui-shan Angel LEE On-ki* YEUNG Man-king
*藝發局藝術行政實習生 The arts administration trainee under HKADC Internship Program
Yuen Long District Arts Committee - Yuen Long Dance Troupe
元朗舞蹈團是元朗區文藝協進會屬下表現藝團之一, 由舞蹈組主任李惠芳及劉佩雄總監負責統籌策劃舞蹈 藝術工作。包括訓練、表演及組織比賽,團員人數超 過350多人。每年定期舉行演出,專業導師18人。
Yuen Long Dance Troupe is one of the subordinate performing group of Yuen Long District Arts Committee, coordinated by Ms. Lee Waifong and Mr. Lau Pui-hung. The Troupe offers dance training, presents annual show and organizes competition. There are 18 tutors and over 350 members in the Troupe.
D: 歲月匆匆 繁華的都市,忙碌的人群,歲月匆匆……大家在人 生的路途中,不斷探索與追求,找尋生活的目標。 T: 中國當代 C: 韓國耀(編舞)/ 周煒嫦( 排舞)
張志蓮 張慧冰 蔡珮欣 蔡珮宜 何秀芝 賴詠彤
CHANG Chi-lin CHEUNG Wai-ping Regina CHOI Pui-yan Bianca CHOI Pui-yee HO Sau-chi LAI Wing-tung
D: Time Flashes By In this city where every second counts, people are always in a hurry. They are hurriedly exploring, pursuing and searching their life goals. T: Chinese Contemporary Dance C: HON Kwok-yiu (Choreography) / Jennifer CHOW (Rehearsal Master)
賴婉媚 羅文湛 梁應紳 李 圓 馬奕麟 吳礎如
LAI Yuen-mei LAW Man-cham LEUNG Ying-sun LI Yuen MA Yik-lun NG Cho-yu
吳埗琪 曾婉鳳 謝一峰 黃兆珊 王裕芳 余梓燊
NG Po-ki TSANG Yuen-fung TZE Yat-fung WONG Siu-shan WONG Yu-fong YU Tsz-sun
Hibiscus Group
成立於2000年,由資深舞蹈家屈美娟女士創立。以弘揚舞蹈藝 術,推動本港舞蹈發展為己任,並致力培養及訓練舞蹈人才, 為年青舞者增強自信心,提供實現藝術理想的平台。
Formed in 2000 by Wat Mei-kuen Irene. Aiming to develop of dance activities to cultivate, self-confidence and community team spirit and to encourage collaboration between dance and other art forms. Enhanced self-confidence for young dancers by providing an ideal platform to achieve artistic execellence.
D: Bang bang!! Woooooo woooo 韓風襲港! 大家準備好未?? 一齊來bang bang bang !!! T: 爵士舞 M: bang bang bang , good boy , fantastic baby from Big Bang C: 屈美娟、何祖宜
陳希淘 陳建萍 陳朗堯 陳善怡 陳紫茵 陳樺志 陳煒琳 陳穎琳 陳煜翀 周芯悅 鄭子浩 鄭卉妍 鄭銦穎 張曉晴 張訊傑 張子慧 趙潁思 蔡雪盈 周天晞 周梓豪 鍾熹嵐 鍾康銚 鍾睿薏 馮煒程 何千雪
CHAN Hei-to CHAN Kin-ping Jayden CHAN long-yiu CHAN Sin-yi CHAN Tsz-yan CHAN Wah-chi CHAN Wai-lam CHAN Wing-lam CHAN Yuk-chung CHAU Sum-yuet CHENG Tsz-ho CHENG Wai-in CHENG Yan-wing CHEUNG Hiu-ching CHEUNG Shun-kit Kara CHEUNG Tsz-wai CHIU Wing-sze CHOI Suet-ying CHOW Tin-hei CHOW Tsz-ho CHUNG Hei-laam CHUNG Hong-iu CHUNG Yui-yi FUNG Wai-ching HO Chin-suet
洪樂恩 古恩持 郭曉婷 郭璟融 黎俊言 黎曉霖 林靖翹 林思妤 林芷瑩 林穎妍 藍 羚 羅御禕 李昭緯 李莃晴 李希雪 李紫瀠 梁永樂 欒子瑄 呂羿亨 呂彥葶 陸曉悅 巫愷瞳 莫迪麟 吳雪文 吳礎妤
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
作 人 員
元朗區文藝協進會 - 元朗舞蹈團
Production Team 製
D: Bang bang!! Are you ready ? (Louder) ARE YOU READY? Let’s dancing with us together!! T: Jazz M: bang bang bang , good boy , fantastic baby from Big Bang C: Irene WAT Mei-kuen, Joey HO
Laren HUNG Lok-yan KU Yan-chi KWOK Hiu-ting KWOK King-yung LAI Chun-yin LAI Hiu-lam LAM Ching-kiu LAM Sze-yue LAM Tsz-ying LAM Wing-yin LAN Ling LAW Ue-wei LEE Chiu-wai Hayley LEE Hei-ching LEE Hei-suet LEE Tsz-ying LEUNG Wing-lok Jessie LUEN Tsz-huen Angus LUI Ngai-hang Kelly LUI Yin-ting Edna LUK Hiu-yuet MO Hoi-tung MOK Tik-lun NG Suet-man NG Cho-yu
吳頌茹 彭梓竣 蘇巧賢 蘇子尹 譚寶瑤 譚芷晴 鄧愷瑤 杜芷欣 杜泳昕 湯曉琳 屈晞嵐 黃譜諺 王賜欣 黃浠桐 黃馨瑤 黃曉瑩 黃柏熹 黃錫熙 黃沛穎 王偉權 王穎浠 王譽澄 丘愷頌 葉曉光 葉曉晴
NG Chung-yu PANG Tsz-chun SO Hau-yin Amber SO Tsz-wan TAM Bo-yiu TAM Tsz-ching TANG Hoi-yiu Ivany TO Tsz-yan TO Wing-yan TONG Hiu-lam WAT Hei-nam Cheryl WONG WONG Chi-yan WONG Hei-tung WONG Hing-yiu WONG Hiu-ying Casey WONG Pak-hei WONG Sik-hei WONG Pui-wing WONG Wai-kuen WONG Wing-hey WONG Yu-ching YAU Hoi-chung Samuel YIP Hiu-kwong YIP Hiu-ching
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
Forever Dance Troupe
小花仙舞蹈團成立於2003年,以教授中國舞及芭蕾舞 為主,為兒童及青少年提供全面的舞蹈訓練,視培育舞 蹈新苗為己任,發掘學員的藝術潛能,培養對藝術的修 養,令其達到德、智、體、群、美五育均衡發展。
Aims at fostering new dancers, providing training to arouse students’ interest and to enhance their appreciation of the fine arts. The students can also develop their right temperament through the group training.
儂情舞集是一班躍動舞台多年的舞者,演繹你、我、他 的情懷,成立於2000年,一直以來由團長梁其芬,副團 長劉文鳳帶領參加多項比賽及表演,屢獲佳績;舞團將 會繼續參與交流及推動香港舞蹈文化發展。
D: Shadow of Diamond 奪目耀眼的鑽石成為眾人的焦點,要得到它便要全 力以赴,究竟誰勝誰負? T: 拉丁舞 M: James Bond (Moby’s Re-Version) / John Barry P: 2014全年總冠軍頒獎禮週年會慶暨全港標準舞及 拉丁舞公開賽團體舞 - 金獎 2014屯門區舞蹈比賽現代舞少年組 - 金獎 C: 陳寶欣
D: Shadow of Diamond We are flighting for the brightest shimming diamond! Who will win finally? T: Latin Dance M: James Bond (Moby’s Re-Version) / John Barry P: Gold Award, Latin Dance Open Contests Gold Award in Modern Dance Contests; Gold Award, Youth Section of 2014 Tuen Mun Dance Contests C: Bobo CHAN
Forever Dance Troupe is a group of experienced and dedicated dancers expressing their common goal with the burning flame of love in life. We are a non-profit-making dance organization and established in October 2000. Being led by Ms. Leung Ki-fun and Lau Man-fung, the troupe participated in many competitions and performances and have won numerous acclaims.
陳凱迪 陳碩基 陳紫蔚 鄒梓卿 何俊豪 林嘉軒
劉焯華 吳皓程 吳旭程 潘智輝 戴慧琳
譚芷妍 鄧曉彤 田耀成 黃 嵐 王祉淋
LAU Cheuk-wa NG Ho-ching NG Yuk-ching POON Chi-fai TAI Wai-lam
TAM Tsz-yin TANG Hiu-tung TIN Yiu-shing WONG Laam WONG Tsz-lam
Dynamic Dawns Studio
2010成立,藉舞蹈教育啟發兒童思考, 發揚中國舞蹈藝術的精髓。除北京舞蹈 學院等級考試課程外,更安排學生參加與 公開舞蹈演出及比賽,獲取寶貴的舞台經 驗。2012年憑舞蹈《颼颼》獲紫荊盃國際 邀請賽最高榮譽之「紫荊盃國際大獎」及 「紫荊盃舞蹈大賽」作品賽銀獎。
Established in 2010, Dynamic Dawn Studio aims at inspiring children through dance education and developing the quintessence of Chinese dances. Besides taking the Chinese dance graded examinations of Beijing Dance Academy, students of Dynamic Dawn Studio will compete and perform in order to acquire stage experiences. Dynamic Dawn Studio was a winner of the Bauhinia Cup International Dance Invitation Championships 2012 and its work “Drifting in the Wind” won the Silver Award of Bauhinia Cup – Originality.
D: 紅 春風抹紅妝 抹照女兒心 泛起千串夢 起舞相映綴 T: 中國民間舞(苗族) C: 陳敏珺( 編舞)/ 周曉雯(排舞)
D: Rhoeas The Spring breeze is blushing my rouge, Penetrating my maiden heart, Arousing a string of dreams, Reflecting in my dance. T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Hmong) C: CHAN Man-kwan (Choreography) / CHOW Hiu-man (Rehearsal Master)
陳善琳 許靖蘊 鄺綽怡 劉以靜 劉以雅
CHAN Sin-lam HUI Ching-wan KWONG Cheuk-yi LAU Yee-ching LAU Yee-nga
李瑞怡 李懿琪 梁嘉茵 李卓盈 李宛螢
LEE Sui-yi LEE Yi-ki LEUNG Ka-yan LI Cheuk-ying LI Yuen-ying
文凱晴 冼祉均 曾泳欣 黃騰瑤 王懿晴
MAN Hoi-ching SIN Tsz-kwan TSANG Wing-yan WONG Tang-yiu WONG Yee-ching
Knack Cordial Folk Group
舞蹈組由謝宏璣先生於1998年創辦,2000年5月註冊為非 牟利團體,專門研習富風格特色的東歐舞蹈。舞團現正致 力推廣匈牙利及羅馬尼亞舞蹈,在過往亦積極參與各類表 演。
Knack Cordial Folk Group was founded by Mr. Kenneth Tse in 1998 and formally registered as a non-profit making organization in May 2000. The Group specializes in practicing authentic folk dances from Eastern Europe and at present, Hungarian and Romanian dances are still very much the sole concentration of the Group.
D: 烏克蘭女子舞 源自烏克蘭的傳統民族女子舞蹈,表現了女性的優美體 態,並突顯了少女的活潑性格,舞步極富當地特色。 T: 西方民族舞 M: Traditional Ukrainian Folk Music C: 程婉琪(編舞)/ 謝宏璣(排舞)
D: Cheery Hrebinochka (Ukraine) This is a traditional folk dance originated from Ukraine, depicting the feminine and cheerful characters of young girls. T: Western Folk Dance M: Traditional Ukrainian Folk Music C: Jenny CHING (Choreography) / Kenneth TSE (Rehearsal Master)
陳倩雯 陳顗安 張杏琪 張芷浠
CHAN Hoi-tik CHAN Shek-kay Trixy CHAN Tsz-wei CHOW Tsz-hing HO Chun-ho LAM Ka-hin
Mandy CHAN Debbie CHAN Yee-on CHEUNG Hang-ki Ellen CHEUNG Tsz-hei
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
樊燕霞 黃慧萍 李雯鈺 李翠庭
Eva FAN Tina HUANG Veata LEE Men-juk Vivian LI Chui-ting
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
吳旨悅 龐寶芝 曾鈺玲 黃穎珊
Simon NG Tsz-yuet Christy PONG Po-chi Jenny TSANG Yuk-ling WONG Wing-shan
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
D: 在途上 生命有許多茫然,許多無奈,人能拿揑的太少了﹗當 驀然回首,孑然一身,畢竟曾經走過…… T: 中國民族舞 (朝鮮) M: Pastorale, hamangyeon P: 2014年度紫荊盃全場大獎挑戰盃得主 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2014作品賽 - 金獎及表演賽 - 銅獎 C: 蘇潔明 鄭麗芬 莊澤芸 周子恩 方愛琳
Terry CHENG Lai-fun CHONG Chak-wan CHOW Tsz-yan FONG Oi-lam
方玉花 黃樂宜 簡淑賢 黎潔樺
D: On the way There are lots of bewilderment and helplessness in life. What we can hold is very little. Yet, when we looking back suddenly, we will find that after all, by ourselves, we have gone through …… T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Chaoxian) M: Pastorale, hamangyeon P: The Overall Championship of 2014 Bauhinia Cup C: SO Kit-ming
FONG Yuk-fa HUANG Lok-yi KAN Shuk-yin LAI Kit-wa
梁可怡 蘇潔明 蔡佳麗 王慧敏
LEUNG Ho-yee SO Kit-ming TSOI Kai-lai WONG Wai-man
胡錦明 WU Kam-ming 袁穎玉 YUEN Wing-yuk 容汶鑫 Audrey YUNG Man-yam
Regina Wong School of Ballet
創辦人黃日芝校長,畢業於北京舞蹈學院,並曾為中央 芭蕾舞團團員。她以其專業舞蹈員經驗融於教學,每年 所保送之考生,皆成績超卓。本港及海外多名教師在其 指導下考獲英皇教師資格。
Regina Wong School of Ballet was founded by Ms Wong Yat-chee. Before being the principal of the school, Ms Wong was a graduate of the Beijing Dance Academy and a member of the Central Ballet of China. With her expertise and experiences, her students passed the RAD Examination with flying colours. She also trained several teachers to attain the teaching qualification from the RAD.
D: 夏日逍遙樂 / 採摘荔枝的小女孩 夏日消遙樂:夏日炎炎,陽光肆意照射,小朋友卻無 懼陽光,穿起涼快的舞衣,以燦爛的笑容和活潑的舞 姿消遙快樂地迎接夏日。 採摘荔枝的小女孩:小小姑娘,提著花籃來到荔枝 園。荔枝粒粒圓潤飽滿,顏色鮮紅,果肉鮮甜,令人 垂涎欲滴。 T: 土風舞/兒童芭蕾舞 C: 黃日芝 (編舞) / 黃日芝、曾婉瑜 、 吳善兒(排舞)
D: The Joy of Summer / The Lychee Picking Girls The joy of summer: The heat of summer sunshine wanton exposure, but none of the children have fear to the sun. They wear cool costumes to smile and lively dance happily to greet impunity summer. The lychee picking girls: A group of little girls came to a lychee garden with a little basket. Lychee in the garden is bright-red, round and full, which are very mouthwatering. T: Character Dance/Children Ballet Dance C: WONG Yat-chee (Choreography) / TSANG Yuen-yu / NG Cindy Joy (Rehearsal Master)
陳珈慧 張潔驪 張天穎 朱穎桐 霍 彥 姜 怡 關凱晴
CHAN Ka-wai CHEUNG Kit-lai Rain CHEUNG Tin-wing Ashley CHU Joci FOK Sophia JIANG Virginia KWAN
郭恣言 黎 旃 劉欣曦 李喜沂 李愷怡 李思澄
Angie KWOK LAI Chin-ting Joanna LAU Yan-hei Aurora LEE LEE Hoi-yi Tracy LEE
劉希媛 駱思嵐 麥軒桐 吳芷君 吳焯施 尹綽瑩
LEW Hei-wun LOK Sze-laam MAK Hin-tung NG Tsz-kwan Giselle NG Tiffany WAN
黃卓怡 王嘉晞 吳海諦 胡梓晴 楊樂心 葉芓蔚
WONG Cheuk-yi Ellery WONG WU Hai-di Celine WU Tzi-ching Acacia YEUNG Katelyn YIP
The Sprout
致力推動本地舞蹈文化教育,以培育新苗為宗旨。演出 劇目大部份以大膽新穎的風格,在傳統基礎上創作,凝 造出富現代感的效果,冒求令觀眾耳目一新。
The Sprout’s aim is to develop children’s interest in Chinese dance. The Sprout dancing performance is based on traditional dancing skills and techniques. In order to provide the best performance, our choregraphy combines contemporary and creative styles.
D: 激楚 初春時節,楚人擊鼓而舞,激蕩楚魂,祈求上天眷 顧,祈望一年的風調雨順。舞蹈中百鳥朝鳳,鳳凰浴 火,鳳舞九天,均是吉祥之兆。 T: 中國古典舞 C: 劉如徽
D: Souls of the Chu’s In the early Spring time, the drum’s rumble awake the souls of the Chu’s. They chant their prayers for new year with the dance of fortune which is about how The phoenix is an auspicious symbol which burns itself into ashes and arises from it with renewed rifuclity. T: Classic Chinese Dance C: LAU Yu-fai
陳凱彤 張靖琳 張嘉雯 張海琳 馮曉欣
CHAN Hoi-tung CHEUNG Ching-lam CHEUNG Ka-man Ellie CHEUNG Hoi-lam Joyce FUNG P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
林 靜 林樂怡 文穎瑩 曾睿君
LAM Ching LAM Lok-yi MAN Wing-ying TSANG Yui-kwan
王晴雯 黃翹昕 黃諾晞 王德榆
WONG Ching-man Esther WONG WONG Nok-hei Thalia WONG
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
Flower’s Angel Dancing Group
楊慧心 YEUNG Wai-sum 楊千千 YEUNG Chin-chin 袁穎琳 YUEN Wing-lam
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
We have established since 1980. Our vision is to introduce and promote western folk dances. We devote our efforts to participate in various dance performances, dancing competitions, gatherings and entertainment shows, and oversea visits and exchanges throughout the years. Our mission is to arose people’s interest in western folk dance, to let people admire and adore its culture, so that it can pass on to future generations.
D: 摩里斯舞 這是一齣具英國摩里斯民族風格的表演舞。 T: 西方土風舞 C: 曾金全
D: Morris Dance This is a traditional Morris Dance from England. T: Western Folk Dance C: Johnny TSANG Kam-chuen
陳翠玲 張敏怡 蔡益慧 蔡鈺琪 紀建茵 關潔玲 賴秀麗
CHAN Chui-ling Winnie CHEUNG Man-yi CHOI Yik-wai CHOI Yuk-kei KEE Kin-yan Terry KWAN Kit-ling LAI Sau-lai
林欣彤 劉進洪 羅麗玲 李鳳儀 吳蔡冠兒 潘廸尼亞
LAM Yan-tung LAU Chun-hung LAW Lai-ling LEE Fung-yi NG CHOI Kwun-yi Delia POON
鄧秀玉 崔燕心 王致人 王敏華 楊梓若
TANG Sau-yuk TSUI Yin-sum WONG Chi-yan WONG Man-wah Karen YEUNG K K
屯門文藝協進會-屯門舞蹈團 Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association - Tuen Mun Dance Troupe 屯門舞蹈團是屯門區文藝協進會屬下表演藝團之一,由舞 蹈藝術發展委員會主席劉佩雄先生擔任組織策劃工作。舞 團每年舉行表演3-5場,同時舉辦六場比賽及一場優勝者 表演,參賽人數超過4,000多人次。舞蹈團舉辦舞蹈班約 80多班,學員人數超過2,000多人,在屯門非常活躍。 D: 命 女人,命運。敢愛敢恨,換來傷痕纍纍的心。堅強,是 為了生活。當你緊握著不放手,最終只會死亡。 T: 當代舞 P: 屯門區舞蹈比賽現代舞公開組群舞 - 金獎 全港公開舞蹈比賽中國舞公開組群舞 - 金獎 及 最佳表演獎 C: 鍾鎧汶
陳澤恩 陳佩琪 陳蘊聰 鄭漪婷 張祟慧
CHAN Chak-yan CHAN Pui-ki Ruby CHAN Wan-chung CHENG I-ting CHEUNG Shung-wai
Tuen Mun Dance Troupe is one of the performing groups under Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association. Coordinated by Mr. Lau Puihung, the Troupe organizes 3-5 performances annually, including competitions and winner gala performances. It draws around 4,000 participants to enter competition annually. The Troupe offers over 80 dance classes for its 2,000 members. D: Destiny Women, dear to love, dear to hate, but in return are tons of wounds on our hearts. In our destiny, we try to be strong, to live, to hold. However, if holding too tight, the consequence will be fatal. T: Contemporary Dance P: Gold Award, Modern Dance Open of Tuen Mun District Dance Competition and The Hong Kong Open Dance Competition C: June CHUNG Hoi-man
鍾鎧汶 熊敏兒 甘佩珊 劉芷珊 繆海婷
June CHUNG Hoi-man HUNG Man-yi KAM Pui-shan LAU Tsz-shan MOW Hoi-ting
沈淑儀 SUM Shuk-yee 談可欣 TAM Ho-yan 崔嘉欣 TSUI Ka-yan 余曦文 YU Hei-man
Starwave Dance Academy
星榆舞蹈學校由資深舞蹈導師鄭偉容女士創辦,現由 李艾琳女士任校長。以培育舞蹈新苗為宗旨,希望能 創設一個良好的環境,讓愛好舞蹈的青少年及兒童, 可於導師的諄諄教導下成長,學習到舞蹈的基本技 術,提高欣賞能力;更可培養愛好藝術的高尚情操及 健全身心。學校更附設有星榆舞蹈團及星榆兒童舞蹈 團,曾多次應市政局及區域市政局邀請策劃大型演 出;並於多項公開舞蹈比賽中屢獲佳績。學校設不同 舞蹈的考級課程。
Starwave Dancing Academy, founded by the experienced dance teacher Miss Cheng Wai-yung. Its aims at training and bringing up new talents in dance providing a good environment for people who love dancing to learn basic techniques in dance and to become sound in body and mind. Apart from Chinese dance, ballet, jazz and fitness dance, the Chinese Dance Graded Examination and the CSTD Jazz Graded Examination are actively promoted in the Academy.
D: 相之源 走在尋找「心靈圖騰」的軌道上,燃亮起絢麗的花 火,找到了「心.相」的源頭。 T: 當代舞 M: Broken Wings / Kristof Krasznai C: 李艾琳,柯志輝(編舞) 黎海晴,梁美玲(排舞)
D: Complexions Prequel While looking for「totem of spiritual」, the gorgeous sparks is ignited and the source of complexion being emerged. T: Contemporary Dance M: Broken Wings / Kristof Krasznai C: Eileen LEE , Felix KE Chi-fai (Choreography) Jojo LAI Hoi-ching, LEUNG Mei-ling (Rehearsal Master)
陳文懿 陳珈澄 鄭凱文 朱澄欣 徐煒婷 鍾鏡千 丁可鈿 簡仲霖 何采怡 何嘉兒 賀子欣 柯志輝 黎卓琳
CHAN Man-yi CHAN Ka-ching CHENG Hoi-man CHU Ching-yan Joycelyn CHUI Wai-ting CHUNG Keng-chin Dimaculangan Lady Candinea Rita KAN Chung-lam Kelly HO Choi-yee HO Ka-yi Bobo HO Tsz-yan KE Chi-fai LAI Cheuk-lam
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
Jojo LAI Hoi-ching Nicole LAM Chin-yu Jasmine LAM Ching-nam LAM Hiu-hay Christy LAW Chung-yi Yolanda LEE Holly LEUNG Ho-yu LI Tsz-yau LIT Yee-ting Koki LO Kwan-hiu LO On-yuet Candace LO Yee-tim LUI Yee-ka
馬溢霞 柯慧翹 彭衍瑜 譚雪誼 鄧嘉瑜 鄧樂瑜 徐梓殷 韋基施 黃頌恩 王婉彤 胡 靜 楊灼瑩
MA Yat-ha Evana OR Wai-kiu PANG Hin-yue TAM Suet-yi TANG Ka-yu TANG Lok-yu TSUI Tsz-yan Valdejueza KYLIE Csharein A Teresa WONG Chung-yan Christy WONG Yuen-tung WU Ching Sherri YEUNG Cheuk-ying
Jay Dance Company
Jay舞團傳承中國舞氣韻,加入現代手法及技巧,以發 揮中國舞在香港的特色!
Inheriting the artistic conception of Chinese dance, Jay Dance Company creates works with Hong Kong characteristics by means of modern skills and techniques.
D: 似曾 似曾相惜 未曾相遇 似曾相知 未曾相識 T: 中國當代舞 M: 陳建琪 C: 胡錦明
D: Somewhere in Time Compassionate we seem; Strangers we are; Confidants we seem; Unacquainted we are. T: Chinese Contemporary Dance M: CHEN Chein-Chi C: WU Kam-ming
蔡珮欣 Regina CHOI Pui-yan 蔡淳而 CHOI Shun-yee 林慧恩 Chris LAM Wai-yan
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
黎海晴 林芊語 林靖嵐 林曉希 羅頌怡 李欣蓉 梁可豫 李芷柔 列綺婷 羅筠曉 盧安悅 勞懿湉 雷苡迦
李愷彤 LEE Hoi-tung 廖慧儀 LIU Wai-yee 吳卓欣 NG Cheuk-yan
王天欣 WONG Tin-yan 黃菊莉 WONG Kuk-li
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
本團成立於1980年,以推廣西方土風舞蹈為宗旨。本 舞蹈團多年來致力參與各種不同類型演出、比賽、同樂 展示及海外交流等活動。藉此引起大眾對土風舞蹈文化 的欣賞和熱愛,令土風舞蹈傳統能一直傳承延續下去。
Crystal Western Folk Dance Troupe
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
Art Workshop
舞蹈組由劉淑齡老師創立,在學校舞蹈節及全港舞蹈公 開賽中屢獲殊榮,曾多次代表香港遠赴外地參予交流演 出。
The Dance Team was founded by Ms Lau Shuk-ling, and had won numerous awards from the Open Dance Contests and the School Dance Festivals. The Dance Team also performed overseas representing Hong Kong.
才藝坊於2009年成立的註冊團體,宗旨是透過開辦西 方民族舞訓練課程、工作坊及編排表演舞蹈去推廣西 方民族舞蹈。
Art Workshop established in 2009, which offers western folk dance workshops and arranges cultural performance upon certain occasions. We aimed to introduce varies western culture to general public.
D: 喜鵲 以一群小鳥(喜鵲)為創作藍本,以山東秧歌為元素, 巧妙地結合了民間舞歡快的特點,描繪出一群活潑可 愛,吱吱喳喳叫個不停的喜鵲,與大自然和諧相處的 美好景象。 T: 中國舞 P: 第五十一屆學校舞蹈節 - 優等獎 第43屆全港公開舞蹈比賽 - 金獎及最佳表演獎 C: 鄧筠樺
D: Magpie It is a dance set with the theme of Eurasian Magpie in the choreography with the music from Shandong’s yangge with the happiness and excitement elements combined in the dance. It pictures a scene where the lovely birds play happily in the nature. T: Chinese Dance P: Honour Award, 51st School Dance Festival; Gold Award and Best Performance Award, The 43rd Open Hong Kong Competition C: TANG Kwan-wah
D: 委內瑞拉舞 此舞來自委內瑞拉西部安達地區,舞蹈特色受西班 牙管治時影響。舞蹈中,擺動裙子散發出舞蹈員的 喜悅,而歌唱能舒緩日常忙碌工作所帶來的壓力。 T: 西方民族舞 M: La Tierra Venezolana C: 李光華
D: Venezuelan Dance The dance comprises of waltz and polka from Andean region, western Venezuela. Waving the beautiful skirt portrays enjoyment of dancing while singing of songs to soften the hardness of the daily labour. T: Western Folk Dance M: La Tierra Venezolana C: LI Kwong-wah
歐恬瑜 陳綺彤 張希婷 何潔茹 何穎燊
中 型 節 目
蔡煒泓 陳哲韻 陳子淳 陳芷泳 陳煜文 鄭思晴 張 晴 張芷晴 招慧心 鍾綽瑩 鍾可兒 方柏喬 方柏瑩 房穎儀 何天意
AU Tim-yu CHAN Yee-tung CHEUNG Hei-ting HO Kit-yu HO Wing-san
何睿慈 林秀婷 劉可欣 李芷維 廖悅彤
HO Yui-chi LAM Sau-ting Bazalel LAU Ho-yan LI Tsz-wai LIU Yuet-tung
莫少明 龐惠璟 柯嘉瑩 譚斯睿
MOK Siu-ming Vickie PONG Wai-king Ice OR Ka-ying TAN Sze-yui
鄧穎珊 曹思敏 董潣樺 黃卓琳
TANG Wing-shan TSO Sze-man TUNG Man-wah Charlotte WONG Cheuk-lam
Christine Liao School Of Ballet
廖本懷夫人毛妹太平紳士在1964年創辦了毛妹芭 蕾舞學校,現時約有學生數千名在港九新界各區 共四十三間學校上課。在過去五十一年,毛妹太 平紳士曾教導愈數萬學生,而每年參加英國皇家 芭蕾舞學院(RAD)考試、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會 (CSTD)考試及澳洲芭蕾舞藝術學校(ACB)考試之 學員皆獲得優異成績。 歷年來,毛妹芭蕾舞學校培育了不少世界級舞 蹈巨星,於世界各地舞團擔任主要角色。部份 傑出的學生在世界各個大賽中屢獲佳績,包括英 國國際芭蕾舞比賽之「愛德林真尼」金牌獎及美 國American Dance Competition - Top 15, ADC Medallion及金獎等。每年,毛妹芭蕾舞學校均舉 辦多項活動,培養學生多方面發展。活動包括大 師班及各項大型活動的演出。
The Christine Liao School of Ballet was founded by Mrs. Christine Liao, JP in 1964 and develop into one of the largest ballet schools in the world with thousands of students in 43 dance studios in Hong Kong. Over the past 51 years, the School has achieved brilliant results in the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Examinations, The Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD) Examinations and The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet (ACB). The School has trained world-class ballerinas. Students from Christine Liao School of Ballet have won numerous awards including The Adeline Genee International Gold Medal in London and Top of 15 in Ballet Division & ADC Medallion of American Dance Competition in USA. With a view to encourage students’ understanding in cultural development and to help build up selfconfidence and positive character, the school annually organizes numerous cross-disciplinary activities and master classes.
D: 香港是我家 香港,一顆被美麗海灣包圍著的東方明珠,繁華 活力集於一身。在此,我們浸醉於大都會的熱鬧 與幹勁,這就是我們與別不同的家。 段一:維港風光 段二:魅影都市 段三:愛我的家 段四:尋夢伊甸園 T: 芭蕾舞 C: 吳雪梅(編舞) 梁綽鞍、岑珮榕、曾沛瑜(排舞)
D: Home@ Hong Kong Pearl of the Orient, famous for its beautiful harbour view, vibrant community and prosperity. Where we are enjoying the hustle and bustle of the cosmopolitan city - Hong Kong Scene 1: Beautiful Harbour Scene 2: Cosmopolitan Scene 3: Sweet Home Scene 4: Dream Land T: Ballet Dance C: Violet NG (Choreographer) Dicky LEUNG, Alice SHUM,Barbie TSANG (Rehearsal Master)
CAI Wai-wang CHAN Chit-won CHAN Tsz-shun CHAN Tsz-wing CHAN Yuk-man CHENG Sze-ching CHEUNG Ching CHEUNG Tsz-ching Ashley CHIU CHUNG Cheuk-ying CHUNG Ho-yi FONG Pak-kiu FONG Pak-ying Winnie FONG Charlotte HO Tin-yi
康蔚珩 Sofia HONG Wai-hang 郭泳津 KWOK Wing-chun 鄺蔚芯 KWONG Wai-sum 林岢澄 Julia LAM Ho-ching 林雍嵐 Verna LAM 黎樂炘 Clarice LAI 賴芍丰 LAI Cheuk-fung 李雯鈺 Veata LEE Men-juk 陸綽瑩 LU Cheuk-ying 雷善晴 Summer LUI 林凱頤 LAM Hoi-yee 梁綽鞍 Dicky LEUNG Cheuk-on 劉諾兒 LAU Lok-yi 劉泳茵 LAU Wing-yan
盧綺琪 盧芷叡 羅寶琪 吳芷瑩 潘奕嘉 潘鉞霆 岑珮榕 蘇梓朗 沈 樂 宋卓慧 宋卓穎 施嘉琳 曾沛瑜 謝佩庭
LO Yee-ki LO Tsz-yui LOW Po-kay NG Tsz-ying POON Yik-ka POON Yuet-ting SHUM Pui-yung SO Tsz-long Natasha SUM SUNG Cheuk-wai SUNG Cheuk-wing SY Ka-lam TSANG Pui-yu TSE Pui-ting
謝慧怡 王綽潁 黃 健 黃 蕙 黃皓敏 胡叡希 尹靖文 胡穎雯 楊睦儀 楊名懿 葉寶恩 葉珈恩 余明慧 余明琛
TSE Wai-yi WONG Cheuk-wing WONG Kin WONG Wai Sabrina WONG Belle WU Charmaine WAN Ching-man WU Wing-man YEUNG Muk-yee YEUNG Ming-yi Christy YIP Bo-yan Stephanie YIP Ka-yan Kayleen YU Ming-wai Karis YU Ming-sum
陳彥恩 陳雅盈 朱凱婷 朱泳甄 鍾舒翔 何上君
Jenny CHAN Tiffany CHAN Heidi CHU Janus CHU Michelle CHUNG Debbie HO
何嘉彥 郭詠瑩 郭詠霖 郭詠瑩 林詠芯 劉藹倫
Jolene HO Joanne KWOK Shirley KWOK Venessa KWOK Winsome LAM Ellen LAU
李竿樂 李蕊姿 梁美寶 梁凱欣 劉子諒 廖頌欣
Lorinda LEE Yoyo LEE Mable LEUNG Ruby LEUNG Jenny LIU Etta LUI
徐詠盈 王若婷 黃凱彥 王愷靖 黃穎妍
Gladys TSUI Alice WONG Betty WONG Tiffany WONG Winnie WONG
Unknown Dance Studio
成立於2013年,致力推廣及創作中國舞,務求把現代 編舞手法和傳統動作混融,帶出觀眾新的視覺享受。
Established in 2013, our aim is to popularize and create Chinese Dance, mix and match with contemporary dance choreography skill to bring out a new image.
D: 絕? 絕路絕處,人,命不該絕?絕路,絕處人,命不 該,絕?絕路絕,處人命,不該絕? 絕,路絕處, 人命,不該絕? 絕路絕處,人命不該絕? T: 中國當代舞 M: Two Steps from Hell’s Heart of courage 鍾楚翹(編曲) C: 陳振楊、 伍詠豪、王嘉維 陳振楊 Anliex CHAN Chun-yeung 陳美琪 Elizabeth CHAN 陳文鈞 CHAN Man-kwan
D: Ending? The end ! End ? Ending .... T: Contemporary Chinese M: Two Steps from Hell’s Heart of courage Joyce Chung (Music Edition) C: Anliex CHAN Chun-yeung, Skinny NG Wing-ho, Felix WONG Ka-wai
豐景嬈 FONG King-yiu 江穎儀 KONG Wing-yee 羅海倫 LAW Hoi-lun
吳嘉琳 NG Ka-lam 伍詠豪 Skinny NG Wing-ho 戴誌穎 TAI Chi-wing
黃靖殷 WONG Ching-yan 王嘉維 Felix WONG Ka-wai
Queena Ballet Centre
由黃日芝校長主辦,多年來以其專業舞蹈員經驗教 學,培育不少優質學生,27年來創作及排演了80多個 不同風格之舞蹈作品,均備受各方讚譽。
Ms Wong Yat-chee, the principal of Queena Ballet Centre, is a professional dancer and qualified teacher. In her 27 year’s teachering career, she has choreographed over 80 pieces of classical ballet and character dances which have been received tremendously favourable reviews.
D: 芭蕾舞集(墨西哥舞/英姿颯爽騎士舞) 墨西哥舞 - 墨西哥民間舞蹈起源於前西班牙前期,充 滿熱情活力。伴隨設計精巧的舞蹈、動作熱烈、節奏 精確,讓觀眾也能感受舞者的熱情與歡樂。 英姿颯爽騎士舞-女孩們拿著韁繩騎乘駿馬,漫步鄉 野,奔馳草原,迎接晨曦,追逐夕陽,享受無窮無盡 的騎馬樂趣。 T: 西方土風舞及芭蕾舞 C: 黃日芝、曾婉瑜 、 吳善兒
陳珉慧 張秀菁 樊穎珊 詹凱琪 簡明殷 林善淇 李穎欣
CHAN Man-wai Martina CHEUNG FAN Wing-shan Cristianna JIM Miriam KAM Suki LAM Sin-kei Vivien LI Wing-yan
廖敏言 盧恩臨 雷雅婷 麥籽愛 伍雅儀 吳善兒
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
BISHOP Hall Jubilee School
D: Mexican Dance/The Valiant Knight Mexican Dance: Mexican folk dance is found in the pre-Hispanic period. The dance is passionate and full of energy. The audience can feel the dancers’ passion. The Valiant Knight: The girls ride horses wandering in the countryside. They run quickly on the grassland, chasing the sunset. The girls enjoy the endless riding. T: Character Dance and Ballet C: WONG Yat Chee , TSANG Yuen Yu, NG Cindy Joy
LIU Man-yin Elim LO Fiona LUI MAK Tsz-oi Ariel NG Joy NG Cindy
吳芷瑩 Megan NG 吳穎儀 NG Wing-yee 潘慧琛 POON Wai-sum Megan RoDRICKS 蘇珮琪 SO Pui-KI 譚綽簥 TAM Cheuk-kiu
譚穎禧 鄧予思 田栩喬 蔡卓慧 王明姬 王允祈
TAM Wing-hei TANG Yu-sze Anastasia TIN Charlotte TSOI WONG Ming-ki WONG Wan-ki
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
香港新界舞蹈團是非牟利藝術團體,於1998年1月由一 班居住新界區專業舞蹈導師及部份香港演藝學院和北京 舞蹈學院舞蹈畢業生組織成立。主席兼藝術總監劉佩雄 先生。每年為康文署演出5至6場現代舞及爵士舞表演, 為香港十八區居民服務。
The New Territories Dance Group of Hong Kong is a non-profit art organization. The organization was started by a group of professional dance tutors from the New Territories, graduates of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Beijing Dance Academy in January 1998. Under the leadership of Mr. LAU Pui-hung, Chairman and Artistic Director, the members of organization is enthusiastic to perform on various dance performances held by Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
D: 憶。流浪熱巴 看到那熟悉的熱巴鼓,無拘無束的流浪生活浮現眼 前。就算我今天白髮蒼蒼也依然掂記著你們,我的 同伴們。 T: 中國舞 P: 屯門區舞蹈比賽中國舞公開組群舞 - 金獎 全港公開舞蹈比賽中國舞公開組群舞 - 金獎 C: 鍾鎧汶 陳蘊聰 Ruby CHAN Wan-chung 鍾鎧汶 June CHUNG Hoi-man 熊敏兒 HUNG Man-yi
甘佩珊 KAM Pui-shan 高明慧 Brenda KO Ming-wai 劉芷珊 LAU Tsz-shan
繆海婷 MOW Hoi-ting 崔嘉欣 TSUI Ka-yan 沈淑儀 SUM Shuk-yee
Crescendo Charity Club
樂韻歌聲隨風揚 善從心處發熱光 舞出綽約豐姿采 揚傳薪火顯樂彰 本會是慈善舞蹈團體,成立的目的是推廣舞蹈、藉舞蹈 強身健體及幫助有需要的人士
Music floats & travels through the breeze Kindness bloomed from the passionate heart Dancing out a brilliant life with fullness Such shall be long-lasting through generation This society is a charity dance group aiming at promoting dance, encouraging fitness through dance, and helping those in need.
D: 上海情懷 以百老匯舞蹈的形式,刻劃出上海民初時期的繁華 盛世,車水馬龍、五光十色,十里洋場的熱鬧都 市。 T: 現代創作舞 M: 夜上海 C: 曾金全、唐家霖
趙佩紅 CHIU Pui-hung 何敏華 HO Man-wa 江翠華 KONG Chui-wah 關佩儀 KWAN Pui-yee 甘林倩萍 Salina KUM LAM Sin-ping
黎佩賢 林秀卿 劉金鳳 劉金梅 李展明
D: Splendid Shanghai This dance choreographed in a Broadway dance style to portray the flourishing and prosperous Shanghai in the early Republic. People indulged in a life of luxury in the bustling metropolitan Shanghai. T: Modern Dance C: Johnny TSANG Kam-chuen / TONG Ka-lam
LAI Pui-yin LAM Sau-hing Lillian LAU Kam-fung LAU Kam-mui LEE Chin-ming
李天榮 倫熾滔 文合葵 吳碧慈
LEE Tin-wing LUN Chi-to MAN Hop-kwai NG Pik-chi
丁麗兒 唐家霖 謝笑卿 黃瓊娟
TING Lai-yi TONG Ka-lam TSE Siu-hing WONG King-kuen
28.8.2015 7:30p.m.
香港新界舞蹈團 The New Territories Dance Group of Hong Kong
憶•流浪熱巴 Memory of a Wanderer
樂善舞揚 Crescendo Charity Club
上海情懷 Splendid Shanghai
韵情舞坊 Kidance
騁馳草原 Galloping on the Prairie
才藝坊 Art Workshop
委內瑞拉舞 Venezuelan Dance
流白舞蹈團 Unknown Dance Studio
絕? Ending?
芷薇芭蕾舞學校 Queena Ballet Centre
芭蕾舞集 ( 墨西哥舞 / 英姿颯爽騎士舞 ) Mexican Dance / The Valiant Knight
何明華會督銀禧中學 BISHOP Hall Jubilee School
喜鵲 Magpie
毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet
香港是我家 Home @ Hong Kong
星榆舞蹈學校 Starwave Dance Academy
相之源 Complexions Prequel
Jay舞團 Jay Dance Company
似曾 Somewhere in Time
旭穎西方土風舞蹈團 Crystal Western Folk Dance Troupe
摩里斯舞 Morris Dance
屯門文藝協進會(屯門舞蹈團) Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association - Tuen Mun Dance Troupe
命 Destiny
儂情舞集 Forever Dance Troupe
成立於2003年,旨在發揚舞蹈藝術,培訓舞蹈人材及 推廣中國舞等級考試課程,讓學員在舞蹈世界內尋找樂 趣,培養氣質及建立自信。
Kidance was set up in 2003. It aims at promoting the art of dance, cultivating and bringing up talents in dance enthusiastically, and organizing courses leading to Chinese Dance Graded Examinations. Students are encouraged to develop their self-confidence and right temperament in the world of dances.
在途上 On the Way
黃日芝芭蕾舞學校 Regine Wong School of Ballet
夏日逍遙樂 / 採摘荔枝的小女孩 The Joy of Summer / The Lychee Picking Girls
苗徽舞集 The Sprout
D: Galloping on the Prairie Mongolia is known as “Land of the Eternal Blue Sky” with lots of extensive and lovely scenery. While steeds are galloping over the steppes under the blue sky, a group of young girls are dancing on the grassland passionately, displaying the nation spirit of “Land of the horses” T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Mongolian) C: Leung Ki-fun
激楚 Souls of the Chu’s
小花仙舞蹈團 Flower’s Angel Dancing Group
Shadow of Diamond
曉舞蹈教室 Dynamic Dawn Studio
紅 Rhoeas
藝摯歐洲民族舞蹈組 Knack Cordial Folk Group
烏克蘭女子舞 Cherry Hrebinochk (Ukraine)
元朗區文藝協進會(元朗舞蹈團) Yuen Long District Arts Committe - Yueng Long Dance Troupe
歲月匆匆 Time Flashes By
小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Group
Bang bang !!
D: 騁馳草原 藍藍的天上白雲飄,白白的雲下馬騁馳,蒙古大漠 草原一望無際,鮮碧如畫,景色怡人,一群蒙古姑 娘在遼闊的草原上熱情地跳著舞,展現出蒙古人開 朗豪爽的民族性,令人心曠神怡。 T: 中國民族舞(蒙古) C: 梁其芬
D: Memory Of A Wanderer Let’s remember our glorious time of wandering. T: Chinese Dance P: Gold Award, Chinese Group Dance Open of Tuen Mun District Dance Contests and The Hong Kong Open Dance Competition C: June CHUNG Hoi-man
節目簡介 2 Program outline
周曉思 蔡明慧 莊菀琛 周子恩
Jane Khara B. BIAGTAN CHOI Ming-wai CHONG Yuen-sum CHOW Tsz-yan
徐浠林 何詠詩 黃樂宜 關敏琪
CHUI Hei-lam HO Wing-sze HUANG Lok-yi Megan KWAN Man-ki
李凱盈 李楚欣 雷洱月 馬丹琪
LEE Hoi-ying LIE Cho-yan LUI Yi-yuet MA Tan-ki
曾嘉茵 蔡佳麗 袁穎玉 容汶鑫
TSENG Ka-yan TSOI Kai-lai YUEN Wing-yuk Audrey YUNG Man-yam
AUG 28 - 7:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
The New Territories Dance Group of Hong Kong
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
Koo’s Studio
成立於2000年,由資深舞蹈家屈美娟女士創立。以弘揚 舞蹈藝術,推動本港舞蹈發展為己任,並致力培養及訓 練舞蹈人才,為年青舞者增強自信心,提供實現藝術理 想的平台。
Formed in 2000 by Irene Wat Mei-kuen. Aiming to develop dance activities to cultivate, self-confidence and community team spirit and to encourage collaboration between dance and other art forms. Enhanced self-confidence for young dancers by providing an ideal platform to achieve artistic excellence.
小古古舞蹈室於2004年由古愛玲老師創立,志在推廣藝 術及舞蹈文化,希望讓更多人能夠接觸舞蹈。小古古著 重「身教」,希望以舞蹈讓學生勇於投入群體,互相合 作。同時以「舞德」培養學生的品格,陶冶性情。 現時小古古主要以教授中國舞及爵士舞為主,為熱愛舞 動的同學開辦表演班及考試班。為同學提供表演及參賽 的機會,亦鼓勵同學參加北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試 及澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會(CSTD)考試。讓同學的興 趣和努力得到肯定!
The Koo’s Studio was founded by Miss Koo Oi-ling in 2004. It aims to promote the culture of art and dance and to enhance the public awareness of dancing culture. The studio believes that to teach students by teachers’ personal example is better than precepts. We wish to help students develop their character and team work.
D: 老師早晨 同學們活潑好動,閒來東跑跑西跳跳,總不忘考試在 即,勤力溫習書本功課,卻也能於課外舞動一番﹗ Yeah! Good Morning Madam! T: 爵士舞 P: 第八屆“小荷風采”全國少兒舞蹈展演 – 小荷之星及小荷最佳編導獎 2014年度小紫荊盃群舞作品賽 – 金獎 C: 屈美娟, 何祖宜
陳建萍 陳煜翀 周芯悅 周天晞 馮煒程 郭曉婷 林靖翹
CHAN Kin-ping CHAN Yuk-chung CHAU Sum-yuet Hebe CHOW Tin-hei FUNG Wai-ching KWOK Hiu-ting LAM Ching-kiu
林思妤 藍 羚 羅御禕 李昭緯 李希雪 欒子瑄 蘇子尹
D: Good Morning Teacher Students are lively and active, running and jumping everywhere at leisure. Yet, they never forget the examination. Besides studying hard, they would move vigorously after school. Yeah! Good Morning Madam! T: Jazz P: Star of Xiao He (Champion) and the Best Choreography, 8th Xiao He Feng Cai National Children Dance Contests; Gold Award, Originality section of 2014 Junior Bauhinia Cup C: Irene WAT Mei-kuen, Joey HO LAM Sze-yue LAN Ling LAW Ue-wei LEE Chiu-wai LEE Hei-suet Jessie LUEN Tsz-huen Amber SO Tsz-wan
TAM Bo-yiu TO Wing-yan Chloe TONG Hiu-lam WONG Pui-wing WONG Wai-kuen WONG Wing-hey
鄭漪婷 CHENG I-ting 姜杏瑩 KIANG Hang-ying 關愷璐 Ruby KWAN Hoi-lo
Wendy Dancer School Wendy Leung is a promising young dancer who has learned Ballet for a number of years. She has won lots of awards and scholarships in Asia, and has been guest dancer and adjudicator in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In order to nurture dance talents, she created her dream house, Wendy Dancer School, in 2012.
Holy Family Canossian College
成立中國舞蹈學會的宗旨,是透過舞蹈宣揚中國舞蹈藝 術,並鼓勵同學積極參予活動,及提供舞台的表演機 會,從而建立自信。
Our Chinese Dance Team has been set up for seven years. We aim at fostering student interest in Chinese dancing, maintaining students’ physical fitness and let students gain confidence and experience of performing on stage.
D: 吉賽爾第一幕之跑跳 T: 芭蕾舞 M: Adolphe Adam C: 梁詠珊
D: 春到花開 春天到來的時候,大地充滿生機,遍地的花兒都盛放 著,展示著一張張燦爛的臉兒。 T: 中國民族舞(羌族) P: 第七屆中國青少年(香港)音樂舞蹈比賽 - 冠軍 第五十一屆學校舞蹈節 - 甲級獎 C: 陳潔怡
D: Blossom Spring Spring is coming. The earth is full of vitality. The blossom flowers can be found anywhere, showing a beautiful picture. T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Chiang) P: Champion, The 7th Chinese Youth (HK) Music and Dance Competition C: CHAN Kit-yi
朱茵曦 郭穎恩 林鎧澄 劉煒煒 羅心妍 李式詠
CHU Yan-hei KWOK Wing-yan LAM Hoi-ching LAU Wai-wai LAW Sum-yin LEE Sik-wing
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
李敏希 盧映霖 馬雪兒 文珈貽 王衍婷 葉栩妍
LEE Man-hay LO Ying-lam MA Suet-yi Eunice MAN Ka-yee WONG Hin-ting YIP Hui-yin
曾嘉儀 TSANG Ka-yee 崔嘉雯 TSUI Ka-man 崔嘉欣 TSUI Ka-yan
心悅舞蹈學院 嘉諾撒聖家書院
CHAN Yee-lam CHEUNG Ka-ling CHING Yin-yan CHIU Sin-yan CHONG Cheuk-yiu CHOY Ming-chi
T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Dai) P: Gold Award, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan District Dance Contests C: KOO Oi-ling
麥曉宜 MAK Hiu-yi 吳倩彤 NG Sin-tung 譚以樂 TAM Yee-lok
梁詠珊學習芭蕾舞多年,是本港出名的後起之秀,雖然 年紀輕輕,在亞洲區獲得無數獎項及獎學金。在這幾年 內,奔波兩岸三地做客席演員及評審,努力發掘舞蹈人 才,在2012年創造了夢想屋 - 「心悅舞蹈學院」。
陳綺霖 張家鈴 程彥甄 趙善欣 莊卓瑤 蔡明芝
譚寶瑤 杜泳昕 湯曉琳 黃沛穎 王偉權 王穎浠
D: 南客姑娘 南客 — 孔雀的別稱。孔雀 — 古祥的象徵。傣族姑娘 舞出了孔雀神韻。 飛跑下山,漫步森林,飲泉戲水,展翅抖翹,化身成 「南客姑娘」。 T: 中國民族舞(傣族) P: 屯門、荃灣區舞蹈比賽 – 金獎 C: 古愛玲
D: Miss Nanke Nanke was the other name of peacocks in Chinese literatures and is a sign of fortune. The Dai nationality of China imitates the noble and elegant movements of peacocks which became Dai’s traditional dancing steps. The beautiful Dai girls will act as agile peacocks walking through the mountains, the forests and the streams. They are -- Miss Nanke.
歐芷澄 陳睿琛 張瑋驊 范茜堯
AU Tsz-ching Mavis CHAN CHEUNG Wai-wa Bernice FAN Sin-yiu
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
Hibiscus Group
D: Galop From Giselle Act I T: Ballet M: Adolphe Adam C: Wendy LEUNG Wing-shan 林佳穎 林雯彩 林芷瑤 林穎瑜
LAM Kai-wing LAM Man-choi LAM Tsz-yiu LAM Wing-yu
吳嘉瑩 蘇 靖 黃庭鈺 黃詠喬
NG Ka-ying SO Kar-ching WONG Ting-yuk WONG Wing-kiu
Red Shoes Dance Institute
由劉幗貞於1993年創辦,致力培訓工作,推廣中國舞等 級考試及趣學堂幼兒舞蹈課程。旨在提供演出機會,讓 學員豐富成長之人生。
Red Shoes Dance Institute was established in 1993 by Ms Lau Kwok-ching who has been dedicating in training and educating professional dancers as well as promoting the Chinese Dance Grading Examination and Move For Fun, early childhood dance program. The aim of the Institute is to provide more opportunities for students to perform on stage and in various occasions. Students are encouraged to monitor their growth and develop a richer life throughout the practices and performances.
D: 金勾舞 在優美的環境中,舞者輕輕拍動著金勾,漸漸打破寧 靜,舞出生命的節拍,帶熾熱的心靈。 周炘祺 CHOW(新疆) Yan-ki T: 中國民族舞 鍾鎧汶 June CHUNG Hoi-man C: 劉幗貞 香蔚欣 HEUNG Wai-yan 李鎂穎 LEE Mei-wing 盧家瑜 Kelly LO Ka-yu 李卓穎 Cheryl LI Cheuk-wing 吳凱琪 NG Hoi-kei 吳嘉茵 NG Ka-yan 蘇凱倫 Helen SO Hoi-lun 黃騫彤 WONG Hin-tung
D: Golden Castanet In a nice and beautiful environment, a group of dancers are dancing with the castanets gracefully and rhythmically. Their heartbeats and movements gradually break the tranquility and silence and ardently bring out the rhythm of life and the warmth of the soul! T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Xinjiang) C: LAU Kwok-ching
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
王仁曼芭蕾舞學校以英國皇家舞蹈學院考試為課程 藍本,設計各級別的古典芭蕾舞及各種舞蹈班,以 供學員選擇。在校長王仁曼BBS,FRAD,FHKAPA帶 領下的老師團隊,每一位均為英國皇家舞蹈學院註 冊教師,或持有同等專業水平資歷。此外,我校每 年皆邀請多位國際知名的舞蹈家及導師來港教授大 師班,令學員的水平不斷提高。
Jean M. Wong School of Ballet offers a wide-ranging curriculum in Classical Ballet and Dance with emphasis on the Royal Academy of Dance Syllabus. It provides training for students of all levels, from those dancing for pure enjoyment to those pursuing for a professional career in dance. The teaching staff, headed by the Principal, Jean M. Wong BBS,FRAD,FHKAPA consists of highly qualified and experienced teachers.
D: 帕吉蒂 第二幕選段(慶祝) T: 芭蕾舞 M: Ludwig Minkus C: Marius PETIPA (編舞)/ 張睿紋(排舞)
D: Paquita Excerpt form Act 2 (Celebration) T: Ballet Dance M: Luduig Minkus C: Marius PETIPA (Choreographer) CHEUNG Yui-man (Rehearsal Master)
Hong Kong City Arts Centre was established by Mr. Johnny Tsang in 1984. We aim to develop the full potential of students by focusing on the importance of technique and by offering a variety of dance training and courses. Students participate in different performances and activities, enhance their techniques and self-confidence to enrich their stage experience and express their own artistic talents. It also brings the enjoyment of dance to the community. Students are also taking part in different examinations, achieving outstanding results every year.
D: 愛爾蘭舞 這是一齣具愛爾蘭風格的表演舞。舞蹈充滿自 信和朝氣,隨着音樂節奏跳出輕快的舞步,展 現了無限青春活力。 T: 西方土風舞 P: 九龍城區舞蹈比賽2015西方舞公開組 - 冠軍 C: 曾金全 陳宜蓁 張卓琳 趙芷雅 鍾榮桐 林靖淘
Kiangsu - Chekiang College (Shatin)
本校提供免費舞蹈訓練,亦開設體育舞蹈班,每年在 各項比賽均獲獎無數。此外,每年舉辦班際比賽及匯 演,藉以培養學生對舞蹈藝術的興趣。
Our school provides students with free Chinese dance training as well as dance sport training. Our club has won numerous prizes in various competitions. Besides we organize inter-class dance competitions and dance expo at school every year in order to cultivate students’ interest in aesthetics aspect.
D: 東北那角落 喜慶的鑼鼓敲起來火紅的手娟轉起來,熱情似火的 東北秧歌舞動在白雪皚皚的季節,他們的歡聲笑語 講述著那的人、那的景、那的情…
D: Sowing the seeds of hope Joyous beats of gongs and drums; vigorous movements of flaming handkerchief. Their passionate North-east Yangko dance in the snowy season and laughter illustrate their life, their love, and their passion. T: Chinese Dance P: Award in School Dance Festival C: WU Xiao-au
T: 中國舞(東北) P: 學校舞蹈節優等獎 C: 胡曉鷗 陳文業 陳泳彤 陳思卉 何詠詩 何欣桐
CHAN Man-yip CHAN Wing-tung CHAN Sze-wei HO Wing-sze HO Yan-tung
葉寧心 劉宣杏 劉彥翹 李鍵彬 李倩淘
IP Ning-sum LAU Suen-hang LAU Yin-kiu LEE Kin-pan LEE Sin-to
梁梓彥 盧浩琛 麥舒華 吳嘉曦 蘇穎翹
LEUNG Chi-yin LO Ho-sam MAK Shu-wa NG Ka-hei SO Wing-kiu
譚志廣 謝昕彤 黃瑪歡 謝伊蔓 葉嘉文 楊嘉豪
TAM Chi-kwong TSE Yan-tung WONG Ma-fun XIE Yiman YE Jiawen YEUNG Ka-ho
Glamor Ballet School
纋雅芭蕾舞學校創立於2012年,一直致力推廣 及培育芭蕾舞爵士舞藝術。於國際及本港舞蹈比 賽,屢次獲獎;亦曾參與大型舞蹈博覽及巡遊演 出,均獲好評。
Glamor Ballet School (GBS) was founded in 2012 by Claudia Yeung. Aiming at Ballet and Jazz education development in Hong Kong, GBS has gained numerous awards in both Hong Kong and International Competitions. It has joined performances and parades organized by Hong Kong Ballet Group and Disneyland. This is the first time to participate in the Hong Kong Dance Expo.
D: 塔朗特舞 用芭蕾舞演繹意大利民族舞之強(力量)、 快(速度)、美(構圖)。 T: 芭蕾舞 M: Grand Tarantelle for Piano & Orchestra by Eugene List Berliner Symphoniker & Samuel Adler C: 楊詠婷
D: Grand Tarantella To interpret the strength, speed and elegance of Italian Folk Dance with ballet. T: Ballet M: Grand Tarantelle for Piano & Orchestra by Eugene List Berliner Symphoniker & Samuel Adler C: Claudia YEUNG Wing-ting
陳賀禧 CHAN Ho-hei 陳詩欣 CHAN Sze-yan 陳紫晴 CHAN Tsz-ching
由曾金全先生於1984年創辦,宗旨在於培育習舞 人士的潛能,提供完善多元化舞蹈課程。本中心 學員定期參與不同演出,務求把舞蹈藝術帶到社 群,提升舞蹈質素,增強自信心及豐富其藝術生 活。每年保送學員參加不同之考試課程,均獲優 異成績。
何芯妮 HO Sum-ni 黃卓瑩 HUANG Cheuk-ying 林琪奇 LAM Ki-ki
梁稀童 LEUNG Hei-tung 馬冬希 Hilary MA Tung-hei 文詩敏 MAN Sze-man
曾倩瑩 TSANG Sin-ying 黃樂瑤 Joslyn WONG Lok-yiu 黃 翬 WONG Fai
CHAN Yi-tsun CHEUNG Cheuk-lam CHIU Tsz-nga CHUNG Wing-tung LAM Ching-tao
李斯穎 李穎妍 李映彤 鄺杏明
D: Irish Dance A group of Irish girls dance happily with rhythm. They are so energetic. T: Western Folk Dance P: Champion, Western Dance Open Section in Kowloon City District Dance Contests C: Johnny TSANG
LEE Sze-wing LEE Wing-yin LEE Ying-tung Phoebe KWONG
孫在思 唐曉瑩 曾希文 曾穎晞
Joyce SUN Joy-sze TONG Hiu-ying TSANG Hei-man TSANG Wing-hei
謝思行 華鎧瑩 楊潔怡 楊穎琛
TSE Sze-hang WAH Oi-tsz Jessica YANG Kit-yi YEUNG Wing-sum
Grand - Jetè
舞蹈需要有紮實的基本技巧,才能體會到什麼是 舞蹈藝術。於2004年成立,自付盈虧的教學機 構,致力為各齡的公眾人士、學校及機構提供有 關表演藝術課程及專業培訓。
Grand Jete – A Ballet term meaning a large jump from one foot to the other foot. The name is symbolic about life which we have to take one big step after another. Grand-Jete, a non-profit organization, provides professional training for the public.
D: 依偎 成長,就像兩株風雨中飄搖的稻草,彼此的依 偎着、堅強着﹗ T: 爵士芭蕾舞 M:New Moon The Meadow by Alexander Desplat P: 2012年袋鼠杯舞蹈比賽 Honorable Performance獎 C: 薛素蘭
D: Support Growing up ~ like two rain sway straws, clinging to each other with perseverance. T: Jazz Ballet Dance M: New Moon The Meadow by Alexander Desplat P: Honorable Performance Award, 2012 CSTD Kangaroo Cup
陳詠慈 許德城 關翠明 李雅珊
CHAN Wing-chi Shing HUI Judy KWAN Jasmine LEE
C: Gloria SIT 李思思 Cissy LI 李釆燊 LI Choi-sang 潘詠詩 Mandy POON
戴怡苓 Jacqueline TAI 黃寶蕾 WONG Po-lui 黃潔汶 Rosanna WONG
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
香港演藝學院舞蹈學院中國舞系課程,主要設有 中國古典舞基訓、中國民間舞、身韻、舞蹈名目 和身體條件訓練,其他課程如接觸即興等,培養 學生有更廣泛的思維方式、專業知識和技能的相 互關聯及應用。
Courses in Chinese Dance, School of Dance of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts embrace professional standards of Chinese Classical Technique, Chinese Folk Dance, Shen Yun, Repertory, Contact Improvisation, and body conditioning courses; the broader contextual approach fosters a wide range of interconnected, transferable knowledge and skills in students.
D: 迴響 熟悉的旋律牽動著大家的心靈,傳說的雪域譜 寫著美麗的樂章…今天,讓我們一起來感受西 藏民族淳樸的人情,聆聽西藏永恆的旋律! T: 中國民族舞(藏族) M: 庫瑪拉、雪域鼓風 / 徐磊 C: 李璋亮(編舞)/ 余碧艷(排舞) 陳映熹 張皓瑤 周若芸 劉璟蘊
CHAN Ying-hei CHEUNG Ho-yiu CHOU Jo-yun LAU King-wan
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
Jean M. Wong School of Ballet
Hong Kong City Arts Centre
D: Echo Familiar melodies tug at our heartstrings, mystical “snowy spectrum” composes a symphony of elegance. Let us indulge ourselves in the music of Tibet and have a taste of Tibetan traditions and customs. T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Tibetan) M: Ku Ma La and Xue Yu Gu Feng by XU Lei C: LI Zhang-liang (Choreograper) / YU Pik-yim (Rehearsal Master) 劉詠彤 梁凱彤 李珮瑜 李奕琪
LAU Wing-tung LEUNG Hoi-tung LI Pei-yu LI Yik-ki
龍維尚 吳靜琳 楊子慧 趙健勛
LUNG Wai-sheung NG Ching-lam YEUNG Tsz-wai ZHAO Jian-xun
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者 C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master:
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
Our group was established in 1999 by a group of professional and distinguished dance educators. Our teachers include: Ms. Chu Yan, Ng Mei-kuen, Chen Dan and Chong Kam-man etc. We aim to promote the art of Chinese Dance with an emphasis on the Chinese Dance Graded Examination.
D: 春之光影 冰雪消融,百鳥競翔,湖光山色初露春意。 T: 中國舞 C: 朱茵
D - Light of Spring The start of spring is revealed by the melting snow and fluttering birds in the landscape of lakes and mountains. T: Chinese Dance C: CHU Yan
卜玉蘭 陳雅儀 蔡文娜 鍾美雲 郭龍珠
BOOK Yuk-lan CHAN Nga-yee CHOI Man-nar Kitty CHUNG Mi-wan KWOK Lung-chu
鄺瑩瑩 林月燕 吳少萍 吳勤英 潘麗卿
KWONG Ying-ying LAM Yuet-yin NG Siu-ping NG Kan-ying POON Lai-hing
談常娟 鄧藹賢 黃晨丹 王淑玲 倪 敏
TAM Sheung-kuen TANG Oi-yin WONG Sen-tan WONG Shuk-ling NGAI Man
鄰舍輔導會黃大仙 康盛支援中心 - 智齡舞團
The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council Wong Tai Sin Wellness Support Centre (CASEN Dancing Team)
鄰舍輔導會智齡專上學院成立於2004年,轄下“智齡 舞團”為弱能人士提供專業培訓,更致力推廣弱能人士 舞蹈藝術。“智齡舞團”多次參與地區演出及比賽。
The NAAC College for Adults with Special Educational Needs was set up in 2004. The CASEN Dancing Team provides professional training for people with special education needs and promoting the art of dance. The CASEN Dancing Team had participated in various performances and dance competitions.
陳瑛瑛 CHAN Ying-ying 鄭宋君 CHENG Sung-kwan 張芷君 CHEUNG Tsz-kwan
D: A Moving Joyful Pace Quietly listen to my pace. They are stepping slowly onto the stage. My heart goes beating faster and faster. Let’s come with me! Stepping into the joyfully time space. Catching the merry moment together. T: Jazz Dance M: Trouble Maker “ Trouble Maker” C: Milh YAU, Florence KWONG
鄺美倫 KWONG Mei-lun 梁嘉宜 LEUNG Ka-yi 吳珮瑤 NG Pui-yiu
布心悅 PO Sum-yuet 謝璟珩 TSE King-hang 王梓驊 Agnes WONG Chi-wah
黃嘉宜 WONG Ka-yee 楊凱旗 YEUNG Hoi-ki
City Ballet School
為優秀藝術教育而設的城市芭蕾舞學校 - 藝術的薰 陶,是要經過長時間的接觸與學習,把經驗和感 受,在不知不覺間一點一滴地累積起來,形成一種 自我內在的修養與情操;也不自覺地在日常生活的 言語思維和舉手投足中自然流露出來。
City Ballet School - established for the excellence of art education. The nurture of art requires long-term learning and devotion. Experiences and feelings are accumulated unconsciously bit by bit. When inner accomplishment and sentiment are cultivated, they will be naturally revealed in words and deeds in daily life.
D: 飛花蝶舞
D: Giardino di Fiori
穿越清柔的風中,陽光被揉碎成閃閃絲帶,雲動 帶來滿溢的歡快,蜇伏的精靈笑逐顏開,花兒、 蝶兒沓颯起舞。
T: 芭蕾舞 M: Shostakovich, Ballet Suite no.1 waltz, no.2 polka C: 林莉華 陳樂遙 張樂文 徐筠舒 徐烯瑜 徐海晴 馮紀霖 馮思霖 何明恩
Mavis CHAN Lok-yiu CHEUNG Lok-man CHUI Wan-shu CHUI Hei-yu CHUI Hoi-ching FUNG Kei-lam Erin FUNG Sze-lam HO Ming-yan
何瑩曦 黃靖妍 許苡嘉 葉恩陶 賴鈺喬 林芊頤 林詩詠
Sunlight breezes through the playful wind, it shatters into thousand shards and sprinkles down like slivery rain. Clouds are dancing, spirits are awakening. They giggle in joy and they dance with grin. They waltz with the flowers and butterflies in the wind. T: Ballet M: Shostakovich, Ballet Suite no.1 waltz, no.2 polka C: LIN Li-hua
HO Ying-hei HUANG Ching-in HUI Yi-ka IP Yan-to LAI Yuk-kiu LAM Chin-yee LAM Sze-wing
林芷盈 李綽恩 李曉晴 廖浣如 呂樂思 吳卓霖 吳靖悠
LAM Tsz-ying LEE Cheuk-yan Katrina LEE Hiu-ching LIU Wun-yu LUI Lok-sze NG Cheuk-lam NG Ching-yau
吳偃月 布欣霖 蕭佩珊 戴殷穎 謝芷茵 董欣婷 黃佩文
NG Yin-yuet PO Yan-lam Isabella SIU Pui-shan TAI Yan-wing TSE Tze-yan Racel TUNG Yan-ting Candy WONG Pui-man
Chapio Youth & Children Ballet Co.
集羽青少年兒童芭蕾舞團成立於1991年,為香港註冊非 牟利團體。
Chapio Youth & Children Ballet Company is a non-profit-making organization established in 1991.
D: 馬天妮組曲 踏著舞步走在春天的橋上,蝴蝶的聲音在耳端起伏, 一撲一搧,優雅律動,橋上載滿層層渲染的熱鬧和色 彩。 T: 芭蕾舞 M: 班傑明.布瑞頓 C: 三浦由香利
D: Matinees Suites Waltzing on the bridge of spring, I hear a dancing butterfly flipping its wings. It lifts with grace. It falls with rhythm. It enchants the bridge with dazzling charm. It leaves a colourful trace to my magical path. T: Ballet M: Benjamin Britten C: Yukari MIURA
陳巧盈 陳心研 鄭斯蔚 張芷萁 莊 盈 朱麗婷 蔡樂盈 方綺婷 馮子殷
Winni CHAN Hau-ying CHAN Sum-yin CHENG Sze-wai CHEUNG Tsz-ki CHONG Ying CHU Lai-ting Adrienne CHUA Amanda FONG I-ting Gigi FUNG Tsz-yan
何嘉珮 許詩蔚 江悅芯 賴綺敏 林謙童 林子晴 劉慧詩 李懷開 李子蔚
Lora HO Ka-pui HUI Sze-wai KONG Yuet-sum LAI Yee-man LAM Him-tung LAM Tsz-ching LAU Wai-sze Joy LEE Venus LI Tsz-wai
中西區兒童舞蹈團 中西區兒童舞蹈團為中西區文化藝術協會屬下的一個組 織,目標向區內小朋友推廣中國舞及為她們提供一項有益 的課餘活動。透過參加中國舞分級考試、周年匯演及其他 交流活動等,讓小朋友喜歡舞蹈,懂得欣賞舞蹈。 D: 鼓舞兒情 響亮的鼓聲,輕快的舞步,一群漢族姑娘手拿潑浪鼓起 舞,回憶起兒時的點點滴滴。 T: 中國民族舞(漢族) C: 陳潔怡 趙善欣 卓芷瑩 賴諾妍 李馥妝
CHIU Sin-yan CHUCK Chi-ying Peony LAI Nok-yin Alma LEE Fook-ching
李式詠 李家晞 陸詠芝 麥嘉嘉
羅倩寧 莫恩同 吳幸其 成芷慧 蘇婉雯 孫 慧 謝琬婷 徐敏琳 徐宛彤
Snowy LO Sin-ning MOK Yan-tung NG Hang-kei Iris SHING Tze-wai SO Yuen-man Cherry SUEN Wai-ping Yuti TSE Yuen-ting TSUI Man-lam TSUI Uen-tung
Central And Western District Children Dancing Troupe
Central & Western District Children Dancing Troupe, Central & Western District Assn. for Arts & Culture, aims to promote Chinese dance as an extra-curricular activity to children in the district. D: Childhood Memories A group of Han girls holding drums dance happily, recalling their childhood memories. T: Chinese Ethnic Dance (Han) C: CHAN Kit-yi
LEE Sik-wing LI Ka-hei Candice LUK Wing-gi MAK Kaka
吳穎南 伍思蔓 黃梓茵 黃樂彤
Edith NG Wing-nam Sharmaine NG Si-man Leanna WONG Tsz-yan WONG Lok-tung
Hong Kong Contemporary Youth Dancers
2008年成立,設兒童團、少年團及青年團。宗旨透過演出 及比賽活動提升團員的舞台經驗及造詣。
HKCYD was founded in 2008, including children, teens and youth troupes. The aim is to discover potential dance talents through the training of performances, dance competitions and cultural exchange.
D: 孖女 就是這個很特別的感覺,讓我們相遇、分離,又很思念 對方...﹗ T: 當代舞 M: Tu viendras ; Solitude / Zbigniew Preisner P: 2014年度小紫荊全場大獎挑戰盃 紫荊盃舞蹈大賽2014小紫荊盃單、雙、三賽事 - 金獎 C: 鍾晶
D: Twins A special feeling between us, when we meet, separate and miss each other! T: Contemporary Dance M: Tu viendras ; Solitude / Zbigniew Preisner P: Gold Award in Solo Duo and Trio Session of Bauhinia Cup 2014 C: CHUNG Ching
陳沛賢 CHAN Pui-yin 張嘉怡 CHEUNG Ka-yi 何伊玟 HE Yi-min
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
本團成立於1999年,由專業優秀的舞蹈教育者組成,主 要老師有:朱茵、吳美娟、陳丹、莊錦雯等。宗旨在弘 揚中國舞蹈文化藝術,重點推廣中國舞等級考試課程。
D: 舞動時空的腳步 靜靜聽我的腳步,慢慢踏進舞台,我的心跳開始加 速了。請你悄悄地跟我步進這歡樂時空,一起尋找 快樂的時光。 T: 爵士舞 M: Trouble Maker “ Trouble Maker” C: 邱詠欣、鄺美倫
Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe For Children And Youth
郭愷靖 KWOK Hoi-ching 林子熙 LAM Tsz-hei 呂宛渝 LUI Yuen-yu
P: 曾獲獎項 P: Prizes awarded
C: 編舞/排舞者
D: 舞蹈名稱及舞蹈內容 D: Name of Dance & Dance Description
T: 舞蹈種類 T: Type of Dance
吳嘉瑜 NG Ka-yu 黃昕彤 WONG Yan-tung
C: Name (s)of Choreographer(s)/ Rehearsal Master: M: 音樂/作曲 M: Name(s) of Music Piece(s) / Composer(s)
AUG 28 - 2:30 P.M.
香 港 舞 蹈 博 覽 2015
節目簡介 1 Program outline 28.8.2015 2:30p.m.
( 五 Fri )
香 Hong Kong 2015 DANCE EXPO 港 舞 蹈 博 覽
集羽青少年兒童芭蕾舞團 Chapio Youth & Children Ballet Company
馬天妮組曲 Matinees Suites
場地規則 House Rules
中西區兒童舞蹈團 Central and Western District Children Dancing Troupe
鼓舞兒情 Childhood Memories
香港當代青年舞蹈團 Hong Kong Contemporary Youth Dancers
孖女 Twins
東方中國舞少年兒童舞蹈團 Oriental Chinese Dance Troupe for Children and Youth
春之光影 Light of Spring
鄰舍輔導會黃大仙康盛支援中心 智齡舞團 CASEN Dancing Team
舞動時空的腳步 A Moving Joyful Pace
城市芭蕾舞學校 City Ballet School
飛花蝶舞 Giardino di Fiori
香港城市藝術中心 Hong Kong City Arts Centre
愛爾蘭舞 Irish Dance
躍 Grand -Jete
依偎 Support
香港演藝學院 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
迴響 Echo
2:30p.m. / 7:30p.m.
沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Shatin Town Hall
地址:新界沙田源禾路1號 查詢:2694 2542 傳真:2693 4878
王仁曼芭蕾舞學校 Jean M. Wong School of Ballet
帕吉蒂 Paquita
沙田蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)
東北那角落 Sowing the seeds of hope
纋雅芭蕾舞學校 Glamor Ballet School
塔朗特舞 Grand Tarantella
小古古舞蹈團 Koo’s Studio
南客姑娘 Miss Nanke
Dear Patrons,
心悅舞蹈學院 Wendy Dancer School
吉賽爾第一幕之跑跳 Galop From Giselle Act I
members of the audience, please switch off the beeping
紅舞鞋舞蹈學院 Red Shoes Dance Institute
金勾舞 Golden Castanet
before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as
小水點舞蹈團 Hibiscus Group
老師日晨 Good Morning Teacher
the auditorium.
嘉諾撒聖家書院 Holy Family Canossian College
春到花開 Blossom Spring
Programme lasts for approximately 1 hour 30 minutes with an intermission.
House Rules To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other devices on your alarm watches, pagers and mobile phones well as unauthorized photography, audio or video recordings in
Thank you for your co-operation. Sha Tin Town Hall Address:1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, N.T. Enquiries:2694 2542
Fax:2693 4878
香 港 舞 蹈 博 2015 覽
( 五 Fri )
2:30p.m. / 7:30p.m.
沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Shatin Town Hall
主辦 Presented by
Venue and Ticketing Services Sponsored by
藝術媒體伙伴 Art Media Partner
Supported by
The China Culture and Arts Foundation