3 minute read

HOW dO WE OvErcOmE THE vOIcE Of LImITaTIOn? Clarissa Mosley

How Do We Overcome The Voice Of Limitation?


Confidence is the feeling or belief that we can achieve and what we can safely attempt and have faith in, or rely on, someone. possibly even master, particularly in social Self-confidence is knowing that we can trust situations. our self. We have a belief in our abilities of It is different from expertise; it is a sense that what we can and can't do, what we are able to things will work out and that we will do okay.


Self-confident people seem at ease and crumble, making the next new experience or appropriately assertive. There is a sense of challenging situation a little less daunting. certainty in their actions and speech. For example; the confident person meets a new Emotions That Inhibit Confidence person with a direct gaze and personal presence. There is little evidence of shyness, withdrawal There are emotional factors that can block the or hesitation. Confident people are okay with ability to gain experience and get the evidence putting themselves ‘out there’. needed to develop better confidence, broadly

Is Confidence The Same As Self-Esteem?

Self-confidence can be shored up by self-esteem, stepping up to a new challenge. Fear of the but they are not the same. Self-esteem is a value of unknown, fear that you will be at risk if you self, a positive self-regard or self-love. However, step out of your comfort zone, imagining all you can feel completely valuable as a person the terrible things that might happen in as but not have much confidence in your ability to many different scenarios. master certain tasks in life. Conversely, someone of confidence, may just need to push their house or school frequently so even as a child new they wanted a better job position, or to travel, they are fear and shame. Fear will stop you from stepping out or may appear confident in many situations while People who suffer from anxiety can form internally not feeling worthy of the success they catastrophic expectations of the outcome have made. of their attempts, scaring themselves out of opportunities that could prove otherwise. However, you are far more likely to be confident These fears are fantasies of dreadful when you have high self-esteem. It’s all about your outcomes. If this is you then it is even more belief in yourself. If you like yourself you are more important to try to push your boundaries to likely to have positive self-talk that is encouraging, disconfirm the worry. Try to take steps that leading to greater confidence in ability. are manageable and not overwhelming, and to Those with high self-esteem and low levels bad as you imagine they will be. boundaries and try more new things because The fear or anxiety that blocks confidence confidence is enhanced by evidence. can also be a cover for fear of failure and Many people who appear to have the gift of is a huge deterrent in trying new things. In confidence may have actually been though a lot human’s shame is possibly one of the most of experiences where they simply had to show overwhelming and dreaded emotional mood up no matter what. Perhaps they had to move states. experiences lost their edge. Or possibly they had Shame is a crippling sense of being unworthy, to take on responsibilities at an early age, thus it can cause a whole body drop in the nervous learning additional skills. system and recovery can take time. Shame Many confident people are self-made. These are disappear, and for those who battle with individuals who wanted to push themselves into shame avoiding it can be more important that new or daring situations for a reason, maybe stepping out. prove, incrementally, that things are never as humiliation. The possibility of feeling shamed creates the feeling of wanting to hide, to or more relationship opportunities. We all have an inbuilt psychological mechanism that aims to protect us from the dreaded Experience is the evidence that fosters confidence feeling of shame, it’s the inner critic. What proving you can take on a challenge and not Freud first called the superego, the internal


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