Hola! Arkansas - MEDIA KIT 2016

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Trump ayuda a Clinton con el voto latino Trump is helping Clinton with Latino vote


Troyanos, anuncian DĂ­a de ÂĄHola! Arkansas Trojans, announced Hola! Arkansas Day

Arkansas’ Premiere Bilingual Newspaper



Volumen No. XV • Volume XV • Publicado desde Octubre 2000 • Published since October 2000 • www.Hola-Arkansas.com • NOVIEMBRE 13 - NOVEMBER 13, 2015



Presidente Obama acaba de unirse a Facebook

ÂĄHola! Arkansas celebra 15 aĂąos de servir a la comunidad ÂĄHola! Arkansas Little Rock, AR

ÂĄHola! Arkansas, el primer periĂłdico bilingĂźe del estado, estĂĄ celebrando su dĂŠcimo quinto aniversario de promover un fuerte sentido de comunidad en Arkansas como la prensa hispana y publicaciĂłn digital mĂĄs influyente en el estado. DespuĂŠs de 15 aĂąos, seguimos siendo el Ăşnico periĂłdico de hispanos con distribuciĂłn a lo largo del estado en 50 ciudades. “Nuestro equipo estĂĄ muy orgulloso de servir a la comunidad hispana de

Arkansas desde octubre del aĂąo 2000,’ expresĂł Maura Lozano-Yancy, fundadora de ÂĄHola! Arkansas y presidenta de ÂĄHola! Media Group. “Nosotros agradecemos a la comunidad de Arkansas el permitirnos ser parte de sus vidas diarias, y esperamos continuar de ĂŠsta manera por muchos aĂąos mĂĄsâ€?, ella agregĂł. Desde su inicio, ÂĄHola! Arkansas ha ido cambiando la definiciĂłn de lo que una empresa publicadora de periĂłdicos es. Hoy en dĂ­a somos una empresa multimedia totalmente integrada y ÂĄHola! Arkansas hace quince

aùos inició la transforma- no-Yancy anunció ción desde un periódico a que la compaùía una organización de mul- estaba orgullotimedios de comunicación sa de ofrecer y multiplataformas. Nos dos afiliadas conectamos a la comuni- de Telemundo dad y audiencia latina de Arkansas, FaArkansas en múltiples plata- yetteville-Ft. formas cada día y a travÊs de Smith y Little nuestros propios medios de Rock, comunicación, que incluyen, prensa, televisión, digital, VER ANIVERSARIO en línea, móvil, medios de Pà gina 4A comunicación social, y mås de 20 eventos comunitarios. La expansión, incluye la red de televisión en espaùol de mås råpido crecimiento en el país: Telemundo. En octubre del 2014, Loza-

ÂĄHola! Arkansas celebrates 15 years of community service ÂĄHola! Arkansas Little Rock, AR Barack Obama El hombre mĂĄs poderoso del mundo, finalmente se uniĂł a Facebook despuĂŠs de que Barack Obama se inscribiera en las redes sociales y lanzara su pĂĄgina personal de Facebook. VER OBAMA PĂ gina 6A

President Obama just joined Facebook The world’s most powerful man finally joined Facebook after Barack Obama signed up for the social media site launching his personal Facebook page. See OBAMA Page 6A

ÂĄHola! Arkansas the state’s premier and first bilingual newspaper is celebrating 15 years of promotin g a stronger sense of community in Arkansas as the most influential Hispanic print and digital publication in the state. After 15 years, still the only Hispanic-owned n e w sprint w ith statewide distribution in 50 cities. “Our team is

very proud of serving the Arkansas Hispanic Community since October 2000. We pride ourselves in being the ultimate source for information and cultural connection

for Hispanics and Latinos in Arkansas regardless of their English proficiency,� See ANIVERSARY Page 4A

Quinto Circuito se une a Rutledge, bloquean AcciĂłn Ejecutiva de InmigraciĂłn

ÂżYa se vacunĂł contra la gripe este aĂąo?

Pablo Neruda pudo haber sido asesinado

El gobierno de Chile, estĂĄ investigando la muerte del Premio Nobel Pablo Neruda en 1973, dice que es “muy probableâ€? que el poeta venerado, VER NERUDA PĂ gina 6A

Pablo Neruda might have been killed The government of Chile, which is probing the 1973 death of Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda, says it is “highly probable� the revered poet, See NERUDA Page 6A

ÂĄHola! Arkansas Little Rock, AR

ÂĄHola! Arkansas Washington, D.C Esta semana, la Corte de Apelaciones del Quinto

Circuito en Nueva OrleĂĄns confirmĂł un fallo anterior en el caso Texas v. Estados Unidos, bloqueando temporalmente la aplicaciĂłn

de las acciones ejecutivas del presidente Obama VER DACA PĂ gina 6A

5th Circuit sides with Rutledge, blocks Executive Immigration Action ÂĄHola! Arkansas Washington, D.C

This week, the Fifth Cir-

cuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld an earlier ruling in Texas v. United States, temporarily blocking

implementation of President Obama’s executive actions See DACA Page 6A

De la colecciĂłn pionera del Museo de Arte Americano Smithsonian

Our America Nuestra AmĂŠrica T H E L AT I N O P R E S E N C E I N A M E R I C A N A R T


obtener la vacuna contra la gripe para usted o sus hijos, el Consulado de MĂŠxico

Si usted no tiene seguro mĂŠdico y necesita


Did you get your annual Flu Shot? Hola Arkansas Staff Little Rock, AR If you don’t have insurance and are needing to get flu shots for you or your

children, the Mexican Consulate will be providing a free flu shots clinic Monday, November 23.

16 de octubre de 2015 – 17 de enero de 2016


Centro de Artes de Arkansas • 501 East Ninth Street, Little Rock • arkansasartscenter.org

ÂĄHola! Media Group

Print | Television | Digital | Online | Mobile | Events

See FLU Page 10A

Arkansas’ Premier Bilingual Newspaper

¡Hola! Arkansas is the #1 Hispanic Media Platform in the State We are Arkansas’ Hispanic Market. We are Local. We are Statewide.

Imagine an investment that crosses ALL boundaries and exceeds ALL expectations! ¡Hola! Media Group is Arkansas’ leading Hispanic news and information company. Since October 2000, we have been changing the definition of what a newspaper company is. We are now a fully integrated Multimedia Company. We connect to Arkansas’ Hispanics audiences on multiple platforms every day through our own media that includes:


(501) 771-5007 | Call Toll Free: 1-844-300-HOLA | www.Hola-Arkansas.com | sales@hola-arkansas.com

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SEPTEMBER 02 Career Resources & Employment | JOB FAIR EXPO Issue 09 Hispanic Heritage Month | HISPANIC HERITAGE Issue 16 Career Opportunity | EDUCATION Issue 23 Hispanic Heritage Month I HISPANIC HERITAGE Issue 30 Latino AIDS | HEALTH Issue

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MAY 06 Mother’s Day | WOMEN Issue 13 College Education | EDUCATION Issue 20 Riverfest | FAMILY Issue 27 Summer School | EDUCATION Issue

JUNE 03 Children & Young Adults | COPA AMERICA 10 Father’s Day | COPA AMERICA, HEALTH Issue 17 Legal Matters | COPA AMERICA 24 July 4th | COPA AMERICA

OCTOBER 07 Breast Cancer | BREAST CANCER Issue 14 Halloween & Dia de Los Muertos | HEALTH Issue 21 ÂĄHola! Arkansas 16th ANNIVERSARY (2000-2016) 28 Family Matters | HEALTH Issue

APRIL 01 Money Matters | TAXES issue 08 Minority Health | HEALTH issue 15 Home Buyer’s | FINANCIAL Issue 22 Cinco de Mayo | CINCO DE MAYO, HEALTH FAIR issue 29 Healthcare & Fitness | HEALTH Issue

MARCH 04 Adult Education | EDUCATION Issue 11 Career & Business | CAREER issue 18 Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue 25 Your Health | HEALTH Issue

AUGUST 05 College Guide | OLYMPICS, EDUCATION issue 12 Career Opportunity | OLYMPICS, EDUCATION Issue 19 Your Money | OLYMPICS, FINANCIAL Issue 26 Hispanic Heritage Month | OLYMPICS, HISPANICFEST SPECIAL Issue

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JULY 01 Fashion Week | WOMEN Issue 08 College Opportunities | EDUCATION Issue 15 Health Careers | EDUCATION Issue 22 Banking & Finances | AUTO Issue 29 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue

FEBRUARY 05 Your Heart | VALENTINE’S Issue 12 College Goal | EDUCATION Issue 19 Children Dental Health | HEALTH Issue 26 Brides & Quinceaùeras | BRIDAL Issue

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JANUARY 08 New Year’s Resolution | NEW YEAR 2016 Issue 15 Martin Luther King | HEALTH Issue 22Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue 29 Go College | EDUCATION Issue

NOVEMBER 04 Your Money | FINANCIAL Issue 11 Family Matters | THANKSGIVING Issue 18 Go College | EDUCATION Issue 25 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue

DECEMBER 02 Back to School | EDUCATION Issue 09 Christmas Holiday | FINANCIAL Issue 16 Family Matters | HEALTH Issue 23 New Year Issue | NEW YEAR Issue

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Easter Family Festival: Clinton Presidential Center Easter Family Festival

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A leading Hispanic media & publishing company specialized in Bi-cultural, Bilingual and Spanish communications.




PO Box 25743 Little Rock, AR 72221-5743 Hola-MediaGroup.com | TelemundoArkansas.com

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