Go To Guide Print Sept. 2012

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SEPTEMBER 21-23 justsayuncle.com Connect to GoToGuide.net

September 10-October 7, 2012


Delmar Clifton Park

Do-It-Yourself ~ Just $13 Just bring your dirty dog – everything else is supplied, and we clean up.


We Will Do It We’ll wash your dog in an hour or less. (Appointment necessary, we only do one pup at a time)

We Do Grooming For pups who need a trim or full cut. Your pup will look amazing! (Appointment necessary • experienced groomer does one dog at a time only)

No kennels no stress! Ready in less than two hours (Grooming starts at 8am Mon.-Sun.)


266 Delaware Ave. Delmar 368-3260

Plaza 8 • 1536 Crescent Rd. Clifton Park 371-6600

behind Finishing Touch – next to CVS

just off exit 8 of the Northway – in the plaza with CVS

HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm, (Delmar opens 10am weekdays)

Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm

Event Details @


A Guide for "Where to Go & What to Do" Welcome to the first edition of the GoToGuide printed edition! The GoToGuide.net has been online for a while and now you have a take-along version to put in your bag or glove compartment. It’s a great reference piece to have on hand, whether you are looking for things to do by yourself or with the family! When you have time off and time to relax and unwind and recharge what’s happening…and where! Don’t let a minute slip by unplanned when the Capital Region offers so many awesome activities and events for every day! Here are some great ways to make the most of your event-planning before your free time: 1. What’s out there. Use the new printed version of the GoToGuide or the digital version of the GoToGuide.net to find a variety of events and activities. It’ great way to keep up on what’s happening without having to do too much work on your own, sign up for our Weekender newsletter by the GoToGuide.net which provides more information about specific events and activities. The newsletter will arrive in your email box on Thursday of each week. 2. Avoid the “let down.” It can be hard to figure out what is going to be the perfect answer for your expectations of a night out. Avoid the disappointment and let down by doing a little extra research online. See if musicians have posted songs on their web sites or if studios have film clips online (there are links to new movie trailers on the GoToGuide.net website for example). 3. Give yourself plenty of time. Naturally, the cost of any entertainment form will play a big role in what you do with your free time. For this reason, you might want to start out a few weeks in advance and buy your discounted tickets from the links on the GoToGuide.net. You might end up getting a great deal on a pair of seats to make your event unforgettable. 4. Make a backup plan. There is nothing like making a bunch of plans only to find out the show has been cancelled or the game rained out. Check out the GoToGuide or visit GoToGuide.net’s event calendar to see what’s happening on the same day, at the same time. You don’t want to double-book, of course, but keep a secondary, inexpensive option on the back burner in case the “unthinkable” occurs. 5. Buy the event tickets before you go. Making the necessary purchases and reservations beforehand will save you a lot of time and energy when you head out to the big event. It’s now so easy to shop, buy and get receipts within minutes online. Having your tickets waiting at the theater could make the difference between getting inside on time or missing the first scene – visit the GoToGuide.net’s movie section for links to local theatres’ online box offices through Fandango.

September 10-October 7, 2012


Mon., Sept. 10

Tues., Sept. 11

Wed., Sept. 12

Tech Career Expo


Preschool Story Time

SEFCU Arena, University at Albany www.timesunion.com/techjobs

Stephentown Library www.stephentownlibrary.org director@stephentownlibrary.org 518-733-5750

Guptill’s Roller Skating Arena Latham http://www.rinktime.com

“PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Flexing Your Humor Muscle

Computer Classes

Capital District Cruisers Summer Cruises

Addictions Care Center of Albany http://www.theacca.net

Moordenierkill Antique Study Group

Second Tuesday of every month (1:30-2:30pm) Brunswick Community Library www.brunswicklibrary.org

Meeting Room B East Greenbush Community www.eastgreenbushlibrary.org

Berkshire Farm Center & Services For Youth - Become A Foster Parent Information

Hendrick Hudson Male Chorus Rehearsal

Meeting Room B, East Greenbush Community Library www.eastgreenbushlibrary.org/

Community Congregational Church of Clinton Heights

Musical Comedy Auditions Sept. 10-11 The Hilltowns Players auditions for Nov. musical comedy “Hankering’ Hillbillies.” (7:30pm) Berne Reformed Church

I’m Not Judgin,’ I’m Just Sayin’ - Addiction Can Be a Laughing Matter... 90-minute stand-up comedy presentation (rated PG-13) Siena College Sarazen Student Union, Loudonville

Looking for a local farmers’ market? Go to...

Pine Hills Teen Chill Zone Grades 6+ Pine Hills Branch Library Large Meeting Room (4pm) Albany

Resume Critique Session Lansingburgh Branch of Troy Public Library, 27 114th St., Troy 518-235-5310

Power’s Open Mic Night 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month. Power’s Irish Pub (7:30-10:30pm) Sign-up 7-7:30 Performances from 7:30 http://powersirishpub.com/

Thurs., Sept. 13 Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Farmers’ market & craft vendors Every Thurs. (3-6pm) through Oct. 25 340 Whitehall Road, Albany www.saajcc.org

A Guide for “Where to Go and What to Do” Ginny Siciliano Publisher/Partner g2gmag@gmail.com 518.522.0575

Val Balga Publisher/Partner ValB@gotoguide.net

Linda Scutari Sales Manager/Partner LindaS@gotoguide.net 518.469.4038

Holli Boyd White Graphic Artist/web Graphicartist@gotoguide.net

Sandra Ogden Graphic Artist/web Graphicartist@gotoguide.net

Jan Jarvis Graphic Artist/print willowj@verizon.net

GoToGuide.net is published monthly and distributed in and around Rensselaer County, NY. Add your event at our website (gotoguide.net) or contact us for advertising opportunities.


Event Details @

private and group lessons music retail store 564 Bloomingrove Rd. • North Greenbush www.rockysmusicstudio.com

Ballston Spa Farmers’ Market

Ukulele Group Lessons

Wiswall Park Front St. and Low St. Thursdays, (3-6 pm) Saturdays (9 am-12 pm) through Sept. 29th Ballston Spa www.Ballston.Org

Rockys Music Studio 564 Bloomingrove Dr., Rensselaer 518-429-6380 http://rockysmusicstudio.com


South Concourse, Empire State Plaza Albany http://ogs.ny.gov/default.asp

Germania Hall 309 3rd Ave at 107th St. Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy www.troygermaniahall.com/Regular Events.html

ZUMBA “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners No previous music study needed. Rockys Music Studio http://rockysmusicstudio.com

Thinkin-N-Drinkin Times Union Center (7:30pm) Albany timesunioncenter-albany.com


Casino Night & Silent Auction - I AM I CAN Canfield Casino Fundraiser for I AM I CAN non-profit mentoring organization. (6pm) Saratoga Springs

Solar 101 Niskayuna Public Library (6:30pm) Niskayuna www.scpl.org/branch_libraries/index .html

Hatebreed The Upstate Concert Hall (6:30pm) Clifton Park www.northernlightslive.com/

In The Heights Cohoes Music Hall Award-winning musical about life in Washington Heights. www.cohoesmusichall.com/

429-6380 Fri., Sept. 14 Irish 2000 Music and Arts Festival Saratoga County Fairgrounds 162 Prospect St., Ballston Spa 888-414-3378 www.saratoga.com/event/irish2000-festival-48500/

Cohoes Farmers’ Market Municipal lot, Remsen St. Fridays until Oct. 5. (4-7pm) Cohoes 518-238-2232 www.cohoesfarmersmarket.com

Winchester & Young at JT Maxies JT Maxies Restaurant and Bar Wolf Road, Colonie winchesteryoung.angelfire.com

Wine, Dine and Fine Cigars For Wishes – A Night of Exquisite Tastes Mohawk Golf Club The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northeastern New York (6pm) Niskayuna http://mohawkgolfclub.com


GoTo for Pets

Going to an event with your furry friend? How to calm the anxious per naturally. — Laurie S. Coger, DVM, CVCP Anxious or nervous behaviors are some of the most challenging problems for pets and their owners. From carsickness, stress while at the veterinarian’s or boarding kennel, to fireworks and thunderstorm phobias, these fear-based behaviors can have serious impact on both the pet and people involved. Summertime is the most difficult time for the sensitive pet, with lots of thunderstorms, fireworks, travelling, boarding, and visitors. While training and management are most important in dealing with any type of anxiety or phobia, there are situations where various natural therapies may be helpful in dealing with these issues. One of the most successful natural remedies for anxiety is the Bach Flower essence Rescue Remedy.® Bach Flower essences are alcohol extracts of various plants, developed by Dr. Edward Bach during the 1930s. Dr. Bach was a conventionally-trained physician who studied immunology and developed a number of vaccines. His goal was to find a less invasive way of treating patients that would have the same favorable results as conventional medicine. Dr. Bach began searching for harmless plant-derived materials for his vaccines, rather than relying on the bacterial products used at the time. He was especially interested in plants that would have a healing effect on the negative emotions he felt were at the root of many diseases. He developed a total of 38 different formulas to address different mental and emotional states. Let Us Pamper

Your Pet

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In addition to Bach Flower remedies, specific herbs can help with anxiety and nervousness. Valerian is an herb that promotes restfulness. It acts in a similar manner in the body as the prescription drug Valium. Kava can induce mild sedation, relief from anxiety, and muscle relaxation. While it is considered safe in pets, there have been reports of liver failure in people with preexisting liver disorders. It should be used with caution in any pet with liver disease. Most cat owners are familiar with catnip. In some cats, it can cause excitement, while other cats become very relaxed. Many companies are now producing

Rt. 9 Columbia/Rensselaer County Border (just south of exit 12 off I-90)

518-732-2724 www.kirapamperedpet.com

~ Max Eastman

September 10-October 7, 2012


Purrfect Kitty of the Month PLEASE ADOPT ME! calming aids using these herbs, in combination with other natural ingredients. During this time of year, many owners ask me how to use natural products and conventional drugs to help their pet deal with travelling, thunderstorms, and fireworks. The most important thing owners can do for their anxious pet is to prepare in advance as much as possible. Determine where in your home (or car if travelling is the issue) your pet is most comfortable. Administer any natural products or drugs well in advance of the event. Consider doing a trial run with the product you will use in advance to see how it affects your pet. Keep in mind that your pet can pick up on your own stress level. It is often helpful to engage yourself in an activity so you are calm and focused on something other than your pet’s stress. Each pet is different, and there is no single approach that works on every case. A combination of management, training, and use of natural or conventional medications may be needed to help your pet cope with stressful situations. Remember to discuss your pet’s health and any products you may use with your veterinarian, as these products can have side effects and contraindications just as conventional medicines. Dr. Coger practices veterinary medicine with a natural focus. Her new book, Vaccines Explained: The Wholistic Vet’s Guide to Vaccinating Your Dog, is now available. Visit www.WholisticVet.com for more information.

Isaac is a shorthaired, sleek, black kitty, now 7 years old. He started life as a scared, homeless kitten and was wary of people. He has been at our shelter for at least 5 years! We thought he had a home after we featured him in July, but sadly, that fell through, so we wanted to give him another chance. People pass him by because he is shy and not as outgoing as some of our other cats, but we know that when a person takes time to gain his trust (as we volunteers have done), he is incredibly affectionate and loves to be petted. Isaac is great company for other cats, as he is submissive and gets along well with them. Isaac needs a quiet home with people who are patient enough to get to know him. Please consider giving Isaac the forever home he deserves and has waited so long for! As with all Purrfect Companion kitties, Isaac is up-to-date on routine shots, house trained and neutered or spayed. For more information on Isaac, contact representative Maryann at 331-2221 or at kitties.purrfectcompanions@yahoo.com. Purrfect Companions is a non-profit, all-volunteer rescue organization.We are always looking for good volunteers to help with the kitties or assist at our adoption clinics. If you’d like to donate a little time to these worthy animals, please give us a call at 463-8709. Our adoption clinics are held 12:30-4:00 most Saturdays and Sundays at Petco, Northway Mall, Albany, NY. Stop by and see some of our other kitties! We may have one that is just “PURRFECT” for you!

September 10-October 7, 2012


Building for Sale

Hours: Mon.-Tues.: Closed • Wed.-Fri.: 10 am-5:30pm Sat. 10am-4pm • Sun. 11am-3pm

Fri., Sept. 14

Salute Italia! Franklin Terrace Ballroom Fundraiser to benefit Opera Saratoga and the American Italian Heritage Association & Museum (6:30pm) Troy operasaratoga.org/salute_italia.php

Public Star Party Landis Arboretum 174 Lape Road, Esperance (9:30pm) www.landisarboretum.org

Sat., Sept. 15 Town of Sand Lake Townwide Garage Sale Come Check out hundreds of resident garage sales, crafters and antique dealers from on the Main Street corridor. http://sandlakegaragesale.com

Second Annual Discover the Hilltowns: Farms & Artisans Tours Sept. 15-16 • Hilltowns of Berne, Knox, Rensselaerville and Westerlo (10am) FREE Amy Pokorny (518) 872-1879

CHICKEN BBQ Sergeant Walter A. Adams American Legion Post 1021 Averill Park For reservations, call 674-2309

Grafton Lakes State Park Shoreline Cleanup (10am-12pm). Thousands of people throughout the country are cleaning up shorelines with the American Littoral Society. Great for scout troops. Recognition certificates. (518-279-1155) Elizabeth.Wagner@parks.ny.gov

Capital Region Apple and Wine Festival Altamont Fair Grounds, Altamont Haunted house, pony rides, kids’ activities, wine tasting, farmers’ market, entertainment and more. (10am) Free parking www.appleandwinefestival.com/

Columbia County Rotary Ride Volunteers Park, Valatie Bicycle tour of Columbia County. $45 • 10, 30, 60 and 100-mile routes 518-784-3663

LarkFEST 2012 Lark St, Albany NY’s largest one-day street festival. (518) 434-3861 www.larkstreet.org/events/larkfest.cfm

September 22-23 Door Prizes • Specials Refreshments

Springwater Fiddlers Fair & American Crafts Show Sugarbush Hollow Farm 8447 Pardee Hollow Rd. Adults $5,10 and under free w/adult (10am-6pm) Springwater 585-943-3475

Harvest Faire at Crailo Crailo State Historic Site 9 1/2 River Side Ave. (rain date: September 16th) 12 and over - $3 for museum tour. Outdoor activities free. (11am-4pm) Rensselaer (518) 463-8738

Season Opening Gala at Proctors Hosted by Proctors Theatre Guild. Fundraising event to ring in the 2012-13 season. Reservations. Schenectady Leesa Perazzo: 518•382•3884 x 187 lperazzo@proctors.org www.proctors.org/events/

Berkshirestock Festival Eastover Resort, Lenox, Mass. 40 bands. Camping included. $50 • 866-264-5139 www.eastover.com

Get up-to-theminute events...visit


Event Details @ Canoe Trip to Upper and Lower Goose Ponds

Saratoga Art & Craft Fair Saratoga Springs High School (10am-4pm) (518) 928-8184

Mass Audubon’s Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary www.massaudubon.org

Street Fest After Party...

Second Annual Tru Joyride Spitzies Motorcycle Center 1970 Central Ave, Albany (9am) 50-mile motorcycle poker run to benifit Breast & Ovarian Health Education programs and TruJoy, Inc. Mastectomy “Tool Kit” program. www.spitzies.com/news-events.htm

Joe’s Boys Rocks the Incredible “Town of Malta Celebration Day” Malta Community Park (10am) http://joesboys1.webs.com

Valentine’s, Albany Matt and the Bad Ideas Hurrah! A Bolt Of Light! www.valentinesalbany.com/

Hungry Hip Hop Junkie In The City

Lebanon Valley Farmers’ Market Midtown Mall, 114 Route 20 New Lebanon

K of C “ALL YOU CAN EAT” BREAKFAST Latham/Colonie Knights of Columbus 328 Troy-Schenectady Rd., Latham

Children’s Nutcracker Auditions

Quintessence, Albany www.quintessenceny.com/events

Sun., Sept. 16 Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Italian American Community Center 157 Washington Ave. Ext. Every Sunday until Oct. 28 (9am-1pm) Albany • FREE

School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet Albany Open to all local boys and girls. Please arrive in dance attire. www.berkshireballet.org

Capital Hudson Iris Society East Greenbush Community Library Meeting Room www.eastgreenbushlibrary.org

a renewing experience

josephoria salon & spa

Salon Services • René of Paris wigs • Hairpieces • Maintenance • Children’s cuts • Coloring • Highlighting

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Featuring René of Paris wigs for every occasion and need. Since 1971, René of Paris has been providing “ready-to-wear”wigs that offer glamour, selection and style. Special attention given to patients receiving medical treatment. Private room available for your convenience. Call for a wig consultation appointment with Gloria at 518-225-9680.


GoTo for eating out, or in…

September is full of events and the wonderful food that comes along with them. And in Rensselaer County, there are numerous dining choices with an array of experiences from fine restaurants, nightclubs or taverns, small family-style restaurants and pizzerias, with many varieties of ethnic foods as well. There are certainly places to fit within any budget and no matter what you are in the mood for you can certainly find it here! If you love to cook at home, here are three easy recipes (from bettycrocker.com) you can make indivdually or all together as a quick, fresh meal the whole family will enjoy:

Easy Monster Cookies

Crocker® chocolate 1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty chip cookie mix Crocker® peanut 1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty mix butter cookie oats 1 1/2 cups quick-cooking , softened 1 cup butter or margarine 3 eggs chocolate candies 2 cups candy-coated milk ients except candies In large bowl, stir all ingred Step 1 Heat oven to 375°F. s. in candie until soft dough forms. Stir fuls dough about sheets, place about 1/4 cup Step 2 On ungreased cookie 3 inches apart. . Cool 2 minutes; s or until light golden brown Step 3 Bake 12 to 13 minute in covered re Sto . Cool completely remove from cookie sheets. re. container at room temperatu

September 10-October 7, 2012


d Tomato Salad Dilled Cucumber an es (about 3 cups) each cut into 8 wedg 4 medium tomatoes, , thinly sliced 2 medium cucumbers ) ps (about 5 cu d red onion 1/2 cup finely choppe

1/2 cup rice vinegar 4 teaspoons sugar opped fresh dill 1 tablespoon finely ch d salt 1/2 teaspoon seasone atoes, serving bowl, mix tom Step 1 In large glass . cucumbers and onion redients until , mix all remaining ing les; toss Step 2 In small bowl er mixture ov vegetab blended. Pour vinegar rs. Toss vo fla nd ble to ur ho te 1 to mix. Cover; refrigera oon. sp d tte ving. Serve with slo again just before ser

Easy Sloppy Jo

Some of the Area’s Dining-Related Events Sat., Sept. 15

CHICKEN BBQ Sergeant Walter A. Adams American Legion Post 1021 Averill Park For reservations, call 674-2309 Sun., Sept. 16

K of C “ALL YOU CAN EAT” BREAKFAST Latham/Colonie Knights of Columbus 328 Troy-Schenectady Rd., Latham Sat., Sept. 22

e Pot Pie

1 pound lean ground beef 1 medium on ion, chopped (1/2 cup) 1 can (15 1/2 ou sloppy joe sa nces) original uce 1 cup shredd ed Cheddar ch eese (4 ounces 1 cup Origin ) al Bisquick® m ix 1/2 cup milk 1 egg Step 1 Heat oven to 400ºF. Cook beef ovenproof 10 -inch skillet ov and onion in er medium he stirring occasi at, onally, until be ef Stir in sloppy joe sauce. Sprin is brown; drain. kle with chee Step 2 Stir re se. maining ingr ed ie nt s until blende over beef mix d. Pour ture. Step 3 Bake about 30 min utes or until go lden brown.

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Outdoor marketplace, Hill St. (11am-7pm) Troy Jane Otto: jjotto0@verizon.net Sun., Sept. 23

Mystery on the High Seas: A 1940s Live Dinner Theater Event Hibernian Hall, 375 Ontario St. (6:30pm) Albany presented by J.A.M. Productions www.albanycce.com

Five Courses, Five Wines & Silent Auction Yono’s Restaurant, Albany Enjoy a wonderful dining experience with award-winning chef and restaurateur, Yono Purnomo, at his name-sake restaurant www.yonos.com

September 10-October 7, 2012


Summer Vegetables! Route 9J • Rensselaer

365-5969 Tues., Sept. 18 ZUMBA “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Beginner Clogging Dance Lessons Brittonkill Central School 7 or older, 12-week class. (7-7:45pm) Brunswick Fran Beaudoin 279-3067

Citizen CPR & Be Red Cross Ready Saratoga Springs Public Library Non-certificate, HANDS-ONLY CPR http://www.sspl.org

Celtic Thunder - Voyage The Mainstage at Proctors 432 State Street (8pm) Schenectady (518) 382-3884 www.proctors.org/events

Work in Progress Performance – Triptych0811

Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market

EMPAC - Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center • RPI, Troy Ella Fiskum Danz – Norwegian dance company http://empac.rpi.edu/

Farmers’ market & craft vendors Every Thurs. (3-6pm) through Oct. 25 340 Whitehall Road, Albany www.saajcc.org

Wed., Sept. 19 Preschool Story Time Stephentown Library www.stephentownlibrary.org director@stephentownlibrary.org 518-733-5750

PMI ACP Training 74 State Hotel, Albany Agile Certification Sept. 19-21 www.74State.com

Thurs,. Sept. 20 Gathering of Tribes A Native American Pow Wow 890 Luther Rd., East Greenbush $5 – 12 and under Free (518) 477-4872 bearclaneg@live.com gatheringofthetribes.webs.com

For weekly event updates and more, sign up for our Weekender Newsletter at


Ballston Spa Farmers’ Market Wiswall Park Front St. and Low St. Thursdays, (3-6 pm) Saturdays (9 am-12 pm) through Sept. 29th Ballston Spa www.Ballston.Org

Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners No previous music study needed. Rockys Music Studio http://rockysmusicstudio.com

Bingo Germania Hall 309 3rd Ave at 107th St Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy www.troygermaniahall.com/Regular Events.html

Capital District Community Gardens’ 6th Annual Autumn Evening in the Garden Franklin Plaza, 4 Fourth St. (6:30pm) Troy General Admission: $75-250 www.cdcg.org/ (518) 274-8685

Event Details @



GoTo for kids… Find the fall words from below in the fall word search grid. The words can be forwards or backwards, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. Circle each letter separately, but keep in mind that letters may be used in more than one word. When the fall word search puzzle is complete, read the remaining letters left to right, top to bottom, to learn an interesting autumn fact.

Kid-Friendly Events Sat., Sept. 15

Capital Region Apple and Wine Festival Altamont Fair Grounds, Altamont Haunted house, pony rides, kids’ activities, wine tasting, farmers’ market, entertainment and more. (10am) Free parking www.appleandwinefestival.com/

Harvest Faire at Crailo Crailo State Historic Site 9 1/2 River Side Ave. (rain date: September 16th) 12 and over - $3 for museum tour. Outdoor activities free. (11am-4pm) Rensselaer (518) 463-8738 Thurs., Sept. 20

Just to Make You Laugh Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry? A: They are always stuffed! Q: What do you call a bear with no ears? A: B!

Adirondack Balloon Festival Through Sept. 23 Crandall Park, Glens Falls Floyd Bennet Memorial Airport, Queensbury adirondackballoonfestival.com/

September 10-October 7, 2012


Fall Maze START

Sat., Sept. 22

Saturday in the Park Fall Festival Onderdonk and Hampton Manor parks (11am-3 pm) East Greenbush vendors wanted • 477-4194

Wilton Wildlife Animal Identification for Children & Families Saratoga Springs Public Library Presented by the Wilton Wildlife Preserve http://www.sspl.org

FINISH Thurs., Oct. 4

Disney On Ice: Treasure Trove Wed., Oct. 3

Mary Poppins at Proctors Mainstage at Proctors 432 State Street, Schenectady Through Oct. 7 www.proctors.org

From Field to Lab to Exhibit: Behind-the-Scenes Archaeology NYS Museum, 260 Madison Avenue (4:30-6pm) Albany • Free

Glens Falls Civic Center 1 Civic Center Plaza (7pm) Glens Falls • $52, $37, $22 www.glensfallscc.com/

How To Train Your Dragon, Live Spectacular Times Union Center, 51 South Pearl St. (7pm) Albany, Through Oct. 7 $22.50-$122.50 timesunioncenter-albany.com

Sat., Oct. 6

Gore Mountain Harvest Fest/ National Apple Month (10am-4pm) North Creek www.goremountain.com Travel via The Saratoga & North Creek Railway • www.sncrr.com

Family Farm Olympics Liberty Ridge Farm, 29 Bevis Road (10am-10pm) Schaghticoke $10.50 and up - under 2; free (518) 664-1515 http://libertyridgefarmny.com

September 10-October 7, 2012


New and Gently-Read Books

GOOD BUY BOOKS Thurs., Sept. 20

Ukulele Group Lessons Rockys Music Studio 564 Bloomingrove Dr., Rensselaer 518-429-6380 http://rockysmusicstudio.com

ZUMBA “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Dropbox for Beginners Saratoga Springs Public Library www.sspl.org

All-Year-Round Recycling Opportunities • Zion’s United Church of Christ 741 Taborton Road, Sand Lake • Recycling, Inc., 8000 Main St., Troy www.elotrecycling.com • 266-0135 • Blue Box – at Zion Church Hall • Doors of Hope, West Sand Lake • Mobil-In Bottle Redemption Center, Burden Lake Rd., for Zion’s UCC • Furniture Program of Troy Area United Ministries. Michael Barrett: 274-5920 x 204 Pastor Bob Loesch: rkloesch@aol.com 674-8204

330 Columbia Turnpike East Greenbush


Adirondack Balloon Festival

Cohoes Farmers’ Market

Through Sept. 23 Crandall Park, Glens Falls Floyd Bennet Memorial Airport, Queensbury adirondackballoonfestival.com/

Municipal lot, Remsen St. Fridays until Oct. 5. (4-7pm) Cohoes 518-238-2232 www.cohoesfarmersmarket.com

O!Baby Children’s Consignment Sale

Holly & Evan

Columbia County Fairgrounds (9am-7pm) Chatham www.obabysale.com

Cafe’ Nola (6:30pm) Schenectady (518) 357-8628 www.cafenolany.com www.reverbnation.com/hollyandevan

Fri., Sept. 21 Uncle Marty”s Oktoberfest Weekend Uncle Marty’s Adirondack Grill 2930 Rt. 43, Averill Park Friday Night with Sirsy, one of the area’s most popular and most unique bands followed by a Saturday and Sunday schedule that will keep the whole family busy. www.justsayuncle.com

“Living the 50plus Lifestyle'” Conference & Expo Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, Route 9 & New Loudon Rd., Latham $20 www.livingthe50pluslifestyle.com 917-723-5030

Sat., Sept. 22 Uncle Marty’s Oktoberfest HOMEBREW CONTEST! Uncle Marty’s Adirondack Grill 2930 Rt. 43, Averill Park Be a part of the best Fall tradition in Rensselaer County. Join the Home Brew Competition or just come and enjoy the sights and sounds of the unique event that is Uncle Marty’s Oktoberfest Weekend tradition. Noon – Opening Ceremonies – Flora Fasold, Town Supervisor, taps the first keg. $15 (registration/admission). www.justsayuncle.com

4th Annual Rally for Ali Krause’s Grove 2 Beach Rd., Halfmoon Donations To Harvard Stem Cell Inst. AFisk10302@aol.com


Event Details @ INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Outdoor marketplace, Hill St. (11am-7pm) Troy Jane Otto: jjotto0@verizon.net

NYS Tatoo Expo Convention Hall, Empire State Plaza Albany http://ogs.ny.gov/default.asp

Capital District Community Gardens’ Fall Plant Sale Shrubs, herbs and other fall blooming plants available at bargain prices! 518-274-8685 www.cdcg.org

Wilton Wildlife Animal Identification for Children & Families Saratoga Springs Public Library Presented by the Wilton Wildlife Preserve http://www.sspl.org

David Finckel, cello and Wu Han, piano Tannery Pond Concerts New Lebanon 888.820.9441 www.tannerypondconcerts.org

Saturday in the Park Fall Festival Onderdonk and Hampton Manor parks (11am-3 pm) East Greenbush vendors wanted • 477-4194

The College of Saint Rose Camerata Massry Center for the Arts Picotte Recital Hall (7:30pm) Albany Fairytales and Fantasy – celebrating the 150th anniversary of composer Claude Debussy. www.saintrosecamerata.org

The 5th Annual Great American Pet Festival Methodist Church Gounds Rt. 146, Clifton Park, NY (10am) $5 Adults/Children free (518) 371-4547

Diva & the Dirty Boys hit Appletini’s Cafe

Sun., Sept. 23 Uncle Marty’s Oktoberfest Weekend Uncle Marty’s Adirondack Grill 2930 Rt. 43, Averill Park Brand new features include a Saturday and Sunday schedule that will keep the whole family busy including: Sunday: Live taping of the Rymanowski Brothers Band $15 admission www.justsayuncle.com

Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic Old Songs Community Arts Center 37 South Main St., Voorheesville (3-5:30pm) Featured Poet: Suzanne Cleary albanypoets.com/events/

Lebanon Valley Farmers’ Market Midtown Mall, 114 Route 20 New Lebanon

Diva wails power vocals of the 60s – the Dirty Boys play gritty and groovy www.appletinis.net

Mystery on the High Seas: A 1940s Live Dinner Theater Event Hibernian Hall, 375 Ontario St. (6:30pm) Albany presented by J.A.M. Productions www.albanycce.com

Coheed and Cambria Hart Theatre (7pm) the Egg, Albany with special guests “Three”

Krafts by Kim Fall Open House Sept 22 & 23 kraftbykim.com

Full-Service Salon Enjoy a relaxing makeover for your hair and/or skin Unique Shopping Experience Unique boutique items including intriguing jewelry, bags, shoes and clothing 470 Pawling Ave., Troy | 518-283-7750

September 10-October 7, 2012


Sun., Sept. 23

Daniel Glass Drum Clinic Woodland Hill Montessori School 100 Montessori Place (1pm) North Greenbush Presented by: Rocky’s Music Studio (518) 429-6380 http://rockysmusicstudio.com

Upper Madison Street Fair Upper Madison Avenue (12-5pm) Albany The street will be blocked off for an afternoon of music, kids activities, food, crafts, vendors, and more. info@uppermadison.org

Washington Avenue Ext. Farmers’ Market Italian American Community Center 157 Washington Ave. Ext. Every Sunday until Oct. 28 (9am-1pm) Albany • FREE

Five Courses, Five Wines & Silent Auction

Mon., Sept. 24

Yono’s Restaurant, Albany Enjoy a wonderful dining experience with award-winning chef and restaurateur, Yono Purnomo, at his name-sake restaurant www.yonos.com

WWE Raw Supershow

Classic Car Show


Plaza 8 in Clifton Park 1536 Crescent Road (just off exit 8 of the Northway heading west ) (11am-3pm) • CapitalCarShow.com

Conroy Class Golf Tournament Frear Park Golf Course, Troy Four-person scramble Shotgun start (12:30pm) jlroarke@nycap.rr.com 785-7555 ext 12 www.frearparkconservancy.org

Times Union Center (7:30pm) Albany timesunioncenter-albany.com

Tues., Sept. 25 “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Dark Funeral, & Grave Basilica Hudson, 110 Front Street (7pm-midnight) Hudson 16 to enter - $17 Adv/$20 DOS 518-822-1050 www.basilicahudson.com

PATRICELLI’S PICK UP OR DELIVERY •Great Daily Specials – have faxed to your office or pick them up to take them home.

•Catering for Any Occasion •Fall-time Barbeques – great time to have a pig roast

•Gift Certificates •Thurs. & Fri. Night Dinner Specials Mention This Ad to Receive 10% OFF Your Next Catering Order HOURS: Mon. & Sat.: 10am-3pm Tue.-Fri.: 10am-8pm CLOSED SUNDAYS Available for catering Sundays with advance notice

219 2nd St., South Troy



Event Details @

September 15 and 16 Maps will be available online and members of the SLBA will be at Sand Lake School Field from 9-12 to provide shoppers with both a list and a map of the town. http://sandlakegaragesale.com

Wed., Sept. 26 Preschool Story Time Stephentown Library www.stephentownlibrary.org director@stephentownlibrary.org 518-733-5750

Monthly Free Movie The Hunger Games East Greenbush Community Library Multipurpose Room www.eastgreenbushlibrary.org/

Thurs., Sept. 27 Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Farmers’ market & craft vendors Every Thurs. (3-6pm) through Oct. 25 340 Whitehall Road, Albany www.saajcc.org

Ballston Spa Farmers’ Market Wiswall Park Front St. and Low St. Thursdays, (3-6 pm) Saturdays (9 am-12 pm) through Sept. 29th Ballston Spa www.Ballston.Org

Bingo Germania Hall 309 3rd Ave at 107th St Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy www.troygermaniahall.com/Regul arEvents.html

Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners No previous music study needed. Rockys Music Studio http://rockysmusicstudio.com

ZUMBA “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Ukulele Group Lessons Rockys Music Studio 564 Bloomingrove Dr., Rensselaer 518-429-6380 http://rockysmusicstudio.com

Trinity Alliance Networking Event Hilton Garden Inn Albany Medical Center (5:30-7pm) Albany www.albanymedicalcenter.hgi.com

PARENTS AS ADVOCATES: Social Language Skills Saratoga Springs Public Library Facilitated by Mary Fornabia parentsasadvocates@yahoo.com. www.sspl.org

Fri., Sept. 28 Asleep At The Wheel Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Troy Savings Bank Music Hall (8pm) Troy www.troymusichall.org

Cohoes Farmers’ Market Municipal lot, Remsen St. Fridays until Oct. 5. (4-7pm) Cohoes • 518-238-2232 www.cohoesfarmersmarket.com

Tech Valley’s Workforce: A Look to the Future WMHT Studios www.wmht.org

Happy Hour with Brother T and C.B.F.U Valentine’s, Albany www.valentinesalbany.com

Albany, NY (The Times Union) Grocery Workshop The Times Union Buidling 645 Albany Shaker Road (6:30-8:30pm) Albany timesunioncouponseminar92812.e ventbrite.com/

Pride @Prejudice Capital Repertory Theater, Albany http://www.capitalrep.org

Tim Hecker EMPAC - Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Troy http://empac.rpi.edu

September 10-October 7, 2012


Sat., Sept. 29

Sun., Sept. 30

Wed., Oct. 3

September Events at Grafton

Lebanon Valley Farmers’ Market

Second Annual Saratoga County EOC Golf Tournament

Midtown Mall, 114 Route 20 New Lebanon

4-person scramble McGregor Links Country Club 359 Northern Pines Road, Saratoga (8am-3pm) $400/foursome

Hike to the Fire Tower (10:30am) Grafton Sate Park Preregister: 279-1155 Elizabeth.Wagner@parks.ny.gov

Hunter Mountain Oktoberfest I/Color in the Catskills

Tues., Oct. 2 Ladies’ Night Out - Health and Wellness Expo

Mary Poppins at Proctors Mainstage at Proctors 432 State Street, Schenectady Through Oct. 7 www.proctors.org

Hunter Mountain Ski Resort 64 Klein Avenue (11am-6:15pm) Hunter, NY www.huntermtn.com

Italian American Community Center 257 Washington Avenue (5:30-8pm) Albany

Free Entrance Day

“PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 NYS Museum, 260 Madison Avenue FREE optional 15-min. abs workout (4:30-6pm) Albany • Free after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Need a movie update? Averill Park Go to... www.gotoguide.net

Saratoga National Historical Park www.nps.gov/sara

FALL SHOPPING TRIP Sponsored by St. Henry’s Church Yankee Candle, S. Deerfield, MA $38 • 674-3931


From Field to Lab to Exhibit: Behind-the-Scenes Archaeology


Event Details @ Albany Jewish Community Center Farmers’ Market Farmers’ market & craft vendors Every Thurs. (3-6pm) through Oct. 25 340 Whitehall Road, Albany www.saajcc.org

Ballston Spa Farmers’ Market Wiswall Park Front St. and Low St. Thursdays, (3-6pm) Saturdays (9am-12pm) through Sept. 29th Ballston Spa www.Ballston.Org

Thurs., Oct. 4 Disney On Ice: Treasure Trove Glens Falls Civic Center 1 Civic Center Plaza (7pm) Glens Falls $52, $37, $22 www.glensfallscc.com/

Bingo Germania Hall 309 3rd Ave at 107th St Doors open (5pm) First game (7pm) North Troy www.troygermaniahall.com/Regul arEvents.html

Group Guitar Lessons for Beginners No previous music study needed. Rockys Music Studio http://rockysmusicstudio.com

ZUMBA “PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE!” (6:30pm) Walk-ins welcome • $6.00 FREE optional 15-min. abs workout after each class. Bring your mat. American Legion, 2597 RT. 43 Averill Park www.gotoguide.net

Remote CCTV Surveillance Installation & Access Residential & Commercial Security Systems & Monitoring Keyless Door Systems Fiber Optic Perimeter Fence Structured Wiring & Communication Services

Richard Ruzzo Operations Director www.shepherdcny.com Phone 518-372-4849 Email Richard@shepherdcny.com

How To Train Your Dragon, Live Spectacular Times Union Center, 51 South Pearl St. (7pm) Albany, Through Oct. 7 $22.50-$122.50 timesunioncenter-albany.com

Fri., Oct. 5 Annual Juried Exhibit: 50/50 Lapham Gallery, 7 Lapham Place (10am-3pm) Glens Falls Through Nov. 2 • FREE www.larac.org

Cohoes Farmers’ Market Municipal lot, Remsen St. Fridays until Oct. 5. (4-7pm) Cohoes • 518-238-2232 www.cohoesfarmersmarket.com

3991 Route 2 Cropseyville, NY 12052

518-874-4326 347-993-5833

Special promo tion coupon Pedicure: $20 Gel Manicure: $23 Full Set: $25 Special price for Children under 15

September 10-October 7, 2012


To advertise, please call Linda at 518.469.4038 or Ginny at 518.522.0575

Earth: Ceramic Sculpture Opening Reception Henry M. Kashiwa Eco Gallery (5-7pm) Old Forge 315.369.6411 • viewarts.org

Haunted History Ghostwalks of Saratoga Downtown Saratoga Springs (7-9pm) • $10 adults / $5 ages 7-11 www.saratoga-arts.org

Shut Up, Sit Down and Eat GE Theatre at Proctors 432 State Street (7:30pm) Schenectady www.proctors.org/places/ge_theatre

Baroque Flute Concert ArthurZankel Music Center 815 North Broadway (8pm) Saratoga Springs http://cms.skidmore.edu/events Fri., Oct. 5

First Friday of Albany http://1stfridayalbany.org/

Holly & Evan Brunswick BBQ & Brew, 3925 Rt. 2 (8pm) Troy (518) 279-9993 www.brunswickbbq.com reverbnation.com/hollyandevan

Sat., Oct. 6 Gore Mountain Harvest Fest/ National Apple Month

Rich Ortiz @ Blu Stone Bistro 661 Albany-Shaker Road (7-10pm) Colonie (518) 869-9976

Sun., Oct. 7

(10am-4pm) North Creek www.goremountain.com Travel via The Saratoga & North Creek Railway • www.sncrr.com

Sponsored by St. Henry’s Church Overnight trip to Reading, PA Info and reservations 674-3931

18th Annual New York Race for the Cure

Gore Mountain Harvest Fest/ National Apple Month

Empire State Plaza (9am) Albany www.komenneny.org/

(10am-4pm) North Creek www.goremountain.com Travel via The Saratoga & North Creek Railway • www.sncrr.com

Family Farm Olympics


Liberty Ridge Farm, 29 Bevis Road (10am-10pm) Schaghticoke $10.50 and up - under 2; free (518) 664-1515 http://libertyridgefarmny.com/

Lebanon Valley Farmers’ Market

Souped Up On Guilderland

Saratoga Springs City Center (noon-6pm) Saratoga Springs http://www.saratogacitycenter.org

Altamont Orchards 6654 Dunnsville Rd (10am-2pm) Altamont Car show – admission $10 Soup tent – admission $5 Fall festival, Adirondack chair auction.

Hunter Mountain Oktoberfest II Hunter Mountain Ski Resort 64 Klein Avenue (11am-6:15pm) Hunter, NY www.huntermtn.com

Midtown Mall, 114 Route 20 New Lebanon

Baby Boomer Expo

Nassau Oktoberfest Nassau Village Commons Park (518) 766-2291

Family Day Ulysses S. Grant Cottage Mount McGregor (10am-4pm) Wilton Free (tours at regular cost) http://grantcottage.org/



Event Details @







Jot your notes here for your favorite events you are planning to attend:


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