2 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION Chronic Pain & Anxiety? Call Today for a FREE Consultation 713-369-0946 Premium Lab Tested Kratom and CBD Read this month’s articles for clues. 1AcrossWayto avoid the costs of excess 874consumerismShockedbreathsRestrainBladderwrack,for example 9 Salon concern 10 Signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity, 2 words 13 Tint of color 14 Possessive pronoun 16 Sea plant 17 Temperature controls, briefly 19 Snack 21 That’s it! 22 Depart 25 Method of sharing equipment needed for occasional repairs and odd jobs, 2 words 29 Satisfied 30 Extremely small 31 Equipment used to dry foods as a preserving technique with low risk of bacteria and spoilage 1DownLike goods in thrift stores 2 The A in NAD (coenzyme in volved in many metabolic processes essential to life) 3 Pen’s fluid 4 Take a quick look 5 Treatment that replaces damaged and dying cells, 2 words 6 Depressed 8 “The gasoline on the fire of aging” per the naturopathic doctor Kara Fitzgerald 11 Snap-_____ flower 12 Indian dish made with stewed 15legumesIt’sused to reduce swellings 18 Heat related prefix 20 Stock 23 Type of bread 24 Rainbow shapes 25,Golf equipment 26 Was in front 27 Breathable gas mixture 28 Time period, for short 29 Doctor’s title letters Premium Lab Tested Kratom 20 % Discount on EVERYTHING! Use Code: NAHTX See Answers on Page 31

3 ContentsNatural Awakenings is a family of more than 40+ healthy living magazines celebrating 27 years of providing the commu nities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy ADVERTISINGplanet.&SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 713-927-6540 or email: Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. If you have missed the deadline ask about our “Red-Eye Special” and our digital placements. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchisingopportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit 9 Back to School with the Planet in Mind 14 YoungerGrowingLongevity strategies that help reverse the aging process 18 Aging Gracefully How yoga practice keeps us young 20 DehydrationFood Made Easy Best ways to preserve the harvest 22 ConsumerismConscious The Rise of Sharing and Reselling 24 Living Life in 10 20 conscious eating 22 green living 24 inspiration 25 calendar 26 classifieds 27 healthy living guide 4 letter from the publishers 5 news briefs 6 health briefs 9 global briefs 10 eco tip 11 business spotlight 19 24 14

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Our old car finally bit the dust back in December and I’ve been bicycling to the store since then, and we’ve been depending on a church friend and our son to get Cindy to her doctor appointments. I never expected it to drag on so long, and then the weather got unbearably hot, so, I did something I really don’t like to do. I asked for help.
Help came. Church friends, Facebook friends, old friends, co-workers and former students that I haven’t seen in over 30 years came to our help. By the time you read this, we will a proud member of the driving public once again. Thanks to our friends. Like the old says goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
Cindy & Mike Hart
4 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION letter from publishers HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET HOUSTON EDITION PUBLISHERS Cindy & Mike Hart EDITOR Martin Miron CREATIVES Cindy Hart SALES Minny Payne WEBSITE Mike Hart CONTACT US 11428 Debbie Lane Iola, TX 77861 713-927-6540
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NATIONAL TEAM CEO/Founder Sharon Bruckman COO/Franchise Sales Joe Dunne Production Designer Gabrielle W-Perillo Financial Manager Yolanda Shebert Asst. Director of Ops Heather Gibbs Digital Content Director Rachael Oppy National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell Administrative Assistant Kristy Mayer Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4851 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 • Fax: NaturalAwakenings.com239-434-9513 Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines Delivering regenerativecompassionateoralhealthcare Family MouthBiologicalAirwayComfortBiocompatibleCheckupDentalProfessionalInvisalignDentistryWhiteningEmergencies&CleaningFillingsDentistryTherapyExtractions&SportsGuard Meridian FlourideBiologicalBiocompatibleTestCeramicOzoneSafeChildren’sVeneersInvisalignEnergyDentistryMercuryRemovalTherapyImplantsPerio&EndoFree Adoreadore-dentistry.comDentistry540 W 19 Street Houston, TX 77008 832-930-7844
AsGreetings!we’vegotten older it seemed like we don’t have nearly as many friends as we used to have. I think this is common not just with older people, but with lots of people these days. I asked an acquaintance from church, “What are friends?” His answer was that friends are people who enjoy doing the same activities at the same time and in the same place. That seemed to have some truth to it, since Cindy and I would like some friends to do things with like we used to have, but then that definition of friend seemed more like a co-work er or fishing buddy than a friend. It just seemed like a friend would be more than someone who came into and then out of your life when you moved, changed jobs or found a new hobby.
© 2022 by Natural Awakenings. All rights Althoughreserved. some parts of this publication may be that prior permission be writing. Natural Awakenings is a publication and is Please call find a location near you or if you would like copies placed We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles advertise ments, nor are we responsible for the products services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
So, that’s kind of what’s been happening in our world. What’s happening in your world? Whatever it is, remember that friends are important, and the best way to make a friend is to be a friend.

Ancient Egyptian Healing from DNA Vibe
Dawn Mountain presents Teaching Tuesday: Heritage of Sutras on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7 to 8:30 p.m., September 6 through December 6 online. Watch live on Zoom or stream later on YouTube.
Ninety-seven percent of users report improvement of issues such as joint and mus cle pain, stiffness, injury, post-operative recovery, arthritis, neuropathy, neck and back pain, tennis and golfer’s elbow, planter fasciitis, cramping and more. Intelli gent Light Therapy is committed to making the world a better place for grandpar ents striving for more active lives, athletes aiming to stay at the top of their games, recovering weekend warriors and everyone in-between. DNA Vibe backs every product with a 60-day Good Vibes Guarantee. For more information, visit
Shemsu RA and Arat RA Reiki will present a Kemetic Reiki Level 1 Certification Class from 10:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., October 30. Participants will learn the ancient art of self mind-body-soul healing. Proceeds will help to support African-centered schools in Nigeria.
news briefs
Kemetic Reiki healing is sustained when the individual learns how to correct the internal programming that led to the imbalances in the first place. Therefore, Arat RA Kemetic Reiki enjoins energy healing with the necessary wisdom teachings and instructions needed to bring about sustained mental and emotional healing.
Cost is $185 before Sep. 4/$225 after-includes lunch and materials. Location: Houston. For more inforation, call Aset Hetep at 832-422-7457, email Info@Ara or visit
The teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha are a treasure trove of guidance and inspiration for all traditions of Buddhism. Lama Rigzin Drolma, Lama Namgyal Dor je, Dr. Nathaniel Rich and other popular Dawn Mountain instructors will be explor ing these early Indian texts. This sequence will familiarize participants with some highlights from the sutra world, including some only recently translated into English. They will also see how these ancient writings are absorbed into key aspects of Tibet’s foundational practic es (ngondro), with discussion and guided meditations.
For more information, visit
Arat RA Kemetic Reiki is an ancient healing modality that can be traced back to Ancient Kemet (Nubian Egypt) that uses the life-force energy to help restore ener gy balance and natural order to the astral body which includes the seven primary energy centers and the aura (personal energy force field).
Study Newly Translated Sutras Online
Intelligent Light Therapy is the most advanced wearable light therapy technology ever, using no chemicals, drugs or invasive procedures. Their patent-pending Jazz Band delivers four complementary modes: red, near-infrared, pulsed magnetic and micro-vibration. The four modes work harmoniously to help reduce inflammation, stiffness and pain while accelerating and improving recovery from injury, surgery or daily stress. The signature geometry and flush-fitting silicone construction are com puter-optimized to fit every part of the body, including knees, neck, back, shoulders, elbows, ankles, hands and feet.

An enlarged prostate, known as benign pros tate hyperplasia (BPH), afflicts half of men by age 60 and 90 percent of men by age 85. Although it isn’t cancerous, treatment can involve medications and surgery. European doctors often prescribe the herb nettle root, and Iranian researchers tested its effectiveness in a study that divided 80 BPH patients into two groups. One was given 300 milligrams of nettle root extract twice a day for eight weeks; the other group received a placebo. The researchers found the nettle root significantly improved urinary frequency, urinary urgency and night uri nation compared with the placebo group. It was not effec tive in modifying prostate volume, the feeling of incomplete emptying, intermittency, urine stream and straining.
6 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION HOUSTON METRO Chiropractic Guide Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, DC 8100 Washington Ave, #210 Houston, TX n8chiro.com713-521-210477007 HealthPro Chiropractic & Acupuncture Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, DC 4101 Green Briar Dr. #135 Houston, TX healthprochiro.com281-506-010577098 Franson Chiropractic Dr. Brett V. Franson, DC 1652 South Dairy Ashford Rd. Houston, TX fransonchiropractor.com281-701-159677077 Nominate your chiropractor. Email their contact info mike@naturalawakenings-houston.comto:
health brief Nettle Root Improves Prostate Symptoms

the UK University of Exeter surveyed nearly 2,500 parents of 5-to-11-year-olds in the UK and Northern Ireland. The study found that kids that climbed trees, rode bikes, jumped from high surfaces and had other outdoor adventures without adult supervision experienced a lower incidence of anxiety and depression, and were more upbeat during the COVID-19 lockdown. In another study, researchers from California State University, Fullerton, found that kids in team sports like volleyball and soccer, but not others in individual sports like gymnastics and wrestling, did better emotionally and mentally. Analyzing data from 11,235 kids between 9 and 13 years old, they found that compared to kids that did not participate in sports, those that were on teams had a lower incidence of attention issues, social problems, anx iety, depression and withdrawal. Kids that participated in individual sports had higher levels of those mental health challenges.
7 Dr. Gracie Chukwu, ND, CSN, CNC Houston Holistic Health Clinic 6401 Southwest Freeway Suite 250 Houston, TX houstonholistichealthclinic.com713-781-999177074 Reclaim Your Health Naturally! Call or visit our website for more information or to schedule an appointment. Suffering from menopause symptoms? Having trouble losing weight? Experiencing food allergies? Get to the Root Cause of Your Health Conditions Set up your FREE consultation by emailing: To learn how Erin has helped others just like you visit: • Digestive Issues • Fatigue • Food Cravings • Mood Swings • Hormonal Imbalances • Fertility • Weight Issues • Auto Immune Conditions • Aches & Pains • and More Reach Your TRUE Health Potential With: Food Sensitivity, Hormonal, Toxicity, and Nutritional Deficiency Panels Nutritional Programs & More Specializing in: Erin Thole,CNHP Motivational Hypnosis Hypnosis is a normal and natural state of relaxation that can help with: life coach - : a partner/champion for your full potential helping with clarity, setting and reaching goals or overcoming challenges. Life Coaching gets you motivated! Relationships • Family • Love • Success Financial • Career • Goals • Happiness Intuition • Life’s Purpose For more information Contact Doyle today! (832) 628-4113 Doyle@BlissfulQuests.comProblem Solving • Self-Confidence Creativity • Sports Performance Weight Loss • Smoking AND MORE! LifeCching•Motivational Hypnosis•GriefRecovery ® Visit for more info Life is Short. Enjoy Your Life! If not now...WHEN? health brief Childhood Adventures and Team Sports Boost Well-Being The pandemic has challenged both children’s learn ing Researchersmentalhelpteamparticipatinglyingshowsbuttionalandenvironmentstheiremowell-being,newresearchthatplayadventurousoutdoorsandinsportscanlowertheirhealthrisks.from

8 Feel Better-Live Healthier with Colon Hydrotherapy Serving Houston for 41 years Urban Colonics 5042 Briscoe St. Houston, TX.77033urbancolonics.com713-738-8199TeresaHutt, therapist We bring our services to YOU! Visit our website for more information or to schedule an appointment Houston’s Only Mobile ColonicsFeeling Stressed? Call Today for a FREE Consultation 713-369-0946 Premium Lab Tested Kratom and CBD 1900 Blalock Suite J Houston, TX 77080 (281)974-1043 instagram @indigomoons.ig Gemstones, Crystals, Geodes, Jewelry, Incense, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Handmade Items & More! CeresetTM helps your brain relax and reset itself, enabling you to achieve higher levels of well-being and balance throughout your life. experience restful sleep releases “stuck” stress overcome worry & anxiety restore hope & happiness enhance learning & memory increase energy levels achieve peak performance Book now: 409.599.7268 We help your brain help you. Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures. ~Henry David Thoreau

If the family lives reasonably close to school, encourage kids to walk or bike. For young children that require supervision, enlist one or more adults to lead a convoy of walking or biking kids. School buses and carpooling are the next best eco-friendly choices. When transporting kids by car, make sure to turn the engine off while waiting in the pick-up or drop-off line. Engine idling is a significant air polluter.
Buy SchoolEco-FriendlySupplies
Homemade, whole and bulk foods are healthier and much more Earth-friendly compared to prepackaged snacks that are usually wrapped in plastic and jampacked with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
Avoid anything plastic, including sin gle-use water bottles and Ziploc bags.
Opt for durable items that are made with recycled or sustainable materi als and use minimal packaging. Avoid items made of plastic. Buy used text books whenever possible.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Buy Secondhand Clothes Kids that have outgrown last year’s threads and are clamoring for a whole new wardrobe can be cheerfully intro duced to the burgeoning used clothing market, which is both eco-responsible and budget-friendly. Resist the temp tation to purchase cheap “fast fashion” that too quickly ends up in landfills and pollutes the environment by using toxic dyes, fossil-fuel-derived textiles and other bad chemicals. Donate old clothes instead of throwing them away.
eco tip Back to School with the Planet in Mind
Walk or Bike to School
Show kids that the family embraces an eco-friendly lifestyle. Kids will watch and learn as their parents regularly bring reusable shopping bags to the store, frequent local small businesses, participate in community cleanup ef forts and continually search for innova tive ways to safeguard the planet.
Reusable, stainless steel, food and drink containers, as well as lightweight, reusable bamboo utensils, are ideal.
This school season, families have an opportunity to make Earth-friendly decisions as they prepare their children for a successful educational experi ence. These tips balance sustainability against kids’ desires for the coolest, newest gadgets and garments.
Before going to the store to buy new school supplies, search the house for items that can be reused or repurposed, such as half-spent notebooks or last year’s pens and pencils. A little elbow grease and TLC can refurbish old lunch boxes and backpacks—also affording an opportunity to teach kids how to repair and extend the life of items.
Pack a
Model StewardshipEnvironmental

10 CALL 833 AUSTIN 1
“My business is different because everything is hand-picked. I travel to farmers markets across the U.S. searching for the best,” she shares. “I have very strict guidelines. All of the products in the boutique are organic, non-toxic and made with the highest quality of ingredients.” Her goal is to fran chise so other health and wellness coaches can have their own storefront and offer their services.
A Journey To Wellness is located at 1923 Ave. G, in Rosen berg. For more information, call 832-449-2600 or visit
CEO Gelcys Basulto is a health and wellness coach and owner of A Journey to Wellness, a boutique selling organic body and bath products made with the highest-quality ingre dients, natural wellness products and healing crystals. She holds a certificate in health and wellness coaching and life coaching. Basulto says, “Health and wellness has been a passion and a lifestyle for over 20 years. I knew at the age of 16 after my mom was diagnosed with MS that I wanted to help people
business spotlight so they can live a healthy active life. After my mother passed away, God gave me a vision, and here I am.”
“We do all of the homework when it comes to finding the best products, which can take time out of your busy schedule to do,” says the entrepreneur. “My biggest accomplishment is that every client and customer that comes in leaves with more knowledge and understanding of health and wellness and how the products you choose to put on your body or bring into your home can either be healthy or toxic. My big gest challenge is getting people to try new things and get out of their old habits which aren’t healthy.”
A Journey to Wellness offers health and wellness coaching, life coaching and a storefront with amazing organic products.
The Journey to Wellness Begins Here
Basulto thinks it is important to support small businesses and is doing that by looking for brands and bringing their products to the store. She states, “Our health food stores are letting us down by allowing anything to be sold in their stores, so peo ple think that because the products are in a store like Whole Foods that the products are safe, but they still contain fillers and other chemicals.”
Not FDA approved to cure, treat, prevent, or treat any illness or condition. Click QR code for further info.

As far as her competition, she says, “There are lots of fantastic studios out there. I believe we focus more on the tradi tional, enduring aspects of yoga, not just the athletics. We are committed to self-discovery (svadhyaya) and providing a judgement-free environment for that to happen. No one can do the work for you, but I promise we will walk with you.”
A Focus on Traditional Yoga Union Studio Yoga offers yoga and meditation classes to help clients live a more fulfilling life and increase mobility, range of motion and peace of mind. Owner and founder Kimberly Taurins, 500 E-RYT, is a Daoist priest and reiki master. She says. “I officially opened the doors of Four Dragons Yoga in March of 2016 in a medical professional building on 20th Street, and I had no idea anyone would show up. I did know that I wanted to create a studio built on authenticity, sincerity, integrity and inclusion, so everyday that’s what I focused on. After four years we actually out grew our space. We opened
Upcoming events include a free Yoga on the Lawn class every Saturday at 8:30 a.m.; a Breathing to Reduce Anxiety series on Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., August 29 through September 26; Roll Model Method Training (myofascial re lease) on September 24 and 25; and 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training starting October 4; as well as Yin Yoga Teacher Training from September 16 through 18 and October 14 through 16. Union Studio Yoga is located at 600 N. Shepherd Dr., Ste. 449, in Houston. For more information, call 800-215-3190 or visit
There are 17 teachers/staff from all walks of life. Taurins ad vises, “I am humbled and grateful for their dedication to their own practice and their students. They have supported and bolstered me every step of the way. I hope that I can offer them the same for as long as possible.”
The studio has added a myofascial release/Roll Out/Mobility lab to the class schedule that complements yoga by increas ing range of motion, joint function and in general helping clients to feel better. Taurins says, “We don’t have to be in pain as we age.”
Union Studio believes in the power of a consistent practice and helps students create positive, healthy lifestyles by pro viding a variety of yoga plus meditation classes with some of the best instructors in the city. “We’ve seen all types of people benefit from mindful movement and observing the patterns and nuances of the mind,” says Taurins. “We believe in the power of community, or as the yogis would say, sangha, and look forward to practicing with you.”
the doors of our new location November of 2020. I had built the studio I had always wanted, no compromises.”
11 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION Chronic Pain & Anxiety? Call Today for a FREE Consultation 713-369-0946 Premium Lab Tested Kratom and CBD Thermography Center 6401 Southwest Freeway Suite 250 Houston, TX houstonholistichealthclinic.com713-781-999177074 Attention: Women over age 20 Call or visit our website for more information If you have had a mammogram, you should also consider breast thermography. No Radiation - Pain Free - Noncontact business brief

Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoyCustomerslife. report using copper against:Thehandle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.
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Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch. That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do. “The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.TheEPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives. The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect. When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for worked!”seconds.60“It
By Doug Cornell
New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds.
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Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast. Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Colds and many misery.andtheythemyoumultiply.nosegetwhenillnessesotherstartvirusesinyourandIfdon’tstopearly,spreadcause
Night stuffiness
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Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
Iyear.coldsgetIhappened.never“Theexclaimed.hecoldusedto2-3badeveryNowusemy device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.” He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years. After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.

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Biological age—the state of our health at the cellular level—is in the spotlight, as are the anti-aging benefits of science-supported phyto nutrients, cell-rejuvenating foods and safe, non-surgical, stem cell procedures.
Age Is Not Just a Number
Until recently, age was determined by the year on our birth certificate, but “bio age” is the new number to pay attention to. It might not only predict health outcomes down the road, but also add years to our lives. In groundbreaking work in 2017, anti-ag ing researcher Steven Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, used algorithms to calculate biological age on the basis of how extensively our genome is modified by a process called DNA methylation. Research ers are now understanding what factors can turn on positive gene expressions and turn off those that may activate life-threatening diseases.“Bioage is how fast our bodies are aging, and aging is the main risk factor for all diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and neurodegenerative disorders,” says Fitz gerald, noting that only 10 to 20 per cent of longevity outcomes are genetic.
ongevity, a human quest through the ages, is now a hot topic among scientific researchers that assert there has never been a better time to maximize our potential for metabolic renewal.
Functional medicine, with its focus on the biolo gy-based root causes of disease, is also a rising star in the arena of ageNoreversal.matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny.
by Marlaina Donato
“On average in the United States, the last 16 years of life are spent with multiple diagnoses and on multiple medications. We are giving our hard-earned money to pharmacies, hospitals and nursing facili ties,” says Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor in Newtown, Con necticut, and the author of Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better. She and other researchers contrast “lifespan”, the years from birth to death, to “healthspan”, the years spent in good health free of age-related disease and disability. “Lifespan is not necessarily healthspan, and we can change that,” she says.

The results, published last year in the journal Aging, showed that three years of bio age were reduced in the target group in just eight weeks compared to the control group. “What we eat, our stress load and our response to it, the quality of the air we breathe and if we exercise are all drivers or reducers of our bio age. Knowing this, we absolutely need to take responsibility for our lives,” says Fitzgerald. This bio age reversal is good news when we look at the grim statistics. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society, approxi mately 610,000 people die of heart disease in this country each year and more than 600,000 Americans are predicted to succumb to cancer this year alone.
Fisetin, a powerful flavonoid found in certain foods like straw berries, peaches, apples, persimmons, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, rivals ever-beneficial quercetin. Research published last year in the European Journal of Pharmacology cites fisetin’s numerous potential benefits for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alz heimer’s disease, stroke and vascular dementia.
The Trifecta of Acid, Inflammation and Stress Chronic systemic inflammation is now understood to be the physiological springboard for most diseases ranging from cancer to depression, but its connection to uric acid is critical in pro ducing free radicals that accelerate aging. “Unfortunately, most doctors look upon uric acid solely as a risk marker for gout. We now recognize that uric acid serves as a powerful signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity,” says neurologist David Perlmutter, author of The New York Times bestseller Grain Brain and the recent Drop Acid, a guide to lowering uric acid in the body. “Uric acid levels above 5.5 milligrams per decilitre trigger the body to raise the blood pressure, increase the blood sugar, become insulin-resistant and increase the for mation and storage of body fat,” he says. “Central to regaining metabolic health and reducing risk for metabolic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabe tes is reining in uric acid.”
Molecular Magic Harvard genetics professor David Sinclair, author of the seminal Lifespan: Why We Age—And Why We Don’t Have To, discov ered antioxidant-rich resveratrol in grapes in 2003. Since then, he and other researchers have found additional compounds with the ability to activate longevity pathways. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, or B3), a coenzyme involved in many metabolic processes essential to life, has been shown to rejuvenate aging mice, increasing energy-producing mitochon dria in the cells and fortifying muscle mass. The body makes less NAD as we age, but research suggests that intermittent fasting, exercise and heat saunas can stimulate this youth-pre serving molecule. NAD-boosting supplements are also on the market, but consuming foods like naturally fermented sauer kraut, raw milk, nutritional yeast and pumpkin seeds is also a goodSIRT6,strategy.anenzyme in close relationship with NAD and responsible for many molecular anti-aging processes, includ ing DNA repair, is abundant in seaweeds, especially the strain Fucus vesiculosus, commonly known as bladder wrack Re search published in the journal Marine Drugs in 2017 indicates bladder wrack’s anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties, as well as its potential to protect the liver and normalize high blood sugar and blood pressure.
Chronic, unmanaged stress is a major factor in physical and mental decline due to elevated levels of cortisol. “Stress threatens the health and diversity of our gut bacteria, leading to increased gut permeability, a central mechanism underlying widespread inflammation, which is the cornerstone of all chron
Fitzgerald and her team drove this point home with the first randomized, controlled study on the power of lifestyle and diet to turn back the biological age clock. Based upon functional medicine, the program enrolled 18 healthy men between ages 50 and 72 in a target group and 20 in a control group. Those in the target group ate a nutrient-rich diet, slept seven hours a night, practiced relaxation techniques and took supplemental probiotics and phytonutrients. They ate only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., exercised for at least 30 minutes five days a week, avoided sweets and consumed two cups of dark, leafy, greens and three cups each of cruciferous vegetables and colorful veg etables daily, as well as six ounces of animal protein.

Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that life style, not genes, determines destiny.
Eating to reduce inflammation is key, and there is power on our plates when we add some of Fitzgerald’s longevity boosters like turmeric, green tea, shitake mushrooms, wild-caught salm on, eggs, liver and sunflower seeds. A study last year in Experi mental Gerontology reported that the amino acid L-theanine, found particularly in green tea, reduced oxidative stress, liver degeneration and inflammatory responses in aging rats.
ic degenerative conditions,” says Perlmutter. “Those conditions as a category are ranked by the World Health Organization as the number one cause of death on our planet today.”
Radical Renewal Without Surgery
Fitzgerald concurs, “Excessive inflammation—an imbalanced immune response—accelerates the aging process, and it in creases with stress. Stress is the gasoline on the fire of aging.”
In the daily survival game, the body’s stem cells generate specialized cells to replace those throughout the body that are damaged and dying. This ongoing repair process slows down as we advance in years, but cutting-edge procedures offer new hope for conditions ranging from arthritis to age-related brain fog.“Stem cells improve DNA methylation and telomere length, and result in a reduced physiologic age compared to your chronologic age,” says Chadwick Prodromos, a Chicago-based, board-certified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of the Pro dromos Stem Cell Institute, in Antigua. “Joint replacements are offered quite liberally nowadays, but most of our patients with severe arthritis who were offered joint replacements do well in our care without them for virtually any joint in the body.”
Prodromos and his team combine umbilical cord-derived stem cell treatment (non-embryonic/fetal) with specially selected nu tritional supplements and in some patients, platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid injections.
Even with exciting advances in the promotion of long life, experts are unanimous in stressing that going into our golden years disease-free begins and ends with individual lifestyle choices, starting with what we put in our mouths. “Diet is the most critical variable in terms of our metabolic destiny. It’s been said that a person can’t exercise away a poor diet, and there’s great wisdom in this statement,” says Perlmutter.
“While stem cell treatment has been quite effective, it is im portant to remember that avoiding chemicals in the environment, exercising vigorously and maintaining a low BMI [body mass index] are clearly the most important factors in good health,” advises Prodromos.

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18 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION fit body I n 1967, Tao Porchon-Lynch left a suc cessful Hollywood career as a model and actress to become a full-time yogi in her 50s. At age 87, she added ballroom dancing to her list of passions and at 93, she landed in the Guinness World Records as the oldest yoga teacher on the planet. She continued to teach a weekly yoga class just days before her death at age 101. “I love seeing students realize what is possible,” Porchon-Lynch said in an interview, and her words are an added incentive to reap the many ben efits of a regular yoga practice at any age. Whether it involves getting down on a mat or practicing modified poses with the use of a chair, yoga helps us to stay nim ble, manage stress, reduce symptoms of depression and tame high blood pressure. Yoga has been around for thousands of years for good reason, and health orga nizations like the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center are now recommending the heal ing modality for a better quality of life.
“What I learned is that we need four essential physical skills to navigate through life as we age—strength, flexibil ity, balance and agility—and we get that from yoga. We can find independence in our everyday life, and we don’t need a vigorous yoga class to do that,” says Ruth Pipitone, a gentle yoga instructor at various studios and senior centers in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For those that only associate the practice with youth ful bodies and hip yoga gear, yoga is a full-spectrum practice. “Anyone can do yoga—gentle yoga, chair yoga and even wheelchairAccordingyoga.”toa2016 study of 227 par ticipants reported in the journal Topics in by Maya Whitman
Ancient Moves for Modern Life

The keystone of all yoga practice is work ing with the breath, an action that is nat urally compromised by just getting out of bed and into the day’s challenges. “Most adults breathe from their chest. That’s where we activate the stress response of fight, flight or freeze. We need to use the lower lungs, too, so we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to find calm,” says Pipitone.
Beth Spindler, author of Yoga Thera py for Fear , is a fea
Those with conditions ranging from cancer to Parkinson’s disease can reap benefits from an appropriate yoga en vironment.
Blair, who specializes in helping oth ers to find emotional equilibrium after trauma, concurs: “The nervous system is symbiotic with the breath, and vice ver sa. A long, deep inhale and a long, slow exhale can act as an immediate elixir for the nervous system to recognize
SPECIA L $ 5 0 $ 3 0 N E W S T U D E N T U n l i m i t e d 7 d a y s N E W S T U D E N T U n l i m i t e d 3 0 d a y s M K T 6 0 0 N S h e p h e r d S u i t e 4 4 9 H o u s t o n , T X 7 7 0 0 7
A regular yoga practice can support better sleep habits, improve flexibility, increase energy and reduce chron ic pain. Do some homework and choose an appropriate class rather than showing up at the local fitness center and hoping to land in the right one. n Keep it gentle and slow when diagnosed with low bone density or a back, knee or hip condition. Look for a slower-paced class with a well-trained teacher or yoga therapist that can provide a variety of options.
In essence, we deepen as we age, and yoga can meet us on a multidimension al level. “Yoga does not have to mean poses. Possibilities are infinite, and ad aptations are unlimited, based upon our needs,” says Blair. Connect with Maya Whitman at eksta
In 2021, a meta-analysis of 12 studies published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that yoga can in crease muscle strength, mobility, balance and lower body flexibility in mature adults. An older study from Temple University showed that Iyengar yoga can improve balance and prevent falls in women over 65 years old.
n Classes are not always billed as “Yoga Over 50” or “Senior” classes. They may be called “Gentle Yoga” or “Yoga Basics,” and participants cer tainly do not have to be of a certain age to benefit from a deliberate and slower-paced approach. Call local yoga studios to inquire about classes that involve longer warm-ups and a less-intense physical practice.
Geriatric Rehabilitation, just 12 minutes of daily gentle yoga over 10 years im proved bone mineral density in the spine and upper legs. About four in five par ticipants had osteoporosis or osteopenia (low bone density), indicating that yoga is a good strategy for the 10 million Ameri cans over the age of 50 with osteoporosis and the 44 million with osteopenia.
The Breath of Now
Not every yoga teacher is trained to address osteoporosis, joint replace ment or overall muscle stiffness. In a live class, a well-trained teacher can watch for unhealthy knee placement or will notice if someone is holding their breath in a pose. that, in that moment, we are okay.” She has taught groups of people, some in wheelchairs and hospital beds, and she “still experienced the entire room shift when breathing together. As long as we are able to consciously notice breath, we can do yoga.” No matter how many trips we take around the sun, tapping into the life force can give us a new perspective. “I use asa na (yoga poses) to examine my thoughts and feelings and to find introspection to examine what is happening with my self physically, as well as mentally and emotionally,” says Pipitone. “You become more mindful of what you need to carry with you and what you don’t need to carry with you.”
n Warm-ups are probably the most important part of a practice, espe cially for a more mature body; stiffer joints may take more time to relax, and a fast-paced class is less likely to offer that. Make sure to do warm-ups as part of a home practice, too.
For Terecita “Ti” Blair, yoga offered a new way of life after a catastrophic automobile accident in 2009. The Den ver-based trauma and resilience educator and 2017 SilverSneakers Instructor of the Year says, “Virtually any style or type of yoga can appeal and work well for you today, but not tomorrow. Therefore real ‘yoga’ is about adaptability, and yes, those of us with compromised joints, im mune systems, pain, disability and illness can absolutely benefit from yoga.”

“People tend to throw those foods away a lot. They buy them and don’t use it all up before they spoil. Dehydrate leftover strawberries for snacks and dehydrate vegetables to use in soups or stews,” Cancler suggests
20 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION conscious eating Food
rying food is the oldest known method of food preservation. Middle and Far Eastern cultures have used the sun and wind to dry foods since 12,000 B.C., according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP). Today, the easy availability of food dehydrators offers a convenient way to preserve the fall harvest.When done correctly, dehydrating food is a safe method for maintaining its original state, says Tracey Brigman, NCHFP associate director and University of Georgia clini cal assistant professor. “Dehydrators remove the water content in foods, resulting in a low risk of bacteria and spoilage.”
Julia Skinner, founder and director of, an online fermentation and food shrinkarethatcompany,historyaddswhenfoodsdehydrated,theyandtherefore take up less storage space. “They’re great to pack for trav eling or for small kitchens. Dehy drating can also driedsuchsomeconcentrateflavors,aswithtoma
Sliced strawberries, chopped onions or celery are good foods for beginners.
Almost Anything Can be Dehydrated Many types of food can be dehydrated, including fruit, veggies, meat, fish, herbs and nuts. “It’s easier to say what can’t be dehydrated,” Cancler says. “The gener al rule is you don’t want to dehydrate food that has a high fat content, such as fatty meats or avocados.” They go rancid quickly during storage. While there are dehydrated, high-fat foods sold commer cially such as cheese, peanut butter and eggs, these are processed using special equipment and techniques that can’t be copied in a home kitchen.
Unlike other food preservation methods such as canning or fermenting, dehydrating food does not require lots of special equipment, tools or skill. “Dehydrating food is super easy to do,” says Carole Cancler, the Hawaii-based author of the Complete De hydrator Cookbook. “Drying food is more forgiving. You can’t make a lot of mistakes. Canning, if you do it wrong, can make everyone in your family sick.” The only caveat, Cancler says, is that food not thoroughly dried will get moldy. In humid environments, dehydrated foods must be kept tightly sealed to keep out moisture and prevent mold from forming.

21 Getting Started
She says that ideal temperatures are 125 to 135 degrees, but most standard ovens only go as low as 170 degrees, which is too warm to dehydrate fruits or vegetables. “Then you must do wacky things like prop the door open to cool down the oven.” The exception, she says, is jerky: “It must be dried at a higher temperature, and lower-end food dehydrator models don’t get hot enough.”
Sun-drying foods outdoors is risky, Brigman cautions, due to varied weather conditions. In addition, insects and air pollu tion have to be considered. “For safety reasons, consumers should really purchase a food dehydrator. While it may be a high cost when you begin dehydrating, if you are a serious food preserver, it will save you money in the long term,” she says.
two fruit roll tray liners from an electric dehydrator with vegetable oil cooking spray. Spread mango mixture even ly to ¼-inch thickness on the trays. Position fruit roll liners on dryer trays and place in dehydrator. Dry continuously for about 10 hours. Maintain dehydrator air temperature steadily at 140° F. (Monitor the dehydrator air temperature periodically with a Removethermometer.)trays from dehydrator when purée is dry, with no sticky areas (about 10 hours—this will be highly dependent on the relative humidity of the drying room). Test for dryness by touching gently in several places near the center of leather; no indentation should be evident. Peel leather from trays while still warm. Leave the second tray on the dehydrator while peeling the first leather, or re-warm leathers slightly in the dehydrator if they cool too much prior to peeling. Cut into quarters, lay on a piece of clean parchment paper about 1 to 2 inches longer at each end of the leather and roll into fruit leather rolls. When cool, twist the ends of the parchment paper tightly to close. Store fruit rolls in an airtight container for short-term storage, up to about 1 month. Leathers should be stored in a cool, dark dry place. For longer storage up to one year, place tightly wrapped rolls in the freezer.
Cancler says that in some cases an oven can be used to dehy drate food, but it isn’t the most cost-effective method. “I don’t recommend continued use of the oven, because depending on where you live and the type or size of food being dried, drying can take anywhere from eight to 36 hours. Running an electric or gas range for that long uses a lot of energy.”
Starter model home food dehydrators, often found at resale stores or rummage sales, can be purchased for about $50.
1 cup clover honey ½ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp ground nutmeg ¼ tsp ground cloves Preheat electric dehydrator to 140° F. Wash and peel mangoes, chop roughly into chunks. Purée in blender until smooth. Pass purée through a food mill or sieve; discard any coarse fiber ex tracted in food mill. Add honey and spices to the purée and mix
Fresh herbs of choice (basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme and dill are all good candidates) String (such as cotton baker’s twine) Rinse off the fresh herbs and pat them dry. Tie the herbs by the stems in small bunches. Hang them upside-down indoors and out of direct . Depending on the type of herb, they will take several days to a week or longer to dry. When dry, crush herbs with a mortar and pestle or in a clean coffee grinder. Store in glass jars with tight-fitting lids.
4 cups mango purée (from about 4 large, unripe mangoes)
Source: National Center for Home Food Preservation
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings magazines throughout the country.
Some have adjustable temperature settings for different kinds of foods. When purchased new, most food dehydrators include recipeWhenbooklets.usinga dehydrator, Skinner advises, turn it on to the appropriate setting and lay the food in a single layer on the trays provided, then let the dehydrator run for a few hours. She usually turns food halfway through to prevent sticking.
Trendy Vegan delicious dining and take out 3821 Richmond Ave. Houston, TX trendyveganhouston.com713-621-948877027

Another way that people share resourc es is through Little Free Libraries—the charming “library on a stick” boxes on neighborhood posts and fences that give away books to passersby. It began in Hudson, Wisconsin, in 2009, when Todd Bol built a tiny model of a one-room schoolhouse as a tribute to his deceased mother, an educator and voracious reader. He stocked it with books and put it on a post in his front yard for neigh bors and friends. The concept became so popular that he built more and gave them away. Today, more than 150,000 Little Free Libraries are found in communities worldwide.
green living
Starting a tool-lending library begins by connecting with other people in the com munity, using local online groups and co-op bulletin boards to attract volunteers and donations, or hosting a drive for peo ple to clean out their basements, Kane says. As memberships grow, additional tools can be purchased and employees can be hired.
Website design and inventory tracking in Asheville and elsewhere is simplified by the “library of things” software from MyTurn. com
“When you need a pressure washer once a year or decide to put in a garden, you don’t really need to own those tools,” says treasurer Stephanie Kane. People are allowed to take on projects they couldn’t otherwise afford, she says, “or they utilize existing skills to build the life they want, or even get a business off the ground.”
Conscious Consumerism
To combat inflation, which is squeezing family budgets, Americans are increas ingly exploring shared resources and eco-friendly alternatives like thrift stores, flea markets and rummage sales. Often aided by online technology, local shared enterprises and secondhand shops are saving people money and reducing the impact of excess consumerism on the environment.
T ucked into the Blue Ridge Moun tains of North Carolina, Asheville is a DIY kind of community, attracting artists, musicians, yoginis, homesteaders and other folks looking to live a simpler life. When they garden and undertake home repairs, Ashevillans find it easy to cut expenses: They’ve formed a collective tool shed, the Asheville Tool Li brary, which offers them the use of 2,000 donated tools ranging from safety goggles to leaf mulchers and circular saws.
Neighborly Sharing More than 50 tool-lending libraries exist in cities like Denver, Seattle, Atlanta and Washington, D.C., allowing people to “cut down on waste and overbuying, while helping out neighbors,” reports The Washington Post. Typically, they are staffed by volunteers and supported by nominal, income-based annual fees.
by Sheila Julson

Secondhand Thrifting
n Whether shopping for secondhand clothing in person or online, Glamour UK recommends ignoring the size on the label of vintage items, because they can vary greatly. When unable to try a garment on, check the measurements. Many vintage sellers on post them along with the label size.
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Nat ural Awakenings magazine.
FURNITURE n Consumer Reports rec ommends buying local for large items like furniture to avoid shipping costs and allow for close personal
Nonprofit thrift stores like Goodwill Industries and The Sal vation Army or those run by longtime charities like the Amer ican Cancer Society and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have well-established reputations and proven track records. Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore has more than 900 locations nationwide, offering an ever-changing stock of secondhand furniture, household items and building materials like doors, windows and lighting fixtures. On the other hand, for-profit thrift stores, even if they claim a link to a worthy cause, often donate a much smaller percentage of profits to charity and are reluctant to release financial figures, reports Pluses and Minuses
Hennepin County, Minnesota, which includes Minneapolis, has resolved to send zero waste to its landfills by 2030. Part of this effort includes the Choose to Reuse campaign, which encourag es people to shop secondhand as a way to save money, help the environment, reduce packaging, support local businesses and find unique items.
Buying secondhand benefits not only shoppers, but also local governments struggling with the expense of operating landfills.
When purchasing toys or children’s furniture, parents should check for safety recalls and be sure the product contains no lead paint, recommends WebMD. com. Check for broken or missing parts and make sure the item is stable. Prod ucts manufactured many years ago may not have the same safety features as newer items.
n Avoid car seats and booster seats which may have been involved in an accident. The same is true for bicycle and mo torcycle helmets. Federal safety standards for cribs frequently change, so avoid used pieces if they are more than a few years old.
CLOTHING n The condition of items donated to thrift stores or posted by resellers can vary greatly, from brand-new items to well-worn pieces, notes Carefully check the item, especially under the sleeves and the inseams, for stains, tears, third-hand smoke odors or other defects.
When shopping online for secondhand items, experts advise, it’s wise to shop and pay on a trusted website or app, and to avoid using a personal debit card. Be sure there are photos of the product. On sites like Craigslist, eBay and Facebook, check each seller’s rating and thoroughly review all buyers’ comments before making a purchase. With a little enterprise, savvy and flexibility, mass consumer ism can be circumvented by sharing community resources and frequenting quality secondhand stores. As Kane puts it, “The sharing economy is essentially about leading a less consumerist lifestyle.”
Whether housed in a local storefront or existing digitally online, resale shops have become big business due to pandemic-in spired decluttering and belt-tightening pursuits. Industry ana lysts expect thrift store clothing sales to grow globally 11 times faster than fast fashion and to be worth twice as much, at $84 billion, by 2030.
An influx of online resellers adds even more choices for second hand items. Although they make shopping more convenient, online sites carry risks: In 2019, the Federal Trade Commission reported more than 173,000 instances of online shopping fraud. Online
ELECTRONICS n For those unable to afford or justify the cost of a new $1,000 smartphone, Apple, Best Buy and Walmart sell refurbished phones, computers and TVs on their websites at a reduced cost. If using an E-commerce seller of refurbished electronics, make sure it uses programs such as CheckMEND to be sure the item wasn’t stolen.

24 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION Participating Houston Area Farms and Farmers Markets Bhakti Urban Farm 5415 Wheatley Street Houston, Texas 77091 (929) bhaktiurbanfarm.org464-7382 Finca Tres Robles 257 N. Greenwood Street Houston, TX fincatresrobles.org77011 Braeswood Farmers Market 5130 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, TX combreaswoodfarmersmarket.(713)-320-558877401 East End Farmers Market 2800 Navigation Blvd. Houston, TX 77003 (713) eastendhouston.com928-9916 Hope Farm 10401 Scott Street Houston, TX 77051 (713) hopefarmstx.org520-0443 Verdegreens Farm 1208 Bland Street Houston, TX verdegreens.com77091 Sweetwater Farms HTX 8333 Sweetwater Lane Houston, TX 77037 (713) sweetwaterfarmshtx.com321-2550 Urban Harvest 2752 Buffalo Speedway Houston, TX urbanharvest.org77027 Living Life in Full Color by Marlaina Donato
N ature concludes each day with a fiery mural, never again to be exactly duplicated and missed if we look away for a moment too long. “What color is in a picture, enthusiasm is in life,” said Vincent van Gogh, and to live with passion is to live life in full color.Aschildren, it was in our nature to live out loud. We sang off-key, belly-laughed and showed off our blueberry-stained tongues. Somewhere between grade school and adolescence, we learned to swim with the social current, con tent to blend in for comfort. As adults, too often we are barely aware of our lives stuck in grayscale, but if we look deep inside, we long to be the brave red rose in a blackand-white world. Sometimes it takes something drastic, like being faced with a terminal illness, to throw off the shackles of, “What would they think?” and follow our own brand of bliss. Hopefully, most of us can make that deci sion without such a drastic wake-up call. In many parts of the world, nature saves her best for last and pulls out all the stops. She dresses the trees in unapolo getic glory, inviting us to live more boldly before it’s too late, and to express the pas sions we’ve held in for dear life. If we are wise, we will follow our bliss, whether it’s painting that wall in a color that might compromise resale value or dusting off the violin we set aside after high school. Autumn gives us much-needed permis sion to let our hair down, let our locks go silver or feisty red, let our souls blow in the wind and come in for dinner a little late and disheveled. What parts of ourselves do we hold inside for fear of standing out a little too much? What would we wear if we defied fickle trends? How would we love if we realized that there is nothing more im portant than embodying love? Here’s to living in full color, come what may. Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at WildflowerLady. com.

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SUNDAY OCTOBER 30 Ancient Egyptian Healing Certification 10:30 am-7:30 pm. Shemsu RA and Arat RA Reiki will present a Kemetic Reiki Level 1 Certifi cation Participants will learn the ancient art of self mind-body-soul healing. Proceeds will help to support African-centered schools in Nigeria.Cost is $185 before Sep. 4/$225 after-includes lunch and materials. Location: Houston. For more inforation, call Aset Hetep at 832-422-7457, email or visit AratRa
25 calendar of events SEPTEMBER 2022
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SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 PlantPure Houston Potluck 1 pm. Please join PlantPure Houston for a potluck at LifestyleDocs. Please bring a whole-foods plant based dish. A tray of fruit and vegeta bles is always welcome. If you are new to whole-foods plantbased fare, check out our culinary philosophy at Philosophy. cost: the food you are bringing location: 4500 Bissonnet Suite 355, Bellaire, TX 77401 contact info: info@bayoucitybeet. com website:
Revived IV Therapy is Houston's Premier Holistic Health and Wellness Spa. We provide personalized vitamin-infused IV therapy treatments, intramuscular injections, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and more. In partnership with a diverse cast of certified medical professionals, including Medical Directors, Registered Nurses, and Clinical Pharmacists, we have perfectly blended formulations that have been infused to create customizable wellness packages for every customer's individual goals. We optimize wellness, performance, recovery, and health.
SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 Peaceful Planet Foundation Annual Retreat 9 am - 3 pm. The Peaceful Planet Foun dation Annual Retreat features informative nutrition and emotional wellness presenta tions and break-out sessions. The keynote will be given by Garth Davis, MD, on the Role of Nutrition in the Obesity Epidemic. Choices for the break-out sessions include different styles of yoga, cooking demon strations, sessions on gardening basics, pra nayama, and wellness. A lunch is included in the admission. cost: suggested donation of $25 or more. The Council on Recovery, 303 Jackson Hill St. #1, Houston, TX 77007.
3339 W LAMAR ST. UNIT 220, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77019 | | | 855-483-7477 Contact us 713-927-6540rates.
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SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11 HEAT IN HOUSTON. 3:30 pm Online Heat is the greatest weather-related disaster in the U.S., killing more people than any other kind of natural disaster. Join Jaime Gonzalez of The Nature Conservancy, who led heat mapping efforts in Houston, for a discussion on the findings, their justice implications, solutions, and how houses of worship/people of faith can engage. Learn more/register: Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail. com with any questions.
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 Sunshine Luncheon 12 pm. Vergis Bour geois, better known as Sunshine, was a pioneer for health food in Houston. In celebration of Sunshine’s life, PlantPure Houston will meet at Sunshine’s Vegan for a memorial luncheon. Your hosts will be Linda Tauhid and Karoline Mueller. Cost: pay for your own lunch Sunshine’s Deli 1202 Lock wood Dr, Houston, TX 77020. contact info: website:info@bayoucitybeet.com
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 Forest Bathing & Earth Examen. 9 – 11 am. Experience forest bathing, led by a certified guide, followed by practice of the Christian spiritual discipline of the Earth Examen. Forest bathing, a practice that originated in Japan, involves taking in, in all of one’s senses, the forest atmosphere. This activity is for a small group and space is limited. Please register 6wb. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@ with any questions.

Dawn Mountain Free Weekly Meditation from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon Online. Led by senior members of the Dawn Mountain sangha (community), this meditation offers a chance to take a mindful pause from your busy life, enjoy serenity and fellowship, and learn a bit more about Buddhist practice at Dawn Mountain. https://www.dawnmoun sunday Reiki Circle 11:00 am. Reiki Holy Fire Experience healing circle, held on 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month. A chosen issue for healing will be the focus of each circle. Everyone is welcome.Location: 9039 Katy Freeway, building 500, suite 504, Houston, TX 77024. Fee: Love offering. Contact: April 713-922-3474. Website: abui-acupuncture saturday wednesday Blissful Quests® with Doyle Ward-The Pocast. 1:00pm.Are you looking for an swers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you won dering if you are intuitive? Maybe the real question to explore is not IF you are intuitive, but HOW are intuitive. Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive medium, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Call in during the show at: 1-760-456-7277, access on-demand episodes or listen live! blissful
26 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION classified ads OFFICE FOR RENT RESERVE THIS SPACE ADVERTISE HERE! Reach 32K Reader for mike@naturalawakenings-houston.comSend$20/monthONLYEmailtoput CLASSIFIEDS in the subject line.
Dawn Mountain presents Teaching Tues day: Heritage of Sutras on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 7 to 8:30 p.m., September 6 through December 6 on line. Watch live on Zoom or stream later on YouTube. The teachings attributed to Gauta ma Buddha are a treasure trove of guidance and inspiration for all traditions of Buddhism. Lama Rigzin Drolma, Lama Namgyal Dorje, Dr. Nathaniel Rich and other popular Dawn Mountain instructors will be exploring these early Indian texts. https://tinyurl. com/2p8uswxe
tuesday BEST INOFFICEPRIVATESPACEHOUSTON. Looking for office space for your health & wellness practice. We have 4 office spaces available above our boutique integrative medicine practice. 200 sq.ft. & storage space. Call today for rates or to schedule a tour. The Healing Space Integrative Medicine 1728 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005. 713.520.6800 thehealing Seespacehouston.comadpage6 GROWYourBusiness Contact us for special ad rates. 713-927-6540HolisticMassage Special $35 per hour $28 per hour when you buy five! Phoenix School Students 6600 Harwin Suite 101 Houston, Texas 77036 tranquilwatersspa.club713-974-5976 MSTDLR#0008 IGNITE! Sessions. 10am-5pm. Find your pur pose with igniter/artist/intuitive guide Sarah Gish in 30- or 60-minute sessions ($50 or $100). You’ll leave with a personal mantra that reinforces what the heart-centered connection uncovered. Call for appointment: 713.993.0550. Body Mind & Soul. 7951 Katy Freeway. Living the Change Weekly Discussion Group, 6 p.m., online. This program focuses on making personal lifestyle changes in three areas: transportation, energy, and food but will be customized for participants. Join us on this journey to Living the Change by registering on at: For more infor mation, please contact Lisa Brenskelle at SUBMIT mike@naturalawakenings-houstn.comCALENDARYOURLISTINGTO

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schedule an appointment.
27 ACUPUNCTURE healthy living guide BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY MARILYN K. JONES, DDS Houston Dental Health Center 800 Bering Dr. Houston, TX 77057 713-497-1355 Naturalhoustonbiologicaldentist.comDentistry supports the body and the mind by finding the cause of dental prob lems. The dental exam ination includes noticing systemic and habitual influences. If you have dental issues or current ly have silver amalgam fillings, call me today to schedule an appointment. See ad on page 13 APRIL BUI HOLISTIC ACUPUNCTURE 9039 Katy Freeway, Suite 504 Houston, Texas 77024 ticHouston’sabui-acupunctureclinic.com713-922-3474naturalholismedicineclinicsince 2008, we offer t Acupuncture and Chinese medicineherbal t Energy healing, flower essence therapy t nternal medicine t Pain management t Women’s health t Emotional, trauma healing t Chakra clearing and balancing t Stress, anxiety, mood disorders t Hormone, energy, sleep imbalance t Diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, gastrointestinal, and MORE Comprehensive holistic care, high standard heal ing practice, personalized and dedicated patient service. We heal to the root of your problems. Let us know how we can help you, contact us for your in-depth Free Consultation. CBD SMOKE ENVY/BETTER DAYS CBD 2524 Yale Street, #2, Houston, TX 77008 832-744-9944 18123 Egret Bay Blvd, Houston, TX, 77053 CBD vape pens, er,oils,tintures,gummies,flowapparel and accesso ries. We stock Better Days CBD products. HYDROSHACK HYDROPONICS 1138 W 20th Street, Houston, TX 77008 Open 7 days a week mostcarriesHydroshackHydroshack.com713-292-1921proudlysomeofthebeautifulhighCBD hemp flower and Delta 8 prod ucts in Houston! We also sell the highest quality 1.5 gram pre-rolls packed with actual bud and never trim. Our bud-tenders will be more than happy to let you experience true legal Hemp Flower from our open sample jars.While you are in check out our complete line of hydroponic growing products. See Ad page 13. BATH PRODUCTS CONNIE’S BATH SHACK 211 Midway St, Bldg E Spring, TX 77373 (281) heartAconniesbathshack.com288-9595quaintshopintheofhistoricOld Town Spring Texas, offering unique hand made bath and body products and lots of rubber ducks. Small Batch Handmade soaps by Connie. Wonderful lather and amazing Scents. Enjoy the aromatherapy of a bath in your shower with Show er Steamers. Put little bit of heaven for your bath with Fizzies. We also have bath salts, scrubs, shampoos, lotions, creams, shaving creams & soaps, and batch accessories of all kinds. Shop conveniently on-line or drop by our store.
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Gavston location is part of a national network of client centers focused on next-generation brain wellness - helping you relax your brain to manage restful sleep through patented BrainEcho™ technology, which empowers the brain to reset itself as it hears and “sees” its own reflection. To schedule an appointment call: 409-599-7268. See on page 9..
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. ~Unknown

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page 13 JOYCE LONG’S WELLNESS INSTITUTE 1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 followingtoEstablishedjoycelongwellness.com281-232-73361989.Callscheduleanyoftheservices:mas sage therapies, lymphat ic drainage massage and facials, reflexology, infra-red sauna, ion cleanse foot or hand baths, Chinese cupping or colon hydrotherapy (prescriptions only- yours or ours). By appointment only. Be well-Stay well. CALL TODAY! COLONICS BLISSFUL QUESTS Positive change starts now! 832-628-4113 Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you won dering if you are intuitive? Doyle Ward is an expe rienced teacher,intuitive,griefrecovery specialist, and life coach. Tune in to his weekly PodCast, Wednesdays at 1 pm on See ad on page 7.COACHING
KARVIVA BEVERAGES Food Is Organickarviva.comMedicineBetterTMjuicedetox & antioxidant juices, preboitic plant protein smoothies and synergy coffee blends. Karuna and Karviva products are available on Amazon and at Houston Area H-E-B, Sprouts Farmers Market and Central Market Stores. See Ad page 17. URBAN COLONICS-MOBILE Treresa Hutt 5042 Briscoe St. Houston, TX.77033 urbancolonics.com713-738-8199 We now offer the first and ONLY mobile servicecolonic in Houston. If you are unable to leave your home or prefer to take your andhydrotherapycoloninprivacyconvenienceof your home, we will come to you. We continue to irrigate with State Of The Art Equipment (closed colonic systems cleared by the FDA). We utilize totally disposable colonic set-ups and sterile wa ter. A prescription is required for this procedure. Our Medical Director at a different location will make an assessment and write a prescription for OUR clients only. Visit our website to learn more details. Please call us to schedule an appoint Seementad page 9. coming in october HEALTHY PLANET
Want to stop smoking or lose weight? Looking for ways to relax, find bal ance and increase the joy in your life? Hypnosis can help you. Call SOON to book your appointment. Let’s work together to create the life you want!
We offer comprehensive and customized thera peutic plans that address chronic illness & autoim mune disease for patients seeking support both in-person and virtually. Phoenix Rising Integra tive Medicine takes an integrative approach to addressing chronic illness and autoimmune by combining ancient healing tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern functional medicine, including evidence-based lab testing, clinical nutrition, lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine and acupuncture protocols that are customized for each patient. We also work with patients suffering from environmental and food allergies, reproductive and fertility issues, breast implant illness, and emotional health issues. Visit our website for more information or to book an appointment. COLONICS Barbara Ellis, Retired RN 5042 Briscoe St. Houston, TX.77033 now offer the first and ONLY mobile colonic service We continue to irrigate with State Of The Art Equipment (closed colonic systems cleared by the FDA). We utilize totally disposable colonic set-ups and sterile water. A prescription is required for this procedure. Our Medical Director at a different location will make an assessment and write a prescription for OUR clients only. Visit website to learn more details. Please call us to schedule an appointSeementad

KRATOM AUSTIN ORGANIC VILLAGE Online sales erachievehelpingFocusedaustinorganicvillage.online833-AUSTIN-1only.onothersgreatbalance in life, our kratomhigh-qualityprod ucts combine the best in variety with affordability. Sourced directly from top-rated kratom vendors that share our vision of helping others, Austin Organic Village is proud to offer a diverse line of kratom products for sale online. We believe that nature holds the key to true wellness, and offer our high-quality kratom products in the hopes of improving the health of others, the natural way. We ship nationwide and check out our prices and our quality. Call or visit our website for more infor mation or to place an order. See ad page 11. KREAT DAY BOTANICALS 1973 W Gray, Suite 23 Houston, TX 77019 KreatDay.com713-369-0946 A BBB Accredited Business We provide the choic est healthy Botanicals garnered from some of the most exotic corners of the world. Only The BEST! We ensure quality by going to the source, checking our international vendors 1st hand, and using USDA Certified Or ganic vendors when applicable. We stand by our products and our services! If you are unsatisfied with your order we will return, exchange and or refund your money. We got you covered! See ads on pages 2, 8, and 9. Our aim is to make you have a KREAT experience as well as a Kreat Day! LYMPHATIC THERAPY JOYCE LONG’S WELLNESS INSTITUTE 1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 interruptHealthjoycelongwellness.com281-232-7336conditionscanthenormal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs where it can and may cause blockages. Lymphatic therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well – Stay well. CALL TODAY! MASSAGE STAN’S HANDS MASSAGE & WELLNESS 2990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 440 Houston, TX 77098 stanshandsmassage.com832-526-6520 Are you in pain? Well, you don’t have to live like this. We are here to heal your body and mind through mas sage and energetic practices. We offer a wide variety of massage modalities designed to fit your needs. We offer both onsite chair and concierge table massage. Call today to book your appointment at 832-5266520. Our mission is to heal your mind and body. PHOENIX SCHOOL OF MASSAGE 6600 Harwin Drive Houston, TX 77036 FindyourpusbinedOnlinelove.forholisticLearnmassageschoolhtx.com713-974-0360massageandhealth.TrainacareeryouwillNewProgram:classescomwithoncamclasses!Openownpractice.employmentat Luxury Spas, Fitness Centers & Rehab Clinics. Finish in as little as 5 ½ months. Join one of the fastest growing Health Care Professions. Visit our website or call today for more information or to schedule a tour of our school.Day and Night classes start SOON. See ad on page 17 Contact us today for special ad rates. If You Are Reading This, So Are Your Potential Customers. october healthy planet november mental health & well - being If You Are Reading This So Are PotentialYourCustomers. Contact us Today for Our Special Ad 713-927-6540Rates

30 AUGUST 2022 HOUSTON METRO EDITION ODYSSEY EMPORIUM 123 Midway St, Bldg C Spring, Texas 77373 uctsproducttom-makestore.andWeodysseyemporium.com888-492-3584arearetailshopalsohaveanonlineWecanalsocusmanyofourlines.Ourprodincludearange of metaphysical items, clothing, books, stones, jewelry, candles, soaps, teas, incenses, herbs, blades, and accesso ries for spiritual work. We also have some unique renaissance festival and gothic clothing and accessories. Check out our gaming and sci-fi themed products as well. We offer daily in-house Tarot reading and conduct private Old Town Spring Ghost tours. Open 7 days a week. NATURAL HORMONES DR. FISHER ROAD 2 WELLNESS Dr. LaTronica Fisher, DNP, ANP, GNP, RN 4544 Post Oak Place Dr. STE #254 Houston, Texas 77027 713DrFisherRoad2Wellness.com520-8188 Services: nHormone Rejuvenation nVaginal Dryness nUrinary Incontinence nLow Libido nErectile Dysfution nLow Stamina nWeight-Loss nSexual Dysfunction(men & women) nHair Restoration nNatural Face Lift Call today to schedule a consultation METAPHYSICAL CHAKRA SHOP OF OLD TOWN SPRING 315 Gentry Street Spring Texas 77373 Unit B1 include:Spring.ServicescalA281-288-9130uniquemetaphysishopinOldTownSpiritual Guidance Life Coach, Psychic, Tarot, Medium, Chakra & Aura Readings. We also stock: Candles, Crystals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Oils, Incense, Sage, Herbs, Resins & More! When you visit Old Town Spring, be sure to stop by our store. CRYSTAL KINGDOM 309 Market Street, Unit D Tomball, TX 77375 district, Crystal averageisKingdomnotyourmeta physical shop. Their specialty is custom made, fully-dressed 7-Day Candles for your specific needs. They also have a full stock of incense, oils, stones, jewelry and herbs. While you are there, ask about having your horoscope cast and be sure to mention that you “Saw them in Natural Awakenings”. MEDITATION DAWN CENTERMOUNTAINFORTIBETAN BUDDHISM Online only at this time. teachingsTibetanbetweennityourtheMountainThedawnmountain.org713-630-0354missionofDawnistofurtherspiritualgrowthofdiversecommuasalivingbridgetraditionalBuddhistandcurious people everywhere. Dawn Mountain offers a number of free online services including: Weekly Meditation from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon each Sunday, “First Sunday” teach ings on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 am, and monthly “Dharma Conversations” via Zoom on the first Sunday of each month at 12:00 noon. All sessions are archived on their YouTube channel. We are also offering a special online class Neurobiology and Meditation August 13 and 20. Please visit our website for more informa tion and consider taking advantage of our many offerings. NATUROPATH HOUSTON HOLISTIC HEALTH CLINIC “Better Health Naturally” Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 DoctorDr.HoustonHolisticHealthClinic.com713-781-9991GracieChukwuisaofNaturopathyanda Certified Nutrition Counselor. She has been assisting peo ple for over five years with holistic medicine, diet, nutri tion and supplement support to enhance her client’s health and overall well-being. If you are suffering and cannot find relief, give Dr. Gracie a call. See ad on page 7. ORGANIC HEALTH & BEAUTY PRODUCTS A JOURNEY TO WELLNESS By Gelcys Basulto Helping people pursue a more mindful lifestyle. 1923 Ave G Rosenberg, TX 77471 puttingpersonalAre832-449-2600ajourneytowellness.orgyourhealthandcareproductsyourhealthat risk? Take the short trip to Downtown Rosenberg and visit A Journey To Wellness. All of our prod ucts are 100% Organic and made with natural ingredients. (You can also order online and we’ll ship our products to you.) We also offer Health and Wellness coaching. Book a free consultation and let’s get started embracing your new life in health today! See ad on pagePAIN16. REMEDY AUNT ALBERTA’S REMEDY Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream 973-715-9097
Need Relief from Arthritis? Try Aunt Al berta’s Remedy to ease muscular aches and joint pain. Her Remedy is a painhomeopathicreliefcream that penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tis sues. Get beneficial relief from sciatica, fibromyal gia, arthritis, neuralgia, gout, and more. All-natural ingredients! Do you want to feel a real difference from the nagging aches of arthritis? Feel less pain & have more range of motion? Great buy, get a 4oz jar for $15! Visit website for other options. See ad on page 7. december uplifting humanity

31 PET FOOD BOBCAT RAW FOOD Made locally. Delivered to your door. Wecarnivores.oftritionalmeetdesignedcatOurbobcatrawfood.comrawfoodistothenuneedsobligateuseonly the highest quality Grade A, USDA certified USsourced meats. All our meals are 100% natural and grain-free and are pre-portioned to for your convenience. Our top priority is to make feeding raw convenient and affordable. We deliver inside Houston for a flat fee of only $5. Visit our website today and let your cat experience the difference a raw food diet makes. THERMOGRAPHY MEDICAL THERMOGRAPHY CENTER “Better Health Naturally” Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 cedurebeforewomanhasBreastHoustonHolisticHealthClinic.com713-781-9991thermographytheabilitytowarnupto10yearsanyotherprothatacancer may be forming; thus, allowing for prompt and timely risksabsolutelynoThermographytreatment.usesradiationandposesNOhealthtothepatient. Consequently, scans may be performed at any frequency neces BREASTsary. THERMOGRAPHY GUIDELINES: Baseline thermograph at age 20, 20-30 years of age–every three years, and 30 years of age and over–every year. If you are a woman, over 20 years old and have not had a breast thermograph, call Dr. Gracie TODAY. See ad on page 8.SURFING SCHOOL C-SICK SURFIN’ 43rd Street Lifeguard Stand-Seawall Blvd. Galveston, Texas 409-770-9455 Galveston’s oldest professional Surf School. Teaching at the 43rd Street Lifeguard Stand since C-Sick1999.offers a basic 2 hour be ginner lesson for $50. We theeveryoneprovidewithrightsizesoft top surfboard and wetsuits when needed. C-Sick does Private Parties for groups up to ten people. We Teach On The Beach By Appointment ONLY. OPEN ALL YEAR! REFLEXOLOGY FIRST STEP REFLEXOLOGY Call or text 713-826-6709 Reflexology is a ho listic approach to a better you. If you’re thinking about or have thought about learning the basic application of Reflexology and how you can use this technique to provide friends and family with the benefits of its healthy and relaxing priorities then this may be the training for you. Class size is limited and masks are encourage. Classes are taught by B. Johnson who has 22 years in both the practice and teaching of reflexology. Reflexology services are also by appointment. For more information on attending a class or scheduling a service call or text 713-826-6709 SPICES GISTARB SPICE BLENDS Gwen OnlineGistarbOnly Houston, Texas 77050 striveGistarb832-725-6342gistarbspiceblends.comSpiceBlendsinmakingour all-natural ingredients, not only healthy but with amazing taste. Using natural spices created into all-nat ural seasoning will fulfill your life-long wellness. It’s like all the little details come together in harmony to create something magical. Starting inside out to accommodate all types of eaters; medical concerns, vegans, vegetarians, and those looking to change their eating habits. We offer nine great flavors for spicing up your everyday meals, with and without sodium, with no additives or preser vatives included. We’re here to provide all your seasoning needs. Visit us today to learn more at YOGA
Life gives and takes. It’s what we do with what we get that has the power.
UNION YOGA STUDIO 600 N Shepherd Dr., #449 Houston, TX 77007 throughtoisTheunionstudio.yoga800-215-3190studiodedicatedself-studymove ment, breath and meditation, and is committed to upholding the tenets of authenticity, sincerity, inclusion, and integrity without exception. We offer a variety of classes including Vinyasa, The Rest of Yoga (™), Yin, Hatha, and Myofascial Release. Classes are in-person, streaming and on-demand. Owner and lead instructor, Kim Taurins has been practicing yoga since 2001. She is a 500 hour E-RYT level with an emphasis in yoga therapeutics, Daoism, Reiki, and bodywork. Visit our website for more information, class schedules or to sign up. See ad pm page 19

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