4 minute read

cOnfIdEncE frOm THE InSIdE OUT Anne McKeown

Confidence –Find Your Strategy


Who do you want to be? Someone who is can learn HOW to find confidence and use it in confident in your ability and able to reach your your everyday life. The choice is yours and yours goals, or someone who is not confident and never alone. even tries because you know you will fail? Do you think you need confidence to have a don’t believe in yourself, how can others believe successful life and achieve the goals you set in you? yourself? Confident people achieve much more Confidence is the cornerstone of leadership. If you than people who are not confident. It is good to understand why you have low confidence. For many it is an accumulation of Only YOU can make you more confident, and the negative life experiences, thoughts and beliefs and good news is, once you have made the choice, you for many it actually starts way back in childhood.


You can change these beliefs and thoughts with NLP and hypnotherapy. It’s not something that can change overnight. You have to learn how to rewire your brain and how you see yourself, but it is possible. This is something else for you to look into, but we will not cover it in this article. Right now, we are looking at your confidence strategy.

Confidence helps you achieve the goals you set yourself internally, for example, having the confidence to exercise to get to the weight you want. Confidence to eat healthy foods, so you can live a healthier lifestyle. Confidence to speak your mind and set your boundaries. It can also help you achieve the goals you set yourself externally, for example, having confidence to go and ask your boss for the raise you know you deserve. Confidence to believe in yourself enough to set up your own business. Confidence to lead people in business. You will see that there are many reasons for you to feel confident. Maybe you already have enough confidence to do some things, but you don’t yet realise there is a strategy you use to have confidence. Your subconscious mind knows, and you do it unconsciously, but you don’t yet consciously know the strategy you use. In NLP, strategy is a term that describes any internal and external set of experiences which consistently produce a specific outcome. This is the process happening in your mind while achieving a goal. When you do this sequence of behaviour over and over it becomes a strategy. If you know that you are confident in some areas of your life, and not others, you already have a strategy for confidence that you can now apply to the goal you want. If you feel you don’t yet have the confidence to reach your goals, you need to find your strategy. We all have a strategy for confidence in us. You may not feel confident right now to achieve the big goal you have, by the end of this article, you will see you are close to getting it.

Here is a very simplified example of a strategy. I know you are confident that you can put a fork in your mouth when you are eating. You have enough confidence to be able to feed yourself.

So, let’s break this down….

If you were going to teach a small child how to eat,

how would you teach them? In NLP this is the same. To teach someone a new strategy, you need to start at the basics until the strategy is part of the behaviour or beliefs of the person.

Before you start explaining to the child HOW you

eat. Read this:

These Are Ways We Store Information In Our Subconscious Mind

· Visual. (What you see) External. Internal. Constructed. Remembered. · Auditory. (What you hear) External. Internal. Constructed. Remembered. · Auditory Digital. (Process) · Kinaesthetic. (What you feel) External. Internal. Constructed. Remembered. Proprioceptive (sense of self-movement and body position). · Olfactory. (What you smell) External. Internal. Constructed. Remembered. · Gustatory. (What you taste) External. Internal. Constructed. Remembered.

So, when you are explaining HOW to eat, make sure you think about the words you are telling yourself. What you are seeing? Are there any sounds involved? What feelings are involved? Are there any smells involved? Is there a taste?

So, we know that a strategy is a mental sequence used Document everything you see, hear, feel, taste, to achieve a goal. So, we need to bring your strategy smell. Document the process and sequence of these for feeling confident into your conscious mind. events happening. Once this has happened you have a strategy that you can explain to the child how to Strategy For Finding Confidence eat just like you.


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