Hollywood Weekly International Edition

Page 32



By Anthony Ewart

Photo by Melissa Core of Dead Horse Branding


wner and designer of Hogwash 'n Rhinestones, Rae Finn grew up as the youngest of five girls in the small town of Holliston, Massachusetts. Rae was always drawn to abandoned, discarded objects. In her mind, she was saving them. Rae developed her mantra, "No thread gets left behind!" Rae started her upcycled clothing line "Hogwash 'n Rhinestones" in 2011, and she's still going strong! Upcycling means raising the value of vintage pieces of clothing by reconfiguring them into a brand new design encompassing all the elements. The sum of Rae's designs is much greater than their parts.


Hogwash 'n Rhinestones has been described as "Rebel Soul meets Rockstar Cowgirl," and what should be added is "and every girl and woman between that beautiful spectrum!" Yes, the plot thickens! Rae is from the East Coast, which means a Southern woman is in a state of mind. Rae grew up in Boston with the heart of a sassy Southern rockstar, and she found a way to let her loose in the world. Now it's your turn! All of Rae's designs are 100% original and unique because the source material always changes. The point is that no matter where you live, Rae Finn's Hogwash 'n Rhinestones will unleash your inner cowgirl!

Rae's creative vision emerged as she embarked on celebrating uniqueness and blending vintage aesthetics with modern sensibilities. Each piece tells its own story by repurposing materials that would otherwise go to waste. The brand champions sustainability while offering fashion-forward pieces, one stitch at a time. Hogwash 'n Rhinestones defines the art of revamping, deconstructing, and bedazzling clothing. Each piece is oneof-a-kind that is sure to make a true fashion statement. With a deep appreciation for vintage clothing and a determination to salvage discarded treasures, Rae launched on a transformative journey that would redefine sustainable fashion. She discovered that nothing should go to waste, and her passion for upcycling was ignited.

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