7 minute read

fInd cOnfIdEncE TO TrUST YOUrSELf Adrian Hanks


Have you ever watched someone, it might a first-time I played sports, I was not the best at everything, but I meeting at a party with a group of complete strangers, did it and had fun. I had great childhood friends, and or someone that’s standing in front of a large audience I was never a nervous person, or even introverted. I speaking at a seminar? was more of the talkative and full on child. I guess


This person is at ease and able to articulate and displays wanted. I had a very confident personality and I a manner of feeling comfortable and confident. You’ve guess being around people, which was a reflection of thought to yourself, “Wow I wish I could be like that, myself, gave me a sense of worth and allowed me to standing there and feeing that confident in myself.” I’m radiate that realisation. sure we’ve all been that way at some stage in our lives.

How confident do you feel at this moment of your life? Our Confidence Can Be Shaken

Do you feel you lack confidence and struggle to bring The Heart Of The Matter that attribute through? Gradually somewhere over the years, and as I got older, with new experiences, people and events, I

Or are you a very confident person and have no fear, struggled with certain aspects of myself. doubts or reservations of who you are? If you can put a number on and rate how you feel now, on a scale from At times my confidence waned, and I felt discouraged. 1 – 10, what would it be? I started to judge myself and I became more critical

Confidence can be radiated in various levels and in

I believed I was worthy of having or doing what I of my self-image and how I looked. different ways. You are worthy of feeling confident I worried about how I may have been seen. I didn’t in your own unique way. As a young child, I grew up complete my high school education and I was fearful believing that whatever I wanted to do I could do it. about what others might think of me.


Gaining knowledge, skills and learning new and exciting informative courses, such as energy healing, have been so empowering and definitely develops one’s confidence. (When my life opened to Forensic Healing my confidence was really tested, as I would go into doubt about my abilities, and that ego voice in my head would say, you’re not good at this, or that’s not right).

I’ve learnt that if I am open and have that absolute trust and faith, especially if a client experiences great results, I feel into that, and I ground it as my confidence within me, which will help transform the experiences that I create.

Is Confidence About Being Egotistical?

With the amount of social media and reality shows, we are continually being influenced by today’s influencers.

They project strong individual images and we’ve somehow come to a point where we think that if someone is expressing themselves more boldly, overtly and maybe even no holds barred type of character, that they are somehow full of themselves and very egotistical.

Confidence is also about coming from a sense of humility and compassion for others, from a place of authenticity. If you flaunt that to the world by showing up as ‘unapologetic’ or ‘shameless’ then that can be construed as self-centred and egocentric.

Being confident is having the grace and brashness to walk into a room feeling so confident in your skin that you don’t worry about what others think.

Confidence also comes from believing in yourself and knowing that you don’t have to be like everyone else, simply being quietly confident can make a huge difference in the world around you.

Expanding Your Confidence

You may have experienced severe lack of self-confidence as a child due to how you were acknowledged growing up.


It could have been from your parents not truly acknowledging the little steps you made along the way, like riding your bike, drawing or painting pictures, swimming in the school carnival.

Maybe teachers in their ignorance, saying you were stupid, (yep I got that one from my English Teacher) because you didn’t spell that correctly. Or they may have said, “You’d better give up playing the violin because you’re not good at it, or berated for not doing better when playing sport better.

Childhood issues of self-worth, being told they would not amount to anything, quickly deflates one’s selfesteem and can suffocate and shrink the inner essence of their confidence.

Everyone experiences being nervous or anxious about doing something that pushes them past that comfort zone of who they think they are, and what they truly can accomplish, but it’s until we actually push through limiting beliefs that may have been thrown at us, that we truly know our power.

Then you become this optimistic and expanding vessel of positiveness! We all have the ability to be inspired and to inspire others.

If you find that you’re having issues of being selfassured and lacking confidence of who you are and what you want in life, then I know the benefits of Forensic Healing can quickly shift those limiting beliefs.

Have faith that you are a unique individual that is a power source of energetic flow and limitless possibilities.

In The Midst Of Chaos & Devastation – Confidence Comes

Over the last month we have been experiencing devastating fires in our region. Much loss of property, homes, animals and human live. We battled on my sister’s property one day fighting what became overwhelming fires, some were small and just as quickly could flare up and ravage a tree with ferocity that stood 15 feet high. With the neighbouring people we stood watching as fires swept across the top of each one’s property from east to west. It was scary and in rural areas, we had to wait for a local service to assist.

The noise of fire, trees crackling, and dry grass burning was loud. You feel helpless, you’re at the mercy of mother nature, and things can go from bad to worse in a flash.

The neighbour had two young teenage girls, and we were all (it was only women at that time) fighting what we could with wet hessian bags, and shovels smacking the flames out.

The mother was trying to remain calm and assure her girls all would be ok, but as we all looked at one another and trying to yell above the noise, I felt compelled to say some words about the fire, how it was a symbol of change, the fact this experience was and is part of purging, as fires so often do. Not only in the physical sense but on a spiritual level. To clear away any dense emotional pain, old habits, conditions that have started to break down in our lives and we need to find the inner strength to let go of what is weighing you down and hidden in the shadows so we can reawaken, rebirth and ultimately bring renewal. She started crying and confided to me that this was something that she felt she has been going through recently, she had unbeknown to me, been making significant changes to her health and life. I didn’t know her very well, so what I started to intuitively be guided to share became evident it was a message for her. At that precise moment I was extremely confident I was there to be that spark of courage, in this midst of extreme chaos and terror. She too was confident that I as meant to be there at that time, as she looked at me and said, “You were meant to be here today to tell me this.” We all experience a certain lack of confidence in stages of our lives, just as much as we can grow with confidence as we learn, become assertive and determine how we can share our unique abilities in a multitude of ways. The Universe wants you to nurture confidence, especially when you listen and know or feel that you are on the right path, right now and at this precise time. · Profiles the client, identifying negative life patterns, archetypes, emotions, belief systems, and much more.

· Clears curses, negative energies, rituals, and many other spiritual issues.

· Activates spontaneous healing forces in the body for immediate changes.

· Removes the negative conditioning stored in the

DNA or cell memory · Uses healing secrets from ancient healing scripts combined with the most-advanced scientific methods.

· Utilizes healing pathways that use physical, emotional, energetic or spiritual elements.

· Heals deeply at a soul level by targeting soul facets, fragments, DNA etc.

· Places a blessing on the client at the end of a healing.

· Educates and empowers the client to understand themselves so they leave with new information to progress in their life.

· Includes new Soul Module which removes embedded implants, AI programs, mind control systems and disconnects souls from the corrupted Matrix.

See Yourself Having A Dynamic new Experience

I look forward to hopefully meeting you, joining your journey and helping you in any way to ride the waves of growth, new beings and this wonderful life we truly can find inspiring and inspirational!

Many Blessings, Love & Joy To You All

SHOnA rUSSELL Forensic Healer

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