October edition

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Harvest Edition - Visit many local farms inside Connect to

October 6-November 4, 2012


Delmar Clifton Park

Do-It-Yourself ~ Just $13 Just bring your dirty dog – everything else is supplied, and we clean up.


We Will Do It We’ll wash your dog in an hour or less. (Appointment necessary, we only do one pup at a time)

We Do Grooming For pups who need a trim or full cut. Your pup will look amazing! (Appointment necessary • experienced groomer does one dog at a time only)

No kennels no stress! Ready in less than two hours (Grooming starts at 8am Mon.-Sun.)

266 Delaware Ave. Delmar 368-3260

Plaza 8 • 1536 Crescent Rd. Clifton Park 371-6600

behind Finishing Touch – next to CVS

just off exit 8 of the Northway – in the plaza with CVS

HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm, (Delmar opens 10am weekdays)

Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm


Event Details @

Mark Your Calendar with These Weekly and Daily Happenings Weekly Ongoing weekly-event descriptions are listed here. Throughout the listings in the Guide, we will list the name of each of these events with the green triangle to the left to remind you to refer to this page for the description.

MONDAYS Bingo Melvin Roads Melvin Roads American Legion Post 200 Columbia Tnpk, East Greenbush (7pm) •

TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS ZUMBA “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Averill Park Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Cherie Bentley - 518-322-8512

WEDNESDAYS Preschool Story Time Stephentown Library 518-733-5750

Zumba Fun with Erin McCue Mon. (9:30) Curves in Sand Lake (4:30) Fitness Coach Tues. (6:30) at Watervliet Elks Wed. (7:30) Bloomingrove Church Sat. (9am) Watervliet Elks 257734/erin-mccue/ 518-281-0829

Turn to pages 27-30 for valuable coupons offered by our advertisers.

THURSDAYS Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market

FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga

Farmers’ market & craft vendors Every Thurs. (3-6pm) through Oct. 25 340 Whitehall Road, Albany

Downtown Saratoga Springs (7-9pm) $10 adults / $5 ages 7-11 Friday nights in October 90-minute walking tour of that touches on history, mystery, architecture, and parapsychology. (518) 584-4132

Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners No previous music study needed. Rockys Music Studio

Bingo Germania Hall 309 3rd Ave at 107th St. Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy Events.html

FRIDAYS Aquarium Adventures Berkshire Museum 39 South St., Pittsfield, MA (11am) ages 2-4 Part of Berkshire Museum’s ongoing discovery programs. Storytime, animal-themed art projects.

SATURDAYS History Walks Rensselaer County Historical Society 57 Second St., Troy (10:30am) every Sat. in Oct. $5 per person/RCHS members free. Tours depart from and return to the Market Table at the Troy Farmers’ Market. Weekly themes. Reservations 518-272-7232 x12

SUNDAYS Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Italian American Community Center 157 Washington Ave. Ext. Every Sunday until Oct. 28 (9am-1pm) Albany • FREE

Daily Zip-Lining

Fall Festival

Engelke Farm, Troy Daily (11am-9pm) Call for pricing. through Thurs., Nov. 1, 2012 Over 2000 feet of cable! We have some of the longest zip lines on the east coast. Reservations only. (518) 337-0103

Liberty Ridge Farm, Schaghticoke (10am-10pm) through Sun., Nov. 4 $10.50 and up - under 2 free The Capital Region’s largest and original corn maze, Brad’s Barnyard Adventure, and themed weekends such as Family Farm Olympics. 518-664-1515

October 6-November 4, 2012


Sat., Oct. 6 Zumba Fun Gore Mountain Harvest Fest/ National Apple Month (10am-4pm) North Creek Travel via The Saratoga & North Creek Railway •

18th Annual New York Race for the Cure Empire State Plaza (9am) Albany

Family Farm Olympics Liberty Ridge Farm, 29 Bevis Road (10am-10pm) Schaghticoke $10.50 and up - under 2; free (518) 664-1515

Souped Up On Guilderland Altamont Orchards 6654 Dunnsville Rd (10am-2pm) Altamont Car show – admission $10 Soup tent – admission $5 Fall festival, Adirondack chair auction.

Apple Festival & Craft Show and Sun., Oct. 7 Goold Orchards 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson (9am-5pm) $8. 12 and under Free

Hunter Mountain Oktoberfest II Hunter Mountain Ski Resort 64 Klein Avenue (11am-6:15pm) Hunter, NY

Rich Ortiz @ Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road (7-10pm) Colonie (518) 869-9976

Sun., Oct. 7 Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Gore Mountain Harvest Fest/ National Apple Month (10am-4pm) North Creek Travel via The Saratoga & North Creek Railway •

Lebanon Valley Farmers’ Market Midtown Mall, 114 Route 20 New Lebanon

Baby Boomer Expo Saratoga Springs City Center (noon-6pm) Saratoga Springs

6th Annual Troy Chowderfest Riverfront Park, Downtown Troy (10am-3pm)

Nassau Oktoberfest Nassau Village Commons Park (518) 766-2291

Family Day Ulysses S. Grant Cottage Mount McGregor (10am-4pm) Wilton Free (tours at regular cost)

MOHU Festival Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (2pm) Over 150 artists and arts organizations have come together to create MoHu, which features theatre, dance, music, visual and random acts of art and celebrates the artistic riches this region offers.

Schenectady County Downtown Flea Market & Craft Fair Jay Street Marketplace Downtown Schenectady (10am-2pm) also Sun., Oct. 21 Antiques, collectibles, books, jewelry, memorabilia, artwork...everything you didn't know you needed, all in one place! (518) 279-9247

Mary Poppins Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (2pm) •

A Guide for “Where to Go and What to Do” Ginny Siciliano Publisher/Partner 518.522.0575

Val Balga Publisher/Partner

Linda Scutari Sales Manager/Partner 518.469.4038

Holli Boyd White Graphic Artist/web

Sandra Ogden Graphic Artist/web

Jan Jarvis Graphic Artist/print is published monthly and distributed in and around Rensselaer County, NY. Add your event at our website ( or contact us for advertising opportunities.

Want GoToGuide in your mailbox? See page 18 for how you can get a subscription.


Event Details @ Columbus Day Breakfast

Mon., Oct. 8 Zumba Fun Bingo Melvin Roads Fright Fest - Great Escape through Oct. 28 (noon-9pm), Lake George

Movie Screening

La Sylphide Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (2pm) •

Tues., Oct. 9 ZUMBA Zumba Fun

Wed., Oct. 10

The Moreau Community Center 144 Main St., South Glens Falls (8:30-11:30am) $5-$10 Delicious made-to-order food. Fun for family and friends. Holiday Inn, 100 Nott Terrace (7-9pm) Schenectady Film screening & panel discussion of Girl Model, a film which strips away the façade of the modeling industry by following two people whose lives intersect. This event is in collaboration with the awardwinning documentary series POV, open to adults & girls 16 and up. 489-8110 x112 Email:

Preschool Story Time Zumba Fun Open Forge Night with Al Cameron & Friends Adirondack Folk School 51 Main Street, Lake Luzerne (6:30-8:30pm) Free Blacksmiths will fire up forges to demonstrate the art of blacksmithing and encourage others to try their hand at the anvil. • 696-2400

Caring is Sexy Cut-A-Thon Sand Lake Clipper Barber and Beauty Salon, 18 Taborton Rd. (9am-8pm) Sand Lake $10 haircuts to benefit Caring is Sexy, helping cancer patients “look good and feel better.” • 518-674-3113

= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 3 for description.

Let Us Pamper Your Pet 30% OFF

all services with this ad

Price/Donation per haircut: $10 Time: 9am-8pm

Sand Lake Clipper BARBER & BEAUTY SALON Walk-ins & Appointments 18 Taborton Rd. Sand Lake, NY 12153

(518) 674-3113

Monday 2:30-8pm Tuesday 2:30-8pm Wednesday 9am-8pm Thursday 3pm-8pm Friday 9am-8pm Saturday 9am-3pm

GROOMING BOARDING DAYCARE WE WILL TREAT YOUR PET LIKE FAMILY Rt. 9 Columbia/Rensselaer County Border (just south of exit 12 off I-90)



GoTo for Pets

Insiders’ Look

— David Stone, DVM, Bloomingrove Veterinary Hospital

Following are quips/quotes/stories/advice from one vet to another – what we say when you’re not around. None of these are mine originally. All are lifted, and here assembled, as something for you to read.

A FEW PET EVENTS Sat., Oct. 13

Bark in the Dark at Great Escape 89 Six Flags Dr., Queensbury (noon-4pm) Dress up your pooch for a K-9 costume contest! Prizes awarded for the best and most creative costumes. Sat., Oct. 20

Pet Adoption Clinic Shampoodle Day Camp for Dogs & Cats 1536 Crescent Rd., Clifton Park Saratoga County Animal Shelter/ Rottie Rescue/Shih Tzu Fur Babies Rescue/Keeper Rescue, etc. See page 20 for activities and details. 518.522.0575 Sun., Oct. 21

Sloppy Kisses 7th Annual Canine Howl-O-Ween Costume Parade/Contest/Yappy Hour Downtown Saratoga Springs (11am-2pm) $5 per dog Dogs take over Downtown Saratoga dressed in their spookiest costumes. 587-2207 Thurs., Oct. 25

Canine Good Citizens: How YOU Can Have a Dog You Can Live With Online Webinar _Surival_Series.html

You will make 1 mistake from not knowing something, and 9 from not looking. Cats that were “fine and eating well yesterday” are usually yellow (jaundice). It is possible and quite likely, though not generally great for our mental health, that we will care more about some of our patients than their owners do. Resist the urge to give out your cell phone number. Trust your gut - when your sense tells you that squirrelly shepherd wants to bite you, listen! The truly awesome, dedicated, and pleasant clients are not as common an occurrence as we would like them to be. Not even close. The guarantee in veterinary medicine is that maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day, the pet will die. If you love this business, you will never work a day in your life! When you do a venipuncture or nail trim on a small white dog, it will bleed everywhere. Kittens make everything better. If a client says money is no object, they’re not planning to pay. White dogs need charcoal, black dogs need barium. I’m not perfect, I never will be, and my greatest hope is that when I screw up, I am able to figure it out, fix it, and learn from it. Nice animals will have incurable, awful diseases. The nasty ones will live forever. So there is always a dreaded “baggy” which clients bring in and they want you to smell, touch, etc., the fecal/ vomit/urine/parasite/other sample that’s inside.

“My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am.” ~unknown

October 6-November 4, 2012


Purrfect Kitty of the Month PLEASE ADOPT ME! Myths people tell us

• A dry nose is a sign of a sick dog. • “Ringworm” is a worm. • My dog isn’t hurting, he’s just lame. • A neutered male will not hunt. • People can’t get animal parasites. • Letting your female dog have a litter makes her a

better dog. • Spaying your female dog will make her fat. • Rubbing your dog’s face in his feces will housetrain him. • When the breeder says the puppy is up-to-date on shots, that means the dog will never need another vaccine – ever. • The more congenital defects you can get into a breed, the more it is worth (English bulldog). • If your dog doesn’t listen to you, beg and plead, or yell and scream, until it does. Because that really helps. • Neutering a dog will calm him down and make him nice. • Animals don’t need regular dental care. • Indoor cats don’t need vaccines. • Indoor cats can’t get fleas. Dogs that only go outside to go potty can’t get fleas. • If your pet is itchy, it must be a food allergy, so try a different food from the grocery store. • Your pet is not fat. • He can’t have fleas. If he did, they’d be biting me. • Vets get kickbacks from the pet food companies for recommending their foods. • He hardly eats anything. • He’s aggressive because he was abused before we got him (at 6 weeks). • He’s aggressive because the last vet abused him. • He stopped eating, so he needs his teeth cleaned. • Calico cats are grouchy because they’re half male. • If you didn’t want fleas, you shouldn’t have gotten a dog.

Nacho is a large, shorthaired, 3-year-old orange kitty. He’s the proverbial cool cat! He previously lived with children, other kitties and a small dog and got along fine with everyone (he was given up due to allergies that developed in one of the children). Nacho loves people. He’s a friendly kitty who seeks affection and loves to play, and he’d love a chance at a new home where he can settle in and purr for the rest of his days. Please consider our big-boy kitty for a forever home with you. As we say: “He’s Nacho ordinary kitty!” : ) As with all Purrfect Companion kitties, Nacho is up-to-date on routine shots, house trained and neutered or spayed. For more information on Nacho, please contact the following Purrfect Companions’ representative: Maryann at 331-2221 or at Purrfect Companions is a non-profit, allvolunteer rescue organization. We are always looking for good volunteers to help with the kitties or assist at our adoption clinics. If you’d like to donate a little time to these worthy animals, please give us a call at 463-8709. Our adoption clinics are held 12:30-4:00 most Saturdays and Sundays at Petco, Northway Mall, Albany, NY. Stop by and see some of our other kitties! We may have one that is just “PURRFECT” for you!

October 6-November 4, 2012


Thurs., Oct. 11 ZUMBA Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners Bingo Germania Hall Homeschool Science Lab: Super Slimy Science Children’s Museum of Science and Technology • 250 Jordan Road, Troy (1-2:30pm) 6-11; $6; pre-register Get hands-on with some of the slimiest, ickiest and stickiest science you’ve ever seen! • 518-235-2120

= ongoing/weekly/ daily event. See page 3 for description.

Krystal Rose Studio GRAND OPENING

Establishing Your International Presence

6 Greenwood Dr., East Greenbush (6-8pm) Complimentary wine tasting by Brookview Station Winery, mini cake treats by Piece of Cake Bakery & Café, great raffles, discount specials, prizes, free mini makeovers with the launch of Krystal Rose Cosmetics. Krystal – 518-880-8670

Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce, Computer Dr. South (7:30-9am) Albany You are exporting, but want to expand your international sales and your international presence. 518.431.1400 •

Johnny Mathis Palace Theatre 19 Clinton Ave., Albany (8pm) •

Schenectady Farmers’ Market City Hall, Jay Street, Schenectady Every Thursday, rain or shine, from May through October (9am-1:30pm) 518-409-1573

Need a blockbuster movie update? Go to...

Fri., Oct. 12 Aquarium Adventures Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga Corn Maze, Hayrides, Pumpkins Schuyler Farms 1124 Route 29, Schuylerville (10am-10pm) through Sun., Oct. 28 Dare to visit the “Field of Screams” Haunted Maze on Spooky Friday and Saturday Nights in October! Family Farm also features pumpkin picking, petting zoo, apples, cider donuts, gemstone & fossil mining and much more. 518-695-5308 •

Albany Symphony Presents Bach’s Magnificat PreVue Talk Albany Public Library 161 Washington Ave., Albany (noon-1pm) Free Music director, David Alan Miller, conducts lively interviews with Albany Symphony guest artists on Fridays at noon prior to ASO concerts. Enjoy your lunch as you learn more about our exciting guest artists and the music they make.

Stay up-to-date. Scan this code to sign up for email blasts


Event Details @ Franklin Micare Duo

Harvest Festival


Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road, Colonie (7-10pm) Free

Liberty Ridge Farm 29 Belvis Rd., Schaghticoke (7pm) Every weekend in October Admission: $18 Five haunted attractions that all start with a trolley ride in the darkness to the fear-side of the farm; Brad’s Barnyard with a warm cracklin fire to warm up by; The Pitchfork is open for a meal, snack or something hot to drink; and The Gifford Barn offers dessert items and beverages. 518-664-1515

Sand Lake Center for the Arts (8pm) Oct. 12, 13, 18, 19 & 20 (2:30pm) Oct. 14 & 21 Tickets - $16 - under 18 - $10 A mystery so wickedly good… it’s to die for!

Holly & Evan The Towne Tavern 2850 State Highway 43, Averill Park (9:30pm) • (518) 674-3040

MOPCO - Theatresports Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (8pm) The Mop & Bucket Co. (MopCo) is the Capital District’s premier improvisational theatre company. MOPCO Theatresports is teams of improvisors facing off in deathdefying competition to see who gets the title IMPROVIGUANA!

Get up-to-theminute events...visit

The Peoples Fest V The Gathering of The Tribes! Ski West Mountain 59 West Mountain Rd., Queensbury (6pm-6pm Sun., Oct. 14) Day pass $20 - camping $65 RV area, 3 days of camping, ice, firewood on-site, lodging nearby, family area, beer and wine tents, 24-hour hot food

a renewing experience

josephoria salon & spa

Salon Services • René of Paris wigs • Hairpieces • Maintenance • Children’s cuts • Coloring • Highlighting

• Root coloring • Partials • Chemical straightening • Permanent wave • Washing • Men’s and women’s cuts

498 Pawling Ave. Troy, NY 12180

518-273-0990 Open Tuesday-Saturday

Featuring René of Paris wigs for every occasion and need. Since 1971, René of Paris has been providing “ready-to-wear”wigs that offer glamour, selection and style. Special attention given to patients receiving medical treatment. Private room available for your convenience. Call for a wig consultation appointment with Gloria at 518-225-9680.


GoTo for eating in…

October marks the start of fall, cold weather and hot, hearty meals indoors. If you love to cook at home, here are three easy recipes you can make that your family will “fall” for FIND YOUR FRESH DINNER every time. INGREDIENTS AT A LOCAL FARMERS’ MARKET Thursdays until Oct. 25

Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Farmers’ market & craft vendors Every Thurs. (3-6pm) through Oct. 25 340 Whitehall Road, Albany Sat., Oct. 7

Lebanon Valley Farmers’ Market Midtown Mall, 114 Route 20 New Lebanon Sat., Oct. 13 and 27

Averill Park Farmers’ Market Sand Lake School Route 43, Averill Park (9am) Sundays until Oct. 28

Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Italian American Community Center 157 Washington Ave. Ext. Every Sunday until Oct. 28 (9am-1pm) Albany • FREE

Cake Cowboy Coffee 2 ½ c flour ½ tsp salt 2 c brown sugar (oil works fine) 2/3 c shortening er 2 tsp. baking powd ½ tsp. baking soda 1 tblsp. Cinnamon by: 1 c milk with ice) h milk can be used 1 c sour milk (fres ite vinegar OR 1 ½ tblsp lemon ju wh of lsp tb 3 1 1/ gs 2 well-beaten eg ning/oil with ; Combine shorte 5) 37 to en ov at move Step 1 (Prehe ts and mix well. Re all dry ingredien . er lat g in pp to r e fo 1 c of dry mixtur mix well. ilk and eggs and m ed ur so in d Ad 2 . Step ch baking dishes d flour TWO 8 in Step 3 Grease an shes. ure evenly into di ke Step 4 Pour mixt y mixture and ba dr th evenly with bo n be ca kle ick rin hp Sp ot 5 to Step minutes or until at 375º for 25-30 removed cleanly. favs. drizzled with your rved, this can be or just – n io at in ag Step 6 When se im – Use your ter. wa d an r caramel, amaretto ga confectioners su make a glaze with / Community Market Oct 13 Pet Appreciation Day Oct 27 Trick-or-Treating Harvest Party next to Uncle Marty's Adirondack Grill Free Parking and Free Admission

Sand Lake School • Rt. 43, Sand Lake, NY

Coming Soon ~ German Christmas Market in Dec. and Winter Carnival in Feb.

October 6-November 4, 2012


Easy Pumpkin-Pasta Bake

1 (14.5-oz.) package wh ole wh pasta, prepared according eat penne or other short-cut to package directions Nonstick cooking spray 1 pound sweet or spicy lean Italian turkey sausag ings removed e, cas1 tablespoon finely cho pped garlic 1 (24 to 26-oz.) jar marin ara sauce 1 (15-oz.) can LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin 1/2 cup water or dry red or white wine 4 tablespoons shredde d Parmesan cheese - div ided use 1 cup shredded low-m oisture part-skim mozza rella cheese Step 1 Preheat oven to 375°F. Spray 3-quart cas serole dish or 13 x 9-inch baking dish with nonst ick cooking spray. Step 2 Cook sausage in large skillet over mediu m-high heat until cooked through. Stir in garlic; coo k for 1 minute. Stir in ma rinara sauce. Add water or wine to jar ; cover and shake. Pour into skillet along with pumpkin and 2 tab lespoons Parmesan che ese. Stir well. Stir in prepared pasta. Spoon into prepared dish. Sprin kle with remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan and mozzarella cheese ; cover. Step 3 Bake 15 minutes . Remove cover; bake an additional 5 minutes or cheese is melted and bu until bbly.

Pumpkin Pie Dip

cheese, softened 1 (8 ounce) package cream 2 cups powdered sugar pie filling 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin on 1 teaspoon ground cinnam ger gin und gro on 1/2-1 teaspo apple, slices; gingersnaps ed with an electric mixer and sugar at medium spe Step 1 Beat cream cheese until smooth. well. namon, and ginger, beating Step 2 Add pie filling, cin rs. Step 3 Cover and chill 8 hou ps and apple slices. sna Step 4 Serve with ginger

ck -pie-dip-25730?oc=linkba Read more at: http://www

October 6-November 4, 2012


Canine Good Citizens: How YOU Can Have a Dog You Can Live With Online Webinar October 25, 2012 Sat., Oct. 13 Zumba Fun Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga History Walks Averill Park Farmers’ Market Pet Appreciation Day (9am) Sand Lake School Route 43, Averill Park

Upper Union Street Harvest Fest & Art Show Upper Union Street, Schenectady (10am-3pm) Free 518 370-0662

Capitaland Chorus: Love, Laughter and Harmony The Mainstage at Proctors 432 State Street, Schenectady (2pm and 8pm) $20, $25, $30 & $35 Women’s a capella group, singing four-part barbershop harmony. • (518) 382-3884

PIZZA & WING NIGHT East Greenbush Park Station Phillips Rd., East Greenbush (4:30-7:30pm) phone orders after 2 477-6503/479-4168

Bark in the Dark at Great Escape Great Escape 89 Six Flags Dr., Queensbury (noon-4pm) Dress up your pooch for a K-9 costume contest! Prizes awarded for the best and most creative costumes.

36th Antique Doll Show & Sale St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church 440 Whitehall Road, Albany (10am) $5 Antique, collectible and miniatures 518/399-8287

Hunter Mountain Wine and Brew Fest Hunter Mountain 7975 Main St., Hunter (10am) and Sun., Oct. 14 Vendors offering specialty foods, arts and crafts vendors, farmers’ market, live entertainment and more.

Harvest Festival St. Ambrose School 347 Old Loudon Rd., Latham (11am-4pm) Free Crazy carnival games, laser tag, bounce house, vendors, food and more! Purchase tickets for games and laser tag at event. 518-785-6453

= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 3 for description.

Western Days Liberty Ridge Farm 29 Bevis Rd., Schaghticoke (1-5pm) and Sun., Oct. 14 $10.50 - under 2 free Western Weekend is a festival of activities including face painting, barrel racing on inflatable horses, rope a steer challenge, and marshmallow gun target practice. An old-west sheriff will deputize each little wrangler. Fall treats and entertainment. 518-664-1515

Albany Pro Musica & the Albany Symphony Orchestra Troy Savings Bank Music Hall (7:30pm) $58, $46 & $34 This collaboration includes two choral masterpieces: Bach Magnificat and Corigliano’s Fern Hill (518) 465-4755

Farm & Foliage Day Mabee Farm, 1080 Main St. Rotterdam Junction Co-sponsored between the Mabee Farm and County of Schenectady. An afternoon of pumpkin painting, scarecrow making, artisans, animals and fun. (518) 887-5073


Event Details @ Treasures in the Park

Pumpkin Patch Express

Grafton Lakes State Park (1pm) - $2/person or $5/family Pre-register. Learn how to use an orienteering map and compass. Fun family activity that gets you out on the trails for a one-mile treasure-hunt trek. 279-1155

Northcreek Railway, Saratoga (1pm) until Sun., Oct. 14 adult $25 / child $25 / under 2 Free Take a ride on the Saratoga & North Creek Railway’s Pumpkin Patch Express (877) 726-7245 times and reservations

Fort Ticonderoga’s Heroic Maze: A Corn Maze Adventure Fort Ticonderoga, Route 74 East Ticonderoga (9:30am-5pm) until Sun., Oct. 14 Cost included with admission: adult $17.50 / senior $14 / children (5-12) $8/ children (4 and under) -free

Explore our all-new six-acre corn maze designed especially for Fort Ticonderoga! Visitors will find clues connected to our story as they find their way through the maze.

Help for Animals Jim Tedisco on Buster’s Law and other bills to help animals Animal Protective Foundation 53 Maple Avenue, Scotia (2pm) Join Assemblyman Jim Tedisco to learn more about Buster’s law, New York’s felony cruelty law, and other bills aimed at helping animals. 518-374 3944 x113

Remote CCTV Surveillance Installation & Access Residential & Commercial Security Systems & Monitoring Keyless Door Systems Fiber Optic Perimeter Fence Structured Wiring & Communication Services

Richard Ruzzo Operations Director Phone 518-372-4849 Email

Sun., Oct. 14 Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Poetry and Prose Open Mic The Arts Center of the Capital Region 265 River Street, Troy (2-3:30pm) Free Hosted by celebrated Capital Region literary fixtures Dan Wilcox and Nancy Klepsch. All are welcome to present poetry and spoken word. 518-273-0552

Design Your Own Adult Halloween Mask Experience and Creative Design 510 Union St., Schenectady (1:30pm) $35 (includes supplies). Get your hands dirty! Create a oneof-a-kind mask to wow the guests at all of those Halloween parties! 518-374-6885

3991 Route 2 Cropseyville, NY 12052

518-874-4326 347-993-5833

Special promo tion coupon Pedicure: $20 Gel Manicure: $23 Full Set: $25 Special price for Children under 15


GoTo Harvest Guide

from flowers & events to pumpkins




• Corn Maze • Pumpkin Patch


HAUNTED HAYRIDES Looking for a local farmers’ market? Go to...



Pumpkins & Mums Route 9J Rensselaer



“Your Hometown Garden Center” For Gardening At Its Best! 420 Columbia Turnpike • East Greenbush (Across from Columbia Plaza)

518-477-4163 We carry a full selection of lawn care and gardening products and offer a pleasant shopping atmosphere with personal service. • Open 7 Days Weekly!

October 6-November 4, 2012


October 13 Muttville Comix Dog Circus October 20 8th Halloween Pets on Parade Parade starts at 2pm October 27-28 Storyteller Kathleen O’Neill 2-4pm Complete event details at

1297 Brookview Station Road, Castleton, NY 12033 188-TO-UNCORK • 518-732-7317 FARMSTORE • BAKERY • WINERY OPEN DAILY 9-5

A Few Area Farm-Related Events Sun., Oct. 6 Apple Festival & Craft Show and Sun., Oct. 7 Goold Orchards 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson (9am-5pm) $8. 12 and under Free

Zip-Lining Engelke Farm, Troy Daily (11am-9pm) Call for pricing. through Thurs., Nov. 1, 2012 Over 2000 feet of cable! Reservations. (518) 337-0103

Family Farm Olympics Liberty Ridge Farm, 29 Bevis Road (10am-10pm) Schaghticoke $10.50 and up - under 2; free (518) 664-1515

Fri., Oct. 12 Corn Maze, Hayrides, Pumpkins Schuyler Farms 1124 Route 29, Schuylerville (10am-10pm) through Sun., Oct. 28 Dare to visit the “Field of Screams” Haunted Maze on Spooky Friday and Saturday Nights in October! Pumpkin picking, petting zoo, apples, cider donuts, and more. 518-695-5308 •

Sat., Oct. 13 Averill Park Farmers’ Market Sand Lake School Route 43, Averill Park (9am)

Sat., Oct. 20 8th Halloween Pets on Parade Goold Orchards 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson (2pm)

October 6-November 4, 2012

16 Sun., Oct. 14

34th Annual Congregation Agudat Achim Carrot Festival 2117 Union Street, Niskayuna (10am-4:30pm) Free Celebrating 120 years of Congregation Agudat Achim. Delicious food, children’s activities, vendors galore, a mini health fair, a farmers’ market. Music, entertainment all day. In addition, a special afternoon concert will feature the band Imagining Lennon and McCartney. Rain or shine. (518) 393-9211

Spine-Chilling: Stories from the Dark Fenimore Gallery, Proctors 432 State St., Schenectady (2pm) Word Plays, now in its 6th season -a shared experience between the audience and the performer. (518) 383-4620

Mon., Oct. 15 Zumba Fun Bingo Melvin Roads Kindermusik: Colors & Shapes on the Farm St. George’s Episcopal Church 30 North Ferry St., Schenectady (10am) runs 4 weeks $60. Sibling discounts This music-filled class celebrates the unique joys of your growing child. Your child will love singing, dancing & playing instruments with you & some new friends… Lisa Russo: 377-7733 visit and click on the ticket to submit your event for free

Tues., Oct. 16

Wed., Oct. 17


Preschool Story Time

Zumba Fun

Zumba Fun

Family Craft

For Rent Event

Pine Hills Branch Library Large Meeting Room 517 Western Avenue, Albany (11:15am) A fun craft to make and take home.

251 River Street, Troy - BID Office (3-6pm) Interested in opening a business in Downtown Troy? Looking for an investment property in a fastgrowing, up-and-coming historic city? Then join us for a tour of available commercial properties!

Empire Jazz Orchestra Concert, The Big 2-0, Twenty Years of the EJO Taylor Auditorium, Schenectady County Communty College (8pm) $20-general admission Enjoy the music of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Charles Mingus, Gil Evans, and many more. Sponsored in part by the Schenectady County Initiative Program. (518) 381-1231

Schenectady County Foster Care & Adoption Informational Session McChesney Room Schenectady County Public Library Central Branch, 99 Clinton Street (5:30-7pm) Schenectady The need for caring foster and adoptive homes has never been greater. Brief informal session is an introductory look into the process of becoming a foster or adoptive parent with Schenectady County. 518-388-4736

The Memorial Concert Band of Colonie Fall Concert Mark Cornell Auditorium Colonie Central High School off Sand Creek Rd., Colonie (7:30-9:15pm) Free 518-877-8957

Thurs., Oct. 18 ZUMBA Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners Bingo Germania Hall Harvest Evening Celebration Pat’s Barn Rensselaer Technology Park 10 Defreest Road, Troy (5:30-8:30pm) $65 individual $100 honorary member, $150 honorary couple A live chef challenge during which local chefs use local ingredients and food typically found at a food pantry to make delicious and healthy choices. 518-458-1167


Event Details @

Fri., Oct. 19 Aquarium Adventures Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga Holly & Evan Café Nola 617 Union Street, Schenectady (6:30pm) • (518) 357-8628

Autumn Craft Fair Greenbush Reformed Church Columbia Tnpk and Hays Rd. East Greenbush Raffles, children’s activities, bake sale, food and over 23 crafters/vendors Free • 477-6030 (Denise Wright)

Star Watch

Autumn Craft Fair

(7pm) Grafton Lakes State Park Join Albany area amateur astronomers for a free tour of the night sky. Telescopes provided. Weather may postpone to Saturday. Bernard - 658-9144 Additional information 279-1155.

Greenbush Reformed Church Hays Rd. and Columbia Turnpike (10am-3pm) Free • 477-6030

Spencers: Theatre of Illusion Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (8pm) •

Sat., Oct. 20 Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga History Walks Zumba Fun

Fall Bazaar Round Lake United Methodist Church 34 George Avenue, Round Lake (9am-3pm) Lunch (11am-2pm) 518-899-2263

8th Halloween Pets on Parade Goold Orchards 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson (2pm)

The Northeast Fine Craft Festival Proctors Arts District, Schenectady (noon-5pm) until Sun., Oct. 21 $6 advance, $7 at door (518) 382-3884


GoTo for dining out… Discover Some of Rensselaer

The Adirondack Grill is the most unique entertainment and dining venue in Rensselaer County. Uncle Marty has booked an event for all seasons - each with their individual flare and style. Come hungry and leave with memories you won’t soon forget.

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“He was a wise man who invented beer.” ~ Plato ~

2930 Main Street (43), Averill Park, NY • 518-674-4080 447 3rd Avenue 636A New Loudon Road Watervliet • 273-0232

Route 9, Latham • 783-3176

350 2nd Avenue N. Troy • 235-5552

700 Hoosick Road Brunswick • 272-0144

203 Wolf Road

Colonie • 454-9490

Would you like to have the GoToGuide mailed to you each month? If so, you can get a subscription for just $25 a year! Just send Ginny an email at with your name, address & how you will be paying. You can pay by check or PayPal. Then you won’t have to search for any Go To Guides that are still left in the drop off locations!

October 6-November 4, 2012


County’s Popular Restaurants Innovative Mexican Cuisine Great Specials Every Night Full Bar with over 50 100% Agave Tequilas 405 River Street, Troy

518 273-2196

PATRICELLI’S PICK UP OR DELIVERY •Great Daily Specials – have faxed to your office or pick them up to take them home.

•Catering for Any Occasion •Fall-time Barbeques – great time to have a pig roast

•Gift Certificates •Thurs. & Fri. Night Dinner Specials


374 West Sand Lake Road Wynantskill, NY 12198 (518) 283-1291 Fax: (518) 283-4565 Email: The Villa is open Tues.-Sat. 4-10pm Sun., 3-9pm • Closed Sun.

For weekly event updates and more, sign up for our Weekender Newsletter at

Mention This Ad to Receive 10% OFF Your Next Catering Order HOURS: Mon. & Sat.: 10am-3pm Tue.-Fri.: 10am-8pm CLOSED SUNDAYS Available for catering Sundays with advance notice

219 2nd St., South Troy


To advertise, please call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575

October 6-November 4, 2012


New and Gently-Read Books

GOOD BUY BOOKS Sat., Oct. 20

Pet Adoption Clinic Shampoodle Day Camp for Dogs & Cats 1536 Crescent Rd., Clifton Park (11am-2pm) Exit 8 off the Northway - go west, turn at the CVS into Plaza 8 Adoptions by Saratoga County Animal

Shelter/Keeper Rescue/Shih Tzu Fur Babies Rescue/Rottie Rescue and more. Bocker the Labradoodle will

be doing a book signing with original pawdigraph Vet Laurie Coger will be there with her new book, LifeSong will have an art gallery of photos, and many more surprises for kids. Tiny Tots Tea Room will be doing face painting Save a life - Adopt a friend for the holidays! 518.522.0575

Cemetery Walk Grafton Lakes State Park Learn about the history of some local families on a tour to some of the park’s cemeteries. $2/person Call Stephanie for more information and to pre-register: 279-1155

330 Columbia Turnpike East Greenbush

All-Year-Round Recycling Opportunities • Zion’s United Church of Christ 741 Taborton Road, Sand Lake • Recycling, Inc., 8000 Main St., Troy • 266-0135 • Blue Box – at Zion Church Hall • Doors of Hope, West Sand Lake • Mobil-In Bottle Redemption Center, Burden Lake Rd., for Zion’s UCC • Furniture Program of Troy Area United Ministries. Michael Barrett: 274-5920 x 204 Pastor Bob Loesch: 674-8204

12th Annual Great Pumpkin Challenge Presented by MVP Health Care Saratoga Spa State Park - Columbia Pavilion (9:30am) $26 (prior to 10/19); $30 (on 10/19 - No Day of Registration) 518-587-0723

Capital Region Walk to End Alzheimer’s Siena College, Loudonville (10am-1pm) FREE Walk in Style! Raise or donate $100 or more to receive the official 2012 Walk T-shirt! (518) 867-4999 x305

479-BOOK(2665) Sun., Oct. 21 Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Sloppy Kisses 7th Annual Canine Howl-O-Ween Costume Parade/Contest/Yappy Hour Downtown Saratoga Springs (11am-2pm) $5 per dog Dogs take over Downtown Saratoga dressed in their spookiest costumes. Owners can dress up as well. 587-2207

Homecoming – with Ghosts – the 100th Story Sunday! The Glen Sanders Mansion 1 Glen Avenue, Scotia (5-8 pm) $29 newcomers, $32 others (includes three-course meal, coffee/tea, entertainment, tax AND tip.) Story Sunday, a storytelling dinner series for adults, now in its 14th season, combines splendid stories with fabulous food. This will be our 100th story. 518-384-1700


Event Details @

• Full or 1/2 days • Lots of room inside, walks outside. Have your pup as tired as you are after a long day of work...they’ll be tired after a long day of play.

We don’t use kennels - your dogs play all day and rest when they want to. Shampoodle Doggie Day Camp – Open 6:45am-7pm Plaza 8 just of Northway Exit 8 • 1656 Crescent Rd. Clifton Park (518) 371-6600 •

Ode to Joy

Euphonium Recital

Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (3pm) adult $12/student $8 Schenectady Symphony Orchestra opens its 79th season along with members of the University at Albany Chorale and Albany Pro Musica Masterworks Chorus and members of the Octavo Singers of Schenectady 518-372-2500

Taylor Auditorium, Schenectady County Community College (11:30am) Free featuring SCCC Alumnus, William Sutton (518) 381-1250

Mon., Oct. 22 Zumba Fun Bingo Melvin Roads

Psychic Talk Show Proctors Underground 432 State St., Schenectady (5:45pm) Free Join the fun and be on TV! John Cancio’s “True Talk” featuring three local psychics. 518-982-0016

Frankenstein Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (3:30pm)

= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 3 for description.

Tues., Oct. 23 ZUMBA Zumba Fun 5th Annual Pizzapalooza Event Franklin Terrace 126 Campbell Avenue, Troy (6pm) $25 advance - $35 at event Gourmet pizza tasting and competition. Sponsored by Troy Boys’ & Girls’ Club 274-3781 •

Find an event the whole family will enjoy. Go to...


GoTo for kids…

A Few Area Kid-Friendly Events Sat., Oct. 6

Family Farm Olympics Liberty Ridge Farm, 29 Bevis Road (10am-10pm) Schaghticoke $10.50 and up - under 2; free (518) 664-1515

Apple Festival & Craft Show and Sun., Oct. 7 Goolds Orchards 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson (9am-5pm) $8. 12 and under Free

Family Day Ulysses S. Grant Cottage Mount McGregor (10am-4pm) Wilton Free (tours at regular cost) Mon., Oct. 8

Fright Fest - Great Escape through Oct. 28 (noon-9pm), Lake George

Thurs., Oct. 11

Homeschool Science Lab: Super Slimy Science Children’s Museum of Science and Technology • 250 Jordan Road, Troy (1-2:30pm) 6-11; $6; pre-register Get hands-on with some of the slimiest, ickiest and stickiest science you’ve ever seen! • 518-235-2120 Fri., Oct. 12

Corn Maze, Hayrides, Pumpkins Schuyler Farms 1124 Route 29, Schuylerville (10am-10pm) through Sun., Oct. 28 Dare to visit the “Field of Screams” Haunted Maze on Spooky Friday and Saturday Nights in October! Family Farm also features pumpkin picking, petting zoo, apples, cider donuts, gemstone & fossil mining and much more. 518-695-5308 • Sat., Oct. 13

Pumpkin Patch Express Northcreek Railway, Saratoga (1pm) until Sun., Oct. 14 adult $25 / child $25 / under 2 Free Take a ride on the Saratoga & North Creek Railway’s Pumpkin Patch Express (877) 726-7245 times and reservations

Harvest Festival


St. Ambrose School 347 Old Loudon Rd., Latham (11am-4pm) Free Crazy carnival games, laser tag, bounce house, vendors, food and more! 518-785-6453

October 6-November 4, 2012


Muttville Comix Dog Circus Goold Orchards 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson Sat., Oct. 20

3rd Annual Falls View Park Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee Brookfield’s Falls View Park, Cohoes (2-3:30pm) Free (weather permitting) All children up to and including age 15 are eligible to win prizes in six jack-o-lantern categories.

Just toTickle Your Funny Bone Q: What type of monster really loves dance music? A: The boogieman! Q: Who won the skeleton beauty contest? A: No body Q: How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern? A: With a pumpkin patch Q: Why did the vampire quit the baseball team? A: They would only let him be BAT boy


October 6-November 4, 2012


private and group lessons music retail store 564 Bloomingrove Rd. • North Greenbush Tues., Oct. 23

March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction Vapor Nightclub, Saratoga Springs (6-10pm) $65 per person Local chefs will be making their signature dishes for you to try as you bid on items in the silent and live auction to help support a very worthy cause! (518) 453-0474

The Chamber’s 24th Annual Business Awards Glen Sanders Mansion One Glen Avenue, Scotia (5:30-8 pm) Join the Chamber of Schenectady County as we honor the business community’s best and brightest for 2012! Jillian McKinley 518.372.5656

Wed., Oct. 24 Zumba Fun Preschool Story Time Annual Free Concert for Senior Citizens by Empire State Youth Orchestra Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (1pm) Sara Torrey 518-382-7581 Email:

Thurs., Oct. 25 ZUMBA Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Bingo Germania Hall Canine Good Citizens: How YOU Can Have a Dog You Can Live With Online Webinar urival_Series.html

Under the Streetlamp Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (8pm)

Fri., Oct. 26 Aquarium Adventures Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga Troy Night Out 60 venues throughout Downtown (5-9pm) Troy Halloween fun: family-friendly trick-or-treating at Downtown businesses, jack-o-lantern gallery, dog costume contest - more!

429-6380 Zombie Mob In Troy, NY (5:30pm) Troy Do you have a secret life as a zombie? We think there are many more out there like you - join us on October 26th and find out who among us has a zombie within at the Zombie Mob in Troy, NY.

Sat., Oct. 27 Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga History Walks Zumba Fun Averill Park Farmers’ Market Trick-or-Treating Harvest Party (9am) Sand Lake School Route 43, Averill Park

Pumpkin Science Children’s Museum of Science and Technology • 250 Jordan Road, Troy (1-2pm) members free, others $2 Ages 5+ - Pre-register Is there science in a pumpkin? We’ll use our investigative skills to answer many different scientific questions about these Halloween mascots. 518-235-2120

Effects Pedals for Beginners (3pm) Rockys Music Studio


Event Details @ Storyteller Kathleen O'Neill Goold Orchards and Sun., Oct. 28 1297 Brookview Station Road Castleton on Hudson (2-4pm)

North Creek Halloween Celebration The Saratoga & North Creek Railway Also Sun., Oct. 28 Kids are invited to wear their costumes aboard the train as they head to North Creek for a Halloween Celebration that includes trick-ortreating throughout the historic Adirondack town.

Saratoga DBA Fall Festival Downtown Saratoga Springs (10am-5pm) FREE ADMISSION Spa City comes alive as the whole community rediscovers all there is to love about the fall season. 587-8635 •

Health and Wellness Expo Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 106 New Scotland Avenue, Albany (10am-2pm) FREE Presented by Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) and MVP Health Care

Mother Teresa Academy’s “'Fall Into Fashion 2” The Vista at the Van Patten Golf Club (11am-2pm) Clifton Park $45/adults. Call for more details A wonderful opportunity for mothers and daughters of all ages to have some quality “girl time.” 518-280-4227

The Inaugural Stillwater Fall Festival Village of Stillwater (noon-6pm) FREE A block-party style event, the first ever Stillwater Fall Fest will have many Stillwater non-profit organizations set up in a walkable distance for you to have fun, visit, and celebrate everything autumn! 518-664-6255 8423879206/

Classic Theatre Guild Inc. Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (2pm)

Pet Howl-Oween Party Riverview Orchards, Rexford (1-3pm) $10/dog; people are free A Halloween party for you and your pet featuring canine costume contest, doggy hayrides, cider, and more! Proceeds benefit the APF’s animal care and spay/neuter programs. 518-374-3944 x113

Sun., Oct. 28 Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Head of the Fish Regatta Saratoga Lake, Saratoga Springs (7am-5pm) until Sun., Oct. 28 More than 1,600 racing shells will take to Fish Creek for the annual Head of the Fish Regatta, the 2nd largest in the country, hosted by the Saratoga Rowing Association. (518) 587-6697

rUNDEAD 5K Saratoga Springs State Park (9:30am) $30 early/$35 event day The rUNDEAD is a 5k trail run to support Special Olympics New York. What are the obstacles on this run?...zombies. #rUNDEAD5K

CASH IN ON HIGH GOLD PRICES 272-0643 Don’t miss this valuable opportunity. Stop in today for a fast, free quote!

48 Third Street, Troy M-F 9:30-5:30 | Sat. 9:30-3:00

October 6-November 4, 2012


Building for Sale

Hours: Mon.-Tues.: Closed • Wed.-Fri.: 10 am-5:30pm Sat. 10am-4pm • Sun. 11am-3pm

Sun., Oct. 28

Spooky Science Fest Children’s Museum of Science and Technology, 250 Jordan Road, Troy (11am-2pm) Stop in to CMOST for some fun and educational Halloween happenings including slimy science experiments, creepy crafts, and meet our “ItsyBitsy” spider!

Capital Region Wind Ensemble Taylor Auditorium, Schenectady County Community College (3pm) $8 general admission The Capital Region Wind Ensemble (CRWE) will perform Gordon Jacob’s Music for a Festival and Frank Ticheli’s Angels in the Architecture along with works by Jack Stamp and John Mackey. (518) 381-1231

Fresh Fall Flower Arrangement Experience and Creative Design 510 Union St., Schenectady (noon) FREE Demonstration on creating a Fresh Fall Flower Arrangement. 518-374-6885

Mon., Oct. 29 Bingo Melvin Roads Zumba Fun Columbia Greene Walk to End Alzheimer’s Columbia-Greene Community College 4400 Rte. 23, Hudson (noon-3pm) 518.867.4999 x212

Tues., Oct. 30

DEC OR Chamber Series Concert Taylor Auditorium, Schenectady County Community College Featuring the debut of the Binnekill Chamber Orchestra (7:30pm) Free This first performance by the Binnekill Chamber Orchestra will include the premiere of a new work by composer/conductor Brett L.Wery, Three Conversations with Coffee. (518) 381-1250

Wed., Oct. 31


Zumba Fun

Zumba Fun

Preschool Story Time

Free Sample Reiki Reiki with Gina 229 Washington Street (9am-3pm) Saratoga Springs Complimentary 20- to 30-minute Reiki relaxation technique sample session. Limited and by appointment only to anyone who has never visited Gina. 518-791-6565

Halloween Happening for Kids! Children’s Museum of Science and Technology, 250 Jordan Road, Troy (1-5pm) Kids in costume free, general admission ages 2+ - $5


= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 3 for description. To advertise, please call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575


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Present this coupon to receive $2.50 off each person for the Haunted Hayride or Zip Lining. Due to the high volume, Zip-Liners are open by reservation only!

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any order of $30 or more 2930 Main Street (43) • Averill Park, NY 518-674-4080 447 3rd Avenue

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700 Hoosick Road

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203 Wolf Road

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October 6-November 4, 2012


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Event Details @

Thurs., Nov. 1 ZUMBA Bingo Germania Hall Northeast Kidney Foundation’s Chili Challenge (2pm) Holiday Inn Express, Latham 5th annual Chili Challenge, a great family event with dozens of vendors and local restaurants showing off their culinary skills and delicious chili recipes, all while helping promote and support public awareness against Kidney Disease. 518-527-6236

DSIC’s 10th Annual Building Block Party Proctors, 432 State St., Schenectady (5:30-8:30pm) $55 per person One of downtown Schenectady’s most anticipated annual events! Enjoy food from more than 25 area restaurants, a silent auction, and the annual Building Block awards. (518) 377-9430

The Muse at Home Saisselin Art Center Schick Art Gallery 815 N Broadway, Saratoga Springs (5:30-7pm) Featuring a selection of artworks owned by 28 members of the artsrelated faculty and staff at Skidmore College. 518-580-5049

First Friday of Albany

BID Meet & Greet The Arts Center of the Capital Region (5-7pm) 265 River Street, Troy A casual evening of mixing and mingling, idea sharing, and brainstorming about Downtown Troy. No RSVP required and all are welcome. Light hors d’oeuvres and cash bar.

visit and click on the ticket to submit your event for free

= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 3 for description. GROOMING BOARDING DAYCARE WE WILL TREAT YOUR PET LIKE FAMILY

518-732-2724 Rt. 9 Columbia/Rensselaer County Border (just south of exit 12 off I-90)

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3991 Route 2 Cropseyville, NY 12052

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Present this coupon and receive 6 months free monitoring with purchase of new security system, or FREE installation of a base security system (Value $299.00) with 24-month contract. One coupon per customer per visit. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 11/5/2012

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October 6-November 4, 2012

30 St. Madeleine Sophie School Annual Craft Fair

Fri., Nov. 2 Aquarium Adventures

3510 Carman Rd., Guilderland

(10am-3pm) free More than 40 vendors offering unique handmade items. Homemade pies and baked goods. 355-3080

Ladies’ Night Out 2012 Historic Groom Tavern, Clifton Park (5-8pm) Free Local vendors offer an evening of shopping holding their house parties at Historic Grooms Tavern! Moms, daughters, friends, co-workers. Door prizes and refreshments! (518) 371-6667

Rock For Tots Michael’s Banquet House 1019 New Loudon Road, Cohoes (7-11pm) $15 and an unwrapped toy Join the Marine Corps Reserve, Kisstory and Michael’s Banquet House to see the best Kiss tribute band ever, a buffet and a chance to help those in need this Christmas. www.michaelsbanquethouse 518.785.8524

Sat., Nov. 3 Zumba Fun Holly & Evan with Full Band Pauly’s Hotel 337 Central Avenue, Albany $5 cover at the door (518) 426-0828

Bruce Hornsby Troy Savings Bank Music Hall 30 Second Street, Troy (518) 465-4755

Creative Artisans Holiday Show Sage College of Albany 140 New Scotland Ave., Albany (10am-4pm) FREE Leave the hustle and bustle of the malls behind. When Fall is in the air and the holiday season is right around the corner, it’s time for ... a huge selection of booths with tempting treats, unique treasures and holiday gifts. (518) 928-8184

= ongoing/weekly/daily event. See page 3 for description. RESTAURANT • FINE DINING CATERING • RETAIL PRODUCTS

374 West Sand Lake Road Wynantskill, NY 12198 (518) 283-1291 Fax: (518) 283-4565 Tues.-Sat. 4-10pm Sun., 3-9pm • Closed Sun.

$5 OFF Present this coupon and receive $5 off your check of $30 or more. One coupon per customer per visit. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 10/31/2012

Walk-ins & Appointments

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18 Taborton Rd. (corner of Rte. 66 & 43)

Sand Lake, NY 12153 (518) 674-3113


Join us for our all-you-can-eat Sunday brunch buffet with omelet station, served from 9:30am–1:30 pm. 285 2nd Street, Troy 266-8915 •

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BARBER & BEAUTY SALON One coupon per customer per visit. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 11/5/2012

Present this coupon for Sunday Brunch Adults -$8 Children under 10 $4 One coupon per customer per visit. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 11/5/2012



Event Details @






To advertise, call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575


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Innovative Mexican Cuisine Tuesday – Music Night Wednesday – Mexican Fiesta Night, innovative tacos and $4 margaritas Thursday – Cocktail Party, retro cocktail specials and appetizers Friday and Saturday – Late-Night Menu Sunday – Coming in October; open on Sundays

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273-0232 273-1418

350 2nd Avenue N. Troy 235-5552

700 Hoosick Road Brunswick 272-0144

636A New Loudon Road Route 9, Latham 783-3176

203 Wolf Road Colonie 454-9490

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