Grafton State Park – come check out the paw
prints from lots of different animals
Look inside for
Bridal, SUPERBOWL, and Connect to
Valentine’s Day Features
January/February 2013
Always Unbeatable Prices On Furniture Made In The USA. Always. Solid hardwoo f
Open 7 Days A Week.
Noosstta alg lggic ic Sweeet Shoop ppe
Ave. 615 6 15 Pa Pawling awling A Av ve.. ve Troy, Tro T ro roy oy y,, NY y NY 12180 12180
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Check out our completely-from-scratch menu made from locally-sourced artisan ingredients featuring grass-fed organic beef, Rensselaer County farm-fresh eggs and handmade breads. Visit out booth at Albany’s Food and Wine Festival January 17-19
Two-Time “best breakfast” Winner Award-Winning Chili AFWF 2012 Rising Star Chef
We have custom cakes, vegan products, and can cater your events. 615 Pawling Ave., Troy 12180 874-4573 Hours: Mon.-Sun. 8-3
• H O M E M A D E F R O M S C R AT C H • B R E A K FA S T • L U N C H • C AT E R I N G
“New-Fangled Food for Highfaluting Foodies”
• G R A S S - F E D B E E F • FA R M - F R E S H E G G S • F R E E W I F I
Event Details @
We do our best to determine that the events we list are accurate. We are not responsible for incorrect dates or contact information. We recommend that you double check to be sure the event you would like to attend is posted correctly. ( staff)
Fri., Jan. 18
Sat., Jan. 19 Farmers’ Market
Zumba Fun Something for everyone, Mon.-Sat.
National Traveling Exhibition Fresh Perspective on Lincoln Presidency Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Learning Commons (through Feb. 28) Troy President Abraham Lincoln’s wartime struggles are explored in “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War.” The public is invited to view the exhibition free of charge during regular library hours. School groups are encouraged to visit and are asked to make reservations. • (518) 629-7333
Aquarium Adventures
Uncle Sam Atrium Fulton at 3rd & 4th streets, Troy (9am-1p.m.) Every Saturday Now in its Winter Season! Every Saturday, more than 50 food growers, bakers, chefs and artisans gather to offer the Capital Region’s freshest and finest!
A Far Cry Troy Savings Bank Music Hall 30 Second Street, Troy (8pm) $39, $35, $25, $15 A Far Cry stands at the forefront of an exciting new generation in classical music.
28th Annual Winter Festival and Ice Fishing Contest Grafton Lakes State Park, Rt 2, Grafton (10am-4) Free Where else can you meet an owl, go snowshoeing, jump in the frozen lake, ride on a horse-drawn carriage, and toss a snowball all in one day? • Fishing Tournament starts 5am • Early Bird Breakfast at Grafton’s Town Store starts 5:30am • Kids’ Snow Ball Throwing Contest with Prizes starts 1:30pm • Many more events. Check online (518) 279-1155
= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 30 for description.
Delmar Clifton Park
Pamper Your Pup with a Trip to the Spa
266 Delaware Ave. Delmar
Treat the Love of your Life to a wash and mani/pedi.
next to CVS in the back of the strip mall
You can Do It Yourself or have us do it. If your pup needs a new “do,” we can do that too.
Plaza 8 1536 Crescent Rd. Clifton Park
Give us a call Open 7 days a week.
just off Exit 8 of I-87
371-6600 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm, (Delmar opens 10am weekdays)
Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm
January/February 2013
WE’VE MOVED AND ARE NOW LOCATED AT 170 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 at the Sherwood Avenue traffic light (near Kmart)
New Store Hours: M, W, Th & Fri: 11:30-6; Sat: 10-4. and whenever the SIGNS BLINK OPEN Consigning Designer • Housewares • Clothing for men and women - either gently-loved or still brand-new. Jewelry, Collectibles, Vintage, Art, etc. Browse our store on Facebook to see new items coming in daily and “Like Us.” We have something for everyone…major credit cards accepted
Consigning by appointment only 894-4681
Sat., Jan. 19
The Secret Garden Sand Lake Center for the Arts 2880 NY 43, Averill Park (8pm) Jan 20: 2:30pm Tickets - $19; $10 Under 18 Circle Theatre Players performs this classic tale about life and love.
Women of Bhakti Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6 Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (7-9pm) Suggested Donation: $10 Video Screening and Q&A followed by energetic Kirtan
Model Trains @ miSci Museum of Innovation and Science (12-3pm) Free with admission
Mon., Jan. 21
Fri., Jan. 25
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Troy Night Out
Zumba Fun Bingo Melvin Roads
Tues., Jan. 22 Pasta Dinner First Reformed Church Main and Church Sts., Wynantskill (5:30pm) Free pasta dinner. (518) 283-4420 •
Wed., Jan. 23 Preschool Story Time Stephentown Library 518-733-5750
Sun., Jan. 20 Joe Lovano “Us Five” Lewis A. Swyer Theatre At The Egg South Mall Arterial, Albany (7:30pm) $29.50 Grammy Award-winning saxophone giant, Joe Lovano, with his band.
= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 30 for description.
Thurs., Jan. 24
Downtown Troy (5-9pm) Arts and cultural event on the last Friday of every month
Sat., Jan. 26 Farmers’ Market Uncle Sam Atrium
Wildlife Tracking Field Intensive Dyken Pond Environmental Education Center 475 Dyken Pond Road, Cropseyville (9am-4pm) $20; $30 Pre-register & Sun., Jan. 27 (9am-noon & 1-4pm) Full- or half-day field intensive with Alcott Smith, tracker, naturalist, and veterinarian. Dress appropriately. (518) 658-2055 •
Feng Shui for Beginners
Music Jam
Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6 Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (1-4pm) $35 Preregistration Have fun learning how spacial relationships impact all areas of your life. Utilize Feng Shui for better living!
Bingo Germania Hall 309 3rd Ave at 107th St. Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy Events.html
Event Details @ Michael Cooper
Free Community Dinner
Music Student Recital
Troy Savings Bank Music Hall 30 Second Street, Troy (2pm) $18, $14, student price $10 Masked Marvels and Wondertales Eye-popping visual artist and virtuoso mime.
Blooming Grove Reformed Church Route 4, Defreestville (1-3pm) 4th Sunday Dinner (518) 286-2910
Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6, Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (7-8pm) Free David Ciucevich’s music students’ end-of-term music recital.
Ham & Turkey Dinner
Palace Theatre, 19 Clinton Ave., Albany (3pm) $19+ Learn from the master about what a composer does and how Beethoven composed. Price Chopper’s Sunday Symphony – hour-long concert featuring Maestro David Alan Miller
The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 3rd Avenue and 111th Street, N Troy (4:30-7pm) $7 237-3050
Full Wolf Moon Trek Dyken Pond Center 475 Dyken Pond Road, Cropseyville (7pm) Free guided cross-country ski and snowshoe trek covering about 2 miles and designed for the intermediate skier and snowshoer. No beginners, please. 658-2055 •
Sun., Jan. 27 All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Pleasantdale Fire Company 1181 River Road, Troy (8-11am) Adults $6; age 6-12, $3; under 6, free (518) 237-8812
Albany Symphony presents Sunday Symphony
Tues., Jan. 29 ZUMBA Pasta Dinner
Wed., Jan. 30 Preschool Story Time
Thurs., Jan. 31 ZUMBA
Fri., Feb. 1 First Friday of Albany Albany, NY (5pm) free
Aquarium Adventures THE HOT CLUB OF DETROIT The Van Dyck Restaurant and Lounge Schenectady (7 & 9:30 pm) $15/$20 at door Two 75-minute shows gypsy jazz sound
Sesame Street Live: Elmo’s Super Heroes Palace Theatre, 19 Clinton Ave., Albany (7pm) $16+ also Feb. 2 (see website for times)
Music Jam Bingo Germania Hall
A Guide for “Where to Go and What to Do” Ginny Siciliano Publisher/Partner 518.522.0575
Val Balga Publisher/Partner
Holli Boyd White Graphic Artist/web
Linda Scutari Sales Manager/Partner 518.469.4038 Jan Jarvis Graphic Artist/print is published monthly and distributed in and around Rensselaer County, NY. Add your event at our website ( or contact us for advertising opportunities.
Would you like to have the GoToGuide mailed to you each month? If so, you can get a subscription for just $25 a year! Just send Ginny an email at with your name, address and how you will be paying. You can pay by check or PayPal. Then you won’t have to search for any Go To Guides that are still left in the drop-off locations!
GoTo for Pets
Cold Weather Tips Brrrr – it’s cold outside! 1. Keep your cat inside. Outdoors, felines can freeze, become lost or be stolen, injured or killed. 2. During the winter, outdoor cats sometimes sleep under the hoods of cars. When the motor is started, the cat can be injured. So, if there are outdoor cats around, bang loudly on the car hood before starting the engine. 3. Never let your dog off the leash on snow or ice, especially during a snowstorm. Dogs can lose their scent and easily become lost…so make sure yours always wears ID tags. 4. Thoroughly wipe off your dog’s legs and stomach when he comes in out of the sleet, snow or ice. He can ingest potentially dangerous chemicals while licking his paws, and his paw pads may also bleed from snow or ice. 5. Never shave your dog down to the skin in winter, as a longer coat will provide more warmth. For short-haired breeds – consider getting him a coat with coverage from the base of the tail to the belly. 6. Never leave your dog or cat alone in a car during cold weather. A car can act as a refrigerator in the winter, causing the animal to freeze to death. 7. Puppies do not tolerate the cold as well as adult dogs, so housebreaking may be difficult. If your puppy seems sensitive to the weather, you may try to paper-train him inside. If your dog is sensitive to the cold due to age, illness, or breed type, take him outdoors only to relieve himself. 8. If your dog spends a lot of time engaged in outdoor activities, increase his supply of food, particularly protein, to keep him, and his fur, in tip-top shape. 9. Like coolant, antifreeze is a lethal poison for dogs and cats. Be sure to thoroughly clean up any spills from your vehicle and consider using products that contain propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol. Visit the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center for more information. 10. Make sure your companion animal has a warm place to sleep, off the floor and away from all drafts. A cozy dog or cat bed with a warm blanket or pillow is perfect. from ASPCA
“If dogs could talk, perhaps we along with them as we do with
Event Details @
For The Pet Who Has Everything… Relax. You can buy a last-minute seasonal gift for your pet any day of the week. They have no idea that presents happen on a certain day. In fact, each and every time you walk through your front door, your pet is overwhelmed with the spirit of giving. Pretty much the same feeling as watching Santa slide down the chimney at Christmastime. If your pet could unwrap five minutes of your time, he would be happy. Yes, your pet will surely enjoy that new LL Bean cushion bed – but you can probably get away with a crate and a clean quilt. Actually, the quilt doesn’t need to be that clean. Your pet will think the same of you with either gift – YOU’RE AWESOME! No iPad, no flat screen, no droid required. You can have a “Charlie Brown” tree with half its needles and random broken ornaments and your pet is still thinking…“HE BROUGHT IN A TREE! HE’S AWESOME!” I spent a few bucks on a cat playground and all four cats took right to it – five minutes later they had abandoned the new toy and were in all of the boxes and wrapping paper – having just as much
fun. Cost nothing. Bottom line is all anyone/anypet wants this year, every year, is something of yourself. Something personal. Something that suggests you care.These things are more difficult to give in some ways.These gifts usually cost very little but do require imagination and thought and time.Think! Imagine! If you do, everyone in your world will know you’re AWESOME. By the way, your pet already knows you’re awesome. – David Stone, DVM Bloomingrove Vet Hospital
would find it as hard to get h people.” ~ Karel Caper
Pets of the Month PLEASE ADOPT US! Marshmallow is an American Pit mix who is just 1 year old. She is a sweetheart who wants to be loved and she has a lot of love to give. Don’t let her breed intimidate you…she is an absolute sweetheart and will be your best friend forever! Come visit her and see for yourself! Midnight is a great cat about 6 years old who wants a place to call home. He spent his first few years in a home and then found himself in a shelter …he only wants the love he used to get. He is housetrained and ready to go to his new home. The Mohawk Hudson Humane Society (MHHS) of Menands is a non-profit organization that receives no ongoing funding from federal, state or local government or any other animal welfare organization. We rely on your generous donations to support our vital services for the animals. Mohawk Hudson Humane Society 3 Oakland Ave., Menands, NY 12204 (518) 434-8128
January/February 2013
Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, PhD, is a great way to recharge your body. This practice uses movement, breath, sound, and meditation to help relax and heal your mind, body, and spirit. The regular practice of Kundalini Yoga strengthens and balances the nervous and glandular systems, increases endurance and flexibility, and centers the mind. From your very first class, you will experience the rewards of yoga. These benefits may include relief from back pain, stress, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. In Kundalini Yoga practice, the benchmark of success is your own experience. Group classes Wed. and Sun. at Key 2 Joy - A Wellness Community Center Private in-home sessions available by appointment only. Contact Sat Kriya Kaur • 518.712.YOGA (9642) •
Event Details @
private and group lessons music retail store 564 Bloomingrove Rd. • North Greenbush Fri., Feb. 1
KANDI LAND a toxic fairytale Washington Avenue Armory 195 Washington Ave., Albany (7pm) $13+ also Feb. 2 (1pm) Upstate’s biggest and newest dance party series. (518) 512-5203
Sat., Feb. 2 Farmers’ Market Svaroopa Yoga Series Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6, Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (10:30am-12pm) thru Feb. 23 $79/series Pre-register. Svaroopa® yoga is helpful for people seeking a range of benefits from relief of physical pain to increased self-awareness. No prior yoga experience is necessary.
An Evening of Dance, Music and Fun Averill Park High School (7-10pm) Snow date: Feb. 9 $3/$8 advance; $5/$10 door Hosted by members of the Averill Park High School music department. Raffle and refreshments. Sharon: 518-542-8890
Mon., Feb. 4 Rensselaer Plateau Nordic Program Burden Lake County Club 162 Totem Lodge Rd., Averill Park (10am-12pm) Youth: 5-12. $60 includes lessons, equipment rental, trail pass, skill-building. Six-week kids’ cross-country skiing. 518-708-6077 •
Wed., Feb. 6 Preschool Story Time
429-6380 Thurs., Feb. 7 ZUMBA Music Jam Bingo Germania Hall
Sat., Feb. 9 Aquarium Adventures Farmers’ Market Sound Meditation Group Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6, Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (1-2:30pm) Suggested Donation $15. Experience the benefits of sound meditation by practicing Mantras from various traditions.
Animal Tracks and Traces Intro Grafton Lakes State Park Route 2, Grafton (1:30pm). $2/person or $5/family Introduction to reading stories left in the snow. Transform your family into nature detectives! Pre-register: 279-1155
Chase the winter blues away with sunshine on a stem. Our arrangements include tulips, irises, daffodils and other brightly-colored flowers. Also available as potted plants. Let us custom make your sunshine on a stem. 1614 Rt. 9 • Castleton, NY 12033 (518) 732-7563 • (800) 437-8527 • Fax (518) 732-7009
GoTo for eating in…
January & February • The heart of winter. Even if it’s too cold to go outside, you can enjoy that big game or cuddle with your valentine while you warm up with these popular recipes. Game Day Fiesta Dip
rated guacamole 2 containers (7 oz each) refrige 1/4 cup sour cream 1 large yellow bell pepper 2 pretzel nuggets 1 baby cut carrot es Broccoli florets; Grape tomato onto rectangular serving field: Spread guacamole evenly ting tip. Pipe goal Step 1 To assemble football d decorating bag fitte with wri into m crea r sou on Spo ter. plat o guacamole. lines, numbers and borders ont for 2 strips on each side of field 1 3 strips from bell pepper. Place ng aini rem of ner cor Step 2 Cut 6 (1 ⁄4 x ⁄2-inch) tom t of sour cream on each bot cones; ty safe goal posts. Pipe small amoun for half in ot carr Cut tops of goal posts. 2 bell pepper strips; place on on each end of the l post. Place 1 pretzel nugget goa h eac of side place on one for people. Serve s line and tomatoes along side field. Arrange broccoli florets s. pretzel nugget with additional vegetables and
Be My Valentine Cookie 1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz.) Betty Crocker® sugar cookie mix 1 egg 1/4 cup Gold Medal® all-purpose flour 5 oz. cream cheese, softened (from 8 oz. package) 1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 4 cups powdered sugar 2 to 3 tablespoons maraschino cherry juice 1/3 cup chopped maraschino cherries 1/2 cup Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy chocolate frosting (from 16 oz container) Step 1 Mix together cookie mix, egg and flour. Add 2 oz. cream cheese, 2 tablespoons butter and almond extract; blend. Shape dough into 12 x 13-inch heart on large ungreased cookie sheet. Step 2 Bake at 375° for 12 to 15 minutes or until light golden brown around edges. Cool on cookie sheet 20 minutes. Remove to cooling rack. Cool completely. Step 3 Beat powdered sugar, 3 oz. cream cheese, remaining butter and cherry juice until smooth and creamy. Stir in maraschino cherries. Spread over cookie. Step 4 Spoon chocolate frosting, reserving 2 tablespoons, into decorating bag, with small star tip (#21); pipe around edges of cookie. Using reserve d frosting, pipe message on top of cookie.
Event Details @
…or, for the BIG GAME, ordering in.
Be sure your pup smells good for your Super Bowl party!
Valentine’s Day Don’t forget the Love of your Life on Valentine’s Day...whether it be a person, child, pet, or all of these, and maybe even more. It’s a special day to show how much you care. Don’t forget to shop locally to find unique gifts or services that they will enjoy.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day is February 14. Come to Bud’s and let us arrange that special gift for your special valentine. We have Chocolate-Covered Strawberries Assorted Chocolates Member of Teleflora-offered “Kissed by Tulips” arrangements and many assorted arrangements and bouquets 1.5 miles south of junction Rts. 9&20 1614 Rt. 9 • Castleton, NY 12033 (518) 732-7563 • (800) 437-8527 Fax (518) 732-7009
Share your love of reading with your favorite little one. Valentine’s Day books available now. 330 Columbia Turnpike East Greenbush
Event Details @ Sat., Feb. 9
PIZZA & WING NIGHT East Greenbush Fire Dept. Phillips Rd. (4:30-7:30pm) Phone Orders after 2pm 477-6503 • 479-4168
Kirtan with Devi Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6, Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (7-9pm) Suggested Donation $20 Ecstatic chanting from the Indian Bhakti tradition, is participatory. Everyone sings from their hearts.
Sun., Feb. 10 Peter and The Wolf Hart Theatre, Empire State Plaza, Albany (3pm) $10 (adults free with child) New York Theatre Ballet adds jazz, tap, and modern dance moves in Peter & The Wolf and A Bark in the Park.
Tues., Feb. 12 Pasta Dinner Community Day at Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park (10:30am) Book signing by Author Vicki Addesso Dodd for I love You Daddy, I love You More. Books on sale now $12.99
Zumba Fun ZUMBA American Red Cross Blood Drive Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park (1pm) DONORS WANTED FREE babysitting while you donate! Email Sari for an appointment at
Torah Tiny Tots Time! Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park (11am) Clifton Park Chabad - free Purim craft
Mothers and More Matters of the Heart Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park 7:30 pm Learn about becoming a member.
Book Signing Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9 Clifton Park (4pm) by Author Vicki Addesso Dodd for I love You Daddy, I love You More
January/February 2013
Wed., Feb. 13 Preschool Story Time
Thurs., Feb. 14 Bingo Germania Hall
Fri., Feb. 15 Aquarium Adventures Out of the Box Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road, Colonie (7-10pm) Free (518) 213-2083
Brian Patneaude Quartet Bistro/Bar at 74 74 State St., Albany (8:30pm)
ZUMBA Music Jam Chocolate Dipping Day Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park Free with Paid Admission/Passes (9am-7pm) Open Play Make a sweet treat for a loved one! One treat bag per child.
The Flurry Saratoga Springs, NY Through Sun., Feb. 17 Cost: Varies Dance your winter blues away at the 26th Annual Flurry, a festival of traditional dancing and music!
Carnegie Hall Premieres Ensemble ACJW Concert Arthur Zankel Music Center Helen Filene Ladd Concert Hall Skidmore College 815 N Broadway, Saratoga Springs (8pm) Presented by Skidmore’s Department of Music and the Office of the Dean of Special Programs. Musicians of The Academy and dedicated teachers engaged with their communities 518-580-5000 •
Parents’ Night Out Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park (5:30-9pm) $35 1st child/$25 siblings Reserve and prepay by 2/14, 7pm Dinner, dessert, arts & crafts, more! 518-348-1050
Let Us Pamper Your Pet 30% OFF
all services with this ad
GROOMING BOARDING DAYCARE WE WILL TREAT YOUR PET LIKE FAMILY Rt. 9 Columbia/Rensselaer County Border (just south of exit 12 off I-90)
Event Details @
Sat., Feb. 16 Zumba Fun Farmers’ Market Destination Destiny Key 2 Joy, 145 Vly Road #6, Shaker Pine Plaza, Niskayuna (10am-6pm) thru Feb. 18 Pre-register and pre-pay. Learn techniques to mentally and emotionally re-condition yourself with new habits and beliefs that allow you to release negative past connections, utilize current situations, and create your destiny.
Live At The Local: The McKrells The Local Pub AndTeahouse 142 Grand Ave., Saratoga Springs (518) 587-7256
The Fourth Annual Mac-n-Cheese Bowl Albany Marriott, Wolf Rd., Colonie (11am and 12:30pm) Adults $15; 5-12 $5; under 5 free Mac-n-Cheese is a favorite food of all ages! Taste 30 different varieties prepared by local restaurants. Then, vote for your favorites! Fundraiser for the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York.
Bag Day - Save At Saratoga Local Bussinesses FREE ADMISSION The Saratoga DBA sponsors Bag Day where you can save 20% at local businesses with the use of a special shopping bag.
= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 30 for description.
Winchester & Young McGreivey’s Restaurant 91 Broad Street, Waterford (8-11pm) FREE (518) 238-2020
Franklin Micare Duo Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road, Colonie (7-10pm) FREE (518) 213-2083
Wilton Wildlife: Conservation Conversations Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Office 80 Scout Rd., Wilton (10am) FREE Neil Gifford, Conservation Director of the Albany Pine Bush, will share his vast knowledge of local birds and help participants to improve their bird identification skills. (518) 450-0321
Planning a Wedding? Of course you want your day to be special! These advertisers offer specials to make your day outstanding.
Going to a Wedding? Shop local businesses for exceptional and unique gifts for the bride and groom.
• One of the only Capital District salons that caters to your wedding party exclusively on your special day. • Brides receive complimentary lip gloss with makeup application
Wedding Specials Book parties of up to 6 for hair and makeup, receive 10% off Book parties of up to 10 or more for hair and makeup, receive 20% off • Additional charges may apply for upgraded services • Can be redeemed by appt. only. Must show/mention this special when booking or at checkout. • Custom packages available upon request
Bud’s Florist and Greenhouses can make your wedding day very special with custom packages starting at $500. Bring in this ad and receive $100 off our Bridal Packages over $500. One offer per customer. 1.5 miles south of junction Rts. 9&20 1614 Rt. 9 • Castleton, NY 12033 (518) 732-7563 • (800) 437-8527 Fax (518) 732-7009
Your “GoTo” Place for Giftware, Jewelry, Accessories, Clothing, Parties, Classes... and of course, BEADS! 620 Loudonville Rd., Latham Open Tues.-Fri. 10:30-6 Sat. 10:30-5 - Sun. 12-5
January/February 2013
18 Sat., Feb. 16
Mon., Feb. 18
Live Jazz - Out of the Box Bistro/Bar at 74 74 State Street, Albany (8:30pm) Free
Zumba Fun Bingo Melvin Roads February Break Camp
Van Lennep Riding Center (8:30am) Paula Wagner, CEO of Chestnut Ridge Productions
First Touch Soccer USA, LLC Charbonneau, Malta NY (9am-12pm) until Fri., Feb. 22 We’re all about fun for the kids and offer many fun games for them to enjoy, laugh, and play! (931) 309-7927
Zéphyros Winds
Chemistry Chefs
Skidmore Riding Show
Arthur Zankel Music Center Helen Filene Ladd Concert Hall Skidmore College 815 N Broadway, Saratoga Springs (8pm) Now in its 18th season, Zéphyros Winds is one of America’s most distinguished chamber ensembles. 518-580-5000 •
The Children’s Museum of Science and Technology (CMOST) 250 Jordan Rd, Troy (in Rensselaer Technology Park) (9am-4pm) ages 5-11 • pre-register Cook up some crazy chemistry in this hands-on science camp. Create hovering veggies, liquid lasagna, alka-seltzer rockets and more! 518-235-2120 •
The UPS Store 740 Hoosick Rd. • Troy, NY 518-270-0909 Specializing in custom wedding stationary! • Custom wedding invitations • Return cards • Table place settings • Menu cards and much more! Stop in today & see a sales associate for ordering information! At The UPS Store, we make your life easier!
Prince and Princess Vacation Camp Tiny Tots Tea Room 1536 Crescent Rd., Ste. 9, Clifton Park (9am-12pm) thru Fri., Feb. 22 Join us for yet another fun-filled fairy tale week this winter! $150/week (sibling discount available) or $35/day. 2 years and up. Potty training not required. 518-348-1050
Wilton Wildlife: Nature in Winter Snowshoe Walk Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park: Camp Saratoga (2pm) Free Beat the winter blues by getting outside! We will be learning about the winter survival adaptations of plants and animals. (518) 450-0321
Event Details @
What Wha Wh ha at if if‌ f f‌ ! w o n Call s mber e m s AAA ghbor i e n & me! welco
24/7 online quotes Insurance products are offered through AAA Hudson Valle a y Insurance Agency, an independent agency licensed by the State of New Y Yor ork. Our primar y office is located at 618 Delaware Avenue v Albany, NY 12209.
January/February 2013
20 February SONshine Vacation Bible School
Tues., Feb. 19 Pasta Dinner ZUMBA Email Workshop (10am) The Troy Public Library 100 Second Street 274-7071
Wilton Wildlife: Skull Science Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Office 80 Scout Road, Wilton (2pm) FREE children 8 and older Studying real animal skulls, discover how different animals have adapted to survive in their habitats. (518) 450-0321 •
Bethlehem Lutheran Church 85 Elm Ave., Delmar (1-4pm) until Thurs., Feb. 21 Cost: $6 per child (ages 4-grade 5) A school break filled with fun and meaning learning about Jesus through Bible lessons, crafts, games, songs, and snacks! 518-439-4328
School Break - Circus of Stars Henry Hudson Planetarium Albany Heritage Area Visitors Center Quackenbush Square (11am) $3 Meet a lion, bears and other animals of the night sky. Program followed by a craft project and popcorn!
= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 30 for description.
School Break Follow the North Star and the Underground Railroad Henry Hudson Planetarium Albany Heritage Area Visitors Center Quackenbush Square (11am-1pm) $3 Sky show explores the important role astronomy played in the freedom seekers’ search along the Underground Railroad.
Bang, Twang, Toot - The Science of Sound The Children’s Museum of Science and Technology (CMOST) 250 Jordan Rd, Troy (9am-4pm) ages 5-11 • pre-register Learn how instruments make sounds. Explore waves on springs and in water, experiment with vibrations to make different sounds, and take home instruments you make! 518-235-2120 •
a renewing experience
josephoria salon & spa
Salon Services • René of Paris wigs • Hairpieces • Maintenance • Children’s cuts • Coloring • Highlighting
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Featuring René of Paris wigs for every occasion and need. Since 1971, René of Paris has been providing “ready-to-wear”wigs that offer glamour, selection and style. Special attention given to patients receiving medical treatment. Private room available for your convenience. Call for a wig consultation appointment with Gloria at 518-225-9680.
Event Details @
Hours: Mon.-Tues.: Closed • Wed. & Fri. 10am-5:30pm Thurs. 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-4pm • Sun. 11am-3pm
Remember Your Valentine
Building for Sale
Wilton Wildlife: Snow Silliness
Make Your Own Pine Bush Puppet
Make Your Own Pine Bush Musical Instrument
Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park: Camp Saratoga (11am) FREE Two different wintery activities mean twice the fun! Younger participants stay to play in the snow and make winter crafts while older participants explore nature in winter with a guided snowshoe walk. (518) 450-0321
Albany Pine Bush Preserve 195 New Karner Rd, Albany (1-2:30pm) $3 person/$5 family Registration required. Start with short walk in the Pine Bush to gather inspiration. Then back to the Discovery Center where a variety of materials will be available for creating puppets. Puppet theater will be set up. 518-456-0655 •
Albany Pine Bush Preserve 195 New Karner Rd, Albany (1-2:30pm) $3 person/$5 family Registration required. Start with a short walk in the Pine Bush to gather inspiration. Then back to the Discovery Center to create our instruments with recycled materials. 518-456-0655 •
Honors Forum Induction Ceremony Filene Music Building Auditorium 815 North Broadway Saratoga Springs (5:15pm) The internationally-renowned New York Philharmonic Principal Brass Quintet. (518) 580-5546
Second Annual Saratoga Beer Week Downtown Saratoga Springs until Sat., Feb. 23 Three-day, city-wide beer celebration!
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Wed., Feb. 20 Preschool Story Time DaVinci Science The Children’s Museum of Science and Technology (CMOST) 250 Jordan Rd, Troy (in Rensselaer Technology Park) (9am-4pm) ages 5-11 • pre-register Are you interested in both art and science? So was Leonardo DaVinci! Join us as we celebrate both artistic media and scientific experiments. 518-235-2120 •
More Animal Tracks & Traces Grafton Lakes State Park, Rt 2, Grafton (10am) $2/person or $5/family A second class to our intro on Feb. 9 or for those who want to go deeper into the art of animal tracking. Pre-register: 279-1155
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snowman Funnies Q. Where does a snowman keep his money? A. In a snow bank. Q. What do snowmen eat for breakfast? A. Frosted Flakes. Q. What do you call an old snowman? A. Water. Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? A. Frostbite.
Happye’s Day Valentin
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Thurs., Feb. 21 Wilton Wildlife: Animal Tracking Snowshoe Walk Wilton Wildlife Preserve: Camp Saratoga (2pm) Free Walk the trails of Camp Saratoga North and learn to identify the creatures there before you! Snowshoes available at Parking Lot 1 at Camp Saratoga, free for members or $3/pair for non-members. (518) 450-0321
Winter Survival Skills Grafton Lakes State Park, Rt 2, Grafton Shaver Pond Center (10am) $2/person or $5/family How do the animals survive the winter? How would we manage out all night in the cold? We’ll talk around a fire and build snow shelters. Pre-register: 279-1155
Holy Mountain Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy (7:30pm) $6 Alejandro Jodorowsky’s 1973 cult film, Holy Mountain, creates a vision of the rituals and power of religion in an uproar of provocative images. 518-276-3921 •
A Journey To Space! The Children’s Museum of Science and Technology (CMOST) 250 Jordan Rd, Troy (9am-4pm) ages 5-11 • pre-register Come explore space, its many planets, moons, craters and other cool things! Through the course of the day, create planets, investigate comets and more! 518-235-2120 •
ZUMBA Music Jam
SUPPORT YOUR LOCALLY-OWNED BUSINESSES Supporting locally-owned businesses is important, because they are our neighbors, friends and families – all providing personalized customer service. Plus, small business owners realize the importance of local support, so the business you give to just one local establishment will have an impact beyond where a sale is completed. ~ Sarah from The Hungry Fish
615 Pawling Ave., Troy 12180
563 North Greenbush Road Rensselaer, NY 12144 518.283.3539
2930 Main Street (43) • Averill Park, NY 518-674-4080
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Joan Haswell Church 3031 Rt. 43 • Averill Park, NY 12018 518-674-2100 • fax: 518-674-1040
266 Delaware Ave., Delmar
behind Finishing Touch – next to CVS
Plaza 8 • 1536 Crescent Rd. Clifton Park
just off exit 8 of the Northway in the plaza with CVS
48 Third Street, Troy
Specializing in Weddings and Funerals
M-F 9:30-5:30 | Sat. 9:30-3:00
405 River St., Troy 518 273-2196
PATRICELLI’S DELI • PIZZA & CATERING Where We Make & Bake Our Rolls Daily
219 2nd St., South Troy
Joseph R. Lapinski, DDS 114 Troy Road East Greenbush, NY 12061 Phone: (518) 477-8428 FAX: (518) 477-5671
To advertise, please call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575
January/February 2013
Nacho Average Quesadilla
409 Fulton St. (518) 326-0630 Troy, NY 12180 (518) 874-4097
Fri., Feb. 22 Aquarium Adventures If We Build It! The Children’s Museum of Science and Technology (CMOST) 250 Jordan Rd, Troy (9am-4pm) ages 5-11 • pre-register Are you fascinated by how things are made, how they work and if you could redesign them? Then this camp is for you. We will experiment with building bridges, creating catapults and many other things in this hands-on build-it camp! 518-235-2120 •
SIRSY Sharp Shooters 35 East Main St., Amsterdam (9pm) Indie Pop Rock duo, SIRSY, makes music chock full of soul and sincerity with just the right amount of sass. • (518) 627-4634
Troy Night Out Downtown Troy (5-9pm) Arts and cultural event on the last Friday of every month
Wilton Wildlife: Nature Picture Frames Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Office 80 Scout Road, Wilton (11am) FREE Join us for a winter craft! We will be decorating picture frames with sticks, pinecones, leaves, and other natural artifacts. This program is sure to please the kids! (518) 450-0321
Bronte Roman Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road, Colonie (7-10pm) Free (518) 213-2083
Sat., Feb. 23 Farmers’ Market Silversetein Live Upstate Concert Hall Rt 146W North Country Commons Clifton Park (6:30pm) $15 Adv/$17 Door
Distinguished Young Women of New York Scholarship Program Performing Arts Center at UAlbany (7-10pm) $20 13 young ladies from across New York State will be in the Albany area February 17-23.The week is full of rehearsals, activities with Girl Scouts, special events, and tours of local attractions.The night of the program is sure to be an amazing event.
To advertise, please call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575
Event Details @
January/February 2013
Mon., Feb. 25 Bingo Melvin Roads Zumba Fun Something for everyone, Mon.-Sat.
Wilton Wildlife: Preschool Pioneers Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Office 80 Scout Road, Wilton (11am) FREE This once-a-month series of lessons will help young nature lovers with their numbers, colors, and shapes while doing fun games and nature crafts. This month we will create pinecone owls. Adults are expected to attend and support children during the program. (518) 450-0321
Everything’s Bigger in Dallas Hall of Springs, Saratoga Springs (8pm-12am) $65 SPAC’s Annual Winter Ball turns the Hall of Springs into Southfork Ranch: Texas Beauty Queen and JR Oil Baron costume contests, Watch Your Back Bourbon Bar, Lone Star State Fare and more. 518-584-9330 •
Lee Shaw Trio Bistro/Bar at 74 74 State Street, Albany (8:30pm) Free
Tues., Feb. 26 ZUMBA Pasta Dinner
= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 30 for description.
Wilton Wildlife: Nature’s Homeschoolers Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park Office 80 Scout Road, Wilton (2-3:30pm) 5th-8th grade $3 Once-a-month series of lessons designed to supplement homeschool curricula with nature-based science. Lessons include hands-on activities and information about the plants and animals found in the Saratoga Sand Plains. (518) 450-0321
Wed., Feb. 27 Preschool Story Time Curator Tour of “We The People” and "Meetings” Tang Teaching Museum Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs (12pm)
Tour Odyssey with: The Dirty Heads and Shiny Toy Guns
Remote CCTV Surveillance Installation & Access Residential & Commercial Security Systems & Monitoring Keyless Door Systems Fiber Optic Perimeter Fence Structured Wiring & Communication Services
Richard Ruzzo Operations Director Phone 518-372-4849 Email
Upstate Concert Hall Rt 146W North Country Commons Clifton Park (6:30pm) $20 Adv/$22 Door Presented by WEQX
Thurs., Feb. 28 The Warmth of Wine The Century House 997 New Loudon Rd. (Rt. 9), Latham (6-8pm) $50 8th Annual Warmth of Wine, a winetasting event hosted by Umbrella of Colonie to help low-income seniors on a fixed incomes pay their everincreasing home heating bills or repair inefficient heating systems.
Event Details @
Music Jam Gallery Talk and Reception for “Crowded” Tang Teaching Museum Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs (5:30pm) Led by exhibition curator, Hilary Knecht ’13, on the mezzanine.
Fri., March 1 Lustre Kings Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road, Colonie (7-10pm) Free (518) 213-2083
Aquarium Adventures Winchester & Young Bootleggers on Broadway 200 Broadway, Troy (6-9pm) Free Winchester & Young bring you oldies and good fun music. (518) 874-4475
Sat., March 2 Farmers’ Market Uncle Sam Atrium
8th Annual Hannaford Kidz Expo Empire State Plaza, Albany (10am-5pm) Free (518) 474-0460
Tiny Tots Tea Room Play Room on the Plaza at the 8th Annual Kidz Expo Empire State Plaza, Albany (10am-5pm) Free
Find an event the whole family will enjoy. Go to...
January/February 2013
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GoToGuide media partner Mark Your Calendar with These Weekly Happenings Ongoing weekly-event descriptions are listed here. Throughout the listings in the Guide, we will list the name of each of these events with the green triangle to the left to remind you to refer to this page for the description.
MONDAYS Bingo Melvin Roads
WEDNESDAYS Preschool Story Time
FRIDAYS Aquarium Adventures
Melvin Roads American Legion Post 200 Columbia Tnpk, East Greenbush (7pm) •
Stephentown Library 518-733-5750
Berkshire Museum 39 South St., Pittsfield, MA (11am) ages 2-4 Part of Berkshire Museum’s ongoing discovery programs. Storytime, animal-themed art projects.
“PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Averill Park Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43
309 3rd Ave at 107th St. Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy Events.html Cherie Bentley - 518-322-8512
Pasta Dinner First Reformed Church Main and Church Sts., Wynantskill (5:30pm) Free pasta dinner. (518) 283-4420 •
Bingo Germania Hall
Music Jam New York State Museum Empire State Plaza, Albany (Every Thursday) (noon-2pm) 518-486-2024
To advertise, please call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575
Zumba Fun with Erin McCue Mon. (4:30) Fitness Coach Tues. (6:30) Watervliet Elks Wed. (6:30) North Greenbush American Legion Post Thurs. (6:00) Watervliet Elks Fri. (9:30) Curves Sat. (9am) Fitness Coach 257734/erin-mccue/ 518-281-0829
visit and click on the ticket to submit your event for free
To advertise, call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575
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Innovative Mexican Cuisine Tuesday – Music Night Wednesday – Mexican Fiesta Night, innovative tacos and $4 margaritas Thursday – Cocktail Party, retro cocktail specials and appetizers Friday and Saturday – Late-Night Menu Sunday – Now Open
405 River Street, Troy
• 518 273-2196 •
URGENT & PRIMARY CARE 597 Columbia Turnpike (HANNAFORD PLAZA) East Greenbush
Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm Sat. 9am-3pm No Appointment Needed
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