7 minute read
cOnnEcTIOn TO aLL Gwenda Smith
· I decide to eat something · I walk to the fridge · I open the fridge door · I look on the shelf to see what I want to eat · I look and I see the vegetables look delicious · I say, yes, I want to eat those vegetables · I take the vegetables out of the fridge · I open the container the vegetables are sitting in · I get out the saucepan · I heat them on the oven top · I place the vegetables on a plate · I place the plate on the table · I place the knife on the RHS and the fork on the LHS · I look at the plate · I think, this looks delicious · I pick up the fork · I pick up the knife · I cut the vegetable in quarters · I pick up a piece with my fork by using a stabbing motion · I put the fork in my mouth · I chew my food 25 times · I swallow
That is MY strategy for eating. Yours may be different. You may include smell. You might have a mantra you say to yourself before you eat. All of us are different. Regardless, you will see there is a step by step process of how I eat.
Now you know HOW to find a strategy for eating. You can do the same for confidence. Think of an area in your life where you are already confident. It might be getting out of bed and getting to work on time. It might be you feel confident to talk to others. It might be you feel confident to know when it is time to go to the toilet. · Can you remember a time when you were totally thing that caused you to be totally confident? Was · Get the very next thing that caused you to be totally confident? (RECORD THIS STEP)
· Did you picture something in your mind? Say something to yourself or have a certain feeling or emotion? (RECORD THIS STEP)
· What was the very next thing that caused you to be totally confident? (RECORD THIS STEP)
· After you, (take a look at the list you have made. Look at the last thing you mentioned) did you know that you were totally confident? (RECORD THIS STEP)
You may have already found your strategy. Keep asking questions until your answer is yes. I knew I was totally confident! Then you have your strategy. If you have not yet found your full strategy keep asking questions.
· Did you picture something in your mind? Did you say something to yourself? Do you hear someone else saying something? Do you have a feeling? (RECORD THIS STEP)
· Keep going through this process until you KNOW you have confidence.
You will now have a list – a step by step process – of how YOU find confidence.
Now you have your strategy for having confidence. You need to rewire your subconscious mind and keep practising your strategy. The more you practise, or rehearse, the easier your subconscious mind will make that your new strategy.
So, To Begin. Think Of A Time You Felt Totally You can use this strategy in all areas of your life Confident where you are not yet totally confident. The secret confident? Can you recall a specific time? As you SHArOn WHITE go back to that time now, what was the very first Subconscious Mind Expert is to keep practising. it something that you saw, was it something that you heard, or the touch of someone or something Click here to work with me.
“We can try and look confident dressed in designer clothes or driving a flashy car but real confidence glows from within.” Anne McKeown People who lack self-confidence often suffer from some or all of the following: Indecision Depression Comparison Avoid challenges A closed mindset Limited social engagement and be quiet, or were embarrassed by something or someone, or made an unconscious decision to
protect yourself from external influences. The good news is that the real confident you is still there inside, you just need to open the door and let him/her out. Allow that child to once again stand tall, speak up and feel free.
Self-confidence is the belief and affirmation that you are valuable, worthwhile and capable, with some optimism added to help you ascertain your abilities and act courageously.
Did you know that you were not born lacking Confidence isn’t just a character trait, it is confidence? I’ve had clients tell me that they have something that dwells within. Your entire world been shy, awkward and lacking confidence forever. will change when you acknowledge your inner confidence. Only you can allow the flow of more Let me remind you that you screamed when you confidence in your life and through your body. were hungry, you pushed yourself to stand up Only you can remove the negative blocks in your tall, and talked out loud when you were a toddler mind that prevent you from feeling confident and until, at some point you were told to sit down appearing confident.
At the moment you may not even be aware of the Confident thoughts lead to confident words unconscious thoughts or behaviour that you are which increase a confident belief system and sending out. Negative or shy signals to the world results in confident behaviour flowing naturally. may be keeping you stuck. You can start feeling more confident by doing something simple like smiling. As you can see, our perception of ourselves has A smile helps you look relaxed, confident BELIEVE themselves to be confident act with and comfortable in your own skin. A smile is confidence and create a self-fulfilling prophecy attractive and welcomes others openly. And it’s because they appear confident and feel confident, not just about perception – when we smile the other people treat them as confident and so their brain releases endorphins (positive hormones) so confidence increases. we naturally FEEL more confident and secure. Others pick up on this confidence and approach someone capable. What picture do you see of a confident person in a different manner to yourself? someone who is shy. It is hard work to create a conversation with someone who is reserved If this is not a flattering or confident picture and lacking confidence. Rather than being more than choose to change it now. Draw a new supportive, it makes people more judgemental vision of yourself. and frustrated with you. Confidence comes from repetition and effort. definition of yourself, list the value you bring Like any other skill it is something we can learn to the world, note your natural skills, your past and develop, and it needs regular practice. You achievements, your future goals. might start with smiling at people, then focus on holding your head high when you walk, then Write a definition that empowers you and make an effort to look people in the eye, give a helps you to develop the necessary grit to push strong handshake etc. through adversity and achieve your dreams. You may have noticed that each of these suggestions will begin to surface and have the added benefit involves your body language. This is important of inspiring others too. because people ‘see’ you before they ‘hear’ you and they judge you in that first few seconds You no longer need to be the person others based on your posture and emotional energy. think you are, or the person you were yesterday. The second benefit of this is that the body affects wish to be. the mind (and vice versa), so when you adopt a confident stance, the mind is aware of this change The mind doesn’t know the difference between a and adapts accordingly, creating positive thoughts real truth and an imagined truth, it just believes and uplifting self-talk to match this positive body what we tell it. So, start telling it that you are language and now you are in an upward growing confident and watch yourself grow and develop. spiral of confidence inside and out. A mindset shift as small as this can bring huge What NLP has taught us is that everything a huge impact on our confidence. People who The picture they create in their mind is of Along with this vision, write the correct From this your internal driver and motivation Today is a new day and you can be whoever you benefits into your everyday life. starts with a thought – often an unconscious one! AnnE MCKEOWn When you are aware of your thoughts you can neuro Linguistic Programming, (nLP)take a step back, question if they are helping or Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy™ hindering you and then choose to change them for the better. Click here to work with me.