Evaluation Holistic Life

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Holistic Life

explore THE ALTERNATIVE Study for the evaluation of the complimentary & alternative medicine in Greece.


Holistic Life

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]



Holistic Life Press©2009 Etra Publishing©2009


The presentation of the results of this research, which was conducted by the edito‐ rial team of Holistic Life magazine during the year 2008, is a first brief summary of the results. In the coming months, a full revised report will be published, which will contain the full conclusions.

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


About the research: Who we are: The Holistic Life team began its activities on May 2004, in an effort to coordinate and unite the fields of alternative medicine through a periodic publication. For this reason, we made contact with all the unions, clubs and the companies that exist in Greece, in order to ask for their support in this endeavour. A relation of trust was build over these years, thus adding, more merits in the quality of the provided information, which was our original aims. Today, still committed to our driving goal, we continue our pursuit to bring together the different aspects of the field through this independent periodic publication, which won the title of “Complementary & Alternative Treatments Tribute”. The support of the involved parties which we able to comprehend and strictly evaluate our goal, is giving us today the option to attempt, for the first time in Greece, the publication of the results of a research on the evaluation of the C.A.T. in our country. The aim of the research: A large number of European countries, in the last two decays, have taken several steps to formulate a well organised system regarding C.A.T. Greece, unfortunately, has not followed in this initiative, which has created a situation of where very little information around C.A.T. could be found. This has been the goal of our publishing team, which strongly focuses on the collection of all relevant data and its publications thus making the title Holistic Life an active agent in the field of personal health. This availability of data will provide the Greek citizens valuable information regarding C.A.T. With this Study we feel that we have made a small but steady step in a long line of organised steps towards a better information environment. Our database: The duration of this study was one year. The next step was the analysis and classification of the results. Our aim moving forward is to expand the study abroad. Since this is the first offi‐ cial study of this kind in Greece, we are planning to share our findings with all our colleagues in Europe, thus providing them with data regarding the field in Greece. The last step will be the submission of the Study to the ministry of Public Health in order to provide them with the relevant data of C.A.T. in our country. Our support: We received support from a large number of N.G.O., associations, companies and local groups which helped us to distribute and conduct this study. We feel we should point out that this study has conducted under the support of the European Forum for Complementary & Alternative Medicine, a European Union organisation for health (www.epha.org), which also helped us formulate the structure of this study.

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]



Section A ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

DURATION: The present publication consists of the results of the study which was conducted by the Ho‐ listic Life publishing team in association with ETRA Publishing House during the 2008 fiscal year. The study began on January 1st of 2008 and ended on the 20th of December 2008. The questionnaire in this study was formulated with the help of EFCAM2.

ENVIRONMENT OF THE STUDY: The goal of this study was information gathering from within the field of C.A.T. In this, we received invaluable help from the various organisations, academies and health centres that are active in the field of C.A.T. through Greece. We would like to offer our appreciation to the following: Σύλλογος Ομοιοπαθητικών Ελλάδος, Σωματείο Ελλήνων Ρεφλεξολόγων, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Μελέτης & Εφαρμογής της Επιστήμης Αγιουρβέδα, Σύλλογος Ενεργειακής Συντονιστικής, Εθνική Εταιρεία Ομοιοπαθητικής Ιατρικής Συνεργασίας, Ελληνικός Σύνδεσμος Εγγεγραμμέ‐ νων Οστεοπαθητικών, Παγκόσμια Ιπποκρατική Επιστημονική Εταιρεία Ομοιοπαθητικής, Πα‐ νελλήνια Ένωση Ρεφλεξολόγων, Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Χειροπρακτών, Αρμονική Ζωή, Natu‐ ral Health Science, Ακαδημία Αρχαίας Ελληνικής & Παραδοσιακής Κινέζικης Ιατρικής, Κέντρο Ρεφλεξολογίας & Έρευνας, Εργαστηριο Ρυθμιστικής Ιατρικής, European Institute Of Oriental Medicine, Πολυχώρος Ομοιοπαθητικής Αθηνών, Shantom, Alternative Healing Center (Τρί‐ καλα) and many more... AGE: The study was focus and the following 6 age categories: 15‐25, 25‐35, 35‐45, 45‐55, 55‐70, 70‐85. We have encountered questionnaires that were fully completed but there was no information provided under the age indication. It was decided to include an extra option, after the study was concluded, with the classification of “No age” in order to utilise the rest of the data provided in the ques‐ tioners. ERRORS: During the analysis phase of the questionnaires, we discovered a number of them that contained deformities that forced us to classify them as invalids. These were not integrated into the statist results of this study.

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Complimentary & Alternatively Treatments (C.A.T.) European Forum for Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 1.1

In more detail for every sheet we have the following:

table 1.2

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 1.3

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Section B ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ DATA ANALYSIS FOR EACH QUESTION SEPERATELY QUESTION 1: How did you find out about C.A.T.? In this question we have the following results:


In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:

table 2.1

table 2.2

In here, It is interesting to point out that for men there is no percentage regarding radio in‐ formation. Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

9 QUESTION 2: Have you tried out any form of Complementary / Alternative Treatments? In this question we have the following results:

table 2

In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:



For those which replied positively in the above question, the one below followed: Which method / therapy did you use? The following results were collected:

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 2β In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 2.5

It is interesting to note the following methods sorted by popularity for women: Osteopathy : 3% Homeopathy : 30% Acupressure : 3% Reflexology : 14% Acupancture : 10% Psychotherapy : 3% Shiatsu : 5% Reiki : 3% Bach flowers : 5% Etc. Aromatherapy : 4%

table 2.6

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

12 It is interesting to note the following methods sorted by Homeopathy : 41% Iridology Reflexology : 16% Osteopathy Botanotherapy : 6% Bach flowers Acupancture : 5% Psychotherapy Aromatherapy : 5% Thai massage Reiki : 5% Etc. Sub question 2c: Having applied the above therapy, did you witness any results? The results given can be seen on the table below:

popularity for the men: : 4% : 3% : 3% : 2% : 2%

table 2c

In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:

table 2.7

table 2.8

In more detail, sub question 2d: If YES, please evaluate from 1 to 5 the level of satisfaction you had from the results: The following answers were given: Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 2d

In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:

table 2.9

table 2.10

Question: 3 «What was the timeframe in which the therapy started to produce positive results ? » Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

14 The following answers we given:

table 3

In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:

table 3.1

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 3.2

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 4: « The practitioner you used was an alternative therapist or a doctor? » « Is his / her orientation important to you?» The following answers were given:

table 4a

table 4d

In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex: Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 4.1

table 4.2

Question 5: «Is your practitioner a member of a union in Greece or abroad?», «Is it important to you?» Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

18 The following answers we given:

table 5a

table 5b

In more detail, in the following tables we have the results based on sex:

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


table 5.1

table 5.2

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 6: «Did you obtain the medicine or treatment prescribed from an ordinary apothecary or another establishment? » The following answers were given:

Table 6.1

Question 7: «Why did you choose a Complementary / Alternative treatment against that of ordinary medicine? » The following answers were given:

Table 7.1

The following reasons were also provided:

Table 7.2

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 8: «Did you know that in various European or other countries the C.A.T have been recognised by the local governments? » The following answers were given:

Table 8.1

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 9: «Please indicate the most familiar treatments » The following answers were given:

Table 9.1

In more details for each treatment, we have: Thai massage Homeopathy :13% Herbal medicine Acupuncture :10% Ayurveda Reflexology :9% Π.Κ.Ι Psychotherapy :8% Κρανιοϊερή Aromatherapy :8% Συστημική Shiatsu :7% Flower therapy Botanotherapy :6% Ομοτοξικολογία Bach flowers :5% Bowtech Acupressure :5% Iridology :4% In the tables below, we have detailed charts for each sex separately:

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

:4% :3% :3% :3% :2% :2% :2% :1% :1%




Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 10: «Do you believe that simple written books will help you understand better C.A.T that you are not aware of?» The following answers were given:

Table 10.1

Question 11: « Do you feel that a possible inclusion of C.A.T. in the law system would increase the safety of the citizen?» The following answers were given:

Table 11.1

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 12: «Are you satisfied by the Public Health Care? » The following answers were given:

Table 12.1

Question 13: «Are you aware that some C.A.T. are in practised at renowned state hospitals? The following answers were given:

Table 13.1

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 14: «In the possible event of your hospitalisation, would you prefer to be treated using a C.A.T. (in conjunction with your medical treatment)?» The following answers were given:

Table 14.1

Question 15: «Do you believe that you would benefit, on a personal level, if you were trained in one of the C.A.T.? » The following answers were given:

Table 15.1

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]


Question 16: «If you receive training on a seminar basis, do you feel that it would be sufficient for you to practise professionally that particular C.A.T.?» The following answers were given:

Table 16.1

Question 17: «Would you like to see C.A.T. included in the Public Health System » The following answers were given:

Table 17.1

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

28 For more information, you can reach ETRA Publications in the following telephone numbers: +30 210 9811753 και +30 2109820550 and through the following emails: holisticlife‐ news@yahoo.com and etra@hol.gr Every genuine copy is signed by the editor:

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical mean (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher, except for reading and browsing via the World Wide Web.

Holistic Life ©2009 [Study for the Evaluation of C.A.T. in Greece]

Holistic Life速 explore THE ALTERNATIVE

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