2 minute read
cOnfIdEncE IS SUcH an Odd THIng Cassandra Jones
Sharon White
cOnfIdEncE IS SUcH an Odd THIng
Cassandra Jones
cOnfIdEncE – fInd YOUr STraTEgY
Sharon White
cOnfIdEncE frOm THE InSIdE OUT
Anne McKeown
Gwenda Smith
Adrian Hanks
Clarissa Mosley
arE YOU a cOnfIdEnT BEIng?
Shona Russell
Sharon White

Founder of Global Healing Exchange and Holistic Living Magazine
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ConfidenCe – Why Should you Want it?
I picked confidence as a topic for this edition of Holistic Living Magazine because confidence can encompass so many areas in your life and without it, you can miss out on so many beautiful experiences. Many people let their lack of confidence get in their way and that makes any fear they have much worse. In fact, many are paralysed with this fear, and never achieve their goals.
Confidence comes from a Latin word ‘fidere' which means "to trust or have faith in". Therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in your own ability. Also, having confidence can mean having confidence in something outside of yourself too. When you are looking to change areas of your life, you need to have confidence that you have the ability to change and succeed (self-confidence). You need the confidence you can find the right help to change. Also, you need the confidence that the universe will support your change.
Confidence is a state of mind that comes from feelings of well-being, through accepting the messages from your body and mind. Also, having a belief in your own ability to take action. To succeed in life, you need confidence to face and overcome your fears. You need to believe in yourself. This can also mean to have enough confidence to do something and knowing it’s OK if you fail. (That is where we learn and grow).
Confident people do not take on unnecessary or inappropriate work or obligations, or get taken advantage of by ‘friends’ and family as they have learned to say NO. It is only when we are not confident or we have not yet overcome our fears of pleasing others, that we self-sacrifice and say YES when we mean NO.
Confidence is not something we are born with in all areas of our life. Some of us have more than others but it is an ability that can be learned and improved over time. There are steps we can take. For example, social confidence can be developed by practicing in social settings.