1 Taste sensation
4 Cinnamon, woodchips provide them
8 Neruda poem, e.g.
9 One aspect of mindful eating, 2 words
11 Healing waters
13 Observed
14 Vital force
17 Obstruct

19 Best way to eat a meal
21 Like the Veda
23 Energy
24 Highest points
25 South American “supergrain”

29 Purple or green vegetable
31 Possibly the world’s oldest city, first settled more than 4,000 years ago (in India)
34 Strive
35 According to Eastern traditions we should learn to listen to that ____ small voice that is attuned to our deepest needs

36 Total amount
1 Fresh fruit, veggies and flowers can be found at this friendly source of organic foods, 2 words

2 Summer month, abbr.
3 Away from home
4 “Much __ about nothing” Shakespeare
5 Like beets and some peppers
6 Body soother
7 One of the ingredients in Ann Wigmore’s energy soup

8 Excited reaction
10 Girl mentioned
12 Apartment, in slang
16 Drank quickly
20 “Absolutely!”
22 I problem
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Hello dear readers,
“Meeting life in the moment, wherever we happen to be, can be a challenging but rewarding spiritual discipline.” I borrow this line from this month’s wise wisdom article “Embrace the Winding Road”. Beyond being a spiritual discipline, it can be a way of coping in these uncertain times. I’m not suggesting that one shouldn’t make plans or remember past successes and failures. What I am suggesting is that when things are super uncertain, plans may not survive the first encounter with reality, and it is so easy to become overwhelmed with all the things to do and possible outcomes that one becomes paralyzed with doubt and fear. This month’s issue has some practical tips on how to meet life “in the moment”.
If you are able to take time off to travel whether it is near or far, try to totally unplug from your regular life and take in the sights and sounds and experiences where you are at that moment. Your regular life will be there waiting for you when you get back. Yoga and meditation are both perfect practices to focus your attention on the present moment and you don’t have to go anywhere to practice them. We all eat at least a few times a day but too often meals are rushed and gobbled down on the go, or consumed while we are engaged in TV or social media on our mobile device. What if you tried eating just one meal a day or one meal a week mindfully? None of these practices will make our world less uncertain but they will help us cope with the uncertainties and begin to thrive rather than just survive.
Until next time, as Cindy’s mother Jody used to tell us, “Be kind.”
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news briefs
Community Rain Barrel Workshop
First Unitarian Universalist Church will sponsor a rain barrel workshop from 12:45 to 2 p.m., September 17, to learn about the benefits of rain barrels, take one home and learn how to install it. Rain barrels not only conserve water, a precious natural resource, they also help to keep water clean and reduce flooding, making Houston a more resilient city. These barrels have been repurposed to avoid plastic waste.

This workshop is sponsored by Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages. Galveston Bay Foundation will make a presentation discussing water conservation tools like Water My Yard, the environmental benefits of reducing freshwater usage and collecting rainwater, as well as proper rain barrel preparation, installation instructions and tips. Recorded training is also available.
Location: 5200 Fannin St., Houston. Registration at GalvBay.org/events includes one rain barrel, one connecter kit and training to install them. For more information, email Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com.
Monitoring Climate Change
The 2023 Citizens’ Environmental Coalition (CEC) Greater Houston Environmental Summit is an annual networking and celebration conference of regional environmental organizations and individuals in association with the grassroots Houston Community Climate Summit. It will meet from noon to 5 p.m., September 29, at University of Houston Downtown, with a happy hour afterward.
Location: 315 Main St., Houston. For more information, email CEC Executive Director Charlotte Cisneros at Charlotte.cisneros@cechouston.org or visit cechouston.org.
Dawn Mountain will conduct two events this month in Houston.
Buddhist Mindfulness: Attention & the True You at 4949 Caroline Street in the Covenant Church Fellowship Hall from 7 to 8:30 p.m., September 26, and October 10 and 24. This course is practice-focused and limited to 20 participants, so it provides an optimal setting for learning or deepening a meditation practice with plenty of time for discussion and questions. Participants receive recordings of the guided meditations in the course to practice along at home between classes.

This series asks, “What does Buddhism offer beyond simple mindfulness practices?” In the three-session series, explore how cultivating attention to lived experience forms the basis for spiritual practice. Learn or review the foundational skills of calm abiding, insight and lovingkindness—this series will also gently introduce the core Buddhist teachings on the assumptions that obscure our true, luminous nature.
The Awakened Heart: What’s Love Got to Do With It? Buddhist-inspired heart wisdom for everyone, will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m., on September 5 and the first and third Tuesdays of the month through December 5. It is taught by Dawn Mountain Lamas Rigzin Drolma/Anne Klein, Namgyal Dorje/Harvey Aronson, instructors Nathanial Rich and Claire Villareal.

Their message is, “Love is at the heart of life. Socially and spiritually, it opens the gate to connection and wholeness. It can be life’s greatest pleasure and bring some of life’s greatest pain. In this seven-part sequence, we learn four different dimensions of love that can support us through thick and thin.”
Register for both at DawnMountain.org.
New Wellness Event at Indigo Moons

The inaugural Natural Awakenings Wellness Event will be held at 7:30 p.m., September 29, at Indigo Moons, with presentations by Dr. Mary Washington, M.D. (RapperMD), Suzanne Sears, certified hypnotist, and Stan McDonald, certified massage therapist.

Dr. Washington is Houston’s first plant-based nephrologist, and she will be discussing how to avoid and reverse kidney disease through diet. Sears practices hypnotherapy in Houston and will be discussing and demonstrating the use of hypnosis to relieve stress. McDonald, owner of Stan’s Hands Massage, will be discussing and demonstrating massage techniques and stress relief.

The cost is $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Please bring your yoga mat, cushion or folding chair. Location: 1900 Blalock, Ste. J, Houston. For more information visit NaturalAwakenings-Houston.com/event.
Now get Natural Awakenings articles by podcast. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, hit the like button and ring the bell to receive notifications when each new podcast is uploaded at Tinyurl.com/NAHTXYT. If you prefer audio only, subscribe to Natural Awakenings on Spotify.
An Essential Enduring Text
The classic Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda, is a firsthand account of his life experiences. Yogananda was the first yoga master of India whose mission it was to live and teach in the West. In the 1920s, audiences filled the largest halls in America to hear him speak. His initial impact was impressive, but his lasting influence is found in this book.

Followers of many religious traditions have come to recognize it as a masterpiece of spiritual literature, yet for all its depth, the book is full of gentle humor, lively stories and practical common sense. For many Americans today, it has been their first exposure to the theory and practice of yoga.
To purchase a copy, visit yogananda.org/autobiography-of-a-yogi. See ad on page 21.
I will be calmly active and actively calm. Paramhansa Yogananda
Happiness is a warm puppy.
~Charles Schultz
Testing Acupuncture for LongTerm COVID

Long COVID affects nearly 14 percent of adult patients that had COVID-19. It is characterized by symptoms lasting at least 12 weeks after the initial infection, including fatigue, brain fog and breathlessness. Although there is no standard treatment for this clinical diagnosis, researchers in the UK are currently studying the impact of acupuncture on this lingering condition, as the practice has been successfully used to treat similar symptoms associated with other ailments.
The randomized trial began in 2022 and is expected to collect data from 160 participants until the year 2025. Participants with long COVID are selected if they have a fatigue score greater than five on the COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale. The experimental group will be offered weekly 15-minute acupuncture treatments for six weeks, while the control group will receive no acupuncture treatments. Both groups will be required to complete questionnaires on their general physical and mental fatigue at baseline and at two, six and 12 weeks. Throughout the study, both groups will be provided with general advice on managing their symptoms. As reported by NBC News, the participants receiving acupuncture so far “do seem to be responding” positively to the treatments, according to Dr. Imogen Locke, a clinical oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital, in London, who is leading the study.
Children’s Physical Activity Declined Since Pandemic

In a new systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers found that children’s physical activity has been greatly reduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers looked at data from 22 studies that included 14,216 participants ranging from 3 to 18 years old. The data showed that children’s total daily physical activity decreased by 20 percent (17 minutes), irrespective of pre-pandemic baseline levels, and the reduction was larger for higher-intensity physical activity. This reduction represents almost one-third of the daily dose of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity recommended for young children and adolescents.

These effects are largely due to social distancing policies and related school closures, which affected 1.5 billion youth worldwide. Under lockdown, children no longer had access to regular physical activities, recreational facilities or outdoor recess, and online learning increased sedentary screen time, disrupting healthy habits. Physical activity affects not only physical health, but also psychosocial functioning and mental well-being.
The study’s results align with another meta-analysis showing that the pandemic increased the prevalence of youth depression and anxiety symptoms, highlighting the tremendous challenges that public health officials face to revive young people’s interest in physical activity since the pandemic.

global brief

Ayurvedic Cosmetics on the Rise

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda translates to “the science of everyday living,” and it is one of the world’s oldest systems of medicine. Offering a holistic path for cultivating health and well-being, Ayurveda promotes balance and harmony with the use of natural herbs, plant-based medicines and spices.
According to a recent comprehensive research report by Market Research Future (MRFR), the worldwide Ayurvedic products market size is expected to grow from $12.6 billion in 2023 to $31.8 billion by 2032. MRFR analysts ascribe this impressive growth to increased availability and public awareness of such goods, as well as a deepening distaste for the adverse side effects of conventional medicines and products. Demand for Ayurvedic cosmetic products is also on the rise, according to the same MRFR report. Supporting the idea that outer beauty reflects what is going on inside the body, beauty brands like Kama Ayurveda, RANAVAT and Forest Essentials are expanding into the global sector. Their increasing popularity follows broader trends toward organic and natural medicines and “clean beauty”, as well as increasing awareness about toxic ingredients in some Western products. Ayurvedic components have been used recently to balance Western formulas. For instance, in skincare, sandalwood is added as an antioxidant, and turmeric is combined with topical retinoid medications to reduce irritation.
Priceless lifetime, life-changing whole health bene ts for less than the cost of a smoothie a week!
Eco Travel 101
While checking places off the travel bucket list, keep in mind these traveling tips for leaving small footprints across the Earth.
Burning up jet fuel to fly to places represents a large affront to the environment. Staycations are the most eco-friendly. The shorter the distance we travel from home, the lower our carbon footprint. Because takeoffs and landings use the most fuel, fly direct whenever possible.
Some sites are so popular that they are prone to being overrun and abused. To avoid becoming part of the trampling herd and minimize tourist impact, visit the most popular tourist destinations during off-peak months or avoid them altogether. A green travel agent can help find less-trafficked destinations, book hotels with green certifications and secure eco-friendly tours and adventures.
Put together a travel kit that doesn’t include throwaway plastics. Pack soap, shampoo and conditioner bars, as well as soap sheets that fit in a wallet, lather up with water and disintegrate. Invest in a reusable travel bottle—collapsible types use less space—along with a filter or purifier, in case of non-potable water. Pack a few lightweight cloth bags for souvenir shopping.
Most transportation tickets can be purchased online and stored on a phone, with no paper needed. The same is true for maps, brochures and guidebooks.
Help the local economy by using less of the area’s resources. Turn off the lights and air conditioning when not in the hotel room. Take short showers. Don’t get the bed remade with fresh sheets every day, and reuse towels as much as possible.
To support community talent, purchase from local artisans for unique gifts. While a chain restaurant might seem fun, a local restaurant is more likely to serve authentic dishes. Ask residents where they would go, or hire a guide that lives in the area.
Rental cars and taxis use more resources and may not give the best travel experience. Taking a local bus or train across town helps the environment and provides a great way to experience the culture. Biking and walking are even more environmentally friendly and allow for some of the best meandering and sightseeing
Leave nothing behind. Place trash in receptacles, or, better yet, carry a bag and pick up trash to beautify the landscape. It acimost, offici ute

Award-Winning Yoga at Union Studio
by Martin MironIn July, Union Studio Yoga was recognized by the Houston Chronicle as the best yoga studio in Houston. Owner Kim Taurins says, “We believe in the power of a consistent practice. We help our students create positive, healthy lifestyles by providing a variety of yoga and meditation classes with some of the best instructors in the city. We’ve seen all types of people benefit from mindful movement and observing the patterns and nuances of the mind. We believe in the power of community (or as the yogis would say, sangha) and look forward to practicing with you.”
They will conduct a Yoga Training Open House from 1 to 2 p.m., September 9, preceded by a complimentary vinyasa class at 11:30 a.m. A 200-hour yoga training for students and those that want to teach begins October 9.
Taurins holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing from the University of North Texas and has completed more than 20 years of study and training to become a experienced yoga teacher at a 500-hour level. She is also a Doaist priest, reiki master, a mom, daughter and sister.
“I opened the studio for it’s first classes in March of 2016,” recalls Taurins. “I had no intention nor interest in opening a studio, I was, however, unsettled with the studio climate in Houston at the time. I guess by default, I created a space I felt comfortable teaching in. My Daoist teacher, Lao Da Long, had space in an acupuncture clinic that he offered for me to get started. Classes were small, but grew over time, and by 2020, we outgrew the clinic space. I signed a new lease at the MKT retail complex on March 1, and had no idea what was coming. I just knew I needed to hustle to make rent, and I was confident in the space and what I was capable of.”
Union Studio offers a variety of yoga class formats, including vinyasa, yin, meditation, myofascial release, yoga nidra, hatha and restorative. Taurins explains, “There are plenty of studios that offer an athletic vinyasa practice, where physical strength is key. We opted to focus on making the practice accessible to anyone of any shape, size, color and age. Our strengths lie in the areas of spirituality, meditation, beginner classes, restoration and relaxation. Don’t get me wrong; we offer challenging classes as well, but we have found a variety of formats meets the needs of our clients better.”
She shares, “I constantly feed my passion and inspiration for the business and the practice by consistency, managing my limiting beliefs about what I am capable of, and reminding myself why I began this journey in the first place. I never want to forget what started this path.”
Union Studio Yoga (formerly Four Dragons Yoga) is located at 600 N. Shepherd, Ste. 449, in Houston. For more information, call 800-215-3190 or visit UnionStudio.yoga.

See ad page 23

Room to Breathe and Grow
The Breathing Room was founded in September 2019 by Alicia Gordy, RYT-500, out of a desire to share with others the movement practices and healing modalities that brought about significant change in her own life. Gordy studied kinesiology, nutrition and wellness at the University of Houston. She is not only a registered yoga teacher, but also a comprehensively certified Pilates instructor, reiki practitioner and Certified Yoga Nidra facilitator.

The unique yoga and Pilates studio and wellness center is focused on mindful, breath-based movement, as well as other modalities to support the wellness journey. Clients have a range of opportunities to work with experienced, professional instructors to regain their naturally intended harmony, connection and balance in their body and mind. All levels, from the beginning student to the advanced practitioner are welcome.
Gordy advises, “Through our dedication to our own practices, we have found yoga and Pilates to be complementary, mindful, breath-based practices that when practiced consistently and with attention and care, yield profound results.” With more than 20 employees, they also offer sessions in meditation, breathwork and reiki, and share space with other practitioners specializing in physical therapy, massage and esthetics.
The Breathing Room is located at 200 Westcott St., in Houston. For appointments and more information, call 713-864-2552 or visit BreathingRoomHTX.com. See ad page 23.

Vitalyc Flagship Opening in Houston
Vitalyc Medspa, a popular luxury medical spa, will open its new flagship location at 1800 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 6130, in Houston, from 6 to 8 p.m., September 7, with light bites, raffles, more than $50,000 in giveaways and an exclusive grand opening special of 20 percent off all treatment packages.

Vitalyc is known for its exceptional customer service, age-defying treatments, celebrity clientele, stunning facilities, cutting-edge technologies and board-certified clinical leadership. Amir Mortazavi, Vitalyc Medspa founder and Houston native, states, “We have successfully opened five premier locations throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area since 2020, and believe that Houston is the perfect market for us to continue our mission of helping men and women restore confidence and defy aging on their own terms.”
Specializing in non-surgical medical aesthetics for the face, body, and skin, Vitalyc’s state-of-the-art, 2,510-square-foot space was designed to be warm and welcoming with a mix of tradition and innovation, reflecting the culture of Houston. It sports seven private treatment rooms with the best equipment, advanced diagnostic tools and state-of-the-art skin and body imaging technologies.
Led by double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Demetri Arnaoutakis, Vitalyc’s highly qualified clinical team works alongside clients to build a custom treatment plan that best meets their lifestyle and budget.
Treatments offered at include Botox, Dysport, Kybella, PDO threads and dermal fillers, EmSculpt NEO and Coolsculpting Elite; Halo, Morpheus8, EMFACE, HydraFacial, Moxi, BBL Photofacial and microneedling; and medical weight loss, peptides, hormone optimization and IV therapy.

Vitalyc Houston has two exclusive memberships available for $99/month and $180/month, each including several free treatments and permanent discounts on all products and services. Extended hours of 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. accommodate working professionals, and a convenient mobile app scheduling system makes booking appointments easy.

To RSVP for the Grand Opening giveaways, visit Campaigns. vitalyc.com/Houston-na. For more information, call 214-8708713.

Tips on Optimizing the Brain Naturally
David Tomen has released a second edition of his popular book, Head First, which contains more that 100 natural remedies with instruction for their use. In researching the original book, he searched for years to find relief after his diagnosis of adult ADD and PTSD. After Ritalin lost its effectiveness, he read clinical studies to learn more about how the worked, searching for something new that would provide similar benefits, which led him to implement a regimen of supplements and lifestyle changes that resulted in his brain working better than ever.

In the new book, Tomen provides detailed reviews of 102 of the most popular natural supplements used today, supported by hundreds of peer-reviewed clinical studies from leading research institutions and universities around the world. Written in plain language, readers can decide which supplements to try and which to avoid.
The author says, “The book is devoted exclusively to natural supplements, not smart drugs such as Ritalin or Adderall. You do not need a prescription for supplements, because they can be found at any local health food store or vitamin shop.”
Head First can be found at Amazon.com and other booksellers. For more information, visit NootropicsExpert.com.
Pain Awareness Month Free Book Offer
Deborah Charnes, C-IAYT, a certified yoga therapist and author of From the Boxing Ring to the Ashram, is offering the book as a free Amazon download ($7.99 value) at Tinyurl. com/BoxingRingBook on September 2 and 3.

She says, “One in five adults in America deals with chronic pain. The widespread condition is responsible for hefty health care expenses and also negatively affects the emotional well-being of the sufferers. Spinal issues are most frequently cited as the sore spots.”

For many years, the Centers for Disease Control has encouraged holistic methods to treat pain rather than immediately prescribing addictive drugs, yet the opioid crisis is rampant. In 2022, synthetic opioids killed 100,000 Americans—a record high.
Charnes shares, “I was riddled with chronic lumbar aches and pangs along with digestive cramp-ing since childhood. As a certified yoga therapist, my ongoing professional development has in-cluded many hours with a leading physiatrist, researcher and fellow yoga therapist. Today, at age 65, I take zero meds and am pain-free.”


Throughout history, humans have embarked on pilgrimages in pursuit of wealth, good fortune, divine intervention, spiritual enlightenment and other blessings. These journeys could be considered the earliest manifestations of one type of adventure travel, while today some of these would be defined as spiritual tourism.
The notion of “spirit” refers to both our conscious and subconscious minds. A spiritual practice, then, is any activity that enables us to step away from the noisy parade of life and explore our emotions, where any concept of the human spirit resides. This spiritual self-care includes any ritual or practice that helps connect us with our most authentic higher self.
Travel can be an amazing way to explore metaphysical interests with new people, sites and scenes, in order to invigorate the senses, stimulate the imagination, refresh the mental framework and invite new ideas and personal insights. Some places qualify for spiritual travel by virtue of their natural beauty, or due to some historical, mythological or religious significance. For a trip that fosters mind-body-spirit self-care with a generous portion of adventure, check out these sacred sites.
This Northern California treasure is believed to be a powerful spiritual vortex that has long captured the imagination of spiritual seekers. By some accounts, Mount Shasta is reputed to be the Earth’s root chakra, in keeping with the belief that, like the human body, planet Earth possesses chakra energy centers.

This majestic mountain, which is associated with healing, transformation and spiritual awakening, is a stunning backdrop for the many spiritual retreats and workshops offered locally that include meditation, energy healing, yoga, sound therapy and other restorative modalities.
Spiritual guide Andrew Oser, who has led Mount Shasta retreats for decades, says, “I can help you allow Mount Shasta’s transforming energies into the core of your very being, and by utilizing my direction to harness the mountain’s heightened vibration, you will feel it almost magically dissolve all of your fears.”
Sedona, Arizona
Known as the “Island of the Gods”, Bali is a captivating destination with a serene, spiritual ambiance. Nestled amidst lush greenery and terraced rice fields, the town of Ubud, in the uplands of Bali, enjoys international recognition for its spiritual offerings and welcoming vibe for those seeking inner peace and self-discovery.
Surrounded by red rock canyons, whimsical forests and waterfalls, Sedona’s natural beauty inspires spiritual reflection. It is also part of one of the most powerful energy vortexes in the world and a New Age Mecca for those seeking transcendence through energy healing, yoga, sound baths and a host of other spiritual offerings.
From venturing to the bright turquoise waters at Havasu Falls nearby to visiting the Chapel of the Holy Cross, there are many activities in Sedona for those wishing to connect more deeply to nature and themselves.

Bali, Indonesia

Making the Most of a Spiritual Vacation
by Linda SechristHolistic healing options in Bali include energy therapies, sound healing and traditional Balinese massage. Yoga enthusiasts will be delighted with the varied class options, immersive programs and specialized workshops. Along with wellness spas offering rejuvenating treatments that harmonize the body, mind and spirit, Bali offers beautiful meditation areas for quiet contemplation.
Machu Picchu, Peru
Spirituality runs deep in the Peruvian culture, from the ancient temples of the Incas to the living history of shamanism in the Amazon jungle. Machu Picchu has long been a revered site, and historically the place for worshipping the sun, the

Phil Cousineau, author of The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred, specializes in creating meaningful travel experiences and leading tours to sacred sites. “All pilgrimages are a search for meaning and purpose, which is why I prepare groups on how to travel deliberately, ways to experience it and how to integrate the experiences into daily life so they are not forgotten,” he says.

Cousineau recommends getting off the bus, putting away the video recorder and simply walking into the landscape. “Remind yourself why you traveled to there,” he says. “Take the deepest, most probing question in your life with you. Chronicle your answer for two to five minutes daily. At the site, look for one detail that represents your entire visit that day and take a photo. Use active imagination to open your heart, rather than waiting for something to happen. Don’t compare your travels. When you are comparing where you are with where you’ve been, there’s no meaning—it becomes just one more purposeless tour.”
To share the experience with traveling companions, Cousineau says, “I begin mornings over breakfast with a long conversation that includes any stories about where we’re visiting. We’re reminding ourselves that we’re forming a small community by traveling together and studying the same stories so that we can continue our long conversation over dinner. This is where the meaning starts to form and deepen.”
main Inca deity. Seekers can explore Machu Picchu on their own or participate in guided spiritual meditations—either way, it is a beautiful destination for a mindbody-spirit getaway.
For those seeking a deep mystical experience, Peru Sacred Tours provides a safe haven for spiritual advancement with the individualized attention and guidance of indigenous practitioners, including the herbalist shamans of the rainforest, Q’ero Inca priests of Cuzco or Moche San Pedro shamans of Chiclayo.


Egypt is considered a land of majesty and mystery, attracting treasure hunters, history buffs and adventure seekers, as well as those searching for spiritual transformation. This world-renowned destination has a long history of spirituality, with a colorful tapestry of beliefs and practices. The ancient Egyptians were convinced of the existence of a spiritual plane, while also maintaining deep reverence for the natural world, and these concepts continue to inform contemporary Egyptian culture and spirituality.
In recent years, there has been a surge in demand for spiritual tours in Egypt, particularly for meditation workshops in iconic places like the Great Pyramid of Giza, Valley of the Kings, Mount Sinai and Nile River. One of the more wellknown tour guides is Freddy Silva, a leading researcher of ancient civilizations, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness, as well as the bestselling author of The Divine Blueprint
Varanasi, India
Varanasi may be the world’s oldest city, settled more than 4,000 years ago. Located on the banks of the Ganges River, it is regarded as the spiritual heart of India,

with a tradition of Hindu mythology, as well as Buddhism. Religious, humanist and secular visitors frequent the evening aarti ceremony, when sadhus [sages] show their devotion by raising flaming lamps amid the aroma of incense.
If this strikes a chord, renowned author and spiritual teacher Andrew Harvey is offering a 14-day pilgrimage to the artistic, historical and spiritual soul of North India in November. He is the founder and director of the Institute for Sacred Activism, an international organization that inspires people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming effective, practical agents of institutional and systemic change.

Kyoto, Japan
Imbued with the rich heritage and history of Zen Buddhism, this enchanting city is an ideal destination for seekers to explore close to 2,000 Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, as well as the iconic Golden Pavilion, where centuries of devotion and wisdom have been housed. Many of these sites also provide inspiring settings for quiet contemplation, meditation and discussions of The Buddha’s teachings.
The traditional tea ceremony offered at numerous venues around the city is a refreshing, meditative practice that cultivates a sense of tranquility and connection to the present moment. Kyoto is also home to exquisite Japanese gardens that illustrate the profound relationship between nature and spirituality in this gentle culture.

As there are many sacred sites in Italy, a guided experience or well-planned itinerary may help facilitate an immersive spiritual journey. This is a labor of love for Phil Cousineau, author of more than 40 books, teacher, editor, independent scholar, documentary filmmaker, travel leader and storyteller. His lifelong fascination with art, literature and history of culture has taken him on journeys around the world.
Author of The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred, Cousineau has stated, “To shine the light of your own natural curiosity into the world of another traveler can reveal wonders—to remember the mysteries you forgot at home. What matters most on your journey is how deeply you see, how attentively you hear, how richly the encounters are felt in your heart and soul.”
In partnership with Sacred Earth Journeys, Cousineau has prepared a guided tour in November entitled The Sweet Life of Mythic Italy, which will explore sacred locations in Rome, Perugia, Assisi, Montepulciano, Florence, Verona and Venice. To learn more, visit Tinyurl.com/ SweetLifeTour

Stonehenge, England
were transported to the site. This ancient masterpiece of prehistoric engineering remains shrouded in mystery to this day. There is further spiritual charm in myths around the purpose of Stonehenge. People ask, “Was it intended as a funeral monument, an astronomical observatory, a tool to predict the seasons or a sanctuary where the sun was worshipped?”
Stonehenge is believed to be an epicenter of Earth energy with as many as 14 ley lines converging on the site—powerful
channels of energy associated with places of ancient and primordial significance.

It is plain to see that when we are ready to invest in our spiritual well-being in a fun, mind-expanding way, many mindbody-spirit travel options abound.
Kiki Powers is a health writer, blogger and national speaker specializing in plantbased nutrition and healthy green living. Learn more at RawKiki.com.
Every year, more than a million people make the spiritual voyage to Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, England. Archaeologists are still seeking a plausible explanation as to how the stones weighing multiple tons

Savor the Present Moment

the time to think deeply about what we are preparing,” Pierce says, adding that calm focus can even help us when shopping for ingredients at the farmers market or grocery store.
Recipes That Enrich Mindful Eating
The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, in Aguada, Puerto Rico, offers a mindful eating class that invites diners to practice with a bowl of Ann Wigmore’s Energy Soup—a recipe by the institute’s founder containing an array of vegetables, legumes and grains. “It’s fulfilling, nutritious and cleansing, all in one,” says Executive Director Carolyn Marin. “Key in what makes this a mindful eating meal is that while it is pulsed in a blender, it is not a liquid, and it requires chewing. Also, it is served at room temperature, which helps with mindful eating and proper digestion.”
There is a sharp difference between grabbing a fast-food burger at the drive-through and paying full attention to a home-prepared meal. For many of us, busy schedules and harried lifestyles get in the way of a more introspective dining experience. Mindful eating—the practice of slowing down, appreciating the present moment and becoming consciously aware of the ingredients, flavors, aromas and textures that we consume—can be a worthwhile meditative endeavor.
“If we’re mindful of what we eat, when we eat and how we eat, we are supporting the vibrancy of what our bodies are so capable of,” says Dr. Carrie Demers, medical director at the Himalayan Institute, in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. “Stud-
ies show that when people stop to sit down and chew their food carefully, they not only eat less, but they actually get more enjoyment out of their meal. Food tastes better when we are actually present with it.”
“When we slow down, we become more aware,” says Shawngela Pierce of Seek Within You, who leads spiritual retreats in Sedona, Arizona. “Sometimes people eat out of habit, but when we become more mindful, we start to notice patterns that, once understood, can help us harness a whole new way of eating and living.”
Mindfulness can begin before we even sit at the dining room table, “when we aren’t distracted by watching television or something else, and we take
While soft music plays in the background, students of the mindful eating class are instructed to slowly pick up their spoons, place a serving of soup in their mouths, set their spoons down and unhurriedly chew 30 times. “They look out at the ocean, breathing carefully, eating consciously and slowly, taking their time and getting their body out of fightor-flight mode and into healing mode. It can be very emotional,” Marin explains. “Mindful eating also aids in digestion because the person is chewing the food fully and allowing it to spend more time in the mouth, where digestion begins. Many of our guests have experienced noticeable improvement with acid reflux, stomach aches and nausea.”
Four Aspects of Mindful Eating
Marc Demers, head chef at The Himalayan Institute, says there are four aspects of mindful eating—right food, right time, right quantity and right attitude or environment—each of which can be individualized and honed to deepen awareness and improve health. Here are his recommendations.
RIGHT FOOD: Eat fresh, whole foods that are easy to digest and give energy. We need mindfulness to notice which foods support us and which cause indigestion, mucus or fatigue.
RIGHT TIME: Our bodies naturally digest better in the daytime and when we feel hunger. Stop eating at least three hours prior to bedtime. We need mindfulness to notice the difference in digestion between eating ice cream at 3 p.m. and at 11 p.m.
RIGHT QUANTITY: Eat just the right amount of food—enough to feel satisfied and fuel the day’s activities, but not so much that we feel lethargic or sleepy. Mindfulness helps us notice our hunger and fullness, as well as how we feel after we eat.
MENT: Sit down in a peaceful place, ideally with people we like, rather than eating while driving, working or walking. Don’t eat when stressed or angry. If we are upset, it is better to take a moment to mindfully breathe and calm the nervous system before eating. The goal is to welcome the food with gratitude and openness.
Take It Slow and Steady
For those struggling to commit to mindful eating, Pierce says, “Start practicing mindful eating with the food that you enjoy the most. Don’t try to do it all at once. Just try one meal each week as a start. Make it a priority. Set a reminder if it helps. Have fun with it. Make it a playful practice. Say, ‘Today is going to be my mindful eating day.’ That opens the gateway to something that will become an integral part of your spiritual life.”
Veronica Hinke is a food historian and author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style and Titanic: The Official Cookbook. Learn more at FoodStringer.com.
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⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil
7 Tbsp scallions, sliced thin
1 cup quinoa
1 cup corn kernels, fresh or frozen
1¾ cups kale, stems removed, finely chopped
1¾ cups cheese of choice, crumbled or diced small (use tofu or tempeh for vegan option)

⅓ cup pesto (dairy or vegan)
⅓ cup sunflower seeds
⅓ cup dried tomatoes, chopped
Wash and drain the quinoa three times. Cook according to package instructions.
Let cool. If using frozen corn, cook in water for 3 minutes.
Blanch the kale (spinach or other leafy greens work also). Press out extra water.
Sauté the scallions for 2 to 3 minutes. If using tofu or tempeh, lightly brown it in the skillet.
Combine all of the ingredients, and mix well. Use within 3 days.
Yoga on Vacation
by Carrie JacksonTravel can broaden our perspective of the world and take us on breathtaking adventures. These new experiences, however, often come with unexpected mental and physical challenges, stresses and anxieties. By incorporating yoga into the itinerary, we can cultivate a sense of peace, allowing us to show up as our best selves. From asanas after long hours of sitting to breathing exercises while waiting for a flight, yogic techniques can open the body and mind, letting us enjoy both the journey and destination.
According to Jenny Kaufman, a Chicago-based yoga professional who leads international retreats and manages yogaview, in Wilmette, Illinois, a mindful yoga practice is different from stretching and is available for anyone, regardless of physical flexibility. “Yoga encompasses well-being, mindfulness, breathing and spiritual awareness. It leads you to pull inward, notice what and where you feel a sensation, and mindfully progress to another asana, or pose. Increased flexibility might be the byproduct of the practice, but that is not the point,” she explains.
“Long layovers, changing time zones and different foods can confuse our internal clocks and wreak havoc on sleep and digestion,” Kaufman says. She recommends some poses to mitigate disruption and bring renewed vigor to body and mind: “To wind down before bed, incorporate cooling postures, such as Seated Forward Bend and Child’s Pose, that encourage the body to fold in and rest. For a burst of energy, try warming poses and heart openers, such as Cobra, Sphinx and Backbends. If space is limited, stand with fingers interlaced behind the back and gently press the pelvis forward. If digestion is slowed, simple twists and Wind-Relieving Pose can help move things along.”
Kim Larkin, a New Jersey-based certified yoga teacher, leads international retreats as a way to share heart-opening cultural adventures with other curious beings. “My main practice when travel stress is creeping in is to drop my attention into my breath,” she says. “Just focusing on one breath cycle at a time will help to settle my attention into my body, begin to quiet my nervous system and bring me to a more grounded place. It can also be helpful to count the breath, as in Sama Vritti Pranayama or “box breathing”. Like a square, box breathing has four evenlength parts to it. Inhale to a count of four or five; hold the inhale for the same count; exhale to four or five; and hold at
the bottom of the exhale. Repeating this as needed helps to calm both the mind and body.”
Margi Young, an Oakland, California-based yoga instructor and retreat leader, says, “When traveling, it’s natural to want to jump into a busy schedule of exploring new destinations, but starting the day with a few conscious breaths and Sun Salutations can set the foundation for a more grounded experience. This allows you to be your best self and move through your journeys with less anxiety and fresh eyes. Or, get off the traditional yoga script and take a few minutes to put on your favorite tunes and dance to get into your body.”
Young also recommends incorporating yoga throughout the day while traveling to reset from any physical and mental stress. “In an airport, find a secluded place you feel comfortable doing a Downward Dog. Instead of putting your hands on the ground, you could put them on the seat of a chair. This grounding pose lengthens the spine, opens the shoulders and draws your attention inward,” she explains. “On a plane or bus, reaching your arms overhead gives space to condensed organs; ankle circles help increase circulation; and seated Figure Four opens up tight hips,” she advises.
If time allows, Young also suggests finding a yoga studio and popping in for a class. “Taking a yoga class in a new country or city can provide an immediate sense of community and is often a uniting gateway to other connections when navigating new and different surroundings,” she asserts.
Yoga helps to develop patience, an aptitude that Kaufman says can serve us

throughout our travels. “Mindfully moving through a practice encourages us to listen and be patient with our bodies, and it provides valuable feedback on where we are and what we need. Instead of jumping into a deep stretch, purposefully encourage the hamstring to open up and notice how that feels. Cultivating that patience for ourselves changes the chemistry in your brain and becomes a microcosm for how you put yourself into the world. You’re able to be more patient with flight attendants, travel partners and everyone else you may encounter,” she shares.
For Larkin, practicing yoga while traveling cultivates inner peace. “The stress of travel can bring out the worst in us, but we can do our best to stay kind and considerate by keeping in mind the yoga teaching of Ahimsa: non-harming,” she says. “Most things work out, even if you lose your luggage or miss your flight. And most people are good, wanting to help you find your luggage or rebook your flight or commiserate when your vacation didn’t go quite to plan.”

Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer. Connect at CarrieJacksonWrites.com.

Union Studio Yoga

If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself.
—Lao Tzu
Embrace the Winding Road
by Marlaina DonatoLife’s transitions can feel like a broken bead necklace, with scattered pieces of ourselves waiting to be restrung. When we pack up our lives to move into a new home or organize neglected drawers, we may stir up clouds of bittersweet memories. Watching our kids leave the nest, we might wonder where the time has gone. As a new self struggles to emerge from the chrysalis, our hormones might take us on a rollercoaster ride before unveiling breathtaking wings.
At times, we have one foot on shifting sands and the other in midair, waiting to connect to solid ground. Inspirational author Neale Donald Walsch says, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”—wise words for those of us that are halfway across the rickety swinging bridge of change.
Breaking our own rules can gift us with a brand of freedom that we’ve only imagined. Seasoned travelers and weekend adventurers might agree that setting aside plans and maps invites unforeseen magic. Ordering something we cannot pronounce on the menu, turning left instead of right or revisiting an old dream might be a wonderful decision.
When we take our hands off the wheel and float into possibility, the universe smiles and nudges our secret longing for something new, something more harmonically aligned with our own unique frequency. Meeting life in the moment, wherever we happen to be, can be a challenging but rewarding spiritual discipline.

When we take a deep breath and turn the page, life deepens in color and gets more interesting. When we resist the well-meaning way that has been carved out for us and choose to go off the beaten path despite the uncertainty ahead, we will meet ourselves more deeply, no matter what happens. Perhaps this is the meaning behind it all—the magical door we seek. Honoring the sanctity of change is the key to fulfillment.
Marlaina Donato is an author, visionary painter and composer. Connect at JaguarFlower.art.
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calendar of events September 2023
Send your event information to mike@naturalawakenings-houston.com
Connecting Across the Veil 1:30 – 3:00 pm. Online. While we grieve the loss of a loved one when they pass, we may also feel alone when we would have reached out for their wisdom or love as we did when they were living. Love is the connection that keeps our friends and family close to our hearts, thoughts, and lives; reaching out to them across the veil provides the reassurance that they are with us, and the warmth of their loving care strengthens our bonds. tinyurl.com/UnityVeil
Open House + Free Vinyasa class. 11:30 am - 2pm. Take a class with Kim, then stay for the open house and presentation about the upcoming 200hr Yoga Teacher training beginning in October 2023 – March 2024. All levels welcome. Union Studio Yoga 600 N Shepherd Dr, Ste 449, Houston, TX 77007. tinyurl.com/UnionStudioOpenHouse
Beginner Meditation. 11:45 am-12:45 pm. Introduction to Meditation. Q& A included. All levels welcome. Hosted by Jessica Brock. $25 Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Drive, Suite 449 (Building 4) Houston, TX 77007. momence.com/Jessica-Brock/Beginner-Meditation/87789693
Beginner Yoga 1 - 2:30 pm. Hosted by Kim Taurins. Beginner Yoga workshop. All levels welcome. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Drive, Suite 449 (Building 4) Houston, TX 77007. momence.com/Kimberly-Taurins/ Beginner-Yoga/87790038
Pots for Plots: Houston Botanic Garden. 9 am - 5 pm. Come out to recycle your plastic plant pots and keep our beloved watersheds clean! Join us for the September Pots for Plots collection event at Houston Botanic Garden, conveniently located at 1 Botanic Lane, Houston, TX 77017. Whole, unbroken pots. Remove soil. Stack before depositing.
Rain Barrels for The Houston-Area Community. 12:45 – 2 pm. Learn about the benefits of rain barrels, get one for your home/ house of worship and learn how to install it on your property. Registration includes one rain barrel, one connecter kit and training to install them. Supplies of rain barrels are limited, so please register early. Register to participate at: www.galvbay.org/events. For more information, contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com
Integrative Design for Community Resilience. 6 pm. online. Climate change, pandemic, and other disruptions have challenged the way we do “business as usual.” How can we engage a variety of stakeholders to respond to our modern issues in a way that builds & strengthens our shared community? Join Amanda as she guides you to consider approaches based on your transformational needs. This interactive session aims to help you explore solutions to take back and apply into your community’s growth. at eventbrite.com/e/integrative-design-for-community-resilience-tickets-689969245587. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com with any questions.
Natural Awakenings Wellness Event

7:30 pm Join us for an evening wellness event featuring presentations by Dr. Mary Washington, M.D, Suzanne Sears, certified hypnotist, and Stan McDonald, certified massage therapist. Indigo Moons1900 Blalock, Suite J, Houston 77304. Cost is $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Please bring your yoga mat or cushion, or a folding chair if you prefer not to sit on the floor. For more information visit naturalawakenings-houston. com/event

Stillness and Ease: 25hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training + Immersion. Check website for times and prices. This two-weekend immersion is designed for dedicated students and teachers desiring to incorporate Yin Yoga into their practice and teaching lead by Rhia Robinson. Union Studio Yoga 600 N. Shepherd Drive, Suite 449 (Building 4) Houston, TX 77007. momence.com/Rhia-Robinson/ Stillness-%2B-Ease%3A-25-Hour-Yin-YogaTeacher-Training-%2B-Immersion/87986217
The 2023 CEC Greater Houston Environmental Summit. 12 noon-5pm. This is an annual networking and celebration conference of regional environmental organizations and individuals, in association with a grassroots Houston Community Climate Summit. People in the environmental organization realm and people who care about the environment in general that wish to engage with like-minded individuals should save the date as the organizers fully develop the programming and the speakers. Location: 315 Main St., Houston. For more information, email Charlotte.Cisneros@cechouston.orgor visit cechouston.org
Annual 2023 Tapestry Gala 6:30 pm. Interfaith Ministries will celebrate dialog, collaboration and service at it’s annual Tapestry Gala at Hilton Americas. Interfaith Ministries President and CEO Martin B. Cominsky and Board Chairman Randall Evans invite guests and supporters to an inspiring eventing celebrating the work of Interfaith Ministries. imgh.org
Free Outdoor Zumba 6:30 pm. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside, Houston 77098. tinyfitnesshouston.com
IGNITE! Sessions. 6 pm. Find your purpose with igniter/artist/intuitive guide Sarah Gish in 30- or 60-minute sessions ($50 or $100). You’ll leave with a personal mantra that reinforces what the heart-centered connection uncovered. Call for appointment: 713.993.0550. Body Mind & Soul. 7951 Katy Freeway.
Gentle Yoga Flow and Sound Medition
6:30-7:30 pm. Strengthen your body, relax your mind, find your center with this dynamic yoga flow sequence with Farinda Meduid and Saumil Manek. FREE Discovery Green 1500 McKenney St. 77010 discoverygreen. com
Qi Gong: 7pm-8pm. Learn to heal yourself using Qi Gong with Master Wong with over 40 years of experience. Qi Gong can calm & reduce stress. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131, Houston77063. Fee $25. bellaireyogataichi.com
Blissful Quests® with Doyle Ward-The Pocast. 1:00pm.Are you looking for answers? Have you ever had a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” that came true? Are you wondering if you are intuitive? Maybe the real question to explore is not IF you are intuitive, but HOW you are intuitive. Doyle Ward is an experienced intuitive medium, teacher, grief recovery specialist, and life coach. Call in during the show at: 1-760-456-7277, access on-demand episodes or listen live! blissfulquests.com/podcast
Yang Tai Chi: 12 Noon–1 pm. Join Master Wong in this simplified Tai Chi class appropriate for beginners with emphasis on foundation. Good for maintaining health and increasing flexibility. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131, Houston 77063. Fee $25. Website: bellaireyogataichi.com
The Planet You Inherit Book Study Group for the Season of Creation. 6 p.m. online. Larry Rasmussen explores the large questions of justice, meaning, and faith, encouraging us to speak to and look to the future generation and their future world. Join us to read and deeply consider this thought-provoking book. Register for this event on www. eventbrite.com at https://www.eventbrite. com/e/the-planet-you-inherit-book-discussion-group-for-the-season-of-creation-tickets-673807695957. Contact Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail.com with any questions.
Wednesday Night Satsang. 7-8 pm. At Unity, everyone is recognized as a true spiritual being, awakening to the truth that sets them free. Unity Pyramid 2929 Unity Dr. Houston 77057. https://unityhouston.org/
Dawn Mountain Teaching First and third Tuesdays 7-8:30 pm Sept 5 thru Dec 5: The Awakened Heart: What’s Love Got to Do With It? 7-8:30 Online, in person, or recorded. Find more information and registration at dawnmountain.org
Buddhist Mindfulness: Attention & the True You Starting Sept. 26th 7-8:30 pm, a 3 session series. In person at 4949 Caroline St., Houston (Covenant Church Fellowship
Qi Gong: 6pm-7pm. Learn to heal yourself using Qi Gong with Master Wong with over 40 years of experience. Qi Gong can calm & reduce stress. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131, Houston 77063. Fee $25. bellaireyogataichi.com
Chen Tai Chi: 7:10pm-8:10pm. All styles of Tai Chi comes from Chen Tai Chi. This is an authentic class taught in the lineage of Chen Zhao Kui that focuses on self defense and healing. Master Wong has been training in Tai Chi for over 40 years. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131,Fee $25. bellaireyogataichi.com
Free Yoga on the Lawn. 8:30 am. Join Union Studio for a complimentary 60-minute all levels outdoor yoga class at Lawrence Park every Saturday in September at 8:30 AM, weather permitting. This event is sponsored by Central City Co-Op. Enjoy a sample of tasty seasonal and local produce. FREE. Sponsored by Central City Co-op. Lawrence Park 725 Lawrence St. Houston 77007. centralcityco-op.com
Reiki Circle 11:00 am. Reiki Holy Fire
Experience healing circle, held on 2nd Saturday of every month. A chosen issue for healing will be the focus of each circle. Everyone is welcome.Location: 9039 Katy Freeway, building 500, suite 504, Houston, TX 77024. Fee: Love offering. Contact: April 713-922-3474. Website: dharmareikiacupuncture.com
Sahaja Yoga Meditation 10-11 am A unique method of meditation, rooted in ancient spiritual knowledge. You can achieve a state of balance in just 10 minutes. Continue with free meditation classes. FREE. Sahaja Yoga Meditation Center 4510 C Hwy 6 N, houston-meditation.org
Free Outdoor Zumba 9am. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside. tinyfitnesshouston.com
Sahaja Yoga Meditation 10-11 am Online. A unique method of meditation, rooted in ancient spiritual knowledge. You can achieve a state of balance in just 10 minutes. Continue with free meditation classes. FREE. houston-meditation.org
Free introductory teaching on Buddhism 10:30-11am followed by Sunday Meditation 11am-12pm (NOTE: there will be no 30-minute teaching Sept. 10th). In person at 4916 Main St., Suite #100, Houston (through the front door) or via Live Broadcast at https:// tinyurl.com/DawnMountainMeditation
Teaching topic: Intro to Buddhism Part 1: Origin, Core Teachings, Where Does Mindfulness Come From? Starting Sept 17
Free Weekly Meditation 11am-12pm preceded by a teaching 10:30-11am (NOTE: there will be no 30-minute teaching Sept. 10th). In person at 4916 Main St., Suite #100, Houston (through the front door of Houston MET Dance) or via Live Broadcast at https://tinyurl.com/DawnMountainMeditation Meditation led by senior Dawn Mountain members. The teachings by Lama Namgyal Dorje (Harvey Aronson) will be an introduction for people new to Buddhism.
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Focused on helping others achieve greater balance in life, our high-quality kratom products combine the best in variety with affordability. Sourced directly from top-rated kratom vendors that share our vision of helping others, Austin Organic Village is proud to offer a diverse line of kratom products for sale online. We believe that nature holds the key to true wellness, and offer our high-quality kratom products in the hopes of improving the health of others, the natural way. We ship nationwide and check out our prices and our quality. Call or visit our website for more information or to place an order. See ad page 12.

1973 W Gray, Suite 23 Houston, TX 77019 713-369-0946 https://KreatDay.com
A BBB Accredited Business
We provide the choicest healthy Botanicals garnered from some of the most exotic corners of the world. Only The BEST! We ensure quality by going to the source, checking our international vendors 1st hand, and using USDA Certified Organic vendors when applicable. We stand by our products and our services! If you are unsatisfied with your order we will return, exchange and or refund your money. We got you covered!

See ads on pages 2, 11, and 13.

1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336 joycelongwellness.com
Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs where it can and may cause blockages. Lymphatic therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well – Stay well. CALL TODAY!
2990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 440 Houston, TX 77098 832-526-6520 stanshandsmassage.com
Are you in pain? Well, you don’t have to live like this. We are here to heal your body and mind through massage and energetic practices. We offer a wide variety of massage modalities designed to fit your needs. We offer both onsite chair and concierge table massage. Call today to book your appointment at 832-5266520. Our mission is to heal your mind and body. We accept both PSA and HSA cards for payment.

6600 Harwin Drive Houston, TX 77036 713-974-0360 themassageschool.com
Learn massage and holistic health. Train for a career you will love. New Program: Online classes combined with on campus classes! Open your own practice. Find employment at Luxury Spas, Fitness Centers & Rehab Clinics. Finish in as little as 5 ½ months. Join one of the fastest growing Health Care Professions. Visit our website or call today for more information or to schedule a tour of our school. See ad page 4 and back cover.
Dr. Mary A. Washington, FACP 2525 N. Loop West, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77008 832-306-3941 marywashingtonmd.com

Are you overweight or obese? Do you suffer from diabetes or have high blood pressure? Are you ready to take back control of your health? Dr. Mary A. Washington is Houston’s first plant-based kidney doctor and has over two decades of experience as a Nephrologist. Let her design a diet and exercise plan customized just for you. Dr. Washington doesn’t just tell you, but she shows you and motivates you to make the changes you need. Visit her website TODAY for more information about her programs and events or to schedule your first appointment. See ad on page 14.

Online only at this time. 713-630-0354 dawnmountain.org
In person Sunday meditation at 4916 Main St. Suite #100, Houston (within the Houston MET Dance space)
The mission of Dawn Mountain is to further the spiritual growth of our diverse community as a living bridge between traditional Tibetan Buddhist teachings and curious people everywhere. Dawn Mountain offers weekly meditation from 11am to noon each Sunday, “First Sunday” teachings on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30am, followed by our regular Sunday Meditation. Donations accepted. All sessions are archived on our YouTube channel. Please visit our website for more information and consider taking advantage of our many offerings,
3425 Golf Dr

Houston, TX 77018
Welcome to the Houston Center of Self Realization Fellowship.
Paramahansa Yogananda, the Father of Yoga in the West, founded Self-Realization Fellowship in 1920 for the purpose of dissemination of Kriya Yoga, a definite scientific technique for attaining direct personal experience of God. Our services includes prayers, readings from the works of Paramahansa Yogananda, chanting, and most importantly, meditation. If you want to experience our services and the power of group meditation, you may attend the Sunday reading service at 11 a.m. which is preceded by a meditation service from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Please visit our website for more information. See ad on page 21

123 Midway St, Bldg C Spring, Texas 77373
We are a retail shop and also have an online store. We can also custom-make many of our product lines. Our products include a range of metaphysical items, clothing, books, stones, jewelry, candles, soaps, teas, incenses, herbs, blades, and accessories for spiritual work. We also have some unique renaissance festival and gothic clothing and accessories. Check out our gaming and sci-fi themed products as well. We offer daily in-house Tarot reading and conduct private Old Town Spring Ghost tours. Open 7 days a week.

1900 Blalock Rd Ste P Houston, TX 77080
We serve our customers with knowledge, enthusiasm, generosity, and humor. Come visit us for a wide range of crystals and gems, fossils and specimens, silver and gemstone jewelry, sage and incense, home decor, new and used books, Tarot and oracle decks, and an ever-growing supply of handcrafted products by local artisans. Or stay informed with upcoming classes and events. Start your journey, learn something new, make new friends - it’s all possible here at Indigo Moons. See ad on page 12.

“Better Health Naturally”
Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991
Dr. Gracie Chukwu is a Doctor of Naturopathy and a Certified Nutrition Counselor. She has been assisting people for over five years with holistic medicine, diet, nutrition and supplement support to enhance her client’s health and overall well-being. If you are suffering and cannot find relief, give Dr. Gracie a call.See ad on page 14.
Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream 973-715-9097

Need Relief from Arthritis? Try Aunt Alberta’s Remedy to ease muscular aches and joint pain. Her Remedy is a homeopathic pain relief cream that penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tissues. Get beneficial relief from sciatica, fibromyalgia, arthritis, neuralgia, gout, and more. All-natural ingredients! Do you want to feel a real difference from the nagging aches of arthritis? Feel less pain & have more range of motion? Great buy, get a 4oz jar for $18 plus postage. Visit website for other options.

See ad on page 11.
Tiny changes Big Results
Let’s make your life feel amazing! See results fast with personal training...join the Zumba Fitness party, FREE...put yourself to the test in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Kickboxing, or Beginner Bootcamp...or just let it all go in a Recovery Workshop...but whatever you do, start today for an even better tomorrow. Visit our website to sign up for a class or make an appointment for personal training.
“Better Health Naturally”
Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991

Breast thermography has the ability to warn woman up to 10 years before any other procedure that a cancer may be forming; thus, allowing for prompt and timely treatment. Thermography uses no radiation and poses absolutely NO health risks to the patient.

If you are a woman, over 20 years old and have not had a breast thermograph, call Dr. Gracie TODAY.
See ad on page 12.
3821 Richmond Ave.
Houston, TX 77027
Trendy Vegan offers delicious dining and takeout to Houston, TX. Trendy Vegan is a cornerstone in the Houston community and has been recognized for its outstanding Vegetarian cuisine, excellent service and friendly staff. Our Vegetarian restaurant is known for its modern interpretation of classic dishes and its insistence on only using high quality fresh ingredients.

See ad on page 12.

200 Westcott St. Houston, Texas 77007

600 N Shepherd Dr., #449 Houston, TX 77007

The Breathing Room was founded by Alicia Gordy, RYT-500, out of a desire to share with others the movement practices and healing modalities that brought about significant change in her own life. The unique yoga and Pilates studio and wellness center is focused on mindful, breathbased movement, as well as other modalities to support the wellness journey. All levels, from the beginning student to the advanced practitioner are welcome. We have found yoga and Pilates to be complementary, mindful, breath-based practices that when practiced consistently and with attention and care, yield profound results. We also offer sessions in meditation, breathwork and reiki, and share space with other practitioners specializing in physical therapy, massage and esthetics.
See ad on page 23
The studio is dedicated to self-study through movement, breath and meditation, and is committed to upholding the tenets of authenticity, sincerity, inclusion, and integrity without exception. We offer a variety of classes including Vinyasa, The Rest of Yoga (™), Yin, Hatha, and Myofascial Release. Classes are in-person, streaming and on-demand. Owner and lead instructor, Kim Taurins has been practicing yoga since 2001. She is a 500 hour E-RYT level with an emphasis in yoga therapeutics, Daoism, Reiki, and bodywork. Visit our website for more informationor to sign up.

See ad on page 23

If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself.
—Lao Tzu
Get Quality Holistic Education at Phoenix School of Massage

n Earn a professional wage in as little as 6 months. $51,699 Texas Labor Analysis, Experienced Wage

g As a licensed massage therapist you may own your own private practice or work with spas, massage franchises, sports rehabilitation centers, medical offices, and others.
n As a licensedmassage therapist you may own your own private practice or work with spas, massage franchises, sports rehabilitation centers, medical offices, and others.
g Classes combine 2 day WEBINAR and 2 days ON-CAMPUS. Monday through Thursday. Day or Evening.
n Classes combine 2 day WEBINAR & 2 days ON-CAMPUS. Monday through Thursday, Day or Evening
g Earn a professional wage in as little as 6 months. $51,699 Texas Labor Analysis Experienced Wage.
n Begin your classes Monday, July 31-August 22.
n Graduate as early as Jan. 24, 2024
g Begin your classes Monday October 9th and graduate as early as April 16th.
n Scan to view a Student Video Testimonial. Call 713-974-5976

Call 713-974-5976

Phoenix School of Massage www.themassageschool.com
Phoenix School of Massage www.themassageschool.com
TDLR MS#0008